The Biased Bubble returns from its unearned holidays to pour out rabid anti brexit anti democratic propaganda on an electorate bored to tears with their delaying tactics and lies – so we will be busy reporting it .
And as time passes How will the BBC deal with the 80th anniversary of the start of World War 2 be dealt with ? Plenty of opportunity for even more pro EU bias .
Project Fear summary
Apart from the Queen authorising the closure of the Remainer Parliament a bit early ~ Project Fear has chugged on mainly with repeats of medicine shortages .
Thursday was ‘flu vaccine shortage ‘ and the Ghost of Gina Miller using Soros cash for another go at using the courts to undermine the vote of 17.4 million people who she thinks are thick .
Wednesday was ‘getting the queen involved in brexit ‘it’s a coup – it’s the end of democracy hysterics .
Other than that just the usual biased BBC singing the Remainers song as loud as it can .
The Owen Jones pub incident
It was easy to pick up from the media that 3 guys had been arrested and DETAINED on Thursday.
Then you are waiting to hear what they got charged with
cos you can’t hold someone for long before charging.
I didn’t hear big reporting from the media that they had been released.
But now I pick up that from Friday morning the Mail was reporting that they had been released.
What’s going on ?
Their one night in the cells looks like punishment without trial
\\The force said three men, aged 39, 34 and 29, were held on Thursday after handing themselves in at a police station.
They were all arrested on suspicion of violent disorder and assault occasioning actual bodily harm.
On Friday morning, Scotland Yard said three men had been bailed until late September and that a file had been passed to the Crown Prosecution Service.//
The police had put out a few tweets
– They updated the arrest story
And they had an Early post a day after the attack on Aug 17th, appealing for footage.
I see they said ” four male suspects” so does that mean one is on the run ?
I note the Guardian got the ages wrong.
How’s this all work with sub-judiice etc ?
Jones said he recognised them And police should be able to get pub CCTV so all they do is get the names of A,B, C, D and phone them up and get them to come in and give their own statement.
Whys that take 12 days ?
The police have to decide whether to proceed, and pass it onto CPS, and I guess CPS have to formalise the charges ie what level of assault.
But making people pay bail without being charged seems a bit weird.
One thing is a level of sub-judice kicks in at a different level after charging, uptil then the press have more liberty.
But Jones being given media platforms straight after the event would seem to prejudice a trial, as his story is out , but not theirs.
Of course if Jones could identify them, that accounts for not releasing CCTV cos without a reason it would be sub judice to release it before a trial.
Of course not being charged gives the accused some anonymity & protection for their family from Jones thuggish fans.
Did it happen that KTH said the “attack never happened” ?
Nope I don’t see KTHopkins said that when I search her old tweets and signs of deleted tweets
Jones seems to be playing to his own side with hi rhetorical games like strawman accusations
August 20th –
“A group of men charged, with military precision, directed at me”
@OwenJones84 describes being attacked at the weekend in what he believes to have been a hate crime #r4today
(clip shows gay soldiers dance)
August 22 – Please would someone be kind enough to share with me the CCTV footage
of the Owen Smollet Jones far-right military precision assault at 3am?
It must be circulating by now I guess
No doubt the CPS will take into account that the alleged altercation took place at 2a m after Owen had been out for a night with friends – and it was outside a pub.
The remedy will be to do a ‘TR’ and give the case to the right kind of judge to get the right kind of outcome . And I suppose they’ll prosecute for something which doesn’t need a jury ….. like TR .
Master Jones can’t lose -if there is a successful prosecution he will have fought off ‘ right wing thugs’ . If the case fails he can blame the class based courts favouring the right wing ….
\\Brexit: Keir Starmer says MPs ‘will propose legislation to stop no deal’//
Expect mind blowing propaganda in the coming month.
Boris, Al Beeb, The MSM, and the people this country have two choices……………
1. Get out of the EU
2. Face a general election.
All parties must know that The Brexit Party will win a landslide result . It will be the end of the Tory Party and all the MPs that have been ‘getting money for nothing’ for far too long .
Now lets see how many MPs value their jobs more than their convictions……
They just have to look at the results of the last European Election.
I switched on to the 4.30 poetry spot on R4, as I have always done, for more years than I care to remember.
Would it be Donne, Milton, TS Eliot or Keats on this avo? Or even Silvya Plath, Emily Dickinson or a little Bronte poetry?
Nope. Imtiaz Darker, with poetry from Ethiopia and elsewhere about the theme of ‘protest’.
Off switch.
I recall switching on at 4.30 this morning. It was still ‘World Service’, and it was on and on about slavery.
Off switch.
Last night the 11.30pm repeat poetry slot decided to repeat something from May about the Irish border issue. Bad ol’ Brexit, third rate poetry, much low quality political chatter and ‘music’ inbetween…
You simply cannot now switch on to R4 and get:
a. anything of quality (especially the poetry, mostly poor third-rate prose, where the ‘issue’ is the only thing that matters);
b. anything that is not propaganda, either open or slightly disguised;
c. anything remotely entertaining or relaxing, that does not have to have a dig at Trump (Steve Punt’s ‘quiz’ with students and dons comes to mind; HE thinks he is very funny) or Boris etc
By the way, book fans, if you want to read the next book for ‘Book Club’, it’s the ‘Underground Railway’.
What’s it about? Why, slavery -of course. And you can bet your bottom dollar, the slaves ain’t white. And there were plenty of those. They won’t ever feature on radio4, I guess.
And the bbc want me to pay a licence fee?
FNW, on the theme of protest… last year Jeremy Vine had a feature “What makes us human?” with various special guests. I remember Peter Tatchell’s contribution was that it’s protest that makes us human.
This stuck with me because it seemed to illustrate so much of the progressive worldview. Not abstract thought, or the appreciation of beauty, or the pursuit of truth… it’s the ability to publicly complain that defines us as a species.
A terrible approach, straight out of Frankfurt school and now pumped into our collective psyche 24/7.
Perhaps all those remaining who possess a TV licence should commit voluntary Harri Kari for repentance in historically perceived sins. That would sure sort our Marxist State Broadcaster, once and for all.
I’ve started to call the ‘ off switch ‘ the ‘BBC switch ‘ …..
I loved Radio 4, listened to it from the age of 16, interesting & funny programmes.
Slowly, I started missing a few shows, not minding that I’d done so, till I no longer listened to any R 4 at all.
I’d realised that what was being offered was not meant for me, that the shows were for left wing, anti capitalist, eco warriors.
Not in a usefull way, but in a virtue signaling way, educating and affirming those already of that view that they are good, and any other view is wrong.
Years ago the BBC hardly had replies like this one to the propaganda they push on us , but, they are very common now. More and more folk seeing them for what they are ……Brainwashing far left, liberal and dangerous.
Just a heads up for the inevitable wailing of the AGW brigade when hurricane Dorian makes land. It’s a biggie too, a catagory 5, the strongest of all and thanks to the erratic path these things take it’s going to be the strongest hurricane to impact the northwestern Bahamas since modern records began.
That’s bound to get a mention but it’s nothing significant really, it all depends on the track the hurricane takes.
Compare this to last year though which was a relatively quiet hurricane season. but this time last year we were at Tropical Storm Gordon, and we had already had hurricane Florence which caused an estimated $24.23 billion in damages.
You might recall Tropical Storm ‘Ernesto’ which impacted the UK on August 19th and wasn’t pleasant.
Hurricanes are the Earth’s way of transferring heat – from the tropics to the poles, and they are the source of our Autumn storms – expect Dorian next week sometime. The more hurricanes there are the greater the chance of a severe winter, because they displace the polar vortex.
Hurricanes however need heat to form and the fact that we are so far behind last years. The forecast predicts a slightly below-average season in 2019, with a total of 12 named storms, 5 hurricanes, and 2 major hurricanes. This cannot happen if the Earth is in the record state of warming the alarmists claim, and a catagory 5 hurricane is normal for the season – if alarmingly destructive and dangerous.
The fact we are so far behind previous years and are forcast to remain so gives the lie to the alarmists claims. They will attempt to capitalise this week on the devastation caused by Dorian, but do not believe their claims, they are provable lies and now you have the info to counter them.
Me either.
Jimmy Schnozzle Durante had a big nose and he also had talent.
Reminds me of the Tony Hancock sketch where they’re all stuck in the lift, – he maintained that all those with the ‘biggest hooters will get more than their fare share of oxygen” !! priceless.
He was the only comedian with four body parts in his name.
Toe Knee Hand Cock
I have watched ‘Sanity for Sweden’ for a long while, believing it to be a visual litmus test for the first Nation State to collapse under the weight of Marxism and Multiculturalism. I believe this Swede to be completely honest in his reporting on the way life is in Sweden which includes the recent spate of bombing, murder, shootings and rape. So, I urge all here to watch this, his most recent offering. The whole tenor has changed.
This coming week is destined to become a political fairground ride in the UK. It will demonstrate clearly how fragile any political system is if those supporting the status quo withdraw their support or aim to destroy it. In fact, I’d go so far as to say, this coming week may well herald the end of our political system once and for all. I can’t suggest popcorn but do highly recommend a thought toward home/family defence. Now’s the time to stock up the larder never mind about the 31st October.
Jeff Taylor nicely sums it up:
Stay safe. It’s probably our sort of logic that ultimately prevails.
Sanity4Sweden on Bitchute
Jeff Taylor on Bitchute
“Brexit: ‘Get ready’ advertising campaign launches”
Way to go !
Taff, the last line in that BBC news item is this:
“”The British Retail Consortium said Mr Gove’s assertion on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show that “there will be no shortages of fresh food” was “categorically untrue”.””
William Bain is the head of the above British Retail Consortium and a former Labour shadow minister. His tweets show him to be anti-Brexit.
This quote is from the British Retail Consortium website:
“”Ensuring risk of cliff edge is avoided and final deal secures best possible trading environment for members””
The BBC can’t help their anti-Brexit bias.
On one hand the remainers shout ‘Food Shortages’, ‘Food Shortages’.
On the other hand, our farmers are worried about slaughtering hundreds of lambs and exporting all their produce to Europe.
I doubt that there will be shortages there are plenty of supplies that could be sourced outside Europe , and far cheaper !
Now, how will all the European farmers and food producers fare ? Not a peep in the news so far . Why ?
I imagine there is some greenhouse in the Netherlands where every day they load up a truck with lettuces for Tesco.
Why should they not do the same thing on 1st November and if they do why would anyone treat the truck any differently at Dover, the exporting port having no more interest in it on the 1st of November than they did on the 31st October?
Jim S ,
Well the BBC should know about this .
For trucks with perishables it’s the ZIL LANE. equivalent .
Just like the Olympics in East London , except it’s not for the elite .
Standby by for BBC stories about the shortage of NHS counsellors giving ‘ support’ to troubled Remainers – and shortages of anti depressants for the same .
I hesitate to write of people taking drastic action with their lives because they can’t take life without those Reich flags – this is because of the amount of vitriol floating around Twitter .
And I’m not making assumptions about Brexit actually happening at all – we’ve been here before .
But public information films about what cooks can replace French cheese with will be welcome .
What amazes me is the number of communists in the system that have been lurking under the radar for decades. I’m not referring to the massed ranks of Remainers marching in the streets who, when questioned demonstrate that they really don’t understand what is going on honestly. No, the commies, who in the ‘fifties were described as, “Reds under the Beds”, are now exposed. They have cherished this moment – to bring the first Democracy down – their goal to take control. Communists, Globalists, Islamist’s all working together all with their own individual aspirations. But all seeking totalitarianism.
Eventually the Communists, Globalists,Islamists, and other power seekers will fight amongst themselves.
I expect the Communists to win any battles as they have been, in the past, willing to kill anyone, in huge numbers to gain and keep power.
Their infrastructure and use of the available technology enables them to control and destroy their enemies, with no regard to morals or cost.
Top man is Piers !!! Why can’t there be more Remainers like him.
Look away if bad language offends.
What the F( edit by a Fedup Fedup ) is Countryfile going on about. …..Why are some parts of the countryside more aminable to refugees than others !!!!!!!
Omg I cannot wait to see them loose their licence, it’s unrelenting propaganda the like of which this country has never seen.
Please tell me it will all end soon…..
Halifax – however upset some BBC propaganda show made you THERE IS NO NEED TO CAPITALISE AND NO NEED DO THE SAME WITH THE EFF WORD ) . So Sunday night I’m editing you .
Signed Fedup 2 . Dis a pointed .
Duly noted……
No need for bad language it puts many readers and supporters off this site . If you really feel so bad and angry cut off Al Beeb’s life supply by not paying the tax that robs from the poor to give to the very rich.
It gives much more satisfaction . Believe me .
It will never end, we are past the tipping point.
It will end if you stop paying the unfair tax.
Countryfile : Apparently Tom Heap talking about where in the UK the UK’s 20,000 Syrian refugees have been homed in the UK is somehow COUNTRYSIDE news
Like they say Scotland has taken 2,800 and Greater London only 1,000
and Yorkshire much more than Suffolk
FFS There good reasons for that
London is already overcrowded and lacks the spare resources Scotland has.
It’s poor use of British tax if its used for expensive London accommodation.
CCBGB in Countryfiles Twitter threads
Exactly why myself and Mrs doobster78 now swerve it !!.
Not a single BBC programme is now immune from their obsession to push their propaganda on us.
“London is already overcrowded and lacks the spare resources Scotland has.” And the Garden Gnome in Scotland has already pleaded the case for more refugees. Good luck! The influx in some parts of Sweden has financially broken some local authorities as a result of the extra burden of non working migrants with no hope of gaining (or wanting) employment.
Just PATHETIC. These Lefties seem to really enjoy using kids to score petty points !!! Don’t even think Greta wanted all this liberal attention to be honest.
Poly’s told this kid to include their name and age for when certain Labour MPs use this photo in making their points and seek admiration and applause from their fellow MPs while in Parliament.
I’ve mentioned before how right it is for right wing politicians to avoid the biased MSM . Now – in an article in today’s Guardian a Washington journo laments the lack for formal press conferences and the replacement “ chopper talks” where POTUS shouts at the press with the sound of airforce 1 in the background .
How the biased vitriolic media deserve that treatment .
In some countries they throw them out of choppers.
Just saying.
“Brexit: Michel Barnier rejects demands for backstop to be axed”
Easy answer . Great Britain leaves the EU .
The Republic of Ireland will follow the UK, they voted out once before. We are their main customers. People from south of the border frequently cross to the north as some goods there are far cheaper to buy. No border. No backstop .
Friends of the Earth Ltd, has income of £5.9million, the vast majority of it from the People’s Postcode Lottery.
Though i see a lot of activists on Twitter are blinded by the front companies FoE use
and think it only has £70K in the bank
the People’s Postcode Lottery…just think about all the TV advertising we see for that
and the way peoples money is going to a Putin’s Little Helpers political org
Do the winners of the Post Code Lottery use their winnings in an environmentally friendly way?
I see the politicians (and remainers) all use the term ‘parliamentary democracy’ now instead of the usual term of ‘democracy’
This is because Parliament is against the people, they are out of touch and the 17.4 million winning vote (democracy) is being trashed by politicians (about 500 of them)
It’s not democracy so they have to qualify it by calling it something else which sounds like it means democracy.
It’s fooling some people but lots are now seeing through their tricks and silly games.
Are these politicians so isolated and stupid that they can’t understand we see right through them or are they so unbelievably arrogant that they disregard us and think they can cheat us out of our full Brexit.
A qualifier in front of a word completely changes its meaning.
It’s a bird – it’s a Duck, it’s a Bombay duck, which is of course a fish. The use of a qualifier completely changes the meaning.
Yet so few people understand their history. When the parliamentarians defeated the Royalists they took the powers of the king, we effectively elect our rulers for 5 years, and not our political representatives.
“we effectively elect our rulers for 5 years, and not our political representatives.”
Yes ……………….”In the last 50 years, the UK has had three different unelected Prime Ministers. James Callaghan served for three years and 29 days before losing the 1979 election to Margaret Thatcher, John Major spent one year and 132 days “living in sin with the electorate” until his 1992 election win and Gordon Brown, who lost the 2010 election after two years and 283 days in the job.”………………….
The BBC claims neutrality . But it doesn’t highlight the number of constituencies which voted leave as well as the view of the current MP – I put up the number of brexit constituencies / voting areas a couple of posts ago .
Those numbers have never been properly aired .
Nor has the argument about the consequence of parliament giving the people a vote – and the result – against the purely personal views of MPs in their own view of the EU .
It was a policy decision by the BBC – which is a wholly Remain organisation .
The best thing so far is that after all those years of remain Project Fear propaganda people still want to leave – and as the limited ‘ street protests’ showed this weekend – calls to protest by the likes of Corbyn – publicised by the BBC – did not have level of attendance they might have hoped for .
Al Beeb…. “Hurricane Dorian: Bahamas slammed by category five storm”
Who will they blame it on this time, Global Warming, President Trump or Brexit ?
Your choice, make it up as you go along Al Beeb , your viewing figures are falling and your end is nigh, The Brexit Party is coming …………………….
I might have fallen asleep but was the first of the new series of Money Box an all-female show?
The website photo is ‘on trend’ too, as the ‘on trend’ say, but who is the guy on the left, the removal man?×360/p07m1q4s.jpg
@JimS there was one male reporter among the 3 women in the studio

and the producer was male.
Prog had : 6 female voices vs 2 male
– mortgage broker Rebecca Robertson
– Director of Evolution Financial Planning and first time buyer Ashley Agwuncha
– Dan Whitworth investigates their relationship
– John Myers, whose son Ryan had a gambling addiction and took his own life
– Carolyn Harris, the Labour MP for Swansea East, who is chair of Parliamentary Group on Gambling Related Harm.
– Money Box listener Cathy from Hertfordshire
– debt campaigner and adviser Sara Williams
Presenter: Ruth Alexander
Producer: Paul Waters
The prog image ..well it looks like a photo library image
I go to Getty and I type “black family home” and it comes straight up
(The actual image tag is “African Ethnicity” “African-American Ethnicity”)
BBC Radio 4 have used it on other progs eg : Millennium Cohort Study
One things for sure – you won’t get female removal persons, road diggers, sewer workers, grave diggers, roofers, bricklayers, gas & elecricity workers, etc. etc. Anything that takes any real physical effort and is mucky – the men can do it.
So much for real imancipation. I would have thought the girls who are so ’empowered’ would want to turn their hands to anything?
Please don’t associate me with the above pictures off twitter – I wish they wouldn’t post these, they crept in afterwards – I’m no racist – Maybe leaning towards mysoginy, but that has only happened in recent times – as feminists are changing and getting more bigoted.
With their reporters running around in flak jackets and helmets in the middle of the mob, the BBC are casting themselves as cheerleaders for the violence, vandalism and disorder that are now the hallmarks if the Hong Kong protests.
Tonight on the news they said there is little that the authorities can do about it. Come the crackdown I fear that that he BBC and the protesters will find out soon enough exactly what China can do about it.
Instead of sticking to basic reporting, the BBC are too eager to takes sides and construct a narrative of an idealistic westernised population fighting for lawful liberal values against a hostile communist enemy.
Al Beeb………….
“Brexit: Gove won’t commit to abide by law to block no deal”
But ………….
People voted OUT in the referendum.
Parliament agrees to respect the result.
Prime Minister is promising to deliver.
Parliament has cold feet and tries to fudge the issue .
Prime minister brings in Her Majesty to deliver a new parliament date.
Traitor Parliament tries to change the law.
Prime Minister promises to deliver Brexit.
Traitor Parliament tries to change the law.
Reminers call for civil action.
British Armed Forces serve the Queen . Most of the British People support Brexit and HM Forces.
Game, Set and Match.
PM goes for General Election .
Before long Al Beeb will probably bring out their secret weapon …….
Tony B- liar !
“Now then guys and galls”, how’s that for an Anti-Brexit secret weapon ?
Sounds like Jimmy Saville

Emptying – can I seriously suggest you get your coat ????best chuckle today – even when I’m on the same flight to Spain with Christian Erickson trying not to be Christian Erickson …. ( if you’re a footy person you’ll know what I’m talking about ..)
Come on now Brexiteers why aren’t we helping the Remainers with their calls for a second referendum ?
After we’ve left the EU . A referendum to see if we want to (re)join the EU .
Then it’s their turn to set their stall out and explain the terms and conditions .
After all , people leave one place of employment , work elsewhere , then go back to the original establishment .
As some stars at the BBC would concur .
BBC 10 o’clock news reporting.
‘Hurricane Dorian made landfall in N W Bahamas, with winds of up to180 mph. The storm is the strongest hurricane in MODERN RECORDS in the region.’
So, how “modern” are these records?
In other words stronger events have happened in the past.
Typical all of the BBC AGW scaremongering, but this time they admit it, probably without realising..
“Modern Records”
Records as Al Beeb like to report them .
Modern records must have started in 1938 because the Bahamas had one this strong in 1937. It was before storms got names and before climate change. Several reports on the storm in the states carried that information but I guess it was too hard for the BBC to find. Shame really. What must they be doing with all that money?
“French air traffic control ‘outage’ hits UK flights”
Outage ?
Al Beeb, Is there more to this story than you tell us ?
Taffman – you left the r out ….
Memo to Anna Soubry and other remainders , and Leon Varadker
Wouldn’t it have been better to have a referendum on Ireland’ s independence in 1921 and not sent in the Black &Tans AND NOT WAITED 3 YEARS AND SAY THE PEOPLE DIDNT KNOW WHAT THEY VOTED FOR ?
Looks like Boris has finally decided to kick the Remoaners out of the Conservative Party, even if it means he loses his small majority in the House of Commons. An election will take place pretty soon as a result.
No it won’t.
Corbyn and MacDonald both know that if they go to the polls they will lose an election and Johnson will win a majority – despite the fact the cowardly useless incompetent Tories have done nothing about voting fraud which has cost them many a seat in the recent past.
They know that a minority government will be weak and manipulable, and that when it does fail, it will be blamed for that failure.
Thanks to the cowardly useless incompetent Cameron Boris has to contend with the fixed term parliament act and he can’t just call an election when he feels like it, especially with only two months to go before the Brexit deadline.
Boris needs to unify his party, and if that means forcing several MPs along with their far left associations out of the party then that might be the only way to do it.
Many so called Tories are little better than BLiar Mandelson Campbell, Labour to the core, but greedy with it
Amazament -imagine my astonishment when, last night at 11.30pm, Maria Margaronis spent half an hour discussing WH Auden’s poem: ‘1st September, 1939’.
I would have said ‘Imagine my pleasure’, as I am a fan of poetry, but I’ve got accustomed to months of bbc and radio4 programmes of all kinds, being turned into anti-government, anti-Brexit propaganda, so I was hesitant. I’ve also been aware that the recent third-rate efforts that -in terms of quality- light years from Milton or Keats, Donne or Pope, Plath or Dickinson, are dished up as ‘poetry’ cos something rhymes, or somewhere is the staccato beat of ‘rap’.
Well surprise, the poem is about the thirties, WW2 and the threat of fascism, including the Fuehrer, whose voice we hear. But another voice pops op in the collage of background music/voice fragments: it’s unmistakably, Boris Johnson.
You see, the bbc is very up-to-date. I did manage to enjoy the half-hour, but with a little smile on my face.
Who would have thought Boris making it into serious poetry along with Adolf and the odd US President from the distant past. What was the unsubtle point being made?
Mercifully, we were spared a dig at President Trump, (I think), now a rare event on R4.
I was driving when I heard that and I fell asleep at the wheel because it was so …. boring .. plenty about queers in it and i hadn’t heard the word ‘stanza’ since I was water/poet boarded when I was 16/18 on A level eng lit . Enough for any one to learn another language – strazvicha
I cannot even watch politics on MSM anymore especially the traitorous Beeb as I feel frustrated with their blatant and relentless anti-brexit etc. bias !