The biased anti brexit propaganda produced by the BBC is ratcheting up as we head through October . Once again thank for your restraint in such anti democratic times .
They do have this though ……………….
\\House price growth ‘almost ground to a halt’//
Great news for young first time buyers?
There is a HYS running .
“Brexit: New UK plan for Northern Ireland to stay in single market”
When we finally get independence and the EU’s economy goes into recession, will the Republic of Ireland follow us out ?
I love the Times phrase “she secretly filmed the encounter to try and discredit the reporter” TRIED! she did discredit Sweeney and he was shown up for the low life, greedy, cowardly liar most of us here know he is!
As for Sweeney “paying for the drinks” Well thats alright then, what ever were we worrying about!
Has anybody caught Diane Abacus’ performance the HoC today?
a) her oratory skills are bloody awful – she reminds me of a teacher at school many years ago that when telling you off, used to put the emphasis on totally the wrong words and syllables, therefore rendering her bollocking a complete joke!
b) she stood up to ask a 7th question when anyone worth their salt knows you only get 6! Dozy cow – you couldn’t make it up ????
They have deliberately played down Abbot’s mistakes. Forgetting to even ask a first question was not a good start either yet the BBC forgot to mention that fact (facts only mentioned if it suites them)
Their focus is on Raab being not so good while Abbot get left off the hook.
They did this with Corbyn every week when he was against May. It was always ‘Corbyn V May’ and not ‘The Prime Minister takes questions from parliament’ and Corbyn was always portrayed as the one who was doing all the work. When Johnson next does a PMQs they will again favour Corbyn over him to give the public a sense that Corbyn is somewhat electable.
‘A little later, former Attorney General Dominic Grieve – one of Mr Clarke’s partners in rebellion – asked if government special advisers were allowed to tell “outright lies”.
His complaint was about a story in the Mail on Sunday – which, he believed, had been briefed by the PM’s special adviser, Dominic Cummings – that Downing Street was investigating whether the EU had funded the legal advice for his legislation to block a no-deal Brexit.
There had been no money and there was no investigation because the UK was not yet a police state, he added.
Mr Raab shouted something about advisers advising and ministers deciding, and repeated the term “surrender act” but didn’t provide any real answer.
And you can bet that Mr Grieve isn’t about to let the matter drop.
Nor were there answers about how the government plans to observe the requirements of that act. Several challenges from Labour MPs were met with the double assertion that the government would obey the law and that the UK would leave the EU on 31 October, come what may.
So at the end of the deputies’ joust, no-one was any the wiser.’
Every now and then, I’ve banged on about the rarely discussed true cost to the private sector of public sector pensions. And to be honest my fear is that it goes above the heads of many- which of course is how the authorities like it. How does it sound if I said a teacher earns a pension annuity equivalent value in a single year equal to their whole salary? Or if I said that a teacher’s total benefits are double their stated salary, when pension provision is included?
The fund has worked on certain rules for 20 odd yeats. Turns out the ECJ don’t like it. Somehow the cost of 20 year’s worth of new, unexpected, and unfunded liabilities now need to be met. No prizes for guessing who will pay for this.
Let’s hope I’m wrong.
Needless to say, not mentioned on the BBC news.
You are quite correct. I have been involved with accounting of private schools, who can participate in the Scottish Teachers Pension Scheme. The rate of employer contributions recently increased from 17% to 22% of the teacher’s salary. That’s nearly one quarter of the salary for every teacher. Being private schools, it’s the parents that have to fund it. The situation is much the same south of the border.
Most schools are, of course funded from taxation so, dear readers, it is you who must fund that level of payment. You are the geese who must provide however many golden eggs the courts deem appropriate. Remember that every time the courts expand pension provision beyond what was originally envisaged and the BBC congratulates them on their progressive generosity. With your money.
Roland. You are of course quite right.
State schools are having to budget an increase in employer contributions from 17% to 23% but guess what? It is fully funded out of taxes. And it is all what we used to call ‘wooden dollars’, as it is just a sort of accounting cheat. There is no actual pot of cash.
It was in about 2014 that the increase in NHS pension liabilities in that year exceeded the entire NHS budget. Think on that.
Meanwhile I read today of trouble at an Oxbridge college that wants to come out of the Universities Superranuation scheme.
Which has a £6 bn black hole !!!!!! And increasing as Universities pay themselves more and more. 350 people at Edinburgh earn over £100,000. And they all expect juicy pensions.
Nice if you can get it.
Sky tonight: Much feigned surprise that the opposition will vote against Johnson’s deal if it ever comes before them. There is no plan for Brexit, including the most minimal form of Brexit that can be imagined, or even Remain that the opposition would vote for.
They will go against anything Johnson could bring (on any subject) that they wouldn’t reject. The idea is to make Johnson look weak but he could use his (in)famous bluster to let the voters know this ineffective Parliament is not his faulkt as he keeps calling for a GE.
And with John Lewis laying off a fair % of apparently deadweight senior management as their awesome grasp of their audience continues to bite, maybe a sinecure at a place where that is consequence-free SOP until The Rapture does have an appeal.
This is an example of the sort of in-depth, behind-the-scenes investigative reporting (and topical subject) that the BBC should be spending its extorted funds on.
Don’t be put off by the title. It investigates in some detail just who is promoting, funding and mentoring Greta.
Is it me, or has the BBC’s opening text of their report on Extinction been changed three times until it insinuated that ALL 1800 litres of fake blood were sprayed over the treasury building, but then show a video of the majority of it filling the road? It was a laugh though, watching those cretins trying to handle a fire hose.
Great photojournalism captures a moment and a mood. This picture from the brilliant Doug Mills absolutely nails the frustration and fury that the president is feeling over the #impeachment inquiry
Say what you like about Boris but he’s a smart, funny & charming guy, and his relentlessly positive message is a blessed relief after all the doom-and-gloom Remoaning. If he can deliver Brexit, he’ll be a national hero. We’re all sick of this pathetic partisan farce.
These self absorbed Remoaners really don’t seem to grasp how much contempt the public have for them. Vote another deal down, block no deal and I think that will be the straw that broke the camel’s back and we will then see proper rebellion , I really do. Breaking point is nigh.
His critics say he doesn’t do detail but leaders give direction for others to make things happen.
At least Boris is upbeat, unlike the moaning minnies at the BBC!
I thought his New York quip about the US military not buying British tape measures being something about them rejecting British rulers was quite neat, just the sort of thing to break down barriers and encourage a ‘can do’ spirit.
What a brilliant comparison of parliament with a TV reality show where our votes are more effective. (The whole point of TV dross is to divert the plebs from what is going on with the quislings and collaborators).
Very highly paid ‘expert’ / pundit Gary Lineker demonstrates quite clearly why he is not worth the silly amount of money that the BBC, actually the TV licence payer, pay him after his comments during the Spurs, Bayern Munich match which Spurs lost 7 – 2 (read the replies he received, if only to cheer you up).
Bear with me, this post is not about BBC bias, but it is the kind of issue that the BBC will use to bolster their fake news regarding overwhelming cases of anti muslimism.
A female manager in a postal depot asked a muslim postal worker if he liked women.
The muslim was shocked and deeply hurt by this ‘racist’ comment and had to take compassionate leave.
His brave Komrads – all scousers – went on strike and plan to continue their strike tomorrow.
See report in the Liverpool Echo. The comments, for some reason, do not appreciate the efforts of the striking scousers.
BBC1 World Athletics at about 20:35, Gaby Logan talking to the studio experts when the camera zoomed out to reveal about 200 black people cheering right by the BBC reporting box.
Gabby said, “I don’t know why they have decided to sit right by the BBC”. The camera zoomed out more to reveal a mostly empty stadium apart the crowded area by the BBC box.
Gabby might not know why they are there but I can guess why.
I’ll fess up to being a bit of a fan of Dina Asher Smith and very glad she won.
But Gabby Logan has now name-checked Black History week AND Diane Flabbott who apparently wished Dina well in PMQs today.
We don’t need this total pro-BAME BBC crap at every opportunity.
British athlete who happens to be black does well because of her ability and work ethic and not for any other reason. And she did not name-check anything to do with her ethicity.
Good for her. Good for us. End of.
Number 10 had been studying the implications of the Supreme Court judgment – and will hope a shorter suspension of a few days rather than five weeks causes it less trouble.
It also avoids another potentially awkward conversation with the Palace about rescheduling the Queen’s plans.
Already, however, opposition parties have raised concerns.
A source told the BBC that Boris Johnson was trying to avoid Prime Minister’s Questions and Parliamentary scrutiny.
I just happened to check the Twitter of one of the worst beeboid zombies.
And there he was Tweeting this
“Is Boris Johnson really trying to game Google search results?”
with the link to the Wired article of the same title
The thing is, I know straight away that it is BS .. a mere clickbait title
… cos the answer is ‘No, it’s a dumb wacky conspiracy theory, it wouldn’t work’
…Plus I know to check and see I don’t get the same results
as the title graphic.
OK, but would how how would the naive beeboid know ?
.. Well, cos the article actually agrees with my view …despite its title.
Sadly, of the people tweeting about it 95% seem to be the same as the beeboid.
They just saw a title with something negative about Boris.
They give no indication at all that they actually read the article.
anybody else noticed how the BEEB & other media cover the Hong Kong riots.
seems to me the rioters & western media use the term “democracy” to justify breaking the law.
Wonder if the MSM would like the same riots against the police in the UK!!!
answer – yes, anti Brexit riots would be covered 24/7 by the BEEB.
ps – seen a couple of clips of the shooting on the BEEB news, but it seems to getting cut as time goes on with only the last 5seconds now shown (the shooting).
plenty of vids out there showing more, but to give some context, this partial quote from –
“In a video of the shooting, brick-throwing protesters chase outnumbered police officers for about two blocks, until a small group of officers becomes separated. A protester who appears to be Mr. Tsang — wearing swim goggles and a gas mask and carrying a pool kickboard — is seen leading a handful of black-clad protesters who chase a riot officer and knock him to the ground. They kick the officer and beat him with what appear to be metal pipes.
When a different police officer approaches with a drawn handgun to rescue his colleague on the ground, the protester turns to him and strikes his trigger hand with a pipe. Instantly, the officer fires on the man at point-blank range. The protester falls, and is not treated for several minutes as the police watch for attacks, the video shows.”
I was round someone’s house today
He is on of those people that has given up on BBCnews, but he still watches ITVnews
I caught a bit of a glimpse of their Boris coverage
It felt very much like a libmob org that doesn’t like Brexit and doesn’t like Boris
The aired a bit of his speech, then 2 Tory voices the presenter scowled throughout
And they then aired loads and loads of opposing political voices
I wonder if it was the same when Cobyn did his conference or Swinson did her
was it 2 minutes of their parties and then 10 minutes of people who opposed them ?
If you want an alternative take on the latest Trump witch-hunt from the far-liberal MSM / CNN / BBC mob, here’s Hannity. (When oh when will we have a Fox?)
Emma Barnett came storming out immediately after the speech and demanded to know…
‘Is it responsible to put ideas in peoples’ heads that they have more control over a reality show than over parliament?’
Shooosh! She doesn’t want people to know that they have no control over ‘reality’ shows either. They might be able to vote but how do we know that the viewers’ votes are used? No, the TV producers think they know what makes ‘good’ TV and if they take a shine to a marsupial munching blow-hard the ‘plebs’ would never be able to vote him off. Just like with this parliament and its squeaker.
I was listening to R4 for Tweet of the Day just before 6a.m.. Listened to News, Weather, first look at Newspapers and then I was reminded that JustRemainIn Webb was at a boomy, echo-ey, Liverpool University. The proper one, not the Pools Poly.
Mishal (in Studio) is picking apart the latest HMG proposal to the EU for Brexit. She is being helped by an Irish gent, Thomas Byrne, who is stating, without realising it, that his fellow countrymen in the Republic are always prone to criminality, thuggery and terrorism.
Lucy apparently haunts the ‘Reduced Aisle’. She is obviously in Waitrose or another ‘upmarket’ supermarket. Had she gone to Tesco, she would be able to buy a tin of tuna for much less.
She should not be feeling guilty.
I could be wrong on this, please correct if you have links to the correct facts, but if I recall correctly, the reason Tuna jumped in price in the UK a few years ago is because the EU put a tariff upon it, or an extra tariff or increased the tariff on tuna.
Had we left the EU on 29 March 2019 it might have been one of the foods where HMG would have been able to reduce the price.
Lucy should not feel guilty. She should feel angry about the Remainers/Remoaners, especially those in Parliament, not allowing us out of the EU as we democratically chose in June 2016.
Notice the subtle bit of propaganda woven into the ‘news’ article: “Thankfully when I moved out, I prepared myself for these sorts of “emergency” spends as well as the big upfront costs such as car insurance, TV licence and Road Tax etc. because in most cases it’s cheaper to pay annually rather than monthly.”
Not sure that a TV licence is particularly essential and many ‘young people’ (Lucy is 27) don’t watch television anymore (and a bit of a faux pas describing it as a big upfront cost). Still, according to her online presence she is also a scriptwriter and a comedian and had a joke on BBC Radio 4 Extra’s Newsjack programme Series 17, Episode 4 (it was about ‘Tory dinosaurs’ but you probably guessed that anyway), so’s she hardly going to criticise the TV poll tax. As ever with these BBC stories, it’s portrayed as being about an ordinary member of the public, but invariably there is some sort of connection to the BBC itself.
I find it much cheaper to not pay ‘ up front ‘ fees such as the TV tax at all . Maybe that rich chap who talks about money could recommend it . I’m using the cash saved for my Thomas Cook holiday next year …
Never answer a survey at the door about ‘ viewing habits ‘ . If someone turns up with a clip board – avoid . There are some good YouTube clips of how to deal with TV tax gatherers .
IR, “Still, according to her online presence she is also a scriptwriter and a comedian and had a joke on BBC Radio 4 Extra’s Newsjack programme Series 17, Episode 4 (it was about ‘Tory dinosaurs’ but you probably guessed that anyway), so’s she hardly going to criticise the TV poll tax.”
and a freelance journalist and also related to a BBC Holligan, Anna, perhaps?
I hope Lucy is also budgeting for the January and July Income Tax payments that she will have to make.
BBC Moaning Emole and, clearly, there is time and space for any news.
Should you split up before uni?
It’s the summer before the start of university, results are around the corner and the time of home-cooked meals and laundry that appears to do itself is finally ending. But despite the fact that we should be fussing over budgeting and acquiring culinary skills beyond the realms of pasta and Pot Noodle, one of the most stressful decisions surrounding uni for a lot of people is whether or not to remain in their secondary-school relationships.
I’m curious about those who are planning to keep their existing partners. Will their relationships survive, or will the romantic possibilities in their new environments be too exciting to turn down?
Read the full article >
Anoushka Dougherty
Quite what more the ‘full article’ could bring is unclear, but it would appear Ms. Dougherty’s current squeeze likely best prepare for being so dumped as an upgrade hoves into view across the Media and Lesbian studies campus quad.
We haven’t left the EU. With a deal. Without a deal. And there’s yet another shortage of medicines. Oh dear! The BBC will be in a hurry to bring on a Doctor who contributed to the Yellowhammer Report. The BBC will ask him to apologise to Jacob Rees-Mogg who was roundly criticised, including on and by the BBC for stating (apparently now correctly) that the Doctor was scaremongering and part of Project Fear.
The BBC will do this, won’t they? To be fair? To be balanced? To be truly neutral.
BBC, Guardian and Independent already showing their quisling backing of the EU and hoping they refuse the new Boris plan and make sure that the EU understand that they will be right behind any decision to reject it.
Next expect the pit of screamers in the HOC to do likewise.
Slightly off topic but as I go about my business I can’t help but notice that all the pubs since the start of September have been advertising their christmas dinners. Which made me think that the supermarket christmas television commercials are just around the corner now.
Cast your mind back over the years and there was the John Lewis had their 2017 Christmas commercial which centered on a black boy with a white mother:
In 2016 Tesco ran a commercial with a priest and an imam and then in 2017 there was the Tesco commercial which featured a muslim family and mixed race families with had the slogan, ‘However you celebrate Christmas, we’ve got a turkey for you: “Everyone’s welcome at Tesco”.
This made me laugh because muslims just don’t celebrate Christmas.
At the BBC, diversity and multicultural shoehorning is the accepted norm and BAME celebrities and actors feature in 99% of broadcasts, despite black people making up only 3% 0f the population. Looking at the BBC output you might think the figure was 80%.
The BBC Licence Fee commercial that really makes me angry is the one that has been broadcast for several years now. It features a family where everyone is black except the mother, who is white.
Seriously, this commercial would not look out of place in a South African shanty town.
I expect all the Christmas commercials have all been filmed now and no doubt will soon be broadcast.
Here is a link to what Christmas commercials looked like from the 1980s which, when you think about it is not that long ago. At the very least, it serves a purpose as a historic record in demonstrating the rapid demographic change that has changed the face of UK cities in those few intervening years.
This has been a rapid demographic change in UK cities over the past few decades, although this is not a natural change, but rather one which has been imposed by the current powers-that-be and promoted by the BBC. Few people would have an objection if, say, 1 in 30 characters were black, reflecting their proportion in the population. And it might be quite nice if a Tesco Christmas advert featured a Muslim character greeting her (Christian) neighbour with something along the lines of “I don’t celebrate it myself but I’ll wish you a Merry Christmas nonetheless”. The issue with these commercials is that they do not reflect reality but are prescriptive rather than descriptive. Ultimately they are promoting long-term ethnic cleansing and population replacement.
Part of the massive re-education process that is currently on the go, to convince us that we no longer live in a ‘white’ nation, but rather in one that is ‘multicultural’ and ‘diverse’. All TV programmes, films, marketing etc. is now subject to this process, and it is more than happy to rewrite history, wherever it feels it to be necessary.
There is something really sinister about this process, especially when the rewriting of history (much like book-burning) has become an integral part.
What is sinister especially, is that it won’t be long, before my town, probably 98% white, will be found to be an impediment to the overall propaganda drive. It is a living offence to, and repudiation of, the new socialist dawn, and one wonders at what point it will become so offensive that enforced action by the state is required?
History has shown that, when social engineers find a reality that does not correspond to the one they are trying to fabricate, that reality itself has to be acted on.
Comrade Stalin himself, would have told you that that would be an essential for good social engineering. And as for that prerequisite for all good social engineering, propaganda, is concerned- how appropriate that the beeb tv licence ad should be in the lead. Whitey has been almost totally eliminated from the celebrations.
A simple slip showing what happens when you get somewhat carried away by your own propaganda, or an unintended glimpse of what beeb really has in mind for our future?
All Europe and the US have been similarly targeted, although the latter has been ‘diverse’ for a long time, so it’s just the balance that needs socialist intervention.
Another way of looking at this is to ask yourself why the BBC and other globalist media concentrate so much on the following areas:
(1) Cities (rather than towns or the country);
(2) Youth (rather than middle-aged or older people);
(3) Sport (rather than other recreational areas);
(4) Contemporary music & fashion (rather than older traditional or classical styles);
(5) Minorities with grievances (rather than the majority).
In each case, they can shoehorn unrepresentative numbers of BME people into the stories, especially Blacks, who are 3% of the population and only 5% even if you include mixed race people. This bias is in my view not accidental; it is a deliberate attempt to mislead people and get them to accept mass immigration.
Mustapha- if your last sentence is correct, we are probably wasting our time, thinking that Brexit will give us ‘control’ over immigration.
The massive population growth areas are Africa and Asia, and -as far as these are concerned- we’ve always had ‘control’ over immigration. It is from here we can expect mass immigration to continue/increase.
As the door to the EU is closed, the door to those two continents will presumably open even further.
Brexit is still a good thing, if it returns our sovereignty and judicial independence to us, but what it does to control mass immigration is till an open question. (And is the Supreme Court really an example of ‘judicial independence’?)
The trend in movies, advertising etc, would seem to confirm from which continents the manipulators REALLY want ‘migration’ into the UK to continue apace. I should imagine they’re not really that interested in Europe.
One might divide immigration into three types: (i) EU; (ii) non-Eu; (iii) non-EU via EU member countries.
(i) This will in theory be mainly White, which wasn’t such a problem all the time the EEC (formerly the Common Market) was a co-prosperity sphere, as numbers were smaller. That all changed after 2004 and 2007, when Eastern European countries with lower levels of prosperity joined the EU. The UK could have sought derogations, e.g. when Poland joined, but chose not to; it did so when Romania & Bulgaria joined in 2007, with restrictions for 7 years up to 2014 … by which time there were already a staggering 100,000 Romanians here (i.e. before the gates officially opened!) The BBC only started talking about immigration as a problem when large numbers of Whites from E & SE Europe came in, confident that they couldn’t be accused of racism.
(ii) Non-EU immigration may become harder to control post Brexit (if we ever do leave!) The quid pro quo for some great trade deal with, say, India will be a further opening of the flood-gates, at the very least for students. As you noted, the sheer number of illegal migrants crossing the Med’ and the population growth in Africa will put great pressure on our borders, with little will to push back from the globalists and liberal do-gooders.
(iii) Leaving the EU will help in reducing the number of immigrants who get into the EU and then move on to the UK for better job prospects or higher benefits.
Same here fakenewswatcher-my town is perhaps the same as yours about 98% white people, with so far only one woman selling the ISSUE who I am reliably informed is a Roma-still Muslim nonetheless. A reply I gave to Cassandra just recently to her 9.22am subject explains what Britain has been conned into and still is being so no matter how much objective reaction comes from the White Public peoples.
No Cassandra you are very much on topic:
Blair and Brown and their political acolytes Ed Balls and Milliband have allowed Britain to be utterly changed without consulting the electorate. Nobel prize-winning economist F.A Hayek recognised the treacherous and delusional nature of politicians like these more than 70 yrs ago.
If it had been suggested to the man in the street just 20 or so years ago that what used to be reasonably described as the white Christian majority population of Britain would become a minority in most major English cities by 2030 the reaction would undoubtedly have been astonishment followed by hilarity.
Today the suggestion would produce no such reaction. Britain has been invaded and colonised with the collaboration by the stealth of New Labour and political correctness. All of us in Britain are about to see the consequences of an experiment in political dogma unfold which will add several million more people, mostly recent immigrants and their dependants, to Britain’s already groaning population (now over 70 million).
New Labour Politicians we must imagine saw themselves as citizens of the world first and foremost and patriots a very poor second, if at all. Never having had real jobs or much to do with people outside their university-straight-to-politics career encouraged ambitious PC politicians, BBC opinion makers and members of the judiciary to label opposition to immigration as a form of racism, painfully evidenced by Gordon Brown’s remarks in Rochdale during the 2010 election campaign. Mass immigration has already transformed large parts of our cities into what now look like third world bazaars; it has brought us violent crime and gang warfare, Sharia law and the burka, no-go zones and deadly terrorism. The real effects are yet to be played out, case hardening new divisions instead of encouraging integration.
Since 1999, more than 80% of Britain’s annual increase in population has been because of immigration and the economic fallout from this has been scandalously hushed up.
This why I voted OUT- the EU is a malfunctioning construct for today’s world-and even more so for tomorrow’s. It needs either to undergo fundamental reform or to break up. A dangerous monolith none the less.
Nature paper on ocean warming retracted
Media lauded a paper, skeptic Nic Lewis immediately pointed out a major maths error.
The papers writers quickly fessed up
It still took NatureMag 10 months to retract the paper
I heard a tiny bit of toady with them interviewing some member of the IRA/Sinn Fein . The casual way that the thread of republican terrorism is being used to subvert the democratic vote really is something .
It shows in the eyes of the state broadcaster that terrorism -even threatened – works . I just really hope that if it starts up again a more ‘ robust ‘ approach is taken so that they don’t land up with Blair style ‘ get out of jail murder ‘ cards .
The BBC Home Page and main News Page contains much repeated material from yesterday, the day before, even from the weekend and last week. Lots of questions arise.
Have the BBC lost interest in the ‘new technology’, the new ‘medium’?
Have they cut back on staff servicing the web-site in order to pay higher salaries to female staff?
Are they losing money, are increasing numbers giving up on the BBC & TV and are cancelling their Licence Fee?
Or have the BBC just got too many irons in the fire, have they grown too big?
Or do they think that people like old, familiar, recycled items?
Is it an internet version of filling the TV & Radio schedules with repeats?
Maxi-challenges are not proper challenges
I am sure all of us are not perfect, but can defend what we have said against PROPER challenging
But we can’t defend against IMPROPER challenging which start off by attacking the fake person that is not you , that is merely created in Maxi’s mind and adds on a series of improper techniques
: Cherrypicking, Misrepresentation, Strawmen, Omission of Context, WhatAboutery and Ad Hominem, and fake facts.
He turns up in the middle of the night with his little notebook and says you said ” V and X” therefore you are “Q”
Nope at one particular time I said S, T, U, V, W , X, Y , Z
eg by cherrypicking ” V and X” and omitting context he’s trying to create the non-sequitur.
He’ll then re-inforce with some whataboutery, fake facts and end with a sneering Ad Hom
Someone will turn up and believe some of it, but yes call Maxi out on some parts.
But that is all a waste cost Maxi will just turn up a few months later with his little notebook and repeat it all again.
And add it the fact he’ll never answer questions other put to him providing a list of progs the BBC has done about the POSITIVES of Brexit.
“Maxi-challenges are not proper challenges… we can’t defend against IMPROPER challenging”
Oh, Stew. You really need to accept criticism with a little more good grace; rather than immediately running to your safe space and branding it as “IMPROPER”.
But you demonstrate perfectly how this site is just for people trapped in ever decreasing circles of imagined self-victimhood.
There are genuine debaters.
We can give time and explain things to them.
And then there are disingenuous debaters.. people who are not there for genuine debate or to get to truth, but rather to score points for their own agenda I say they start by MISREPRESENTING creating a fake case/person to attack ..that is troll like behaviour.
Yet again Maxi just misrepresented, we have no problem here in taking criticsm and indeed people often call each other out in a non-trollish way.
Maxi did score a point when I said that the Owen Jones incident has gone (roughly) 10 weeks without charges
but he was wrong to say it was just 6
It was just over 7 weeks then ..and tonight it’s 8 weeks
either way that is a hell of a time when you’d expect that Owen would just give the names cos he he did say he knew them, and they’d be charged within the week
.. I don’t rule out some complicated explanation.
The Supreme Court’s recent judgement. Comments regarding same by a specialist in ECJ v UK Supreme Court’s past history when dealing with disputes.
I don’t think these observations show any bias toward the SC by the author although he misses the point about, ‘making law on the hoof’.
So, unlike our, ‘Worlds Most Trusted’ Marxist State Broadcaster, take a look an another opinion:
It does seem that the deal Boris is offering to the EU is , from the UK point of view, a decent attempt at Brexit. The main thing that seems a bit obscure at present is if we are offering a financial sweetener to the EU . If we are not then it seems a decent deal from our point of view.
The Irish border issue is resolvable but it look as though Veradkar is still intent on playing games and risking the catastrophic impact that a No Deal will have on the Republic. Perhaps he thinks that the Remainer fifth column can still stop a No Deal Brexit.. He is playing a very dangerous game for the people of the Republic and they would be well advised to say goodbye to this former EU apparatchik ASAP .
London is almost terrorist proof but XR can drive their fire-engine right up to the treasury building and spray it with 1800 litres of fake blood.
Extinction Rebellion protestors have just sprayed 1800 litres of fake blood over the Treasury using an old fire engine. Unfortunately their protest backfired somewhat when the hose flew out of control, reports @MrSteerpike
video of them starting and losing control of the fire hose
… news story
Extinction Rebellion activists failed in a plan to spray HM Treasury with thousands of litres of fake blood this morning after their high-pressure hose pipe became too much to handle.
What fun? Wot abaht the effect of that liquid on the drains and/or human consumption (eventually). Seems to be a classic example of criminal damage to me: Over to you police – Ha ha!
Restrictions on fitting blue warning beacons, special warning lamps and similar devices
16. No vehicle, other than an emergency[1] vehicle, shall be fitted with–
(a) a blue warning beacon or special warning lamp, or
(b) a device which resembles a blue warning beacon or a special warning lamp, whether the same is in working order or not.
But then I expect they have an ‘Extinction Rebellion Card’, (does that trump the ‘Race’ and ‘Transgender’ cards?).
[1] Is that why we now have a ‘climate emergency’?
So, in addition to other illegal acts that they are either permitted to carry out or get waived away in the courts, they have now made the world a much more dangerous place.
A) All emergency vehicles need to be stopped and searched en route to or past sensitive installations, or:
B) They get waved through and those who do risk them being not part of a middle class outing and are packed to the gunnels with fertiliser.
Nice one, XR. Bet all public building occupants, including the BBC’s, and those responsible for their security, are utterly thrilled.
‘The Extinction Excuse card that’ll do nicely
… widely accepted by police, the Met, and the CPS’
BTW at 12:30pm Roger Geffen was on Radio4 doing his day job of promoting cycling and asking for bigger subsidies, cos that’ll some how fix the balance & get women on their bikes.
Well RG should have served jail time but somehow the court forgot to call him back.
A few years ago he and his mates did a day of action against RG Budge open cast coal mine as they broke into the site and stopped the trucks moving for a day it cost the company thousands of pounds. The co therefore wanted court action and they were all charged. His co -conspirators all pled guilty and ended up paying something like £1000 fine plus £1000 costs each. RG unwisely chose to plead not guilty, which should have meant a heavier sentence. The court set a date, and after a few months moved it back another 4 months.
Then that was it somehow they never called him back and he was never tried.
Can you imagine the same thing happening to TR ?
No , but metroliberals can do what they want in
our #DoubleStandard #Orwellian #Britain2019
WATCH: My extraordinary interview with a Finnish MEP & a vice president of the European Parliament who came on my show to talk about Boris Johnson's letter to Jean Claude Juncker, without having actually read it. It didn't end well.
Writer Zadie Smith describes her latest collection of short stories. In one, ‘Lazy River’, she explores the feeling of “powerlessness” felt by “everyone at all levels of life at the moment”.
Earlier in Parliament PM asked the Lib Dems to withdraw the letter
/In an interview with Sky News’s Sophy Ridge the European Commission President said that “Brexit will happen” and “we can have a deal”. But the comments prompted Lib Dems MEPs to write to Mr Juncker yesterday and urge him not to rush into an agreement with Boris Johnson./
They really are a bitter, twisted and arrogant bunch of sort losers aren’t they.
Boris is clearly giving it his all to get a Deal. No doubt about it, despite being attacked at every step by these fanatical remainers. Lets just take a quick look at some points from the BBC report ,
Jo Swinson – ib Dem leader Jo Swinson said there was “genuine fear” about his proposals at the Northern Ireland border.
She said his plan “has been denounced as the worst of both worlds”, asking: “Will the prime minister now go to the Northern Ireland border and listen to the people and communities there or does he not care?”
Corbyn – The current proposals would damage the whole UK economy, the Northern Irish economy especially and would undermine the Good Friday agreement.”
He said the proposals “reject any form of customs union, something demanded by every business and industry body in Britain and every trade union”.
“They want to ditch EU standards on workers’ rights, regulations and consumer standards and engage in a race to the bottom,” he said.
Blackford – e SNP’s Westminster leader Ian Blackford said the PM will “never have the consent of Scotland” for his Brexit deal, saying Mr Johnson “doesn’t grasp the reality of a workable backstop”.
“It is a half-baked plan from (the prime minister’s adviser) Dominic Cummings and his Brexit fanatics,” Mr Blackford said.
“The proposed deal is dead before it even left the podium of the Tory conference.”
If there is to be a NO DEAL, then THEY are the people responsible for it, not Boris. Their petty political point scoring juvenile games is the reason he cannot secure a deal. yet THEY will be the ones pointing the finger at Boris.
I honestly now believe, in this past couple of weeks that the tide of public opinion is turning against these Remainers in a big way. I think most folk can see Boris is trying his utmost to get a deal and they can see its these lot who are hampering at every turn.
They all say they want a deal , but Boris could bring a deal to the table where everyone in the country gets £1 million , and they would vote it down out of spite.
Disgusting bunch who say they are putting the country first by blocking No Deal, but they are not, they dont give a stuff about the country, they only give a stuff about themselves.
HYS open , about right this one
4. Posted byMore jobs More satisfaction A new dawn awaitson
25 minutes ago
Oh look. Corbyn is blocking it. What a surprise.
GE NOW or I’ll picket until they in the palace DO THEIR JOB and Dissolve Parliament. Search Royal Prerogative
Quote below drawn from and typical of the lib dums traitorous entreaty.
“We feel greatly ashamed of the fact that for so many years, you have had to deal with consecutive British Prime Ministers who have undermined the EU and the UK’s role within it.”
Blair must have forseen the gutter levels to which these people were prepared to demean themselves. I am embarrassed and ashamed to have these vermin as my countrymen/women.
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . .
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. ‘Throng’.
Fedup2Mar 11, 16:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not BBC – they’d never approve – warren buffet saw the Trump downturn and has been selling shares . He…
“German economic forecasts plunge as global industrial recession fears mount”
They will be needing our money very shortly . Anything on Al Beeb about the EU’s economy ?
They do have this though ……………….
\\House price growth ‘almost ground to a halt’//
Great news for young first time buyers?
There is a HYS running .
“Brexit: New UK plan for Northern Ireland to stay in single market”
When we finally get independence and the EU’s economy goes into recession, will the Republic of Ireland follow us out ?
I love the Times phrase “she secretly filmed the encounter to try and discredit the reporter” TRIED! she did discredit Sweeney and he was shown up for the low life, greedy, cowardly liar most of us here know he is!
As for Sweeney “paying for the drinks” Well thats alright then, what ever were we worrying about!
The Blackburn couple

allegedly she the lawyer got people to sue travel firms for foreign hotel sickness
and he the doctor signed the sicknotes
..His hearing continues.
Bux is an Urdu name.
Has anybody caught Diane Abacus’ performance the HoC today?
a) her oratory skills are bloody awful – she reminds me of a teacher at school many years ago that when telling you off, used to put the emphasis on totally the wrong words and syllables, therefore rendering her bollocking a complete joke!
b) she stood up to ask a 7th question when anyone worth their salt knows you only get 6! Dozy cow – you couldn’t make it up ????
I was just about to mention this but the response on the BBC’s website is even more shocking.
Abbot was awful today and that can be seen by anyone. Why Corbyn left her with the questions makes him look even worse as well.
While Raab is not as experienced in the role and it was also his first chance of a PMQs stand in he actually had a very easy time.
But read the report on the BC’s website:
They have deliberately played down Abbot’s mistakes. Forgetting to even ask a first question was not a good start either yet the BBC forgot to mention that fact (facts only mentioned if it suites them)
Their focus is on Raab being not so good while Abbot get left off the hook.
They did this with Corbyn every week when he was against May. It was always ‘Corbyn V May’ and not ‘The Prime Minister takes questions from parliament’ and Corbyn was always portrayed as the one who was doing all the work. When Johnson next does a PMQs they will again favour Corbyn over him to give the public a sense that Corbyn is somewhat electable.
Just extreme bias and it is out of control now
By Mark D’Arcy
Parliamentary correspondent
‘A little later, former Attorney General Dominic Grieve – one of Mr Clarke’s partners in rebellion – asked if government special advisers were allowed to tell “outright lies”.
His complaint was about a story in the Mail on Sunday – which, he believed, had been briefed by the PM’s special adviser, Dominic Cummings – that Downing Street was investigating whether the EU had funded the legal advice for his legislation to block a no-deal Brexit.
There had been no money and there was no investigation because the UK was not yet a police state, he added.
Mr Raab shouted something about advisers advising and ministers deciding, and repeated the term “surrender act” but didn’t provide any real answer.
And you can bet that Mr Grieve isn’t about to let the matter drop.
Nor were there answers about how the government plans to observe the requirements of that act. Several challenges from Labour MPs were met with the double assertion that the government would obey the law and that the UK would leave the EU on 31 October, come what may.
So at the end of the deputies’ joust, no-one was any the wiser.’
Seriously? That has bias written all over it!
Every now and then, I’ve banged on about the rarely discussed true cost to the private sector of public sector pensions. And to be honest my fear is that it goes above the heads of many- which of course is how the authorities like it. How does it sound if I said a teacher earns a pension annuity equivalent value in a single year equal to their whole salary? Or if I said that a teacher’s total benefits are double their stated salary, when pension provision is included?
But the issues don’t go away. So instead of worrying about the £1bn a month cost of staying in the EU, how about something that is seriously expensive? I bring you a ruling by the European Court of Justice on the workings of the Pension Protection Fund.
The fund has worked on certain rules for 20 odd yeats. Turns out the ECJ don’t like it. Somehow the cost of 20 year’s worth of new, unexpected, and unfunded liabilities now need to be met. No prizes for guessing who will pay for this.
Let’s hope I’m wrong.
Needless to say, not mentioned on the BBC news.
You are quite correct. I have been involved with accounting of private schools, who can participate in the Scottish Teachers Pension Scheme. The rate of employer contributions recently increased from 17% to 22% of the teacher’s salary. That’s nearly one quarter of the salary for every teacher. Being private schools, it’s the parents that have to fund it. The situation is much the same south of the border.
Most schools are, of course funded from taxation so, dear readers, it is you who must fund that level of payment. You are the geese who must provide however many golden eggs the courts deem appropriate. Remember that every time the courts expand pension provision beyond what was originally envisaged and the BBC congratulates them on their progressive generosity. With your money.
Roland. You are of course quite right.
State schools are having to budget an increase in employer contributions from 17% to 23% but guess what? It is fully funded out of taxes. And it is all what we used to call ‘wooden dollars’, as it is just a sort of accounting cheat. There is no actual pot of cash.
It was in about 2014 that the increase in NHS pension liabilities in that year exceeded the entire NHS budget. Think on that.
Meanwhile I read today of trouble at an Oxbridge college that wants to come out of the Universities Superranuation scheme.
Which has a £6 bn black hole !!!!!! And increasing as Universities pay themselves more and more. 350 people at Edinburgh earn over £100,000. And they all expect juicy pensions.
Nice if you can get it.
From Somalia to Netherlands to BBC to London
I know nothing about this woman but I have to say how sad this is. 27 is no age.
Sent the BBC a tweet. I have just had enough now!
Sky tonight: Much feigned surprise that the opposition will vote against Johnson’s deal if it ever comes before them. There is no plan for Brexit, including the most minimal form of Brexit that can be imagined, or even Remain that the opposition would vote for.
They will go against anything Johnson could bring (on any subject) that they wouldn’t reject. The idea is to make Johnson look weak but he could use his (in)famous bluster to let the voters know this ineffective Parliament is not his faulkt as he keeps calling for a GE.
Well, she does tick every other box the bbc has too.
And with John Lewis laying off a fair % of apparently deadweight senior management as their awesome grasp of their audience continues to bite, maybe a sinecure at a place where that is consequence-free SOP until The Rapture does have an appeal.
This is an example of the sort of in-depth, behind-the-scenes investigative reporting (and topical subject) that the BBC should be spending its extorted funds on.
Don’t be put off by the title. It investigates in some detail just who is promoting, funding and mentoring Greta.
Available on Bitchute
Is it me, or has the BBC’s opening text of their report on Extinction been changed three times until it insinuated that ALL 1800 litres of fake blood were sprayed over the treasury building, but then show a video of the majority of it filling the road? It was a laugh though, watching those cretins trying to handle a fire hose.
The king of the snarks strikes again.
I’m sure he’ll retract if that turns out to be fake.
Well said Piers !!!
These self absorbed Remoaners really don’t seem to grasp how much contempt the public have for them. Vote another deal down, block no deal and I think that will be the straw that broke the camel’s back and we will then see proper rebellion , I really do. Breaking point is nigh.
His critics say he doesn’t do detail but leaders give direction for others to make things happen.
At least Boris is upbeat, unlike the moaning minnies at the BBC!
I thought his New York quip about the US military not buying British tape measures being something about them rejecting British rulers was quite neat, just the sort of thing to break down barriers and encourage a ‘can do’ spirit.
What a brilliant comparison of parliament with a TV reality show where our votes are more effective. (The whole point of TV dross is to divert the plebs from what is going on with the quislings and collaborators).
Very highly paid ‘expert’ / pundit Gary Lineker demonstrates quite clearly why he is not worth the silly amount of money that the BBC, actually the TV licence payer, pay him after his comments during the Spurs, Bayern Munich match which Spurs lost 7 – 2 (read the replies he received, if only to cheer you up).
Bear with me, this post is not about BBC bias, but it is the kind of issue that the BBC will use to bolster their fake news regarding overwhelming cases of anti muslimism.
A female manager in a postal depot asked a muslim postal worker if he liked women.
The muslim was shocked and deeply hurt by this ‘racist’ comment and had to take compassionate leave.
His brave Komrads – all scousers – went on strike and plan to continue their strike tomorrow.
See report in the Liverpool Echo. The comments, for some reason, do not appreciate the efforts of the striking scousers.
Somebody needs to tell them all to calm down.
BBC1 World Athletics at about 20:35, Gaby Logan talking to the studio experts when the camera zoomed out to reveal about 200 black people cheering right by the BBC reporting box.
Gabby said, “I don’t know why they have decided to sit right by the BBC”. The camera zoomed out more to reveal a mostly empty stadium apart the crowded area by the BBC box.
Gabby might not know why they are there but I can guess why.
I’ll fess up to being a bit of a fan of Dina Asher Smith and very glad she won.
But Gabby Logan has now name-checked Black History week AND Diane Flabbott who apparently wished Dina well in PMQs today.
We don’t need this total pro-BAME BBC crap at every opportunity.
British athlete who happens to be black does well because of her ability and work ethic and not for any other reason. And she did not name-check anything to do with her ethicity.
Good for her. Good for us. End of.
Can anyone remember the last time that Diane Flabbott sent well wishes to a white athlete ?? no, neither can I.
Remember the Lenny Henry Live At The Apollo when he praised Obama, Lewis Hamilton etc. ‘Suck it up Whitee!’?
Yet suggesting that 52°N has a historic bearing on skin colour is now ‘white supremacy’.
Keep taking the (vitamin D) tablets, Abbott, Lammy, Henry and Y A-B!
That would have been J Corbyn, after their athletic marathon together
Yikes! Phone Justin Trudeau this man has yellowed up and is clearly offending the Chinese
And here’s one who has used Red, clearly intending to offend native American Indians.
Its that source again
Number 10 had been studying the implications of the Supreme Court judgment – and will hope a shorter suspension of a few days rather than five weeks causes it less trouble.
It also avoids another potentially awkward conversation with the Palace about rescheduling the Queen’s plans.
Already, however, opposition parties have raised concerns.
A source told the BBC that Boris Johnson was trying to avoid Prime Minister’s Questions and Parliamentary scrutiny.
I just happened to check the Twitter of one of the worst beeboid zombies.
And there he was Tweeting this
“Is Boris Johnson really trying to game Google search results?”
with the link to the Wired article of the same title
The thing is, I know straight away that it is BS .. a mere clickbait title
… cos the answer is ‘No, it’s a dumb wacky conspiracy theory, it wouldn’t work’
…Plus I know to check and see I don’t get the same results
as the title graphic.
OK, but would how how would the naive beeboid know ?
.. Well, cos the article actually agrees with my view …despite its title.
Sadly, of the people tweeting about it 95% seem to be the same as the beeboid.
They just saw a title with something negative about Boris.
They give no indication at all that they actually read the article.
anybody else noticed how the BEEB & other media cover the Hong Kong riots.
seems to me the rioters & western media use the term “democracy” to justify breaking the law.
Wonder if the MSM would like the same riots against the police in the UK!!!
answer – yes, anti Brexit riots would be covered 24/7 by the BEEB.
ps – seen a couple of clips of the shooting on the BEEB news, but it seems to getting cut as time goes on with only the last 5seconds now shown (the shooting).
plenty of vids out there showing more, but to give some context, this partial quote from –
“In a video of the shooting, brick-throwing protesters chase outnumbered police officers for about two blocks, until a small group of officers becomes separated. A protester who appears to be Mr. Tsang — wearing swim goggles and a gas mask and carrying a pool kickboard — is seen leading a handful of black-clad protesters who chase a riot officer and knock him to the ground. They kick the officer and beat him with what appear to be metal pipes.
When a different police officer approaches with a drawn handgun to rescue his colleague on the ground, the protester turns to him and strikes his trigger hand with a pipe. Instantly, the officer fires on the man at point-blank range. The protester falls, and is not treated for several minutes as the police watch for attacks, the video shows.”
I was round someone’s house today
He is on of those people that has given up on BBCnews, but he still watches ITVnews
I caught a bit of a glimpse of their Boris coverage
It felt very much like a libmob org that doesn’t like Brexit and doesn’t like Boris
The aired a bit of his speech, then 2 Tory voices the presenter scowled throughout
And they then aired loads and loads of opposing political voices
I wonder if it was the same when Cobyn did his conference or Swinson did her
was it 2 minutes of their parties and then 10 minutes of people who opposed them ?
back in the day I used to watch various News channels in hope I get a balanced view on the days news.
no longer, they all get the same press releases & look straight at you as the spout the same PC crap.
Couldn’t agree more. R.I.P. Peter Sissons.
If you want an alternative take on the latest Trump witch-hunt from the far-liberal MSM / CNN / BBC mob, here’s Hannity. (When oh when will we have a Fox?)
If you search YouTube like this setting the filter on “Feature-LIVE” then you can usually find a Fox News livestream
When there was the possiblility of us having Fox, the Left, BBC and Labour went mad and made sure it did not happen.
Or Tucker, who shows the Dems and the US media have been gunning to impeach Trump from Day 1 under any pretext. Russia, Ukraine, whatever.
Shooosh! She doesn’t want people to know that they have no control over ‘reality’ shows either. They might be able to vote but how do we know that the viewers’ votes are used? No, the TV producers think they know what makes ‘good’ TV and if they take a shine to a marsupial munching blow-hard the ‘plebs’ would never be able to vote him off. Just like with this parliament and its squeaker.
TOADY Watch # for how much longer?
I was listening to R4 for Tweet of the Day just before 6a.m.. Listened to News, Weather, first look at Newspapers and then I was reminded that JustRemainIn Webb was at a boomy, echo-ey, Liverpool University. The proper one, not the Pools Poly.
Off switch activated.
Just clicked on a link on FB where they are there LIVE.
If the bbc seriously thinks this is the future of professional broadcasting, Ms. Dougherty is in line for a First.
TOADY Watch #1 – proper one
Mishal (in Studio) is picking apart the latest HMG proposal to the EU for Brexit. She is being helped by an Irish gent, Thomas Byrne, who is stating, without realising it, that his fellow countrymen in the Republic are always prone to criminality, thuggery and terrorism.
That went well. 🙂
BBC WEAK-SITE Watch #1 – Guilt, guilt? You should be angry! item on top r/h side: ‘My guilt over spending £1.50 on tuna’.
Lucy apparently haunts the ‘Reduced Aisle’. She is obviously in Waitrose or another ‘upmarket’ supermarket. Had she gone to Tesco, she would be able to buy a tin of tuna for much less.
She should not be feeling guilty.
I could be wrong on this, please correct if you have links to the correct facts, but if I recall correctly, the reason Tuna jumped in price in the UK a few years ago is because the EU put a tariff upon it, or an extra tariff or increased the tariff on tuna.
Had we left the EU on 29 March 2019 it might have been one of the foods where HMG would have been able to reduce the price.
Lucy should not feel guilty. She should feel angry about the Remainers/Remoaners, especially those in Parliament, not allowing us out of the EU as we democratically chose in June 2016.
Notice the subtle bit of propaganda woven into the ‘news’ article:
“Thankfully when I moved out, I prepared myself for these sorts of “emergency” spends as well as the big upfront costs such as car insurance, TV licence and Road Tax etc. because in most cases it’s cheaper to pay annually rather than monthly.”
Not sure that a TV licence is particularly essential and many ‘young people’ (Lucy is 27) don’t watch television anymore (and a bit of a faux pas describing it as a big upfront cost). Still, according to her online presence she is also a scriptwriter and a comedian and had a joke on BBC Radio 4 Extra’s Newsjack programme Series 17, Episode 4 (it was about ‘Tory dinosaurs’ but you probably guessed that anyway), so’s she hardly going to criticise the TV poll tax. As ever with these BBC stories, it’s portrayed as being about an ordinary member of the public, but invariably there is some sort of connection to the BBC itself.
I find it much cheaper to not pay ‘ up front ‘ fees such as the TV tax at all . Maybe that rich chap who talks about money could recommend it . I’m using the cash saved for my Thomas Cook holiday next year …
Never answer a survey at the door about ‘ viewing habits ‘ . If someone turns up with a clip board – avoid . There are some good YouTube clips of how to deal with TV tax gatherers .
IR, “Still, according to her online presence she is also a scriptwriter and a comedian and had a joke on BBC Radio 4 Extra’s Newsjack programme Series 17, Episode 4 (it was about ‘Tory dinosaurs’ but you probably guessed that anyway), so’s she hardly going to criticise the TV poll tax.”
and a freelance journalist and also related to a BBC Holligan, Anna, perhaps?
I hope Lucy is also budgeting for the January and July Income Tax payments that she will have to make.
Lucy needs to invest in some paper, a Labour MP will call soon and ask to use her printer.
very droll LCS – Ctrl+P …just Jessting of course!!!
Well played.
BBC Moaning Emole and, clearly, there is time and space for any news.
Should you split up before uni?
It’s the summer before the start of university, results are around the corner and the time of home-cooked meals and laundry that appears to do itself is finally ending. But despite the fact that we should be fussing over budgeting and acquiring culinary skills beyond the realms of pasta and Pot Noodle, one of the most stressful decisions surrounding uni for a lot of people is whether or not to remain in their secondary-school relationships.
I’m curious about those who are planning to keep their existing partners. Will their relationships survive, or will the romantic possibilities in their new environments be too exciting to turn down?
Read the full article >
Anoushka Dougherty
Quite what more the ‘full article’ could bring is unclear, but it would appear Ms. Dougherty’s current squeeze likely best prepare for being so dumped as an upgrade hoves into view across the Media and Lesbian studies campus quad.
And, it’s October love.
TOADY Watch #2 – How embarrassing!
We haven’t left the EU. With a deal. Without a deal. And there’s yet another shortage of medicines. Oh dear! The BBC will be in a hurry to bring on a Doctor who contributed to the Yellowhammer Report. The BBC will ask him to apologise to Jacob Rees-Mogg who was roundly criticised, including on and by the BBC for stating (apparently now correctly) that the Doctor was scaremongering and part of Project Fear.
The BBC will do this, won’t they? To be fair? To be balanced? To be truly neutral.
I thought not.
Things get complicated when Andrew Marr stumbles in after a few shandies post edit…
BBC, Guardian and Independent already showing their quisling backing of the EU and hoping they refuse the new Boris plan and make sure that the EU understand that they will be right behind any decision to reject it.
Next expect the pit of screamers in the HOC to do likewise.
Same old, same old…
Has Al Beeb covered the trafficking of illegal immigrants that was exposed by LBC yet ?
I understand there have been some arrests already ?
Still Nowt ?
Slightly off topic but as I go about my business I can’t help but notice that all the pubs since the start of September have been advertising their christmas dinners. Which made me think that the supermarket christmas television commercials are just around the corner now.
Cast your mind back over the years and there was the John Lewis had their 2017 Christmas commercial which centered on a black boy with a white mother:
In 2016 Tesco ran a commercial with a priest and an imam and then in 2017 there was the Tesco commercial which featured a muslim family and mixed race families with had the slogan, ‘However you celebrate Christmas, we’ve got a turkey for you: “Everyone’s welcome at Tesco”.
This made me laugh because muslims just don’t celebrate Christmas.
At the BBC, diversity and multicultural shoehorning is the accepted norm and BAME celebrities and actors feature in 99% of broadcasts, despite black people making up only 3% 0f the population. Looking at the BBC output you might think the figure was 80%.
The BBC Licence Fee commercial that really makes me angry is the one that has been broadcast for several years now. It features a family where everyone is black except the mother, who is white.
Seriously, this commercial would not look out of place in a South African shanty town.
I expect all the Christmas commercials have all been filmed now and no doubt will soon be broadcast.
Here is a link to what Christmas commercials looked like from the 1980s which, when you think about it is not that long ago. At the very least, it serves a purpose as a historic record in demonstrating the rapid demographic change that has changed the face of UK cities in those few intervening years.
Tesco has had to cull senior management.
Sharon may be swerving from a cushy slot there to bbc DG.
Envy of the world.
“…..a historic record in demonstrating the INTENTIONALLY FORCED rapid demographic change….”
This has been a rapid demographic change in UK cities over the past few decades, although this is not a natural change, but rather one which has been imposed by the current powers-that-be and promoted by the BBC. Few people would have an objection if, say, 1 in 30 characters were black, reflecting their proportion in the population. And it might be quite nice if a Tesco Christmas advert featured a Muslim character greeting her (Christian) neighbour with something along the lines of “I don’t celebrate it myself but I’ll wish you a Merry Christmas nonetheless”. The issue with these commercials is that they do not reflect reality but are prescriptive rather than descriptive. Ultimately they are promoting long-term ethnic cleansing and population replacement.
Part of the massive re-education process that is currently on the go, to convince us that we no longer live in a ‘white’ nation, but rather in one that is ‘multicultural’ and ‘diverse’. All TV programmes, films, marketing etc. is now subject to this process, and it is more than happy to rewrite history, wherever it feels it to be necessary.
There is something really sinister about this process, especially when the rewriting of history (much like book-burning) has become an integral part.
What is sinister especially, is that it won’t be long, before my town, probably 98% white, will be found to be an impediment to the overall propaganda drive. It is a living offence to, and repudiation of, the new socialist dawn, and one wonders at what point it will become so offensive that enforced action by the state is required?
History has shown that, when social engineers find a reality that does not correspond to the one they are trying to fabricate, that reality itself has to be acted on.
Comrade Stalin himself, would have told you that that would be an essential for good social engineering. And as for that prerequisite for all good social engineering, propaganda, is concerned- how appropriate that the beeb tv licence ad should be in the lead. Whitey has been almost totally eliminated from the celebrations.
A simple slip showing what happens when you get somewhat carried away by your own propaganda, or an unintended glimpse of what beeb really has in mind for our future?
All Europe and the US have been similarly targeted, although the latter has been ‘diverse’ for a long time, so it’s just the balance that needs socialist intervention.
Another way of looking at this is to ask yourself why the BBC and other globalist media concentrate so much on the following areas:
(1) Cities (rather than towns or the country);
(2) Youth (rather than middle-aged or older people);
(3) Sport (rather than other recreational areas);
(4) Contemporary music & fashion (rather than older traditional or classical styles);
(5) Minorities with grievances (rather than the majority).
In each case, they can shoehorn unrepresentative numbers of BME people into the stories, especially Blacks, who are 3% of the population and only 5% even if you include mixed race people. This bias is in my view not accidental; it is a deliberate attempt to mislead people and get them to accept mass immigration.
Mustapha- if your last sentence is correct, we are probably wasting our time, thinking that Brexit will give us ‘control’ over immigration.
The massive population growth areas are Africa and Asia, and -as far as these are concerned- we’ve always had ‘control’ over immigration. It is from here we can expect mass immigration to continue/increase.
As the door to the EU is closed, the door to those two continents will presumably open even further.
Brexit is still a good thing, if it returns our sovereignty and judicial independence to us, but what it does to control mass immigration is till an open question. (And is the Supreme Court really an example of ‘judicial independence’?)
The trend in movies, advertising etc, would seem to confirm from which continents the manipulators REALLY want ‘migration’ into the UK to continue apace. I should imagine they’re not really that interested in Europe.
One might divide immigration into three types: (i) EU; (ii) non-Eu; (iii) non-EU via EU member countries.
(i) This will in theory be mainly White, which wasn’t such a problem all the time the EEC (formerly the Common Market) was a co-prosperity sphere, as numbers were smaller. That all changed after 2004 and 2007, when Eastern European countries with lower levels of prosperity joined the EU. The UK could have sought derogations, e.g. when Poland joined, but chose not to; it did so when Romania & Bulgaria joined in 2007, with restrictions for 7 years up to 2014 … by which time there were already a staggering 100,000 Romanians here (i.e. before the gates officially opened!) The BBC only started talking about immigration as a problem when large numbers of Whites from E & SE Europe came in, confident that they couldn’t be accused of racism.
(ii) Non-EU immigration may become harder to control post Brexit (if we ever do leave!) The quid pro quo for some great trade deal with, say, India will be a further opening of the flood-gates, at the very least for students. As you noted, the sheer number of illegal migrants crossing the Med’ and the population growth in Africa will put great pressure on our borders, with little will to push back from the globalists and liberal do-gooders.
(iii) Leaving the EU will help in reducing the number of immigrants who get into the EU and then move on to the UK for better job prospects or higher benefits.
Same here fakenewswatcher-my town is perhaps the same as yours about 98% white people, with so far only one woman selling the ISSUE who I am reliably informed is a Roma-still Muslim nonetheless. A reply I gave to Cassandra just recently to her 9.22am subject explains what Britain has been conned into and still is being so no matter how much objective reaction comes from the White Public peoples.
Thank you for posting that.It took me back to a safer, more innocent time.
No Cassandra you are very much on topic:
Blair and Brown and their political acolytes Ed Balls and Milliband have allowed Britain to be utterly changed without consulting the electorate. Nobel prize-winning economist F.A Hayek recognised the treacherous and delusional nature of politicians like these more than 70 yrs ago.
If it had been suggested to the man in the street just 20 or so years ago that what used to be reasonably described as the white Christian majority population of Britain would become a minority in most major English cities by 2030 the reaction would undoubtedly have been astonishment followed by hilarity.
Today the suggestion would produce no such reaction. Britain has been invaded and colonised with the collaboration by the stealth of New Labour and political correctness. All of us in Britain are about to see the consequences of an experiment in political dogma unfold which will add several million more people, mostly recent immigrants and their dependants, to Britain’s already groaning population (now over 70 million).
New Labour Politicians we must imagine saw themselves as citizens of the world first and foremost and patriots a very poor second, if at all. Never having had real jobs or much to do with people outside their university-straight-to-politics career encouraged ambitious PC politicians, BBC opinion makers and members of the judiciary to label opposition to immigration as a form of racism, painfully evidenced by Gordon Brown’s remarks in Rochdale during the 2010 election campaign. Mass immigration has already transformed large parts of our cities into what now look like third world bazaars; it has brought us violent crime and gang warfare, Sharia law and the burka, no-go zones and deadly terrorism. The real effects are yet to be played out, case hardening new divisions instead of encouraging integration.
Since 1999, more than 80% of Britain’s annual increase in population has been because of immigration and the economic fallout from this has been scandalously hushed up.
This why I voted OUT- the EU is a malfunctioning construct for today’s world-and even more so for tomorrow’s. It needs either to undergo fundamental reform or to break up. A dangerous monolith none the less.
10am LBC double pleasure
The new Chuckle Brothers
For some reason I cannot help but think of two dogs sniffing each others’ bottoms.
Owain is the Yorkshire region weatherman
Would love to know how Paul Hudson keeps his cheeky humour in check here.
The late Dianne Oxberry is much missed.
Nature paper on ocean warming retracted
Media lauded a paper, skeptic Nic Lewis immediately pointed out a major maths error.
The papers writers quickly fessed up
It still took NatureMag 10 months to retract the paper
(NatureMag not always wrong on Climate)
Another skeptic Dr. Mototaka Nakamura.
In June he put out a small book in Japanese on
“the sorry state of climate science”.
It’s titled Confessions of a climate scientist: the global warming hypothesis is an unproven hypothesis,
I heard a tiny bit of toady with them interviewing some member of the IRA/Sinn Fein . The casual way that the thread of republican terrorism is being used to subvert the democratic vote really is something .
It shows in the eyes of the state broadcaster that terrorism -even threatened – works . I just really hope that if it starts up again a more ‘ robust ‘ approach is taken so that they don’t land up with Blair style ‘ get out of jail murder ‘ cards .
North London. Islington. Mid afternoon.
YG Researcher: “Hello Random Person Painted Blue with a Placard”
RPPBP: “Gibber”
YG Researcher “I’d like to ask you about Brexit…”
RPPBP does a dance.
YT: “That’s great. Just hang on, I need to call the BBC…. Hi, Chris… I got another live one…”
BBC WEAK-SITE Watch #2 – The slide to irrelevance
The BBC Home Page and main News Page contains much repeated material from yesterday, the day before, even from the weekend and last week. Lots of questions arise.
Have the BBC lost interest in the ‘new technology’, the new ‘medium’?
Have they cut back on staff servicing the web-site in order to pay higher salaries to female staff?
Are they losing money, are increasing numbers giving up on the BBC & TV and are cancelling their Licence Fee?
Or have the BBC just got too many irons in the fire, have they grown too big?
Or do they think that people like old, familiar, recycled items?
Is it an internet version of filling the TV & Radio schedules with repeats?
Maxi-challenges are not proper challenges
I am sure all of us are not perfect, but can defend what we have said against PROPER challenging
But we can’t defend against IMPROPER challenging which start off by attacking the fake person that is not you , that is merely created in Maxi’s mind and adds on a series of improper techniques
: Cherrypicking, Misrepresentation, Strawmen, Omission of Context, WhatAboutery and Ad Hominem, and fake facts.
He turns up in the middle of the night with his little notebook and says you said ” V and X” therefore you are “Q”
Nope at one particular time I said S, T, U, V, W , X, Y , Z
eg by cherrypicking ” V and X” and omitting context he’s trying to create the non-sequitur.
He’ll then re-inforce with some whataboutery, fake facts and end with a sneering Ad Hom
Someone will turn up and believe some of it, but yes call Maxi out on some parts.
But that is all a waste cost Maxi will just turn up a few months later with his little notebook and repeat it all again.
And add it the fact he’ll never answer questions other put to him providing a list of progs the BBC has done about the POSITIVES of Brexit.
All agreed: All the more reason to completely ignore her/him/it. With then and any luck, he will simply go away.
“Maxi-challenges are not proper challenges… we can’t defend against IMPROPER challenging”
Oh, Stew. You really need to accept criticism with a little more good grace; rather than immediately running to your safe space and branding it as “IMPROPER”.
But you demonstrate perfectly how this site is just for people trapped in ever decreasing circles of imagined self-victimhood.
Sorry if that offends.
There are genuine debaters.
We can give time and explain things to them.
And then there are disingenuous debaters.. people who are not there for genuine debate or to get to truth, but rather to score points for their own agenda I say they start by MISREPRESENTING creating a fake case/person to attack ..that is troll like behaviour.
Yet again Maxi just misrepresented, we have no problem here in taking criticsm and indeed people often call each other out in a non-trollish way.
Maxi did score a point when I said that the Owen Jones incident has gone (roughly) 10 weeks without charges
but he was wrong to say it was just 6
It was just over 7 weeks then ..and tonight it’s 8 weeks
either way that is a hell of a time when you’d expect that Owen would just give the names cos he he did say he knew them, and they’d be charged within the week
.. I don’t rule out some complicated explanation.
The Supreme Court’s recent judgement. Comments regarding same by a specialist in ECJ v UK Supreme Court’s past history when dealing with disputes.
I don’t think these observations show any bias toward the SC by the author although he misses the point about, ‘making law on the hoof’.
So, unlike our, ‘Worlds Most Trusted’ Marxist State Broadcaster, take a look an another opinion:
It does seem that the deal Boris is offering to the EU is , from the UK point of view, a decent attempt at Brexit. The main thing that seems a bit obscure at present is if we are offering a financial sweetener to the EU . If we are not then it seems a decent deal from our point of view.
The Irish border issue is resolvable but it look as though Veradkar is still intent on playing games and risking the catastrophic impact that a No Deal will have on the Republic. Perhaps he thinks that the Remainer fifth column can still stop a No Deal Brexit.. He is playing a very dangerous game for the people of the Republic and they would be well advised to say goodbye to this former EU apparatchik ASAP .
London is almost terrorist proof but XR can drive their fire-engine right up to the treasury building and spray it with 1800 litres of fake blood.
Maybe should get them stationed near Grenfell Towers?
video of them starting and losing control of the fire hose
… news story
What fun? Wot abaht the effect of that liquid on the drains and/or human consumption (eventually). Seems to be a classic example of criminal damage to me: Over to you police – Ha ha!
The House journal was there. Not sure their coverage is helping.
A) Not showing anything spraying onto anything bar the clowns.
B) Old diesel pumps should be serviced if you are going to pass the MOT.
Well the law seems to be quite clear:
The Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations 1989
Restrictions on fitting blue warning beacons, special warning lamps and similar devices
16. No vehicle, other than an emergency[1] vehicle, shall be fitted with–
(a) a blue warning beacon or special warning lamp, or
(b) a device which resembles a blue warning beacon or a special warning lamp, whether the same is in working order or not.
But then I expect they have an ‘Extinction Rebellion Card’, (does that trump the ‘Race’ and ‘Transgender’ cards?).
[1] Is that why we now have a ‘climate emergency’?
So, in addition to other illegal acts that they are either permitted to carry out or get waived away in the courts, they have now made the world a much more dangerous place.
A) All emergency vehicles need to be stopped and searched en route to or past sensitive installations, or:
B) They get waved through and those who do risk them being not part of a middle class outing and are packed to the gunnels with fertiliser.
Nice one, XR. Bet all public building occupants, including the BBC’s, and those responsible for their security, are utterly thrilled.
‘The Extinction Excuse card that’ll do nicely
… widely accepted by police, the Met, and the CPS’
BTW at 12:30pm Roger Geffen was on Radio4 doing his day job of promoting cycling and asking for bigger subsidies, cos that’ll some how fix the balance & get women on their bikes.
Well RG should have served jail time but somehow the court forgot to call him back.
A few years ago he and his mates did a day of action against RG Budge open cast coal mine as they broke into the site and stopped the trucks moving for a day it cost the company thousands of pounds. The co therefore wanted court action and they were all charged. His co -conspirators all pled guilty and ended up paying something like £1000 fine plus £1000 costs each. RG unwisely chose to plead not guilty, which should have meant a heavier sentence. The court set a date, and after a few months moved it back another 4 months.
Then that was it somehow they never called him back and he was never tried.
Can you imagine the same thing happening to TR ?
No , but metroliberals can do what they want in
our #DoubleStandard #Orwellian #Britain2019
Not the BBC because, well, how could it be?
BBC… keep stirring guys and gals.
The Today Programme
Writer Zadie Smith describes her latest collection of short stories. In one, ‘Lazy River’, she explores the feeling of “powerlessness” felt by “everyone at all levels of life at the moment”.
Police have no time for 1400+ raped kids over 16 years in 1 town … but …
I have been watching the debate on Northern Ireland and the backstop. Have I missed the debate on Brexit?
8 months ago Meghan made the same threat about a similar letter and didn’t follow through
Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, has threatened the Mail on Sunday with legal action under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act for publishing a private letter she sent to her father, in which she said he had broken her heart “into a million pieces”.
This hasn’t been and won’t be covered by BBC
Earlier in Parliament PM asked the Lib Dems to withdraw the letter
/In an interview with Sky News’s Sophy Ridge the European Commission President said that “Brexit will happen” and “we can have a deal”. But the comments prompted Lib Dems MEPs to write to Mr Juncker yesterday and urge him not to rush into an agreement with Boris Johnson./
They really are a bitter, twisted and arrogant bunch of sort losers aren’t they.
Boris is clearly giving it his all to get a Deal. No doubt about it, despite being attacked at every step by these fanatical remainers. Lets just take a quick look at some points from the BBC report ,
Jo Swinson – ib Dem leader Jo Swinson said there was “genuine fear” about his proposals at the Northern Ireland border.
She said his plan “has been denounced as the worst of both worlds”, asking: “Will the prime minister now go to the Northern Ireland border and listen to the people and communities there or does he not care?”
Corbyn – The current proposals would damage the whole UK economy, the Northern Irish economy especially and would undermine the Good Friday agreement.”
He said the proposals “reject any form of customs union, something demanded by every business and industry body in Britain and every trade union”.
“They want to ditch EU standards on workers’ rights, regulations and consumer standards and engage in a race to the bottom,” he said.
Blackford – e SNP’s Westminster leader Ian Blackford said the PM will “never have the consent of Scotland” for his Brexit deal, saying Mr Johnson “doesn’t grasp the reality of a workable backstop”.
“It is a half-baked plan from (the prime minister’s adviser) Dominic Cummings and his Brexit fanatics,” Mr Blackford said.
“The proposed deal is dead before it even left the podium of the Tory conference.”
If there is to be a NO DEAL, then THEY are the people responsible for it, not Boris. Their petty political point scoring juvenile games is the reason he cannot secure a deal. yet THEY will be the ones pointing the finger at Boris.
I honestly now believe, in this past couple of weeks that the tide of public opinion is turning against these Remainers in a big way. I think most folk can see Boris is trying his utmost to get a deal and they can see its these lot who are hampering at every turn.
They all say they want a deal , but Boris could bring a deal to the table where everyone in the country gets £1 million , and they would vote it down out of spite.
Disgusting bunch who say they are putting the country first by blocking No Deal, but they are not, they dont give a stuff about the country, they only give a stuff about themselves.
HYS open , about right this one
4. Posted byMore jobs More satisfaction A new dawn awaitson
25 minutes ago
Oh look. Corbyn is blocking it. What a surprise.
GE NOW or I’ll picket until they in the palace DO THEIR JOB and Dissolve Parliament. Search Royal Prerogative
The EU must have some serious filth on many of these Remainer Rats.
Quote below drawn from and typical of the lib dums traitorous entreaty.
“We feel greatly ashamed of the fact that for so many years, you have had to deal with consecutive British Prime Ministers who have undermined the EU and the UK’s role within it.”
Blair must have forseen the gutter levels to which these people were prepared to demean themselves. I am embarrassed and ashamed to have these vermin as my countrymen/women.