In the Gillette video, PJW said the exposure Gillette achieved with the lousy ad would ensure a major increase in sales. But in the discussion with CO, he said Gillette had suffered a major downturn in sales after the ad.
Be that as it may, and though this comment is not really relevant to the BBC (except that PJW and CO talk about censorship, a favourite activity of the BBC) I thought I’d reveal to esteemed colleagues here that I made a tiny contribution to Gillette’s slump by dumping their shaving foam and opting for Nivea. It’s a touch more expensive but it makes about three times as much foam as Gillette, so I’m glad I switched for that reason as well.
There was also a positive result from the search for PJW’s video: I found YouTube Uploads from Paul Joseph Watson. I didn’t know he was so prolific. I keep on clicking on ‘Load more’ at the bottom of the page and so far I’m up to no. 500. Haven’t got all night so I’ve put it on ‘Favourites’ for future scanning.
The man has to be one of the most brilliant, scathing and incisive commentators of these times.
Just pull up the Twitter Search page put in “From:PrisonPlaneet”
and then click the video button, to list only videos quicklink to that search
It’s lists the videos by backwards date
Re the clips from G.W.F near the bottom of the previous page, I agree one has to reserve judgement till the whole picture becomes clear, well, at least as clear as possible.
There also appeared to be a confrontation between the cops and the opposition to Tommy, which appeared to include Antifa. (I saw a banner with something like, London is not a fascist city.)
Reminds me of Oldham, I think it was. It has now become part of the narrative that the cops escorted an armed Muslim gang to the pro-Tommy demo knowing they would attack tommy’s supporters. But is that really the case? It seems that the Muslims only became armed when they picked up rocks at the scene and threw them. Also the cops at one stage were preventing the Muslims from getting closer to the demo.
Having said that, it’s virtually certain that the cops would never physically attack Antifa or Hope for Hate. They have been emasculated by Muslims and lefties in senior positions in the police ‘service.’
Probably all of us here are well-versed in media bias because we’ve had so much of it inflicted on us by the likes of the BBC. And we need to therefore call bias out when it comes from our side as well.
I am, of course, strongly supportive of Tommy Robinson and his cause and strongly against anyone who opposes him. But we need truth in journalism above all.
A programme on channel 5 about CrossRail.
The population of London has gone up by a million in the last 10 years or so and so big projects costing billions are needed.
On closer inspection it turns out there has been a nett level of DOMESTIC EMIGRATION from London of about 70,000 for each of the last 15 years.
Meanwhile there has been a nett level of INTERNATIONAL IMMIGRATION into London of around 200,000 for each of the last 15 years.
So crossrail, cost £17 bn and rising, is creating capacity to cope with mass immigration.
Something which mysteriously appears not be mentioned.
And I bet all those economic benefits of mass immigration calculations from LeftMob didn’t mention it either.
Crossrail will never make back the investment thru ticket sales
I suspect its true purpose is to increase lan vlaue
perhaps turning £5 plots into £50m plots and generating the boroughs extra rates
but it’s a dangerous game , one day the music will stop
Due to online sales London already has too many shops
“”I note the French fishermen of Boulogne are squawking that 75% of them will be forced out of business, shame I heard no solidarity from them when the British fleets were wiped out.””
It’s not directly BBC bias – but twitter has a query from Kate Hoey MP ( one of the few worth the job ) to Jasmin Alibi quite brown asking why the latter hasn’t left the country yet – since she promised to go ‘ home’ to the country of her birth -if BoJo got the top job .
Over a thousand ‘ likes ‘ and growing . Alibi Brown is obviously one of those entitled snowflakes the BBC employ to parrot their approved view .
I haven’t heard her for a long time but have read some of her repulsive comments – terrible way to make a living . Toynbee is the same – just a bit lighter complexion
The papers will be served on the BBC next week!! Forwarded by supporter: ‘ …Thanks to the wonderful generosity of hundreds of folk out there – many of them TCW readers – this crowdfunding appeal has so far raised more than £57,000 to help fund a judicial review. That’s almost double the original target of £30,000.
The process of holding the Corporation to account moved a vital step closer yesterday with the submission to the High Court of our application for the review, made possible through this crowdfunding appeal.
The core of the challenge is that the BBC is not taking seriously its Charter public service obligations. This is evidenced by its reliance on opinion polls to verify the integrity of its journalism rather than robust, transparent internal monitoring and an independent complaints procedure.
The papers will be served on the BBC next week, and a formal hearing of the application will take place as soon as court schedules allow, hopefully during the autumn.
WE have all waited a long time for this action to happen! And it now comes a time when the BBC is clearly in the wrong and the evidence of Brexit bias is overwhelming. It’s gone beyond OfCom and now its heading to the High Courts. Lets’ give them our support! Read here:
The High Court, after much delay, refused to hear the ED case describing it as “totally without merit” so their QC has written a Skeleton Argument to persuade the Lord Justice of Appeal to give permission for the case to be heard.
(However, given the parlous state of ‘British Justice’ and the continuation of Cox as AG, it is likely that the courts/judges are being ‘instructed’ from elsewhere.)
Shooting in America – man detained – normally the BBC is eager to give the race ( white ) and link it to what it calls ‘ Far Right Wing ‘ – but not this time ….
We ll see if it turns out to be a follower of Islam a and then the story goes away and it’s back tobaueer cops and too much rain in the oh so hot summer
El Paso Shooting Update:
• Police say a suspect, a white male in his 20s, is in custody
• The suspect was taken into custody without incident
• El Paso police say there is no ongoing threat to the community
* Named as Patrick Crusius
* At least 19 people are dead and 40 injured
* Outside then inside a Wallamrt popular with Mexican tourists
Next week The Radio Humberside Breakfast show is on tour with its BIg Beach Clean
..yet again blurring the line between being a publicly funded broadcaster and a Green Activist organisation
Coming to a beach near you! ????️
All next week @Piekos will be picking litter to help keep our coastline clean. ???? ♻️ ????
We'd love your help in our quest to turn the tide on litter! ???????? Come and say hello…
— BBC Radio Humberside (@RadioHumberside) August 1, 2019
Why do the BBC keep talking about a “white man” who’s carried out the latest shooting in America? (His name is apparently Patrick Crucius). Why is his ethnicity so important?
They also included the statement that 3 Mexicans had died – this in a town where Hispanics are probably a majority. More significant is that 17 “others” had been targeted but whites are not that important in the BBC’s view
And as ANOTHER black knifer is named are the BBC going to mentiont his colour?
Drill rapper, 18, who bragged ‘I got one’ as he stabbed schoolboy, 15, to death outside chicken shop then left grieving mother too scared to tend his grave for fear of reprisals is jailed for 19 years
Nyron Jean-Baptiste stabbed innocent Jai Hughes, 15, outside chicken shop in Bellingham, south-east London
M20 gang member Jean-Baptiste picked Jai at random for being in rival territory
Thankful that I’m not in the position of the Whaley Bridge residents who have had to be evacuated from their homes, but were given 15 minutes to return and take what was necessary, I began to wonder what I would grab if I were given 15 minutes to retrieve precious belongings – aside from pets. Not an easy thing to do, but I think top of the list would be my Insurer’s documentation, passport and credit cards – oh and my 40 year old bottle of Port !
BBC R4 6am news this morning implicated President Trump in the El Paso shootings. As well as that, in another story in the same bulletin, the ethnicity of a burglar was reported. He was white.
Two tweets from Trump, one with Trump sending condolences to the victims of the shooting, another 14 minutes later, completely unrelated, praising an American citizen for his achievement. This is interpreted as Trump being callous.
Julia Hartley-Brewer, adds
Replying to
He is a psychopath. He has no genuine feelings about anybody other than himself.
Brian Klaas
Blame Trump.
“”The little girl who fled from war-torn Latvia spent more than 50 years in exile – but soon after returning she became president.””
“”At the age of 11, Vaira had to move again, to Casablanca in French Morocco.””
“”One of her father’s Arab co-workers said she was ready to be married off, though she was just a child. Dad would come home and he’s saying, ‘He’s giving me 15,000 francs dowry. And he offered me first two donkeys and cattle and then later he kept upping the price and I said, but she’s just a child and she has to go to school.’ He said, ‘That’s all right, we’re willing to let her finish school’.”
In Canada:
“”Our dear professor at one point in a seminar said, ‘Yes, well, we actually have three married women here in this PhD programme, it’s such a waste, because they’re going to get married and they’re going to have children, and they’re actually taking up a place that a boy could have taken who will become a real scientist.’
“And all of us girls in that seminar, we remembered that for the rest of our lives.”
“She says they resolved to show that sexist professor “that we women can succeed even better than his favourite boys”.
The initial tweeter, qualified his tweet
“I’m not saying it was HIS picture.
I’m saying it’s REPORTED that he reposted it on his (FB) page./”
.. Nope the context is much weaker than that
No Facebook account in his name had that post
BUT a dormant since 2017 Twitter account which had the same name Patrick Crusius
had LIKED a Trump’s name in guns tweet that SOMEONE ELSE had tweeted on 13 Feb 2017
Spitting image making a comeback . As expected the 2 presenters and the guest have a giggle about how they would parody certain political figures . The 2 they chose to have a chuckle at ????
Diane Abbott ?? She would be a cracker for spitting image !! Maybe Jeremy corbyn ???
Nope, you guessed it, it’s the BBC , so it was Trump and Boris !!!! How predictable.
OT 2, but the look of utter confusion on xe’s face as this unfurls is like a Beeboid trying to cope with the black pillar box yelling at the rainbow marchers.
A look into what happened during one part of the national convention of the Democratic Socialists of America in Atlanta this weekend.
interesting last week was in a little town not too far from Lonsdistan, watching a Christian preacher in the street and a buch of muzzie wimmin noticed him and stood there arms folded right in front of him, intent on intimidating him, until they noticed I was taking a picture then they were off like a shot,
1) typical cowards only attempt it 5 to one
2) how dare they this is a Christian country
3) what is the chance the Police would have arrested them for racism / Christianophobia ?
Classic example of bias by selectivity on the Feminist BBC.
On the news at 0845 an article about a claimed increase in interest in Chemistry from school girls interested in what is in their personal care and cosmetics products.
OK, I can live with those with enquiring minds ( in short supply in the BBC ‘newsroom’)
But the presenter cannot help herself. We just have to be fed the line that 50% of Chemistry A levels are taken by girls but only 9% of Chemistry professors are female.
Errr, I think you’ll find Chemistry is essential for a variety of careers such as Medicine. And I think you’ll find there are far more females studying medicine than males.
So the story could be why are there so few males in training for the medical profession?
But on the feminist BBC, that statement was of course not selected for transmission.
PS Professor Monica Grady CBE (female), one of the BBC’s favourite go-to people on space exploration, originally took a Chemistry degree.
A-level politics student Hannah Kidner started an e-petition asking @HouseofCommons to debate moving the start of the school day to 10am to accommodate teenagers' late-running biological rhythm. This article from @bbcnews tells you how e-petitions work
BBC 9am. WHITE man arrested for shooting. Would they say BLACK ?? No. They wouldn’t.
Hate crime against Hispanic community. Was he the author of a white supremacist manifesto ??
BBC reporter clearly thinks it’s all down to President Trump, doing everything she can to link it all back to Trump. His racist tweeting, his immigration policy, his border policy.
We all know this will be all the fault of Trump in BBC land and it’s going to be rammed down our throats for days on end.
Mass shooting, immigration, guns, white man, Hispanic targeted, link it to Trump,this is BBC HEAVEN.
Actually if it was a massacre instigated by this chap’s hatred of migrants ,it must surely raise questions , like several other massacres have done , about why he was driven to do it. The liberal left view that there is no reason to feel any animosity towards , or fear of, those who you may view as outsiders. This is a view which doesn’t fit well with history, were fear and hatred towards outsiders has been the normal reaction of the indigenous majority whenever it feels threatened.
The influx of large numbers of outsiders into a community will probably generate the same emotions today. In the USA people have easy access to guns and a few may feel driven to using them. Whilst no one condones these acts of mass murder it would surely be sensible to view them as warning signs that more people may be being driven towards violence. Rather than continuing to force more and more immigration a responsible leadership group would call a halt . But of course the liberals will just increase the repression of the indigenous majority whilst continuing the policy of mass migration. A recipe which will increase the tension and resentment. They are sitting on a powder keg whilst playing with matches.
A lot of us on this site occasionally criticise the BBC for being a tad reluctant to speak clearly when covering terrorist atrocities.
I particularly remember the fellow who aimed his vehicle at pedestrians, police and cyclists in Parliament Square. For over a week the Beeb reported this as an act of reckless driving when it was clear to everybody what had really happened. Even the appalling Sky twigged it before the BBC.
Thankfully there’s none this obfuscation over the El Paso horror. Our state broadcaster have already identified the murderer as “white” and told us most of the victims are “Hispanic”. They’ve put forward the theory that this is a “hate crime” and that the victims were targeted because of their race.
They’ve suggested the killer may be linked to “far right” groups and even hinted that Donald Trump may be culpable.
@Jeff last night I said “August 3, 2019 at 10:41 pm
“Of course Twitter is making all kinds of claims”
cos those claims were “White nationalist, with a manifesto” but they never gave any evidence of that.
The 10am BBC news now says police are checking this claim
They earlier said that 3 Mexicans died, which makes it sound like most of the victims were Americans.
But how would a gunman know the difference between a Mexican and an American hispanic ?
From our end we don’t have yo speculate cos it’s just a question of waiting for truth to come out.
What we can do is point out the way the media plays up his ethnicity.
The US uthorities might want to control info to prevent revenge attacks etc.
Jonathan Michael Graham “Jon” Ashworth is a British Labour and Co-operative Party politician, who is the current Shadow Secretary of State for Health and Social Care (Wikipedia)
BBC news. Boris announced extra funding determined to keep the promises of more spending on the NHS
£1.8 billion for new equipment and upgrades for 20 hospitals.
Political corespondent Jessica Parker says it is all part of a pattern on public spending. Then of course the big question.
“Where is all of this money coming from? The magic money tree.”
No such question asked by the BBC from Corbyn and McDonnell spouting off all of the extra spending Labour would find to fulfill their manifesto from the last election. They just accepted the magic money tree really existed then.
BBC rules for reporting terrorist incidents.
White perpetrator- Far Right racist extremist
BAME perpetrator – a man whose motives are unclear but definitely nothing to do with Islam
I think most of us on here would agree that May was an absolutely useless prime minister.
Having been stuck with her we should be thankful that she was so bad at her job and that every decision she made was the wrong one.
I’m thinking of the decision to hold a GE to increase her majority.
If she had not made that decision we would most likely now be sort of out of the eu on her abysmal WA as she would probably have got the WA passed.
So in a way we should be grateful that she was total rubbish and that every choice she had she went for the wrong one.
If ever a book is written on how to be a great PM they should include the one instruction, ‘what would May do? and then do the opposite’
Problem with that is that it is still possible that A50 could be withdrawn if the traitors get control of The Commons .
On a more positive note since the traitor speaker has passed his use by date he’ll resign on 1 November once Brexit has happened and we can move on to the long process of getting out country back ….
Iran seize another tanker
Their excuse “oh it was smuggling”
Remember that the original Iranian oil tanker was boarded in Gibraltar for SMUGGLING oil to syria
Our dumb media just accept this new Iranian clim as true
Plus 700,000 litres is pretty small ..that a small tanker that not very full
Iran's state TV reports Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps has seized a foreign oil tanker in the Persian Gulf that was smuggling fuel to some Arab states
“”The Sunday Telegraph reports that Boris Johnson’s most senior aide, Dominic Cummings, has told officials and ministers that it is “too late” to stop a no-deal Brexit.””
“”Mr Cummings is said to have insisted that even if Labour calls a no-confidence vote when Parliament returns, the prime minister can delay a general election until after the Brexit deadline of 31 October.””
I’m sure if this is true the BBC will bury the story . If it untrue because the traitors connive to frustrate the democratic vote we ll hear plenty of BBC drones going on about BoJo and his advisors.
It would be good if there is a detailed explanation of the Cummings claim . I’d sleep easier if I knew that we’d be gone on 31 October and would pay good money to see emotional remainers blubbing
And bittering …..
Getting it is one thing but keeping it and building on it is quite another given the calibre of MPs we have or are likely to achieve via our dire electoral system.
I’m spending an exciting Sunday morning attending to my ironing and watching a little on the BBC; Sunday Morning Live.
They’ve just shown us a nice little piece about Muslim scouts. I’ve always thought that scouting was a really wholesome and inclusive activity. When I was a young brussel sprout we had all sorts, whites blacks and Asians. The whole purpose was to bring kids together in a healthy outdoors environment and to teach them life skills, not to segregate them.
The interviewer even asked why it was necessary to have a scout group specifically for Muslims and was given some half arsed answer and then we were shown a token white kid.
But can you just imagine the faux outrage if they were interviewing a scout group set up for white kids? The BBC would automatically assume that they were far right, that the enterprise was unhealthy, racist and non inclusive.
The tone would be sarcastic and sneery not all lovey dovey…
What’s the difference?
Heard the other day – I’m sure it was on the cancerous BBC somewhere – that the “highly offended brigade” are campaigning in the US to have the name “Redskins” deleted from all US sporting teams with said name in their Title.
The “highly offended brigade” feels that it just isn’t right to use such an offensive name as redskins.
Wonder how the real American Red-skins feel about that?
School children to starve as Brexit could disrupt food supplies – no school dinners – all off to the chicken shop
Pretty desperate stuff from the Soros squad . Surely there must be something better ?
How about – “ airports to be swamped by EU citizens going home because of brexit” Or
“Housing market crash as 3 million EU citizens head home . “
This lady is doing well, up to BBC speed with her tweet that Trump is a psychopath because he tweeted sympathy for the victims of the mass shooting and 14 minutes later praised an American citizen for his achievements. Unrelated but somehow seen by this woman as evidence of psychopathy. I think her tweet together with condemnatory replies, was withdrawn..
Ah, the London media. Gotto bash Trump
Josephine Brand – the so called comedienne – has been let off the BBC naughty step and given a job on “I’m sorry I haven’t a clue “ .
No doubt the BBC will have assumed that The Great British Public will have forgotten about Ms Brands amusing idea of throwing acid over a british politician .
It’s ok though because the politician is white, male, of the right and detested by the BBC -namely Nigel Farage . Might have been a different story if she’d suggested throwing acid over the memory of a dead labour politician – ms jo cox – in that case Ms Brand might have just got a job on daytime Channel 5 doing a series about dead pets …..
Like a lot of BBC radio comedy I think “I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue” has gone off the boil. It was never the same after Humphrey Lyttelton died and Jack Dee took over. I used to like the 6.30 comedy slot but I don’t listen anymore.
I agree – Humph is much missed – and it’s another dead horse which the BBC flogged to death long ago . I don’t listen much any more .
I notice they try ‘ new blood ‘ every so often but the imported snowflakes just do not have the wit of the likes of Graeme Garden and St Barry the Cryer ….
I also miss ‘My Music’ which used to be on at 6.30 on Radio 4 along with The News Quiz, Sorry I haven’t a Clue, The Clitheroe Kid and many many more (never really liked My Word’). In fact 6.30 used to be one of my ‘go to’ times for Radio 4. I must have stopped listening at 6.30 about 20 years ago. Sorry I haven’t a Clue still has the vestiges of humour but of course Jack Dee had to start the programme with either a joke about Boris or Trump (I forget which) but the ‘phrases that could be heard in either the bedroom or at a funeral’ still have some clever double entrendres but are now far more obvious that they were 20 years ago – and Jo B’s were just not funny.
Well well well ! someone called Louie Spence has called out the BBC for box ticking in choosing a black woman as the new 4th judge on Strictly. He really gives it welly in an interview, and even said that if his mate Anton de Beke was gay he would have been a shoo in for the job. Naturally the Beeb get all indignant about it, but it makes a change that someone has said what everyone in the country feels.
Don’t want to get too technical but this photo is fake news.
Why is she wearing a rope and an ice axe? The slope is not steep at all ? What is she going to fall down?
Aha, I hear you say, it’s in case she falls into a crevasse.
In which case, why is she not wearing any slings and prussik loops? Either to get out of a crevasse or to rescue someone else on the rope who falls in to one.
I’m bloody glad it’s not me on the other end of the rope.
I’ll grant you that warmth and summer sunshine is not good for consolidated snow.
Which is why high alpine climbers set out at 3-4 am and get back down before noon.
As we always have.
This accords with the Fedup2 biased news agenda – there is always something somewhere melting ….. personally if I were to worry about the climate ( I care less ) it’s the burning forests in Siberia which would be on top of my list —- all that smoke …
Labour and Greens answer – “We need to build more houses “.
More carbon footprint ?
Common sense answer – “We need to build more patrol boats and to stop ferrying them in”.
taffman — only just noticed that the BBC actually has a section called ‘Europe migrant crisis’. Not to be confused with global climate crisis.
The reponse to the latter is to whip up public anxiety, have wall-to-wall coverage of impending doom, and present those calling for urgent action as morally upstanding.
The reponse to the former is to suppress public anxiety, have a blackout on impending doom, and present those calling for urgent action as morally repugnant.
Maybe there are two crisis rooms at W1A (bet I know which one has the good biscuits)
Glad you mentioned that. It’s all gone quiet from the Channel taxi service. A run of good weather must make the Channel less risky so I would expect to hear of numerous ferried immigrants ‘picked up crossing the Channel in an open rubber boat’. But no. No mention. Perhaps there is a Yaxley-Lennon style of press control been secretly imposed………
I read somewhere recently (can’t remember where) a border force officer told his friend that the ‘arrivals’ were grossly under-reported. Hearsay, but rings true.
Done this last week
The pensioner first appeared in a Guardian article
then later same day appeared in a BBC video
The journos probably live in the same house.
Do you notice how the BBC never criticises the EU for wasting resources moving from one place to another every week for no reason I can see… and that’s only a visible abuse of resources ….
So Saint Brendan do you have a careful measured response to the shootings
..or are you just seeking too make quick political capital by misquoting what Trump said specifically about GANGS ?
Officers are in the vicinity of the Tate Modern following an incident this afternoon. A child fell from height and is being taken to hospital by London’s Air Ambulance. We await an update on his condition.
A teenager has been arrested in connection with the incident.
Not clear if the kid “fell” or “fell” after being pushed
\\ Woman heard screaming ‘he’s my son!’
after boy fell from viewing platform at Tate Modern //
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Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
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Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
I had a bit of trouble finding the Paul Joseph Watson video mocking the Gillette ad back in January over its attack both on white men and ‘toxic’ masculinity. I was reminded of the video after watching the eminent Watson in discussion with the equally eminent Candace Owens.
In the Gillette video, PJW said the exposure Gillette achieved with the lousy ad would ensure a major increase in sales. But in the discussion with CO, he said Gillette had suffered a major downturn in sales after the ad.
Be that as it may, and though this comment is not really relevant to the BBC (except that PJW and CO talk about censorship, a favourite activity of the BBC) I thought I’d reveal to esteemed colleagues here that I made a tiny contribution to Gillette’s slump by dumping their shaving foam and opting for Nivea. It’s a touch more expensive but it makes about three times as much foam as Gillette, so I’m glad I switched for that reason as well.
There was also a positive result from the search for PJW’s video: I found YouTube Uploads from Paul Joseph Watson. I didn’t know he was so prolific. I keep on clicking on ‘Load more’ at the bottom of the page and so far I’m up to no. 500. Haven’t got all night so I’ve put it on ‘Favourites’ for future scanning.
The man has to be one of the most brilliant, scathing and incisive commentators of these times.
Just pull up the Twitter Search page put in “From:PrisonPlaneet”
and then click the video button, to list only videos
quicklink to that search
It’s lists the videos by backwards date
Thanks for the link to PJW videos.
Re the clips from G.W.F near the bottom of the previous page, I agree one has to reserve judgement till the whole picture becomes clear, well, at least as clear as possible.
There also appeared to be a confrontation between the cops and the opposition to Tommy, which appeared to include Antifa. (I saw a banner with something like, London is not a fascist city.)
Reminds me of Oldham, I think it was. It has now become part of the narrative that the cops escorted an armed Muslim gang to the pro-Tommy demo knowing they would attack tommy’s supporters. But is that really the case? It seems that the Muslims only became armed when they picked up rocks at the scene and threw them. Also the cops at one stage were preventing the Muslims from getting closer to the demo.
Having said that, it’s virtually certain that the cops would never physically attack Antifa or Hope for Hate. They have been emasculated by Muslims and lefties in senior positions in the police ‘service.’
Probably all of us here are well-versed in media bias because we’ve had so much of it inflicted on us by the likes of the BBC. And we need to therefore call bias out when it comes from our side as well.
I am, of course, strongly supportive of Tommy Robinson and his cause and strongly against anyone who opposes him. But we need truth in journalism above all.
A programme on channel 5 about CrossRail.
The population of London has gone up by a million in the last 10 years or so and so big projects costing billions are needed.
On closer inspection it turns out there has been a nett level of DOMESTIC EMIGRATION from London of about 70,000 for each of the last 15 years.
Meanwhile there has been a nett level of INTERNATIONAL IMMIGRATION into London of around 200,000 for each of the last 15 years.
So crossrail, cost £17 bn and rising, is creating capacity to cope with mass immigration.
Something which mysteriously appears not be mentioned.
And I bet all those economic benefits of mass immigration calculations from LeftMob didn’t mention it either.
A con trick on a massive scale.
Crossrail will never make back the investment thru ticket sales
I suspect its true purpose is to increase lan vlaue
perhaps turning £5 plots into £50m plots and generating the boroughs extra rates
but it’s a dangerous game , one day the music will stop
Due to online sales London already has too many shops
Found this post on Guido Fawkes:
“”I note the French fishermen of Boulogne are squawking that 75% of them will be forced out of business, shame I heard no solidarity from them when the British fleets were wiped out.””
“Govt MUST have ZeroTolerance to EU vessels pillaging our waters illegally post-Brexit which breaks international & domestic law”
For this we need an aggressive shipbuilding strategy as a priority. Unfortunately the new Defence Secretary is a Remainer.
It’s not directly BBC bias – but twitter has a query from Kate Hoey MP ( one of the few worth the job ) to Jasmin Alibi quite brown asking why the latter hasn’t left the country yet – since she promised to go ‘ home’ to the country of her birth -if BoJo got the top job .
Over a thousand ‘ likes ‘ and growing . Alibi Brown is obviously one of those entitled snowflakes the BBC employ to parrot their approved view .
I’m surprised she wasn’t on BBC’s Dateline London today. She usually is.
iplayer link for today’s offering:
I haven’t heard her for a long time but have read some of her repulsive comments – terrible way to make a living . Toynbee is the same – just a bit lighter complexion
The papers will be served on the BBC next week!! Forwarded by supporter: ‘ …Thanks to the wonderful generosity of hundreds of folk out there – many of them TCW readers – this crowdfunding appeal has so far raised more than £57,000 to help fund a judicial review. That’s almost double the original target of £30,000.
The process of holding the Corporation to account moved a vital step closer yesterday with the submission to the High Court of our application for the review, made possible through this crowdfunding appeal.
The core of the challenge is that the BBC is not taking seriously its Charter public service obligations. This is evidenced by its reliance on opinion polls to verify the integrity of its journalism rather than robust, transparent internal monitoring and an independent complaints procedure.
The papers will be served on the BBC next week, and a formal hearing of the application will take place as soon as court schedules allow, hopefully during the autumn.
WE have all waited a long time for this action to happen! And it now comes a time when the BBC is clearly in the wrong and the evidence of Brexit bias is overwhelming. It’s gone beyond OfCom and now its heading to the High Courts. Lets’ give them our support! Read here:
Good look with that, but the BBC can spend millions on lawyers back
Did that English Democrats case do any good ?
The High Court, after much delay, refused to hear the ED case describing it as “totally without merit” so their QC has written a Skeleton Argument to persuade the Lord Justice of Appeal to give permission for the case to be heard.
(However, given the parlous state of ‘British Justice’ and the continuation of Cox as AG, it is likely that the courts/judges are being ‘instructed’ from elsewhere.)
BBC FAKE NEWS support for Extinction Rebellion dinosaurs
‘Soros on List of Mega-Rich Extinction Rebellion Backers’
‘Since the start of the year, Extinction Rebellion says it has raised more than £500,000. Most of its funds come from crowdfunding.’
About time the kids woke.
Shooting in America – man detained – normally the BBC is eager to give the race ( white ) and link it to what it calls ‘ Far Right Wing ‘ – but not this time ….
We ll see if it turns out to be a follower of Islam a and then the story goes away and it’s back tobaueer cops and too much rain in the oh so hot summer
El Paso Shooting Update:
• Police say a suspect, a white male in his 20s, is in custody
• The suspect was taken into custody without incident
• El Paso police say there is no ongoing threat to the community
* Named as Patrick Crusius
* At least 19 people are dead and 40 injured
* Outside then inside a Wallamrt popular with Mexican tourists
Of course Twitter is making all kinds of claims
You know what America is like
I’d need to see proper evidence before believing any of them–abc-news-topstories.html
Next week The Radio Humberside Breakfast show is on tour with its BIg Beach Clean
..yet again blurring the line between being a publicly funded broadcaster and a Green Activist organisation
Bolt a strong anti-Greta piece
The Years That Changed Britain For Ever, presented by Richard Littlejohn and produced by Jodie Keane, begins on Radio 2 at 9pm tomorrow live and on demand on the BBC Sounds app.
Why do the BBC keep talking about a “white man” who’s carried out the latest shooting in America? (His name is apparently Patrick Crucius). Why is his ethnicity so important?
They also included the statement that 3 Mexicans had died – this in a town where Hispanics are probably a majority. More significant is that 17 “others” had been targeted but whites are not that important in the BBC’s view
And as ANOTHER black knifer is named are the BBC going to mentiont his colour?
Drill rapper, 18, who bragged ‘I got one’ as he stabbed schoolboy, 15, to death outside chicken shop then left grieving mother too scared to tend his grave for fear of reprisals is jailed for 19 years
Nyron Jean-Baptiste stabbed innocent Jai Hughes, 15, outside chicken shop in Bellingham, south-east London
M20 gang member Jean-Baptiste picked Jai at random for being in rival territory
Thankful that I’m not in the position of the Whaley Bridge residents who have had to be evacuated from their homes, but were given 15 minutes to return and take what was necessary, I began to wonder what I would grab if I were given 15 minutes to retrieve precious belongings – aside from pets. Not an easy thing to do, but I think top of the list would be my Insurer’s documentation, passport and credit cards – oh and my 40 year old bottle of Port !
I’d make like the captain of the Titanic and refuse to leave. I’d be a stubborn remainer and a nuisance to anyone trying to manage the situation.
El Paso shooting: how long before the beeb start blaming it on Trump? Or giving coverage to those who do.
El Paso shooting: how long before the beeb start blaming it on Trump? Or giving coverage to those who do.
What gets me is they called it a “hate crime” on the news this morning. Surely it’d just a plain old crime – ie murder.
BBC R4 6am news this morning implicated President Trump in the El Paso shootings. As well as that, in another story in the same bulletin, the ethnicity of a burglar was reported. He was white.
Two tweets from Trump, one with Trump sending condolences to the victims of the shooting, another 14 minutes later, completely unrelated, praising an American citizen for his achievement. This is interpreted as Trump being callous.
Julia Hartley-Brewer, adds
Replying to
He is a psychopath. He has no genuine feelings about anybody other than himself.
Brian Klaas
Blame Trump.
BBC Online News:
“”The Woman Who Rose From Refugee To President””
“”The little girl who fled from war-torn Latvia spent more than 50 years in exile – but soon after returning she became president.””
“”At the age of 11, Vaira had to move again, to Casablanca in French Morocco.””
“”One of her father’s Arab co-workers said she was ready to be married off, though she was just a child. Dad would come home and he’s saying, ‘He’s giving me 15,000 francs dowry. And he offered me first two donkeys and cattle and then later he kept upping the price and I said, but she’s just a child and she has to go to school.’ He said, ‘That’s all right, we’re willing to let her finish school’.”
In Canada:
“”Our dear professor at one point in a seminar said, ‘Yes, well, we actually have three married women here in this PhD programme, it’s such a waste, because they’re going to get married and they’re going to have children, and they’re actually taking up a place that a boy could have taken who will become a real scientist.’
“And all of us girls in that seminar, we remembered that for the rest of our lives.”
“She says they resolved to show that sexist professor “that we women can succeed even better than his favourite boys”.
She was lucky not to be sold off at the age of 11 to an Arab.
She was fortunate to receive a Degree in Canada.
What’s the big deal?
George Soros? Financing Extinction Rebellion?
Take a look at, “Aims”.
I would not put anything past that evil barsteward.
John Sweeney retweeted this.
Can’t imagine why.
Interesting thread as it unfolds.
Indeed. That photo apparently, has been around since 2017.
The initial tweeter, qualified his tweet
“I’m not saying it was HIS picture.
I’m saying it’s REPORTED that he reposted it on his (FB) page./”
.. Nope the context is much weaker than that
No Facebook account in his name had that post
BUT a dormant since 2017 Twitter account which had the same name Patrick Crusius
had LIKED a Trump’s name in guns tweet that SOMEONE ELSE had tweeted on 13 Feb 2017
John Sweeney also retweeted this.
The BBC appear to have a certain bit between their teeth.
OT, but a zombie get together sounds awesome.
BBC paper review this morning.
Spitting image making a comeback . As expected the 2 presenters and the guest have a giggle about how they would parody certain political figures . The 2 they chose to have a chuckle at ????
Diane Abbott ?? She would be a cracker for spitting image !! Maybe Jeremy corbyn ???
Nope, you guessed it, it’s the BBC , so it was Trump and Boris !!!! How predictable.
OT 2, but the look of utter confusion on xe’s face as this unfurls is like a Beeboid trying to cope with the black pillar box yelling at the rainbow marchers.
interesting last week was in a little town not too far from Lonsdistan, watching a Christian preacher in the street and a buch of muzzie wimmin noticed him and stood there arms folded right in front of him, intent on intimidating him, until they noticed I was taking a picture then they were off like a shot,
1) typical cowards only attempt it 5 to one
2) how dare they this is a Christian country
3) what is the chance the Police would have arrested them for racism / Christianophobia ?
Classic example of bias by selectivity on the Feminist BBC.
On the news at 0845 an article about a claimed increase in interest in Chemistry from school girls interested in what is in their personal care and cosmetics products.
OK, I can live with those with enquiring minds ( in short supply in the BBC ‘newsroom’)
But the presenter cannot help herself. We just have to be fed the line that 50% of Chemistry A levels are taken by girls but only 9% of Chemistry professors are female.
Errr, I think you’ll find Chemistry is essential for a variety of careers such as Medicine. And I think you’ll find there are far more females studying medicine than males.
So the story could be why are there so few males in training for the medical profession?
But on the feminist BBC, that statement was of course not selected for transmission.
PS Professor Monica Grady CBE (female), one of the BBC’s favourite go-to people on space exploration, originally took a Chemistry degree.
Now you know.
BBC 9am. WHITE man arrested for shooting. Would they say BLACK ?? No. They wouldn’t.
Hate crime against Hispanic community. Was he the author of a white supremacist manifesto ??
BBC reporter clearly thinks it’s all down to President Trump, doing everything she can to link it all back to Trump. His racist tweeting, his immigration policy, his border policy.
We all know this will be all the fault of Trump in BBC land and it’s going to be rammed down our throats for days on end.
Mass shooting, immigration, guns, white man, Hispanic targeted, link it to Trump,this is BBC HEAVEN.
Actually if it was a massacre instigated by this chap’s hatred of migrants ,it must surely raise questions , like several other massacres have done , about why he was driven to do it. The liberal left view that there is no reason to feel any animosity towards , or fear of, those who you may view as outsiders. This is a view which doesn’t fit well with history, were fear and hatred towards outsiders has been the normal reaction of the indigenous majority whenever it feels threatened.
The influx of large numbers of outsiders into a community will probably generate the same emotions today. In the USA people have easy access to guns and a few may feel driven to using them. Whilst no one condones these acts of mass murder it would surely be sensible to view them as warning signs that more people may be being driven towards violence. Rather than continuing to force more and more immigration a responsible leadership group would call a halt . But of course the liberals will just increase the repression of the indigenous majority whilst continuing the policy of mass migration. A recipe which will increase the tension and resentment. They are sitting on a powder keg whilst playing with matches.
A lot of us on this site occasionally criticise the BBC for being a tad reluctant to speak clearly when covering terrorist atrocities.
I particularly remember the fellow who aimed his vehicle at pedestrians, police and cyclists in Parliament Square. For over a week the Beeb reported this as an act of reckless driving when it was clear to everybody what had really happened. Even the appalling Sky twigged it before the BBC.
Thankfully there’s none this obfuscation over the El Paso horror. Our state broadcaster have already identified the murderer as “white” and told us most of the victims are “Hispanic”. They’ve put forward the theory that this is a “hate crime” and that the victims were targeted because of their race.
They’ve suggested the killer may be linked to “far right” groups and even hinted that Donald Trump may be culpable.
You see, when they want to…
@Jeff last night I said “August 3, 2019 at 10:41 pm
“Of course Twitter is making all kinds of claims”
cos those claims were “White nationalist, with a manifesto” but they never gave any evidence of that.
The 10am BBC news now says police are checking this claim
They earlier said that 3 Mexicans died, which makes it sound like most of the victims were Americans.
But how would a gunman know the difference between a Mexican and an American hispanic ?
From our end we don’t have yo speculate cos it’s just a question of waiting for truth to come out.
What we can do is point out the way the media plays up his ethnicity.
The US uthorities might want to control info to prevent revenge attacks etc.
Luckily, corporate coverage has been wall to wall still.
Jonathan Michael Graham “Jon” Ashworth is a British Labour and Co-operative Party politician, who is the current Shadow Secretary of State for Health and Social Care (Wikipedia)
BBC hired David Lammy as their Licence of Color Editor yet?
BBC news. Boris announced extra funding determined to keep the promises of more spending on the NHS
£1.8 billion for new equipment and upgrades for 20 hospitals.
Political corespondent Jessica Parker says it is all part of a pattern on public spending. Then of course the big question.
“Where is all of this money coming from? The magic money tree.”
No such question asked by the BBC from Corbyn and McDonnell spouting off all of the extra spending Labour would find to fulfill their manifesto from the last election. They just accepted the magic money tree really existed then.
Get them young.
BBC rules for reporting terrorist incidents.
White perpetrator- Far Right racist extremist
BAME perpetrator – a man whose motives are unclear but definitely nothing to do with Islam
I think most of us on here would agree that May was an absolutely useless prime minister.
Having been stuck with her we should be thankful that she was so bad at her job and that every decision she made was the wrong one.
I’m thinking of the decision to hold a GE to increase her majority.
If she had not made that decision we would most likely now be sort of out of the eu on her abysmal WA as she would probably have got the WA passed.
So in a way we should be grateful that she was total rubbish and that every choice she had she went for the wrong one.
If ever a book is written on how to be a great PM they should include the one instruction, ‘what would May do? and then do the opposite’
Problem with that is that it is still possible that A50 could be withdrawn if the traitors get control of The Commons .
On a more positive note since the traitor speaker has passed his use by date he’ll resign on 1 November once Brexit has happened and we can move on to the long process of getting out country back ….
Another shooter in a different state
\\ Dayton shooting: At least 9 dead,
16 injured;
suspected gunman killed, police say //
Iran seize another tanker
Their excuse “oh it was smuggling”
Remember that the original Iranian oil tanker was boarded in Gibraltar for SMUGGLING oil to syria
Our dumb media just accept this new Iranian clim as true
Plus 700,000 litres is pretty small ..that a small tanker that not very full
SML this morning show Muslim children enjoying Scout camp. That’s an agenda if ever there was one.
The Muslim equivalent of the Hitler youth .
Hampshire this week. 35,000 Ropers celebrate peace
Do you spot any women in that pic ?
AFAIK it was men only, with a smaller Muslim women’s event tagged on the side.
“Too Late To Stop A No Deal Brexit”
“”The Sunday Telegraph reports that Boris Johnson’s most senior aide, Dominic Cummings, has told officials and ministers that it is “too late” to stop a no-deal Brexit.””
“”Mr Cummings is said to have insisted that even if Labour calls a no-confidence vote when Parliament returns, the prime minister can delay a general election until after the Brexit deadline of 31 October.””
I’m sure if this is true the BBC will bury the story . If it untrue because the traitors connive to frustrate the democratic vote we ll hear plenty of BBC drones going on about BoJo and his advisors.
It would be good if there is a detailed explanation of the Cummings claim . I’d sleep easier if I knew that we’d be gone on 31 October and would pay good money to see emotional remainers blubbing
And bittering …..
Getting it is one thing but keeping it and building on it is quite another given the calibre of MPs we have or are likely to achieve via our dire electoral system.
I’m spending an exciting Sunday morning attending to my ironing and watching a little on the BBC; Sunday Morning Live.
They’ve just shown us a nice little piece about Muslim scouts. I’ve always thought that scouting was a really wholesome and inclusive activity. When I was a young brussel sprout we had all sorts, whites blacks and Asians. The whole purpose was to bring kids together in a healthy outdoors environment and to teach them life skills, not to segregate them.
The interviewer even asked why it was necessary to have a scout group specifically for Muslims and was given some half arsed answer and then we were shown a token white kid.
But can you just imagine the faux outrage if they were interviewing a scout group set up for white kids? The BBC would automatically assume that they were far right, that the enterprise was unhealthy, racist and non inclusive.
The tone would be sarcastic and sneery not all lovey dovey…
What’s the difference?
Heard the other day – I’m sure it was on the cancerous BBC somewhere – that the “highly offended brigade” are campaigning in the US to have the name “Redskins” deleted from all US sporting teams with said name in their Title.
The “highly offended brigade” feels that it just isn’t right to use such an offensive name as redskins.
Wonder how the real American Red-skins feel about that?
Its as good as done.
Quality Project Fear
School children to starve as Brexit could disrupt food supplies – no school dinners – all off to the chicken shop
Pretty desperate stuff from the Soros squad . Surely there must be something better ?
How about – “ airports to be swamped by EU citizens going home because of brexit” Or
“Housing market crash as 3 million EU citizens head home . “
Both would be lies like the rest
@JHB ‘Look at you Climate warriors with your End of the World is Nigh placards’
This lady is doing well, up to BBC speed with her tweet that Trump is a psychopath because he tweeted sympathy for the victims of the mass shooting and 14 minutes later praised an American citizen for his achievements. Unrelated but somehow seen by this woman as evidence of psychopathy. I think her tweet together with condemnatory replies, was withdrawn..
Ah, the London media. Gotto bash Trump
Josephine Brand – the so called comedienne – has been let off the BBC naughty step and given a job on “I’m sorry I haven’t a clue “ .
No doubt the BBC will have assumed that The Great British Public will have forgotten about Ms Brands amusing idea of throwing acid over a british politician .
It’s ok though because the politician is white, male, of the right and detested by the BBC -namely Nigel Farage . Might have been a different story if she’d suggested throwing acid over the memory of a dead labour politician – ms jo cox – in that case Ms Brand might have just got a job on daytime Channel 5 doing a series about dead pets …..
Like a lot of BBC radio comedy I think “I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue” has gone off the boil. It was never the same after Humphrey Lyttelton died and Jack Dee took over. I used to like the 6.30 comedy slot but I don’t listen anymore.
I agree – Humph is much missed – and it’s another dead horse which the BBC flogged to death long ago . I don’t listen much any more .
I notice they try ‘ new blood ‘ every so often but the imported snowflakes just do not have the wit of the likes of Graeme Garden and St Barry the Cryer ….
I also miss ‘My Music’ which used to be on at 6.30 on Radio 4 along with The News Quiz, Sorry I haven’t a Clue, The Clitheroe Kid and many many more (never really liked My Word’). In fact 6.30 used to be one of my ‘go to’ times for Radio 4. I must have stopped listening at 6.30 about 20 years ago. Sorry I haven’t a Clue still has the vestiges of humour but of course Jack Dee had to start the programme with either a joke about Boris or Trump (I forget which) but the ‘phrases that could be heard in either the bedroom or at a funeral’ still have some clever double entrendres but are now far more obvious that they were 20 years ago – and Jo B’s were just not funny.
Erm, Sing Something Simple was the go to choice of listening for decades in our house while the God Slot took over the tele at tea time on Sundays.
Multi-million pound multi-national PR outfit
got 18 replies to their tweet
some are hidden behind the show more replies button
A few more now.
But mostly, #CCBGB
Well well well ! someone called Louie Spence has called out the BBC for box ticking in choosing a black woman as the new 4th judge on Strictly. He really gives it welly in an interview, and even said that if his mate Anton de Beke was gay he would have been a shoo in for the job. Naturally the Beeb get all indignant about it, but it makes a change that someone has said what everyone in the country feels.
Uptick for “shoo in”, right at last!
Kay lectures from Davos
The rest of her Twitter feed is just as fetid
Never, in the history of #CCBGB have so many owned one of so few brain cells.
She seems to be playing Hunt the Queen of Spades.
Check some time.
Seems to be some unwritten law about personality ‘journos ‘ getting bigger than the news …. I blame kronkite .
“Mountains are melting”
So why do the climbers go up in the first place if they knew this afore climbing?
Its like when ads show us a little boy drinking bacteria infested water – so why doesn’t the cameraman stop him ?
Or the little boy sleeping rough on newspaper at a railway station – why don’t the camera team take him to a place of safety ?
Sadly animal abuse ads cant be faked.
Don’t want to get too technical but this photo is fake news.
Why is she wearing a rope and an ice axe? The slope is not steep at all ? What is she going to fall down?
Aha, I hear you say, it’s in case she falls into a crevasse.
In which case, why is she not wearing any slings and prussik loops? Either to get out of a crevasse or to rescue someone else on the rope who falls in to one.
I’m bloody glad it’s not me on the other end of the rope.
I’ll grant you that warmth and summer sunshine is not good for consolidated snow.
Which is why high alpine climbers set out at 3-4 am and get back down before noon.
As we always have.
This accords with the Fedup2 biased news agenda – there is always something somewhere melting ….. personally if I were to worry about the climate ( I care less ) it’s the burning forests in Siberia which would be on top of my list —- all that smoke …
Labour and Greens answer – “We need to build more houses “.
More carbon footprint ?
Common sense answer – “We need to build more patrol boats and to stop ferrying them in”.
How many MPs could actually get by
by living in ONE house instead of two ?
taffman — only just noticed that the BBC actually has a section called ‘Europe migrant crisis’. Not to be confused with global climate crisis.
The reponse to the latter is to whip up public anxiety, have wall-to-wall coverage of impending doom, and present those calling for urgent action as morally upstanding.
The reponse to the former is to suppress public anxiety, have a blackout on impending doom, and present those calling for urgent action as morally repugnant.
Maybe there are two crisis rooms at W1A (bet I know which one has the good biscuits)
Glad you mentioned that. It’s all gone quiet from the Channel taxi service. A run of good weather must make the Channel less risky so I would expect to hear of numerous ferried immigrants ‘picked up crossing the Channel in an open rubber boat’. But no. No mention. Perhaps there is a Yaxley-Lennon style of press control been secretly imposed………
I read somewhere recently (can’t remember where) a border force officer told his friend that the ‘arrivals’ were grossly under-reported. Hearsay, but rings true.
BBC Online News Video:
“”Extinction Rebellion pensioner: ‘I get arrested for the planet’ “”
“”A retiree who spent a night in a police cell after a climate change protest blames her generation for the world’s climate emergency.””
“”Rosemary Blenkinsop, 68, is part of the Extinction Rebellion campaign group and takes part in protests across the country.””
“”The pensioner, from Wirksworth, Derbyshire, describes herself as an “arrestable” – which means, if it comes to it, she can be arrested.””
“”She was part of a protest group which stormed a county council meeting in July.””
Aw, bless…
One of the founders of XR had a video presentation outlining the Alinsky methods to be used.
Beyond claiming getting arrested ‘is fun, actually’, she cheerfully admits it is invaluable to secure coverage from credulous, if not complicit media.
Surprised half of W1A is not in the forecourt with their lady parts gaffa taped over to show solidarity with the pointless princess.
Or the women.
Done this last week
The pensioner first appeared in a Guardian article
then later same day appeared in a BBC video
The journos probably live in the same house.
Ah well.
Do you notice how the BBC never criticises the EU for wasting resources moving from one place to another every week for no reason I can see… and that’s only a visible abuse of resources ….
So Saint Brendan do you have a careful measured response to the shootings
..or are you just seeking too make quick political capital by misquoting what Trump said specifically about GANGS ?
Tate Gallery : Met Police statement
Not clear if the kid “fell” or “fell” after being pushed
\\ Woman heard screaming ‘he’s my son!’
after boy fell from viewing platform at Tate Modern //
Fox News:
Brexit and Boris.
A refreshing change to the MSM.