Much despondency on the site and the various bits of the State are not doing themselves any favours – including of course the biased State Broadcaster.
I hope I don’t upset anyone on here as this is not bbc bias but watching gogglebox there have been a few parts on Boris, Cummings and the h of c.
Channel 4 has gone into maximum anti Boris/Brexit mode, cutting off half what was said and showing every comment by the watchers as total hate for Boris.
Even saying things like “he looks bad” and “he’s got no eyebrows” in between the slagging off.
I didn’t notice one positive comment or anyone supporting him or Brexit.
None of the 52% represented on the gogglebox families.
All one sided.
Maybe they have lots of ex bbc personnel working there contaminating another tv channel just as cancer spreads through the body.
NOT on Al-beeb: “A nursery was forced to hand back Government funding for tackling radicalisation following a backlash from the local Muslim community, a report has revealed.
The nursery, based in Stoke-on-Trent, was awarded a grant from the Home Office’s Building a Stronger Britain Together (BSBT) scheme for a project aimed at challenging far-right perceptions.
But it announced in June that it will return the funding and withdraw from the project “with immediate effect”.
It is the latest organisation to have come under pressure over its cooperation with the Government’s counter-extremism work…” – ST.
Two things stand out in this article:
1) If the muslim community are against ‘counter-extremism schemes’, does that mean they support, or at least tolerate, extremism?
2) Was this even really an anti-radicalisation scheme, or was it “a project aimed at challenging far-right perceptions”? In other words aimed at tackling the secondary symptoms rather than the primary cause?
The whole approach of the authorities is limp-wristed and pusillanimous, concerned more with not offending muslims than with stamping out the disease of radicalism (or islam as it’s sometimes known) when what is desperately needed is robustness.
Sweeney is just the one who got caught lying. The BBC and much of the rest of the MSM is stuffed full of them. To the modern liberal left the virtue of their view , their politics , is so overwhelming that the end always justifies the means. Anyone that doesn’t share their views is an evil person who has no right to exist and can be got rid of, brought down, by any and all means. This is exactly what has been on in the USA since Trump was elected where the media and the Dems are just lying time after time to try and discredit the President in the eyes of the people. But it wearing thin and increasingly people are seeing through it. Here we see the same with Brexit.
I never like to decry someone who has suffered as a child, but why is she bringing this all up now ? A year ago we had the saga of her depression and anxiety, so why not mention it then ? I cant help but think this is an “Agent” thing, – she’s been out of the limelight for a month or two, so her Agent reckons its no bad thing to get her some publicity again. Me cynical, afraid so.
“After decades of campaigning, three years of arguments and seemingly endless months of pointless delay,
it is now just 25 days until the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union comes to an end.
We will be packing our bags and walking out on October 31.
The only question is whether Brussels cheerily waves us off with a mutually agreeable deal, or whether
we will be forced to head off on our own.”
I do want to watch the EU faces when we leave, better than the BBC after referendum.
Prefer no deal, save £39 billion.
Boris, ensure this mutually agreeable deal does not have Theresa the Traitors’ fingerprints anywhere.
Editorial comment in ‘Die Welt’ bemoans the fact that German media found it so difficult to provide details about the killer of Paris for a long time after the killing, and what an unhealthy situation this is. Of course, this would never happen in the UK.
This is followed by an article bemoaning the infiltration of various authorities and Jobcentres by Kurdish-Lebanese criminal gangs (‘clans’) in Northrhein-Westphalia. Of course, this too, could never happen in the UK.
There are also negative articles about how German society has been changed by ‘migration’, and the complaint that Germany is taking too many migrants from any and every boat. Fortunately, this is unheard of in the UK.
eerie though, how they get all that stuff and suddenly MSM are waking up, innit?
You need to understand that BBC staff are artists with the written word.
Artists of this merit must be allowed untrammelled opportunities to demonstrate their excellence.
The expression of genius must not be restricted by obsolete standards.
I’m in a bit of a quandary. This isn’t anything to do with the BBC but only because the BBC has not reported it in any of their news reports.
Catch 22 really because a poster recently said that posts should only be about BBC bias because some posts were not about the BBC and could be interpreted as being racist.
I’ll let you read the report from a national newspaper, which also featured on the front page of The Manchester Evening News but as I have said, not mentioned on any BBC news channels.
To me it is obvious why the BBC has not commented on the gang that was pepper sprayed in The Arndale Centre in Manchester for antisocial and violent behaviour (which was so serious that the shopping centre was closed by the police to deal with the situation).
Would this being an example of lying by omission by the BBC or is The Sun and myself being racist by asking people to read the report?
I am of the opinion that tolerance in this country has been weaponised so that if you bring attention to an incident like this, there is a very good chance you will be called a racist. This was demonstrated very clearly when a member of the the Question Time audience called out Bonnie Greer when she said her Polish friend was too frightened to talk in Polish to her child on the bus because Greer said that people where more racist now because of Brexit.
I understand the vexation – as discussion drifts I like to leave it alone as much as possible – and it’s tricky when the subject is about ‘omission’ or distortion of ‘reality ‘ by the state broadcaster .i edit stuff have asked someone to leave the site but I really do try to exercise as lighter hand as possible .
The question is, what is not being reported by Al Beeb and the MSM ?
I fear that all social media will be censored before long .
On the ‘up side’ of all of this ……………
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
An example of this ? Despite all the hype, drama and propaganda and the government’s £9m leaflet drop, the majority of people in the UK voted democratically to leave the EU in back in 2016.
And we are still waiting ………………
Thank you Cassandra – I’ve been called very bad words today which have been put in the trash . I was going to leave them up to gauge reaction . Once upon a time it used to upset me . Same with ‘censoring ‘ comments – now it’s just a ‘take it or leave ‘ job .
I can’t remember why I chose my user name but it was well chosen .
This blog-site is about bbc bias. Omission is also a form of bias – in fact it’s probably the one most used by the beeb.
It therefore behooves us to expose the stories al-beeb does not publish.
Indeed those stories could fill quite a well-padded newspaper on their own.
As a rule, I do try to put up posts about the BBC, but there is so much omission from the beeb (and other msm outlets) that should be in the public interest. I find this site an important source of news that I would probably never have found out.
An example being last week I posted about the F35 lightning and the typhoon eurofighter showing how the EU is stiffing us.
This type of information would never have been broadcast because of the pro EU stance by our public broadcaster, or if it was, buried away from the masses.
Sometimes I find some posts irrelevant, but that’s just me.
If I’m not interested, I don’t read it… simples
Oh, and a question. Is inverted racism a form of bias? or are we racists for pointing it out?
Fed up Can I say thank you so much for the time you devote to this site, it is appreciated, I love reading this site. Everyone who contributes makes an effort to inform and even if it’s not about BBC bias it is about the bias that they leave out of their news that is also important to read. Thank you to all the people who make the effort to let the rest of us know what is going on as sometimes it is so hard to watch any news from MSM and I for one am so thankfull to everyone on here. I think some people are getting wound up here and I think Brexit deal or no deal has a lot to do with it.People just have to wind their necks in a bit, it is coming to a head now and we must not fall out with each other, reserve that for the b*****ds in the hop who are trying to sell us down the river. Once again thank you Fedu p.
“Brexit: We can do a deal if EU is willing – Johnson”
IMHO the EU are not going to give us a deal .
The fools in Parliament have stitched him up by voting against leaving without a deal. So, all the EU has to do is not give him a deal . We are stuck , unless of course Boris has something up his sleeve . He better had or he and the Tories are finished.
Its The Brexit Party for me .
Katya clearly smitten. But still knows how to phrase things just so’s it seems like ‘analysis’.
Antonio Costa did it again! He may not have won an outright majority in Portugal but centre-left parties elsewhere in Europe (France, Germany, Austria ..) would love some if what he’s having
Katya clearly smitten. But still knows how to phrase things just so’s it seems like ‘analysis’.
Antonio Costa did it again! He may not have won an outright majority in Portugal but centre-left parties elsewhere in Europe (France, Germany, Austria ..) would love some if what he’s having
“The Americas with Simon Reeve” on BBC2 started off with a stunning flight through an Alaskan glacier valley. The pilot said she has seen the glacier get smaller over the last 20 years. Reeves when back on the ground does his bit to camera “the evidence of man made climate change is so clear here”.
Errr…. evidence of climate change, yes, but evidence it is man made, no.
Climate change and enviromental activists seemed to feature throughout the entire programme. Some indigenous folk using about 5 petrol snow mobiles to hunt a handful of local deer but were moaning about new oil drilling would scare the deer away. “It’s our way of life”, moaned one. Well if you want your petrol then have some oil drilling in your own back yard instead of someone elses.
Virtue signalling is the theme of the programme. Plenty of Reeves hugs with people who are sad or moaning.
There is some research from an American institute which showed that suicide rates among transgenders, already very high, actually go up further as people go along the gender re-assignment path.
A factor all those pro-transgender pressure groups manage not to notice, as indeed equally does the BBC.
The beeb have no business pushing this destructive agenda. Expecting the licence fee payer to supplement it, is a further outrage.
They must be complicit in some suicides? Does the law have anything to say about that? Or has society become so insane that they think this is acceptable?
I’m not a protester. It’s not been since my university days that I’ve been on a protest march. And then it was just a fun day out, I had no real idea what I was protesting about.
But if the Remainer Rats stop us leaving on the 31st. October and if there’s a movement/ uprising to blockade the HoP until the bastards do what we ordered them to do, I think I’ll join it.
And if someone starts to drag the Remainers out and string’em up I won’t try to stop them.
The sort of people who are Leavers do not protest in the streets. They are at work or tending to family matters or generally getting on with their lives. They will only show dissention in the ballot box.
As for the BBC. The Conservative Party will not sanction them. They will just put up with the blatant bias and smile beneinly when the BBC insult them or their party.
I don’t know why this is but it is what happens.
taffman -I like your optimism!
Trouble is, they’ve got away with outrageous bias of all kinds for so long, Hall probably thinks he’s untouchable?
As long as they have the licence to extort money with menace, they simply carry right on…
The politician who deals with this will be a hero.
” So it is the people who actually pay for the BBC to exist who are getting shafted”.
I think that has been true for a very long time. Licence payers tend to be from the older end of the population yet the BBC is obsessed with making programmes for ‘the young’, people used to getting entertainment for free. If they watch BBC TV at all they will do it via mobile devices and not pay for a licence.
BBC Sounds appears to want to become the main source of streaming audio and music in the UK and targets the young yet who is funding it? It is the older TV licence payer for whom the only programmes made for them are ones out of the ‘back-catalogue’, probably paid for by their parents 40 years ago!
The BBC has a (biased) political agenda with everything it touches and this series promises to be no exception.
The Telegraph said he hasn’t got the talent –
“I’ve never been able to get on-board with adventurer Simon Reeve, who the BBC seem grimly determined to turn into a star, despite all evidence to the contrary. He even appeared on Graham Norton’s couch last week, perched awkwardly between Dame Helen Mirren and RuPaul. Quite the queenly sandwich.”
The Times has a different take –
““Champagne!” I imagine the Canadian tourist board said on hearing that the BBC was making a documentary travelling through Canada. Then I imagine their faces turned a little sad. Because the first episode of The Americas with Simon Reeve, in which he will travel the length of the two continents, was not a reverie on spectacular landscapes, caribou and grizzly bears. It was about dirty oil, people living in freezing hovels while down the road billions of dollars were being made, a drug overdose crisis in Vancouver and hundreds of indigenous women going missing, presumed dead, to indifference from the police. Maybe cancel the fizz.
Doing a pre-recorded interview with BBC Manchester about my trip to the White House soon.. just want to say that I feel so motivated and inspired to take the energy and young black engagement that I’ve witnessed here, harness it and bring it back to the UK! ????????????????
— Dominique Samuels ???????? (@dominiquetaegon) October 5, 2019
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . .
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. ‘Throng’.
Fedup2Mar 11, 16:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not BBC – they’d never approve – warren buffet saw the Trump downturn and has been selling shares . He…
I hope I don’t upset anyone on here as this is not bbc bias but watching gogglebox there have been a few parts on Boris, Cummings and the h of c.
Channel 4 has gone into maximum anti Boris/Brexit mode, cutting off half what was said and showing every comment by the watchers as total hate for Boris.
Even saying things like “he looks bad” and “he’s got no eyebrows” in between the slagging off.
I didn’t notice one positive comment or anyone supporting him or Brexit.
None of the 52% represented on the gogglebox families.
All one sided.
Maybe they have lots of ex bbc personnel working there contaminating another tv channel just as cancer spreads through the body.
NOT on Al-beeb: “A nursery was forced to hand back Government funding for tackling radicalisation following a backlash from the local Muslim community, a report has revealed.
The nursery, based in Stoke-on-Trent, was awarded a grant from the Home Office’s Building a Stronger Britain Together (BSBT) scheme for a project aimed at challenging far-right perceptions.
But it announced in June that it will return the funding and withdraw from the project “with immediate effect”.
It is the latest organisation to have come under pressure over its cooperation with the Government’s counter-extremism work…” – ST.
Two things stand out in this article:
1) If the muslim community are against ‘counter-extremism schemes’, does that mean they support, or at least tolerate, extremism?
2) Was this even really an anti-radicalisation scheme, or was it “a project aimed at challenging far-right perceptions”? In other words aimed at tackling the secondary symptoms rather than the primary cause?
The whole approach of the authorities is limp-wristed and pusillanimous, concerned more with not offending muslims than with stamping out the disease of radicalism (or islam as it’s sometimes known) when what is desperately needed is robustness.
Kir Royal all round.
Sweeney is just the one who got caught lying. The BBC and much of the rest of the MSM is stuffed full of them. To the modern liberal left the virtue of their view , their politics , is so overwhelming that the end always justifies the means. Anyone that doesn’t share their views is an evil person who has no right to exist and can be got rid of, brought down, by any and all means. This is exactly what has been on in the USA since Trump was elected where the media and the Dems are just lying time after time to try and discredit the President in the eyes of the people. But it wearing thin and increasingly people are seeing through it. Here we see the same with Brexit.
So where’s Ofcom with all of this bias and lying ?
Along with Sweeney, did maxi get his cards from Al Beeb also?
“Nadiya Hussain reveals suicide attempt
after being sexually assaulted *by a relative* “
Just a cultural misunderstanding.
I never like to decry someone who has suffered as a child, but why is she bringing this all up now ? A year ago we had the saga of her depression and anxiety, so why not mention it then ? I cant help but think this is an “Agent” thing, – she’s been out of the limelight for a month or two, so her Agent reckons its no bad thing to get her some publicity again. Me cynical, afraid so.
Shocked I tell you… shocked!
2019-10-06 15:32 Boris in The Sun.
“After decades of campaigning, three years of arguments and seemingly endless months of pointless delay,
it is now just 25 days until the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union comes to an end.
We will be packing our bags and walking out on October 31.
The only question is whether Brussels cheerily waves us off with a mutually agreeable deal, or whether
we will be forced to head off on our own.”
I do want to watch the EU faces when we leave, better than the BBC after referendum.
Prefer no deal, save £39 billion.
Boris, ensure this mutually agreeable deal does not have Theresa the Traitors’ fingerprints anywhere.
Editorial comment in ‘Die Welt’ bemoans the fact that German media found it so difficult to provide details about the killer of Paris for a long time after the killing, and what an unhealthy situation this is. Of course, this would never happen in the UK.
This is followed by an article bemoaning the infiltration of various authorities and Jobcentres by Kurdish-Lebanese criminal gangs (‘clans’) in Northrhein-Westphalia. Of course, this too, could never happen in the UK.
There are also negative articles about how German society has been changed by ‘migration’, and the complaint that Germany is taking too many migrants from any and every boat. Fortunately, this is unheard of in the UK.
eerie though, how they get all that stuff and suddenly MSM are waking up, innit?
Emily knows who she likes.
Proofreaders not included.
You need to understand that BBC staff are artists with the written word.
Artists of this merit must be allowed untrammelled opportunities to demonstrate their excellence.
The expression of genius must not be restricted by obsolete standards.
Thanks to ITTB, I find myself pondering when the views of bbc staff, and ex-staff, cease to be those of the bbc and become ‘their own’.
Because, as I look from Emily to Paul, from Nick to Gavin, and back to James or Naga, I can’t tell the difference at all.
That statue at the front door becomes a greater symbol of irony each day.
I’m in a bit of a quandary. This isn’t anything to do with the BBC but only because the BBC has not reported it in any of their news reports.
Catch 22 really because a poster recently said that posts should only be about BBC bias because some posts were not about the BBC and could be interpreted as being racist.
I’ll let you read the report from a national newspaper, which also featured on the front page of The Manchester Evening News but as I have said, not mentioned on any BBC news channels.
To me it is obvious why the BBC has not commented on the gang that was pepper sprayed in The Arndale Centre in Manchester for antisocial and violent behaviour (which was so serious that the shopping centre was closed by the police to deal with the situation).
Would this being an example of lying by omission by the BBC or is The Sun and myself being racist by asking people to read the report?
I am of the opinion that tolerance in this country has been weaponised so that if you bring attention to an incident like this, there is a very good chance you will be called a racist. This was demonstrated very clearly when a member of the the Question Time audience called out Bonnie Greer when she said her Polish friend was too frightened to talk in Polish to her child on the bus because Greer said that people where more racist now because of Brexit.
I understand the vexation – as discussion drifts I like to leave it alone as much as possible – and it’s tricky when the subject is about ‘omission’ or distortion of ‘reality ‘ by the state broadcaster .i edit stuff have asked someone to leave the site but I really do try to exercise as lighter hand as possible .
The question is, what is not being reported by Al Beeb and the MSM ?
I fear that all social media will be censored before long .
On the ‘up side’ of all of this ……………
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
An example of this ? Despite all the hype, drama and propaganda and the government’s £9m leaflet drop, the majority of people in the UK voted democratically to leave the EU in back in 2016.
And we are still waiting ………………
Thanks for that, Fed. For what it’s worth,I think you do a good job.
Thank you Cassandra – I’ve been called very bad words today which have been put in the trash . I was going to leave them up to gauge reaction . Once upon a time it used to upset me . Same with ‘censoring ‘ comments – now it’s just a ‘take it or leave ‘ job .
I can’t remember why I chose my user name but it was well chosen .
This blog-site is about bbc bias. Omission is also a form of bias – in fact it’s probably the one most used by the beeb.
It therefore behooves us to expose the stories al-beeb does not publish.
Indeed those stories could fill quite a well-padded newspaper on their own.
As a rule, I do try to put up posts about the BBC, but there is so much omission from the beeb (and other msm outlets) that should be in the public interest. I find this site an important source of news that I would probably never have found out.
An example being last week I posted about the F35 lightning and the typhoon eurofighter showing how the EU is stiffing us.
This type of information would never have been broadcast because of the pro EU stance by our public broadcaster, or if it was, buried away from the masses.
Sometimes I find some posts irrelevant, but that’s just me.
If I’m not interested, I don’t read it… simples
Oh, and a question. Is inverted racism a form of bias? or are we racists for pointing it out?
“This blog-site is about bbc bias. Omission is also a form of bias – in fact it’s probably the one most used by the beeb.”
>vlad..agree with that!
“It therefore behoves us to expose the stories al-beeb does not publish. Indeed those stories could fill quite a well-padded newspaper on their own.”
I agree even more!!
Fed up Can I say thank you so much for the time you devote to this site, it is appreciated, I love reading this site. Everyone who contributes makes an effort to inform and even if it’s not about BBC bias it is about the bias that they leave out of their news that is also important to read. Thank you to all the people who make the effort to let the rest of us know what is going on as sometimes it is so hard to watch any news from MSM and I for one am so thankfull to everyone on here. I think some people are getting wound up here and I think Brexit deal or no deal has a lot to do with it.People just have to wind their necks in a bit, it is coming to a head now and we must not fall out with each other, reserve that for the b*****ds in the hop who are trying to sell us down the river. Once again thank you Fedu p.
Hear Hear…….I second that…….
And I third that !
“Brexit: We can do a deal if EU is willing – Johnson”
IMHO the EU are not going to give us a deal .
The fools in Parliament have stitched him up by voting against leaving without a deal. So, all the EU has to do is not give him a deal . We are stuck , unless of course Boris has something up his sleeve . He better had or he and the Tories are finished.
Its The Brexit Party for me .
Hope this Twitter link works – interesting comments about John Sweeney and BBC “journalism”.
Katya clearly smitten. But still knows how to phrase things just so’s it seems like ‘analysis’.
Katya clearly smitten. But still knows how to phrase things just so’s it seems like ‘analysis’.
“The Americas with Simon Reeve” on BBC2 started off with a stunning flight through an Alaskan glacier valley. The pilot said she has seen the glacier get smaller over the last 20 years. Reeves when back on the ground does his bit to camera “the evidence of man made climate change is so clear here”.
Errr…. evidence of climate change, yes, but evidence it is man made, no.
Climate change and enviromental activists seemed to feature throughout the entire programme. Some indigenous folk using about 5 petrol snow mobiles to hunt a handful of local deer but were moaning about new oil drilling would scare the deer away. “It’s our way of life”, moaned one. Well if you want your petrol then have some oil drilling in your own back yard instead of someone elses.
Virtue signalling is the theme of the programme. Plenty of Reeves hugs with people who are sad or moaning.
There is some research from an American institute which showed that suicide rates among transgenders, already very high, actually go up further as people go along the gender re-assignment path.
A factor all those pro-transgender pressure groups manage not to notice, as indeed equally does the BBC.
The beeb have no business pushing this destructive agenda. Expecting the licence fee payer to supplement it, is a further outrage.
They must be complicit in some suicides? Does the law have anything to say about that? Or has society become so insane that they think this is acceptable?
Anything on Al Beeb about john Sweeney or have they ‘airbrushed’ him out already ?
I’m not a protester. It’s not been since my university days that I’ve been on a protest march. And then it was just a fun day out, I had no real idea what I was protesting about.
But if the Remainer Rats stop us leaving on the 31st. October and if there’s a movement/ uprising to blockade the HoP until the bastards do what we ordered them to do, I think I’ll join it.
And if someone starts to drag the Remainers out and string’em up I won’t try to stop them.
The sort of people who are Leavers do not protest in the streets. They are at work or tending to family matters or generally getting on with their lives. They will only show dissention in the ballot box.
As for the BBC. The Conservative Party will not sanction them. They will just put up with the blatant bias and smile beneinly when the BBC insult them or their party.
I don’t know why this is but it is what happens.
I think that the end is nigh for Al Beeb if Boris or The Brexit Party win the next general election and I think that ‘Lord Hall Hall’ knows it ?
taffman -I like your optimism!
Trouble is, they’ve got away with outrageous bias of all kinds for so long, Hall probably thinks he’s untouchable?
As long as they have the licence to extort money with menace, they simply carry right on…
The politician who deals with this will be a hero.
“Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely”
” So it is the people who actually pay for the BBC to exist who are getting shafted”.
I think that has been true for a very long time. Licence payers tend to be from the older end of the population yet the BBC is obsessed with making programmes for ‘the young’, people used to getting entertainment for free. If they watch BBC TV at all they will do it via mobile devices and not pay for a licence.
BBC Sounds appears to want to become the main source of streaming audio and music in the UK and targets the young yet who is funding it? It is the older TV licence payer for whom the only programmes made for them are ones out of the ‘back-catalogue’, probably paid for by their parents 40 years ago!
Just watched the first episode of ‘The Americas with Simon Reeve’
The BBC has a (biased) political agenda with everything it touches and this series promises to be no exception.
The Telegraph said he hasn’t got the talent –
“I’ve never been able to get on-board with adventurer Simon Reeve, who the BBC seem grimly determined to turn into a star, despite all evidence to the contrary. He even appeared on Graham Norton’s couch last week, perched awkwardly between Dame Helen Mirren and RuPaul. Quite the queenly sandwich.”
The Guardian gets it –
“Landing among the soaring melting glaciers of Alaska before witnessing the gargantuan oil pipeline which cuts across the once-pristine wilderness of the state, Reeve presents a compelling indictment of the damage we are doing to our vital natural landscapes and resources”
The Times has a different take –
““Champagne!” I imagine the Canadian tourist board said on hearing that the BBC was making a documentary travelling through Canada. Then I imagine their faces turned a little sad. Because the first episode of The Americas with Simon Reeve, in which he will travel the length of the two continents, was not a reverie on spectacular landscapes, caribou and grizzly bears. It was about dirty oil, people living in freezing hovels while down the road billions of dollars were being made, a drug overdose crisis in Vancouver and hundreds of indigenous women going missing, presumed dead, to indifference from the police. Maybe cancel the fizz.
We’ll see
The replies –