Sunday marks the 79th anniversary of the Battle of Britain . Lest we forget . I was tempted to do the comparison between then and now but I’ll leave that to others . To the boys who saved us. Thank you.
Weekend Thread 14 September 2019
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David Cameron will be doing the rounds of MSM studios soon ( if he hasn’t already started ) flogging his book .
I’m wondering if anyone will ask him how the Fixed Term Parliament came to be . It’s the poison stopping the British people from evicting the rubbish currently destroying democracy in the Commons and enabling Bercow to play unaccountable PM .
One might have thought that he would keep his head down after creating such a mess – but a PMs pension is only half of the final pay – how can anyone exist on £70k a year … not including the other bits of course. He doesn’t have to declare his income – nor does Blair , Brown , May or Major ….. – all remainers ….
He doesn’t have to declare his income – nor does Blair , Brown , May or Major.
They would have to do so if they accepted the enoblement to allow them to enter the House of Lords, but all of them have declined to do so, and that means they don’t have to declare the amounts received for services to Saudi, Qatar, Abu Dhabi etc etc.
Good reads , thanks.
2 extracts are spot on
“MPs have reduced Parliament to chaos with the help of a self-regarding Speaker who has blocked the Government by twisting every rule and precedent. And thanks to parliamentary privilege, he has got away with it. Yet when the Government responds with political tactics of its own, Ministers have been hauled before the courts by Remain fanatics – whereupon the judiciary seeks to hold the Government to the very highest and most abstract of standards. No wonder there are accusations of bias”
This is exactly what is making me so angry at the moment
“Meanwhile, the Remainers can get away with anything in Parliament whereas a Leave Government is hamstrung by a network of legal technicalities. It is a gross inequity”
True, so true.
That was my implied point really – and they don’t need to declare income from ‘Foundations ‘ funded by Soros or the EU .
And they’ll fancy a job without accountability at the EU.
Is our so called “Border Force” running a taxi service now that the migrant camps in France are being shut down ?
The Liberal Democrats. Is their party name an oxymoron?
The Democrats are not respecting the result largest referendum in the history of the UK.
Democrats? more like Dictators.
An excellent educational (and quite long) interview with David Starkey on Brexit and everything surrounding it:
An excellent educational (and quite long) interview with David Starkey on Brexit and everything surrounding it:
I listened . I’d like to hear a counter to mr starkey just to confirm the strength of his view – with which I wholeheartedly agree .
Particularly the criticism of the Queen for failing to do anything in relation to brexit . Leaving the situation without ‘an honest broker ‘ now that the Speaker has corrupted his office ( not himself obviously because his character defects has been allowed to bully his view forward ).
Best line ?’ Contempt of Parliament used to be a crime – now it’s an obligation “.
Much better than listening to Toady .
I too agree with Starkey. Fedup2 you were right. A few threads ago I said I would find it hard to believe that the young woman who stood on the balcony with her father and Churchill would stand back and watch this mess happen. Well I have since been proven wrong (as you said at the time).
From 32:45
“Foreign relations are, have been and must be the sole responsibility of the executive”
So in terms of process the Benn ‘Act’ must be illegal
And at 37:25 The other terrible issue is that we don’t have a ‘constitutional referee’ – Starkey blames the Queen – political process needs an honest broker and she has stood back (as usual taking the easy way out)
HMQ obviously still watches the bBC.
PS. In today’s Express – Jean-Claude Juncker last night claimed “patriots” in the United Kingdom do not want a no-deal Brexit.
An excellent educational (and quite long) interview with David Starkey on Brexit and everything surrounding it:
She should be thrown in the Tower !!!!!!
I noticed that a little website called EU TODAY managed to create an article about the Battle of Britain – and mention that today was the anniversary. Biased BBC has not one word about “our finest hour” on website or any broadcast – yet!
A reminder of how things were and still are.
This day in 1940. It was all very close..
But again, they did receive a bloody nose for their trouble.
Despite the hype the ME109 was a very good fighter and the Germans would have won if their commanding officer hadn’t been such a drug addled wreck.
The bullet on the left was used by the Spitfire and the Hurricane, the one on the right is the canon shell used by the 109
If it hadn’t been for the largely pointless bombing of Berlin the Luftwaffe would not have switched to cities instead of attacking the RAF. It would not have taken much more effort to have wiped the fighter command effectiveness out of the game. This is in spite of the fact we could built aircraft quickly, we could not train sufficient pilots.
Goring also forbade his fighter pilots from engaging in dog fights reducing their effectiveness to mere distractions.
The BBC has just realised that Calais isn’t the only port in Europe that goods to and from the UK use.
More Project Fear at In Business – Plain Sailing
“How is Rotterdam, Europe’s biggest port, preparing for Brexit? The Netherlands port handles millions of tons of goods and thousands of ships every year. Port officials are proud of this vast and slick operation. Much of its efficiency is down to a centralised system known as Portbase, which offers a means of dealing with custom declarations and other formalities electronically, without the use of physical paperwork.”
The usual silly nonsense about ‘just-in-time’ and food rotting. If the Dutch can’t deliver vegetables on time then we won’t pay them and they will lose the trade. It follows that they will ensure that that doesn’t happen. Also fears that UK goods will be subject to 100% inspection as we would become a ‘third nation’. We are told though that the testing regime is applied on the basis of a risk assesment and even stuff from real third-world countries isn’t 100% inspected.
Why should goods imported without checks on Thursday suddenly become high-risk the day after? One would presume that Dutch and other EU customers of UK goods also would like to get what they have ordered on-time too, if they don’t their businesses will suffer. Again it follows that steps will be taken to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Come on BBC! For forty years you have never reported on the EU. During the referendum campaign you pushed the Clegg line that it had little influence on us and now it seems that either all that was a lie or what you are putting out now is a lie.
The Start the Week Thread is one up.
The people of London love crime. The also love murder robbery and all other kinds of appalling behaviour.
It’s remarkable otherwise that people are so dim that they think that cross they put in a box once every few years has zero consequences. Khan told them he was going to raise the murder rate, and violent crime and they said Yay fantastic go ahead put us on the map as one of the most violent cities in the world mate!
And unlike many politicians Khan did exactly what he said he was going to do.
And Londoners love violent crime and murder so much that given the chance they will vote him straight back into office to get those figures even higher.
The cowardly useless incompetent Tories seem to be giving him a free pass, almost as if they’re quietly supporting him. Whenever The Donald criticises Khan guess which side the cowardly useless incompetents take? Yep that’s right, they stad against conservative Donald and take the Fascist Khans side.
Because the cowardly useless incompetent Tories support Khan they have fielded a no hoper candidate against him, and so utterly useless is this man that I can bet not a single one of you who live outside of London even know his name.