Who pushes back against the lefts nasty inverted racism about Boris’s non-white appointments ?
Trevor Phillips in the Times
once again like Thomas Sowell in America a sensible black voice.
Always has been. When he took over the race relations job way back he actually stated it needed more blacks ( people of colour now, black then, coloured before that ) because the muslims had taken it over and were making a complete mess of it, didn’t his predecessor have to resign for getting drunk and disorderly at a race ( horse ) meeting.
The recent series throughout the UK of brutal murders of young people in particular has revealed not only the moral vacuum at the heart of our society, but also the failure of the Liberal model of society itself. Whilst most politicians have been adopting the shallow shibboleths of the liberal consensus blaming poverty, rap music and lack of parenting as part of their critique on the break down of British society, the whole debate on the crisis has been marked by a failure to communicate as to what most people realise is the only solution. Restore the death penalty for illegal weapons importers and gangsters that use guns in their crimes and first -degree murder. Not one of the media commentators who have profited from the crisis by producing acres of asinine newsprint, have dared to defy the Liberal Consensus and demand a return to Capital and or corporal punishment.
The Liberal Consensus is the most pernicious ideology yet spawned by the Far Left. Unlike Communism and Socialism, which never sought to mask their horrors and absurdities, the ideology of Liberalism has adopted a moral mask beneath which it hides as it poisons and destroys our society. Liberalism denies nature and seeks to replace it with sterile ideological illusions. It sees no bad in the criminal and instead blames society itself for preparing the crimes that the criminal commits. In the Liberal Consensus the individual criminal is never responsible for their own actions, instead it is always the fault of society, poverty, white racism, parents, rap music, Israel, the Jews or a myriad other factors. The criminal is seen as a cipher, a Tabula Rasa, upon which society inscribes its crimes.
The fact is that, a society that is unable to excrete its most criminal elements is a society that will die slowly. The toxin of their presence contaminates and infects everything that they touch. Put them in prisons and we have to pay hundreds of thousands of pounds a year to take care of them, whilst at the same time hundreds of thousands of old people die of hypothermia and malnourishment in their own homes with no care or thought by the government. The finite pot of wealth that society has to spend on itself to take care of the deserving and needy instead is spent on helping the criminal and the degenerate. Instead of ensuring that public money goes only on the deserving and the needy, the Liberal Consensus seeks instead to socially engineer the criminals. Criminality is rewarded and the criminal bribed into being what the liberals want them to be. The idea that some people may be unredeemable evil and that society has a right and a duty to remove those elements from society, is an idea that must be repressed and denied according to the liberals. Whilst every form of degeneracy is celebrated, those that seek to discuss ideas and espouse values that the liberals reject are denied the oxygen of publicity and called extremists. The tolerance of liberals only extends to those who are as degenerate as they are.The Liberal Consensus now dominates the entire media and political debate on crime and social breakdown.The fact is that unless Britain escapes the domination of the Liberal Elite then our society can never begin the process of regeneration and healing.
The Two child idea
..there isn’t a ban, or actual limit.
It’s just that if you have more than 2 you don’t get as much in benefit for the subsequent children.
So interesting timing for this Times Letter of academics against such policy
If you have extra children you would expect them to share bedrooms and hand me down clothes. So the cost per child is not the same.
'The two-child limit should be abolished before it harms more children', said 109 academics in a letter to the Times today. pic.twitter.com/cvcmnLzyqv
— Child Poverty Action Group (@CPAGUK) July 31, 2019
Has anyone told those plonkers in the ‘cottage’, that Grandma had 4 kids, I bet she’s well miffed that in her grandson’s eyes she’s contributed to over population.
Apparantly the BBC doesn’t employ enough disabled Muslim Pakistani women.
Proof if any were needed of the Leftist complicity of the supposed oversight group monitoring ‘bias’ in the countries broadcaster. Much of this was enacted by the Tories Marxist leader Theresa May.
The rules say “identify as Muslim”
.. so many ethnic Muslims are secular and thus don’t identify as Muslim
..some do cos they cant tell their families they are not Musly
This is a US based web site and it exists to monitor the bias of news outlets. This report confirms that the BBC IS biased centre left.
I don’t think many here would suggest the BBC is overall far Left Corbyn supporting, despite the fact that several presenters might. This is the corporation as a whole which presents a liberal left bias, just as we here believe, and we have the evidence to support that.
Thoughtful – This is a far more subtle game than ‘Are the facts correct’?
Key decisions include what you put in and what you leave out, who does the presenting/acting, where in the sequence of news bulletins items are placed, what scenes you decide to show, what the music background is, choice of wording & language, what visual background? etc etc etc Nothing you see or hear is neutral! Even your choice of medium is not. (This was pre-internet!)
All the way back to Marshall McLuhan: “The Medium is the Message”. Spend a little time with Mac, and you won’t ever look at/listen to the bbc and other MSM in the same way again. I bumped into his work in about 1970, and wondered what THAT was all about? Now I know for sure. “An electric retribalisation of the West…”
Oh yes, he’s so out of fashion…
Is there any type of weather that isn’t the fault of climate change? It’s bloody freezing today, but apparently this is more evidence of global warming.
I’m confused.
Just happened on Pick TV where (a repeat of?) a David Attenborough series is showing about wildlife in Singapore. It appears to be from 2016.
Tonight’s episode is showing the abundant coral and fish species on the islands just a few km offshore. It looks great.
My confusion is- surely all this wildlife should be dead or bleached as in the Great Barrier Reef ‘because of global warming’?
Instead the wildlife appears to be thriving. Typical Quote ‘mangrove swamps thrive in coastal waters’
And he hasn’t mentioned Climate Change once.
I must have travelled into a strange parallel universe.
And apparently, despite all those photos that shows them clinging to tiny chunks of melting ice, the polar bear population is flourishing. It’s confusing.
These huge carnivores are at the very top of the food chain. Logic suggests that for them to be doing so well those creatures below them on the food hierarchy must also be in fine fettle.
Something just doesn’t add up…
Ian Rushlow – Coming soon on the BBC: Polar bears evolved from brown bears and started growing white fur – are they racist?
I just choked on my lovely cup of tea reading that superbly humorous comment….. I can’t thank all the contributors to this site enough, although I rarely comment, I relish having a few moments available to read the fine scripture regarding the never ending left wing bias of the BBC.
To think I wasn’t tuned into the Bias until the EU referendum came upon us, and their outrageous slant to remain was so apparent, now I can’t watch or listen to the Beeb for more than a few minutes without the off button being well and truly pressed.
But they love terrorist sympathisers like Corbyn and McDonald and don’t mind Blair lying through his teeth and taking the country to war. The left never lie you see !!!!!
Looking at the media traffic tonight, Al Beeb is full on XL Anti Brexit Bias this evening . Just have a look at Al Beeb’s news website!
IMHO, If Boris wants to stay in power the Tory Party must join up with The Brexit Party and form a Brexit Coalition .
He needs to have a look at the the amount of Brexit Party MEPs in the EU.
My surname`s a Welsh one , if a TVLicensing “enforcement officer“ comes a knocking should I
Demand he has a Welsh translator
Demand he has an Urdu translator
Demand he has a Serbo-Croat translator
Demand he has a Han Chinese translator
Demand he has a South American Spanish translator
Demand he has a deaf sign language translator
Demand he F*($ ) **f ??
Newsnight are having a look at the Birmingham school crisis that is in the midst of this clash of cultures.
It’s too delicious for words!
On the one hand there’s the ludicrously liberal white, woke community, that want their kids to be taught about “LGBT issues, inclusiveness, that you can have two dads or, two mums…everything is okay” The sort of folk who love multiculturalism and mass immigration.
And on the other hand there’s a mob of thuggish, intolerant, bearded, totalitarian Muslims that are trying to live in the seventh century and want to lob the lot of them off the rooftops.
One of the bearded community made me chuckle when he spoke about “traditional families”. Oh yeh, I can imagine what that means to him. One dad, three wives… and they’re all cousins!
Of course the BBC have to wedge the mythical “far right”, the bogeymen of the elite, into the equation…well, they would, wouldn’t they. Apparently the school have received some letters from “fascists”…or so they say.
It’s the most trite and politically motivated form of journalism. Spread the blame.
Believe me this ugly situation isn’t going to end well.
BBC seem happy with Zomato’s reply: “Food doesn’t have a religion. It is a religion” which shows perfectly the vacuous, naive global consumerist response to everything.
Deep-seated religious tensions? Historical internecine conflict? Just give everyone a new jumbo flat-screen telly and half price KFC, that’ll sort it out
Trouble at mill! Zoe Ball has lost a lot of listeners. And Ken Bruce has the most….what can this mean? Oh well, no matter, Al Beeb will ignore it anyway and plough on with the agenda. Pack your bags Ken, you’re next!
Belt, you’re clearly not old enough to remember, or an obsessive of Dr Who, because you would be able to name them all backwards.
Pat Troughton was quite an excellent actor back in the 60’s and appeared in many a tv drama.
Time marches on, and all these fine tv stars and actors of a bygone age, are now long forgotten – only remembered by us of a certain age. I almost wept when talking about my all time hero Fred Astaire, to a couple of mid 20 year olds who had never heard of him. Another 10 years and will Frank Sinatra be forgotten too ?
At least in my monthly jazz club we keep alive the sounds of the big bands, and jazz greats of the 40’s and 50’s, but sadly our group IS on the elderly side of the mature, and no-one to keep it going after us.
With Zoe Ball losing listeners, although I’ve never heard her, I suspect her manic style of presenting is not easy on the ears in the early morning, and because of the pop music that transferred from Radio 1 to Radio 2 decades ago, I long gave up tuning in, perhaps other are now feeling the same.
Sadly Briss I’m old enough to remember him in dramas like ‘Precious Bane’ watched in black and white on a nominal 14in screen which reduced to postcard size as the cathode tube slowly gave up trying, and we moved our chairs closer.
And ‘the buttons’ were on the set. Independent versions kept our flies shut.
Zoe Ball may or may not be a rubbish presenter who is losing hundreds of thousands of listeners. That’s not the point.
The key points are
1. She is female
2. She earns the same as other overpaid presenters.
So in BBC la la land, it’s tick, tick. Job done.
The public? Of no interest to them whatever.
Ok Belt I’ll give you that. I had to laugh at you ‘moving the chairs closer’. I remember my Dad on the roof wiggling the aerial about to eliminate the frosty reception, while Mum was shouting whether he’d got it in the right position. Those were the days.
Missed TWatO but caught most of TOADY and, unusually these days, I listened to the last 20 minutes of PM. The gloves are off. The BBC are no longer pretending to be impartial. They are pro-Labour (Evan Davis gave the game away – again – on PM) and anti-Brexit.
Fed, you are going to have to moderate your own posts and add a translation to this one above. I think I know what you are trying to say but my elastic band inside my head is knotted to the point of strain and snap!
Sorry -I gave up on meself too – I was writing in adverse conditions and had the ‘ edit’ problem so often lamented by other learned contributors here.
On Toady – sopel sounded like a parrot “ Trumps racist isn’t he ? “ to every interviewee….
I didn’t hear too much toady due to closed eyes syndrome but I heard sopel talking to a Democrat ( as always) who claimed current success of the American economy for the previous president …. which wasn’t followed by a journo question such as “ so what did he do then ?”
Fed, have some of your posts disappeared? I understood the jokey one about being an Emmy with no mates and was going to add a suitable ‘the Dead Ringers reply’ but your post has disappeared. Scrolling through the whole Thread this morn – and reading most of it – while I was out having fun yesterday, it seems many other B-BBC contributors on here have all noticed a ramping up of the BBC’s bias toward Labour & against Brexit.
I wonder if the rest of the nation has noticed as well and, if so, how many?
Soapy is joint presenter with Martha this morning. Am surprised the Beeb did not fly Mishal, at taxpayer and Carbon NetZero expense, over to the US and to have a holiday experience while there. It’s funny how quickly Theresa May’s Carbon NetZero has been quickly forgotten by the BBC.
It’s funny how quickly Theresa May has been quickly forgotten by the BBC.
TOADY Watch #2 – continuing with the BBC’s continuing memory hole
It’s very convenient for the BBC to forget. Labour have attacked the announcement of extra spending for a No-Deal-Brext. The BBC are therefore doing the same.
They conveniently overlook Labour’s famous statement ‘No-one voted to make themselves poorer’ and Labour’s vote in favour of the Cooper/Letwin Bill which would make taxpayers £39 billion poorer. They overlook Labour’s current ‘Remain in the EUNation’ policy which will cost taxpayers £20 billion annually and more as the EU becomes hungry for more and more taxpayer cash in future.
Labour and the BBC keep creating delicious Catch-22s for themselves. Deride the government on a daily basis for lack of planning for the impending cliff-edge disaster, and then deride the creation of a fund to mitigate the potential effects.
Luckily for them all, they’re so degree-level super intelligent without any of the benefits of wisdom or experience, they blissfully dig the hole deeper.
A slightly off BBC comment but it would seem the Left political correctness and constant narrative about bias has affected me.
Between BBC and ITV on breakfast around 6.30 to 7 when I flicked around there was 90% Black and Asian presenters and at one point every one of five faces was black or Asian…
Now in the past I wouldn’t have noticed….now I do…does that make me a racist or just pissed off when I keep getting told by MSM that there are not enough BAME faces in media.. do the stats….
As a point of note..I like them and this is just an observation that seems lost on the Left shouty brigade
“does that make me a racist or just pissed off when I keep getting told by MSM that there are not enough BAME faces in media”
No, it just means you realise that there is more to ethnic cleansing than groups of men roaming the streets with machetes or sub-machine guns.
Need more BAME faces in the legal profession, so change the examination system to suit them.
From the Law Society Gazette
The first stage of the solicitors’ ‘super-exam’ could be entirely multiple choice after a piloting exercise found that the written section could place members of ethnic minorities at a disadvantage, the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has revealed.
Al Beeb reporting that certain Royals are saying we should have less children . ( I suppose that we can then leave more space in the UK for more immigrants to come here ?)
Al Beeb ‘world service’ should broadcast that “less children ” message where it is needed – to the third world .
See if you can guess what the following people have in common, other than being incompetent politicians:
Theresa May (former British PM)
Mark Rutte (Dutch PM)
Angela Merkel (German Chancellor)
Nicola Sturgeon (Scottish Politician)
Emmanuel Macron (French President)
Stefan Löfven (Swedish Prime Minister)
Leo Varadkar (Irish Prime Minister)
The answer is that none of them have children. Now, there are many possible reasons why some people do not have children, sometimes through choice, sometimes through circumstances and sometimes they are simply unable to. But not having children can give people a very different perspective on the future, as in one sense they don’t have a vested interest in it and hence can act without consequence. As the German philosopher Rüdiger Safranski put it: “for the childless, thinking in terms of the generations to come loses relevance. Therefore, they behave more and more as if they were the last and see themselves as standing at the end of the chain”.
The need to care and provide for the next generation – to ensure that our children and grandchildren have successful and happy lives and do not live in some form of dystopian nightmare – is a major motivator for most regular people. Without that motivation, you can do as you please as there are no consequences for you or the descendants you will never leave.
A belated apology to you – last week end someone put up a comment which was objectionable – and you said so. I took the comment down but I think yours was linked to it so your comment went too. Sorry .
SKY was probably worse. Niall Paterson interviewing someone from the Board of Deputies of British Jews this morning (might have been Marie van der Zyl) about the mysterious increase in anti-semitic attacks.
Much talk about Labour anti-semitism. Quite right to mention it and Corbyn should have stamped it out but I doubt if backward, gobby, Labour party members are responsible for the need for armed guards outside Jewish schools, which was mentioned during the interview. Discussion inevitably moved on to the “far-right” which, apart from a tiny number of nutters, hasn’t been interested in Jews for decades.
Discussion never even came close to the anti-semitic elephant in the room, or any explanation of why these attacks have increased relatively recently.
“”Trump’s former top adviser: tariffs backfiring on US””
“”Mr Cohn, a free trade advocate, resigned from the Trump administration in March 2018.””
“”The 59-year-old former president of Goldman Sachs bank was an unusual hire for Mr Trump because he was a Democrat in a Republican administration.””
Analysis by Jon Sopel:-
“”Mr Cohn is less than flattering about the US president’s policies.””
“”Mr Trump won’t like reading that.””
“”The tax cuts have disproportionately helped the rich, and handed massive tax windfalls to corporate America – but with a growing economy, and interest rates falling – that doesn’t seem to be a big concern.””
Political videos with aggressive titles are cropping up in the UK and other countries. Is this American language import the sign of a growing trend? #r4todayhttps://t.co/SMWYVgPcX1
It was Chief Secretary to the Treasury Rishi Sunak MP
Listen from 8:21am as Burden & Campbell frame the piece by first sneering and reading from the Guardian https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m00076ck
Isn’t it ‘offensive’ to use a quote from a song about our brave lads, returning from taking the war to the axis powers, in a sarcastic way as we fight to regain our freedom from the new axis power?
Former Jasper van’t Hof’s Pili Pili member Angelique Kidjo (real name Angelique Kpasseloko Hinto Hounsinou Kandjo Manta Zogbin Kidjo) on R4. Clip builds up nicely to end with the BBC money shot: “if you’re a homo sapiens, you’re definitely an African.”
My boss a few years ago used to have R4 on all day, it almost finished me off. Kudos to all you good people who can still bring yourselves to endure it
After an unrelated piece on knife crime on @bbc5live this morning @NickyAACampbell asked Yvette Cooper (unprompted) "you want to stop No Deal, how are you going to do that?" 1:30.50 https://t.co/I690D5zNTu
How much more of the BBC's rampage against democracy do we have to fund?
— Hereburgher ???????????????????????????????????????? (@hereburgher) July 31, 2019
I like listening to Evette Cooper – the highest level of ‘I know for the best ‘ you’ll see. Her constituency voted to leave by about 68%.
Yes she has been rattling on about ‘national security ‘ as the excuse to Remain. We haven’t got national security whilst any EU criminal can wander into Blighty through open borders.
The 5 eyes are our national security and they are not in the EU …
Cooper must miss not swapping expenses with her husband – the awful Ed Balls – but they have the Commons pensions ready to survive on .
“Listen up editors, BIG BROTHER has an announcement . OK up
to now I am very pleased how the BBC has dealt with this scum
Brexit administration . But I want it upped even more. I reiterate
I just want the women presenters and reporters to give the
verbal to all the Brexiteers they interview.
I give them Carte Blanche to say what they like to this scum.
Tell Maitlis that she can go further than to call them racists.
Smithy tell Kuensberg she can be as sarcastic as she likes about
Johnson’s cabinet. The quip about ” eager puppies” was great.
If Coburn get Rees Mogg on her programme again tell her that
she can say what she likes about his Catholic believes. Munchetty
on the Breakfast programme can talk as much as she likes about
money, money, money, money.” ” Big Brother ,what about the
male presenters and reporters. I know that there are than less
than 25% of them , but should they put the knife in as well?”
NO , NO NO. The Brexit trash will not want to insult our ladies.
If we use men to do the dirty work, somebody might do more
than just abuse them back!!
Grandson of Ali Ashgar Vahabzadeh shoots three dead in California. Er, he’s White, right?
The gun smoke from the rifle used to murder three people at a garlic festival in California last weekend had hardly dissipated before the controlled media was reporting that it Woz a White Man Wot Did It. The BBC ran it as their front page story for much of Monday; initially the all-important reference to the white man was at the top of the page, although later it was moved to mid-page but supplemented with the additional insight that it appeared to be “a white man in his early-30s”. https://web.archive.org/web/20190729131102/https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-49147369
But you’ve probably noticed things have gone fairly quiet since then and, of course, you can probably guess why. Police subsequently named the killer as Santino William Legan, a 19 year old who identified himself on his Instagram page as an ‘Italian-Iranian-American’ (the account was rapidly closed). On it he referenced and included a photograph of his Iranian-born maternal grandfather, Ali Ashgar Vahabzdaeh. Investigations into Legan’s politics have proven inconclusive, despite the initial enthusiasm for the White Supremacist angle.
Is there any significance in the killer having Iranian ancestry? Absolutely not. America is full of crazies, as any observer of the recent Democratic Presidential Candidate debates can testify. It is also an equal opportunity society, producing mass murderers in all sizes, shapes and colours. Nor is there any signifance in the killer being the great-grandson of actor William Holden (mind you, he did appear in a few Westerns plus a German language film once…). And a mass shooting is a frightening and confusing situation – the witness may well have been truthfully describing what she thought she had seen.
No, the real signifance is the enthusiasm of the media to promote the racial stereotype, narrative and fantasy of the Angry White man, which is done time and time again in such tragedies. Contrast with examples in which the suspect or perpetrator is non-White: there is either often no description at all, or a bland, generic and meaningless description (“Police are looking for a man who might be tall or small, fat or thin. Allegedly.”). And this is not accidental…
Sometimes the BBC achieves such a high level of anti white propaganda I wonder how it can employ such intelligent people in its news manipulation division .
Whenever a story leads with ‘white man ‘ the bias detector switches on . Whenever the story leads without a reference to the race of the baddie – the bias detector switches on.
Unfortunately the first lie tends to stick – the BBC is desperate to impute ‘bad white right wing ‘ whenever It can in the same way it suppresses the evil of Islam .
15. Posted by Fatbilly on
3 hours ago
This MUST be biased BBC reporting as the blue passport brigade know far better than a group of economists, backed by 90%++ business leaders and >50% of the public
Well, Mr Fatbilly …. as it stands we do know better actually as virtually every single one of the forecasts / predictions from your experts has been so far out they haven’t even been in the ball park , and its 48% actually !!!
Perhaps we could start some BBC (and really any of the mainstream media) “Could” Bingo?!
I have also noticed since Boris has got underway as PM that there has been a new Project Fear story every day (intermingled with climate change stuff). Surely the general public is seeing through all this, its so blatant.
If the media were a little more subtle about it, thy may be more effective with their propaganda; however they just cant resist!
Perhaps we could start some BBC (and really any of the mainstream media) “Could” Bingo?!
I have also noticed since Boris has got underway as PM that there has been a new Project Fear story every day (intermingled with climate change stuff). Surely the general public is seeing through all this, its so blatant.
If the media were a little more subtle about it, thy may be more effective with their propaganda; however they just cant resist!
Do you notice how the BBC doesn’t publicise all those accurate economic forecasts made in the Referendum campaign and since ?
Could it be that there weren’t any ?
So when we get more project Fear finance stuff like today – who will listen ?
Yes Jon !! But his point is, it was OBAMA who built them !! Why build them if he was never gong to use them ???????? Decoration ??? Idiot.
Bomber Obama just cant do any wrong in Jon’s world.
Yes, but policy was only ever implemented by the Trump Administration – and ended after the hue and cry that quickly followed- not least from the First Lady @FLOTUShttps://t.co/Les8P0Sbqs
Hang on there…. Mr lammy can put together THE BEST expenses claim in the country and get it for doing absolutely nothing but push his white hate BS, does that count???
David, I worked out from your tweets and replies and likes that you are spending at least 3 hours a day on Twitter. I’m retired, so I can. What’s your excuse for this waste of taxpayers money?
I bet the racist creature David Lammy has already been on the phone congratulating that favourite idol of his and the Labour party – you know, the supporter of the militant IRA who is now a Sinn Fein MP who was spouting some kind of threat (apparently, the IRA are famous for those kind of things – to children also) at Boris and the British people yet racist Lammy still see’s no problem in backing the terrorists as per his boss.
More importantly, Is the full stop rude when used on WhatsAp? (Another ‘story’ on the same page).
Turns out that in 2015 a study of 126 undergraduates at a university in the USA perceived a message with a full stop as being less sincere that one without.
Breaking News: A woman in Nottingham in 2017 wondered why the No. 3 bus was late.
The Merkel enrichers are getting into their stride in their adopted country. It is reported , but not yet on you know where, that one has hacked his chum’s head off. . Last week we had enriches chucking folks in front of trains, and of course there was the arrest of some folks involved in a terror plot. Whatever will they get up to next? Of course the German police are warning folks not to post stuff on social media about this in a pathetic attempt to stop even more German people realising what a catastrophic mistake Merkel made and voting for the AfD.
So there is potential for a very serious incident and somehow these fanatical Remainers manage to turn it into a Brexit issue !!!! He he finishes off this tweet with #bbcbias !!! I mean, Jesus wept ….how in the name of all that’s holy does this FBPE nutter think the BBC are bias in favour of the Government ??? What planet are these loons on.
Will you be asking a Government minister if all the money wasted on No Deal planning would have been better spent on flood defences, the NHS and benefits so that people do not need to use food banks? Thought not. #BBCbias.
— Stephen Old ⚫????The Rightful Earl of Somerset #FBPE (@StephenOld) August 1, 2019
…and will you ask a government minister if the money wasted on policing anti-fracking and ‘environmental’ protests would be better spent on dredging rivers, maintaining ditches and reducing the hundreds of square miles of tarmac in out-of-town shopping centres and thousands of square metres of decking in suburban gardens? Thought not.
“Will you be asking a Government minister if all the money wasted on Foreign Aid, Junker’s Bar Bill, Eurocrat pensions, Lammy’s bike and so on would have been better spent on flood defences, the NHS and benefits so that people do not need to use food banks? Thought not. #BBCbias.”
Caught a snippet of a R4 program discussing the sales slow-down at Victorias Secrets, apparently a risqué women’s underwear outfit, big in the States. Now we are all woke it won’t do…. They don’t reflect modern woman (and modern men as we shall see!).
Part of the reason for the sales drop was attributed to the chairman of VS who was quoted as referring to bi-sexuals (a swear word now) when he should have said bi-gender. Thus enraging the thought police of that sector.
The politics in this is obvious, our gender fluid compatriots obviously see the correct terminology bi-sexual as being somewhat too descriptive and painting too obvious a picture in Joe Publics mind so they pick up on the time-tested old mantra of the left….
First Rename it to make it a sacred safe word, “bi-gender” and then set about demonising the old real word and making it no-platformed.
Thus they sanitise and glorify the new word while given a weapon to attack anyone using the original correct word.
This same formula can be in action seen in so many areas now. e.g. Climate Skeptics (people with a different opinion) are now Climate Deniers (people with a stupid viewpoint and much more offensive!)
The same with Brexit, A solution where one partner is unhappy and wants to move out of the house is negative and attracts such words as “hard, crash” etc. whereas a situation whereby a deal where the same partner agrees to move to the spare room and at the same time agrees to pay for the house and to follow the house rules is much more palatable even if not ideal. The ideal being they stay put, shut up, obey and pay.
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Resources yet again used for playground stuff.
How a Lincolnshire Policeman remarked to colleagues that parents of transgender children are lunatics.
His boss should have told him to grow up and stop trying to wind up the office snowflakes
Who pushes back against the lefts nasty inverted racism about Boris’s non-white appointments ?
Trevor Phillips in the Times
once again like Thomas Sowell in America a sensible black voice.
Always has been. When he took over the race relations job way back he actually stated it needed more blacks ( people of colour now, black then, coloured before that ) because the muslims had taken it over and were making a complete mess of it, didn’t his predecessor have to resign for getting drunk and disorderly at a race ( horse ) meeting.
The recent series throughout the UK of brutal murders of young people in particular has revealed not only the moral vacuum at the heart of our society, but also the failure of the Liberal model of society itself. Whilst most politicians have been adopting the shallow shibboleths of the liberal consensus blaming poverty, rap music and lack of parenting as part of their critique on the break down of British society, the whole debate on the crisis has been marked by a failure to communicate as to what most people realise is the only solution. Restore the death penalty for illegal weapons importers and gangsters that use guns in their crimes and first -degree murder. Not one of the media commentators who have profited from the crisis by producing acres of asinine newsprint, have dared to defy the Liberal Consensus and demand a return to Capital and or corporal punishment.
The Liberal Consensus is the most pernicious ideology yet spawned by the Far Left. Unlike Communism and Socialism, which never sought to mask their horrors and absurdities, the ideology of Liberalism has adopted a moral mask beneath which it hides as it poisons and destroys our society. Liberalism denies nature and seeks to replace it with sterile ideological illusions. It sees no bad in the criminal and instead blames society itself for preparing the crimes that the criminal commits. In the Liberal Consensus the individual criminal is never responsible for their own actions, instead it is always the fault of society, poverty, white racism, parents, rap music, Israel, the Jews or a myriad other factors. The criminal is seen as a cipher, a Tabula Rasa, upon which society inscribes its crimes.
The fact is that, a society that is unable to excrete its most criminal elements is a society that will die slowly. The toxin of their presence contaminates and infects everything that they touch. Put them in prisons and we have to pay hundreds of thousands of pounds a year to take care of them, whilst at the same time hundreds of thousands of old people die of hypothermia and malnourishment in their own homes with no care or thought by the government. The finite pot of wealth that society has to spend on itself to take care of the deserving and needy instead is spent on helping the criminal and the degenerate. Instead of ensuring that public money goes only on the deserving and the needy, the Liberal Consensus seeks instead to socially engineer the criminals. Criminality is rewarded and the criminal bribed into being what the liberals want them to be. The idea that some people may be unredeemable evil and that society has a right and a duty to remove those elements from society, is an idea that must be repressed and denied according to the liberals. Whilst every form of degeneracy is celebrated, those that seek to discuss ideas and espouse values that the liberals reject are denied the oxygen of publicity and called extremists. The tolerance of liberals only extends to those who are as degenerate as they are.The Liberal Consensus now dominates the entire media and political debate on crime and social breakdown.The fact is that unless Britain escapes the domination of the Liberal Elite then our society can never begin the process of regeneration and healing.
The Two child idea
..there isn’t a ban, or actual limit.
It’s just that if you have more than 2 you don’t get as much in benefit for the subsequent children.
So interesting timing for this Times Letter of academics against such policy
If you have extra children you would expect them to share bedrooms and hand me down clothes. So the cost per child is not the same.
Has anyone told those plonkers in the ‘cottage’, that Grandma had 4 kids, I bet she’s well miffed that in her grandson’s eyes she’s contributed to over population.
If you were wondering what Ofcom has actually been doing read this:
Apparantly the BBC doesn’t employ enough disabled Muslim Pakistani women.
Proof if any were needed of the Leftist complicity of the supposed oversight group monitoring ‘bias’ in the countries broadcaster. Much of this was enacted by the Tories Marxist leader Theresa May.
The rules say “identify as Muslim”
.. so many ethnic Muslims are secular and thus don’t identify as Muslim
..some do cos they cant tell their families they are not Musly
This is a US based web site and it exists to monitor the bias of news outlets. This report confirms that the BBC IS biased centre left.
I don’t think many here would suggest the BBC is overall far Left Corbyn supporting, despite the fact that several presenters might. This is the corporation as a whole which presents a liberal left bias, just as we here believe, and we have the evidence to support that.
Thoughtful – This is a far more subtle game than ‘Are the facts correct’?
Key decisions include what you put in and what you leave out, who does the presenting/acting, where in the sequence of news bulletins items are placed, what scenes you decide to show, what the music background is, choice of wording & language, what visual background? etc etc etc Nothing you see or hear is neutral! Even your choice of medium is not. (This was pre-internet!)
All the way back to Marshall McLuhan: “The Medium is the Message”. Spend a little time with Mac, and you won’t ever look at/listen to the bbc and other MSM in the same way again. I bumped into his work in about 1970, and wondered what THAT was all about? Now I know for sure. “An electric retribalisation of the West…”
Oh yes, he’s so out of fashion…
The point is though, that this is proof of BBC bias, regardless of anything else they get up to.
I certainly agree with that.
Claim Muslim kids can’t have nasal flu vaccine
..Jewish kids can cos Kosher only applies to food not medicine.
FFS why hasn’t the Grenfell bonfire joke court case yet finished ?
And why is there no news of R K Pachauri’s sex pest case ?
Imran Khan’s Pakistan media crackdowns
Woman breaks down as she is publicly whipped 100 times for having pre-marital sex with her boyfriend in Indonesia
n the past two years or so, MailOnline has reported on the troubling rising trend of public lashings carried out in Aceh, Indonesia:
March 1, 2016: Woman whipped 50 times for spending time alone with a man at the age of 19.
March 24, 2016: Young woman carried from the stage on a stretcher after being lashed for sex outside marriage.
August 1, 2016: Another woman is lashed for going on a date in Aceh.
August 15, 2016: Elderly man caned for breaking Sharia law.
September 11, 2016: Man and a woman lashed for having an affair and among the gathered crowd is the mayor of Banda Aceh.
October 17, 2016: Muslim woman screams out in pain on stage after being lashed 23 times for standing too close to her boyfriend.
October 31, 2016: A woman, 20, caned in public for getting too close to a man she wasn’t married to.
November 28, 2016: Man and a woman lashed 100 times each for adultery.
February 2, 2017: Enforcer lands 26 beatings across the back of a woman for having sex outside of wedlock.
February 10, 2017: Woman collapses in pain on stage as she is being caned.
February 27, 2017: Man collapses on stage as he is being whipped for having sex outside of marriage.
August 25, 2017: Ten Indonesians sentenced to up to 100 lashes of the whip for adultery.
September 12, 2017: Woman hospitalised after 100 lashes for being with a man who wasn’t her husband.
November 17, 2017: Woman is caned for adultery.
January, 2018: Indonesian Christian man is publicly flogged 36 times for selling alcohol.
February, 2018: Man and woman, both also Christian, flogged six and seven times respectively for playing a children’s entertainment game.
Good old Ems.
Guest whi-What’s your problem with Maslow and his bloody needs ? I’ve alway had trouble at Tesco’s with self actualisation ..
Phew…. Jon caught a break.
BBC News
The Former US President described African delegates to the UN as “monkeys”, it has emerged.
Clear. The. Schedules.
Is there any type of weather that isn’t the fault of climate change? It’s bloody freezing today, but apparently this is more evidence of global warming.
I’m confused.
Just happened on Pick TV where (a repeat of?) a David Attenborough series is showing about wildlife in Singapore. It appears to be from 2016.
Tonight’s episode is showing the abundant coral and fish species on the islands just a few km offshore. It looks great.
My confusion is- surely all this wildlife should be dead or bleached as in the Great Barrier Reef ‘because of global warming’?
Instead the wildlife appears to be thriving. Typical Quote ‘mangrove swamps thrive in coastal waters’
And he hasn’t mentioned Climate Change once.
I must have travelled into a strange parallel universe.
And apparently, despite all those photos that shows them clinging to tiny chunks of melting ice, the polar bear population is flourishing. It’s confusing.
These huge carnivores are at the very top of the food chain. Logic suggests that for them to be doing so well those creatures below them on the food hierarchy must also be in fine fettle.
Something just doesn’t add up…
Polar bear, real name Ursus maritimus (and not Yaxley-Lennon), meaning ‘sea bear’ in English. Some bears like to spend most of their time swimming in the sea looking for seals to eat – get over it, people.
Coming soon on the BBC: Polar bears evolved from brown bears and started growing white fur – are they racist?
Ian Rushlow – Coming soon on the BBC: Polar bears evolved from brown bears and started growing white fur – are they racist?
I just choked on my lovely cup of tea reading that superbly humorous comment….. I can’t thank all the contributors to this site enough, although I rarely comment, I relish having a few moments available to read the fine scripture regarding the never ending left wing bias of the BBC.
To think I wasn’t tuned into the Bias until the EU referendum came upon us, and their outrageous slant to remain was so apparent, now I can’t watch or listen to the Beeb for more than a few minutes without the off button being well and truly pressed.
Keep up the sterling work everyone.
And just off Singapore! How have they survived next to all that capitalism?
BBC loaded tweet gets the anti Boris crew fired up. Job well done for the BBC media team.
But they love terrorist sympathisers like Corbyn and McDonald and don’t mind Blair lying through his teeth and taking the country to war. The left never lie you see !!!!!
Looking at the media traffic tonight, Al Beeb is full on XL Anti Brexit Bias this evening . Just have a look at Al Beeb’s news website!
IMHO, If Boris wants to stay in power the Tory Party must join up with The Brexit Party and form a Brexit Coalition .
He needs to have a look at the the amount of Brexit Party MEPs in the EU.
My surname`s a Welsh one , if a TVLicensing “enforcement officer“ comes a knocking should I
Demand he has a Welsh translator
Demand he has an Urdu translator
Demand he has a Serbo-Croat translator
Demand he has a Han Chinese translator
Demand he has a South American Spanish translator
Demand he has a deaf sign language translator
Demand he F*($ ) **f ??
Wrong wrong wrong – not a word . Really not one word .they are not human beings – they are Tv inspectors _____
All of the above. Make them waste the ill-gotten license tax.
Newsnight are having a look at the Birmingham school crisis that is in the midst of this clash of cultures.
It’s too delicious for words!
On the one hand there’s the ludicrously liberal white, woke community, that want their kids to be taught about “LGBT issues, inclusiveness, that you can have two dads or, two mums…everything is okay” The sort of folk who love multiculturalism and mass immigration.
And on the other hand there’s a mob of thuggish, intolerant, bearded, totalitarian Muslims that are trying to live in the seventh century and want to lob the lot of them off the rooftops.
One of the bearded community made me chuckle when he spoke about “traditional families”. Oh yeh, I can imagine what that means to him. One dad, three wives… and they’re all cousins!
Of course the BBC have to wedge the mythical “far right”, the bogeymen of the elite, into the equation…well, they would, wouldn’t they. Apparently the school have received some letters from “fascists”…or so they say.
It’s the most trite and politically motivated form of journalism. Spread the blame.
Believe me this ugly situation isn’t going to end well.
Not on BBC website front page:
Muslim Woman verbally abuses people on Pride march
On the BBC fron page:
Hindu man refuses Zomato takeaway over ‘Muslim driver’
BBC seem happy with Zomato’s reply: “Food doesn’t have a religion. It is a religion” which shows perfectly the vacuous, naive global consumerist response to everything.
Deep-seated religious tensions? Historical internecine conflict? Just give everyone a new jumbo flat-screen telly and half price KFC, that’ll sort it out
Zoe Ball loses 780,000 listeners from BBC Radio 2 breakfast show https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-49179840
Trouble at mill! Zoe Ball has lost a lot of listeners. And Ken Bruce has the most….what can this mean? Oh well, no matter, Al Beeb will ignore it anyway and plough on with the agenda. Pack your bags Ken, you’re next!
Zoe Ball loses 780,000 listeners from BBC Radio 2 breakfast show
Another nail in the coffin of the eu.bc
the beeb even has to report how popular other stations are over its own, Love Island is for example (ITV program).
Anyone remember the last Dr Who? I dont
Patrick Troughton?
Patrick Troughton. Who was he? Was he who?
Belt, you’re clearly not old enough to remember, or an obsessive of Dr Who, because you would be able to name them all backwards.
Pat Troughton was quite an excellent actor back in the 60’s and appeared in many a tv drama.
Time marches on, and all these fine tv stars and actors of a bygone age, are now long forgotten – only remembered by us of a certain age. I almost wept when talking about my all time hero Fred Astaire, to a couple of mid 20 year olds who had never heard of him. Another 10 years and will Frank Sinatra be forgotten too ?
At least in my monthly jazz club we keep alive the sounds of the big bands, and jazz greats of the 40’s and 50’s, but sadly our group IS on the elderly side of the mature, and no-one to keep it going after us.
With Zoe Ball losing listeners, although I’ve never heard her, I suspect her manic style of presenting is not easy on the ears in the early morning, and because of the pop music that transferred from Radio 1 to Radio 2 decades ago, I long gave up tuning in, perhaps other are now feeling the same.
Sadly Briss I’m old enough to remember him in dramas like ‘Precious Bane’ watched in black and white on a nominal 14in screen which reduced to postcard size as the cathode tube slowly gave up trying, and we moved our chairs closer.
And ‘the buttons’ were on the set. Independent versions kept our flies shut.
Zoe Ball may or may not be a rubbish presenter who is losing hundreds of thousands of listeners. That’s not the point.
The key points are
1. She is female
2. She earns the same as other overpaid presenters.
So in BBC la la land, it’s tick, tick. Job done.
The public? Of no interest to them whatever.
You forgot #3:-
She is endowed with that perennial BBC-approved quality…
If you mean her dad Johnny, I would say not as he is persona non grata with the beeb as a climate skeptic.
Ok Belt I’ll give you that. I had to laugh at you ‘moving the chairs closer’. I remember my Dad on the roof wiggling the aerial about to eliminate the frosty reception, while Mum was shouting whether he’d got it in the right position. Those were the days.
It was a woman constantly preaching left wing ideals.
the beeb talking about packing away muddy tents after a festival!
then reports on using a CARDBOARD TENT lol, rain and cardboard?
All this because people are too lazy to clean up after themselves, lets leave cardboard instead of tents in someones field
RETROSPECTIVE Watch #1 and only – Wednesday
Missed TWatO but caught most of TOADY and, unusually these days, I listened to the last 20 minutes of PM. The gloves are off. The BBC are no longer pretending to be impartial. They are pro-Labour (Evan Davis gave the game away – again – on PM) and anti-Brexit.
Fed, you are going to have to moderate your own posts and add a translation to this one above. I think I know what you are trying to say but my elastic band inside my head is knotted to the point of strain and snap!
Sorry -I gave up on meself too – I was writing in adverse conditions and had the ‘ edit’ problem so often lamented by other learned contributors here.
On Toady – sopel sounded like a parrot “ Trumps racist isn’t he ? “ to every interviewee….
I didn’t hear too much toady due to closed eyes syndrome but I heard sopel talking to a Democrat ( as always) who claimed current success of the American economy for the previous president …. which wasn’t followed by a journo question such as “ so what did he do then ?”
Fed, have some of your posts disappeared? I understood the jokey one about being an Emmy with no mates and was going to add a suitable ‘the Dead Ringers reply’ but your post has disappeared. Scrolling through the whole Thread this morn – and reading most of it – while I was out having fun yesterday, it seems many other B-BBC contributors on here have all noticed a ramping up of the BBC’s bias toward Labour & against Brexit.
I wonder if the rest of the nation has noticed as well and, if so, how many?
TOADY Watch #1 – an opportunity missed
Soapy is joint presenter with Martha this morning. Am surprised the Beeb did not fly Mishal, at taxpayer and Carbon NetZero expense, over to the US and to have a holiday experience while there. It’s funny how quickly Theresa May’s Carbon NetZero has been quickly forgotten by the BBC.
It’s funny how quickly Theresa May has been quickly forgotten by the BBC.
TOADY Watch #2 – continuing with the BBC’s continuing memory hole
It’s very convenient for the BBC to forget. Labour have attacked the announcement of extra spending for a No-Deal-Brext. The BBC are therefore doing the same.
They conveniently overlook Labour’s famous statement ‘No-one voted to make themselves poorer’ and Labour’s vote in favour of the Cooper/Letwin Bill which would make taxpayers £39 billion poorer. They overlook Labour’s current ‘Remain in the EUNation’ policy which will cost taxpayers £20 billion annually and more as the EU becomes hungry for more and more taxpayer cash in future.
‘No-one voted to make themselves poorer’
It will be interesting to see how this is applied in discussion of future Green taxes and restrictions.
Labour and the BBC keep creating delicious Catch-22s for themselves. Deride the government on a daily basis for lack of planning for the impending cliff-edge disaster, and then deride the creation of a fund to mitigate the potential effects.
Luckily for them all, they’re so degree-level super intelligent without any of the benefits of wisdom or experience, they blissfully dig the hole deeper.
A slightly off BBC comment but it would seem the Left political correctness and constant narrative about bias has affected me.
Between BBC and ITV on breakfast around 6.30 to 7 when I flicked around there was 90% Black and Asian presenters and at one point every one of five faces was black or Asian…
Now in the past I wouldn’t have noticed….now I do…does that make me a racist or just pissed off when I keep getting told by MSM that there are not enough BAME faces in media.. do the stats….
As a point of note..I like them and this is just an observation that seems lost on the Left shouty brigade
“does that make me a racist or just pissed off when I keep getting told by MSM that there are not enough BAME faces in media”
No, it just means you realise that there is more to ethnic cleansing than groups of men roaming the streets with machetes or sub-machine guns.
“does that make me a racist”
No because, as you say, we’ve been trained for years by the MSM, and the BBC in particular, to notice when BAMEs are under represented.
Cuts both ways.
Need more BAME faces in the legal profession, so change the examination system to suit them.
From the Law Society Gazette
The first stage of the solicitors’ ‘super-exam’ could be entirely multiple choice after a piloting exercise found that the written section could place members of ethnic minorities at a disadvantage, the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has revealed.
It is a game I play: flick through the channels & note the proportion of BAME people who just happen to be on the screen. The results are amazing.
Look at the advert on the other channels, I have got my friends to do this now, predict: next character will be black, next character will be black…..
Al Beeb reporting that certain Royals are saying we should have less children . ( I suppose that we can then leave more space in the UK for more immigrants to come here ?)
Al Beeb ‘world service’ should broadcast that “less children ” message where it is needed – to the third world .
See if you can guess what the following people have in common, other than being incompetent politicians:
Theresa May (former British PM)
Mark Rutte (Dutch PM)
Angela Merkel (German Chancellor)
Nicola Sturgeon (Scottish Politician)
Emmanuel Macron (French President)
Stefan Löfven (Swedish Prime Minister)
Leo Varadkar (Irish Prime Minister)
The answer is that none of them have children. Now, there are many possible reasons why some people do not have children, sometimes through choice, sometimes through circumstances and sometimes they are simply unable to. But not having children can give people a very different perspective on the future, as in one sense they don’t have a vested interest in it and hence can act without consequence. As the German philosopher Rüdiger Safranski put it:
“for the childless, thinking in terms of the generations to come loses relevance. Therefore, they behave more and more as if they were the last and see themselves as standing at the end of the chain”.
The need to care and provide for the next generation – to ensure that our children and grandchildren have successful and happy lives and do not live in some form of dystopian nightmare – is a major motivator for most regular people. Without that motivation, you can do as you please as there are no consequences for you or the descendants you will never leave.
A belated apology to you – last week end someone put up a comment which was objectionable – and you said so. I took the comment down but I think yours was linked to it so your comment went too. Sorry .
Honestly, anyone listening to Al Beeb Wales early this morning would be forgiven for believing it was a Blue Peter show .
SKY was probably worse. Niall Paterson interviewing someone from the Board of Deputies of British Jews this morning (might have been Marie van der Zyl) about the mysterious increase in anti-semitic attacks.
Much talk about Labour anti-semitism. Quite right to mention it and Corbyn should have stamped it out but I doubt if backward, gobby, Labour party members are responsible for the need for armed guards outside Jewish schools, which was mentioned during the interview. Discussion inevitably moved on to the “far-right” which, apart from a tiny number of nutters, hasn’t been interested in Jews for decades.
Discussion never even came close to the anti-semitic elephant in the room, or any explanation of why these attacks have increased relatively recently.
The MSM are corrupt and not fit for purpose.
Interesting conundrum. Would an elephant-size burkha be environmentally acceptable, or would it breach environmental guidelines?
Elephants have more sense.
BBC Online News:
“”Trump’s former top adviser: tariffs backfiring on US””
“”Mr Cohn, a free trade advocate, resigned from the Trump administration in March 2018.””
“”The 59-year-old former president of Goldman Sachs bank was an unusual hire for Mr Trump because he was a Democrat in a Republican administration.””
Analysis by Jon Sopel:-
“”Mr Cohn is less than flattering about the US president’s policies.””
“”Mr Trump won’t like reading that.””
“”The tax cuts have disproportionately helped the rich, and handed massive tax windfalls to corporate America – but with a growing economy, and interest rates falling – that doesn’t seem to be a big concern.””
So a ‘former’ Democrat kindly employed by Trump…resigned over a year ago…and the BBC lap him up as part of there persistent anti-Trump rhetoric.
So far, #CCBGB
the beeb reports…
North Korean soldier defects after crossing DMZ, says South
sounds like its happening all the time, with the recent incident and again back in 2017 lol
I’M SO BORED OF FAKE NEWS, anyone suggest a reliable news outlet, which doesn’t have their own “agender” 🙂
BBC Radio 5 Live, this morning. Nicky Campbells fellow host talking to a Tory MP:
In criticism of his final answer – which annoyed her terribly she said;
“yeah, on a wing and a prayer”
But by the tone of her voice I knew she really wanted to add
“on a wing and a prayer [Buddy]” Sarcastically.
I didn’t catch the name of the Tory MP but he nailed her on every question she sarcastically threw at him. Brilliant.
It was Chief Secretary to the Treasury Rishi Sunak MP
Listen from 8:21am as Burden & Campbell frame the piece by first sneering and reading from the Guardian
Isn’t it ‘offensive’ to use a quote from a song about our brave lads, returning from taking the war to the axis powers, in a sarcastic way as we fight to regain our freedom from the new axis power?
11:05am TalkRadio : Piers Corbyn will be taking calls
He was sensible, so were the questions. It was good.
Former Jasper van’t Hof’s Pili Pili member Angelique Kidjo (real name Angelique Kpasseloko Hinto Hounsinou Kandjo Manta Zogbin Kidjo) on R4. Clip builds up nicely to end with the BBC money shot: “if you’re a homo sapiens, you’re definitely an African.”
My boss a few years ago used to have R4 on all day, it almost finished me off. Kudos to all you good people who can still bring yourselves to endure it
If we are all African why does Lammy keep making such a fuss?
But then there are Africans and Africans.
Rwandan Genocide.
Not to mention Afrikaners.
Nicky Campbell SJW Warrior : #SocialistJustice
I like listening to Evette Cooper – the highest level of ‘I know for the best ‘ you’ll see. Her constituency voted to leave by about 68%.
Yes she has been rattling on about ‘national security ‘ as the excuse to Remain. We haven’t got national security whilst any EU criminal can wander into Blighty through open borders.
The 5 eyes are our national security and they are not in the EU …
Cooper must miss not swapping expenses with her husband – the awful Ed Balls – but they have the Commons pensions ready to survive on .
“Listen up editors, BIG BROTHER has an announcement . OK up
to now I am very pleased how the BBC has dealt with this scum
Brexit administration . But I want it upped even more. I reiterate
I just want the women presenters and reporters to give the
verbal to all the Brexiteers they interview.
I give them Carte Blanche to say what they like to this scum.
Tell Maitlis that she can go further than to call them racists.
Smithy tell Kuensberg she can be as sarcastic as she likes about
Johnson’s cabinet. The quip about ” eager puppies” was great.
If Coburn get Rees Mogg on her programme again tell her that
she can say what she likes about his Catholic believes. Munchetty
on the Breakfast programme can talk as much as she likes about
money, money, money, money.” ” Big Brother ,what about the
male presenters and reporters. I know that there are than less
than 25% of them , but should they put the knife in as well?”
NO , NO NO. The Brexit trash will not want to insult our ladies.
If we use men to do the dirty work, somebody might do more
than just abuse them back!!
Grandson of Ali Ashgar Vahabzadeh shoots three dead in California. Er, he’s White, right?
The gun smoke from the rifle used to murder three people at a garlic festival in California last weekend had hardly dissipated before the controlled media was reporting that it Woz a White Man Wot Did It. The BBC ran it as their front page story for much of Monday; initially the all-important reference to the white man was at the top of the page, although later it was moved to mid-page but supplemented with the additional insight that it appeared to be “a white man in his early-30s”.
But you’ve probably noticed things have gone fairly quiet since then and, of course, you can probably guess why. Police subsequently named the killer as Santino William Legan, a 19 year old who identified himself on his Instagram page as an ‘Italian-Iranian-American’ (the account was rapidly closed). On it he referenced and included a photograph of his Iranian-born maternal grandfather, Ali Ashgar Vahabzdaeh. Investigations into Legan’s politics have proven inconclusive, despite the initial enthusiasm for the White Supremacist angle.
Is there any significance in the killer having Iranian ancestry? Absolutely not. America is full of crazies, as any observer of the recent Democratic Presidential Candidate debates can testify. It is also an equal opportunity society, producing mass murderers in all sizes, shapes and colours. Nor is there any signifance in the killer being the great-grandson of actor William Holden (mind you, he did appear in a few Westerns plus a German language film once…). And a mass shooting is a frightening and confusing situation – the witness may well have been truthfully describing what she thought she had seen.
No, the real signifance is the enthusiasm of the media to promote the racial stereotype, narrative and fantasy of the Angry White man, which is done time and time again in such tragedies. Contrast with examples in which the suspect or perpetrator is non-White: there is either often no description at all, or a bland, generic and meaningless description (“Police are looking for a man who might be tall or small, fat or thin. Allegedly.”). And this is not accidental…
Sometimes the BBC achieves such a high level of anti white propaganda I wonder how it can employ such intelligent people in its news manipulation division .
Whenever a story leads with ‘white man ‘ the bias detector switches on . Whenever the story leads without a reference to the race of the baddie – the bias detector switches on.
Unfortunately the first lie tends to stick – the BBC is desperate to impute ‘bad white right wing ‘ whenever It can in the same way it suppresses the evil of Islam .
Brexit: Did Dominic Raab warn of no-deal during referendum campaign? asks on the eu.bc website
my reply, I dont care – voted once, just get on with it!
Given the recent forecasting from the BOE, i think its best to reserve judgement !!!
The Chancellor of the Exchequer disagrees with the Bank of England. Is Carnage anti-Brexit ???
“”UK economy ‘fundamentally strong’ ahead of Brexit, says Chancellor Sajid Javid””
HYS open on BBC
15. Posted by Fatbilly on
3 hours ago
This MUST be biased BBC reporting as the blue passport brigade know far better than a group of economists, backed by 90%++ business leaders and >50% of the public
Well, Mr Fatbilly …. as it stands we do know better actually as virtually every single one of the forecasts / predictions from your experts has been so far out they haven’t even been in the ball park , and its 48% actually !!!
Javid = taqiyya remember……………
despite, could, maybe – all popular words for the eu.bc
What is the EU growth forecast for comparison BBC ?
Hello? Hello?
Thought not.
Perhaps we could start some BBC (and really any of the mainstream media) “Could” Bingo?!
I have also noticed since Boris has got underway as PM that there has been a new Project Fear story every day (intermingled with climate change stuff). Surely the general public is seeing through all this, its so blatant.
If the media were a little more subtle about it, thy may be more effective with their propaganda; however they just cant resist!
Perhaps we could start some BBC (and really any of the mainstream media) “Could” Bingo?!
I have also noticed since Boris has got underway as PM that there has been a new Project Fear story every day (intermingled with climate change stuff). Surely the general public is seeing through all this, its so blatant.
If the media were a little more subtle about it, thy may be more effective with their propaganda; however they just cant resist!
Do you notice how the BBC doesn’t publicise all those accurate economic forecasts made in the Referendum campaign and since ?
Could it be that there weren’t any ?
So when we get more project Fear finance stuff like today – who will listen ?
And there is more to freedom than GDP…
Yes Jon !! But his point is, it was OBAMA who built them !! Why build them if he was never gong to use them ???????? Decoration ??? Idiot.
Bomber Obama just cant do any wrong in Jon’s world.
Just had a look see how hard Mr Lammy has been working on race baiting and causing division. Pretty hard it seems.
I bet the racist creature David Lammy has already been on the phone congratulating that favourite idol of his and the Labour party – you know, the supporter of the militant IRA who is now a Sinn Fein MP who was spouting some kind of threat (apparently, the IRA are famous for those kind of things – to children also) at Boris and the British people yet racist Lammy still see’s no problem in backing the terrorists as per his boss.
How the beboids spend our money –
who are ya?
someones mom, visits someone
More importantly, Is the full stop rude when used on WhatsAp? (Another ‘story’ on the same page).
Turns out that in 2015 a study of 126 undergraduates at a university in the USA perceived a message with a full stop as being less sincere that one without.
Breaking News: A woman in Nottingham in 2017 wondered why the No. 3 bus was late.
The Merkel enrichers are getting into their stride in their adopted country. It is reported , but not yet on you know where, that one has hacked his chum’s head off. . Last week we had enriches chucking folks in front of trains, and of course there was the arrest of some folks involved in a terror plot. Whatever will they get up to next? Of course the German police are warning folks not to post stuff on social media about this in a pathetic attempt to stop even more German people realising what a catastrophic mistake Merkel made and voting for the AfD.
So there is potential for a very serious incident and somehow these fanatical Remainers manage to turn it into a Brexit issue !!!! He he finishes off this tweet with #bbcbias !!! I mean, Jesus wept ….how in the name of all that’s holy does this FBPE nutter think the BBC are bias in favour of the Government ??? What planet are these loons on.
flood defences are of little use, when its the dam in the hills thats started to fall down
whaley is just down hill from the res, but well above the valley floor
…and will you ask a government minister if the money wasted on policing anti-fracking and ‘environmental’ protests would be better spent on dredging rivers, maintaining ditches and reducing the hundreds of square miles of tarmac in out-of-town shopping centres and thousands of square metres of decking in suburban gardens? Thought not.
“Will you be asking a Government minister if all the money wasted on Foreign Aid, Junker’s Bar Bill, Eurocrat pensions, Lammy’s bike and so on would have been better spent on flood defences, the NHS and benefits so that people do not need to use food banks? Thought not. #BBCbias.”
Caught a snippet of a R4 program discussing the sales slow-down at Victorias Secrets, apparently a risqué women’s underwear outfit, big in the States. Now we are all woke it won’t do…. They don’t reflect modern woman (and modern men as we shall see!).
Part of the reason for the sales drop was attributed to the chairman of VS who was quoted as referring to bi-sexuals (a swear word now) when he should have said bi-gender. Thus enraging the thought police of that sector.
The politics in this is obvious, our gender fluid compatriots obviously see the correct terminology bi-sexual as being somewhat too descriptive and painting too obvious a picture in Joe Publics mind so they pick up on the time-tested old mantra of the left….
First Rename it to make it a sacred safe word, “bi-gender” and then set about demonising the old real word and making it no-platformed.
Thus they sanitise and glorify the new word while given a weapon to attack anyone using the original correct word.
This same formula can be in action seen in so many areas now. e.g. Climate Skeptics (people with a different opinion) are now Climate Deniers (people with a stupid viewpoint and much more offensive!)
The same with Brexit, A solution where one partner is unhappy and wants to move out of the house is negative and attracts such words as “hard, crash” etc. whereas a situation whereby a deal where the same partner agrees to move to the spare room and at the same time agrees to pay for the house and to follow the house rules is much more palatable even if not ideal. The ideal being they stay put, shut up, obey and pay.