Backlinks to the StartTheWeek thread
– Page 3 started lunchtime Tuesday
– Page 2 started lunchtime Monday
.. News was that libmob people had intimidated Paypal into boycotting David Vance
– The BBC had omitted news about a gang party in Milton Keynes
– Emperor Bercow reaching peak Remainer by refusing the reading of leaving bill
– The omitting of the phrase “white bastards” from the Rochdale axe attack story
– @Philip_2’s long rant last night
– and some stuff from people who hadn’t spotted that the thread had ended
I am told,not from the most reliable source, that no ethic minority Man or woman has ever been prosecuted for a racist attack of any kind against a white person in England.
I find this hard to believe.
Kris McDonald comes to mind in scotland,but I have no recollections for England.
I would like to find the facts in this for myself if I could be pointed in the right direction,any help would be appreciated.
Mr D has had enough. He has retuned our radio alarm. I will no longer be getting up after toenails cosy chats or Mishal*s biased interviews (how many dead Israelis equal a dead Palestinian?) I now just have Moira for a couple of minutes plus comments here and Guido.
Well not totally. Yesterday I drove a couple of miles at the end of Woman’s Hour and apparently earlier they had been discussing Climate Change. Miss Garvey therefore finished with an email which came in from a teacher who wrote that her pupils were not afraid of the future but extremely angry at the older generations for what they have done to the earth. Now I wonder where they have learned that if it isn’t from the Left wing educationalists?
I heard that and it still pees me off who are these adults..are these the same ones that have developed wind energy solar energy and stopped using coal – oh no that’s just the UK adults
and are these the same kids ones who buy clothes made in India , china and Pakistan every week and use once and who are never seen picking up litter or cleaning rivers ?
These teachers are a disgrace..yes talk about pollution and clean energy but make sure they know who the biggest polluters are and the good these ‘adutts’ have done in the UK in the last 20 years. and how the kids are adding to the issue by their actions
Jeffrey Bubbles Bon Bon! Ha! How could I ever forget that? Remember it, I’m still having nightmares.
The Lovers was on while I was at school and on my way in I had to catch a bus that took hoards of young ladies to the girls school. Somehow these minxes found out my name and (you know how much girls love embarrassing shy young lads) I got it every day. “Hello Jeffrey, do want any Percy Filth?” I’d be crimson. As I approached the bus stop there seemed to be a chorus of these young fillies calling “It’s Jeffrey Bubbles Bon Bon.”
On occasion I’d have a mate with me, Mark, who was a stocky lad and little more robust than I was and they were a bit wary of him and I was a little braver.
But if it was just me…
Thanks for reminding me;)
Fingers crossed. That forces a No Deal more or less but I wouldn’t get our hopes up. The remainers have been out there to see their mates and beg for an extension.
Chances are we will leave at some point in the next two centuries or so!
“Brexit bill ‘in limbo’ as MPs reject timetable”
……..And the majority of the people in Great Britain reject Parliament.
Forget the opinion polls along with their ‘massaged’ results, because in the most recent official elections (and that’s the European Elections) The Brexit Party took the most seats !
The only solution to get us out of this quagmire is a General Election .
Unfortunately ‘the noses in the troughs’ are clinging to the swamp.
Drain the swamp.
Considering the four years of ‘Project fear’ and the three years of uncertainty, do the readers of this site think that this nation’s economy has survived considerably well under the circumstances? Indeed, it appears to do very well without the idiotic parliament that we have in Westminster .
Well done entrepreneurs and businessmen of this nation, you are the salt of the earth . We need a General Election.
This time forget the Tory Party and their ‘Leave means leave’ and ‘Brexit Means Brexit’ sound bites , the only salvation for this nation now is The Brexit Party.
‘Despite Brexit’ our idiotic parliament managed to find time to make ‘Upskirting’ a crime.
I suspect that those most likely to ‘upskirt’ will be able to claim successfully that in their, ‘equally valid culture’, such actions are perfectly acceptable and the law, like that on FGM, will be purely theoretical.
taffman, the hard fact that every single MP and every single Civil Servant has to confront is that should they and their professional groups cease to exist, the UK would go about its business as usual. They are relatively inessential to life as we know it.
The only real instant problem would exist within the Armed Forces and that, effectively, would be overcome by the Commander in Chief very quickly.
The other area where Government and Civil Servants would be missed would be those covered by The Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Passport renewals.
Apart from that, life would go on as usual.
Until the next Budget and Finance Act, at which point the tax system would legally fall apart.
I found it staggering to read that currently there are 51 mps who have swapped sides and are quite obviously scared of an election. Why can’t the BBC give the Boris bashing a rest for once and except that he is at least trying to sort this awful mess out
Stevie – because the BBC is conducting a toxic war against both Brexit and the Tories, and we both know it’s been doing this for years. There is only the thinnest and most insincere pretence of ‘impartiality’, but underneath that they’re out to sabotage Boris as often as they can.
The Tories would need to join the battle for the Matriarchy, pursue the removal of borders a la Merkel, and participate in the militant promotion of LGBT issues to please the Beeb. They would need to make a big fuss about green issues and declare a ‘climate emergency’.
It would have to be completely reshaped as a ‘multicultural’ party, kowtowing to e.g. students in all the ‘decolonisation’ rubbish, and adopt spend, spend,spend policy, without worrying where the money comes from. It would have to increase that spend on a new and much larger licence fee for beeb- as a bribe.
In short, it needs to become indistinguishable from the Labour, Green and LimpDumb parties, and then some.
It may then get support from our ‘impartial’ state broadcaster, peace be upon them.
FNW – “because the BBC is conducting a toxic war against both Brexit and the Tories”
I was wondering why the BBC “hate” the Tories so , bearing in mind the majority of Parliamentary Conservatives have been delivering much of what the BBC supports, which are
1. Stay in the EU or BRINO
2. Deliver lots of new Brown Faces to our doorsteps and get us to pay for them
3. Stop us talking about them when they commit crime or negatively affect services or infrastructure
4. Encourage all forms of sexual degeneracy
5. Make the right noises on all this climate BS
I can only conclude that it is either some sort of Wolfie Smith/6th form Common room knee jerk reaction or perhaps (more darkly) the creation of a false enemy to try and give the impression that there is a true political opposition in this country when the fact is that currently all roads lead to Rome (or should that be Gomorrah)
To be honest though, it matters not. It is the effect it has. This wretched, treacherous, evil organisation has been at the forefront of the destruction of the ruination of our culture and the integrity of our society.
After WW2 William Joyce was hung. I always used to think that, that particular punishment was a bit harsh. However after years of listening to a continual diatribe continual treachery and lies from this disgusting institution, to be honest I can now understand why.
The problem Boris has is that he is up against a rouge parliament who have been trying to undermine Brexit since day one. I wonder if the other candidates for the Tory leadership would have had the same impact on how the BBC view things?
One thing Boris has done is that he has got the left and remainers scared. I think without that lot trying to sabotage everything we would have a much harder Brexit and would be able to leave early but the numbers are just not there for it. No thanks to Bercow either.
It should be Boris deal or no deal but sadly they have forced it as Boris deal or remain.
No deal only happens if an extension is vetoed but the chance is still small
Boris deal or remain = heads I win, tails you lose.
This is why these illegitimate s are so dangerous, they rework and reword every thing to match their own political prejudices. This wouldnt matter except they also have a vast broadcasting network which most of the MSM take the lead from.
I’m not a regular watcher of Parliament live – but having watched a few sessions I have noticed that underneath it all Bojo knows what he is up against and avoids the traitor commons whenever he can
And his hatred for Bercow is tangible . He wants to pretend he doesn’t exist . Hopefully after the 31st Bercow won’t exist . I’m sure if bojo can fix it Bercow won’t get more than an OBE . The queen won’t want him in the peers and nor will the peers . God – even Wimbledon refused him membership – and that dwarf loves tennis .
The next speaker ? Can he / she be bland and honest enough to restore any reputation for the office and false traditions . Or will be someone else with ‘issues ‘ Hattie Harmon – fixated about breast feeding , maternity leave , periods , sexist comments , sexual harassment , Wimmin never being wrong ?
The traitors choose their new speaker next week – there is a ‘tradition ‘ I think that there is some pantomime ‘dragging to the chair ‘ . We ll see .
Sadly I have just heard that Bercow might reconsider his resignation for the time being. Looks like we have to put up with the sociopath for a while longer!
On the face of it the position of Corbyn is the most ridiculous. He says the deal is a bad one yet doesn’t want to put his alternative to the electorate.
Yet reading RBC news front page it’s all minority government Johnson’s problem for not allowing enough time for parliamentary scrutiny.
This is three and a half years since the ‘legislated by parliament’ referendum took place. It was a binary vote; right?
Does history contain a better example of parliamentary foot dragging? To what end?
As ever RBC chooses where to point its taxpayer funded spotlight.
Sly news moved Kay Burley from the afternoon to the breakfast show. I and probably along with many more would have preferred it if she was moved to the middle of the night.
I have to admit I’ve missed out on Burley’s canon of work but while I was looking for information on her, I found this YouTube compilation of some of her ‘best’ interviews.
It’s 14 minutes long but excruciatingly jaw dropping.
If the BBC is still around in its present form in a few years from now, I won’t be surprised if she jumps ship and joins it.
“Buttmizvah is a Jewish, Queer club night that’s held in London. Ben combines both his faith and queer identity as he dances – he even brings his mum!”
Are you interested in incest ? A sexual deviancy the state broadcaster hasn’t supported yet .
Well – look at the Londonistan Evening Standard where there is an article by a journo lefty called Anne MacEvoy – a bubble dweller described as a ‘frequent contributor ‘ to the state broadcaster .
She thinks there are a few things wrong with the state broadcaster . But to read it – bias isn’t an issue – it’s just ‘presentation ‘ and internal issues like Wimmins pay and naga always being right cos she’s coloured and coloureds are always right .
She does take a soft swipe at the ‘cadre ‘ of state broadcasters who move from one place to another . I listed a few the other day but you know who I mean . Sons of sons of state broadcaster journos . Whole families of them . This is not automatically wrong but for an organisation which ‘celebrates diversity’( hate the term) its strange that Attenborough’s and snows and dimblebys drift from one place to another .
Like others here I’m avoiding the state broadcaster as the brexit mess intentionally created by remainer traitors plays out . I’m avoiding Bercow too . That creature daily insults our country and had undermined it far more than a thousand Russian internet sites …..
We are told that the climate troublemakers and their wanton interference in the daily lives of millions of normal people has cost us; ie taxpayers; over £30 million.
That is outrageous and it should be shouted from every news outlet up and down our country, with a demand that the perpetrators are sent the bill with threats of prison time if they don’t pay up.
The useless head of the met police, Miss Dick, should also be fired for her incompetence in allowing it to happen.
Don’t you understand, our MPs are just having FUN! They can do this, cos they’re so far above us puny mortals, it would be quite wrong of us to question them. They know so much better than us, too. To them it’s not their money. They shouldn’t think twice about spending it.
John , blacks and gays cannot be ‘fired ‘ – the ‘card’ just be waved and the ‘firer’ will get it on the chin ….
Once upon a time I employed a Pakistani lady – I’d inherited her when I took over a department . She drank . She drove to work . She smelt of booze . She was lazy and didn’t deliver on her work . She said it was ‘medication ‘ and often went sick or turned up late . I tried . Then I told my boss I was going to sack her . I’m white my boss was white . I got told in no uncertain terms that I couldn’t touch thing character because they needed ethnics on the books .
There was a happy ending . She drove drunk on the way to work and had a minor accident and was arrested . Gone.
Fedup2, in my working days there were ( thankfully short) periods when we had muslims in our workforce. Maybe they were the exceptions but to a man they were forever complaining, finding fault, having time off for personal reasons, demanding a prayer room, on the phone talking about goodness knows what because it wasn’t in English. And they were accommodated by management in all of this.
Radio 4 Extra is repeating The Cold swedish Winter, a ‘comedy’ that is set in Sweden, mostly employs Swedish actors, made in Sweden, mocks England, especially its men, mocks nationalists and praises immigrants, especially if they are from the Middle East and not from England.
Why would the BBC want to commission and broadcast such a programme?
Then I realised, it is because it is set in Sweden, mostly employs Swedish actors, is made in Sweden, it mocks England, especially its men, it mocks nationalists and praises immigrants, especially if they are from the Middle East and not from England.
Reading your item, it reminded me that YouTube has not presented me with, ‘Sanity for Sweden’ for a few days now as one broadcaster I visit daily. Judging by his contempt for anything left and madness in general, they have probably removed him from the YT platform. That’s what they do to any right wing supporters.
I can’t remember whether it was Sweden or Norway which had a ‘handgrenade amnesty ‘ last winter as explosions were becoming so common place . I kid you not . Stick that in a ‘comedy ‘.
I know there’s quite a few of us here who don’t pay the license fee. This is something I’m now seriously contemplating.
I don’t watch enough of it to excuse the tax. Gardeners’ World has finished until March, I hardly see any of the Beeb’s woke dramas. Blimey I can’t even watch Match of the Day for fear of damaging my telly when smug chops Lineker’s face appears. So what am I paying for?
Question Time doesn’t exist for me. Newsnight I avoid and even the bloody Archers is now so PC there are only two decent male characters in it and they’re both gay.
I’m sick of the brainwashing. I’m sick of the bias. And I’m sick of paying for it.
So, a question for those of you who don’t pay…and aren’t in Wormwood Scrubs…
It’s a matter of personal conscience / responsibility and circumstances but I just cannot – cannot – pay it . I recognise there might be consequences but so be it .
Avoiding prosecution is easy –
You will get lots of letters to ‘the occupier ‘ -just bin them
Have no communication with tv licencing
Look at a few sites on the web showing how to deal with ‘visits ‘
( I’ve never had one )
If by some fluke you get a visit just close the door on the inspector – not a word – you don’t have to speak to them .
Others here will say more . I’ve not paid it for years and I wish I’d don’t it well before . I have no moral issue about using the state broadcaster when I want but as with you – I’m off thecTV and onto amazon prime / Netflix / YouTube …..
Apart from contributing here it’s the one big tangible thing to make the state broadcaster change – don’t pay for the evil thing .
Jeff – I have been licence free for all but two months since 1997. My initial refusal to pay was bloodymindedness…I don’t pay now for obvious reasons. Admittedly it helps being addressed as ‘the legal occupier’ rather than HRH Crimson. The threats go straight in the bin – an investigation has been opened; will you be in on the xxth of May or whatever month.
(The time I got ‘caught’ I was living above a pub – and to be magnanimous to the Capita chap, he advised me to open a direct debit…and then to cancel it after two payments. Which I did – and the letters started again. I’ve long since moved and am now back to legal occupier status).
A word of caution too…always buy a TV without using your name and address as this goes straight to the database.
Hope this helps! There are more than one way to skin a cat, (apologies in advance to anybody offended).
I think we are all on ‘the database’ anyway, it is just the Post Office’s PAF address/postcode file.
I have bought several TVs over the years as gifts but in any case ownership of a TV doesn’t requite a licence.
There is no accounting for taste, The Archers should have gone up in flames along with Grace in my opinion, but listening to the radio doesn’t require a licence.
I stopped using iPlayer when they started to ask for a user name. I do sometimes use internet radios but they aren’t expicitly registered. I refuse to use Sounds, it is none of the BBC’s business what I listen to and when. I certainly don’t want to be fed (or barred from?) items based on what I have listened to before.
Other broadcasters let one listen directly from a web page, who needs all these ‘apps’?
I just stopped the direct debit.
I shred all the threatening letters without opening them.
I get red envelopes now.
Nobody has knocked on my door yet, if they do they will be told to Foxtrot Oscar.
You will not miss the BBC programmes, it might even be good for your health given the reports on the bias here.
Next wedding anniversary your can take the good lady out for a meal – thank you BBC.
Go For It!
I’m into three years and do not regret, forgive my crudity, having flushed the pan. That reference is the only way to describe losing our far left Marxist State Broadcasters, ‘unbiased and balanced’ output.
I’m not much of a telly addict anyway so it wasn’t very difficult for me to let it go. I’m not one to have it on all the time.
We cancelled the BT service. That was £70 a month! Then I wrote to Albeebistan to tell them I will no longer be watching any live broadcast television. I sent them a copy of the cancellation letter to prove I was stopping.
I then took up an internet only service so I can still access the internet. I don’t touch BBC iplayer. I never did even when I was paying the telly tax. It just doesn’t interest me. We aren’t watching it secretly. We are fine without it. YouTube is actually my favourite thing to watch on the internet. We watch our own DVD collection. Concerts, box sets, movies. You can legally watch some of the other players if you avoid anything live. You can buy a subscription to Now TV, Amazon or Netflix. There are plenty of options IMO.
BBC sent me a refund of £37.00 for the 3 months I had left to run on the old licence.
I don’t get threatening letters. If a BBC inspector comes to my door I will talk to them. I’m not going to shout. I won’t let them in to my home however, they don’t have a right to demand entry. I don’t watch BBC or any other live broadcast TV. If you can do that, you can legally avoid the Telly Tax. If you can’t live without it and you MUST have BBC on the sly it’s up to you. I can’t stand them & wanted them out of my life. IMO we should starve the beast and watch it die.
I would add that they do keep you going in circles trying to get the cancellation to go through.
I ended up filling in the ‘Ask a question’ section and they contacted me via email.
Concurr Lucy. It’s exactly the approach I have taken. I don’t bother with the subscription services however as I can find other ways to entertain or find something less boring to do, as the phrase goes.
I have not shouted at or invited an inspector to enter my property either, but one particularly obnoxious so and so was politely asked how he really felt about collecting monies on belhalf of an organisation that had links to know child abusers. Harris, Saville etc. That seems to send em packing.
The least troublesome route for me since 2013 has been: cancel any standing orders, phone the number on the reminder letter and tell them you don’t need a licence.
Every two years, they contact me to confirm I still don’t need a licence and other than that they leave me alone. Having said that, I never watch live TV, so even if they can check by other means than their Noddy Vans, they’ll discover they can’t persecute me.
I could never get them accept payment by Standing Order. They would take every form of payment except that. They promote DD because they have more control over that. I have so far refused to pay anything by DD ever. I’ve never trusted that method of payment. Companies can debit from your account without your permission once you have given them access to your details. SO can only be altered by the holder of the bank account. BBC doesn’t list Standing Orders as a MOP. Perhaps you had yours set up from previous years before DD became a thing?
I paid my licence in one lump sum for the year.
It does seem likely that the Boris deal will eventually get voted through. If it does what will happen over the next year or two?
The hardcore Remainers , who became Remoaners , will metamorphose into Rejoiners but they will have the covert support of a fifth column who will do all that they can to prove that Leaving was a mistake and we ought to rejoin ASAP. Of course the BBC will be awash with pro EU propaganda , negative stories about the adverse impact of Leaving on the UK will abound , all negative news from within the EU will be suppressed. The truth will be irrelevant in this onslaught.
We all know on this site that this is exactly what will happen and I am sure that Boris et al know this too. So why let it happen? The BBC bias must have been exposed to millions of Leavers and to many Remain voters who naively believed in democracy and expected fairness and unbiased reporting from the state funded broadcaster. Finally what we on this site have known for many years will be seen by millions more who have had the wool stripped from their eyes. Action to , at a minimum , cut the over mighty corporation down to size will have the backing of all of these people. Once a new Tory Government is installed with a substantial majority, something I think is very likely, it ought to strike hard at the BBC safe in the knowledge that it will have widespread support .
But somehow I just don’t think it will. Instead there will be forgiveness , the BBC will be allowed to continue on it mission to create a woke UK which will become an Islamic country soon after. Come on Tories , wake up! The BBC is an enemy and should be treated as such. It has done and continues to do more damage to the UK than any other institution. Of course I’m assuming that the Tories as a whole don’t in their hearts agree with wokism , increasingly I question if this assumption is correct!
“”Local farmer John Bradley’s land is about a mile from Cuadrilla’s biggest fracking site in Preston.””
“”He told the BBC he had started with an open mind but he had been shaken (literally) off the fence he’d been sitting on when a tremor of 2.9 on the Richter scale was recorded in July.””
“It was not very nice at all – quite scary in fact. That settled it for me. Also we are dairy farmers producing a high quality rural product. Having a site like that nearby doesn’t fit with what we do at all.”
Considering that they intend to phase out gas, and we will not be allowed ICE vehicles and trains, any more, there seems little point in fracking. We will just have to put up with the magic unicorn electricity that somehow generates itself from the zephyrs, and sunshine.
More Al Beeb news coming up on immigration ?
What is the Tory Party doing about Cameron’s promise of cutting immigration ?
The Tories are ‘men of straw’ , along with the other political parties in Parliament . Time to drain the swamp and give The Brexit Party a chance.
@FedUp I have heard BBC staff celebrate how people come in in containers.
In one podcast a guy who does work for the BBC told how he an Afghani came in in a container.
.. And other progs I have heard BBC interviewers interviewing people who came in in containers a long time ago and act as if they thought it was a brave and adventurous thing.
How was this truck found ? intelligence, random check etc.
I wonder if there have been secret deaths before , where a trucker finds them all dead, so they got buried in big hole in the countryside etc. ?
Maybe the smell of a lot of dead was getting out if they’d been gone a long time – like dying on the route in Ireland or whether .
Another good reason for proper border and movement control but it won’t be spun like that by remainers .
I’m long past the stage of sympathy for illegals .the state broadcaster always wants to blame some one . Who will it be this time ? ‘ smiling ‘ priti I suppose .
The police said thy didn’t know until ambulance service on the site called them in.
So who called the ambulance, the trucker ? the immigrants, how come the dispatcher sent an ambulance down, without police ?
(The police statement keeps getting updated)
“Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said he is ‘appalled’ and that his thoughts are with those who lost their lives and their loved ones.”
His thoughts should be about Brexit and the complete stoppage of ANYONE coming into the UK which MUST follow Brexit.
My thought is that is 39 who will not be gang raping our daughters, driving cars at us and otherwise turning our once green and pleasant land into the third world cess pit they created in their homeland.
To be fair, they may have just ended up working in hand car washes or cannabis farms. You know, contributing to society and “paying their taxes” the way we are always told.
Essex police retract Holyhead idea
In a statement just now the Police said they believe the ship travelled from Zeebrugge, Belgium, into Purfleet on the River Thames.
That will spice up PMQs today – chuck in the meaningless –
‘Thoughts are with ….’ stuff – traitor MPs will out blub each other and Bercow will have a great time at his last PMQs.
A soft brexiter Tory called Doyle – price who was sacked when Bojo became PM appears to be the local MP – and she has a majority of 0.7%
I unfortunately switched on ParliamentLive just as the pompous, bloated windbag Blackford took the floor, as you had suggested milking the “major incident in Essex”. Practically mid-sentence, he turns on the “lying, deceitful PM” and said:
“The first ministers of Scotland and Wales have joined forces to oppose this Tory Govt’s damaging Brexit … Scotland did not vote for Brexit, it voted overwhelmingly to remain … PM stop ignoring Scotland and confirm that you will not allow this legislation to pass unless consent is given by the Scottish Parliament.”
BJ cut him down pretty quickly, I thought ;o)
Can’t we just send Scots who don’t want to be here back to Scotland?!
If they don’t like it (i.e. hate everything about England) why not p… o..? :o(
P.S: Boris just said “He (Jim Cunningham) has asked the Govt to put the screws on the BBC, we certainly will” … Here’s hoping! :o)
Frustrated – I disagree about Blackford . I used to turn him off but now I look forward to his ‘people of Scotland ‘ act but still pine for the corruption of Alex salmond .
It was nice that an England hating Scotsman was so concerned about Essex – it’s just a pity that the 39 illegals hadn’t been successfully exported to his country where they could have busily ‘enriched’ it .
Diane Abbott wants a ‘safe highway ‘ for illegals to come into the UK . Nobody asked whether it should end at her front door .
I see that Mr Blackford, like all his fellow Scots Nazis, has decided that the million Scots who voted for Brexit are unpeople. I expect they will be sent to Gruinard Island.
The fact is that without the million Scots Brexiters, we would have lost the referendum. I’d like to thank the million who ignored the Scots Nazis and voted with us to leave the EU.
Lame Brain Lammy is boasting about defeating the government and “not being bullied into making a historic mistake.”, despite been observed sleeping during the debate.
We defeated the government and the #BrexitBill has not been pulled. Total bluff.
You can't trust Boris Johnson. We won't be bullied into making a historic mistake.
Cassandra – the other day both Lammy and abbot were called ‘ thick ‘ and the defence was they both went to ‘ good ‘ universities – I’m afraid tokenism is just that and no amount of uni makes a thicko clever .
I wasn’t sure if Lammy was texting or snoozing but it is of no matter . He could sleep all the time and Tottenham would still re elect him
Fed, I agree with your comments about tokenism and the safe seat he has in Tottenham (Didn’t Lammy submit an expenses claim for a season ticket to watch ‘Spurs?)
The best comment I’ve seen this morning when he denied he was having ‘forty winks’ but was on his mobile phone instead, is this:
“He was looking up what Marie Antoinette got her Nobel prize for.”
Sorry but going to a Yuni is not exactly a good yardstick to prove someone’s intellect. I know many who have a Yuni education, and excel in the subjects studied, but general intellect ? nah ! most just ‘haven’t a clue’.
Yep, I went to university back in the late ’70s and, at the risk of exposing myself to a good lashing, I’ve got to agree with you. Things haven’t got any better in the interim either.
The Daily Mail quoted a source close to the home secretary as saying: “Priti is grateful to Andrew for correcting his mistake and looks forward to appearing on his show in future”
Why on earth do they agree to appear on the mainstream media, surely there are other avenues they can take to broadcast their message
Correct, do a Trump.
Give them no chance to filter, sieve, add to, distort or just destroy the message.
Every message should end with :-
“Every message is broadcast directly to the electorate because the £5 billion PA BBC cannot be trusted and will be sold next year.”
Actually the producers would have been aware immediately from people’s tweets so should have made an apology before the end of the show.
They didn’t and thus allowed Leftmob to make political capital
I am so sick of Brexit that I really can’t watch or listen to any MSM…the MPs deserve to be removed at the next election..but why can’t there just be 3 week extension if there has to be? why 3 months..they have 100 pages to read an digest..are they really that thick?
Here is my bias BBC. piece – yesterday BBC talking about giving body to medicine – showed 1st year med students in London 80% were Asian females many with headscarfs, 10% Asian males, a few Black students and from their footage one white male – who did they interview…white male…
My belief is that they want to make out medicine is still dominated by white privileged males – why else would they not focus as they normally do on Asian females when they are pointing out inequality especially when they are the majority..BBC I really can’t watch
Such a strategy in Essex for those poor souls. BBC quick to identify driver was from NI although it routed through the republic.
No doubt this tradegy will be another Grenfell and raise issue over Irish border and Brexit, unrestricted immigration, and how it is needed to counter human trafficking…and further assorted lefty ideals.
For anyone looking for a soft chuckle – watch the bit of video of traitor Soubry in the traitor commons being barracked by John Mann….. hits the spot for some of us ….
Unfortunately, for leftists and liberals, obsessed with cheap workers, population replacement, diversity and open borders, 39 dead is just ‘collateral damage’. Their evil work continues, regardless of the human price.
A do or die approach would be to offer the £39 billion to any EU country that would veto the extension and exit under the plans they have been drawing up for no deal . Watch the remain MP vote for anything .. that would be do or die !
Radio2 1:20pm to 1:40pm Peter Oborne exploded at Amol
The context is that righty Peter Oborne is quite Anti-Brexit
so annoyed at Boris
His angle was that journos keep pushing the Downing St line by reporting “sources say”
He said “sources say” should be banned
.. Amol was immediately able to trap PO cos PO quoted something and refused to name his source
Then PO started throw the label “Client journalist” on people
– “Peston is a client-journalist”
– “BBC’s Laura K is a client-journalist”
Amol stepped in cos they weren’t there to defend themselves
PO replies “You are the worst client-journalist”
Amol : example ?
“You never wrote about Lebedev”
Amol : “mumble, mumble”
Interview ended and Amol played Cliff Richard’s “We don’t talk anymore”
So @BBCRadio2 and the @theJeremyVine show hosted by @amolrajan and the contributor who is obviously pro Remain having a right go at Cummings for releasing “stories” to the press something @campbellclaret did for years under Blair with no comeback.
The best message I have seen for days…. “I’m not certain that many have cottoned on to the fact that the UK does NOT require a Withdrawal Treaty to exit the EU. We can just Leave. You know, what we voted to do at the 2016 EU Referendum! Then, we can talk about a Free Trade Agreement with the EU — if we really want one.”
The traitor Oborne is the worst type – went from being a Brexiter to a remainer because there was more profit in it . But – hey – he’s a journo so the moral level can’t be very high .
Maybe rod Stewart ‘ I don’t want to talk about it ‘ would have been a better choice . Can’t rember the last time I listened to R1,2,5,local ….
Where once in a safe and legal place, they then prey upon hard working, tax paying, law abiding locals, robbing, stabbing, pilfering, raping, demanding benefits, free housing, healthcare, their rights to practise their filthy culture etc all at our expense but claiming victim status.
Sorry Diane, if you think this is racist. I couldn’t give a hoot.
4:30pm Radio4 Media Show
@acatherwoodnews asks “Would sports commentators do a better job than politicical journalists of explaining #Brexit? I’m delighted to have Clive on the Media Show today for his take. ”
The interesting thing is the webpage has no blurb yet, but does have a photo of Kay Burley
Hope she asked about the time she grabbed a woman’s throat
In an op piece in the DT, Philip Johnston makes the blindingly obvious point that many of our problems today are due to unrestricted immigration, dating back to Blair. From housing and transport to schools and the NHS, and much else, including Brexit.
Blindingly obvious to sensible people, though not to the bbc who continue to demonise anyone expressing the obvious truth as far-right, racist etc. One day in the not too distant future, such views will be seen as no more than common sense, after being ridiculed, ignored and reviled by the bbc, the msm and bien-pensants commentators.
The same will be true of the invasion by an inimical religious ideology.
By then it will be too late.
To paraphrase: First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then your ideas become a truism, by then it’s too late.
“Blair’s reckless population explosion sowed the seeds of Brexit, though few will now admit it”
The seeds of Brexit were sown when we realised we had been sold a political union rather a trading opportunity and that the trade went one way and the fish and the money went the other.
What is remarkable is that the ‘remainers’ persist in telling us that this is the reason to stay in.
20:00 Moral Maze
The ‘Tolerance of Intolerance’
Live debate examining the moral issues behind one of the week’s news stories.
With Andrew Doyle, Anne McElvoy, Melanie Philips and Mona Siddiqui. #moralmaze
LGBT school lesson protests : Muslim parents have been portrayed as backward and bigoted, while the local authority has been labelled Islamophobic.
I see that the odious Gina Miller is back on the brexit case and will attempt to “guide” voters via a new website how they can vote tacticaly to swing the government to a pro-EU “Second Referendum then Remain” one.
You can be pretty sure that this will probably be Soros funded. I hope that it sends a clear message to all “out” voters to make sure they get their votes to count en-mass when the time comes.
This will be a decisive and bloody battle which we must fight tooth and nail and cannot afford to lose to the murky power brokers behind the scenes.
Got to hand it to the state broadcaster – a snowflake favoured by the broadcaster called Naomi Wolf has had her book about how terrible the british were to queers in Victoria times – pulled -because she got her ‘facts ‘Seriously wrong .
A chap by the name of Matthew Sweet – who is a queer – pulled her up in a painful interview on Radio 3 a little while ago . If you haven’t heard it – it is painful unintended comedy as you listen to this loud mouthed American being quietly disassembled and sent packing .
I care less about the issue – but it’s nice to see a snowflake cat fight taking place on air ….. Mr Sweet by the way – does a good job on R3 with his cinema music programme on Saturday afternoons . …
Could Marr’s throwaway comment to Priti Patel be construed as racist?
I hope behind the scenes, despite Ms Patel’s apparent gracious acceptance of the late apology, that someone finally has the Henry Hall,s to get after this festering sore of an operation.
Keeping the thinking head on… would be a good time to ask them for a public acceptance that they will continue to fund the over 75@s Licence Tax.
Have to hand it to the BBC; a programme about the customer always being right screened on a broadcaster who clearly could and needs to care less is impressive irony.
Looks like another Dragon’s Den, meaning those selected will be chosen for Coliseum value than anything else.
Yes, I read that one and thought the same. Although they pointed out quited a significant differences between the effects on men and women, it felt like they were trying to minimise them…don’t want to upset those who think we are the same do we…and the researcher is a specialist in WOMEN’s reproductive health. We can do away with that once they have perfected the technique of growing babies in an artificial uterus. Coming soon.
Loo, if the Anti-Christ hasn’t been born yet then I think an artificial uterus and womb would be Satan’s way of making a point. Be lost on most people, by then, who would not understand the significance but would ‘celebrate the scientific achievement’, instead.
And Sky has a pic of the NI lorry driver…because he’s white. Can you imagine them picturing him if he hadnt been? Sky also have breaking news of Macdonalds Manchester stabbing – didn’t see it on Al Beeb.
Not a lot about this on the BBC website. In fact, nothing at all. Is any of this a surprise?
renfell tower fraudsters have falsely claimed a total of £775,000, new figures reveal, with police only recovering £24,000.
Sixteen criminals have been convicted of siphoning off funds by posing as people affected by the inferno which killed 72 people.
They made claims to the victims’ fund totalling £775,000 in the wake of the tragedy in June 2017. Police have so far recovered £24,000, meaning £751,000 is still missing.
The figures emerged during a Kensington and Chelsea council meeting last week.
Notting Dale Labour councillor Judith Blakeman grilled deputy council leader Kim Taylor-Smith during the session.
Ms Blakeman said some families who lost loved-ones in the blaze had warned the council that fraudsters were trying to profit from their suffering.
“In at least two cases bereaved family members advised the council that people were claiming money fraudulently,” she said.
Mr Taylor-Smith confirmed that there had been 16 prosecutions of fraudsters who received jail terms ranging from one to six years, and that the cash recovered so far had been funnelled back into the fund.
Among those convicted was the council’s former finance manager, Jenny McDonagh. The 39-year-old joined the council under the pretence of helping survivors but went on to steal £62,000 intended for the victims.
Last month Daniel Steventon, 37, from Kilburn, north west London, was jailed for three years and six months.
He pretended he had been living with a person killed in the fire and claimed £75,225 in housing, services and financial support.
Some £28,981,945 had been raised for Grenfell victims as of January 2019, according to the Charity Commission for England and Wales.
Police are still investigating allegations of fraud connected with the disaster. It is possible that much more money could have been taken than is currently known.
What the Grenfell tower incident highlights (and the way the authorities lobbed money around to all and sundry) is that they have no idea who is in this country or who lives where.
It’s a messed up country isn’t it. They can raise £29 million for Grenfell victims, mostly immigrants, who contributed nothing, who lived in social housing, in the most expensive city in England. However, they can’t do anything for the homeless indigenous ex servicemen who are out on the streets sleeping rough because there is no social housing available for the people who fought for our country, due to being full of immigrants who contribute nothing……
Very interesting – I’d not seen or heard that before. If John Lydon (pretty much a media and music business outsider at the time) knew in 1978 then you would imagine that most of those more established in the industry must also have known.
How many Sex Pistols records did the BBC ban?
Can’t imagine why.
Public Inquiry into who at the BBC was involved and who knew what and when and why they kept it quiet might be a good place to start in dismantling the whole stinking edifice.
Very interesting – I’d not seen or heard that before. If John Lydon (pretty much a media and music business outsider at the time) knew in 1978 then you would imagine that most of those more established in the industry must also have known.
How many Sex Pistols records did the BBC ban?
Can’t imagine why.
Public Inquiry into who at the BBC was involved and who knew what and when and why they kept it quiet might be a good place to start in dismantling the whole stinking edifice.
Police spent 37m in helping XR with their PR
Been lot cheaper if water cannon had been displayed before XRs stunts had even started
Extinction Rebellion protests cost police £37m, more than double spent combating violent crime in London each year — RT UK News
JohnCMar 6, 04:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 One day, three crises and Trump’s free-wheeling foreign policy on display And another outrageously lop-sided from the BBC’s Zurcher.…
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 6, 04:12 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hear tell that down In deepest Windsor, in the hall of the muslim King, that the call to prayer…
vladMar 6, 04:07 Midweek 5th March 2025 Dave Rubin: “Sadiq Khan is a Jihadist in sheep’s clothing and Britain is f*cked.” Here’s weasel Khan celebrating ‘diversity’. That’s…
JohnCMar 6, 02:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Europe ‘at turning point in history’, French president warns ‘Europe was facing a “clear and present danger on a…
taffmanMar 6, 00:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 pugnazious The blame lays with the EU’s open borders.
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Why is it possible to come on Campbell’s show and say the most outrageous anti-Trump or Musk things and Campbell…
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Woke up to Today pushing the Robinson interview with Sunak [Campbell ejaculated on his show…’What a scoop!’…lol…no] and getting very…
taffmanMar 6, 00:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 My often posted message to the BBC….. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all…
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 BBC… ‘He [Trump] also appeared to threaten civilians: “Also, to the People of Gaza: A beautiful Future awaits, but not…
taffmanMar 5, 23:54 Midweek 5th March 2025 StewGreen “Cumbria Police say it is not a terror related incident”. We have heard this before . Could it be…
???? Thanks for the couple of replies on the last thread!
Al beeb must be cock-a-hoop after today’s shenanigans
SECOND xxxxxx
Backlinks to the StartTheWeek thread
– Page 3 started lunchtime Tuesday
– Page 2 started lunchtime Monday
.. News was that libmob people had intimidated Paypal into boycotting David Vance
– The BBC had omitted news about a gang party in Milton Keynes
– Emperor Bercow reaching peak Remainer by refusing the reading of leaving bill
– The omitting of the phrase “white bastards” from the Rochdale axe attack story
– @Philip_2’s long rant last night
– and some stuff from people who hadn’t spotted that the thread had ended
I am told,not from the most reliable source, that no ethic minority Man or woman has ever been prosecuted for a racist attack of any kind against a white person in England.
I find this hard to believe.
Kris McDonald comes to mind in scotland,but I have no recollections for England.
I would like to find the facts in this for myself if I could be pointed in the right direction,any help would be appreciated.
from previous thread…
“The only news I’ll be imbibing is through this excellent site, so please keep up the good work.
I’ll see you all on the other side…”
Glad you’re not deserting us Jeffreybubblesbonbon (and if you know who that was then tick VG)
Mr D has had enough. He has retuned our radio alarm. I will no longer be getting up after toenails cosy chats or Mishal*s biased interviews (how many dead Israelis equal a dead Palestinian?) I now just have Moira for a couple of minutes plus comments here and Guido.
Well not totally. Yesterday I drove a couple of miles at the end of Woman’s Hour and apparently earlier they had been discussing Climate Change. Miss Garvey therefore finished with an email which came in from a teacher who wrote that her pupils were not afraid of the future but extremely angry at the older generations for what they have done to the earth. Now I wonder where they have learned that if it isn’t from the Left wing educationalists?
I heard that and it still pees me off who are these adults..are these the same ones that have developed wind energy solar energy and stopped using coal – oh no that’s just the UK adults
and are these the same kids ones who buy clothes made in India , china and Pakistan every week and use once and who are never seen picking up litter or cleaning rivers ?
These teachers are a disgrace..yes talk about pollution and clean energy but make sure they know who the biggest polluters are and the good these ‘adutts’ have done in the UK in the last 20 years. and how the kids are adding to the issue by their actions
Jeffrey Bubbles Bon Bon! Ha! How could I ever forget that? Remember it, I’m still having nightmares.
The Lovers was on while I was at school and on my way in I had to catch a bus that took hoards of young ladies to the girls school. Somehow these minxes found out my name and (you know how much girls love embarrassing shy young lads) I got it every day. “Hello Jeffrey, do want any Percy Filth?” I’d be crimson. As I approached the bus stop there seemed to be a chorus of these young fillies calling “It’s Jeffrey Bubbles Bon Bon.”
On occasion I’d have a mate with me, Mark, who was a stocky lad and little more robust than I was and they were a bit wary of him and I was a little braver.
But if it was just me…
Thanks for reminding me;)
You should have told them that N.O. spells “No”.
Bubbles bon bon was a Geoffrey not a Jeffrey. Geoffrey and Beryl.
I wonder if France, Hungary or Poland might veto an extension ????
Fingers crossed. That forces a No Deal more or less but I wouldn’t get our hopes up. The remainers have been out there to see their mates and beg for an extension.
Chances are we will leave at some point in the next two centuries or so!
I wonder if the Fuhrer will let them
You can hope but as they benefit from the UK contribution I doubt it very much – however in theory can’t we veto it? Now that would be funny..
Britain is worth £12 billion a year to them, so no.
Whatever noises granny-shagger makes, I would be surprised if France did it without the permission of Germany. I don’t know about the other two.
“Brexit bill ‘in limbo’ as MPs reject timetable”
……..And the majority of the people in Great Britain reject Parliament.
Forget the opinion polls along with their ‘massaged’ results, because in the most recent official elections (and that’s the European Elections) The Brexit Party took the most seats !
The only solution to get us out of this quagmire is a General Election .
Unfortunately ‘the noses in the troughs’ are clinging to the swamp.
Drain the swamp.
Considering the four years of ‘Project fear’ and the three years of uncertainty, do the readers of this site think that this nation’s economy has survived considerably well under the circumstances? Indeed, it appears to do very well without the idiotic parliament that we have in Westminster .
Well done entrepreneurs and businessmen of this nation, you are the salt of the earth . We need a General Election.
This time forget the Tory Party and their ‘Leave means leave’ and ‘Brexit Means Brexit’ sound bites , the only salvation for this nation now is The Brexit Party.
‘Despite Brexit’ our idiotic parliament managed to find time to make ‘Upskirting’ a crime.
I suspect that those most likely to ‘upskirt’ will be able to claim successfully that in their, ‘equally valid culture’, such actions are perfectly acceptable and the law, like that on FGM, will be purely theoretical.
taffman, the hard fact that every single MP and every single Civil Servant has to confront is that should they and their professional groups cease to exist, the UK would go about its business as usual. They are relatively inessential to life as we know it.
The only real instant problem would exist within the Armed Forces and that, effectively, would be overcome by the Commander in Chief very quickly.
The other area where Government and Civil Servants would be missed would be those covered by The Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Passport renewals.
Apart from that, life would go on as usual.
Until the next Budget and Finance Act, at which point the tax system would legally fall apart.
I found it staggering to read that currently there are 51 mps who have swapped sides and are quite obviously scared of an election. Why can’t the BBC give the Boris bashing a rest for once and except that he is at least trying to sort this awful mess out
Stevie – because the BBC is conducting a toxic war against both Brexit and the Tories, and we both know it’s been doing this for years. There is only the thinnest and most insincere pretence of ‘impartiality’, but underneath that they’re out to sabotage Boris as often as they can.
The Tories would need to join the battle for the Matriarchy, pursue the removal of borders a la Merkel, and participate in the militant promotion of LGBT issues to please the Beeb. They would need to make a big fuss about green issues and declare a ‘climate emergency’.
It would have to be completely reshaped as a ‘multicultural’ party, kowtowing to e.g. students in all the ‘decolonisation’ rubbish, and adopt spend, spend,spend policy, without worrying where the money comes from. It would have to increase that spend on a new and much larger licence fee for beeb- as a bribe.
In short, it needs to become indistinguishable from the Labour, Green and LimpDumb parties, and then some.
It may then get support from our ‘impartial’ state broadcaster, peace be upon them.
FNW – “because the BBC is conducting a toxic war against both Brexit and the Tories”
I was wondering why the BBC “hate” the Tories so , bearing in mind the majority of Parliamentary Conservatives have been delivering much of what the BBC supports, which are
1. Stay in the EU or BRINO
2. Deliver lots of new Brown Faces to our doorsteps and get us to pay for them
3. Stop us talking about them when they commit crime or negatively affect services or infrastructure
4. Encourage all forms of sexual degeneracy
5. Make the right noises on all this climate BS
I can only conclude that it is either some sort of Wolfie Smith/6th form Common room knee jerk reaction or perhaps (more darkly) the creation of a false enemy to try and give the impression that there is a true political opposition in this country when the fact is that currently all roads lead to Rome (or should that be Gomorrah)
To be honest though, it matters not. It is the effect it has. This wretched, treacherous, evil organisation has been at the forefront of the destruction of the ruination of our culture and the integrity of our society.
After WW2 William Joyce was hung. I always used to think that, that particular punishment was a bit harsh. However after years of listening to a continual diatribe continual treachery and lies from this disgusting institution, to be honest I can now understand why.
The BBC hate the Tories our of tradition. They hated Thatcher and even hated May despite the fact she was on their side.
I think that they just want Blair back and bizarrely they seem to think that Corbyn is the answer.
Corby is not the answer and if he was a question then the answer should be no.
The problem Boris has is that he is up against a rouge parliament who have been trying to undermine Brexit since day one. I wonder if the other candidates for the Tory leadership would have had the same impact on how the BBC view things?
One thing Boris has done is that he has got the left and remainers scared. I think without that lot trying to sabotage everything we would have a much harder Brexit and would be able to leave early but the numbers are just not there for it. No thanks to Bercow either.
It should be Boris deal or no deal but sadly they have forced it as Boris deal or remain.
No deal only happens if an extension is vetoed but the chance is still small
Boris deal or remain = heads I win, tails you lose.
This is why these illegitimate s are so dangerous, they rework and reword every thing to match their own political prejudices. This wouldnt matter except they also have a vast broadcasting network which most of the MSM take the lead from.
So the Boris/May BRINO now becomes Brexit.
I suppose a rouge parliament would be one headed by Jeremy Corbyn.
More like a Khmer Rouge parliament if that communist is in charge.
I’m not a regular watcher of Parliament live – but having watched a few sessions I have noticed that underneath it all Bojo knows what he is up against and avoids the traitor commons whenever he can
And his hatred for Bercow is tangible . He wants to pretend he doesn’t exist . Hopefully after the 31st Bercow won’t exist . I’m sure if bojo can fix it Bercow won’t get more than an OBE . The queen won’t want him in the peers and nor will the peers . God – even Wimbledon refused him membership – and that dwarf loves tennis .
The next speaker ? Can he / she be bland and honest enough to restore any reputation for the office and false traditions . Or will be someone else with ‘issues ‘ Hattie Harmon – fixated about breast feeding , maternity leave , periods , sexist comments , sexual harassment , Wimmin never being wrong ?
The traitors choose their new speaker next week – there is a ‘tradition ‘ I think that there is some pantomime ‘dragging to the chair ‘ . We ll see .
Sadly I have just heard that Bercow might reconsider his resignation for the time being. Looks like we have to put up with the sociopath for a while longer!
On the face of it the position of Corbyn is the most ridiculous. He says the deal is a bad one yet doesn’t want to put his alternative to the electorate.
Yet reading RBC news front page it’s all minority government Johnson’s problem for not allowing enough time for parliamentary scrutiny.
This is three and a half years since the ‘legislated by parliament’ referendum took place. It was a binary vote; right?
Does history contain a better example of parliamentary foot dragging? To what end?
As ever RBC chooses where to point its taxpayer funded spotlight.
Soon “Brexit” will have taken longer than the First World War!
That led to the fall of four empires. Our corrupt and rotten system of parliamentary non-democracy deserves to go the same way.
Sly news moved Kay Burley from the afternoon to the breakfast show. I and probably along with many more would have preferred it if she was moved to the middle of the night.
Or the middle of the Atlantic.
Sky would probably refer to it as THE KAY BURLEY Atlantic
Kay has snagged ‘elder statesman’ Heseltine.
A BBC/Sky pincer move that should really energise the youth vote.
Between her, Nick, Ken and Tarzan that’s an average age of around eighty.
I have to admit I’ve missed out on Burley’s canon of work but while I was looking for information on her, I found this YouTube compilation of some of her ‘best’ interviews.
It’s 14 minutes long but excruciatingly jaw dropping.
If the BBC is still around in its present form in a few years from now, I won’t be surprised if she jumps ship and joins it.
Kate Burley v James O’Brian, two of the nastiest people in the Media !
Sorry , to be more accurate just delete ‘in the Media’.
…but if they do they will be merciless.
According to the beeb’s older adverts, the only thing they seem to be able to detect is people watching Columbo.
…but on a more serious note…
“Buttmizvah is a Jewish, Queer club night that’s held in London. Ben combines both his faith and queer identity as he dances – he even brings his mum!”
Are you interested in incest ? A sexual deviancy the state broadcaster hasn’t supported yet .
Well – look at the Londonistan Evening Standard where there is an article by a journo lefty called Anne MacEvoy – a bubble dweller described as a ‘frequent contributor ‘ to the state broadcaster .
She thinks there are a few things wrong with the state broadcaster . But to read it – bias isn’t an issue – it’s just ‘presentation ‘ and internal issues like Wimmins pay and naga always being right cos she’s coloured and coloureds are always right .
She does take a soft swipe at the ‘cadre ‘ of state broadcasters who move from one place to another . I listed a few the other day but you know who I mean . Sons of sons of state broadcaster journos . Whole families of them . This is not automatically wrong but for an organisation which ‘celebrates diversity’( hate the term) its strange that Attenborough’s and snows and dimblebys drift from one place to another .
Like others here I’m avoiding the state broadcaster as the brexit mess intentionally created by remainer traitors plays out . I’m avoiding Bercow too . That creature daily insults our country and had undermined it far more than a thousand Russian internet sites …..
We are told that the climate troublemakers and their wanton interference in the daily lives of millions of normal people has cost us; ie taxpayers; over £30 million.
That is outrageous and it should be shouted from every news outlet up and down our country, with a demand that the perpetrators are sent the bill with threats of prison time if they don’t pay up.
The useless head of the met police, Miss Dick, should also be fired for her incompetence in allowing it to happen.
While we are sending out the bills I reckon our MPs have cost us £60 million each for the extra EU danegeld their obstructive action has cost us.
Don’t you understand, our MPs are just having FUN! They can do this, cos they’re so far above us puny mortals, it would be quite wrong of us to question them. They know so much better than us, too. To them it’s not their money. They shouldn’t think twice about spending it.
John , blacks and gays cannot be ‘fired ‘ – the ‘card’ just be waved and the ‘firer’ will get it on the chin ….
Once upon a time I employed a Pakistani lady – I’d inherited her when I took over a department . She drank . She drove to work . She smelt of booze . She was lazy and didn’t deliver on her work . She said it was ‘medication ‘ and often went sick or turned up late . I tried . Then I told my boss I was going to sack her . I’m white my boss was white . I got told in no uncertain terms that I couldn’t touch thing character because they needed ethnics on the books .
There was a happy ending . She drove drunk on the way to work and had a minor accident and was arrested . Gone.
Fedup2, in my working days there were ( thankfully short) periods when we had muslims in our workforce. Maybe they were the exceptions but to a man they were forever complaining, finding fault, having time off for personal reasons, demanding a prayer room, on the phone talking about goodness knows what because it wasn’t in English. And they were accommodated by management in all of this.
Quite – in a subsequent life I recruited people . The bar was set very high .
Radio 4 Extra is repeating The Cold swedish Winter, a ‘comedy’ that is set in Sweden, mostly employs Swedish actors, made in Sweden, mocks England, especially its men, mocks nationalists and praises immigrants, especially if they are from the Middle East and not from England.
Why would the BBC want to commission and broadcast such a programme?
Then I realised, it is because it is set in Sweden, mostly employs Swedish actors, is made in Sweden, it mocks England, especially its men, it mocks nationalists and praises immigrants, especially if they are from the Middle East and not from England.
And the best part is… even if just six people watch it… they don’t need to worry. Hurdy hur hur.
Reading your item, it reminded me that YouTube has not presented me with, ‘Sanity for Sweden’ for a few days now as one broadcaster I visit daily. Judging by his contempt for anything left and madness in general, they have probably removed him from the YT platform. That’s what they do to any right wing supporters.
I can’t remember whether it was Sweden or Norway which had a ‘handgrenade amnesty ‘ last winter as explosions were becoming so common place . I kid you not . Stick that in a ‘comedy ‘.
“All part and parcel” needless to say……………….
Tucker Carlson Tonight
2020 Dems are spending more than ever on private jet travel
I wonder if they have Fiat 500’s stashed at each airport to throw off the XR crowd, like Soapy?
I know there’s quite a few of us here who don’t pay the license fee. This is something I’m now seriously contemplating.
I don’t watch enough of it to excuse the tax. Gardeners’ World has finished until March, I hardly see any of the Beeb’s woke dramas. Blimey I can’t even watch Match of the Day for fear of damaging my telly when smug chops Lineker’s face appears. So what am I paying for?
Question Time doesn’t exist for me. Newsnight I avoid and even the bloody Archers is now so PC there are only two decent male characters in it and they’re both gay.
I’m sick of the brainwashing. I’m sick of the bias. And I’m sick of paying for it.
So, a question for those of you who don’t pay…and aren’t in Wormwood Scrubs…
It’s a matter of personal conscience / responsibility and circumstances but I just cannot – cannot – pay it . I recognise there might be consequences but so be it .
Avoiding prosecution is easy –
You will get lots of letters to ‘the occupier ‘ -just bin them
Have no communication with tv licencing
Look at a few sites on the web showing how to deal with ‘visits ‘
( I’ve never had one )
If by some fluke you get a visit just close the door on the inspector – not a word – you don’t have to speak to them .
Others here will say more . I’ve not paid it for years and I wish I’d don’t it well before . I have no moral issue about using the state broadcaster when I want but as with you – I’m off thecTV and onto amazon prime / Netflix / YouTube …..
Apart from contributing here it’s the one big tangible thing to make the state broadcaster change – don’t pay for the evil thing .
Jeff – I have been licence free for all but two months since 1997. My initial refusal to pay was bloodymindedness…I don’t pay now for obvious reasons. Admittedly it helps being addressed as ‘the legal occupier’ rather than HRH Crimson. The threats go straight in the bin – an investigation has been opened; will you be in on the xxth of May or whatever month.
(The time I got ‘caught’ I was living above a pub – and to be magnanimous to the Capita chap, he advised me to open a direct debit…and then to cancel it after two payments. Which I did – and the letters started again. I’ve long since moved and am now back to legal occupier status).
A word of caution too…always buy a TV without using your name and address as this goes straight to the database.
Hope this helps! There are more than one way to skin a cat, (apologies in advance to anybody offended).
I think we are all on ‘the database’ anyway, it is just the Post Office’s PAF address/postcode file.
I have bought several TVs over the years as gifts but in any case ownership of a TV doesn’t requite a licence.
There is no accounting for taste, The Archers should have gone up in flames along with Grace in my opinion, but listening to the radio doesn’t require a licence.
I stopped using iPlayer when they started to ask for a user name. I do sometimes use internet radios but they aren’t expicitly registered. I refuse to use Sounds, it is none of the BBC’s business what I listen to and when. I certainly don’t want to be fed (or barred from?) items based on what I have listened to before.
Other broadcasters let one listen directly from a web page, who needs all these ‘apps’?
I just stopped the direct debit.
I shred all the threatening letters without opening them.
I get red envelopes now.
Nobody has knocked on my door yet, if they do they will be told to Foxtrot Oscar.
You will not miss the BBC programmes, it might even be good for your health given the reports on the bias here.
Next wedding anniversary your can take the good lady out for a meal – thank you BBC.
Go For It!
I’m into three years and do not regret, forgive my crudity, having flushed the pan. That reference is the only way to describe losing our far left Marxist State Broadcasters, ‘unbiased and balanced’ output.
I’m not much of a telly addict anyway so it wasn’t very difficult for me to let it go. I’m not one to have it on all the time.
We cancelled the BT service. That was £70 a month! Then I wrote to Albeebistan to tell them I will no longer be watching any live broadcast television. I sent them a copy of the cancellation letter to prove I was stopping.
I then took up an internet only service so I can still access the internet. I don’t touch BBC iplayer. I never did even when I was paying the telly tax. It just doesn’t interest me. We aren’t watching it secretly. We are fine without it. YouTube is actually my favourite thing to watch on the internet. We watch our own DVD collection. Concerts, box sets, movies. You can legally watch some of the other players if you avoid anything live. You can buy a subscription to Now TV, Amazon or Netflix. There are plenty of options IMO.
BBC sent me a refund of £37.00 for the 3 months I had left to run on the old licence.
I don’t get threatening letters. If a BBC inspector comes to my door I will talk to them. I’m not going to shout. I won’t let them in to my home however, they don’t have a right to demand entry. I don’t watch BBC or any other live broadcast TV. If you can do that, you can legally avoid the Telly Tax. If you can’t live without it and you MUST have BBC on the sly it’s up to you. I can’t stand them & wanted them out of my life. IMO we should starve the beast and watch it die.
I would add that they do keep you going in circles trying to get the cancellation to go through.
I ended up filling in the ‘Ask a question’ section and they contacted me via email.
Concurr Lucy. It’s exactly the approach I have taken. I don’t bother with the subscription services however as I can find other ways to entertain or find something less boring to do, as the phrase goes.
I have not shouted at or invited an inspector to enter my property either, but one particularly obnoxious so and so was politely asked how he really felt about collecting monies on belhalf of an organisation that had links to know child abusers. Harris, Saville etc. That seems to send em packing.
The least troublesome route for me since 2013 has been: cancel any standing orders, phone the number on the reminder letter and tell them you don’t need a licence.
Every two years, they contact me to confirm I still don’t need a licence and other than that they leave me alone. Having said that, I never watch live TV, so even if they can check by other means than their Noddy Vans, they’ll discover they can’t persecute me.
I could never get them accept payment by Standing Order. They would take every form of payment except that. They promote DD because they have more control over that. I have so far refused to pay anything by DD ever. I’ve never trusted that method of payment. Companies can debit from your account without your permission once you have given them access to your details. SO can only be altered by the holder of the bank account. BBC doesn’t list Standing Orders as a MOP. Perhaps you had yours set up from previous years before DD became a thing?
I paid my licence in one lump sum for the year.
It does seem likely that the Boris deal will eventually get voted through. If it does what will happen over the next year or two?
The hardcore Remainers , who became Remoaners , will metamorphose into Rejoiners but they will have the covert support of a fifth column who will do all that they can to prove that Leaving was a mistake and we ought to rejoin ASAP. Of course the BBC will be awash with pro EU propaganda , negative stories about the adverse impact of Leaving on the UK will abound , all negative news from within the EU will be suppressed. The truth will be irrelevant in this onslaught.
We all know on this site that this is exactly what will happen and I am sure that Boris et al know this too. So why let it happen? The BBC bias must have been exposed to millions of Leavers and to many Remain voters who naively believed in democracy and expected fairness and unbiased reporting from the state funded broadcaster. Finally what we on this site have known for many years will be seen by millions more who have had the wool stripped from their eyes. Action to , at a minimum , cut the over mighty corporation down to size will have the backing of all of these people. Once a new Tory Government is installed with a substantial majority, something I think is very likely, it ought to strike hard at the BBC safe in the knowledge that it will have widespread support .
But somehow I just don’t think it will. Instead there will be forgiveness , the BBC will be allowed to continue on it mission to create a woke UK which will become an Islamic country soon after. Come on Tories , wake up! The BBC is an enemy and should be treated as such. It has done and continues to do more damage to the UK than any other institution. Of course I’m assuming that the Tories as a whole don’t in their hearts agree with wokism , increasingly I question if this assumption is correct!
The bbc version should be awesome:
Daily Mail Breaking
BREAKING: Man holed up at museum in southern France
Siege at French museum as man makes threats to police in Arabic
‘Police attack mentally disabled Muslim asylum seeker ‘ call for Independent inquiry ‘ Doreen Lawrence says every one is racist but she’s not “
For those who follow Moraymint, his latest:
Never heard of him before –
just read it –
good stuff!
I bet that goes down well with Nippy.
BBC Online News:
“”Is the future of fracking now in doubt?””
“”Local farmer John Bradley’s land is about a mile from Cuadrilla’s biggest fracking site in Preston.””
“”He told the BBC he had started with an open mind but he had been shaken (literally) off the fence he’d been sitting on when a tremor of 2.9 on the Richter scale was recorded in July.””
“It was not very nice at all – quite scary in fact. That settled it for me. Also we are dairy farmers producing a high quality rural product. Having a site like that nearby doesn’t fit with what we do at all.”
2.9 on the Richter Scale amounts to this:
“Felt slightly by some people. No damage to buildings.”
Farmer Bradley’s twitter feed has reference to support of anti-Fracking protests:
Tweets by derbyhillfrm
The BBC would have known this.
Fracking is the future. It’s been a huge economic boon to the USA and was supported by Obama.
The BBC are far-Left activists.
Sounds like a man trying to hype the price for the sale of his farm . …..
Considering that they intend to phase out gas, and we will not be allowed ICE vehicles and trains, any more, there seems little point in fracking. We will just have to put up with the magic unicorn electricity that somehow generates itself from the zephyrs, and sunshine.
Fr*ck the beeb.
The BBC seem really keen to tell me about this:
I wonder why?
The MSM are equally dire.
They have bought into the bbc anonymous rephrasing of the complaint without question.
He accused her of laughing, almost as if by script, when she clearly was not.
So they are creating a straw man inaccuracy time minimise damage. Classic bbc.
If OFCOM and dcms are cool with that… all explained.
More Al Beeb news coming up on immigration ?
What is the Tory Party doing about Cameron’s promise of cutting immigration ?
The Tories are ‘men of straw’ , along with the other political parties in Parliament . Time to drain the swamp and give The Brexit Party a chance.
Breaking : 39 immigrants dead in shipping container at Thurrock, Essex
2:20am Northern Irish lorry driver arrested for murder
FFS The Lorry came in from Holyhead !
That means it came from Eire—police-launch-multiple-murder-probe
@FedUp I have heard BBC staff celebrate how people come in in containers.
In one podcast a guy who does work for the BBC told how he an Afghani came in in a container.
.. And other progs I have heard BBC interviewers interviewing people who came in in containers a long time ago and act as if they thought it was a brave and adventurous thing.
How was this truck found ? intelligence, random check etc.
I wonder if there have been secret deaths before , where a trucker finds them all dead, so they got buried in big hole in the countryside etc. ?
They are all just cutNpasting the police statement
Maybe the smell of a lot of dead was getting out if they’d been gone a long time – like dying on the route in Ireland or whether .
Another good reason for proper border and movement control but it won’t be spun like that by remainers .
I’m long past the stage of sympathy for illegals .the state broadcaster always wants to blame some one . Who will it be this time ? ‘ smiling ‘ priti I suppose .
The police said thy didn’t know until ambulance service on the site called them in.
So who called the ambulance, the trucker ? the immigrants, how come the dispatcher sent an ambulance down, without police ?
(The police statement keeps getting updated)
Blimey things must be bad in Ireland if they’re desperate enough to escape in a lorry !
“Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said he is ‘appalled’ and that his thoughts are with those who lost their lives and their loved ones.”
His thoughts should be about Brexit and the complete stoppage of ANYONE coming into the UK which MUST follow Brexit.
My thought is that is 39 who will not be gang raping our daughters, driving cars at us and otherwise turning our once green and pleasant land into the third world cess pit they created in their homeland.
To be fair, they may have just ended up working in hand car washes or cannabis farms. You know, contributing to society and “paying their taxes” the way we are always told.
“…they may have just ended up…” But they didn’t, did they. So the word is “might”. (This is not pedantry; we are losing a distinction of meaning.)
“But they didn’t, did they. ”
You should have put a question mark at the end of that sentence.
Otherwise, top pedantry!
Essex police retract Holyhead idea
In a statement just now the Police said they believe the ship travelled from Zeebrugge, Belgium, into Purfleet on the River Thames.
Apparently the driver is called Mo Robinson. In this case, the bbc are happy to publish his picture as he is not the usual shade of Mo.
That will spice up PMQs today – chuck in the meaningless –
‘Thoughts are with ….’ stuff – traitor MPs will out blub each other and Bercow will have a great time at his last PMQs.
A soft brexiter Tory called Doyle – price who was sacked when Bojo became PM appears to be the local MP – and she has a majority of 0.7%
I unfortunately switched on ParliamentLive just as the pompous, bloated windbag Blackford took the floor, as you had suggested milking the “major incident in Essex”. Practically mid-sentence, he turns on the “lying, deceitful PM” and said:
“The first ministers of Scotland and Wales have joined forces to oppose this Tory Govt’s damaging Brexit … Scotland did not vote for Brexit, it voted overwhelmingly to remain … PM stop ignoring Scotland and confirm that you will not allow this legislation to pass unless consent is given by the Scottish Parliament.”
BJ cut him down pretty quickly, I thought ;o)
Can’t we just send Scots who don’t want to be here back to Scotland?!
If they don’t like it (i.e. hate everything about England) why not p… o..? :o(
P.S: Boris just said “He (Jim Cunningham) has asked the Govt to put the screws on the BBC, we certainly will” … Here’s hoping! :o)
Frustrated – I disagree about Blackford . I used to turn him off but now I look forward to his ‘people of Scotland ‘ act but still pine for the corruption of Alex salmond .
It was nice that an England hating Scotsman was so concerned about Essex – it’s just a pity that the 39 illegals hadn’t been successfully exported to his country where they could have busily ‘enriched’ it .
Diane Abbott wants a ‘safe highway ‘ for illegals to come into the UK . Nobody asked whether it should end at her front door .
I see that Mr Blackford, like all his fellow Scots Nazis, has decided that the million Scots who voted for Brexit are unpeople. I expect they will be sent to Gruinard Island.
The fact is that without the million Scots Brexiters, we would have lost the referendum. I’d like to thank the million who ignored the Scots Nazis and voted with us to leave the EU.
Lame Brain Lammy is boasting about defeating the government and “not being bullied into making a historic mistake.”, despite been observed sleeping during the debate.
Some cad on Twitter chain put this together (listen with the sound on):
What’s a silver dollar made from, David?
Cassandra – the other day both Lammy and abbot were called ‘ thick ‘ and the defence was they both went to ‘ good ‘ universities – I’m afraid tokenism is just that and no amount of uni makes a thicko clever .
I wasn’t sure if Lammy was texting or snoozing but it is of no matter . He could sleep all the time and Tottenham would still re elect him
Fed, I agree with your comments about tokenism and the safe seat he has in Tottenham (Didn’t Lammy submit an expenses claim for a season ticket to watch ‘Spurs?)
The best comment I’ve seen this morning when he denied he was having ‘forty winks’ but was on his mobile phone instead, is this:
“He was looking up what Marie Antoinette got her Nobel prize for.”
Sorry but going to a Yuni is not exactly a good yardstick to prove someone’s intellect. I know many who have a Yuni education, and excel in the subjects studied, but general intellect ? nah ! most just ‘haven’t a clue’.
Oh, yes – and academics are the worst – thick as pigsh1t, untidy, and completely lacking in common sense. And they spread it to their students.
Yep, I went to university back in the late ’70s and, at the risk of exposing myself to a good lashing, I’ve got to agree with you. Things haven’t got any better in the interim either.
Poor boy, he’s lacking sleep – been up all night thinking how he can better apply Marxist theories for his masters, Soros inc.
222 Complaints
Wait for tony hall to look into this, and it’ll be overturned
The Daily Mail quoted a source close to the home secretary as saying: “Priti is grateful to Andrew for correcting his mistake and looks forward to appearing on his show in future”
Why on earth do they agree to appear on the mainstream media, surely there are other avenues they can take to broadcast their message
Correct, do a Trump.
Give them no chance to filter, sieve, add to, distort or just destroy the message.
Every message should end with :-
“Every message is broadcast directly to the electorate because the £5 billion PA BBC cannot be trusted and will be sold next year.”
Actually the producers would have been aware immediately from people’s tweets so should have made an apology before the end of the show.
They didn’t and thus allowed Leftmob to make political capital
The one great thing about 31 October was going to be Bercow leaving.
I see in the Express, we may well be disappointed about that, too!
Italian comedian that the BBC doesn’t air
Wow, thanks for that; the bloke was actually funny – and in a foreign language too.
not sure which thread is best “Heather Mac Donald On How The Delusion of Diversity Destroys Our Common Humanity” –
8 white guys jailed for cash machine robberies
..Take a wild guess at what word might be in their address ?
… what do you reckon ?
“specialist officers focused on the activities of a family living at Fern Hill XXXXXXX site in Harlow “
I am so sick of Brexit that I really can’t watch or listen to any MSM…the MPs deserve to be removed at the next election..but why can’t there just be 3 week extension if there has to be? why 3 months..they have 100 pages to read an digest..are they really that thick?
Here is my bias BBC. piece – yesterday BBC talking about giving body to medicine – showed 1st year med students in London 80% were Asian females many with headscarfs, 10% Asian males, a few Black students and from their footage one white male – who did they interview…white male…
My belief is that they want to make out medicine is still dominated by white privileged males – why else would they not focus as they normally do on Asian females when they are pointing out inequality especially when they are the majority..BBC I really can’t watch
PMQs on right now.
The BBC analyst will be as follows:
‘Corbyn was great, and so was Bercow!’
Did Corbyn mention workers right by any chance ?
Something like that. It was his usual scripted questions that he had trouble with delivering. I bet he misses Theresa May
Such a strategy in Essex for those poor souls. BBC quick to identify driver was from NI although it routed through the republic.
No doubt this tradegy will be another Grenfell and raise issue over Irish border and Brexit, unrestricted immigration, and how it is needed to counter human trafficking…and further assorted lefty ideals.
May they rest in peace.
For anyone looking for a soft chuckle – watch the bit of video of traitor Soubry in the traitor commons being barracked by John Mann….. hits the spot for some of us ….
Unfortunately, for leftists and liberals, obsessed with cheap workers, population replacement, diversity and open borders, 39 dead is just ‘collateral damage’. Their evil work continues, regardless of the human price.
I like the thinking.
Radio2 1:20pm to 1:40pm Peter Oborne exploded at Amol
The context is that righty Peter Oborne is quite Anti-Brexit
so annoyed at Boris
His angle was that journos keep pushing the Downing St line by reporting “sources say”
He said “sources say” should be banned
.. Amol was immediately able to trap PO cos PO quoted something and refused to name his source
Then PO started throw the label “Client journalist” on people
– “Peston is a client-journalist”
– “BBC’s Laura K is a client-journalist”
Amol stepped in cos they weren’t there to defend themselves
PO replies “You are the worst client-journalist”
Amol : example ?
“You never wrote about Lebedev”
Amol : “mumble, mumble”
Interview ended and Amol played Cliff Richard’s “We don’t talk anymore”
Peter Obourne’s article
“It’s chilling. From the Mail, The Times to the BBC and ITN, everyone is peddling Downing Street’s lies and smears,” says Peter @OborneTweets
“They’re turning their readers into dupes.”
The best message I have seen for days….
“I’m not certain that many have cottoned on to the fact that the UK does NOT require a Withdrawal Treaty to exit the EU. We can just Leave. You know, what we voted to do at the 2016 EU Referendum! Then, we can talk about a Free Trade Agreement with the EU — if we really want one.”
The traitor Oborne is the worst type – went from being a Brexiter to a remainer because there was more profit in it . But – hey – he’s a journo so the moral level can’t be very high .
Maybe rod Stewart ‘ I don’t want to talk about it ‘ would have been a better choice . Can’t rember the last time I listened to R1,2,5,local ….
I used to have some respect for Oborne. How wrong I was!
Re Lorry Tradegy……Diane Abbott continued: “It’s important to remember that these 39 poor, unfortunate people are the victims in this.
“They are preyed on by the greedy, unscrupulous and people who simply have a willful disregard for the lives of others.”
She also said there was an “obligation” where people are “moving legally” to provide “safe and legal routes”.
Moving legally, doesn’t she mean illegally ???
The 39 have illegally entered a whole string of countries
… They are law breakers not innocents
the MSmalaise. love to pull at your heart strings with these type of stories, notice how they wanted a Kid(child) to be one for a while.
Where once in a safe and legal place, they then prey upon hard working, tax paying, law abiding locals, robbing, stabbing, pilfering, raping, demanding benefits, free housing, healthcare, their rights to practise their filthy culture etc all at our expense but claiming victim status.
Sorry Diane, if you think this is racist. I couldn’t give a hoot.
4:30pm Radio4 Media Show
@acatherwoodnews asks “Would sports commentators do a better job than politicical journalists of explaining #Brexit? I’m delighted to have Clive on the Media Show today for his take. ”
The interesting thing is the webpage has no blurb yet, but does have a photo of Kay Burley
Hope she asked about the time she grabbed a woman’s throat
Oh Kay’s on at the start
.. it’s all very sisterhood
“We’d love to the PM on”
… a reference to the way PM doesn’t appear on super biased progs like hers
News corp = PR corp
They didn’t ask her about neck grabbing
Not the male commentator on the Aus v Eng rugby last Saturday. The tone and note of disappointment in his voice was palpable every time Eng scored.
When the Aussies showed signs of fight back or scoring the volume and tone noticeably improved.
In an op piece in the DT, Philip Johnston makes the blindingly obvious point that many of our problems today are due to unrestricted immigration, dating back to Blair. From housing and transport to schools and the NHS, and much else, including Brexit.
Blindingly obvious to sensible people, though not to the bbc who continue to demonise anyone expressing the obvious truth as far-right, racist etc. One day in the not too distant future, such views will be seen as no more than common sense, after being ridiculed, ignored and reviled by the bbc, the msm and bien-pensants commentators.
The same will be true of the invasion by an inimical religious ideology.
By then it will be too late.
To paraphrase: First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then your ideas become a truism, by then it’s too late.
“Blair’s reckless population explosion sowed the seeds of Brexit, though few will now admit it”
The seeds of Brexit were sown when we realised we had been sold a political union rather a trading opportunity and that the trade went one way and the fish and the money went the other.
What is remarkable is that the ‘remainers’ persist in telling us that this is the reason to stay in.
Other Radio4 stuff today
09:45 Episode 3 The voices of the Windrush generation telling their own stories.
12:04 Slaves to Sweetness
3/5 Bee Wilson tells the dark history of sugar and slavery.
6:30pm Malawian comedian Daliso Chaponda looks at the relationship between the UK and Africa.
23:00 alleged Comedy with Miriam Margoyles
20:00 Moral Maze
The ‘Tolerance of Intolerance’
Live debate examining the moral issues behind one of the week’s news stories.
With Andrew Doyle, Anne McElvoy, Melanie Philips and Mona Siddiqui. #moralmaze
LGBT school lesson protests : Muslim parents have been portrayed as backward and bigoted, while the local authority has been labelled Islamophobic.
The Licence Fee payer.
Though how that is topped up from elsewhere is a worthwhile route to pursue.
I see that the odious Gina Miller is back on the brexit case and will attempt to “guide” voters via a new website how they can vote tacticaly to swing the government to a pro-EU “Second Referendum then Remain” one.
You can be pretty sure that this will probably be Soros funded. I hope that it sends a clear message to all “out” voters to make sure they get their votes to count en-mass when the time comes.
This will be a decisive and bloody battle which we must fight tooth and nail and cannot afford to lose to the murky power brokers behind the scenes.
Might be worth having a look at this – tactical voting can work both ways!
Got to hand it to the state broadcaster – a snowflake favoured by the broadcaster called Naomi Wolf has had her book about how terrible the british were to queers in Victoria times – pulled -because she got her ‘facts ‘Seriously wrong .
A chap by the name of Matthew Sweet – who is a queer – pulled her up in a painful interview on Radio 3 a little while ago . If you haven’t heard it – it is painful unintended comedy as you listen to this loud mouthed American being quietly disassembled and sent packing .
I care less about the issue – but it’s nice to see a snowflake cat fight taking place on air ….. Mr Sweet by the way – does a good job on R3 with his cinema music programme on Saturday afternoons . …
That’s old news , it all happened in May
.. now she won’t accept the lower money her publisher is offering
so they’ve ditched her
Could Marr’s throwaway comment to Priti Patel be construed as racist?
I hope behind the scenes, despite Ms Patel’s apparent gracious acceptance of the late apology, that someone finally has the Henry Hall,s to get after this festering sore of an operation.
Keeping the thinking head on… would be a good time to ask them for a public acceptance that they will continue to fund the over 75@s Licence Tax.
Have to hand it to the BBC; a programme about the customer always being right screened on a broadcaster who clearly could and needs to care less is impressive irony.
Looks like another Dragon’s Den, meaning those selected will be chosen for Coliseum value than anything else.
Oh dear! Where did all that BBC-type equality go?
Yes, I read that one and thought the same. Although they pointed out quited a significant differences between the effects on men and women, it felt like they were trying to minimise them…don’t want to upset those who think we are the same do we…and the researcher is a specialist in WOMEN’s reproductive health. We can do away with that once they have perfected the technique of growing babies in an artificial uterus. Coming soon.
Loo, if the Anti-Christ hasn’t been born yet then I think an artificial uterus and womb would be Satan’s way of making a point. Be lost on most people, by then, who would not understand the significance but would ‘celebrate the scientific achievement’, instead.
from the BBC Perverted dept:
And Sky has a pic of the NI lorry driver…because he’s white. Can you imagine them picturing him if he hadnt been? Sky also have breaking news of Macdonalds Manchester stabbing – didn’t see it on Al Beeb.
Not a lot about this on the BBC website. In fact, nothing at all. Is any of this a surprise?
renfell tower fraudsters have falsely claimed a total of £775,000, new figures reveal, with police only recovering £24,000.
Sixteen criminals have been convicted of siphoning off funds by posing as people affected by the inferno which killed 72 people.
They made claims to the victims’ fund totalling £775,000 in the wake of the tragedy in June 2017. Police have so far recovered £24,000, meaning £751,000 is still missing.
The figures emerged during a Kensington and Chelsea council meeting last week.
Notting Dale Labour councillor Judith Blakeman grilled deputy council leader Kim Taylor-Smith during the session.
Ms Blakeman said some families who lost loved-ones in the blaze had warned the council that fraudsters were trying to profit from their suffering.
“In at least two cases bereaved family members advised the council that people were claiming money fraudulently,” she said.
Mr Taylor-Smith confirmed that there had been 16 prosecutions of fraudsters who received jail terms ranging from one to six years, and that the cash recovered so far had been funnelled back into the fund.
Among those convicted was the council’s former finance manager, Jenny McDonagh. The 39-year-old joined the council under the pretence of helping survivors but went on to steal £62,000 intended for the victims.
Last month Daniel Steventon, 37, from Kilburn, north west London, was jailed for three years and six months.
He pretended he had been living with a person killed in the fire and claimed £75,225 in housing, services and financial support.
Some £28,981,945 had been raised for Grenfell victims as of January 2019, according to the Charity Commission for England and Wales.
Police are still investigating allegations of fraud connected with the disaster. It is possible that much more money could have been taken than is currently known.
Solid post Sage,
Send it to al Beeb news via email. Subject ‘Sources are saying’ should get a response!
What the Grenfell tower incident highlights (and the way the authorities lobbed money around to all and sundry) is that they have no idea who is in this country or who lives where.
It’s a messed up country isn’t it. They can raise £29 million for Grenfell victims, mostly immigrants, who contributed nothing, who lived in social housing, in the most expensive city in England. However, they can’t do anything for the homeless indigenous ex servicemen who are out on the streets sleeping rough because there is no social housing available for the people who fought for our country, due to being full of immigrants who contribute nothing……
Famous pop star threatened to kill top BBC star
Direct link to video
…. I’d not seen it before
uncanny knowledge.
Very interesting – I’d not seen or heard that before. If John Lydon (pretty much a media and music business outsider at the time) knew in 1978 then you would imagine that most of those more established in the industry must also have known.
How many Sex Pistols records did the BBC ban?
Can’t imagine why.
Public Inquiry into who at the BBC was involved and who knew what and when and why they kept it quiet might be a good place to start in dismantling the whole stinking edifice.
Very interesting – I’d not seen or heard that before. If John Lydon (pretty much a media and music business outsider at the time) knew in 1978 then you would imagine that most of those more established in the industry must also have known.
How many Sex Pistols records did the BBC ban?
Can’t imagine why.
Public Inquiry into who at the BBC was involved and who knew what and when and why they kept it quiet might be a good place to start in dismantling the whole stinking edifice.
Police spent 37m in helping XR with their PR
Been lot cheaper if water cannon had been displayed before XRs stunts had even started
That’s £37m of our tax payers money that could have gone to the NHS!