The snowflake children have been left in charge of the Far Left EU loving BBC . So we ll expect less sophisticated anti British propaganda and more ‘ silly season ‘ nonsense
Start the Week Open Thread 12 August 2019
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The snowflake children have been left in charge of the Far Left EU loving BBC . So we ll expect less sophisticated anti British propaganda and more ‘ silly season ‘ nonsense
Steve Milloy points out Climate alarm contradictions
Climate Hustler, Partner At ‘Beyond Meat’ Largest Investor,
Al Gore Moves To Profit Big From Anti-Meat Drive
It is now a New Religion but on a level with the Salem Witch trials. And the scary thing is that the whole of Parliament has now been signed up to it.
And GQ magazine win the Virtue Signalling twits of the year award
“The Game Changer Award was created for @GretaThunberg
. Her fearless dedication to raising awareness
of the global climate change crisis
makes her the absolute embodiment of this award.”
tweeted by @BritishGQ
If you create an award for someone , then its not a real award is it ?
Obama won a Nobel Prize for not being George Bush jr
That was the second one Stew. He got the first in his teens for having a hooter on his chopper.
Guido : In yet another clear sign that the misty-eyed adulation of Greta Thunburg is definitely #NotACult, the BBC has done another fawning piece on the teenager, this time revealing the plastic bucket Greta will be pooing in for the next two weeks to stop the apparent imminent extinction of mankind
#PRdriven #EcoTerrorism
So far, I feel Richard wins for server-saving brevity.
I love Julia Hartley-Brewer’s response of “Yawn”. Sums it up really.
I’m sure I saw a BBC website story that people can save the planet by only pooing every 2 days . I only read the headline as any sane person would .
Very disappointing silly season story .
“UK wage growth picks up to 11-year high”
“Wage growth in the UK reached an 11-year high in the year to June, and the employment rate was its joint highest since 1971, official figures show.”
But , but, what about the Brexit ?
Yeah, what happened 11 years ago that made my wages fall?
F#@king angry that a labour government did this to the people it pretends to represent.
If you spoke out you was branded racist.
“Her gullible readiness to spout what her parents, and others tell her to say, without any knowledge, or understanding of the subject in question”
Worth some sort of award – even if it’s a lemon.
OG.. Surely that’s grooming in todayspeak. She aint “woke ” she’s been indoctrinated. Indoctrinating children is a tactic used by totalitarians from the year dot and it makes me very uneasy.
Assuming Greta will speak at the UN and it will be transmitted worldwide, why can’t she stay at home, record her speech and transmit it worldwide? No expensive boat and she can poo in her own toilet at home.
“Scotland sees surge in unemployment”
“surge” Bit of an exaggeration that eh?
If Nicola hadn’t bleated on and on about her bloody independence more companies would set up business there ?
Exactly. If you were thinking of investing in the UK, why choose Scotland?
They have a hard left government, which wants to take Scotland out of the UK. Which company wants to deal with that? Furthermore, income tax in Scotland is now higher than in the rest of the UK. Did I mention they have a hard left government?
It is no surprise Scotland is doing badly. They have a hard left government!!
State Broadcaster is providing XR with free publicity again. They seem to love causes with poster girls like the one with ISIS.
Remind me, do HK fuzz err more on the high heels, nail varnish of getting skimpy in Nigeria, as here?
Monday’s Yorkshire Post
full page article with “Refugees Welcome” photo
Brexit: Legal bid to stop Westminster shutdown goes to court
It has become Parliament v The People .
Close the ‘Rotten’ Parliament down. They are not listening to us.
We voted out, they have deliberately ignored us for far too long to allow Al Beeb and the MSM ample time to try to change our minds. Three years of waffle .
Remember this at the next general election and this time vote for a Brexiteer MP.
Sometimes life can be tough when you HAVE got family around you !!! What a bloody stupid statement to make, and I bet the original natives of Leeds and Bradford are well chuffed that their home towns are now places of pilgrimage for thousands of refugees.
Are there any original natives of Leeds and Bradford left? The ethnic cleansing seems pretty thorough.
I live in that area of east lancs/west yorks.
It’s beautiful.
But get a bowl of water and put a drop of ink in it.
“Hong Kong protests disrupt airport for second day”
While the people of Hong Kong are fighting for democracy and appealing to the UK for help we have Remainers in the UK willing to throw it away .
I’m glad you brought that to my attention.
I was enthralled by the bbc’s world class and award winning coverage of the yellow vest’s in France.
It’s probably why Iranians are swimming the channel.
R4 at it again
There’s a price to pay doing a trade deal with US….of course there is you idiots…like there isn’t a price to pay for being in the EU on trade…
All day the BBC have been knocking positive news…how many times can they mention the bloody chlorinated chicken!!! I would rather have US chicken than chicken from Thailand!!
Oh now they carry on…is Britain big enough to get on in this world? The BBC are a f***ing disgrace. Where do they get these presenters from ?
JA, it’s a shame that Conservative politicians who are Brexiteers are not sharp enough when the ‘chlorinated chicken bogey-man’ is raised by the BBC that they do not immediately observe that it was in the EU recently that chicken farms had to be shut down and cross border trade stopped because of diseased chickens in the Netherlands.
It is said there are 91,000 cases of salmonella alone in the EU every year.
So Li’l Greta is pooing in a bucket now?
Anagram of Greta Thunberg:
The Grunge brat
UK ‘first in line’ for US trade deal, says John Bolton
1 hour ago
Thee was a HYS.
It has closed now. For some reason.
Guest Who
“It has closed now. For some reason.”
Is it because Al Beeb’s up tick computer has broken down?
They did the same with the Caroline Lucas HYS.
Took it down and then restarted it.
Disregarding 2,000+ comments, but the next 2,000+ comments were in the same vein.
They love diversity but not diversity of opinion.
It would seem it opened at the start of the working day, and closed before most who earn a living get home. Job done.
Oh you cynic.
Stop the press!???
The BBC’s multi million/billion pound home page has a story about a parcel being put through an open window.
Second row down and there we have it, the horror, the injustice, the outrage.
This is on the home page. Not in the mickey mouse section but the second row of the the home page.
Next week “vegan cat chased up tree by far right dog”.
It’s metroliberal world
They get Amazon parcels everyday
but they know nothing of the world of groomNrape gang victims
As with Jess Phillips, there seems a correlation between the cost of the photo shoot and the calibre of the subject.
Not in a positive way.
No reason.
Invasion ….
Disturbing picture and not for the reason they meant.
I’ve cancelled my GQ subscription
.. Oh hang on I never had one in the firstplace
Greta Thunberg – Nobel Prize Winner (mark my words)
If they can give Obama one it has as much credibility as my ‘best shit in the toilet award’.
If Germany launches an entirely LGBT airforce
what will they call it ?
The Poofwaffe?
I think the word of the era was woofter
On main page, title of article ‘Flight attendant dies from measles contracted in NY’
Actual article (link above)
‘It is unclear where she contracted the disease.’
Shocking standard of journalism. Needs to be shut down.
Spot on, it’s not journalism anymore, just cut and paste nonsense.
But this is the face of Great British journalism that many people around the world see. They see it through the eyes of the BBC. That is scary. We can see the bullshit. We can see the agendas.
But alot of people outside of our pleasant shores believe the BBC without question. It’s their only news source.
Stalin, Mao, Hitler would be proud.
The people who want you to stop having babies
Don’t even bother reading this garbage. The answer is, Al Beeb want you to stop having babies, but only if they’re white ones, like the one pictured.
Apologies if it’s been discussed already.
WTF surely no British native speaker would use that word
cos it’s too close to antenatal
..whereas birthstriker makes sense to us
and I have seem such irregular grammar in BBC articles before
BUT Nope I was wrong.. it is a real movement
Not Al Beeb, but more snouts in the trough
Not quite zero carbon…
Well, I finally found another answer to the Greta Thunberg adventure on board the good ship Malizia..
“Malizia carries an emergency combustion engine on board in accordance with the IMOCA Class Rule 2019 V.1.1, number C.6.1 (a): “A motor […] shall be permanently installed, permanently attached to the boat and not moved”. This is a safety measure prescribed by the International Monohull Open Class Association (IMOCA). During the normal season we use the engine only to a minimum extent, namely, to safely approach and leave the dock and marinas.”
Although they promise not to use it…
Even if it runs on biodiesel, it still pumps out shit… often as polluting as fossil fuels.
They promise not to use the diesel engine?
Oh please stick to that promise when the mast falls off in choppy waters.
Then we can send our fossil fuel powered rescue boats to save the human race’s last great hope.
#greta #thoughts and prayers #shut up for sake of diversity #all part and parcel of living in a big city.
Candles at the ready.
Never to be seen on the corrupt elitist pious broadcasters news reports. Can’t for the life of me think why….
BBC staff pick up 20% pay rises while over-75s lose free licences
Hundreds of BBC employees have been handed 20 per cent pay rises, just as the corporation plans to strip free TV licences from millions of viewers aged over 75.
Figures obtained by The Times show that 889 BBC staff received pay increases equivalent to between 10 and 20 per cent of their salaries last year. An additional 256 employees were given more than 20 per cent.
Across both groups the average rise was £6,980, costing licence fee payers an additional £7.9 million. This would have been enough to maintain free TV licences for 51,000 pensioners.
Age campaigners said that the BBC’s generosity to its own staff was “sickening” at a time when over-75s on modest incomes were struggling to set aside the £3 a week they would need to continue watching television.
The pay figures relate to the 19,000 staff employed by the corporation’s main public service arm and do not include any rises given to employees at its commercial wing, BBC Studios. They also exclude the swelling bill for on-air talent, who are paid through a separate system. Spending on presenters and actors earning more than £150,000 rose from £19.8 million to £21.8 million last year, according to the most recent BBC “rich list”.
The corporation defended the pay rises, saying that staff had earned them for a number of reasons. Some employees had been rewarded for taking promotions or extra responsibilities, while others benefited from the regrading of their roles as part of a new simplified pay framework.
The salary boosts are controversial at a time when the BBC insists it cannot afford the cost of funding universal free TV licences for over-75s. In June the corporation announced that the benefit would be means tested from next year, effectively forcing up to 3.75 million pensioners to start paying £154.40 a year or face prosecution.
The BBC was forced to take responsibility for the concession from the government but claimed that the £750 million annual cost was unsustainable. Means testing reduces this bill to £250 million, while protecting the poorest over-75s on pension credit.
However, the BBC’s own research acknowledged that scrapping universal free licences would have a disproportionate impact on women, the disabled and dementia sufferers.
Jan Shortt, general secretary of the National Pensioners Convention (NPC), said the pay rises were “completely and utterly” unacceptable. “It’s sickening that they would consider giving these rises at a time when they are claiming they don’t have the money to fund over-75s’ licences,” she said.
The BBC has repeatedly stressed that restricting talent and staff pay would not generate the sums required to continue providing all over-75s with free licences. Maintaining the subsidy in its present form would have required the closure of BBC Two, BBC Four and several radio stations.
A BBC spokesman said: “While there are strict rules around any pay increases it’s only right that when people are promoted or take on extra responsibilities it’s reflected in their salary. Just as at any organisation, there will be a number of cases where people are promoted to a significantly more senior or prominent role or take on a wide range of extra responsibilities.”
The new system will retain free TV licences for over-75s who claim pension credit, but campaigners fear that the strict means testing will push pensioners whose incomes are just above the threshold into poverty.
The NPC is urging concerned citizens of all ages to write to the prime minister urging the government to take back responsibility for funding the benefit. More than 630,000 people have signed a petition demanding the cuts are scrapped.
Last month the Office for Budget Responsibility warned that the BBC’s means testing would cost the Treasury £850 million a year, as more over-75s apply for pension credit to secure a free licence. About 40 per cent of those who are eligible do not claim, missing out on an average of £65 a week.
Don’t pay .
Its still obscene that a bloody autocue reader can command 6 figure salaries, and I don’t care how many qualifications or level of degree at Yuni they’ve got, saving lives they aint.
So that’s James, Eddie and now Gavin.
They really are sweeping up the leftovers there.
Definitely not BBC.
The ‘mighty’ celtic have been knock out of the champions league by some Romanian pub team.
I won’t miss them waving Palestinian flags and singing songs about the ira.
No BBC HYS yet, I wonder why?
It’s always someone else’s fault, isn’t it:
Labour MP pressuring private corp to turn down legal business
Speaking of Labour, it seems that PC Khafi had inside knowledge of ‘Big Brother’ long before she signed up for the Nigerian version.
And they wonder why the Met are a mess.
This made me smile –