I’m first again.
Well this week isn’t going to be easy. Let’s just hope Boris pulls it off and then turns his sights onto the BBC.
I would also like to take this opportunity to apologise for my Countryfile induced rant.
I have administerd self induced penance of watching 2 episodes of Holby City including the one about the gay illegal migrant being beaten up.
Halifax , 0455 posting . Impressive . No worry on tha Apol . Personally I’d declared this site a free fire zone as far as language is concerned but it doesn’t belong to me and I agreed to try to keep ‘a standard ‘.
As for this week – panic buying popcorn
And as for countryfile – I used to kill things in the country on a regular basis so I’m afraid nice stories about nice people doing nice things in nice conditions don’t do it for me …
Backlinks, in case you are wondering what @Halifax is on about
– Countryfile came up halfway down page 3 which started at 3pm Sunday page 2 which started at 3pm Saturday
If you are pushed for time, one of the best ways of understand the world is to separate yourself from the noise of on going news
and instead stay 3 days behind and just check the top comments, cos by then the top comments have exposed the flaws in the news item.
Tip : to rip a graphic from Twitter
: right click over it
: select Copy Image Address
– Then when you post it here strip off the suffix after the question mark
and change it to end like XXX.jpg:small
Why would you do that ?
cos some sites like the BBC’s are set to prevent the sharing of images to third party sites
so the trick is to look up the prog on Twitter and grab the image from there.
I don’t watch Countryfile (having no TV – d’y’hear BBC?) but it is becoming obvious that the ‘refugees’ are being seeded around the country. I am seeing the horrible hijab in more and more places.
I may be cynical but it seems that the Powers That Be are determined that the remaining indigenous folk will have no place to go to get away from islam and that they won’t be happy until every little church in the land is converted into a mosque.
I know we are supposed to feel sympathy for these poor suffering refugees but the fact that they are mostly muslim has a whole additional dimension of impact on the Country that the PTB refuse to even think about. Puff pieces in the media about the wonderful contribution a particular newcomer is making to their new home, the implication being that they are better than us, doesn’t change the wider impact.
On the BBC webshite under the tag of “London violence.”
01 Sep – Two hurt in Tube station stabbing
31 Aug – Boy, 15, fighting for life after stab attack
30 Aug – Brixton Hill fatal stabbing victim named
29 Aug – Accused teen ‘showed knife’ to fatally stabbed dealer
29 Aug – Man dies of stab wounds and two arrested
25 Aug – Man in 60s stabbed to death in west London
22 Aug – Man stabbed in Trafalgar Square
21 Aug – Teenager charged with street stabbing murder
One word seems to crop up every time, but it’s all part and parcel of living in a big city – so they say.
I used to live and work in London and drive everywhere there as well. The only time I ever felt threatened, was when I used to park in the multi-storey in Brixton, and pop up via the Victoria Line to save time and parking meter cash.
One day, (well before mobile phones), I was getting back to the car from the tube, and realised – far too late – that I’d wandered a long way into a boarded-up cul-de-sac, full of brightly painted doors and windows. It was near the main road, but retracing one’s steps was the only option.
Nothing happened of course, but I’m very glad that I’ll never make that mistake again, because we’ve vowed never to visit London again because of the failure of the little git who’s supposed to be Mare.
What really worries me though, is the fact that a daughter regularly commutes by train, and walks everywhere if the weather is fine. Yeah, she’s in The City, but the business of that particular area is never ever going to deter some knife-bound murdering nutter or objectionable snowflake from causing mayhem and shrieking obscenities.
I’d worry about a daughter in London too . The guard has to be up all the time . I marvel at the faces of our of towners on the tube going to the theatre trying to play either spot the white person or someone who speaks English .
My borough is culture borough for the year so the tax payer picked up the tab for an African cultural binge .
One of the “cultural” things that I notice at the beginning of every year is the reporting of the new year sales. It’s always the same.
There’s the reporter in (maybe) Oxford Street and he’s blathering on about the latest bargains and the record sales. But when the camera scans the crowd there’s hardly a white person in sight.
Parts of the crowd look like down town Hong Kong, other parts look like Bangladesh and there’s always a rather lively section that resembles the Congo, but no one ever mentions it.
Am I still living in England?
I used to go to West Ham football matches in London in the eighties, was dangerous but kept going,
then used to visit London in 90s / 2000s with girlfriend, felt dangerous the areas we went to, but kept going,
from 2010 onwards have occasionally visited, now will not go,
the danger before I could recognise, understand and cope with, the danger now I can’t recognise, I can’t understand and am not willing to see if I can cope with
Last night I was with a group of friends and one raised the issue of Prince Andrew being a friend of Epstein’s. She said at least Trump had only met him before Epstein had pleaded guilty to being with young girls. I pointed out that Trump had as I understood only met Epstein once whereas Clinton had met him 26 times (ok, I may have been wrong and that think back it was that Clinton was on Epstein’s plane that number of times). Watched a Left leaning friend’s brain going ‘cannot compute’. The BBC’s work done.
I’m afraid I don’t share your optimism about Boris’s intentions. Hopefully you are right and I’m just a miserable pessimist.
But bear this in mind. He can’t bring back the same legislation in the same Parliamentary session. So if he intends to bring back May’s WA, he needs a new session, as I understand. Which may be the real reason for proroguing Parliament.
I have heard mixed reactions about removing the backstop. Is it only the backstop being removed? That part is still not clear yet but I have seen no hard evidence that he will go for May’s deal again and it would be a bad move if he does.
My hope is that he has been playing the remainers along to see if they would ease up but as they have failed to do so he is now threatening to sack them. This is something that does impress me. When did May ever sack anyone for trying to trip her up all the time? There was not even any suggestion of prorogation either while May was PM.
So far I am satisfied as Johnson has gone further than May has and has really got the remainers running scared. Lets hope that continues
BBC..they are having a field day – get ready for a whole mass of Remainers….already started. Rebecca Long Idiot on TV and repeated on R4 – stop no deal and ‘start rebuilding our economy’ has she not looked at the figures for the UK economy compared to EU?
Why does nobody ask why we have 3m EU citizens whilst they have 1m mainly retired people..I really can’t watch BBC anymore…
I too have it on in the background, its been full on Remain on BBC this morning. Not one Brexit supporting guest on TV. Antoinette Sanbach (Tory) was giving it large about supporting her constituents – again constituents who voted to Leave. Trainee Anna Soubry!
This is serious bias today by the BBC and no doubt will continue all week to add to the pressure being put on some Tory MPs to rebel against their own party and party manifesto which states better to leave with No Deal rather than a Bad Deal.
If she thinks the current WA is ok, why did it fail to get through Parliament?!
No one calls them out for what they are – Remainers!
Speaking of idiot female pols, how long before the BBC has a ‘special’ on why the country needs to be run by Caroline Lucas without need for all this voting by the majority malarkey?
Diana from Edinburgh is a t..t. She is just doing what all Remainers seem to do…ignore the result…They conveniently forget that the same parliament of Remainers voted Article 50 into law and there was not a clause saying (ps No Deal isn’t included) are now trying undo it.
So it is okay for them to now try and undo an existing law by making a new one to suit their changed minds..very democratic
The most annoying aspect of all of this is the BBC’s complete refusal to look at facts and just focus on Remainer’s spoutings
Pug, the Orwellian doublespeak is everywhere these days. Your above example being the best but also there is Corbyn’s ‘ stop a Bankers Brexit ‘, being another , the bankers who don’t want a Brexit under any circumstances. The BBC particularly adept at promoting this inversion of the truth. The BBC has been the major weapon used by the Marxists to subvert our country over the past fifty years. The corporation , along with the educational blob, has been in the vanguard of the progressive cultural revolution which has slowly moved the centre of gravity of politics to the left and today we find that policies which would have been unacceptable to most voters a few decades ago are now accepted as the norm, the destruction of the family, mass immigration, the powder puff criminal sentences, rewriting of our past and culture.
If we want our country back the BBC has to go.
A positive Brexit prog ?
9am Radio4 Singapore has been held up by some political figures in the UK as an example of how Britain might survive and indeed thrive after leaving the European Union https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00082cp
I could only take 30minutes . 0700. Nick Boales – who for some reason joined the Conservative Party and is annoyed that it’s ‘hard right ‘…. winge img about it and saying that listeners wouldn’t be in the hard right Tory party. Oh nick – so wrong and infected with the same hysteria as Soubry and the rest .
Bowles did a double act with a former advisor to May . NUf say. Tourette’s Robinson led a Remain sing song and them bitched that ‘
‘ no minister was insane enough to go onto the toady programme ‘ . Thank god. Sooner of later he is going to catch someone on the wrong day and the nation will hear him being slapped by … someone ….
Fiona must have been totally exhausted after ticking all the PC and diversity tick boxes.
Me? Well, after watching the Countryfile pro Syrian ‘Refugee’ appreciation show on just before The Antiques Roadshow, I just thought it was just pathetic.
I have noticed some of the women of colour in Fiona’s section in previous programmes, they have looked familiar. Not quite the same ones every week but just once or twice, I have thought I have seen the same ladies before. Members of the production team or paid extras perhaps?
I though exactly the same. I have been to these events and the number of BAME is soooooo small that all the laws of statistics are broken by the front rows of BBC shots….They think we are all stupid…all it does it get people to turn off…
I have written about this before. It’s the BBC virtue signalling.
The BBC ‘s purpose is to educate us on diversity and positive
It’s for sure a BBC agenda. Deborah says that she thinks she has
seen the same ladies before. I think that the BBC has employed
a lady that can wear a burqa, niqab or just a scarf to be the
first member of the general public they ask for their opinion on
a range of subjects. Stretching from the weather on the beach
at Bournemouth to trains being cancelled at Liverpool St station.
“….looked familiar.”
Relatives from the previous ones? Previous ones asked to give relatives names and contact when/if the “Roadshow” comes to a local area near them. That would account for the similarities but usefully only one if wearing a concealment head bag.
I watched the film Mary Magdalene over the weekend, and at my mature age, and having being taught extensive religious lessons at school, at no time was I made aware that two of Jesus’ disciples were black. Ok, it could have been a possibility, but Peter and Andrew the Fishermen have never been depicted in paintings or the written word as men of deep colour, unlike the actors who portrayed them – Chiwetal Eijifor and Charles Babalola.
I don’t have issues with actors of colour having acting roles – the above are fine actors, and the likes of Denzil Washington, Will Smith, Morgan Freeman, Samuel Jackson et al have made excellent films their own when taking the lead, but shoving an actor of colour into any historical role for the sake of diversity, is distorting perceived reality, because it takes away the enjoyment, and we, the viewer, just sit there thinking “really ?”.
Traditionally Bris’, the disciples would all have been depicted as white, mainly due to the artists being European and using local men to model for them. This wasn’t done to deceive, it’s what they had to hand. Clearly the area these Jewish folk were actually from, they wouldn’t have been white but middle eastern.
Of course now that the liberal establishment are in the ascendancy they’re doing everything they can to “redress the balance” as they see it. It’s dishonest, it’s done for purely political reasons and it’s wrong…
What gets my goat is when they shoe horn a “person of colour” into an historical position where it’s clearly ludicrous. As you’d expect The Beeb is guilty of this on an industrial scale. One of the most cringe worthy I’ve seen was their depiction of The Battle of Hastings . In this production, written and narrated by arch lefty Dan Snow, William’s first lieutenant is a black geezer, FFS! This is the bloke giving the orders! It’s utter balderdash and they know it, but I’m afraid that youngsters watching this cobblers will fall for it. Some of our kids think The Battle of Hastings has something to do with Spitfire pilots. It’s terrifying!
Nowadays everything I watch on the telly, be it comedy, drama or (so called) documentary, I take it to be propaganda first and foremost and everything else a distant second.
And I also take it with a very large pinch of salt…
Maybe some time in the future the BBC will do a series on the life and times of Tony Blair and will cast a black man in the title role.
Why not? After all he is responsible for changing the demographic of our country. Cheri of course would have to be played by a white woman as that would be in line with the media’s perception of a successful couple.
Happily other members of the public present will know how our far left Marxist State Broadcaster arranged the throng for there to be ‘conveniently’ placed ethnics to interview. Doubtless they will pass this info on to friends and family……………
No substitute for word of mouth.
This is a still from The Antiques Roadshow I captured from May this year. The ‘audience’ was predominantly white but there is this tall black man right behind the expert. But that is not the interesting part.
While everyone is looking down at the antique in the expert’s hands, look at his line of sight. He is looking horizontally out into the distance, as if responding to the ques he is been given by a producer / director, which I am convinced that is what is happening. He’s probably part of the production team, or just hired to be the token black face in the (predominantly) crowd of white faces.
You can see he is literally focussing on someone out of camera shot.
(Forgive the quality, I lost some of the definition by blowing it up but I think it proves my point.)
Woman’s hour….women suffer from more insomnia than men..and how do they know this? Well they don’t…but I am going to hazard a guess it is the fault of men…
and Period sex – why the F>>>K is this even of interest…oh it’s a book by a BBC presenter..
What happened to intelligent discussion about subjects of importance. I do not know any women that think talking about period sex is that interesting….
When will they realise there is a reason listeners are deserting them in droves
I listened to a few minutes of Woman’s Hour this Monday morning. Don’t know whether it was the same item as James A but there was a woman speaking about how EVERY DAY she thinks about whether her 11 year old niece has started her periods. The lady sounded by her accent that she may have been black, and maybe it is a cultural thing. I doubt my nieces read this site [SWJs) but I have never wasted a second of my life wondering about their periods. I just found the idea weird. I think I am normal. Are there no production people at Woman’s Hour who also think their guest odd and might have thought ‘too weird to appear?’ Guess not.
Bercow like Merkel, breaks established procedures and conventions, at will. Both THINK they ARE the state, and thus have the freedom to break whatever law or convention they wish.
A spell in jail would do them both good. A chance to reflect.
Unlike terrorists and illegals TR does not get any legal aid and the establishment are making him pay their prosecution costs in an attempt to break him financially (their other dubious methods having failed so far).
His detractors say he is just a money-grabber, but TR speaks the truth and still deserves support.
I see Tony B Liar has given Soros’s instructions to the remainers, and it is as I said on the previous thread.
The remainers know they have this parliament stitched up and if there is an election they risk losing control, particularly if Boris sacks many of them.
B Liar is banging on about a second referendum again (quelle surprise) as an alternative to a general election which the left and remain now believe they would lose.
So much for democracy and democratic accountability in this country.
In support of the courts declaring Boris’ proroguing Parliament is an unlawful procedure – https://ukconstitutionallaw.org/2019/09/02/paul-craig-prorogation-constitutional-principle-and-law-fact-and-causation/
The author blatantly ignores certain, “facts” he claims to all embracingly include in his assessment. Like, the past 3 years of discussion, debate and so-called, “negotiation with the EU”. Plus the legislation that is already in place i.e. ‘the Statute Law’. Boris is certainly not attempting to sidestep this, that which the majority in Parliament voted on and in support of. This guy needs to be interviewed by a practicing Constitutional lawyer.
now on Talk Radio : 11am, Alastair Campbell will be discussing Tony Blair’s ‘elephant trap’ General Election warning to Labour.
Listen live ► http://talkradio.co.uk/live
I don’t know about everyone else here, but my plastic milk bottles always go to the recycling box. Are the BBC trying to suggest that they aren’t actually being recycled?
Do all those who are making a song and dance about having milk delivered in GLASS (good God) bottles, want a sodding medal ?? I was brought up with having the milk delivered and have continued to do so ever since – now if we can get back to having glass bottles of pop instead of those wobbly bottomed 2 litre plastic monstrosities ………..
Contrast that photo with the 2019 London @MurderMap image
which shows a quite different proportion of skin tones
& note that even many whites have non-traditional names
(33 of 95 victims are unpictured)
DM: “Filming for big-budget movie starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Claire Foy could be delayed as travellers pitch up in Kent countryside where key scenes were due to be shot.”
Don’t you love it when ‘no-walls’ luvvies find that – erm – sometimes walls are quite useful to keep out the riff-raff?
Where’s Jon Snow when you need him, with his ‘never seen so many white people in one place’.
Oh I forgot: anti-Brexiteers are ‘acceptable’ white people, as opposed to Brexiteers who are to be sneered at.
As the Speccie pointed out at the time: ‘Because make no mistake: when members of the liberal elite say ‘white people’, they aren’t talking about white people like themselves — they’re talking about the ‘white people’ out there, from outside of London, with their strange accents and beliefs and habits. ‘White people’ is increasingly PC code for the lower orders.’
Can’t listen to BBC anymore today….these Remainers are F>>wits if they don’t realise that having No Deal is all part of negotiating…
It is one Remainer/No Deal unacceptable Tory after another…
They just don’t get it do they? The UK in general just want it to move ahead one way or another….
It has probably been said before but how can legislation against ‘no deal’ work? A ‘deal’ requires the agreement of the EU who aren’t subject to UK law. The EU, in theory, works to EU law, in this case ‘Article 50’. Once the (extended) negotiating period finishes we are out of the EU according to EU law and there is nothing that the ‘remainers’ or Labour chancers can do about it.
Do these MPs hope that having made ‘no deal’ illegal that the EU will extend Article 50 in perpituity and never negotiate a deal?
Just supposing that we do leave ‘no deal’ the fun won’t be over as we are bound to start negotiating some sort of relationship, (call it a trade deal), with the EU, something that the EU has never been good at doing quickly as there are so many conflicting interests in the EU to reconcile.
In passing, parliament seems to like passing ‘Canute’ legislation now, i.e. Climate Change is now ‘illegal’, how will that be enforced?
James – I emphasise . One strand of the ‘game “ is that is Boris survives until the council of ministers meeting coming up in October the Reich will pull a new deal rabbit out of a hat and all will be well .
In real life the Reich judges that there will be change in the sell out and we ll just leave , experience a severe drop on life style and then beg to rejoin in 2021 2022. In the meantime we will need to work on deporting EU guest workers who can’t be asked to register – but like the West Indians .
Picture of Spanish tomatoes in Tesco lorries rotting at Calais ….
There are rallies that black people go to
I think there is a conflict between the Evangelical christianity that is popular with Afro-americans and the pseudo-liberals of the Democrat side
Re: the Afghan migrant terror attack in Lyon which left one dead and nine injured (three critically).
The Independent duly reports a ‘man’ involved and that “the attack is not believed to be terror related”; the Guardian is stumped as to the killer’s motive: “the reasons for the attack were still not clear.” BBC can’t even be bothered to have it on their website at all.
Well two minutes research shows an interesting vid: the killer deciding not to stab one particular man on his spree who can be heard saying “inshallah” and even high-fiving him.
MSM now at DEFCON 5 levels of denial.
New vid of y-day's knife attack in #Lyon#France (1 dead+9 injured)shows the attacker #MarmedNiazi (asylum seeker from Afghanistan) sparing the life of an Arab man who says "inshallah"(if good wills it)
Which might give a clue as to his ‘motives’ to the Indie/ Guardian / Beeb if they cared to find out, which they don’t.
Other clues could be found in the quran which enjoins followers to kill infidels wherever they find them.
According to a direct witness of the attack who spoke to Le Progrès, the suspect reportedly made a religious reference at the time of the events: “They do not read the Koran”.
Talk Radio games : “Sorry, this content isn’t available right now”
I logged on this morning
And there was a strange headline on the TalkRadio page ‘Significant spike’ in Islamophobia since PM’s ‘letterbox comments” TellMama say https://talkradio.co.uk/news/significant-spike-islamophobia-pms-letterbox-comments-19090232029
I opened that news story
but left it for a while
Later I had to reboot the computer and strangely then the story came up with a completely different title and narrative Anti-Muslim incidents drop by 11 per cent TellMama say https://talkradio.co.uk/news/anti-muslim-incidents-drop-11-cent-19090232029
(note how the 2 stories have the same ending number)
I checked and I see they had promoted that first story on Twitter and Facebook ..yet when I check
I get this “Sorry, this content isn’t available right now”
..Yeh cos they deleted those tweets/FB posts
The deleted story began
\\ An anti-racism organisation has said there was a “significant spike” in Islamophobic incidents in the days after Boris Johnson compared women in burkas to “letterboxes”.
Tell MAMA said anti-Muslim incidents rose by 375 per cent from the week before the comments to the week afte ..”
So from one report 2 narratives,
#1 375%t ‘spike’ in Islamophobia since PM’s ‘letterbox comments” TellMama say
(cherrypick one short-term)
vs #2 Anti-Muslim incidents drop by 11 per cent TellMama say
(picking the long-term)
Radio4 drama just now
“In Bristol there is a corner Blackboy’s Hill
and White Ladies Rd
“So much of THIS (racism) is right in your face
and you don’t even see it until it’s pointed out ”
Really so “Blackboy” has a connection to slavery ??
Did you check that Radio4 ?? discussion
I am from Bristol and am reliably informed that the term Whiteladies is a reference to the fact that it was an area frequented by prostitutes in times gone by. Going off on a slight tangent, there is also a road called Roman Way in Bristol. I am in a permanent state of outrage about this and the insensitivity of the local council to our country being invaded and occupied by the Romans. I may stage a demonstration at the end of the road but I will need to not wash for a few weeks and buy some tie dyed leggings.
The name stuff is really good . You can get on the tube at Blackhorse Road and get off at white city . And if you are from the planet farg you can get out at green park ….
Hi Daphne, I live in Upper Knowle, the posher bit. I always thought it was public houses that the roads referred to and Wiki agrees:
The upper part of the road is commonly known as Blackboy Hill, named after the Black Boy Inn which stood on the hill until 1874.[1] “Black Boy” was a common name for pubs after the Restoration. Charles II was commonly known as “the black boy” due to his black hair[2] and the pub sign on Blackboy Hill had, until very recently, a portrait of Charles II on it.
The origin of the name of Whiteladies Road appears to be a pub, known as the White Ladies Inn, shown on maps in 1746[3] and 1804.[4] There is a popular belief in Bristol that the naming of both Whiteladies Road and Blackboy Hill had connections with the slave trade, but this is probably an urban myth. Both names appear to be derived from pubs.
Perhaps the White Ladies Inn was a brothel? Lefties always find a way to twist it to their supposed advantage and so few people call them out on it.
I have a lovely necklace with the head of a Blackamore (look it up) as an attached pendant. But since the furore that erupted when Princess Michael of Kent wore a similar brooch, I’ve been reluctant to wear it, for fear of being snapped by some twat with a camera phone. Never thought I’d be ‘frightened’ to wear a piece of jewellery in case someone would be ‘outraged’ by it.
Years ago, I did a reasonably large job on behalf of the BBC architects, on a scheme in their studios in White Ladies Rd.
Back then the Beeb were an institution to reckon with, with charming executives, great professionals and a very hard-working bunch of good guys and gals. The building team worked wonders on the old place, which was well past its sell-by date, and I got a pleasant financial commission from my company, so that was a result for Senora The Countess O’Blene and yours truly! I think we celebrated with a bottle of plonk, but I can’t remember that far back. We also might have considered/actioned increasing the family numbers, but that’s not really something you need to know about!
Come to think of it, it’s the only time I ever got anything useful back from them…
BBC make a great deal of noise about Boris abusing ‘process’ and MPs who do not back his Brext proposals. However they did not have much to say about an incident when John Reid was Home Secretary. While he was delivering a speech to Labour Party members and supporters, an elderly member shouted out “rubbish” at which police assaulted and bundled him out of the building then arrested him for an offence under “The Terrorism Act”.
Now that is abuse of the Law, Police powers and an Act of Parliament.
BBC2 tonight “rise of the nazis” about the 1930s but (per Radio Times) …Right at the end of this first episode, the experts are unequivocal. Of course there are modern parallels – too many. The slide of Germany into a far-right hell led by Adolf Hitler in the 1930s “informs our current world”, says one historian. “It is a warning to us.”
Who now? Trump, Johnson or Farage? Place your bets.
In Oswald Mosley’s essay The World Alternative published in 1936 he wrote “We must return to the fundamental concept of European union which animated the war generation of 1918,”
The idea of a united Europe began to develop in the final days of the Second World War. Concepts such as Nation Europa and Eurafrika, both of which looked for an ever-closer union between European countries, gained some currency in the German far-right underground in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War. Another important influence was Benito Mussolini’s manifesto of the Italian Social Republic, which included a call for the establishment of a European Community. Mosley insisted that a supranational European state was essential to the plan. The policy was presented to the wider electorate in October 1948 when Mosley called for elections to a European Assembly as the first step towards his vision.
He contended that the racial kinship between the Germanic peoples of Europe, whom he defined as the Germans, British, Scandinavians and northern French, would be the basis for unity.
This is why Max Mosley became a Blairite and why other old Tories support the EU.
JRTs are the most feisty dogs you can get. They never give up, love their fellows/friends/’owners’ to death, and are the most loyal animals I can ever think of.
Anyone watch politics live?
Maybe it should be called the Sarah Jones show as she talked most of the way through it.
A typical gobby lefty.
When not talking it was a competition between her and jo Corbyn to see who could interrupt and talk over the Tory mp.
The lovely Alex Philips from the Brexit Party was only allowed minimal time but was the only one talking sense.
The 2 guests (both remainers of course) were kuensberg and little Owen Jones.
Sarah Jones didn’t get interrupted during her many lengthy rants but as soon as the Tory opened his mouth the talking over him started.
You’re dead right – lets get some men back into current affairs to get a more balanced view – You know the creatures that don’t have as much to prove with their Liberal feminist ’empowerment’
“Brexit: Election discussions in No 10 amid Brexit battle”
Boris will cave in, as wants a deal, Mrs May’s Deal less a backstop. The Backstop is only a ruse.
Three years + on and we are still in the EU so its still Parliament Vs People.
How will Al Beeb spin this ? We need a General Election.
Standby Brexit Party ……………..
I wonder if Jon Snow will utter his imortal words ‘I’ve never seen so many white people in one place’.
He was cleared by Ofcom (what a surprise) after more than 2500 people complained, so he should be free to say it again if he wants to, the big question is though – would he want to ?
Listened to a mob chanting something and a Prime Minister competing with the noise making an address to the nation, saying deal deal, deal,deal. Can’t the fool realise that the BBC will provide backing protest noises for any outdoor speech . Has Downing Street no facilities for indoor broadcasts?
7.30pm on BBC1 #insideout Your LOCAL virtue signalling show
eg Northwest
– The causes and casualties of air rage
– How climate change is affecting wildlife near you;
– why LS Lowry’s mother wasn’t a fan of his work
7:30pm Yorks Lincs *GLOBAL WARMING*
– Professor Tony Ryan explains why the medical profession could do much better on recycling plastic
– , Nick Baker looks at how the changing seasons are affecting our birds
– Mike Dilger finds out what is being done to protect our landscape and wildlife from the effects of climate
West : *climate change special*
-. We’ve got exclusive access to the Stroud founders of Extinction Rebellion during a summer of eco protest
and disruption.
– We follow the Weston-super-Mare curry house owner trying to ditch plastic take-away containers.
– Nick Baker reveals what impact climate change is having on UK wildlife.
West Mids
– Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare and the man who put the town on the tourist map.
– how climate change is already impacting our wildlife.
-how laws to stop the discarding of fish catches are being flouted
– the latest on a collapsed investment firm scandal
– the impact of climate change on some of our most cherished birds.
South East
– a former rough sleeper in Brighton as he dedicates his life to helping the homeless.
– how climate change is threatening clifftop cottages in Sussex. (been on before)
– how is the climate affecting bird species in the South East?
South : why any mobile phone use behind the wheel – even hands-free – is riskier than we think.
– how Rocket Post came to the South in the 1930s and attempt a world first across the Solent
– we learn why some of our garden birds are finding summers in the south too hot for comfort and are flying further north.
– After months of erratic weather is the North prepared for long term climate change?
– What do changing weather patterns mean for visiting birds to local gardens?
– how conservation plans have seen a boom in numbers of lobsters being caught off the North East coast.
London – Naturalist Mike Dilger joins marine biologists via sea, land and air to count the arrival of this summer’s seal pups.
– impact climate change is having on our wildlife.
– And food critic Nigel Barden finds out how we can eat out in style and cut our carbon footprint.
East Mids – What Britain’s bird life could be telling us about climate change in the region
– Summaya Mughal takes the Carbon Footprint Challenge
– concerns about ‘altitude tourism’ from the man who conquered Everest, Nottingham’s Doug Scott.
East – What’s been the impact of climate change on the region’s wildlife?
From iconic species such as the curlew, to summer visitors such as swifts, there’s evidence things are changing. Nick Baker’s been on a journey from back garden to high moorland to exclusively reveal the latest picture.
– a virus passed on by pregnant mums that can lead to hearing loss in children.
– the journey of water across Norfolk to people’s taps in Essex as companies trade and borrow water in times of need.
In the SW edition we saw the BBC presenter cook a haddock , potatoes & put the whole lot in the bin.
“Since this fish is bycatch we and not legal for sale, we are not sure it’s legal to eat i, so better play safe”
We saw that there had been a UK law change banning fisherman from throwing the bycatch
The system was to be that they would still comply with EU law that says it cannot be used for human consumption, as they would sell it for pet food indusrtry or cosmetic industry.
In practice the fisherman would inncur icing and landing charges, so they are choosing to illegally throw it at sea so that they stay within their EU quotas and don’t risk having their boats banned for six months.
I’m delighted to announce @lewis_goodall will join @BBCNewsnight as policy editor in Nov. Lewis is an exceptional journalist bringing fresh insight & a rich knowledge of the political landscape, frequently tapping into his deep understanding of historical events and trends. pic.twitter.com/diZMBuJ6wj
Another one leaving Sky. I actually enjoyed his reporting as he relayed the facts without bias, but I suspect that will now change. Haven’t seen much of Beth Rigby either with all the goings on at Westminster – this should be her Olympics ! Perhaps the shadow of Adam Boulton is too great for anyone to survive politically at Sky.
Um, whatever happened to Faisal Islam since he joined the BBC as a reported Political Editor (??) about a year ago now.
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, it is still the cricket season and Yorkshire hosted a great Ashes Test Match last month) Mr Islam is the Economics Editor, not the Political Editor much as some would like to see the back of ‘Part-time’.
He crept very quietly into post earlier this year. The announcement of his leaving Sky or C4 or whatever and joining the BBC was made about a year ago but he had a spot of ‘gardening leave’ between appointments. Think he may have been waxing literal, like, as da yoof doth say. He doesn’t appear to Blog, unlike Kamal, Pesto and Steffie did in their time as EconoEd..
Speaking of which, Faisal’s predecessor’s literary efforts appear to have gone down like a lead balloon. Haven’t heard any mention of ‘The Life and Times’ on the Beeb which is very unlike them.
What’s remarkable about the British Broadcasting Corporation is that they never realise that a smug twat looking like a dumbed-down Travolta might not make someone interested in their autocued boring diatribes.
They’ve become homogenised into a sludge of mindless drivel, dumbed-down to reach the thickest trollope/couch-potato in charge of the remote, and then state that they’re there to inform.
Of politicians:
“64% went to fee-paying schools and 45% to Oxford or Cambridge.”
‘Diversity’-wise that’s pretty good compared to the media bubble!
The answer to Paxman’s question is that they have all been cowed by Paxman and his crowd into sticking to the script. They know that if they stray off that script or start to say what they actually think their words will be taken out of context and used to damn them for ever more.
A conversational style of interview would be better for the people and the politicians but wouldn’t win Paxman a ‘Pulitzer’.
I agree – some of the questioning by most of the younger, female element , I have to say, of the MSM is quite rude and threatening. We have to ask ourselves what sort of politicians do we want. Those just tough enough to withstand the media rottweillers or those that have real conviction and ideals. I know which I’d rather have. The media have to back off a bit and stop being so driven and nasty.
The fear of the French and Germans of a roaring British success post Brexit is nothing compared to the fear of our Labour MPs and the BBC that that could be the outcome.
The EU are talking about extending the deadline though, so if they unilaterally extend the offer the door remains open for the remainers to keep on moaning about a ‘no deal’ catastrophe, although by then the game will be up.
Notice that still no one is asking the glaringly obvious questions as to why no deal would be so allegedly harmful, and under what kind of no deal this might be the case.
Meanwhile BBC favourite , impartial Jon retweets this ….
"No circumstances in which I will ask for delay". Johnson makes clear that even if MPs vote for an extension, he will ignore them. An explicit threat to the rule of law
Sometimes, you just sense there may be a little bit of bias there with Jon !!!! He really is a poisonous little snake who seems to relish playing the victim.
Jon Freedland is very funny. When Hitler came to power he never broke any laws – same with Tony B Liar, because they simply changed the law retrospectively if necessary.
BBC desperate for a general election. If you were just checking the news for the first time today , you’d be forgiven thinking Boris had actually called one !!!
This is a common complaint on the Newswatch programme that the BBC and it’s reporter’s just give THEIR opinion and not the plain facts ! As usual, they don’t listen.
Are you guys ready to abandon your mind-numbing establishment bias and find the political impartiality you buried deep in a time capsule in the Blue Peter garden?
Wow, the BBC journos have some very interesting sources.
Katya Adler
Europe editor
“We can see Boris Johnson is playing a political game,” a diplomat from a country traditionally very close to the UK told me. “But we don’t understand the rules or the strategy.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-49553654
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:56 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “🇩🇪🇺🇸‼️🚨 GERMAN GOVERNMENT ATTACKS ELON AND PAID FOR THIS CAR! One of the topical Carnival cars in Düsseldorf shows: -…
DoublethinkerMar 4, 13:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Find Jeffery Sachs on YouTube and he explains why the Ukraine / Russia war started . Basically it was the…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WE HAVE NO MONEY … Dear MP Darren Henry, 13 Parliament’s £13 billion restoration. 150 HS2 £150 billion, original budget…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:45 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Alleged attacker Alexander S. (pictured) smashed a Ford Fiesta car smashed through a group of people on Monday at about…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 13:42 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “LOL – Chrystia Freeland: mad as a box of frogs. She says Britain’s nukes could protect Canada from the US?…
Fedup2Mar 4, 13:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 World at One Poor Sarah – exhibiting the bewilderment occupying the swamp as President Trump pulls funding for Ukraine .…
AlthepalerpMar 4, 13:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Let us assume for a minute Russia invades Britain in a few years. Gen Z cant be bovered to fight,…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 13:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What pause in US military aid could mean for Ukraine https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ce8yz5dk82wo “could mean” – could? “it may be months” may?…
I’m first again.
Well this week isn’t going to be easy. Let’s just hope Boris pulls it off and then turns his sights onto the BBC.
I would also like to take this opportunity to apologise for my Countryfile induced rant.
I have administerd self induced penance of watching 2 episodes of Holby City including the one about the gay illegal migrant being beaten up.
Halifax , 0455 posting . Impressive . No worry on tha Apol . Personally I’d declared this site a free fire zone as far as language is concerned but it doesn’t belong to me and I agreed to try to keep ‘a standard ‘.
As for this week – panic buying popcorn
And as for countryfile – I used to kill things in the country on a regular basis so I’m afraid nice stories about nice people doing nice things in nice conditions don’t do it for me …
Backlinks, in case you are wondering what @Halifax is on about
– Countryfile came up halfway down page 3 which started at 3pm Sunday
page 2 which started at 3pm Saturday
If you are pushed for time, one of the best ways of understand the world is to separate yourself from the noise of on going news
and instead stay 3 days behind and just check the top comments, cos by then the top comments have exposed the flaws in the news item.
Tip : to rip a graphic from Twitter
: right click over it
: select Copy Image Address
– Then when you post it here strip off the suffix after the question mark
and change it to end like XXX.jpg:small
Why would you do that ?
cos some sites like the BBC’s are set to prevent the sharing of images to third party sites
so the trick is to look up the prog on Twitter and grab the image from there.
I don’t watch Countryfile (having no TV – d’y’hear BBC?) but it is becoming obvious that the ‘refugees’ are being seeded around the country. I am seeing the horrible hijab in more and more places.
I may be cynical but it seems that the Powers That Be are determined that the remaining indigenous folk will have no place to go to get away from islam and that they won’t be happy until every little church in the land is converted into a mosque.
I know we are supposed to feel sympathy for these poor suffering refugees but the fact that they are mostly muslim has a whole additional dimension of impact on the Country that the PTB refuse to even think about. Puff pieces in the media about the wonderful contribution a particular newcomer is making to their new home, the implication being that they are better than us, doesn’t change the wider impact.
It’s enough to make anyone swear.
The country I fear is probably finished thanks to hordes of Islam and
our useless politicians…
On the BBC webshite under the tag of “London violence.”
01 Sep – Two hurt in Tube station stabbing
31 Aug – Boy, 15, fighting for life after stab attack
30 Aug – Brixton Hill fatal stabbing victim named
29 Aug – Accused teen ‘showed knife’ to fatally stabbed dealer
29 Aug – Man dies of stab wounds and two arrested
25 Aug – Man in 60s stabbed to death in west London
22 Aug – Man stabbed in Trafalgar Square
21 Aug – Teenager charged with street stabbing murder
One word seems to crop up every time, but it’s all part and parcel of living in a big city – so they say.
They missed the double near fatal stabbings in Ilford and a wpc with a broken nose in a gang fight in good old e4 at ‘a cultural event ‘
Talking of cultural events…
Woman has top of lip bitten off at Notting Hill Carnival by man who said he was ‘the devil’
Murders : you can track which ones the BBC miss by using the London Murder Map list
..scan down the page until you see the photos which begin below the latest murder
Then read upwards
All 26 unsolved murders in 2017 appear to of a non-white-British victim
well most of this years murders are non-white
Nail-sur-head, Coopers!
I used to live and work in London and drive everywhere there as well. The only time I ever felt threatened, was when I used to park in the multi-storey in Brixton, and pop up via the Victoria Line to save time and parking meter cash.
One day, (well before mobile phones), I was getting back to the car from the tube, and realised – far too late – that I’d wandered a long way into a boarded-up cul-de-sac, full of brightly painted doors and windows. It was near the main road, but retracing one’s steps was the only option.
Nothing happened of course, but I’m very glad that I’ll never make that mistake again, because we’ve vowed never to visit London again because of the failure of the little git who’s supposed to be Mare.
What really worries me though, is the fact that a daughter regularly commutes by train, and walks everywhere if the weather is fine. Yeah, she’s in The City, but the business of that particular area is never ever going to deter some knife-bound murdering nutter or objectionable snowflake from causing mayhem and shrieking obscenities.
I’d worry about a daughter in London too . The guard has to be up all the time . I marvel at the faces of our of towners on the tube going to the theatre trying to play either spot the white person or someone who speaks English .
My borough is culture borough for the year so the tax payer picked up the tab for an African cultural binge .
One of the “cultural” things that I notice at the beginning of every year is the reporting of the new year sales. It’s always the same.
There’s the reporter in (maybe) Oxford Street and he’s blathering on about the latest bargains and the record sales. But when the camera scans the crowd there’s hardly a white person in sight.
Parts of the crowd look like down town Hong Kong, other parts look like Bangladesh and there’s always a rather lively section that resembles the Congo, but no one ever mentions it.
Am I still living in England?
I’m not, and glad of it.
I used to go to West Ham football matches in London in the eighties, was dangerous but kept going,
then used to visit London in 90s / 2000s with girlfriend, felt dangerous the areas we went to, but kept going,
from 2010 onwards have occasionally visited, now will not go,
the danger before I could recognise, understand and cope with, the danger now I can’t recognise, I can’t understand and am not willing to see if I can cope with
Last night I was with a group of friends and one raised the issue of Prince Andrew being a friend of Epstein’s. She said at least Trump had only met him before Epstein had pleaded guilty to being with young girls. I pointed out that Trump had as I understood only met Epstein once whereas Clinton had met him 26 times (ok, I may have been wrong and that think back it was that Clinton was on Epstein’s plane that number of times). Watched a Left leaning friend’s brain going ‘cannot compute’. The BBC’s work done.
Look how Twitter accounts say fake things
I checked and it’s like all the account’s are anti-Trump
All the account’s tweets are anti-Trump
I’m afraid I don’t share your optimism about Boris’s intentions. Hopefully you are right and I’m just a miserable pessimist.
But bear this in mind. He can’t bring back the same legislation in the same Parliamentary session. So if he intends to bring back May’s WA, he needs a new session, as I understand. Which may be the real reason for proroguing Parliament.
Conspiracy theories R Us.
Despite his cuddly, blond, tousled exterior, I suspect he is as much an eel inside, as the rest of ’em.
BoJo has shown himself to be untrustworthy in the past and as yet I see no convincing reason to trust him this time.
Like you Roland I hope I’m wrong.
Echo that.
I’m more than a leeetle bit uneasy about Bojo’s games. Good piece by John Longworth on Conservative Woman web-site.
I have heard mixed reactions about removing the backstop. Is it only the backstop being removed? That part is still not clear yet but I have seen no hard evidence that he will go for May’s deal again and it would be a bad move if he does.
My hope is that he has been playing the remainers along to see if they would ease up but as they have failed to do so he is now threatening to sack them. This is something that does impress me. When did May ever sack anyone for trying to trip her up all the time? There was not even any suggestion of prorogation either while May was PM.
So far I am satisfied as Johnson has gone further than May has and has really got the remainers running scared. Lets hope that continues
BBC..they are having a field day – get ready for a whole mass of Remainers….already started. Rebecca Long Idiot on TV and repeated on R4 – stop no deal and ‘start rebuilding our economy’ has she not looked at the figures for the UK economy compared to EU?
Why does nobody ask why we have 3m EU citizens whilst they have 1m mainly retired people..I really can’t watch BBC anymore…
I too have it on in the background, its been full on Remain on BBC this morning. Not one Brexit supporting guest on TV. Antoinette Sanbach (Tory) was giving it large about supporting her constituents – again constituents who voted to Leave. Trainee Anna Soubry!
This is serious bias today by the BBC and no doubt will continue all week to add to the pressure being put on some Tory MPs to rebel against their own party and party manifesto which states better to leave with No Deal rather than a Bad Deal.
If she thinks the current WA is ok, why did it fail to get through Parliament?!
No one calls them out for what they are – Remainers!
Speaking of idiot female pols, how long before the BBC has a ‘special’ on why the country needs to be run by Caroline Lucas without need for all this voting by the majority malarkey?
Maybe they will give Diane from Edinburgh her own slot on the New* Newsnight?
*You can gild a Lily. And the bbc can polish a show masquerading as impartial.
Diana from Edinburgh is a t..t. She is just doing what all Remainers seem to do…ignore the result…They conveniently forget that the same parliament of Remainers voted Article 50 into law and there was not a clause saying (ps No Deal isn’t included) are now trying undo it.
So it is okay for them to now try and undo an existing law by making a new one to suit their changed minds..very democratic
The most annoying aspect of all of this is the BBC’s complete refusal to look at facts and just focus on Remainer’s spoutings
Pug, the Orwellian doublespeak is everywhere these days. Your above example being the best but also there is Corbyn’s ‘ stop a Bankers Brexit ‘, being another , the bankers who don’t want a Brexit under any circumstances. The BBC particularly adept at promoting this inversion of the truth. The BBC has been the major weapon used by the Marxists to subvert our country over the past fifty years. The corporation , along with the educational blob, has been in the vanguard of the progressive cultural revolution which has slowly moved the centre of gravity of politics to the left and today we find that policies which would have been unacceptable to most voters a few decades ago are now accepted as the norm, the destruction of the family, mass immigration, the powder puff criminal sentences, rewriting of our past and culture.
If we want our country back the BBC has to go.
A positive Brexit prog ?
9am Radio4
Singapore has been held up by some political figures in the UK as an example of how Britain might survive and indeed thrive after leaving the European Union
Toady watch
I could only take 30minutes . 0700. Nick Boales – who for some reason joined the Conservative Party and is annoyed that it’s ‘hard right ‘…. winge img about it and saying that listeners wouldn’t be in the hard right Tory party. Oh nick – so wrong and infected with the same hysteria as Soubry and the rest .
Bowles did a double act with a former advisor to May . NUf say. Tourette’s Robinson led a Remain sing song and them bitched that ‘
‘ no minister was insane enough to go onto the toady programme ‘ . Thank god. Sooner of later he is going to catch someone on the wrong day and the nation will hear him being slapped by … someone ….
Antiques Roadshow 1st September, 2019
Look at ‘Fiona’s Section’; this is the part of the show where the lovely Fiona is the centre of attention:
The lovely Fiona has to guess which is the most expensive book. Here is a still of the crowd looking at Fiona and the books.
Can you guess which person Fiona singles out first to to talk about the books?
Can you guess who the second person the lovely Fiona talks to next?
Can you see where this is going?
Who do you think the third person is that the lovely Fiona speaks to?
To view this unashamedly blatant display of BBC bias at its glorious best, view the clip at 28m…
Fiona must have been totally exhausted after ticking all the PC and diversity tick boxes.
Me? Well, after watching the Countryfile pro Syrian ‘Refugee’ appreciation show on just before The Antiques Roadshow, I just thought it was just pathetic.
I have noticed some of the women of colour in Fiona’s section in previous programmes, they have looked familiar. Not quite the same ones every week but just once or twice, I have thought I have seen the same ladies before. Members of the production team or paid extras perhaps?
I though exactly the same. I have been to these events and the number of BAME is soooooo small that all the laws of statistics are broken by the front rows of BBC shots….They think we are all stupid…all it does it get people to turn off…
I’m not sure which to exit ‘ hairy arsed’ or ‘ petrol head’ so I won’t do either . You’re right about the planted Totty in the front row though ..
I have written about this before. It’s the BBC virtue signalling.
The BBC ‘s purpose is to educate us on diversity and positive
It’s for sure a BBC agenda. Deborah says that she thinks she has
seen the same ladies before. I think that the BBC has employed
a lady that can wear a burqa, niqab or just a scarf to be the
first member of the general public they ask for their opinion on
a range of subjects. Stretching from the weather on the beach
at Bournemouth to trains being cancelled at Liverpool St station.
“….looked familiar.”
Relatives from the previous ones? Previous ones asked to give relatives names and contact when/if the “Roadshow” comes to a local area near them. That would account for the similarities but usefully only one if wearing a concealment head bag.
I watched the film Mary Magdalene over the weekend, and at my mature age, and having being taught extensive religious lessons at school, at no time was I made aware that two of Jesus’ disciples were black. Ok, it could have been a possibility, but Peter and Andrew the Fishermen have never been depicted in paintings or the written word as men of deep colour, unlike the actors who portrayed them – Chiwetal Eijifor and Charles Babalola.
I don’t have issues with actors of colour having acting roles – the above are fine actors, and the likes of Denzil Washington, Will Smith, Morgan Freeman, Samuel Jackson et al have made excellent films their own when taking the lead, but shoving an actor of colour into any historical role for the sake of diversity, is distorting perceived reality, because it takes away the enjoyment, and we, the viewer, just sit there thinking “really ?”.
Can you imagine the outcry, especially from Lenny Henry, if Steve Buscemi was set to play Martin Luther King?
Traditionally Bris’, the disciples would all have been depicted as white, mainly due to the artists being European and using local men to model for them. This wasn’t done to deceive, it’s what they had to hand. Clearly the area these Jewish folk were actually from, they wouldn’t have been white but middle eastern.
Of course now that the liberal establishment are in the ascendancy they’re doing everything they can to “redress the balance” as they see it. It’s dishonest, it’s done for purely political reasons and it’s wrong…
What gets my goat is when they shoe horn a “person of colour” into an historical position where it’s clearly ludicrous. As you’d expect The Beeb is guilty of this on an industrial scale. One of the most cringe worthy I’ve seen was their depiction of The Battle of Hastings . In this production, written and narrated by arch lefty Dan Snow, William’s first lieutenant is a black geezer, FFS! This is the bloke giving the orders! It’s utter balderdash and they know it, but I’m afraid that youngsters watching this cobblers will fall for it. Some of our kids think The Battle of Hastings has something to do with Spitfire pilots. It’s terrifying!
Nowadays everything I watch on the telly, be it comedy, drama or (so called) documentary, I take it to be propaganda first and foremost and everything else a distant second.
And I also take it with a very large pinch of salt…
Perhaps he was an ancestor of Javert as depicted in the recent BBC adaptation of Les Miserables.
Wasn’t that Robert de Beaumont, First Earl of Leicester? His brother was first Earl of Warwick. Real people who were unlikely (!) to have been black.
Maybe some time in the future the BBC will do a series on the life and times of Tony Blair and will cast a black man in the title role.
Why not? After all he is responsible for changing the demographic of our country. Cheri of course would have to be played by a white woman as that would be in line with the media’s perception of a successful couple.
” “really ?””. More ‘dishonesty’. fortunately, of the blatant kind.
Did you see the film of Mary Queen of Scots? Hilatious.
Happily other members of the public present will know how our far left Marxist State Broadcaster arranged the throng for there to be ‘conveniently’ placed ethnics to interview. Doubtless they will pass this info on to friends and family……………
No substitute for word of mouth.
The Antiques Roadshow does this all the time, G.
This is a still from The Antiques Roadshow I captured from May this year. The ‘audience’ was predominantly white but there is this tall black man right behind the expert. But that is not the interesting part.
While everyone is looking down at the antique in the expert’s hands, look at his line of sight. He is looking horizontally out into the distance, as if responding to the ques he is been given by a producer / director, which I am convinced that is what is happening. He’s probably part of the production team, or just hired to be the token black face in the (predominantly) crowd of white faces.
You can see he is literally focussing on someone out of camera shot.
(Forgive the quality, I lost some of the definition by blowing it up but I think it proves my point.)
He does have a bbc production nose.
I think you’ll find that this is the current standard BBC news, broadcasting and production nose GW…
As we know, the BBC are in full-on fight Brexit mode. But will it make any difference to the end result? I don’t think so.
What it has done, is expose the BBC in all its biased glory.
Certain people will have taken note.
“Brexiteers must bring down John Bercow before he launches his most ruthless plot yet”
Rob Wilson in ‘The Telegraph’.
Ament to that.
Woman’s hour….women suffer from more insomnia than men..and how do they know this? Well they don’t…but I am going to hazard a guess it is the fault of men…
and Period sex – why the F>>>K is this even of interest…oh it’s a book by a BBC presenter..
What happened to intelligent discussion about subjects of importance. I do not know any women that think talking about period sex is that interesting….
When will they realise there is a reason listeners are deserting them in droves
I listened to a few minutes of Woman’s Hour this Monday morning. Don’t know whether it was the same item as James A but there was a woman speaking about how EVERY DAY she thinks about whether her 11 year old niece has started her periods. The lady sounded by her accent that she may have been black, and maybe it is a cultural thing. I doubt my nieces read this site [SWJs) but I have never wasted a second of my life wondering about their periods. I just found the idea weird. I think I am normal. Are there no production people at Woman’s Hour who also think their guest odd and might have thought ‘too weird to appear?’ Guess not.
Bercow like Merkel, breaks established procedures and conventions, at will. Both THINK they ARE the state, and thus have the freedom to break whatever law or convention they wish.
A spell in jail would do them both good. A chance to reflect.
The could write about their lives whilst in there.
OT but latest from TR.
Unlike terrorists and illegals TR does not get any legal aid and the establishment are making him pay their prosecution costs in an attempt to break him financially (their other dubious methods having failed so far).
His detractors say he is just a money-grabber, but TR speaks the truth and still deserves support.
Easy to forget with everything else going on.
I see Tony B Liar has given Soros’s instructions to the remainers, and it is as I said on the previous thread.
The remainers know they have this parliament stitched up and if there is an election they risk losing control, particularly if Boris sacks many of them.
B Liar is banging on about a second referendum again (quelle surprise) as an alternative to a general election which the left and remain now believe they would lose.
So much for democracy and democratic accountability in this country.
In support of the courts declaring Boris’ proroguing Parliament is an unlawful procedure –
The author blatantly ignores certain, “facts” he claims to all embracingly include in his assessment. Like, the past 3 years of discussion, debate and so-called, “negotiation with the EU”. Plus the legislation that is already in place i.e. ‘the Statute Law’. Boris is certainly not attempting to sidestep this, that which the majority in Parliament voted on and in support of. This guy needs to be interviewed by a practicing Constitutional lawyer.
now on Talk Radio : 11am, Alastair Campbell will be discussing Tony Blair’s ‘elephant trap’ General Election warning to Labour.
Listen live ► http://talkradio.co.uk/live
VS display.
Goes BBCwards.
I don’t know about everyone else here, but my plastic milk bottles always go to the recycling box. Are the BBC trying to suggest that they aren’t actually being recycled?
What the bbc ‘tries to suggest’ is a route to madness.
They seem to pursue virtue signalling like mad, which is kind of what they do.
Delivery in glass bottles to a home sounds like a fine personal decision. To a corporate tower block… who gets the cream?
I was interested in the lightweighting wars a while ago, where supermarkets vied to make their bottles as gossamer.
Lovely on the postal scales… less fun on the counter top as the top 30% erupts from the top simply trying to grasp the container.
I see that they also have a drink called Naked Juice Blue Machine, owned by the company Pepsi.
Green points -1
Will they be saving the foil tops like normal school kids did years ago?
Probably not – Green points -1
Do all those who are making a song and dance about having milk delivered in GLASS (good God) bottles, want a sodding medal ?? I was brought up with having the milk delivered and have continued to do so ever since – now if we can get back to having glass bottles of pop instead of those wobbly bottomed 2 litre plastic monstrosities ………..
As with all the Lefties, its a case of “do as i say, not as i do”
Contrast that photo with the 2019 London @MurderMap image

which shows a quite different proportion of skin tones
& note that even many whites have non-traditional names
(33 of 95 victims are unpictured)
DM: “Filming for big-budget movie starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Claire Foy could be delayed as travellers pitch up in Kent countryside where key scenes were due to be shot.”
Don’t you love it when ‘no-walls’ luvvies find that – erm – sometimes walls are quite useful to keep out the riff-raff?
(Same thing happened in Glasto)
Where’s Jon Snow when you need him, with his ‘never seen so many white people in one place’.
Oh I forgot: anti-Brexiteers are ‘acceptable’ white people, as opposed to Brexiteers who are to be sneered at.
As the Speccie pointed out at the time: ‘Because make no mistake: when members of the liberal elite say ‘white people’, they aren’t talking about white people like themselves — they’re talking about the ‘white people’ out there, from outside of London, with their strange accents and beliefs and habits. ‘White people’ is increasingly PC code for the lower orders.’
Can’t listen to BBC anymore today….these Remainers are F>>wits if they don’t realise that having No Deal is all part of negotiating…
It is one Remainer/No Deal unacceptable Tory after another…
They just don’t get it do they? The UK in general just want it to move ahead one way or another….
It has probably been said before but how can legislation against ‘no deal’ work? A ‘deal’ requires the agreement of the EU who aren’t subject to UK law. The EU, in theory, works to EU law, in this case ‘Article 50’. Once the (extended) negotiating period finishes we are out of the EU according to EU law and there is nothing that the ‘remainers’ or Labour chancers can do about it.
Do these MPs hope that having made ‘no deal’ illegal that the EU will extend Article 50 in perpituity and never negotiate a deal?
Just supposing that we do leave ‘no deal’ the fun won’t be over as we are bound to start negotiating some sort of relationship, (call it a trade deal), with the EU, something that the EU has never been good at doing quickly as there are so many conflicting interests in the EU to reconcile.
In passing, parliament seems to like passing ‘Canute’ legislation now, i.e. Climate Change is now ‘illegal’, how will that be enforced?
James – I emphasise . One strand of the ‘game “ is that is Boris survives until the council of ministers meeting coming up in October the Reich will pull a new deal rabbit out of a hat and all will be well .
In real life the Reich judges that there will be change in the sell out and we ll just leave , experience a severe drop on life style and then beg to rejoin in 2021 2022. In the meantime we will need to work on deporting EU guest workers who can’t be asked to register – but like the West Indians .
Picture of Spanish tomatoes in Tesco lorries rotting at Calais ….
There are rallies that black people go to

I think there is a conflict between the Evangelical christianity that is popular with Afro-americans and the pseudo-liberals of the Democrat side
Re: the Afghan migrant terror attack in Lyon which left one dead and nine injured (three critically).
The Independent duly reports a ‘man’ involved and that “the attack is not believed to be terror related”; the Guardian is stumped as to the killer’s motive: “the reasons for the attack were still not clear.” BBC can’t even be bothered to have it on their website at all.
Well two minutes research shows an interesting vid: the killer deciding not to stab one particular man on his spree who can be heard saying “inshallah” and even high-fiving him.
MSM now at DEFCON 5 levels of denial.
Which might give a clue as to his ‘motives’ to the Indie/ Guardian / Beeb if they cared to find out, which they don’t.
Other clues could be found in the quran which enjoins followers to kill infidels wherever they find them.
According to a direct witness of the attack who spoke to Le Progrès, the suspect reportedly made a religious reference at the time of the events: “They do not read the Koran”.
Talk Radio games : “Sorry, this content isn’t available right now”
I logged on this morning
And there was a strange headline on the TalkRadio page
‘Significant spike’ in Islamophobia since PM’s ‘letterbox comments” TellMama say
I opened that news story
but left it for a while
Later I had to reboot the computer and strangely then the story came up with a completely different title and narrative
Anti-Muslim incidents drop by 11 per cent TellMama say
(note how the 2 stories have the same ending number)
I checked and I see they had promoted that first story on Twitter and Facebook ..yet when I check
I get this “Sorry, this content isn’t available right now”
..Yeh cos they deleted those tweets/FB posts
TalkRadio is part of Murdoch, SkyNews isn’t any more
but they have a similar title
Note when I tweeted the original TalkRadio URL, twitter still gives it the original title and preview image )
The deleted story began
\\ An anti-racism organisation has said there was a “significant spike” in Islamophobic incidents in the days after Boris Johnson compared women in burkas to “letterboxes”.
Tell MAMA said anti-Muslim incidents rose by 375 per cent from the week before the comments to the week afte ..”
So from one report 2 narratives,
#1 375%t ‘spike’ in Islamophobia since PM’s ‘letterbox comments” TellMama say
(cherrypick one short-term)
vs #2 Anti-Muslim incidents drop by 11 per cent TellMama say
(picking the long-term)
Radio4 drama just now
“In Bristol there is a corner Blackboy’s Hill
and White Ladies Rd
“So much of THIS (racism) is right in your face
and you don’t even see it until it’s pointed out ”
Really so “Blackboy” has a connection to slavery ??
Did you check that Radio4 ??
I am from Bristol and am reliably informed that the term Whiteladies is a reference to the fact that it was an area frequented by prostitutes in times gone by. Going off on a slight tangent, there is also a road called Roman Way in Bristol. I am in a permanent state of outrage about this and the insensitivity of the local council to our country being invaded and occupied by the Romans. I may stage a demonstration at the end of the road but I will need to not wash for a few weeks and buy some tie dyed leggings.
The name stuff is really good . You can get on the tube at Blackhorse Road and get off at white city . And if you are from the planet farg you can get out at green park ….
Turnham Green?
White Hart Lane? ……Mornington Crescent!
Hi Daphne, I live in Upper Knowle, the posher bit. I always thought it was public houses that the roads referred to and Wiki agrees:
The upper part of the road is commonly known as Blackboy Hill, named after the Black Boy Inn which stood on the hill until 1874.[1] “Black Boy” was a common name for pubs after the Restoration. Charles II was commonly known as “the black boy” due to his black hair[2] and the pub sign on Blackboy Hill had, until very recently, a portrait of Charles II on it.
The origin of the name of Whiteladies Road appears to be a pub, known as the White Ladies Inn, shown on maps in 1746[3] and 1804.[4] There is a popular belief in Bristol that the naming of both Whiteladies Road and Blackboy Hill had connections with the slave trade, but this is probably an urban myth. Both names appear to be derived from pubs.
Perhaps the White Ladies Inn was a brothel? Lefties always find a way to twist it to their supposed advantage and so few people call them out on it.
I have a lovely necklace with the head of a Blackamore (look it up) as an attached pendant. But since the furore that erupted when Princess Michael of Kent wore a similar brooch, I’ve been reluctant to wear it, for fear of being snapped by some twat with a camera phone. Never thought I’d be ‘frightened’ to wear a piece of jewellery in case someone would be ‘outraged’ by it.
Sorry, it should have been Blackamoor.
I have a Robertson’s badge.
I’m sure yours is much nicer.
I love anything like that.
Years ago, I did a reasonably large job on behalf of the BBC architects, on a scheme in their studios in White Ladies Rd.
Back then the Beeb were an institution to reckon with, with charming executives, great professionals and a very hard-working bunch of good guys and gals. The building team worked wonders on the old place, which was well past its sell-by date, and I got a pleasant financial commission from my company, so that was a result for Senora The Countess O’Blene and yours truly! I think we celebrated with a bottle of plonk, but I can’t remember that far back. We also might have considered/actioned increasing the family numbers, but that’s not really something you need to know about!
Come to think of it, it’s the only time I ever got anything useful back from them…
BBC make a great deal of noise about Boris abusing ‘process’ and MPs who do not back his Brext proposals. However they did not have much to say about an incident when John Reid was Home Secretary. While he was delivering a speech to Labour Party members and supporters, an elderly member shouted out “rubbish” at which police assaulted and bundled him out of the building then arrested him for an offence under “The Terrorism Act”.
Now that is abuse of the Law, Police powers and an Act of Parliament.
BBC2 tonight “rise of the nazis” about the 1930s but (per Radio Times) …Right at the end of this first episode, the experts are unequivocal. Of course there are modern parallels – too many. The slide of Germany into a far-right hell led by Adolf Hitler in the 1930s “informs our current world”, says one historian. “It is a warning to us.”
Who now? Trump, Johnson or Farage? Place your bets.
I looked on Wikipedia for “Europe a Nation” to find out what the BBC means by the statements “informs our current world” & “It is a warning to us.”
In Oswald Mosley’s essay The World Alternative published in 1936 he wrote “We must return to the fundamental concept of European union which animated the war generation of 1918,”
The idea of a united Europe began to develop in the final days of the Second World War. Concepts such as Nation Europa and Eurafrika, both of which looked for an ever-closer union between European countries, gained some currency in the German far-right underground in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War. Another important influence was Benito Mussolini’s manifesto of the Italian Social Republic, which included a call for the establishment of a European Community. Mosley insisted that a supranational European state was essential to the plan. The policy was presented to the wider electorate in October 1948 when Mosley called for elections to a European Assembly as the first step towards his vision.
He contended that the racial kinship between the Germanic peoples of Europe, whom he defined as the Germans, British, Scandinavians and northern French, would be the basis for unity.
This is why Max Mosley became a Blairite and why other old Tories support the EU.
Here’s a daring suggestion for a programme: Rise of the Muzzies.
Boris has had a puppy dog delivered to No.10 and it is mostly white.
There are going to be complaints but at least it didn’t go to Eaton.
JRTs are the most feisty dogs you can get. They never give up, love their fellows/friends/’owners’ to death, and are the most loyal animals I can ever think of.
Good choice, Boris!
They also tend to be yappy, snappy and obsessive.
Anyone watch politics live?
Maybe it should be called the Sarah Jones show as she talked most of the way through it.
A typical gobby lefty.
When not talking it was a competition between her and jo Corbyn to see who could interrupt and talk over the Tory mp.
The lovely Alex Philips from the Brexit Party was only allowed minimal time but was the only one talking sense.
The 2 guests (both remainers of course) were kuensberg and little Owen Jones.
Sarah Jones didn’t get interrupted during her many lengthy rants but as soon as the Tory opened his mouth the talking over him started.
A normal politics live.
No change.
Jo Coburn is the BBC’S numero uno liberal bigot and that’s
something special ,to be top of a major dunghill.
You’re dead right – lets get some men back into current affairs to get a more balanced view – You know the creatures that don’t have as much to prove with their Liberal feminist ’empowerment’
I was surprised by how wrong and annoying Miranda Green was.
“Brexit: Election discussions in No 10 amid Brexit battle”
Boris will cave in, as wants a deal, Mrs May’s Deal less a backstop. The Backstop is only a ruse.
Three years + on and we are still in the EU so its still Parliament Vs People.
How will Al Beeb spin this ? We need a General Election.
Standby Brexit Party ……………..
I wonder if Jon Snow will utter his imortal words ‘I’ve never seen so many white people in one place’.
He was cleared by Ofcom (what a surprise) after more than 2500 people complained, so he should be free to say it again if he wants to, the big question is though – would he want to ?
Latest : No election unless Tory MPs rebel and pass a Brexit blocking bill
… media wrong again.
BBC not having that Stew !!!!
Listened to a mob chanting something and a Prime Minister competing with the noise making an address to the nation, saying deal deal, deal,deal. Can’t the fool realise that the BBC will provide backing protest noises for any outdoor speech . Has Downing Street no facilities for indoor broadcasts?
I noticed that on Sky the mob chanting was muffled, on BBC, the chanting was clearer. ?????
On The Beeb it was probably amplified!
It was probably pre– recorded like the applause for their woke comedians and Hignify
The BBC probably provided all the equipment.
And a later helicopter shot outside no 10 showed those protestors dressed alike in yellow jackets not 5 yrds from the gates.
Couldn’t the police have moved the line across the road in the way the police move anti-abortion protestors (wrongly) up the road about 100 yds?
Me thinks even the police are biased against no 10; whoever the PM is.
And bye the way. Who supplied those yellow vests? Look inside the jackets and you’ll probably see a name – Soros.inc
7.30pm on BBC1 #insideout Your LOCAL virtue signalling show
eg Northwest
– The causes and casualties of air rage
– How climate change is affecting wildlife near you;
– why LS Lowry’s mother wasn’t a fan of his work
7:30pm Yorks Lincs *GLOBAL WARMING*
– Professor Tony Ryan explains why the medical profession could do much better on recycling plastic
– , Nick Baker looks at how the changing seasons are affecting our birds
– Mike Dilger finds out what is being done to protect our landscape and wildlife from the effects of climate
West : *climate change special*
-. We’ve got exclusive access to the Stroud founders of Extinction Rebellion during a summer of eco protest
and disruption.
– We follow the Weston-super-Mare curry house owner trying to ditch plastic take-away containers.
– Nick Baker reveals what impact climate change is having on UK wildlife.
West Mids
– Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare and the man who put the town on the tourist map.
– how climate change is already impacting our wildlife.
-how laws to stop the discarding of fish catches are being flouted
– the latest on a collapsed investment firm scandal
– the impact of climate change on some of our most cherished birds.
South East
– a former rough sleeper in Brighton as he dedicates his life to helping the homeless.
– how climate change is threatening clifftop cottages in Sussex. (been on before)
– how is the climate affecting bird species in the South East?
South : why any mobile phone use behind the wheel – even hands-free – is riskier than we think.
– how Rocket Post came to the South in the 1930s and attempt a world first across the Solent
– we learn why some of our garden birds are finding summers in the south too hot for comfort and are flying further north.
– After months of erratic weather is the North prepared for long term climate change?
– What do changing weather patterns mean for visiting birds to local gardens?
– how conservation plans have seen a boom in numbers of lobsters being caught off the North East coast.
London – Naturalist Mike Dilger joins marine biologists via sea, land and air to count the arrival of this summer’s seal pups.
– impact climate change is having on our wildlife.
– And food critic Nigel Barden finds out how we can eat out in style and cut our carbon footprint.
East Mids – What Britain’s bird life could be telling us about climate change in the region
– Summaya Mughal takes the Carbon Footprint Challenge
– concerns about ‘altitude tourism’ from the man who conquered Everest, Nottingham’s Doug Scott.
East – What’s been the impact of climate change on the region’s wildlife?
From iconic species such as the curlew, to summer visitors such as swifts, there’s evidence things are changing. Nick Baker’s been on a journey from back garden to high moorland to exclusively reveal the latest picture.
– a virus passed on by pregnant mums that can lead to hearing loss in children.
– the journey of water across Norfolk to people’s taps in Essex as companies trade and borrow water in times of need.
In the SW edition we saw the BBC presenter cook a haddock , potatoes & put the whole lot in the bin.
“Since this fish is bycatch we and not legal for sale, we are not sure it’s legal to eat i, so better play safe”
We saw that there had been a UK law change banning fisherman from throwing the bycatch
The system was to be that they would still comply with EU law that says it cannot be used for human consumption, as they would sell it for pet food indusrtry or cosmetic industry.
In practice the fisherman would inncur icing and landing charges, so they are choosing to illegally throw it at sea so that they stay within their EU quotas and don’t risk having their boats banned for six months.
It just shows the tossers in the background up for exactly what they are ????
Let me guess… big Nigel fan?
Oh, he’ll fit right in.
What’s remarkable about the modern British Broadcasting Corporation is they’ve become radicalised and they don’t even know it.
Another one leaving Sky. I actually enjoyed his reporting as he relayed the facts without bias, but I suspect that will now change. Haven’t seen much of Beth Rigby either with all the goings on at Westminster – this should be her Olympics ! Perhaps the shadow of Adam Boulton is too great for anyone to survive politically at Sky.
Um, whatever happened to Faisal Islam since he joined the BBC as a reported Political Editor (??) about a year ago now.
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, it is still the cricket season and Yorkshire hosted a great Ashes Test Match last month) Mr Islam is the Economics Editor, not the Political Editor much as some would like to see the back of ‘Part-time’.
He crept very quietly into post earlier this year. The announcement of his leaving Sky or C4 or whatever and joining the BBC was made about a year ago but he had a spot of ‘gardening leave’ between appointments. Think he may have been waxing literal, like, as da yoof doth say. He doesn’t appear to Blog, unlike Kamal, Pesto and Steffie did in their time as EconoEd..
Speaking of which, Faisal’s predecessor’s literary efforts appear to have gone down like a lead balloon. Haven’t heard any mention of ‘The Life and Times’ on the Beeb which is very unlike them.
Up2, old bean, thank you for the info. I do like to keep on top of things !
Too true, Vlad!
What’s remarkable about the British Broadcasting Corporation is that they never realise that a smug twat looking like a dumbed-down Travolta might not make someone interested in their autocued boring diatribes.
They’ve become homogenised into a sludge of mindless drivel, dumbed-down to reach the thickest trollope/couch-potato in charge of the remote, and then state that they’re there to inform.
Who’ll listen/watch?
Not many, happily.
In that pic he has the smug lefty-liberal look of that turd Trudeau.
Which augurs very badly indeed.
I’ve seen that smug sh*tweasel look before.
9pm Paxman night on Channel5
10pm Debate
Why Are Our BBC Journalists So Crap?
Because the people who write their reports for them are crap
Of politicians:
“64% went to fee-paying schools and 45% to Oxford or Cambridge.”
‘Diversity’-wise that’s pretty good compared to the media bubble!
The answer to Paxman’s question is that they have all been cowed by Paxman and his crowd into sticking to the script. They know that if they stray off that script or start to say what they actually think their words will be taken out of context and used to damn them for ever more.
A conversational style of interview would be better for the people and the politicians but wouldn’t win Paxman a ‘Pulitzer’.
I agree – some of the questioning by most of the younger, female element , I have to say, of the MSM is quite rude and threatening. We have to ask ourselves what sort of politicians do we want. Those just tough enough to withstand the media rottweillers or those that have real conviction and ideals. I know which I’d rather have. The media have to back off a bit and stop being so driven and nasty.
BBC making it up as they go along !!! Nothing new.
The fear of the French and Germans of a roaring British success post Brexit is nothing compared to the fear of our Labour MPs and the BBC that that could be the outcome.
Boris can sit in his favourite chair in Number 10, drinking wine and spilling it as he wishes until November 1st. He need do nothing.
No Deal Brexit will happen while he sips. It can only be stopped if Boris applies to the EU for an extension and they agree.
He’s not actually seeking a Deal. Why? Because the EU won’t offer one that’s even remotely acceptable.
Game over.
(The BBC meanwhile are in Brexit-Bashing fantasy la-la land as ever).
The EU are talking about extending the deadline though, so if they unilaterally extend the offer the door remains open for the remainers to keep on moaning about a ‘no deal’ catastrophe, although by then the game will be up.
Notice that still no one is asking the glaringly obvious questions as to why no deal would be so allegedly harmful, and under what kind of no deal this might be the case.
The EU can’t extend the deadline without the agreement of Boris.
Both parties need to agree.
Game, set and match for Boris.
Meanwhile BBC favourite , impartial Jon retweets this ….
Sometimes, you just sense there may be a little bit of bias there with Jon !!!! He really is a poisonous little snake who seems to relish playing the victim.
Jon Freedland is very funny. When Hitler came to power he never broke any laws – same with Tony B Liar, because they simply changed the law retrospectively if necessary.
How to have a sense of humour facing great possible risk from a hurricane.
BBC desperate for a general election. If you were just checking the news for the first time today , you’d be forgiven thinking Boris had actually called one !!!
This is a common complaint on the Newswatch programme that the BBC and it’s reporter’s just give THEIR opinion and not the plain facts ! As usual, they don’t listen.
The traitors have published their ‘Bill’.
Any lawyers in the house?
AFAIK it lets the EU fix the Brexit date and UK cannot veto it .
Wow, the BBC journos have some very interesting sources.
Katya Adler
Europe editor
“We can see Boris Johnson is playing a political game,” a diplomat from a country traditionally very close to the UK told me. “But we don’t understand the rules or the strategy.”
Dead simple: act like you’re prepared to leave with No-deal to get a better deal.
That diplomat must be thick, or a figment of the beeb’s imagination.
Sorry, I pressed the wrong button. I’m not reporting anyone for anything.