What about it, will you condemn Islamist terrorism,. you UK Islamist PR front org ?
Can we ask why a journalist who happens to be Muslim did not present the @BBCPanorama programme tonight.
For example @adnansarwar would have been brilliant. A considerate, well-informed journalist who has experience of the region by putting his life on the line for us all.
BBC very quick to apologise before any possible outrage and subsequent fatwah on Stacey Dooley after tonight’s Panorama. Damage may already be done since they had to excise the line from i-player and the news website. How embarrassing.
Strange though. I’m obviously wrong, but I always thought there was some sort of competitive side to the gesture in question? Easy enough mistake to make – but not enough to justify more abject submission from the world’s most noble and respected news source.
“It is vital that we understand the origins and implications of the theory…”
No doubt that understanding is so vital it’ll require a ton of cultural commentators to voice their opinions rather than — for example — look at the actual data
It looks like self destruction by Liberals trying to take us with them to hell. How do we explain this. Well I think the Liberals regard Blacks as inferior, so they like them, while you can tell who they regard as superior in intelligence, by the type of people who they dislike. This coincides with racial differences in IQ with the Jews on the top and black Africans on the bottom, correlating with who they hate and love. A strange self centred egotistical mental problem that is dragging white European societies into the gutter of self destruction.
To the left, and its primary global foghorn the bbc, inflammatory rhetoric is but another thing that can only manifest, and hence be damned, one way.
A Farage or Trump may articulate a view that actually resonates with popular silent majority national sentiment, but will result in a holy jihad of condemnation.
However a politician they like, which means any Democrat from Beto to Maxine, can flat out incite their followers to target their perceived foes, and not a peep. Or outright adoration.
The International Conference on Climate Change was held in Washington at the end of July.
An open letter to President Donald Trump which was included in the material given to all conference attendees, thanked the president for “speaking out against the fake climate crisis,” and asked for his help. “It is a winning political argument to point out that you are supporting more scientific investigation and inquiry, rather than less,” the letter explained. “We ask that you tweet frequently about the Climate Delusion to break through the media blackout that has kept much of the public from learning about the Climate Realist position.” The letter explained Trump’s important role in ending the Climate Delusion: “Without your help, it is likely the current media blackout imposed on the truth about the very minor role of CO2 in temperature forcing and the net benefits of a warmer climate will continue unabated.” Attached to the open letter were 10 pages of supporting documentation demonstrating many of the mistakes in the Climate Delusion.
Dr. Craig Idso, Dr. Patrick Michaels, and Anthony Watts pulled the curtain away from the doctored data promoted by NASA and NOAA. They all showed that when the initial data did not support the Climate Delusion, alarmists found ways to convince people that the data needed to be adjusted.
Dr. Richard Lindzen received the “Frederick Seitz Memorial Award.” In his acceptance speech, he cited many of the great scientists who came before him who seriously questioned the climate scare.
The conference came to a close with prominent meteorologist Joe Bastardi regaling the audience with his childhood love of weather, storms, and hurricanes. While everyone was transfixed by his narrative, Joe’s phone rang. He paused and answered it, putting the caller on speakerphone. Out of the phone came the voice of President Trump complimenting Heartland for great work on climate change. Trump said, “One thing on climate: it’s just like the fake news story on Russia, which was a complete hoax, by the way, a complete hoax; there is no collusion between CO2 and temperature, no collusion whatsoever.”
There is another dispute in Kashmir. Ironically the Muslim majority of Indian controlled Kashmir fear that they will be swamped by Hindus! Both India and Pakistan are upping the rhetoric. If this does turn violent as it may do will the ethnic communities in the UK start to import the conflict into the UK? It is certainly possible but I suppose that the BBC et al will bury their collective heads in the sand about what could be a very serious problem for all of us . Another downside of enrichment , we get other people’s problems as well as our own. Meanwhile the great replacement project continues apace.
The BBC going to war on two fronts today pushing back against their favourite foes.
1. Trump condemning the mass shootings turned against him with hysterical squeals about his apparent racism.
2. Johnson’s massive cash input to the NHS being “An insignificant drop in the ocean”.
Relentless, automatic bias and bile turned out by the BBC “red” brigade. What a better, happier and saner place this Country and the World would be without this den of vipers.
Maybe they could manage to delay Brexit for 12 years, then we won’t care because, according to the climate fanatics, the world actually will have ended. The BBC could announce it-and blame it on Brexit.
I’m not sure . The anti Brexit mob in the HoC will try anything to prevent Brexit. The Burc of a Speaker will invent new procedural rules, ignore old ones in order to stop Brexit and force a GE.The Tories May think that if they deliver Brexit by the end of October they are certain to win a GE. But I’m not so sure. Large numbers of Leavers don’t, for good reason, trust them and probably won’t vote for them. They need an alliance with TBP and accept that they need to form a Brexit United front with each party fielding candidates in winnable seats.any new Remainer gov will take us back in immediately.
Of course if Brexit hasn’t been delivered then the Tories will lose badly unless they receive the endorsement from Nigel and form the above alliance. In short whatever happens the Tories rely totally on Nigel and Brexit depends on Boris and Nigel forming a pact.
Boris would inspire more confidence , with both the public and TBP, if he were to make it clear now that the Remainer diehards were not going to be permitted to stand on the Tory platform. They are probably already being offered membership of the Lib Dem’s anyway and will stand in their old constituencies as Lib Dem’s . A preemptive strike well before any election is called would increase leave voter confidence.
Brexit hangs by a thread.
If they want to blame President Trump for the shootings in the USA, does that mean we can blame Jo Brand for any and all acid attacks in the UK? I mean, the POTUS never told anyone to go and shoot anyone. But Jo Brand, well she did say “Why use milkshake when you can get battery acid”.
Just asking.
UK to join the United States in an “international maritime security mission” to protect merchant vessels in the Strait of Hormuz.
Britain joins US in maritime security mission. Raab asserts the importance of sticking to JCPOA. But really he wants to ditch it, knowing its is a terrible deal. This is not a divergence the UK wants with the EU at the moment. https://t.co/AlSa2LD3gN
https://www.politicshome.com/news/world/middle-east/news/105782/britain-joining-forces-us-protect-merchant-shipping-iran-after Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said: “The UK is determined to ensure her shipping is protected from unlawful threats and for that reason we have joined the new maritime security mission in the Gulf.
“The deployment of the Royal Navy assets is a sign of our commitment to our UK-flagged vessels and we look forward to working alongside the US and others to find an international solution to the problems in the Strait of Hormuz.”
It represents a pivot from the previous plan, set out by the former foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt, which was for the UK to organise a European-led naval contingent to protect merchant shipping.
The overwhelming majority of Americans are people of goodwill. They don’t need to say anything.
Some politicians and journalist seem to have a vested interest in stirring up trouble – shoot from the lip Obama and Zurcher are two of them.
Indeed. The media especially are utterly complicit and beyond deranged now.
Given the opportunities maintaining such febrile atmospheres, how long before some opportunistic, cynical old man manages to persuade some impressionable white kids to concoct and deliver a media frenzy payday ‘for the cause’, be it stopping Brexit or getting the first XR Citizens Assembly in power?
“EU officials: No basis for ‘meaningful’ UK Brexit talks” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-49240809
Who are these “EU officials”?
One negotiator said: “We are back where we were three years ago.”
Who is this “negotiator” ?
“But a diplomat at the meeting told Adam Fleming”
Who is the “diplomat” ?
Are we getting all the full facts or is it propaganda ?
I will just leave the tweets of this hater of Britain to speak for themselves.
You propagate anti white hatred everyday. What’s the difference?
— Patrick Woods ???????????????????????????????????? (@PopulistPaddy) August 5, 2019
Please tell us the story of how Labour wasted £12 billion on a failed NHS IT project. Then tell us how many doctors and nurses that would have funded. Then go on and tell us how much we are paying in PFI payments that Labour negotiated. Then sit down and shut up.
Re the two Lammy fans in photo; I will eat me hat if those two youths have ever voted; in fact I think Lammy’s comments would put those kind of youths off voting.
Oh, they have, and look who has taken their message further.
The LeaveEU campaign headed by Nigel Farage & funded by Arron Banks, the man who is suing me, use exactly the same language of "vermin" & "invasion". This is not an accident. https://t.co/8iRlIBaEkI
That Lincolnshire HIJAB Day that BBC Lincolnshire were promoting yesterday
The National Secular Society have picked up on it it
A campaigner is calling on schools in Lincs to encourage girls to wear hijabs for a day. Schools should seek to combat discrimination in all its forms. They shouldn't encourage girls to observe religious modesty codes or promote a sanitised view of them https://t.co/cGUNsIt7SY
I suppose its like a newsagent inviting a 10 yr old kid: “here have a drag of this fag and don’t get me wrong I have no intention for you to become another one of my customers who smoke”
CNN etc are going berserk on Trumps Address on Mass Shootings where he said ‘Toledo’ instead of ‘Dayton’. Presumably whoever wrote the script made a mistake or it was deliberate
What the Dayton killer interacted with antifa left/lib tribe activists
.. That’s a BIG CLAIM , you’d need BIG evidence to back, that like screenshots
..What you got PJW ?
… Oh he followed a UK based-Australian self-declared-antifa who has tweeted a number of violent incentivising tweets
BBC : Article 370: What happened with Kashmir and why it matters
I’ll tell you why it matters, TO THE BBC, its a muslim area, you know, that lot reponsible for 90% of the wars, genicides, rapes and torture around the worls (that don’t appear to matter)
Racist murders of white farmers in South Africa also don’t matter TO THE BBC, apparently. or months of mass protests in France on our doorstep (although purple haired pierced climate protests or anti Trump / Boris protests by a few hundred do matter)
This is blatant bias by omission and political propoganda
Saint Obama urges Americans to reject leaders who stoke hatred, quotes the beeb
Goes on to say.. Former US President Barack Obama has called on Americans to reject language from any of their leaders that feeds hatred or normalises racism.
Mr Obama did not name anyone but his rare comments…
BBC Moaning emole decides that this connection really needs EMPHASISING… nudge, nudge, wink, wink…
Obama: reject leaders who stoke hatred
Former US President Barack Obama has reacted to mass shootings in Texas and Ohio which left 31 people dead by calling on Americans to reject language from any of their leaders that feeds hatred or normalises racism. While he does not name anyone, the comments come after his successor Donald Trump sought to deflect criticism that his anti-immigrant rhetoric had fuelled violence. In the wake of the massacres, the BBC’s Tara McKelvey explores whether the US has neglected the fight against white extremism. Meanwhile, powerful personal accounts of the violence are coming to light, with US reporter Lauren Turner hearing from one man who says he can forgive the gunman who shot dead his son – a new father – in an El Paso supermarket.
“The American people are a welcoming and generous people. But those who enter our country illegally, and those who employ them, disrespect the rule of law. And because we live in an age where terrorists are challenging our borders, we simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, and unchecked. Americans are right to demand better border security and better enforcement of the immigration laws.”
Mishal currently interviewing a contributor, former Foreign Minister of Pakistan, about Kashmir. Should not Mishal recuse herself from such an item as a Muslim of Indian sub-continent origin?
TOADY Watch #2 I wonder if they will talk again about …
… property sales in Scotland? It’s a news item today. Properties are apparently selling quicker in Scotland than in London.
The big question not asked in a brief discussion during either the 6am News or the Business segment that followed in the first half-hour – are people leaving Scotland in droves? Are Scottish property prices now falling?
Last night I endured all of TWiT in an effort to get to a new Book at Bedtime. The latter was not worth the agony. And agony it was because I was hearing FakeNews during TWiT. Not only on Brexit but there was some of that.
The truly surprising item was about the US:China so-called ‘trade war’ and the effect on the home market. The talk was of tariffs and as I have noted on here before the BBC correctly understand tariffs when reporting on President Trump but distort the truth on tariffs when referring to Brexit.
The BBC claimed – correctly – that the tariffs that Trump has imposed will put up costs for US residents. They went to Richmond, a poor district and suburb of Baltimore*, to a Food Bank there. They claimed the tariffs that Trump imposes on Chinese goods would increase food costs for the people of Maryland.
This was FakeNews and FalseFacts. It would increase the costs of Chinese foods not manufactured in the US. But how many Americans constantly eat Chinese food? My American friends of Chinese origin certainly do not. Occasionally, but not every day of the week.
One thing I know about the USA is that they are net food exporters, not net food importers. Maybe I’m better informed than some BBC listeners but I doubt it. Most will have heard the Brexit Project Fear scares about chlorinated chicken. Some of those listeners will know that, for example, MacDonalds used to fly their food fresh to all of the nations around the world that have their restaurants every day.
The subject of food is coming up several times on TOADY this a.m.. I wonder if the BBC will correct the calumny from last night’s TWiT? No?
I thought not.
* I have taken an increasing interest in Baltimore & Maryland for some years for a variety of reasons. One thing I learned some time ago is that Democrats have run the City of Baltimore for a long time. The same is true of the State – and state – of Maryland. City and State ruined by Democrats for a long time.
“Stacey Dooley Panorama: BBC sorry for ‘IS salute’ line”
Having worked in education for over thirty years and taught RE from the Primary National Curriculum, I was intrigued by this story. I’ve taught many topics about Islam: The Hajj, the koran, the special clothes worn on the Hajj and the beliefs held by muslims etc.
Here is a link to the National curriculum on the subjects taught in RE. Have a look on the section on Islam.
The reason for this post is that I have never seen in school assemblies (ones that have been led by imams), read or heard of the raised index Islamic finger gesture that is now claimed is part of Islamic prayer. I’ve never encountered it.
However, I have seen the gesture in photographs, it was used by ISIS terrorists.
Please ask any primary school teacher, current or retired, who teaches or has taught RE if they have seen the Islamic ‘prayer gesture’ in schools.
“Here is a link to the National curriculum on the subjects taught in RE. Have a look on the section on Islam.” Have done. Selective, very!
I would go so far as to say, inaccurate: no mention whatever of the total hatred toward Israel and Christianity. That’s high on the cults motivation.
As for the so-called Islamic gesture of a finger pointing skywards, I would observe that it has been common in both sports and Christianity during my lifetime. I find this linking of it to ISIS/ISIL very interesting, especially by the pro-Islamic MSM.
G, you are totally correct.
I have seen and heard things over the years that have shocked me. I have worked in state schools comprised of 98% Muslims in inner city Birmingham where Christmas was deliberately avoided, even in staff meetings. I was asked once by a bright eleven year old Muslim girl what sort of christian I was. I told her that I was a RC. She relied, “We hate you!” This is what she was taught in her unregulated madrassa (after school muslim classes held in the local mosque). She realised what she had said and was very apologetic.
I was in an assembly once where the (Muslim) deputy head teacher asked the children to raise their hands if they spoke English at home. The majority of the children did and he promptly went on to scold them, saying their language and culture would die out (oh, the irony).
Non-Muslim teachers have witnessed incidents like this on a regular basis; why hasn’t anything being said? Fear. Heads can and make life very difficult for members of staff they do not like. Teachers like everyone else, live in fear of losing their job and pension.
The Trojan Horse schools continue to exist in schools throughout England but the government, local government, OFSTED and the BBC turn a blind eye.
The authorities knew what was going on as far back as 1984. A Bradford headteacher from the time called Ray Honeyford wrote several articles for various magazines using clear language to explain what was going on:
“……Very soon his school was surrounded by a rent-a-mob of diseducated students, dingy professors and fired-up Islamists, chanting ‘Raycist’, and calling for his dismissal.”
Sounds familiar doesn’t it? Honeyford was dismissed for voicing his concerns in in December 1985 (he accepted “early retirement”).
Thanks Cass,
The British ‘Sheeple’ have no idea of what’s coming down the tracks toward them.
I lived in the Middle East and saw that other side of things islamic so I know only too well in the UK, they are determined to, my expression, ‘Terraform’ the country to their ways. But as you say, a blind eye is turned. Terminal for the British way of life and, indeed, similar in the EU. Brexit, if it occurs, will not alter this.
I also doubt the importance of Brexit especially when you look at the level of infiltration and all the stuff flying under the radar e.g. the UN migration compact.
Apologies in advance for any offence, but historically – in my junior school class (boys) – the raised finger was used to exhibit the best bogey, some of which achieved championship status. By our village standards anyway.
TOADY Watch #4 anti-Brexit and weaponising helpful quotes.
Larry Summers, formerly US Treasury Dept. official under Barak Obama, is found by the BBC to give a counter narrative – by car phone/mobile phone (chauffeur driven!) – to a Congessman or Senator who says a post-Brexit US:UK trade deal will be no problem and quickly arranged. Guess who makes it prominently onto the 8a.m. News?
Yep. Larry Summers.
Same with Jonathan Sumption – who?, yes, he of the BBC Reith Lectures on BBC Radio Four broadcast by the BBC back in May and June this year on the BBC radio – who was asked to comment on the Constitutional aspects of Brexit and Parliamentary timing for a No-Deal-Brexit.
Yes, radio on at 0759 – Toady – news headlines including hearing from a US Democrat that in Brexit negotiations the UK is “Desperate”.
Radio off 0801.
Our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster is obviously, prior to any news, ‘feature’ on the US (or indeed now, it seems, Brexit) contacting the Dems for a spokesman to interview.
I heard that but the next American senator they brought on said exactly the opposite and was in favour of UK despite the best efforts of BBC Mishel(?) trying to get him to say something negative..the n she tried to Trump him but he batted that back and she had nothing. Pathetic
Paul Johnson of the IFS was brought on for an item about Income Tax and the 1% of top earners. How much do you have to earn to be in that number? £160,000+. How much of Income Tax* is paid by the 1%. According to Paul Johnson, it is about a quarter. Martha asks: “Has that changed more recently?”
Paul states: “No, it is broadly the same over the last thirty years.”
Now that is not in accordance with my understanding. That is a fall of about 25%, from around 30-33% down to 25%. Martha has not checked the figures. Might have been good to have asked Dominic O’Connell. He’s a bit more careful about such things.
* The claim is often made, sometimes even on the BBC, that the 1% pay a high proportion – about a third – of all taxes. That is an interesting little bit of propagandising but quite untrue.
Thatch, yes – BBC R4’s favourite go-to for things fiscal. Not as independent and impartial as the OBR. Could be why the Beeb likes him and the IFS so much.
I suspect a tax cut for the rich and famous is coming from Bojo and Sajid. There will be delight at the Beeb while they try to pour scorn on it because it comes from the ‘wicked Tor – eese’.
Beeb all over Saint Obama. Seems to me the people who ignore or help create a problem are the good guys and the ones who try and confront the problem are the baddies. Beebs acceptance of rhetoric is rather one sided.
“Opinion on proposals for a smacking ban in Wales is divided, a consultation has suggested.
A total of 50.3% of the 1,738 people and organisations that responded to the Welsh Government exercise thought the plan would help protect children’s rights.
But a marginally smaller group – 48.1% – did not.”
Note that the source of this ‘consultation’ is not given a link. The ‘consultation’ was carried out by The Guardian! You can read this here:
The Guardian however didn’t need to carry out a ‘consultation’ save for the purposes of supporting their own world view, because the Welsh government had already comissioned the Office for National Statistics to carry out the research, which didn’t support the BBC/Guardian wishes.
Nearly 70% of the people of Wales when polled do not support the bill and that leaves less than 30% who do, a far cry from the BBC fake news that slightly more than 50% support it.
It would be interesting to see a report on the opinion of the people in Wales that would support the ‘abolition of the Welsh Assembly, because Its a total waste of money.
Money that would be better spent on Health and Education in Wales .
With that kind of margin- 50 / 48% – it is clear the 50% had no idea what they were voting for and indeed, highlights the stark fact that they were, ‘working-class’ and had no discernment whatever. A re-run of the poll is warranted…………
Just catched a TV add doing a piece about “Diabetic bingo” or Lotto.
I didn’t catch the title of the programme as my eyes went directly too the two “dive-crazy” dancers shaking their fleshy things. Yes, the male was a dark African and the female was as usual, pretty and yes she was Blonde.
I’ve decided to give it up for a while – I noted that a contributor here suffered the world tonight – last night – which is another one to avoid since lustig left and was replaced by someone named after a rolled cigarette paper .
I was thinking the list of BBC programmes and subjects I avoid growing – American gun crime – not our business – British violent crime – our business …..plenty of international stuff which is not our business – whilst UK elderly social care remains untreated ….maybe babs Windsor – who must be mid to late stage Dementia – might achieve something . ( for the record I had ‘skin in the game – but no longer )
22 year old arrested for murdering an 89 year old lady in Tottenham 2 days ago
17 year old ‘mental health job’ arrested for throwing an 8 year old off the roof of the Tate .
Tut tut, Fed! Hope you are not referring to our Rithula (as properly pronounced but spelt Ritula) another one who really ought to recuse herself when dealing with Indian matters and, especially, Kashmir.
I only subjected myself to it because I was wide awake just before 5am. Got up and got on with life while keeping an ear open for BBC bias and errors.
Up2-being a sometimes tempted non smoker all I hear is ‘Rizla ‘ and I was looking for a laugh on that one as I just can’t bend to PC here as I now have to do elsewhere for fear of s5A Public Order Act 1986 – a favourite killer of freedom of speak – especially if you go for the ‘racially aggravated ‘ variety …
I wondered what Book at Bedtime was worth listening to 45 minutes of snowflake propaganda pretending to be ‘news ‘. ?
Most BBC ‘audio ‘books now seem to be wimmin or refugees or Muslims or gays – in various combinations -having a hard time because of whitee men …..
Like millions of others I have enjoyed Strictly (its a woman thing) – in the early years. Sadly the BBC have struggled to find ‘celebrities’ to take part in recent series, and have resorted to scraping below the bottom of the barrel to find anyone to take part. As a result we have a conglomeration of ‘types’ that no-one has heard of, so its only the scandal stories that are a big part of the draw.
Darcy Bussell , brought some class to the programme, but left the show ‘to pursue other projects’, but was it because she thought it was now becoming stale, and more like a dancing karaoke, that even she was becoming bored with it.
Strictly is a huge cash cow for the Beeb, – franchised around the world, so hardly likely to be put out to grass anytime soon. But viewers will leave in droves if they deviate from the format of one man one woman partners. Britain may be ‘tolerant’ but messing about with a family viewing show may be a tolerance too far.
I thought David Vine did ‘come dancing’ when he wasn’t doing ‘ski Sunday ‘ – always thought there was a programme due if the BBC mixed both events ….
…fortunately the Saturday evening ‘light entertainment slot ‘ is a void for which which I am happy not to fill …. they have, however, put Dads Army – from 1970- back on which must boost average BBC 2 viewing figures by millions …
Another thought bris – maybe the BBC could employ Jeremy Kyle in a judge role ? And bring a bit of that DNA ‘I think I married me mum ‘ stuff into it – complete with bald security blokes in black tee shirts …
Or another
Jeremy ‘ guesting for a week – the Corbyn – or the one in top gear …..
… and if they could get Nigel Farage to take part the second (5th?)referendum result would be 70 % leave …
“Britain may be ‘tolerant’ but messing about with a family viewing show may be a tolerance too far.”
You will understand that I am not a fan of The X FACTOR, but for a short time I followed the show eagerly. But my tolerance of said show ended the night – while children was watching the show – when some sex-crazed male while on the live show, turned his back on the panel, dropped his trousers and exposed his buttocks to all.
I think that the fact most people in the audience/Panel laughed their heads off thereby making this chap TV-famous revealed the sickness of todays British entertainment business.
I turned the TV off instantly. Never watched it since though going off the news its gone worse.
R4 – is it me or has the standard or presenters dropped through the floor? They seem to be not too bright speak in a way that even I find unattractive – and as real Cockney that is bad…
Cor blimey geez auntie don’t go big on propa lundun accents when it cums to presentin dus it …? Suffering from Emily thornbury (lady Brooke ) white van disease perhaps ?
The ‘much smaller’ gilets jaune protests which have been a feature of French life for several months – the best part of a year, in fact – throughout France. That means not just Paris Mr Boulton, but we as know, getting reports from elsewhere doesn’t have quite the same ambience, nor indeed cuisine.
Compare / contrast headlines on the Tate Modern incident. BBC downplaying again on behalf of one of their favoured minority groups?
—”HORROR INJURIES Tate Modern boy, 6, suffered brain bleed and has a broken back, legs and arms after being ‘hurled off 10th floor’ as teen, 17, appears in court” [The Sun]
—”Child thrown off Tate Modern building has serious injuries, court told” [The Times]
—”Teenager appears in court charged with attempted murder of six-year-old ‘thrown’ from Tate Modern 10th floor” [The Telegraph]
—”Tate Modern: Horrific injuries of boy, 6, after ‘being thrown 100ft off balcony'” [The Mirror]
—“Tate Modern: Teenager in court after six-year-old boy injured” [BBC]
Do we know the ethnicity of perpetrator or victim? Even if we don’t the past record of the BBC certainly makes you consider that there could be a cover up. Once a media outlet has been caught lying or suppressing the truth it taints everything else that they do. After hundreds or thousands of previous examples as is the case with the BBC it becomes everyone’s automatic suspicion.
Top man. Just keeps on taking it and dishing it right back !!! Its something the Liberals have never had to cope with …. and they cant !!! Lovely stuff Sir .
“Did George Bush ever condemn President Obama after Sandy Hook. President Obama had 32 mass shootings during his reign. Not many people said Obama is out of Control. Mass shootings were happening before the President even thought about running for Pres.” @kilmeade@foxandfriends
“It’s political season and the election is around the corner. They want to continue to push that racist narrative.” @ainsleyearhardt@foxandfriends And I am the least racist person. Black, Hispanic and Asian Unemployment is the lowest (BEST) in the history of the United States!
This is interesting. A German study has found that the EU would suffer far more than the UK with a No Deal Brexit. 🙂
“”A study last year by Germany’s Halle Institute estimated a no-deal Brexit would cost 12,000 jobs in the UK, and 422,000 jobs in the other 27 EU members, of which 100,000 are in Germany and 50,000 in France.””
“”Yesterday, Ireland’s central bank forecast a loss of up to 100,000 jobs in the medium term in Ireland alone, on a no-deal. Clearly, the EU’s negotiators risk losing the wholehearted support of its two largest post-Brexit paymasters and others.””
“”But for Brussels, giving in on Brexit encourages rebellion from disaffected populations in other member states. Rather like the Soviets ruling Eastern Europe in the late eighties, the Brussels establishment finds itself struggling to keep its non-democratic political model intact.””
This proves beyond any doubt that the EU bureaucracy is ideologically driven and cares nothing for the lives of its people.it will defend its vision of a United States of Europe no matter misery it inflicts on its voters. It is very like the USSR in that regard, ideology first people second.
Indeed. You could also say the same of the BBC. I’ve substituted BBC for EU in your post:
This proves beyond any doubt that the ‘BBC’ bureaucracy is ideologically driven and cares nothing for the licence fees of its people. It will defend its vision of a United States of Europe no matter misery it inflicts on its Licence Fee Payers. It is very like the USSR in that regard, ideology first people second.
Double: “This proves beyond any doubt that the EU bureaucracy is ideologically driven and cares nothing for the lives of its people.”
You are so right. Half the time the EU gets mentioned on BBC R4 these days, I inevitably think of those Polish traffickers and slavemasters, who trafficked and enslaved their fellow countrymen, and were enabled in doing that by one of the EU’s famous Four Freedoms.
As the Sun newspaper memorably put it: ‘Up yours, Delors!’
I’m off. I hope the rest of the UK is hot on my heels. Roll on 1st November 2019.
May we enquire where you are off to? No matter if it’s private and you would rather not say. But what is important is that you keep on posting. Good luck.
Up2 – don’t say where you are going – but best of where ever it is .
I have a number of flops but my main one is a secret island in the Thames Estuary which isn’t on any map and only shows up once s century …
Fed, I hope your hideaway is not near the SS Montgomery or whatever it is called. Just in case you succumb again to the lure of Ritula and drop the lighted match trying a Norfeas Lunnun roll up.
“Don’t panic, don’t panic, Mr Mainwaring! I’m off out of the EU ‘cos if I get anymore of it shoved at me, I’ll get upset and fix me bayonet and give ’em a taste of the cold steel. They don’t like that, Mr Mainwaring. They don’t like the cold steel up ’em, they don’t, they don’t like it up ’em.”
Apologies for my careless phrasing causing a panic: the ‘I’m off’ is really addressed to the EU, UK Government please note as well and please make sure you get us out of the EU at midnight on 31 October.
I use the online Netweather.tv which narrows the forecast down to my Postcode. Why I consult this abysmal forecast I really don’t know. They cannot even provide anywhere near the accuracy you would expect for the following 24 hrs. It seems by default 2/3 days ahead is always solid rain during daylight hours and this is amended mere hours before a daybreak.
Makes one wonder how any weather forecaster can predict years ahead……………….
“I use the online Netweather.tv which narrows the forecast down to my Postcode. Why I consult this abysmal forecast I really don’t know. They cannot even provide anywhere near the accuracy you would expect for the following 24 hrs.”
Strange. That French guy who pushes his passengers out on their daily English river excursions seems to get the weather angle more accurate than that shower at the BBC.inc
G, someone told me via BBC R4 that on the other side of the world they were using the BBC Weather provided by Meteo. I don’t think they are quite as accurate as the Met Office, or as precise, but an 85% hit rate is pretty good in my book. I gave the Met Office 90 out of 100 for their efforts.
Fat people who have paid full PAYE tax and NI into the system for forty years or more, expecting their contributions to help them when in poor health, they didn’t have the benefits of companies that specialize in tax avoidance for so many BBC stars.
According to website Celebritynetworth.com, Buerk has an estimated net worth of $3 million, which is equivalent to just over £2.4 million.
Most of his wealth is derived from the BBC TV licence that many people, including fat people were forced to pay.
Since it’s about 5 mins since the last lefty lib voice got a free platform on the BBC its time for Ed Balls at 4:30pm Radio4
\\ Ed Balls discusses the influence of the 20th-century composer Herbert Howells with biographer Paul Spicer // https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0007bd2
@Lucy FFS his conviction has taken 17 years !
He has had 12 years of freedom in Pakistan, +3 years Pak detention
\\ Mohammed was investigated by police at the time of the fire but skipped bail and fled to Pakistan in 2003.
He was detained in the country in 2015 and extradited to the UK in 2018. //
He was aiming to murder the guy who helped his sister’s lover, and the fire killed that guys extended family.
CNN sat on this for as long as they could, and now BBC will have no choice but to release it –
A Twitter account that appears to belong to the Dayton mass shooter retweeted extreme left-wing and anti-police posts, as well as tweets supporting Antifa protesters. https://t.co/axFXvK0svP
@Celtic CNN sat on what ?
It’s purely an AMBUSH title
Of 100 sentences only the first mentions leftism.
\\ Connor Betts retweeted extreme left-wing and anti-police posts, as well as tweets supporting Antifa, or anti-fascist, protesters. //
Texas shooter : ‘Yeh, he must have been inspired & driven to it by The Book Of Trump’
Sri Lanka shooters : ‘Yeh, they must have been inspired & driven to it by The Book of .., no hang on we don’t know anything about their motivations ..its probably due to Buddhist repression’
same for other Islamist attacks
‘Yeh, he must have been inpired & driven to it by The Book Of .. oh hey look over there isn’t climate change bad’
Compare and contrast 2
London BAME does something bad
… ‘ the problem is : Not enough youth clubs’
US shooters’ the problem is : Donald Trump’
… The thing is ultimately Khan, and Trump have some responsibility : its about good law enforcement and taking care of the mentally ill, before they go on rampages.
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Tonight’s Panorama
ISIS brides
What about it, will you condemn Islamist terrorism,. you UK Islamist PR front org ?
They are already crowing that they got the prog changed
I’ve been with Muslims thousands of times in many countries and I’ve never seen anyone do that one finger greeting.
BBC very quick to apologise before any possible outrage and subsequent fatwah on Stacey Dooley after tonight’s Panorama. Damage may already be done since they had to excise the line from i-player and the news website. How embarrassing.
Strange though. I’m obviously wrong, but I always thought there was some sort of competitive side to the gesture in question? Easy enough mistake to make – but not enough to justify more abject submission from the world’s most noble and respected news source.
The one on the right looks nice but her on the left, not so much.
Yeah, the one on the right, I mean… phoawwwww
Guardian 2019 article mocks the great replacement theory of western nations as “a deadly conspiracy” which spreads “like a virus” needing inoculation.
Strangely no mention of the Guardian 2000 article “a time when white people will not be in the majority in the developed world, Britain included.”
Once upon a time the Guardian could actually talk demographics… now the big bad alt-right bogeyman fills the vacuum where proper analysis used to be.
“It is vital that we understand the origins and implications of the theory…”
No doubt that understanding is so vital it’ll require a ton of cultural commentators to voice their opinions rather than — for example — look at the actual data
It looks like self destruction by Liberals trying to take us with them to hell. How do we explain this. Well I think the Liberals regard Blacks as inferior, so they like them, while you can tell who they regard as superior in intelligence, by the type of people who they dislike. This coincides with racial differences in IQ with the Jews on the top and black Africans on the bottom, correlating with who they hate and love. A strange self centred egotistical mental problem that is dragging white European societies into the gutter of self destruction.
To the left, and its primary global foghorn the bbc, inflammatory rhetoric is but another thing that can only manifest, and hence be damned, one way.
A Farage or Trump may articulate a view that actually resonates with popular silent majority national sentiment, but will result in a holy jihad of condemnation.
However a politician they like, which means any Democrat from Beto to Maxine, can flat out incite their followers to target their perceived foes, and not a peep. Or outright adoration.
Sick puppies, the MSM.
News censored by the BBC:
The International Conference on Climate Change was held in Washington at the end of July.
An open letter to President Donald Trump which was included in the material given to all conference attendees, thanked the president for “speaking out against the fake climate crisis,” and asked for his help. “It is a winning political argument to point out that you are supporting more scientific investigation and inquiry, rather than less,” the letter explained. “We ask that you tweet frequently about the Climate Delusion to break through the media blackout that has kept much of the public from learning about the Climate Realist position.” The letter explained Trump’s important role in ending the Climate Delusion: “Without your help, it is likely the current media blackout imposed on the truth about the very minor role of CO2 in temperature forcing and the net benefits of a warmer climate will continue unabated.” Attached to the open letter were 10 pages of supporting documentation demonstrating many of the mistakes in the Climate Delusion.
Dr. Craig Idso, Dr. Patrick Michaels, and Anthony Watts pulled the curtain away from the doctored data promoted by NASA and NOAA. They all showed that when the initial data did not support the Climate Delusion, alarmists found ways to convince people that the data needed to be adjusted.
Dr. Richard Lindzen received the “Frederick Seitz Memorial Award.” In his acceptance speech, he cited many of the great scientists who came before him who seriously questioned the climate scare.
The conference came to a close with prominent meteorologist Joe Bastardi regaling the audience with his childhood love of weather, storms, and hurricanes. While everyone was transfixed by his narrative, Joe’s phone rang. He paused and answered it, putting the caller on speakerphone. Out of the phone came the voice of President Trump complimenting Heartland for great work on climate change. Trump said, “One thing on climate: it’s just like the fake news story on Russia, which was a complete hoax, by the way, a complete hoax; there is no collusion between CO2 and temperature, no collusion whatsoever.”
There is another dispute in Kashmir. Ironically the Muslim majority of Indian controlled Kashmir fear that they will be swamped by Hindus! Both India and Pakistan are upping the rhetoric. If this does turn violent as it may do will the ethnic communities in the UK start to import the conflict into the UK? It is certainly possible but I suppose that the BBC et al will bury their collective heads in the sand about what could be a very serious problem for all of us . Another downside of enrichment , we get other people’s problems as well as our own. Meanwhile the great replacement project continues apace.
Ladies and gentlemen
Despite over 2000 complaints ofcom has decided that it was ok for traitor Jon Snow to say he’d ‘never seen so many white people ‘
Snow , who is married to a black woman , was cleared of any claim of racism because his comment was in context ….
I’m sure his comment did a lot for race relations as well as the reputation for the hideously corrupt and white ofcom .
The British Tradition : of double standard justice
..touches forelock to the metro-liberal our colonial masters
The BBC going to war on two fronts today pushing back against their favourite foes.
1. Trump condemning the mass shootings turned against him with hysterical squeals about his apparent racism.
2. Johnson’s massive cash input to the NHS being “An insignificant drop in the ocean”.
Relentless, automatic bias and bile turned out by the BBC “red” brigade. What a better, happier and saner place this Country and the World would be without this den of vipers.
The anti-Brexit BBC are getting desperate:
BBC Online News:
“”Could there be an early general election?””
And the answer is…(PAUSE)…No. 🙂
They have been desperate for years.
“#bbccouldfiles, sir; fauzends of ‘em…”
Maybe they could manage to delay Brexit for 12 years, then we won’t care because, according to the climate fanatics, the world actually will have ended. The BBC could announce it-and blame it on Brexit.
I’m not sure . The anti Brexit mob in the HoC will try anything to prevent Brexit. The Burc of a Speaker will invent new procedural rules, ignore old ones in order to stop Brexit and force a GE.The Tories May think that if they deliver Brexit by the end of October they are certain to win a GE. But I’m not so sure. Large numbers of Leavers don’t, for good reason, trust them and probably won’t vote for them. They need an alliance with TBP and accept that they need to form a Brexit United front with each party fielding candidates in winnable seats.any new Remainer gov will take us back in immediately.
Of course if Brexit hasn’t been delivered then the Tories will lose badly unless they receive the endorsement from Nigel and form the above alliance. In short whatever happens the Tories rely totally on Nigel and Brexit depends on Boris and Nigel forming a pact.
Boris would inspire more confidence , with both the public and TBP, if he were to make it clear now that the Remainer diehards were not going to be permitted to stand on the Tory platform. They are probably already being offered membership of the Lib Dem’s anyway and will stand in their old constituencies as Lib Dem’s . A preemptive strike well before any election is called would increase leave voter confidence.
Brexit hangs by a thread.
If they want to blame President Trump for the shootings in the USA, does that mean we can blame Jo Brand for any and all acid attacks in the UK? I mean, the POTUS never told anyone to go and shoot anyone. But Jo Brand, well she did say “Why use milkshake when you can get battery acid”.
Just asking.
UK to join the United States in an “international maritime security mission” to protect merchant vessels in the Strait of Hormuz.
Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said: “The UK is determined to ensure her shipping is protected from unlawful threats and for that reason we have joined the new maritime security mission in the Gulf.
“The deployment of the Royal Navy assets is a sign of our commitment to our UK-flagged vessels and we look forward to working alongside the US and others to find an international solution to the problems in the Strait of Hormuz.”
It represents a pivot from the previous plan, set out by the former foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt, which was for the UK to organise a European-led naval contingent to protect merchant shipping.
Oh, great…
Maybe Fran will write a ‘don’t make us look bent’ email for the staff to ignore too?
Like…. O…M….G…
The overwhelming majority of Americans are people of goodwill. They don’t need to say anything.
Some politicians and journalist seem to have a vested interest in stirring up trouble – shoot from the lip Obama and Zurcher are two of them.
Indeed. The media especially are utterly complicit and beyond deranged now.
Given the opportunities maintaining such febrile atmospheres, how long before some opportunistic, cynical old man manages to persuade some impressionable white kids to concoct and deliver a media frenzy payday ‘for the cause’, be it stopping Brexit or getting the first XR Citizens Assembly in power?
“EU officials: No basis for ‘meaningful’ UK Brexit talks”
Who are these “EU officials”?
One negotiator said: “We are back where we were three years ago.”
Who is this “negotiator” ?
“But a diplomat at the meeting told Adam Fleming”
Who is the “diplomat” ?
Are we getting all the full facts or is it propaganda ?
Adam Boulton is passing on Andrew Adonis making claims about ‘senior officials’ like Laura K and Nick R trying to cheat at Sources Say top trumps.
I will just leave the tweets of this hater of Britain to speak for themselves.
Re the two Lammy fans in photo; I will eat me hat if those two youths have ever voted; in fact I think Lammy’s comments would put those kind of youths off voting.
Sky just asserted it’s white men do the killing
I posted their tweet on page 1 underneath the image of all the non white mass killers
BBC Online News:
“”EU officials: No basis for ‘meaningful’ UK Brexit talks””
“”One negotiator said: “We are back where we were three years ago.”
“”But at the moment, many people think the direction of travel is heading towards a no-deal Brexit.””
The BBC are writhing in pain…. 🙂
It’s no good; Jon and team sense blood in the water.
Amazed the Squad have not chipped in yet. They always help calm things.
Has Mishal started one of her tallies yet comparing the white supremacist death count with the Democrat no one wants to talk about now?
Oh, they have, and look who has taken their message further.
That Lincolnshire HIJAB Day that BBC Lincolnshire were promoting yesterday
The National Secular Society have picked up on it it
How about we all go about with neck and ankle chains? I’m sure David and Sir Lenny would approve!
We in Lincolnshire will be counting our reparation money from people now living in Scandinavia and Rome.
Wow BBC Radio Lincolnshire
#1 used licence payer resources to do a promo tweet
#2 Got massively RATIO-ed 10 to 1.. Replies vs Likes
I will gladly don a hijab the day they put on a miniskirt and join me in a bacon sarnie washed down with a nice cold lager.
re invitation for school children to wear hijab.
I suppose its like a newsagent inviting a 10 yr old kid: “here have a drag of this fag and don’t get me wrong I have no intention for you to become another one of my customers who smoke”
How about a take off the Niqab, Hijab and Burkah day that would show us they are all willing to integrate WTF should we put one on?
Just another small give way to Islamic ways – why not wear cross?
“Just another small give way to Islamic ways – why not wear cross?”
I suppose that could be the quickest way to get them bolting back to their home land.
Message to London from Ben Pile
BTW see how they open a HYS on Thursday
ran it for 26 hours
They deleted the second most popular comment
Green = authoritarian.
Green = red.
CNN etc are going berserk on Trumps Address on Mass Shootings where he said ‘Toledo’ instead of ‘Dayton’. Presumably whoever wrote the script made a mistake or it was deliberate
Toledo has one of the highest homicide rates in U.S. – just saying
Incidently, the so-called ‘manifesto’ can be found here –
What the Dayton killer interacted with antifa left/lib tribe activists
.. That’s a BIG CLAIM , you’d need BIG evidence to back, that like screenshots
..What you got PJW ?
… Oh he followed a UK based-Australian self-declared-antifa who has tweeted a number of violent incentivising tweets
Oh PJW has done video
He might be correct –
Cory could do Jon Sopel’s job in his sleep.
Celtic, if I recall correctly, a Congresswoman – not sure if Democrat but I think so – referred on BBC R4 to Dayton as being in Michigan.
Are CNN getting excited about that?
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
Celtic – sleepy joe Biden got the locations of both mass killings wrong on live TV . Wat a guy…
Common blue butterfly makes comeback thanks to heatwave https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-49237092
Climate change not mentioned, because this is a good outcome
Stillbirth: ‘No-one prepares you for the loss of a baby’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-49236654
But plenty of politicians and activists are encouraging you to lose a baby!
Abortion rights: New Zealand moves to decriminalise https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-49234944
BBC – discuss!
BBC : Article 370: What happened with Kashmir and why it matters
I’ll tell you why it matters, TO THE BBC, its a muslim area, you know, that lot reponsible for 90% of the wars, genicides, rapes and torture around the worls (that don’t appear to matter)
Racist murders of white farmers in South Africa also don’t matter TO THE BBC, apparently. or months of mass protests in France on our doorstep (although purple haired pierced climate protests or anti Trump / Boris protests by a few hundred do matter)
This is blatant bias by omission and political propoganda
Saint Obama urges Americans to reject leaders who stoke hatred, quotes the beeb
Goes on to say.. Former US President Barack Obama has called on Americans to reject language from any of their leaders that feeds hatred or normalises racism.
Mr Obama did not name anyone but his rare comments…
BBC Moaning emole decides that this connection really needs EMPHASISING… nudge, nudge, wink, wink…
Obama: reject leaders who stoke hatred
Former US President Barack Obama has reacted to mass shootings in Texas and Ohio which left 31 people dead by calling on Americans to reject language from any of their leaders that feeds hatred or normalises racism. While he does not name anyone, the comments come after his successor Donald Trump sought to deflect criticism that his anti-immigrant rhetoric had fuelled violence. In the wake of the massacres, the BBC’s Tara McKelvey explores whether the US has neglected the fight against white extremism. Meanwhile, powerful personal accounts of the violence are coming to light, with US reporter Lauren Turner hearing from one man who says he can forgive the gunman who shot dead his son – a new father – in an El Paso supermarket.
Turkey and Christmas.
A Black Lives Matter terrorist killed Five police officers in Dallas, Texas during sniper attack. On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson
..Who stoked that ?
“The American people are a welcoming and generous people. But those who enter our country illegally, and those who employ them, disrespect the rule of law. And because we live in an age where terrorists are challenging our borders, we simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, and unchecked. Americans are right to demand better border security and better enforcement of the immigration laws.”
Trump? No! Obama;
Or just maybe the phone is out of stock 🙂
Andy – when you go to the link you kindly set up – there is a bbc headline which says
‘Some black girls don’t swim ‘
Now I didn’t go beyond the headline and wondered if it was the title of a “dire Straits’ track from 1988 I might have missed ….
Otherwise the mind boggled a bit .
TOADY Watch #1 Ladies Day
M&Ms all over the place for three hours.
Mishal currently interviewing a contributor, former Foreign Minister of Pakistan, about Kashmir. Should not Mishal recuse herself from such an item as a Muslim of Indian sub-continent origin?
TOADY Watch #2 I wonder if they will talk again about …
… property sales in Scotland? It’s a news item today. Properties are apparently selling quicker in Scotland than in London.
The big question not asked in a brief discussion during either the 6am News or the Business segment that followed in the first half-hour – are people leaving Scotland in droves? Are Scottish property prices now falling?
A combined TWT and TOADY Watch #3
Last night I endured all of TWiT in an effort to get to a new Book at Bedtime. The latter was not worth the agony. And agony it was because I was hearing FakeNews during TWiT. Not only on Brexit but there was some of that.
The truly surprising item was about the US:China so-called ‘trade war’ and the effect on the home market. The talk was of tariffs and as I have noted on here before the BBC correctly understand tariffs when reporting on President Trump but distort the truth on tariffs when referring to Brexit.
The BBC claimed – correctly – that the tariffs that Trump has imposed will put up costs for US residents. They went to Richmond, a poor district and suburb of Baltimore*, to a Food Bank there. They claimed the tariffs that Trump imposes on Chinese goods would increase food costs for the people of Maryland.
This was FakeNews and FalseFacts. It would increase the costs of Chinese foods not manufactured in the US. But how many Americans constantly eat Chinese food? My American friends of Chinese origin certainly do not. Occasionally, but not every day of the week.
One thing I know about the USA is that they are net food exporters, not net food importers. Maybe I’m better informed than some BBC listeners but I doubt it. Most will have heard the Brexit Project Fear scares about chlorinated chicken. Some of those listeners will know that, for example, MacDonalds used to fly their food fresh to all of the nations around the world that have their restaurants every day.
The subject of food is coming up several times on TOADY this a.m.. I wonder if the BBC will correct the calumny from last night’s TWiT? No?
I thought not.
* I have taken an increasing interest in Baltimore & Maryland for some years for a variety of reasons. One thing I learned some time ago is that Democrats have run the City of Baltimore for a long time. The same is true of the State – and state – of Maryland. City and State ruined by Democrats for a long time.
“Stacey Dooley Panorama: BBC sorry for ‘IS salute’ line”
Having worked in education for over thirty years and taught RE from the Primary National Curriculum, I was intrigued by this story. I’ve taught many topics about Islam: The Hajj, the koran, the special clothes worn on the Hajj and the beliefs held by muslims etc.
Here is a link to the National curriculum on the subjects taught in RE. Have a look on the section on Islam.
Click to access KS1%262%20Final%20Syllabus%202016.pdf
The reason for this post is that I have never seen in school assemblies (ones that have been led by imams), read or heard of the raised index Islamic finger gesture that is now claimed is part of Islamic prayer. I’ve never encountered it.
However, I have seen the gesture in photographs, it was used by ISIS terrorists.
Please ask any primary school teacher, current or retired, who teaches or has taught RE if they have seen the Islamic ‘prayer gesture’ in schools.
I would be surprised if they have.
“Here is a link to the National curriculum on the subjects taught in RE. Have a look on the section on Islam.” Have done. Selective, very!
I would go so far as to say, inaccurate: no mention whatever of the total hatred toward Israel and Christianity. That’s high on the cults motivation.
As for the so-called Islamic gesture of a finger pointing skywards, I would observe that it has been common in both sports and Christianity during my lifetime. I find this linking of it to ISIS/ISIL very interesting, especially by the pro-Islamic MSM.
G, you are totally correct.
I have seen and heard things over the years that have shocked me. I have worked in state schools comprised of 98% Muslims in inner city Birmingham where Christmas was deliberately avoided, even in staff meetings. I was asked once by a bright eleven year old Muslim girl what sort of christian I was. I told her that I was a RC. She relied, “We hate you!” This is what she was taught in her unregulated madrassa (after school muslim classes held in the local mosque). She realised what she had said and was very apologetic.
I was in an assembly once where the (Muslim) deputy head teacher asked the children to raise their hands if they spoke English at home. The majority of the children did and he promptly went on to scold them, saying their language and culture would die out (oh, the irony).
Non-Muslim teachers have witnessed incidents like this on a regular basis; why hasn’t anything being said? Fear. Heads can and make life very difficult for members of staff they do not like. Teachers like everyone else, live in fear of losing their job and pension.
The Trojan Horse schools continue to exist in schools throughout England but the government, local government, OFSTED and the BBC turn a blind eye.
The authorities knew what was going on as far back as 1984. A Bradford headteacher from the time called Ray Honeyford wrote several articles for various magazines using clear language to explain what was going on:
“……Very soon his school was surrounded by a rent-a-mob of diseducated students, dingy professors and fired-up Islamists, chanting ‘Raycist’, and calling for his dismissal.”
Sounds familiar doesn’t it? Honeyford was dismissed for voicing his concerns in in December 1985 (he accepted “early retirement”).
Thanks Cass,
The British ‘Sheeple’ have no idea of what’s coming down the tracks toward them.
I lived in the Middle East and saw that other side of things islamic so I know only too well in the UK, they are determined to, my expression, ‘Terraform’ the country to their ways. But as you say, a blind eye is turned. Terminal for the British way of life and, indeed, similar in the EU. Brexit, if it occurs, will not alter this.
I also doubt the importance of Brexit especially when you look at the level of infiltration and all the stuff flying under the radar e.g. the UN migration compact.
What — if anything — can be done?
Apologies in advance for any offence, but historically – in my junior school class (boys) – the raised finger was used to exhibit the best bogey, some of which achieved championship status. By our village standards anyway.
Beltane, I think a few Englishmen managed to get some bogeys out of the Umpires yesterday.
TOADY Watch #4 anti-Brexit and weaponising helpful quotes.
Larry Summers, formerly US Treasury Dept. official under Barak Obama, is found by the BBC to give a counter narrative – by car phone/mobile phone (chauffeur driven!) – to a Congessman or Senator who says a post-Brexit US:UK trade deal will be no problem and quickly arranged. Guess who makes it prominently onto the 8a.m. News?
Yep. Larry Summers.
Same with Jonathan Sumption – who?, yes, he of the BBC Reith Lectures on BBC Radio Four broadcast by the BBC back in May and June this year on the BBC radio – who was asked to comment on the Constitutional aspects of Brexit and Parliamentary timing for a No-Deal-Brexit.
Yes, radio on at 0759 – Toady – news headlines including hearing from a US Democrat that in Brexit negotiations the UK is “Desperate”.
Radio off 0801.
Our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster is obviously, prior to any news, ‘feature’ on the US (or indeed now, it seems, Brexit) contacting the Dems for a spokesman to interview.
G, the battering of Brexit and President Trump was constant and almost equal in measure. Brexit took the slightly heavier beating, imv.
I heard that but the next American senator they brought on said exactly the opposite and was in favour of UK despite the best efforts of BBC Mishel(?) trying to get him to say something negative..the n she tried to Trump him but he batted that back and she had nothing. Pathetic
TOADY Watch #5 – A very interesting little item
Paul Johnson of the IFS was brought on for an item about Income Tax and the 1% of top earners. How much do you have to earn to be in that number? £160,000+. How much of Income Tax* is paid by the 1%. According to Paul Johnson, it is about a quarter. Martha asks: “Has that changed more recently?”
Paul states: “No, it is broadly the same over the last thirty years.”
Now that is not in accordance with my understanding. That is a fall of about 25%, from around 30-33% down to 25%. Martha has not checked the figures. Might have been good to have asked Dominic O’Connell. He’s a bit more careful about such things.
* The claim is often made, sometimes even on the BBC, that the 1% pay a high proportion – about a third – of all taxes. That is an interesting little bit of propagandising but quite untrue.
The ‘left-leaning’ IFS? That one?
Paul Johnson whose brother is a BBC journo? That one?
Thatch, yes – BBC R4’s favourite go-to for things fiscal. Not as independent and impartial as the OBR. Could be why the Beeb likes him and the IFS so much.
I suspect a tax cut for the rich and famous is coming from Bojo and Sajid. There will be delight at the Beeb while they try to pour scorn on it because it comes from the ‘wicked Tor – eese’.
Beeb all over Saint Obama. Seems to me the people who ignore or help create a problem are the good guys and the ones who try and confront the problem are the baddies. Beebs acceptance of rhetoric is rather one sided.
The BBC here caught red handed reproducing Guardian lies without fact checking and therefore misrepresenting the truth.
“Opinion on proposals for a smacking ban in Wales is divided, a consultation has suggested.
A total of 50.3% of the 1,738 people and organisations that responded to the Welsh Government exercise thought the plan would help protect children’s rights.
But a marginally smaller group – 48.1% – did not.”
Note that the source of this ‘consultation’ is not given a link. The ‘consultation’ was carried out by The Guardian! You can read this here:
The Guardian however didn’t need to carry out a ‘consultation’ save for the purposes of supporting their own world view, because the Welsh government had already comissioned the Office for National Statistics to carry out the research, which didn’t support the BBC/Guardian wishes.
Click to access Independent%20data%20science%20analysis%20of%20the%20consultation%20responses%20-%20Data%20Science%20Campus%20Office%20for%20Na.pdf
Nearly 70% of the people of Wales when polled do not support the bill and that leaves less than 30% who do, a far cry from the BBC fake news that slightly more than 50% support it.
It would be interesting to see a report on the opinion of the people in Wales that would support the ‘abolition of the Welsh Assembly, because Its a total waste of money.
Money that would be better spent on Health and Education in Wales .
With that kind of margin- 50 / 48% – it is clear the 50% had no idea what they were voting for and indeed, highlights the stark fact that they were, ‘working-class’ and had no discernment whatever. A re-run of the poll is warranted…………
Just catched a TV add doing a piece about “Diabetic bingo” or Lotto.
I didn’t catch the title of the programme as my eyes went directly too the two “dive-crazy” dancers shaking their fleshy things. Yes, the male was a dark African and the female was as usual, pretty and yes she was Blonde.
You misheard – it’s actually ‘diabolic bingo ‘ where you give up your soul for ‘two fat ladees ‘
Yes, your right I always mishear things. Ya what?
My previous:
Dash it!
It should have been “Jive crazy” Jive.
Sorry guys n gals.
Toady watch
I’ve decided to give it up for a while – I noted that a contributor here suffered the world tonight – last night – which is another one to avoid since lustig left and was replaced by someone named after a rolled cigarette paper .
I was thinking the list of BBC programmes and subjects I avoid growing – American gun crime – not our business – British violent crime – our business …..plenty of international stuff which is not our business – whilst UK elderly social care remains untreated ….maybe babs Windsor – who must be mid to late stage Dementia – might achieve something . ( for the record I had ‘skin in the game – but no longer )
22 year old arrested for murdering an 89 year old lady in Tottenham 2 days ago
17 year old ‘mental health job’ arrested for throwing an 8 year old off the roof of the Tate .
Tut tut, Fed! Hope you are not referring to our Rithula (as properly pronounced but spelt Ritula) another one who really ought to recuse herself when dealing with Indian matters and, especially, Kashmir.
I only subjected myself to it because I was wide awake just before 5am. Got up and got on with life while keeping an ear open for BBC bias and errors.
Up2-being a sometimes tempted non smoker all I hear is ‘Rizla ‘ and I was looking for a laugh on that one as I just can’t bend to PC here as I now have to do elsewhere for fear of s5A Public Order Act 1986 – a favourite killer of freedom of speak – especially if you go for the ‘racially aggravated ‘ variety …
I wondered what Book at Bedtime was worth listening to 45 minutes of snowflake propaganda pretending to be ‘news ‘. ?
Most BBC ‘audio ‘books now seem to be wimmin or refugees or Muslims or gays – in various combinations -having a hard time because of whitee men …..
That blonde presenter, Radio 5 Live this morning going on about the famous guests on their very own “Strictly”:
“I really think that the drag act from the US will be a winner with our TV audience”. or words to that affect.
I have never watched it.
Caught a glimpse of it once which near made me vomit when I saw what the male dancers looked like.
Like millions of others I have enjoyed Strictly (its a woman thing) – in the early years. Sadly the BBC have struggled to find ‘celebrities’ to take part in recent series, and have resorted to scraping below the bottom of the barrel to find anyone to take part. As a result we have a conglomeration of ‘types’ that no-one has heard of, so its only the scandal stories that are a big part of the draw.
Darcy Bussell , brought some class to the programme, but left the show ‘to pursue other projects’, but was it because she thought it was now becoming stale, and more like a dancing karaoke, that even she was becoming bored with it.
Strictly is a huge cash cow for the Beeb, – franchised around the world, so hardly likely to be put out to grass anytime soon. But viewers will leave in droves if they deviate from the format of one man one woman partners. Britain may be ‘tolerant’ but messing about with a family viewing show may be a tolerance too far.
I thought David Vine did ‘come dancing’ when he wasn’t doing ‘ski Sunday ‘ – always thought there was a programme due if the BBC mixed both events ….
…fortunately the Saturday evening ‘light entertainment slot ‘ is a void for which which I am happy not to fill …. they have, however, put Dads Army – from 1970- back on which must boost average BBC 2 viewing figures by millions …
Another thought bris – maybe the BBC could employ Jeremy Kyle in a judge role ? And bring a bit of that DNA ‘I think I married me mum ‘ stuff into it – complete with bald security blokes in black tee shirts …
Or another
Jeremy ‘ guesting for a week – the Corbyn – or the one in top gear …..
… and if they could get Nigel Farage to take part the second (5th?)referendum result would be 70 % leave …
Fed, I’m waiting for the day when the cupboard is bare, and the only sleb left is Nadya.
“I have enjoyed Strictly (its a woman thing) ”
Uh oh, does that mean I have to review my gender?
Can’t afford a whole new wardrobe, let alone surgery.
Brissles, I only watched the one series – the one with Kelly Brook (it’s a bloke thing). :0P
“Britain may be ‘tolerant’ but messing about with a family viewing show may be a tolerance too far.”
You will understand that I am not a fan of The X FACTOR, but for a short time I followed the show eagerly. But my tolerance of said show ended the night – while children was watching the show – when some sex-crazed male while on the live show, turned his back on the panel, dropped his trousers and exposed his buttocks to all.
I think that the fact most people in the audience/Panel laughed their heads off thereby making this chap TV-famous revealed the sickness of todays British entertainment business.
I turned the TV off instantly. Never watched it since though going off the news its gone worse.
Is there anything by the racist far-left bbc collective to match this report?
There seems to be a lot of validity in what is being said about the corrupt FBI and their criminal activities under James Comey:
R4 – is it me or has the standard or presenters dropped through the floor? They seem to be not too bright speak in a way that even I find unattractive – and as real Cockney that is bad…
Cor blimey geez auntie don’t go big on propa lundun accents when it cums to presentin dus it …? Suffering from Emily thornbury (lady Brooke ) white van disease perhaps ?
Lady Nugee, methinks. Lady Brooke is Ms Montague of R4 fame.
Boy James, if a cockney (real one) discerns standards have dropped then I for one agree with you.
I love the cockney accent. Wished my wife had a cockney accent.
Boy James, if a cockney (real one) discerns standards have dropped then I for one agree with you.
I love the cockney accent. Wished my wife had a cockney accent.
OT, but Adam seems to have been drinking Kay Burley’s Mountain spring water, Tony Halll’s impartiality’ elixir, and Mishal’s death tally tonic.
The ‘much smaller’ gilets jaune protests which have been a feature of French life for several months – the best part of a year, in fact – throughout France. That means not just Paris Mr Boulton, but we as know, getting reports from elsewhere doesn’t have quite the same ambience, nor indeed cuisine.
It’s not BBC but the Londonistan evening standard reports that
‘John Lewis has cancelled make up classes for 12 year olds ‘.
Sad days for paedophiles ….
Important “Report”
Team GB’s only black swimmer: ‘I understand why girls would quit over their hair.
Maybe stick to actual news
Water’s racist
Clearly so.
Compare / contrast headlines on the Tate Modern incident. BBC downplaying again on behalf of one of their favoured minority groups?
—”HORROR INJURIES Tate Modern boy, 6, suffered brain bleed and has a broken back, legs and arms after being ‘hurled off 10th floor’ as teen, 17, appears in court” [The Sun]
—”Child thrown off Tate Modern building has serious injuries, court told” [The Times]
—”Teenager appears in court charged with attempted murder of six-year-old ‘thrown’ from Tate Modern 10th floor” [The Telegraph]
—”Tate Modern: Horrific injuries of boy, 6, after ‘being thrown 100ft off balcony'” [The Mirror]
—“Tate Modern: Teenager in court after six-year-old boy injured” [BBC]
and at weekend !!!………..Colour is only mentioned when it suits the BBC agenda.
A shooting at a supermarket in the US state of Texas that left 20 dead is being investigated as domestic terrorism, officials say.
A 21-year-old WHITE man was arrested at the scene of the attack in the city of El Paso, near the US-Mexico border.
Do we know the ethnicity of perpetrator or victim? Even if we don’t the past record of the BBC certainly makes you consider that there could be a cover up. Once a media outlet has been caught lying or suppressing the truth it taints everything else that they do. After hundreds or thousands of previous examples as is the case with the BBC it becomes everyone’s automatic suspicion.
The astonishing double standards of : A media which misinforms
By John Redwood
Top man. Just keeps on taking it and dishing it right back !!! Its something the Liberals have never had to cope with …. and they cant !!! Lovely stuff Sir .
This is interesting. A German study has found that the EU would suffer far more than the UK with a No Deal Brexit. 🙂
“”A study last year by Germany’s Halle Institute estimated a no-deal Brexit would cost 12,000 jobs in the UK, and 422,000 jobs in the other 27 EU members, of which 100,000 are in Germany and 50,000 in France.””
“”Yesterday, Ireland’s central bank forecast a loss of up to 100,000 jobs in the medium term in Ireland alone, on a no-deal. Clearly, the EU’s negotiators risk losing the wholehearted support of its two largest post-Brexit paymasters and others.””
“”But for Brussels, giving in on Brexit encourages rebellion from disaffected populations in other member states. Rather like the Soviets ruling Eastern Europe in the late eighties, the Brussels establishment finds itself struggling to keep its non-democratic political model intact.””
Soon NOT to be discussed by the anti-Brexit BBC.
This proves beyond any doubt that the EU bureaucracy is ideologically driven and cares nothing for the lives of its people.it will defend its vision of a United States of Europe no matter misery it inflicts on its voters. It is very like the USSR in that regard, ideology first people second.
Indeed. You could also say the same of the BBC. I’ve substituted BBC for EU in your post:
This proves beyond any doubt that the ‘BBC’ bureaucracy is ideologically driven and cares nothing for the licence fees of its people. It will defend its vision of a United States of Europe no matter misery it inflicts on its Licence Fee Payers. It is very like the USSR in that regard, ideology first people second.
Double: “This proves beyond any doubt that the EU bureaucracy is ideologically driven and cares nothing for the lives of its people.”
You are so right. Half the time the EU gets mentioned on BBC R4 these days, I inevitably think of those Polish traffickers and slavemasters, who trafficked and enslaved their fellow countrymen, and were enabled in doing that by one of the EU’s famous Four Freedoms.
As the Sun newspaper memorably put it: ‘Up yours, Delors!’
I’m off. I hope the rest of the UK is hot on my heels. Roll on 1st November 2019.
May we enquire where you are off to? No matter if it’s private and you would rather not say. But what is important is that you keep on posting. Good luck.
Up2 – don’t say where you are going – but best of where ever it is .
I have a number of flops but my main one is a secret island in the Thames Estuary which isn’t on any map and only shows up once s century …
Fed, I hope your hideaway is not near the SS Montgomery or whatever it is called. Just in case you succumb again to the lure of Ritula and drop the lighted match trying a Norfeas Lunnun roll up.
“Don’t panic, don’t panic, Mr Mainwaring! I’m off out of the EU ‘cos if I get anymore of it shoved at me, I’ll get upset and fix me bayonet and give ’em a taste of the cold steel. They don’t like that, Mr Mainwaring. They don’t like the cold steel up ’em, they don’t, they don’t like it up ’em.”
Apologies for my careless phrasing causing a panic: the ‘I’m off’ is really addressed to the EU, UK Government please note as well and please make sure you get us out of the EU at midnight on 31 October.
I really hope and pray we are out of the EU on Hallowe’en.
The fireworks will be early this year.
We will have the biggest party ever.
I use the online Netweather.tv which narrows the forecast down to my Postcode. Why I consult this abysmal forecast I really don’t know. They cannot even provide anywhere near the accuracy you would expect for the following 24 hrs. It seems by default 2/3 days ahead is always solid rain during daylight hours and this is amended mere hours before a daybreak.
Makes one wonder how any weather forecaster can predict years ahead……………….
“I use the online Netweather.tv which narrows the forecast down to my Postcode. Why I consult this abysmal forecast I really don’t know. They cannot even provide anywhere near the accuracy you would expect for the following 24 hrs.”
Strange. That French guy who pushes his passengers out on their daily English river excursions seems to get the weather angle more accurate than that shower at the BBC.inc
G, someone told me via BBC R4 that on the other side of the world they were using the BBC Weather provided by Meteo. I don’t think they are quite as accurate as the Met Office, or as precise, but an 85% hit rate is pretty good in my book. I gave the Met Office 90 out of 100 for their efforts.
The brave new world as imagined by a beeboid. Why refuse free healthcare to immigrants when you can kill off fat people instead?
Let fat people die to save the NHS money says BBC’s Michael Buerk
Next it will be let fat white people die and soon after they will drop the weight requirement.
Fat people who have paid full PAYE tax and NI into the system for forty years or more, expecting their contributions to help them when in poor health, they didn’t have the benefits of companies that specialize in tax avoidance for so many BBC stars.
According to website Celebritynetworth.com, Buerk has an estimated net worth of $3 million, which is equivalent to just over £2.4 million.
Most of his wealth is derived from the BBC TV licence that many people, including fat people were forced to pay.
Since it’s about 5 mins since the last lefty lib voice got a free platform on the BBC its time for Ed Balls at 4:30pm Radio4
\\ Ed Balls discusses the influence of the 20th-century composer Herbert Howells with biographer Paul Spicer //
@Lucy FFS his conviction has taken 17 years !
He has had 12 years of freedom in Pakistan, +3 years Pak detention
\\ Mohammed was investigated by police at the time of the fire but skipped bail and fled to Pakistan in 2003.
He was detained in the country in 2015 and extradited to the UK in 2018. //
He was aiming to murder the guy who helped his sister’s lover, and the fire killed that guys extended family.
CNN sat on this for as long as they could, and now BBC will have no choice but to release it –
@Celtic CNN sat on what ?
It’s purely an AMBUSH title
Of 100 sentences only the first mentions leftism.
\\ Connor Betts retweeted extreme left-wing and anti-police posts, as well as tweets supporting Antifa, or anti-fascist, protesters. //
… that’s the only detail on left connection.
Texas shooter : ‘Yeh, he must have been inspired & driven to it by The Book Of Trump’
Sri Lanka shooters : ‘Yeh, they must have been inspired & driven to it by The Book of .., no hang on we don’t know anything about their motivations ..its probably due to Buddhist repression’
same for other Islamist attacks
‘Yeh, he must have been inpired & driven to it by The Book Of .. oh hey look over there isn’t climate change bad’
Compare and contrast 2
London BAME does something bad
… ‘ the problem is : Not enough youth clubs’
US shooters’ the problem is : Donald Trump’
… The thing is ultimately Khan, and Trump have some responsibility : its about good law enforcement and taking care of the mentally ill, before they go on rampages.