On the ‘Today’ programme this morning, there seemed to me to be bias about Kashmir and the suspension of the special arrangements that province had after Indian independence.
The key question of motivation was not asked. There must, presumably, be a reason for the Indian government acting as it has: the move will not have come from nowhere. Whatever the rights and wrongs of this (I make no comment, as I don’t know and feel that the BBC is unlikely to explain!) it would be nice to hear more than the Muslim and Pakistani sides to the question.
M, at the risk of repeating myself, I refer the honourable member to my earlier post:
BBC : Article 370: What happened with Kashmir and why it matters
I’ll tell you why it matters, TO THE BBC, its a muslim area, you know, that lot reponsible for 90% of the wars, genicides, rapes and torture around the worls (that don’t appear to matter)
Racist murders of white farmers in South Africa also don’t matter TO THE BBC, apparently. or months of mass protests in France on our doorstep (although purple haired pierced climate protests or anti Trump / Boris protests by a few hundred do matter)
This is blatant bias by omission and political propoganda
A story which I don’t think will feature much on the bbc .
A 14 year old boy dies in his home . Police are called to guard the body until the parents arrive .
So what does the police officer – PC Avi Maharaj, 44
do -?
Yes he gets the PIN number to the TV system and buys porn to watch online until the mum and dad arrive.
Later – the TV subscription bill arrives resulting in PC Avi Maharaj, 44 appearing in court facing jail time – plenty of porn to watch in there .
Unlike TR – he ll probably get a suspended sentence for ‘ cultural ‘ reasons … the BBC would have hate President Trump than wonder how cops are selected these days ….
Apparently the PC pleaded guilty in magistrates court but the judge has sent it to crown court for increased sentencing powers .
@Fedup ..you are behind cos I heard it on around July 18th
but maybe it was not selected for #OperationBangingOn
like they only tweeted it once
.. whereas CNN tweeted that antifa Dayton story once before 2pm and then again 2 hours later
A Met Police officer has admitted buying pornography at the family home of a dead child while he waited for an undertaker to arrive.https://t.co/OejCj8jp9C
Stew – Confession – it’s the second time I put this story up . If it wasn’t so sick it would be funny just for the sheer horror involved –
Where the father of a boy who appears to have ended his life thought one of his last acts was to buy porn using his parents details .
Instead it’s an animal ‘ copper ‘ who even tried to cover it up by falsifying records to blame the deceased .
Apparently the soon to be ex copper got bail pending sentence – …..
Nice to see the local useless amateur BBC news reported it though – gone in an hour – stories against the diversity grain .,,
If the cop gets time he’ll probably land up in solitary at Bellmarsh adjacent to TR and the wiki leaks bloke
Southall Station, whats all that about ? station sign in punjabi, my wife has to take a series of english exams to pass her immigration application, increasingly harder each time, and so why do the residents there not have to bother ?
R4 news at 5.. what a bunch of ….I cannot believe how blatant they are at pushing a one sided argument – playing the response of one US Democrat (who was on this morning) and ignoring completely the other one who gave a positive response – giving the impression there is only one (negative view) from the USA…then throwing in that the USA will want us to accept food that is currently banned..has the BBC negotiated the trade deal?
A double decker bus with a full banner advert for North West London college, fair enough, but the (I kid you not) 8 foot high portrait of a grinning black male dwarf accompanying it ????
Should have been in rainbow T shirt or stockings and heels and it would have won bleeding awards
Awards ?
TfL created an uneven playing field using awards
Cos if you hit the tick boxes you can win an award and get some free advertising spaces on London Transport.
Of course both winner & runner up, were for women only products #1 Menopause supplements
and #2 After pregnancy bodies https://www.london.gov.uk/press-releases/mayoral/winner-of-diversity-in-advertising-competition
just checked their website dunno whats happened to the dwarf but the usual, in the “about section” 5 photos:
three black wimmin, one white wimmin and a token white male
Sorry to post again but I have just had to switch R4 news off..where do they get these people from – asking if they will change their eating habits as a result of no deal Brexit…
The Brexiteers they found (surprise) were stoic and had common sense, then to finish a woman who said she would stock up with tinned stuff and if we started getting meat from the US she would go vegetarian..what a dumb idiot – does she not realise the UK produces meat and we get it from places outside of the EU..Jesus. and they call us Brexiteers thick… BBC really is hitting the project fear V3 pedal
Rachel Riley slams Labour councillor for suggesting the Countdown star is ‘working for Israel’ and will be to blame for ‘another Jo Cox’ murder by calling out anti-Semitism in the party
Newly-elected councillor Lisa Lewis was called a ‘racist’ by Ms Riley on Twitter
The Labour representative retweeted an article about Ms Riley by the Dorset Eye
It said Ms Riley ‘and her goons’ will be responsible for ‘another Jo Cox moment’
Ms Lewis, elected in Southbourne in May, once claimed she was ‘15% Jewish’
ITV local news deeper report on the Beechwood children’s home in Nottinghamshire,
the main focus was an ex-police officer said he feels really sad cos he did get called there on other jobs, but the police got no complaints about sexual abuse.
Boris seriously needs to look at Al Beeb and decide who they side with, The EU or Great Britain ?
Then do something about this bloated autonomous oligarchy.
"A growing body of heat-filled extremists… are finding some form of license in the president, who has been using rhetoric… that seems to incite and inflame"
Only one word that matters there : “former” for reasons we can only assume ….like that British Baker and his former girlfriend who somehow gets photographed every day this week in a variety of costumes and poses going about her “normal life” that always appear in the tabloids, each and every day and not one of those pics from a distance or blurred, funny that
The democrats will roll any ex FBI paid mouthpiece out against POTUS. They were politicised and owned by democrat presidents and must know that they are on the reform list come the second term
As the US economy grows the democrats must be desperate for a new front – race- guns … but as a foreigner looking in – it will tick boxes for those already signed up to the democrats but give POTUS the benefit of the doubt .
No dumb wars going on – getting jobs back to The US and doing what a Kind of Republican President does .
But there’s a year to the election and events have consequences …
I am frankly amazed at his resilience in the only suststained and complete and utter ongoing peacetime attack upon the American presidency never seen since Japan in the second world war
Still retweeting owt that fits his anti Trump agenda tho. h
This president, who helped create the hatred that made Saturday's tragedy possible, should not come to El Paso. We do not need more division. We need to heal. He has no place here.
I think Biden might turn into a laughing stock if he stays in the race . Still waiting for A black female TV personality to throw her hat in the ring .
Indeed Fed. I think Biden’s wandering hands may be his downfall. There’s no doubt about it, he’s a creepy little toad. I smell a “he touched me” scandal around the corner !!
OT, but might the BBC consider whether a group they seem so smitten by are entirely sane?
F**k climate breakdown. F**k ecological collapse. F**k the governments complicit in these. F**k the corporations that they do this for. F**k standing by and letting them do this.
I appreciate this shared tweet will likely be removed, but too many are using this technique to try and stir up the feeble minded. And the national broadcaster is utterly complicit.
Ah, but, according to BBC Editorial Guidelines and hence ofcom, the right kind of hate, so all good.
In other news, to celebrate Jon Snow’s washing of colour, and to continue its efforts at maintaining community harmony, the BBC is running a celebration of… the Black Panther movement.
Talk Radio report is written as if saying that TR supporters broke through police lines and attacked a police medic
..but that could be a diliberately misleading way of saying that it was antifa
..The livestream showed them constantly trying to push thru police lines https://talkradio.co.uk/news/police-medic-attacked-tommy-robinson-protest-19080631836
OT, but as an evening hoot, this entire comment thread is comedy gold. I have not yet reached Gavin, Paul, Femi or O’Brien’s contribution, but it can only be a matter of time.
What a great idea – those countries who have ‘sent ‘ large numbers of their citizens for resettlement in the UK can accept ‘remainer ‘ types – I’m sure a million or more will be happy in Poland or other ex communist states .
Maybe the BBC can do a ‘remainers in need’ thing or ‘EU red nose day “ with scores of snow flakes remainer ‘comedians ‘ doing their amusing pieces to support remainers leaving the UK for the Reich ….
“Leo Varadkar: Post-Brexit vote on Irish unity not the way forward” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-49247754
In the interest of The Republic of Ireland, Loe Veradkar should consider holding a referendum on whether or not his country should leave the EU.
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
On the ‘Today’ programme this morning, there seemed to me to be bias about Kashmir and the suspension of the special arrangements that province had after Indian independence.
The key question of motivation was not asked. There must, presumably, be a reason for the Indian government acting as it has: the move will not have come from nowhere. Whatever the rights and wrongs of this (I make no comment, as I don’t know and feel that the BBC is unlikely to explain!) it would be nice to hear more than the Muslim and Pakistani sides to the question.
M, at the risk of repeating myself, I refer the honourable member to my earlier post:
BBC : Article 370: What happened with Kashmir and why it matters
I’ll tell you why it matters, TO THE BBC, its a muslim area, you know, that lot reponsible for 90% of the wars, genicides, rapes and torture around the worls (that don’t appear to matter)
Racist murders of white farmers in South Africa also don’t matter TO THE BBC, apparently. or months of mass protests in France on our doorstep (although purple haired pierced climate protests or anti Trump / Boris protests by a few hundred do matter)
This is blatant bias by omission and political propoganda
A story which I don’t think will feature much on the bbc .
A 14 year old boy dies in his home . Police are called to guard the body until the parents arrive .
So what does the police officer – PC Avi Maharaj, 44
do -?
Yes he gets the PIN number to the TV system and buys porn to watch online until the mum and dad arrive.
Later – the TV subscription bill arrives resulting in PC Avi Maharaj, 44 appearing in court facing jail time – plenty of porn to watch in there .
Unlike TR – he ll probably get a suspended sentence for ‘ cultural ‘ reasons … the BBC would have hate President Trump than wonder how cops are selected these days ….
Apparently the PC pleaded guilty in magistrates court but the judge has sent it to crown court for increased sentencing powers .
@Fedup ..you are behind cos I heard it on around July 18th
but maybe it was not selected for #OperationBangingOn
like they only tweeted it once
.. whereas CNN tweeted that antifa Dayton story once before 2pm and then again 2 hours later
Stew – Confession – it’s the second time I put this story up . If it wasn’t so sick it would be funny just for the sheer horror involved –
Where the father of a boy who appears to have ended his life thought one of his last acts was to buy porn using his parents details .
Instead it’s an animal ‘ copper ‘ who even tried to cover it up by falsifying records to blame the deceased .
Apparently the soon to be ex copper got bail pending sentence – …..
Nice to see the local useless amateur BBC news reported it though – gone in an hour – stories against the diversity grain .,,
If the cop gets time he’ll probably land up in solitary at Bellmarsh adjacent to TR and the wiki leaks bloke
What name is on this account
“This enormous monstrosity is the world’s first floating nuclear power plant.
It’s about to start operating in the Russian Arctic.
No, we’re not joking.
This is a real thing.
Clue their own ships run on diesel.
Bad link, try this: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/aug/04/russia-floating-nuclear-power-station-chernobyl-on-ice
Londistan experiences part one:
Southall Station, whats all that about ? station sign in punjabi, my wife has to take a series of english exams to pass her immigration application, increasingly harder each time, and so why do the residents there not have to bother ?
That Punjabi sign has been there since 1995 ish

I don’t see a problem with a couple of signs, it’s what you’d get in a Chinatown area.
I do
Not much to choose between them:
R4 news at 5.. what a bunch of ….I cannot believe how blatant they are at pushing a one sided argument – playing the response of one US Democrat (who was on this morning) and ignoring completely the other one who gave a positive response – giving the impression there is only one (negative view) from the USA…then throwing in that the USA will want us to accept food that is currently banned..has the BBC negotiated the trade deal?
Londistan part two today:
A double decker bus with a full banner advert for North West London college, fair enough, but the (I kid you not) 8 foot high portrait of a grinning black male dwarf accompanying it ????
Should have been in rainbow T shirt or stockings and heels and it would have won bleeding awards
Awards ?

TfL created an uneven playing field using awards
Cos if you hit the tick boxes you can win an award and get some free advertising spaces on London Transport.
Of course both winner & runner up, were for women only products #1 Menopause supplements
and #2 After pregnancy bodies
OK pregnant black male dwarf in stockings..where’s me trophy
just checked their website dunno whats happened to the dwarf but the usual, in the “about section” 5 photos:
three black wimmin, one white wimmin and a token white male
If you check the photos thought I saw the top of his head in one
next time, I suggest a trampoline with a fast shutter speed
West Drayton is a ward in Hillingdon of London, England and includes areas of Yiewsley.
In the 2011 census the population of West Drayton was 14,370 and is made up of approximately 51% females and 49% males.
The average age of people in West Drayton is 35, while the median age is lower at 33.
70.1% of people living in West Drayton were born in England. Other top answers for country of birth were 4.4% India, 1.7% Pakistan, 1.1% Ireland, 1.0% Scotland, 1.0% Somalia, 1.0% Sri Lanka, 0.9% Kenya, 0.8% Nigeria, 0.7% Wales.http://west-drayton.localstats.co.uk/census-demographics/england/london/hillingdon/west-drayton
No one it seems identifies as a black dwarf
Although I could be way off mark here and there is a Snow White post grad course running with limited uptake, or the philosophy of R2D2 or something
Sorry to post again but I have just had to switch R4 news off..where do they get these people from – asking if they will change their eating habits as a result of no deal Brexit…
The Brexiteers they found (surprise) were stoic and had common sense, then to finish a woman who said she would stock up with tinned stuff and if we started getting meat from the US she would go vegetarian..what a dumb idiot – does she not realise the UK produces meat and we get it from places outside of the EU..Jesus. and they call us Brexiteers thick… BBC really is hitting the project fear V3 pedal
Rachel Riley slams Labour councillor for suggesting the Countdown star is ‘working for Israel’ and will be to blame for ‘another Jo Cox’ murder by calling out anti-Semitism in the party
Newly-elected councillor Lisa Lewis was called a ‘racist’ by Ms Riley on Twitter
The Labour representative retweeted an article about Ms Riley by the Dorset Eye
It said Ms Riley ‘and her goons’ will be responsible for ‘another Jo Cox moment’
Ms Lewis, elected in Southbourne in May, once claimed she was ‘15% Jewish’
ITV local news deeper report on the Beechwood children’s home in Nottinghamshire,
the main focus was an ex-police officer said he feels really sad cos he did get called there on other jobs, but the police got no complaints about sexual abuse.
Boris seriously needs to look at Al Beeb and decide who they side with, The EU or Great Britain ?
Then do something about this bloated autonomous oligarchy.
” bloated autonomous oligarchy” I would have said “bunch of tos@@rs” but that’ll do I suppose
Does Al Beeb fix the Have Your Say ‘ticks’?
Something tells me they do .
This site monitors HYS deletions
And… Newsnight is off!
Only one word that matters there : “former” for reasons we can only assume ….like that British Baker and his former girlfriend who somehow gets photographed every day this week in a variety of costumes and poses going about her “normal life” that always appear in the tabloids, each and every day and not one of those pics from a distance or blurred, funny that
The democrats will roll any ex FBI paid mouthpiece out against POTUS. They were politicised and owned by democrat presidents and must know that they are on the reform list come the second term
As the US economy grows the democrats must be desperate for a new front – race- guns … but as a foreigner looking in – it will tick boxes for those already signed up to the democrats but give POTUS the benefit of the doubt .
No dumb wars going on – getting jobs back to The US and doing what a Kind of Republican President does .
But there’s a year to the election and events have consequences …
I am frankly amazed at his resilience in the only suststained and complete and utter ongoing peacetime attack upon the American presidency never seen since Japan in the second world war
Elizabeth Warren !!! The bbc’s new Rory Stewart. Jon already getting excited .
Still retweeting owt that fits his anti Trump agenda tho. h
I think Biden might turn into a laughing stock if he stays in the race . Still waiting for A black female TV personality to throw her hat in the ring .
Indeed Fed. I think Biden’s wandering hands may be his downfall. There’s no doubt about it, he’s a creepy little toad. I smell a “he touched me” scandal around the corner !!
OT, but might the BBC consider whether a group they seem so smitten by are entirely sane?
I appreciate this shared tweet will likely be removed, but too many are using this technique to try and stir up the feeble minded. And the national broadcaster is utterly complicit.
XR’s tweet of course stirs up *HATE*
Ah, but, according to BBC Editorial Guidelines and hence ofcom, the right kind of hate, so all good.
In other news, to celebrate Jon Snow’s washing of colour, and to continue its efforts at maintaining community harmony, the BBC is running a celebration of… the Black Panther movement.
BBC Trending is predictably shouting “white nationalists”
…many they mean the SNP
Talk Radio report is written as if saying that TR supporters broke through police lines and attacked a police medic
..but that could be a diliberately misleading way of saying that it was antifa
..The livestream showed them constantly trying to push thru police lines
OT, but as an evening hoot, this entire comment thread is comedy gold. I have not yet reached Gavin, Paul, Femi or O’Brien’s contribution, but it can only be a matter of time.
What a great idea – those countries who have ‘sent ‘ large numbers of their citizens for resettlement in the UK can accept ‘remainer ‘ types – I’m sure a million or more will be happy in Poland or other ex communist states .
Maybe the BBC can do a ‘remainers in need’ thing or ‘EU red nose day “ with scores of snow flakes remainer ‘comedians ‘ doing their amusing pieces to support remainers leaving the UK for the Reich ….
Threads getting tired so it’s time for a nice shiny new one ….
“Leo Varadkar: Post-Brexit vote on Irish unity not the way forward”
In the interest of The Republic of Ireland, Loe Veradkar should consider holding a referendum on whether or not his country should leave the EU.