The BBC made flesh – John Humphreys – has retired from the BBC and now serialises his book in `the Daily Mail . And guess what – he thinks it’s biased – yet took a good living from it for donkeys years . An abridged version is free to read on the Mailonline site and will be a revelation to users of this site .
Weekend Thread 21 September 2019
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In case anyone hasn’t seen the highly entertaining and instructive interview of David Starkey by Brendan O’Neil about Brexit on Spiked You Tube I thoroughly recommend it. ( don’t know how to post a link , sorry) Starkey is on sparkling form and uses some blunt language to describe Remainers and also demolishes any position they might be clinging to. It’s a great hour long watch.
Hopefully this works
I’ll second that with nobs on . The interview is far better than anything you’d hear on MSM because the interviewer lets him speak …..
Toady Watch
Great fun today . The paper review invited John`Humphreys to do the 0810 interview about his views on the biased BBC ,….
Followed by – an almost car crash interview with one of the blunt knives in the shadow cabinet – the hilarious Dawn Butler – who spent her well rehearsed interview with Tourette’s Robinson trying and failing to not talk about the Kremlin’s attempt to stick a political ice axe in the head of the Labour Deputy Leader by abolishing him – well – his role .
This interview was at o730 so it was a bit early for popcorn – but more importantly – it kills another day in the count down to brexit .
Can’t work out how Butler got to such dizzying heights in the labour party, any ideas ? She along with a few others will need to be kept well away from the media in the coming election. I cannot imagine what a revved up Andrew Neil would make of her.
Red Dawn2 is fascinating . She is from my manor , went to the local midrange comprehensive girls school in E17 and I think – just got lucky playing the gender , race and whatever card along the way .
The pinnacle of a soon to ended political career was backing Comrade Corbyn . She is so thick she thought it a good idea when others did if for a smug joke .
So now – along with other extreme low calibre muppets- she sits on the front bench
When she did her “I love you “ bit for Bercow and then went on a 5 minute uninterrupted rant about blacks , Wimmin Dee Dee Dee the rest of the Labour bench had a collective “ look the other way “
It was interesting in that despite being really poor – no one in the chamber had the guts to stop her because Bercow would have done one of his bullying rants and ordered immediate execution- Stalin dear leader style – in the Commons tea room .
. That’s the hilarious Dawn …. ms Abbot must be worried about the ‘ opposition ‘..
She always sits next to Corbyn in parliament. I just assumed she was his carer.
Nodding dog. She should sit on the back of a car’s parcel shelf.
Great giggle – I think they play the ‘can we put more black wimmin on the front bench than the other lot’game. Might as well buy a few XXL inflatable types. But they’d still claim their full expenses ….
Humphrys doesn’t like Eddie Mair.
Vintage weekend – I don’t know how I’m going to eat so much popcorn – the BBC ego fights or the Labour Party fighting itself – all inside their bubble . Let’s hope gets worse . …
Meanwhile – I wonder if anyone who didn’t feature in the index actually bought Cameron’s book …. remember him ?
Found the right place to park it.
Though he and O’Brien might need disabled spaces to fit in.
I Suppose Humph will land up on LBC doing phone ins for an unknown Fee….. I’m not an LBC type but I’d listen just to hear someone spill the beans on the State Broadcaster –
– you notice we don’t hear whistleblowers from the BBC?
In the Daily Mail excerpt ( note the new editor is a Remainer and part of the liberal elite) Hump does detail all manner of bias in the BBC. None of which will come as any surprise to users readers on this site. But then he spoils it all by insisting that the corporation is a force for good. How anyone can say that on the one hand, the state funded broadcaster. Is biased in the extreme , has a monocultural world view which brooks no exceptions, but then on the other hand says it is a force for good , is beyond me. Perhaps his pension has a clause in it requiring him to spout this contradictory nonsense.
But he , like Aitkin and Liddle before him, all confirm what we here have known for years, the BBC is biased to its roots and refuses to acknowledge it. But we go further than these ex BBC types , we know that the BBC is definitely not a force for good but an institution that has done great harm to our country, perhaps irreparable harm. Far from being a force for good it is an evil empire with the destruction of Britain as its goal.
I think you’re right about the pension clause but now that Humph is a limited company he will be after a few documentary jobs or daytime to keep his grandkids at Eton .
They can still take the awful Mastermind from him as well …
Must be time for a black woman to do that – “ash” perhaps ?
( I wrote my entries today waiting for a Microsoft puter to fire up . It never did ).
I met a chap some 10 years ago who claimed to have written a book about his career at the State Broadcaster – he also claimed that they bought the book off him under some fianacial / legal duress that funded his well padded + leisured expat lifestyle.
As I understood it at the time straightforward corruption wrt to property and engineering assets were the primary bones of contention.
Something else to watch, albeit less entertaining than Starkey, please see Lt General Riley’s talk at Westminster on 2 Sept. about how the May Government and the EU colluded since the referendum to trap the UK within the European Union’s web of military, industrial and intelligence structures. As far as I can see the Tories are still going along with this, despite MPs being warned continously over the last two years at least.
You won’t see anything about it on the bBC/RBC – it might scare the peasants in the wrong way. Fortunately TBP appear to have cottoned on.
Luckily just a child writing. Otherwise that might sound freakin’ scary.
Bet the Chinese – busily building hundreds of coal power fire stations to get their people out of poverty – must just look at that and say “what the …?”
The very epitome of a false prophet.
“If you belong to the small number of people who feel threatened by us”
Small number.
The evidence adduced by Greta the infallible, that her opponents are few, is missing from the autocue.
Greta needs a holiday.
I suggest the Atlas Mountains.
As Newsnight decide to buy off the latest Owen sulk by turning to his wisdom, Laura does seem prepared to stay resolute, sources say…
Newsnight knows who knows best.
Eh Owen lad, Earth’s been saved
Anybody listen to the bat woman from Devon in her Toady interview about 0820? Every sentence, apart from one, began with, “So”. Indeed, we were honoured in one sentence to hear the woman start with, “So, so…”. Only one question answered directly with, “Yes”. Grrrr!
So – what you’re saying is – it’s the new version of people unsure of what to say end their sentence with the pitch going up..on a question mark ?
Funny how we can’t pinpoint when these verbal habits start. I’m sure there was a time when people didn’t use “issues” inappropriately all the time, instead of ‘concerns’ or ‘problems’. “I have issues around ….”, instead of ‘there is a problem with’ or ‘i’m concerned about’ etc.
This was in my mind because I heard two examples on Radio 4 in the last day or two.
A person being interviewed about ER said that Climate change is the biggest ‘issue’ facing the World. (Not a problem then?)
Then there was the weather man who said that the wind would “blow away fog ‘issues’ “.
Maybe a trivial concern (issue!) of mine but these things start out close to their proper use and then spread. It reminds me of George Orwell’s critical essay on the use of ready made phrases that stop people from thinking properly about what they are saying.
Desk – it’s like playing good old bull—— bingo – the term ‘passionate ‘ came in a while ago – passionate about this and passionate about that – ‘hosting ‘ came in from the states as did ‘curating ‘ ….
I bet there are plenty of `English language professionals ‘ who keep on eye on these words going into and out of fashion – it’s groovy daddyo.
My particular irritant is during sports events – swimming, athletics etc – where they use the word medal as a verb. My sister who is a competitive swimmer uses it all the time as in I medalled today in the freestyle. I remember when to meddle was to interfere.
Yes ‘passionate’. Every job advert even for the dullest of ‘roles’ is looking for ‘passion’ in the ideal candidate. Only a few years ago, I applied for a Christmas job in a well known high street bookseller’s store, which had been advertised as ‘must be passionate about customer service’. My application didn’t get a reply of any kind. So I took myself along to the store in the pertinent Christmas period to see these paragons of passion. Well, they didn’t look passionate to me.
Then there’s the over use in the media of superlatives: fantastic, amazing, applied to persons of no more than modest achievements. And so on.
Sounds like you did well avoiding working for an outfit trying to sell chocolate oranges at the point of sale ? ‘Eager’ is another word used along with passionate – as in “I’m eager to see the end of the biased BBC “….
Problems are real. “Issues” are imaginary or downright fraudulent.
What grips my sh*t is the growing use of the term by the political class “let me be clear” or similar.
I just know that when I hear it a smokescreen or outright lie is about to be put up.
Just so I’m clear.
Along with “Absolutely” which, to them, means, ‘nothing can get past or trump my last statement’.
There was something really rather disturbing and distasteful, I thought, about yesterday’s climate change demo.
The media were there en mass, shoving their cameras into the faces of children. I heard one poor little mite say she was frightened she wasn’t going to have a planet to live on. She must have been about seven!
How the hell does a kid that age get these ideas? I was still frightened of the Bogeyman and hanging up my stocking on Christmas Eve at that age…and she’s fretting bout CO2 and deforestation…
Of course she’s surrounded by this neurosis. She sees it endlessly on the Beeb, almost all of the media and most of the politicians and their teachers are constantly pumping out this terrifying dystopia.
Clearly the latest tactic by the increasingly intolerant green lobby is to use our kids as a weapon.
Children are very easy to manipulate and brainwash.
George Orwell knew what he was writing about in 1984 when he had kids turning their parents in for thought crimes. All totalitarian regimes do it.
Nowadays it will be some sprog reporting his dad for not putting his plastic bottles in the correct recycling bin. Straight off to Room 101…
These children aren’t telling us what they think. They’re telling us what they’re told to think. They’re repeating the hysterical green mantra parrot fashion.
There’s something slightly disturbing and Stepford about them.
At this time of year they shouldn’t be out on climate demos, they should be out playing conkers.
And only frightened of the Bogeyman…
For those sickos on the web who encourage people to top themselves it’s an idea made in .. hell .
– and as a part time Bogeyman I find your comment offensive????????and I shall report you to the National Union of Bogeypersons at our next ‘ come blacked up as a Nazi ‘ meeting …with Pierre giving the keynote speech
An appropriate time to mention Douglas Murray’s new book, ‘The Madness of Crowds’. I stumbled into an interview on some German video platform on YouTube between two Germans(?) and DM. Regrettably I did not note the address. It was about 46 mins long. Well worth a look. If I find it again I’ll post it.
I confess to being somewhat disappointed in DM’s previous: ‘The Strange Death of Europe’, which assumed we, in Europe, were all swimming in this sea of guilt over our past colonial histories. No, none of the people I know would countenance that assertion. At the end, it left the reader dangling, not knowing the conclusion.
Anyway, I digress. I’ve also read some of the comments on Amazon which, coupled with the interview I saw, goes to support the likelihood that this new book might well ‘hit the spot’ in its analysis of current nonsensical trends.
I select one sentence from the Guardian’s review: “The reader is assured – falsely – that this is all a vast Marxist project, aimed at sowing dissatisfaction and discord.” Couldn’t be that they wish to deflect from their own Marxist practices could it?
Just the Guardian swimming against the tide of common sense. All the more reason to buy the book. I’m just about to order same.
If the Grauniad disapprove, it must be true.
Douglas Murray interview:
Thanks Robot.
Again, a tad long but well worth the watch. DM’s explanation of ‘Women’s Powers’ is fundamental. But we all know that and deep down, but no one can claim otherwise with any honesty.
“The new movement has all the hallmarks of a religion including the hounding out of heretics.”
Well worth listening to, he exposes the malaise infecting so much of society and the beeb in particular.
Come on Jeff – you should know better by now.
Playing conkers is far, far, far more dangerous than being groomed into joining a cult (or being ‘groomed’ generally).
Surely aliens to this planet would not grasp the fine detail of our lives so quickly?……………………….
Was that your doorbell, G?
People who can’t spell should figure out how to use a spell checker. Otherwise, very well done.
Children should not be interviewed until they’re at least 25, because they’re thoughts and wants are of no interest to anyone except their ‘in awe’ parents.
I agree with your sentiments here, Brissles. Our society seems to expect pure unadulterated wisdom to come out of the mouths of the young and inexperienced – teenage pop stars, left-wing student union zealots, autistic Swedish children, etc.. I have been reading about the French Revolution recently and I am struck by how most of the main players were only in their twenties and thirties, full of passionate intensity and frighteningly earnest. If we had a government led by Greta Thunberg, there would be a reign of terror. A wise society has respect for the views of its elders, not its children.
I remember it starting in Blair’s time. He was always going on about the “kuds” (as he pronounced it) and we should all listen to them. He also once claimed that all his policies were okayed by Little Blair first.
I don’t have the exact quotes but they are good paraphrases of what he said.
It’s what happens when young people are not encouraged to read good books (or any books at all), eg:
Lord of the Flies
Brave New World
Fahrenheit 451
The Midwich Cuckoos
and, of course, 1984.
I remember when Trump was elected, the children at the local primary school came home crying because their teacher had explained to them what a Trump presidency would entail. She should have been sacked for scaring the children.
She should have been sacked for political indoctrination. They never are, and it has opened the door to rampant indoctrination with no consequences.
TOADY Watch #1 – Irony Impossible
Tom Watson MP (Lab) (Dep.Ldr) (may nbml*) claims Labour is ‘a broad church’ but has spent this year so far (and however long I do not know) trying – on his own admission – to narrow it down over its policy on Brexit, ie. overturn it and keep the UK in the EU.
The TOADY Prog allows him on to the show to whinge about how he heard about the move to abolish him while spending ‘quality time’ with his family playing computer games and eating out in a Chinese restaurant (is that permissable for a Labour politician?) instead of working for his constituents on the eve of Conference.**
The Jezza & Jon Show could do Labour and the whole UK a great service by passing a motion at Conference stating “We should get out of the EU on 31 October without a deal and put the taxpayer money saved to better use for our nation.”
Tom Watson can keep his job.
Or join the IllibUnDems.
* may nbml = not be much longer
** to many in the Labour ‘movement’ (funny, but I always think of bowels when they say that) Conference is the most important event of the year.
And an excellent example of a non apology over false allegations of paedophilia against his political enemies .
A Labour Party civil war would be nice but sadly I think they’ll put a lid on it – even if the damage is done with no even pretend unity for a general election – due in 2022…
John Humphreys tells us, on his retirement from the BBBC, that its full of lefty liberal bias.
Well i’m shocked to the core with that statement.
In his next installment John tells us what bears do in the woods and also which religion the Pope is.
These days, I’m not so sure about the Pope.
Or the Archbishop of Canterbury?
The religion of political correctness.
Because toxicity is not the bbc way…
Hampshire angler Marina Gibson highlights prejudice in fishing
really really digging deep now bbc
Something for the alarmeests:
Radio 4
Viewpoint: Activist and author Mark Lynas explores how our planet could be impacted by 1.5C of warming and by 2C in this powerful animation.
Roger Harrabin examines the science, politics and solutions of climate.
How long before Greta’s duet with renowned sane scientist Wolfman George is aired by the broadcaster who now refuses to acknowledge anything else since 28Gate?
Anyone seen BBC reports on the “Islam is right about women” posters
The bbc are well known throughout the world and even beyond for their civic-mindedness, their concern for justice and their abhorrence of all forms of violence.
So when the police publish cctv photos of the suspected thugs who launched a ‘shockingly violent’ attack on Underground staff, we can rest assured al beeb will get those photos out to the public as speedily as possible, to help apprehend the criminals and possibly prevent further shocking attacks. Right?
Well, strangely, not. While Yahoo and other media sources carried the pix below, there was nowt on the beeb webshite.
I wonder why?
Vlad, somehow this cartoon sums up the attitude of the government, police, Khan et al very well.
“Vlad, somehow this cartoon sums up the attitude of the government, police, Khan et al very well.”
And yet, somehow, just as more immigrants were arriving every year; between 2005 and 2014 the number of violent crimes was falling.
So perhaps the meteoric rise since 2014 is actually the result of other factors.
“Any thoughts, Sherlock?”
Oh, and by the way, this is the original cartoon:
Another “contribution” from he who is afraid of sunlight, and garlic.
Everywhere there are blacks they are disproportionally over represented in crime figures.
If you dispute this produce some reliable statistics, from anywhere, which show otherwise.
If you can find any.
Normal Al Beeb morning report……..
“There has been another stabbing in London last night………………………….”
I Khan’t think of anything… you?
But while yesterday the beeb couldn’t find space for the above story of a violent attack on Underground staff, they did manage to squeeze onto their Home page the heart warming story of gays kissing to provoke protestors against the Rocky Horror Show.
Awww, how sweet.
“Gay kiss ‘positive’ response to Rocky Horror Show protesters.”
(Note the use of speechmarks to convey the bbc agenda.)
Would somebody please pass the sick bag.
This is Alan Jones on Sky News, Australia. If you are a ‘Friend of Greta’ you might not want to hear this.
Funny how one version of a company can put out stuff like that yet the uk version is just a cousin of the biased BBC pumping out snowflake dosh
I done use Sky even though I liked to switch off brain for the Orem . But sadly a lot of people still do .
Speaker – obviously – nails it but doesn’t mention increased mental illness in these kids which is only going to increase as the peer pressure and brainwashing increases .
Fed, I pay a small fortune to have Sky (not forgetting the Beeb Geld) and I don’t watch Sky News because as you correctly say, Sky is just as biased.
This morning while listening to Toady on Radio 4 the imported Caribbean continuity chap starts waffling on about a new story/ drama on every day at 10.45am called ‘Just a Woman’: “The ups and downs of being a young transgender woman, turning 18 and ready to explore the world.”
Why is the BBC making programmes like this, it is destabilising society.
On the issue of sky . Ring up and say you are leaving . There’ll be an offer of a reduction or similar .
I put my saga with them on here long ago . By the time I’d finished with them they wanted to pay me to watch . But I got ripped off and that doesn’t happen twice . So no Sky .
On the issue of the desire to destabilise society – it all stems from the infiltration of the UK by the Russians using Marxism in the 1960s feeding through so that the idiot students then have fed through to now .
So we land up with well off left wing idiots in charge of the state .
why do they make programmes like this? because they don’t pay for it and don’t care if nobody listens – when one of these things becomes a commercial west end success and runs for more than an afternoon then maybe it is worth but even then I doubt it
Way too easy a question. The BBC is making programs like this because they want to destabilse society.
“Why is the BBC making programmes like this, it is destabilising society.”
Gosh, who knew that all it took to destabilise a society was a 15 minute drama on Radio 4 that apparently nobody will listen to.
The evil plans of Russian, Marxist infiltrators in the 1960’s have finally come to fruition; resulting in SEVERAL PEOPLE on BiasedBBC retuning their radios to listen to something else.
Job done.
Hi maxiconey
Thanks for turning up to have a scoff . You may be too young to remember the Cold War – but it did happen and there was a big effort to undermine The West.
I’m sure you are going to entertain yourself in the night having a comforting cut and paste session or two.
Many people on this site think you perform a useful function and there is no doubt that you provide a bit of entertainment during your brief visits .
“You may be too young to remember the Cold War – but it did happen and there was a big effort to undermine The West.”
Yes, and apparently they succeeded; Marxist universities have been churning out brainwashed Marxist students for the past 80 years. Resulting in a state totally controlled by “well off left wing idiots”, such as; Priti Patel, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Ian Duncan Cough.
And yet, despite this Marxist infiltration and against all odds you seem to have survived remarkably well [how many foreign holidays has it been so far this year?].
So what exactly are you complaining about?
“Resulting in a state controlled by… such as Priti Patel, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Ian Duncan Cough” (sic).
Maxi, you plonker, if that were the case Britain would have had Brexit three years ago.
Remind me again. What planet are you on?
Yasser Dasmibehbi,
“if that were the case Britain would have had Brexit three years ago.”
Oh. So forgive my brainwashed naivety; who is actually controlling the state?
‘…who is actually controlling the state?’
Yes, maxi, I see what you mean about your naivety.
I similar question might be ‘How long is a piece of string’.
All I can say is that if you really want to know that and want to find the answer you will first have to define what you mean by ‘the State’, and which state. Any state? Britain? Western Democracies? The simplest thing you can turn to is Lenin’s essay and lecture which he delivered at the Sverdlov University in July 1919. He starts out by saying the topic is a very involved one and is unlikely to be understood in one brief sitting. Never-the-less by the end of the piece he reduces it all to a simple definition that being that ‘the
state’ has been shown by history to be a special apparatus for coercing people. It’s good if you like conspiracy theories.
In my view the British State, by which I mean the political aspect of the governing structure of the country, is not actually controlled by any one entity. It is a clash of entwined allied and antagonistic forces trying to secure dominance.
The problem is that the current dominant ideology is too heavily influenced by PCness and has resulted in the country headed on a downward spiral as it tries to implement a crazy mix of failed Marxist ideas along with anarchist Utopianism.
But that’s just my view. If you really want to believe that some evil power is ‘controlling’ your state then there’s a host of usual suspects to choose from
The Freemasons,
The Jews,
The Vatican,
Giant Lizards (I kid you not)
George Soros
Take your pick.
Do some thinking, dear Maxi, dear Maxi, …
Oh, and stop spending your time posting your attacks in the middle of the night. That’s not a healthy lifestyle.
Like a prize winning garden, the BBC’s collection of ‘phobias need plenty of cultivation to maintain them.
Yasser Dasmibehbi
Hey, I say, I say, hold on there !
Why am I bottom of that list ?
“Is it cos I’ is” Welsh ?
“Oh. So forgive my brainwashed naivety; who is actually controlling the state?”
The reason we have not left the EU after over three years and three months is because the present members of Parliament are not carrying out the wishes of the British people, despite the biggest referendum in our history.
We need new MPs and a new parliament. A parliament that is for the people and for freedom and independence – Vote and support The Brexit Party.
I quickly read your post and, by mistake, (10 out of 10 for no observation), thought it a cry from the playpen not you. But as I read on, I thought, ‘something fishy’ Taffman is not a playpen dweller and the one your reply is directed to does not assert this sort of subject matter. In fact, he does not ‘do’ practical contributions, assertions, let alone anything constructive. I re-read and that confirmed my error. Thing about this playpen inhabitant is, that he wears his politics, culture, education and upbringing on his sleeve for all to behold. We can only conclude that he is child schooled in the essential concept of Marxism and the ‘Critical Theory’ in particular. Nb, ‘Critical Theory’ – Sounds really technical like a stream of unintelligible algebraic gibberish. But no, its merely this: sounds technical but nothing to the rear, no substance, bit like the adherents of that particular communist persuasion. Never more happy than criticising something or somebody to undermine and destroy. The infrequency of his/her/its visits suggest that he/she/it, having little success here, displays his/her/its lack of enthusiasm.
“he does not ‘do’ practical contributions, assertions, let alone anything constructive.”
maxi is an Al Beeb supporter. His determination and tenacity is such that it might indicate he is employed by the corporation, albeit on a part time basis . Why else would he post on this site ?
A ‘junior’, employed permanently on night shift? Or is he an attention seeking ‘obsessed troll’ that only posts in the night where his posts are missed by many in the day ?
I can not conceive any other reason as to why he should post here ?
Alan Jones on Sky News, Australia
Spot on. “Wake up, grow up and shut up!”
Oh dear, nice ‘British’ couple could face death penalty.
Quick, quick let’s start a crowdfunder to save ‘our own’.
Perhaps Starmer, former director of the Death Penalty Project, will save them (perhaps not – wrong constituency).
Amazing how quickly integration occurs and you identify as British when you face the death penalty.
These stories have appeared for years about British drug smugglers facing the death penalty. It never happens.
They had photocopies of their passports in an article. His was a Pakistani passport so he is not British !
British residents would be more accurate.
Probably dual passport holders – ready to run elsewhere if circumstances require.
A doodle I scribbled on the Israel+Saudi stories
I googled ‘biased BBC’ and this site came up as number one . It used to turn up on page 4 . Perhaps the revelation of st John Humphreys has had an effect .
And if just a few more people realise what a disgrace the ‘ State Broadcaster ‘ is that will be a good thing .
With many thanks to Roland Deschain
First posted picture, a success lol
Welcome you are. 🙂
“Racists hunt migrants on our beaches” screamed the front page of the Metro, and eagerly repeated by other MSM.
The headline could equally have read:
Heroic Brits guard our shores as the Border Force, Navy, police, judges and politicians can’t be arsed.
True patriots defend the white cliffs of Dover.
The Battle of Britain, Part 2.
We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.
Brave sons of Albion give selflessly of their time to defend our borders from bogus asylum seekers who’ve crossed through half a dozen safe and affluent European countries to come to the land of endless welfare, no questions asked.
(The last one’s not very catchy, I grant you.)
Frantic virtue-signalling by one Sarah Gregory. Seems she is in favour of the law being broken? Is this rag worthy of a letter of censure? Doesn’t seem worth the bother.
Big circulation. Handed out FREE. Could the two be linked?
I wonder who the editor is..?
Is it possible for a newspaper to be free and still not be worth reading? The Metro certainly seems to be testing this concept to destruction.
True. I don’t even stoop to pick the thing up anymore.
Can you guess who is more likely to be prosecuted ?
Illegal immigrants/criminals
Members of the public doing the civic duty enforcing the law .
( clue – if there is one thing plod hates more than anything else is someone doing their job for them when they choose not to do it – eg because they are busy doing twitter ‘words’ nonsense ).
Fedup2, I like to think of you as a sensible sort of chap, able to discuss problems using reasonable terms. The use of the word ‘plod’ in reference to the police constable, while probably meant in a light hearted manner, is not appropriate. Turn your ire on the management of the constables, at Chief Inspector and above by all means. They determine deployment and resources. The average constable around Kent would probably be delighted to scan the shores for illegal immigrants, rather than having to deal with various climate change protestors. The problem for the constable is that he or she will not have access to a boat to patrol the area off Dover at the point it becomes France. As someone once said ‘ We require rough men ( and women) to stand watch while others are asleep in bed.’ I hope you sleep soundly.
I’m sure fedup2 can speak for himself – but I always thought ‘plod’ was a general term for the police force in general – not individual officers, who we all have the utmost respect for, in difficult political circumstances – to put it mildly.
SPC – I cant be bothered to engage about ‘plod’ – give me strength .I found it quite touching for pc pannick to use the old line about ‘sleeping safely ‘. I have no faith that plod can protect me should someone choose to attack me or my property . So I have my own preventative methods and measures – it’s part of London life- and many other parts of the country . I have been the victim of crime many times over and each time the ‘service ‘ as treated me as an admin number as opposed to a taxpayer – and many of those incidents were before the numbers were cut .
It’s not about resources – it’s about priorities- and until the likes of you -pc pannick – make using the term ‘plod ‘ a criminal offence – if I choose to use it – I will . You can love your police force but until it does what it is paid for – I’ll swerve it .
British Police are among the best and fairest in the world. We invented it and almost every other country uses our system. The Japanese Police are nearly 100% based on the it.
If I saw one of our officers being badly attacked, I would help. I respect the force very much.
The recent actions of the police has tested many a British person’s faith in them.
Without doubt many officers will say they would rather being doing heroic deeds such as those good, and let’s be honest, extremely brave lads defending our shores. Who knows how many they will face!? Boatloads of desperate African knife-welding savages. The Police aren’t tough enough to handle them. It takes a real man to go the shores to keep the barbarians from our door – I might join up. Look up the immigrant boat invasion on the once beautiful and lovely Cadiz beach in s Spain on YouTube. Nobody did anything – just watched. Too scared. The police would have needed 500 officers to handle 100 immigrants.
But the reality is that the police DON’T want to do that – it’s just just words for most of them.
The current surveillance/stasi policing is much easier to do and much less work involved. It’s a dream for many of them.
For the honourable officers that have spoken up against this easy-picking policing, I don my hat. Those that have left (there are many on Crime Bodge YouTube in the comments saying such) speak of increasingly laziness – not the nonsense of cuts. The cuts are mostly cause the force is one big cushy club which has been abusing the taxpayer for many many years.
Their output:hour ratio is shocking.
And the old chestnut of the lower ranks being told to blindly follows orders, regardless of their own personal conscience, is equally naive. The police is a dictatorship? No. If they really wanted to the mass of the force could quite easily halt this tsunami of easy work dressed in social conscience. I blame every single one the represents the organisation called the Police.
They may be the saintliest of people; taking loving care of all they see – it doesn’t matter. The carry out actions that bring shame on them. They are traitors who are supporting the invading army.
I thought we used to call them plods because they walked the streets. These days it’s more to do with their plodding, politically correct thought processes.
Mr Plod the Policeman – in Noddy!
Of course Noddy is non PC isn’t he?
Oh yes! Afraid I missed out on Enid Blyton when I was a kid. I remember PC Big Ears in The Dandy, who could hear crime happening. . .
SPC. My objection is to the context the word was used in. I can assure you that I have heard much worse insults over the years. But, as you say, Fedup2 can speak for himself, or herself, or any other suitable gender. I did listen to the diversity training by the way, and then worked out ways to ridicule it.
Ok – I guess you’re an ex copper – Being at the sharp end, you’re having to take the rap for idiocy from your leaders over the years. The Met in particular who have bcome far too Liberal minded in their approach to criminals. I feel for you. Cressida Dick? what was that about.
Please take you meter off air.
Are you seeking redemption?
Within ten minutes of a random look at the BBC I was treated to more of Greta followed by a segment on National Parks which apparently want to attract more ‘Black and Minority Ethnic visitors’
There is a reference to the ‘Glover Review’ which when googled brings up Guardian and Telegraph pieces –
‘Ethnic’ word count = 4
‘Ethnic’ word count = 0
As for the actual review – I can’t find it
World gone mad
The only way to “to attract more ‘Black and Minority Ethnic visitors’”, would be to desertify the countryside, and turn it urban. The BAMEs don’t do rural. Just as well, really – it’s bad enough seeing the pristine countryside invaded by multi-coloured shellsuited urbanites doing stupid things, be they hideously white, or otherwise.
The Telegraph article was written by Julian Glover
The Guardian was by somebody called Patrick Barkham
Do the black and ethnics referred to by the BBC read the Guardian?
Strictly Come Dancing returns to BBC 1this evening and it has a new judge in Motsi Mabuse. I wonder why she was chosen for the job?
Is xe a Champion?
Three South Africans on this year’s Strictly; her, her sister Oti and a bloke called Johannes who’s paired with Corrie’s Cath Tyldesley.
The series set off the bullshi* meter within minutes of starting – they had former Arsenal Ladies (Arsenal W.F.C. these days) Alex Scott showing her dance partner around The Emirates Stadium. Must’ve been a day out for her, too – the Arsenal women’s team couldn’t fill a corner of The Emirates – they play their home games at Meadow Park, home of National League side Boreham Wood. Coincidentally just up the road from Elstree Studios, where Strictly is made. . .
It’ll never happen but its time to bury this programme. I sat there going ‘who’?, they are scraping beyond the bottom of the barrel, and the new judge was once a champion dancer, er, how long ago ? because weight wise she aint a great advert for exercise.
Maybe she can form a new version of Les Dawson’s The Roly Polys?
Al Beeb
“Iran warns it will ‘destroy aggressors’ after US troop announcement”
This guy sounds like another Comical Ali ?
Its all semi-religious statements do you notice. Probably straight from some part of the quaran.
WTF – He’s just got one of his ‘facts’ wrong?
“Subsidies are being cut, but targets – that are legally binding – could be missed. American politician and climate activist, Al Gore, the EU and environmentalists have all encouraged the government to reconsider this policy.”
This is from before the BBC policy changed to disallow climate debate otherwise it would also be linked
I’ve just switched on BBC1 and Owen Jones is appearing on Pointless.
Oh, the irony !!
Lobster. Was Jones one of the answers?
Lobster. I apologise. Just worked out that he was a contestant.
Whatever happened to “children should be seen and not heard”? It had a very good basis in reality, but reality is frowned upon these days.
“We have got to have a party that deals with the borders”
I agree.
Plain fact is it’s all we have at present and we won’t get anything else. Get Brexit, then turn the fight to immigration.
Roland, yes yes yes!
Match of the Day just flashed up a trailer for something called MOTDx, which I find is a lifestyle magazine programme based on the Premier League.
And judging by the trailer, no white males required, apparently.
“Match of the Day just flashed up a trailer for something called MOTDx”
So by calling out the BBC for its anti-white racism, I’m automatically a racist myself?
BTW, isn’t Invasion of the Body Snatchers (in its various incarnations) largely a condemnation of conformity of thought? Maybe you get a numb, fuzzy warmth from the Pod People at the BBC but most of us here don’t.
Wot she sed…
But if he noted the BBC bosses’ horror at the result of the referendum, what on earth has he been doing these last three years at the forefront of Today’s daily dose of Project Fear? It’s a bit late to be reporting this ‘inside story’ now.
I could say it was to protect his pension, but despite the money-making bombshell revelations of yesterday, I rather doubt that. I suspect it’s a need at the end of his career to get himself on the side of the angels. And history will not look back kindly on the subversive if not treacherous BBC.
I’m sure the pension played a big part, however.
Extract from above article: Don’t just blame the BBC, Mr Humphrys, blame yourself –
AFTER years of ignoring the serious criticism of the BBC’s failure to be impartial or objective, two days after his retirement the corporation’s elder statesman John Humphrys decides to lift the lid on his former employer.
It suffers from an institutional liberal bias, he declares in his memoirs A Day Like Today, accusing it of being a ‘Kremlin-style’ organisation and out of touch to boot. He says its bosses ‘badly failed’ to read the nation’s mood on Europe and ‘simply could not grasp’ why anyone voted Leave.
Now he is ‘free to speak’ and no longer has to ‘submit to the BBC Thought Police his subversive musings’.
So why on earth did he tolerate it for so long (his BBC career was some 40 years) or indeed why did he not resign, especially given the BBC’s destructive and disastrous framing of the Brexit debate? How could he swallow what he’s had to on a daily basis? We are entitled to ask – and to question his integrity.
Does he jeopardise his pension ?
Taking bets on when Rob Burley leaps in….
I blame Greta Thunberg personally.
I watched Question Time in astonishment as Fiona Bruce nodded in somber agreement with the Labour oaf who was viciously trashing Boris.
After the show, the guy who put it on YouTube had a few words to say during the last few minutes of the clip, starting off with his disapproval of the nodding Fiona.
This begs a question or two:
*Has the BBC got to the point where presenters don’t even have to try to conceal their bias.
*Will the BBC employ anyone, regardless of talent and professionalism, as long as they are from the BBC’s preferred social class and political bias.
*Can the BBC really be unaware of Bruce’s poor enunciation as she swallows every third of forth word.
These are of course all rhetorical questions as the BBC is a closed, members-only lefty club, guzzling at the public trough.
Well, most of us here know that. I just thought I’d reiterate it.
Given this is the sole source of bbc news via twitter, i’m surprised this latest gem from the Swedish Sage is not getting more analysis.
Rather clearly the poor mite is on the same route of many a child star, and her already special status is unlikely to be complemented by a couple of stage door parents from hell.
The left will not care. Once she is burned out they will drop her like they do any other useful idiot, and once the raging hormones subside and she starts thinking rationally I really hope someone who actually cares for her mental state will be there to manage it.
At least there will be a ton of money, thanks to a bloke who saw his invention blow up in the world’s face.
And then the bbc will be there again, hoping for tears. They have a trained crew. Apparently.
I hope when she receives a bag of money for the Nobel Prize she does not put it in any long term investment plan, because we will all be dead in 121 months.
Best spend it now girlie, buy yourself a pony and live like a normal middle class child
The only statements and statistics I would believe in the ‘immigration’ debate’ is from Migration Watch:
Hey, guys and gals if you had any doubts about the sanity or otherwise of the climate change cultists take a look at this congregation of said cultists sat in the pews of a church somewhere while their fellow brethren bow down before an assortment of PLANTS “asking those plants to forgive them” for the murder of their fellow plants by howwible humans:
They will be holding funeral services on glaciers next 😀 .
Oh! wait a minute……………….
Its there now !
They must get their ‘heads up’ by reading the posts on this site ? Or perhaps maxi is telling them?
This is a follow on from the above story:
“And one of the most bizarre examples of this has just made the headlines. A liberal theological seminary in the US now has staff and students confessing their sins – not to God, but to chrysanthemums, tree ferns and assorted cacti – really! Forget about repenting over things like abortion or adultery – something much more important is being run with here. Says one article:
Students at Union Theological Seminary prayed to a display of plants set up in the chapel of the school, prompting the institution to issue a statement explaining the practice as many on social media mocked them.
“Today in chapel, we confessed to plants,” the nation’s oldest independent seminary declared Tuesday on Twitter. “Together, we held our grief, joy, regret, hope, guilt and sorrow in prayer; offering them to the beings who sustain us but whose gift we too often fail to honor. What do you confess to the plants in your life?”
For the Marxists, now, anything goes. They do think that they can get away with anything on the altar of ‘Critical Theory’. Expect much more incomprehensible acts and assertions.
Seems freaking out the youth is where the bbc sees their salvation.
Shame almost none actually watch the bbc to see this utterly venal attempt play out.
BBC 2015 ‘We are ashamed that we had Prof Bob Carter on , he contradicts the scientific establishment so that is FALSE BALANCE”
BBC 2015 ‘We are proud to air all these CHILDREN rocking the ESTABLISHMENT”
“BBC Monitoring”? No,
‘BBC Mentoring’……………
Outright incitement.
Has the bbc created a Shouting Fire in the Theatre Editor yet?
Or gone straight to channel.
Last weeks BBC Countryfile had a load of items about children in the countryside
Fair enough it’s family viewing.
The progs last item was about a litttle girl who had started an eco-friendly flower business.. then Ellie did the closing words
“Who’d have thought I’d be rechalking a giant with a huge appendage”
(than they tweeted this)
Shouldn’t it be marked out in soot?
BBC oversees BBC.
Results in hilarity.
“Mainstream-UK” survey tells us Labour supporters
.. are ashamed of the British flag
.. but proud of the EU flag
like Emily Thornberry
The BBC is headed to a dark place 😉
Thank goodness for that! Corbyn has just told Marr that the Labour position on brexit is perfectly clear. He wants to leave and remain in the EU and its as simple as that.
Phew, that ok then!
Uh huh.
When Matilda started running, she didn’t see many women who looked like her at races, so she decided to do something about it. ????♀️
That BBC article has been tweeted 4 times
The first and third tweet are by an an account that is
“directed by the black gaze, that .. exposes *white supremacy*.”
BTW The headline is ‘Matilda decided to start the Fly Girl Collective after realising she was in the minority at races.’
How about ‘John decided to start the WHITE-MAN Collective after realising he was in the minority at races.’
.. That would be racist , just the same as this woman’s group is.
Minority in races ?????? where the hell has she been ? every time I watch athletics, and particularly the Olympics, there are rarely any white girls in the race finals.
Seems the bbc have found their audience unerringly.
Another one of those vampire progs in the middle of the night that tries to turn you into a climate-zombie
It ended by telling us
‘Louisiana has a *sea level CRISIS*, but we can help by taking climate action *TODAY*
Funny previously they’ve said once the CO2 is in the air its effect is locked in for 40 years what we do today doesn’t change the weather in the next 10 years
AFAIK Lousiana has been cherrypicked cos it is an exceptional special case
The Land is SINKING
– much of southern Louisiana is on a tectonic plate that is sinking land below sea level
– also due to the way canals have been dug
– also due the way oil drilling has lowered the water table
When I checked it seems that 3 weeks ago the journo Jason Margolis did a story for the radical left-wing radio station PRI
.. and the BBC must have then bought in the content.
BBC version has the same title
BTW today is World Car Free Day
I’ll take a Jaguar, no need to wrap it
Make mine a Bugatti Veyron, I’m sure Greta would agree……
Andrew Fisher: Jeremy Corbyn’s senior aide to quit –
What they don’t tell us, though, is the following (from the ITV news website):
The Sunday Times reports he denounced Mr Corbyn’s team for their “lack of professionalism, competence and human decency” in a memo seen by the paper.
That’s a damning indictment from an insider, and big omission from the BBC article.
I had to read the BBC article twice, as I was sure they wouldn’t have missed out something so important, but they definitely have.
And yet Momentum supporters would have you believe that the BBC are biased against Corbyn! Unbelievable!
Jez’ team need to get in Greta’s operation.
And for sure the bbc will make no mention.
And who is the biggest culprit of all?
Et tu Brute?
Very disappointing. Are they just saying anything to avoid criticism?