The biased anti brexit propaganda produced by the BBC is ratcheting up as we head through October . Once again thank for your restraint in such anti democratic times .
“Veteran investigative journalist John Sweeney called Tommy Robinson a “c***” as he announced his departure from the BBC.
“I’m sorry our BBC Panorama on Tommy Robinson wasn’t broadcast,” Mr Sweeney wrote on Twitter, referring to a planned edition of the programme that was not broadcast about the English Defence League.
It was cancelled after Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, covertly filmed Mr Sweeney and made a rival “documentary”.
Mr Sweeney added: “So after 17 years I can finally say these are not the views of the BBC but he’s a complete c**t.””
What I want to know is whether it was Sweeney’s decision to leave or whether he was pushed. If the latter, it took them 7 months to eject him.. The BBC really does look after its own, at the expense of everyone else.
I recall that as Tommy Robinson was preparing to leave the studio, having shown Sweeney what he had on him in that video, Sweeney put his arm around him in a friendly fashion. Perhaps he was hoping a conciliatory gesture would prevent the train smash to his career he could foresee would be coming if Tommy broadcast the video.
Boris undertook to get us out.
The new Boris deal, at least the details currently revealed is NOT Brexit.
So it needs to be part of a temporary ploy to bring about leaving with no deal.
Or else.
This John McDonnell chat with Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 now is quite extraordinary. It’s quite plainly just PR for Labour and it’s been going for over twenty minutes. This can’t be allowed to happen.
Government has announced extra spending for schools in England. A large amount. IIRC, about equivalent of 7p in £1 on income tax. The BBC have to rubbish this figure. “It is NOT enough!”
Emma-Jane Kirby has been at a school in Birmingham, Bellfield, on a long-term assignment there. She has a bad habit as a BBC reporter: she doesn’t listen to answers and doesn’t think about what she is being told.
The Head tells us (pupil roster 315) that he has to spend £100,000 per annum on pastoral care for his pupils. Emma Jane should have been getting ready to do some maths at that point. “How many pupil home visits do you have to make a week?” Answer, IIRC: 2-3. Therefore £100,000 ÷ (39 x , say, 3) = £850+!
At that point Emma Jane might ask whether the Pastoral Care teacher uses her own Rolls Royce or the school’s own one, reserved specially for the purpose.
But she didn’t.
No challenge to the bottomless pit concept of BBC taxpayer funding for everything.
Agree with your general point about the Maths of the above case.
But to be fair it is worth saying that increasingly schools are getting dumped on for carrying out duties that used to be the preserve of police, NHS, and social services. Just teaching stuff to kids no longer cuts it.
The latest ‘issue’ is the Mental Health of pupils- now cemented into the school’s responsibility by the new OFSTED framework; which in part stems from the pernicious effects of social media on young impressionable adolescents. Or as Jeremy Corbyn would call them when it suits him, responsible young people who deserve the vote.
Four policemen stabbed in Paris. The predictable assailant is neither described nor named – so how can Brexit be to blame?
Over to you Norman (or other BBC spokespersons too numerous to list….)
Gone are the days when you could wander down Sauchiehall Street in Glasgow on a Saturday night watching the casual greeting of chucking glasses. Slapping would have been frowned upon then as being too cissy. How the world has changed.
The humanity hating Soros is now ‘banned’ from six countries.
During the ‘Cold War’, I always asserted that any invasion of the US, even in the unlikely event of their armed forces being totally wiped out, the invaders would have to contend with large numbers of the population bearing arms. This is still the case of course, but the Lefty/Globalist/Marxists are aware of the same problem to their plans so they are tackling it a different way – changing the 2nd Amendment.
A month or so ago I reported on ‘Arabella’ and in that item, it made specific reference to significant Soros funded parts of Arabella. Regret I can’t find the same article now but there, nevertheless, it goes to prove how evil this man is and the extent to which he is prepared to go to change the World.
Unlike the US, the UK population is already emasculated and incapable of defending itself by legislation which, I’m sure we could find, legislation that was pursued vigorously by ‘pressure groups’ financed by the same man. Pure evil.
The State Broadcaster – whose duty is to inform – will certainly be keeping a running log of the attendance of MPs in the House of Commons following the decision by the Traitor Supreme Court . I wonder how many attend every day for more than an hour ?
After all – it is so precious to them that they engaged in a profound Demonstration of being ‘locked out’ .
I think I know what the answer is – but then again it’s no longer a legitimate parliament . But we are stuck with it until …2022?
The Rbc hate British values so much they are letting the SNP ..literally-away with murder. I refer to the deaths at a new hospital in Glasgow where poor ventilation let some disease caused by pigeons into the ventilation system.
Let’s just say their mask has slipped so far now that blatant England hatred is spewing out of them and that this and deflection tactics such as the ” no spanking ban ” for children is in play.
The number of fellow Scots now share a growing majority
that these collection of misfits do not represent the people of Scotland……….
And if I was one of the Senior English judges whose reputation was sullied by the upholding of their Scottish counterparts appeal by that collection of waxworks at the Supreme Court…..I would be plotting revenge….
PS Lord Carloway the senior Scottish waxwork was the guy who facilitated a precedent for the HMRC overturning the verdicts of 2 divisional courts …..upheld by the Supreme Waxworks….and paving the way for what now known as the Loan Charge…..a retrospective shift of the goalposts where some 50,000 people are now being pursued by HMRC for retrospective claims from a process which most thought was legal.
Yes this hatred of the English demonstrated by the SNP is disturbing.
I went to boarding school in Scotland in the late 1950’s until early 1960’s. When I was there we had pupils from all over the world but the majority were a mixture of Scots and English (the late Jim Brogan of Celtic and Scotland and Sir Frank Williams to mention two) . There was never any Scots v English problems. We were all just young boys who lived, studied and played in our school and we chose our friends by those we got on with regardless of nationality. How much better would our Parliament be if that ethos was present.
I totally accept that. My parents were Scots but I was born and live in England. I count myself as being English and as far as I am concerned the English are the most tolerant of all people despite what the intolerant humour by pass Lefties would have you believe.
The only reason the SNP ever gained any traction was North Sea oil. When it finally runs out, so will any desire for Scottish “independence”(AKA being an economic colony of the EU).
I have worked in Scotland many times, travelling alone and living out of a suitcase in hotels.
I remember the first time I stayed there, I was expecting the Scots to be very anti English having heard the myth about them supposedly being mean spirited and aggressive.
How wrong could I be! I found them to be very welcoming, friendly and accepting of me.
I was once drinking alone in a bar/club in Edinburgh, when a heavily tattooed man, with several piercings in his face, walked directly over to me. I thought he was going to have a pop, but he was actually one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. He Insisted that I should not sit drinking alone and introduced me to his family and friends. He had no ulterior motives and I had one of the best nights out ever. I would go so far as to say that I have seldom had a night up there where I have not made friends with people of all ages.
My first business trip to Scotland in the 70’s: First appointment at 0900 on a Monday morning with the Chief Electrical Engineer of the BSC Ravenscraig steel works. Never met the man before nor spoke to him. Duly there at 0900 he refused to shake my hand and just past exchanging ‘goodmornings’, said, “What right do you people from down South have to come up here touting for business”.
I have worked in Scotland many times, travelling alone and living out of a suitcase in hotels.
I remember the first time I stayed there, I was expecting the Scots to be very anti English having heard the myth about them supposedly being mean spirited and aggressive.
How wrong could I be! I found them to be very welcoming, friendly and accepting of me.
I was once drinking alone in a bar/club in Edinburgh, when a heavily tattooed man, with several piercings in his face, walked directly over to me. I thought he was going to have a pop, but he was actually one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. He Insisted that I should not sit drinking alone and introduced me to his family and friends. He had no ulterior motives and I had one of the best nights out ever. I would go so far as to say that I have seldom had a night up there where I have not made friends with people of all ages.
I can honestly say I miss my trips to Scotland. It feels like a real home from home.
Radio4-Woke-Women a station that occasionally allows men on
3:28pm a #WomenAreVictims charity advert
.. apparently African people are so inept that their governments let down pregnant women ..and it’s up to you whitety to give your money to this charity, which will use it to advertise to African women , that there are maternity hotels next to hospitals in the cjty where vulnerable women can stay before they give birth instead of dying on a journey to hospital from a remote village.
The ad contained an emotional blackmail tale of one such woman who already had 3 kids but on the fourth had complications so died after villagers carried her 30Km.
The next prog at 3:30pm about novels
the book was a #WomenAreVictims novel
about how girls who are good at sport
have a harder time than men
The character is a school basketball player, who laments that there are no statues to female stars .
the next item And Imani Perry, Professor of African American studies at Princeton University, celebrates the seminal novel Corregidora by Gayl Jones. This 1975 work is generally accepted to have paved the way for Toni Morrison and Alice Walker
..hmm I wonder what those 2 authors have in common ?
.. Did they write books about Science Fiction, or ponies or Welsh people ?
Watching the extract of the traitor speaker not having the bottle to directly take on AG Geoffrey Cox – complete with a hoarse voice given him by God – Bercow really is a bully and since he has been so busy breaking convention perhaps the convention of giving ex speakers peerages could be breached for Mr Bercow .
Bojo is looking to close parliament again – l really hope he does it – and the traitors go through their ridiculous self important theatricals again to their own embarrassment .
‘Boris Johnson or Donald Trump: Who is in more trouble?’..
Our friend Zurcher puts forward the ‘case’ for POTUS. Disgraceful.
Arthur T3 October 2019 at 11:30
Instant response from the BBC News website. The headline has shifted to:
‘Who’s got it worse – Johnson or Trump?’…
The rest of the story remains the same.
Arthur T3 October 2019 at 11:46
This is still a loaded headline BBC. ‘Who’s got it worse – Johnson or Trump?’. Who’s got what worse? The premise from the BBC is that both are bad and the only debate is who is worse. Polling actually shows that both are popular in their respective countries. The BBC predisposition that both are bad is entirely false. Best bury the story altogether BBC – it doesn’t hold up, but it does demonstrate a bias against Johnson and Trump.
Settled-Science , not climate
Last year China’s He-Jiankui managed to gene edit two embryo cells together which produces babies which are HIV resistant
…This annoyed the mob, so when 2 University of California scientists produced a paper that said ‘yes but the new embyos have a much reduced lifespan’ the mob lauded it
… But that second paper can’t be replicated, so is being retracted.
… See R4 Rutherford show at 4:30pm
Bill Bryson is on as well discussing his book about the human body.
A knife-wielding attacker, who killed four French officers inside police headquarters in Paris before being shot dead, had reportedly converted to Islam around 18 months ago.
His conversion to the religion of peace has been confirmed by Le Figaro. yet another straw in the wind that in the coming decades there will be ongoing attempts by Islam to convert or conquer Europe, no doubt with much blood shed. . do the dumb liberals realise where they looney policies are taking us? No I honestly think that most of them believe in the multi culty Utopia outlined by the likes of the Guardian and the foul BBC. If we plot the changes that have resulted from Islamic terrorist outrages over the past ten or twenty years the bulk of them have either restricted the host population’s ability to make their views known or to dissent from the liberal multi culty policy, or to have given special privileges to the RoPers. There has been zero pressure put on the Islamic community to cast out their extremists , to renounce the violent part of their creed or to conform to western values. Our leaders just rush around trying to appease the Muslims, give away our country and our customs, make it ever more difficult for ordinary Europeans to resist the encroachment of Islam into their daily lives. We need many more Orbans and Salvini .
It would appear that the killer was actually working in the police headquarters and it was his supervisor who he stabbed first, followed by police personnel who tried to intervene.
The perp was originally from Martinique in the Caribbean and his wife is called Iham.
I wonder who vetted this employee?
Why are there so many ROPers in such positions where they have access to police information technology/databases etc?
Also why so many in Security jobs at the point of entry to secure establishments?
Do the people who employ them to guard their premises and personnel think that their loyalty will be to their employers, or to their “Jihad” when they are inevitably called to arms?
Reports: Paris Police Killer an Islamic Convert Enraged by Reprimand for Refusing to Deal with Women
IT worker Michael Harpon, 45, is said to have killed his female supervisor — who had previously reprimanded him for refusing to deal with women — with a ceramic blade, before going on to attack several other police personnel, leaving a total of four dead and one critically wounded before he was fatally shot in what has been described as a self-defence situation.
Why can’t there be more like JHB? The only thing that stops me loving her is that she rides the anti Trump band wagon. Disappointing, but she does speak her mind when it comes to fake climate propaganda and tells it like it is on Brexit
Firemen have to train hard to learn how to manage a hose like that. It is real work. It seems that a diet of tofu and self-righteousness is just not enough.
Still, why should ER worry? They have the establishment eating out of their hand. They should try being pro-Brexit if they want to have the establishment against them.
Does anyone know the percentage of the population that are drag queens?
The BBC has been advertising on prime time pre-9pm BBC1 at regular intervals for about the last 10 days an imminent competition on BBC3 to be presented by RuPaul. On the basis of the coverage given aka ‘share of voice’ in marketingspeak, I am guessing about 20% of all males in the UK must be drag queens.
Of course there are not. So what we have is yet another LGBT abcxyz narrative from the state broadcaster where to be straight is increasingly a disadvantage.
On Friday the full report of the review of the Met police inquiry into a non existent VIP paedo ring is due to be published .
It’s apparently not nice for plod
I wonder how the state broadcaster will treat it . Will they go to town about gullible politically correct plod doing what they need to do to get promoted ?
Ignore it
Compare it with the non investigation of real paedo rings by racist Pakistani third world muslims ?
Take yer pick . Personally I think they’ll say “ look over there -squirrels- or monarchy light involving an American actress …
About a million people enjoy country sports. They do not exist according to the BBC. The only thing that happens in the countryside is far right extremism, it would appear.
ITV2 just played their #woke trailer featuring Trevor McDonald
they filled it with minorities, black kids and two men kissing
and tagged
“TV can change the world”
I haven’t found the video yet
..but ITV tweets show it has created an internal network just for minorities called #ItvEmbrace
photos if the meetings don’t show many white people
..ITV has just put out this job advert
Not making any difference to my thinking-Black, Asian, Minority-of course they are a minority in this indig white nation. Why should they expect to be accepted without some concern from we the indigenous peoples of this nation, we have spent over 2000 years endeavouring to make a reasonable civilised society but now we are seeing it being overturned by diversity through the propaganda multiculturalism nonsence forced down our throats-a white grandfather shown with a black boy sitting beside him in a magazine advertising Chritsmas-a black/coloured man with a blond white woman shown in another magazine concerning marriage guidenece counciling – and so on. Alarming .
???????? Erratum : la cheffe de service qui a convoqué Mickael Harpon, l’agent administratif converti à l’islam ayant tué 4 policiers et blessé un 5ème à la préfecture du police de Paris, n’est pas décédée au cours de l’assaut. Elle pourra donc témoigner.
Google translate:
Erratum: the chief of service who summoned Mickael Harpon, the administrative agent converted to Islam who killed 4 police officers and wounded a 5th at the police headquarters of Paris, did not die during the assault. She will be able to testify.
Do not fret Inspector Jacques Clouseau in on the case. Oh! wait a minute, I have just been informed by Al Beeb that he now works for them as an Investigative Journalist with has intrepid assistant maxi.
“The models just become useless pieces of junk or worse (as they can produce gravely misleading output) when used for climate forecasting.”
"The models just become useless pieces of junk or worse (as they can produce gravely misleading output) when used for climate forecasting."
some UK cold records have fallen and here they are
Craibstone, Scotland set a new teeth-chattering all-time daily low of 2.2C (36F) on Sept 02 which smashed the previous record of 4.4C (40F) set way back in 1934.
Shawbury, Central England comfortably surpassed 2002’s Sept 08 record of 3.9C (39F) with a chilly 2.8C (37F).
While Lyneham, Central England set a new low of 4.4C (40F) on Sept 08, busting the previous record of 6.1C (43F) from 2015.
And Bournemouth, Southern England managed to tie its previous record lowest minimum temperature for Sept 08 set back in 2013 with a reading of 3.3C (38F).
Here is the guy in question, and he is far from a ‘nobody’ he is a 25 year climate change PhD graduate working for one of the biggest climate modellers in the world, JAMSTEC. It’s easy for the media to ignore small fry academics, but this guy is a real big fish.
Thanks for that link. The better read we are the more we can fight the Marxist ideology (for the BBC it is all about Trotsky) but the end result is the same as it ever was… On one of those links, there is this page which aptly describes the problem of uncritical ‘GREEN’ thinking which is also ‘anti-environmental’…. 8. Why are the radical greens so anti-environmental?
Dr. Patrick Moore, a co-founder and Past-President of Greenpeace, provided the answer decades ago. Moore observed that Eco-Extremism is the new ‘false-front’ for economic Marxists, who were discredited after the fall of the Soviet Union circa 1990 and took over the Green movement to further their political objectives. This is described in Moore’s essay, “Hard Choices for the Environmental Movement” written in 1994 – note “The Rise of Eco-Extremism”.
Yes I read a lot of what Dr Patrick Moore has said about so called Climate Change- This following piece also clearly shoots much of what the Climate Change Political rascals are putting about, such unsupported claims, that only support big enterprises-disgracefully aided by a young school girl whose knowledge is debateable.
Science is Too Valuable to be Hijacked by Politics
Sadly, science has been corrupted for political purposes and hidden agendas. Charlatans, on a worldwide scale, have hijacked science to dupe, scare and manipulate the masses, for reasons that have more to do with global government and wealth re-distribution than any pure goal of advancing knowledge. The worst of those planet— wide charlatans are those that promote, advocate for and propagandize the fraud of man-caused global warming, AKA Climate Change. That includes most Western governments and virtually all of the environmentalists.
But please consider. All the noise, chatter and propaganda about future rising earth temperatures are solely based on computer models. Although the climate scientists tell us that the computer model science is sound, they are lying through their teeth. The reason we know they are lying is because in 2007 the IPCC Working Group 1 (WG1) assessing the physical scientific aspects of the climate system said, in their own words, “we should recognize that we are dealing with a coupled nonlinear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.” The reader should focus on the part of the statement where it reads, “not possible.”…
There are mounds of credible evidence from credible sources stating that government and environmental climate computer models are anything but accurate, simply because, “we are dealing with a coupled nonlinear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.” This statement comes from the IPCC Working Group. Those words did not come from Standard Oil, Exxon, BP, or Shell Oil Companies.
As one meteorologist and also a Geologist have in fact stated that Climate Change has been happening for millions of years and that man’s intervention through its industrial development over the last 150 years is slight. Carbon dioxide is responsible for any of the slight warming of the global climate that has occurred during the past 300 years, since the peak of the Little Ice Age. If there were such a proof through testing and replication it would have been written down for all to see.The contention that human emissions are now the dominant influence on climate is simply a hypothesis, rather than a universally accepted scientific theory. But there is certainty beyond any doubt that CO2 is the building block for all life on Earth and that without its presence in the global atmosphere at a sufficient concentration, this would be a dead planet. Yet today our children and our publics are taught that CO2 is a toxic pollutant that will destroy life and bring civilization to its knees. The world’s top climate body, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change, is hopelessly conflicted by its makeup and its mandate.
I gave up computer modelling using a Sinclair ZX81 in 1982 due to lack of memory. Local stars up to 16 light-years away, reduced to 13 light years. But I need the memory to make the stars move in a 3D environment. It was very simple. A white dot representing a star on a black background. Later I found out that others did not give up and made millions of pounds producing computer games.
In Astronomy, computer simulations for planetary orbits are checked with observations in reverse or retrospective computer runs. Peter Lilly is known to have asked the morons about retrospective computer runs in climate science. The thick climate scientist concerned didn’t look as though he knew what Lilly was talking about. Before computers, Isaac Newton used past data to produce retrospective calculations that produced his theories.
The BBC now uses computers to make Dr Who episodes much more believable than when I was a child. Computer models seem to be more believable to left-wing Liberals and children because they impress people who are ignorant of how computer models are produced.
Posted earlier that I think even normally placid folk are beginning to turn on Corbyn, Swinson , Blackford etc as they see they are not interested in supporting any deal at all , only interested in themselves and their petty games. Pathetic.
I only see Boris’s rating going one way at the moment …… these remainiacs are really digging their own graves with this game playing.
Finally, another great part of Peter Sissons’s excellent autobiography is his assessment of how and why the BBC treats the wobbly theory of man-made climate change as ‘fact’. He delivers a scathing assessment of BBC executives and the journalism of Roger Harrabin. RIP Peter.
Anyone else heard about Peter Sissons autobiography or a response from the corrupt corporation?
Weblink for that here. Peter Sissons’s, one of the old school and critical of the BBC ‘new wave’ of mediacrats, I just wish he had spoken out sooner. But then -when working at the BBC nobody can – until they regain sanity, and leave.
‘Peter retired from broadcasting in 2009 and was considered at the time to be one of the UK’s longest-serving news presenters.
After retiring from BBC, Peter Sissons started writing his autobiography. His autobiography was titled “When One Door Closes” which is based on the critics of his former employer, the BBC. In the autobiography, he argued such topics as the organisational left-wing mindset and BBC having a bias towards New Labour, the United Nations, the European Union, environmental groups, ethnic minorities, Islam and women.’
My ten year Mensa email forum archive of complaints about the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate, mentions Sissons.
“Two former BBC Journalists Michael Buerk and Peter Sissons explain why BBC Journalists who appear on our screens, seem to appear brainwashed and scientifically ignorant. They say that few show any curiosity about the science of Atmospheric Physics or Solar Astronomy, in fact the most important BBC journalists for this subject are not scientists but Environmentalists with degrees in the Arts and Humanities, Buerk and Sissons both had the intelligence given curiosity to do their own scientific investigations, and found that the hypothesis does not have the scientific proof for its core questions in the Scientific literature, and ignores the contribution of Astronomy”
The BBC successfully hid this ten part story below from the mainstream media, but its known that Whittingdale was informed:
(1) The BBC mislead the audience by leaving out the fact that Ice Core data shows that CO2 levels rise about 800 years after Global temperatures rise.
(2) The BBC continues to use statements withdrawn by the Royal Society on the insistence of the fellows.
(3) The most blatantly biased statement by the BBC said that “Anthropogenic Global Warming is a fact” the IPCC using an assumption says “very likely” and the BBC which claims to be impartial says “fact“. This also does not come from the Royal Society. This evidence proves that the BBC takes a more extremely Biased view than the IPCC or the Royal Society and conflicts with the BBC Trusts claim that impartiality is important.
(4) This also now leaves open the possibility of legal action by Mensa members against the BBC Trust which has continually refused freedom of information requests for details of how this decision was made by what the BBC calls “the best scientific experts“. Legal action was not taken because other sources revealed the “28 Gate” scandal at the BBC, which revealed that these so called experts were actually scientifically unqualified Environmental activists, not Atmospheric Physicists.
(5) The senior scientific advisor for the BBC documentary “Hot Planet” was Professor Peter Cox. The BBC has had trouble with Professor Cox regarding the predictions of a Barbecue Summer and Mild Winters and his prominent role in the Climategate Scandal and with the IPCC. Professor Cox was a Computer Modeller, not an Atmospheric Physicist.
(6) The BBC Editorial Complaints Unit Director told a Mensa member that the BBC does not have any scientific investigative journalists in its employ.
(7) The complaint remained in a twilight zone, the BBC unable to either uphold, or reject the complaint for fear of legal action by Mensa members. Finally after a most amazing excuse that although the evidence that the BBC is overtly biased was provided to a member by the BBC in its communications, it was not mentioned or referred to in the BBC Trust Editorial Standards Committee’s finding. That is like saying we know we are biased but you can not take legal action against us because we will not include this in the monthly bulletin of the BBC Trusts Findings.
(8) The chairman of the Media, Culture and Sport Select Committee, Mensa member, John Whittingdale, who studied Astronomy at university, said that the BBC had a ‘failure of management at every level’ and that there was ‘something fundamentally wrong with the BBC management structure’.
(9) Whittingdale launched an independent review of the BBC’s governance and regulation by Sir David Clementi who made proposals on how to replace the BBC Trust and Complaints process.
(10) The BBC Trust which included Richard Ayre, a thick lefty qualified in Marxist Philosophy, Sonita Alleyne, a thick lefty qualified in Marxist Philosophy, Nick Prettejohn a thick lefty qualified in Marxist Philosophy and Bill Matthews, a thick lefty qualified in the Humanities, was abolished on 2 April 2017.
Wednesday R4 in its 8:45pm Four Thought prog , chose to platform a student who went on and on about a politician she has a massive crush on.
Take a guess.. Was he
– Jacob Rees Mogg from the Tory Party ?
or Ed Balls from the Labour Party ?
Oooooh would you look at that, it’s our @pennyb being all clever about fandom and politics on the radio. Listen again here or tune in at 20.45 tonight for a repeat. Place your bets now for how long it takes them to mention Ed Balls 😉
I’m North of this border, the one that so many seem to be under the impression doesn’t already exist, and neither I nor most of the people I know care if there is a hard border or not.
The BBC especially however seem to think that Varadkar, aided by the overwhelmingly Irish Nationalist/ EU representative body spokespeople/ shills in the CBI, Retailers, FTA, Unions, and their sycophantic selves, speak for me and about a million others. They don’t, their driving force is primarily a hatred of all things British, and they are being unfairly indulged in a sort of media- sanctioned constitutional land-grab, as if a never before independently governed “united” Ireland already exists.
The lack of any consideration or credence to the opinions of the pro-British majority in NI by the MSM at the minute is increasingly infuriating – goading, dismissive and arrogant – but not surprising. It is a dangerous cage to rattle though.
Varadkar and his chums are more than a little carried away with themselves, their sense of entitlement misplaced. Perhaps a discussion with regards to the Common Travel Area between the UK and Ireland, nothing to do with the EU, might help him get things back into perspective?
By the way, I’ve no idea how this comment ended up here, I’m replying to the comment posted by Taffman below.
The new TR Ezra video
The first 7 minutes is background info, so 7 mins in to see Sweeney’s tweets and then TR
Ezra is staggered by the way UK media doesn’t report Sweeney’s departure accurately
…. that he was taken down after he tried a corrupt sting against TR
..TR speaks about his new plans
His new video about a London Jewish guy
and the Rape Of Britain documentary which will be super difficult cos the police/establishment will want to keep him out of the rape towns , saying that TR’s presence will incite trouble.
TR adds that he will be taking it steady
and not letting people provoke him
One project is a 6 chapter doco about 6 journos who have monstered him in their lying pieces
and successfully created the demon Tommy that lives in their readers minds.
Paula Michelle Sherriff is a British Labour Party politician. She has been the Member of Parliament for Dewsbury since gaining the seat from the Conservatives at the general election in May 2015. Sherriff was previously a councillor in Pontefract on Wakefield District Council. [Wiki]
How is the paedo rape jihad doing in Dewsbury and Wakefield?
Sherriff is the reason why an innocent local man was intercepted by four cars on armed police on the A1
That guy Danny Lockwood the owner and editor of a local newspaper just happened to be the publisher of TR’s first book.
Sheriff’s team and press friends had massively hyped up an event outside her office calling it a “far right attack”
.. Actually one of Sheriff’s office neighbours didn’t like her, so to wind her up a couple of times after he finished his cigarettes he folded the tin foil into a swatiska and left it on the outside doormat of her office.
He was later spoken to by police and that was it , as if he is a learning diffulties person etc. He is not connected to the newspaper publisher AFAIK more
“Banksy MPs as chimpanzees painting sells for £9.9m”
I think he’s got it right . How about you ?
That’s what 3 years of trying to prevent Brexit has shown our Parliament to be, a zoo full of monkeys ignoring the voters that put them in office and pay their wages.
Its The Brexit Party for me in the imminent general election and if Boris knows what’s good for him he will form a coalition with them.
Sorry Taffman, but I have to disagree. I think you are out of order.
Those chimpanzees are no doubt far more intellectual than the traitors in parliament!
Your remarks are an insult to chimpanzees everywhere!
As Greta would say, how dare you.
Ps will Lammy and Abbot now proclaim Banksy as “waycist”, as per the Danny Baker outrage episode?
I bow to your superior knowledge, I have never been a zookeeper.
What ever happened to all the Brooke Bond chimps ? Did they all stand for parliament and get jobs as MPs?
\\Boris Johnson’s Brexit plan: EU ‘open but unconvinced’//
When we leave the EU without a deal will the The Republic of Ireland man the border or will it be the new European Defence Force ?
I don’t think the UK will, or need to ?
I hope none of you on here employ people as “employees” are the new Norwegian.
Apparently in Paris yesterday according to the BBC “A knife-wielding employee” killed 4 police workers….
I hope none of you on here employ people as “employees” are the new Norwegians.
Apparently in Paris yesterday and according to the BBC “A knife-wielding employee” killed 4 police workers….
Just visited bBBC website. Paris story has been pushed onto world news page and it has not been updated since the original report for 12 hrs. So the attacker wasn’t a right winger then. I wonder who it could be.
I’m sure it’s just an oversight by those hundreds of ‘journalists’ at the BBC that they just cannot discover the religious persuasion of the Parisian murderer.
I wonder if the BBC will let us know who this “employee” was
who murdered four in Paris yesterday. Or will BIG BROTHER
from the diversity dept demand that we are not told that he
was a convert to the religion of peace.
The BBC showing its Nazi side again in its Islamophillia:
Sikh peer quits Today programme’s Thought for the Day slot after 35 years and blasts BBC ‘thought police’ who tried to censor his address to Radio 4 listeners in case it offended Muslims
The beeb are as evil as their favourite ‘religion’.
“The peer, who has been a Sikh voice on the Today programme for 35 years, said the BBC tried to block him from discussing a guru from his religion who fought against the forced conversion of some Hindus to Islam in 17th century India.
A celebrated interfaith activist, Indarjit Singh hit out at the BBC for its ‘prejudice and intolerance’ after he was told the broadcast, which did not criticise Islam, may have offended Muslims, reported The Times.”
Always good to read a spiritually uplifting story about some one who gets what they deserve – in this case it’s the 5 foot 4 inch chimpanzee who is The Speaker . Bercow has apparently applied to join the All Engerland Club of Tennis but has had to withdraw it due to his anti bias attitude . This, hopefully , must really hurt as apparently he likes tennis .
The evidence that plod has become a lefty love in ( at least at senior level ) will be shown by the coming henriquez report on the false allegations against Tory VIPs .
If the senior command has been corrupted by the Left then it only follows that if you want to advance in plod you must be ‘like minded’ . Another part of the swamp that needs draining .
Indeed, Fed.
Applies to all our institutions, thanks to Blair. To progress far in these institutions you need to be a ‘manager of policy enforcement’, not a leader.
“Steve Baker, the chair of the European Research Group, which represents Tories pushing for a harder Brexit,
and one of the 28 “Spartans” who voted against Theresa May’s deal on every occasion, tells Johnson:
“We now glimpse the possibility of a tolerable deal.”
Johnson says he welcomes that coming from Baker, although he says the two have spoken regularly in recent days,
and so, he implies, he is not surprised to have Baker’s support.”
Johnson and Gove are not listening, Baker is stating that the current “deal” is intolerable, AKA NOT BREXIT.
Al-beeb do their usual trick of creating maximum confusion, obfuscation, chaff and false leads in their story about the Paris killer.
Pressures of work, a recent big demo, suicides, nothing is known about motives, no name given, not thought to be terrorist related, nothing to do with islam… the killings could have happened anywhere – a factory, a hospital, a farm. The police link was coincidental…
Lies. His name HAS been announced, and he was a recent convert to islam.
Furthermore, according to Le Figaro:
“Some say that the attacker, converted to Islam eighteen months ago, was summoned by his head for an interview about why he no longer greeted women.”
And the DM:
Deaf ‘Islamic convert’ is named as Paris police HQ attacker: IT worker who fell out with supervisor ‘over dealing with women’ slaughters four colleagues, including female officer, with a knife before being shot dead.
A muslim with a woman problem – now there’s a surprise. It’s starting to sound like it had everything to do with islam.
Al-beeb will no doubt wait until the story has slid way down the page before giving more relevant information, if at all.
This is their tried and tested modus operandi for inconvenient stories. The British Beclouding Corporation.
Most people with an IQ greater than that of an amoeba would have realised there was a possible Muslim connection within about 5 seconds of reading the initial news report, and had it confirmed by the time they had finished reading it by virtue of the fact that it was not mentioned: the dog that didn’t bark in the night etc. The following quote is particularly cute: “But a government spokeswoman has said there is no indication he had been radicalised before the attack.”
Some people – let’s say those living on planet Earth, for instance – might say that changing your religion was a fairly radical move in itself.
And I had him tipped as next PM . His snout must have found a more lucrative trough -president of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society I bet . …..
I’m surprised he didn’t go to the anti Democratic Party like the rest of the traitors .
Fedup – the next PM? Gosh, that requires a lot of imagination. I thought he was a hugely overrated (and I cannot even tell you how hugely, cos we would need to talk about the distance to the Oort cloud, and stuff), narcissistic, opportunistic, MSM darling, especially beeb’s.
Don’t tell me you fell for all that ‘man of the world’, “when I was last in Arabia, just like TE Lawrence, I did x…”) stuff?
I think the anti Democratic Party was too small for such a big man, or perhaps -at the least- Jo would have had to make way.
I see the big man has identified a job big enough to contain his vast intellect and charm, and is standing as mayor of London. Lotsa big smiles for lotsa big snaps coming up?
Stewart’s former cabinet colleague Amber Rudd tweeted: “What a loss to politics. An outstanding MP and minister. One of the strongest speakers in parliament. Principled, patient, thoughtful. I feel certain he’ll be back.”
Gay drag queen on BBC News claiming that because 3 women sat on the front row of one of his shows in full hijab and liked it and are now his friends dispels the myth that Muslims don’t like gays or drag artist.
Perhaps he could test his theory by going over to say Saudi or Iran in full drag?
It was an odd item by BBC Breakfast about the Muslim drag queen. I assume that they were trying to tell their stupid, white, racist, Islamophobic viewers how all-embracing modern, British Islam is. However, I think they’ve been hoisted by their own petard. Not only have their annoyed most of their white viewers, with another pro-minority group narrative, but they’ve now probably angered most of the Muslim population in this country as well. Well done BBC. Keep it up.
@digg Trans is surprisingly common in SE Asia with Muslims
It seemed to be that village Muslim life was sometimes very restrictive
so some guys would go to the city and rebel to the opposite extreme.
Then there’d be this ethnic-Muslim thing vs true-Muslim thing, with the former being very accepting of drag.
I’ve been in about 9 other Muslim countries and not noticed that
but I’ve not been living in them except for Tunisia.
They’re flat out lying – we joined every structure less PESCO which is in the PD to join – it’s not voluntary if you’re bound by stringent rules that enmesh & trap us
Radio All Beeb early this morning was pushing the environment and ecology line, farming destroying the wildlife and all the other climate theory ideals .
No mention of unlimited mass immigration into this small country eating up land, road space, demands on food etc etc etc . Add to that a third world population entering a modern country and demanding a modern lifestyle eating up more and more resources.
Not a peep !
Listened to Nick Ferrari earlier when he shut down a caller who was saying the same thing, immigration and too many people on the planet. Plenty of oohs and aahs on from Ferrari, it was a bit like dont mention the war from Faulty Towers. I’m afraid they will skirt around this issue for years while they impose indiscriminating taxes etc.
The environmental impact of people varies enormously across the world, whether the metrics are for CO2 (aka ‘the Gas of Life”) or things with a real impact, such as consumption of electricity, oil, gas, water and production of sewage, food waste, nitrous oxides and so on. As Taffman points out, when a person moves from a (largely rural) Third World country to a modern (industrialised) country, they adopt the lifestyle and their consumption increases accordingly. Various studies have found that – depending on the to and from destinations – this can be a ten-fold increase or greater. Given this is the case, any so-called environmentalist or Green politician who isn’t fundamentally opposed to migration is either a hypocrite, working to some other undeclared agenda or simply plain stupid.
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . .
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. ‘Throng’.
Fedup2Mar 11, 16:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not BBC – they’d never approve – warren buffet saw the Trump downturn and has been selling shares . He…
I think he’s upset
“Veteran investigative journalist John Sweeney called Tommy Robinson a “c***” as he announced his departure from the BBC.
“I’m sorry our BBC Panorama on Tommy Robinson wasn’t broadcast,” Mr Sweeney wrote on Twitter, referring to a planned edition of the programme that was not broadcast about the English Defence League.
It was cancelled after Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, covertly filmed Mr Sweeney and made a rival “documentary”.
Mr Sweeney added: “So after 17 years I can finally say these are not the views of the BBC but he’s a complete c**t.””
Tu quoque, Mr Sweeney, tu quoque.
What I want to know is whether it was Sweeney’s decision to leave or whether he was pushed. If the latter, it took them 7 months to eject him.. The BBC really does look after its own, at the expense of everyone else.
I recall that as Tommy Robinson was preparing to leave the studio, having shown Sweeney what he had on him in that video, Sweeney put his arm around him in a friendly fashion. Perhaps he was hoping a conciliatory gesture would prevent the train smash to his career he could foresee would be coming if Tommy broadcast the video.
If so, that apparently didn’t work.
Backstop, backstop, stop taking the mickey.
Boris undertook to get us out.
The new Boris deal, at least the details currently revealed is NOT Brexit.
So it needs to be part of a temporary ploy to bring about leaving with no deal.
Or else.
This John McDonnell chat with Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 now is quite extraordinary. It’s quite plainly just PR for Labour and it’s been going for over twenty minutes. This can’t be allowed to happen.
TWatO Watch #1 – A rich seam to be mined
Government has announced extra spending for schools in England. A large amount. IIRC, about equivalent of 7p in £1 on income tax. The BBC have to rubbish this figure. “It is NOT enough!”
Emma-Jane Kirby has been at a school in Birmingham, Bellfield, on a long-term assignment there. She has a bad habit as a BBC reporter: she doesn’t listen to answers and doesn’t think about what she is being told.
The Head tells us (pupil roster 315) that he has to spend £100,000 per annum on pastoral care for his pupils. Emma Jane should have been getting ready to do some maths at that point. “How many pupil home visits do you have to make a week?” Answer, IIRC: 2-3. Therefore £100,000 ÷ (39 x , say, 3) = £850+!
At that point Emma Jane might ask whether the Pastoral Care teacher uses her own Rolls Royce or the school’s own one, reserved specially for the purpose.
But she didn’t.
No challenge to the bottomless pit concept of BBC taxpayer funding for everything.
It STILL isn’t enough.
Agree with your general point about the Maths of the above case.
But to be fair it is worth saying that increasingly schools are getting dumped on for carrying out duties that used to be the preserve of police, NHS, and social services. Just teaching stuff to kids no longer cuts it.
The latest ‘issue’ is the Mental Health of pupils- now cemented into the school’s responsibility by the new OFSTED framework; which in part stems from the pernicious effects of social media on young impressionable adolescents. Or as Jeremy Corbyn would call them when it suits him, responsible young people who deserve the vote.
in case you haven’t seen it yet
Kaiser – so far fetched – as if the character from the ReichEU is going to be sober ????
TT, I was not there and haven’t listened to the Conservative Party conference on any broadcast TV or radio channel.
The BBC played me some clips yesterday and this morning. Bojo seemed to have taken lessons from the BBC’s own Jonny Dymond.
But then, could the BBC have chosen the least fluid, the least cohesive, the worst bit’s of the PM’s speech? Surely not?
Now there’s a surprise!
Four policemen stabbed in Paris. The predictable assailant is neither described nor named – so how can Brexit be to blame?
Over to you Norman (or other BBC spokespersons too numerous to list….)
Scotland are banning slapping today.
Head butts are still OK though.
Gone are the days when you could wander down Sauchiehall Street in Glasgow on a Saturday night watching the casual greeting of chucking glasses. Slapping would have been frowned upon then as being too cissy. How the world has changed.
The General
The Glasgow kiss should be retained as it is part of the Scottish culture.
Noun. Glasgow kiss (plural Glasgow kisses) (Britain, euphemistic, humorous) A sharp, sudden headbutt to the nose, usually resulting in a broken nose.
Much to the amazement of my friends, at the time, I really enjoyed the Rab Nesbitt and cast (very Marmite).
The humanity hating Soros is now ‘banned’ from six countries.
During the ‘Cold War’, I always asserted that any invasion of the US, even in the unlikely event of their armed forces being totally wiped out, the invaders would have to contend with large numbers of the population bearing arms. This is still the case of course, but the Lefty/Globalist/Marxists are aware of the same problem to their plans so they are tackling it a different way – changing the 2nd Amendment.
A month or so ago I reported on ‘Arabella’ and in that item, it made specific reference to significant Soros funded parts of Arabella. Regret I can’t find the same article now but there, nevertheless, it goes to prove how evil this man is and the extent to which he is prepared to go to change the World.
Unlike the US, the UK population is already emasculated and incapable of defending itself by legislation which, I’m sure we could find, legislation that was pursued vigorously by ‘pressure groups’ financed by the same man. Pure evil.
Using the methodology of remainers – Soros is getting old ….
The State Broadcaster – whose duty is to inform – will certainly be keeping a running log of the attendance of MPs in the House of Commons following the decision by the Traitor Supreme Court . I wonder how many attend every day for more than an hour ?
After all – it is so precious to them that they engaged in a profound Demonstration of being ‘locked out’ .
I think I know what the answer is – but then again it’s no longer a legitimate parliament . But we are stuck with it until …2022?
The Rbc hate British values so much they are letting the SNP ..literally-away with murder. I refer to the deaths at a new hospital in Glasgow where poor ventilation let some disease caused by pigeons into the ventilation system.
Let’s just say their mask has slipped so far now that blatant England hatred is spewing out of them and that this and deflection tactics such as the ” no spanking ban ” for children is in play.
The number of fellow Scots now share a growing majority
that these collection of misfits do not represent the people of Scotland……….
And if I was one of the Senior English judges whose reputation was sullied by the upholding of their Scottish counterparts appeal by that collection of waxworks at the Supreme Court…..I would be plotting revenge….
PS Lord Carloway the senior Scottish waxwork was the guy who facilitated a precedent for the HMRC overturning the verdicts of 2 divisional courts …..upheld by the Supreme Waxworks….and paving the way for what now known as the Loan Charge…..a retrospective shift of the goalposts where some 50,000 people are now being pursued by HMRC for retrospective claims from a process which most thought was legal.
Another swamp that needs draining.
Yes this hatred of the English demonstrated by the SNP is disturbing.
I went to boarding school in Scotland in the late 1950’s until early 1960’s. When I was there we had pupils from all over the world but the majority were a mixture of Scots and English (the late Jim Brogan of Celtic and Scotland and Sir Frank Williams to mention two) . There was never any Scots v English problems. We were all just young boys who lived, studied and played in our school and we chose our friends by those we got on with regardless of nationality. How much better would our Parliament be if that ethos was present.
Without that hatred, the SNP would not exist.
I totally accept that. My parents were Scots but I was born and live in England. I count myself as being English and as far as I am concerned the English are the most tolerant of all people despite what the intolerant humour by pass Lefties would have you believe.
My parents were SNP in the 70’s. Needless to say I chose a different route.
The only reason the SNP ever gained any traction was North Sea oil. When it finally runs out, so will any desire for Scottish “independence”(AKA being an economic colony of the EU).
I have worked in Scotland many times, travelling alone and living out of a suitcase in hotels.
I remember the first time I stayed there, I was expecting the Scots to be very anti English having heard the myth about them supposedly being mean spirited and aggressive.
How wrong could I be! I found them to be very welcoming, friendly and accepting of me.
I was once drinking alone in a bar/club in Edinburgh, when a heavily tattooed man, with several piercings in his face, walked directly over to me. I thought he was going to have a pop, but he was actually one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. He Insisted that I should not sit drinking alone and introduced me to his family and friends. He had no ulterior motives and I had one of the best nights out ever. I would go so far as to say that I have seldom had a night up there where I have not made friends with people of all ages.
My first business trip to Scotland in the 70’s: First appointment at 0900 on a Monday morning with the Chief Electrical Engineer of the BSC Ravenscraig steel works. Never met the man before nor spoke to him. Duly there at 0900 he refused to shake my hand and just past exchanging ‘goodmornings’, said, “What right do you people from down South have to come up here touting for business”.
No doubt he went on to have a long career in the SNP. I expect he objected to the English stealing “Scotland’s steel”.
I have worked in Scotland many times, travelling alone and living out of a suitcase in hotels.
I remember the first time I stayed there, I was expecting the Scots to be very anti English having heard the myth about them supposedly being mean spirited and aggressive.
How wrong could I be! I found them to be very welcoming, friendly and accepting of me.
I was once drinking alone in a bar/club in Edinburgh, when a heavily tattooed man, with several piercings in his face, walked directly over to me. I thought he was going to have a pop, but he was actually one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. He Insisted that I should not sit drinking alone and introduced me to his family and friends. He had no ulterior motives and I had one of the best nights out ever. I would go so far as to say that I have seldom had a night up there where I have not made friends with people of all ages.
I can honestly say I miss my trips to Scotland. It feels like a real home from home.
Radio4-Woke-Women a station that occasionally allows men on
3:28pm a #WomenAreVictims charity advert
.. apparently African people are so inept that their governments let down pregnant women ..and it’s up to you whitety to give your money to this charity, which will use it to advertise to African women , that there are maternity hotels next to hospitals in the cjty where vulnerable women can stay before they give birth instead of dying on a journey to hospital from a remote village.
The ad contained an emotional blackmail tale of one such woman who already had 3 kids but on the fourth had complications so died after villagers carried her 30Km.
The next prog at 3:30pm about novels
the book was a #WomenAreVictims novel
about how girls who are good at sport
have a harder time than men
The character is a school basketball player, who laments that there are no statues to female stars .
the next item
And Imani Perry, Professor of African American studies at Princeton University, celebrates the seminal novel Corregidora by Gayl Jones. This 1975 work is generally accepted to have paved the way for Toni Morrison and Alice Walker
..hmm I wonder what those 2 authors have in common ?
.. Did they write books about Science Fiction, or ponies or Welsh people ?
Watching the extract of the traitor speaker not having the bottle to directly take on AG Geoffrey Cox – complete with a hoarse voice given him by God – Bercow really is a bully and since he has been so busy breaking convention perhaps the convention of giving ex speakers peerages could be breached for Mr Bercow .
Bojo is looking to close parliament again – l really hope he does it – and the traitors go through their ridiculous self important theatricals again to their own embarrassment .
Close it down until we get an election. The pressure will then be on cowardly Corbyn to give in
Close it down and let the Spider Lady do her worst
Looks like the blob is absorbing more territory.
Expect more TV commercials of tedium.
Over at ITTB Open thread, Arthur T reveals just how Jon’s squad operates. It is not pretty.
Arthur T3 October 2019 at 09:23
From the BBC News website, a classic ‘when did you stop…’ question:
‘Boris Johnson or Donald Trump: Who is in more trouble?’..
Our friend Zurcher puts forward the ‘case’ for POTUS. Disgraceful.
Arthur T3 October 2019 at 11:30
Instant response from the BBC News website. The headline has shifted to:
‘Who’s got it worse – Johnson or Trump?’…
The rest of the story remains the same.
Arthur T3 October 2019 at 11:46
This is still a loaded headline BBC. ‘Who’s got it worse – Johnson or Trump?’. Who’s got what worse? The premise from the BBC is that both are bad and the only debate is who is worse. Polling actually shows that both are popular in their respective countries. The BBC predisposition that both are bad is entirely false. Best bury the story altogether BBC – it doesn’t hold up, but it does demonstrate a bias against Johnson and Trump.
The internet never forgets, BBC.
Guest Who,
Thanks for the directions to isthebbcbiased, but it should be ITBB, not ITTB. Just saying.
Settled-Science , not climate
Last year China’s He-Jiankui managed to gene edit two embryo cells together which produces babies which are HIV resistant
…This annoyed the mob, so when 2 University of California scientists produced a paper that said ‘yes but the new embyos have a much reduced lifespan’ the mob lauded it
… But that second paper can’t be replicated, so is being retracted.
… See R4 Rutherford show at 4:30pm
Bill Bryson is on as well discussing his book about the human body.
Has it been reported yet ??
A knife-wielding attacker, who killed four French officers inside police headquarters in Paris before being shot dead, had reportedly converted to Islam around 18 months ago.
His conversion to the religion of peace has been confirmed by Le Figaro. yet another straw in the wind that in the coming decades there will be ongoing attempts by Islam to convert or conquer Europe, no doubt with much blood shed. . do the dumb liberals realise where they looney policies are taking us? No I honestly think that most of them believe in the multi culty Utopia outlined by the likes of the Guardian and the foul BBC. If we plot the changes that have resulted from Islamic terrorist outrages over the past ten or twenty years the bulk of them have either restricted the host population’s ability to make their views known or to dissent from the liberal multi culty policy, or to have given special privileges to the RoPers. There has been zero pressure put on the Islamic community to cast out their extremists , to renounce the violent part of their creed or to conform to western values. Our leaders just rush around trying to appease the Muslims, give away our country and our customs, make it ever more difficult for ordinary Europeans to resist the encroachment of Islam into their daily lives. We need many more Orbans and Salvini .
also see twitter: Sébastien JALLAMION
Verified account
58m58 minutes ago
NB – seems to have some cred.but not sure.
It would appear that the killer was actually working in the police headquarters and it was his supervisor who he stabbed first, followed by police personnel who tried to intervene.
The perp was originally from Martinique in the Caribbean and his wife is called Iham.
I wonder who vetted this employee?
Why are there so many ROPers in such positions where they have access to police information technology/databases etc?
Also why so many in Security jobs at the point of entry to secure establishments?
Do the people who employ them to guard their premises and personnel think that their loyalty will be to their employers, or to their “Jihad” when they are inevitably called to arms?
Reports: Paris Police Killer an Islamic Convert Enraged by Reprimand for Refusing to Deal with Women
IT worker Michael Harpon, 45, is said to have killed his female supervisor — who had previously reprimanded him for refusing to deal with women — with a ceramic blade, before going on to attack several other police personnel, leaving a total of four dead and one critically wounded before he was fatally shot in what has been described as a self-defence situation.
Shocking, Halifax.
Didn’t anyone tell him it is the religion of peace?
I’m asking myself why do I see a similarity between these two photos?
Two very good reasons for getting rid of The Welsh Assembly. And that’s not counting the plan to ban smacking .
“Leanne Wood reprimanded for swearing on Twitter after vote of AMs”
“Sex education classes could be compulsory in Wales”
Whenever the elite become the protest movement it goes wrong.
Enjoy Extinction Rebellion with music
f*ckin’ eejits!
piss-up..brewery comes to mind?
..cheers G.W.F. (&JHB)
“Extinction Rebellion!!!!..what a larf…bunch of dumbass dodos.
Why can’t there be more like JHB? The only thing that stops me loving her is that she rides the anti Trump band wagon. Disappointing, but she does speak her mind when it comes to fake climate propaganda and tells it like it is on Brexit
Firemen have to train hard to learn how to manage a hose like that. It is real work. It seems that a diet of tofu and self-righteousness is just not enough.
Still, why should ER worry? They have the establishment eating out of their hand. They should try being pro-Brexit if they want to have the establishment against them.
Does anyone know the percentage of the population that are drag queens?
The BBC has been advertising on prime time pre-9pm BBC1 at regular intervals for about the last 10 days an imminent competition on BBC3 to be presented by RuPaul. On the basis of the coverage given aka ‘share of voice’ in marketingspeak, I am guessing about 20% of all males in the UK must be drag queens.
Of course there are not. So what we have is yet another LGBT abcxyz narrative from the state broadcaster where to be straight is increasingly a disadvantage.
On Friday the full report of the review of the Met police inquiry into a non existent VIP paedo ring is due to be published .
It’s apparently not nice for plod
I wonder how the state broadcaster will treat it . Will they go to town about gullible politically correct plod doing what they need to do to get promoted ?
Ignore it
Compare it with the non investigation of real paedo rings by racist Pakistani third world muslims ?
Take yer pick . Personally I think they’ll say “ look over there -squirrels- or monarchy light involving an American actress …
I suspect the institution that gave Jimmy Savile a free hand for all those years will do what it usually does in these situations.
Consign it to the graveyard slots and web pages.
Unless of course they can devise some BAME or LGBT narrative.
About a million people enjoy country sports. They do not exist according to the BBC. The only thing that happens in the countryside is far right extremism, it would appear.
A scientist of the church of Climate Alarmism, saw mistakes and tried to speak up
so he was then hounded as a heretic.
ITV2 just played their #woke trailer featuring Trevor McDonald
they filled it with minorities, black kids and two men kissing
and tagged
“TV can change the world”
I haven’t found the video yet
..but ITV tweets show it has created an internal network just for minorities called #ItvEmbrace
photos if the meetings don’t show many white people
..ITV has just put out this job advert
“Embracing the diversity of all those who are the same colour and inclusion of anyone as long as they’re not White”.
Not making any difference to my thinking-Black, Asian, Minority-of course they are a minority in this indig white nation. Why should they expect to be accepted without some concern from we the indigenous peoples of this nation, we have spent over 2000 years endeavouring to make a reasonable civilised society but now we are seeing it being overturned by diversity through the propaganda multiculturalism nonsence forced down our throats-a white grandfather shown with a black boy sitting beside him in a magazine advertising Chritsmas-a black/coloured man with a blond white woman shown in another magazine concerning marriage guidenece counciling – and so on. Alarming .
P 100+ Another barnstormer.
More – Sébastien JALLAMION
Verified account
58m58 minutes ago
???????? Erratum : la cheffe de service qui a convoqué Mickael Harpon, l’agent administratif converti à l’islam ayant tué 4 policiers et blessé un 5ème à la préfecture du police de Paris, n’est pas décédée au cours de l’assaut. Elle pourra donc témoigner.
Google translate:
Erratum: the chief of service who summoned Mickael Harpon, the administrative agent converted to Islam who killed 4 police officers and wounded a 5th at the police headquarters of Paris, did not die during the assault. She will be able to testify.
Do not fret Inspector Jacques Clouseau in on the case. Oh! wait a minute, I have just been informed by Al Beeb that he now works for them as an Investigative Journalist with has intrepid assistant maxi.
“The models just become useless pieces of junk or worse (as they can produce gravely misleading output) when used for climate forecasting.”
some UK cold records have fallen and here they are
Craibstone, Scotland set a new teeth-chattering all-time daily low of 2.2C (36F) on Sept 02 which smashed the previous record of 4.4C (40F) set way back in 1934.
Shawbury, Central England comfortably surpassed 2002’s Sept 08 record of 3.9C (39F) with a chilly 2.8C (37F).
While Lyneham, Central England set a new low of 4.4C (40F) on Sept 08, busting the previous record of 6.1C (43F) from 2015.
And Bournemouth, Southern England managed to tie its previous record lowest minimum temperature for Sept 08 set back in 2013 with a reading of 3.3C (38F).
Here is the guy in question, and he is far from a ‘nobody’ he is a 25 year climate change PhD graduate working for one of the biggest climate modellers in the world, JAMSTEC. It’s easy for the media to ignore small fry academics, but this guy is a real big fish.
Ha @Thoughtful I mentioned Dr Nakamura
on the previous page at 9:40am
Thanks for that link. The better read we are the more we can fight the Marxist ideology (for the BBC it is all about Trotsky) but the end result is the same as it ever was… On one of those links, there is this page which aptly describes the problem of uncritical ‘GREEN’ thinking which is also ‘anti-environmental’….
8. Why are the radical greens so anti-environmental?
Dr. Patrick Moore, a co-founder and Past-President of Greenpeace, provided the answer decades ago. Moore observed that Eco-Extremism is the new ‘false-front’ for economic Marxists, who were discredited after the fall of the Soviet Union circa 1990 and took over the Green movement to further their political objectives. This is described in Moore’s essay, “Hard Choices for the Environmental Movement” written in 1994 – note “The Rise of Eco-Extremism”.
For radical greens, it was never about the environment – the environment was a smokescreen for their extreme-left totalitarian political objectives. When radical green extremists take power, it will be ‘One Man, One Vote, Once’ – the end of democracy.
Yes I read a lot of what Dr Patrick Moore has said about so called Climate Change- This following piece also clearly shoots much of what the Climate Change Political rascals are putting about, such unsupported claims, that only support big enterprises-disgracefully aided by a young school girl whose knowledge is debateable.
Science is Too Valuable to be Hijacked by Politics
Sadly, science has been corrupted for political purposes and hidden agendas. Charlatans, on a worldwide scale, have hijacked science to dupe, scare and manipulate the masses, for reasons that have more to do with global government and wealth re-distribution than any pure goal of advancing knowledge. The worst of those planet— wide charlatans are those that promote, advocate for and propagandize the fraud of man-caused global warming, AKA Climate Change. That includes most Western governments and virtually all of the environmentalists.
But please consider. All the noise, chatter and propaganda about future rising earth temperatures are solely based on computer models. Although the climate scientists tell us that the computer model science is sound, they are lying through their teeth. The reason we know they are lying is because in 2007 the IPCC Working Group 1 (WG1) assessing the physical scientific aspects of the climate system said, in their own words, “we should recognize that we are dealing with a coupled nonlinear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.” The reader should focus on the part of the statement where it reads, “not possible.”…
There are mounds of credible evidence from credible sources stating that government and environmental climate computer models are anything but accurate, simply because, “we are dealing with a coupled nonlinear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.” This statement comes from the IPCC Working Group. Those words did not come from Standard Oil, Exxon, BP, or Shell Oil Companies.
As one meteorologist and also a Geologist have in fact stated that Climate Change has been happening for millions of years and that man’s intervention through its industrial development over the last 150 years is slight. Carbon dioxide is responsible for any of the slight warming of the global climate that has occurred during the past 300 years, since the peak of the Little Ice Age. If there were such a proof through testing and replication it would have been written down for all to see.The contention that human emissions are now the dominant influence on climate is simply a hypothesis, rather than a universally accepted scientific theory. But there is certainty beyond any doubt that CO2 is the building block for all life on Earth and that without its presence in the global atmosphere at a sufficient concentration, this would be a dead planet. Yet today our children and our publics are taught that CO2 is a toxic pollutant that will destroy life and bring civilization to its knees. The world’s top climate body, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change, is hopelessly conflicted by its makeup and its mandate.
I gave up computer modelling using a Sinclair ZX81 in 1982 due to lack of memory. Local stars up to 16 light-years away, reduced to 13 light years. But I need the memory to make the stars move in a 3D environment. It was very simple. A white dot representing a star on a black background. Later I found out that others did not give up and made millions of pounds producing computer games.
In Astronomy, computer simulations for planetary orbits are checked with observations in reverse or retrospective computer runs. Peter Lilly is known to have asked the morons about retrospective computer runs in climate science. The thick climate scientist concerned didn’t look as though he knew what Lilly was talking about. Before computers, Isaac Newton used past data to produce retrospective calculations that produced his theories.
The BBC now uses computers to make Dr Who episodes much more believable than when I was a child. Computer models seem to be more believable to left-wing Liberals and children because they impress people who are ignorant of how computer models are produced.
The awful Paris stabbing is still being under-reported on the BBC.
They profess not to know his name or the motive or that he recently converted to islam.
How come I know all those details but they don’t ?
Oh yeah, sorry, forgot……………………
Posted earlier that I think even normally placid folk are beginning to turn on Corbyn, Swinson , Blackford etc as they see they are not interested in supporting any deal at all , only interested in themselves and their petty games. Pathetic.
I only see Boris’s rating going one way at the moment …… these remainiacs are really digging their own graves with this game playing.
BBC love it .. Labour says this, Labour says that , who gives a toss, Boris is PM , not Corbyn , sometimes I think the BBC actually forget that !!!!
Finally, another great part of Peter Sissons’s excellent autobiography is his assessment of how and why the BBC treats the wobbly theory of man-made climate change as ‘fact’. He delivers a scathing assessment of BBC executives and the journalism of Roger Harrabin. RIP Peter.
Anyone else heard about Peter Sissons autobiography or a response from the corrupt corporation?
Weblink for that here. Peter Sissons’s, one of the old school and critical of the BBC ‘new wave’ of mediacrats, I just wish he had spoken out sooner. But then -when working at the BBC nobody can – until they regain sanity, and leave.
‘Peter retired from broadcasting in 2009 and was considered at the time to be one of the UK’s longest-serving news presenters.
After retiring from BBC, Peter Sissons started writing his autobiography. His autobiography was titled “When One Door Closes” which is based on the critics of his former employer, the BBC. In the autobiography, he argued such topics as the organisational left-wing mindset and BBC having a bias towards New Labour, the United Nations, the European Union, environmental groups, ethnic minorities, Islam and women.’
My ten year Mensa email forum archive of complaints about the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate, mentions Sissons.
“Two former BBC Journalists Michael Buerk and Peter Sissons explain why BBC Journalists who appear on our screens, seem to appear brainwashed and scientifically ignorant. They say that few show any curiosity about the science of Atmospheric Physics or Solar Astronomy, in fact the most important BBC journalists for this subject are not scientists but Environmentalists with degrees in the Arts and Humanities, Buerk and Sissons both had the intelligence given curiosity to do their own scientific investigations, and found that the hypothesis does not have the scientific proof for its core questions in the Scientific literature, and ignores the contribution of Astronomy”
The BBC successfully hid this ten part story below from the mainstream media, but its known that Whittingdale was informed:
(1) The BBC mislead the audience by leaving out the fact that Ice Core data shows that CO2 levels rise about 800 years after Global temperatures rise.
(2) The BBC continues to use statements withdrawn by the Royal Society on the insistence of the fellows.
(3) The most blatantly biased statement by the BBC said that “Anthropogenic Global Warming is a fact” the IPCC using an assumption says “very likely” and the BBC which claims to be impartial says “fact“. This also does not come from the Royal Society. This evidence proves that the BBC takes a more extremely Biased view than the IPCC or the Royal Society and conflicts with the BBC Trusts claim that impartiality is important.
(4) This also now leaves open the possibility of legal action by Mensa members against the BBC Trust which has continually refused freedom of information requests for details of how this decision was made by what the BBC calls “the best scientific experts“. Legal action was not taken because other sources revealed the “28 Gate” scandal at the BBC, which revealed that these so called experts were actually scientifically unqualified Environmental activists, not Atmospheric Physicists.
(5) The senior scientific advisor for the BBC documentary “Hot Planet” was Professor Peter Cox. The BBC has had trouble with Professor Cox regarding the predictions of a Barbecue Summer and Mild Winters and his prominent role in the Climategate Scandal and with the IPCC. Professor Cox was a Computer Modeller, not an Atmospheric Physicist.
(6) The BBC Editorial Complaints Unit Director told a Mensa member that the BBC does not have any scientific investigative journalists in its employ.
(7) The complaint remained in a twilight zone, the BBC unable to either uphold, or reject the complaint for fear of legal action by Mensa members. Finally after a most amazing excuse that although the evidence that the BBC is overtly biased was provided to a member by the BBC in its communications, it was not mentioned or referred to in the BBC Trust Editorial Standards Committee’s finding. That is like saying we know we are biased but you can not take legal action against us because we will not include this in the monthly bulletin of the BBC Trusts Findings.
(8) The chairman of the Media, Culture and Sport Select Committee, Mensa member, John Whittingdale, who studied Astronomy at university, said that the BBC had a ‘failure of management at every level’ and that there was ‘something fundamentally wrong with the BBC management structure’.
(9) Whittingdale launched an independent review of the BBC’s governance and regulation by Sir David Clementi who made proposals on how to replace the BBC Trust and Complaints process.
(10) The BBC Trust which included Richard Ayre, a thick lefty qualified in Marxist Philosophy, Sonita Alleyne, a thick lefty qualified in Marxist Philosophy, Nick Prettejohn a thick lefty qualified in Marxist Philosophy and Bill Matthews, a thick lefty qualified in the Humanities, was abolished on 2 April 2017.
That is supposed to have solved the problem?
Very revealing
I kid you not. BBC NI Homepage.
How the hell are we supposed to take these people seriously?
Wednesday R4 in its 8:45pm Four Thought prog , chose to platform a student who went on and on about a politician she has a massive crush on.
Take a guess.. Was he
– Jacob Rees Mogg from the Tory Party ?
or Ed Balls from the Labour Party ?
I’m North of this border, the one that so many seem to be under the impression doesn’t already exist, and neither I nor most of the people I know care if there is a hard border or not.
The BBC especially however seem to think that Varadkar, aided by the overwhelmingly Irish Nationalist/ EU representative body spokespeople/ shills in the CBI, Retailers, FTA, Unions, and their sycophantic selves, speak for me and about a million others. They don’t, their driving force is primarily a hatred of all things British, and they are being unfairly indulged in a sort of media- sanctioned constitutional land-grab, as if a never before independently governed “united” Ireland already exists.
The lack of any consideration or credence to the opinions of the pro-British majority in NI by the MSM at the minute is increasingly infuriating – goading, dismissive and arrogant – but not surprising. It is a dangerous cage to rattle though.
Varadkar and his chums are more than a little carried away with themselves, their sense of entitlement misplaced. Perhaps a discussion with regards to the Common Travel Area between the UK and Ireland, nothing to do with the EU, might help him get things back into perspective?
By the way, I’ve no idea how this comment ended up here, I’m replying to the comment posted by Taffman below.
Love it Mr President !!!
The new TR Ezra video
The first 7 minutes is background info, so 7 mins in to see Sweeney’s tweets and then TR
Ezra is staggered by the way UK media doesn’t report Sweeney’s departure accurately
…. that he was taken down after he tried a corrupt sting against TR
..TR speaks about his new plans
His new video about a London Jewish guy
and the Rape Of Britain documentary which will be super difficult cos the police/establishment will want to keep him out of the rape towns , saying that TR’s presence will incite trouble.
TR adds that he will be taking it steady
and not letting people provoke him
One project is a 6 chapter doco about 6 journos who have monstered him in their lying pieces
and successfully created the demon Tommy that lives in their readers minds.
Get the impression the girls are bonding?
They sure are
The thick, thick and the ugly (and thick).
Paula Michelle Sherriff is a British Labour Party politician. She has been the Member of Parliament for Dewsbury since gaining the seat from the Conservatives at the general election in May 2015. Sherriff was previously a councillor in Pontefract on Wakefield District Council. [Wiki]
How is the paedo rape jihad doing in Dewsbury and Wakefield?
Sherriff is the reason why an innocent local man was intercepted by four cars on armed police on the A1
That guy Danny Lockwood the owner and editor of a local newspaper just happened to be the publisher of TR’s first book.
Sheriff’s team and press friends had massively hyped up an event outside her office calling it a “far right attack”
.. Actually one of Sheriff’s office neighbours didn’t like her, so to wind her up a couple of times after he finished his cigarettes he folded the tin foil into a swatiska and left it on the outside doormat of her office.
He was later spoken to by police and that was it , as if he is a learning diffulties person etc. He is not connected to the newspaper publisher AFAIK
Danny wrote a book “The Islamic Republic of Dewsbury – Danny Lockwood”
sorry I misspelled her name it’s double R, Paula Sherriff
.. Someone tweeted that she actually changed her name to make it sound more British
“Banksy MPs as chimpanzees painting sells for £9.9m”
I think he’s got it right . How about you ?
That’s what 3 years of trying to prevent Brexit has shown our Parliament to be, a zoo full of monkeys ignoring the voters that put them in office and pay their wages.
Its The Brexit Party for me in the imminent general election and if Boris knows what’s good for him he will form a coalition with them.
Sorry Taffman, but I have to disagree. I think you are out of order.
Those chimpanzees are no doubt far more intellectual than the traitors in parliament!
Your remarks are an insult to chimpanzees everywhere!
As Greta would say, how dare you.
Ps will Lammy and Abbot now proclaim Banksy as “waycist”, as per the Danny Baker outrage episode?
This painting disgusts me.
There is total under-representation of primate minorities.
I bow to your superior knowledge, I have never been a zookeeper.
What ever happened to all the Brooke Bond chimps ? Did they all stand for parliament and get jobs as MPs?
\\Boris Johnson’s Brexit plan: EU ‘open but unconvinced’//
When we leave the EU without a deal will the The Republic of Ireland man the border or will it be the new European Defence Force ?
I don’t think the UK will, or need to ?
I hope none of you on here employ people as “employees” are the new Norwegian.
Apparently in Paris yesterday according to the BBC “A knife-wielding employee” killed 4 police workers….
I hope none of you on here employ people as “employees” are the new Norwegians.
Apparently in Paris yesterday and according to the BBC “A knife-wielding employee” killed 4 police workers….
Just visited bBBC website. Paris story has been pushed onto world news page and it has not been updated since the original report for 12 hrs. So the attacker wasn’t a right winger then. I wonder who it could be.
I’m sure it’s just an oversight by those hundreds of ‘journalists’ at the BBC that they just cannot discover the religious persuasion of the Parisian murderer.
Meanwhile in the Sluff household, the army of investigators here (1) did a quick google search and found articles in the Times and Mail.
Still, if the murderer had been captured alive, he could have always claimed he was not responsible due to smoking weed.
Sound unlikely? Errrr, no.
I wonder if the BBC will let us know who this “employee” was
who murdered four in Paris yesterday. Or will BIG BROTHER
from the diversity dept demand that we are not told that he
was a convert to the religion of peace.
I can understand children who are Islamicised during lactation.
I cannot understand how any adult could take the Koran seriously.
The BBC showing its Nazi side again in its Islamophillia:
Sikh peer quits Today programme’s Thought for the Day slot after 35 years and blasts BBC ‘thought police’ who tried to censor his address to Radio 4 listeners in case it offended Muslims
The beeb are as evil as their favourite ‘religion’.
“The peer, who has been a Sikh voice on the Today programme for 35 years, said the BBC tried to block him from discussing a guru from his religion who fought against the forced conversion of some Hindus to Islam in 17th century India.
A celebrated interfaith activist, Indarjit Singh hit out at the BBC for its ‘prejudice and intolerance’ after he was told the broadcast, which did not criticise Islam, may have offended Muslims, reported The Times.”
Not State Broadcaster
Always good to read a spiritually uplifting story about some one who gets what they deserve – in this case it’s the 5 foot 4 inch chimpanzee who is The Speaker . Bercow has apparently applied to join the All Engerland Club of Tennis but has had to withdraw it due to his anti bias attitude . This, hopefully , must really hurt as apparently he likes tennis .
Now just stop him from getting a peerage .
Could they not let him try out as ball boy?
Anyone for Treason?
Toady watch
The evidence that plod has become a lefty love in ( at least at senior level ) will be shown by the coming henriquez report on the false allegations against Tory VIPs .
If the senior command has been corrupted by the Left then it only follows that if you want to advance in plod you must be ‘like minded’ . Another part of the swamp that needs draining .
Indeed, Fed.
Applies to all our institutions, thanks to Blair. To progress far in these institutions you need to be a ‘manager of policy enforcement’, not a leader.
“Steve Baker, the chair of the European Research Group, which represents Tories pushing for a harder Brexit,
and one of the 28 “Spartans” who voted against Theresa May’s deal on every occasion, tells Johnson:
“We now glimpse the possibility of a tolerable deal.”
Johnson says he welcomes that coming from Baker, although he says the two have spoken regularly in recent days,
and so, he implies, he is not surprised to have Baker’s support.”
Johnson and Gove are not listening, Baker is stating that the current “deal” is intolerable, AKA NOT BREXIT.
Al-beeb do their usual trick of creating maximum confusion, obfuscation, chaff and false leads in their story about the Paris killer.
Pressures of work, a recent big demo, suicides, nothing is known about motives, no name given, not thought to be terrorist related, nothing to do with islam… the killings could have happened anywhere – a factory, a hospital, a farm. The police link was coincidental…
Lies. His name HAS been announced, and he was a recent convert to islam.
Furthermore, according to Le Figaro:
“Some say that the attacker, converted to Islam eighteen months ago, was summoned by his head for an interview about why he no longer greeted women.”
And the DM:
Deaf ‘Islamic convert’ is named as Paris police HQ attacker: IT worker who fell out with supervisor ‘over dealing with women’ slaughters four colleagues, including female officer, with a knife before being shot dead.
A muslim with a woman problem – now there’s a surprise. It’s starting to sound like it had everything to do with islam.
Al-beeb will no doubt wait until the story has slid way down the page before giving more relevant information, if at all.
This is their tried and tested modus operandi for inconvenient stories. The British Beclouding Corporation.
Most people with an IQ greater than that of an amoeba would have realised there was a possible Muslim connection within about 5 seconds of reading the initial news report, and had it confirmed by the time they had finished reading it by virtue of the fact that it was not mentioned: the dog that didn’t bark in the night etc. The following quote is particularly cute:
“But a government spokeswoman has said there is no indication he had been radicalised before the attack.”
Some people – let’s say those living on planet Earth, for instance – might say that changing your religion was a fairly radical move in itself.
..just use google translate.
see Sébastien JALLAMION
Verified account
Is Rory Stewart MP resigning ? Will he resign now and will there be a by-election ?
Anything on Al Beeb ?
Ah its there now !
They must have just read this post?
And I had him tipped as next PM . His snout must have found a more lucrative trough -president of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society I bet . …..
I’m surprised he didn’t go to the anti Democratic Party like the rest of the traitors .
Fedup – the next PM? Gosh, that requires a lot of imagination. I thought he was a hugely overrated (and I cannot even tell you how hugely, cos we would need to talk about the distance to the Oort cloud, and stuff), narcissistic, opportunistic, MSM darling, especially beeb’s.
Don’t tell me you fell for all that ‘man of the world’, “when I was last in Arabia, just like TE Lawrence, I did x…”) stuff?
I think the anti Democratic Party was too small for such a big man, or perhaps -at the least- Jo would have had to make way.
I see the big man has identified a job big enough to contain his vast intellect and charm, and is standing as mayor of London. Lotsa big smiles for lotsa big snaps coming up?
Stewart’s former cabinet colleague Amber Rudd tweeted: “What a loss to politics. An outstanding MP and minister. One of the strongest speakers in parliament. Principled, patient, thoughtful. I feel certain he’ll be back.”
desperate?..delusional?..probaly both..poor poor Amber.
Beth Rigby must be suicidal.
no comment!
Gay drag queen on BBC News claiming that because 3 women sat on the front row of one of his shows in full hijab and liked it and are now his friends dispels the myth that Muslims don’t like gays or drag artist.
Perhaps he could test his theory by going over to say Saudi or Iran in full drag?
It was an odd item by BBC Breakfast about the Muslim drag queen. I assume that they were trying to tell their stupid, white, racist, Islamophobic viewers how all-embracing modern, British Islam is. However, I think they’ve been hoisted by their own petard. Not only have their annoyed most of their white viewers, with another pro-minority group narrative, but they’ve now probably angered most of the Muslim population in this country as well. Well done BBC. Keep it up.
@digg Trans is surprisingly common in SE Asia with Muslims
It seemed to be that village Muslim life was sometimes very restrictive
so some guys would go to the city and rebel to the opposite extreme.
Then there’d be this ethnic-Muslim thing vs true-Muslim thing, with the former being very accepting of drag.
I’ve been in about 9 other Muslim countries and not noticed that
but I’ve not been living in them except for Tunisia.
Radio All Beeb early this morning was pushing the environment and ecology line, farming destroying the wildlife and all the other climate theory ideals .
No mention of unlimited mass immigration into this small country eating up land, road space, demands on food etc etc etc . Add to that a third world population entering a modern country and demanding a modern lifestyle eating up more and more resources.
Not a peep !
Listened to Nick Ferrari earlier when he shut down a caller who was saying the same thing, immigration and too many people on the planet. Plenty of oohs and aahs on from Ferrari, it was a bit like dont mention the war from Faulty Towers. I’m afraid they will skirt around this issue for years while they impose indiscriminating taxes etc.
The environmental impact of people varies enormously across the world, whether the metrics are for CO2 (aka ‘the Gas of Life”) or things with a real impact, such as consumption of electricity, oil, gas, water and production of sewage, food waste, nitrous oxides and so on. As Taffman points out, when a person moves from a (largely rural) Third World country to a modern (industrialised) country, they adopt the lifestyle and their consumption increases accordingly. Various studies have found that – depending on the to and from destinations – this can be a ten-fold increase or greater. Given this is the case, any so-called environmentalist or Green politician who isn’t fundamentally opposed to migration is either a hypocrite, working to some other undeclared agenda or simply plain stupid.
About 20 seconds research produces a neat graph fully supporting your thesis.
Strangely this seems to elude all those hundreds of BBC ‘journalists’.
When Nicky [heart] Gary.