Amazing! BBC Woman Hour 6 August ranks unique.
There was not a single Black Resentment comment or Black article . Hopefully, Woman’s Hour will continue to represent Women rather than ‘social justice’ gestures.
Then there was an hour long program about Black oppression in New Orleans to balance this up.
Not forgetting the Religion of Peace and their offering for 48 hours:
2019.08.07 Afghanistan Kabul 14 dead 145 injured A massive suicde blast in a Shiite neighborhood leaves over a dozen dead.
2019.08.06 Pakistan Quetta 1 dead 13 injured A targeted bombing attack on the minority Hazara community outside a shoe market leaves one dead.
When issuing these “threats” to punish our exporting of for example whisky and black pudding to the EU, have they considered the reaction in the UK regarding the import and buying of for example BMW’s, Audi’s, Mercedes, Renaults, Peugeot and Volkswagens in return? Judging by the fact that every other car whizzing past on a motorway is likely to be German or French, I don’t think they have thought this blackmail through!
I see Jaguar Land Rover sales are up in North America by a few percent. Good news not mentioned on the Beeb website that I can see. PES Media daily is a site worth looking at for manufacturing news. Don’t suppose its in any beeb journo’s favourites box.
“Trump Urges Unity Vs. Racism,” was the correct description in the first headline by the Failing New York Times, but it was quickly changed to, “Assailing Hate But Not Guns,” after the Radical Left Democrats went absolutely CRAZY! Fake News – That’s what we’re up against…
..”This is an astounding development in journalism. I’ve never seen it happen before, I’ve just never seen anything like this! Is that journalism today? I don’t think so!” Mark Penn, Former Clinton Advisor. @TuckerCarlson After 3 years I almost got a good headline from the Times!
“Meanwhile, the Dayton, Ohio, shooter had a history of supporting political figures like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and ANTIFA.” @OANN I hope other news outlets will report this as opposed to Fake News. Thank you!
We have witnessed the remain corps in he UK pick up and run with the same warped and hysterical denigration methods employed by the Democ-rats in the US. They don’t have an argument, can’t stomach losing so they fabricate and plain old lie.
Give me the John Wayne type of President who answers questions brief and to the point – in other words, honestly – rather than an effeminate, highly educated, false, self righteous, person who is only in it to do themselves and their highly educated, well read, friends a favour – and, who always lies.
Mainly talking about Danish I believe Celtic so no bad thing in my opinion. Chickens (Pigs) are coming home to roost now that the other member states are starting to wake up to the reality of Brexit. I just hope the individuals who suffer realise that the obstinance of Brussels is the reason for their misfortune and take it out on there own politicians and not us.
“No it just means they are not blind – metaphorically and possibly literally at the BBC – except to the the truth..”
This is a must on the CV of every BBC junior reporter who sets out to have a cushy life with plenty of free travel, and loads of invites to the homes of the BBC elites just to show them how easy it is to sponge their way in life by siding with our nations enemies.
(1) Not paying £39 Billion means your standard of living will be £2,000 higher.
(2) Elimination of Britain’s trade deficit with the EU will also boost your standard of living.
(3) Forcing Champagne socialists to buy English Sparkling wine will boost your standard of living.
(4) Forcing the elite to buy British rather than German cars will boost your standard of living.
(5) Withdrawing tariffs on imports of food from non-European countries will boost your standard of living.
(6) Not having to subsidise French farmers will boost your standard of living.
(7) Tariffs on imports from the EU can boost the economy by discouraging people from buying expensive EU goods.
(8) Free Ports with much more friendly nations would boost trade on WTO rules, helping to increase our trade surplus on WTO rules, increasing your standard of living even further.
(9) Free trade agreements with much more friendly nations would boost your standard of living.
(10) Save your pound from sinking with the Euro.
Do the bbc live in the real world???!!!
Holidays in Europe may be affected food may be short supply bacon also affected. How do they think we managed before we had so called free movement of goods? Even then paper work had to be done and Tarrif are put on so many items coming from outside the EU although some may not be charged at point of entry into Uk
I was reading a piece recently – it was in HANSARD – how we as a nation coped during the war years and it was amazing to see how we coped superbly with the daily threats of hardship and the idiots who said we must give in to Hitler for fear of invasion.
How the EU’s ‘off-budget’ military intervention fund would cost the UK taxpayer an extra £1.2 billion a year: (via @Facts4euOrg)
— Veterans for Britain (@VeteransBritain) August 5, 2019
One small part of the EU Commission’s plans involves the creation of yet another “off-budget” EU Fund. It comes in at a cool €10.5 billion euros. As one of the largest contributors to the EU, this would mean around £1.2 billion extra pounds for the UK taxpayer to find. And this sum will never appear in the Treasury’s official declarations of “the UK’s net contributions to the EU”, because it does not form part of the official EU budget.
As with so many EU projects, this new fund has been given an innocuous-sounding name: “The European Peace Facility” (EPF). In reality this is about building up the EU’s military forces under the EU Defence Union.
… To quote the EU itself, this fund “cannot be financed under the Union’s budget because of its operational military or defence implications”.
Who will win the Nobel Peace Prize? Will it be the European Union Army for its “European Peace Facility” (EPF) or will it be little Greta Thunberg for her “fire and brimstone” speeches calling for Primary School children to go on strike and lobby their governments to “Panic like the house is on fire”. It could also be won by Tony Blair, the man who “fought for peace in the World”
Twitter is fired up by the prospect of the Right Honourable Dominic Grieve QC PC being arrested for allegedly conniving with a foreign enemy power – namely France – in bringing down The Queens’ Government .
Apparently as a Privy Counsel he has certain duties of loyalty ….
Nothing will come of it as lawyers don’t prosecute lawyers but it’s a nice idea …
I don’t know is Grieve has submerged from the BBC in the same way as Soubry and the other anti democratic Tigger traitors have – but it would be nice to hear less from him and his type .
Beltane – it’s another bribe that the political class give themselves . I believe that a certain Diane Abbot is a PC . Bet they lock away the secret stuff when she’s claiming her expenses ….
A number of years ago the BBC had a reporter who found out one of the early agreements that was done with Italy when it joined the EU.
“In a certain town in Italy, on a certain day, in a certain house, , tables are to be piled with with bank notes, and men will come in and take what they want, no questions asked.”
The BBC reporter and the BBC seems to have forgotten this and other corrupt bribes used to keep the EU going.
PS: I sure would like to know where the house is!!
There will be review of the BBC charter and licence some time and that will be the time to lobby against its renewal. The BBC as a politically activist cultural Marxist organization is biased, and does not deserve compulsory financing by force. However it is unlikely to have its revenue source changed, as the people deciding are of the same cultural Marxist education. as are all of the media and political parties except UKIP and the BREXIT party. This has been the norm in universities since the mid-1970s where the current rulers come from. To seriously challenge this would start by removing cultural Marxism from the university social studies, but that is highly unlikely, Nevertheless that is where it must begin.
(If you don’t believe me, ask any graduate who has emerged from these places but can also think – not an easy find).
Desperate article from the Beeb … if ever the term “grasping at straws” fits the bill, this is it. Oh, and the obligatory Boris Johnson weird photo thrown in for good measure.
Brexit on 31 October is written in to law. In theory, unless a new plan is agreed, Boris Johnson does not need to do anything for a no-deal #Brexit to happen
But most MPs are against leaving without a deal, and they could try to stop it. So, can they?
“Today the BBC will be looking at the implications for the U.K. if it fails to leave the EU. We will investigate what it would mean for our trust in democracy and ask whether it means the death of the nation state.
“We will discuss the economic impact of staying inside a failing, recession hit bloc. We will assess the potential disaster of losing out on lucrative, independent free trade deals across the world (and will hear from our own reality checker Ivor Headache).
“We will find out what our role would be in any future European army.
“And we will look at what uncontrolled immigration and free movement of people will mean for our national security and overstretched public services.”
And then I woke from my dream, and heard the real biased BBC news…….
Yes the parliament which used the vote of a criminal labour MP wearing a tag in the House of Commons – who has dismissed from legal practice yesterday …..
“”When MPs turn around to me and say ‘I’m not going to stand again, I don’t feel safe,
I don’t need this,’ we’re in danger of losing democracy in this country,” he added.”
[Treasonous MPs 100% to blame for any danger to democracy.]
The contemporary “British” version of Idi Amin.
Lammy is a loud mouthed bigoted bully. He uses the language of thuggish violence and yet plays the race card whenever anyone confronts his own obnoxious racism.
Any third rate, supposed “politician” who suggests that Jacob Rees Mogg is in any way similar to a Nazi must be a couple of slices short of a full loaf.
Second thoughts, I’m not so sure that he’s like Idi Amin…
More like Idiot Amin.
Times has hundreds of words on how Feltham-A is a disaster cos of gang violence against staff.
There is not one word about demographics.
I found that David Vance in April did mention it
The article doesn't mention that, according to a 2017 official HM Prisons report, the Feltham Youth prison contained only 22% boys classified as "White British". A disproportionate 37% stated their religion as "Muslim". Our prison staff must be able to work in a safe environment.
You might recall that until recently one Rory Stewart was Prisons minister and on appointment swore he would resign in August 2019 if violence stats across the prison service hadn’t reduced …
One way to get noticed as an ‘up and coming ‘ statesman –
As well as doing BBC interviews and admitting making up statistics when challenged on air –
That shyster May well contribute to bringing down his own government but more importantly stopping Brexit .
Times : Koran encyclopaedia hopes to promote peace
It claims by reordering the pages it shows peaceful the Koran is
hmm.. doubtful
You can’t get over the bits that say a woman’s evidence is half a mans in court
and that she has inferior inheritance rights etc.
The Times claims the only problem is that people misinterpret the Koran and make it sound worse than it is.
Maybe they do, but there is no need cos it is bad enough already.
#1 I can’t find a proper Twitter discussion
#2 I can’t access the Times comments cos my sisters trial account ran out.
Ticker Carlson
I see libmob repackaged the same video with the fake title
“Tucker Carlson Says White Supremacy is a Hoax”
.. He didn’t actually mention white supremacy himself.
Rather he talked about the left projecting themselves as they throw out accusations.
“Non Muslim girls in Yorkshire, Lancashire, Shropshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Worcestershire, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and all the other shires will learn how to create multiple postal votes for the LABOUR PARTY to raise awareness of MUSLIM discrimination.”
“Non Muslim girls in Yorkshire, Lancashire, Shropshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Worcestershire, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and all the other shires will be GANG RAPED AGAIN to raise awareness of MUSLIM discrimination.”
“Non Muslim girls in Yorkshire, Lancashire, Shropshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Worcestershire, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and all the other shires will have their explosive vests detonated to raise awareness of MUSLIM discrimination.”
The most evil and disgusting organisation in history and the left cannot put too much time and effort promoting it.
I felt a great disturbance in the force, as if millions of twitter users suddenly cried out in anger and then hate-tweeted the New York Times.
The headline was changed to something nasty against Trump.
So Trump tweeted about that
see post at top of this page :
from @Doobster78 August 7, 2019 at 1:33 pm
FFS I despair
It’s no use posting extraordinary things without the context
It’s what I expect of libtards
When I saw that image last week. I right clicked over it to pull up and image search
and got here
Not a regular charging station, but an experiment at an engineers home to try & compare how much diesel you’d actually use in charging an EV compared to running a diesel car.
His idea was to set up charging points in the outback.
Mad cos not only would there be large conversion losses
+ EV would be very vulnerable in the outback,
whereas diesel-car has massive flexibility
.. like even if something went wrong, a passing car could lend you some fuel.
Of course I wouldn’t believe the EV fanatics own figures.
I expect they’d cherrypick & be super optimistic
FFS Stew, it’s called irony
Irony ( noun). a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often wryly amusing as a result
Libtards don’t do irony
@davylars It’s a rule
“If someone gives you a dramatic headline or photo
look to see if context has been omitted
If it has been then its #FakeNews”
..whether it comes out of the BBC or from one of us
If Shamima Begum is to be prosecuted at home, the public must be told exactly how she was radicalised.
She goes on..
I do have serious concerns as to how our society allowed this to happen.
A quick review of Bethnal Green Academy, her school, shows that only 22% of pupils speak English and this in the centre of the Capital City of the UK. So the likelihood of the pupils having a non-UK view on life is likely to be a major factor and little to do with society at large?
I think that snowflake doesn’t know the area very well . It isn’t London . It’s londonistan. Import the third world to live like the third world – and the result is the third world turning on the people stupid enough to let them in .
And if one wants to equate ‘third world ‘ if Islam / be my guest .
Sourbry to be a regular panellist on TWatO so she can spread bile in the run up to Oct 31. A treat in store for those who sacrifice their sanity to listen.
This nonstop media interviewing of hard core Remainers like Lammy, Umunna, Soubry, Lucas, Swinson, Cooper and Grieve has become ridiculous! Over exposed and uninterrupted they are given a 24/7 Platform for Anti Brexit Propaganda. Blatant Hypocritical Bias from BBC, SKY, Ch4 Etc!
Meanwhile the BbC Jugend Wing knows who needs to be quoted first and always.
More than 100 MPs have spoken to the police after facing threats and abuse in the past year.@BBCNews has been hearing from some of them about the abuse they receive both online and offline.
I think that character , like so many of his kind , just love playing the victim . Maybe he should spend more time trying to do something for the relatives and friends and neighbours of the poor 89 year old lady –
I’ll repeat that -89 year old who was burgled raped and murdered by some savage at the weekend .
A 22 year old is charged . But last week the new Home Secretary tones down her support for the death penalty and Came out with some vacuous nonsense about making criminals ‘fear ‘ the criminal justice system .
In her dreams . Me ? As a criminologist – I’m a classicist – meaning – execution for cases such as this .
Spent last weekend in Blackpool visiting relatives who run a guesthouse. Sat down having our tea Saturday evening and a muslim family return to their car after a day out doing whatever. Quickly decide before they drive off that they are not taking a full nappy bag with them and proceed to leave it on the doorstep opposite. Get challenged by my partners dad and agree to take it home, but not before asking him to put it in HIS bin ????
Back in Liverpool today and a loud mouthed immigrant decides to urinate in the street at 3 in the afternoon a few streets down from me, whilst a white local woman who’s with him tries to tell him “there’s kids around” ????
Doesn’t listen and carries on
Blood boiling ????
Cultural differences can be nearer to home – ie eastern Europe. Living close to a rural river where a pair of swans have lived happily for years, and rearing their young annually, some of the villagers were horrified to see a couple of swarthy eastern Europeans attempt to catch one of the swans – for dinner ! Fortunately they were soon ‘seen off’ by some of the guys from the local pub, and for a while after that there was a swan-watch by the locals.
We are so often accused by the “let ’em all in brigade” of living in the past, but God Almighty we had decency, manners and morals before we did let ’em all in !!
Almost certainly Roma by the sound of it. You can easily tell who they are. They are outcasts in Eastern Europe, so many have come to the UK, where the authorities are so soft, they can’t believe their luck.
If they had tried that sort of stunt in Romania or Slovakia the police would have given them a good hiding. Our police are run by Common Purpose lesbians with ridiculous hair. There’s no comparison.
Have you noticed how whenever the media conduct an interview somewhere where the population is about 98% white they always have to interview at least one non-white person? It’s almost as if they think they have some sort of responsibility to confound expectations as far as the racial composition of a particular area is concerned. So they’ll interview the one non-white person in Berwick-upon-Tweed for instance, just to make a point. (Of course they don’t do the opposite and interview a white person in Newham or Tower Hamlets).
Why the hell should they get free travel on local buses? I haven’t got a car at the moment and pay £18.00 a week for a travel card, I don’t mind doing so, it’s easier than carrying change round for a daysaver, plus LordB is starting bus driver training soon which should mean I get a free pass.
The asylum seeker they have interviewed made me smile, she’s been given iron tablets no doubt a free prescription, wish mine were, because Lord B works full time I’m entitled to nothing despite working since I was 18 years old until I became ill a few years ago.
The bus fares here are not particularly expensive, the Daysaver they quote is actually £4.00 after 9.30am and all day Saturday and Sunday.
It’s just really annoyed me, this and that climate change mob who were demonstrating in Brum today. Mind you it took the bbc time to actually find someone who agreed with it, most Brummies were not happy at all.
Presumably she is seeking asylum from Malawi so as to get away from the asylum seekers from the Democratic Republic of the Congo going to Malawi? (i.e. Malawi is considered to be a safe country).
She could always walk to Solihull, my mum used to do that in the days when prams didn’t fit on a bus.
Leader of #ForBritain Anne Marie responds to head of counter terror Neil Basu’s claims that Muslims should not be required to assimilate in the UK. Please share. Please join us. We are the only party who talks common sense.
— For Britain Committee ???? (@FB_Committee) August 7, 2019
I notice the casual way in which language is being abused again by the media, up to their usual sensationalist tricks.
In the US a person who has killed others (not white) is suddenly a ‘white nationalist’. How do they know? A murderer is a murderer. No more, no less. Nationalism is a political ideology.
Murder is a violent, immoral and illegal act. One does not automatically equate with the other. Sloppy journalism by third-rate hacks. You could be white and Nationalist, but not dream of hurting a fly.
So a violent person could be racist, perhaps, by motive. But Nationalist because the victims may have appeared ‘foreign’? Nope. You could make a list of things that make up a Nationalist, but murder would NOT be one of them!
Like I said: SLOPPY use of language. It does damage. You wonder about the motives.
Sopel was up to it on the bbc news at ten. No surprise there.
The abuse of language seems almost to be a criminal act, in itself. Language can be dangerous stuff, especially when in the mouths of morons.
I must say that we should really compliment our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster in their ability to drum up the Duty, ‘first on the list’ Democrat(s) for all things Trump at short notice to reinforce Sopel’s opinions. It is clear the Democrats favour the BBC, probably as they see our own ‘Worlds Most Trusted’ as a fellow Marxist supporter.
FNW to my eyes this is a good example of the sort of ‘feature creep’ that goes on all the time now i.e. traditionalist > conservative > right-wing > alt-right > nationalist > far-right > white supremacist.
It’s a crude trick that allows those in charge of the narrative to assign anyone who mildly enjoys pottering round a village fete with a latent intent for ethnic cleansing.
TM – You are absolutely correct about your analysis. This “feature creep” has indeed been going on in the way you describe. All those terms remain undefined by the media who use them, and are often used interchangeably in a casual and unprofessional manner.
“White supremacist” is another beauty. There may be one or two of those around in the States, but it is no mass movement! I’m not sure any coherent movement exists, claiming that Whites are ‘superior’ to anyone else? Is this actually not simply another (transparent) attempt to link/equate people who claim (justifiably–when you look at demographics?) that they are ‘being replaced’, with Nazis and Nazism? There are lefties happy to use anti-white rhetoric in stirring up s..t -I listened to some of the things Beto O’Rourke and others have been saying, and they’re pretty extreme!
The media ,however, have not developed a liberal> left wing> alt left> communist> far left> white replacement narrative, just to pick up on your schemata. You hardly hear any of these used in the media, interchangeably or otherwise.
That tells us volumes about where they stand. It also tells us that propaganda and disinformation is the order of the day. We need to challenge them far more often, and far more strongly, on their double standards and abuse of language.
Interesting piece.. Key question: if we (in the media aspiring to be neutral) call Marine Le Pen "far right", should we not call President Trump the same?
Typical of the biased mindset which simply agrees without question. It’s easy for the far left to utter their ad hominems and when the media fails to question them then they are allowed to pass as fact.
Where is the evidence that Donald Trump is a White nationalist ? There is none other than the delusional ravings of the hate filled left.
Where is the evidence that people are being killed because of things Donald Trump has said? There is none.
In fact there is more evidence to support a charge that people are being killed because of things the Democrats have said. The El Paso killer made it clear he acted in fear of Democrats being elected because of the things they said.
This is wild conjecture not supported by fact and the media gleefully seizes upon it.
Stew – Not a lot of wisdom, I’m afraid. But an agenda. Listen to the news at 17h00 on R4, and you will almost always be able to identify it easily! (Reporting news will be coincidental).
Not the Beeb, but the Sky press review, normally has a left and right winger reviewers. Not tonight ! there’s Jenny Kleeman – documentary maker, and a Trade Unionist, Eddie Whatever, so very much left wing bias. Its left to the host to redress the balance, but ‘Eddie’ is on his soapbox about the BAE directors drinking champagne while the pilots are striking for their ‘dues’. Its painful to watch.
For once I support what Stacey Dooley put forward to those women, desperately, so it would seem trying to disguise themselves. Here we now are in the 21st Century and expected to accept this nonsence let alone in their own country but also in the UK. Incomprehensible that, we should allow such utterly offensive attire to be worn here in the UK-it will and not surprisingly does evoke discontent amongst non Muslims. Keep it up Dooley.
8pm Radio 4 Removing Citizenship of Criminals : is it right ?
(presenter Clive Anderson)
A brown guy comes on and says “This is racist”, “This is racist”, “This is racist”
“We only deport brown people not white people”
It’s funny how he can see racism when he looks outward but not when he looks inward.
He only considered Shamima Begum.. bring her home he said
Well, yes extra denial of liberty is unjust, but the legal system has two parts PUNISH the criminal , and PROTECT the population
Now who do ISIS want o kill most ? WHITE PEOPLE, cos they think they are non-Muslim
So if Shamima Begum is in Bangladesh, she is not a threat to Bangladeshis cos they are not white.
Clive then pointed out the other case of citizenship removal is grooming gangs.
The guy said “ah yes I am not going to defend them”
But it is the same point removing them from the white population they prey on Britain is safer.
Again they are less likely to prey upon Pak/Bangla girls.
So citizenship removal is dreven by the RACISM of the criminals.
And it works both ways if a WHITE paedo is in jail in SE Asia then authorities are right to deport them back to whiter countries, even if they have their own children in say Thailand .
BTW Twitter may be playing games, but almost no one was talking about the prog there, which indicates no one was listening to Radio4 tonight
whereas in a morning there are multiple tweets each minute about LBC shows.
Well said Katie. Why on Earth are the BBC even using the word “fall” when it is widely reported that the child was literally “thrown off” the 10th floor viewing platform?
Reading between the lines, one has to conclude that it is highly likely that they are trying to mitigate on behalf of a member of one of their favoured groups.
It was clearly not a white far right perpetrator, or else the biased BBC would have certainly told us so.
We all know that we have in this country and across most of the West, a ruling liberal left elite with one rule for them and one for the rest of us. They have great power and crucially the MSM is in their pocket.
We see great examples every day. The treatment of TR for a non crime but in the USA Comey et al are still free. Muslim hate preachers can come and go as they wish but journalists who report anti liberalism stories , such as Laura Southern, are banned from entering the UK. We have a referendum in the UK or an election in the USA but the liberal elite ignore the outcomes and try to reverse them and are likely to get away with it. The yellow vests are repeatedly assaulted by the police in France and many suffer serious injuries , the UK MSM hardly mention it. There is virtually no reporting of the continued murder of hundreds of white farmers in SA. The German government bans reporting of migrant assaults on its own citizens.
I watched a series of lecture on the Internet by Steven Kolkin , the chap who wrote a definitive biography of Stalin, he is very anti communist and forthrightly open about it, he claims to love America and despise socialism. Unusual for an academic. He was lecturing about populism. He said that populists were giving voice to the frustration of the losers in Globalisation and that the losers were right to feel angry. So far so good but then he went on to say that the leaders of populism in the west were betraying the people they represented. These leaders were adopting the tactics of authoritarian or fascist regimes, lining their own pockets, undermining democracy, muzzling a free press, limiting free speech, imprisoning their opponents, politicising the judiciary , telling huge lies Goebbels or Soviet style , dismantling supra national organisations.etc. It seemed to me that he was , apart from the last one, describing the tactics of the liberal elite to a T but he really had seemed not to notice that the things he described were happening in all the liberal ‘democracies’ that he was championing.
Needless to say I was disappointed in him. But he was lecturing to an audience of academics , is it possible that he and they really don’t see the irony of what they are saying? Could they really be blind to truth that all the characteristics they attribute to the populists are in fact being enacted right now by the liberal elite they seem to look up to? Can’t they see that democracy is threatened by the liberals not the populists who are defending it? Can’t he, the sayer of great truths about Stalin, see that liberals adopt ever more totalitarian tactics as time passes in order to preserve their power?
Democracy is in crisis brought on by the liberal Globalist elite.
Agree Doublethinker-that is exactly the point in that they (academics) do not see the irony of what this man was saying-we have been blighted through the last 45 years with Liberal elitist’s apart from a brief spell with Margaret Thatcher-Now we have the eveilness of the socialistic federal clan sitting in Brussels aided by the UK Media/BBC that, are desperately encouraging their supporters, this Liberal lot we have scurring around the skirtingboards of parliament like rats, eating away at our democracy, endeavouring to scaremonger the population about leaving the EU with NO Brexit Deal. It will be if inacted the best thing the UK will have done in these past 45 yrs.
BBC it is no longer white supremacist day but become a vegan/vegetarian day..oh with Climate change as the vehicle.
R4 had a farmer versus a ‘expert’ and the farmer clearly knew more about things than the expert..when the farmer challenged the expert he just changed the subject..
Just makes me want to eat more meat….
The female professor from wherever Institute on Today just after 7 was claiming a shortage of carbon in the soil due to climate change. Mr D grows wheat and I can honestly say we have never been advised to put carbon on the fields (sprinkle with coal?). In fact although many years since I studied biology the crops use CO2 to make oxygen and water and if anything stops the crops here in the U.K. it is lack of sunlight.
But Mr Robinson didn’t ask the young lady what food crops we could grow on uplands, you know where we have sheep and hill cattle that produce the delicious meat we have in the U.K.
And as for this excess of milk in N Ireland after Brexit that came later in the programme. It could be used to replace milk and dairy products coming from France. Simple.
This is what happens when you increasingly give a voice to Cultural Marxist loons. At some stage it will catch up and what then? We now cannot shut them up, they’re now too prolific and a wonderful advertisement for the BBC, ‘That feels for the people’.
Predictably it was EU legislation which put an end to after-harvest stubble burning – ostensibly on environmental grounds – although the practice did produce quite a lot of carbon to be ploughed in and benefit the soil’s chemistry.
Very probably the ‘professor’ might prefer to forget that.
Deborah, apologies if I’m ‘teaching grandmother how to suck eggs’ as the saying goes.
Fertilisers can be made from/with oil & its products – now verboten thanks to Greta & Co. – but the best (smaller scale) re-carbonising of the soil comes from food (non-meat) waste and ‘garden’ waste turned into compost. The CO2 has caused/helped the growth of the potato peelings, apple peelings, corn on the cob husks, what have you, together with – if available – chicken, cow and pig dung to help things along. IIRC, that’s the science behind it. CO2 into ‘green’ growth and back onto the fields and into the soil as composted waste.
The Horror-been however made the remarkable claim on behalf of the IPCC this morning that carbon is escaping from the soil during set-aside, notwithstanding that a switch to arable-based diets must make that both more necessary and worse.
I am getting increasingly suspicious about the utterances on the IPCC on Judao-Christian grounds. I recall George Monbiot on R4 last year getting quite upset and vehement about stopping people eating beef and lamb, despite the fact that lamb CO2 emissions are tiny compared to beef, which are according to AGW/CC proponents causing the problems along with cars and aeroplanes but not electricity. Hhmmnnn. To whom are sheep important? Jews. And Christians. Passover. Lamb of God and all that. An even longer hhhmmnnnnnnn!
IIRC, Monbiot is an atheist.
The Old Testament contains the provisions of good advice from the Creator to Israel for successful farming once in the land of Canaan and that included a Sabbath rest for soil. If the BBC have reported the IPCC’s utterances correctly, dodgy/dubious science apart, their latest utterance appears to be going directly against that OT instruction.
When warmists become too outspoken I ask them how they account for the well documented two periods of sustained global warming in Roman Times and in the early mediaeval period when no fossil fuels were being burnt and CO2 levels were not increasing. I ask them what mechanism produced this temperature increase, confirmed by ice cores, and why they thought that this mechanism was not repsonsible for any current warming. Usually I get blank stares or an occasional splutter.
Or how did the various Ice Ages come about and how did the earth warm up again afterwards? Any ideas? It certain wasn’t a sudden surfeit of four-wheel drive vehicles.
The Sage, “It certain wasn’t a sudden surfeit of four-wheel drive vehicles.” … or hairyplanes although that five foot parrot – just discovered – must have farted really big farts.
Do you remember what this builder did to these fly tippers when he caught them last year? The ‘language’ is bleeped out but it’s the complete lack of shame that really shocked me…
Why does it shock you, they are a dirty people. Just today I have seen one throwing rubbish out of their car, and a few days ago one threw a load of rubbish from a rooftop velux window hoping someone else would clear it up for him.
It backfired because instead of blowing off the roof it blew into the gutter blocking it and causing a new water feature into his bay roof when ever it rains. Of course being a dirty person he hasn’t bothered to have any of this mess cleared up despite his neighbours being concerned about the water.
I wouldn’t dream of accusing the migrant medics who work so diligently in our NHS, and who never get caught out for misconduct/abuse of being less than hygienic, BUT I just find it odd that before the huge recruitment drive of clinicians from dubious parts of the world, our NHS never had to worry about hospital acquired infections.
We never worried about being admitted to hospital because we knew we were in a clean and hygienic environment that smelled of antiseptic, and where the staff wore Persil white uniforms, and spoke a language we could understand. AND of course we knew we didn’t have to even think about catching something while we were in there. Not any more.
Whenever I hear an expert being definitive on far in future dates I am suspicious and when they bang on about plant based future and all the potential issues that brings but ignore population increases as a cause rather than cows…then I suspect we are not hearing all of the opinions from other experts – but we all know the BBC have banned anyone that disagrees with their narrative on CC
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Amazing! BBC Woman Hour 6 August ranks unique.
There was not a single Black Resentment comment or Black article . Hopefully, Woman’s Hour will continue to represent Women rather than ‘social justice’ gestures.
Then there was an hour long program about Black oppression in New Orleans to balance this up.
Neil deGrasse Tyson is an Astrophysicist with 13 M followers and It is inconceivable that the BBC wouldn’t agree with the facts.
Emotional brainwashing is another ‘tool’ in their box
Not forgetting the Religion of Peace and their offering for 48 hours:
2019.08.07 Afghanistan Kabul 14 dead 145 injured A massive suicde blast in a Shiite neighborhood leaves over a dozen dead.
2019.08.06 Pakistan Quetta 1 dead 13 injured A targeted bombing attack on the minority Hazara community outside a shoe market leaves one dead.
‘BBC silly season’ – they’ve just announced that there will be a shortage of ‘bacon’ following a no-deal Brexit – words fail me
When issuing these “threats” to punish our exporting of for example whisky and black pudding to the EU, have they considered the reaction in the UK regarding the import and buying of for example BMW’s, Audi’s, Mercedes, Renaults, Peugeot and Volkswagens in return? Judging by the fact that every other car whizzing past on a motorway is likely to be German or French, I don’t think they have thought this blackmail through!
What is a coffin of life?
I see Jaguar Land Rover sales are up in North America by a few percent. Good news not mentioned on the Beeb website that I can see. PES Media daily is a site worth looking at for manufacturing news. Don’t suppose its in any beeb journo’s favourites box.
Gotta love him.
Game, set + match to the President.
We have witnessed the remain corps in he UK pick up and run with the same warped and hysterical denigration methods employed by the Democ-rats in the US. They don’t have an argument, can’t stomach losing so they fabricate and plain old lie.
Give me the John Wayne type of President who answers questions brief and to the point – in other words, honestly – rather than an effeminate, highly educated, false, self righteous, person who is only in it to do themselves and their highly educated, well read, friends a favour – and, who always lies.
Mainly talking about Danish I believe Celtic so no bad thing in my opinion. Chickens (Pigs) are coming home to roost now that the other member states are starting to wake up to the reality of Brexit. I just hope the individuals who suffer realise that the obstinance of Brussels is the reason for their misfortune and take it out on there own politicians and not us.
No-deal Brexit: 10 ways it could affect you
By The Visual Journalism Team
BBC News
What the hell is The Visual Journalism Team!
Its that word again, Could
PS and NOTHING else only doom and gloom!
It’s the team who see everything but tell us nothing.
No it just means they are not blind – metaphorically and possibly literally at the BBC – except to the the truth..
“No it just means they are not blind – metaphorically and possibly literally at the BBC – except to the the truth..”
This is a must on the CV of every BBC junior reporter who sets out to have a cushy life with plenty of free travel, and loads of invites to the homes of the BBC elites just to show them how easy it is to sponge their way in life by siding with our nations enemies.
No-deal Brexit: 10 ways it could affect you
(1) Not paying £39 Billion means your standard of living will be £2,000 higher.
(2) Elimination of Britain’s trade deficit with the EU will also boost your standard of living.
(3) Forcing Champagne socialists to buy English Sparkling wine will boost your standard of living.
(4) Forcing the elite to buy British rather than German cars will boost your standard of living.
(5) Withdrawing tariffs on imports of food from non-European countries will boost your standard of living.
(6) Not having to subsidise French farmers will boost your standard of living.
(7) Tariffs on imports from the EU can boost the economy by discouraging people from buying expensive EU goods.
(8) Free Ports with much more friendly nations would boost trade on WTO rules, helping to increase our trade surplus on WTO rules, increasing your standard of living even further.
(9) Free trade agreements with much more friendly nations would boost your standard of living.
(10) Save your pound from sinking with the Euro.
Do the bbc live in the real world???!!!
Holidays in Europe may be affected food may be short supply bacon also affected. How do they think we managed before we had so called free movement of goods? Even then paper work had to be done and Tarrif are put on so many items coming from outside the EU although some may not be charged at point of entry into Uk
I was reading a piece recently – it was in HANSARD – how we as a nation coped during the war years and it was amazing to see how we coped superbly with the daily threats of hardship and the idiots who said we must give in to Hitler for fear of invasion.
We (The UK) survived.
Forget Brexit, what kind of EU did Remain MPs vote to Remain in?
One small part of the EU Commission’s plans involves the creation of yet another “off-budget” EU Fund. It comes in at a cool €10.5 billion euros. As one of the largest contributors to the EU, this would mean around £1.2 billion extra pounds for the UK taxpayer to find. And this sum will never appear in the Treasury’s official declarations of “the UK’s net contributions to the EU”, because it does not form part of the official EU budget.
As with so many EU projects, this new fund has been given an innocuous-sounding name: “The European Peace Facility” (EPF). In reality this is about building up the EU’s military forces under the EU Defence Union.
To quote the EU itself, this fund “cannot be financed under the Union’s budget because of its operational military or defence implications”.
Boris needs to play this one as does Nigel – hard
Who will win the Nobel Peace Prize? Will it be the European Union Army for its “European Peace Facility” (EPF) or will it be little Greta Thunberg for her “fire and brimstone” speeches calling for Primary School children to go on strike and lobby their governments to “Panic like the house is on fire”. It could also be won by Tony Blair, the man who “fought for peace in the World”
Silly season popcorn time
Twitter is fired up by the prospect of the Right Honourable Dominic Grieve QC PC being arrested for allegedly conniving with a foreign enemy power – namely France – in bringing down The Queens’ Government .
Apparently as a Privy Counsel he has certain duties of loyalty ….
Nothing will come of it as lawyers don’t prosecute lawyers but it’s a nice idea …
I don’t know is Grieve has submerged from the BBC in the same way as Soubry and the other anti democratic Tigger traitors have – but it would be nice to hear less from him and his type .
Everyone appears to be a Privy Counsellor nowadays, and the Council is riddled with traitors.
Why would a privy need counseling anyway?
Beltane – it’s another bribe that the political class give themselves . I believe that a certain Diane Abbot is a PC . Bet they lock away the secret stuff when she’s claiming her expenses ….
A number of years ago the BBC had a reporter who found out one of the early agreements that was done with Italy when it joined the EU.
“In a certain town in Italy, on a certain day, in a certain house, , tables are to be piled with with bank notes, and men will come in and take what they want, no questions asked.”
The BBC reporter and the BBC seems to have forgotten this and other corrupt bribes used to keep the EU going.
PS: I sure would like to know where the house is!!
There will be review of the BBC charter and licence some time and that will be the time to lobby against its renewal. The BBC as a politically activist cultural Marxist organization is biased, and does not deserve compulsory financing by force. However it is unlikely to have its revenue source changed, as the people deciding are of the same cultural Marxist education. as are all of the media and political parties except UKIP and the BREXIT party. This has been the norm in universities since the mid-1970s where the current rulers come from. To seriously challenge this would start by removing cultural Marxism from the university social studies, but that is highly unlikely, Nevertheless that is where it must begin.
(If you don’t believe me, ask any graduate who has emerged from these places but can also think – not an easy find).
BBC TV 24 Hour News today at about 2.30 pm:
Your Brexit Questions Answered. Health:
Only three selected written Questions from viewers.
1. Can Britons living in the EU get NHS treatment if they are forced back to the UK?
2. Can the Brexiteers confirm that essential medicines will be available?
3. Will Boris Johnson set up the NHS as a gift to American privatisation?
The next session today will relate to National Security.
Any bias there?? Anything positive selected from all the questions subitted?
Desperate article from the Beeb … if ever the term “grasping at straws” fits the bill, this is it. Oh, and the obligatory Boris Johnson weird photo thrown in for good measure.
“Today the BBC will be looking at the implications for the U.K. if it fails to leave the EU. We will investigate what it would mean for our trust in democracy and ask whether it means the death of the nation state.
“We will discuss the economic impact of staying inside a failing, recession hit bloc. We will assess the potential disaster of losing out on lucrative, independent free trade deals across the world (and will hear from our own reality checker Ivor Headache).
“We will find out what our role would be in any future European army.
“And we will look at what uncontrolled immigration and free movement of people will mean for our national security and overstretched public services.”
And then I woke from my dream, and heard the real biased BBC news…….
Twitter today is full of Labour people shouting ‘ This Boris Johnson he’s undemocratic cos he’s trying to sidestep parliament on Brexit’
Yes the parliament which used the vote of a criminal labour MP wearing a tag in the House of Commons – who has dismissed from legal practice yesterday …..
David Lammy who compared the ERG and Brexit supporters (many of whom are Jewish and BME) to literal Nazis:
Is a VICTIM according to BBC
Mr Lammy would no doubt be mortified by the comparison, but he does look a lot like Idi Amin – and with much the same level of political astuteness.
BBC Politics 2019-08-06
“MPs describe threats, abuse and safety fears”
“”When MPs turn around to me and say ‘I’m not going to stand again, I don’t feel safe,
I don’t need this,’ we’re in danger of losing democracy in this country,” he added.”
[Treasonous MPs 100% to blame for any danger to democracy.]
BBC Politics 2019-08-06
“Brexit: Legal bid to prevent Boris Johnson shutting down parliament”
[Here are more democracy hating MPS in action proving my assertion.
Don’t you just hate them, well I do.]
The contemporary “British” version of Idi Amin.
Lammy is a loud mouthed bigoted bully. He uses the language of thuggish violence and yet plays the race card whenever anyone confronts his own obnoxious racism.
Any third rate, supposed “politician” who suggests that Jacob Rees Mogg is in any way similar to a Nazi must be a couple of slices short of a full loaf.
Second thoughts, I’m not so sure that he’s like Idi Amin…
More like Idiot Amin.
Times has hundreds of words on how Feltham-A is a disaster cos of gang violence against staff.
There is not one word about demographics.
I found that David Vance in April did mention it
You might recall that until recently one Rory Stewart was Prisons minister and on appointment swore he would resign in August 2019 if violence stats across the prison service hadn’t reduced …
One way to get noticed as an ‘up and coming ‘ statesman –
As well as doing BBC interviews and admitting making up statistics when challenged on air –
That shyster May well contribute to bringing down his own government but more importantly stopping Brexit .
Seems lefty women in the US are now trying witchcraft to get at Trump.
Couldn’t make it up, they must be getting desperate!
Times : Koran encyclopaedia hopes to promote peace
It claims by reordering the pages it shows peaceful the Koran is
hmm.. doubtful
You can’t get over the bits that say a woman’s evidence is half a mans in court
and that she has inferior inheritance rights etc.
The Times claims the only problem is that people misinterpret the Koran and make it sound worse than it is.
Maybe they do, but there is no need cos it is bad enough already.
#1 I can’t find a proper Twitter discussion
#2 I can’t access the Times comments cos my sisters trial account ran out.
Ticker Carlson
I see libmob repackaged the same video with the fake title
“Tucker Carlson Says White Supremacy is a Hoax”
.. He didn’t actually mention white supremacy himself.
Rather he talked about the left projecting themselves as they throw out accusations.
Of course the BBC N. American team are aghast.
Excellent and it is happening here
Should that be, ‘Equality’ rather than, ‘Equity’?
Breaking news on the BBC.
“Non Muslim girls in Yorkshire, Lancashire, Shropshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Worcestershire, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and all the other shires will learn how to create multiple postal votes for the LABOUR PARTY to raise awareness of MUSLIM discrimination.”
“Non Muslim girls in Yorkshire, Lancashire, Shropshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Worcestershire, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and all the other shires will be GANG RAPED AGAIN to raise awareness of MUSLIM discrimination.”
“Non Muslim girls in Yorkshire, Lancashire, Shropshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Worcestershire, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and all the other shires will have their explosive vests detonated to raise awareness of MUSLIM discrimination.”
The most evil and disgusting organisation in history and the left cannot put too much time and effort promoting it.
Jon and Katty almost achieve simultaneous OMG.
Does Mark Thompson know?
The headline was changed to something nasty against Trump.
So Trump tweeted about that
see post at top of this page :
from @Doobster78 August 7, 2019 at 1:33 pm
And of course, hereeeeeeere’s Nick.
Here we are. BBC
All EV charging problems solved
The The diesel generator electric car charging point
Really, damn good for the Planet, what ho?
FFS I despair
It’s no use posting extraordinary things without the context
It’s what I expect of libtards
When I saw that image last week. I right clicked over it to pull up and image search
and got here
Not a regular charging station, but an experiment at an engineers home to try & compare how much diesel you’d actually use in charging an EV compared to running a diesel car.
His idea was to set up charging points in the outback.
Mad cos not only would there be large conversion losses
+ EV would be very vulnerable in the outback,
whereas diesel-car has massive flexibility
.. like even if something went wrong, a passing car could lend you some fuel.
Of course I wouldn’t believe the EV fanatics own figures.
I expect they’d cherrypick & be super optimistic
FFS Stew, it’s called irony
Irony ( noun). a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often wryly amusing as a result
Libtards don’t do irony
@davylars It’s a rule
“If someone gives you a dramatic headline or photo
look to see if context has been omitted
If it has been then its #FakeNews”
..whether it comes out of the BBC or from one of us
Rabina Khan writes in the Independent…
If Shamima Begum is to be prosecuted at home, the public must be told exactly how she was radicalised.
She goes on..
I do have serious concerns as to how our society allowed this to happen.
A quick review of Bethnal Green Academy, her school, shows that only 22% of pupils speak English and this in the centre of the Capital City of the UK. So the likelihood of the pupils having a non-UK view on life is likely to be a major factor and little to do with society at large?
I think that snowflake doesn’t know the area very well . It isn’t London . It’s londonistan. Import the third world to live like the third world – and the result is the third world turning on the people stupid enough to let them in .
And if one wants to equate ‘third world ‘ if Islam / be my guest .
Sourbry to be a regular panellist on TWatO so she can spread bile in the run up to Oct 31. A treat in store for those who sacrifice their sanity to listen.
Meanwhile the BbC Jugend Wing knows who needs to be quoted first and always.
I think that character , like so many of his kind , just love playing the victim . Maybe he should spend more time trying to do something for the relatives and friends and neighbours of the poor 89 year old lady –
I’ll repeat that -89 year old who was burgled raped and murdered by some savage at the weekend .
A 22 year old is charged . But last week the new Home Secretary tones down her support for the death penalty and Came out with some vacuous nonsense about making criminals ‘fear ‘ the criminal justice system .
In her dreams . Me ? As a criminologist – I’m a classicist – meaning – execution for cases such as this .
He will try not to let the bullies win, but looking at the picture the chicken and donuts are triumphant.
I get the daily Reuter’s free news feed which this evening says that the price of oil has dropped. To a 7 month low . Which is nice .
And with retail gas prices being forced down at the winter end of the year it should help ‘ hard working families ‘ as they used to say …
Betcha al beeb puts a negative on such suspiciously good news
Fed, big money appears to be moving into gold at the present time.
Spent last weekend in Blackpool visiting relatives who run a guesthouse. Sat down having our tea Saturday evening and a muslim family return to their car after a day out doing whatever. Quickly decide before they drive off that they are not taking a full nappy bag with them and proceed to leave it on the doorstep opposite. Get challenged by my partners dad and agree to take it home, but not before asking him to put it in HIS bin ????
Back in Liverpool today and a loud mouthed immigrant decides to urinate in the street at 3 in the afternoon a few streets down from me, whilst a white local woman who’s with him tries to tell him “there’s kids around” ????
Doesn’t listen and carries on
Blood boiling ????
Theleft — “ cultural differences “
Or third world peasants – take your pick . Fact not hate .
Cultural differences can be nearer to home – ie eastern Europe. Living close to a rural river where a pair of swans have lived happily for years, and rearing their young annually, some of the villagers were horrified to see a couple of swarthy eastern Europeans attempt to catch one of the swans – for dinner ! Fortunately they were soon ‘seen off’ by some of the guys from the local pub, and for a while after that there was a swan-watch by the locals.
We are so often accused by the “let ’em all in brigade” of living in the past, but God Almighty we had decency, manners and morals before we did let ’em all in !!
Almost certainly Roma by the sound of it. You can easily tell who they are. They are outcasts in Eastern Europe, so many have come to the UK, where the authorities are so soft, they can’t believe their luck.
If they had tried that sort of stunt in Romania or Slovakia the police would have given them a good hiding. Our police are run by Common Purpose lesbians with ridiculous hair. There’s no comparison.
Utter scum and filth.
Third World savages exercising their new rights as ‘UK citizens’.
Have you noticed how whenever the media conduct an interview somewhere where the population is about 98% white they always have to interview at least one non-white person? It’s almost as if they think they have some sort of responsibility to confound expectations as far as the racial composition of a particular area is concerned. So they’ll interview the one non-white person in Berwick-upon-Tweed for instance, just to make a point. (Of course they don’t do the opposite and interview a white person in Newham or Tower Hamlets).
This has made me so bloody (excuse my swearing) angry
Why the hell should they get free travel on local buses? I haven’t got a car at the moment and pay £18.00 a week for a travel card, I don’t mind doing so, it’s easier than carrying change round for a daysaver, plus LordB is starting bus driver training soon which should mean I get a free pass.
The asylum seeker they have interviewed made me smile, she’s been given iron tablets no doubt a free prescription, wish mine were, because Lord B works full time I’m entitled to nothing despite working since I was 18 years old until I became ill a few years ago.
The bus fares here are not particularly expensive, the Daysaver they quote is actually £4.00 after 9.30am and all day Saturday and Sunday.
It’s just really annoyed me, this and that climate change mob who were demonstrating in Brum today. Mind you it took the bbc time to actually find someone who agreed with it, most Brummies were not happy at all.
Presumably she is seeking asylum from Malawi so as to get away from the asylum seekers from the Democratic Republic of the Congo going to Malawi? (i.e. Malawi is considered to be a safe country).
She could always walk to Solihull, my mum used to do that in the days when prams didn’t fit on a bus.
I wonder if the UK will follow suit….not a chance with our Parliament of Liberal Lefties and an MSM (esp BBC) even more so.
Let’s see how Soros finances the fines……………
I notice the casual way in which language is being abused again by the media, up to their usual sensationalist tricks.
In the US a person who has killed others (not white) is suddenly a ‘white nationalist’. How do they know? A murderer is a murderer. No more, no less. Nationalism is a political ideology.
Murder is a violent, immoral and illegal act. One does not automatically equate with the other. Sloppy journalism by third-rate hacks. You could be white and Nationalist, but not dream of hurting a fly.
So a violent person could be racist, perhaps, by motive. But Nationalist because the victims may have appeared ‘foreign’? Nope. You could make a list of things that make up a Nationalist, but murder would NOT be one of them!
Like I said: SLOPPY use of language. It does damage. You wonder about the motives.
Sopel was up to it on the bbc news at ten. No surprise there.
The abuse of language seems almost to be a criminal act, in itself. Language can be dangerous stuff, especially when in the mouths of morons.
I must say that we should really compliment our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster in their ability to drum up the Duty, ‘first on the list’ Democrat(s) for all things Trump at short notice to reinforce Sopel’s opinions. It is clear the Democrats favour the BBC, probably as they see our own ‘Worlds Most Trusted’ as a fellow Marxist supporter.
“You wonder about the motives”
FNW to my eyes this is a good example of the sort of ‘feature creep’ that goes on all the time now i.e. traditionalist > conservative > right-wing > alt-right > nationalist > far-right > white supremacist.
It’s a crude trick that allows those in charge of the narrative to assign anyone who mildly enjoys pottering round a village fete with a latent intent for ethnic cleansing.
TM – You are absolutely correct about your analysis. This “feature creep” has indeed been going on in the way you describe. All those terms remain undefined by the media who use them, and are often used interchangeably in a casual and unprofessional manner.
“White supremacist” is another beauty. There may be one or two of those around in the States, but it is no mass movement! I’m not sure any coherent movement exists, claiming that Whites are ‘superior’ to anyone else? Is this actually not simply another (transparent) attempt to link/equate people who claim (justifiably–when you look at demographics?) that they are ‘being replaced’, with Nazis and Nazism? There are lefties happy to use anti-white rhetoric in stirring up s..t -I listened to some of the things Beto O’Rourke and others have been saying, and they’re pretty extreme!
The media ,however, have not developed a liberal> left wing> alt left> communist> far left> white replacement narrative, just to pick up on your schemata. You hardly hear any of these used in the media, interchangeably or otherwise.
That tells us volumes about where they stand. It also tells us that propaganda and disinformation is the order of the day. We need to challenge them far more often, and far more strongly, on their double standards and abuse of language.
The BBC are going to have to take their Brexit medicine soon.
Perhaps after the 31st October, they’ll support Brexit?
What are the chances?
Dover Sentry
Maybe Brexit won’t happen or happen in such a way that we remain. As for the BBC we shall see if Boris stands up to them, which I doubt.
Evan’s wisdom
Typical of the biased mindset which simply agrees without question. It’s easy for the far left to utter their ad hominems and when the media fails to question them then they are allowed to pass as fact.
Where is the evidence that Donald Trump is a White nationalist ? There is none other than the delusional ravings of the hate filled left.
Where is the evidence that people are being killed because of things Donald Trump has said? There is none.
In fact there is more evidence to support a charge that people are being killed because of things the Democrats have said. The El Paso killer made it clear he acted in fear of Democrats being elected because of the things they said.
This is wild conjecture not supported by fact and the media gleefully seizes upon it.
Stew – Not a lot of wisdom, I’m afraid. But an agenda. Listen to the news at 17h00 on R4, and you will almost always be able to identify it easily! (Reporting news will be coincidental).
“No-deal Brexit risks cattle cull in NI, industry insiders warn”
First it was sheep now its cows, what’s next ?
If we Brexit “Bambi get’s it ..boom!”
say the BBC in their best mafia voice
…the BBC next?
Methinks that the delicates nerves at the BBC must be registering “very high” on the “happy or unhappy” scales just now.
Not the Beeb, but the Sky press review, normally has a left and right winger reviewers. Not tonight ! there’s Jenny Kleeman – documentary maker, and a Trade Unionist, Eddie Whatever, so very much left wing bias. Its left to the host to redress the balance, but ‘Eddie’ is on his soapbox about the BAE directors drinking champagne while the pilots are striking for their ‘dues’. Its painful to watch.
Q: When do you ever see the BBC apologise for anything, let alone promote that apology on the home page?
A: When they’ve upset the perfect religion
For once I support what Stacey Dooley put forward to those women, desperately, so it would seem trying to disguise themselves. Here we now are in the 21st Century and expected to accept this nonsence let alone in their own country but also in the UK. Incomprehensible that, we should allow such utterly offensive attire to be worn here in the UK-it will and not surprisingly does evoke discontent amongst non Muslims. Keep it up Dooley.
8pm Radio 4 Removing Citizenship of Criminals : is it right ?
(presenter Clive Anderson)
A brown guy comes on and says “This is racist”, “This is racist”, “This is racist”
“We only deport brown people not white people”
It’s funny how he can see racism when he looks outward but not when he looks inward.
He only considered Shamima Begum.. bring her home he said
Well, yes extra denial of liberty is unjust, but the legal system has two parts PUNISH the criminal , and PROTECT the population
Now who do ISIS want o kill most ? WHITE PEOPLE, cos they think they are non-Muslim
So if Shamima Begum is in Bangladesh, she is not a threat to Bangladeshis cos they are not white.
Clive then pointed out the other case of citizenship removal is grooming gangs.
The guy said “ah yes I am not going to defend them”
But it is the same point removing them from the white population they prey on Britain is safer.
Again they are less likely to prey upon Pak/Bangla girls.
So citizenship removal is dreven by the RACISM of the criminals.
And it works both ways if a WHITE paedo is in jail in SE Asia then authorities are right to deport them back to whiter countries, even if they have their own children in say Thailand .
BTW Twitter may be playing games, but almost no one was talking about the prog there, which indicates no one was listening to Radio4 tonight
whereas in a morning there are multiple tweets each minute about LBC shows.
This seems unlikely. A bbc member of staff shocked by gratuitous expense claims? I don’t think so.
Important News!
Due to a domestic emergencies, can you imagine the disruption should the 5 mth old start crying!
Important News!
Due to a domestic emergencies, can you imagine the disruption should the 5 mth old start crying!
Bbc Editorial Guidelines are a thing of wonder.
Well said Katie. Why on Earth are the BBC even using the word “fall” when it is widely reported that the child was literally “thrown off” the 10th floor viewing platform?
Reading between the lines, one has to conclude that it is highly likely that they are trying to mitigate on behalf of a member of one of their favoured groups.
It was clearly not a white far right perpetrator, or else the biased BBC would have certainly told us so.
We all know that we have in this country and across most of the West, a ruling liberal left elite with one rule for them and one for the rest of us. They have great power and crucially the MSM is in their pocket.
We see great examples every day. The treatment of TR for a non crime but in the USA Comey et al are still free. Muslim hate preachers can come and go as they wish but journalists who report anti liberalism stories , such as Laura Southern, are banned from entering the UK. We have a referendum in the UK or an election in the USA but the liberal elite ignore the outcomes and try to reverse them and are likely to get away with it. The yellow vests are repeatedly assaulted by the police in France and many suffer serious injuries , the UK MSM hardly mention it. There is virtually no reporting of the continued murder of hundreds of white farmers in SA. The German government bans reporting of migrant assaults on its own citizens.
I watched a series of lecture on the Internet by Steven Kolkin , the chap who wrote a definitive biography of Stalin, he is very anti communist and forthrightly open about it, he claims to love America and despise socialism. Unusual for an academic. He was lecturing about populism. He said that populists were giving voice to the frustration of the losers in Globalisation and that the losers were right to feel angry. So far so good but then he went on to say that the leaders of populism in the west were betraying the people they represented. These leaders were adopting the tactics of authoritarian or fascist regimes, lining their own pockets, undermining democracy, muzzling a free press, limiting free speech, imprisoning their opponents, politicising the judiciary , telling huge lies Goebbels or Soviet style , dismantling supra national organisations.etc. It seemed to me that he was , apart from the last one, describing the tactics of the liberal elite to a T but he really had seemed not to notice that the things he described were happening in all the liberal ‘democracies’ that he was championing.
Needless to say I was disappointed in him. But he was lecturing to an audience of academics , is it possible that he and they really don’t see the irony of what they are saying? Could they really be blind to truth that all the characteristics they attribute to the populists are in fact being enacted right now by the liberal elite they seem to look up to? Can’t they see that democracy is threatened by the liberals not the populists who are defending it? Can’t he, the sayer of great truths about Stalin, see that liberals adopt ever more totalitarian tactics as time passes in order to preserve their power?
Democracy is in crisis brought on by the liberal Globalist elite.
Agree Doublethinker-that is exactly the point in that they (academics) do not see the irony of what this man was saying-we have been blighted through the last 45 years with Liberal elitist’s apart from a brief spell with Margaret Thatcher-Now we have the eveilness of the socialistic federal clan sitting in Brussels aided by the UK Media/BBC that, are desperately encouraging their supporters, this Liberal lot we have scurring around the skirtingboards of parliament like rats, eating away at our democracy, endeavouring to scaremonger the population about leaving the EU with NO Brexit Deal. It will be if inacted the best thing the UK will have done in these past 45 yrs.
BBC it is no longer white supremacist day but become a vegan/vegetarian day..oh with Climate change as the vehicle.
R4 had a farmer versus a ‘expert’ and the farmer clearly knew more about things than the expert..when the farmer challenged the expert he just changed the subject..
Just makes me want to eat more meat….
The female professor from wherever Institute on Today just after 7 was claiming a shortage of carbon in the soil due to climate change. Mr D grows wheat and I can honestly say we have never been advised to put carbon on the fields (sprinkle with coal?). In fact although many years since I studied biology the crops use CO2 to make oxygen and water and if anything stops the crops here in the U.K. it is lack of sunlight.
But Mr Robinson didn’t ask the young lady what food crops we could grow on uplands, you know where we have sheep and hill cattle that produce the delicious meat we have in the U.K.
And as for this excess of milk in N Ireland after Brexit that came later in the programme. It could be used to replace milk and dairy products coming from France. Simple.
This is what happens when you increasingly give a voice to Cultural Marxist loons. At some stage it will catch up and what then? We now cannot shut them up, they’re now too prolific and a wonderful advertisement for the BBC, ‘That feels for the people’.
Predictably it was EU legislation which put an end to after-harvest stubble burning – ostensibly on environmental grounds – although the practice did produce quite a lot of carbon to be ploughed in and benefit the soil’s chemistry.
Very probably the ‘professor’ might prefer to forget that.
Deborah, apologies if I’m ‘teaching grandmother how to suck eggs’ as the saying goes.
Fertilisers can be made from/with oil & its products – now verboten thanks to Greta & Co. – but the best (smaller scale) re-carbonising of the soil comes from food (non-meat) waste and ‘garden’ waste turned into compost. The CO2 has caused/helped the growth of the potato peelings, apple peelings, corn on the cob husks, what have you, together with – if available – chicken, cow and pig dung to help things along. IIRC, that’s the science behind it. CO2 into ‘green’ growth and back onto the fields and into the soil as composted waste.
The Horror-been however made the remarkable claim on behalf of the IPCC this morning that carbon is escaping from the soil during set-aside, notwithstanding that a switch to arable-based diets must make that both more necessary and worse.
I am getting increasingly suspicious about the utterances on the IPCC on Judao-Christian grounds. I recall George Monbiot on R4 last year getting quite upset and vehement about stopping people eating beef and lamb, despite the fact that lamb CO2 emissions are tiny compared to beef, which are according to AGW/CC proponents causing the problems along with cars and aeroplanes but not electricity. Hhmmnnn. To whom are sheep important? Jews. And Christians. Passover. Lamb of God and all that. An even longer hhhmmnnnnnnn!
IIRC, Monbiot is an atheist.
The Old Testament contains the provisions of good advice from the Creator to Israel for successful farming once in the land of Canaan and that included a Sabbath rest for soil. If the BBC have reported the IPCC’s utterances correctly, dodgy/dubious science apart, their latest utterance appears to be going directly against that OT instruction.
Interesting. Very interesting.
When warmists become too outspoken I ask them how they account for the well documented two periods of sustained global warming in Roman Times and in the early mediaeval period when no fossil fuels were being burnt and CO2 levels were not increasing. I ask them what mechanism produced this temperature increase, confirmed by ice cores, and why they thought that this mechanism was not repsonsible for any current warming. Usually I get blank stares or an occasional splutter.
Or how did the various Ice Ages come about and how did the earth warm up again afterwards? Any ideas? It certain wasn’t a sudden surfeit of four-wheel drive vehicles.
The Sage, “It certain wasn’t a sudden surfeit of four-wheel drive vehicles.” … or hairyplanes although that five foot parrot – just discovered – must have farted really big farts.
Do you remember what this builder did to these fly tippers when he caught them last year? The ‘language’ is bleeped out but it’s the complete lack of shame that really shocked me…
Why does it shock you, they are a dirty people. Just today I have seen one throwing rubbish out of their car, and a few days ago one threw a load of rubbish from a rooftop velux window hoping someone else would clear it up for him.
It backfired because instead of blowing off the roof it blew into the gutter blocking it and causing a new water feature into his bay roof when ever it rains. Of course being a dirty person he hasn’t bothered to have any of this mess cleared up despite his neighbours being concerned about the water.
I wouldn’t dream of accusing the migrant medics who work so diligently in our NHS, and who never get caught out for misconduct/abuse of being less than hygienic, BUT I just find it odd that before the huge recruitment drive of clinicians from dubious parts of the world, our NHS never had to worry about hospital acquired infections.
We never worried about being admitted to hospital because we knew we were in a clean and hygienic environment that smelled of antiseptic, and where the staff wore Persil white uniforms, and spoke a language we could understand. AND of course we knew we didn’t have to even think about catching something while we were in there. Not any more.
Whenever I hear an expert being definitive on far in future dates I am suspicious and when they bang on about plant based future and all the potential issues that brings but ignore population increases as a cause rather than cows…then I suspect we are not hearing all of the opinions from other experts – but we all know the BBC have banned anyone that disagrees with their narrative on CC