Another anniversary of that World Changing day.RIP
Meanwhile it’s 33 days until Parliament returns and 51 days until the UK leaves the EU .
Will the biased Far Left BBC continue to fight brexit ? will it go into collective mourning if it looks like we are really going ? Will more so called journalists lose the plot ?
Age of Reason … study, present case, argue case.
Age of Feeling .. shout at person until you get your way.
Any masochists out there I recommend ‘UK Rap Game’, an X Factor style talent show about seven artists with a collective IQ of 7. Everything wrong with the BBC at once. I have managed ten minutes and have dislocated two toes cringing.
I salute anyone who can make it longer than ten minutes. One contestant is a Muslim girl who likes to perform holding wads of notes.
BB, LOL x 5 ” I have managed ten minutes and have dislocated two toes cringing.”
“One contestant is a Muslim girl who likes to perform holding wads of notes.”
Wonder how the re-write on Harry Enfield goes? “Loads of Muslimmy!”
It could have worse. A severed head, instead of cash.
On the anniversary of 9/11 … what have we learnt?
Piers Morgan to Sadiq Khan: Where Are The 400 Known Jihadists In London?
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date June 7, 2017
Come now. 399 known and one in hiding – as Mayor.
Surely the question now is HOW can Brexit Happen?
5 cards in Boris’s hand look increasingly weak:
Zombie parliament increasing powers to disarm government – No new deal can be agreed – Extension granted by EU – Election significantly delayed – Second referendum before or after election (but outcome the same)
BBC’s role as dealer to create maximum hostility to Government. I’m out.
The 2018 withdrawal act was enabled a few weeks ago, by a government minister signing the order. That fixed the date of exit as 31st October 2019 and is superior, under EU law, to the surrender act passed earlier this week. That’s the theory, anyway. If correct, the remainers are ****ed.
Time to remind several countries in Europe of the sacrifices the UK made for them during WW2.
Time to remind them who has been paying for the free goodies that the EUSSR tempted them with.
Time to ask them for a much smaller favour, veto any extension to article 50.
Daniel Kawczynski a Shrewsbury MP has already asked Poland to so.
No stone unturned for Brexit to be achieved, even if there is a disgusting Remain traitor under every stone.
Last chance
I think the war guilt is a big part of the problem . DeGalle showed it in 1963 ? With his ‘ non ‘ to joining the Common Market . I was thinking POTUS might have more backchannel leverage on Eastern EU countries than us . But we may not feature highly in his foreign policy view . Fortress America might see NATO as a liability as opposed to a benefit now
And I realise that I’m saying that on the day Article 5 was invoked after Saudi Arabia attacked America .
Naturally, further convoluted procedural speculation so I hope my fellow contributors will perhaps seek some solace from within the article. Cos’ there ain’t much else…………
There has to be a day of reckoning some time…….
G, that was how Theresa May as PM could have been a Brexit hero*: announce to the nation at 10.59 on 29th March 2019 “I have tried to get my Withdrawal Agreement through Parliament now on three separate occasions. I have failed. I therefore resign at 11pm tonight and will go and see her Majesty the Queen tomorrow. A Leadership Election for the leadership of the Conservative Party will now be required. As a consequence of this, the UK has now left the EU without a deal. That will be for my successor to deal with.”
I suspect a majority of the nation would have cheered her to the rafters and beyond. Instead her career was one of dismal failure. * It’s not impossible that she might have had a chunk of the Conservative Party asking her to then contest the leadership contest. She might still be PM.
“There has to be a day of reckoning some time……. ”
This issue will never go away now until we either leave the EU or the EU folds or it morphs into an evil one-world dictatorship. We have now seen and have clear evidence of how a minority of a minority want to be part of a dictatorship, run from Brussels.
Treason rankings for Remainac MPs, sickening reading.
Perhaps Lammy will take a holiday while the House of Traitors is closed.
( sorry – edited by Fedup2)
No problem Fed.
Why did you not remove the previous line as well?
This is otiose without the part you censored.
Last – as I say here sometimes – personally I could care less what people write and most of the time I really really have to hold myself back .
As for the line- I only want to take out something which is likely to be considered a bit ‘ over the top’ . So sorry if my activity makes your statement a bit incomplete .
And I get preoccupied on this day because of the effect it had .
I do enjoy zero dark thirty .
This is another good synopsis by We Got a Problem. It’s about 13 minutes long and covers a discussion Iain Dale had with a former manager of Dover Port. He destroys all the lies that the Remoaners have been spreading about food shortages if we Leave the EU on WTO terms. It’ll make you happy to hear what he says:
I would be happier if there were food shortages.
We just ration the food, the Remainiacs can scour the dustbins for calories.
j-i-c, it was rather foolish of the Remainers in our Parliament to force an extension to Brexit to 31 October. Haven’t listened to the clip you post but the nation’s diet and the supermarket shelves and warehouses go through an immense change in that month of October.
For some of us, the chilly start to September is driving the desire for & the creation of some warming winter root crop casseroles.
I would not be surprised if there are people who will take great delight in throwing in some beef as a comment on and response to other events earlier this year. 😉
With No.10 rejecting any prospect of a TBP electoral pact or co-operation and NF described as ‘not a fit and proper person to enter parliament’ I rather fear that Boris is simply Treesa in a bad wig and that all the cunning plans and moves to outwit are smoke and mirrors, simply another part of the masterplan to remain.
And that was probably conceived, together with Juncker, Barnier and the rest of the gang, starting in August 2016.
“I rather fear that Boris is simply Treesa in a bad wig”
Love it! Brilliant.
” I – I – I er.. well … Brexit means wrexit. Phwoar!”
I am sure that you hope your conclusions are misplaced.
This would be a very large gang to be conspiring, too large to keep it totally secret.
Mogg, Baker and other ERG members would not be supporting Boris.
If Boris is not really greatly enjoying enraging the traitors, he should be in the RSC.
Also I believe the Remainiac hatred of Cummings is returned with interest and Cummings does not like losing.
So I suspect that under all the treasonous bluster the traitors are very concerned.
Of course LCS, hope springs eternal – but it’s just so easy to be a pessimist of late!
The BBC are giving generous and fulsome coverage of the judgement by some Scottish Remainer lawyers that in proroguing parliament Boris Johnson was ‘undermining democracy’.
The absolute ultimate irony.
According to Quintin Hogg, Britain is not a democracy but rather an elective dictatorship. The swamp needs draining, it’s beginning to pong like a sewer.
Funny about draining the swamp with a Quentin Hogg – when the taxpayer drained and cleaned his moat….
Think that was Douglas.
Sluff – yes you are correct – the son of Quentin Hogg claimed £2200 for most cleaning . I presume back in the day daddy didn’t need receipts and and records were destroyed so that tax payers need not get angry about such trifles-
Drain the moat.
BBC 6 pm news slavering over a record number of ‘desperate’ people seeking to leave…..errrr….. France… get to the UK.
In the coverage…..
a. There was not a single female, just young males and weirdly a few children.
b. The only white person shown was the French MP for Calais.
Needless to say, neither of these facts were mentioned by the selectively blind pro-mass Muslim immigration fantasists in the BBC ‘news’ department.
Can someone remind me if it is a Conservative Government that is allowing them in and if the Home Secretary has any say in the matter?
Boris has already shown his true colours on foreign students today
He has previous on this anyway. So why not let more in, as we all know that what we need in this country is more Uber taxi drivers. And of course once in , we dont seem to be able to get rid of them.
And now it seems as if Boris is also sticking two fingers up at Farage, “after all we dont really want to deliver Brexit do we Boris, what would your ex Bullingdon club friends say”
If Europe/UK keep allowing these Third Worlders to enter Europe then they will through their ideologies and through the wombs of their women destroy the cultures of all European Nations and with it those nations own religions. Europe will then drop backwards into a time long passed by us-into a nightmare of repulsion of total enslavement for so many years, if ever to be undone. Millions of Third Worlders are moving through their respective countries to the shores of North Africa, as with their populations ever increasing and their nations unable to feed them or offer a better life, they will continue to come, and will not stop coming. The doors of the European countries have to be firmly shut against this invasion. The Traffikers, their fortunes continue to grow as they also know their market for trading people will never dry up.
R4 live interview with a melodramatic labour MP via his mobile phone from a deserted HOC chamber. The MP going into poetic overdrive about the sad sight of the empty chamber.
The house is normally empty at the end of every parliamentary session so just what point was he trying to make?
He sounded like a late-night social media addict whining about how no-one wanted to speak to him, with all his mates offline.
Absolutely pathetic and because it was live over his mobile, a total setup with the connivance of the BBC..
They really do think we don’t see through their childish charades don’t they?
digg, when listening to the gloomy lunchtime news, I cheered myself with the thought that perhaps the taxpayers might exact some revenge on the Houses of Parliament and insist both Chambers are now never, ever, prorogued again.
That’s it MPs and Peers. You now work for us fifty-two weeks of the year except Sundays (or Saturdays if Jewish, Friday if Muslim); no more holidays, no more Party conferences, no fact finding jollies (Carbon NetZero requires that anyway) at home or abroad whatsover. At all.
You want democracy. You give us democracy for 313 days per year.
Yes, work for us 313 days per year.
Salary deducted for days not in attendance, unless a sick note is provided.
Deductions for late arrival.
If this proroguing gets overturned could the Tory mps just not turn up at all.
Then labour and the rest of the crap in there can spend the next 5 weeks agreeing with each other.
So Tory mps, go on strike.
Could be a good move. Would Corbyn support a strike? He loves his idea of protest and well here you go, Corbyn, we are protesting like you said
The Scottish judges gave as the reason for their ruling that it was an obvious attempt by Boris to prevent scrutiny from parliament.
Surely this is a point of opinion NOT law.
More holes than a sieve in this pathetic stunt by the remain gang and their Scottish henchmen. I hope the Supreme Court judges remember they are judging under points of law not their own opinion or political leanings next week!
If not be assured that their standing in the eyes of the average normal citizen in this Country will be lowered dramatically.
Yes and now going to the “supreme” Court also stuffed full of grandstanding remainers, as the ghastly Gina knew it would be.
They might just as well convict him of thought crime.
BBC Radio 4
Does ‘the science’ really predict six billion deaths by the end of this century?
They have a broadcast that gives one ‘the truth’.
That was covered by More Or Less. It seems that Extinction Rebellion just made it up.
However if there are 7 billion people in the world now by the end of the century 80 years will have passed so I predict at least 6 billion people will have died by then.
We truly are all doomed!
Gagged our democracy and prevented our constituents voices being heard !!!
LOL, they really really don’t do irony do they !!!! What about your constituents who voted leave ????
I see Swinson there again, the new Soubry it seems. BBC darling. Jeepers, what a crooked bunch.
Doobs, I’d like to know how many LibDem members among the public have left the Party since Cable and now Swinson took charge & said they would do all they could to cancel Brexit.
More gutter standard journalism. Next they’ll be telling us to crap on the streets.
So let’s just take a moment to look at who the BBC love to give THEIR opinion.
Jeremy Corbyn – Lost confidence vote. Ignored it.
Dominic Grieve – Lost confidence vote. Ignored it.
Soubry – Won’t stand in by election. But wants second referendum. Hypocrite.
Chukka – As above
Tony Blair – War criminal. Ignored public opinion and went to war anyway.
Gordon Brown – Broke the country.
But all these , and more are on BBC 24\7 lecturing US and Boris on democracy and telling Boris what he can and can’t do . The hypocrisy of these folk is just mind boggling. They just have no shame !!!!
‘Lets not forget’ –
“Tony Blair – War criminal, TROTSKYIST. Ignored public opinion and went to war anyway.”
Yellowhammer report has just been released.
Isn’t it strange that all these anti democratic miscellaneous gangs of remainers all call out everything the government says as lies yet they believe every letter of this report which has been set up to identify the absolute worst that could happen so that precautions can be made to mitigate any problems.
The government should also do a report showing the worst case scenario of staying in the eu.
I would guess the remoaners would hate to see that report published.
The government should also publish a report showing the best case scenario of us leaving.
The remoaners would also hate that.
I must admit that those on our side are not very good and seem to be spending all their time reacting to the remoaner onslaught.
Fight back and start pushing our side of us leaving.
We seem to always be on the defensive yet we have all the arguments on our side.
What’s wrong with our lot.
Nigel needs help. He can’t do it all on his own.
Where are our lawyers.
Play them at their own game.
We have right on our side.
Fight back, don’t just react, go for them.
From what I can gather on here and online, al beeb are pretty much doing and saying whatever they want to make sure the electorate think we should remain.
How are they being allowed to get away with this? (I don’t pay it by the way)
I don’t watch live TV, and c4 and sky can say whatever they want imo, but Al beeb is meant to be answerable!
As a national broadcaster they are a disgrace and an embarrassment.
I suppose there’s been little to no mention of 9/11 on Al beeb today? I remember where I was 18 years ago today like it was yesterday!
The 9/11 documentary from the French filmmakers in 2002 should be compulsory viewing for secondary school kids whilst they are at school ????
Al Beeb …………………..”Brexit: Nigel Farage election pact proposal rejected by No 10″
\\But a senior Conservative source said Mr Farage was “not a fit and proper person” and “should never be allowed anywhere near government”.//
But who is this so called “Senior Conservative source” ?
A senior Conservative Remainer ?
Al Beeb ………………..
\\Stowmarket High: Skirts banned at school ‘to protect girls’ modesty’//
Protect “modesty ”
Why so ?
Also …………..”Fireman Sam axed as brigade mascot for not being inclusive”
More PC rubbish .
Les clearly has wicked Di skills, flipping 5% and 95% with consummate ease.
The brunette serves him a bail, and he grabs it gratefully.
Stripper Sophie having a todger is going to get things real.
Next up there’ll be that BBC reporter with his support donkey demanding he gets the lead in Top Gun 3.
All praise to the girls at the school in Lewes who defied the authorities and turned up to school in skirts like normal girls. The school brought in the cops to prevent the girls from attending school. Brave cops.
I praise these girls because they refused to behave like objects in a social engineering experiment. Call them transphobic or whatever, but they are best quality British girls.
God on a bike, what the hell is this country coming to when Fireman Sam gets the push for being white, Enid Blyton’s not good enough to be on a coin, girls have to wear trousers (which isn’t far removed from an Islamic state where girls HAVE to cover their legs), AND a genderless penguin is being raised by a same sex couple !
If I had been told this even 25 years ago I would have laughed at the absurdity of it, so if we pursue this unbelievably insane avenue, then what the hell is life going to be like here in 50 years time ?
Answer: Our education (brainwashing) system in this country for the last 25 years.
It has turned them all into snowflakes.
Just spoke to my Father about this, the Pro E.U. people believe that without a Govt to control their world, for rules and regulations to control every aspect of life, their civilisation will crumble.
The bigger the controller the happier they are.
It seems they need a Parent to wrap them with a warm blanket, so they feel loved and safe.
I have read how adults now retain childish aspects, beyond their teenage years.
Remain a child and ignore the world, as a toddler does, as Mummy and Daddy protect, feed, home, care for.
“…….what the hell is life going to be like here in 50 years time ?”
Here, I become utterly selfish for my own mental health: No living relatives; No children; Seventies; Of poor health……………….
I’ll join the ranks of those who visibly (can’t say intellectually) don’t give a toss. You know, the ‘sheeple’ mainly who have been weaned by the State to believe they (the State) are all knowing and all seeing…..
There appears to be quite a large number of people in this country determined to make Britain part of a European Marxist shit hole.
However, if these people succeed they will probably be “disappeared” soon afterwards, their usefulness at an end.
The invader must be very happy.
People like the Lincs fire chief are mandated to follow these insane policies or their resignation will be demanded if they refuse. A 50/50 male to female workforce will likely result in more deaths rather than fewer, purely on a physical strength basis. Unless the ‘females’ are all transitioned men.
“…British girls”? Is there a video?
I took it from Twitter, now it has been removed.
BBC link
Telegraph link
Well those lefties in Parliment are setting a bad example. By refusing the honour the referendum school kids are now refusing to wear school uniforms.
Good move, lefties!
Thanks GWF.
I note the ubiquitous token black face in the centre. But male? I thought it was all about girls being forced to wear trousers. Although, although, could it be?………the black person is a,………..trans with a shared interest in the outcome?
Indeed, just hope the parents of the girls in that school are up in arms against such a ruling-a transgender person I know, was furious to learn about this and said she/he would support the parents who want their girls to wear skirts. My granddaughter loves wearing skirts and dresses and would be horrified to think she had to wear trousers all the time. Just mad, who the H brings out these stupid rules? Creeping Liberalism.
Thing are beginning to look ropey in the EU.
Not the BBC but part of their breed:
The Independent
‘Watchdog urged to investigate Boris Johnson’s request to analyse government data to ‘support’ Brexit’
Now what about watchdog investigate the Parliament antics of the past couple of days or also bias in the BBC?
I would be interesting in hearing about that.
Other news:
Boris is leading the EU down the garden path – Good. lets hope that is part of his rumored plan to get us thrown out
Boris must resign – Said the same about May but she lasted up to three years
Corbyn rejects call by Tom Watson for Labour to fully back remain – Corbyn must have realised that he has lost half of his voters and will now lose the other half.
Things are looking up?
What effect will The Brexit Party have in the EU Parliament ?
Al Beeb are very quiet about one of the biggest parties in that so-called ‘parliament’.
Will the EU refuse to delay Brexit ? If they do, its an admission that they need the UK and its money .
There is no such thing as the Brexit Party in the BBC. Anything Brexit related is bad. A party full of leavers is too much risk for the BBC. Imagine them trying to interview a PB member? Not going to go very for the BBC so best find a Tory rebel for that ‘balance’
Ezekiel 22:30 “And I searched for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.”
Is this true for the United Kingdom at the present time? I don’t know.
However those of you with an interest in history may care to discover more of what the Lord did for these islands in the first half of the twentieth century by reading Norman Grubb’s book, “Rees Howells, Intercessor.”
Why do ‘The Losers’ want another referendum ?
Why are the ‘losers’ so very afraid of a general election ?
A general election is on the way, sooner or later . If the Tories mess things up they will be finished. Its The Brexit Party and UKIP for me because they will rid us of Al Beeb.
As for the losers election – I expect the Labour party learnt a lot from Peterborough byelection, vote early and vote often. It will be good to practice its new “techniques” trialed in tin pot dictatorships all over the socialist world.
At the end of the day – come the election Boris will have to show his true colours – stand with the Brexit party or fight it alone and split the brexit vote. I hope I am wrong but I am afraid I still have grave doubts about Bojos commitment to Brexit.
Unfortunately I was bang on the money with Theresa. We will see.
“Split the vote”?
IMHO many many Tory voters will move to The Brexit Party if the Tories fail in our fight for freedom and independence.
Taffy – I hope you are right , Whilst I accept that there was Labour vote rigging isnt that what happened in Peterborough. ?
Taffy – I hope you are right , Whilst I accept that there was Labour vote rigging isnt that what happened in Peterborough. ?
“I hope I am wrong but I am afraid I still have grave doubts about Bojos commitment to Brexit.”
It is possible that Boris is waiting till after the election then if he’s lost many seats to TBP he will probably ring Farage to discuss a two party government. Like the Tories did with Clegg.
With the Lib-Dems level pegging with Labour, unless Boris makes a deal with Nigel there will be a Lab-Lib coalition with Plaid, Green, SNP co-operation. Do the maths, it’s frighteningly inevitable.
The BBC has become extremely agitated over the Scottish Court non-event today.
The BBC is very immature despite its age. It should act responsibly but of course doesn’t. The BBC/Left are excitable creatures and always think they’ve won even before the race has started. Witness all the pensionable Labour MPs reliving their 1960’s student rebel days in Parliament. Time has moved on….
Its not that terrible. The Remainers could humiliate Parliament further, making the Brexit Party more popular than if we had a month of calm. Boris could humiliate the Remainer elitist slim balls by calling for two attempts at calling a General Election every week. Boris could hold a confidence vote on himself, vote against himself, serve as caretaker Prime Minister for two weeks while constantly calling for an election. The Remainers would then be desperate. What would they do? The only way they could avert Brexit and annihilation in an election would be to appoint Jeremy Corbyn, Prime Minister of a zombie Parliament desperate to avoid a General Election and Brexit.
The Remainer Judiciary would then send Boris to prison and the Queen would have to go to Canada. That shock would make the French throw Britain out of the EU by refusing an extension, saying enough is enough. The EU order Corbyn to pay a £250 Billion compensation bill for all the trouble he has caused. The Remainers are incapable of refusing to pay due to a deep love for the EU. The British Army then responds to polls showing that 52% of the electorate want it to storm Parliament to stop the payment, restore Boris and the monarchy, and force a General Election.
When parliament re-opens it will rush through a three-day fixed parliament bill so all their jobs will be safe. After all we don’t know what we are voting for so why let us vote?
The EU will then move on to the next stage whereby we become the first region of the United States of Europe, i.e. we will be British only in the same sense as an American is a Texan, he might wear a stetson but his passport says USA. Our regional councillors will be selected by the EU Commission, obviously those MPs that have served the EU well will stand a good chance of being chosen! As per Mrs May’s Surrender Arrangement, as EU officials, they will be immune from prosecution and will have million euro salaries/pensions for life. What’s not to like?
I read somewhere that the EU plans are already in action. For the UK that means Regional Assemblies i.e. Scottish, Welsh, NI assemblies/Parliaments. All destined to report to Brussels independently. That means closure of London Parliament. ‘Divide and Conquer’?
If this is true, then I can only hope that this party gets in locally!
The wonderful Doreen Tipton and her Yam Yam Party party political broadcast
Richard Pinder
Thank you for a very entertaining and amusing post. It could have been written by the late,great Ronnie Barker. Many a true word is spoken – or written- in jest. I take it you WERE jesting – were you?
IMHO no one believes Al Beeb’s propaganda any more. I overhear more and more people saying this in conversation.
BTW, I have received yet another letter of a promise of a ‘visit’ from The Tellygoon’s investigator demanding money.
Does anyone think that the Tories slagging off Nigel and saying there will be no pact with TBP is a hoax.
The remoaners know they will lose a GE if the Tories and TBP make a pact and therefore will not allow a GE.
If the lefty anti democrats think there will be no pact then they may allow a GE (check if it’s ok with Gina miller first though)
Then, once a GE is sanctioned the Tories and TBP will say “thank you” and they then make a pact, win by 100 seats and leave the next day on WTO rules (ok)
I will take news reports with a pinch of salt at the moment. A lot of Chinese whispers going around and the end story is very different from the start.
One trend I see a lot of is ‘Johnson is a remainer’ which is interesting as the remainers are constantly going on about how Johnson is ‘trying to force no deal’
So what is it? Is Johnson a remainer or a far right hard Brexiteer?
Most comments I see are in varies places and while some seem to be from genuine accounts others seem to be newish accounts. Is it the remainers/ left wingers trying to create divisions amongst leave voters?
Another tactic is ‘A Downing Street source said this’ from various lefty rags but these sources never seem to have names. Can we really trust any such claims from such rags? Perhaps the source is a Tory rebel?
Talking of Tory rebels there is a new story, from the Telegraph that states that Johnson is ‘letting rebels back in’
This story is interesting as I have heard of it but not yet seen any proof that it is true.
A stunt by Johnson maybe to try and throw some of his critics off? If so can we doubt that any rebel will come back and if they do, what use could they be?
I will wait this one out
If I was Boris, I would put all the rebels into the House of Lords, including Amber Rudd, Alan Duncan and all the other potential Remainer rebels.
It would (1) Return all those highly distinguish Remainers back into the Tory fold (2) Make no difference to the House of Lords (3) Remove the shit from the House of Commons and put it into the House of Lords, and finally (4) make it much more likely that MP’s would abolish the House of Lords after the next election, if all those elitist Remainer shit heads who would oppose that abolition, have all been put into the House of Lords.
Could work in our favour if Corbyn ever gains power (God forbid) as how would he be able to get any bills passed if it is full of Tories?
These rebels might be acting like his mate at the moment but they are not far left Marxists so the more Tories in the lords then the less chance of Corbyn parasailing the country. Not that he is not doing that anyway though
Boris is supposed to be an intelligent man. Surely he can see by doing the maths that the only chance of Freedom and Independence is a pact with The Brexit Party .
Remember, they did have a pact with the Limp Dems to form a previous government.
Maybe if the push comes to the shove he might hopefully change his mind. Hopefully just a bit of boyish ‘I am alright at the moment thanks’ but we will see where the next few weeks take us
The polling intentions figures, at present, suggest that Boris doesn’t need a pact with Farage to gain a majority in a GE. Forecasts of 50-60 seat majorities have been common recently. Maybe that will change if there is a resurgence in TBP voter support closer to 20%. Labour are a busted flush until they give a common and consistent message over Brexit, whatever way they eventually fall on the issue.
Corbyn made a slip up yesterday buy ‘not suggesting a second referendum’
As I mentioned this would frustrate his remainer mates and is part of the ‘Labour are undecided’ issue that they often face. Swinson will be less willing to work with him so that divides Labour and the Lib Dems.
This works in the favour of the Brexiteers as Corbyn can again be seen is mucking around trying to play people along. The useful idiot and all that
I actually think it’s wise at the moment. It suits neither party to appear to be close to each other. Labour Leave voters aren’t so likely to switch to the Brexit Party if they view it as an extension of the Tory Party. Let Labour and the LibDems be lulled into a false sense of security.
Whether that’s actually what they are doing is, of course, a very different matter but I’ll reluctantly give them the benefit of the doubt for now. There isn’t any alternative.
Merging parties might seem like a good idea but it would have side effects. Moderate remainers would be put off the Tories and I have wondered if some left leaning leavers would be shy of giving support to the Brexit Party if it meant ‘helping the Tories’ as anti Tory feeling can still be rife with some left wingers even though Labour are not doing anything for them either.
The remain alliance might look big in Parliament but it is not unknown the the Lib Dems are wary of Corbyn. Today he has refused to support a second referendum which would upset his remainers and Swinson would swoop down on them. At least it would keep her away from supporting him as a caretaker if it comes to it. In fact after losing some of his leave voters by also losing remainers would weaken Corbyn further.
Let the remainers fight first and allow the leave supporting parties to get on with their own thing
Without The Brexit Party, we wouldn’t be this close to Brexit.
The country owes Farage gratitude. I hope that one day he is rewarded.
I’m sure that a No Deal will happen on the 31st of next month. I fear that after the event, Farage and The Brexit Party will be forgotten.
“Cabinet minister says public see courts as ‘biased’ after judges rule proroguing Parliament was ‘unlawful'”
The evidence is plain as a pikestaff; the treatment of these people and more demonstrate that the judges are biased against normal patriotic citizens:
Tommy Robinson
Julian Assange
Kevin Crehan
Jayda Fransen
Paul Golding
What do they all have in common? Telling the truth to and about those in power.
The bodies we pay to protect our interests; we pay judges to do a job on our behalf; are doing nothing of the kind. They are all swamp rats and need to be expunged from their positions of power. They need to be reminded that the power they have is on loan from us to them, with conditions they use it for our benefit not foreign powers. It’s high time we took the power back off them.
Al Beeb………………. “Brexit: Operation Yellowhammer no-deal document published”
Was this document put together by the previous ‘Remainer’ cabinet ?
It was done 6 months ago for the May government.
Do you think the likes of Hammond would have any influence on those compiling the report.
He who pays the piper….
Al Beeb………………. “Brexit: Operation Yellowhammer no-deal document published”
Was this document put together by the previous ‘Remainer’ cabinet ?
Stand firm Britons, we came through two world wars and our freedom and democracy survived.
Sky Online News:
“”Operation Yellowhammer: Government no-deal Brexit documents warn of food shortages and riots””
“”The “reasonable worst case planning assumptions” of Operation Yellowhammer detail:””
Sky News have taken the Remainer stance.
Fake headline. Tell the truth within the feature and hope that nobody has read that far.
Job done.
Dominic Grieve owns property and a house in France.
He has shares in French companies.
He has been awarded a medal by the French government.
There is nothing essentially wrong about any of this.
But you might just think it was relevant enough to be mentioned by the BBC now and then since he is one of their go-to rentaquote remainiacs.
Guess what? They never do.
I’m waiting for full disclosure of all those little chats Starmer et al have had with our European ‘friends’.
If they haven’t been colluding with a foreign power what have they to hide?
That’s right Jim. I presume all parties now have to provide full disclosure? Presumably even their weekly shopping lists can be scrutinised. I’d love to see , for example, the reasons why the Labour party decided not to go for a GE fully disclosed, so the public can see what a bunch of lying, manipulative toe-rags are in opposition.
Maybe the law only applies to government. I dunno.
‘Conspiracy to …’ offences.
Will somebody please tell me that Dominic has got a white board covered in Post It notes that has predicted every move of the left and on that board there is a big red arrow (in dry wipe pen) that points to a big box with a green border that says 31/10/ 19 UK LEAVES EU.
And of course he is spot on , but it’s not what the PC, liberal left Remainiacs want to hear so it’s headline news that they are not happy AGAIN !!!!!
Grieve, Soubry, Phillips, Starmer, Lammy, Swinson etc seem to have a awful lot to say but never seem to be challenged on their comments . No doubt they will all be calling for Mr Kwarteng to be sacked all day now, aided and abetted by the leftist media. Remainer after remainer will be wheeled out to put pressure on him to quit , you watch !!!!!!!
Note that he did not say the judges were biased, but that people were saying this.
So where is his support from the gutless Tories in Johnson’s Government. The BBC were able to get one who criticised him.
‘Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick distanced himself from Mr Kwarteng’s comments when asked about them on Robert Peston’s ITV programme on Wednesday.
He said: “We must back the judges in this country to uphold the rule of law.
I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that Boris and his Government are not up to a fight, and I expect a major cave in soon.
Time to start thinking – should the cowardly Tories be supported or should we consider the Brexit Party or UKIP as the alternative? I would no longer advocate a Brexit Party Tory election pact. Go separate and let the people decide.
TOADY Watch #1
Dominic Grieve does not want to speculate in interview with The Humph on legal matters & the potential Supreme Court judgements.
~ but ~
Dominic Grieve is very happy to speculate in interview with The Humph on the ‘predictions’ of the Yellowhammer Report and on Brexit.
So reports are that Boris is going soft on the 21 rebels and they may be allowed to return. So it seems that the Tory grandees as explified by W Hague and his myopic article in the DT earlier this week, have won the battle for the soul of the Tory party, it will continue to be the same old liberal Globalist anti Brexit party that got a resounding 9% in the May euro elections. Extinction bekons at the next GE. It may well now sign up to a soft Brexit and try to persuade the electorate that it is Brexit. But we all know it’s not.
The best thing that can happen for those of us who believe Brexit is the best long term option for the country is for the ERG of Tory MPs to walk out on the Tories but to follow the example of the 21 and refuse to quit as MPs and cause as much trouble as possible. Indeed they could join the TBP and give a representation in the HoC of about 70 MPs. The next election will therefore see at least a coalition of the ERG and TBP, if not a single party. It will be a powerful United grouping . The other parties , Labour , Tory rump, Lib Dem’s, SNP will find it difficult to unite and not contest seats between each other. The Brexit saga isn’t over yet.
TOADY Watch #2
The national broadcaster that carries no advertising advertises a book of poetry about the sport of cricket called ‘Six’ by Zaffar Kunial.
No, me neither.
Bet a BBC same sex couple are en route to his home country for a few weeks to produce a ‘report’ on what inspired him. Or her.
Caught the business report on State Broadcaster TV. This might as well have been a propaganda piece for the Remain side from three years ago. The drum echoes to the beat of ‘what a terrible mistake leaving the EU would be’.
Which way are the rubber boats crossing the channel – vote with your people trafficker?
Bbc business report?
Here’s one from two bbc business reporterettes in the Moaning emole:
Can a sacred drink boost an island’s fortunes?
It’s a typically humid afternoon in Port Vila, the capital of Vanuatu, an island nation scattered across hundreds of miles of Pacific ocean. The cicadas are loud, the mosquitoes are in search of a bite, and in a makeshift bar, a Ni-Vanuatu woman scoops muddy liquid into a small plastic bowl. The liquid in question is kava, which is a mixture of water and the crushed root of the kava plant…
Dr Vincent Lebot is hoping the unusual tasting, sour, clay-coloured liquid might have global appeal, and could provide Vanuatu with a much needed revenue stream… He points to the kava bars that have recently popped up in some of New York’s hippest neighbourhoods.
Read full analysis >
Sarah Treanor and Vivienne Nunis
I wonder if Sar and Viv both had to fly there…. to ‘analyse’? Or was it more an emailed might and could PR as news item it took two to copy and paste and point to?
Maybe another kind of bottle will be rolling down the hip W1A corridors? Sacre bleu…. mud.
All questions answered:
Sounds like the girls had a great time.
Next on the bbc: why alcohol pricing for peons is necessary.
TOADY Watch #3
Pre-8am OFF-switch gets Yellowhammered in Snuffy household. Andy McDonald MP (Remain Lab – personally v.loyal to the Whip) is having a rant about Yellowhammer and disgraceful Conservatives and disgraceful politicians if they are Conservatives, especially Conservative PM Boris Johnson.
No mention of disgraceful Labour MPs or disgraceful Civil Servants leaking reports or trying to overturn democratic decisions by the public.
Labour Party: “We want an Election.”
Labour Party: “We don’t want an Election.”
Up2, you deserve a medal for even attempting to listen to it nowadays.
I caught a couple of moments of the ‘world service’ in the early hours and they were banging on about yellowhammer and tories bad, PM disgraceful, blah blah blah. Off button trashed again…
Complete bias now on all fronts, unashamedly so. The broadcast wing of Labour/EUSSR – with talking head after talking head spiting lies, lies and more lies without so much as an interruption.
Please everyone, cancel your tele-tax. Do it legally as I have done -use their own web-site and procedure against them. We need to fight back against this continued assault.
Yes – let me echo that view – you deserve the DSO for valor in the face of the BBC . I can’t do it any more so I expect the summary firing squad .
I haven’t had a chance to sit down and ‘game’ the various outcomes . But here is one thing – if a50 actually expires without an extension the sight of so many Remainers having fits on the BBC and in the Commons will be something to behold . It will be like watching the Dimbleby senior announcing the referendum result with the colour and volume full on ….
The chances of that might be considered a 10/1 shot at the moment but I think it’s worth a 50p e/w bet at least.
R4 Toady decides to devote a big part of the last hour to ‘The Amber Rudd Show’. Nick manipulates Rudd into anti-government assertions, although she doesn’t always entirely play ball. Her loyalty still is with Theresa May. She wants to regain the Tory whip, but it’s not to support Boris. She wants to return on her terms.
For the rest, Toady is pure anti-government propaganda. Everything Nick says and does has only that one objective. There is nothing remotely impartial that I have heard.
“Her loyalty still is with Theresa May.” All ‘girls’ together to fight the common foe – not Brexit – but worse – Men.
beeb does a report on rape in South Africa
How about now comparing Sweden over the last few years
andy- South Africa has all but vanished from the bbc news, when-before 1994- it was a big feature of beeb agitation.
Interesting, isn’t it? Did things not develop as the arrogant beeb ‘knew’ they would?
Things aren’t going well there. Surprised, beeb?
Why not do a feature on Zimbabwe?
We’ll all be able to see how well things would turn out there.
Sorry if that ran counter to all beeb predictions and reporting manipulations as well.
Bet the BBC don’t visit my medication delivery man who only last week told me how he had to flee South Africa because he and his wife had an AK47 pressed against their chests.
He lost hundreds of thousands of £s arriving in the UK with only the shirt on his/her back. They had to leave their home and farm without a penny to their name. He was quite wealthy but must now work to support himself and his wife. Sadly his dear wife died some years ago.
He said isn’t it strange: the whites made SA rich and more civilised yet now the blacks are doing the opposite.
Now that Boris ( and the rest of us) have been well and truly done up like a kipper by the unholy alliance ofthe BBC,Sly news, the courts, Labour, Lib Dems, SNP etc i wonder that when they get their wish of a country led by St Jeremy, Abbott, McDonnell, Thornberry that they’ll still be celebrating and smirking after five years of being ruled by them ( and the EU). At least we truly know that voting is a complete waste of time and that the resultant s*** show will open even more than 52 per cent of eyes.
Why doesn’t the government counter all these claims about yellowhammer.
On bbc radio this morning there was, I think, one ‘could’ and then a list of doom and gloom forecasts as if they were all going to happen.
One was about lorries taking 2 days to get through Calais because of extra customs checks by the French.
Why can the government not come out and say the person in charge of the whole calais operation in France has said there will be NO delays and it will be as it is now.
Our side is not putting up much of a fight.
I wish we would go on the offensive.
How about publishing a worst case scenario about if we stay in.
Our 100’s of £billions of liabilities when the euro fails along with the various banks and places like Greece for one example.
There are many many other horrors.
Hi Emmanuel
I’ve worked in import/export/shipping for apprx 30 years and remember the days of shipping into Europe before the eu took over. Paperwork was done, goods were exported/imported, very little issues then, delays like today. Definately scaremongering by the eu sponsored beeb
heard IDS on LBC earlier. He counters every claim with calm rationality and intelligence. This is why the broadcast media and the wide reaching BBBC will not present him and people like him with the same urgency and frequency as their headline grabbing doom laden utterances as this defeats the purpose of their unremitting propaganda, which is all it is.
We lack a serious widely broadcast right of centre media platform so that these deranged and extreme claims can be properly and sensibly debunked and countered. Until we have such a platform, the marxist leaning (and remain supporting) MSM have the propaganda war all but won.
As a constituent of IDS I admire him greatly – he is a proper Conservative – having inherited the seat fro Norman tebbit . I’m pleased to say I’ve met and voted for both .
However – I think IDS is considered to be one of the leading potential casualties in any coming election because Labour has been putting a big canvassing effort in for months . The London Borough is a one party state and has been jerrymandering to kill the Conservative majority using various thirdworlders .
born and still resident of the smoke, tho now the outer reaches. Still have kin (both leavers and remainers) and have urged them all to leave before the wall goes up on this EU enclave. Concerns especially since yellowhammer which allegedly forsees riots and disturbances – in the event of a no deal brexit??!! Is this the populace celebrating their hard won freedom perchance, or, has the mask slipped and they predict Momentum and Antifa fascists on the streets!
Emmanuel, I was thinking exactly the same, Its like we have an enemy beating us down at every turn, a bit like whack a mole. It’s not too much to say that we are at war with the people whether they be MPs, justices, media or remoaners. They all want to overturn the result and are going about it with a vengeance. What is happening to the government? They don’t seem able to stand up and fight against this, just sending on some mealy mouthed minister trying to explain yellowhammer. Wake up Boris and show some bottle if you want to be PM, fight back. Cant they see also they cant win if they don’t team up with the Brexit Party. All this is reminding me of the phrase Lions led by Donkeys. Very depressing.
Hilarious. Rob ‘both sides’ Burley bricking it Because they are trying to sneak out a piece that will send his colleagues mental as well.
I’m afraid that Boris is caught between a rock and a hard place.
If he agrees to an electoral pact between the Tories and the Brexit Party vast swathes of Conservatives in parliament will jump ship. An awful of of them are dreadfully wet. I’m sure most of the rank and file would understand it, however…
And can you imagine the response of the opposition and their propagandist mouthpiece at the BBC? They’d be all over it like a rash. They’d portray Boris as some British version of Robert Mugabe..
Of course, when the Lib Dems, The Greens and that Welsh lot (Plaid Cwmri?) do it, it’s considered to be a sensible move and it’s celebrated. But if anyone promoting Brexit attempts similar shenanigans it’s almost on a par with election rigging.
And as we all know,
That’s Labour’s domain…
Johnson is already in a hard place and his choices going forward are limited.
The left loaded media will vilify him irrespective of whatever actions he takes. They believe that the British people who voted for Brexit were wrong and they will do anything and everything within their power as media broadcasters to correct this wrong decision and as our state broadcaster, they have the reach and the manipulative capacity to promote those who support their remain ideology and denigrate any opposing politician or commentator who raises their head above the parapet.
Propaganda is the most powerful of weapons, especially when so much is in the hands of one side of the debate and there is a serious absence of widely available opposing argument.
If Boris doesn’t have an agreement with TBP he’ll not get a majority … Labour Leave voters will not vote Tory but they will vote Farage. Agreeing who puts a winnable candidate up in specific Labour Leave voting seats is the only way *not* to split the Leave vote. Of course the Remainers will do it in their appropriate seats. The link below is from Andrew Neil’s new show interviewing Kwasi Kwarteng .. he seems to think Farage wants to be in a Tory Gov’t .. these Tories are as thick as pig shit.
Here’s a solution to this remainer proroguing nonsense.
Re open Parliament 14-17 and 21-25 September.
(The so called Lib Dem’s and the Labour Party conference dates)
Now that’s brilliant!
I see the cross party group of 75 Remanians led by Snp….saw the bolthole to get this abomination to court was timed to coincide with the vacation of the English High Court.
You have to hand it to this lot and the bBC…………..they are one sly devious bunch.
Lets just hope it end with …”he who has the last laugh!! And she!!!
the latest in a very long ling of smoke and mirror issues – BJ has lied to the Queen over prorogation.
Look, over there, another massive issue concerning:-
a) A tory (lies)
b) a Brexiteer (lies)
c) trump (fake news or anything else)
Democracy counts only one type of vote.
News presents only one side of the argument.
Remainers are wise, moral, democratic and peaceful.
Leavers are stupid and are the devil incarnate.
I do not watch the BBBC now hardly at all (counter intuitive I know!).
But here’s the thing. Where do they suppose the leave voting public can now go to settle their very real grievance?
Can we expect a Panodrama special perhaps – detailing the stealing of the one person one vote democratic process leaving millions, (the millions who actually won the vote) believing that they had such a system in place, in limbo?
A Channel bore exposé maybe, on the complete lack of media outrage at the disenfranchisement of the votes of 17.4 million of our citizens and the subsequent cover up of the howls of protest and anger by those same citizens?
Where do we go now and what do we do with this intense sense of anger and frustration?
Please BBBC, tell us.
Exactly! I am all for hearing both sides of a debate and all opinions but we have neither on any media output. America at least have some networks that give you an opposing view but here it’s simply remain propaganda 24/7.
Even if Boris comes back on the 19th October with a ‘deal ‘ to be voted in Parliament, they’ll all vote against it because it’s Boris.
The contents of the ‘deal’ don’t matter.
No remainer wants a ‘deal’ because they want to reverse Brexit completely. May’s deal got voted down three times so bringing it back is pointless. As not any deal will be accepted then No Deal is the only result. Pushing extensions is not going to stop No Deal even if we are in another few months as when it comes around again then they will push another extension.
I think that their hope is that eventually a GE will fall and a Remain Party win who are able to force another referendum with remain winning or if that fails or if they even want to pass that then they will withdraw article 50.
No deal wanted then No Deal by default
smoogie, there’s another reason why TM’s WA got voted down three times: it transgressed her red lines and kept the UK in the EU. Not fully enough to satisfy Remain; especially if there was a future all-Ireland Referendum on uniting the island and the answer was ‘Yes’. That would mean the rUK was cut free of the EU entirely and Ireland was in the EU but totally isolated. TM’s WA was however leaving the UK fully enough in the EU to ensure that pro-Leave MPs would also not vote for it.
Theresa May could not see it.
Or Theresa May did not want to see it.
Thatch, think you are right on that. Think Bojo’s already taken more flak than Trump and Trump’s been President for most of three years!