Weekend Open Thread 3 August 2019

The quiet month of the year ? The bubble goes on holiday as the days to Brexit count down but the bias just rolls on .

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292 Responses to Weekend Open Thread 3 August 2019

  1. JamesArthur says:

    I went to BBC countryfile live yesterday ( not by choice) and it was interesting for a number of reasons (excluding the bloody high ticket price)
    1. There was hardly anything to do with the Countryside there – it was the BBC version of the countyside.
    2. It was almost entirely an excuse to provide food although some of the shows were quite interesting but not really countryside and listening to Whispering Bob was nice
    3. It was 99.5% (approximately) hideously white unlike the BBC portrayal of the countryside didn’t see single Niqab or Burkah
    4. What makes this hilarious is that the National Trust advert to join comprised a black couple – yes, just a black couple, not a white person in sight…I am guessing they didn’t get many people joining yesterday

    My question to the BBC is where do the profits from this crass make believe country show go?


  2. Doobster78 says:

    Another event glorified by the BBC , just like Glastonbury, where the eco friendly liberal left, who bang on tirelessly about the environment , leave the aftermath like this.

    I should imagine half of extinction rebellion attended , you know, the ones who the BBC adore !!!



    • Guest Who says:

      The BBC and standards. All of them.


      This chap can be variable, but does seem to have a better grasp of what constitutes news, regardless of narrative, than Kamal. Or most others there.


    • vesnadog says:


      “Gas” and “Pride”

      Bet I know which ones wore the Gaiters; if I tell you they wore beards and wore them round their fat thighs do you know who I mean?…


      BBC again.


  3. Doobster78 says:

    It may be Sunday, but race baiting Lammy still finding time to promote his divisive hatred agenda.



    He really is something else. A white, right wing politician would be facing charges now for inciting violence, but as we know, a lefty, black, cannot , ever, be bought to task !!!!


  4. BRISSLES says:

    Experiencing a boring Sunday I decided to watch a couple of films on an obscure movie channel with unknown actors. Clearly the hullaballoo a couple of years ago regarding the lack of parts for black actors has taken effect. Both films (made in the US) – made in 2017 and 2018, included a wedding, where the bride was white, and the groom was ….. black. Unheard of even 5 years ago.


  5. theisland says:


    37 illegals picked up in the Channel.
    Just described by the bBC as ‘migrants’, but the weekend staff forgot to give us their definition of ‘migrants’ this time.



  6. StewGreen says:

    Good job we have wind blowing all the time in England
    so we can close gas and nuclear power plants ….NOT


  7. Scroblene says:

    Will there be a day soon, when we don’t have to suffer the advice and wisdom of bloudy Megane Mearkel, and the ginger Harriet?

    I have absolutely no wish to see, hear, consider, contemplate, put up with their publicity stunts. They’re a pair of tv/red-top pricks – just hanging around waiting for the next refurb of their mansion, and I’m pizzed off with the whole bloudy lot of them.

    These two twits are beyond interest, and are becoming part of the diversion which the BBC love, to distract normal people from the reality of a better life outside the obscene EU.


    • Oaknash says:

      Got to be honest Scrobs – I was always a mild royalist, thinking they lent some sort of maturity and continuity with the past to our nation. But now I have changed my viewpoint and this pair of “woke” virtue signalers have been the last straw.

      The fact that we are a constitutional monarchy was OK when the monarchy still defined and represented traditional values, however as soon as the Monarchy abandons those values and adopts the more fashionable, fickle and divisive values of the progressive elite it ceases to be moral governor and instead reinforces the Cultural Marxist insanity which we are having inflicted upon us.

      There is no longer any point in having a Royal Family and as soon as we adopt a written constitution, with proper rights similair to the US the better.

      This pair of vacant, freeloading, exhibitionists are now a new low in the story of the Royal Family and I now think “what is the point” I no longer wish to pay for them.

      So congratulations you pair of vacant, freeloading , narcissists – You have finally convinced me that we need to be a republic.

      I still respect and feel very sorry for the queen, she must sometimes sit and weep when she sees how her children and grandchildren have reduced her once dignified family to a circus freak show.


      • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

        The British royal family has a long history of strange and wacko characters. Some very awful too. It has survived as an institution because it works. In a Heath-Robinson sort of way perhaps.
        The current attention given by the msm to the recently wedded Prince Dodo and Duchess Mememe is just one of those things we have to endure for a period.
        The Queen has been splendid throughout her reign, better than any president could be.
        There is hope for William though. The monarchy has learned to adjust to the times in order to survive. So in an age of overwhelming liberal stupidity they can’t afford to rock the boat. If a populist political wave spread throughout the country then the monarchy would again adjust to the times and we’d get the sort of royal family that many of us wish for. It’s up to us subjects to lead the way though and back radical populist politics and parties at elections. And remember the outraged words of King Arthur played by the late great Graham Chapman when addressing peasants. “You don’t vote for a King!”


  8. Doobster78 says:

    Knew Jon would have a negative tweet ready !!!

    All he had to do was WAIT, but his TDS was too hyper sensitive !!! Pathetic bias and clear as day Jon is mentally ill.

    There are more .

    What more do you want Jon ???????


    • Roland Deschain says:

      He wants the President to explicitly denounce white supremacists. He told us so on the BBC1 news tonight. He certainly wasn’t hiding his true feelings and I’m sure his face was slowly turning puce. It’s all Trump’s fault in the same way Brexit is to blame for everything.

      I have to admit I can’t get my head round the Americans’ love for guns, but it isn’t my country and frankly none of my business. But Mr Sopel, along with most of the news team, seem to think it’s every bit their business to criticise it rather than simply report the facts.


      • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

        As a result of the Christchurch shooting and the government’s ill thought out reaction I am going to have to get my firearms license renewed every five years it will cost more and to add to that I will be required to have my internet viewing checked by the police. I own an ancient single shot .22 which I use to shoot rabbits and possums, both of which are invasive species and cause much environmental damage. The only way I could carry out a mass murder would be if I had the total cooperation of the people I intended to massacre and they were also willing to be very patient as I went about my task.
        A lot of people are in my position and yet every gun license holder is being treated as if they had the potential to suddenly become a terrorist. (or to use the BBC term ‘militant’. No wait… that’s only for Muslims isn’t it? I, being a (sort of) white man can be a terrorist, that’s right. Got it! No wait, I’m just thinking If I claim my action were on behalf of the Irish struggle, I will be a freedom fighter!
        Sorry, I digress.
        The point I am making is that there is a world of difference between automatic and non-automatic weapons. Why anybody should want to own automatic weapons, unless they are a nut job, is beyond me and I would support a complete ban on them.
        This is one area I totally disagree with Trump supporters on. And I think it is a big weakness in his presidency.
        I am not an American citizen so I suppose It’s not up to me to tell them what to do.


        • JimS says:

          Gun ownership in the US is like the NHS in the UK, any politician calling for their abolition in their respective countries isn’t going to go far.

          Despite what the BBC might try and spin mass shooting didn’t start under President Trump and they won’t stop under any future Democrat president either.

          One could argue that the constitutional reason for the US citizen ‘to bear arms’ was so as to be able to form a militia, in which case automatic assault rifles should be the only weapon allowed!

          Perhaps the ‘solution’ is to enforce the other part of the constitution, ‘the well-regulated militia’ bit, anyone owning a gun should do an annual spell under National Guard discipline.

          Not being David Lammy or Yasmin, I just say ‘perhaps’!


          • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

            Totally agree with your first sentence Jim S. I think coming out as anti-gun would be a silly move.
            But these mass shootings can’t be brushed aside forever.


  9. StewGreen says:

    The parallel universe of Channel4 and BBC Radio4’s Loose Ends
    Saturday’s guests :
    – Muslim comic : Tez Ilyas promoting his new C4 series
    – London Female comic : Roisin Conaty promoting her new C4 series
    – London Black femade comedian : Athena Kugblenu,
    – London female folk musician : Rozi Plain
    – Liverpool singer : Bill Ryder-Jones
    – Dean Atta , promoting his new about as a mixed race gay teen who finds fulfilment when he becomes a drag artist at University.
    Presenter : Nikki Bedi describes herself as Indo-Anglian


  10. petebogtrott says:

    The daily express is going to change its name to the daily Markle. Day after day at least 10 stories about her and ginger. Enough is enough ginger better pull his socks up as people will get bored with the pair. Ginger didn’t like being the spare and i think he enjoys the limelight.William prob hates his guts and rightly so.


    • BRISSLES says:

      As Philip supposedly told Harry “one takes dinner with actresses, one doesn’t marry them” ; and William allegedly told Harry he had reservations about the speed of the relationship – clearly Harry did his own thing, and will reap what he’ll sow.


  11. Guest Who says:

    She is excellent value.


    • JamesArthur says:

      I love the Twitter reply that says ‘ You don’t know that mountains can’t melt you virtue signalling t**t’ He is right.


  12. Guest Who says:

    Anthony is tweeting.


    • JimS says:

      Just curious, President Trump does a lot of tweeting so why does any Twitter Twit need Zurcher to tell them that Trump has tweeted?

      Monkey or Organ Grinder?


  13. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Online News:

    “”Stacey Dooley meets Islamic State brides in Syria’s refugee camps””

    “”The Kurdish authorities are pleading with Western governments for support in dealing with foreign Islamic State fighters, their wives and children.””

    “”After fighting the Islamic State group for five years, the Kurds are now having to manage prisons and camps full of radical IS supporters.””

    “”Amongst them are thousands of women who fled their birth countries to become IS brides, and around 8,000 children.””

    “”Conditions in the camps are harsh and the atmosphere is tense. Stacey Dooley has been to northern Syria to visit some of them.””


    Why am I not crying?


  14. JamesG says:

    The Texan shooter doesn’t look much like a white man to me, but the media are going mad about the fact that he is supposed to be white.


  15. lordelpus says:

    The hatred our media have for Donald Trump is evident tonight.Two obviously disturbed young men go on a shooting spree and the media blame Donald Trump.I fear nothing will satisfy the media unless the President is either impeached, or God forbid the victim of an assassin.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Fortunately lordelpus the British MSM retains a kind of imperial self importance as though anything it says is of value to the American voter .

      In other words – it just talks to itself and at most ticks a few boxes amongst the redder democrats on either coast .

      And on that note – time for the new thread …


  16. Celtic_Mist says:

    BBC probably working out how to spin this –

    “LONDON: Britain said on Monday it was joining a US-led maritime security mission in the Gulf to protect merchant vessels traveling through the Strait of Hormuz.
    Last month, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards seized a British tanker, Stena Impero, near the Strait of Hormuz for alleged marine violations after Britain seized an Iranian oil tanker near Gibraltar, accusing it of violating sanctions on Syria.
    “We look forward to working alongside the US and others to find an international solution to the problems in the Strait of Hormuz,” Defense Minister Ben Wallace told reporters”



  17. Celtic_Mist says:

    On the Today program at 06.46? –