The Biased Bubble returns from its unearned holidays to pour out rabid anti brexit anti democratic propaganda on an electorate bored to tears with their delaying tactics and lies – so we will be busy reporting it .
And as time passes How will the BBC deal with the 80th anniversary of the start of World War 2 be dealt with ? Plenty of opportunity for even more pro EU bias .
Project Fear summary
Apart from the Queen authorising the closure of the Remainer Parliament a bit early ~ Project Fear has chugged on mainly with repeats of medicine shortages .
Thursday was ‘flu vaccine shortage ‘ and the Ghost of Gina Miller using Soros cash for another go at using the courts to undermine the vote of 17.4 million people who she thinks are thick .
Wednesday was ‘getting the queen involved in brexit ‘it’s a coup – it’s the end of democracy hysterics .
Other than that just the usual biased BBC singing the Remainers song as loud as it can .
This shows how the BBC meddling is just that because the photo didn’t provide any new information. Normally these images might be used by the military but Trump is using it to put political pressure on Iran
Salman Rushdie was in Trumpland
‘You people are all brainwashed’
Reply ‘No it’s you city liberals. brainwashed by the daily lies of the New York Times ‘
‘They don’t lie …oh hang on they reviewed my book
.. hmm’
: “The novels are imaginative as ever, but they are also increasingly wobbly, bloated and mannered.’
He is a writer in free fall. What happened?”
Trevor Philips again
MH new book The Dambusters Myth
Dam busters story is paywalled.
Myth exploded. Guy Gibson’s dog was black and had been neutered and renamed Diane.
The bombers never took off and the dams were destroyed by a group of ground based muslims who gave their lives fighting for Britain.
I’m sure a senior armchair general like Hastings will put something in to try and sell his book – living of the heroism of young men willing to put their neck on the line every time .
I suppose blowing up dams will be declared an ‘ eco crime ‘ and a BBC led campaign to remove honours .
Bomber Command take enough stick whenever there’s a Dresden anniversary but not much said for the dead RAF boys .
The BBC state in their online news that the number killed by the German bombing of Warsaw in 1940 was the same for the allied bombing of Dresden in 1945 i.e 25,000. (The BBC blame the RAF for Dresden and conveniently forget that the Americans bombed Dresden during the following day).
BBC Online News:
“Poland still counts losses from WW2 invasion”
“It is not widely known but Polish casualties during the bombing of Warsaw by the Luftwaffe in 1939 were about the same as those suffered by the Germans in the British bombing of Dresden in 1945, when up to 25,000 died.”
Note how the BBC prefer ‘Luftwaffe’ to ‘German’ air force.
And far more died in the bombing of Tokyo, one month later, even though a fire-storm did not develop in this case.
Message: waging aggressive war against other countries (and that includes bombing towns before war has even started) gets your people killed, so don’t do it. And don’t blame everybody else when you end up reaping what you have sown.
A very true sentiment . Smithsonian channel has been show ‘the Pacific war in colour ‘ and the losses of civilians through carpet bombing and the Bombsx2 stopped estimated 80% losses if japan had to be invaded as well as the Jap plan to murder all allied POWs that they hadn’t murdered already .
The BBC attitude to history seems to be – bury it on BBC4 with weird politicised presenters who must spout stuff about ‘multiculturalism “ and “good refugees “.
Because the atomic bomb development was classified, the invasion of Japan had been planned out to insanely intricate detail.
The most insane part is that they’d already logistically organised years worth of food/water/munition shipments in advance and planned for the 200k+ deaths, not to mention the medals to award to those showing gallantry. To this day, when the US dispenses purple hearts, they’re still handing out medals manufactured nearly 80 years ago. That was how much time and effort lives it was expected to cost.
But obviously 50k people dying in an atomic bomb was far worse, because its simple enough for the BBC to explain to kids (“death is bad”). Where by “kids” I mean the idiots who rely on them as their sole source of information.
Strange you mention the logistics but there have been a few programmes recently about the economics and industrial side of WW2.
It showed that so called ‘leaders ‘ can ignore or deny the obvious – such as the industrial production of Germany or japan against the combined effort of the allies – particularly America – which was weak at the beginning of the war but running the planet at the end .
Such issues only interest those interested and most people seem to be more interested on what Mr and Mrs Beckham are doing – but that’s life .
Spot on Calvin, the progressive BBC has relegated logic to below “emotion” a case in point is the “Migration Crisis” where it is obvious that if you stop encouraging people to cross dangerous waters in unsuitable craft then there will be less deaths – but no the media has encouraged them crossing, painting every economic migrant as a “refugee”, and making it virtually impossible for governments to send these chancers back, thus encouraging more illegal migration and more deaths.
GWF the Mail’s article is similar
The headlines try to reduce it to
: the raid was a failure that killed lots of labour camp prisoners, cos the dam was soon repaired.
Those points are not new, and have been well aired for 10 years, every TV mentions them.
I read The TIMES feature and it didn’t add anything new. MH is selling a book so he’s offering a non-existent fresh revelation to plug it.
Writing in the Spectator recently ex-Boris partner Petronella Wyatt suggested that Max Hastings’ pathological hatred of Boris was based on sexual jealousy – which was a rather revealing observation, and not a little hurtful….though no doubt poor Max deserves it.
Along with current hypocritical ‘patricians’ like Major and Heseltine, Hastings is becoming adept at re-writing history to suit a personal agenda.
I’ve just been having a lovely walk down Llandudno pier, the sky was blue, sunny and warm. The families enjoying end of summer hols and I even was serenaded by Elvis, Ricky Nelson and Bobby Darin as i walked (you always get 60s music there). Even the punch and Judy at the end of the pier was playing to crowds of children and their parents. I thought of the sweaty hate merchants out on the streets following Corbin and his evil followers in the hoc. This country will really have to wake up when we have sorted Brexit as we cannot have this motley bunch dictating how we live.
Cromwell, Ohhhhhhh there must be someone around in today’s generation that’ll be offended by the lyrics of Bobby Darin’s “Multiplication” !
Ha yes Brissels, I love it when they get offended by 60s lyrics. He was singing my favourite Dream Lover.
I could, but like fish in a barrel, cromwell have also been to Torquay / Brixham / Dartmouth this week and not a burqa in siight and everyone speaking english and if some teenage half educated prat from the bbc says that is wrong then so be it
RE festivals: Precisely, and lets forget the hundreds of thousands at rock concerts not on the biased bbc agenda
not a paki in sight, no knives, no rapes, no arrests but hideously white and for some strange reason no need for a hundred thousand grant every year and 12 400 police
but get a few blacks together and criminal chaos ensues, why is that ?
Could it be that so many of our enrichers are in fact – well- Khants?
Punch and Judy?!! Woe, Woe, thrice Woe. Are you and the rest of the onlookers not aware that this vile, hateful pair encourage and endorse domestic violence? Shame on the lot of you.
Meanwhile, down at my local Tesco store this afternoon Mrs Wright and my- cowardly- self witnessed a family of enrichers,who were well dressed and looked well fed, just helping themselves to items of food from the large box of goods donated by customers for distribution to the homeless.
Mrs Wright was gobsmacked and started looking around for an assistant who might stop the theft but the only one in view was wearing one of those now familiar black headscarves plus a scowl.
As we had no desire to be decapitated we kept our gobs zipped.
I’m certain this incident will have been captured on the in house CCTV but of course it would be racist for Tesco to take any kind of action so they will also keep their gobs zipped.
Yes lefty Wright plenty of shouting hang him at the punch and Judy and the kids shouted loudly as they were egged on by the policeman in the punch and Judy show. Oh and by the the way it was heidously white.
Doesn’t it make you vomit. Just watched some of the rucksack carrying, sandal wearing protestors being interviewed as to why they were protesting. Some came out with platitudes, some couldn’t string 2 words together, a lot were young so like sheep went along with the herd, – most were ‘wimpy’ men carrying kids on their shoulders, and all speaking of ‘democracy’ because they didn’t know what else to say !
The thick dicks didn’t realise that parliament would only be suspended for a few days, but hey ho !
Good question Katie.
Let’s ask the new Justice Secretary, Robert Buckland.
Not just Rotherham is it ?
The anti-Brexiters and anti-Trumpers don’t come out on the street for this issue.
The Sun:
“” Boris Johnson will take on Remainer Tories by sacking MPs who vote to block No Deal Brexit “”
“”TORY MPs who vote to block a No Deal next week will be sacked from the party, we can reveal.””
“”The PM will treat next week’s vital Commons votes like a no-confidence vote in his Government, with rebel Tories disqualified from contesting their seats.””
Not mentioned by the BBC. I’m sure it’s true.
It’s fine really, Dover, because more people read the Sun than listen to or watch the awful bbbbc news.
As an old phart, I often dip into the online version – it’s much better than the Daily Mail!
BBC News
“People tell me I shouldn’t be having sex.”
Aled is open about having HIV, but when it comes to dating apps it means he is often the target of abuse.
(via BBC Radio Bristol)
Can’t imagine why. Lucky the BBC appears to be an immediate port of call.
Oh Channel 4 just had on fancy shipping container homes with Kevin McCloud
He awarded it “Best design ever”
That staircase looks as though it should be fun on an icy morning ……..
What are you supposed to do? Climb over the glass wall?
Staircase student stuff I guess, aesthetic over practicality
I guess it has a glass gate at the top, to conform with safety rules.
Staircase , no hand rail, wont get passed by the planning dept or HSE .
Designer should go back to Uni and study building regs next time instead of play school .
He has not got a clue. Why he has been given this program I don’t know.
He has not got a clue. Why he has been given this program I don’t know.
He has not got a clue. Why he has been given this program I don’t know.
@Taffman I wondeed if it was a fireescape
or different regs cos it’s in Ulster
But there is no obvious glass gate
I wonder if it’s just decoration
BTW I spot another design where they stack two containers
.. then put a third at 45 degrees and put the staircase inside it
Show it to that lot who were moaning about living in a converted shipping container, they might then realise they’re living in accommodation which is the forefront of design ! Ungrateful sods.
Your lifestyle is a lifestyle of death.
Just reminding you.
BBC News
???? ❌ ???? ❌ ✨ ❌
Shambala Festival has reduced their carbon footprint by over 80% and eradicated disposable plastics.
Super. I wonder what it is?
BBC #FakeGreens giving free adverts
to any biz that claims to be “green”
I know this stuff cos I have volunteered at loads of green/hippy festivals
And by coincidence the Shambala festival was the only time they said they didn’t need my help
About 14-15 years ago I spoke to the organiser and said my walking route comes near that site so if you need any help, but he said no. When i did come through he was just turning up and again he brusqely said no. I guess I am not cool enough or maybe he thought I was a cop etc.
Hilarious watching the rabbles on YouTube marching through various cities across the UK today!
Lefty liberal twats with sh*t songs and a ‘democracy on our terms’ attitude.
Stone Cold Losers, the lot ????
“A TEENAGER is dead and another nine people are injured after a knifeman went on a bloodthirsty rampage today near Lyon, it has been reported.”
That bloody Oliver again I’ll wager”!
Knifeman – ITMA – “Tommy” Handley was a British comedian, mainly known for the BBC radio programme It’s That Man Again (“ITMA”).’s Oliver’s Army I tell you!
A mentally deranged man from ……………..Afghanistan ?
Not terror related?
Lots of French tweets
Lyon knife jihadi is Muslim migrant from Afghanistan, Sultan Marmed Niazi
“A knife attack in Villeurbanne, in the suburbs of Lyon, killed one (who was a young man of 19 years) and wounded nine (including three who are in critical condition) this Saturday night, near a subway station.
Stopped by passersby, the attacker is currently in custody. Born in 1986 in Afghanistan according to his statements, Sultan Marmed NIAZI made confused remarks to investigators.
The BBC are lapping up the anti Government demonstrations today. Why do these people demonstrating so like the EU? The BBC is shy at asking this question as always. Exactly what are the benefits? I’d love to hear them.
Probably the same rabble that demonstrated immediately after the last three elections as I recall. Seemingly democracy is sacrosanct, as long as the result goes your way!
Perhaps one or two Remainer MPs might care to explain to us how the democratic principles and procedures of the Fourth Reich in Brussels and Strasbourg are superior to those of the United Kingdom.
judging by the 40 German locusts at the hotel buffet yesterday where they eventually had to have a referee, democratic principles work fine in principle, but when the sausages and bacon appeared democracy went out of the window
I thought the sunbed thing was an artifice but the buffet was meant to be open at 7 15 yet was srtipped clean by 7 o clock, i do have a thing for a sausage or two but what irked me was their taking the salmon which my wife looked forward to each morning,
The real protestors are waiting for dark.
Ya know what I mean?
Hi-fi, shops. Computer supplies etc.
“do you feel me?”
I hate that saying.
Can we call them “the Dark Protestors” or is that an innacurate description?
I’ll go with that.
Sour losers also.
Terrible when everything doesn’t go your own way.
That’s something they’ll have to get used to when we leave the EU.
It’s usually to do with mobile phone signals.
I see in the Express that at least one politician has finally clicked: IDS.
A blind man in a snowstorm could have picked up days ago that the bbc was actually using its ‘news’ and other programmes to incite and co-ordinate the ‘protests’, now in full swing.
It created channels of communication between anti-government elements, constantly egged them on fired them up, in addition to publicising their various activities. They stopped just short of actually issuing explicit instructions. Obviously a well-prepared campaign, quite cleverly executed.
I remember posting something to that effect on this site. It was so blatant, I’m quite surprised they got away with it.
Maybe they haven’t?
In the “#StandUp4Brexit” video, it is claimed: “Since Boris announced the Queen’s speech the BBC have been relentlessly biased.
“Since the announcement, a review of 18 Brexit guests on the BBC R4 Today Show indicates 83 percent in favour of Remain.
“They’ve promoted civil disobedience, promoting protests to their huge audience.
“And repeatedly given Remain protagonists uninterrupted airtime, all at our expense.”
In his retweet, Mr Duncan Smith posted: “The @BBCNews @BBCPolitics should be an impartial examination of both points of view, what happened???”
#StandUp4Brexit captioned the video: “Since the PM announced the Queen’s Speech, the BBC’s bias has been totally unacceptable.
“On the day, BBC News interviewed 13 pro Remain commentators in a row.
As predicted here, the story of the latest batch of ‘Asian’ paedophile convictions in Rotherham has slipped down to the Regions page as quickly as decently – some would say indecently – possible.
Well done beeb, keep hiding the truth and it might go away.
Well hidden away. In other circumstances this would have been on the front page.
I think the Remainers planned these protests for a prorogation of Parliament to cover 31st October, not four days in September. A brilliant plan by the Boris team that is provoking a hysterical response by the pro-EU morons. The Remainers don’t want a General Election, but they seem to have been inflicted by a hysterical demand for the democracy that they oppose.
John McDonnell said: “If Boris Johnson wants a mandate, then he should call a general election and put it to the people.”
A book on groupthink says every South Sea Bubble ends in a crash. Dominic Cummings seems to be exploiting the Groupthinks inability to think for themselves. Therefore making Jeremy Corbyn unable to resist voting for a General Election due to his hysterical supporters demanding democracy, the very thing that would destroy their dreams. A General Election that pits Boris against the mad pro-establishment Groupthink, fighting for politicians who support the European Union and lied to the electorate. Pitted against those patriotic politicians who support Britain and the democratic majority of the people.
A General Election would mean that Parliament would be dissolved from 10th September to 4th November, creating a situation were it would be very silly if Boris did not use this to make a clean break Brexit with or without a deal. This could cause the Groupthink to go insane by both denying that it wants to stop a General Election while actively doing so in the courts. “We are trying to save Parliament and Democracy from the Plebs and Populism” the Remainers would say.
Another boatload of people arrive on our shores ‘rescued’ by our so called Border Force? Didn’t our Home Secretary call these arrivals as a “serious incident” . Has Al Beeb covered this yet, or will they publish it when they read this post?
Does our government know that we are full up ?
But will Boris send these ‘queue jumpers back or will he turn a blind eye?…………
@realDonaldTrump just tweeted
Enjoy the low gas prices over the Labor Day weekend!
My energy policies have made America energy independent
while keeping prices low,
just like a Tax Cut.
The Democrats “green” policies will raise your price of gas!
Days of middle-class rage
Spiked podcast
The Runnymede & Weybridge Conservative Association attempt to protect their pet swamp dweller.
“I’m special – you can’t get rid of ME.”
I ll be interested to view the response of the mad comments by the emir of Londonistan who is claiming that the election of right wing people like President Trump and Nigel Farage and BoJo is showing that the world is forgetting the lessons of WW2 ( anniversary start today ).
Now I know that Khan isn’t the brightest knife in the box – but the normal corrupt ‘ in it for me’ politician – but to have such ignorance of history is just an insult .
I wonder what his family were doing in 1939/1945 ? I wonder if they’d seen a flushing toilet .?
Wiki says his parents arrived from the third world in 1968 and the Emir was born 2 years later ….
One of the great secrets of the War was the number of “Indians “ who fought against Britain for the Japanese with the false promise of independence .
We won’t hear much about that ….
Khan should forget delving in international politics and deal with the epidemic of knife crime plaguing the city .
The London tourist trade must be affected by it.
I understand that 10% of the Indian Army fought on the side of the Japs against us. After WW2, they were treated as heroes in India for fighting against the British Imperialists and parades were held in their honour.
I also heard that they received a better war pension than those who fought for us.
Ho hum….
That is substantially correct although the numbers need adjusting (the so-called Indian National Army or INA had about 50,000 recuits, whereas the regular Indian (British) Army peaked at about 2.5 million, all of them volunteers. Many of the INA were turncoats and traitors, some acted out of conviction, the majority were POWs captured in Singaport and Burma who reckoned that fighting for the Japanese and a ‘Free India’ was better than incarceration. The INA were led by Subash Chandra Bose – regarded as a hero in India to this day. The Austrian corporal had a favourable view about British India, considering it to be a textbook example of benevolent colonialism, although Bose’s sponsors (Japan) had a very different view. Here’s a picture of Bose meeting Herr Hitler in Berlin, having got there courtesy of a Japanese submarine.
After reading the headlines this morning I’ve come to the shocking conclusion that Bercow and a few rebels can and probably succeed in stoping Brexit from going through?!
So after 3 years in the end one man (speaker) can and proabaly will stop Brexit completely.
Why did we bother if in the end some person will have the final say if we should leave on Oct 31 or not leave. Meaning once the 31 oct is pushed back again I can never see us leaving as all the rebels need to do is to do the same things all over again.
I’m hoping and thinking Boris is playing the long game whereby he gets Brexit done and dusted, and then turns his attention to al beeb ????
I’m hoping and thinking Boris is playing the long game whereby he gets Brexit done and dusted, and then turns his attention to al beeb ????
I wouldn’t hold your breath.
There does seem an almost comical reaction to even the remote presence of a government of the Right – which naturally has to have the prefix ‘ Far’ added to it .
I’m a big believer in small governments so that would make me ‘ Far Right ‘ in BBC nomenclature . These days it’s not just ‘ sticks and stones ‘ which harm – as many comments on twitter and other social media sites would testify.
A ‘celebrity ‘ called terry Christian wants the flu vaccine only given to ‘ remainers’ . I presume he was drunk when he thought , wrote and published such a statement . But he did out do jo brand in his hate level .
But he later confirmed to his readers that he would not only support what he said re not giving flu medicine to elderly leave voters he later went on to reinforce his filthy message by adding other hopes for denying other things to the leave voters. He was serious when he said both tweets.
taffman, theleftwilleatitself
After a mighty battle with the remainers Boris might claim as a victory a slightly tweaked version of Treezer’s deal. Then after a few years we can slide back into more or less business as usual. Lots of immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa, and a contribution to the EU army. So far Trump has backed Boris against the EU, he may get tired and give up.
The Brexit Party are watching and waiting . We could be witnessing the end of The Tory Party ?
I want our government to remove our signature from this:
The UN compact on immigration
But since Mr Johnson wants to give amnesty to millions of illegals in our country I doubt that will happen. Only UKIP have committed to revoke our commitment to it, as far as I know.
So, the best we can hope for is that Prime Minister Johnson gets us completely out of the EU, on WTO terms, paying them nothing and then calls a General Election, which results in a government that is committed to deporting all the illegals and the violent legals and those with a criminal record.
I wonder if anyone can help with this?
On 29th August I watched star studied film from 1949, A Boy a Girl and Bike, on Talking Pictures TV
Set in Yorkshire, the cafe the cycle club descended on looked so much like the one used in Last of The Summer Wine. Is it the same one both inside and out so similar
Try which has a series of pictures and locations on its site .
In a previous life I used to be a bit of a researcher so it took me only 10 minutes to get to that site
Hope it helps
Many thanks Fedup2. I looked up the site, shows scenes from the film including the cafe. It does look so like the one in Last of Summer Wine, but it says it is Hebden Bridge not Holmfirth. Will certainly use the site in future. Once again, thank you for your response.
Channel migrants !!!!!! Jesus wept BBC !!! Just say it for what it is , illegal immigrants, invasion and then ask yourselves in your liberal bubble heads why the hell these MEN when travelling don’t stop in Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, Greece etc, but will do anything to get to the UK ??? Why BBC ????
Free everything at the expense of the UK taxpayer that’s why !!!!
Not the BBC but Sky…
Is that all who turned up though?
According to the Sky reporter “most of the tens of thousands of protesters had already gone home. Many of the protesters were Leavers who had decided that events have now made them change their minds”.
On Fox:
Asylum-seeker arrested in France knife attack that left 1 dead, 9 wounded
‘Asylum-seeker arrested in France knife attack that left 1 dead, nine wounded’
On Sky:
One dead and nine injured in suspected knife attack near Lyon
(Asylum seeker/nationality not mentioned)
On Al Beeb:
Nothing, as yet
Can’t sleep.
Radio4 for 4.30 am for entertainment.
World Service. Out of Boston.
Topic: Slavery.
Barbary slaves taking whites slaves?
Of couse not. No chace.
The transatlantic Slave trade. In Ghana.
White slavers and castles.
Mona moves to the US.
Back to Boston, the 1991 Rodney King beating.
Money and Eric moved back to Ghana.
Colonial Britain founded on traded slaves, Danish involvement.
Since independence, Ghana remains destroyed by colonialism.
If you have returned, you get sick, you need your own sheets to hospitals.
Mona says: what would have happened if her son Selassie had gone back to
Nightime Radio5 and World Service the twin BBCdracula fangs that puncture your mind and you’ll wake up as a liberal zombie.
There is a magic gateway to sleep
Close your eyes and think of nothing
You’ll see noise, but then after a while you’ll see a weird object float by the corner of your vision.
Try to follow it. You might not catch the first
When you do follow it .. it will turn into a film and you’ll be in a dream.
Another way is to play alphabet list
eg for each letter of the alphabet.
try to give 2 place names, or 2 girls name etc.
I like that, Stew.
Anything to avoid Rhod Sharp or Courtney-Sandpaper…
5.00 news:
Whites going crazy and shooting people in Texas.
Back to bed, I think. Now we back with Radio 4, to continue the co-ordination of protestors.
Boris white man. He very bad, Very anti-democratic. Bring in PM Ken Clarke I say. Very democratic.
Oh, and let’s have people going onto the streets all week.
The 60-70 boat arrives from France could surely join in?
Bercow will fix it, in parliament.
Here we go again. A poor canal-boat family in Wiltshire face eviction by the nasty Canal & River Trust for not moving enough along the canal. The family in question lives near Bradford on Avon.
Now I happen to know a fair bit about the canals and the trust and have met many of these boat people. There are only two types; lovely free-spirited souls who have a sense of adventure or some of the most belligerent, obnoxious weirdos you could ever meet. Bradford on Avon area has a reputation for having the latter.
CRT offers several licence types but essentially there is a ‘moored up’ licence and a much cheaper ‘continuous cruising’ licence. What often happens is that the second set of people buy the cc licence (or don’t buy one at all) and then shake a fist at the organisation for threatening to remove them from the waterways after failing to adhere to the rules of the licence.
Beggars belief doesn’t it? Yet, naturally the bbbc takes the side of the poor ‘down-trodden’ boat owner. I can assure you, however, that many licence-abiding boat owners applaud this eviction action which is only implemented after many months, even years, of failed communication.
Exactly! The phrase used by the owner smacks of a champagne socialist.
“This is gentrifying the canal and destroying our community.”
(Matthew Symonds from the CRT said it had 34,200 boats on the waterways, and last year removed 17 houseboats because of licence issues).
BBC Europe reporter Gavin Lee ‘…boards a small boat to see some of the dangers faced by migrants’
So as per usual a BBC-trained journo seems keen to report on this important issue from the point of view of the migrant. Don’t expect hard facts and figures, it’s going to be all about what the BBC terms – the human story. There are many problems with his short film report but let’s concentrate on a few of the BBC-style issues.
Right at the start of our Gavin’s commentary he appears on his small boat dramatically life-jacketed (‘elf n safety innit) he points to some big ships and we get this gem: “You can see why this is called one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world”
Gavin, why so mealy-mouthed? Why the typically infantile BBC multiple provisos in your scramble to clutch for the superlative? Do your bloody research and tell us – is this THE busiest or NOT? And if not what’s wrong with just saying it’s blinkin’ busy?
Anyway, Gavin tells us this problem is getting worse (not the busy shipping lane, the migrant thing) and crossing the channel in small boats is dangerous. Tell us something we don’t know!
Over to our French skipper (not life-jacketed, mind you – well, as the Normandy farmer famously once said “EU regulations, zey are for the English, hein?”) he says it’s all about the wind, the waves, the currents & that water is nippy. I hope you’re taking notes.
We then have a camera shot of Gavin in the back of the boat (which he’s previously told us not at all like the boats the migrants use) trying subtly to throw himself from side to side like Bill Shatner on the bridge of the starship Enterprise tv set reacting to a supposed full-blown Klingon attack.
It goes on. But Gavin does give a little snippet of interesting info: “One of the ways we are told that migrants know they’ve made it into British territorial waters is using mobile phones. If the time changes an hour, they can then call the British coastguard and they won’t be sent back to France”
I think our Gav has kinda blown the gaff. Cross the timeline and our rescue services can be used as an Uber service – note the migrants appear to have little or no doubt they are home and dry once they cross this finish line. They do not seem to fear British authorities will ever send them back.
Finally we are told migrants told our Gav that it costs them £3,000 to be smuggled across the Channel. No way is the BBC going to tell us how much it might be costing per migrant for our authorities to process them and god forbid any follow up about what happens next. Catch and release, I’m guessing.
I guess when they are searched on arrival, they will find a card with the BBC’s telephone number on it and a contact name in the news dept. to use if they are in any way unhappy with the treatment received by the Border Force.
“it costs them £3,000 to be smuggled across the Channel”
How much would a flight to the UK from their country of origin have cost, and why didn’t they do that? It couldn’t be that they didn’t want to be formally documented here, could it?
BBC is not reporting this – C-Span clip and Farage Tweet
Did they mention the Afghan stabber in Lyon, yesterday?
BBC tells us these details about the latest Texas shooting”who was white and in his mid-30s”. But if black, middle eastern or Muslim then he is just “A man”. Bias at it’s best.
The Americans escape lightly, not shown a white pair of hands following a fatal crime.
What are the odds that he’s a lefty Democratic party supporter and if he is, that the lying MSM won’t inform its readers and viewers?
“Brexit: Michel Barnier rejects demands for backstop to be axed”
Question: Has the EU offered anything ?
Suits me, Taff. Makes No Deal more certain 🙂
Yep. That’s that then. Let’s just No Deal NOW. Why wait ? They have shown themselves to be little tinpot shysters with no flexibility, so sod em !!!!
Why Remainers are so so desperate to stay part of this unelected old boys club is completely beyond me !!!!
I think it’s because they revere career politicians/pricks like Blair, Major, Clark and Brown.
Idiots who want to remain don’t really have the backing of British companies making a few bob, they prefer fat-cats, screwing their money out of the tax income we feed them, to real businessmen, cleverer than them by a long chalk. (Shaddup Soros, not you, you blood-sucking parasite).
Don’t worry dear fruit, we’ll fart in silk pretty damn soon, when we get rid of this pestilence of the left and the bbbc!
80 years since Germany invaded Poland and our coasts our being invaded . Where is the Royal Navy , where is the Territorial Army and more importantly where are the Royal marines ? Border control would provide them with good training and experience.
It is time for some new ‘rules’.
Ex military should be in charge of border control.
But they are all tacitly invited – “if you can get here, we’ll look after you…”.
Old Goat
A house, free money, free health service and a free education. That’s why they leave the safe haven of Europe to get in here illegally.
Working class hero. Beaten by the far far right, sneered at by the people, but adored by the mainly white middle class luvvies who snap his photo, Britain’s answer to Greta, the child from Sweden.
Gawd bless you sir.
The girl with the gilet jaune on her shoulder looks smitten!!
Did Mr Jones show the mob his bruises?
It’s all horribly white, is this a racist demo
But these are the people he really supports children:
Get to them while they’re young.
I was in Cambridge yesterday and their ‘mass’ gathering was about 70 people at the end of the Market area. Given Cambridge is so anti Brexit it was a bit pathetic and faded once they realised that nobody was taking any notice of them…
I had to laugh because quite a few had signs up saying Stop Racism – Stop Trump….WTF has this got to do with Brexit? So I imagine many were rent a crowd who only have one placard for all events…if this is all Cambridge could muster then my hopes are raised that everyone just wants it over…except a few arrogant MPs
James, don’t forget the ‘studes’ were still in Magaluf, so weren’t available!
Coco Gauff, the BBC obsession continues !! What is it about this girl they love so much ?????
Most days the BBC Business live blog thingy has a headline something like; ‘Pound tumbles’, ‘Pound plummet’s’ or similar. All doom and gloom you’d think.
Something that seems to be missed by the BBC is that according to
The two highest UK export months since 1955 occurred in March and June 2019. Between May and June exports increased by 4.5%, ‘the most since October 2016’.
‘Among major trading partners, goods exports to non-EU countries jumped 17.8 percent, mostly to China (110.2%), Hong Kong (47.9%), the UAE (83.4%), India (21.3%), Japan (1.3%) and South Korea (22.2%). Conversely, declines were registered in shipments to the US (-1.5%), Switzerland (-1.6%), Singapore (-11.1%) and Turkey (-16.7%). Exports to the EU fell 3.3 percent, in particular to the Netherlands (-17.8%) and Belgium (-2.8%), but rose to Germany (0.7%), France (0.5%), Ireland (5.4%), Italy (2.2%) and Spain (6.7%)’
Now I realize that % change can be distorted by a low starting base etc. The 10 year and ‘Max’ charts are worth a look.
All doom and gloom isn’t it?
The do control the edit.
Trouble is, those who prepared the factual info for the link you provide, did not include Failsal Islam and Kamal Ahmed the two taquiyya specialists.
Any more stabbings in London this weekend ?
Over to you Mr Kahn or Al Beeb .
I have noticed a new approach by the 98% Remain BBC. They
on paper look like they are being more balanced on their approach
to Brexit. But the reality is very different.
BIG BROTHER be a he, a she, or an it ,has an agenda where we
are shown pro Boris Johnson members of the public being
interviewed PICKED to be nearly all over 80 and to be less than loquacious.
Basically BIG BROTHER wants us to know that it was the older
generation that defeated remain.
The second piece of Machiavellian intrigue is to get journalists
into the studio who work for Conservative leaning newspapers
which gives the impression that they support Brexit, but they
The presenters and reporters to a woman ( it or very occasionally
a man) of course are supposed to be impartial. But of course they
cannot hide their 100% support for remain ,which can be heard
in their sarcastic intonation as soon as they open their mouths.
Andrew Marr being the perfect example this morning.
With their now Machiavellian approach the BBC is doing everything it possibly can to defeat Brexit.
On LBC, Lord Adonis just gave his opinion on Farage’s view of Brexit
.. “You are not mainstream, you are out on a limb”
Really ?? Farage is leading the 52%
Adonis by mainstream means “us metroliberal politicians”
What is the matter with LBC that they are forever having this runt on their programmes to spout his EU loving garbage?
I wish someone would ask him:
– How does he personally benefit from us being in the EU
– How does the EU benefit our country
– What does the EU do for our nation that we can’t do for ourselves
– If, God forbid, the Remainers get their way, how far does Mr Adonis think is too far for the EU to supplant our national government with a foreign power?
– If,God willing, we Leavers prevail, is he going to bugger off to live in an EU country and help them on their path to destruction?
The BBC and the re-mainstream media are being left behind in the wake of Boris and Cummings.
They can meet in secret and plot as much as they want.
‘No Deal’ is coming down the tracks…
Slave trader’s portrait removed from Bristol lord mayor’s office
Slave trader’s
portraitBOOK removed fromBristol lord mayor’s officePARLIAMENT.John Alcock is spot on.
Lammy is blindly following Starmer’s lead.
I wandered over to ‘Sputnik’ news to find out if there was any more detail about the stabbings in France, only to find an article about Mayor Khan, who is in Gdansk, Poland attending commemorations. Khan challenged POTUS on climate change.
Khan also attacked POTUS on Democracy, saying that he, along with ‘like-minded leaders in Europe’ were ‘trampling on Democracy’.
Wonder who he has in mind?
I don’t think many would categorise the Emir as a, “leader” by any stretch of the imagination.
Incidentally, anybody know it Khan followed the normal route between the Legal Practice Course (post Law Degree) and a 2 year training contract? That normally is extremely competitive unless you are an ethnic when other ‘rules’ apply. I ask because he is so dim that I do not believe he went down the ‘competitive route’.
“I do not believe he went down the ‘competitive route’.”
That’s the No 11 bus route, G, so probably he didn’t…
I might be forgiven for reading this incorrectly first time
Daniel Kawczynski speaking on the NF show this morning – re reparations and taking responsibility.
Ordinary Poles should instigate private prosecutions against the German state if the Polish government is reticent.
Owen Jones is thinking of Tommy Robinson
“Solidarity with those arrested today.
Some of the greatest fighters for our rights and freedoms and democracy – in Britain and elsewhere – were arrested or even *imprisoned*.
The real criminals are in Number 10.
Owen Jones outrage bus today is him saying that today he got a message on Instagram that begins
“As a supporter of the far right”
.. I doubt a nationalist would use smear label on himself
More likely his mate has nicked his phone whilst he was drunk
and is stirring
Notice how he says “elsewhere”.
I don’t think anyone traitor was arrested over the weekend?
I hope there was.
There’s any increasing possibility of a GE coming up.
Before it’s held can we check with the remainers that they will accept the result of this GE if they lose.
Can we get Swinson to say she will accept the result of the GE if she doesn’t get the result she wants.
If the lefties will not accept any result where they don’t win it’s a bit pointless having elections.
Also, shouldn’t we check with Gina Miller that it’s ok to hold a GE because she may decide to take out some injunction if she decides that she doesn’t want a GE.
Marr: “Will food prices go up….?”
Gove: “Well, er, I think that there are a number of economic factors in play. Some prices may go up, other prices will come down..”
So what does the BBC tweet?
The case rests, m’lud.
Excellent observation there! Well done.
These days I’m far from ‘well travelled’ preferring to avoid any long distance travel and in particular, airports having spent a good deal of my life seeming to live on 747’s.
Other contributors here will recall the main theme running through Douglas Murray’s book, ‘The Strange Death of Europe’, which was that Europeans are somehow overwhelmed with sorrow sorry for what the white colonials have inflicted on other parts of the World over the centuries. I did not agree with that when reading his book and I still refuse to accept that proposition. However, this reoccurring theme has arisen again in this Gatestone offering –
Put simply, the author of this article asserts that European’s are self-flagellating over the past and that somehow accounts for the acceptance of mass migration by savages from the Third World.
I know many of my fellow contributors here have (and indeed, still) travel extensively so, my question to them, particularly, is there something I’m missing which more travel would contradict? Personally, I don’t give a *hi* for third World savages and feel no burden, much preferring the situation where they were all shipped out to where they came from. £39 Billion would nicely cover the cost I guess.
“Put simply, the author of this article asserts that European’s are self-flagellating over the past”
My opinion, for what it’s worth:
Yes they are, but to a very limited extent. I think the need for “respectability” is a bigger motivation and in 2019, “respectability” is defined by the BBC, the MSM in general and, consequently, the middle classes. “Respectability” is extremely important to the middle classes because, as they see it, it is what defines them. Material wealth no longer works because there are so many relatively wealthy people who they perceive as working class. Attending church no longer works because hardly anyone does it.
Then there is pressure from teenagers who know virtually nothing, have no responsibilities and can see no further than their smartphone screens. When I was a teenager, proper adults took my opinions with a pinch of salt because they were immature and uninformed. Now we live in an age when fathers seem to feel the need to dress like toddlers and watch the sort of movies that they should have grown out of years ago.
And lastly, of course, there is education, or what passes for it. When people know virtually nothing about their own culture except the bad bits, what objection can they possibly have to the importation of a few 10th rate ones? What’s wrong with fawning over some undemanding, primitive pop song that teenagers and the BBC have declared cool and progressive?
They’d better sharpen up pretty quickly though because, although Rotherham might seem a long way off, it is coming to a town near you.
I’m not going to say what I think needs to be done because I fear it could get me into trouble.
Thanks Helen.
“….Rotherham might seem a long way off, it is coming to a town near you.”
Yes, longish jail terms don’t seem to deter. Anyway, islam is more powerful than Western law so that’s OK……..
G / Helen, interesting thoughts.
“…are somehow overwhelmed with sorrow sorry for what the white colonials have inflicted on other parts of the World…”
I think overwhelmed with guilt and self-recrimination (forces that have been inflicted on them) more than sorrow. Also the powerful need to be nice which goes hand in hand with a reluctance to look at some dark and ugly stuff within. Helen’s point about the need for respectability is spot on.
Murray makes the point that the east European states have conflict and destruction more recently in their national histories (and also happen not to favour open immigration policies). We have had a long time of living nicely, and after a while the desire to be nice to other people at all times is very seductive.
That seems likely to change only if / when living nicely is truly threatened.