We have all been cornered into a no-deal Brexit that will harm millions
Simon Wren-Lewis
Voters were sold snake oil in 2016 …
[Really? in 1975 You were working for HM Treasury, snake oil was on sale, sold to the UK by a lying, alleged paedophile, named Heath.
Subsequently other UK salesmen, sorry salespersons, repeated the process, as you must be aware.
In fact in 2016 the UK electorate was told the truth, and they voted to leave their enemy, the EU.]
[“harm millions” Really? The only people who will be harmed by Brexit will be ****s who will be blocked from UK entry and not allowed to rape and murder us.]
… required Theresa May to negotiate with the opposition to find a soft Brexit deal …
[Really? “soft brexit” AKA remaining, as one would expect from from a career leftist infiltrator.]
[“negotiate with the opposition” Really? The May task was to leave the EU, not negotiate with the EU, certainly not to negotiate with the Labour Party.]
… a slim majority for some type of Brexit …
[Really? How many types of Brexit are there? As a thick, uneducated, xenophobic, racist I thought there was only one type.]
… the sizable minority who say they want no deal have little idea of what they are voting for.
[ Really? We do not know what we are voting for. Still peddling this snake oil nonsense from 2016, another lie to be added to the Everest sized pile of lies from the traitors since c1965.]
Did he [Dominic Cummings] base his campaign on the concerns Brexiter MPs had about loss of sovereignty? Of course not, because no one understood the EU.
[Really? “No one understood the EU” In fact we understood the lying EU enemy perfectly.]
[At this point I lost patience with the grade A, lying, lefty, dick who composed this collection of nonsense.
There is much more nonsense, including the bloody bus that the court laughed at.]
Simon Wren-Lewis is emeritus professor of economics and fellow of Merton College, Oxford. He blogs at Mainly Macro
[No comments allowed, I wonder why.]
[From the current Leftypedia article
Wren-Lewis worked for Her Majesty’s Treasury as a budget-team member from 1974 to 1981.[3]
From 1976 to 1980, he worked for the National Income Forecasting Team as a senior economic assistant.[3]
From 1986 to 1990, he was a Senior Research Officer and Senior Research Fellow at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research
On 27 September 2015 it was announced that he had been appointed to the British Labour Party’s Economic Advisory Committee, convened by Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell and reporting to Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn.[5]]
[A dendrochronologist’s dream.]
Talk Radio news BBC staff are unable to get in or out
due to XR blockading their offices
Twitter : “we can’t the difference between the XR people and BBC staff”
BTW at the Tommy Panodrama screening in Salford
people couldn’t get within 40 yards of the BBC buildings
cos the BBC had brought in temporary fencing and security guards.
However the cops knew the Tommy crowd were the peaceful ones, and stood well back
and concentrated on surrounding the violent Hatey No Hopers crowd
Here is something we should all know throughout the UK, but I’ll wager you will not hear the BBC talk about it or ever offer it up for discussion.
UK benefits least from the Single Market, out of all 28 EU members
• UK benefits least out of the EU28 from membership of the EU Single Market
• Only 7.3% of UK GDP relates to UK goods exported to the EU Single Market
• For EU total trade integration the UK is bottom
• For goods exports to the EU, the UK is second to the bottom
• The UK benefits least out of the EU28 from membership of the EU Single Market
The information below comes from the EU Commission and the ONS, and as such is incontrovertible.
“The UK is the Member State with the lowest trade integration in the Single Market for goods”
EU Commission, Single Market Scoreboard, 20
The UK’s average annual growth rate has fallen since the start of the Single Market, not risen
• Since the EU Ref, the EU27 have sold over £¼ TRILLION more goods to the UK than we have sold to them
• Over 160 countries trade with the EU – and so can the UK – without membership of the Single Market
• After 25 years, it still doesn’t work – ‘unfinished and stalled’ [Major OECD report, 2016]
• The Single Market comes with unlimited EU immigration and subjection to EU laws which MPs can’t vote on
• It affects ALL UK businesses, but 92% don’t even sell to the EU
The UK is the EU’s second-highest net payer, but at the end of the queue when it comes to benefiting from that.
I also offer an excellent piece alongside which spells out concisely the postion on Bexit.
It is an emotional issue and each side will interpret the same facts in a different way. Remain and Leave each represent complex positions. Some Leavers are liberal internationalists; some Remainers are protectionists. The converse is also true. Many Leavers are nationalistic. The labour movement ought to be supporting Hard Brexit, instead they are supporting Remain. These complexities resonate on the ground in rich chord notes that are hard to define. Brexit seems to be provincial: small towns, the countryside; small businesses; a bottom-up ‘rough and ready’ society in which we do our own thing but at the same time have a government that looks after British people. Remain is more metropolitan and is about the elitist understanding of things; big cities, urban politics, and cultural Leftism. Rather like the civil wars of the past, this is a battle between two different nations, each a complex in its own right.
In theory, a political democracy works through ‘loser consent’: you lose a vote and accept the result and adapt. This is essential for social cohesion. Due to mass immigration, we’ve lost cohesion. Instead of being a indigenous British complex of nations, localities, social classes and vested interests, Britain has become (or is becoming) a confused mixed-racial mass without direction, without a coherent culture or a shared understanding of things like law and politics. The result is that the civic culture that held society together is no longer respected. It’s becoming a spoils system between competing identity groups, in which great reliance is placed on befuddling the indigenous white British majority into a state of ‘guilt’. A very small but influential minority of the people are fanatically attached to this meta-agenda and are refusing to give ‘loser consent’. Pursuasion is dobtful maybe.
If anymore proof was needed that the police are totally politicalised. They are a lost cause, on the side of the invaders. Political correctness goes right to the top.Tommy and his popularity has certainly made them feel very uncomfortable and the only way they know to counteract this is to ignore the obvious and throw as much dirt at him and his followers.
This should warm the cockles of your hearts:
Trouble at the Globalist/Marxist H.Q. “The UNITED NATIONS is Going BANKRUPT!!!” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVVDH3LZ7Ec
It would appear that few countries are rushing in to assist their Marxist political colleagues.
I seem to recall that George W. got in a spat with the UN and withheld the US contribution and that Barak Obama (shock! horror!) continued in the same vein. In addition, there may have been disquiet about unpaid City taxes and UN diplomats feeling they can disregard parking zones.
I could be wrong on all counts. Anyone with better info?
I kind of recall that the USA is the biggest funder of the UN but still gets a regular kicking .
Likewise the USA funds NATO, gets lied to by Europeans about funding and then really rub it in by setting up an EU defence force .
Add to that criticism of POTUS for pulling the boys out of Kurdworld and wonder why Mr Trump gets upset ?
American foreign policy hasn’t been as favourable to us as some believe and there is no special relationship . But we need america more than we need the EU which is a hostile foreign state
I wrote this as troll bait because maxi asked me a 3 a m question , I spent 5 minutes typing him a reply and upto now I have received no acknowledgement .
I’m chucking teddy in the cornering and getting tempted to pull the plug… but I know many people have fond feelings for the pitiful troll ….
Fed, re last para – please don’t block maxi until I get my apology. It would be a small something or other for everyone on this site. 🙂
I wouldn’t mind maxi if:
1. he corrected other obvious errors rather than the particular ones that he ‘approves of’
2. he was quick to apologise when wrong like most/many/all the other B-BBC posters
3. if maxi came up with his own reasoned criticisms of the bbc’s failings or even some reasoned praise for any bbc successes or reforms
4. he stuck around to debate instead of dropping by in the wee small hours for his drive-by snipings.
Ok Up – I guessed that might be the reaction . I think it’s a character Trait that some have – the need to stir and run away – a bit like ‘ knock down ginger ‘ which kids used to do – just transferred to the web
I know the other feature of the web is to become entrenched in a view and just shout it at the opposition – personally I like being challenged ( but since I’m never wrong I know I’ll never be corrected ????( too dry?)
‘hit and run’. is the description of troll-like behaviour
… Basically most of his points can be properly refuted
but he generally turns up late, misrepresents someone’s points so he can get a HIT
.. then he runs away without properly answering questions.
That is disingenuous behaviour, not worth investing time in.
.. Usually trolls leave you open goals, as they make weak points you can easily score points against, but they themselves are not up for listening.
Instead they get angrier and angrier as their cognitive dissonance kicks in and perceive any points against their narrative as personal attack on their character.
Brilliant call on Talk Radio’s IROMG just now.
A lady who has experienced communism, who left the USSR in 1969.
She pointed out, correctly IMO, that Extinction Rebellion are not really about the environment, but that they have another agenda to destroy capitalism. She was talking about, how the Trotsky’s and Marxists are using the climate change narrative to push their agenda onto a sleepwalking society.
It is indeed a disgrace the way every BBC local news station has not pushed every loon and xe’s dog’ personal pilgrimage to London to do the dance of the seven opiates since early 2018.
If I were Andrew Neil I’d keep colleagues in W1A in the dark as to when the next wine-tasting jaunt is planned.
Dyst, that’s right. Some of us worked that out very early on.
It was obvious from the outset of the whole AGW thing: the first item under attack was the motor car. Who was then known as big makers and users of the motor car? The USA. (At the time the Japanese had only just reached their equality with the US hegemony in that field. The US motor industry dominated other major markets, ie. UK & Europe, too.)
There was no mention of electricity generation. No mention of heating oil and gas. No mention of domestic heat loss, the quality of home insulation, proportion of power generation in the CO2 profile of the US or other countries. No mention of aircraft and flying at that point, either.
No, it was all about the motor car, hence the USA.
I started watching some of tired old nonsense – I particularly enjoyed the bit where plod got ‘ community leaders £££ ‘ together for a chin wag about black feral boys stabbing and shooting .
I gave up as it gave no ‘ solutions ‘ and Lammy did his ‘ blame someone else’s thing . Meanwhile an 18 year old was stabbed to death in Camberwell the programme was on .
So far London homicides are at 110 against 130 total last year . I think the actual number this year is a lot higher .
The kids are institutionalised to be ‘ victims ‘ as opposed to take personal responsibility . Having non feral parents might help for some .
All the victims and perpetrators of the stabbings and shootings seemed to be Nigerian.
It is surely the height of racism to imagine that if you import people from the Third World they will change their ways to match ours. Clearly they won’t.
The liberal elite allowed mass immigration from Nigeria, and turned parts of London into Lagos. Somehow I don’t think the right-on lesbian chief of police is going to turn that round. It’s a problem with no solution.
Arndale centre multi stabbings. Lone wolf ‘British’ born man? The rise of the far right? We just don’t know.
Still one thing is for sure. This won’t be news for long.
Interesting development a friend found about the Manchester Arndale stabbing from a screen grab from the video.
The image the media has chosen from the video shows a white skinned leg, however that is I believe deliberately misleading, this is a black man with glasses and a trimmed beard, he most certainly is not a white male, which is what the media appear to want you to believe.
On the Twitter feed, Tom Roles, Newsreader and producer says;
“We must take care not to endorse campaigns, or allow ourselves to be used to campaign to change public policy. But this should not prevent us highlighting issues and offering our audiences choices about how to confront them.”
“We must take care not to endorse campaigns, or allow ourselves to be used to campaign to change public policy…..[Brexit?????] . But this should not prevent us highlighting issues and offering our audiences choices about how to confront them……[Islamic gang raping of our children?].
Being house bound through man flu and leaving the news stream for the first time in donkeys I’ve noticed the state broadcaster have started to edit the Arndale image . A couple of hours ago the kid/chap handcuffed on the ground with a copper on top of him turns his head to the camera and shows he is black .
The same bit they show now (1400 ) cuts just before the yoot shows his face . They’ve done it twice while I’ve typed this , …..
‘Yoot’? They already knew he was in his 40s so why didn’t they report he was black?
Twitter witnesses are saying he was shouting “I’m going to f*** you all up” and “long live the caliphate” but no reports as yet of Alans snackbar being uttered which might prove a get out as his legal team will no doubt claim he didn’t intend to kill and that proves it.
Yes me to. Perhaps with just a little encouragement they could set fire to the place. I have an image of a bandaged and smoke blackened ( not black face of course) Lord Hall on the debris and water filled concourse of Broadcasting House, red eyed and tearful , his pbottom lip trembling, intoning the BBC mantra , ‘that if they are being attacked by both sides they must have it about right’ .
Jeremy Vine has just been on arguing that black students are discriminated against by Cambridge and other universities. Vine said that Stormzy was a philanthropist for black students at Cambridge because he has pledged to fund the tuition fees and living costs of two students each year. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-50005023
Vine also repeated the allegation that a black Oxford graduate had made earlier when he said that he was discriminated against by the college porters who proclaimed that they supported UKIP and kept asking to see his ID card.
A female academic whose academic career spanned over several decades in the UK and the US, phoned in to say students should be admitted to universities on merit and their ability to do the work and not on the colour of their skin. She said that universities were now running a quota system.
A retired college porter from Cambridge phoned into say that Vine was stereotyping college porters based purely on the word of one black graduate.
Without pausing for breath, Vine dismissed their arguments and professional experiences as though they had no validity.
And to Vine and the BBC, they don’t.
He said that universities shouldn’t have quota systems but they should have a number of places reserved for black students even if they have achieved lower grades; I wonder if Vine has ever read the definition of the word, ‘contradiction’?
Vine’s nauseous show, like many other BBC programmes is based purely on the presenter’s opinion, which strangely enough coincides with the diversity message that the BBC relentlessly saturates it’s viewers and listeners at every opportunity.
Through multiculturalism and positive discrimination the BBC network of regional television news and current affairs programmes is now in a situation where the majority of presenters, reporters and even weather presenters are BAME.
BBC Midlands Today covers the West Midlands where I live and Shefali Oza is the Indian weather presenter. Read the link to see why she was selected, it’s quite interesting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shefali_Oza
A significant amount of BBC job adverts state that white people should not apply and that black and BAME applications are the only ones that will be considered, the BBC clearly provides evidence of the racism and extreme bias which I believe it is openly guilty of.
Of course their argument is that it is done in the interests of diversity, just like the university entrance requirements.
As I finish writing this I am learning that there have been two fatal stabbings in London (one of the victims was a ‘talented footballer’) and several stabbings in Manchester.
I wonder what will be ignored in the reporting of these crimes? What was it that Labour MP said, “We should keep our mouths shut for the sake of diversity”.
He’s an imbecile, apart from his “woke” credentials and “prosecco” posturing, his lack of general knowledge and understanding of current affairs is breathtaking. He is one of the reasons I cancelled our licence and no longer listen to any bBbc radio.
4:30pm R4 The BBC’s Political Correspondent Chris Mason is to take over the chair of Any Questions, and on Feedback he tells Roger whether he intends to intervene as often as his predecessor Jonathan Dimbleby.
And how appealing is Jeremy Vine’s show on Radio 2 to some loyal Radio 4 listeners?
Calm down everyone. It’s all been a big misunderstanding. There’s a perfectly rational explanation for the white leg and black face.
Apparently, it turns out it was Justin Trudeau on his way to a party!
I cancelled our licence a few months ago and really enjoy YouTube, lots of crap of course, but loads of original and informative worldwide content, music, films, and also most of the programmes of any interest that are on our terrestrial and satellite channels like Quest. I was a bit surprised however to come across current bBbc programmes as well, HD and in full.
One of these is a variation on the “Escape to” format, “Escape to the Perfect Town”.
Both episodes I’ve watched have featured white, heterosexual couples moving “for a better lifestyle” out of London, one to the Tring area, the other to Harrogate.
Perfectly understandable, a true reflection of “white flight”, but how the hell did these slip through the net/noose cast and held by the bBbc diversity diktats?
I don’t know how Greta is going to cope after today’s loss! She might have to take the week off under ‘mental health’.
“You have schtolen my future, how dare you?”
As Clarkson said “a serious case of the ab-dabs!!!”
Ofcom finds the BBC were wrong on impartiality and lack transparency on their complaints process. The BBC – in a spectacularly tone deaf and puerile response – says “We note Ofcom’s finding and the fact they agree with the director general’s decision.” https://t.co/LB2TcWwvC9
The picture the BBC is showing on their website of the
Manchester stabbings perpetrator ,says everything what the BBC is
about. Absolutely everything.
Of course he will have mental health concerns. The problem
is that 100% of those committing knife crime have mental
health problems. Maybe a psychiatrist can explain it
Yes the BBC should present a psychiatrist who ticks all
the right boxes . To explain to us ,how we should be understanding.
Twitter says BBCnews and SkyNews both pixelated the guys face.
Why would they do that ?
Someone might have useful info if they recognise him.
I don’t see how it would prejudice a trial, cos once charged his identity will be public.
BBC currently giving Extinction Rebellion as much publicity as Children In Need.
Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 has two ex-police officers on who are supporting the terrorist action in London. At the end of the piece Jeremy expresses the hope that the item had been ‘balanced’. On the one hand we had an ex-police officer in favour of XR and on the other hand we had an ex-police officer in favour of XR… perfect balance, both sides of the scale were of the same opinion!
Brexit: EU and UK agree to ‘intensify’ talks https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-50016853
I suspect that we are going to get a Mrs Chamberlain’s deal rehashed.
British Democracy has been betrayed.
The Brexit Party better get ready for a General Election as I think Bo Jo will sign a rotten deal and then go for it ?
There’s a strange programme on CBeebies now called “Clangers”
It’s typical of the BBC.
There are a load of weird creatures talking absolute nonsensical gibberish, but the BBC narrator is patronisingly telling us what is happening THEY want us to think the creatures are saying!
“UK must be open to Wales quitting union, says Welsh Government” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-50013949
Al Beeb and the EU would love this . They would be happy to see the UK broken up and subjected to an undemocratic Euro Dictatorship . This of course would be the end of the British Parliament.
Better still, lets have a referendum to abolish the Welsh Assembly , the ‘White Elephant’ of Wales .
HYS Comments could be going better EG ………..”Let’s have another referendum on Welsh devolution please, close down the Welsh windbag Parliament. “
“A Labour shadow minister has denied behaving inappropriately or acting in a misogynistic manner after he was alleged to have slapped a woman’s buttocks.
Shadow transport minister Karl Turner is also reported to have made comments about the woman’s breasts, after she had a double mastectomy.”
generally regarded as a nasty piece of work..in fact a total Khant!
Two protestors have now climbed onto the front of the BBC’s New Broadcasting House. We’ve been told that demonstrators have superglued their hands to the building too. #ExtinctionRebellionpic.twitter.com/ESrzuSdwo4
Mr D wants to know what glue ER are using as he can never find a glue that really works. I was in favour of testing the glue with the idiot who said he had glued himself to a plane. He should have been told that the plane was taking off whether he was attached or not and we could have discovered how good the glue was.
Yorks Post Motorists have been warned of road closures in Dewsbury town centre this weekend ahead of a far-right demonstration.
Far-right group Yorkshire Patriots are planning to march in the town centre on Saturday.
The protest, which is due to start at noon and continue until 4pm, will also be joined by counter-demonstrators
Oh and earlier I saw a tweet from a victim saying she will be at a match in Telford
BRISSLESMar 6, 10:08 Midweek 5th March 2025 I wonder how many English (white) living in Europe speak regularly on tv channels there – in Athens in particular…
JohnCMar 6, 10:08 Midweek 5th March 2025 Zelensky says UK and US volunteers survived Russian attack on hotel that killed four https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cly28qvp83pt A complete non-story in the…
tomoMar 6, 09:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 The likelihood that similar is going on here is a slam dunk certainty…. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1897534108982526275
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSCCsDXCmgusoKmOKAV8J8hzqUthA2tS31S5g&s[/img]
tomoMar 6, 09:56 Midweek 5th March 2025 Free Buckfast Tonic Wine has to be next? [img]https://i.ibb.co/twQXv1rg/Free-Crack-pipes-NHS-jockland.jpg[/img]
Mrs KittyMar 6, 09:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’m thinking his parents were/are quite wealthy with connections, he committed offences in China and ended up in the U.K.…
Mrs KittyMar 6, 09:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 So good I keep rewatching it. Especially the sucked lemon lips.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Doughboy – if Ukraine embraces diversity it can win? ……………… “About us The first duty of the government is to…
DoughboyMar 6, 09:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/2022857/Channel-migrants-Labour-asylum-smugglers-boats Don’t see this on the Bbbc, how on earth are we going to keep Russians out of Ukraine with…
[text in square brackets are my comments.]
Thu 10 Oct 2019 10.03 BST
Guardian Opinion Brexit
We have all been cornered into a no-deal Brexit that will harm millions
Simon Wren-Lewis
Voters were sold snake oil in 2016 …
[Really? in 1975 You were working for HM Treasury, snake oil was on sale, sold to the UK by a lying, alleged paedophile, named Heath.
Subsequently other UK salesmen, sorry salespersons, repeated the process, as you must be aware.
In fact in 2016 the UK electorate was told the truth, and they voted to leave their enemy, the EU.]
[“harm millions” Really? The only people who will be harmed by Brexit will be ****s who will be blocked from UK entry and not allowed to rape and murder us.]
… required Theresa May to negotiate with the opposition to find a soft Brexit deal …
[Really? “soft brexit” AKA remaining, as one would expect from from a career leftist infiltrator.]
[“negotiate with the opposition” Really? The May task was to leave the EU, not negotiate with the EU, certainly not to negotiate with the Labour Party.]
… a slim majority for some type of Brexit …
[Really? How many types of Brexit are there? As a thick, uneducated, xenophobic, racist I thought there was only one type.]
… the sizable minority who say they want no deal have little idea of what they are voting for.
[ Really? We do not know what we are voting for. Still peddling this snake oil nonsense from 2016, another lie to be added to the Everest sized pile of lies from the traitors since c1965.]
Did he [Dominic Cummings] base his campaign on the concerns Brexiter MPs had about loss of sovereignty? Of course not, because no one understood the EU.
[Really? “No one understood the EU” In fact we understood the lying EU enemy perfectly.]
[At this point I lost patience with the grade A, lying, lefty, dick who composed this collection of nonsense.
There is much more nonsense, including the bloody bus that the court laughed at.]
Simon Wren-Lewis is emeritus professor of economics and fellow of Merton College, Oxford. He blogs at Mainly Macro
[No comments allowed, I wonder why.]
[From the current Leftypedia article
Wren-Lewis worked for Her Majesty’s Treasury as a budget-team member from 1974 to 1981.[3]
From 1976 to 1980, he worked for the National Income Forecasting Team as a senior economic assistant.[3]
From 1986 to 1990, he was a Senior Research Officer and Senior Research Fellow at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research
On 27 September 2015 it was announced that he had been appointed to the British Labour Party’s Economic Advisory Committee, convened by Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell and reporting to Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn.[5]]
[A dendrochronologist’s dream.]
He seems keen.
Views from the other side
I tend to think that such tweeters work in Labour or NGO offices
Rory reports…
Talk Radio news BBC staff are unable to get in or out
due to XR blockading their offices
Twitter : “we can’t the difference between the XR people and BBC staff”
BTW at the Tommy Panodrama screening in Salford
people couldn’t get within 40 yards of the BBC buildings
cos the BBC had brought in temporary fencing and security guards.
However the cops knew the Tommy crowd were the peaceful ones, and stood well back
and concentrated on surrounding the violent Hatey No Hopers crowd
Here is something we should all know throughout the UK, but I’ll wager you will not hear the BBC talk about it or ever offer it up for discussion.
UK benefits least from the Single Market, out of all 28 EU members
• UK benefits least out of the EU28 from membership of the EU Single Market
• Only 7.3% of UK GDP relates to UK goods exported to the EU Single Market
• For EU total trade integration the UK is bottom
• For goods exports to the EU, the UK is second to the bottom
• The UK benefits least out of the EU28 from membership of the EU Single Market
The information below comes from the EU Commission and the ONS, and as such is incontrovertible.
“The UK is the Member State with the lowest trade integration in the Single Market for goods”
EU Commission, Single Market Scoreboard, 20
The UK’s average annual growth rate has fallen since the start of the Single Market, not risen
• Since the EU Ref, the EU27 have sold over £¼ TRILLION more goods to the UK than we have sold to them
• Over 160 countries trade with the EU – and so can the UK – without membership of the Single Market
• After 25 years, it still doesn’t work – ‘unfinished and stalled’ [Major OECD report, 2016]
• The Single Market comes with unlimited EU immigration and subjection to EU laws which MPs can’t vote on
• It affects ALL UK businesses, but 92% don’t even sell to the EU
The UK is the EU’s second-highest net payer, but at the end of the queue when it comes to benefiting from that.
I also offer an excellent piece alongside which spells out concisely the postion on Bexit.
It is an emotional issue and each side will interpret the same facts in a different way. Remain and Leave each represent complex positions. Some Leavers are liberal internationalists; some Remainers are protectionists. The converse is also true. Many Leavers are nationalistic. The labour movement ought to be supporting Hard Brexit, instead they are supporting Remain. These complexities resonate on the ground in rich chord notes that are hard to define. Brexit seems to be provincial: small towns, the countryside; small businesses; a bottom-up ‘rough and ready’ society in which we do our own thing but at the same time have a government that looks after British people. Remain is more metropolitan and is about the elitist understanding of things; big cities, urban politics, and cultural Leftism. Rather like the civil wars of the past, this is a battle between two different nations, each a complex in its own right.
In theory, a political democracy works through ‘loser consent’: you lose a vote and accept the result and adapt. This is essential for social cohesion. Due to mass immigration, we’ve lost cohesion. Instead of being a indigenous British complex of nations, localities, social classes and vested interests, Britain has become (or is becoming) a confused mixed-racial mass without direction, without a coherent culture or a shared understanding of things like law and politics. The result is that the civic culture that held society together is no longer respected. It’s becoming a spoils system between competing identity groups, in which great reliance is placed on befuddling the indigenous white British majority into a state of ‘guilt’. A very small but influential minority of the people are fanatically attached to this meta-agenda and are refusing to give ‘loser consent’. Pursuasion is dobtful maybe.
*Nobel Prize : NOT Greta *
Ethiopian PM instead
How DARE they…
There is a GOD after all.
2/5 beforehand was Regan from The Exorcist to win the prize!
Very unlike ’forecasters’ to get it so wrong ????
2/5 beforehand was Regan from The Exorcist to win the prize!
Very unlike ’forecasters’ to get it so wrong ????
Stew, on 1pm R4 News, announced the award and then they just had a moan about what the Ethiopian PM has not been doing ……
You could not make it up!
BBC obviously a bit miffed that Roger Harrabin will not now get a freebie to The Nobel Ceremony for Greta’s gift of a lot of Nobel dosh.
Poor BBC, they were clearly ready for Greta to walk it. Oh well … LOL
Of course she will win the Nobel Prize !!!!
BUT maybe it ought to go to those who manipulate her.
Ezra Levant reports on #Orwellian #Britain2019
Why UK police requested Rebel footage of a Tommy Robinson rally
If anymore proof was needed that the police are totally politicalised. They are a lost cause, on the side of the invaders. Political correctness goes right to the top.Tommy and his popularity has certainly made them feel very uncomfortable and the only way they know to counteract this is to ignore the obvious and throw as much dirt at him and his followers.
If Tory supporters had vandalised a LibDem’s office doorstep
would she demanding an apology ?
Overnight the opposite has happened at a Tory office
.. and she hasn’t tweeted anything since last night
GDP growth, will media put a spin on it ?
Quiz : The #BBC’s new. “Director of Creative Diversity” ex a boyfriend of two years is a politician
..which party ?
If I give you the clue that he is non-white” can you guess his name ?
Breaking : Arndale Manchester locked-down after 4 being treated stabbed
one suspect detained .. not a blone : white legs dark hair, gang type jackets
Twitter speculates it could be revenge against security staff
as mention in this tweet from Tuesday
This should warm the cockles of your hearts:
Trouble at the Globalist/Marxist H.Q. “The UNITED NATIONS is Going BANKRUPT!!!”
It would appear that few countries are rushing in to assist their Marxist political colleagues.
I seem to recall that George W. got in a spat with the UN and withheld the US contribution and that Barak Obama (shock! horror!) continued in the same vein. In addition, there may have been disquiet about unpaid City taxes and UN diplomats feeling they can disregard parking zones.
I could be wrong on all counts. Anyone with better info?
I kind of recall that the USA is the biggest funder of the UN but still gets a regular kicking .
Likewise the USA funds NATO, gets lied to by Europeans about funding and then really rub it in by setting up an EU defence force .
Add to that criticism of POTUS for pulling the boys out of Kurdworld and wonder why Mr Trump gets upset ?
American foreign policy hasn’t been as favourable to us as some believe and there is no special relationship . But we need america more than we need the EU which is a hostile foreign state
I wrote this as troll bait because maxi asked me a 3 a m question , I spent 5 minutes typing him a reply and upto now I have received no acknowledgement .
I’m chucking teddy in the cornering and getting tempted to pull the plug… but I know many people have fond feelings for the pitiful troll ….
Fed, re last para – please don’t block maxi until I get my apology. It would be a small something or other for everyone on this site. 🙂
I wouldn’t mind maxi if:
1. he corrected other obvious errors rather than the particular ones that he ‘approves of’
2. he was quick to apologise when wrong like most/many/all the other B-BBC posters
3. if maxi came up with his own reasoned criticisms of the bbc’s failings or even some reasoned praise for any bbc successes or reforms
4. he stuck around to debate instead of dropping by in the wee small hours for his drive-by snipings.
Ok Up – I guessed that might be the reaction . I think it’s a character Trait that some have – the need to stir and run away – a bit like ‘ knock down ginger ‘ which kids used to do – just transferred to the web
I know the other feature of the web is to become entrenched in a view and just shout it at the opposition – personally I like being challenged ( but since I’m never wrong I know I’ll never be corrected ????( too dry?)
‘hit and run’. is the description of troll-like behaviour
… Basically most of his points can be properly refuted
but he generally turns up late, misrepresents someone’s points so he can get a HIT
.. then he runs away without properly answering questions.
That is disingenuous behaviour, not worth investing time in.
.. Usually trolls leave you open goals, as they make weak points you can easily score points against, but they themselves are not up for listening.
Instead they get angrier and angrier as their cognitive dissonance kicks in and perceive any points against their narrative as personal attack on their character.
After Brexit, leave the UN, another anti Western enemy.
Kill AlBeeb another anti Western enemy.
Stop all aid, all savings to improving defence.
Brilliant call on Talk Radio’s IROMG just now.
A lady who has experienced communism, who left the USSR in 1969.
She pointed out, correctly IMO, that Extinction Rebellion are not really about the environment, but that they have another agenda to destroy capitalism. She was talking about, how the Trotsky’s and Marxists are using the climate change narrative to push their agenda onto a sleepwalking society.
It is indeed a disgrace the way every BBC local news station has not pushed every loon and xe’s dog’ personal pilgrimage to London to do the dance of the seven opiates since early 2018.
If I were Andrew Neil I’d keep colleagues in W1A in the dark as to when the next wine-tasting jaunt is planned.
X-stinking Rebellion make no bones about it: their real aim is to bring down capitalism.
Dyst, that’s right. Some of us worked that out very early on.
It was obvious from the outset of the whole AGW thing: the first item under attack was the motor car. Who was then known as big makers and users of the motor car? The USA. (At the time the Japanese had only just reached their equality with the US hegemony in that field. The US motor industry dominated other major markets, ie. UK & Europe, too.)
There was no mention of electricity generation. No mention of heating oil and gas. No mention of domestic heat loss, the quality of home insulation, proportion of power generation in the CO2 profile of the US or other countries. No mention of aircraft and flying at that point, either.
No, it was all about the motor car, hence the USA.
A word to all those folks rampaging in London, It doesn’t look like the weather (climate) gods are on your side this weekend!
Better have your ponchos and woolly jumpers handy…..
My reaction?
I think they’ll go watch the rugby – or maybe not .
I always thought those tough rugby people like a bit of wind and rain but it seems not .
May the heavens bless the rampagers, abundantly. Torrentially.
Might even Extinguish their Rebellion.
The BBC’s new Economics Editor continues to adopt a very low profile.
Is that because his predecessor, Kamal Ahmed, is now responsible for BBC News and was and is known as a constant anti-Brexit Remoaner?
I see The Apprentice has flown the contestants to South Africa in the new series
Any comment from ER yet?
Warning – Massive irony alert !!!
They use our country’s flag but tirelessly work against Britain’s national interest.
David , David, David, dear oh dear !!! EXACTLY the same as you, the rest of your Labour party and the Liberals. You ruddy hypocrite you !!!
Good to see people have his measure.
I started watching some of tired old nonsense – I particularly enjoyed the bit where plod got ‘ community leaders £££ ‘ together for a chin wag about black feral boys stabbing and shooting .
I gave up as it gave no ‘ solutions ‘ and Lammy did his ‘ blame someone else’s thing . Meanwhile an 18 year old was stabbed to death in Camberwell the programme was on .
So far London homicides are at 110 against 130 total last year . I think the actual number this year is a lot higher .
The kids are institutionalised to be ‘ victims ‘ as opposed to take personal responsibility . Having non feral parents might help for some .
All the victims and perpetrators of the stabbings and shootings seemed to be Nigerian.
It is surely the height of racism to imagine that if you import people from the Third World they will change their ways to match ours. Clearly they won’t.
The liberal elite allowed mass immigration from Nigeria, and turned parts of London into Lagos. Somehow I don’t think the right-on lesbian chief of police is going to turn that round. It’s a problem with no solution.
Arndale centre multi stabbings. Lone wolf ‘British’ born man? The rise of the far right? We just don’t know.
Still one thing is for sure. This won’t be news for long.
Interesting development a friend found about the Manchester Arndale stabbing from a screen grab from the video.
The image the media has chosen from the video shows a white skinned leg, however that is I believe deliberately misleading, this is a black man with glasses and a trimmed beard, he most certainly is not a white male, which is what the media appear to want you to believe.
When the Liberal left attack the Liberal left…
On the Twitter feed, Tom Roles, Newsreader and producer says;
“We must take care not to endorse campaigns, or allow ourselves to be used to campaign to change public policy. But this should not prevent us highlighting issues and offering our audiences choices about how to confront them.”
“We must take care not to endorse campaigns, or allow ourselves to be used to campaign to change public policy…..[Brexit?????] . But this should not prevent us highlighting issues and offering our audiences choices about how to confront them……[Islamic gang raping of our children?].
Being house bound through man flu and leaving the news stream for the first time in donkeys I’ve noticed the state broadcaster have started to edit the Arndale image . A couple of hours ago the kid/chap handcuffed on the ground with a copper on top of him turns his head to the camera and shows he is black .
The same bit they show now (1400 ) cuts just before the yoot shows his face . They’ve done it twice while I’ve typed this , …..
Hiding the truth ?
yep Fedup..12-13 seconds in..
maybe was trying out the skin lightening stuff on his leg?
Look at the racist police arresting a black man just because he stabbed a few people. Disgusting.
‘Yoot’? They already knew he was in his 40s so why didn’t they report he was black?
Twitter witnesses are saying he was shouting “I’m going to f*** you all up” and “long live the caliphate” but no reports as yet of Alans snackbar being uttered which might prove a get out as his legal team will no doubt claim he didn’t intend to kill and that proves it.
Well that’s the racist far-left bbc for you. Never let an opportunity to be racist go to waste.
The far left eco loon nutters aka Extinction Rebellion are blockading the BBC
I’m beginning to warm to them.
Yes me to. Perhaps with just a little encouragement they could set fire to the place. I have an image of a bandaged and smoke blackened ( not black face of course) Lord Hall on the debris and water filled concourse of Broadcasting House, red eyed and tearful , his pbottom lip trembling, intoning the BBC mantra , ‘that if they are being attacked by both sides they must have it about right’ .
“I’m beginning to warm to them.”
That’ll be global warming.
Sluff, a most inappropriate and offensive choice of phrase … “I’m beginning to warm to them.” Tsk. Tsk!
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Jeremy Vine has just been on arguing that black students are discriminated against by Cambridge and other universities. Vine said that Stormzy was a philanthropist for black students at Cambridge because he has pledged to fund the tuition fees and living costs of two students each year.
Vine also repeated the allegation that a black Oxford graduate had made earlier when he said that he was discriminated against by the college porters who proclaimed that they supported UKIP and kept asking to see his ID card.
A female academic whose academic career spanned over several decades in the UK and the US, phoned in to say students should be admitted to universities on merit and their ability to do the work and not on the colour of their skin. She said that universities were now running a quota system.
A retired college porter from Cambridge phoned into say that Vine was stereotyping college porters based purely on the word of one black graduate.
Without pausing for breath, Vine dismissed their arguments and professional experiences as though they had no validity.
And to Vine and the BBC, they don’t.
He said that universities shouldn’t have quota systems but they should have a number of places reserved for black students even if they have achieved lower grades; I wonder if Vine has ever read the definition of the word, ‘contradiction’?
Vine’s nauseous show, like many other BBC programmes is based purely on the presenter’s opinion, which strangely enough coincides with the diversity message that the BBC relentlessly saturates it’s viewers and listeners at every opportunity.
Through multiculturalism and positive discrimination the BBC network of regional television news and current affairs programmes is now in a situation where the majority of presenters, reporters and even weather presenters are BAME.
BBC Midlands Today covers the West Midlands where I live and Shefali Oza is the Indian weather presenter. Read the link to see why she was selected, it’s quite interesting:
A significant amount of BBC job adverts state that white people should not apply and that black and BAME applications are the only ones that will be considered, the BBC clearly provides evidence of the racism and extreme bias which I believe it is openly guilty of.
Of course their argument is that it is done in the interests of diversity, just like the university entrance requirements.
As I finish writing this I am learning that there have been two fatal stabbings in London (one of the victims was a ‘talented footballer’) and several stabbings in Manchester.
I wonder what will be ignored in the reporting of these crimes? What was it that Labour MP said, “We should keep our mouths shut for the sake of diversity”.
Mr Vine sounds like a racist to me.
He’s an imbecile, apart from his “woke” credentials and “prosecco” posturing, his lack of general knowledge and understanding of current affairs is breathtaking. He is one of the reasons I cancelled our licence and no longer listen to any bBbc radio.
4:30pm R4 The BBC’s Political Correspondent Chris Mason is to take over the chair of Any Questions, and on Feedback he tells Roger whether he intends to intervene as often as his predecessor Jonathan Dimbleby.
And how appealing is Jeremy Vine’s show on Radio 2 to some loyal Radio 4 listeners?
The Manchester stabbing:
The Daily Mail has this photograph (why does it appear that the perpetrator’s leg is white in the BBC photograph?)
OT: The BBC loves that American gymnast Simone Biles for some reason, Matt Baker is almost salivating talking about her.
Mental Health issues, move along, nothing to see here.
Black face white leg. Obviously a white supremacist trying a false flag operation.
False Leg Operation
I’ve heard of mixed race, but this is a bit odd.
Calm down everyone. It’s all been a big misunderstanding. There’s a perfectly rational explanation for the white leg and black face.
Apparently, it turns out it was Justin Trudeau on his way to a party!
Surely that notice on the window has also been Photoshopped?
Allahndale Centre
I cancelled our licence a few months ago and really enjoy YouTube, lots of crap of course, but loads of original and informative worldwide content, music, films, and also most of the programmes of any interest that are on our terrestrial and satellite channels like Quest. I was a bit surprised however to come across current bBbc programmes as well, HD and in full.
One of these is a variation on the “Escape to” format, “Escape to the Perfect Town”.
Both episodes I’ve watched have featured white, heterosexual couples moving “for a better lifestyle” out of London, one to the Tring area, the other to Harrogate.
Perfectly understandable, a true reflection of “white flight”, but how the hell did these slip through the net/noose cast and held by the bBbc diversity diktats?
I don’t know how Greta is going to cope after today’s loss! She might have to take the week off under ‘mental health’.
“You have schtolen my future, how dare you?”
As Clarkson said “a serious case of the ab-dabs!!!”
Where have you been all these years Krishnan?
This was ‘business as usual’ in the ‘we got it just about right’ world of the BBC. Unfortunately most of us can’t play the race card.
is she a dyke? ..a “rug-munchetty” perhaps?
actually it doesn’t matter at all really does it..she’s just shit at her job!!
Michael Mann was an advisor to the BBC’s Attenborough – Climate Change The Facts
Dr. Tim Ball on victory over Michael Mann and the political aspect of Global Warming
BBC management
Hate TR
Love XR
The picture the BBC is showing on their website of the
Manchester stabbings perpetrator ,says everything what the BBC is
about. Absolutely everything.
Of course he will have mental health concerns. The problem
is that 100% of those committing knife crime have mental
health problems. Maybe a psychiatrist can explain it
Yes the BBC should present a psychiatrist who ticks all
the right boxes . To explain to us ,how we should be understanding.
Twitter says BBCnews and SkyNews both pixelated the guys face.
Why would they do that ?
Someone might have useful info if they recognise him.
I don’t see how it would prejudice a trial, cos once charged his identity will be public.
Express reports that Boris has ‘backtracked’ in the direction of May’s deal?
People think it’s just a time-buying subterfuge. I rather think he’s backtracked.
if he has ..the Tories will be toast..some day! ( …of reckoning!!)
I have just visited the Boris Johnson twitter page seeking, but not finding, some arcane clues as to how Brexit is to be accomplished.
Boris has found the time to add a Conservative “More Money for Schools” poster, which features two Africans!
no surprise there then.
BBC currently giving Extinction Rebellion as much publicity as Children In Need.
Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 has two ex-police officers on who are supporting the terrorist action in London. At the end of the piece Jeremy expresses the hope that the item had been ‘balanced’. On the one hand we had an ex-police officer in favour of XR and on the other hand we had an ex-police officer in favour of XR… perfect balance, both sides of the scale were of the same opinion!
Brexit: EU and UK agree to ‘intensify’ talks
I suspect that we are going to get a Mrs Chamberlain’s deal rehashed.
British Democracy has been betrayed.
The Brexit Party better get ready for a General Election as I think Bo Jo will sign a rotten deal and then go for it ?
sadly butt ..I agree with you
There’s a strange programme on CBeebies now called “Clangers”
It’s typical of the BBC.
There are a load of weird creatures talking absolute nonsensical gibberish, but the BBC narrator is patronisingly telling us what is happening THEY want us to think the creatures are saying!
Series 1: No.28 – The Brilliant Surprise 14 December 2015. Author-Daniel Postgate
“The Iron Chicken says something is coming. Everyone seems to know what it is except Tiny Clanger.”
F*ckin’BREXIT – here’s hoping!
They are the false MP’s in Parliament all pretending to be politicians .
All Clangers!
“UK must be open to Wales quitting union, says Welsh Government”
Al Beeb and the EU would love this . They would be happy to see the UK broken up and subjected to an undemocratic Euro Dictatorship . This of course would be the end of the British Parliament.
Better still, lets have a referendum to abolish the Welsh Assembly , the ‘White Elephant’ of Wales .
HYS Comments could be going better EG ………..”Let’s have another referendum on Welsh devolution please, close down the Welsh windbag Parliament. “
aye Taffman..agreed – take ’em to the bridge!
..mostly useless tossers in a bullshit Assembly that costs much more than it’s worth (imo)
Last weekend Hull MP Karl Turner had just done his video stunt against Dominic Cummings
Politicalite then ran two stories against him
#1 MP who attacked Dominic Cummings Incited VIOLENCE Against Brexiteers
and this one,
on Twitter no one seemed to deny either of the articles.
“A Labour shadow minister has denied behaving inappropriately or acting in a misogynistic manner after he was alleged to have slapped a woman’s buttocks.
Shadow transport minister Karl Turner is also reported to have made comments about the woman’s breasts, after she had a double mastectomy.”
generally regarded as a nasty piece of work..in fact a total Khant!
Lucy Pevensey
Probably Al Beeb employees.
I’m stuck for words..
..’er actually no ..
Sorry – deleted – fedup2
We used to be glued to the telly
Mr D wants to know what glue ER are using as he can never find a glue that really works. I was in favour of testing the glue with the idiot who said he had glued himself to a plane. He should have been told that the plane was taking off whether he was attached or not and we could have discovered how good the glue was.
Must be the using Silvie wallpaper adhesive
aw soz Fedup..
W a nkers
any good?
No worry – I understand the sentiment ….
Yorks Post
Motorists have been warned of road closures in Dewsbury town centre this weekend ahead of a far-right demonstration.
Far-right group Yorkshire Patriots are planning to march in the town centre on Saturday.
The protest, which is due to start at noon and continue until 4pm, will also be joined by counter-demonstrators
Oh and earlier I saw a tweet from a victim saying she will be at a match in Telford
BBC America complete with commercials –
There is a degree of poetic irony to this.
Time for another busy thread …
Beeboid has a crush
His last 2 blogposts have been about Saint Greta