Well, I am not sure what the formula for the carbon fibre that makes the good ship Maliza II is. However, I am pretty sure it involves the petrochemical industry in a large way..
Put it this way, I bet it’s not tree resin
Also, this report from the guardian suggests there may be trouble ahead..
Carbon fibre: the wonder material with a dirty secret..
Isn’t it a pethetic state of affairs when a few state-funded ‘broadcasters’ think that some silly, pretentious little git squeaks something about issues she’s too young to understand, and then the said ‘broadcasters’ plonk it on the airwaves as if it were gospel!
Luckily the pic of the idiotic Milibeand staring at her with rather strange eyes made the whole shebang a total fiasco, but then, the bbbc love fiascos, as they falsely create them, then send some sort of air-head journo to ‘report’.
The tack of getting thick bbbc reporters to interview their own bbbc sub-class is just hilarious, they always fail on all points!
Typical BBC (behind.prone.plug) in a piece about the What3words app:
“Humberside Police also used the system to find a group of foreign nationals, including a pregnant woman in labour, who were trapped inside a shipping container at a port.”
I expect she was looking for Asda and accidently walked into a container and the wind blew the door shut. It happens all the time to me too.
Loved Banks’ tweet about freak accidents and I am looking forward to all the responses from the demented left. (Their outrage gives me a warm feeling.) I know it was a joke, and I wouldn’t want a mentally ill child of 16 to drown, but a part of me would love to see the boat sink. Everyone saved, of course. Although, I do wonder if Greta would want to be saved by a carbon-belching ship. I can see her now, as a last act of eco-martyrdom, refusing the entreaties of her rescuers and heroically going down with the boat. (Another warm feeling.)
Here you go UP — as predicted 3, 2, 1 and ………………..
It is amazing the depths to which the Green party will go, Greta is a vulnerable child on the Autism Spectrum and yet they allow her to be abused and groomed in the name of Climate change.
Reported him to Twitter !!! LOL. How petty and pathetic. Will she also be reporting Lammy and Owen Jones to Twitter for spreading hate ??? Nope, thought not !!
At least Aaron Banks wont roll over and have his tummy tickled !!
And after demos from Paris to HK, who knows who may feel someone needs to take a false flag to the briny depths for the team? Dad seems at best… ‘driven’.
I fancy a nice doldrumesque becalming for a few weeks, supplied by helo, until the rescue steamship chugs into view.
Or Roger Harrabin and David Shuckman in JonDon’s dugout.
That young boy holding a mike would make a suitable boyfriend for Greta, keep her out of all that climate mischief. It would be nice to see them growing up together, holding hands awaiting the school bus..
New footage from the lone wolf / mental health cutlery incident in Sydney a couple of days ago.
MSM have been falling over themselves to hide the obvious — the Guardian in particular was Grade A apologetics: “Some witnesses reported that the man had shouted “Allahu Akbar”. Police said they were aware of the reports but had not ‘captured that as an evidentiary base’. Some observers said the man’s pronunciation suggested he was unfamiliar with the phrase.”
Unfamiliar with the phrase… maybe he was lied to, it was the Russians and he didn’t know what he was stabbing for.
For the reason that this chap appeared to have blue eyes I’m momentarily reminded of that scene with Peter O’Toole in Lawrence of Arabia where he tries to pass himself off as an Arab.
But I digress.
One wonders what it was about the cult that attracted this murderously mentally unstable young convert?
Is anyone surprised by this? I mean it’s not as if the police are busy doing things like investigating people for using the wrong gender pro-nouns for example.
“Action Fraud investigation: victims misled and mocked as police fail to investigate”
Chicken boxes featuring warnings about the dangers of carrying a knife have been sent to takeaways in England and Wales as part of a government campaign.
Shadow home secretary Diane Abbott said the plan was “crude” and “offensive”
Perhaps Ms Abbott – ever mindful mindful we don’t unfairly target certain communities – would suggest we taxpayers fund anti-knife crime posters to go up in the refectory at Eton – or at whatever fee school it is her off-spring attend?
Reporter states that there is no indication that its terrorism related. Code for: we think this is probably terrorism but we don’t want you to think that.
I’m sure the stabbing at the Home Office isn’t linked to the murder of an 18 year old in Lambeth this Thursday afternoon – races aren’t mentioned so you guess . Three days ago a 16 year old was also stabbed to death in London . Heading for 100 murders so far in the capital ..
Fear not Fed,
When the extra 20,000 coppers get to work, it’ll all change, you wait and see. I don’t see the Armed Forces being starved of recruits being anything to worry about. That starving sure as hell prevents any likely coup.
Priti, the Home Secretary, continues to protect us from Tommy Robinson, real name, Yaxley…..
The Rebel
· 51m
UPDATE: @JessicaSwiet’s visit to #TommyRobinson in prison was cancelled, but HMP Belmarsh says they’ll let her in soon.
Often one might give state agencies the benefit of the doubt through just being incompetent . But with TR I’m sure , that since the State has decided it will silence him , whatever is done is planned .
So withholding mail , cancelling visits , moving him suddenly ( coming soon ) are just those issues designed to disable or demotivate him and his family or supporters .
It might be assumed that they’d try to get TR to either break down or break a prison rule in order to inflict further punishment .
I wrote a list of reasons for cancellation. I take no pleasure in being right .
I’d be surprised if this lady gets to see TR on Friday …….. but let’s hope it happens .
I’d like to know if there is an Appeal , it guess there isn’t as it should have gone forward by now ….. 5 weeks on? 4 to go – and he won’t be coming out any time shorter than that .
We all know – when the state wants to be officious without using physical force it can be really good at it …..
Personally, I can only see the state in all its guises and its blow-hard mouthpiece, the BBC, as having already arrived at the position where most objective folk see all as totally evil. And they know it. It is only a matter of time before legislation arrives which completely abolishes and renders illegal any form of criticism. Problem is, most people are sleep walking to that point.
When TR gets out of jail, if he does, my advice to him is to leave the uk for Poland or similar and to lead the struggle for Britain from a safe place. If he stays here , even he keeps quiet, which of course knowing him he won’t, the state will get him either directly or more likely by using a proxy.
A man has been stabbed outside the Home Office building in central London.
The victim’s injuries are not believed to be life-threatening, the Metropolitan Police said.
Officers were called to the building in Marsham Street, near the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, at 13:06 BST. A MAN was arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm.
The wounded man went into the building to seek assistance. The building is now in lockdown.
Eyewitness Gareth Milner said he was outside the Home Office when “a number of armed police officers arrived on scene and entered the building”.
This line confirms what we all know –
A man was arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm.
Religion of peace delivering another message. Got to love em.
Odd isn’t it? Now we import black nutters, as if the UK doesn’t have have enough of it’s own white ones. Many of them stalking the corridors of power.
Watching the BBC’s desperate antics over Brexit reminds me of a fleeing man trying to cross a swollen river by jumping from one floating log to the next.
We have had an endless stream of maybe it can be stopped campaigns from them. They have now resorted to pinning their hopes on Corbyn despite the fact that many expected players in parliament are already putting water between them and Corbyn.
Beginning to think that Corbyn has realised that he will never be voted into the top job so it’s worth having a rash go at being a caretaker PM just for his CV and posterity.
“Beginning to think that Corbyn has realised that he will never be voted into the top job so it’s worth having a rash go at being a caretaker PM just for his CV and posterity.”
I think Jezza would make rather a splendid caretaker at the House of Commons toilets. He could keep an eye on all those nasty Tory big knobs that he envies so much.
In my opinion, those who assisted this creature into the UK and thus laid the means at his disposal should be investigated and charged with aiding and abetting be they Government bods, Border Officials or NGO’s
Interesting, how everyone forgets about democracy, voting, no.of seats, etc when Corbyn feels he should have a go at being PM…
Poor chap: LimpDumbs don’t wanna play ball.
And Labour appear to lack a few seats in parliament. That place where you need a majority to govern effectively…
The BBC has certainly non evented the European Elections which the Brexit Party won despite the poison of the BBC and the likes of Gavin ‘I know better ‘Esler.
“”Israel has decided to block two US Democratic lawmakers from visiting after US President Donald Trump urged the country to ban them.””
“”On Twitter Mr Trump said “it would show great weakness” if Israel allowed entry to congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, who are both critics of Israel.””
“”President Trump, who has a close relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has frequently feuded with the lawmakers and in remarks widely condemned as racist, told them to “go back” to the countries that their families were from.””
The last paragraph above is certainly one of the most Biased anti-Trump reports by the BBC. And that’s saying something!!
Trump did NOT tell them to go back. He told them to go back, try and fix their own basket case countries rather than criticise the US, and then return.
Two important stories about real life in the U.K. are featured on Mail Online today:
1. “Afghan asylum seeker, 22, with ‘desire to kill English people’ is jailed for 21 years after frenzied knife attacks on Tesco shopper and two other strangers”
2. “Asylum seeker, 29, who said he was fleeing political persecution in Sudan, is jailed for life for stabbing 21-year-old woman 15 times in drug fuelled attack because she refused to have sex”.
Neither gets a look-in on the BBC website, however, although the BBC does find room to feature the following headline prominently: “Banks’ ‘vile’ Thunberg tweet reported to Twitter.”
You couldn’t make it up….
The EU’s trade relations with South-East Asian powerhouse Indonesia have come under renewed strain with Indonesia preparing to slap a 20-25% tariff on dairy products from the EU in response to the EU whacking 8-18% tariffs on Indonesian biodiesel. How dair-EU!
Indonesia’s population of 260 million is over half the size of the entire EU, it’s currently the 16th largest economy in the world and growing at a pacey 5% a year. Indonesia’s trade minister is so cheesed off he’s ordered dairy importers to find new suppliers outside the EU. Indonesia is the fifth largest non-EU importer of dairy products in the world so this is no trifling matter.
After Liz Truss’s big cheese push at DEFRA, it just so happens that the UK will in a matter of weeks be the third largest non-EU exporter of dairy products in the world, and is about to regain control of its own tariff schedules, putting it in pole position to cream off the the EU’s market share. Brits get cheap biodiesel and textiles, while Indonesians will get top-quality Cheddar, Stilton, Yarg, Brie, Wensleydale and clotted cream. Perfect!
The BBC is going big on the number of people ‘offing’ themselves using a variety of drugs . In fact it’s their number one news item.
I don’t get this because whenever someone wants to kill themselves the BBC gets on its high horse about UK law not being accommodating to enable them to do it here .
So the BBC approves of some types of death but not others .
Bit like incritical support for a certain religion and high levels of criticism of any other religion which isn’t Islam. ….
Mark Easton on the 6 o’clock news saying the pursuing of addicts and dealers is wrong and that the government should provide free heroin to those who want it to solve the drug death explosion.
Where do these pundits get their ideas from?
You wouldn’t for instance tackle knife crime by giving away free machetes so people wouldn’t have to buy knives from supermarkets!
The BBC really have a thing about legalising controlled drugs . Where I live I can smell cannabis at any time of the day – every day . Dealing is done in the open and heroin addicts – always looking close to death can easily be seen .
And some people think it should be easier to get supplies ? And die ?
I just wish that the blooody bbc would put the mention of idiot-taking ‘drugs’ into the context of proper compounds making sick people better.
We all know that the drug companies don’t care about making people well, it’s the profits they’re after, but while the state-funded bbbc keeps wittering on about stuff they usually buy around the corner, some poor sod is lying desperate for an anti-cancer jab.
Our hated state-funded broadcaster needs to bury it’s ugly head in shame, comparing life-giving sustenance requirements with comments from thick, ridiculously opinionated layabouts demanding free access to illegal substances for their own selfish consumption.
In case you missed it: feral immigrants running wild:
Bike yob crashes into a Mercedes as he does WHEELIES while weaving through traffic – but then surrounds the motorist with mob of friends as they blame the DRIVER
Yob, whose bike has markings ‘Wheelie Kay’, pedals down congested main road
He veers right to pass a lorry and collides with slow-moving Mercedes C350
Before middle-aged driver stops and exits, cyclist hits bonnet twice with his fist
Gang of around six youths surround man and accuse him of causing accident
*** Did you witness the incident? Can you identify any of the louts on bikes? Email rory.tingle@mailonline.co.uk or phone 020 3615 3874***
Devoted father and lawyer, 52, who was stabbed to death with screwdriver in unprovoked attack outside Greggs as seven teens as young as 14 are arrested
Peter Duncan, 52, was stabbed during an unprovoked attack in Newcastle
Seven teenagers aged between 14 and 17 have been arrested by police
Mr Duncan was taken to the Royal Victoria Hospital where he later died
Chief Superintendent Ged Noble said the suspects were ‘known to police’
However, Labour’s shadow home secretary Diane Abbott described the extension of Section 60 stop and search powers as a ‘tried and tested recipe for unrest, not violence reduction’.
Can’t help you there, maybe Abott intervened and explained it was all due to lack of a youth club so its all ok now they have been given a Buckaroo and a Kerplunk, hey presto ! no skunk weed or zombie knives…
I see that the BBC are rallying around Corbyn and Swinson as the anto no deal heroes.
I am yet to hear any balance in these reports though. Of course the Lib Dumbs are wary of Corbyn but where is someone who is pro Brexit actually coming forward writing them off as rubbish?
Sarah Wollaston gets a free pass for her continuous changing of Partys .
At least she won’t be standing as an MP again
( unless her political judgement really is that bad ) but judging by the way things seem to work she’ll land up with a peerage sitting as a liberal anti democrat and ruling over us ..
Retired bank manager gets his 100th ‘intimidating’ letter from TV Licensing even though he hasn’t owned a telly since 1997
Retired bank manager Derek Cheesbrough dropped TV 22 years ago in 1997
Since binning the box, he has received a monthly letter saying he’s a lawbreaker
The pensioner has just received his 100th letter demanding he pay for his TV
He previously hit the headlines when he received his 50th letter, which prompted some people to get in touch.
‘I had letters from a 92-year-old blind woman from Cornwall, and a 72-year-old living on the moors with no TV reception,’ he said.
One interesting anonymous comment on the above article in the Mail:
There are some people calling for the privatisation of the BBC – however it is a little known fact that the BBC was hollowed out and privatised over 10 years ago. BBC Broadcast was sold to Australian-based Macquarie Capital Alliance Group and Macquarie Bank Limited in 2005 and re-branded Red Bee Media. Its IT, telephony and broadcast technology were sold to Siemens IT Solutions and Services and are now owned by (the infamous) ATOS! BBC Books were sold to Random House in 2006. BBC Outside Broadcasts Ltd was sold in 2008 to Satellite Information Services. The BBC archive is now owned by Getty Images. BBC Magazines were sold to Immediate Media Company in 2011. I could go on but you get the picture. Every profitable part of the BBC has been sold off.
Sure hope that’s all true – on my read if it did come to disassembling ( extinguishing) the BBC it would make it easier to get rid of the ‘ husk ‘
Astounding if true-but maybe accounts for the way the sham British Broadcasting Corporation now operates-so dependent upon the lincence fee to pay the shareholders of the respective investers, not to improve the quality of the programmes it pushes out.
Really like Turning Point at the moment. Lots of young people of colour who identify as Conservatives, support Johnson and support Brexit…
That explains why we hear nothing about them from the BBC. It defies their entire stereotype system. Instead they try to ram unknown left wing groups onto us instead. Novara media. Ever heard of them? Of course you have because Ash Sarkar is on the BBC every single day ranting about how terrible everything is!
Freedom of movement for shoplifters, well done EU :
Bulgarian pickpockets, 23 and 48, are jailed after being caught on camera targeting shoppers including mother with a pram using T-shirts to hide their thieving
Sofiya Ivanova, 23, and Totka Dimitrova, 48, targeted four people in ten minutes
They hid their hands under t-shirts and bags but were spotted by police
British Transport Police plain-clothes officers followed them in Covent Garden
They were handed 18-week prison sentences for seven counts of attempted theft
Just finished watching latest episode of Inside the Factory. It’s on the BBC, and features Greg Wallace, and two females, one of which is mega woke. This episode was making Croissants, at a factory in France. Apparently, the curved croissants use vegetable oil, but the straight croissants use butter. The eventual product had 18 layers of dough, with 17 layers of butter. Baking took over 6 hours. But the butter was a very concentrated product, completely different from the supermarket version. And it was made at a factory in England, using English Milk, and English expertise, before export to France. So, after 31/10, I look forward to Macron explaining why the all butter croissant may have production problems. But the problem was ignored by the BBC.
Everyone at the Bow Group is profoundly saddened that our Patron and the philosophical leader of the conservative movement Sir @Roger_Scruton has fallen ill.
His significance to our movement cannot be overstated, and we ask for prayers for his good health.
Harrassment more like, but the left are allowed to hound with impunity, the worst thing in this country at the moment is the scum who use Blairs racism laws to commit harrassment and get away with criminal activity with apparent immunity as long as they use that word. a license for criminal scum and immigrants to treat this country with contempt RE muslim council of britain urging all its members to report anything to abuse our laws for their own political gain, just like the gypsy community when challenged about animal cruelty, theft and flytipping
The same Blair racism laws that allowed mass rape of English schoolchildren go unchallenged and any black thug to defend their antisocial or criminal behaviour
30 years ago there was no chance of a pakistani getting away with the rape, drug dealing and other associated criminal activities that so many in the news (not bbc) do now and why do they feel able to do this now ? Blairs racism laws and the fact that he has allowed another few hundred thousand over here to enrich us and now, God forbid anyone who objects to their intolerance of our culture displayed in so many ways, and who benefits from this ? the 85% indigenous population ?
And the other millions of Chinese, Hindus, Sikhs et al just get on with life in the UK (apart from when sikh children are abused by muzzies RE Luton)
Luton: local Sikh community protesting over ‘sex attack police failures’
Hundreds of members of the Luton Sikh community protested outside local police station amid claims police failed to properly investigate a sex attack on a young woman.
It comes after a 19 year-old Sikh woman, who has not been identified, was reportedly beaten and sexually assaulted in the Bedfordshire town by a “Muslim man”
Agree with all your comments Annunaki: The influx of Muslims over the past twenty five years and more has and is causing a complete destabilization of the whole of Europe and of its territories. Britain added fire to the Islamic surge when it appointed a Muslim to the post of Home Secretary-what can one call such measures as completely incomprehensible and now that same person is Chancellor of the Exchequer number 2 next to the Prime Minister-incomprehensible in view of what such Islamics think of Christians.
The massive financial power of the Traffickers gained from the money they accumulate from the migrants and other areas is able to facilitate the movement of Muslim peoples throughout Europe and elsewhere, and will seemingly continue on its course unabated. The unprecedented influx of illegal immigrants into Europe, mainly from the Islamic world including Africa, Middle East, and Indian sub-continent has and is continuing to create international headlines.
A report from 2013 predicted that sub-Saharan Africa would record the largest population growth at least until the year 2050. The world’s poorest region, will more than double in population, from 1.1 billion to 2.4 billion. The current population of the entire European Union is just over 500 million people. It is estimated that Africa’s population will grow by more than twice that much, in less than two generations. Where are these people supposed to live? Will they have water, food and work at home. Those questions should be squarely aimed at those countries leaders.
With such gowth in population over the next 30 years or so throughout will mean that what we have seen so far is only the beginning. Even the EU and the UN are gradually admitting this. The current migration flows of Muslims and of African people generally will represent a long-term trend, not a temporary crisis. If these hordes of illegal immigrants are not stopped and sent back, this could cause European societies to collapse.
Result is that the UK will have more trouble on its streets as I cannot see it clsoing the doors to all immigration from such nations mentioned. One more point concerning the Muslim male and women which accounts for the way they behave. When a Muslim man marries, he only marries a woman’s sex organs — she is no more worth to him than a goat or a rug. A Muslim man is taught, and believes, that a woman is only on the earth for two reasons —to bear children and to provide her husband with ecstasy. Other than that she has no use. So these young healthy males will help themselves to any female of any age that they can get their hands on, and nothing will be done to punish them — their excuse is always that Allah approves of rape and they are pleasing their god and worshipping him by doing it. And the Western Dhimmis believe them and let them practice “their” religion with impunity. Deportation is perhaps the only way, such a Norway currently treat those they don’t want.
Wow!! The Home Office is celebrating –
“EU Settlement Scheme – One Million People Granted Status
This week the millionth person was granted status under the EU Settlement Scheme – just five months after the Scheme fully opened.”
Read all abaht it!
Probably the last two to sign up were the Bulgarian criminals Annunaki refers to above, out on a celebration spree……….
Compliments of Treason May, Rudd, the muslim ‘millions more refugees by 2030’ Marvel and now Patel. Spose we can’t blame Patel as she’s new to the job.
its all okay, we build schools, hospitals, doctors, and public services – all at the same rate as the population is increasing!
Then the beeb does “reports” on how underfunding is a problem for example in the NHS. Who pays the UK tax payer does, not someone who is given all this for free
More than 120 former child patients at a psychiatric hospital who suffered horrific sexual and physical abuse are set to receive a payout of millions of pounds from Secretary of State for Health.
How many of the thousands of muzzie rape gang child victims will be receiving compensaton from the Home Office for happily importing muslim and other asylum “seeker” rapists into this country who have run riot since entering Britain ?
The primary function of government is to protect its citizens
They all seem very exercised tonight about Israel not letting in folk who wish them ill.
But were less concerned when Treezer banned some speakers from the USA keen to warn about those who wished us ill, as those already here threatened to riot.
That really would be a popcorn job and the snowflakes in the BBC would have real trouble deciding the good guys – actually – thinking about it -repressive Muslim Pakistan will be their ‘guy’ with on tap ‘ muzzles coming together ‘ stuff morning noon and night. Pakis are good at the’ victim card ‘too
Lets face it One community appears to specialise as Uber taxi drivers and chicken shop owners and appears to think it is OK to wrap their women up in black bedsheets, kill non believers, apostates, sexually abuse non believers, chuck gays off buildings whilst at the same time time complaining it is a victim of “waycism” whilst the other community has a reputation for high achieving.
One community is pushing for changes in the law so that we are not even allowed to discuss the religion that which thinks it is OK to wrap their women up in black bedsheets, kill non believers, apostates, sexually abuse non believers, chuck gays off buildings whilst at the same time time complaining it is a victim of “waycism” Whilst the other community just gets on with their lives.
So what side would any responsible honest, sensible and mature state broadcaster take on this – yep you guessed it the side that believes it is OK to wrap their women up in black bedsheets, kill non believers, apostates, sexually abuse non believers, chuck gays off buildings whilst at the same time time complaining it is a victim of “waycism”
Oak reread what I wrote . The horror – for the BBC – of having two ‘ minority ‘ groups going at each other will be a sight to see for the average Anglo – sitting eating popcorn .
Can I make a suggestion ? all the threatening letters sent out by the BBC demanding payment of tv licences, should be sent back to the BBC for the attention of Gary Lineker (or at least discover where GL is holed up and send them there)
I have thought about taking legal action. But can I be bothered to spend the time and money? Besides which every letter they send me is a pound or so that can’t be spent on anti-British broadcasting.
However, in these days of the internet and crowd funding, it might be fun to take some sort of collective action against TVL for harassment as I’m not a ‘customer’ of theirs.
Not only do I not operate a TV I don’t have a shotgun, dangerous wild animal or distillation plant but I don’t get pestered to buy a licence that I don’t need for them.
A Hull based ship may have be tied up if there is no deal . But then the bbc reporter mentions- in passing – that it is “ foreign owned “ but doesn’t say what country .
And French fishermen threaten a blockaid
Ross Hawkins was the reporter – who sounded as interested in the subject as I am in Wimmins third rate sport . And the poor devil had to go to Hull to do the tedious project Fear report .
Wasn’t it a few weeks ago the remainers , loudly promoted by the BBC, were accusing Boris of not being elected and therefore no mandate? And now it’s okay for the oinks to elect themselves having got rid of an elected government to replace it with a non elected government? and the BBC.. very quiet..
Left /Remainer/BBC hypocrisy
They had to get this one in. I wonder if they will fact check it;
“However, the tensions don’t affect his everyday social life, or relations with British Asians of Indian descent. “We’re Muslim and our religion teaches us to show peace,” he says.”
Andy/Dys — that article is a perfect snapshot of the BBC’s infantile approach to global affairs. Skim over the religious conflict and deep-seated political and national tensions, bung in a few vox pops of people just wanting to get along and hey presto… top-notch journalism, yours for only £5bn. They live in a W1A version of Disneyland.
They say: “Last week the BBC witnessed police opening fire and using tear gas to disperse thousands of people who took to the streets to protest. The Indian government denied the protest took place.”
Well last week in France I witnessed “police opening fire and using tear gas to disperse thousands of people who took to the streets to protest. The BBC denied the protest took place.”
The Remainers and the BBC are fighting their cause based upon their hatred of Leavers and nothing to do with the advantages of remaining in the EU.
Remainers see the battle as one against Leavers, who they regard as racist, nationalistic, dim and uneducated. A ‘friend’ of mine is a Remainer and he regards all lorry drivers to be the cause of the Brexit vote in 2016! He hates all lorry drivers now. He’s even hinted that the Democratic vote shouldn’t be shared with stupid people!
And he can’t give a single cogent reason for staying in the EU.
In my view, it’s all down to the elitist snobbery of Remainers and their wanton ignorance of the facts.
Agree – I have had the same conversations..the Remainers just use abusive language but when I ask their reasons for staying it is usually based around we won’t be able to fly…our kids can’t travel or work etc – all crap..and when I ask if they know about the EU transfer of national competencies plan they have no idea what I am talking about…they don’t even know it is constituted as a State…basically most of them are the ignorant ones..
It is like the hypnosis theory – so called intelligent people think they cant be hypnotised because they are too smart when in fact they are slightly more susceptible to hypnosis…and this is what we have a bunch of ‘intelligent’ people thinking they can’t be wrong or fooled and just believing all the guff
BBC headline – Jo Swinson: Clarke and Harman ‘prepared to lead emergency government’
I’m sorry, have i missed something ? When the hell did Jo Swinson , on her own, decide who leads the bloody country !!!!! The new BBC poster girl it seems.
We have a ELECTED government in place thank you. Who the hell do these people think they are ???????
They go running to the BBC when they get a “nasty” letter or email, do they ever wonder why they get them when they behave like this ??? Scumbags.
Toady has suddenly discovered Zimbabwe, which is in a major crisis, to put it very mildly. Ever since Mugabe stepped down, hardly any attention has been given to Zim. and the tyrannical and incompetent Managagwa government. Now suddenly, beeb and Toady are saying: ‘protestors’ will risk their lives by leaving home, cos 12 were recently shot. 6 have ‘disappeared’.
Toady is incredulous that their interviewee, opposition politician Nelson Chimiza, calls Manangagwa ‘worse’ than Mugabe. Toady feels it’s OK to sign off after a very short interview. No attempt to contact Zim government and hold them to account. No sign of any outrage or shock at the beeb. To say the coverage is poor, is to pay Toady a compliment.
1% of the time devoted to Hong Kong?
Of course, this is Africa. Britain wanted NIBMAR leading up to 1980, and -once that had happened- Zimbabwe could fade from interest. Once Whitey had been disposed of, the job was done. The country was destroyed by its looting leadership. The same is developing in South Africa – no coverage at all.
The massive N Korean backed massacre in Matabeleland under Mugabe received little attention. Too embarrassing.
If one thing Brexit has shown us, its the true colours of some of these so called celebs . One who has shown himself to one of the most odious, patronising , sanctimonious, self absorbed prats is Gary Lineker.
Here is one of his latest tweets where he tells us Brexit was crooked, built on lies and advisory only. And that encapsulates why i despise folk like him.
Crooked and built on lies, that’s all these Remoaners ever say, its their sole argument !! But they never acknowledge the blatant lies and propaganda of the Remain side. The £9 million pound leaflet, the punishment budget, the promised house price slump etc etc. Its all about the Bus for them (which has now been proved correct in the courts).
Gary says “it was only advisory”. Well Gary, you can bet your bottom dollar if it was 52-48 in favour of Remain you wouldn’t think it was only advisory would you ? And you can also be sure that 52-48 to Remain would have meant a “solid” mandate to Remain for the Remainiacs where as 52-48 in favour of Leave shows splits and division in the country .
Gary Lineker, David Lammy, Owen Jones, Corbyn, Swinson etc and the BBC like to keep telling us how we are a divided nation due to Brexit, but will never accept, its themselves that are causing all the division with their blatant disregard for democracy !!!
As your new PM @10DowningStreet I shall revoke article 50 and stop Brexit (it was crooked, built on lies and only an advisory referendum anyway). The billions saved will go to the NHS and Education. Thank you for your confidence. https://t.co/rfkycq9Cyh
These girls took five minutes from their celebrations yesterday for achieving fifteen A* in their A levels to relay this message (I’m sure they all appeared in the national press).
Beeb last night discussed ‘tensions’ between ‘Pakistani’ and ‘Indian’ communities over Kashmir in Birmingham! Shop boycotts and all that.
The spokespersons for the communities did say that what happened thousands of miles away shouldn’t affect the two communities in the UK.
But it was clear that it did. It was also clear that the speakers frequently identified themselves with their Asian ‘homelands’ as much as with Britain. You don’t boycott shops if you feel indifferent.
Trouble brewing between India and Pakistan?
That some of it should be set in the UK is astonishing, and tells a tale of its own. A little surprising: none of those interviewed said they were primarily British, and therefore weren’t that interested that they should start initiating boycotts against ‘the other side’ or get carried away over the issue.
I think that if the trouble in Kashmir escalates we can expect it to kick off over here. If it does and we have some violent confrontations in British streets you can be sure that the BBC will find a way of blaming the Brits for an ‘unsuitable’ or ‘ insensitive’ partition in 1948.
You’ve bought on the PTSD I had as a child when I let my ‘ joey ‘ escape the house .
Good ending though -3 days later I found him in a bedraggled State nearby . He was obviously sent for counselling and I was sent to the naughty step –
And sorry purists -it’s not BBC . ….
I must tell you the whole truth , it all began two weeks ago when I was cleaning out the budgie’s cage. I decided to vacuum out the bottom of the cage when ‘snowflake’, ‘Joey’s’ soulmate, got sucked up the pipe.
Needless to say ‘Snowflake’ passed away.
“Joey” passed yesterday, no doubt from a broken heart. I am taking next week off on bereavement leave
Still nowt on Al Beeb about my sad loss .
Do you know , dogs get far more information by sniffing each others bums than we get from Al Beeb’s News.
Noticed on Toady that Humph was miffed cos Boris hasn’t come to their studio yet, for an interview.
Well done, Boris.
Why would he? There would be little attempt at question and answer. It would be ‘rip Boris apart’ time. He knows that.
Toady’s reward for project ‘get Boris’ before he entered No 10. Too late for tears now Humph. A little tip: try doing proper Q and A interviews, even with politicians you don’t like. It IS possible.
Feathernote: It is also noticeable that Humph hasn’t tweeted condolences at the passing of Taffman’s budgie yet.
Toady really don’t have their ‘fingers on the pulse’, do they?
Note that the BBBC referred to a “simultaneous failure of two power stations” as the root cause of last weeks’ widespread power outages on R4 news this morning. And that the failure was likely due to a “lack of investment”. There in that one short piece you have evidence of the BBBC’s now shameless distortion, fake news generation and censorship by omission. One ‘power station’ was gas fired. The other was. . . a wind farm. Like certain ‘communities’, wind farms are exempt from being seen to fail in Beeb world.
Fedup – we’re lucky we didn’t have Merkel having a say over our power supplies before the referendum result. She closed down all German nuclear power stations overnight after Fukushima, causing Germany major supply problems. With ‘ever closer and deeper Union’, that possibility -eventually- is not as weird as it sounds. We’re getting out in the nick of time.
Another genius move from the woman who brought them open borders and mass migration from Africa and the Middle east, i. a.
Seems no one dared tell her Germany was not in an earthquake zone. Looking at history, there seems to be a pattern here?
If the BBC listened to their own shows they might be better informed – last night I listened to the only good 90 mins of R4 while driving ..and one bit was talking to an engineer about what happened – he knew his stuff..and not once did he say it was due to lack of investment – in fact after his technical explanation he said the investigation was still ongoing..maybe a complaint to BBC
It’s not often you can listen to a BBC ‘broadcaster’ and think to yourself that this man is a complete imbecile and then he goes and confirms your suspicions by confirming it in writing…
Amazing video. Lesson here is that there are clowns who cycle and clowns who drive. The clown on the bike doesn't hurt anyone. Put him in a car — different story.pic.twitter.com/RBqMw5nFbb
Yep Vine is a T..t with a capital T…rather than just say this kid is a bloody idiot and should be fined and have his bike taken away, then made to sweep streets he turns it around to slag off car drivers…
They just can’t bring themselves to condemn their pet cause célèbre – in Vine’s case that’s cyclists – who are all lovely people under constant attack by us bad car drivers
The Swiss ‘Neue Zuericher Zeitung’ is a quality mainstream paper, lately getting much criticism from PC colleagues in Germany, for not toeing the PC line.
It reports today that in the old East of the country the conservative AfD is likely to get more than 20% of the upcoming vote in 3 Federal states there, and does an analysis of why the former Communist sector is not so keen on Comrade Merkel any more. In fact, it is almost becoming a separate country once again, ever less likely to support the two ‘big’ parties (which are no longer big but rather cunning).
In part, it says, her style reminds them too much of the late Comrade Honecker of the former GDR.
In other words, when you’ve seen it all before, you’re that much wiser. The western part of the country slumbers on, not having benefitted from such exposure.
Not BBC, but Nick Ferrari on LBC this morning making a big song and dance about how ’offensive’ he found Bank’s tweet re Thunberg while, at the same time, having no problem waving through a comment made by a caller advocating ‘Banks should be strung up’.
Banks comment was obviously a bad joke but I’m not so sure about the caller’s intentions.
Ferrari has turned into a right shit-stirrer recently. The other day he was trying to make out that because Boris said remainers were collaborating with the EU to stop Brexit, that meant he was calling remainers Collaborators.
I turned over to TalkRADIO in the car, only to get a horrible shock on the way home when Gavin Esler popped up as presenter.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/400xn/p0fxrn3k.jpg[/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
I posted this late last week. re. Greta
As you say it’s not as green as we are led to believe..
This answers a few questions
davy, thanks . . . . . but have the BBC read it and understood it and incorporated it into their coverage of Greta’s departure?
I thought not.
Well, I am not sure what the formula for the carbon fibre that makes the good ship Maliza II is. However, I am pretty sure it involves the petrochemical industry in a large way..
Put it this way, I bet it’s not tree resin
Also, this report from the guardian suggests there may be trouble ahead..
Carbon fibre: the wonder material with a dirty secret..
Did anyone tell the brat?
Most 16 year olds that I know can use skype and make contact anywhere.
Is there some reason why Greta has not mastered this technique?
Isn’t it a pethetic state of affairs when a few state-funded ‘broadcasters’ think that some silly, pretentious little git squeaks something about issues she’s too young to understand, and then the said ‘broadcasters’ plonk it on the airwaves as if it were gospel!
Luckily the pic of the idiotic Milibeand staring at her with rather strange eyes made the whole shebang a total fiasco, but then, the bbbc love fiascos, as they falsely create them, then send some sort of air-head journo to ‘report’.
The tack of getting thick bbbc reporters to interview their own bbbc sub-class is just hilarious, they always fail on all points!
Typical BBC (behind.prone.plug) in a piece about the What3words app:
“Humberside Police also used the system to find a group of foreign nationals, including a pregnant woman in labour, who were trapped inside a shipping container at a port.”
I expect she was looking for Asda and accidently walked into a container and the wind blew the door shut. It happens all the time to me too.
Loved Banks’ tweet about freak accidents and I am looking forward to all the responses from the demented left. (Their outrage gives me a warm feeling.) I know it was a joke, and I wouldn’t want a mentally ill child of 16 to drown, but a part of me would love to see the boat sink. Everyone saved, of course. Although, I do wonder if Greta would want to be saved by a carbon-belching ship. I can see her now, as a last act of eco-martyrdom, refusing the entreaties of her rescuers and heroically going down with the boat. (Another warm feeling.)
Here you go UP — as predicted 3, 2, 1 and ………………..
Reported him to Twitter !!! LOL. How petty and pathetic. Will she also be reporting Lammy and Owen Jones to Twitter for spreading hate ??? Nope, thought not !!
At least Aaron Banks wont roll over and have his tummy tickled !!
All getting a bit Rainbow Warrior for me.
And after demos from Paris to HK, who knows who may feel someone needs to take a false flag to the briny depths for the team? Dad seems at best… ‘driven’.
I fancy a nice doldrumesque becalming for a few weeks, supplied by helo, until the rescue steamship chugs into view.
Or Roger Harrabin and David Shuckman in JonDon’s dugout.
“Will she also be reporting Lammy and Owen Jones to Twitter for spreading hate???”
I wonder what they teach him?
And why?
That young boy holding a mike would make a suitable boyfriend for Greta, keep her out of all that climate mischief. It would be nice to see them growing up together, holding hands awaiting the school bus..
I wonder if the very first question she asks him is: do you ever change that pullover?
And the next question would be ‘D’you like Bros – I love them, they’re reeely great, like’…’?
‘continuing drivel to be reported…’
Strangely, they DO look like each other.
Radio 2, One o’clock news, three dela’h’ed teenagers talk about their A-level results in Pidgin English.
New footage from the lone wolf / mental health cutlery incident in Sydney a couple of days ago.
MSM have been falling over themselves to hide the obvious — the Guardian in particular was Grade A apologetics: “Some witnesses reported that the man had shouted “Allahu Akbar”. Police said they were aware of the reports but had not ‘captured that as an evidentiary base’. Some observers said the man’s pronunciation suggested he was unfamiliar with the phrase.”
Unfamiliar with the phrase… maybe he was lied to, it was the Russians and he didn’t know what he was stabbing for.
For the reason that this chap appeared to have blue eyes I’m momentarily reminded of that scene with Peter O’Toole in Lawrence of Arabia where he tries to pass himself off as an Arab.
But I digress.
One wonders what it was about the cult that attracted this murderously mentally unstable young convert?
Is anyone surprised by this? I mean it’s not as if the police are busy doing things like investigating people for using the wrong gender pro-nouns for example.
“Action Fraud investigation: victims misled and mocked as police fail to investigate”
Chicken boxes featuring warnings about the dangers of carrying a knife have been sent to takeaways in England and Wales as part of a government campaign.
Shadow home secretary Diane Abbott said the plan was “crude” and “offensive”
Perhaps Ms Abbott – ever mindful mindful we don’t unfairly target certain communities – would suggest we taxpayers fund anti-knife crime posters to go up in the refectory at Eton – or at whatever fee school it is her off-spring attend?
She has a vested interest in chicken boxes…
Following the latest incident in Newcastle, a second print run of chicken boxes will now feature screwdrivers.
Stabbing outside HomeOffice.
No description of stabber so we know what that means.
Reporter states that there is no indication that its terrorism related. Code for: we think this is probably terrorism but we don’t want you to think that.
Just about managed to find the news about the home office stabbing, as cricket was on the front page!
Stabbings, we should get used to, together with terrorist attacks
Latest on the cricket:- Australia on top as hosts loose more wickets.
oww and some man has been stabbed
Guess the cricket helps take our minds off Terrorist attacks 🙁
“Guess the cricket helps take our minds off Terrorist attacks ????”
And BBC weather.
Even the Queens Speech must stop for the BBC weather forecast.
Its not that MAN again is it ????
ITMA, 1940s BBC comedy show.
Yep, he gets around doesn’t he?
I’m sure the stabbing at the Home Office isn’t linked to the murder of an 18 year old in Lambeth this Thursday afternoon – races aren’t mentioned so you guess . Three days ago a 16 year old was also stabbed to death in London . Heading for 100 murders so far in the capital ..
Fear not Fed,
When the extra 20,000 coppers get to work, it’ll all change, you wait and see. I don’t see the Armed Forces being starved of recruits being anything to worry about. That starving sure as hell prevents any likely coup.
Priti, the Home Secretary, continues to protect us from Tommy Robinson, real name, Yaxley…..
The Rebel
· 51m
UPDATE: @JessicaSwiet’s visit to #TommyRobinson in prison was cancelled, but HMP Belmarsh says they’ll let her in soon.
Often one might give state agencies the benefit of the doubt through just being incompetent . But with TR I’m sure , that since the State has decided it will silence him , whatever is done is planned .
So withholding mail , cancelling visits , moving him suddenly ( coming soon ) are just those issues designed to disable or demotivate him and his family or supporters .
It might be assumed that they’d try to get TR to either break down or break a prison rule in order to inflict further punishment .
I wrote a list of reasons for cancellation. I take no pleasure in being right .
I’d be surprised if this lady gets to see TR on Friday …….. but let’s hope it happens .
I’d like to know if there is an Appeal , it guess there isn’t as it should have gone forward by now ….. 5 weeks on? 4 to go – and he won’t be coming out any time shorter than that .
We all know – when the state wants to be officious without using physical force it can be really good at it …..
Personally, I can only see the state in all its guises and its blow-hard mouthpiece, the BBC, as having already arrived at the position where most objective folk see all as totally evil. And they know it. It is only a matter of time before legislation arrives which completely abolishes and renders illegal any form of criticism. Problem is, most people are sleep walking to that point.
When TR gets out of jail, if he does, my advice to him is to leave the uk for Poland or similar and to lead the struggle for Britain from a safe place. If he stays here , even he keeps quiet, which of course knowing him he won’t, the state will get him either directly or more likely by using a proxy.
BBC report –
A man has been stabbed outside the Home Office building in central London.
The victim’s injuries are not believed to be life-threatening, the Metropolitan Police said.
Officers were called to the building in Marsham Street, near the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, at 13:06 BST. A MAN was arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm.
The wounded man went into the building to seek assistance. The building is now in lockdown.
Eyewitness Gareth Milner said he was outside the Home Office when “a number of armed police officers arrived on scene and entered the building”.
This line confirms what we all know –
A man was arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm.
Religion of peace delivering another message. Got to love em.
BBC Online News:
“”Jodi Miller: Leeds man jailed for murdering woman he pestered for sex””
“”Karar Ali Karar stabbed 21-year-old Jodi Miller 15 times at a house on Milan Road, Harehills, Leeds, on 25 February to “teach her a lesson”.””
“”The attack lasted approximately three minutes….””
“”Her death was not immediate and she was able to say she knew she was dying. Her suffering and terror can only be imagined.””
“”Mitigating, Simon Kealey QC said Karar fled to the UK seeking asylum from Sudan in 2015.””
“”Mr Kealey said: “He simply fell in with the wrong crowd taking drugs and alcohol and these people took advantage of his mental health.” “”
“”But sentencing, Judge Jameson said “there was no evidence” of Karar’s mental health being an issue at the time of Miss Miller’s murder.””
What I don’t like about the BBC reporting:
1. Inference that the victim was of dubious morals.
2. Defence mitigation included of drugs and mental health.
Odd isn’t it? Now we import black nutters, as if the UK doesn’t have have enough of it’s own white ones. Many of them stalking the corridors of power.
Watching the BBC’s desperate antics over Brexit reminds me of a fleeing man trying to cross a swollen river by jumping from one floating log to the next.
We have had an endless stream of maybe it can be stopped campaigns from them. They have now resorted to pinning their hopes on Corbyn despite the fact that many expected players in parliament are already putting water between them and Corbyn.
Beginning to think that Corbyn has realised that he will never be voted into the top job so it’s worth having a rash go at being a caretaker PM just for his CV and posterity.
“Beginning to think that Corbyn has realised that he will never be voted into the top job so it’s worth having a rash go at being a caretaker PM just for his CV and posterity.”
Must be honest – he has foresight.
I think Jezza would make rather a splendid caretaker at the House of Commons toilets. He could keep an eye on all those nasty Tory big knobs that he envies so much.
I like it.
Although I bet he would turn his nose up (pardon the pun) at tackling the Lords toilets.
Er – he’s not Jewish then…?
Tucked away in Regions:
“Leeds man jailed for murdering woman he pestered for sex.”
This ‘Leeds man’ is called Karar Ali Karar.
How dare the infidel whore refuse such a charmer, one of God’s chosen people.
In my opinion, those who assisted this creature into the UK and thus laid the means at his disposal should be investigated and charged with aiding and abetting be they Government bods, Border Officials or NGO’s
Just the tip of the good old iceberg.
This little remark got my post deleted within minutes if not seconds on the Guardian newspaper website.
They hate any comment – and the writer – that makes their sensitive minds uneasy.
Interesting, how everyone forgets about democracy, voting, no.of seats, etc when Corbyn feels he should have a go at being PM…
Poor chap: LimpDumbs don’t wanna play ball.
And Labour appear to lack a few seats in parliament. That place where you need a majority to govern effectively…
The BBC has certainly non evented the European Elections which the Brexit Party won despite the poison of the BBC and the likes of Gavin ‘I know better ‘Esler.
BBC Online News:
“”Israel ‘to bar Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib’ “”
“”Israel has decided to block two US Democratic lawmakers from visiting after US President Donald Trump urged the country to ban them.””
“”On Twitter Mr Trump said “it would show great weakness” if Israel allowed entry to congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, who are both critics of Israel.””
“”President Trump, who has a close relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has frequently feuded with the lawmakers and in remarks widely condemned as racist, told them to “go back” to the countries that their families were from.””
The last paragraph above is certainly one of the most Biased anti-Trump reports by the BBC. And that’s saying something!!
Trump did NOT tell them to go back. He told them to go back, try and fix their own basket case countries rather than criticise the US, and then return.
Well done, Mr Trump. 🙂
I’m glad he’s on the side of Brexit.
Two important stories about real life in the U.K. are featured on Mail Online today:
1. “Afghan asylum seeker, 22, with ‘desire to kill English people’ is jailed for 21 years after frenzied knife attacks on Tesco shopper and two other strangers”
2. “Asylum seeker, 29, who said he was fleeing political persecution in Sudan, is jailed for life for stabbing 21-year-old woman 15 times in drug fuelled attack because she refused to have sex”.
Neither gets a look-in on the BBC website, however, although the BBC does find room to feature the following headline prominently: “Banks’ ‘vile’ Thunberg tweet reported to Twitter.”
You couldn’t make it up….
Great Brexit News! (Not on the BBC of course).
Courtesy of Guido-Fawkes site.
The EU’s trade relations with South-East Asian powerhouse Indonesia have come under renewed strain with Indonesia preparing to slap a 20-25% tariff on dairy products from the EU in response to the EU whacking 8-18% tariffs on Indonesian biodiesel. How dair-EU!
Indonesia’s population of 260 million is over half the size of the entire EU, it’s currently the 16th largest economy in the world and growing at a pacey 5% a year. Indonesia’s trade minister is so cheesed off he’s ordered dairy importers to find new suppliers outside the EU. Indonesia is the fifth largest non-EU importer of dairy products in the world so this is no trifling matter.
After Liz Truss’s big cheese push at DEFRA, it just so happens that the UK will in a matter of weeks be the third largest non-EU exporter of dairy products in the world, and is about to regain control of its own tariff schedules, putting it in pole position to cream off the the EU’s market share. Brits get cheap biodiesel and textiles, while Indonesians will get top-quality Cheddar, Stilton, Yarg, Brie, Wensleydale and clotted cream. Perfect!
The BBC is going big on the number of people ‘offing’ themselves using a variety of drugs . In fact it’s their number one news item.
I don’t get this because whenever someone wants to kill themselves the BBC gets on its high horse about UK law not being accommodating to enable them to do it here .
So the BBC approves of some types of death but not others .
Bit like incritical support for a certain religion and high levels of criticism of any other religion which isn’t Islam. ….
Mark Easton on the 6 o’clock news saying the pursuing of addicts and dealers is wrong and that the government should provide free heroin to those who want it to solve the drug death explosion.
Where do these pundits get their ideas from?
You wouldn’t for instance tackle knife crime by giving away free machetes so people wouldn’t have to buy knives from supermarkets!
The BBC really have a thing about legalising controlled drugs . Where I live I can smell cannabis at any time of the day – every day . Dealing is done in the open and heroin addicts – always looking close to death can easily be seen .
And some people think it should be easier to get supplies ? And die ?
“The BBC really have a thing about legalising controlled drugs”
It got nothing to do with those teenage BBC TV Editors. Believe me.
might be something to do with the “dusty” toilet cisterns at BBC HQ and runny noses after comfort breaks.
I just wish that the blooody bbc would put the mention of idiot-taking ‘drugs’ into the context of proper compounds making sick people better.
We all know that the drug companies don’t care about making people well, it’s the profits they’re after, but while the state-funded bbbc keeps wittering on about stuff they usually buy around the corner, some poor sod is lying desperate for an anti-cancer jab.
Our hated state-funded broadcaster needs to bury it’s ugly head in shame, comparing life-giving sustenance requirements with comments from thick, ridiculously opinionated layabouts demanding free access to illegal substances for their own selfish consumption.
In case you missed it: feral immigrants running wild:
Bike yob crashes into a Mercedes as he does WHEELIES while weaving through traffic – but then surrounds the motorist with mob of friends as they blame the DRIVER
Yob, whose bike has markings ‘Wheelie Kay’, pedals down congested main road
He veers right to pass a lorry and collides with slow-moving Mercedes C350
Before middle-aged driver stops and exits, cyclist hits bonnet twice with his fist
Gang of around six youths surround man and accuse him of causing accident
*** Did you witness the incident? Can you identify any of the louts on bikes? Email rory.tingle@mailonline.co.uk or phone 020 3615 3874***
Devoted father and lawyer, 52, who was stabbed to death with screwdriver in unprovoked attack outside Greggs as seven teens as young as 14 are arrested
Peter Duncan, 52, was stabbed during an unprovoked attack in Newcastle
Seven teenagers aged between 14 and 17 have been arrested by police
Mr Duncan was taken to the Royal Victoria Hospital where he later died
Chief Superintendent Ged Noble said the suspects were ‘known to police’
However, Labour’s shadow home secretary Diane Abbott described the extension of Section 60 stop and search powers as a ‘tried and tested recipe for unrest, not violence reduction’.
Annu- Evening TV news says no one has been charged. Why not?
Can’t help you there, maybe Abott intervened and explained it was all due to lack of a youth club so its all ok now they have been given a Buckaroo and a Kerplunk, hey presto ! no skunk weed or zombie knives…
I see that the BBC are rallying around Corbyn and Swinson as the anto no deal heroes.
I am yet to hear any balance in these reports though. Of course the Lib Dumbs are wary of Corbyn but where is someone who is pro Brexit actually coming forward writing them off as rubbish?
So much bias and it just gets worse each day
Sarah Wollaston gets a free pass for her continuous changing of Partys .
At least she won’t be standing as an MP again
( unless her political judgement really is that bad ) but judging by the way things seem to work she’ll land up with a peerage sitting as a liberal anti democrat and ruling over us ..
One more traitor who will lose their seat.
Not sure about this Geto Bebb siding with Corbyn. If I was Johnson I would sack him
Retired bank manager gets his 100th ‘intimidating’ letter from TV Licensing even though he hasn’t owned a telly since 1997
Retired bank manager Derek Cheesbrough dropped TV 22 years ago in 1997
Since binning the box, he has received a monthly letter saying he’s a lawbreaker
The pensioner has just received his 100th letter demanding he pay for his TV
He previously hit the headlines when he received his 50th letter, which prompted some people to get in touch.
‘I had letters from a 92-year-old blind woman from Cornwall, and a 72-year-old living on the moors with no TV reception,’ he said.
One interesting anonymous comment on the above article in the Mail:
There are some people calling for the privatisation of the BBC – however it is a little known fact that the BBC was hollowed out and privatised over 10 years ago. BBC Broadcast was sold to Australian-based Macquarie Capital Alliance Group and Macquarie Bank Limited in 2005 and re-branded Red Bee Media. Its IT, telephony and broadcast technology were sold to Siemens IT Solutions and Services and are now owned by (the infamous) ATOS! BBC Books were sold to Random House in 2006. BBC Outside Broadcasts Ltd was sold in 2008 to Satellite Information Services. The BBC archive is now owned by Getty Images. BBC Magazines were sold to Immediate Media Company in 2011. I could go on but you get the picture. Every profitable part of the BBC has been sold off.
Sure hope that’s all true – on my read if it did come to disassembling ( extinguishing) the BBC it would make it easier to get rid of the ‘ husk ‘
I suspect there is one profitable part of the bbc left, if you are a coke dealer that is
Astounding if true-but maybe accounts for the way the sham British Broadcasting Corporation now operates-so dependent upon the lincence fee to pay the shareholders of the respective investers, not to improve the quality of the programmes it pushes out.
“Department store sales rise for first time in 2019”
Wot no Brexit ? Are they slipping ?
The social media campaign
Brilliant! Thanks for posting.
The lady gets my vote any day!
Really like Turning Point at the moment. Lots of young people of colour who identify as Conservatives, support Johnson and support Brexit…
That explains why we hear nothing about them from the BBC. It defies their entire stereotype system. Instead they try to ram unknown left wing groups onto us instead. Novara media. Ever heard of them? Of course you have because Ash Sarkar is on the BBC every single day ranting about how terrible everything is!
Keep up the good work Turning Point UK!
Freedom of movement for shoplifters, well done EU :
Bulgarian pickpockets, 23 and 48, are jailed after being caught on camera targeting shoppers including mother with a pram using T-shirts to hide their thieving
Sofiya Ivanova, 23, and Totka Dimitrova, 48, targeted four people in ten minutes
They hid their hands under t-shirts and bags but were spotted by police
British Transport Police plain-clothes officers followed them in Covent Garden
They were handed 18-week prison sentences for seven counts of attempted theft
Just finished watching latest episode of Inside the Factory. It’s on the BBC, and features Greg Wallace, and two females, one of which is mega woke. This episode was making Croissants, at a factory in France. Apparently, the curved croissants use vegetable oil, but the straight croissants use butter. The eventual product had 18 layers of dough, with 17 layers of butter. Baking took over 6 hours. But the butter was a very concentrated product, completely different from the supermarket version. And it was made at a factory in England, using English Milk, and English expertise, before export to France. So, after 31/10, I look forward to Macron explaining why the all butter croissant may have production problems. But the problem was ignored by the BBC.
No doubt the recent stress hasn’t helped.
Harrassment more like, but the left are allowed to hound with impunity, the worst thing in this country at the moment is the scum who use Blairs racism laws to commit harrassment and get away with criminal activity with apparent immunity as long as they use that word. a license for criminal scum and immigrants to treat this country with contempt RE muslim council of britain urging all its members to report anything to abuse our laws for their own political gain, just like the gypsy community when challenged about animal cruelty, theft and flytipping
The same Blair racism laws that allowed mass rape of English schoolchildren go unchallenged and any black thug to defend their antisocial or criminal behaviour
30 years ago there was no chance of a pakistani getting away with the rape, drug dealing and other associated criminal activities that so many in the news (not bbc) do now and why do they feel able to do this now ? Blairs racism laws and the fact that he has allowed another few hundred thousand over here to enrich us and now, God forbid anyone who objects to their intolerance of our culture displayed in so many ways, and who benefits from this ? the 85% indigenous population ?
And the other millions of Chinese, Hindus, Sikhs et al just get on with life in the UK (apart from when sikh children are abused by muzzies RE Luton)
Luton: local Sikh community protesting over ‘sex attack police failures’
Hundreds of members of the Luton Sikh community protested outside local police station amid claims police failed to properly investigate a sex attack on a young woman.
It comes after a 19 year-old Sikh woman, who has not been identified, was reportedly beaten and sexually assaulted in the Bedfordshire town by a “Muslim man”
TRUE racism in action, any young child or female is a rape target to muslims as long as she is not a muslim
Police declined to comment further or disclose the nationality of the arrested man (paki muslim)
Agree with all your comments Annunaki: The influx of Muslims over the past twenty five years and more has and is causing a complete destabilization of the whole of Europe and of its territories. Britain added fire to the Islamic surge when it appointed a Muslim to the post of Home Secretary-what can one call such measures as completely incomprehensible and now that same person is Chancellor of the Exchequer number 2 next to the Prime Minister-incomprehensible in view of what such Islamics think of Christians.
The massive financial power of the Traffickers gained from the money they accumulate from the migrants and other areas is able to facilitate the movement of Muslim peoples throughout Europe and elsewhere, and will seemingly continue on its course unabated. The unprecedented influx of illegal immigrants into Europe, mainly from the Islamic world including Africa, Middle East, and Indian sub-continent has and is continuing to create international headlines.
A report from 2013 predicted that sub-Saharan Africa would record the largest population growth at least until the year 2050. The world’s poorest region, will more than double in population, from 1.1 billion to 2.4 billion. The current population of the entire European Union is just over 500 million people. It is estimated that Africa’s population will grow by more than twice that much, in less than two generations. Where are these people supposed to live? Will they have water, food and work at home. Those questions should be squarely aimed at those countries leaders.
With such gowth in population over the next 30 years or so throughout will mean that what we have seen so far is only the beginning. Even the EU and the UN are gradually admitting this. The current migration flows of Muslims and of African people generally will represent a long-term trend, not a temporary crisis. If these hordes of illegal immigrants are not stopped and sent back, this could cause European societies to collapse.
Result is that the UK will have more trouble on its streets as I cannot see it clsoing the doors to all immigration from such nations mentioned. One more point concerning the Muslim male and women which accounts for the way they behave. When a Muslim man marries, he only marries a woman’s sex organs — she is no more worth to him than a goat or a rug. A Muslim man is taught, and believes, that a woman is only on the earth for two reasons —to bear children and to provide her husband with ecstasy. Other than that she has no use. So these young healthy males will help themselves to any female of any age that they can get their hands on, and nothing will be done to punish them — their excuse is always that Allah approves of rape and they are pleasing their god and worshipping him by doing it. And the Western Dhimmis believe them and let them practice “their” religion with impunity. Deportation is perhaps the only way, such a Norway currently treat those they don’t want.
The Left are most of the media and they do what they want under the guise of editorial freedom.
Drain the swamp….
Wow!! The Home Office is celebrating –
“EU Settlement Scheme – One Million People Granted Status
This week the millionth person was granted status under the EU Settlement Scheme – just five months after the Scheme fully opened.”
Click to access eu-settlement-scheme-statistics-july-2019.pdf
Read all abaht it!
Probably the last two to sign up were the Bulgarian criminals Annunaki refers to above, out on a celebration spree……….
Compliments of Treason May, Rudd, the muslim ‘millions more refugees by 2030’ Marvel and now Patel. Spose we can’t blame Patel as she’s new to the job.
its all okay, we build schools, hospitals, doctors, and public services – all at the same rate as the population is increasing!
Then the beeb does “reports” on how underfunding is a problem for example in the NHS. Who pays the UK tax payer does, not someone who is given all this for free
Hungary has the right idea, look after your own
Well done Home Office, now :
More than 120 former child patients at a psychiatric hospital who suffered horrific sexual and physical abuse are set to receive a payout of millions of pounds from Secretary of State for Health.
How many of the thousands of muzzie rape gang child victims will be receiving compensaton from the Home Office for happily importing muslim and other asylum “seeker” rapists into this country who have run riot since entering Britain ?
The primary function of government is to protect its citizens
Jon channeling his inner Katty. Or Emily. Or Laura. Well some blonde anyway.
They all seem very exercised tonight about Israel not letting in folk who wish them ill.
But were less concerned when Treezer banned some speakers from the USA keen to warn about those who wished us ill, as those already here threatened to riot.
Democracy and free speech, BBC style.
And here is the bbc again searching the world to cement community cohesion here, in that unique way they have.
That really would be a popcorn job and the snowflakes in the BBC would have real trouble deciding the good guys – actually – thinking about it -repressive Muslim Pakistan will be their ‘guy’ with on tap ‘ muzzles coming together ‘ stuff morning noon and night. Pakis are good at the’ victim card ‘too
FE2 cant see this being a “pop corn job” at all.
Lets face it One community appears to specialise as Uber taxi drivers and chicken shop owners and appears to think it is OK to wrap their women up in black bedsheets, kill non believers, apostates, sexually abuse non believers, chuck gays off buildings whilst at the same time time complaining it is a victim of “waycism” whilst the other community has a reputation for high achieving.
One community is pushing for changes in the law so that we are not even allowed to discuss the religion that which thinks it is OK to wrap their women up in black bedsheets, kill non believers, apostates, sexually abuse non believers, chuck gays off buildings whilst at the same time time complaining it is a victim of “waycism” Whilst the other community just gets on with their lives.
So what side would any responsible honest, sensible and mature state broadcaster take on this – yep you guessed it the side that believes it is OK to wrap their women up in black bedsheets, kill non believers, apostates, sexually abuse non believers, chuck gays off buildings whilst at the same time time complaining it is a victim of “waycism”
I shan’t be popping the popcorn open on this one.
Oak reread what I wrote . The horror – for the BBC – of having two ‘ minority ‘ groups going at each other will be a sight to see for the average Anglo – sitting eating popcorn .
This site spots what Al Beeb hides, censors, or dumbs down, but what about the news that Al Beeb manages
to hide ?
What don’t we know ?
Can I make a suggestion ? all the threatening letters sent out by the BBC demanding payment of tv licences, should be sent back to the BBC for the attention of Gary Lineker (or at least discover where GL is holed up and send them there)
I have thought about taking legal action. But can I be bothered to spend the time and money? Besides which every letter they send me is a pound or so that can’t be spent on anti-British broadcasting.
However, in these days of the internet and crowd funding, it might be fun to take some sort of collective action against TVL for harassment as I’m not a ‘customer’ of theirs.
Not only do I not operate a TV I don’t have a shotgun, dangerous wild animal or distillation plant but I don’t get pestered to buy a licence that I don’t need for them.
Jim, do you fish? Just asking.
Toady Project Fear
A Hull based ship may have be tied up if there is no deal . But then the bbc reporter mentions- in passing – that it is “ foreign owned “ but doesn’t say what country .
And French fishermen threaten a blockaid
Ross Hawkins was the reporter – who sounded as interested in the subject as I am in Wimmins third rate sport . And the poor devil had to go to Hull to do the tedious project Fear report .
Silly season news
The BBC is suggesting that some of the most repulsive politician traitors in the Commons are being put up as PM of a ‘ unity government ‘
Ken Clarke
Hattie Harmon
Evette Cooper Balls
Amongst others. I have a suggestion – why not just declare The Traitor Speaker- President for Life to be referred to as “ The Great Leader “?
Wasn’t it a few weeks ago the remainers , loudly promoted by the BBC, were accusing Boris of not being elected and therefore no mandate? And now it’s okay for the oinks to elect themselves having got rid of an elected government to replace it with a non elected government? and the BBC.. very quiet..
Left /Remainer/BBC hypocrisy
oww no
Beeb reports on
Kashmir: A priority for British Asians?
Doesn’t look good, but can see the side the beeb is taking
They had to get this one in. I wonder if they will fact check it;
“However, the tensions don’t affect his everyday social life, or relations with British Asians of Indian descent. “We’re Muslim and our religion teaches us to show peace,” he says.”
Andy/Dys — that article is a perfect snapshot of the BBC’s infantile approach to global affairs. Skim over the religious conflict and deep-seated political and national tensions, bung in a few vox pops of people just wanting to get along and hey presto… top-notch journalism, yours for only £5bn. They live in a W1A version of Disneyland.
They say: “Last week the BBC witnessed police opening fire and using tear gas to disperse thousands of people who took to the streets to protest. The Indian government denied the protest took place.”
Well last week in France I witnessed “police opening fire and using tear gas to disperse thousands of people who took to the streets to protest. The BBC denied the protest took place.”
The Remainers and the BBC are fighting their cause based upon their hatred of Leavers and nothing to do with the advantages of remaining in the EU.
Remainers see the battle as one against Leavers, who they regard as racist, nationalistic, dim and uneducated. A ‘friend’ of mine is a Remainer and he regards all lorry drivers to be the cause of the Brexit vote in 2016! He hates all lorry drivers now. He’s even hinted that the Democratic vote shouldn’t be shared with stupid people!
And he can’t give a single cogent reason for staying in the EU.
In my view, it’s all down to the elitist snobbery of Remainers and their wanton ignorance of the facts.
Agree – I have had the same conversations..the Remainers just use abusive language but when I ask their reasons for staying it is usually based around we won’t be able to fly…our kids can’t travel or work etc – all crap..and when I ask if they know about the EU transfer of national competencies plan they have no idea what I am talking about…they don’t even know it is constituted as a State…basically most of them are the ignorant ones..
It is like the hypnosis theory – so called intelligent people think they cant be hypnotised because they are too smart when in fact they are slightly more susceptible to hypnosis…and this is what we have a bunch of ‘intelligent’ people thinking they can’t be wrong or fooled and just believing all the guff
Exactly !! I kid you not, a colleague of mine (hard left Andrea i now refer to her as) last week said, and these were her exact words ,
” i wanted to go to France next year but that’s out of the window thanks to bloody Brexit”
I asked her why she can’t still go to France ?
“Cos it will be a ball ache with all this Brexit stuff with passports and probably be dead expensive because of it”
I couldn’t believe it, i politely told her that France, Spain, Germany will all still be there after Brexit !!!!!!!
And these Remainers are the intelligent ones ???? Blimey.
BBC headline – Jo Swinson: Clarke and Harman ‘prepared to lead emergency government’
I’m sorry, have i missed something ? When the hell did Jo Swinson , on her own, decide who leads the bloody country !!!!! The new BBC poster girl it seems.
We have a ELECTED government in place thank you. Who the hell do these people think they are ???????
They go running to the BBC when they get a “nasty” letter or email, do they ever wonder why they get them when they behave like this ??? Scumbags.
Toady has suddenly discovered Zimbabwe, which is in a major crisis, to put it very mildly. Ever since Mugabe stepped down, hardly any attention has been given to Zim. and the tyrannical and incompetent Managagwa government. Now suddenly, beeb and Toady are saying: ‘protestors’ will risk their lives by leaving home, cos 12 were recently shot. 6 have ‘disappeared’.
Toady is incredulous that their interviewee, opposition politician Nelson Chimiza, calls Manangagwa ‘worse’ than Mugabe. Toady feels it’s OK to sign off after a very short interview. No attempt to contact Zim government and hold them to account. No sign of any outrage or shock at the beeb. To say the coverage is poor, is to pay Toady a compliment.
1% of the time devoted to Hong Kong?
Of course, this is Africa. Britain wanted NIBMAR leading up to 1980, and -once that had happened- Zimbabwe could fade from interest. Once Whitey had been disposed of, the job was done. The country was destroyed by its looting leadership. The same is developing in South Africa – no coverage at all.
The massive N Korean backed massacre in Matabeleland under Mugabe received little attention. Too embarrassing.
If one thing Brexit has shown us, its the true colours of some of these so called celebs . One who has shown himself to one of the most odious, patronising , sanctimonious, self absorbed prats is Gary Lineker.
Here is one of his latest tweets where he tells us Brexit was crooked, built on lies and advisory only. And that encapsulates why i despise folk like him.
Crooked and built on lies, that’s all these Remoaners ever say, its their sole argument !! But they never acknowledge the blatant lies and propaganda of the Remain side. The £9 million pound leaflet, the punishment budget, the promised house price slump etc etc. Its all about the Bus for them (which has now been proved correct in the courts).
Gary says “it was only advisory”. Well Gary, you can bet your bottom dollar if it was 52-48 in favour of Remain you wouldn’t think it was only advisory would you ? And you can also be sure that 52-48 to Remain would have meant a “solid” mandate to Remain for the Remainiacs where as 52-48 in favour of Leave shows splits and division in the country .
Gary Lineker, David Lammy, Owen Jones, Corbyn, Swinson etc and the BBC like to keep telling us how we are a divided nation due to Brexit, but will never accept, its themselves that are causing all the division with their blatant disregard for democracy !!!
Any vote that returns less than 100% for one side results in a divided populace.
Saddam achieved that in the early noughties… maybe that’s the vision of a healed and united country Lammy et al look to…
This might cheer you up, Annunaki…(watch Horizont’s video, the sound is much clearer).
These girls took five minutes from their celebrations yesterday for achieving fifteen A* in their A levels to relay this message (I’m sure they all appeared in the national press).
Clever girls.
Beeb last night discussed ‘tensions’ between ‘Pakistani’ and ‘Indian’ communities over Kashmir in Birmingham! Shop boycotts and all that.
The spokespersons for the communities did say that what happened thousands of miles away shouldn’t affect the two communities in the UK.
But it was clear that it did. It was also clear that the speakers frequently identified themselves with their Asian ‘homelands’ as much as with Britain. You don’t boycott shops if you feel indifferent.
Trouble brewing between India and Pakistan?
That some of it should be set in the UK is astonishing, and tells a tale of its own. A little surprising: none of those interviewed said they were primarily British, and therefore weren’t that interested that they should start initiating boycotts against ‘the other side’ or get carried away over the issue.
I think that if the trouble in Kashmir escalates we can expect it to kick off over here. If it does and we have some violent confrontations in British streets you can be sure that the BBC will find a way of blaming the Brits for an ‘unsuitable’ or ‘ insensitive’ partition in 1948.
I am off work today because Joey, my budgie has passed away.
Has Al Beeb covered it or ‘tweeted’ it yet yet ?
Are you sure it’s Joey, Taffman? It might just be a mislaid rag under the carpet.
Is it a Norwegian parrot? Is it pining for the fjords? Did it have mental health issues?
My thoughts are with er.. something .. Just don’t go smuggling budgies into the land of the dragon …
You’ve bought on the PTSD I had as a child when I let my ‘ joey ‘ escape the house .
Good ending though -3 days later I found him in a bedraggled State nearby . He was obviously sent for counselling and I was sent to the naughty step –
And sorry purists -it’s not BBC . ….
I must tell you the whole truth , it all began two weeks ago when I was cleaning out the budgie’s cage. I decided to vacuum out the bottom of the cage when ‘snowflake’, ‘Joey’s’ soulmate, got sucked up the pipe.
Needless to say ‘Snowflake’ passed away.
“Joey” passed yesterday, no doubt from a broken heart. I am taking next week off on bereavement leave
Still nowt on Al Beeb about my sad loss .
Do you know , dogs get far more information by sniffing each others bums than we get from Al Beeb’s News.
They don’t do comedy either.
Noticed on Toady that Humph was miffed cos Boris hasn’t come to their studio yet, for an interview.
Well done, Boris.
Why would he? There would be little attempt at question and answer. It would be ‘rip Boris apart’ time. He knows that.
Toady’s reward for project ‘get Boris’ before he entered No 10. Too late for tears now Humph. A little tip: try doing proper Q and A interviews, even with politicians you don’t like. It IS possible.
Feathernote: It is also noticeable that Humph hasn’t tweeted condolences at the passing of Taffman’s budgie yet.
Toady really don’t have their ‘fingers on the pulse’, do they?
Note that the BBBC referred to a “simultaneous failure of two power stations” as the root cause of last weeks’ widespread power outages on R4 news this morning. And that the failure was likely due to a “lack of investment”. There in that one short piece you have evidence of the BBBC’s now shameless distortion, fake news generation and censorship by omission. One ‘power station’ was gas fired. The other was. . . a wind farm. Like certain ‘communities’, wind farms are exempt from being seen to fail in Beeb world.
No mentioning of shutting coal stations causing a stress in power supply for the foreseeable future ..
Fedup – we’re lucky we didn’t have Merkel having a say over our power supplies before the referendum result. She closed down all German nuclear power stations overnight after Fukushima, causing Germany major supply problems. With ‘ever closer and deeper Union’, that possibility -eventually- is not as weird as it sounds. We’re getting out in the nick of time.
Another genius move from the woman who brought them open borders and mass migration from Africa and the Middle east, i. a.
Seems no one dared tell her Germany was not in an earthquake zone. Looking at history, there seems to be a pattern here?
If the BBC listened to their own shows they might be better informed – last night I listened to the only good 90 mins of R4 while driving ..and one bit was talking to an engineer about what happened – he knew his stuff..and not once did he say it was due to lack of investment – in fact after his technical explanation he said the investigation was still ongoing..maybe a complaint to BBC
It’s not often you can listen to a BBC ‘broadcaster’ and think to yourself that this man is a complete imbecile and then he goes and confirms your suspicions by confirming it in writing…
Yep Vine is a T..t with a capital T…rather than just say this kid is a bloody idiot and should be fined and have his bike taken away, then made to sweep streets he turns it around to slag off car drivers…
They just can’t bring themselves to condemn their pet cause célèbre – in Vine’s case that’s cyclists – who are all lovely people under constant attack by us bad car drivers
Clearly the drivers fault he was white and middle aged. (Sarc)
Cassandra -did you know that if you google ‘ jetemy vine ‘ in Finnish it translates into ‘ off switch ‘?
In other language translations his name become
a ‘ rude but useful body orifice ‘…..( not mouth nose or ears …)
The Swiss ‘Neue Zuericher Zeitung’ is a quality mainstream paper, lately getting much criticism from PC colleagues in Germany, for not toeing the PC line.
It reports today that in the old East of the country the conservative AfD is likely to get more than 20% of the upcoming vote in 3 Federal states there, and does an analysis of why the former Communist sector is not so keen on Comrade Merkel any more. In fact, it is almost becoming a separate country once again, ever less likely to support the two ‘big’ parties (which are no longer big but rather cunning).
In part, it says, her style reminds them too much of the late Comrade Honecker of the former GDR.
In other words, when you’ve seen it all before, you’re that much wiser. The western part of the country slumbers on, not having benefitted from such exposure.
Not BBC, but Nick Ferrari on LBC this morning making a big song and dance about how ’offensive’ he found Bank’s tweet re Thunberg while, at the same time, having no problem waving through a comment made by a caller advocating ‘Banks should be strung up’.
Banks comment was obviously a bad joke but I’m not so sure about the caller’s intentions.
Throwing acid is a bad joke, but thats okay and supported by beeb
Ferrari has turned into a right shit-stirrer recently. The other day he was trying to make out that because Boris said remainers were collaborating with the EU to stop Brexit, that meant he was calling remainers Collaborators.
I turned over to TalkRADIO in the car, only to get a horrible shock on the way home when Gavin Esler popped up as presenter.