With 1214 days gone by since the Brexit Referendum we might have got fed up with BBC ‘benefits of Brexit ‘ programmes . But in all that time has there even been one such programme ?
Like many institutions the BBC has devalued itself through an anti democratic bias which shames the country – just like the politicians . With no sign of an end .
Happy Trafalgar Day
The UK population will increase by 4.5% by 2028 Beeb news at 1pm tells us, due to immigration. Over 3 million coming.
From where? Why? How? What for? Says who?
The ONS apparently, according to the beeb.
No details.
What’s going on?
Are Merkel and Boris swapping jobs for the next five years?
So that she can get rid of borders here for us as she did in Germany?
Do the Germans know they’re getting him?
Didn’t even know he could speak the lingo.
It’s a low estimate, the cowardly useless incompetent tory club have presided over the higest immigration on record, and there’s no sign of it slowing down.
For them it means cheap labour, and not having to deal with the working class who have plagued them for years.
Trouble is that while the cowardly useless incompetent Tories like the cheap labour they don’t like paying the taxes needed to support them so it all goes from bad to worse.
They are like fishermen – wanting profit today forgetting competely there is a tomorrow and leaving nothing behind to support them in that future.
Sophie Raworth ( to be fair, one of the better ones with a more neutral delivery than some we could mention) is given a whole one minute at approx. 1325 to inform us that the ONS expects the UK population to go up by 3 million by 2028. This will mainly be due to immigration.
There is no discussion about this. No mention of the need for maybe 1 million new homes just to house the new arrivals. No mention of the services (hospitals, schools, dare I mention new roads, etc.) needed for the equivalent of Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, and Bristol put together.
Heads in the sand, as usual.
Sluff – we shall need to find out whether Priti Patel , Home Office, knows about this.
She is strangely absent from any announcement. Makes one wonder.
Sluff, funny how that AGW & CC and C-E and ER/XR have all disappeared like a wisp of smoke in a strong breeze. Should not Atty McAttenborough be on R4, emoting in dulcet tones, immediately after awful news like that?
On BBC lunchtime news we get a big whinge about trains ‘up north’.
Apparently ‘pacer’ trains are very old and noisy and all of a sudden someone thinks the fares should be lower on them. Apparently Southerners have better trains.. The Doncaster to Sheffield service is highlighted.
What the BBC fails to mention is that
a. Thanks to some proper competition about four different companies use that route and so there is a choice of trains that can be made, and at different prices
b. The price of a return ticket, under £6 and as little as £5.10, is comparable with a return bus ticket from Doncaster to a nearby surrounding village, such as Edlington, which is much much nearer Doncaster than is Sheffield.
c. A similar distance ‘down south’ such as say Croydon to London, will set you back £12, over twice the price.
In other words, although a nicer train may be desirable, the complaint just does not stand up on its own terms.
So if I know this how come the entire BBC news team does not and just peddles at great length yet another ‘victim’ story?
The Pacers are on the way out by 2020 I like them . The independent lines will soon buy them up if they are offered them. Anyway the pacers are still about in Devon. At least they were a few weeks ago.
Why is Boris leaving all these doors open for these idiots !!!!
BBC excelling themselves today … Remainer after Remainer after Remainer !! Not even hiding the Bias anymore.
Some brave souls on here followed the Parliamentary debate on Saturday. Would they be kind enough to confirm that only the Letwin amendment was voted on on Saturday, with HMG sending everyone home immediately after.
Today, the BBC appear to think and say otherwise.
Up2 – it seems that the Letwin amendment went through which means the leaving bill was read although obviously it was never voted on .
As I write the traitor speaker has refused a second reading in order for the efficient use of the houses’ time .
As for Saturday – the only thing you missed was the entire government bench walking out when the SNP started launching their points of order .
Bernard Jenkin has just made that very point
If the SNP wish to leave the UK then why should anyone else listen to them?
If I watch PMQs I stop at Ian Blackford. I just cannot stand to listen to the man and his hypocritical rubbish!
As for that speaker.. Even if we don’t leave in nine days at least he does but who knows what stunts he will try to pull just before his dictatorship ends?
I accidentally clicked report instead of like. Mrs Demon and I can’t stand Backfired and his repetitive anti-Englsh racism.
lol I have accidentally reported someone before! 😀
But yes Wackford just spouts out his pro nationalist garbage claiming that no one in Scotland voted for Brexit. That is false as even though remain got a higher mark in the referendum there are leave supporters who are being shut out of having any saw whatsoever by the SNP who are a mini dictatorship within their over devolved county.
The Scottish are as much British as the English, Welsh and Northern Irish and as they had rejected independence two years before they voted as part of the United Kingdom and get everything that goes with it.
No one in London, which actually has a bigger population that that of Scotland demands independence just because remain managed to swing it. I know of many hard Brexiteers across London
I wonder if the BBC’s Europe Editor has any thoughts on this?
This would be her:
Guest – no chance BEEB will report this (unless hidden away on the web site)
same as they will remain mute on the German green project -https://notrickszone.com/2019/10/22/high-electricity-costs-hostile-environmentalist-activism-uncertainty-now-crippling-german-economy-outlook-bleak/
8:30pm Radio4 “The New Censorship”
It’s Peter Pomerantsev. plugging his new book
Peter lived in Moscow for a decade as a TV producer, and chronicled the metastasis in that country of ‘post-truth politics’ in his bestselling Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible. His fascinating and dismaying new book, This Is Not Propaganda: Adventures in the War Against Reality, describes how Russia’s surreal new information politics turned out not to be a weird exception, but the harbinger of a worldwide phenomenon.
In the West the choice of information is limitless in a marketplace of ideas. While authoritarian regimes censor by constricting the flow of information.
But even in the West a new pattern of control is emerging. And this free flow of information, rather than liberate us, is used to crowd out dissent and subvert the marketplace of ideas.
Peter Pomerantsev examines how the assumptions that underpinned many of the struggles for rights and freedoms in the last century – between citizens armed with truth and information and regimes with their censors and secret police – have been turned upside down.
@Stew – listened to about half so far (weaponised is at about this point) when I hear that term for blogs/internet I switch off.
these “experts” really think us plebs are taken in by “fake news”
as opposed to the “real news” the TV MSM regurgitate.
no, we listen all available sources & try to sift the wheat from the chaff
From the BBC’s shallow and trivial website:
“Eco-anxiety is a recently popularised term to describe the overwhelming powerlessness some people say they experience when they think about climate change. For parents, such fears can be particularly acute. BBC News speaks to some of those affected.”
There follows a nauseating display of emotion and stupidity, typical of the modern BBC, with a woman even deciding to stop at just the one child because they / we’re all doomed to extinction by climate change. And we’re assured that it’s all scientifically based too …
TWatO Watch #1 – Back at Bellfield
I posted in the summer about a report from Emma Jane Kirby from Bellfield Infant School in Birmingham. (maybe on or around 27 June – I’ve tried a search but the Biased-BBC search facility only seems to bring up header articles not my posts) The Pastoral Care budget that the school was spending seemed very high to me for the number of visits actually made in a week.
There was an update on TWatO today. The budget numbers appeared different to me this time but this report, no mention was made of the numbers visited. It was mentioned that children who had no breakfast had to walk over wooden floors (no carpet – eek!) to get to their school …
…. where they had to sit on a wooden floor!
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-48770759 – see 2nd paragraph!
The BBC report implied great poverty in the area. There may be. It’s on the side of Birmingham that I’m unfamiliar with but Longbridge, Rubery, Halesowen and Bournville – places of employment – are all nearby. I would have thought it was a relatively affluent area. The map shows green spaces, playing fields, parks and the layout & spacing between roads suggests semi-detached suburbia.
No densely packed streets of terraced houses without a green space for a mile or more.
On Sunday politics (north east) they had remainer Laura pidcock on, an mp for North West Durham, a leave majority in the North East.
She came out with one of the usual remainer answers for voting against her constituents wishes.
It’s usually “None of my constituents voted to make themselves poorer” and she changed it to “none of my constituents voted to lose their workers rights” (or words to that effect)
Well, I didn’t vote for straight bananas or for lots of other things but what I DID vote for was to leave.
I don’t want any deal having seen all the various offerings which are all terrible.
I want completely out….now.
Of course, nobody picked her up on this twisting of the voting intentions.
She was caught out by one of the other studio guests when she said the Tories would wreck workers rights.
He said the eu say childcare should give parents 40 (or 14, I don’t remember exactly) weeks off yet this Tory government gives 1 year off.
Really wish, there were members of her constituents there. Cause if I was one and I saw my MP saying those words, Id lose it!
There is too much these days of people that supposedly represent a group of people, just throwing comments & words into the public sphere with no evidence to back it up & no context to understand where these OPINIONS are coming from. its frustrating beyond belief.
if you ask me all MP’s that have gone against the majority should lose their seat and be thrown out anything remotely political…just to top it off spend a day in court to answer why they thought there views outweighed the expressed views of the constituency they are meant to represent.
The beeb’s finest world-class journalists are still bewildered by the recent killings at a party in Milton Keynes. The word ‘senseless’ gets much repeated in their report.
However, some newspapers bothered to actually interview neighbours, who are in no doubt it was drug and gang-related, having seen gangs hanging around the neighbourhood.
I think we know what ‘gang’ is code-word for, and why the beeb are reluctant to even mention the word.
Bias by omission.
Gotta hand it to the traitor speaker – he has reached peak Remainer by refusing the reading of leaving bill
10 days until he is pulled out of that corrupt chair .
Whisper who dares, Fed, but legally does that not mean that …
nudge, nudge, 😉 😉
It’s time to do some hard prayin’ !
I’m surprised BoJo hasn’t just pulled the government out of the commons as their Commons has no value in democracy at the moment .
Fed, no value for democracy worldwide (in fact, it is setting a pretty poor example at present) and no value for our Democracy but it has a use as a talking shop for Remainers – see post below in reply to Stew.
Where’s the court case against Bercow ?
Stew, timing is everything as Bojo’s (possibly) premature Prorogation proved.
I wouldn’t be surprised if a Court Case comes from Brexiteers but we will have to be patient. In theory, there are nine possible sitting days left, so timing will be key.
Reignite have a petition “No Second Referendum” which has reached 233,402 signatures and has only a few hours to run. I recommend it to all like-minded souls on here!
petitions only see the light of day in this world if its an Anti Brexit petition.
It’s not directly state broadcaster
But if you watch Bercow bullying Bernard Jenkin challenging his bias . There is true irony that this corrupt parliament is coming up to the anniversary of a plot to destroy it in 1605 .
If you have high blood pressure I would advise not watching Bercow – who uses the term ‘ courtesy ‘ as a word of abuse .
So we learn that the UK is now completely governed by that odious little speaker.
The situation is at a critical point and almost out of time so surely any move to resolve it should be on the table?
There must be a way he can be toppled from his lofty perch in the name of sanity?
It now feels like the majority of the voters versus:
The Speaker
The Courts
The Lords
The Media
The Elite
Many of their own elected MP’s
Boiling Point approaches fast! History shows that if these factions deliberately trash and undermine the decisions of the population, eventually they are shown the door one way or another!
If we are to be cheated by these creatures we MUST create havoc come the inevitable elections, carnage hopefully!
Second Thoughts, it seems apparent that Bercow is now just carrying out the moves laid down by his EU masters, it is telling that this behaviour follows his recent and unusual trip to discuss matters with the EU bigwigs. The EU mandarins know exactly how they can use and manipulate this puppet to their advantage.
Time to face it, they are NOT going to let the UK leave at any cost.
It will end badly!
Problem is, they are aware of this and now, the power they hold to obstruct the voters. I still think that, one way or another, they will legislate to stop the next election whenever that is. Survival is a primary instinct. We are teetering on the brink of, who know’s what.
I would love to hear a psychiatrist s view of the behaviour of the Bercow . His florid use of language , false complements and sarcasm really must add up to something . In the Monday afternoon parliamentary session the entire ‘opposition ‘ is sitting quietly whilst he does their work for them .
Even the hateful SNP have let him rant on . It’s an obscenity .
Fed, my comments would not pass the rules of this site so I’ll refrain … I am furious but just can’t switch off, forcing myself to continue to listen to the evil, arrogant little dwarf. It’s beyond belief … Rumpelstiltskin – all pointy fingers whilst smiling sickly.
As you say … it’s clear to anyone who‘s watched Parliament Live before that he‘s biased beyond belief (and clearly pro-Remain) as there is absolute quiet on the part of the Opposition. Says it all …
Corbyn now saying he hopes Boris (who’s not there) isn’t in a ditch because although he had always said he would not send a letter, he now has (They said on Saturday they’d take him to court if he didn’t) … so basically whatever Boris did, he’d have been in for it … Don’t no how much more of this I can take … :o(((
Frustrated – my comments wouldn’t pass the rules of this site either
If we were to accept that MPs must have some knowledge of the feeling of voters then the only explanation for the conduct of the traitors is that they are playing an internal game which starts once they walk into the chamber of their House of Commons .
And that they know that they are safely accruing their MP Pension rights through to the next election in 2022.
God knows what people viewing from outside the UK think of what these people claim to be doing in the name of the people.
He’s a cuckold, and he’s taking his resentments out on the rest of us.
A pity any such law could not be applied retrospectively (or could it?)
I am getting really angry about Bercow and the whole charade – why is it only the remainers have legal challenges to stop Brexit.
Isn’t there any way Brexiteers can challenge any attempt to change the 31st October date – after all isn’t it part of a European law and so cannot be undone by UK law?
May was allowed to bring her deal back three times.
Are you not allowed two goes? IIRC, T May had to change the Bill slightly for the third go.
Well if you cannot ask the same question twice, then there will not be a second referendum.
I suspect though, that the traitor Bercow would allow that one though.
Dyst – this afternoon the Bercow said that the last attempt at a second referendum was in the last parliament so a fresh one can be done now under the damned erskine May nonsense
Is there no way that a majority of the public can dissolve parliament? After all, they are supposed to serve us. Can’t we just sack them or sack the government?
No – and the Fixed Term Parliament Act has killed any chance of a general election until 5 May 2022 – which is in 927 days time .
That will be 957 days to the extension of article 50, then!
I am only amazed that someone hasn’t killed that odious little fukwit, in fact i would celebrate if one of our little followers of islam blew up parliament
In fact i would even consider converting
If the Deal isn’t passed by Parliament, we Leave on the 31st as No Deal.
Bercow is a useful idiot for the Remainer establishment. He doesn’t think these things up on his own. And he’s cheaper than a QC.
They won’t allow that. They will try to force an extension via EU cronies – we have just got to hope Boris has plan or the EU say no to any extension
The A50 default position is No Deal, as I understand.
Dover/James, isn’t it supposed to be the case that A50, being EU law, trumps any laws that our parliament could force through?
That’s how I understand it to be, Dystopian.
sorry Dystop
A bit late but I agree it was in my earlier post – let’s just hope the odious (nice word Fiter) Speaker and cronies don’t seek a legal review of some sort that circumvents it..
So Bercow now runs the country with his clique.
Watching parliamentary proceedings on Monday afternoon on can only conclude that Bercow is now deciding on the future of the UK .
JRM, telling the traitors the business of the house , has an unquestioning support for the processes of the House of Commons – I suppose because he treats it like a club he would have affection for it . I , for one , would not miss it if the place was turned into a Premiere Inn . .
The last time Droite du Seigneur was rife, it did not end well.
There was a lot of chat about ‘holding power to account’ once, and for sure even a PM needs checks and balances despite being at the top.
However, this little toad and his cabal getting free reign (not a typo)… no.
Fed, your suggestion “I, for one , would not miss it if the place was turned into a Premiere Inn” has some merit.
We could send MPs to Coventry. It is, after all, close to the geographic centre of the whole of the UK. The two Houses currently require vast sums spending on refurbishments. A new Parliament building (with a much smaller Second Chamber for a trimmed down House of ‘Lords’) would be easier to build from scratch with modern facilities plumbed in.
The HoC & HoL could be turned into a museum with an upmarket hotel in the offices and Committee rooms. We (the UK) could charge the wealthy of the world a fortune to stay there.
A nice little earner, as my friend Arfur would say.
I’ve alluded to the fact here before , that I have spent a bit of time in that place when it was not sitting across some time . I think I get one of the reasons why it is so corrupting – the atmosphere , architecture , smell , alleyways , offices , archaic features – turn people into actors taking on their parts . Bercow has become the public monster I’m sure he is in private and inflated egos become more pompous resulting in what we are witnessing now .
The inhabitants probably think the public respects it or holds it in high regard . A minority does . But the majority? I think far more than voted leave now see it as a truly national embarrassment .
The illness spreads to the rest of the bubble leading to the likes of Marr, maitliss . The Dimblebys , Mardell , O’Connell, Tourette’s `Robinson and the rest thinking they are more important than the service they are meant to provide …..
“…Marr, maitliss . The Dimblebys , Mardell , O’Connell, Tourette’s `Robinson…”
National treasures; all of them. Listed by English Heritage. Time for dunking in creosote.
Tim Martin could buy the site as a Weatherspoons hotel. The HOC could be the bar area. Various offices could be hotel rooms and the Lords could be the toilets. Would be quite fitting I think?
will it still have a free bar!!!
It is indeed strange. Not only do the millions of voters not count, the 600+ in the Commons seem equally irrelevant. It is Bercow alone -it would seem- who decides on what happens to the country.
Nobody seems minded to challenge the solo march by this toxic dwarf; he does as he pleases.
We appear somehow to have turned into a nasty, little dictatorship.
How the Dickens did that happen?
Adolf and Benito were less drunk on power than this little man!
They make a roaring trio of tyrants, but only two of them-regrettably- are past and gone. Parliament may as well give him a red armband and go home. I wonder if HM would vacate her premises…?
Fake – but Bercow is speaking for the 500 traitor MPs – which is why they sit so quietly when he rants on and on . He is their speaker – who has decided that parliament is supreme over the voters .
Fed – The disconnect between parliament and the people has been obvious for some time.
I’ve been wondering whether his personality isn’t actually the power-grabbing sort, so that even parliament has simply become the backdrop for ‘The Bercow Show’?
I suppose we will soon know, since he is supposedly coming to the end of his tenure. What if that woeful bunch decide they can’t find a new speaker, and let him stay on?
His replacement is already lined up – Hattie Harmon – former leader of the Labour Party – bound to be neutral . Voted remain .
Doesn’t like men – married John ‘jack’ dromey . Ugh .
I’m sure that if someone suitably qualified and knowledgeable would look into the role of the Monarchy, I’m sure, somehow, they would find the Queen could step in to stop this nonsense. She has to possess default powers.
Given the nature of the ‘disruption’ is quite vague, and the BBC Pension Fund is already rocky, how the national disgrace reacts to another political old bag meddling will be interesting.
“Mary Robinson – former Irish president and UN Special Envoy on El Nino and Climate – says disruption necessary to affect change”
what!!! is this mad woman in charge of El Nino & climate ? she has no clue what she talks about (so perfect for the job)
Watching Bercow and his chums abuse and twist power for their own ends and getting away with it with the connivance of the BBC and most of the MSM whilst telling Johnson that “surrender” is a naughty word has been one of the most vexing and dispiriting moments of my life..
10pm Channel 5 Hate Crime Hyperbole ?
Will it feature all the atrocities committed in the name of Alan’s snack Bar?
No. I suspect it will be all about the infamous “far right” threat, which of course is as real as their false prophet.
No mention of the hatred that murdered young white girls at a pop concert or “Islams dirty little secret” as admitted by Medhi Hassan. It was just a poor us we are the only victims and we never cause anybody any harm, we love everybody.
So much hate for leavers from the Remainers, I’m guessing that’s the hate they’re reporting
In #Orwellian #Britain2019
LOVE for your country
…. is counted as *HATE*
HATE for Trump or HATE of Brexit
………………………………. are both counted as *LOVE*
A muslim saying, “Brexit has divided us”.
The Elephant in the Room?: assuming we were all ‘integrated’ and at one in the first place…………..
“Brexit has divided us”
Like G implies the suggestion of a pre existing unity requires the reader to ignore Labour’s 2005 manifesto let alone UKIP being the largest UK party in the European parliament.
Talk about ‘rose tinted spectacles’. We were united back then were we?
7:30pm BBC1
Most areas have : – we discover the potential tragic consequences of
people trespassing on railway lines , including old trainspotters
BBC Southwest now :
Retired and Radical … How far would you – should you – go in the cause of climate change?
Jemma Woodman investigates.
Yorks – Cord blood freezing, whether claims made by stem cell companies are too good to be true
West Midlands – Are cuts etc. grinding our NHS doctors down ?
+ Endangered crafts
Northwest *climate change*
– Around one and a half million properties are at risk of flooding here in the North West.
But with *climate change* that number will drastically increase and change our landscape forever.
Gareth Furby looks at the impact of a fortnight of Extinction Rebellion protests.
+ Sir David Attenborough explains why undersea kelp forests need our help
This is not strictly BBC Bias, but I can’t find the subject on any other news channel either. The question is, what happens to the traitor Bercow on Monday 4 November 2019? He resigns as Speaker at close of play on Thursday 31 October, and his replacement choice starts at about 2.30 pm, on the Monday, with Kenneth Clarke in the chair. Presuming that Bercow has not been appointed to the Lords, and personally I think that tradition will be broken, then will he resign as an MP, or try to sit on the ruling party bench, or go and sit with his real friends in the parties opposite. There may be other options, but I throw out these as ideas. ( If this needs to be moved to another thread, then I have no problem). Bon Chance.
And at what point will he leave his grace and favour luxuriant résidence, and move his and the wife’s cars out of the reserved parking spots, with the B******s to Brexit sticker.
I think he remains an mp until the next election – then he is elevated to the Lords with the PMs recommendation – it’s one of those ‘precedents’ he loves so much .
As a back bench MP he ll sit between Heidi Allen and the Soubry …. I might be wrong … and don’t care … I watched his antics all Monday afternoon – decent people would be repulsed by his antics ..
In other news
Followers of breakfast State TV will be sad that the big screechy northern queer lass is going to C4 to ‘do a show ‘ and the Sierra armed one who used to be on C4 but apparently does the state tv ‘complaints ‘ show is complaining about not getting more pay .
And LBC is starting a ‘News only ‘ channel next Monday …..
BBC News
“My idea was to create emojis that Africans can relate to.”
Meet 21-year-old O’Plerou Grebet from Ivory Coast, who has created more than 350 downloadable emojis with West African cultural references. ????
(via BBC News Africa) bbc.in/2J6oDIy
Uh huh.
The winter nights must fly by in their house…..
My excuse is that I was doing something else at the same time … but, anyway, I ended up listening to all of Radio 4’s ‘Front Row’ arts programme from 19:15 (instead of turning it off, as I would usually do!)
It was hosted by Samira Ahmed, who is suing the BBC for alleged unequal pay, so TV Poll Tax payers will likely end up forking out for that as well as everything else.
It was full of the usual agenda-driven stuff. There was some poet lady (Ms Fenton?) who was talking about her work and a prize she’d won. She read out two poems, over which Samira duly gushed, one about women’s bodies and the first of which was about Jupiter / Zeus as rapist rather than seducer, with a clear reference to … drum roll … Donald Trump and with the golden Trump Tower being like a raping phallus. No mention of William Jefferson Clinton, oddly enough. The section on Bridget Riley was reasonable.
We finished with a pathetic item on some drill-rapper, who had criminal convictions and had been subject to a court order not to use certain drug- and violence-related lyrics in the effluent that passes for his ‘music’. Samira interviewed a younger White-sounding critic bloke, who of course said that the ban wouldn’t be effective because there were dozens of other words that could be used to describe the degenerate filth instead. He said the rappers were merely describing “stuff that happens” and shouldn’t be restricted. Note the way that the responsibility for the violence and drug abuse is shifted away from the scum responsible and onto society in general: so it’s just “stuff that happens”, like when it rains outside and there’s really nothing anyone can do. No blame, no requirement for the scum involved to mend their ways and take ownership of their criminal actions, no agency accorded to them as they are always victims.
The BBC makes me want to puke.
Samira Ahmed claims she isn’t paid enough. A BBC spokesperson said, “We think we got it just about right.” [BBC stock response #1]
Does anyone else think that the eu will reject our extension request and we simply ride it out………
The left
If the EU was a sane organisation it would dump us because the government is dysfunctional – the PM and Brexit Party has also promised disruption within the EU.
But … the EU likes our money and will do anything to undermine and weaken us . So they’ll grant a long further extension – 6 months – knowing full well that the outcome is either more of the same or more trickery to finally get A50 withdrawn .
In my view – in many other states -if politics had failed as badly as it has – extra political activity would have got going by now . I fear it’s only a matter of time if there is no evidence of decision being made which reflects the democratic vote .
Der Fuhrer has already said Europe will allow an extention so that’s it!
What about Plan B. Just revoke Article 50 and have a GE and start the process again with a proper Leave option and none of this crap. We wont get this, as there will be a referendum first on Boris’s deal or Remain.
The number of times this prediction has been made on these pages and now here it is happening, and Labour appearing to do little or nothing about it.
Labour homophobia row as ex-Respect leader Salma Yaqoob ‘who said homosexuality is a lifestyle choice’ is shortlisted for West Midlands mayoral election
‘She has shared a platform with Yasir Qadhi, who has said that ”killing homosexuals and stoning adulterers was part of” Islam.
‘She waded in to the Parkfield School dispute, criticising the No Outsiders programme that promotes inclusion.’
How many warnings do the insane lefties need before they are forced to accept the truth about Islam.
“How many warnings do the insane lefties need before they are forced to accept the truth about Islam.”
What’s truly remarkable is how easily you are duped by a story in the Daily Mail. Consider these two statements:
Salma Yaqoob who said ‘homosexuality is a lifestyle choice’.
Salma Yaqoob ‘who said homosexuality is a lifestyle choice’.
Can you spot the difference? Indeed, if you read the article in full (including the small print) you will find that she actually said nothing of the sort. But here you are now; cynically manipulated into believing Salma Yaqoob said something she didn’t say.
What was that you mentioned about “truth”?
Hi maxi , nights again.
Why do you always work nights ?
What’s the truth ?
Hey Maxi, isn’t time the BBC gave you job, like they gave your predecessors who came here to shine for them?
It’s that persistent annoying fly in summer…………………..
There might be a longer video I don’t know
and I don’t like judging people on gotchas
Hasn’t she been in Respect and the Greens and now Labour is that all ?
One film the diversity department at the BBC will NEVER
allow viewers see is Mumbai Hotel. I am afraid that
their beloved religion of peace isn’t shown up in a very good light.
Ah “they’re not all like that” or “if their religion really tells them to do these things why aren’t they all doing it”?
The answer to both these is that they sare simply clueless about their religion which they only learn how to recite in classical Arabic.
Worse, the Imams they ask don’t have any more insight than they do, other than what they’ve been told.
“There are plenty of violent verses in the Bible”
Well, yes there are, but surely Islam should stand on its own two feet without the need for comparison in defence. However I’ve never heard of a Christian terrorist, and the violent verses are in the Old Testament which is only there for historical purposes. The Jews have not been able to carry out most of these texts since the temple was destroyed 1000 years ago.
Neither faiths believe the Bible to be the very word of God which needs to be believed in its entirity to be a true adherent – the Muslims do.
An apt quote from Thoughtful’s post above:
“However, I’ve never heard of a Christian terrorist.”
Very true.
If you are referring to punishments for sinning in the Old Testament , they were there only as deterrants and hardly ever used. it was known to be a destructive Sanhedrin ( Court of judges) if they executed one person in a 70 year period and this is not related to the Temple.
Just consider, this senile oaf is still deployed on occasion.
So there’s him, Bowen, Mardell, Sopel, etc still on the payroll, and Sweeney, Esler, O’Brien, Mason, etc just off.
And Lord Tone can’t grasp what they all have in common.
Simpson does have a point. It was the conservatives that wanted trade-unions to adopt just a 55% majority when it came to strike ballots, after all.
I was amazed when Cameron declared a simple majority would be OK. Clearly he had assumed remain would win by miles especially as HE was endorsing remain along with most of the MSM and his new friends the BBC. He then sent a leaflet to everyone telling them how to vote just to be sure the browbeating had done it’s work.
Brits don’t like being pushed around, as he found out.
But the clincher for me was when he said he would still be PM even if he lost the vote ! (that he ‘KNEW’ he wouldn’t). That show of absolute establishment cockyness did it for me. Drain the swamp.
“the clincher for me was when he said he would still be PM even if he lost the vote”
I wonder how many were influenced to change their vote either way because of of this? Personally I saw no point in C staying on having lost. The lost opportunity came in 2017 when the two losers were voted in as Government and Official Opposition.
Is it really any wonder that today, a week before watered down ‘leaving’ is supposed to kick in, parliament is still dragging its feet?
We put them there.
Guess he’s getting feedback from remainers?
He reminds me of Chief Inspector Dreyfus in the Pink Panther Films.
😀 😀 😀
Watch out, watch out , cos maxi is about !
The BBC and the media are not reporting the half of it –
It worth (and entertaining) to watch what actually happened in the Commons today and I would suggest starting with Gove at around 18 :25 warning of a no-deal –
Then jump to about 20:34 for Mogg setting out the 3-day timetable for the WAIB
The remainers refuse to believe that the EU will not grant an extension, therefore, they won’t vote for the deal
I’m not convinced that the Letwin amendment wasn’t a Cummings idea because it forced the remainers to look at the reality of leaving the EU as contained in the WAIB
They won’t pass this deal (or any deal) hence no-deal – QED
I’m not convinced that the Letwin amendment wasn’t a Cummings idea because it forced the remainers to look at the reality of leaving the EU as contained in the WAIB
They won’t pass this deal (or any deal) hence no-deal – QED
Also, everybody but Boris gets the blame
I could, of course, be reading it all wrong?
Ahh, caught by a ‘double post’ bug, think I clicked twice on the ‘post’ button.
BBC lies
Why has Trudeau’s popularity fallen?
Mr Trudeau swept into power in 2015 promising “real change” and a slew of progressive pledges. Now, after four years in power, Mr Trudeau has faced criticism for his ability to follow through’
Vs. truth
When is a ‘hate crime’ not a hate crime. Unbelievable how the BBC reports on this court case compared to the local paper.
Manchester Evening News:
The road rage row that turned a Rochdale street into a battleground as mob set upon teenage tree surgeon… he had his hand severed by axe
Rochdale road rage peacemaker’s axe attackers jailed
Bias by omission. Disgusting.
The muslim attackers should have been charged with attempted murder because if the young man who was mutilated hadn’t put up his arm to defend himself, he’d most likely be dead.
It should also have attracted a more severe sentence because it was clearly a racist hate-crime attack and if it had been the other way around that’s precisely how it would have been categorised by the courts.
The BBC are committed to exposing and cracking down on Racists, Violent Activists, Religious Zealots, People who don’t want other races in their area or patch etc.
This would be a bloody good place to start.
Until in the not too distant future, bodies at the BBC start to part company with their heads at the hands of people who think they are an unacceptable Racial and Religious group I think they will continue to actively ignore and suppress what is happening and thus are 100% complicit!
… And did you notice that the Manchester Evening News chooses “not to name the victim“ (for which they presumably have a good reason).
The BBC News article, however, presents the name in the first sentence … (and in the caption to the shocking photo) … Good old BBC …
“white bastards” was shouted by Rahman
is that a “hate crime”
Is shouting “Rochdale bastards” or “Oxford bastards” a hate crime ?
No ?
Neither is othering a group by using another word
They are just angry words, that are nothing compared to throwing axes around
There should be no hate crime laws and hate crime double standards whereby white people have double sentence for using an othering word, yet other groups aren’t
It is outrageous that the BBC omit the phrase “white bastards”
if that is what the court heard
Interesting that
when I twitter search using the story’s URL
I get one set of tweets that use bbc.com
So I then searched using bbc.co.uk and git another set
I’ll have to remember to search on both in the future
When Maxi first appeared on this site, I asked him, her (they?) why he posted here, as he obviously disagrees with all the points expressed here. He never replied to any of my questions and looking at his posts over the years I notice he rarely if ever, answers or replies to a direct question.
His comments always remind me of a certain evasive character out of Little Britain (which was ironically broadcast by the BBC).
I mentioned the other day that he asked me a question last week and I replied to it . Included my reply was a request that he acknowledge it . The request has been ignored .
Now I’m minded to remove the troll from the site ( with me adopting the high handed attitude to wonderfully exhibited by the current speaker of the House of Commons ) however more enlightened folk here regard him as performing a useful function – perhaps in the way that toilet paper does .
In response I have issued a plea that he is just ignored – his name not mentioned – in the hope that – like Berkow – he will just fade away .
This time Boris signed the letter
Now that was very funny. I love the underlined bit. Long live British humour hurrah!!
Looks promising.
Might create a few diversity issues though.
Still, good rallying points for the next Brexit/XR/TDS coach outing.
SNP need more votes ?
Well, they are on their way ………………………..
“Despite Brexit”?
taffman – do you really believe that our leaders will clamp down on illegal immigration if and when Brexit is ever achieved?
I personally, doubt it.
If you need proof, the rate of non-EU immigration will tell the story.
Bottles of heavy at dawn?
Thank you ( and the excellent ‘ is the bbc biased ?’site) for that piece of ‘ girl’ fighting . I’m afraid that’ Ms’ mcdermid would come out on top of most girls …. and the state broadcaster love her/ it
In accordance with BBC Countryfile Photography Competition rule 4, this photograph was taken in the wild and was not staged or photoshopped.
Oh, Cassandra … Thanks very much for that!
That really made me laugh out loud!!! (I know I probably shouldn’t ;o)
Quelle surprise
The truth is on the march and nothing will stop it- a profound sentance if used in connection with the Breixt issue. However if Britain is able to extracate itself from the duplcitous ragbag in Brussels, then it must look to its frontiers with extreme urgency as Millions of immigrants swarm along the North African Coast line. Europe will collapase under the destructive invasion which will be a majority of Muslims. By shere force of numbers they will instigate Sharia Law, they will build many more Mosques, they will destroy the cultures of the European Countries, bring Christianity to its knees-they have achieved total dominance before under the Otterman Empire-The United Kingdom must therefore close its borders to all, no matter the circumstances, it will be necessary to insitgate a national Identity Card operation, which should have been done a long time ago. Oh yes I can imagine what the likes of our pernicious national broadcasters reaction might be! Now many of their employees are followers of the teachings of Islam, as are many local and county councils in positions of power, so they are well positioned. I live in a market town south of Manchester, a population of around 20, 000, yet we now have 4 barbers shops, a news agent and a Cheap product shop, all run by Muslims and all having arrived here in the last 2 years. What does this tell us? Slow injection into every corner of our country-and as Chancellor Merkel now claims publicly Multicuturalism is not working.
I agree. And we’ll have to expel all muslims in our country, probably together with their apologists and
Construct another powerful Navy. During the terrible years of muslim invasions across North Africa and in Europe, history tells us that the Mediterranean Sea was not safe for non-muslims and virtually all trade had to be carried out overland ( Dr Bill Warner covers this in his Youtube videos). If the muslims gain full control of even France, they will try to impose a blockade of our country with attempted invasions, piracy, abductions and slave trading and all the other abominations that accompany islamic conquerors.
I have noticed that there are a couple of subjects being discussed in Parliament committees today, not directly related to us Leaving the EU:
11.45am – The role of Parliament in the UK Constitution: Role of the Speaker
I wonder if the poison dwarf will be mentioned? I wonder if the MSM will hear anything they want to reveal to the rest of us?
10.00am Private, 10.15am Public: Select Committees and Contempt
I wonder what this is all about?
The role of Parliament in the UK Constitution: Role of the Speaker
Thanks. I can’t watch live TV, I haven’t paid the racist far-left bbc protection money.
Gritted buttox time, even if 4/5 of f-all else will happen.
He just gets the keys to the executive grope room to lurk in and wait for Ems.
“She didn’t respond at the time”
They really should send their MP’s on training workshops where they learn to fight back. BEING NICE DOESN’T WORK.
Milo had the measure of the bbc when he wouldn’t even let them do his pre-interview makeup and insisted on recording the interview so they couldn’t edit it.
“You’re the bbc for God’s sake, I wouldn’t f’ing trust you as far as I could throw you”.
(Whatever happened to him since the establishment took him down on bogus pedophilia accusations?)
The disgusting BBC cant even get the facts right….they Say that “Salman Abedi (BBC Hero no doubt) 22, detonated a suicide vest as music fans left an Ariana Grande concert”………………..WRONG WRONG WRONG…..Its been found that the SCUM used an explosive charge inside a lightweight metal container which was carried within a blue Karrimor backpack.
So you cant even get the facts correct when reporting an atrocity such as the concert bombing that maimed and killed children……beyond contempt.
No mention of why he carried the bombing out or the cause he followed….unlike if he was a WHITE RIGHT WING EXTREMIST….fuming
Order returns to the world as Begum the RBC poster girl returns to the News front page.