Disgusting (Pt2). The ‘People’s Vote’ march is just an excuse for a vile, threatening cesspit of bad losers to vent their rage. I voted Remain but have nothing but contempt for them. https://t.co/Ta28bTwhzk
Abbott’s side playing the victim
by saying that Danny Tommo’s bolshy questioning amounts to harassment
#1 She’s not with a child
#2 He’s not being shouty aggressive
It’s like being in that Groundhog Day film – and perhaps it’s time to stop taking the farce too seriously ….. because this is likely to go on until the next election due in 2022. Bercow will stay until then and announce /renounce his retirement every 3 months .
The state broadcaster billed the Saturday sitting as a ‘big day; and it was expected that someone would distinguish themselves as a great parliamentarian . Instead we got the grieve letwin Benn conspiracy to show how three swamp dwellers could prolong the suffering – again .
BBC Arts editor, the egg-headed Will Gompertz on Booker Prize joint winner Bernardine Evaristo’s novel “Girl, Woman, Other” :
‘So, chapter one starts with Amma, a middle-aged, politically engaged lesbian theatre-maker whose latest play is about to be staged at the National Theatre…’
As ever, busy bringing the arts to the common people eh, BBC?
I wonder how the BBC will play the EU Deal Bill vote that wasn’t a EU Deal Bill vote. Chris Mason, new Chair of Any Questions, and forced to do double duty today was very honest on 6pm R4 News with the ‘What happens now with Brexit?’ question.
“We don’t know.”
Norman Smith will be positive no doubt. Do I understand he’s had a BBC promotion to placate him for being overlooked in favour of Part-time? He’ll say Boris has got to go to Brussels.
I have been in two minds over buying some fireworks (would not normally waste the money) for a 31 October ‘celebration’ or for consolation at the start of a ‘wake’.
Found myself wondering about the things the BBC have been reporting about fireworks and the fact that one supermarket has said it will ban them in future. The reasons given are interesting.
Are we being propagandised by the BBC?
After all, there were veterans back from wars and pets in houses in all the years past up to and including 2018.
This was brought up on Final Score on BBC1 earlier – FA Cup Fourth Round Qualifier between Haringey Borough and Yeovil Town. The Haringey manager took his team off the pitch amid accusations of racism against his goalkeeper. That these incidents seem to cause copycats shows the level of idiocy of these people.
However, as Jason Mohammed said on Final Score, “You’ll be hearing more about this later in the evening.”
Oh, we believe you Jason, we believe you. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/50111754
\\Boris Johnson has said he will press on “undaunted” with Brexit on 31 October, despite losing a crunch Commons vote.//
OK, here is a simple answer for Parliament to sort their mess out – Another referendum!
‘Leave with Boris’s Deal’ or ‘Leave without a deal’ .
The Nation has already voted to leave .
Simples .
“Boris Johnson has sent a request to the EU for a delay to Brexit – but without his signature.”
‘The Great Game’ continues …………….
On who’s side does the MI5 and GCHQ take ?
The Crown, The Prime Minister , The MOD, our armed forces and democracy, or ………
Al Beeb , the media, Corbyn , career politicians and the European Union ?
‘The proof of the pudding’ will be in the eating.
“‘The Great Game’ continues …………….
On who’s side does the MI5 and GCHQ take ?”
Well, they sure will not want to blot their copybook with their potential (assuming the WA is passed at some stage) forthcoming new masters in Brussels.
“26-year-old man who was arrested after a shopping centre was sealed off has been detained under the Mental Health Act.”
Another one of those ‘men’ with mental issues again ?
Any description of the attacker ?
This latest incident raises the question: either a certain ‘religion’ attracts a disproportionate number of violent people with mental problems, or it turns normal folk into violent people with mental problems.
Either way it’s hardly a ringing endorsement.
Strangely, no other religion seems to have that effect on its followers.
After today’s debacle in the Clown House the only options left now according to Al Beeb we have one of three ways to go ……………..
1 Delay
2 No-Deal Brexit
3 Vote of No Confidence
My Choice not shown on Al Beeb , a General Election. How many MPs would be out of a job?
It shows the #DoubleStandardLaw in #Orwellian #Britain2019
– Vandalism of a Church is just vandalism so is a low crime
– Vandalism of a mosque is not just counted as vandalism it is counted as a HATE crime
… ..so bad lad Kevin Crehan got a year in jail for tying bacon to a mosque door .. after 5 months died in prison December 27, 2016 .. no official explanation was given for more than a year and a half ..
Then 23 MAY 2018 it was reported “A post mortem examination heard he had died of a suspected overdose of methadone, ”
After 2 years the Inquest found the prison authorities at fault.
“Vandalism of a mosque is not just counted as vandalism it is counted as a HATE crime …so ‘bad lad’ Kevin Crehan got a year in jail for tying bacon to a mosque door”
Good grief, this is just pathetic.
Kevin Crehan was one of four people who pleaded guilty to a racially aggravated attack . He and his chums didn’t ‘just’ tie raw bacon to a mosque door; they threw at worshipers whilst shouting racial abuse.
He was rewarded with a custodial sentence because of his previous convictions.
Hey Maxicony, did you sign up to the anti racist so ( called) FB site to mock him and his family after he was killed? About your level, when you are not fisting in public toilets.
The usual misrepresentation & dramaqueening from maxincony
As ever his arguments can be refuted, we have wasted time checking up on what he’s said so many times and found he habitually over states
but he argues in bad faith, just come here to sling some mud
I’d of course condemn frightening innocent Muslims, just as I’d condemn church vandals,
but see how Maxi mentions nothing about the church vandals.
Also Crehan did NOT plead guilty to an “racially aggravated attack ”
He plead guilty to “religiously aggravated public order offence.”
“In a five minute hearing at Bristol Crown Court he pleaded guilty to the charge, accepting a religiously aggravated offence to cause Nasir Ahmed harassment, alarm or distress”
“During the incident on 17 January, the group shouted racial abuse at a member of the mosque
and tied a St George’s flag to the fence of the Jamia Mosque.”
ie there was a protest and no physical damage was done, unlike the church vandalism
Now if Crehan had done a Vegan protest saying “No to Meat” outside a McDonalds had tied rashers of cabbage to the doors and shouted at the manager,
… staff and clientele would likely be offended by such an action
He might have even been charged with an crime.
Can you honestly expect that he would have received a year in jail ?
Sorry to be flippant, but that picture looks like some kind of nightmare Muslim re-make of The Brady Bunch:
“They were twelve men,
Living all together,
But they were all alone.”
Maxi, seeing as you are here again, please may I have the apology you owe me for being completely right about the Pogrom programme when you were completely wrong. Ta.
One for Al Beeb to answer I think ?
How on earth did all the nations of the British Empire gain independence ?
Perhaps the EU will kick us out of the ‘European Empire’ ?
This past few months I’ve definitely developed a non binary, non gender specific, person crush on Piers.
He has something sadly missing in great Britain these days, COMMON SENSE.
We trusted you & Tony Blair that Iraq had WMD. Your ‘mistake’ cost over a million lives including 179 members of U.K. armed forces, and wrecked the Middle East. So on balance, I really wouldn’t play the trust card if I were you. https://t.co/RftXQ9p3El
I won’t send a letter. Rather die in a ditch. said Boris.
Latest reports say he is now sending one!
What is going on. I thought he would have a plan B, C D etc.
Where are the pro- Brexit demonstrations? Where are the 17 million who voted leave?
There maybe be something wrong with my laptop in that I’m reading that the BBC, Guardian, and Gina Miller are running the country.
Oak, Well done for going on it. I wouldn’t trust Nigel Farage any time.
Why doesn’t he call out his ‘peoples army’ ? Because he has lost them.
The Brexit Party is not of the people, though the best option at the ballot box. Ukip’s predicament is quite precarious at the moment as the party has been sabotaged from within. Perhaps there is a potential mass movement there in the UK. I really don’t know it’s been five years since I was there. As an expat It’s not for me to urge people to actions.
But, I will come across if there is a planned march on London by the people of Britain. (I don’t mean one of those quicky things that Farage uses to try and bolster his own ego, and fails)
Dreadful news continues from UK. (Apart from the rugby)
Yass, you wouldn’t trust NF any time, but agree the Brexit party is the best option at the ballot box. But wasn’t it NF that kicked off the whole Brexit idea in the first place ? He may well be a divisive character, but he’s always stuck to his beliefs and will at least answer yes or no to a given question, unlike those clowns who are supposedly representing us.
As for all those idiots protesting for a second referendum, why doesn’t ANY journalist/reporter ask the question ? What if the majority voted to Leave again ? will it be the best of 3 ??
I don’t disagree with you at all Brissles. He did wonderful work.
However, he tripped over his own inflated ego too many times and turned on his own loyal supporters.
Anne Widdicome and Richard Tyce are impressive, and so are some of the others of TBP. Good. The anti-EU movement needs several strong spokesmen.
Also agree about the ‘idiots’ wanting a second referendum. Except I think there is more than idiocy at work there.
“Ukip’s predicament is quite precarious at the moment as the party has been sabotaged from within.” More, ‘death throes’ as I see it.
As a member, temporarily, I received an email yesterday telling me the police will be involved in the continuing disharmony within the leadership:
“It is with great difficulty that I (that’s one ‘Kirsten Herriot’ who?) write to inform you that I have been forced to take serious action against Richard Braine, Tony Sharp, Jeff Armstrong and Mark Dent who have now all been suspended from the Party.
Upon reviewing evidence, I have now made a report to the Police – Action Fraud Department for their part in an attempted theft of UKIP data which took place on Wednesday 16th October.”
Let it die, it’s finished. An existence of self-destructing leadership disputes is fitting on the epitaph.
Not my original idea but based on a meme.
The only extension we should be asking for is a British 3 pin 5 block 3m length one from B&Q sent via the Royal Mail.
I would have thought the ASA_UK had a policy
against advertisers using children for #EmotionalBlackmail
There’s a bloody smartmeter advert on “Thankyou, thankyou the children say”
An astounding ..4.5 million views ..that suggests to me that it has been pushed in schools or something
Yet only 29 likes .. that is kinda weird ..as if the view count is fake
Their previous video “I want to live in a world ..polar bears” video has 2.2m views
They released a new ad with Chris Packham last week .. earnest optimistic
232 views ..Youtube sick bag advised
Trying to guilt trip me into getting a smart meter
by using disabled children is really going to work well ????
@SmartEnergyGB . Your Channel 4 advert is awful.
Am appalled by latest Tesco ‘food love story’ too:
‘Daddy I don’t want to eat animals anymore’
… Highly emotive language to direct at children. video
“Smart Meter” ? A prime example of Male Bovine Excrement.
Who is going to sit and watch a meter all day long to find out what is using the most electricity ?
Its as daft as saying if you want to save energy , switch your mains off and stop using electricity .
Yep, that Tesco advert really irritates me. Young daughter (of colour, natch) comes in clearly having been indoctrinated at school and has her whim immediately acquiesced to by weak father.
Though is probably a parable of our time and explains why so many youngsters today stamp their feet, shout and obstruct whenever they don’t get their way. Such as XR or Brexit.
Just as an aside, re tv adverts (again). I believe I’ve lost my ‘humour’ gene. A current Nationwide advert shows a female comedienne strutting her stuff, and to much mirth says she can only wish to earn £50? in a beauty contest. She may not be a comic but a jobbing actress, but if people actually pay to see this stuff, then I give up.
Further evidence of my vanishing ‘gene’ is seeing some comic birk on Strictly, who continually makes me cringe with his attempt at humour at every opportunity, but apparently has a lengthy UK tour next year. One question, WHO tells these people they are funny ?
Well the very fact that they have attached the hashtag #StopBrexit is proof enough that it’s nothing to do with “this terrible deal” and no longer anything to do with no deal.
It is no blatantly a “stop Brexit full stop” agenda.
This is a traitor Parliament, end of.
Perceptive view by Rod Liddle in the Times this morning: “We have enjoyed democracy for so long that we perhaps take it for granted a bit — but it is a fragile thing, and dependent upon the co-operation of the losing side”. Nothing democratic about this Parliament.
Her father, James Moran was a diplomat for the European Union and its antecedents – Ms Moran was a teacher at the International School of Brussels …Anyone detect a bit of non UK bias…
yes Smug and out of touch except with Brussels…
Back in the days before parliaments had regular sittings they often acquired names such as ‘The long parliament’ ‘The barebones parliament’ and my favourite ‘The addled parliament’.
Let the present monstrosity be forever known as ‘The traitor parliament’ from this day forth.
Let the names of the traitors be known so they may reek for eternity.
I found this story on Breitbart, which references the BBC as it’s source. They are giving credit to the LGBT “community” for the decision not to renew the lease for this ‘Christian’ chicken shop chain.
However, I have a strong suspicion that this is another case of BBC bias/lies by omission.
After all, which “community” has the most “British” chicken shops?
Which “community” would be most likely to object to Christian chicken shops?
Are Christian chicken shops ever likely to sell ‘halal’ chicken?
Never mind chickens. I smell a rat.
“By the same token they should shut down all the Muslim-owned kebab shops, considering that Muslims also consider homosexuality to be immoral and wrong. But of course they wouldn’t dare.”
Well this is just mob-justice
#1 If you don’t like a businesses politics you are free to shop elsewhere
#2 .. however you are not free to obstruct me from going in
#3 You are not free to and intimidate their landlord
.. that is mafia like behaviour
#4 If Chick-fil-A have broken the law
.. then that is a matter for the justice system
not vigilantes.
Looks like that LGBT group are acting like mafia heavies
they just turn up at the landlord of a business , put their baseball bats on the counter
and say you’d better turf that business cos they donated to some charities we didn’t like 3 years ago.
That’s an unwise precedent.
If there was an American super-Christian town and Christian-activists turned up at the landlord of a business and said you’d better turf that business out cos they donated to a Gay Pride march 3 years ago
…would that be OK ?
Paul Homewood and the Rebel
… are calling out BBC producer Rob Liddell,
for helping Saint Greta interfere in the Canadian election and help Jussie Trudeau
ROB Liddell (not to be confused with good old Rod Liddle )
is a BBC producer of science programmes, who apparently is making a documentary about her. direct link to minute 7 where Liddell features
‘And here, in Pannick’s words, is the preview for what may happen next week – the peer and QC said, ‘That would be an interesting Supreme Court case.’ .. stage is set
Unsurprisingly, given what's happened tonight, many of govt's opponents are furious about his approach to sending letter to Tusk, with his own extra correspondence – as it happens, Lord Pannick who beat the govt in Supreme Court case talked about possibilities earlier…
Generalising from the particular, it seems that if a lefty-liberal person is being interviewed the BBC journalist/presenter remains in interviewer mode. On the other hand if a conservative is being interviewed said journalist/presenter switches to combatant mode with long strings of arguments plus numerous interruptions of the adversary.
Yes I expect little ol Lady Shelob – our mealy mouthed, progressive, posturing friend from the “supreme” court of Injustice will even as we speak, be practicing her smartarse Brexit put downs in front of the mirror and buffing her latest ridiculous arachnid broach.
Maybe a Deer Tick would be more relevant for her. Spiders actually perform a useful function in the animal kingdom.
In response to yet another recent stabbing, the Met said it had arrested six people, aged 14-18, on suspicion of murder.
“Those arrested are a 17-year-old boy from Coulsdon, a 14-year-old boy from Southwark, two 15-year-old boys from Camberwell, an 18-year-old man from Stockwell and a 17-year-old boy, also from Stockwell.”
Southwark, Camberwell, Stockwell… all delightfully diverse and vibrant districts. Perhaps a tad too vibrant.
I had a chuckle on reading the RBC News page where one of the correspondents was quoting an PM accusing the PM of childishness.
Childishness is inevitable when parliament won’t man up and choose a PM it can support and instead uses legislature to control the executive it says it doesn’t like.
I’ve not changed my mind it’s all our fault for not voting UKIP in 2017 instead relying on parties who campaigned to remain in the EU. We’ll know next time?
Letwin is just another of those inconsequential MPs who have their few moments in the spotlight and then, when the course of events overtake them, they are consigned to obscurity. He might make a small footnote in some future history of these feverish times but, beyond that, his only claim to fame will be earning someone an extra £250 on Pointless.
Ezra replied “Omigod stop lying. NASA didn’t even recruit astronauts until you were twelve.
This is like when you said you were named after Edmund Hillary, the man who first climbed Everest.
Except that happened six years after you were born.”
Someone adds Hillary was born in October 1947. NASA was formed October 1958.
First US manned spaceflight 1961. Teenagers are not little girls.
A Guardian article in August 2018 said Clinton has often told a story about writing to Nasa as a *teenager*, asking how she could become an astronaut.
She said she received a letter back “saying they weren’t accepting women”
Halftime in the Wales/France rugby. I flick through the channels. Andrew Marr on bBBC.
Now I have completely stopped watching or listening to anything that the BAME-loving, Muslim-loving, straight white men-hating national disgrace of a broadcaster puts out, but I just couldn’t help myself. I clicked on Sky Channel 101.
You must remember that the programme is already at around the 20 minute mark. A woman sitting next to Marr says something (justifiably) derogatory about Bercow. Marr interrupts as you’d expect, and they cut to some footage of thousands of people marching through Londonistan yesterday.
The first shot focuses on someone carrying a banner which talks about environmental concerns. The second shot focuses on 2 idiots carrying EU flags.
Of all the hundreds and thousands of people they could have focused on?
So I go straight back to the rugby. After 30 seconds.
“Transgender athlete Rachel McKinnon defended her sprint title at the Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Manchester.
“The 37-year-old, competing in the female 35-39 sprint category, had set a new world best time in qualifying.”
She’s also the first “women’s” cyclist to compete with two helmets.
Quite. However, isn’t the bbbc being a bit ‘trans-bogus’ on the gender reference? If the cyclist is trans-gender, why would ze be referred to as ‘he’ or ‘she’? Isn’t ze supposed to be called ‘ze’ now? Or is it ‘zie’? Sorry it’s only Sunday and I haven’t updated myself on the most up to date hip pronouns. Too busy ‘chillaxing’. Futhermore, shouldn’t there be a specific race category for ..urr…zem?
This is a whinge about not just the racist far-left bbc.
When did we become a people who are forever asking others “how are you”? I’ve just been listening to Nigel Farage on LBC and just about everyone who calls in starts by asking this question. Is asking the question some kind of NLP (neurolinguistic programming) or have people been brainwashed by the TV programmes they watch? In my earlier years, I don’t recall this fatuous question being asked each time I met someone, so what’s happened in the intervening years? I just wish it would stop.
I agree, I listen to Nigel on LBC weeknights 6 -7 and this morning, they always ask how is is, hes very polite but must get brassed off with it. I think it’s a modern day feely, touchy thing.
In relation to MPs with big egos within the aptly named Traitor Parliament (Dystopian and Yasser above), this article points out their ignorance and irrelevance within the great scheme, as well as their continued inability to tackle Whitehall.
Listening to Keir Starmer on Andrew Marr, essentially Labour don’t want to ‘take back control’, they want us to be forever bound into the EU ‘to protect workers’ rights’ (from their fellow UK citizens!).
Perhaps they should speak to the non-working youth of Spain and Italy before deciding to lock us into the EU?
This is what pees me off…nobody seems to push the situation in the majority of these countries under EU control…
having had a conversation yesterday with a Remainer friend who is very smart – I asked him for the reasons he voted to remain and he gave me opinions – so asked for the reason not his opinions and he admitted when asked like that he couldn’t give me any…
People like him (and he is a good friend) don’t want to look at simple statistics but love going to these places….
It is so frustrating…
For Labour its not what’s right or wrong. It’s not being in or out of the EU.
It’s about getting into power at ANY cost and disregarding the country and its population.
After all it’s been over 9 years since they were last in a position to decimated the economy as they routinely do.
It’s still a good number but sadly 17.02 million short of being significant to anything. What is more significant is my local Tescos have Avocados marked down from 37p to 25p. Not a bad price but I thought they looked rather small.
This is the sort of information the great BBC should be able to calculate with all their equipment – paid for by us….
Excellent analysis but in the land of Liberalness 52% is less than 48% and so 78000 is more than 1 milllion
I saw the last few minutes. It looked a cracking game with both sides completely drained. I’m sure I saw a bbbc reporter in the crowd still standing with his beer glass half-empty though.
I totally agree a new referendum is the only way of settling this Brexit mess. If the Leavers are so sure they’d win again what are they worried about.
— Jayne Harris #FansAgainstVAR (@TheAdmiral2153e) October 20, 2019
People like Jayne infuriate me to high heaven !!! Not worried at all Jayne, BUT we WON so why the hell should we have another vote !!!!!! Other way round Jayne and you’d be saying exactly the same !!!
Does Jayne have the same attitude to the death penalty? If potential murderers are worried, don’t commit murder. I’m good with that but I bet she wouldn’t be.
Does make you wonder what a referendum ballot paper would look like. They would probably spend three years in parliament debating the exact wording of the question to be posed, before voting it out.
Now that Boris Johnson has requested a new #Brexit extension(ish) – will EU say yes or no? Might they offer a long or a short extension? My latest thoughts from Brussels /1 https://t.co/Dte6Row0mG
Earlier, I had raised this point. Subsequent articles bear out that observation.
It would probably be illuminating to do a study conting the number of BBC articles showing a picture of just the EU flag and those showing just the Union Flag. I suspect it would show a balance similar to the BBC’s Question Time panels.
That’s more and more career politicians then? Our Parliament is full of them sprinkled with a good helping of actors that have never done a real job in their lives.
What these nascent swamp rats haven’t yet understood is that once we are free of the EU shackles, we will need a much better calibre of public servant than we’ve had for the past 40 or so years. Politics won’t be the gravy train for tokens and beta males and substandard intellects. And traitors.
They’d better serve our country and have a happier life if they learned a trade so they can help rebuild our nation for the citizens of our nation and not the flotsam and jetsam of the world.
We’ve had our fill of useless eaters and parasites.
The BBC has finally morphed into a media organization which
has decided that it’s outlook on diverse, transgender, racial,
feminist,political ,women sports . Brexit issues are the ones
they must educate us on . And like BIG BROTHER in 1984 they
must be obeyed.
All I can think is that the hierarchy of the BBC is now under
the control of transgender followers of Jeremy Corbyn.
I will make a prediction that by five years time in “Strictly”
White male contestants will not be allowed to dance with white
professional female dancers. That’s if any white male contestants are
allowed to compete. We will see men dancing with men. Women
dancing with women.The Judges will no longer even have any
gay white males. They will be replaced with transgender judges.
Of course at least 25% of the contestants will have to have some
kind of disability.
Match of the Day on Saturday night will no longer feature Premiership football. Expect to see the top netball game played on
the day played between Long Jane Silvers X1 ( Jane used to be John) verses a BBC liberal bigots women’s X1. Captained by any
one of a plethora of today’s political presenters.
They have already started on the agenda…. as from next year men will dance with men and women with women, the announcement came a few weeks ago.They always try to have disabled, bme and LGBT dancers etc. So they are ahead of you. I stopped watching it last year. Cannot stand being preached to and my hero was Fred Astaire, a master of dance. if you can find it on utube there is a video of him dancing with a young Rita Heywood,absolutely fantastic, he moves as if hes made of rubber. I saw the video on Memory Lane on Spotlight TV. Watch it if you can, puts strictly in the shade.
I too have given up on Strictly this year. Had no clue who the contestants are with the exception of Cracknell and Annika Rice (I think she is in it but not sure and don’t care). I used to enjoy the music but now with the BBC’s obsession with getting a younger audience I don’t even know what the music is. However I recently asked a Year 5 class how many watched Strictly because I wanted to explain about a man who in the 1920s enjoyed life and liked to tango dance. I was going to liken it to clubbing today. Only trouble was that only about 3 of the children were watching Strictly, so the BBC has obviously lost their family viewing on a Saturday night. Bye, bye BBC very soon.
Parliament v The People.
Everyone who feels their MP has not carried out the will of the majority of voters in their constituency, as expressed in the referendum, now needs to take note.
There will be an election soon. Arrogant MPs, who have not understood how democracy works, need to be voted out. Hope-fully, their names won’t even appear on the ballot, anyway.
People like Letwin make me sick to the stomach. I think it’s the (aren’t I clever and powerful, dear voters, but you can always eat cake?) smugness.
For the best test on whether this new deal is any good, is whether we think Trump would have gone for it?
Definitely not.
Love him or hate him, Trump only wants the best for his country and hence would have thrown this piece of crap into the bin. If only our MP’s or ruling elite had half as much patriotism and belief in their country like he does.
But even the President is ham strung to some extent by RINOs Never ztrumpers with the Republican Party, the Democrats who will do whatever it takes , legal or not, to bring him down, the MSM who do as the Dems tell them and the rest of the swamp. Any British PM has the same constraints. I agree that Trump is out to drain the swamp and needs to because they are out to get him. Whereas Boris is a ‘ country member’ of the swamp who has gone rogue on just the single issue of Brexit. We can only hope that the extreme unrelenting bias of the BBC towards Brexit and him personall prompts him to get rid of them if he ever gets a secure majority as PM. He who delivers Brexit ( even if a flawed Brexit) and the head of the BBC on a platter with an apple in its foul mouth, will surely be blessed for all time.
I’d have more respect for Boris though if he came out and admitted that these deals were trash and counter productive to the UK’s best interests. So while Trump is hampered, you at least know where he stands.
This is a bit complicated (for me anyway) but seems to be correct.
The BBC has a duty to inform but (so far) I haven’t seen this referred to –
Hola there is your unroll: Thread by @BarristersHorse: "THREAD: JUST TO BE CLEAR ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED SATURDAY 1. I'm looking at twitter and there's a lot of smoke & mirrors […]" https://t.co/Gmxfx7vbn4 Enjoy 🙂 ????
The Prime Minister must seek to obtain from the European Council an extension of the period under Article 50(3) of the Treaty on European Union ending at 11.00pm on 31 October 2019 by sending to the President of the European Council a letter in the form set out in the Schedule to this Act requesting an extension of that period to 11.00pm on 31 January 2020 in order to debate and pass a Bill to implement the agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union under Article 50(2) of the Treaty on European Union, including provisions reflecting the outcome of inter-party talks as announced by the Prime Minister on 21 May 2019, and in particular the need for the United Kingdom to secure changes to the political declaration to reflect the outcome of those inter-party talks
I think BoJo has discharged his duty re the letter . I suppose this week the traitors will come up with a further series of amendments/ acts which will be rubber stamped to frustrate the so called deal .
They have already started on the agenda…. as from next year men will dance with men and women with women, the announcement came a few weeks ago.They always try to have disabled, bme and LGBT dancers etc. So they are ahead of you. I stopped watching it last year. Cannot stand being preached to and my hero was Fred Astaire, a master of dance. if you can find it on utube there is a video of him dancing with a young Rita Heywood,absolutely fantastic, he moves as if hes made of rubber. I saw the video on Memory Lane on Spotlight TV. Watch it if you can, puts strictly in the shade.
The fat presenter spent Saturday afternoon at Westminster with the few thousand fools protesting against the democratic vote for brexit z He complained that he had difficulty finding anyone who didn’t work for the state broadcaster . He got plenty of anti brexit soundbites from these traitors .
Then he interviews comrade Clive Lewis – MP from ‘ socialism not brexit’ . Clive doesn’t want a general election because it will be about one issue .
But he does want another referendum .
Ladies and gentlemen – implicit in the admission that a general election would be about Brexit to me comrade Clive is admitting the Remainers would lose – hence not wanting one
Implicit in the wish for another referendum is the opinion that the question can be fixed so that we cannot leave without a deal .
What I’ve written is my read -but the bias by omission is that the Mardell didn’t put this to comrade Lewis -it’s just too far against the biased narrative of these traitors .
By the way – can I suggest the 3am troll just be ignored instead of responded too ? He put a question to me a couple of weeks ago . I responded giving the answer. I invited him to acknowledge what I wrote . It took me 5 minutes . I got no reply from the troll . So can I suggest he be ignored ? He’s just a waste of space looking to get some response so that he thinks he has some value .
Celtic – thanks for the vid . Unfortunately I have to disagree with the lady because she claims that their parliament is one of the best in the world .
Well clearly it isn’t now and never was . It had only represented vested interests as opposed to the ‘ people’ . It’s bloated and weighed down by false traditions and procedures .
So when something like brexit comes along we see just how rotten it is . There is no fair representation. small groups like the SNP and DUP can hold large numbers of ( English ) constituencies to ransom – just look at the population sizes . Not too sure that the UK has much value to the English .
Katie sums up the mad position of the state broadcaster . It favours Islam and queers to the exclusion of normal people – yet alone those who follow the official state religion . Yet the two preferred ‘ minorities ‘ are exclusive of each other and I understand that the Muslim lot are meant to kill the other lot to comply with the teaching of their book .
So Katie makes the point . I’m surprised she hasn’t given up on Britain and found a country where freedom is protected – namely America .
( I’m still using ‘ state broadcaster ‘ because I don’t see that organisation as ‘ British ‘ any more )
She might have added: what is the plan for Jews, Christians, Atheists, Secularists and Agnostics, Women, Apostates, 9-year-old girls, believers in free speech and the right to criticise evil ideologies, believers in the rule of secular law and secular education, etc etc?
Yep, the trans cyclist’s body-build looks completely indistinguishable from the girls either side (the two who are pretending to smile). I have absolutely no doubt it was a fair contest.
Here’s a good one – Andrew Roberts – a historian writing ‘ from the Right ‘ writes in the Mail today that there needs to be an independent inquiry into all aspects of what has gone on with brexit in the last 4 years – or 5 if it ever gets done .
He says that big inquiries have been done after similar national humiliations across the last 100 years or so .
Maybe a good idea !?
However – who would chair it ?
Who would agree it’s terms of ref?
Who would agree outcomes and
Recommendations ?
I fear it would just be a lawyers jamboree similar to the ridiculous Bloody Sunday nonsense and would n’t change anything . Unless of course there was a Right wing government with a bit of common sense and dare I say it – wisdom – about it .. dream on .
IMHO it would open ‘a can of worms’. That’s what our so called parliament could be afraid of?
If there is a general election and The Brexit Party were in power, we would be rid of The EU and could hold an inquiry into the background of our politicians .
Every mornin’ at the mine you could see him arrive
He stood six-foot-six and weighed two-forty-five
Kinda broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip
And everybody knew ya didn’t give no lip
to big John
(Big John, big John)
Big bad John (big John)
Rest assured, no matter how far fetched the anti brexit angle, the BBC will find it !!!! What a joke story . Clearly not a businessman who can adapt , he’s only had nearly 4 years to give it some thought !!!!!
Rob Tanner is on the cusp of winding up his 19-year-old business, SEA Oxford. He takes parties of Europeans – mainly teachers – sightseeing to some of the UK’s most popular tourist hotspots such as Stonehenge and Bath.t
Lol – who knew Stonehenge and Bath will disappear when we leave the EU !!!!!
Maybe he should have targeted the non Europeans like the Chinese. Sounds like he closed his business because times had changed and Europeans could find their own way around Blightly…funny that.
Just another remoaner – probably lives with a BBC employee – yes I am cynical of this story, mind you looking at his website he is/was still living in the 90s
Just seen that on the web-site after reading your post. Thought occurs: I wonder if that story will end up having to be re-written or corrected like that accidental border crossing from Canada to the USA?
tomoMar 6, 09:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 The likelihood that similar is going on here is a slam dunk certainty…. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1897534108982526275
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSCCsDXCmgusoKmOKAV8J8hzqUthA2tS31S5g&s[/img]
tomoMar 6, 09:56 Midweek 5th March 2025 Free Buckfast Tonic Wine has to be next? [img]https://i.ibb.co/twQXv1rg/Free-Crack-pipes-NHS-jockland.jpg[/img]
Mrs KittyMar 6, 09:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’m thinking his parents were/are quite wealthy with connections, he committed offences in China and ended up in the U.K.…
Mrs KittyMar 6, 09:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 So good I keep rewatching it. Especially the sucked lemon lips.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Doughboy – if Ukraine embraces diversity it can win? ……………… “About us The first duty of the government is to…
DoughboyMar 6, 09:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/2022857/Channel-migrants-Labour-asylum-smugglers-boats Don’t see this on the Bbbc, how on earth are we going to keep Russians out of Ukraine with…
Fedup2Mar 6, 09:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 I look at the front page of the Guardian every so often – today they’ve got a headline ‘Trump turning…
AlthepalerpMar 6, 09:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 The Gangs are having a busy March . . https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats-last-7-days
Fedup2Mar 6, 09:16 Midweek 5th March 2025 Surprised the Muslim convert William wasn’t down the mosque with his dad – he seems to be a worshipper of…
But remember folks, it’s the leavers who are the thick , racist thugs !!!
It isn’t Brexit, the left are always like this, predisposed to violence, and full of rage and hate.
ITV news have played a clip of Swinson
bit of blah blah
then Soubry
then Swinson again
I think we should go easy on ms abbot – I was like that after the second hour of Ian blackford’s speech ‘the people of Scotland …’
Abbott’s side playing the victim
by saying that Danny Tommo’s bolshy questioning amounts to harassment
#1 She’s not with a child
#2 He’s not being shouty aggressive
the word “moron” comes to mind..or maybe “mugabe”? (PBUH)
So JRM apparently wants to have a meaningful vote on Monday but the speaker is not happy about it. So that’s that not happening then !!!
Of course , if the remain camp want to do anything in the HOC it’s a free pass from the poison dwarf !!!!
It’s like being in that Groundhog Day film – and perhaps it’s time to stop taking the farce too seriously ….. because this is likely to go on until the next election due in 2022. Bercow will stay until then and announce /renounce his retirement every 3 months .
The state broadcaster billed the Saturday sitting as a ‘big day; and it was expected that someone would distinguish themselves as a great parliamentarian . Instead we got the grieve letwin Benn conspiracy to show how three swamp dwellers could prolong the suffering – again .
Sometimes you simply couldn’t make it up….
BBC Arts editor, the egg-headed Will Gompertz on Booker Prize joint winner Bernardine Evaristo’s novel “Girl, Woman, Other” :
‘So, chapter one starts with Amma, a middle-aged, politically engaged lesbian theatre-maker whose latest play is about to be staged at the National Theatre…’
As ever, busy bringing the arts to the common people eh, BBC?
I wonder how the BBC will play the EU Deal Bill vote that wasn’t a EU Deal Bill vote. Chris Mason, new Chair of Any Questions, and forced to do double duty today was very honest on 6pm R4 News with the ‘What happens now with Brexit?’ question.
“We don’t know.”
Norman Smith will be positive no doubt. Do I understand he’s had a BBC promotion to placate him for being overlooked in favour of Part-time? He’ll say Boris has got to go to Brussels.
I have been in two minds over buying some fireworks (would not normally waste the money) for a 31 October ‘celebration’ or for consolation at the start of a ‘wake’.
Found myself wondering about the things the BBC have been reporting about fireworks and the fact that one supermarket has said it will ban them in future. The reasons given are interesting.
Are we being propagandised by the BBC?
After all, there were veterans back from wars and pets in houses in all the years past up to and including 2018.
Why now?
This was brought up on Final Score on BBC1 earlier – FA Cup Fourth Round Qualifier between Haringey Borough and Yeovil Town. The Haringey manager took his team off the pitch amid accusations of racism against his goalkeeper. That these incidents seem to cause copycats shows the level of idiocy of these people.
However, as Jason Mohammed said on Final Score, “You’ll be hearing more about this later in the evening.”
Oh, we believe you Jason, we believe you.
\\Boris Johnson has said he will press on “undaunted” with Brexit on 31 October, despite losing a crunch Commons vote.//
OK, here is a simple answer for Parliament to sort their mess out – Another referendum!
‘Leave with Boris’s Deal’ or ‘Leave without a deal’ .
The Nation has already voted to leave .
Simples .
The BBC is basically a bunch of metro-liberals standing on top of tube train and spitting down their agendas at the rest of us
Tusk is waiting for his letter ?
Is Boris going to send one or will he go to jail?
I would gladly write a letter to tusk, if Boris doesnt want to.
It would consist of only two words
the second word is – you!
and its not “Love”
Sorry FE2 I am trying very hard to be good!
That’s OK oak – perhaps bojo has phoned up the EU and told them to just throw his letter in the bin …
9pm news reported that he says he will send one.
“Boris Johnson has sent a request to the EU for a delay to Brexit – but without his signature.”
‘The Great Game’ continues …………….
On who’s side does the MI5 and GCHQ take ?
The Crown, The Prime Minister , The MOD, our armed forces and democracy, or ………
Al Beeb , the media, Corbyn , career politicians and the European Union ?
‘The proof of the pudding’ will be in the eating.
“‘The Great Game’ continues …………….
On who’s side does the MI5 and GCHQ take ?”
Well, they sure will not want to blot their copybook with their potential (assuming the WA is passed at some stage) forthcoming new masters in Brussels.
“26-year-old man who was arrested after a shopping centre was sealed off has been detained under the Mental Health Act.”
Another one of those ‘men’ with mental issues again ?
Any description of the attacker ?
This latest incident raises the question: either a certain ‘religion’ attracts a disproportionate number of violent people with mental problems, or it turns normal folk into violent people with mental problems.
Either way it’s hardly a ringing endorsement.
Strangely, no other religion seems to have that effect on its followers.
“Any description of the attacker?”
I’m guessing Norwegian…
So that was Friday night
there was another knife guy arrested at the Arndale
That’s different to the black guy that stabbed 3 people 5 days ago
Twitter gives no description.
After today’s debacle in the Clown House the only options left now according to Al Beeb we have one of three ways to go ……………..
1 Delay
2 No-Deal Brexit
3 Vote of No Confidence
My Choice not shown on Al Beeb , a General Election. How many MPs would be out of a job?
Obviously the HateyNoHopers have dehumanised Gerrard Barren by slapping their boo-word label “far-right” on him
..but he does raise a good point
It shows the #DoubleStandardLaw in #Orwellian #Britain2019
– Vandalism of a Church is just vandalism so is a low crime
– Vandalism of a mosque is not just counted as vandalism it is counted as a HATE crime
… ..so bad lad Kevin Crehan got a year in jail for tying bacon to a mosque door .. after 5 months died in prison December 27, 2016 .. no official explanation was given for more than a year and a half ..
Then 23 MAY 2018 it was reported “A post mortem examination heard he had died of a suspected overdose of methadone, ”
After 2 years the Inquest found the prison authorities at fault.
The jury ruled it was not possible to say if it was an overdose or suicide
“Crehan was just a few weeks from being released from prison on licence.”
“Vandalism of a mosque is not just counted as vandalism it is counted as a HATE crime …so ‘bad lad’ Kevin Crehan got a year in jail for tying bacon to a mosque door”
Good grief, this is just pathetic.
Kevin Crehan was one of four people who pleaded guilty to a racially aggravated attack . He and his chums didn’t ‘just’ tie raw bacon to a mosque door; they threw at worshipers whilst shouting racial abuse.
He was rewarded with a custodial sentence because of his previous convictions.
Hey Maxicony, did you sign up to the anti racist so ( called) FB site to mock him and his family after he was killed? About your level, when you are not fisting in public toilets.
The usual misrepresentation & dramaqueening from maxincony
As ever his arguments can be refuted, we have wasted time checking up on what he’s said so many times and found he habitually over states
but he argues in bad faith, just come here to sling some mud
I’d of course condemn frightening innocent Muslims, just as I’d condemn church vandals,
but see how Maxi mentions nothing about the church vandals.
Also Crehan did NOT plead guilty to an “racially aggravated attack ”
He plead guilty to “religiously aggravated public order offence.”
“In a five minute hearing at Bristol Crown Court he pleaded guilty to the charge, accepting a religiously aggravated offence to cause Nasir Ahmed harassment, alarm or distress”
“During the incident on 17 January, the group shouted racial abuse at a member of the mosque
and tied a St George’s flag to the fence of the Jamia Mosque.”
ie there was a protest and no physical damage was done, unlike the church vandalism
Now if Crehan had done a Vegan protest saying “No to Meat” outside a McDonalds had tied rashers of cabbage to the doors and shouted at the manager,
… staff and clientele would likely be offended by such an action
He might have even been charged with an crime.
Can you honestly expect that he would have received a year in jail ?
A nation that can’t be bothered to defend itself, its religion and heritage, deserves what it gets.
The desecration took place in Keighley. Now why does that name ring a bell?
Oh yes, it was the scene of a muslim paedophile rape and grooming gang.
But then, where wasn’t?
“Keighley grooming case: ‘Arrogant’ Asian gang of 12 jailed for 130 years”
Sorry to be flippant, but that picture looks like some kind of nightmare Muslim re-make of The Brady Bunch:
“They were twelve men,
Living all together,
But they were all alone.”
I would advise those 3 down the left column not to go anywhere near Keighley.
Didn’t somebody once warn us what was happening in the town of Keighley about 15 years ago?And what did the BBC do about it? Oh yes this is what…
Yep, the beeb are much keener to ‘expose’ those objecting to the paedo grooming and rape than those committing it.
“..but he does raise a good point – ‘Can you imagine… if…’”
The bizarre and unbridled content of your, or Gerrard Von Batten’s, twisted imagination does not constitute; “a good point”.
When do you sleep?
@Rob … again Maxi was just slinging mud, and dismissing a proper argument
also when he throws out accusations he’s probably projecting himself.
Maybe he’s not in the UK
or he’s working his night taxi job.
Maxi, seeing as you are here again, please may I have the apology you owe me for being completely right about the Pogrom programme when you were completely wrong. Ta.
One for Al Beeb to answer I think ?
How on earth did all the nations of the British Empire gain independence ?
Perhaps the EU will kick us out of the ‘European Empire’ ?
How much were those countries required to pay to the UK ?
£39bn each ??
Rather than wait for the EU to kick us out I’d much rather just jump out. It would save so much time.
This past few months I’ve definitely developed a non binary, non gender specific, person crush on Piers.
He has something sadly missing in great Britain these days, COMMON SENSE.
I won’t send a letter. Rather die in a ditch. said Boris.
Latest reports say he is now sending one!
What is going on. I thought he would have a plan B, C D etc.
Where are the pro- Brexit demonstrations? Where are the 17 million who voted leave?
There maybe be something wrong with my laptop in that I’m reading that the BBC, Guardian, and Gina Miller are running the country.
I went to one last year, there were only a few thousand of us and the Daily Mail and Nige said we were all far right racists
Oak, Well done for going on it. I wouldn’t trust Nigel Farage any time.
Why doesn’t he call out his ‘peoples army’ ? Because he has lost them.
The Brexit Party is not of the people, though the best option at the ballot box. Ukip’s predicament is quite precarious at the moment as the party has been sabotaged from within. Perhaps there is a potential mass movement there in the UK. I really don’t know it’s been five years since I was there. As an expat It’s not for me to urge people to actions.
But, I will come across if there is a planned march on London by the people of Britain. (I don’t mean one of those quicky things that Farage uses to try and bolster his own ego, and fails)
Dreadful news continues from UK. (Apart from the rugby)
Yass, you wouldn’t trust NF any time, but agree the Brexit party is the best option at the ballot box. But wasn’t it NF that kicked off the whole Brexit idea in the first place ? He may well be a divisive character, but he’s always stuck to his beliefs and will at least answer yes or no to a given question, unlike those clowns who are supposedly representing us.
As for all those idiots protesting for a second referendum, why doesn’t ANY journalist/reporter ask the question ? What if the majority voted to Leave again ? will it be the best of 3 ??
I don’t disagree with you at all Brissles. He did wonderful work.
However, he tripped over his own inflated ego too many times and turned on his own loyal supporters.
Anne Widdicome and Richard Tyce are impressive, and so are some of the others of TBP. Good. The anti-EU movement needs several strong spokesmen.
Also agree about the ‘idiots’ wanting a second referendum. Except I think there is more than idiocy at work there.
good point Brissles..but 2 consecutive “leave” results would need 3 more “Remain” referendum results to alter things in a “best of”.
so…best of 5 anyone?..like men’s tennis at Wimbledon then… pass the Pimms dear.
“Ukip’s predicament is quite precarious at the moment as the party has been sabotaged from within.” More, ‘death throes’ as I see it.
As a member, temporarily, I received an email yesterday telling me the police will be involved in the continuing disharmony within the leadership:
“It is with great difficulty that I (that’s one ‘Kirsten Herriot’ who?) write to inform you that I have been forced to take serious action against Richard Braine, Tony Sharp, Jeff Armstrong and Mark Dent who have now all been suspended from the Party.
Upon reviewing evidence, I have now made a report to the Police – Action Fraud Department for their part in an attempted theft of UKIP data which took place on Wednesday 16th October.”
Let it die, it’s finished. An existence of self-destructing leadership disputes is fitting on the epitaph.
May I suggest that the overwhelming feeling of being emasculated resonates throughout most of the public.
Not my original idea but based on a meme.
The only extension we should be asking for is a British 3 pin 5 block 3m length one from B&Q sent via the Royal Mail.
I would have thought the ASA_UK had a policy
against advertisers using children for #EmotionalBlackmail
There’s a bloody smartmeter advert on “Thankyou, thankyou the children say”
An astounding ..4.5 million views ..that suggests to me that it has been pushed in schools or something
Yet only 29 likes .. that is kinda weird ..as if the view count is fake
Their previous video “I want to live in a world ..polar bears”
video has 2.2m views
They released a new ad with Chris Packham last week .. earnest optimistic
232 views ..Youtube sick bag advised
Trying to guilt trip me into getting a smart meter
by using disabled children is really going to work well ????
@SmartEnergyGB . Your Channel 4 advert is awful.
Am appalled by latest Tesco ‘food love story’ too:
‘Daddy I don’t want to eat animals anymore’
… Highly emotive language to direct at children.
“pushed in schools”. . . Well spotted Stew.
I believe the voice over on those ads is by lefty luvvie Maxine Peake.
“Smart Meter” ? A prime example of Male Bovine Excrement.
Who is going to sit and watch a meter all day long to find out what is using the most electricity ?
Its as daft as saying if you want to save energy , switch your mains off and stop using electricity .
Yep, that Tesco advert really irritates me. Young daughter (of colour, natch) comes in clearly having been indoctrinated at school and has her whim immediately acquiesced to by weak father.
Though is probably a parable of our time and explains why so many youngsters today stamp their feet, shout and obstruct whenever they don’t get their way. Such as XR or Brexit.
“probably a parable of our time”
If we are so worried about making the world right for our children; was loading them up with £2tn of debt such a good idea?
That’ll give them wriggle room…still so long as we can keep paying ourselves.
Just as an aside, re tv adverts (again). I believe I’ve lost my ‘humour’ gene. A current Nationwide advert shows a female comedienne strutting her stuff, and to much mirth says she can only wish to earn £50? in a beauty contest. She may not be a comic but a jobbing actress, but if people actually pay to see this stuff, then I give up.
Further evidence of my vanishing ‘gene’ is seeing some comic birk on Strictly, who continually makes me cringe with his attempt at humour at every opportunity, but apparently has a lengthy UK tour next year. One question, WHO tells these people they are funny ?
Boris Johnson will send a letter to the EU by 00:00 BST to request a Brexit delay – but he will not sign it
Talk about smug and out of touch
Well the very fact that they have attached the hashtag #StopBrexit is proof enough that it’s nothing to do with “this terrible deal” and no longer anything to do with no deal.
It is no blatantly a “stop Brexit full stop” agenda.
This is a traitor Parliament, end of.
As often is the case, the Germans have a good word for those two. Backpfeifengesichter.
Roland. Excellent German, something missing from my limited knowledge, where Büstenhalter provoked giggles.
Perceptive view by Rod Liddle in the Times this morning: “We have enjoyed democracy for so long that we perhaps take it for granted a bit — but it is a fragile thing, and dependent upon the co-operation of the losing side”. Nothing democratic about this Parliament.
The Spitting Image puppet makers couldn’t have done a better job on these two.
Her father, James Moran was a diplomat for the European Union and its antecedents – Ms Moran was a teacher at the International School of Brussels …Anyone detect a bit of non UK bias…
yes Smug and out of touch except with Brussels…
Back in the days before parliaments had regular sittings they often acquired names such as ‘The long parliament’ ‘The barebones parliament’ and my favourite ‘The addled parliament’.
Let the present monstrosity be forever known as ‘The traitor parliament’ from this day forth.
Let the names of the traitors be known so they may reek for eternity.
I found this story on Breitbart, which references the BBC as it’s source. They are giving credit to the LGBT “community” for the decision not to renew the lease for this ‘Christian’ chicken shop chain.
However, I have a strong suspicion that this is another case of BBC bias/lies by omission.
After all, which “community” has the most “British” chicken shops?
Which “community” would be most likely to object to Christian chicken shops?
Are Christian chicken shops ever likely to sell ‘halal’ chicken?
Never mind chickens. I smell a rat.
Best response to the above and very true;
“By the same token they should shut down all the Muslim-owned kebab shops, considering that Muslims also consider homosexuality to be immoral and wrong. But of course they wouldn’t dare.”
Well this is just mob-justice
#1 If you don’t like a businesses politics you are free to shop elsewhere
#2 .. however you are not free to obstruct me from going in
#3 You are not free to and intimidate their landlord
.. that is mafia like behaviour
#4 If Chick-fil-A have broken the law
.. then that is a matter for the justice system
not vigilantes.
Looks like that LGBT group are acting like mafia heavies
they just turn up at the landlord of a business , put their baseball bats on the counter
and say you’d better turf that business cos they donated to some charities we didn’t like 3 years ago.
That’s an unwise precedent.
If there was an American super-Christian town and Christian-activists turned up at the landlord of a business and said you’d better turf that business out cos they donated to a Gay Pride march 3 years ago
…would that be OK ?
Did Chick-fil-A Help Fund an Anti-LGBT Death Penalty Law in Uganda? Nope
Paul Homewood and the Rebel
… are calling out BBC producer Rob Liddell,
for helping Saint Greta interfere in the Canadian election and help Jussie Trudeau
ROB Liddell (not to be confused with good old Rod Liddle )
is a BBC producer of science programmes, who apparently is making a documentary about her.
direct link to minute 7 where Liddell features
See Paul’s article
Four linked tweets ending –
‘And here, in Pannick’s words, is the preview for what may happen next week – the peer and QC said, ‘That would be an interesting Supreme Court case.’ .. stage is set
Good old “impartial” BBC there eh, Laura!
Other Beeblondes are available.
Generalising from the particular, it seems that if a lefty-liberal person is being interviewed the BBC journalist/presenter remains in interviewer mode. On the other hand if a conservative is being interviewed said journalist/presenter switches to combatant mode with long strings of arguments plus numerous interruptions of the adversary.
Yes I expect little ol Lady Shelob – our mealy mouthed, progressive, posturing friend from the “supreme” court of Injustice will even as we speak, be practicing her smartarse Brexit put downs in front of the mirror and buffing her latest ridiculous arachnid broach.
Maybe a Deer Tick would be more relevant for her. Spiders actually perform a useful function in the animal kingdom.
Ghastly old progressive crone
In response to yet another recent stabbing, the Met said it had arrested six people, aged 14-18, on suspicion of murder.
“Those arrested are a 17-year-old boy from Coulsdon, a 14-year-old boy from Southwark, two 15-year-old boys from Camberwell, an 18-year-old man from Stockwell and a 17-year-old boy, also from Stockwell.”
Southwark, Camberwell, Stockwell… all delightfully diverse and vibrant districts. Perhaps a tad too vibrant.
I had a chuckle on reading the RBC News page where one of the correspondents was quoting an PM accusing the PM of childishness.
Childishness is inevitable when parliament won’t man up and choose a PM it can support and instead uses legislature to control the executive it says it doesn’t like.
I’ve not changed my mind it’s all our fault for not voting UKIP in 2017 instead relying on parties who campaigned to remain in the EU. We’ll know next time?
@NG’s typo : was quoting an MP accusing the PM of childishness.
Thank you StewGreen.
I spotted my missing ‘g’ in campaigned and stopped looking!
Letwin is just another of those inconsequential MPs who have their few moments in the spotlight and then, when the course of events overtake them, they are consigned to obscurity. He might make a small footnote in some future history of these feverish times but, beyond that, his only claim to fame will be earning someone an extra £250 on Pointless.
Can’t wait for Jon, Tone, Nick and Katty’s Fab Four RT of this one:
Ezra replied “Omigod stop lying. NASA didn’t even recruit astronauts until you were twelve.
This is like when you said you were named after Edmund Hillary, the man who first climbed Everest.
Except that happened six years after you were born.”
Someone adds
Hillary was born in October 1947. NASA was formed October 1958.
First US manned spaceflight 1961. Teenagers are not little girls.
A Guardian article in August 2018 said
Clinton has often told a story about writing to Nasa as a *teenager*, asking how she could become an astronaut.
She said she received a letter back “saying they weren’t accepting women”
The claim has been made a lot on Twitter since 2011
But I just cannot find an early article
Hillary asked how she could become an astronaut.
NASA replied “saying they weren’t accepting women”
……….. So she became a space cadet instead.
Bloody hell NASA, you mean you could have got her out the way years ago !!!!
There could be a trend.
Shame he missed.
30 seconds is all it took.
Halftime in the Wales/France rugby. I flick through the channels. Andrew Marr on bBBC.
Now I have completely stopped watching or listening to anything that the BAME-loving, Muslim-loving, straight white men-hating national disgrace of a broadcaster puts out, but I just couldn’t help myself. I clicked on Sky Channel 101.
You must remember that the programme is already at around the 20 minute mark. A woman sitting next to Marr says something (justifiably) derogatory about Bercow. Marr interrupts as you’d expect, and they cut to some footage of thousands of people marching through Londonistan yesterday.
The first shot focuses on someone carrying a banner which talks about environmental concerns. The second shot focuses on 2 idiots carrying EU flags.
Of all the hundreds and thousands of people they could have focused on?
So I go straight back to the rugby. After 30 seconds.
“Transgender athlete Rachel McKinnon defended her sprint title at the Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Manchester.
“The 37-year-old, competing in the female 35-39 sprint category, had set a new world best time in qualifying.”
She’s also the first “women’s” cyclist to compete with two helmets.
Quite. However, isn’t the bbbc being a bit ‘trans-bogus’ on the gender reference? If the cyclist is trans-gender, why would ze be referred to as ‘he’ or ‘she’? Isn’t ze supposed to be called ‘ze’ now? Or is it ‘zie’? Sorry it’s only Sunday and I haven’t updated myself on the most up to date hip pronouns. Too busy ‘chillaxing’. Futhermore, shouldn’t there be a specific race category for ..urr…zem?
You’d think the female competitors would object to the unfair advantage. I’m sure secretly they do but daren’t say anything.
The females are fuming, but as you say, what can they do?
It is an absolute travesty. A man minus his genitals can beat women in a cycle race. Who would have guessed?
This is a whinge about not just the racist far-left bbc.
When did we become a people who are forever asking others “how are you”? I’ve just been listening to Nigel Farage on LBC and just about everyone who calls in starts by asking this question. Is asking the question some kind of NLP (neurolinguistic programming) or have people been brainwashed by the TV programmes they watch? In my earlier years, I don’t recall this fatuous question being asked each time I met someone, so what’s happened in the intervening years? I just wish it would stop.
I agree, I listen to Nigel on LBC weeknights 6 -7 and this morning, they always ask how is is, hes very polite but must get brassed off with it. I think it’s a modern day feely, touchy thing.
She/he also has no shame.
I wonder how many friends she’s/he’s made in the female cycling fraternity. Or should that be the cycling sorority?
In relation to MPs with big egos within the aptly named Traitor Parliament (Dystopian and Yasser above), this article points out their ignorance and irrelevance within the great scheme, as well as their continued inability to tackle Whitehall.
Members of Parliament do not know their place in the EU food chain. It pains me to point this out, but they are the bottom feeders.
Listening to Keir Starmer on Andrew Marr, essentially Labour don’t want to ‘take back control’, they want us to be forever bound into the EU ‘to protect workers’ rights’ (from their fellow UK citizens!).
Perhaps they should speak to the non-working youth of Spain and Italy before deciding to lock us into the EU?
This is what pees me off…nobody seems to push the situation in the majority of these countries under EU control…
having had a conversation yesterday with a Remainer friend who is very smart – I asked him for the reasons he voted to remain and he gave me opinions – so asked for the reason not his opinions and he admitted when asked like that he couldn’t give me any…
People like him (and he is a good friend) don’t want to look at simple statistics but love going to these places….
It is so frustrating…
For Labour its not what’s right or wrong. It’s not being in or out of the EU.
It’s about getting into power at ANY cost and disregarding the country and its population.
After all it’s been over 9 years since they were last in a position to decimated the economy as they routinely do.
One million. Ha ha ha.
It’s still a good number but sadly 17.02 million short of being significant to anything. What is more significant is my local Tescos have Avocados marked down from 37p to 25p. Not a bad price but I thought they looked rather small.
To be fair, the bbc was running with ‘crowd size of up to one million, organisers say’.
Both cheeks covered.
This is the sort of information the great BBC should be able to calculate with all their equipment – paid for by us….
Excellent analysis but in the land of Liberalness 52% is less than 48% and so 78000 is more than 1 milllion
Just listening to midday news on radio4 . They state Wales scraped through with 20 to France 19. They never stop, always have to add their poison.
I saw the last few minutes. It looked a cracking game with both sides completely drained. I’m sure I saw a bbbc reporter in the crowd still standing with his beer glass half-empty though.
20 to 19 is a very small margin. I am sure France will be complaining that they weren’t really beaten, and that there should be a rematch.
And on it goes
No description of killers.
Usually means one thing.
“”The horror is understood to have unfolded when a group of gatecrashers turned up to a house party on a quiet street in the Bucks town.””
Probably non-whites who picked it up on social media.
On please, just f off Kier !!!!!
People like Jayne infuriate me to high heaven !!! Not worried at all Jayne, BUT we WON so why the hell should we have another vote !!!!!! Other way round Jayne and you’d be saying exactly the same !!!
My god, what a bunch of cretins !!!!!
Does Jayne have the same attitude to the death penalty? If potential murderers are worried, don’t commit murder. I’m good with that but I bet she wouldn’t be.
Sorry – who is Jayne ?
fu2. I think Jayne is like Alice. There may even be a suitable song.
Does make you wonder what a referendum ballot paper would look like. They would probably spend three years in parliament debating the exact wording of the question to be posed, before voting it out.
The question labour would ask is either Remain or remain.
Not a biased picture. Not at all.
And another
Earlier, I had raised this point. Subsequent articles bear out that observation.
That’s more and more career politicians then? Our Parliament is full of them sprinkled with a good helping of actors that have never done a real job in their lives.
What these nascent swamp rats haven’t yet understood is that once we are free of the EU shackles, we will need a much better calibre of public servant than we’ve had for the past 40 or so years. Politics won’t be the gravy train for tokens and beta males and substandard intellects. And traitors.
They’d better serve our country and have a happier life if they learned a trade so they can help rebuild our nation for the citizens of our nation and not the flotsam and jetsam of the world.
We’ve had our fill of useless eaters and parasites.
The BBC has finally morphed into a media organization which
has decided that it’s outlook on diverse, transgender, racial,
feminist,political ,women sports . Brexit issues are the ones
they must educate us on . And like BIG BROTHER in 1984 they
must be obeyed.
All I can think is that the hierarchy of the BBC is now under
the control of transgender followers of Jeremy Corbyn.
I will make a prediction that by five years time in “Strictly”
White male contestants will not be allowed to dance with white
professional female dancers. That’s if any white male contestants are
allowed to compete. We will see men dancing with men. Women
dancing with women.The Judges will no longer even have any
gay white males. They will be replaced with transgender judges.
Of course at least 25% of the contestants will have to have some
kind of disability.
Match of the Day on Saturday night will no longer feature Premiership football. Expect to see the top netball game played on
the day played between Long Jane Silvers X1 ( Jane used to be John) verses a BBC liberal bigots women’s X1. Captained by any
one of a plethora of today’s political presenters.
They have already started on the agenda…. as from next year men will dance with men and women with women, the announcement came a few weeks ago.They always try to have disabled, bme and LGBT dancers etc. So they are ahead of you. I stopped watching it last year. Cannot stand being preached to and my hero was Fred Astaire, a master of dance. if you can find it on utube there is a video of him dancing with a young Rita Heywood,absolutely fantastic, he moves as if hes made of rubber. I saw the video on Memory Lane on Spotlight TV. Watch it if you can, puts strictly in the shade.
I too have given up on Strictly this year. Had no clue who the contestants are with the exception of Cracknell and Annika Rice (I think she is in it but not sure and don’t care). I used to enjoy the music but now with the BBC’s obsession with getting a younger audience I don’t even know what the music is. However I recently asked a Year 5 class how many watched Strictly because I wanted to explain about a man who in the 1920s enjoyed life and liked to tango dance. I was going to liken it to clubbing today. Only trouble was that only about 3 of the children were watching Strictly, so the BBC has obviously lost their family viewing on a Saturday night. Bye, bye BBC very soon.
Parliament v The People.
Everyone who feels their MP has not carried out the will of the majority of voters in their constituency, as expressed in the referendum, now needs to take note.
There will be an election soon. Arrogant MPs, who have not understood how democracy works, need to be voted out. Hope-fully, their names won’t even appear on the ballot, anyway.
People like Letwin make me sick to the stomach. I think it’s the (aren’t I clever and powerful, dear voters, but you can always eat cake?) smugness.
For the best test on whether this new deal is any good, is whether we think Trump would have gone for it?
Definitely not.
Love him or hate him, Trump only wants the best for his country and hence would have thrown this piece of crap into the bin. If only our MP’s or ruling elite had half as much patriotism and belief in their country like he does.
But even the President is ham strung to some extent by RINOs Never ztrumpers with the Republican Party, the Democrats who will do whatever it takes , legal or not, to bring him down, the MSM who do as the Dems tell them and the rest of the swamp. Any British PM has the same constraints. I agree that Trump is out to drain the swamp and needs to because they are out to get him. Whereas Boris is a ‘ country member’ of the swamp who has gone rogue on just the single issue of Brexit. We can only hope that the extreme unrelenting bias of the BBC towards Brexit and him personall prompts him to get rid of them if he ever gets a secure majority as PM. He who delivers Brexit ( even if a flawed Brexit) and the head of the BBC on a platter with an apple in its foul mouth, will surely be blessed for all time.
I’d have more respect for Boris though if he came out and admitted that these deals were trash and counter productive to the UK’s best interests. So while Trump is hampered, you at least know where he stands.
This is a bit complicated (for me anyway) but seems to be correct.
The BBC has a duty to inform but (so far) I haven’t seen this referred to –
The relevant part of the Benn thing is –
The Prime Minister must seek to obtain from the European Council an extension of the period under Article 50(3) of the Treaty on European Union ending at 11.00pm on 31 October 2019 by sending to the President of the European Council a letter in the form set out in the Schedule to this Act requesting an extension of that period to 11.00pm on 31 January 2020 in order to debate and pass a Bill to implement the agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union under Article 50(2) of the Treaty on European Union, including provisions reflecting the outcome of inter-party talks as announced by the Prime Minister on 21 May 2019, and in particular the need for the United Kingdom to secure changes to the political declaration to reflect the outcome of those inter-party talks
If the EU grants an extension then the Brexit wrecking Benn Act kicks in
I think BoJo has discharged his duty re the letter . I suppose this week the traitors will come up with a further series of amendments/ acts which will be rubber stamped to frustrate the so called deal .
The Benn Dover Act
They have already started on the agenda…. as from next year men will dance with men and women with women, the announcement came a few weeks ago.They always try to have disabled, bme and LGBT dancers etc. So they are ahead of you. I stopped watching it last year. Cannot stand being preached to and my hero was Fred Astaire, a master of dance. if you can find it on utube there is a video of him dancing with a young Rita Heywood,absolutely fantastic, he moves as if hes made of rubber. I saw the video on Memory Lane on Spotlight TV. Watch it if you can, puts strictly in the shade.
World at one watch bias by omission
The fat presenter spent Saturday afternoon at Westminster with the few thousand fools protesting against the democratic vote for brexit z He complained that he had difficulty finding anyone who didn’t work for the state broadcaster . He got plenty of anti brexit soundbites from these traitors .
Then he interviews comrade Clive Lewis – MP from ‘ socialism not brexit’ . Clive doesn’t want a general election because it will be about one issue .
But he does want another referendum .
Ladies and gentlemen – implicit in the admission that a general election would be about Brexit to me comrade Clive is admitting the Remainers would lose – hence not wanting one
Implicit in the wish for another referendum is the opinion that the question can be fixed so that we cannot leave without a deal .
What I’ve written is my read -but the bias by omission is that the Mardell didn’t put this to comrade Lewis -it’s just too far against the biased narrative of these traitors .
By the way – can I suggest the 3am troll just be ignored instead of responded too ? He put a question to me a couple of weeks ago . I responded giving the answer. I invited him to acknowledge what I wrote . It took me 5 minutes . I got no reply from the troll . So can I suggest he be ignored ? He’s just a waste of space looking to get some response so that he thinks he has some value .
‘What happened Saturday’
Celtic – thanks for the vid . Unfortunately I have to disagree with the lady because she claims that their parliament is one of the best in the world .
Well clearly it isn’t now and never was . It had only represented vested interests as opposed to the ‘ people’ . It’s bloated and weighed down by false traditions and procedures .
So when something like brexit comes along we see just how rotten it is . There is no fair representation. small groups like the SNP and DUP can hold large numbers of ( English ) constituencies to ransom – just look at the population sizes . Not too sure that the UK has much value to the English .
Lol but good point
Katie sums up the mad position of the state broadcaster . It favours Islam and queers to the exclusion of normal people – yet alone those who follow the official state religion . Yet the two preferred ‘ minorities ‘ are exclusive of each other and I understand that the Muslim lot are meant to kill the other lot to comply with the teaching of their book .
So Katie makes the point . I’m surprised she hasn’t given up on Britain and found a country where freedom is protected – namely America .
( I’m still using ‘ state broadcaster ‘ because I don’t see that organisation as ‘ British ‘ any more )
She might have added: what is the plan for Jews, Christians, Atheists, Secularists and Agnostics, Women, Apostates, 9-year-old girls, believers in free speech and the right to criticise evil ideologies, believers in the rule of secular law and secular education, etc etc?
Yep, the trans cyclist’s body-build looks completely indistinguishable from the girls either side (the two who are pretending to smile). I have absolutely no doubt it was a fair contest.
Here’s a good one – Andrew Roberts – a historian writing ‘ from the Right ‘ writes in the Mail today that there needs to be an independent inquiry into all aspects of what has gone on with brexit in the last 4 years – or 5 if it ever gets done .
He says that big inquiries have been done after similar national humiliations across the last 100 years or so .
Maybe a good idea !?
However – who would chair it ?
Who would agree it’s terms of ref?
Who would agree outcomes and
Recommendations ?
I fear it would just be a lawyers jamboree similar to the ridiculous Bloody Sunday nonsense and would n’t change anything . Unless of course there was a Right wing government with a bit of common sense and dare I say it – wisdom – about it .. dream on .
IMHO it would open ‘a can of worms’. That’s what our so called parliament could be afraid of?
If there is a general election and The Brexit Party were in power, we would be rid of The EU and could hold an inquiry into the background of our politicians .
Every mornin’ at the mine you could see him arrive
He stood six-foot-six and weighed two-forty-five
Kinda broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip
And everybody knew ya didn’t give no lip
to big John
(Big John, big John)
Big bad John (big John)
It’s a lovely day tomorrow
Tomorrow is a lovely day
WOW Vlad ! SIXTEEN TONS ! T.E Ford, a record my Dad bought when I was a child. He was a coal miner so it resonated with him. Thanks for the memory.
Big Bad John.
With Lyrics:
Rest assured, no matter how far fetched the anti brexit angle, the BBC will find it !!!! What a joke story . Clearly not a businessman who can adapt , he’s only had nearly 4 years to give it some thought !!!!!
Rob Tanner is on the cusp of winding up his 19-year-old business, SEA Oxford. He takes parties of Europeans – mainly teachers – sightseeing to some of the UK’s most popular tourist hotspots such as Stonehenge and Bath.t
Lol – who knew Stonehenge and Bath will disappear when we leave the EU !!!!!
Maybe he should have targeted the non Europeans like the Chinese. Sounds like he closed his business because times had changed and Europeans could find their own way around Blightly…funny that.
Just another remoaner – probably lives with a BBC employee – yes I am cynical of this story, mind you looking at his website he is/was still living in the 90s
D78 – “mainly teachers”
Case proved, guilty of being a traitor.
Just seen that on the web-site after reading your post. Thought occurs: I wonder if that story will end up having to be re-written or corrected like that accidental border crossing from Canada to the USA?