Much despondency on the site and the various bits of the State are not doing themselves any favours – including of course the biased State Broadcaster.
– page 4 Friday 10am to 11pm
– page 3 Started Thursday lunchtime
… There’s a BBC Queshen Time… thread by TrueToo as well
.. Fiona Bruce can’t say “question” properly
A hard few weeks awaits us. Will we leave the EU or will be stuck in yet another extension with a GE building up and Labour being supported by the BBC.
This time next month we could be free or we might be facing hard socialism.
Fingers crossed that Boris has some big moves coming but I fear that the worse could be yet to come.
The bias from the ‘state broadcaster’ is going to start getting ugly
Think that depends on Trump’s attitude. Whether he draws the wagons into a circle and hunkers down to fight the process (a la Nixon) or whether he shrugs, says “What’s new?” and carries on. He’s had nearly three years of this as President.
At each step on the Sopel Way, the (so-called) Democratic Party has failed to unseat him.
Smoogie. The left in Toto and remainiacs of all stripes have been behaving ugly for years. No doubt they will get worse like a.million Renfields shouting for their EU masters to repay their loyalty by sucking all the blood out of what’s left of British democracy. And it will happen, appropriately, at Halloween.
smoogie – “…going to start…”
It’s been their default for many years. Their PC ideology demands it, as firmly as a good Communist party organ like PRAVDA required bad-mouthing ‘capitalism’.
For the rest, we are in the midst of the double-slit experiment. Is Boris a wave or is he a particle? We are both in leave mode (without a ‘deal’), and in remain mode (by whatever subterfuge), as we pass through the two slits simultaneously. Soon we will land and look, and know where we are (hopefully).
“Facing hard socialism” – a sobering thought. If we haven’t left and the GE comes, this is what we have to bear in mind. Someone said Labour, with only 20% support could lead the show. Ms Merkel would know exactly how to handle that. She grew up in the GDR, and -if you study her past- was possibly a secretary for Agitprop. Then came the fall of The Wall, and the leopard appeared to change its spots. The rest is history.
When it comes to deception, Boris may still only be a rank amateur.
For those who want to leave regardless, not splitting the vote would be an essential prerequisite. And not losing heart. Staying firm.
Hang in there.
Countryfile = #WokeBile
: Over on Facebook there is a mass of blowback about the staged studio photo winning the WILDLIFE photo competition.
I feel the winning photo encapsulates the very essence of what Countryfile now stands for!
… A pretend, sterilised version of the countryside,
… presented to the masses as a piece of propaganda for the townies !!!
The show doesn’t have it’s own Facebook page, so people used the 2 associated commercial pages
#1 BBC Countryfile Magazine – Community section hundreds of full on complaints about the photo comp
.. yet clearly seems they have deleted comments criticising the politics bit,
…….. BUT they’ve allowed a few posts promoting anti-livestock farming videos
#2 On the FB page of BBC Countryfile Live (show) there were just a few community posts
Facebook discussions about the bit wherethey shouted ‘Far Right Extremists’ were elsewhere in few private discussions as well as two groups that it is useful for people here to know about
#1 Boycott the BBC Kinda shallowish discussion ..mainly cos people know not to watch #WokeBile
.. Their other discussions pretty anti-Corbyn
eg “Corbyn did an ISIS salute” .. hmm I’m not bothered
As ever in the screaming the BBC #Greensupremacist #LibSumpremacist mob are projecting themselves
The entire item was saying
‘We don’t want that sort on OUR BBC, and in OUR countryside
and on OUR Facebook
..those purpleskins are awful !
Get them off , BAN them off Facebook
.. Look at us ! we got those awful purpleskins banned off Facebook
.. Those nasty purpleskins aren’t T-O-L-E-R-A-N-T like we are “
I have been wondering how the bbc would respond to XR essentially making a laughing stock of themselves with their blowback stunt, but so far it seems they feel silence is golden.
Not so Sky.
Looking forward to talking to members of Extinction Rebellion on this week’s @RidgeOnSunday ahead of planned protests in the coming days. Any questions you’d like me to ask?
Too much to hope that ‘looking forward to’ might involve a bit of journalism, or are they going to get rewarded for their antics with yet more of the publicity they crave and are handed by the MSM without question?
Latest beeb webshite headline: “Terror enquiry launched into Paris police killings.”
My my, what a surprise.
Al-beeb’s early headlines referred to ‘a man’; an ‘IT analyst’; ‘a deaf man’ etc, never ‘a convert to islam’, and couldn’t wait to quote French authorities that it wasn’t terror-related. Probably just a tiff with his boss, or ‘mental problems’, NTDWI.
Anyone with half a brain knew better, and now it’s confirmed.
French alternative and dissident blog-sites seemed to have info very early on (police leak?) that his computer had pro-islamic and anti-western material, including videos of O’Barmy defending islam and denigrating those who weren’t convinced it was quite the ROP it claimed to be. If Mickaël Harpon was incited to attack the police after viewing O’Barmy stoking up anti-western, pro-islamic sentiments, does that make him complicit in the Paris attack?
It was encouraging to read the comments on French language blogs and news sites, including mainstream ones. Ordinary readers didn’t believe a word the police, authorities and msm were saying from the start.
People are waking up and catching on.
They also mocked the policy of ‘diversity’ in recruitment to the police and security services, leading to someone like Mickaël Harpon having access to highly sensitive information.
Sorry – not the Beeb, but on The Pledge (sky) there was Carole Malone, Nick Ferrari, Andrew Pierce, Rachel Shabi, and a chap of colour who’s name escapes me. Can anyone tell me who he is and what he does – because unless he’s speaking he shows no emotion whatsoever, his face is immobile, but he’s clearly no Trump fan despite being an American (I think).
In this diverse country there are lots of black guys,
so I should not be able to to guess that a “chap of colour” given a platform on prime TV is Femi.
His own FB page says
“Born in the North East. Nigeria parents*. Been to school in East Scotland, West Midlands, and the North East. University of Nottingham Law with French”
(* His spelling error ..his father is a Nigerian doctor, that is why they moved around the country)
Femi Oluwole getting his a*** handed to him on The pledge tonight … his propaganda is outrageous
Have just checked him out, and he doesn’t appear to have a job – unless the Pledge’s expenses keep him going. Adam Brooks above is right – a total non-entity.
The message is that conspiracy theories won Trump’s election, Brexit and all the right-wing gains across Europe.
In one scene it shows Farage on Fox News where apparently Nigel blames Soros for the migration crisis.
Reversing the argument, the BBC’s ‘bogeyman’, who is to be feared, is what they see as the ‘far-right’.
There is no difference in the arguments except that only a tiny fraction of people take conspiracy theories seriously and virtually all left-liberals see right-wing politics as Nazism reborn.
I’ve just watched this too. The program implies use of the term; globalist, is something right wing, whit nationalist conspiracy theorists are prone to do.
There’s only one big problem with this assertion by the BBC – George Soros has actually written a book called; Globalisation in which he extols the virtues of globalisation. Therefore referring to George Soros as a globalist, is not in anyway racist or whatever, because George Soros IS a globalist by his own admission!!!
The final conclusion of this BBC documentary, is that ALL criticism of George Soros, is based on anti-semitic conspiracy theories similar to the anti-semitic conspiracies propagated by Hitler & The Nazis—Therefore anybody who criticises George Soros is automatically a white nationalist, anti-semitic Nazi—The two are inextricably linked and cannot be separated!!!
What about Jewish critics of Soros? Benjamin Netanyahu; Prime Minister of Israel, is another ardent critic of George Soros – Would the BBC therefore claim that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is an anti Jewish, white nationalist? (This would be the same as claiming the Pope is the most vehemently anti Catholic person on the Planet – It’s a preposterous allegation!!! Therefore we can conclude that NOT all criticism of Soros is from anti semitic, white nationalist nazis!!!)
Netanyahu and others, hold Soros personally responsible for millions of muslims illegally entering Europe. They claim this is the primary driving factor behind the huge increase in European anti semitism, because of Muslims’ well known hatred of the Jews.
Netanyahu has told Parisian Jews and European Jews in general, if they feel they’re lives are threatened, then they’re most welcome to emigrate to Israel for sanctuary from Islamist, anti semitic terrorism.
Lammy. watch : He insists Boris is a liar
He puts up a video of a crowd jeering at Boris with the tag “unpopular as ever”
Piers Morgan turns up and points out that is a LIE cos the video is from 2015
..Lammy retracts
Dover Sentry
“After all, the BBC have been very anti-Brexit since 2016. Despite Brexit…”
And so have most Tory MP’s. Funny how they were quite happy to join up with the Limpdems in 2010, yet nothing from our PM in joining up with The Brexit Party which would almost guarantee our independence ?
This fiasco has been dragged out because most of Parliament think they are above the people and do not wish to get out of the EU .
The people will have an opportunity to change parliament in the next general election . The damage that this Parliament has done to our economy is unforgivable. – That begs the question, has our parliament been colluding behind the doors with the EU ?
They won’t DS, why should they, it’s what they want after all. They are brazen now in both bias and fake news output.
No one challenges them, if they are challenged they ‘self heal’ (see Case Nagging Machette/Lord Hall) and we are all expected to ‘move along, nothing to see here’ unless it’s Boris bad, Trump bad, Brexit Bad, Cars bad, Climate Change deniers bad blah blah blah…
If you don’t want to know about Islamic terrorists killing
French policeman. If you are interested in women’s sport
and don’t want to watch live men’s football. If you believe
that political journalists , reporters, news readers should be
80% women. That the default marriage state should be between couples of different ethnicity . If you are AGAINST the UK leaving the EU. If you like presenters speaking with a Republic of Ireland
brogue or continuity presenters speaking patois, in the name of diversity. Then there is only one TV channel for you . The BBC!!!
Anyhow, if these four are ‘serial offenders’ as the report alludes too, then sorry they are out. Kicked out and bye elections called.
As MPs and upholders of all that is right and virtuous they should be squeaky clean. These four are not fit and proper persons to be holding any level of office.
I am greatly unimpressed by Rory Stewart in so many ways.
However, if mine ears did not deceive me as I was waking up, and caught the tail end of Toady, Justin Webb was having a go at him for being white and having the audacity to stand against mayor Khan.
It sounded explicitly racist and anti-white to me, so I shall listen again slowly to see whether Webb has committed any offenses, which I will certainly take up with the beeb and Ofcom if he has.
Anyone else catch any of this? Opinions?
Sorry, didn’t catch any of it.
These days I try not to torture myself by beginning my morning with poisonous, anti British propaganda.
And that’s pretty much all you get on The Today prog’. It’s audio Guardian without the spelling mistakes.
Why choose to start your day feeling angry and upset?
Do yourself a favour…
Classic FM, Alan Titchmarsh, bit of Chopin. A gardening tip. Lovely!
I can greet the rest of the day with a smile on my grizzled old chops.
Talking of smiling…
Where’d I leave my teeth?
I first heard him back in the summer, being interviewed during the Tory leadership challenges. I thought then he’s no Tory. A limp dumb at best.
I no longer listen to RBC radio output, so can’t comment but given that Mayor Khant is one of the RBC Darlings I’d not be surprised by anything they say or do, as it’s clear no one will hold them to account over it.
WW – I listened again and agree with you. Webb lambasts Rory for being a ‘white Etonian’, and makes clear his own strong support for ‘what Khan is doing’.
Rory -being as you say, a LimpDumb at best, feels obliged to say what a wonderful diverse mayor Khan has been, so good for London.
He’s really not worth taking up the cudgels for, and Webb has covered his back by attaching ‘Etonian’ to the constant racial attacks.
Should there be an election for London mayor, it sounds like Webb will be 100% behind Khan. As ever on Toady, my guess is you won’t come across any ‘impartiality’, whatsoever.
“WW – I listened again and agree with you. Webb lambasts Rory for being a ‘white Etonian’, and makes clear his own strong support for ‘what Khan is doing’.”
Come to think of it, when Khan was contending for the title of Mayor against four whiteys, I didn’t hear any interviewer lambast him for being a ‘brown pakistani’………………..
One rule for them, another rule………….
Foscari, watch Emily Maitless in action here arguing for the case of the Islamic invasion of Hungary and by extension, Europe .
The Hungarian minister’s argument is quite simple, that Hungarians have the right to be Hungarian and they have the right to choose who enters Hungary.
What is genuinely fascinating is that Maitless cannot comprehend what he is saying, She just would not listen to his reasoned replies to her questions and constantly interrupts him. You can see in her eyes that she is disgusted with his comments and really wants to shout at him that he is a racist.
And this is the example of objective and unbiased reporting that the BBC says that it is justly proud of? It is genuinely shocking to see someone who is so brainwashed and conditioned given so much power to promote and advance the BBC agenda. After the Munchetty debate it is now totally clear for all to see, that BBC broadcasters can air their personal opinions so long as they are toeing the BBC line.
BBC's Maitlis cannot grasp that Hungarians want to control their borders and who they allow into their country (including keeping out terrorists)
"We Hungarians have the right to make our own decision. Calling us xenophobic is insulting"
— Post-Brexit-Global-UK-Steve (@StevieBrexit) October 4, 2019
If you have the time, read the responses to this BBC article on ‘Does Multiculturalism Work?’ from 2010. The reactions are not quite what the BBC expected.
No idea EDS. I try to remain within the ‘law’ for what it’s worth these days. Are you related to Max Incontinency perchance?
Anways, to do it legally, follow the instructions on the teletax website. Once completed you will receive a letter from the lovely TV Licensing people, mine was signed by a customer service manager (customer??? At risk of jail or fine if non payment??? What???)
The letter is entitled Your no licence needed confirmation. Ensure your have also cancelled a corresponding direct debit or standing order – if this is your method of paying for the teletax.
They advise a number things that ‘you will need to know’ on the letter, like the possibility of a visit, what to do if you move house or other changes to circumstances, but as I don’t watch live TV I ignore this and sleep very well at night.
Keep the said correspondence safe as there is a ‘no licence needed’ expiry date apparently,mine is in 2021.
We’ll keep it legal until the real action kicks off anyhow.
Not a Maxie clone,
I see what you meant was follow the BBC rules to cancel the licence.
I cancelled mine by cancelling the direct debit and nothing else, I won’t be contacting them and any letters are ignored.
As long as licence holders cancel however they wish, then ignore the BBC – it’s good.
Orban is one of the few European leaders who got it right. Maitlis is an impolite, blind ideologue, and a perfect example of how not to conduct an interview.
Yes, we do need to stop funding the bias.
Perhaps Emily Maitless should watch this video of the the Afghan commuter being restrained on the tube after he assaulted one passenger and told everyone in the carriage he was going to stab them. Sadly, Emily won’t see this on any BBC web page, so she’ll have to watch it on The Daily Mail web site.
I’m sure she would agree that Hungary’s stance is quite correct…wouldn’t she?
BBC breakfast
Harvey Proctor walks out on interview with Nagga. After he calls Cressida Dick, a liar and calls for an interview with her. He also lambasted the BBC for their part in this.
Regarding calls for Met chiefs to face justice
Nagga says
‘Need to give right of reply. Rather than letting you say things that are potential incorrect or when people don’t have the right to reply”
Harvey Proctor unplugs earpieces and walks out saying….. ‘l’m not having this’
If anyone has recorded this interview please post it …..
A right to reply? They are happy for Jess Philips ‘to pop in for a chat’ then allow her to slander assorted government ministers with impunity. They always get it just about right……
Davy – the Londonistan evening standard site has the 32 second extract where mr proctor does the right thing and walks . Now I don’t watch state broadcaster propaganda anymore but I’m sure some one can link the piece .
‘Doing a Harvey ‘ much more of the same . I really wish people would just refuse to talk to the state broadcaster – ‘interviews’ are just a tick box – as for newsnight – which gets mentioned here a lot – do people really still watch monsters like maitless and wark?
( I was actually hoping I’d be the first to mention this incident in the hope that people don’t watch that dross any more ….)
I’d hope that politicians would have learnt that BBC interviews are a poisoned chalice, they risk being made to look a fool/racist/Nazi, surely they only appear because of the large audience they believe their message will reach.
Would using Social Media, Video sites, smaller TV stations give them the audience size they’re looking for.
Fed – funny you should say – “do people really still watch monsters like”
just watched bbc brexitcast (I know, but you have to know your enemy)
latest header –
“Will the EU buy the prime minister’s new Brexit proposals? Laura Kuenssberg and Katya Adler join Adam Fleming and Chris Mason for Brexit gossip, and serious analysis, from Westminster and Brussels”
can’t find a link but nevermind – same 4/5 trendy talking heads from the BEEB who are all up there own ass.. & laugh & joke at how cool they are.
never asked any difficult questions of any EU official or pushed for a good UK deal.
Mishal Husain ‘interviews’ some New York based arab shill who has written a book about the ‘girls who went to Syria to join the extremist group, IS’,
“Why did the girls go and would you like a Hob Nob biscuit with your latte?”, Mishal politely asks.
The shill replies, “They were all innocent young girls who were galvanised by The Arab Spring; they were alienated living in europe. Would you pass the sugar, please?”
Mishal then asks a question with the answer carefully embedded in it….”and then there’s the odd one who goes to Syria because her husband told her to.” (Husain did actually say this!).
“Yes Mishal. Please do not ask such probing questions. If this continues I will wet my burka.”, implores the shill.
Same old Deja Poo (that undeniably eerie feeling that you’ve heard all this shit before.)
No mention that they went to Syria because that is what, Islam and the koran instructed reinforced by a local or online imam; the ‘innocent’ young girls were going on jihad.
Husain’s hard and aggressive interview ended and was immediately followed by Thought for the Day. Those who don’t want to know the subject, turn away now.
A sombre female voice tells the listener about how a white police officer shot an unarmed black man, “one of many black men shot by white police officers”.
“…and now here’s Stav with the weather!”
Cassandra – the problem is that the British police just don’t kill enough people -particularly diverse types – to keep the indignation of the State Broadcaster happy .
Even the diverse Islamic van and knife attackers being sent to heaven isn’t enough for the state broadcaster . I waited for the ‘ why couldn’t they have been taken alive anguish ?’
So what to do if there aren’t enough police killings in UK ? Easy find a big country and report their problems and pretend they are UKs . Forget that the yanks are tooled up so do things differently .
Fed, Look at the outcry from Abbott, Lammy and all the SJWs when the police started ramming the moped thieves and acid throwers and knocking them off the things.
I’m knocking on a bit now but in 1985 a policeman called Keith Blakelock was killed in The Broadwater Farm Race Riots and the Labour leader of Haringey Council, a delightful fellow called Bernie Grant (a black man whose views were so extreme he would make Lammy and Abbott look normal) said, “”What the police got was a bloody good hiding.”
I read that PC Blakelock was surrounded by a mob of around 50 people, he received over 40 injuries inflicted by machetes or similar weapons, and was found with a six-inch-long knife in his neck, buried up to the hilt.
Grant had a slap on the wrist for his comments but this did not prevent him from being elected as the MP for Tottenham at the 1987 general election, one of the UK’s first Black British MPs, the others being Diane Abbott and Paul Boateng. Grant later stood for the deputy leadership of the Labour Party, but was unsuccessful.
The BBC loved Grant and his successors Boateng, Abbott and Lammy over the years, often promoting them in a positive light, in the case of Abbott employing her as a regular on This Week.
The police have had their hands tied behind their backs for years now, they’re not even known as a ‘police force’ but referred to as a ‘police service’ for reasons of political correctness. This is on the orders of the government.
Deaths due to violent crime, particularly stabbings are at record levels and they mainly are committed by members of a certain demographic in society but to say this would be racist. The BBC and government won’t anyway.
I want a Police Force, one that treats law-breakers hard and fair, just like the way the Afghan on the tube who was threatening to stab people on the tube this week was dealt with. And I want a legal system that hands out fair sentences.
If we have a soft police ‘service’ then I’m afraid it will meet the same fate as George Dixon (Dixon of Dock Green) in The Blue Lamp.
Cassie, the BBC do love squeaky-voiced American women, don’t they. Every opportunity …..
I listened to that segment and thought that the BBC are getting up a head of steam to campaign for the UK’s ISIS recruits to be allowed back into the UK. There was an item yesterday about it on R4. Wouldn’t be surprised if it carries on tomorrow and into next week.
We are beginning to see the arrival in the Uk of the EU phenomenon of the patching together of coalitions by parties who, in themselves don’t have enough support for government.
Alas, it’s the Left that’s succeeded in doing this first in the UK, and the product is e.g. the ‘Benn Act’. This could allow them to patch together some sort of election alliance, although Jo’s still got reservations about Jeremy.
Whatever happens with Brexit, conservatives have a lesson to learn here, if they want to avoid living in the socialist nightmare Corbyn has in mind for us. Coalition building, avoiding vote-splitting in given constituencies etc may well turn out to be the stuff of the future for anyone who wants to succeed, especially with the Public Broadcaster now firmly in the hands of the Left.
We need to give this serious thought while we still have time, and encourage maximum channels of communication between conservatives of all persuasions. Big Personalities need to take a back seat in this endeavour.
I think it’s too late for the right to make any kind of sustained comeback in Europe – it’s too wedded to welfare and someone else being responsible for this and that .
One of those big long term game changers might change this but otherwise we are stuck with the infantile mindset shown by the likes of the State Broadcaster .
Announce that you re cancelling it to protest against the BBC’s lack of support in the fight against climate change and Islamophobia, and its failure to promote diversity.
We have the world wide liberal left Globalist alliance everywhere showing their true anti democratic colours. If the MSM wasn’t part of this alliance and instead of running endless propaganda and suppressing all the inconvenient truths, it actually investigated and then reported the facts then things would be very different. The conspirators in the USA would be in prison by now, Brexit would be delivered or close to being so, on the continent Le Pen , Salvini, Orban , AfD etc would all be stronger.
It is the MSM that is the great enabler to the liberal hegemony that we are living through. By brainwashing millions of Westeners with an ideology which is directly against their best interests , it allows its liberal elite to shut down opposition, make ‘laws’ which secure their status, to manipulate democracy or even as we see in the UK to ignore democracy entirely when necessary. The MSM is the mortar which binds the Globalist world view together. Therefore the most important thing to do is to destroy the stranglehold that the MSM on what is permitted to be said and discussed. Crucially the censorship of the internet , which the Globalists are pursuing must be resisted as this is the medium that can reveal the truth to millions as a President Trump is demonstrating. I would urge Boris and Nigel to adopt similar policies on communication, by the MSM altogether , ignore them totally, lock them out of the national conversation.
No doubt some of you may have read this before BUT I think it worth putting forward again, as it would appear so many of those strange people sitting in what we call the House of Commons, seem to have lost an sence at all:
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
– Knowing when to come in out of the rain
– Why the early bird gets the worm
– Life isn’t always fair
– And maybe it was my fault
Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don’t spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.
Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses and criminals received better treatment than their victims.
Common Sense took a beating when you couldn’t defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.
Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realise that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.
Common Sense was preceded in death:
– by his parents … Truth and Trust,
– by his wife… Discretion,
– by his daughter… Responsibility,
– and by his son … Reason.
He is survived by his 5 stepbrothers:
– I Know My Rights
– I Want It Now
– Someone Else Is To Blame
– I’m A Victim
– Pay me for Doing Nothing
Not many attended his funeral because so few realised he was gone.
If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing.
Hi Owen, Can I suggest you look at and for information on expense for MPs in all parties. Would you be happy if a Conservative bought a bike on expenses and was never seen using it to save the planet and reduce CO2?
Hi Owen, Can I suggest you look at and for information on expense for MPs in all parties. Would you be happy if a Conservative bought a bike on expenses and was never seen using it to save the planet and reduce CO2?
Listening to Any Questions now. Too lazy to get up and turn it off. However, there are some good interchanges caused by the presence of Nigel Farage. Jeanette Winterson beig a pain n the a*** bu aggressively talking over everyone with the chairman not stopping here.
Why can’t they have some better questions?
One of mine would be ‘Is Gina Miller now the de facto Queen?
You are a brave person, Despair. I listened yesterday. It was embarrassing last night. Shaun Ley lost control. In fact, he appeared to abdicate early on.
Major embarrassment for the BBC (I suspect Shaun was feeling it acutely, hence his reluctance to intervene as Chair) was that they had overstacked the hall with raving Lefties, a howling Socialist LeftMob. In Somerset, of all places. That bit of BBC vetting went well.
I used to quite like listening to Jeanette Winterson but she has now turned into an extreme Socialist harpie. She wants to pay more tax. That’s OK. You can pay it quite voluntarily. I wonder if her tax affairs would allow a Chancellor to take more?
Shame that Nigel Farage didn’t pick her up on her desire to fund things. Sale of her Spitalfields house might raise a bob or two for UK education and health.
The BBC vet the questions as well as the audience. It is noticeable how controlled they are.
Still on the subject of the Harvey Proctor interview. These two comments in The Daily Mail sum up the BBC and Munchetty’s position:
“Munchetty couldn’t get the police on to defend the indefensible so did what the BBC normally do and imply blame on the innocent. Disgraceful behaviour.”
“It was not Munchetty’s place to speak for the police! If she wanted them to have right to reply, should have got them on the programme!!!”
“Hi Chuka, Can you investigate into MPs who get large wages from alternative sources which could compromise their political standings in the community? This guy takes £65K per year for 12 hours work a month … can’t imagine what he can do in 12 hours … worth checking him out.”
Hi Chuka, Can you investigate into MPs who get large wages from alternative sources which could compromise their political standings in the community? This guy takes £65K per year for 12 hours work a month … can't imagine what he can do in 12 hours … worth checking him out.
“BBC Today presenter Justin Webb suggested Rory Stewart should not stand for London mayor because he is a white man and an Old Etonian.
“The ex-Tory cabinet minister, 46, appeared on BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme to discuss his mayoral campaign.
“However Today presenter Justin Webb, 58, argued that Mr Stewart standing in the mayoral race was not ‘really 2020’.”
Isn’t what Webb has said a hate crime? If Webb had said that Stewart shouldn’t stand as lord mayor because he is a black or asian man then I’m quite sure the police would now be involved.
Two Italian PhD students, aged 25 and 26 deny sex was rape when alone with a drunken 25 year-old Australian visitor in the maintenance room of the busy Toy Room club under the London Palladium.
“June Sarpong: TV presenter appointed BBC director of creative diversity”
TV presenter and campaigner June Sarpong has been appointed the BBC’s first director of creative diversity.
Sarpong is known to viewers for appearing on Channel 4’s youth strand T4, Loose Women and Sky News.
She has also written two books on diversity issues and been a prominent advocate for change in the media and beyond.
Director general Tony Hall said she would have “a wide remit to deliver change”.
Sarpong said: “I relish the challenge of working with senior leadership to make the BBC more inclusive and representative of the broad and diverse audience it serves.”
…. Or, more specifically, she’s going see how many white men she can get rid of.
‘BBC more inclusive and representative of the broad and diverse audience it serves.’ which if I recall correctly is elderly and mostly white but also popular with some inward migrants as it helps them learn good spoken English.
Or did, once upon a time.
Not any more. (See True Too’s Queshen Time ‘fread’.)
As all heterosexual white men at the BBC are cultural Marxists. Getting rid of them would be good news.
Creative Ideas for delivering a change to the sexual and racial diversity of the BBC, making it more inclusive and representative of the type of low IQ audience, now left watching the BBC today.
As ordinary intelligent people have now turned off the BBC. Unemployed Women of ethnicity are now the main audience of the BBC. Therefore Lord Hall should be replaced by Sarpong and all BBC programs should reflect this fact.
To be more inclusive and representative of this more politically narrow and ethnically diverse audience, and as there are now 100 diverse languages spoken in Britain. Programs for Remainers should be in Polish and French, followed by Bengali and Gujarati for Asians and Swahili and Pidgin for Blacks. English should be reduced to one percent for Cultural Marxists only.
Everyone else should be pleased not to watch the BBC at all. White people should now watch Yesterday, Drama, C5, ITV3, Film4, Talking Pictures and Movies4Men for dramas set in Yorkshire such as Heartbeat, All Creatures and Last of the Summer Wine.
If it keeps her off Sky’s Pledge, and I don’t have to listen to her juvenile nodding head witterings on air – EVER, then fine by me. Its just another ‘not born here but I’m gonna change the way you live’ migrant. Don’t you just love ’em ?. Between her and “I want to break the internet” Meghan Markle they’re gonna CHANGE THE WORLD.
Fri Times pg 2 , two digs at the BBC
#1 Lord Singh quits BBC R4Today TftD after 35 years because of “misplaced sense of political correctness that pushes contributors to bland and unworldly expressions of piety that no one can complain about”.
He also disclosed contributors no longer got Christmas cards //
#2 Being a woman helped me prosper at BBC, says Kirsty Wark
Michael Grade said BBC was wrong to rescind the Naga decision
and condemned the media saying that she was prevented from speaking about racism
.. He said , she can’t give opinions on serving politicians ..thats the rule
Whilst listening to commercial radio for the Saturday afternoon footy – did a quick wiki of Mr Justin Webb. Apparently he only earns £200k at the state broadcaster whilst Tourette’s Robinson is on £300k. Heartbreaking
So I fear the the ‘eton ‘ line might be a bit of envy because Webb cannot afford to send any of his three kids there . Perhaps we should have a whip round .
I think the race issue will become more prominent as London is rapidly becoming non white and non British . The state broadcaster will go for the ‘politician reflecting the culture of the population ‘ line which is of course against the kind of line previously used .
Maybe Webb thinks he has to make headlines to become the head of the Tribe after the Humphreys bloke went off to count his pension and or turn up on Classic FM …..
Personally it would be best if the mayor of London is actually a Londoner – but the frankly weird Rory Stewart will have an advantage with knowledge of illegal drugs .
I started listening to Any Answers on R4 (2.02-2.30pm) thinking it cannot be as bad as 1. usual, and, 2. last evening’s companion programme Any Questions. (R4, 8.02-8.50pm).
I was wrong. Second caller and Anita was trying to host a talk show instead of Any Answers.
Lord Hill referring to the ‘backstop’ and quoting an EU ambassador two days ago –
“We don’t understand what the backstop is, we don’t care about the backstop, we would be perfectly happy for the Irish to drop it but as long as they want it we are with the Irish”
So, It is Leo Varadkar, the southern Irish PM who is holding things up?
If this is the case and if the EU thinks that No Deal can’t be stopped by the Tory rebels et al, then we can expect Veradker to cave in within a few hours of the call from Brussels . Of course a form of words will be found to spare him embarrassment but he exists only as Brussels stooge and is only useful to them if they think the Remainers can head off No Deal. If not he becomes a liability to German car makers, French wine growers etc and will rapidly have his mind changed for him. All depends on the Ex Tory rebels.
If the EU know that in the event of not agreeing a deal Boris will by law be compelled to write asking for an extension then why does the EU need to agree any terms at all?
Surely they will keep us in and keep taking the billions in contributions.
I sort of hope Macron will be hung by his own petard and feel compelled to not agree an extension but I’m not optimistic.
Only the transgender opera singer and the 500th Gay Times are……errrr……….on the bBBC webshite FRONT PAGE as at 2000 on Saturday.
I imagine there are more model railway enthusiasts, to name but one group, than transgender people in the UK. But obviously that doesn’t exactly fit the bBBC rules.
There are more people who own ferrets than are transgender, but strangely you never hear about them on the BBC. Maybe if they lived in Islington things would be different.
Twitter accounts that make claims way out of step with reality
Are Russian accounts pied pipering British lefties.
Fascists like Oswald Mosely were banned from the BBC in the 1930s and subsequently. So fascism never took hold in the UK. Nowadays, the BBC makes the far right welcome, regularly. Draw your own conclusions…
— Mandoline Word-Smith ???? (@Mandoline_Blue) October 5, 2019
The term ‘ far right ‘ ( undefined ) and ‘fascist ‘- (misunderstood ) are thrown around by certain types without regard . I’m sure it’s easy to shout ‘fascist ‘ at someone they don’t like though .
I looked up the definition of ‘fascist ‘ and Mr Farage shows no signs of being one .
Funny how ‘ nationalist ‘ is ok in some contexts but not others – to the likes of the state broadcaster approving of the Scottish welsh and Irish types but not English …
Fed -meditate carefully on your last sentence, it will perhaps reveal to you much more than you might think!
Anyway, the source is The Guardian. This ‘newspaper’ is sunk up to its neck in toxic PC ideology. I wouldn’t believe anything it says, not a word.
As you say, there is a favourite term of abuse – most users haven’t a clue what it means, but are happy to employ its methods, without even realising it! I’d call that thick…
Which -in a word- would sum up the Guardian.
“Tommy Robinson has been interviewed on BBC Two’s Newsnight.
Meanwhile Boris Johnson, and many of his ministers, party members and newspaper allies, have adopted the boot-boy phrases and demagoguery of the far right.”
– Wow a man was on Newnight once – and you author say thst shouldn’t be allowed
– Wow author you say “boot-boy ” and “far right” are those dehumanising phrases not an example of demagoguery.
ie You author are doing the very thing you accuse your target of.
And banning people is pretty fascist.
As ever PROJECTION is a libmob characteristic
One tweeter said
\\ The @BBC is reluctant to characterise Donald Trump as a racist. *
Nigel Farage has been on @bbcquestiontime 33 times,
.. Tommy Robinson & Steve Bannon on @BBCNewsnight
, & many Tories & their press allies have adopted the rhetoric of the far right.
* yeh , right, that is why beeboids massed in support of Naga shouting he is a racist.
Then they had a pile on against Andy Wigmore founder of
When libmob throw Oswald Moseley’s name around
and in outrageously mudslinging try to equate Farage, Boris. TR with him
They never give the context of Moseley like that he served in a Labour Party cabinet
and was in a party called National Party of Europe
I get this from Wikipedia but maybe some one here knows more.
Political party
Conservative Party (1918–1922)
Independent (1922–1924; 1940–1948)
Labour Party (1924–1931)
New Party (1931–1932)
British Union of Fascists (1932–1940)
Union Movement (1948–1973) in which Mosley continued to work towards his goal of ‘Europe-a-Nation’
Other political affiliations National Party of Europe (1962–1980)
The National Party of Europe (NPE) was an initiative undertaken by a number of political parties in Europe during the 1960s to help increase cross-border co-operation and work towards European unity.
Stew – having listened to our Justin for more times than I wish – I get the impression that the job bores him and often he is just going through the motions .
I wouldn’t be surprised if he were to be ‘ promoted ‘ .
One day the idea that a certain ethnicity can represent an electorate better than another will be discredited . Bit like the insatiable desire for women to occupy the roles formerly held be men and the assumption that they will preform the role better than the boys . The current parliament disproves that easily .
Whereas Justin Webb got to his BBC position by hard work ?
… not privilege ?
\\ Peter Holmes Woods was a British journalist, reporter and newsreader.
He was one of the BBC’s best known broadcasters of his day. He was the biological father of BBC broadcaster Justin Webb
Another impartial presenter preaching his politics
I’ve visited antisemitism tsar @JohnMannMP ‘s timeline and its entirely void of mention of Rees-Mogg, Toby Young, Priti Patel, Mail on Sunday. He must be waiting to pounce.
Stew – I quite like some of Rosen’s stuff. Often listen to him. ‘Word of mouth’ I think, it’s called. Entertaining on issues of language. But, by the looks of it, another typical beeboid, with politics to match.
We need to keep up with the language game. We are living in a time when language is twisted and perverted beyond belief. And ‘weaponised’.
So: know your enemy…
What the indigenous protection charity says also applies to Britain
but BBC and Guardianlalaland do the opposite
On International Teacher's Day we acknowledge the power education has to shape the next generation. That's why #DecolonizedEducation is so important — Indigenous youth shouldn't be taught to hate their roots or culture. Keep #indigenousEducation under indigenous control.
Apparently, Sikh man has resigned from BBC thought for the day after 35 years, they prevented him talking about muslims forcing hindus to convert to islam in the 17th century in case it offended our permanently offended gang rapists
Lord Singh said: “The need for sensitivity in talking about religious, political or social issues has now been taken to absurd proportions, with telephone insistence on trivial textual changes right up to going into the studio, making it difficult to say anything worthwhile.”
A BBC spokeswoman said: “We disagree with Lord Singh and don’t recognise his characterisation of ‘Thought for the Day’.
The Daily Telegraph has an article on this (Saturday’s edition, foot of page 12) from which I’ve quoted only the last two paragraphs.
Seems we are moving further left than China in our national broadcasters efforts to censor history and current news where is the muslim terrorist attack in France report ? not even in the “in case you missed it” section but something about Bob Marley is there
Ex BBC employees are coming out of their shells now and the Naga witch is under examination, like today forcing Proctor to walk out, she thinks she can do what she wants and as usual fireproof cos she is black, like so many incompetents and bullies in the workplace
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
Seems ER are selling T’shirts at a discount to fund the cause.
Any colour you like so long as it’s red.
.. only worn once
at the stunt where they lost control of their red dye XR fire engine jets
– page 4 Friday 10am to 11pm
– page 3 Started Thursday lunchtime
… There’s a BBC Queshen Time… thread by TrueToo as well
.. Fiona Bruce can’t say “question” properly
A hard few weeks awaits us. Will we leave the EU or will be stuck in yet another extension with a GE building up and Labour being supported by the BBC.
This time next month we could be free or we might be facing hard socialism.
Fingers crossed that Boris has some big moves coming but I fear that the worse could be yet to come.
The bias from the ‘state broadcaster’ is going to start getting ugly
Golly. Best prepare for that kicking in.
Events unfolding at a rapid pace in America. What happens will affect the EU and us in a major way.
NCBBC, how?
Think that depends on Trump’s attitude. Whether he draws the wagons into a circle and hunkers down to fight the process (a la Nixon) or whether he shrugs, says “What’s new?” and carries on. He’s had nearly three years of this as President.
At each step on the Sopel Way, the (so-called) Democratic Party has failed to unseat him.
Smoogie. The left in Toto and remainiacs of all stripes have been behaving ugly for years. No doubt they will get worse like a.million Renfields shouting for their EU masters to repay their loyalty by sucking all the blood out of what’s left of British democracy. And it will happen, appropriately, at Halloween.
smoogie – “…going to start…”
It’s been their default for many years. Their PC ideology demands it, as firmly as a good Communist party organ like PRAVDA required bad-mouthing ‘capitalism’.
For the rest, we are in the midst of the double-slit experiment. Is Boris a wave or is he a particle? We are both in leave mode (without a ‘deal’), and in remain mode (by whatever subterfuge), as we pass through the two slits simultaneously. Soon we will land and look, and know where we are (hopefully).
“Facing hard socialism” – a sobering thought. If we haven’t left and the GE comes, this is what we have to bear in mind. Someone said Labour, with only 20% support could lead the show. Ms Merkel would know exactly how to handle that. She grew up in the GDR, and -if you study her past- was possibly a secretary for Agitprop. Then came the fall of The Wall, and the leopard appeared to change its spots. The rest is history.
When it comes to deception, Boris may still only be a rank amateur.
For those who want to leave regardless, not splitting the vote would be an essential prerequisite. And not losing heart. Staying firm.
Hang in there.
Countryfile = #WokeBile
: Over on Facebook there is a mass of blowback about the staged studio photo winning the WILDLIFE photo competition.
The show’s official response
The show doesn’t have it’s own Facebook page, so people used the 2 associated commercial pages
#1 BBC Countryfile Magazine – Community section hundreds of full on complaints about the photo comp
.. yet clearly seems they have deleted comments criticising the politics bit,
…….. BUT they’ve allowed a few posts promoting anti-livestock farming videos
#2 On the FB page of BBC Countryfile Live (show) there were just a few community posts
Facebook discussions about the bit wherethey shouted ‘Far Right Extremists’ were elsewhere in few private discussions as well as two groups that it is useful for people here to know about
#1 Boycott the BBC Kinda shallowish discussion ..mainly cos people know not to watch #WokeBile
.. Their other discussions pretty anti-Corbyn
eg “Corbyn did an ISIS salute” .. hmm I’m not bothered
#2 ihatethebbc similar shallowish discussion .. second one
.. Their other discussions
As ever in the screaming the BBC #Greensupremacist #LibSumpremacist mob are projecting themselves
The entire item was saying
‘We don’t want that sort on OUR BBC, and in OUR countryside
and on OUR Facebook
..those purpleskins are awful !
Get them off , BAN them off Facebook
.. Look at us ! we got those awful purpleskins banned off Facebook
.. Those nasty purpleskins aren’t T-O-L-E-R-A-N-T like we are “
I have been wondering how the bbc would respond to XR essentially making a laughing stock of themselves with their blowback stunt, but so far it seems they feel silence is golden.
Not so Sky.
Too much to hope that ‘looking forward to’ might involve a bit of journalism, or are they going to get rewarded for their antics with yet more of the publicity they crave and are handed by the MSM without question?
Latest beeb webshite headline: “Terror enquiry launched into Paris police killings.”
My my, what a surprise.
Al-beeb’s early headlines referred to ‘a man’; an ‘IT analyst’; ‘a deaf man’ etc, never ‘a convert to islam’, and couldn’t wait to quote French authorities that it wasn’t terror-related. Probably just a tiff with his boss, or ‘mental problems’, NTDWI.
Anyone with half a brain knew better, and now it’s confirmed.
French alternative and dissident blog-sites seemed to have info very early on (police leak?) that his computer had pro-islamic and anti-western material, including videos of O’Barmy defending islam and denigrating those who weren’t convinced it was quite the ROP it claimed to be. If Mickaël Harpon was incited to attack the police after viewing O’Barmy stoking up anti-western, pro-islamic sentiments, does that make him complicit in the Paris attack?
It was encouraging to read the comments on French language blogs and news sites, including mainstream ones. Ordinary readers didn’t believe a word the police, authorities and msm were saying from the start.
People are waking up and catching on.
They also mocked the policy of ‘diversity’ in recruitment to the police and security services, leading to someone like Mickaël Harpon having access to highly sensitive information.
Is this really world-important news? Or bbc race-baiting?
“Florida juror jailed for oversleeping and missing trial.”
Note the use of photos in this non-story showing the ‘victim’ to be black and the judge white.
(Yet they still can’t find a picture of the coloured muslim murderer in the much more important story from Paris.)
EVERYTHING on al-beeb conforms to their liberal-left-pc agenda. Every word, every photo, every non-photo, every inflection, every omission.
In the previous thread I mentioned a Corfu serial rapist being released 45 years early
Yet here in Telford in 2017
Sorry – not the Beeb, but on The Pledge (sky) there was Carole Malone, Nick Ferrari, Andrew Pierce, Rachel Shabi, and a chap of colour who’s name escapes me. Can anyone tell me who he is and what he does – because unless he’s speaking he shows no emotion whatsoever, his face is immobile, but he’s clearly no Trump fan despite being an American (I think).
In this diverse country there are lots of black guys,
so I should not be able to to guess that a “chap of colour” given a platform on prime TV is Femi.
That guess seems right its @Femi_Sorry of his Trump/NHS segment
Take a guess at who funds Femi.
His own FB page says
“Born in the North East. Nigeria parents*. Been to school in East Scotland, West Midlands, and the North East. University of Nottingham Law with French”
(* His spelling error ..his father is a Nigerian doctor, that is why they moved around the country)
Young (he is not really) Femi is as pervasive as he is unpersuasive.
Long may the MSM deploy him as, now, they are no longer able not to by the rules created for him by them.
Have just checked him out, and he doesn’t appear to have a job – unless the Pledge’s expenses keep him going. Adam Brooks above is right – a total non-entity.
Just watched –
Conspiracy Files: The Billionaire Global Mastermind BBC 2 (NI only)
The Telegraph wrote a (feeble) review –
However, the Spectator, James Delingpole was scathing –
“With these documentaries, the BBC has lost any claim to impartiality. Its treatment of the Nazis, and of George Soros, shows that the channel is no longer interested in objectivity”
The message is that conspiracy theories won Trump’s election, Brexit and all the right-wing gains across Europe.
In one scene it shows Farage on Fox News where apparently Nigel blames Soros for the migration crisis.
Reversing the argument, the BBC’s ‘bogeyman’, who is to be feared, is what they see as the ‘far-right’.
There is no difference in the arguments except that only a tiny fraction of people take conspiracy theories seriously and virtually all left-liberals see right-wing politics as Nazism reborn.
This is from Channel 4 –
It goes into some detail and confirms that Soros uses his money to promote the left-wing ideology.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with that, is there?
I’ve just watched this too. The program implies use of the term; globalist, is something right wing, whit nationalist conspiracy theorists are prone to do.
There’s only one big problem with this assertion by the BBC – George Soros has actually written a book called; Globalisation in which he extols the virtues of globalisation. Therefore referring to George Soros as a globalist, is not in anyway racist or whatever, because George Soros IS a globalist by his own admission!!!
The final conclusion of this BBC documentary, is that ALL criticism of George Soros, is based on anti-semitic conspiracy theories similar to the anti-semitic conspiracies propagated by Hitler & The Nazis—Therefore anybody who criticises George Soros is automatically a white nationalist, anti-semitic Nazi—The two are inextricably linked and cannot be separated!!!
What about Jewish critics of Soros? Benjamin Netanyahu; Prime Minister of Israel, is another ardent critic of George Soros – Would the BBC therefore claim that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is an anti Jewish, white nationalist? (This would be the same as claiming the Pope is the most vehemently anti Catholic person on the Planet – It’s a preposterous allegation!!! Therefore we can conclude that NOT all criticism of Soros is from anti semitic, white nationalist nazis!!!)
Netanyahu and others, hold Soros personally responsible for millions of muslims illegally entering Europe. They claim this is the primary driving factor behind the huge increase in European anti semitism, because of Muslims’ well known hatred of the Jews.
Netanyahu has told Parisian Jews and European Jews in general, if they feel they’re lives are threatened, then they’re most welcome to emigrate to Israel for sanctuary from Islamist, anti semitic terrorism.
Radio 4 Whiteness prog
The Radio 4 Facebook page discussion
Meanwhile, not on the bbc,…
Thanks for this link.
Two sensible and intelligent people speaking.
Lammy. watch : He insists Boris is a liar
He puts up a video of a crowd jeering at Boris with the tag “unpopular as ever”
Piers Morgan turns up and points out that is a LIE cos the video is from 2015
..Lammy retracts
The Supreme Court caused Parliament to return early to allow debate over Brexit.
What has Parliament done since then that was so important?
I’m doubtful that the BBC will explore this with any diligence.
After all, the BBC have been very anti-Brexit since 2016. Despite Brexit…
Dover Sentry
“After all, the BBC have been very anti-Brexit since 2016. Despite Brexit…”
And so have most Tory MP’s. Funny how they were quite happy to join up with the Limpdems in 2010, yet nothing from our PM in joining up with The Brexit Party which would almost guarantee our independence ?
This fiasco has been dragged out because most of Parliament think they are above the people and do not wish to get out of the EU .
The people will have an opportunity to change parliament in the next general election . The damage that this Parliament has done to our economy is unforgivable. – That begs the question, has our parliament been colluding behind the doors with the EU ?
They won’t DS, why should they, it’s what they want after all. They are brazen now in both bias and fake news output.
No one challenges them, if they are challenged they ‘self heal’ (see Case Nagging Machette/Lord Hall) and we are all expected to ‘move along, nothing to see here’ unless it’s Boris bad, Trump bad, Brexit Bad, Cars bad, Climate Change deniers bad blah blah blah…
If you don’t want to know about Islamic terrorists killing
French policeman. If you are interested in women’s sport
and don’t want to watch live men’s football. If you believe
that political journalists , reporters, news readers should be
80% women. That the default marriage state should be between couples of different ethnicity . If you are AGAINST the UK leaving the EU. If you like presenters speaking with a Republic of Ireland
brogue or continuity presenters speaking patois, in the name of diversity. Then there is only one TV channel for you . The BBC!!!
Sorry-To all the transgender folk and worshippers of GRETA
I didn’t include you , in your TV channel of choice.
Bet those 4 Scottish MPs are part of the lot who want to take control of parliament
What is it with Scotch and money?
Anyhow, if these four are ‘serial offenders’ as the report alludes too, then sorry they are out. Kicked out and bye elections called.
As MPs and upholders of all that is right and virtuous they should be squeaky clean. These four are not fit and proper persons to be holding any level of office.
One MP being Cherry, I expect she is too busy plotting or in court to bother with trivia.
The SNP, they could not run a bath.
I am greatly unimpressed by Rory Stewart in so many ways.
However, if mine ears did not deceive me as I was waking up, and caught the tail end of Toady, Justin Webb was having a go at him for being white and having the audacity to stand against mayor Khan.
It sounded explicitly racist and anti-white to me, so I shall listen again slowly to see whether Webb has committed any offenses, which I will certainly take up with the beeb and Ofcom if he has.
Anyone else catch any of this? Opinions?
Sorry, didn’t catch any of it.
These days I try not to torture myself by beginning my morning with poisonous, anti British propaganda.
And that’s pretty much all you get on The Today prog’. It’s audio Guardian without the spelling mistakes.
Why choose to start your day feeling angry and upset?
Do yourself a favour…
Classic FM, Alan Titchmarsh, bit of Chopin. A gardening tip. Lovely!
I can greet the rest of the day with a smile on my grizzled old chops.
Talking of smiling…
Where’d I leave my teeth?
“audio Guardian”
Good description
I first heard him back in the summer, being interviewed during the Tory leadership challenges. I thought then he’s no Tory. A limp dumb at best.
I no longer listen to RBC radio output, so can’t comment but given that Mayor Khant is one of the RBC Darlings I’d not be surprised by anything they say or do, as it’s clear no one will hold them to account over it.
WW – I listened again and agree with you. Webb lambasts Rory for being a ‘white Etonian’, and makes clear his own strong support for ‘what Khan is doing’.
Rory -being as you say, a LimpDumb at best, feels obliged to say what a wonderful diverse mayor Khan has been, so good for London.
He’s really not worth taking up the cudgels for, and Webb has covered his back by attaching ‘Etonian’ to the constant racial attacks.
Should there be an election for London mayor, it sounds like Webb will be 100% behind Khan. As ever on Toady, my guess is you won’t come across any ‘impartiality’, whatsoever.
“WW – I listened again and agree with you. Webb lambasts Rory for being a ‘white Etonian’, and makes clear his own strong support for ‘what Khan is doing’.”
Come to think of it, when Khan was contending for the title of Mayor against four whiteys, I didn’t hear any interviewer lambast him for being a ‘brown pakistani’………………..
One rule for them, another rule………….
Foscari, watch Emily Maitless in action here arguing for the case of the Islamic invasion of Hungary and by extension, Europe .
The Hungarian minister’s argument is quite simple, that Hungarians have the right to be Hungarian and they have the right to choose who enters Hungary.
What is genuinely fascinating is that Maitless cannot comprehend what he is saying, She just would not listen to his reasoned replies to her questions and constantly interrupts him. You can see in her eyes that she is disgusted with his comments and really wants to shout at him that he is a racist.
And this is the example of objective and unbiased reporting that the BBC says that it is justly proud of? It is genuinely shocking to see someone who is so brainwashed and conditioned given so much power to promote and advance the BBC agenda. After the Munchetty debate it is now totally clear for all to see, that BBC broadcasters can air their personal opinions so long as they are toeing the BBC line.
If you have the time, read the responses to this BBC article on ‘Does Multiculturalism Work?’ from 2010. The reactions are not quite what the BBC expected.
Cancell your licence fee legally (if not done so already) as I have. Spread the word among family and friends.
Stop their funding, stop their bias.
How do you cancel your licence fee illegally?
No idea EDS. I try to remain within the ‘law’ for what it’s worth these days. Are you related to Max Incontinency perchance?
Anways, to do it legally, follow the instructions on the teletax website. Once completed you will receive a letter from the lovely TV Licensing people, mine was signed by a customer service manager (customer??? At risk of jail or fine if non payment??? What???)
The letter is entitled Your no licence needed confirmation. Ensure your have also cancelled a corresponding direct debit or standing order – if this is your method of paying for the teletax.
They advise a number things that ‘you will need to know’ on the letter, like the possibility of a visit, what to do if you move house or other changes to circumstances, but as I don’t watch live TV I ignore this and sleep very well at night.
Keep the said correspondence safe as there is a ‘no licence needed’ expiry date apparently,mine is in 2021.
We’ll keep it legal until the real action kicks off anyhow.
Not a Maxie clone,
I see what you meant was follow the BBC rules to cancel the licence.
I cancelled mine by cancelling the direct debit and nothing else, I won’t be contacting them and any letters are ignored.
As long as licence holders cancel however they wish, then ignore the BBC – it’s good.
Orban is one of the few European leaders who got it right. Maitlis is an impolite, blind ideologue, and a perfect example of how not to conduct an interview.
Yes, we do need to stop funding the bias.
Perhaps Emily Maitless should watch this video of the the Afghan commuter being restrained on the tube after he assaulted one passenger and told everyone in the carriage he was going to stab them. Sadly, Emily won’t see this on any BBC web page, so she’ll have to watch it on The Daily Mail web site.
I’m sure she would agree that Hungary’s stance is quite correct…wouldn’t she?
BBC breakfast
Harvey Proctor walks out on interview with Nagga. After he calls Cressida Dick, a liar and calls for an interview with her. He also lambasted the BBC for their part in this.
Regarding calls for Met chiefs to face justice
Nagga says
‘Need to give right of reply. Rather than letting you say things that are potential incorrect or when people don’t have the right to reply”
Harvey Proctor unplugs earpieces and walks out saying….. ‘l’m not having this’
If anyone has recorded this interview please post it …..
A right to reply? They are happy for Jess Philips ‘to pop in for a chat’ then allow her to slander assorted government ministers with impunity. They always get it just about right……
Old Goat
Just seen it. Naga is a woman of colour, but the correct description is that she is a token, with no interviewing skills.
Davy – the Londonistan evening standard site has the 32 second extract where mr proctor does the right thing and walks . Now I don’t watch state broadcaster propaganda anymore but I’m sure some one can link the piece .
‘Doing a Harvey ‘ much more of the same . I really wish people would just refuse to talk to the state broadcaster – ‘interviews’ are just a tick box – as for newsnight – which gets mentioned here a lot – do people really still watch monsters like maitless and wark?
( I was actually hoping I’d be the first to mention this incident in the hope that people don’t watch that dross any more ….)
I’d hope that politicians would have learnt that BBC interviews are a poisoned chalice, they risk being made to look a fool/racist/Nazi, surely they only appear because of the large audience they believe their message will reach.
Would using Social Media, Video sites, smaller TV stations give them the audience size they’re looking for.
Fed – funny you should say – “do people really still watch monsters like”
just watched bbc brexitcast (I know, but you have to know your enemy)
latest header –
“Will the EU buy the prime minister’s new Brexit proposals? Laura Kuenssberg and Katya Adler join Adam Fleming and Chris Mason for Brexit gossip, and serious analysis, from Westminster and Brussels”
can’t find a link but nevermind – same 4/5 trendy talking heads from the BEEB who are all up there own ass.. & laugh & joke at how cool they are.
never asked any difficult questions of any EU official or pushed for a good UK deal.
“Harvey Proctor unplugs earpieces and walks out saying….. ‘l’m not having this’”
That’s a ‘John Nott’ in my currency.
YouTube has just the few seconds before Harvey Proctor walks out. I too would like to see the whole interview.
Radio 4 Today at 44m and 36s
Mishal Husain ‘interviews’ some New York based arab shill who has written a book about the ‘girls who went to Syria to join the extremist group, IS’,
“Why did the girls go and would you like a Hob Nob biscuit with your latte?”, Mishal politely asks.
The shill replies, “They were all innocent young girls who were galvanised by The Arab Spring; they were alienated living in europe. Would you pass the sugar, please?”
Mishal then asks a question with the answer carefully embedded in it….”and then there’s the odd one who goes to Syria because her husband told her to.” (Husain did actually say this!).
“Yes Mishal. Please do not ask such probing questions. If this continues I will wet my burka.”, implores the shill.
Same old Deja Poo (that undeniably eerie feeling that you’ve heard all this shit before.)
No mention that they went to Syria because that is what, Islam and the koran instructed reinforced by a local or online imam; the ‘innocent’ young girls were going on jihad.
Husain’s hard and aggressive interview ended and was immediately followed by Thought for the Day. Those who don’t want to know the subject, turn away now.
A sombre female voice tells the listener about how a white police officer shot an unarmed black man, “one of many black men shot by white police officers”.
“…and now here’s Stav with the weather!”
Cassandra – the problem is that the British police just don’t kill enough people -particularly diverse types – to keep the indignation of the State Broadcaster happy .
Even the diverse Islamic van and knife attackers being sent to heaven isn’t enough for the state broadcaster . I waited for the ‘ why couldn’t they have been taken alive anguish ?’
So what to do if there aren’t enough police killings in UK ? Easy find a big country and report their problems and pretend they are UKs . Forget that the yanks are tooled up so do things differently .
Fed, Look at the outcry from Abbott, Lammy and all the SJWs when the police started ramming the moped thieves and acid throwers and knocking them off the things.
I’m knocking on a bit now but in 1985 a policeman called Keith Blakelock was killed in The Broadwater Farm Race Riots and the Labour leader of Haringey Council, a delightful fellow called Bernie Grant (a black man whose views were so extreme he would make Lammy and Abbott look normal) said, “”What the police got was a bloody good hiding.”
I read that PC Blakelock was surrounded by a mob of around 50 people, he received over 40 injuries inflicted by machetes or similar weapons, and was found with a six-inch-long knife in his neck, buried up to the hilt.
Grant had a slap on the wrist for his comments but this did not prevent him from being elected as the MP for Tottenham at the 1987 general election, one of the UK’s first Black British MPs, the others being Diane Abbott and Paul Boateng. Grant later stood for the deputy leadership of the Labour Party, but was unsuccessful.
The BBC loved Grant and his successors Boateng, Abbott and Lammy over the years, often promoting them in a positive light, in the case of Abbott employing her as a regular on This Week.
The police have had their hands tied behind their backs for years now, they’re not even known as a ‘police force’ but referred to as a ‘police service’ for reasons of political correctness. This is on the orders of the government.
Deaths due to violent crime, particularly stabbings are at record levels and they mainly are committed by members of a certain demographic in society but to say this would be racist. The BBC and government won’t anyway.
I want a Police Force, one that treats law-breakers hard and fair, just like the way the Afghan on the tube who was threatening to stab people on the tube this week was dealt with. And I want a legal system that hands out fair sentences.
If we have a soft police ‘service’ then I’m afraid it will meet the same fate as George Dixon (Dixon of Dock Green) in The Blue Lamp.
Cassie, the BBC do love squeaky-voiced American women, don’t they. Every opportunity …..
I listened to that segment and thought that the BBC are getting up a head of steam to campaign for the UK’s ISIS recruits to be allowed back into the UK. There was an item yesterday about it on R4. Wouldn’t be surprised if it carries on tomorrow and into next week.
We are beginning to see the arrival in the Uk of the EU phenomenon of the patching together of coalitions by parties who, in themselves don’t have enough support for government.
Alas, it’s the Left that’s succeeded in doing this first in the UK, and the product is e.g. the ‘Benn Act’. This could allow them to patch together some sort of election alliance, although Jo’s still got reservations about Jeremy.
Whatever happens with Brexit, conservatives have a lesson to learn here, if they want to avoid living in the socialist nightmare Corbyn has in mind for us. Coalition building, avoiding vote-splitting in given constituencies etc may well turn out to be the stuff of the future for anyone who wants to succeed, especially with the Public Broadcaster now firmly in the hands of the Left.
We need to give this serious thought while we still have time, and encourage maximum channels of communication between conservatives of all persuasions. Big Personalities need to take a back seat in this endeavour.
I think it’s too late for the right to make any kind of sustained comeback in Europe – it’s too wedded to welfare and someone else being responsible for this and that .
One of those big long term game changers might change this but otherwise we are stuck with the infantile mindset shown by the likes of the State Broadcaster .
How do you cancel your licence fee illegally?
Announce that you re cancelling it to protest against the BBC’s lack of support in the fight against climate change and Islamophobia, and its failure to promote diversity.
… and don’t forget to tell them that you are still watching live TV on all channels.
Stop paying, have no contact or communication with them whatsoever.
See this site ………………………………….,4.0.html
We have the world wide liberal left Globalist alliance everywhere showing their true anti democratic colours. If the MSM wasn’t part of this alliance and instead of running endless propaganda and suppressing all the inconvenient truths, it actually investigated and then reported the facts then things would be very different. The conspirators in the USA would be in prison by now, Brexit would be delivered or close to being so, on the continent Le Pen , Salvini, Orban , AfD etc would all be stronger.
It is the MSM that is the great enabler to the liberal hegemony that we are living through. By brainwashing millions of Westeners with an ideology which is directly against their best interests , it allows its liberal elite to shut down opposition, make ‘laws’ which secure their status, to manipulate democracy or even as we see in the UK to ignore democracy entirely when necessary. The MSM is the mortar which binds the Globalist world view together. Therefore the most important thing to do is to destroy the stranglehold that the MSM on what is permitted to be said and discussed. Crucially the censorship of the internet , which the Globalists are pursuing must be resisted as this is the medium that can reveal the truth to millions as a President Trump is demonstrating. I would urge Boris and Nigel to adopt similar policies on communication, by the MSM altogether , ignore them totally, lock them out of the national conversation.
More weekend levity needed…
No doubt some of you may have read this before BUT I think it worth putting forward again, as it would appear so many of those strange people sitting in what we call the House of Commons, seem to have lost an sence at all:
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
– Knowing when to come in out of the rain
– Why the early bird gets the worm
– Life isn’t always fair
– And maybe it was my fault
Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don’t spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.
Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses and criminals received better treatment than their victims.
Common Sense took a beating when you couldn’t defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.
Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realise that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.
Common Sense was preceded in death:
– by his parents … Truth and Trust,
– by his wife… Discretion,
– by his daughter… Responsibility,
– and by his son … Reason.
He is survived by his 5 stepbrothers:
– I Know My Rights
– I Want It Now
– Someone Else Is To Blame
– I’m A Victim
– Pay me for Doing Nothing
Not many attended his funeral because so few realised he was gone.
If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing.
Hi Owen, Can I suggest you look at and for information on expense for MPs in all parties. Would you be happy if a Conservative bought a bike on expenses and was never seen using it to save the planet and reduce CO2?
Listening to Any Questions now. Too lazy to get up and turn it off. However, there are some good interchanges caused by the presence of Nigel Farage. Jeanette Winterson beig a pain n the a*** bu aggressively talking over everyone with the chairman not stopping here.
Why can’t they have some better questions?
One of mine would be ‘Is Gina Miller now the de facto Queen?
She will have to fight Hale to the Chief for it.
You are a brave person, Despair. I listened yesterday. It was embarrassing last night. Shaun Ley lost control. In fact, he appeared to abdicate early on.
Major embarrassment for the BBC (I suspect Shaun was feeling it acutely, hence his reluctance to intervene as Chair) was that they had overstacked the hall with raving Lefties, a howling Socialist LeftMob. In Somerset, of all places. That bit of BBC vetting went well.
I used to quite like listening to Jeanette Winterson but she has now turned into an extreme Socialist harpie. She wants to pay more tax. That’s OK. You can pay it quite voluntarily. I wonder if her tax affairs would allow a Chancellor to take more?
Shame that Nigel Farage didn’t pick her up on her desire to fund things. Sale of her Spitalfields house might raise a bob or two for UK education and health.
The BBC vet the questions as well as the audience. It is noticeable how controlled they are.
BBC Online News:
“”No-deal Brexit: NI guide dogs face sea trip to enter Republic of Ireland””
“What this Brexit will do I don’t really know – nobody seems to know,” he said.”
Could – May – Might. BBC anti-Brexit language.
Harvey Proctor walks out on Munchetty 3: 10: 10
Oh dear, Naga! You can’t see a mouth these days without putting your foot in it. Never mind, Lord Hall and Lenny have got your back.
Still on the subject of the Harvey Proctor interview. These two comments in The Daily Mail sum up the BBC and Munchetty’s position:
“Munchetty couldn’t get the police on to defend the indefensible so did what the BBC normally do and imply blame on the innocent. Disgraceful behaviour.”
“It was not Munchetty’s place to speak for the police! If she wanted them to have right to reply, should have got them on the programme!!!”
“Hi Chuka, Can you investigate into MPs who get large wages from alternative sources which could compromise their political standings in the community? This guy takes £65K per year for 12 hours work a month … can’t imagine what he can do in 12 hours … worth checking him out.”
“BBC Today presenter Justin Webb suggested Rory Stewart should not stand for London mayor because he is a white man and an Old Etonian.
“The ex-Tory cabinet minister, 46, appeared on BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme to discuss his mayoral campaign.
“However Today presenter Justin Webb, 58, argued that Mr Stewart standing in the mayoral race was not ‘really 2020’.”
Isn’t what Webb has said a hate crime? If Webb had said that Stewart shouldn’t stand as lord mayor because he is a black or asian man then I’m quite sure the police would now be involved.
Well, there’s certainly plenty to talk about today isn’t there.
Media just reported on this ongoing trial
\\ Brit girl, 14, ‘ALEGEDLY raped by Italian barman, 55,
at luxury Swiss Alps ski resort’ during family holiday
.. after he got her drunk //
I’m not sure if the Suns style is respectful to the victims & family
but better to report than ignore.
Italians visit London
“June Sarpong: TV presenter appointed BBC director of creative diversity”
TV presenter and campaigner June Sarpong has been appointed the BBC’s first director of creative diversity.
Sarpong is known to viewers for appearing on Channel 4’s youth strand T4, Loose Women and Sky News.
She has also written two books on diversity issues and been a prominent advocate for change in the media and beyond.
Director general Tony Hall said she would have “a wide remit to deliver change”.
Sarpong said: “I relish the challenge of working with senior leadership to make the BBC more inclusive and representative of the broad and diverse audience it serves.”
…. Or, more specifically, she’s going see how many white men she can get rid of.
‘BBC more inclusive and representative of the broad and diverse audience it serves.’ which if I recall correctly is elderly and mostly white but also popular with some inward migrants as it helps them learn good spoken English.
Or did, once upon a time.
Not any more. (See True Too’s Queshen Time ‘fread’.)
As all heterosexual white men at the BBC are cultural Marxists. Getting rid of them would be good news.
Creative Ideas for delivering a change to the sexual and racial diversity of the BBC, making it more inclusive and representative of the type of low IQ audience, now left watching the BBC today.
As ordinary intelligent people have now turned off the BBC. Unemployed Women of ethnicity are now the main audience of the BBC. Therefore Lord Hall should be replaced by Sarpong and all BBC programs should reflect this fact.
To be more inclusive and representative of this more politically narrow and ethnically diverse audience, and as there are now 100 diverse languages spoken in Britain. Programs for Remainers should be in Polish and French, followed by Bengali and Gujarati for Asians and Swahili and Pidgin for Blacks. English should be reduced to one percent for Cultural Marxists only.
Everyone else should be pleased not to watch the BBC at all. White people should now watch Yesterday, Drama, C5, ITV3, Film4, Talking Pictures and Movies4Men for dramas set in Yorkshire such as Heartbeat, All Creatures and Last of the Summer Wine.
If it keeps her off Sky’s Pledge, and I don’t have to listen to her juvenile nodding head witterings on air – EVER, then fine by me. Its just another ‘not born here but I’m gonna change the way you live’ migrant. Don’t you just love ’em ?. Between her and “I want to break the internet” Meghan Markle they’re gonna CHANGE THE WORLD.
Fri Times pg 2 , two digs at the BBC
#1 Lord Singh quits BBC R4Today TftD after 35 years because of “misplaced sense of political correctness that pushes contributors to bland and unworldly expressions of piety that no one can complain about”.
He also disclosed contributors no longer got Christmas cards //
#2 Being a woman helped me prosper at BBC, says Kirsty Wark
Leeds : Javone is sorry
Nottinghamshire : Bestwood reverend admits trying to dupe a 96-year-old woman out of £5,000 –
‘He conducted her funeral and is even mentioned in the will’
Michael Grade said BBC was wrong to rescind the Naga decision
and condemned the media saying that she was prevented from speaking about racism
.. He said , she can’t give opinions on serving politicians ..thats the rule
Well millions of Brits are prevented from speaking about lots of things aren’t we!
If the complaint has gone to Ofcom it will never be heard of again.
Whilst listening to commercial radio for the Saturday afternoon footy – did a quick wiki of Mr Justin Webb. Apparently he only earns £200k at the state broadcaster whilst Tourette’s Robinson is on £300k. Heartbreaking
So I fear the the ‘eton ‘ line might be a bit of envy because Webb cannot afford to send any of his three kids there . Perhaps we should have a whip round .
I think the race issue will become more prominent as London is rapidly becoming non white and non British . The state broadcaster will go for the ‘politician reflecting the culture of the population ‘ line which is of course against the kind of line previously used .
Maybe Webb thinks he has to make headlines to become the head of the Tribe after the Humphreys bloke went off to count his pension and or turn up on Classic FM …..
Personally it would be best if the mayor of London is actually a Londoner – but the frankly weird Rory Stewart will have an advantage with knowledge of illegal drugs .
I started listening to Any Answers on R4 (2.02-2.30pm) thinking it cannot be as bad as 1. usual, and, 2. last evening’s companion programme Any Questions. (R4, 8.02-8.50pm).
I was wrong. Second caller and Anita was trying to host a talk show instead of Any Answers.
Off switch.
R4 Today 8.05, for once something positive –
Lord Hill referring to the ‘backstop’ and quoting an EU ambassador two days ago –
“We don’t understand what the backstop is, we don’t care about the backstop, we would be perfectly happy for the Irish to drop it but as long as they want it we are with the Irish”
So, It is Leo Varadkar, the southern Irish PM who is holding things up?
If this is the case and if the EU thinks that No Deal can’t be stopped by the Tory rebels et al, then we can expect Veradker to cave in within a few hours of the call from Brussels . Of course a form of words will be found to spare him embarrassment but he exists only as Brussels stooge and is only useful to them if they think the Remainers can head off No Deal. If not he becomes a liability to German car makers, French wine growers etc and will rapidly have his mind changed for him. All depends on the Ex Tory rebels.
If the EU know that in the event of not agreeing a deal Boris will by law be compelled to write asking for an extension then why does the EU need to agree any terms at all?
Surely they will keep us in and keep taking the billions in contributions.
I sort of hope Macron will be hung by his own petard and feel compelled to not agree an extension but I’m not optimistic.
The day can’t be far off when white male radio and TV presenters are consigned to the dustbin.
Some gems from the BBC’s News site:
– “First Transgender Opera Singer on London Stage” (from ‘Most Watched’ and ‘Must See’);
– “Gay Times Celebrates 500 Editions” (from ‘Must See’);
– “World Championships: US athlete wears gay pride symbol” (from ‘Newsbeat’);
– “Man sues Apple claiming iPhone turned him gay” (from ‘Newsbeat’);
– “Why raise a child gender neutral?” (from ‘Best of Radio 4’);
So, no agenda there then.
A little unfair.
Only the transgender opera singer and the 500th Gay Times are……errrr……….on the bBBC webshite FRONT PAGE as at 2000 on Saturday.
I imagine there are more model railway enthusiasts, to name but one group, than transgender people in the UK. But obviously that doesn’t exactly fit the bBBC rules.
There are more people who own ferrets than are transgender, but strangely you never hear about them on the BBC. Maybe if they lived in Islington things would be different.
No agenda on the iPlayer homepage either!
I don’t know why we let these things get to us. Nobody watches this rubbish. Let them carry on it will speed thier demise.
Twitter accounts that make claims way out of step with reality
Are Russian accounts pied pipering British lefties.
The term ‘ far right ‘ ( undefined ) and ‘fascist ‘- (misunderstood ) are thrown around by certain types without regard . I’m sure it’s easy to shout ‘fascist ‘ at someone they don’t like though .
I looked up the definition of ‘fascist ‘ and Mr Farage shows no signs of being one .
Funny how ‘ nationalist ‘ is ok in some contexts but not others – to the likes of the state broadcaster approving of the Scottish welsh and Irish types but not English …
Fed -meditate carefully on your last sentence, it will perhaps reveal to you much more than you might think!
Anyway, the source is The Guardian. This ‘newspaper’ is sunk up to its neck in toxic PC ideology. I wouldn’t believe anything it says, not a word.
As you say, there is a favourite term of abuse – most users haven’t a clue what it means, but are happy to employ its methods, without even realising it! I’d call that thick…
Which -in a word- would sum up the Guardian.
“Tommy Robinson has been interviewed on BBC Two’s Newsnight.
Meanwhile Boris Johnson, and many of his ministers, party members and newspaper allies, have adopted the boot-boy phrases and demagoguery of the far right.”
– Wow a man was on Newnight once – and you author say thst shouldn’t be allowed
– Wow author you say “boot-boy ” and “far right” are those dehumanising phrases not an example of demagoguery.
ie You author are doing the very thing you accuse your target of.
And banning people is pretty fascist.
As ever PROJECTION is a libmob characteristic
One tweeter said
\\ The @BBC is reluctant to characterise Donald Trump as a racist. *
Nigel Farage has been on @bbcquestiontime 33 times,
.. Tommy Robinson & Steve Bannon on @BBCNewsnight
, & many Tories & their press allies have adopted the rhetoric of the far right.
* yeh , right, that is why beeboids massed in support of Naga shouting he is a racist.
Then they had a pile on against Andy Wigmore founder of
When libmob throw Oswald Moseley’s name around
and in outrageously mudslinging try to equate Farage, Boris. TR with him
They never give the context of Moseley like that he served in a Labour Party cabinet
and was in a party called National Party of Europe
I get this from Wikipedia but maybe some one here knows more.
Political party
Conservative Party (1918–1922)
Independent (1922–1924; 1940–1948)
Labour Party (1924–1931)
New Party (1931–1932)
British Union of Fascists (1932–1940)
Union Movement (1948–1973) in which Mosley continued to work towards his goal of ‘Europe-a-Nation’
Other political affiliations National Party of Europe (1962–1980)
The National Party of Europe (NPE) was an initiative undertaken by a number of political parties in Europe during the 1960s to help increase cross-border co-operation and work towards European unity.
A lot of press quotes praising him
including of course the Daily ….. Mirror
Long thread
Stew – having listened to our Justin for more times than I wish – I get the impression that the job bores him and often he is just going through the motions .
I wouldn’t be surprised if he were to be ‘ promoted ‘ .
One day the idea that a certain ethnicity can represent an electorate better than another will be discredited . Bit like the insatiable desire for women to occupy the roles formerly held be men and the assumption that they will preform the role better than the boys . The current parliament disproves that easily .
Webb is a self-righteous racist. He thought linking his racism to ‘Etonian’ would blur what he is about.
But we know.
Whereas Justin Webb got to his BBC position by hard work ?
… not privilege ?
\\ Peter Holmes Woods was a British journalist, reporter and newsreader.
He was one of the BBC’s best known broadcasters of his day. He was the biological father of BBC broadcaster Justin Webb
Another impartial presenter preaching his politics
It obviously hasn’t crossed his muddled communist brain that none of them is anti-semitic.
Stew – I quite like some of Rosen’s stuff. Often listen to him. ‘Word of mouth’ I think, it’s called. Entertaining on issues of language. But, by the looks of it, another typical beeboid, with politics to match.
We need to keep up with the language game. We are living in a time when language is twisted and perverted beyond belief. And ‘weaponised’.
So: know your enemy…
What the indigenous protection charity says also applies to Britain
but BBC and Guardianlalaland do the opposite
Apparently, Sikh man has resigned from BBC thought for the day after 35 years, they prevented him talking about muslims forcing hindus to convert to islam in the 17th century in case it offended our permanently offended gang rapists
… … … …
Lord Singh said: “The need for sensitivity in talking about religious, political or social issues has now been taken to absurd proportions, with telephone insistence on trivial textual changes right up to going into the studio, making it difficult to say anything worthwhile.”
A BBC spokeswoman said: “We disagree with Lord Singh and don’t recognise his characterisation of ‘Thought for the Day’.
The Daily Telegraph has an article on this (Saturday’s edition, foot of page 12) from which I’ve quoted only the last two paragraphs.
Seems we are moving further left than China in our national broadcasters efforts to censor history and current news where is the muslim terrorist attack in France report ? not even in the “in case you missed it” section but something about Bob Marley is there
I think I’ve been legally not paying the BBC tax since about 2003. At today’s rate that’s about £2 400 I’ve saved.
I know it’s probably less than they paid to fly a helicopter over Cliff Richard’s house, but it is the only language the BBC understand.
Everyone should do their bit to help I think.
Ex BBC employees are coming out of their shells now and the Naga witch is under examination, like today forcing Proctor to walk out, she thinks she can do what she wants and as usual fireproof cos she is black, like so many incompetents and bullies in the workplace