Heads you lose, Tails you lose. That is the British public. And I mean ‘British’. The long suffering British who are abused by their own Government now on a daily basis by those who should not even qualify as being members of the political establishment.
Firstly, the British Government sign up to Human Rights law’s which were, at the time perfectly reasonable following the 2nd World War. But then negligently sit back and allow those laws to be distorted, stretched and abused. Hence the now nonsense of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Trust the people: they could see this coming decades ago. And that’s mainly without a worthless Uni Degree in ‘Gender Studies’ and ‘Journalism’.
This is where the nonsense now leads us: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7325953/Asylum-seeker-30-18-convictions-gets-chance-stay-UK.html
G – The entire current ‘asylum’ racket started up as a result of measures adopted at the end of WW2 to deal with the problem of EUROPEAN refugees, who were still on the move in large numbers WITHIN EUROPE.
Somewhere along the line this objective was quietly ditched, and the whole system greatly (and illegally?) expanded to include people from outside Europe. From anywhere, really, if the travellers fancied it.
The EU/’Human Rights’ brigade were no doubt instrumental in this. Virtue-signalling began to mean that you could be promoted into and within one of a number of European institutions. Fat salary/benefit packages became available. The Law, we discovered, could be broken or simply ignored. It merely needed someone like Merkel to give it all the stamp of international acceptability and ‘legality’ (of a new sort, where you simply make up the rules as you go along, no need for democratic legitimisation).
Today we see tens of thousands of ‘asylum seekers’ arrive in Europe every month, very few of whom would fit the intention when the system was created at the end of WW2.
The media- seeing the opportunity to do some virtue-signalling of their own- have been instrumental in promoting this state of affairs.
The boundary between the already much-abused ‘asylum’ system and outright people smuggling has become so blurred that governments now approve of and assist in both. It takes a Salvini or an Orban to even notice and oppose this abuse.
That’s why the ‘liberal’ Western media don’t like them. (Incidentally, ‘liberal’ my foot!)
fnw, it is a strange form of econo-socio-political suicide.
I wish I could remember where I saw it yesterday, but IIRC ‘a western, first world’ Government has actually admitted that they do not have enough immigrants to drive down wages. That is the purpose behind a lot of it, along with supporting criminal industries that generate shed-loads of cash that finds its way into the banks of ‘the West’.
At the risk of being thought a bit of a socialist and lefty for always banging on about unemployment (which I personally believe is an evil and tends to cause more evil) it fascinates me why a Labour Party in Government in May 1997 suddenly stopped talking about unemployment. Unemployment had been high after the two Conservative recessions at the end of the 1980s and in the early 1990s and Labour spokespeople used to bang on about it on a daily basis on BBC R4 every day until after the May General Election.
Then they suddenly stopped. And stopped caring.
Despite the longest period of sustained economic growth in the history of the UK {according to Gordon Brown) unemployment remained stubbornly high and actually worsened as people became ‘economically inactive’. The Labour Party in government could not admit that unemployment was too high (which it was) so it may well have been behind their decision to import massive numbers into the UK. It wasn’t just “to rub some peoples’ noses in diversity” (a pejorative phrase if there ever was one) as one Labour Party Minister put it. It was to keep wages down at a time of excessive inflation and produce the clearly implied threat of greater and longer unemployment to the indigenous workforce who had no jobs.
The Conservative Party takes exactly the same approach. When the next big world recession comes it will not end well. And if the IPCC’s economists are really and truly worried about Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change, then they really ought to get off their backsides right now and examine migration as a cause of excessive extra CO2 emissions.
Snuff – I would go along with your assessment that undercutting wages by importing cheap labour is one of the motives of people like Blair and Merkel. The kindest interpretation you could put on it, is that they really don’t care what damage they do to social cohesion in the process.
However, there is still evidence of a persuasion that crept in at some stage (when?) (why?) that it was not good for European nations to be ‘hideously white’ and that all self-respecting European nations had to be ‘multicultural’.
Certainly, the “shed-loads of cash that flow into banks” would be one identifiable motive for some otherwise baffling political policies. Banks too, couldn’t care less about the welfare of a society.
Many of our politicians are already pretty wealthy, so some mutually beneficial relationship with banking (and commerce!) is bound to exist.
I would even go so far as to say that, if Labour genuinely supported the interests of the British working man and woman, and fighting unemployment, there would be no problem in voicing support for them.
In that sense, being ‘a bit of a lefty’ in anyone’s eyes would not be an issue for me. The unemployment issue is interesting: we are told that, as far as that goes, ‘we’ve never had it so good’, as MacMillan might have said…
Alas, just like the Tories are not particularly conservative, Labour does not seem particularly interested in the real working men and women of Britain.
fnw, “However, there is still evidence of a persuasion that crept in at some stage (when?) (why?) that it was not good for European nations to be ‘hideously white’ and that all self-respecting European nations had to be ‘multicultural’.”
If so, you then have to ask, what skin colour were Blair & Brown importing to the UK? It was overwhelmingly white.
In fact, at the time, a concern I had lurking at the back of my mind was the possibility of trouble between young Poles, Romanians, Bulgarians & Czech incomers and our own BAME population of mostly West Indian and Indian of the second and third generations. I’m glad that that didn’t happen apart from isolated incidents like the Harlow murder – which was deliberately completely misunderstood and misrepresented by the BBC at the time – in 2016.
Under the Blair/Brown regime third world immigration increased massively, as part of their policy to rub the right’s nose in diversity.
The mass immigration from Eastern Europe happened as an afterthought. What counted for them was getting as many third world voters over here as possible.
RiC, you may be correct although I do not recall that from the time. Certainly what you say is true for 2010 onward under, first, the Coalition and then, secondly, the Conservatives alone in 2015-on.
Well, on 5 Live on Sunday evening, it was a WHITE man who perpetrated a mass shooting, that’s a WHITE man listeners. A WHITE man. Did we mention it was a WHITE man?
Any one reading my comments will know that I come from East London . I grew up in E17 and E10 – where the stabbing of the police officer took place .
The latest update is that he will survive . At the moment we don’t know the heritage of either the officer or the criminal – but at some stage we will .
Sometimes I think it’s worth remembering that there are some decent coppers doing their job whilst the ones lost to the constant ‘ celebration ‘ of the sexual identity overtakes their public duty .
So hats off to the wounded policeman – I hope he recovers – and the chap who stabbed receives an appropriate level of justice .
As was discussed yesterday – that sort of crime should be a ‘ capital ‘ one – but since this site is about the bias of the BBC such discussion should be elsewhere -in my personal view.
I counted where the BBC placed this news in its early morning running order –
After the UN saying eat less meat – anti trump – anti BoJo – and other wasted air .
As for the wounded officer -I hope he went to the ‘ London ‘ and not whips x – one of the worst hospitals in the UK ….
Fed, I discovered recently that the wonderful Mayor of London has re-arranged the roundabout outside WX Hospital thereby making the traffic jams worse and increasing the CO2 emissions and pollution and deaths from asthma.
I wonder why?
It’s probably quicker to wang along the A102 extension to The London than try to reach WhippsX.
Fed, I remember you telling of a parent suffering at the hands of the NHS. All one can say is that I hope the pain eases in time, although in reality the loss of the person will probably not, rather the reverse, in my experience.
Have a friend fighting a NHS battle (in London) over misdiagnosis of late wife’s cancer and another (outside London) over errors in a relatively straightforward procedure that led, eventually, to death.
The NHS is not anywhere close to sainthood and perfection as the Labour Party, the health unions and the BBC would like us to believe.
TOADY Watch #1 – 1hr19mins Late – “Sorry, I’m late. Pig on the line at Eltham.”
Fresh from the You Couldn’t Make It Up Dept. of the BBC Idiot School of Programming & Editing.
August 7th: “There’ll be no bacon if we leave the EU, especially if we leave the EU on a No-Deal Brexit.”
August 8th: “You’ve got to stop eating bacon and eat arable crops despite the fact that they contribute 25% to Global Warming because Roger Horror-Been says so.”
ajs Great motorcycles. The best. Let’s make great motorcycles again.
To answer your question, Andy: No.
Today’s bit comes from the mouths of the IPCC. Yesterday’s was something of an economic fact but it pre-supposed lots of factors. You can check it out anyway at your local supermarket. Go pick through the packets on the bacon shelves and look at the origin. I actually think more bacon is UK produced than the BBC would have had you believe during & after yesterday’s news item.
A quick search reveals you are right. The name Armstrong now wastes another enjoyable five minutes for me 🙂 finding out whether there was a link to the north-east from there, to Armstrong Whitworth.
No. No link. Still same era, pretty much. Great enterprise. Great engineering. What a shame that we have sunk from Great to Greta.
ves, I’m a southern lad but with complicated links and ancestry … one of which is to an area not far from Notlob. And I’ve been to Cragside, too! 🙂 Highly recommended.
When the election is called in the next few months, then it must be fought on whether we want to stay in a federal Europe which within 10 years will be borderless, made up of states, have a single currency with all laws, taxes etc determined essentially by a few selected (not elected) politicians. This election needs to be made a battle for our Sovereignty not just about a no deal or free trade agreement.
What price our freedom from the wretched failing autocratic EU?
Yes I agree Dover – but those obsessed by their sexual identity do their profession no honour – whilst a residue of decent coppers are largely forgotten.
I’m waiting for the mayor to make political points out of this …
“There’s been criticism recently on this site about police officers now being wet and useless.”
Great point.
I was one of those critics. Of course there are some superb Police Officers serving in the UK Police; this courageous Policeman is clearly one of them.
This week has confirmed what I’ve been thinking for a long time, namely that Sky & ITV & C4 et al are no better than the disgusting BBC.
Their antics regarding politicising mass murder have been a national disgrace.
So I’m ditching the £120 a month SKY and have signed up for Netflix and Amazon Prime. These, along with Youtube, will form the basis of my viewing habits. Fox news clips through our smart TV and full shows about a day later on Youtube are an excellent antidote to the daily dreary drumbeat of Boris/Trump/Brexit/muslims.
So today the cord has well and truly been cut.
Orgs are very vulnerable to being hijacked by metro-liberal entryism
.. They’ll be a lot of good people inside them even inside BBC, but if they try to speak up, they’ll get shouted down hounded out.
FoxNews live is available on Youtube
Thatch – well done on the Sky ditching – but be prepared for the follow up calls begging you to rejoin and “ listen – I can do a deal for you because you’ve been a loyal customer “ which you’ll be getting again and again – Like a TV licensing letter .
Radio Humberside : news has ramped up
Item #3 Prof Jim Skea says that intensive dairy and animal farming is accelerating Climate Change.
item #4 A local caravan park owner has said East Yorkshire coastal erosion is accelerating due to Climate Change.
.. Of course in the clip he doesn’t mention CC, but does mention that in the last 2 years they’ve had more erosion than expected.
(The coast is not being damaged by sea level rise. The land is cliffs made of mud that the sea easily erodes over millennia ..has always happened, some years can be dramatic)
As the BBC continue their biased attacks on trump –
“If we are to work out the motivations of unhappy/trigger-happy young men such as these, shouldn’t we carefully expose all the preposterous justifications they make for their evil acts?
Some of them — mostly to do with race — come from the right. Some — mostly to do with saving the planet from human beings — come from the left. Betts sounds like a potential Bernie Sanders recruit. Crusius seems closer to Extinction Rebellion than to Donald Trump.”
The inconvenient truth: Patrick Crusius, the man accused of the El Paso massacre, seems closer to Extinction Rebellion than to Donald Trump, says Charles Moorehttps://t.co/OZGXzEB4Ar
Too true – but I haven’t heard the BBC even mention these ‘facts’
it is way to easy to shout right wing white supremacist – maybe I will ask them their opinion of this article…
The supposed ‘white supremacist’ wrote
‘Our lifestyle is destroying the environment of our country
… creating a massive burden for future generations.
Corporations are heading the destruction of our environment
by shamelessly over-harvesting resources
… the next logical step is to decrease the number of people in America using resources.
If we can get rid of enough people,
then our way of life can become more sustainable’
whereas in Dayton the other shooter tweeted ‘I want socialism, and I’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding’
isn’t this just typical of the left /remainer hypocrisy
on the one hand they shout Boris will involve the Queen Boris will create act unconstitutionally – then what do they threaten to do Involve the Queen and act unconstitutionally as well as ignoring the only People’s vote – the one they don’t like.
Just an aside – R4 switched on and apparently the radio is a good means to inflict ‘art’ on us….basically a load of noises – the sort I can make getting up at night in the dark.. what a load of twaddle
Talking about “inflicting ‘art’” on us; we see a great example of British art at the main stand at Silverstone race track.
I’ve never seen such ugly buildings as that one.
I suppose that fella Foster designed it at an astronomical cost.
People like him should stick to poetry as we the viewers of said building “can’t see what your building is trying to tell us?”
If you haven’t seen it. Think of a twice-folded envelope as if one side has been in the rain and been attacked by a dog and stretched.
When we compare our track to the tracksa in Monaco, the middle east tracks, Brazil, the USA, Singapore etc etc they make our track look blue-peter ish.
Outwith “Brigadoon” up here it seems to have caused barely a ripple that the SNP’s goading of the bBC to create the new Scots channel has created a new record.
Its that some of its key programmes have registered such low audiences that they are too low to be measured.
A well £35 million of licence tax well spent……..
At least the SNP’s hated gobbledook will reach only few…as it continues on a path to morph into a scottish version of Sinn Fein/IRA
I’m trying to reduce BBC products – which is a bit easier when overseas – but I’ve read – in the telegraph – that the true leader of the opposition –
Comrade McDonnell – has the opportunity to kick off a proper constitutional Barney and send his ‘ puppet ‘ Corbyn to demand this and that from the Queen .
Apparently under the ridiculous act binding the length of parliaments – is a vote of no confidence is lost – then there is 14 days to reform a government otherwise a General Election is kicked off .
Why go into this ?
Well – the traitors return on 3 sept – meaning I’d a vote of no confidence is lost on that day a GE is called on 17?Sept . It takes 6? Weeks to run a General Election – which means that the vote would take place just after a50 expired on 31 Oct .
Now the question will be whether there will be a drive to extend A50 in such circumstances
However the chess pieces move that’s a hell of a lot of popcorn and more yet more MSM hysteria.
I said weeks ago that Corbyn and then McDonnell both said they would be doing something dirty and undemocratic in September (Corbyn “You won’t be laughing in September”). And that something is basically two fingers to the British People, particularly the working-class.
The Labour Party have always, despite their rhetoric, really hated the workers as they regard them as lower beings. Basically, as Orwell predicted, the Plebs (Workers), Party Members (the brainwashed robots who support all Corbyn’s hates and prejudices, and the inner-party at the top (i.e. them, the elite as they see themselves).
Apparently Comrade Corbyn has been mingling with the Celtic fc support in Romania at last nights euro game…..he is clearly amongst friends as there are weekly displays of IRA and Palestine supporting regalia at this clubs matches.
You do wonder if(when) he gets the boot or the icepick he will end up at celtic FC in an ambassadorial role………come to think of it they could package up O’Donnell as well….
That could be some headline
Massive, and i mean, MASSIVE, irony alert . Lammy (yes, him again) thinks its Boris who has put our Democracy in crisis ??? Answers on a postcard, what planet is this tool on ???
David the people eroding trust in democracy are the MP's in Parliament who were elected on manifestos promising to respect the result and have done their damnedest to stop Brexit. What good are referendums and elections if you ignore them?
I’d stay out of Brighton then, if I were you – lots of colours in that particular place…
D’you remember the hilarious stories of an old bloke called ‘Petty’, who was determined to fight the Russians single handed, and kept a garden full of home-made weapons like dustbin guns etc?
He even got one of the old dolls in his village to knit a ‘tank cosy’…
And all that was on the bbc, but years ago, when humour was allowed!
The BBC lurches into parody, and doesn’t even realise it. Do they really expect people to take that kind of silly picture seriously? It’s not the global warming that did that to you, dearie.
Short videos made by TikTok users show possible effects of global warming on human body and the Earthhttps://t.co/nNbJvw1G7K
Plainly the one’s in charge of these kind of stories at the BBC are fresh out of collage employees – the bosses? They’ve done a runner to Thailand to “research” things .
More BBC airtime for Anna. What is it the BBC love about our Mrs Soubry ????
Hang on.. didn’t Anna’s constituency vote LEAVE???? How is she representing them? You cannot believe a single word that comes out of this womans mouth. She is an absolute disgrace. A pathological liar
Assuming that no government can be formed in the 14 day period after the vote of no confidence – an easy assumption to make, as who would be the prime minister who could command the confidence of a majority of this House of Commons? – then the general election would be held in early November, with Britain safely independent once again. All the fury and resentment of the bitter Remainers – Gina Miller, Tony Blair, Mr Grieve, The Times, John Major and so on – will have achieved absolutely nothing, although they could always start a campaign to try to rejoin the EU if they wanted. (Good luck with that!)
Of course Mr Johnson does not need to resign the premiership immediately on losing the confidence vote in the event that no-one else can form a government, any more than James Callaghan did when he lost his confidence vote on 28 March 1979 but stayed on at No 10 until 4 May, in the only postwar example of a government losing a no-confidence vote.
Further, as prime minister, it would be up to Mr Johnson to advise the Queen on whether to give Royal Assent to a bill passed by the Commons and Lords blocking a no-deal Brexit. It would be well within his rights to advise the Queen not to sign such a bill into law, for reasons that go back to the Civil War that Sir Malcolm mentioned. For since the mid-seventeenth century, it has been the People whose will has been sovereign in this country, as almost every political philosopher has agreed since the days of John Locke and David Hume.
So when the moment comes […] that the Queen is presented by the Commons and Lords with a bill that bans a no-deal Brexit, Mr Johnson should emulate the ministers who advised Queen Anne not to sign the Scottish Militia Bill on 11 March 1708. On that occasion, her veto was recorded in the statute book with the words “La Reine se avisera” (The Queen will consider it). It is highly unlikely that Elizabeth II will depart from the most important of the provisions in our unwritten constitution, that the monarch acts upon the advice of her ministers. Every member of today’s Cabinet is now committed to a no-deal Brexit if necessary.
Pensioners / war veterans being threatened with Prison for not being able to afford the License fee TAX, not a peep from Gary about this as he pockets £1.75 million per year of tax payers money for a few hours football chat.
However, cant stop himself from tweeting and retweeting his Remainer propaganda. Goes without saying, All views his own of course, not that of the BBC (insert canned laughter).
He really has shown himself to be one sanctimonious pleb.
I (generally speaking) refuse to listen to or watch anything from the bBBC, however earlier today I was a passenger in a car, where the driver had Radio 1Xtra belting out from his speakers. It is 2 hours that I will never get back, and really emphasised some of the problems that we have today.
The presenter was some BAME (naturally). His accent was that hideous one that so many of his kind have, where you’d hear the words “innit” and “my kommunity” every few minutes. He even spoke about his summer holidays where he went to that well-known Spanish island I-bee-fa.
The songs they played seemed exclusively by BAME “singers”. I put that in quotes because most black singers of the last 30 years don’t actually sing, they seem to just make up crap rhymes about busting a cap in my bottom if I don’t pay for a Ho (you get the idea).
Try comparing this with genuinely talented black singers of yesteryear – Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Gladys Knight. It really defies belief.
And of course, this being the bBBC, there were lots of adverts. And these seemed to be all by BAME people talking about, er, the BBC.
aboslutely agree I’ll apologise for slavery when they apologise for rap, grime and the rest, and their deperation to talk like a gangsta and they wonder why they find it difficult to find gainful opportunities, except at the bbc of course, where the inability or refusal to pronounce the letter T is celebrated
With regard to the bbc’s bias by omission and misinformation.
Does anybody on this site know much about the health concerns around the rollout of 5G (telecommunications)?
A poster has appeared in the toilets at one of the the M1 services which led me to this;
I find it cause for concern as I’m sure others will.
Is it a legitimate concern or is it another example of environmentalist scaremongering?
According to this, The Guardian got it wrong and they are in cahoots with the BBC;
Dyst, I have heard about it. Increased microwave radiation, IIRC, by the more powerful 5G system.
Cancer Docs and even radio-/remote-phone manufacturers advise that when using a multi-piece handset and dialling a number that you hold it away from your head when you hit the ‘go’ button and not to put it to your ear until ‘Hello’ is heard.
Readers may have noted the exchange above about Armstrong Motorcycles. I inevitably landed up in the hands of Wikipedia (usual disclaimers) and found something interesting.
Plus ca change, as ‘they’ say.
From Wiki page on William Armstrong:
“However, just when it looked as if the new gun was about to become a great success, a great deal of opposition to the gun arose, both inside the army and from rival arms manufacturers, particularly Joseph Whitworth of Manchester. Stories were publicised that the new gun was too difficult to use, that it was too expensive, that it was dangerous to use, that it frequently needed repair and so on. All of this smacked of a concerted campaign against Armstrong. Armstrong was able to refute all of these claims in front of various government committees, but he found the constant criticism very wearying and depressing. In 1862 the government decided to stop ordering the new gun and return to muzzle loaders. Also, because of a drop in demand, future orders for guns would be supplied from Woolwich, leaving Elswick without new business. Compensation was eventually agreed with the government for the loss of business to the company. The government would not release the company from its agreement not to sell armaments abroad, so that avenue was closed to it. Eventually, the restriction was relaxed, and the company was able to sell guns to both sides in the American Civil War.” (My emphasis added in bold and italics.)
This does, of course, relate to the constant anti-Brexit, anti-No-Deal Brexit, Project Fear propaganda from the BBC. I, and possibly the rest of the nation apart from the arch-Remainers and arch-Remoaners, find the constant criticism very wearying and depressing.
All day they’ve been going on about things like losing the Amazon rainforest to grow palm oil or for cattle grazing.
They are saying we should become vegetarians or eat insects.
We keep hearing that we’re not building enough houses.
Shortages of hospitals, water and other essentials.
Crowded roads, long waiting times, more instances of things like road rage.
In short, all (and so much more) caused by too many people.
I’ve NOT heard any of these experts and other talking heads mention this one blindingly obvious cause of most of the problems which are getting worse day by day.
How many people can we cram on to this planet.
When there are too many people, nature finds a way to solve the problem. Either War, Disease or Pestilence and Famine.
It’s inevitable.
Is it just the very rich people, who want more and more consumers so that they can pocket more of the money that they love so much, who are in charge of making these decisions.
Is it just the politicians like Blair who wanted more labour voters so he opened the doors wide to industrial scale mass immigration.
Is it ‘peaceful’ religions who have huge numbers of children so that they will eventually become the majority and then take over from the infidels.
Nobody today has given the simple answer that we, (and the planet), are overpopulated and show no sign of doing anything about it.
I will no longer be here when we become a ‘stan’ but there is serious trouble ahead. Probably a war, the mother of all wars, followed by famine and disease and only then might the population be reduced enough (at least halved) to become sustainable.
Then I expect we will start over again because mankind never learns.
Lessons will not be learned.
EG, it does appear that greed and money are the root of all evil.
A society who no longer fear God, or therefore, the day of judgement and an “every man (or woman) for themselves” attitude. Refer to my previous post about the warnings I have come across regarding the rollout of 5G technology, where there has been little or no research into possible harmful effects on people, animals and the environment. But they are rolling it out anyway because money talks.
Boris wants to fast track scientists for immigration. Well done Boris.
I travel frequently to France and have recently noticed how some of these scientists are getting through, more frequently of late.
Thank you. I do not intentionally post nonsense and struggled very hard to make a relevant and extremely important point about a method of bringing in migrants that might one day be exposed.
Apologies for failing the standard.
No worry about the techy stuff – but off the record – boy did I get a nose bleed trying to delete it – I’m not very cut and paste minded so it look me a while to cut it down .
I , too , have no idea why or how that happens – I only capitalised the deletion in case it came back some how —-. Cool emoji thing .
Look North Hull edition “And in the second in our series about people with dual heritage”
FFS more agenda pushing
But no disrespect to the guy himself who has a pretty good band
Snowflake the the Hull band : Bud Sugar Snowfake
You are my little snowflake
..everyday you come with another heartbreak
You are claiming you are woke
when you are not even awake
.. wanna have your cake and eat it
..you snowflake !”
Boris wants to fast track scientists for immigration. Well done Boris.
I travel often to France and have recently noticed how some of these scientists are getting through, more frequently .
I just had dinner with my back to the TV. The Londonistan
Programme was on. I know as an indigenous Londoner that
the programme is not meant for the likes of me. Most of
the presenters and reporters are from the ethnic community.
Fair enough I suppose because we indigenous Londoners are
in a considerable minority now.
Well fair enough , other than isn’t the BBC suppose to have
as their number one agenda Diversity and Positive discrimination?
I don’t see this with my indigenous minority.But back to tonight.
I would like somebody to tell me if I heard this wrongly. And I
apologise if I did.
Asad Ahmad was in Leyton at the scene of where a policeman
was attacked by “someone” with a machete . I say someone
because I don’t think we have been told of the ethnicity of the
scum. Ahmad was interviewing a witness to the atrocity. I believe
the gentleman was of Caribbean origin. Although he asked not
to be shown. And this is where my problem is. He was speaking
in a very strong West Indian accent, almost a variety of Patois.
I thought he said that the assailant was black, but there was plenty
of police brutality in the area. Did I hear this correctly?
If I did , was he picked by the editor of the programme to attack
the police? I reiterate if I heard this interview incorrectly I
apologise. Can anybody help?
A Pc last night in east London was suddenly attacked with a machete. He’s suffered very serious injuries.
The BBC describes it as ‘officer hurt’.
I hurt my finger occasionally.
The use of this word has downgraded his injuries. Probably because tomorrow when the attacker’s name is released, it will be that of a typical east London resident of non-Christian faith.
“”Leyton police stabbing: Officer hurt in machete attack””
2 more muzzie stories though on front page as usual, as they are the only immigrants we have, apparently, millions of others do not matter
Always something “enriching” or victim story, unless they are gang raping then all of a sudden they become “asian” and off the front page and into the regional news faster than the speed of light
Sketch comedy show starring Aatif Nawaz and Ali Shahalom that explores modern Muslim life. We meet Mabz the Barber, the Whitest Brown Guys and take a trip to customs.
“whitest brown guys, sounds a bit racist to me, OFCOM on speed dial but I hear they are as twisted as the bbc knew some one who worked there and same kind of promotion of diversity reducing everything to incompetence rudeness aggression and mediocrity in the workplace which I also observe daily by those who are “fireproof” from disciplinary action for the same reason gang rapists are allowed to operate for years
Congrats Italy! This week legislation to act against people smugglers, pretending to be ‘rescue ships’, went through the Senate and thus both houses of parliament have passed the strict measures into law.
‘Corriere della Sera’ reports that penalties of up to a million Euros await people like Carola Rackete, who pick ‘refugees’ up from the Lybian coast and dump them in Italy.
These ‘humanitarians’ can also kiss their ships goodbye.
Rackete told the German TV channel ZDF that it would be good if Europe took on about 50 million ‘climate refugees’.
Italian Interior Minister, Matteo Salvini, has come to the rescue of Europe, but unfortunately he cuts a lonely figure; only Hungary and Macedonia are also standing firm against the invasion. Germany, under Merkel, is at the heart of the problem….
I could be wrong, but the bbc and other British media seem to be very quiet when it comes to this story. I have yet to hear anything from them. Makes you wonder what possibly goes on in the Channel, we don’t hear about..
“Climate refugees my a’se, refugees from muslims fighting each other, 90% of the wars in the world are their responsibility, which we can look forward to after they take over here they will turn on eachother, please feed this child, its parents have spent all their income on guns and bombs and are off killing people
I get the distinct impression they just like arguing, fighting, complaining, protesting etc, a look at the hell holes they have created themselves gives a precise insight, correction places they have occupied and then destroyed
“For 15 long years, Beirut was a city divided by religion. Christian on the east side, Muslim on the west. Between 1975 and 1990, the Lebanese capital bore the brunt of hostilities during a civil war that saw intense inner-city skirmishes and destructive artillery bombardment”
“These photos show how everyday life continued at the heart of Lebanon’s brutal civil war” by Rian Dundon https://t.co/Jql653GmKB
Grand agricultural projects were undertaken and many Hydroelectrical dams were built under the Presidency of Kamil Chamoun, a pro western Christian president. This was Lebanon’s golden age.
In 1958 however, the muslim Sunni community and in some way the Chiaa community too were starting to claim more political power.
They attempted a coup d’état to deposit the president but failed thanks to an American intervention. From now on Lebanon would only go down. Muslims wanted Pan-arabism in a country born to protect maronite Christians. Kamil Chamoon wasn’t allowed to run again for the presidency, fearing an uprising.
Then came the civil war, where Christians struggled to survive. A lot of them fled to the West, and at some point in the 80s were only about 23% of the population due to mass emigration.
After the war ended the political power now was in muslim hands with a weakened Christian president with no real powers and a 50/50 parliament. Christians began coming back and today they are around 40% of the population.
To sum up Christian Lebanon was a truly special state in the region. What destroyed it was the Pan-arabic movement and Pan-syrian nationalism, along with leftist uprisings. Today the state is fragile and fragmented with Muslim ex-warlords holding power in strategic positions. Corruption is frightening and the parliament is useless. The state is in heavy dept and the economy, while still better than the neighboring arab countries, is dead.
My country died to a point of no-return due to Muslims wanting PanArabism and PanSyrianism or Communism over Lebanon.
'Government special advisers we've spoken to say we may have to execute BBC journalists, on live TV, to prevent the spreading of fear and panic amongst the population in a no-deal situation.' https://t.co/ebYN42wbYV
I saw the bit with Norman Lamont being panicked at by maitless – who clearly had mental health hysteria issues – poor girl – Lamont must have been so tempted to say ‘ calm down dear ‘…
Who maitless thinks she is performing too I have no idea…
It’s almost tempting to watch newsnight for the first time in probably 20 years ? Just to see if she had a proper melt down and is led away sobbing into an EU flag ….
“Who maitless thinks she is performing too I have no idea… ”
Get a giant pole, attache a 1/4 of a mile piece of rope to it, plonk the pole directly in the centre of Islington, stretch said rope till its tight, then make a complete circle by walking in a circle just like draughtsmen do when surveying a building site thereby making a 1/2 mile circle – the people within that circle are the one’s she speaks too.
We won’t be able to cull 45,000 cows in NI on 1st November because we won’t be able to get the vets to do the job from the EU!
(According to the BBC!)
45,000 cows represents 2.3% of the UK herd, the milk going into the RoI represents about 5.5% of UK production. As always with these BBC ‘reports’ one waits in vain for the impact on the EU. If NI milk can’t move into the RoI what do their factories process, French milk held up in the truck-jams at Calais/Dover and Holyhead/Dublin?
Given that the EU will put a high tariff on cheese we have a big incentive to convert more milk ourselves, another business expansion scheme benefit flowing from Brexit.
David, David, David, wrong AGAIN !!! Dear oh dear.
I'd say it's more the actions of someone determined to honour the manifesto pledge and give the public what they voted for, whilst stopping undemocratic, meddling self-serving remain MPs from sabotaging the process!
— Emma Louisa J ???????????????????? (@Emmalouisajones) August 8, 2019
No Lammy, he is democratically elected and represents the people who elected him.
No deal is the law, over 400 MPs voted for it, parliament has been asked.
“When the British people speak, their voice will be respected, not ignored. If we vote to leave, then we will leave. There will not be another renegotiation and another referendum.” Remember?
A man by the name of Muhammed Rodwan, 56- has been charged with attacking a London police man last night – according to the BBC – it doesn’t say whether he is ‘a local man ‘. …..
Apparently he is from Luton.
I suspect there is more to this than the police are revealing.
A man named Muhammed driving around London in the early hours of the morning with a machete. Why?
Of course they needed a reason to stop him, no insurance was the original claim, then it was running a red light.
But why was he cruising around London carrying a weapon?
Will the bbc now be all over this and blaming his ideology?
Doubt it.
So much for the BBC saying the officer was ‘hurt’. It was attempted murder. They were obviously preparing us for news of another attack by a member of the Religion of Peace.
Dover Sentry
I too have noticed Al Beeb updating their news reports following more details appearing on this site. They read and monitor this site .
Don’t they use these weapons to cut slices off the elephant’s legs which are prominent in ‘kebab’ joints in most crap High Streets?
So, he’ll get off with a caution and some sort of indigestible ‘food’ voucher…
Why normal citizens buy such ‘grub’ – normally pictured like roadkill – is beyond me, but there again, I’m a Brit, so will be disregarded, especially by the bbbc, who think that this sort of awful stuff is even better than vegan poo-sticks on this occasion…
Yes, I caught part of that on R4 news at 2200. Well, well, what’s happened? I’m totally suspicious of the BBC’s motives in releasing the 56 year old’s name. The BBC are so utterly dishonest so there has to be a reason.
On the BBC’s website it is reported that Boris has said, (the attack) “underscores for me the bravery of our police, people who actually go towards danger to keep us safer”. All the usual platitudes. He could, on behalf of the ruling class, apologise for previous Governments importing these savages. But there, I’ll dream on while looking forward to the importation of millions more muslims and Africans. The same. I hope the police understand that the extra 20,000 promised will not quell the British public’s disquiet and now, seething anger. That 20,000 will be current day ‘fairies’ who will not know what’s hit them as the number of attacks on the police surge.
AND THERE WE GO they must have been dragged kicking and screaming to admit this by the way is he white ? hmm bbc are particularly interested in mentioning this
“Boris Unveils New Immigration Policy on Facebook Live”
“”In another sign of the changing times, Boris has become the first Prime Minister to announce a new policy to the nation from his desk via Facebook Live.””
“” Scheduled to hit commuters on the way home and in time for the evening news. Boris is introducing an immigration rule-change to make the UK “even more welcoming” to scientists from around the world. Global Brexit starting to take shape under someone who actually believes in it…””
Yes, I rather think the bbc group w’nk into their lattes over tomorrows daily front page muzzie article may be put on hold over this, emergency meeting to find some bint in a headscarf who ever took an o level in science whingeing
but not a thought about going to Cambridge to see the “other asians” such as Chinese studying science at PHD level because they are allowed out of the house to mix with the opposite sex and wear normal clothes ????
Maybe “British (sic) muslims not consulted over Boris announcement” or something similar
increased attacks on Jews ? coincidentally increased muslim population ? increased attacks on homosexuals ? attacks on Christians around the world ? racism and hate crime is alive and well Jews and homosexuals are not safe in muslim ghettos in this country and can be attacked without any mention in the news
Police are investigating after a Muslim woman in a niqab hurled abuse at Gay Pride marchers in Walthamstow in north-east London at the weekend.
Video published on social media shows the unidentified woman shouting “shame on you, you shameless people” and “God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve”.
Waltham Forest Police tweeted: “Abusing someone because of their sexual orientation or gender identity is a hate crime.”
Compared to the BBC reporting of the machete attack on the policeman (BTW, is it likely that a victim would be “stabbed” in a machete attack?), the fellow who made this U.S. video about a deadly knife incident in California makes some very familiar observations about the MSM over there. . . (5 1/2mins)
I just had a quick of Twitter rankings of 4 people
I know that TV exposure , particularly American can make a big difference
– Maitlis , pretty rubbish not often going into thousands of LIKES
.. consider that she a daily BBC platform
– James O’Brien sometimes a thousand plus LIKES
..surprising low considering he has a daily show for 3 hours
– Carole Cadwalladr occasional tweets breaking the ten thousand level, plus quite a few over a thousand
.. but consider she has a Guardian editor platform
– KTHopkins ..quite variable, but often over 1000 LIKES
and on the first page recent tweets have 66K, and 32K likes
.. yet she has no UK MSM platform
BTW KT Hokins had the highest follower count at 1million
but Piers Morgan is a different league with 6.7m followers
but in likes he doesn’t do that great compared to Hopkins
mostly 1000, some 8000, one anti-gun one got 24K
I’m not drinking plant/nut/anything else based milk, other than the stuff that comes out of cows and goats, for any bugger. Will our Islamic friends give up meat and their slaughtering for the sake of the planet ? will they hell; but the way things are going they could be the largest religion on earth before long, and therefore will be the biggest group of meat eaters.
When that happens, will the scientists/climate activists et al have the guts to tell a few billion that they cant eat meat anymore ?
Funny how the pig is outlawed in a couple of religions, and now we are being informed there won’t be any bacon after Brexit. Are we being told something ? I’m not giving up bacon either.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/400xn/p0fxrn3k.jpg[/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
Heads you lose, Tails you lose. That is the British public. And I mean ‘British’. The long suffering British who are abused by their own Government now on a daily basis by those who should not even qualify as being members of the political establishment.
Firstly, the British Government sign up to Human Rights law’s which were, at the time perfectly reasonable following the 2nd World War. But then negligently sit back and allow those laws to be distorted, stretched and abused. Hence the now nonsense of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Trust the people: they could see this coming decades ago. And that’s mainly without a worthless Uni Degree in ‘Gender Studies’ and ‘Journalism’.
This is where the nonsense now leads us:
G – The entire current ‘asylum’ racket started up as a result of measures adopted at the end of WW2 to deal with the problem of EUROPEAN refugees, who were still on the move in large numbers WITHIN EUROPE.
Somewhere along the line this objective was quietly ditched, and the whole system greatly (and illegally?) expanded to include people from outside Europe. From anywhere, really, if the travellers fancied it.
The EU/’Human Rights’ brigade were no doubt instrumental in this. Virtue-signalling began to mean that you could be promoted into and within one of a number of European institutions. Fat salary/benefit packages became available. The Law, we discovered, could be broken or simply ignored. It merely needed someone like Merkel to give it all the stamp of international acceptability and ‘legality’ (of a new sort, where you simply make up the rules as you go along, no need for democratic legitimisation).
Today we see tens of thousands of ‘asylum seekers’ arrive in Europe every month, very few of whom would fit the intention when the system was created at the end of WW2.
The media- seeing the opportunity to do some virtue-signalling of their own- have been instrumental in promoting this state of affairs.
The boundary between the already much-abused ‘asylum’ system and outright people smuggling has become so blurred that governments now approve of and assist in both. It takes a Salvini or an Orban to even notice and oppose this abuse.
That’s why the ‘liberal’ Western media don’t like them. (Incidentally, ‘liberal’ my foot!)
The end of WW2? The slow start to the Cultural Marxist brigade. They must have seen the ECHR (and UN) as a big prize.
fnw, it is a strange form of econo-socio-political suicide.
I wish I could remember where I saw it yesterday, but IIRC ‘a western, first world’ Government has actually admitted that they do not have enough immigrants to drive down wages. That is the purpose behind a lot of it, along with supporting criminal industries that generate shed-loads of cash that finds its way into the banks of ‘the West’.
At the risk of being thought a bit of a socialist and lefty for always banging on about unemployment (which I personally believe is an evil and tends to cause more evil) it fascinates me why a Labour Party in Government in May 1997 suddenly stopped talking about unemployment. Unemployment had been high after the two Conservative recessions at the end of the 1980s and in the early 1990s and Labour spokespeople used to bang on about it on a daily basis on BBC R4 every day until after the May General Election.
Then they suddenly stopped. And stopped caring.
Despite the longest period of sustained economic growth in the history of the UK {according to Gordon Brown) unemployment remained stubbornly high and actually worsened as people became ‘economically inactive’. The Labour Party in government could not admit that unemployment was too high (which it was) so it may well have been behind their decision to import massive numbers into the UK. It wasn’t just “to rub some peoples’ noses in diversity” (a pejorative phrase if there ever was one) as one Labour Party Minister put it. It was to keep wages down at a time of excessive inflation and produce the clearly implied threat of greater and longer unemployment to the indigenous workforce who had no jobs.
The Conservative Party takes exactly the same approach. When the next big world recession comes it will not end well. And if the IPCC’s economists are really and truly worried about Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change, then they really ought to get off their backsides right now and examine migration as a cause of excessive extra CO2 emissions.
Snuff – I would go along with your assessment that undercutting wages by importing cheap labour is one of the motives of people like Blair and Merkel. The kindest interpretation you could put on it, is that they really don’t care what damage they do to social cohesion in the process.
However, there is still evidence of a persuasion that crept in at some stage (when?) (why?) that it was not good for European nations to be ‘hideously white’ and that all self-respecting European nations had to be ‘multicultural’.
Certainly, the “shed-loads of cash that flow into banks” would be one identifiable motive for some otherwise baffling political policies. Banks too, couldn’t care less about the welfare of a society.
Many of our politicians are already pretty wealthy, so some mutually beneficial relationship with banking (and commerce!) is bound to exist.
I would even go so far as to say that, if Labour genuinely supported the interests of the British working man and woman, and fighting unemployment, there would be no problem in voicing support for them.
In that sense, being ‘a bit of a lefty’ in anyone’s eyes would not be an issue for me. The unemployment issue is interesting: we are told that, as far as that goes, ‘we’ve never had it so good’, as MacMillan might have said…
Alas, just like the Tories are not particularly conservative, Labour does not seem particularly interested in the real working men and women of Britain.
fnw, “However, there is still evidence of a persuasion that crept in at some stage (when?) (why?) that it was not good for European nations to be ‘hideously white’ and that all self-respecting European nations had to be ‘multicultural’.”
If so, you then have to ask, what skin colour were Blair & Brown importing to the UK? It was overwhelmingly white.
In fact, at the time, a concern I had lurking at the back of my mind was the possibility of trouble between young Poles, Romanians, Bulgarians & Czech incomers and our own BAME population of mostly West Indian and Indian of the second and third generations. I’m glad that that didn’t happen apart from isolated incidents like the Harlow murder – which was deliberately completely misunderstood and misrepresented by the BBC at the time – in 2016.
Under the Blair/Brown regime third world immigration increased massively, as part of their policy to rub the right’s nose in diversity.
The mass immigration from Eastern Europe happened as an afterthought. What counted for them was getting as many third world voters over here as possible.
RiC, you may be correct although I do not recall that from the time. Certainly what you say is true for 2010 onward under, first, the Coalition and then, secondly, the Conservatives alone in 2015-on.
Any word on a description on the beeb or Sly news about the machete attacker of a policeman.
Sounds like a mentally ill lone wolf to me.
Well, on 5 Live on Sunday evening, it was a WHITE man who perpetrated a mass shooting, that’s a WHITE man listeners. A WHITE man. Did we mention it was a WHITE man?
Today: “Man”. Draw your own conclusions.
when i read the news “report”, i noticed they had omitted the persons colour. Convenient when needed/sometimes
Andy et al
Any one reading my comments will know that I come from East London . I grew up in E17 and E10 – where the stabbing of the police officer took place .
The latest update is that he will survive . At the moment we don’t know the heritage of either the officer or the criminal – but at some stage we will .
Sometimes I think it’s worth remembering that there are some decent coppers doing their job whilst the ones lost to the constant ‘ celebration ‘ of the sexual identity overtakes their public duty .
So hats off to the wounded policeman – I hope he recovers – and the chap who stabbed receives an appropriate level of justice .
As was discussed yesterday – that sort of crime should be a ‘ capital ‘ one – but since this site is about the bias of the BBC such discussion should be elsewhere -in my personal view.
I counted where the BBC placed this news in its early morning running order –
After the UN saying eat less meat – anti trump – anti BoJo – and other wasted air .
As for the wounded officer -I hope he went to the ‘ London ‘ and not whips x – one of the worst hospitals in the UK ….
Fed, I discovered recently that the wonderful Mayor of London has re-arranged the roundabout outside WX Hospital thereby making the traffic jams worse and increasing the CO2 emissions and pollution and deaths from asthma.
I wonder why?
It’s probably quicker to wang along the A102 extension to The London than try to reach WhippsX.
Up2 – I was pleased to hear that the injured copper got to the London as that’s a hospital whilst whips cross is just a killing zone . Killed me dad .
Fed, I remember you telling of a parent suffering at the hands of the NHS. All one can say is that I hope the pain eases in time, although in reality the loss of the person will probably not, rather the reverse, in my experience.
Have a friend fighting a NHS battle (in London) over misdiagnosis of late wife’s cancer and another (outside London) over errors in a relatively straightforward procedure that led, eventually, to death.
The NHS is not anywhere close to sainthood and perfection as the Labour Party, the health unions and the BBC would like us to believe.
Does ‘machete’ have racial overtones? Surely chopper might be a viable alternative – or does that have a homophobic element?
Beltane, chopper? Not homophobic but certainly CO2, AGW/CC-phobic! 😉
TOADY Watch #1 – 1hr19mins Late – “Sorry, I’m late. Pig on the line at Eltham.”
Fresh from the You Couldn’t Make It Up Dept. of the BBC Idiot School of Programming & Editing.
August 7th: “There’ll be no bacon if we leave the EU, especially if we leave the EU on a No-Deal Brexit.”
August 8th: “You’ve got to stop eating bacon and eat arable crops despite the fact that they contribute 25% to Global Warming because Roger Horror-Been says so.”
Bacon, is this more to do with pleasing certain people. than actual news
ajs Great motorcycles. The best. Let’s make great motorcycles again.
To answer your question, Andy: No.
Today’s bit comes from the mouths of the IPCC. Yesterday’s was something of an economic fact but it pre-supposed lots of factors. You can check it out anyway at your local supermarket. Go pick through the packets on the bacon shelves and look at the origin. I actually think more bacon is UK produced than the BBC would have had you believe during & after yesterday’s news item.
If my memory serve me right – at one time the UK had a great motorcycle manufacturer named:
Armstrong Motorcycles.
I believe they were once based in Bolton?
I’m not too sure if I got their name right?
A quick search reveals you are right. The name Armstrong now wastes another enjoyable five minutes for me 🙂 finding out whether there was a link to the north-east from there, to Armstrong Whitworth.
No. No link. Still same era, pretty much. Great enterprise. Great engineering. What a shame that we have sunk from Great to Greta.
Thanks for that.
I knew that somewhere deep within my DNA they were based in that town.
And thanks for giving up your valuable time for someone from (?) the northeast to search about something about the north west.
ves, I’m a southern lad but with complicated links and ancestry … one of which is to an area not far from Notlob. And I’ve been to Cragside, too! 🙂 Highly recommended.
Nice one.
BBC narrative = Danish (Good Europeans) pig farmers need support. UK farmers (Isolationist Brexiteers) murderous planet destroyers.
Socialism …
UK Government Foreign travel advice
This interesting in the light of my post on another B-BBC Thread:
Note: ‘- some residents have acknowledged not only the city’s crime problems, but also that its political leaders have failed to take enough action.’
Baltimore and Maryland: ruined by the Democratic Party for years.
When the election is called in the next few months, then it must be fought on whether we want to stay in a federal Europe which within 10 years will be borderless, made up of states, have a single currency with all laws, taxes etc determined essentially by a few selected (not elected) politicians. This election needs to be made a battle for our Sovereignty not just about a no deal or free trade agreement.
What price our freedom from the wretched failing autocratic EU?
Heyho. I really hope that in a GE in the next few months we will be out If the EU. Game set and match.
There’s been criticism recently on this site about police officers now being wet and useless.
Please think of that officer last night who was sliced up by a machete.
He’s front line, and not a ‘wimmin’ Commander with streaky dyed hair earning three times as much.
Yes I agree Dover – but those obsessed by their sexual identity do their profession no honour – whilst a residue of decent coppers are largely forgotten.
I’m waiting for the mayor to make political points out of this …
“There’s been criticism recently on this site about police officers now being wet and useless.”
Great point.
I was one of those critics. Of course there are some superb Police Officers serving in the UK Police; this courageous Policeman is clearly one of them.
Thanks for the reminder.
This week has confirmed what I’ve been thinking for a long time, namely that Sky & ITV & C4 et al are no better than the disgusting BBC.
Their antics regarding politicising mass murder have been a national disgrace.
So I’m ditching the £120 a month SKY and have signed up for Netflix and Amazon Prime. These, along with Youtube, will form the basis of my viewing habits. Fox news clips through our smart TV and full shows about a day later on Youtube are an excellent antidote to the daily dreary drumbeat of Boris/Trump/Brexit/muslims.
So today the cord has well and truly been cut.
Orgs are very vulnerable to being hijacked by metro-liberal entryism
.. They’ll be a lot of good people inside them even inside BBC, but if they try to speak up, they’ll get shouted down hounded out.
FoxNews live is available on Youtube
Thatch – well done on the Sky ditching – but be prepared for the follow up calls begging you to rejoin and “ listen – I can do a deal for you because you’ve been a loyal customer “ which you’ll be getting again and again – Like a TV licensing letter .
Radio Humberside : news has ramped up
Item #3 Prof Jim Skea says that intensive dairy and animal farming is accelerating Climate Change.
item #4 A local caravan park owner has said East Yorkshire coastal erosion is accelerating due to Climate Change.
.. Of course in the clip he doesn’t mention CC, but does mention that in the last 2 years they’ve had more erosion than expected.
(The coast is not being damaged by sea level rise. The land is cliffs made of mud that the sea easily erodes over millennia ..has always happened, some years can be dramatic)
Stew, quite right. Have the breakwaters and other coastal defences been properly maintained by the Environment Agency and the Local Authority?
As the BBC continue their biased attacks on trump –
“If we are to work out the motivations of unhappy/trigger-happy young men such as these, shouldn’t we carefully expose all the preposterous justifications they make for their evil acts?
Some of them — mostly to do with race — come from the right. Some — mostly to do with saving the planet from human beings — come from the left. Betts sounds like a potential Bernie Sanders recruit. Crusius seems closer to Extinction Rebellion than to Donald Trump.”
Too true – but I haven’t heard the BBC even mention these ‘facts’
it is way to easy to shout right wing white supremacist – maybe I will ask them their opinion of this article…
Link to comments
The supposed ‘white supremacist’ wrote
‘Our lifestyle is destroying the environment of our country
… creating a massive burden for future generations.
Corporations are heading the destruction of our environment
by shamelessly over-harvesting resources
… the next logical step is to decrease the number of people in America using resources.
If we can get rid of enough people,
then our way of life can become more sustainable’
whereas in Dayton the other shooter tweeted
‘I want socialism, and I’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round to understanding’
Corbyn will tell Queen ‘we’re taking over’ if Johnson loses no-confidence vote, says McDonnell
Thanks goodness for that!
Should ensure that in the event of a vote it goes Boris’s way
isn’t this just typical of the left /remainer hypocrisy
on the one hand they shout Boris will involve the Queen Boris will create act unconstitutionally – then what do they threaten to do Involve the Queen and act unconstitutionally as well as ignoring the only People’s vote – the one they don’t like.
Just an aside – R4 switched on and apparently the radio is a good means to inflict ‘art’ on us….basically a load of noises – the sort I can make getting up at night in the dark.. what a load of twaddle
Talking about “inflicting ‘art’” on us; we see a great example of British art at the main stand at Silverstone race track.
I’ve never seen such ugly buildings as that one.
I suppose that fella Foster designed it at an astronomical cost.
People like him should stick to poetry as we the viewers of said building “can’t see what your building is trying to tell us?”
If you haven’t seen it. Think of a twice-folded envelope as if one side has been in the rain and been attacked by a dog and stretched.
When we compare our track to the tracksa in Monaco, the middle east tracks, Brazil, the USA, Singapore etc etc they make our track look blue-peter ish.
Must do better after Brexit.
Outwith “Brigadoon” up here it seems to have caused barely a ripple that the SNP’s goading of the bBC to create the new Scots channel has created a new record.
Its that some of its key programmes have registered such low audiences that they are too low to be measured.
A well £35 million of licence tax well spent……..
At least the SNP’s hated gobbledook will reach only few…as it continues on a path to morph into a scottish version of Sinn Fein/IRA
“At least the SNP’s hated gobbledook will reach only few…as it continues on a path to morph into a scottish version of Sinn Fein/IRA”
I believe that is where it started, scratch a ScotNat and you will find an Irish Republican underneath.
Has an ‘Implementation Period’ been mentioned recently?
I’m trying to reduce BBC products – which is a bit easier when overseas – but I’ve read – in the telegraph – that the true leader of the opposition –
Comrade McDonnell – has the opportunity to kick off a proper constitutional Barney and send his ‘ puppet ‘ Corbyn to demand this and that from the Queen .
Apparently under the ridiculous act binding the length of parliaments – is a vote of no confidence is lost – then there is 14 days to reform a government otherwise a General Election is kicked off .
Why go into this ?
Well – the traitors return on 3 sept – meaning I’d a vote of no confidence is lost on that day a GE is called on 17?Sept . It takes 6? Weeks to run a General Election – which means that the vote would take place just after a50 expired on 31 Oct .
Now the question will be whether there will be a drive to extend A50 in such circumstances
However the chess pieces move that’s a hell of a lot of popcorn and more yet more MSM hysteria.
I said weeks ago that Corbyn and then McDonnell both said they would be doing something dirty and undemocratic in September (Corbyn “You won’t be laughing in September”). And that something is basically two fingers to the British People, particularly the working-class.
The Labour Party have always, despite their rhetoric, really hated the workers as they regard them as lower beings. Basically, as Orwell predicted, the Plebs (Workers), Party Members (the brainwashed robots who support all Corbyn’s hates and prejudices, and the inner-party at the top (i.e. them, the elite as they see themselves).
Apparently Comrade Corbyn has been mingling with the Celtic fc support in Romania at last nights euro game…..he is clearly amongst friends as there are weekly displays of IRA and Palestine supporting regalia at this clubs matches.
You do wonder if(when) he gets the boot or the icepick he will end up at celtic FC in an ambassadorial role………come to think of it they could package up O’Donnell as well….
That could be some headline
Bbc 1 lunchtime TV news: girls carrying knives.
We meet a few. One keen to tell us how she would do some cutting.
No surprises.
Massive, and i mean, MASSIVE, irony alert . Lammy (yes, him again) thinks its Boris who has put our Democracy in crisis ??? Answers on a postcard, what planet is this tool on ???
How on earth did this Lammy guy get a job in Parliament?
Do you think its the Sun (above) that’s got to the poor chap’s scalp or what?
P.S. I have a spare tomahawk if some’s ears suddenly pricked when I mentioned “scalp”
P.S. I have a spare tomahawk if some’s ears suddenly pricked when I mentioned “scalp”
Blimey, you must have a big garage, Ves…
I could have used an “hell-fire” missile; but they didn’t have any in Liblab colours.
I’d stay out of Brighton then, if I were you – lots of colours in that particular place…
D’you remember the hilarious stories of an old bloke called ‘Petty’, who was determined to fight the Russians single handed, and kept a garden full of home-made weapons like dustbin guns etc?
He even got one of the old dolls in his village to knit a ‘tank cosy’…
And all that was on the bbc, but years ago, when humour was allowed!
The BBC lurches into parody, and doesn’t even realise it. Do they really expect people to take that kind of silly picture seriously? It’s not the global warming that did that to you, dearie.
The comments are well worth a read – here’s a selection.
“This is what my licence fee is paying for. What a fecking waste of my money.”
“Relentless bollocks from our uniquely funded Ministry of Truth.”
“FFS – can we all calm down a bit. This hysteria is pathetic.”
And my favourite… “Meanwhile here is a picture of a cat…” followed by a cute cat flexing his paws.
The Beeb are really losing the plot with all this crap. Boy, are they going to look stupid when the world starts to cool.
“The Beeb are really losing the plot ”
Plainly the one’s in charge of these kind of stories at the BBC are fresh out of collage employees – the bosses? They’ve done a runner to Thailand to “research” things .
Trouble is; certain Australian school girls believe everything these alarmists put afore them.
More BBC airtime for Anna. What is it the BBC love about our Mrs Soubry ????
For someone basically in the political wilderness, she does seem to be on our screens a awful lot.
I assume Andrew Roberts knows a bit more than Sourbry. Perhaps the bBC will have him on?
Paywall but can read it here or https://www.pressreader.com/uk/the-daily-telegraph/textview.
Assuming that no government can be formed in the 14 day period after the vote of no confidence – an easy assumption to make, as who would be the prime minister who could command the confidence of a majority of this House of Commons? – then the general election would be held in early November, with Britain safely independent once again. All the fury and resentment of the bitter Remainers – Gina Miller, Tony Blair, Mr Grieve, The Times, John Major and so on – will have achieved absolutely nothing, although they could always start a campaign to try to rejoin the EU if they wanted. (Good luck with that!)
Of course Mr Johnson does not need to resign the premiership immediately on losing the confidence vote in the event that no-one else can form a government, any more than James Callaghan did when he lost his confidence vote on 28 March 1979 but stayed on at No 10 until 4 May, in the only postwar example of a government losing a no-confidence vote.
Further, as prime minister, it would be up to Mr Johnson to advise the Queen on whether to give Royal Assent to a bill passed by the Commons and Lords blocking a no-deal Brexit. It would be well within his rights to advise the Queen not to sign such a bill into law, for reasons that go back to the Civil War that Sir Malcolm mentioned. For since the mid-seventeenth century, it has been the People whose will has been sovereign in this country, as almost every political philosopher has agreed since the days of John Locke and David Hume.
So when the moment comes […] that the Queen is presented by the Commons and Lords with a bill that bans a no-deal Brexit, Mr Johnson should emulate the ministers who advised Queen Anne not to sign the Scottish Militia Bill on 11 March 1708. On that occasion, her veto was recorded in the statute book with the words “La Reine se avisera” (The Queen will consider it). It is highly unlikely that Elizabeth II will depart from the most important of the provisions in our unwritten constitution, that the monarch acts upon the advice of her ministers. Every member of today’s Cabinet is now committed to a no-deal Brexit if necessary.
So let us hope that BoJo IS committed.
No General Election necessary until 2020-hang on Boris-keep the evil duplicitous shits at bay.
Pensioners / war veterans being threatened with Prison for not being able to afford the License fee TAX, not a peep from Gary about this as he pockets £1.75 million per year of tax payers money for a few hours football chat.
However, cant stop himself from tweeting and retweeting his Remainer propaganda. Goes without saying, All views his own of course, not that of the BBC (insert canned laughter).
He really has shown himself to be one sanctimonious pleb.
I (generally speaking) refuse to listen to or watch anything from the bBBC, however earlier today I was a passenger in a car, where the driver had Radio 1Xtra belting out from his speakers. It is 2 hours that I will never get back, and really emphasised some of the problems that we have today.
The presenter was some BAME (naturally). His accent was that hideous one that so many of his kind have, where you’d hear the words “innit” and “my kommunity” every few minutes. He even spoke about his summer holidays where he went to that well-known Spanish island I-bee-fa.
The songs they played seemed exclusively by BAME “singers”. I put that in quotes because most black singers of the last 30 years don’t actually sing, they seem to just make up crap rhymes about busting a cap in my bottom if I don’t pay for a Ho (you get the idea).
Try comparing this with genuinely talented black singers of yesteryear – Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Gladys Knight. It really defies belief.
And of course, this being the bBBC, there were lots of adverts. And these seemed to be all by BAME people talking about, er, the BBC.
Jesus wept.
@Non Snowflake
Were you kidnapped?…have you reported it?….
aboslutely agree I’ll apologise for slavery when they apologise for rap, grime and the rest, and their deperation to talk like a gangsta and they wonder why they find it difficult to find gainful opportunities, except at the bbc of course, where the inability or refusal to pronounce the letter T is celebrated
With regard to the bbc’s bias by omission and misinformation.
Does anybody on this site know much about the health concerns around the rollout of 5G (telecommunications)?
A poster has appeared in the toilets at one of the the M1 services which led me to this;
I find it cause for concern as I’m sure others will.
Is it a legitimate concern or is it another example of environmentalist scaremongering?
According to this, The Guardian got it wrong and they are in cahoots with the BBC;
Maybe the BBC could “fact check” it for us.
Dyst, I have heard about it. Increased microwave radiation, IIRC, by the more powerful 5G system.
Cancer Docs and even radio-/remote-phone manufacturers advise that when using a multi-piece handset and dialling a number that you hold it away from your head when you hit the ‘go’ button and not to put it to your ear until ‘Hello’ is heard.
I keep forgetting.
It hasn’t kill ..ed me ———— ye ………….. (Thud)
Oh no, please tell me you haven’t Up2 snuffed it!
Readers may have noted the exchange above about Armstrong Motorcycles. I inevitably landed up in the hands of Wikipedia (usual disclaimers) and found something interesting.
Plus ca change, as ‘they’ say.
From Wiki page on William Armstrong:
“However, just when it looked as if the new gun was about to become a great success, a great deal of opposition to the gun arose, both inside the army and from rival arms manufacturers, particularly Joseph Whitworth of Manchester. Stories were publicised that the new gun was too difficult to use, that it was too expensive, that it was dangerous to use, that it frequently needed repair and so on. All of this smacked of a concerted campaign against Armstrong. Armstrong was able to refute all of these claims in front of various government committees, but he found the constant criticism very wearying and depressing. In 1862 the government decided to stop ordering the new gun and return to muzzle loaders. Also, because of a drop in demand, future orders for guns would be supplied from Woolwich, leaving Elswick without new business. Compensation was eventually agreed with the government for the loss of business to the company. The government would not release the company from its agreement not to sell armaments abroad, so that avenue was closed to it. Eventually, the restriction was relaxed, and the company was able to sell guns to both sides in the American Civil War.” (My emphasis added in bold and italics.)
This does, of course, relate to the constant anti-Brexit, anti-No-Deal Brexit, Project Fear propaganda from the BBC. I, and possibly the rest of the nation apart from the arch-Remainers and arch-Remoaners, find the constant criticism very wearying and depressing.
All day they’ve been going on about things like losing the Amazon rainforest to grow palm oil or for cattle grazing.
They are saying we should become vegetarians or eat insects.
We keep hearing that we’re not building enough houses.
Shortages of hospitals, water and other essentials.
Crowded roads, long waiting times, more instances of things like road rage.
In short, all (and so much more) caused by too many people.
I’ve NOT heard any of these experts and other talking heads mention this one blindingly obvious cause of most of the problems which are getting worse day by day.
How many people can we cram on to this planet.
When there are too many people, nature finds a way to solve the problem. Either War, Disease or Pestilence and Famine.
It’s inevitable.
Is it just the very rich people, who want more and more consumers so that they can pocket more of the money that they love so much, who are in charge of making these decisions.
Is it just the politicians like Blair who wanted more labour voters so he opened the doors wide to industrial scale mass immigration.
Is it ‘peaceful’ religions who have huge numbers of children so that they will eventually become the majority and then take over from the infidels.
Nobody today has given the simple answer that we, (and the planet), are overpopulated and show no sign of doing anything about it.
I will no longer be here when we become a ‘stan’ but there is serious trouble ahead. Probably a war, the mother of all wars, followed by famine and disease and only then might the population be reduced enough (at least halved) to become sustainable.
Then I expect we will start over again because mankind never learns.
Lessons will not be learned.
Have a nice day.
EG, it does appear that greed and money are the root of all evil.
A society who no longer fear God, or therefore, the day of judgement and an “every man (or woman) for themselves” attitude. Refer to my previous post about the warnings I have come across regarding the rollout of 5G technology, where there has been little or no research into possible harmful effects on people, animals and the environment. But they are rolling it out anyway because money talks.
Boris wants to fast track scientists for immigration. Well done Boris.
I travel frequently to France and have recently noticed how some of these scientists are getting through, more frequently of late.
A coded message.
So people who claim that this site is subversive are right after all!
Helen Richardson
Oh how I tried to post the picture for this comment about migrants, storming a lorry. Failed. Bad day for me. Switching off now.
Thank you. I do not intentionally post nonsense and struggled very hard to make a relevant and extremely important point about a method of bringing in migrants that might one day be exposed.
Apologies for failing the standard.
No worry about the techy stuff – but off the record – boy did I get a nose bleed trying to delete it – I’m not very cut and paste minded so it look me a while to cut it down .
I , too , have no idea why or how that happens – I only capitalised the deletion in case it came back some how —-. Cool emoji thing .
Look North Hull edition “And in the second in our series about people with dual heritage”
FFS more agenda pushing
But no disrespect to the guy himself who has a pretty good band
Snowflake the the Hull band : Bud Sugar
You are my little snowflake
..everyday you come with another heartbreak
You are claiming you are woke
when you are not even awake
.. wanna have your cake and eat it
..you snowflake !”
Boris wants to fast track scientists for immigration. Well done Boris.
I travel often to France and have recently noticed how some of these scientists are getting through, more frequently .
yeh those conducting experiments and research in their headscarfs littering every street corner in Paris, at least we give them council houses….
I just had dinner with my back to the TV. The Londonistan
Programme was on. I know as an indigenous Londoner that
the programme is not meant for the likes of me. Most of
the presenters and reporters are from the ethnic community.
Fair enough I suppose because we indigenous Londoners are
in a considerable minority now.
Well fair enough , other than isn’t the BBC suppose to have
as their number one agenda Diversity and Positive discrimination?
I don’t see this with my indigenous minority.But back to tonight.
I would like somebody to tell me if I heard this wrongly. And I
apologise if I did.
Asad Ahmad was in Leyton at the scene of where a policeman
was attacked by “someone” with a machete . I say someone
because I don’t think we have been told of the ethnicity of the
scum. Ahmad was interviewing a witness to the atrocity. I believe
the gentleman was of Caribbean origin. Although he asked not
to be shown. And this is where my problem is. He was speaking
in a very strong West Indian accent, almost a variety of Patois.
I thought he said that the assailant was black, but there was plenty
of police brutality in the area. Did I hear this correctly?
If I did , was he picked by the editor of the programme to attack
the police? I reiterate if I heard this interview incorrectly I
apologise. Can anybody help?
he was black, BUT…. says it all really
A Pc last night in east London was suddenly attacked with a machete. He’s suffered very serious injuries.
The BBC describes it as ‘officer hurt’.
I hurt my finger occasionally.
The use of this word has downgraded his injuries. Probably because tomorrow when the attacker’s name is released, it will be that of a typical east London resident of non-Christian faith.
“”Leyton police stabbing: Officer hurt in machete attack””
Here is the footage on The Sun website;
” attacked with a machete”
Ya mean the machete grew legs and ran after him?
BBC – cancer on modern Britain.
2 more muzzie stories though on front page as usual, as they are the only immigrants we have, apparently, millions of others do not matter
Always something “enriching” or victim story, unless they are gang raping then all of a sudden they become “asian” and off the front page and into the regional news faster than the speed of light
Muzlamic, new bbc comedy hmmm
Sketch comedy show starring Aatif Nawaz and Ali Shahalom that explores modern Muslim life. We meet Mabz the Barber, the Whitest Brown Guys and take a trip to customs.
Oh yeh thats gonna be a scream
“whitest brown guys, sounds a bit racist to me, OFCOM on speed dial but I hear they are as twisted as the bbc knew some one who worked there and same kind of promotion of diversity reducing everything to incompetence rudeness aggression and mediocrity in the workplace which I also observe daily by those who are “fireproof” from disciplinary action for the same reason gang rapists are allowed to operate for years
Congrats Italy! This week legislation to act against people smugglers, pretending to be ‘rescue ships’, went through the Senate and thus both houses of parliament have passed the strict measures into law.
‘Corriere della Sera’ reports that penalties of up to a million Euros await people like Carola Rackete, who pick ‘refugees’ up from the Lybian coast and dump them in Italy.
These ‘humanitarians’ can also kiss their ships goodbye.
Rackete told the German TV channel ZDF that it would be good if Europe took on about 50 million ‘climate refugees’.
Italian Interior Minister, Matteo Salvini, has come to the rescue of Europe, but unfortunately he cuts a lonely figure; only Hungary and Macedonia are also standing firm against the invasion. Germany, under Merkel, is at the heart of the problem….
I could be wrong, but the bbc and other British media seem to be very quiet when it comes to this story. I have yet to hear anything from them. Makes you wonder what possibly goes on in the Channel, we don’t hear about..
“Climate refugees my a’se, refugees from muslims fighting each other, 90% of the wars in the world are their responsibility, which we can look forward to after they take over here they will turn on eachother, please feed this child, its parents have spent all their income on guns and bombs and are off killing people
From BBC Tr(uthB)ending
“TikTok videos spread climate change awareness”
reminds me of the infamous 10:10 advert
London : lots of white people in multicoloured clothes
And yet…..Women protesting forced hijab days after the Iranian Revolution, 1979
where are they now? all back in their scarfs sticking two fingers up at us with a british passport in the other hand
I get the distinct impression they just like arguing, fighting, complaining, protesting etc, a look at the hell holes they have created themselves gives a precise insight, correction places they have occupied and then destroyed
“I get the distinct impression they just like arguing, fighting, complaining, protesting”. Well, that’s just a Rag Head for you.
Annunaki, What’s your point here?
“For 15 long years, Beirut was a city divided by religion. Christian on the east side, Muslim on the west. Between 1975 and 1990, the Lebanese capital bore the brunt of hostilities during a civil war that saw intense inner-city skirmishes and destructive artillery bombardment”
Grand agricultural projects were undertaken and many Hydroelectrical dams were built under the Presidency of Kamil Chamoun, a pro western Christian president. This was Lebanon’s golden age.
In 1958 however, the muslim Sunni community and in some way the Chiaa community too were starting to claim more political power.
They attempted a coup d’état to deposit the president but failed thanks to an American intervention. From now on Lebanon would only go down. Muslims wanted Pan-arabism in a country born to protect maronite Christians. Kamil Chamoon wasn’t allowed to run again for the presidency, fearing an uprising.
Then came the civil war, where Christians struggled to survive. A lot of them fled to the West, and at some point in the 80s were only about 23% of the population due to mass emigration.
After the war ended the political power now was in muslim hands with a weakened Christian president with no real powers and a 50/50 parliament. Christians began coming back and today they are around 40% of the population.
To sum up Christian Lebanon was a truly special state in the region. What destroyed it was the Pan-arabic movement and Pan-syrian nationalism, along with leftist uprisings. Today the state is fragile and fragmented with Muslim ex-warlords holding power in strategic positions. Corruption is frightening and the parliament is useless. The state is in heavy dept and the economy, while still better than the neighboring arab countries, is dead.
My country died to a point of no-return due to Muslims wanting PanArabism and PanSyrianism or Communism over Lebanon.
Hang on a minute, where’s all this “diversity” the BBC keep telling me about?
Doesn’t look very MULTIcultural to me.
Guido : good one
Newsnight’s tweet was ratioed 1, 300 Replies vs 1,000 likes
I saw the bit with Norman Lamont being panicked at by maitless – who clearly had mental health hysteria issues – poor girl – Lamont must have been so tempted to say ‘ calm down dear ‘…
Who maitless thinks she is performing too I have no idea…
It’s almost tempting to watch newsnight for the first time in probably 20 years ? Just to see if she had a proper melt down and is led away sobbing into an EU flag ….
“Who maitless thinks she is performing too I have no idea… ”
Get a giant pole, attache a 1/4 of a mile piece of rope to it, plonk the pole directly in the centre of Islington, stretch said rope till its tight, then make a complete circle by walking in a circle just like draughtsmen do when surveying a building site thereby making a 1/2 mile circle – the people within that circle are the one’s she speaks too.
We won’t be able to cull 45,000 cows in NI on 1st November because we won’t be able to get the vets to do the job from the EU!
(According to the BBC!)
45,000 cows represents 2.3% of the UK herd, the milk going into the RoI represents about 5.5% of UK production. As always with these BBC ‘reports’ one waits in vain for the impact on the EU. If NI milk can’t move into the RoI what do their factories process, French milk held up in the truck-jams at Calais/Dover and Holyhead/Dublin?
Given that the EU will put a high tariff on cheese we have a big incentive to convert more milk ourselves, another business expansion scheme benefit flowing from Brexit.
Quite Funny

One day someone at the BBC will put 2 and 2 together !!! Or may be not !!!
climate change and the connection with breeding multipe kids
David, David, David, wrong AGAIN !!! Dear oh dear.
A man by the name of Muhammed Rodwan, 56- has been charged with attacking a London police man last night – according to the BBC – it doesn’t say whether he is ‘a local man ‘. …..
Apparently he is from Luton.
I suspect there is more to this than the police are revealing.
A man named Muhammed driving around London in the early hours of the morning with a machete. Why?
Of course they needed a reason to stop him, no insurance was the original claim, then it was running a red light.
But why was he cruising around London carrying a weapon?
Will the bbc now be all over this and blaming his ideology?
Doubt it.
“A man named Muhammed driving around London in the early hours of the morning with a machete.”
If he’s married you can expect he will have son’s who also want to follow in their fathers business.
They usually do.
Trouble is though – what do they mean by “business”?
Sky News:
“”Man charged with attempted murder after police officer stabbed””
Muhammed Rodwan, 56, has also been charged with possessing an offensive weapon following the attack in Leyton, east London.
So much for the BBC saying the officer was ‘hurt’. It was attempted murder. They were obviously preparing us for news of another attack by a member of the Religion of Peace.
Dover – the BBC has reported the name – but they’ll use the ‘look here’s a story about something melting ‘ and look away now …..
They mentioned his name after I’d posted. Now amended.
BBC ‘Hurt’ v Attemtped Murder. So diminishing as regards what happened.
Dover Sentry
I too have noticed Al Beeb updating their news reports following more details appearing on this site. They read and monitor this site .
Don’t they use these weapons to cut slices off the elephant’s legs which are prominent in ‘kebab’ joints in most crap High Streets?
So, he’ll get off with a caution and some sort of indigestible ‘food’ voucher…
Why normal citizens buy such ‘grub’ – normally pictured like roadkill – is beyond me, but there again, I’m a Brit, so will be disregarded, especially by the bbbc, who think that this sort of awful stuff is even better than vegan poo-sticks on this occasion…
Like this story
Warnings after woman is burned by ‘vagina steaming’
A BBC favourite – pervy, ridiculous story, so much so could be a wind-up, and peppered with tweets. Groan. This is journalism today.
A clear indication of what the employees of the cancerous BBC are clicking onto during office hours and I hope their moms hear about this.
Yes, I caught part of that on R4 news at 2200. Well, well, what’s happened? I’m totally suspicious of the BBC’s motives in releasing the 56 year old’s name. The BBC are so utterly dishonest so there has to be a reason.
On the BBC’s website it is reported that Boris has said, (the attack) “underscores for me the bravery of our police, people who actually go towards danger to keep us safer”. All the usual platitudes. He could, on behalf of the ruling class, apologise for previous Governments importing these savages. But there, I’ll dream on while looking forward to the importation of millions more muslims and Africans. The same. I hope the police understand that the extra 20,000 promised will not quell the British public’s disquiet and now, seething anger. That 20,000 will be current day ‘fairies’ who will not know what’s hit them as the number of attacks on the police surge.
AND THERE WE GO they must have been dragged kicking and screaming to admit this by the way is he white ? hmm bbc are particularly interested in mentioning this
and I m sure it will evade the “in case you missed it” section and be off the front page within hours
“Boris Unveils New Immigration Policy on Facebook Live”
“”In another sign of the changing times, Boris has become the first Prime Minister to announce a new policy to the nation from his desk via Facebook Live.””
“” Scheduled to hit commuters on the way home and in time for the evening news. Boris is introducing an immigration rule-change to make the UK “even more welcoming” to scientists from around the world. Global Brexit starting to take shape under someone who actually believes in it…””
And he’s by-passed the BBC !
But I thought that ALL the enriching arrivals were scientists, or other “professionals”…
Yes, I rather think the bbc group w’nk into their lattes over tomorrows daily front page muzzie article may be put on hold over this, emergency meeting to find some bint in a headscarf who ever took an o level in science whingeing
but not a thought about going to Cambridge to see the “other asians” such as Chinese studying science at PHD level because they are allowed out of the house to mix with the opposite sex and wear normal clothes ????
Maybe “British (sic) muslims not consulted over Boris announcement” or something similar
Newsnight is talking about racism. How surprising.
increased attacks on Jews ? coincidentally increased muslim population ? increased attacks on homosexuals ? attacks on Christians around the world ? racism and hate crime is alive and well Jews and homosexuals are not safe in muslim ghettos in this country and can be attacked without any mention in the news
Police are investigating after a Muslim woman in a niqab hurled abuse at Gay Pride marchers in Walthamstow in north-east London at the weekend.
Video published on social media shows the unidentified woman shouting “shame on you, you shameless people” and “God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve”.
Waltham Forest Police tweeted: “Abusing someone because of their sexual orientation or gender identity is a hate crime.”
Compared to the BBC reporting of the machete attack on the policeman (BTW, is it likely that a victim would be “stabbed” in a machete attack?), the fellow who made this U.S. video about a deadly knife incident in California makes some very familiar observations about the MSM over there. . . (5 1/2mins)
I just had a quick of Twitter rankings of 4 people
I know that TV exposure , particularly American can make a big difference
– Maitlis , pretty rubbish not often going into thousands of LIKES
.. consider that she a daily BBC platform
– James O’Brien sometimes a thousand plus LIKES
..surprising low considering he has a daily show for 3 hours
– Carole Cadwalladr occasional tweets breaking the ten thousand level, plus quite a few over a thousand
.. but consider she has a Guardian editor platform
– KTHopkins ..quite variable, but often over 1000 LIKES
and on the first page recent tweets have 66K, and 32K likes
.. yet she has no UK MSM platform
BTW KT Hokins had the highest follower count at 1million
but Piers Morgan is a different league with 6.7m followers
but in likes he doesn’t do that great compared to Hopkins
mostly 1000, some 8000, one anti-gun one got 24K
I’m not drinking plant/nut/anything else based milk, other than the stuff that comes out of cows and goats, for any bugger. Will our Islamic friends give up meat and their slaughtering for the sake of the planet ? will they hell; but the way things are going they could be the largest religion on earth before long, and therefore will be the biggest group of meat eaters.
When that happens, will the scientists/climate activists et al have the guts to tell a few billion that they cant eat meat anymore ?
Funny how the pig is outlawed in a couple of religions, and now we are being informed there won’t be any bacon after Brexit. Are we being told something ? I’m not giving up bacon either.