BBC live “interview” (PR slot) with Alastair Campbell being repeated ad nauseam every few minutes and at great length, raging against brexit and Corby’s failure to condemn it.
He is so obviously trying to force Corbyn into full-blown remain by calling for his replacement. Who the hell does he think he is?
All we need to know about Campbell is that he was Blair’s spin-doctor and as such totally reprehensible. We should never hear from this reptile again.
I also notice the BBC’s “name-painting” ruse rising it’s ugly head. Corbyn is always referred to as Jeremy Corbyn, whereas Boris is always referred to as Johnson. Same slimy tactics they used against Donald Trump.
Just when you think you cant hate Gary “Holier than thou” Lineker any more !!! Like all these fanatical remoaners, they never mention the £9 million REMAIN PROPAGANDA leaflet sent thru every single door. All they ever remember was the Bus, which proved bang on as per the courts !!!!
Well Gary if remainers had accepted democracy and worked to make brexit the best it could be for our country instead of just being belligerent and obstructive maybe just maybe we would be out with least upset and not need to spend all this money. This spend is ALL due to that
The BBC nver misses a chance to have a go at our armed forces.
Apparently: Royal Marines used excessive force, says tanker captain is a headline.
Our soldiers made him knell on the deck. Now im not a soldier and dont profess to know much about boarding a ship in hostile conditions but wouldnt it be best for all concerened if those being “arrested” were rendered harmless? And obviously the Captain of the Ship an indian guy would have been most upset as the majority of the Royal Marines overpowering his ship would have been womem, wouldnt they ??
Most of the army and action programmes on BBC show women taking the lead so he is probably just trying to save face and because its those nasty slave owning imperialists they, the BBC will take his side…….
“Miss Thunberg will be accompanied on the journey by a filmmaker; her father Svante; Pierre Casiraghi; the grandson of Monaco’s late Prince Rainier III; and American actress Grace Kelly.”
Not JRM standard me, and unsure if the phrasing is from the PR or transcription, but that last passenger might cause a few issues mid voyage.
Just turned on TWatO to hear Sarah Montague, (whose real name is Lady Brooke) interviewing the skipper of the yacht that will ferry Greta across the, ‘Pond’. Joy of joys! She’s never sailed on a yacht before. Joy of joys! A bucket for the loo, camping stove for cooking, no fridge and the trip will take roughly two weeks. Joy of joys!. Payback.
Greta is so lucky that she can squeeze the trip in. Should be her first and last trip on a sailing boat, just nicely falling within the last year of the planet. We are ‘reliably’ informed. Well, she’s a strong little girl and she must experience first hand the sort of transportation needed if the World follows her advice.
I say all this as a qualified RYA Yachtmaster (Ocean) having completed my qualifying ocean passage on that same trip many yonks ago……….
G, …. er, … except no questions were asked about the suit of sails used and what they were made of and what they cost. I expect the skipper will have whipped the carbon – ooops – fibre-reinforced £250,000 racing ones off his boat and into safe storage before chauffeuring Greta across to the USA using some oil-based – ooops again – cheapo nylon ones.
And there were no questions asked about the hull and masts. No carbon fibre there, I trust. Good ol’ timber, I hope, with Greta spending a month of 12-hour days helping to sand it all down and give it some licks of varnish and paint.
Proper Carbon-Footprint accounting takes account of end to end inputs like manufacturing and disposal costs.
This is mostly roughly proportional to ticket price.
So your airline ticket is quite cheap cos the manufacturing cost of the plane is shared by the many people who use it every day.
A yacht ticket across the Atlantic would be massive, cos you are sharing the manufacturing cost with so few people.
You have a point, Stew. Unfortunately, although it does relate to aeroplanes and even more so to cars it falls apart rather quickly as you state with single-hander, ocean-going racing yachts and their sail suits. These things are the F1 cars of the world’s oceans. One offs.
I hope Mother Nature behaves herself on the way over the North Atlantic.* There would be an awful symmetry if encounters with icebergs occur en-route.
I’d have been more favourably impressed if Greta had booked herself onto a cargo ship.
(* Anyone running a book on when Greta has her head stuck over the bucket? I reckon somewhere off Malin Head.)
Probably got clockwork stabilisers in case Greta’s hourly vlog is interrupted by unscheduled visits to the head if the swell cannot be calmed by her Canutesque rapport with the deep.
I think a nice bit of becalming will serve, long enough to leave AOC and her squad sitting at the dock looking out past Ellis Island, which will offer a nifty, heart-tugging photo op.
There is not a single MSM title who has not bought into the #PRasnews issued by her team, often on a cut and paste basis, with zero question.
I recall when her gap trip across the pond was first wistfully mooted, with the ‘issues against’ carefully sent up like a distress flare.
“But how can I get there without looking as daft as Dame Emma,” her publicis she mused, “perhaps some rich virtue signaller keen on an easy score and entree into all the left circles will offer the kind of seafaring vessel that befits my station and daddy’s ambitions, hint… luxury yacht, hint, hint…I may even be able to swing a desperate minor royal, but not MM so soon after the cover, as that would look obvious even to Victoria Derbyshire’.
It also highlights the several thousand jolly addicts headed there who will be sitting up front and up top 777s, 380s or in Lears to have their Kodak moment with her, including, no doubt, a bunch of Beeboids from here and Jon, Katty and squad from all over the USA just to grab a selfie.
Jim O’Neill invited on to talk Currency Crisis with our Montacutie. Unfortunately, he doesn’t answer all the questions in all the right ways. If I recall correctly, Jim O’Neill is a bit of a EUrosceptic and not totally against Brexit. At the end of Jim’s contribution Sarah is certainly unsure that she has been obliged.
No questions asked whether some very rich people and some rich friends of other people – who may or may not want Brexit to happen – might be shorting Sterling?
Yes they had a Pro euro chap on before Jim making BBC type bold statements about how they can link the fall in the pound against the potential for no deal brexit – which to fair – they can’t as they have no way of measuring the likelihood of a no deal brexit.
Mr O’Neill was very good at saying the other bloke was wrong and giving much better answer but not one she wanted..
And if the BBC bothered to excite a brain cell or two they would see that the Euro is at its lowest rate against the dollar for 2 years..must be Brexit as a well and the pound is still higher than it was in 2016 before the referendum..
Interesting Twitter thread on the filming of a debate around the Nazi / Pug case for a BBC doc and their shady manipulation. Not long and worth a read.
Concludes with: “They present two extremes of an argument as THE argument when in fact the vast majority of sane, reasonable people reside in the middle. They fuel anger and division and then tell us we live in an angry, divided society. Don’t buy it.”
Here's a little story about how the Mainstream Media works:
Earlier this year I became known as a comedian who is in favour of free speech.
The BBC asked me if I would be interested in taking part in a documentary to defend @CountDankulaTV after his Nazi Pug video. /1
You would think that Alastair Campbell would have been better off staying in the Labour Party and reforming it from within as opposed to leaving.
After all, it’s what the remainders are saying we should do with the eu.
Then again, it’s another case of ‘do as I say, not do as I do’ which the lefties are so fond of.
You’re absolutely correct.
I wonder, though, what’s been going on behind the scenes; has Mr Campbell been having a hard time from powerful influencers in the Labour party? Has he fallen out with Momentum, for example, or Mr McLusky, perhaps?
I don’t think people like Mr Campbell just leave in a fit of pique.
Looking at social media, even those who are aware of the relentless coverage by the BBC care much about Campbell, but do seem irritated by the BBC’s latest selective championing efforts to rig things using all means necessary.
Why is this no-mark given such attention by the beeb? Infamous for beingTony B liars war criminal ‘spin doctor’ He is old news, yet the beeb keep exhuming him for sound bites and opinions. Really, does anyone care?
Hah! The Sunday Times reported that Amazon UK’s best selling political book this Summer is none other than…. Rod Liddles ‘The Great Betrayal’ (who also writes for The Times). It was highly recommended by The Guardian (which could barely spit out the following); ”A disingenuous dishonest Brexit Polemic’ which is all you need to know, (as its a bloody good read!). As an frequent visitor to Waterstones, they seem completely oblivious to the huge loss of sales to Amazon books, but I did manage to buy Quentin Letts ‘Patronising Bastards’ from Waterstones by pre-ordering, (which works well enough for me). Both of these have five star reviews by readers I am happy to report checking online.
OTHER: (free books)
For those who prefer a ‘free’ online read can look at BBC critical reports from Culture Forum and Taxpayer Alliance, among other rotten authorities, the BBC stands out with supreme indifference…
Thanks largely to the absurdity of The Guardian, we have the BBC ‘opinion’ as fact. BBC DG John Birt gave the BBC bias training to support his favorite ‘read’. The Guardian. The BBC has since become the ‘free’ online version of The Guardian. The paper with the lowest UK rated readership by any national newspaper. See its ‘sales figures’ and its a hopeless basket case. (See web link stats fro June. The Guardian is at the very bottom of the stats graph, so far down I had to ‘expand’ it to show anything).
Indeed Phil. Only by including the huge number of copies ‘sold’ to the BBC do they just qualify for ABC (Audited Bureau of Circulation) newspaper rating.
Someone recently suggested the Guardian’s sales were only a tenth of the Sun’s but, although the board would melt with gratitude at the concept, reality is sadly very different and significantly downwards.
“Boris has finally had his much-anticipated first phone call with Leo Varadkar, it wasn’t just for a catch-up about the cricket. Boris repeated his core position that the UK will be leaving on October 31 “no matter what”, and the UK will be quite happy to negotiate a deal with the EU but the backstop must be abolished.
Boris also reiterated that the UK will never put physical checks or infrastructure on the border. The two leaders “agreed to stay in contact”, Boris even got an invitation to Dublin…
Irish public opinion is already beginning to turn against Varadkar’s aggressive approach, the Irish Government has repeatedly clarified that it won’t be putting up border checks either even in the event of no deal. Varadkar increasingly needs a way down off the ledge constructed by Robbins, Barnier and Coveney…”
I noticed that accused and family members of the falsely accused in the Carkl beech case all pointed the finger vigorously at the hand of Tom Watson, the labour deputy and so called “nonce finder general” for his active involvement in the case.
It was claimed that he added the “political” dimension to this appalling affair and are seeking to know why.
This clearly needs to start with an investigation into all his verbal and written contacts with the police/others.
It is perhaps telling to note that this important angle of his involvement seems to have been dropped from updates by both the bBC and Sky.
It is perhaps also telling that Mr Watson seems to have vanished and as far as I am aware refused comment on calls for his immediate resignation.
The question is should his role in this come into the scope of the potential criminal investigation as reported to-day on the TV.
Beyond the predictably woeful headline, I am intrigued as to how ‘disrupting society’ is ‘for the planet’ if those contributing to keeping it going react badly to old bags with tats trying to stop them.
Not to mention the eco impact of hair dye and leather chairs.
The BBC seems to have a short route between any XR nut job and the screen.
Suggestion for Al Beeb – why don’t they have a separate page on their website for all things Islamic/Muslim? Clearly they have enough material, and it interests them enough.
Triple talaq: India criminalises Muslim ‘instant divorce’
Clearly this rule/law is ridiculous for anyone in a developed nation – to be able to divorce your partner by saying ‘talaq’ three times. How much like magic can you get?
But Al Beeb still want to make out that this is a controversial law (against the practice) and they’ve found a pic of a bunch of women who are against the law – they must be morons.
What Al Beeb don’t discuss though, is whether the practice works the other way round – can women divorce their husbands by saying the magic spell. I doubt it. Maybe Maxi will let me know, and let me know the upsides of this practice.
maxi is in his safe space.
The sockpuppet has been told to wind his neck in. His controllers see him as very damaging to Al Beeb when he posts here . Perhaps he will come back after “retraining”?
The nature of the troll – jump in – correct and or insult someone – run away without engaging in any discussion . Wait a week or so . Repeat .
It is a kind of character defect – or a sign of someone in need of recognition as existing – to raise an emotional response of any kind .
I think it’s related to people who feel better about lots of ‘likes’ . Me . I like to be put right . If I get a fact wrong – I know Up2 will pull me up -with thanks .
It’s a shame the BBC is so far down it’s own version of the country that there is no legitimate opposing view . It just can’t carry on . Licence numbers are dropping by 800000 a year but I think there are over 20 million licences – so it will be a while to bleed to BBC to death . But here’s hoping .
“why don’t they have a separate page on their website for all things Islamic/Muslim?”
What like have an entire Radio station and news progs ?
BBC Asian Network Reports
Fox news programmes featuring lou dobbs,maria bartiroma,sean hannity,tucker carlson,steve hilton,jeanine pirro,laura ingraham and more,have been for 2 and a half years reporting the truth about the mueller report. The failed coup attempt and hoax to take down pres. trump.When the arrests and convictions of many democrats and the former heads of fbi,cia, and alike happen[probably before 2020 election], it will be interesting to see how the uk media finally have tell the british public of what they wilfully neglected to inform us.Happy days are here again.
Al Beeb being disingenuous again, in order to make Pres Trump look like a liar. This video shows Baltimore residents saying they love it, and that other people have the wrong opinion of it. Also that there is a class divide (what a surprise that Al Beeb would mention that). They are not commenting on it’s problems, like its state, hygiene etc.
Just finished: ‘The Red Trojan Horse – A Concise Analysis of Cultural Marxism’ written by, Alasdair Elder (26.04.19).
144 pages of ‘matter of fact’, pithy analysis which includes a good accurate explanation of the temporary link between Cultural Marxism and islam. Strange bedfellows and all that. For the thinking person endeavouring to piece together all the disparate incomprehensible events and day-to-day witnessed nonsense, this short book will be indispensable.
‘The Little Red Book’ is also worth a read. ‘Socialism has never worked, wherever it has been tried.
The consequences have been broadly as harmful as the implementation has been faithful, with the very worst from Marxist and Stalinist communist regimes.’
R4 taking to some Irish woman from Irish Times – who sounds decidedly nervous – trying to say Ireland is steadfastly supported by the EU described Ireland as a part of the 27 with all their strength and the UK is small country fighting by itself….ha ha.. She clearly didn’t do the stats on how much business Ireland would lose if the UK decided to move it elsewhere.
I don’t know if any of you have noticed this , but the latest
BBC diversity gimmick is when getting the views of the
general public in a news topic, the first person we see interviewed is
a Muslim lady in a head scarf. Be it to talk about the weather
on a beach in Bournemouth or about the value of a the pound
against the euro in Paris.
Yep, its not only middle aged white male becoming extinct, but the whole of the white population of Britain no longer exists. I just wonder how long these idiot journalists wander around with their fluffy mic by passing anyone who is white, so they can pounce on anyone who is of colour.
will the BBC expect its audience to take the views of this hysterical old “intellectual” seriously in the future after this meltdown over Boris & the “war cabinet” that never was?
can someone please stand up and start shouting (it wont be the weasel Corbyn) "YOU ARE NOT CHURCHILL, fatso, and the EU is not the Third Reich. You do not have a war cabinet because THERE IS NO WAR. How DARE you invoke the sacrifices of those fought one!
I wonder how long it will be before arrangements are’ leaked ‘ for arrangements to deal with illegal EU fishing boats in UK waters and measures to deal with illegal entrants from Eire into the UK .
If the government doesn’t leak it one of the traitors in the civil service will ….
As for being on a war footing – the EU isn’t acting like a friend so therefore it’s an…. enemy ?
“Can farmers send lamb to Japan after Brexit?”
Of course they can . We have the best lamb. A lot goes across the channel to Europe. If the EU doesn’t want it the Japanese and Chinese will . The £ is presently ‘low’so it will be good for exports .
Managed 4 minutes of a more than usually rabid c4 news . The guru Murphy is full snide mode – modelled himself on Turrettes Robinson and looking to get the Humph seat on Toady – a perfect anti British fit .
7pm The One Show opens
with an item about Sheffield black women’s group going fishing
..that’s strange cos it’s only 2 weeks since ITV local news featured the SAME flaming group
Sheffield And District African Caribbean Community Association (SADACCA)
\\Brexit: Dublin dismisses backstop pressure ‘codswallop’//
Boris says that the UK will not put up a hard border ?
So who will man the border, The EU?
Right BBC and ITV local news this is Vladimir Putin giving your instructions
I’m not happy with SSE building a new power station that actually supplies proper on-demand electricity I am sending a team of my little helpers to halt construction.
You TV guys will each open your local news segments with it
..and no difficult questions
when one of them suggests that it is gas power that is SUBSIDISED and not windpower, I don’t want you to challenge him.
Got that ?
I think we can look forward to better cheaper booze from The US and commonwealth . Mr Trump must use tariffs against the EU – but wait for us to leave please
As a mild Republican – I celebrate the idea that princess Diana s second son is engaging in the race industry . .im sure the BBC will give him whatever platform he needs to sell his wives’ views .
Not a wise move . Land mines are a far safer do gooder subject
When, in decades to come, historians look back they will surely designate this day as the day the tide finally turned against global warming. Or as the beginning of the end of the Royal Family. One or the other. Or both.
The global warming lobby is having fun . The teenage girl isn’t using an airplane to get to a conference – no mention of using Skype –
Does this mean she will never use a vehicle powered by carbon fuel , never use rubber tyres or plastics ? Will her disciples do the same ?
And China opens a coal fired power station every week – with hundreds planned …
The green thing could be a useful weapon for us against the BBC – miles travelled by reporters and wildlife film makers …. journeys travelled by BBC executives between London and Manchester – teams of BBC types sent to events . – and the need to reduce these …to save their version of the planet .
Blimey, I thought the BBC was biased, but they’ve got nothing on Channel 4.
Watching their news tonight was a case of, “We’ve got a Welsh farmer here who is really worried about a no deal Brexit.”
And then, “Here’s someone else who is absolutely and totally opposed to Brexit.”
Followed by, “Let’s talk to this Labour MP about what a catastrophic disaster Brexit will be.”
And then, just for a bit of diversity, “We’re now crossing over to America to hear a diatribe of vindictive, completely unfounded bullshit aimed at the president.”
Jesus wept…
It was so appalling I very nearly turned on the BBC and that ghastly One Show, where two simpering hafwits grin and gurn their way through half an hour of puerile pointlessness.
I didn’t though…
I turned off!
Watching the ghastly BBC News today has raised my blood pressure to the point of explosion. Never in my quite long life have I seen so much total negativity, one sided bias and absolute drivel from the state broadcaster. There is not even the pretence at balanced opinion now, just a continual polemic against those outside the wretched bubble. Far too many wimmin’ and bame’s make the whole experience thoroughly infuriating. My license expires at the end of August…not a penny more will these people get from me. I wonder how we have got to the situation we are in, in terms of the quality of news output now – 24 Hour bilge. F%&K The BBC.
Welcome to the No Licence Club . Apart from contributing to this site it’s the most tangible thing an individual can do. I get a threatening letter to the legal occupier about every 2 weeks and am ready for the TV licence lady or man – to turn up . I won’t being saying a word – there is no legal requirement . No requirement to open the door or sign anything .
As for a remedy to state television – ration it . I avoid their news now . It’s easier to get it from non MSM sources .
At the moment twitter is showing the kind of brutality being delivered by French police to protesters . With no mention here, no criticism – nothing .
Perhaps the British State is worried it might spread . If October 31 doesn’t happen I think there will be some objection ….
Just wait till the final two weeks of October. Then the BBC/SKY elites will be on suicide watch for its own employees as I can’t see many BBC News readers going down with a “never been done afore” – Live on air – appeal to the nation.
Why not. They will never be sacked by their BBC Bosses.
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
BBC live “interview” (PR slot) with Alastair Campbell being repeated ad nauseam every few minutes and at great length, raging against brexit and Corby’s failure to condemn it.
He is so obviously trying to force Corbyn into full-blown remain by calling for his replacement. Who the hell does he think he is?
All we need to know about Campbell is that he was Blair’s spin-doctor and as such totally reprehensible. We should never hear from this reptile again.
I also notice the BBC’s “name-painting” ruse rising it’s ugly head. Corbyn is always referred to as Jeremy Corbyn, whereas Boris is always referred to as Johnson. Same slimy tactics they used against Donald Trump.
BBC irony hey. Its the BBC THEMSELVES that are actively seeking to STOP democracy.
Just when you think you cant hate Gary “Holier than thou” Lineker any more !!! Like all these fanatical remoaners, they never mention the £9 million REMAIN PROPAGANDA leaflet sent thru every single door. All they ever remember was the Bus, which proved bang on as per the courts !!!!
He clearly thinks he is Emily Mateless.
“WE” ?
This is a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful sign that Miss Lineker is wobbling and running scared.
He really is a prize p….
Of all the beeboids I think he is the one I detest the most.
Just a thought: how much did the Bus cost, compared with the Remain leaflet which we all paid for?
The BBC nver misses a chance to have a go at our armed forces.
Apparently: Royal Marines used excessive force, says tanker captain is a headline.
Our soldiers made him knell on the deck. Now im not a soldier and dont profess to know much about boarding a ship in hostile conditions but wouldnt it be best for all concerened if those being “arrested” were rendered harmless? And obviously the Captain of the Ship an indian guy would have been most upset as the majority of the Royal Marines overpowering his ship would have been womem, wouldnt they ??
Most of the army and action programmes on BBC show women taking the lead so he is probably just trying to save face and because its those nasty slave owning imperialists they, the BBC will take his side…….
Where will it end!
“Mini toiletries to be removed from Holiday Inn owner’s hotels”
No toilet paper next 🙂
Done to save money. Same as not washing guests towels in order to ‘save the planet’.
The chain hotels now insist you use both sides. To ‘save the planet’.
Yes and 3 sheets only per visit. One up- one down- and one to put a shine on!
The Tel is now ‘on board’ too.
“Miss Thunberg will be accompanied on the journey by a filmmaker; her father Svante; Pierre Casiraghi; the grandson of Monaco’s late Prince Rainier III; and American actress Grace Kelly.”
Not JRM standard me, and unsure if the phrasing is from the PR or transcription, but that last passenger might cause a few issues mid voyage.
And any problems, it won’t be a sailing boat sent to rescue them.
I hope they use a Diesel helicopter lol
Just turned on TWatO to hear Sarah Montague, (whose real name is Lady Brooke) interviewing the skipper of the yacht that will ferry Greta across the, ‘Pond’. Joy of joys! She’s never sailed on a yacht before. Joy of joys! A bucket for the loo, camping stove for cooking, no fridge and the trip will take roughly two weeks. Joy of joys!. Payback.
Greta is so lucky that she can squeeze the trip in. Should be her first and last trip on a sailing boat, just nicely falling within the last year of the planet. We are ‘reliably’ informed. Well, she’s a strong little girl and she must experience first hand the sort of transportation needed if the World follows her advice.
I say all this as a qualified RYA Yachtmaster (Ocean) having completed my qualifying ocean passage on that same trip many yonks ago……….
G, …. er, … except no questions were asked about the suit of sails used and what they were made of and what they cost. I expect the skipper will have whipped the carbon – ooops – fibre-reinforced £250,000 racing ones off his boat and into safe storage before chauffeuring Greta across to the USA using some oil-based – ooops again – cheapo nylon ones.
And there were no questions asked about the hull and masts. No carbon fibre there, I trust. Good ol’ timber, I hope, with Greta spending a month of 12-hour days helping to sand it all down and give it some licks of varnish and paint.
Yes, I guess none were made in China and brought over by Square Rigger………
Proper Carbon-Footprint accounting takes account of end to end inputs like manufacturing and disposal costs.
This is mostly roughly proportional to ticket price.
So your airline ticket is quite cheap cos the manufacturing cost of the plane is shared by the many people who use it every day.
A yacht ticket across the Atlantic would be massive, cos you are sharing the manufacturing cost with so few people.
You have a point, Stew. Unfortunately, although it does relate to aeroplanes and even more so to cars it falls apart rather quickly as you state with single-hander, ocean-going racing yachts and their sail suits. These things are the F1 cars of the world’s oceans. One offs.
I hope Mother Nature behaves herself on the way over the North Atlantic.* There would be an awful symmetry if encounters with icebergs occur en-route.
I’d have been more favourably impressed if Greta had booked herself onto a cargo ship.
(* Anyone running a book on when Greta has her head stuck over the bucket? I reckon somewhere off Malin Head.)
I have some sailing experience. What navigation aids will they use? The sun? DR? Radio? Radar?
I bet it has a diesel engine tucked away in case of ’emergency’ 😉
With that mix of crew, one of them is bound to ‘fall ill’, causing them to return early…
It may be a yacht, but it seems a ritzy one.
Probably got clockwork stabilisers in case Greta’s hourly vlog is interrupted by unscheduled visits to the head if the swell cannot be calmed by her Canutesque rapport with the deep.
I think a nice bit of becalming will serve, long enough to leave AOC and her squad sitting at the dock looking out past Ellis Island, which will offer a nifty, heart-tugging photo op.
There is not a single MSM title who has not bought into the #PRasnews issued by her team, often on a cut and paste basis, with zero question.
I recall when her gap trip across the pond was first wistfully mooted, with the ‘issues against’ carefully sent up like a distress flare.
“But how can I get there without looking as daft as Dame Emma,”
her publicisshe mused, “perhaps some rich virtue signaller keen on an easy score and entree into all the left circles will offer the kind of seafaring vessel that befits my station and daddy’s ambitions, hint… luxury yacht, hint, hint…I may even be able to swing a desperate minor royal, but not MM so soon after the cover, as that would look obvious even to Victoria Derbyshire’.It also highlights the several thousand jolly addicts headed there who will be sitting up front and up top 777s, 380s or in Lears to have their Kodak moment with her, including, no doubt, a bunch of Beeboids from here and Jon, Katty and squad from all over the USA just to grab a selfie.
A Sextant. No energy expenditure involved but if only one can use it, and that individual falls ill………………….
Bet her majesty is peeved she wasn’t around when the early pioneers to New Zealand took 5 months or more just to sail the oceans to New Zealand.
I won’t describe what the living/sleeping conditions were.
Brave people, every one of them.
Let’s hope there are no Atlantic lows pushing through during the voyage… then again…
I bet St Greta won’t be sailing back.
More, or less than the protests?
As to those in Paris, what protests?
TWatO Watch #1 – Asking but not asking
Jim O’Neill invited on to talk Currency Crisis with our Montacutie. Unfortunately, he doesn’t answer all the questions in all the right ways. If I recall correctly, Jim O’Neill is a bit of a EUrosceptic and not totally against Brexit. At the end of Jim’s contribution Sarah is certainly unsure that she has been obliged.
No questions asked whether some very rich people and some rich friends of other people – who may or may not want Brexit to happen – might be shorting Sterling?
I wonder why?
Yes they had a Pro euro chap on before Jim making BBC type bold statements about how they can link the fall in the pound against the potential for no deal brexit – which to fair – they can’t as they have no way of measuring the likelihood of a no deal brexit.
Mr O’Neill was very good at saying the other bloke was wrong and giving much better answer but not one she wanted..
And if the BBC bothered to excite a brain cell or two they would see that the Euro is at its lowest rate against the dollar for 2 years..must be Brexit as a well and the pound is still higher than it was in 2016 before the referendum..
Interesting Twitter thread on the filming of a debate around the Nazi / Pug case for a BBC doc and their shady manipulation. Not long and worth a read.
Concludes with: “They present two extremes of an argument as THE argument when in fact the vast majority of sane, reasonable people reside in the middle. They fuel anger and division and then tell us we live in an angry, divided society. Don’t buy it.”
You would think that Alastair Campbell would have been better off staying in the Labour Party and reforming it from within as opposed to leaving.
After all, it’s what the remainders are saying we should do with the eu.
Then again, it’s another case of ‘do as I say, not do as I do’ which the lefties are so fond of.
You’re absolutely correct.
I wonder, though, what’s been going on behind the scenes; has Mr Campbell been having a hard time from powerful influencers in the Labour party? Has he fallen out with Momentum, for example, or Mr McLusky, perhaps?
I don’t think people like Mr Campbell just leave in a fit of pique.
The absurdity of Campbell’s position is that, without frequent coverage from the BBC, nobody would know or care.
Looking at social media, even those who are aware of the relentless coverage by the BBC care much about Campbell, but do seem irritated by the BBC’s latest selective championing efforts to rig things using all means necessary.
Why is this no-mark given such attention by the beeb? Infamous for beingTony B liars war criminal ‘spin doctor’ He is old news, yet the beeb keep exhuming him for sound bites and opinions. Really, does anyone care?
Hah! The Sunday Times reported that Amazon UK’s best selling political book this Summer is none other than…. Rod Liddles ‘The Great Betrayal’ (who also writes for The Times). It was highly recommended by The Guardian (which could barely spit out the following); ”A disingenuous dishonest Brexit Polemic’ which is all you need to know, (as its a bloody good read!). As an frequent visitor to Waterstones, they seem completely oblivious to the huge loss of sales to Amazon books, but I did manage to buy Quentin Letts ‘Patronising Bastards’ from Waterstones by pre-ordering, (which works well enough for me). Both of these have five star reviews by readers I am happy to report checking online.
OTHER: (free books)
For those who prefer a ‘free’ online read can look at BBC critical reports from Culture Forum and Taxpayer Alliance, among other rotten authorities, the BBC stands out with supreme indifference…
Thanks largely to the absurdity of The Guardian, we have the BBC ‘opinion’ as fact. BBC DG John Birt gave the BBC bias training to support his favorite ‘read’. The Guardian.
The BBC has since become the ‘free’ online version of The Guardian. The paper with the lowest UK rated readership by any national newspaper. See its ‘sales figures’ and its a hopeless basket case. (See web link stats fro June. The Guardian is at the very bottom of the stats graph, so far down I had to ‘expand’ it to show anything).
Indeed Phil. Only by including the huge number of copies ‘sold’ to the BBC do they just qualify for ABC (Audited Bureau of Circulation) newspaper rating.
Someone recently suggested the Guardian’s sales were only a tenth of the Sun’s but, although the board would melt with gratitude at the concept, reality is sadly very different and significantly downwards.
From Guido Fawkes Blog:-
“Boris has finally had his much-anticipated first phone call with Leo Varadkar, it wasn’t just for a catch-up about the cricket. Boris repeated his core position that the UK will be leaving on October 31 “no matter what”, and the UK will be quite happy to negotiate a deal with the EU but the backstop must be abolished.
Boris also reiterated that the UK will never put physical checks or infrastructure on the border. The two leaders “agreed to stay in contact”, Boris even got an invitation to Dublin…
Irish public opinion is already beginning to turn against Varadkar’s aggressive approach, the Irish Government has repeatedly clarified that it won’t be putting up border checks either even in the event of no deal. Varadkar increasingly needs a way down off the ledge constructed by Robbins, Barnier and Coveney…”
Tell me, can anyone else hear the sound of chickens coming home to roost?
I noticed that accused and family members of the falsely accused in the Carkl beech case all pointed the finger vigorously at the hand of Tom Watson, the labour deputy and so called “nonce finder general” for his active involvement in the case.
It was claimed that he added the “political” dimension to this appalling affair and are seeking to know why.
This clearly needs to start with an investigation into all his verbal and written contacts with the police/others.
It is perhaps telling to note that this important angle of his involvement seems to have been dropped from updates by both the bBC and Sky.
It is perhaps also telling that Mr Watson seems to have vanished and as far as I am aware refused comment on calls for his immediate resignation.
The question is should his role in this come into the scope of the potential criminal investigation as reported to-day on the TV.
Apparently the tweet-deleting James O’Brien, late of the BBC Newsnight flawed noncefinder parish, was also much to the fore.
Corbyn must be protected at all costs.
He is completely unelectable.
I had to join the Labour Party to vote for him.
Bet this one will go down a storm at Casa Thunberg, various regal cottages and of course amongst the cuties and cousins in the W1A cubicle gardens.
Beyond the predictably woeful headline, I am intrigued as to how ‘disrupting society’ is ‘for the planet’ if those contributing to keeping it going react badly to old bags with tats trying to stop them.
Not to mention the eco impact of hair dye and leather chairs.
The BBC seems to have a short route between any XR nut job and the screen.
Suggestion for Al Beeb – why don’t they have a separate page on their website for all things Islamic/Muslim? Clearly they have enough material, and it interests them enough.
Triple talaq: India criminalises Muslim ‘instant divorce’
Clearly this rule/law is ridiculous for anyone in a developed nation – to be able to divorce your partner by saying ‘talaq’ three times. How much like magic can you get?
But Al Beeb still want to make out that this is a controversial law (against the practice) and they’ve found a pic of a bunch of women who are against the law – they must be morons.
What Al Beeb don’t discuss though, is whether the practice works the other way round – can women divorce their husbands by saying the magic spell. I doubt it. Maybe Maxi will let me know, and let me know the upsides of this practice.
Where is Maxi?
Assuming that like a village missing it’s idiot, there is a bridge somewhere missing it’s troll?
Still good news for the goats I guess.
I am always grateful for a little good news.
maxi is in his safe space.
The sockpuppet has been told to wind his neck in. His controllers see him as very damaging to Al Beeb when he posts here . Perhaps he will come back after “retraining”?
The nature of the troll – jump in – correct and or insult someone – run away without engaging in any discussion . Wait a week or so . Repeat .
It is a kind of character defect – or a sign of someone in need of recognition as existing – to raise an emotional response of any kind .
I think it’s related to people who feel better about lots of ‘likes’ . Me . I like to be put right . If I get a fact wrong – I know Up2 will pull me up -with thanks .
It’s a shame the BBC is so far down it’s own version of the country that there is no legitimate opposing view . It just can’t carry on . Licence numbers are dropping by 800000 a year but I think there are over 20 million licences – so it will be a while to bleed to BBC to death . But here’s hoping .
“why don’t they have a separate page on their website for all things Islamic/Muslim?”
What like have an entire Radio station and news progs ?
BBC Asian Network Reports
Fox news programmes featuring lou dobbs,maria bartiroma,sean hannity,tucker carlson,steve hilton,jeanine pirro,laura ingraham and more,have been for 2 and a half years reporting the truth about the mueller report. The failed coup attempt and hoax to take down pres. trump.When the arrests and convictions of many democrats and the former heads of fbi,cia, and alike happen[probably before 2020 election], it will be interesting to see how the uk media finally have tell the british public of what they wilfully neglected to inform us.Happy days are here again.
Al Beeb being disingenuous again, in order to make Pres Trump look like a liar. This video shows Baltimore residents saying they love it, and that other people have the wrong opinion of it. Also that there is a class divide (what a surprise that Al Beeb would mention that). They are not commenting on it’s problems, like its state, hygiene etc.
Just finished: ‘The Red Trojan Horse – A Concise Analysis of Cultural Marxism’ written by, Alasdair Elder (26.04.19).
144 pages of ‘matter of fact’, pithy analysis which includes a good accurate explanation of the temporary link between Cultural Marxism and islam. Strange bedfellows and all that. For the thinking person endeavouring to piece together all the disparate incomprehensible events and day-to-day witnessed nonsense, this short book will be indispensable.
‘The Little Red Book’ is also worth a read.
‘Socialism has never worked, wherever it has been tried.
The consequences have been broadly as harmful as the implementation has been faithful, with the very worst from Marxist and Stalinist communist regimes.’
R4 taking to some Irish woman from Irish Times – who sounds decidedly nervous – trying to say Ireland is steadfastly supported by the EU described Ireland as a part of the 27 with all their strength and the UK is small country fighting by itself….ha ha.. She clearly didn’t do the stats on how much business Ireland would lose if the UK decided to move it elsewhere.
They are all still banking on Boris backing down…
Ireland will be okay – the EU will fund it from the 39 billion we won’t be giving the EU – er – something wrong there….
I don’t know if any of you have noticed this , but the latest
BBC diversity gimmick is when getting the views of the
general public in a news topic, the first person we see interviewed is
a Muslim lady in a head scarf. Be it to talk about the weather
on a beach in Bournemouth or about the value of a the pound
against the euro in Paris.
Yep, its not only middle aged white male becoming extinct, but the whole of the white population of Britain no longer exists. I just wonder how long these idiot journalists wander around with their fluffy mic by passing anyone who is white, so they can pounce on anyone who is of colour.
will the BBC expect its audience to take the views of this hysterical old “intellectual” seriously in the future after this meltdown over Boris & the “war cabinet” that never was?
I wonder how long it will be before arrangements are’ leaked ‘ for arrangements to deal with illegal EU fishing boats in UK waters and measures to deal with illegal entrants from Eire into the UK .
If the government doesn’t leak it one of the traitors in the civil service will ….
As for being on a war footing – the EU isn’t acting like a friend so therefore it’s an…. enemy ?
He is obviously going round the bend. How gratifying!
“Can farmers send lamb to Japan after Brexit?”
Of course they can . We have the best lamb. A lot goes across the channel to Europe. If the EU doesn’t want it the Japanese and Chinese will . The £ is presently ‘low’so it will be good for exports .
Managed 4 minutes of a more than usually rabid c4 news . The guru Murphy is full snide mode – modelled himself on Turrettes Robinson and looking to get the Humph seat on Toady – a perfect anti British fit .
7pm The One Show opens
with an item about Sheffield black women’s group going fishing
..that’s strange cos it’s only 2 weeks since ITV local news featured the SAME flaming group
Sheffield And District African Caribbean Community Association (SADACCA)
\\Brexit: Dublin dismisses backstop pressure ‘codswallop’//
Boris says that the UK will not put up a hard border ?
So who will man the border, The EU?
Right BBC and ITV local news this is Vladimir Putin giving your instructions
I’m not happy with SSE building a new power station that actually supplies proper on-demand electricity I am sending a team of my little helpers to halt construction.
You TV guys will each open your local news segments with it
..and no difficult questions
when one of them suggests that it is gas power that is SUBSIDISED and not windpower, I don’t want you to challenge him.
Got that ?
BBC Online News:
“”Trump threat to tax French wine completely moronic, minister says””
“”Mr Trump made the threat last week in response to French plans to tax multinational firms like Google, Facebook and Amazon.””
“”He also stated that the US makes better wine than the French.””
The Donald. The ‘gift’ that ‘keeps’ on giving.
I’m now popping out to buy a bottle of Californian wine rather than French 🙂
I think we can look forward to better cheaper booze from The US and commonwealth . Mr Trump must use tariffs against the EU – but wait for us to leave please
As a mild Republican – I celebrate the idea that princess Diana s second son is engaging in the race industry . .im sure the BBC will give him whatever platform he needs to sell his wives’ views .
Not a wise move . Land mines are a far safer do gooder subject
The global warming lobby is having fun . The teenage girl isn’t using an airplane to get to a conference – no mention of using Skype –
Does this mean she will never use a vehicle powered by carbon fuel , never use rubber tyres or plastics ? Will her disciples do the same ?
And China opens a coal fired power station every week – with hundreds planned …
The green thing could be a useful weapon for us against the BBC – miles travelled by reporters and wildlife film makers …. journeys travelled by BBC executives between London and Manchester – teams of BBC types sent to events . – and the need to reduce these …to save their version of the planet .
Blimey, I thought the BBC was biased, but they’ve got nothing on Channel 4.
Watching their news tonight was a case of, “We’ve got a Welsh farmer here who is really worried about a no deal Brexit.”
And then, “Here’s someone else who is absolutely and totally opposed to Brexit.”
Followed by, “Let’s talk to this Labour MP about what a catastrophic disaster Brexit will be.”
And then, just for a bit of diversity, “We’re now crossing over to America to hear a diatribe of vindictive, completely unfounded bullshit aimed at the president.”
Jesus wept…
It was so appalling I very nearly turned on the BBC and that ghastly One Show, where two simpering hafwits grin and gurn their way through half an hour of puerile pointlessness.
I didn’t though…
I turned off!
Douglas Murray and Mathew Paris discuss Brexit.
Emily Mateless presides. 7 minutes long. (Isn’t she scary?).
Watching the ghastly BBC News today has raised my blood pressure to the point of explosion. Never in my quite long life have I seen so much total negativity, one sided bias and absolute drivel from the state broadcaster. There is not even the pretence at balanced opinion now, just a continual polemic against those outside the wretched bubble. Far too many wimmin’ and bame’s make the whole experience thoroughly infuriating. My license expires at the end of August…not a penny more will these people get from me. I wonder how we have got to the situation we are in, in terms of the quality of news output now – 24 Hour bilge. F%&K The BBC.
Welcome to the No Licence Club . Apart from contributing to this site it’s the most tangible thing an individual can do. I get a threatening letter to the legal occupier about every 2 weeks and am ready for the TV licence lady or man – to turn up . I won’t being saying a word – there is no legal requirement . No requirement to open the door or sign anything .
As for a remedy to state television – ration it . I avoid their news now . It’s easier to get it from non MSM sources .
At the moment twitter is showing the kind of brutality being delivered by French police to protesters . With no mention here, no criticism – nothing .
Perhaps the British State is worried it might spread . If October 31 doesn’t happen I think there will be some objection ….
Just don’t pay , save yourself some money.
I have and its very satisfying to know that the rich B@s?ards at Al Beeb are not getting any of it.
” I wonder how we have got to the situation”
Just wait till the final two weeks of October. Then the BBC/SKY elites will be on suicide watch for its own employees as I can’t see many BBC News readers going down with a “never been done afore” – Live on air – appeal to the nation.
Why not. They will never be sacked by their BBC Bosses.
Gone quiet – time for a new thread >……