Can anyone tell me if Boris Johnson can just get out of the EU on the 31st October. The treaty passed but not the debate and he is waiting for the EU to tell him when we can go. The letter was sent in a way, but why cant he just keep quiet and hang on and we go out on 31st. Or am I being naive and just hoping for something that would be against the law and he could be hauled up in front of the beak.
The EU tells our present Parliament to “jump”.
Our present Parliament answers “How high? ”
The government is testing our patience.
Time for a new government and drain the swamp .
Tory supporters are deluded if they think they have a Conservative Party now.
A50 expires on 31 October . The Surrender act requires bojo to ask for a further extension – even though at the moment bojo says he personally doesn’t want one .
The Reich must unanimously agree an extension and the length and purpose .
Yesterday – while I was watching the exchanges a Brexiter asked remainers how much time they needed to debate the latest sell out deal . No one gave an answer – not days , weeks or months .
I think if the EU ‘gives ‘ an extension – however long it will be – will never be enough for remainers . It’s just a tool to attempt to stop brexit again .
The lower and upper traitor houses will use every procedural trick in the book to destroy the sell out bill and take UK to another a50 extension in spring 2020 .
This will be presided over by a remainer speaker who will be either Bercow or some one being advised by Bercow .
There will be no election – I’d even go so far as if a vote of confidence is called the opposition parties will say they have confidence in bojo . It’s that mad .
I did post a reply but it must have gone into the ether. Thanks for your replies I was confused, so was my son. All the talk about no deal and he didn’t sign the letter and we are still hearing Gove and Boris talk about coming out on 31st Oct. I find the whole damn lot so confusing, I perhaps understand more now that he would be breaking the law if he announced we were out, or would he, that is the question……
There may be a possibility, cromwell. It will require some deft handling – not Bojo’s forte. Hopefully, Sir Geoffrey Cox MP will be working on it right now.
Times ‘ BBC mock their older viewers’
in new promos aimed at getting young people
there are scenes from Peaky Blinders and Fleabag mixed with shots of old people who don’t understand them.
Ih no it’s cultural appropriation
They’ve got a South-Asian guy to mimic a white pensioner
Libby Purves
Extinction Rebellion’s message misses the mark | Comment | The Times
3 days ago · Maybe some even grasp the absurdity of gluing themselves to the BBC headquarters, demanding that this already agonisedly “woke” and environmentally preachy outfit should “devote its entire professional management structure to getting the message out to the British public.
BBC 6 o’clock news. ‘Who put them in the container?’
Err. Didn’t they put themselves in?
Davylars… wrong answer. The correct answer is that we all put them in the container. We did this by our failure to make it effortless for anyone who fancies coming here vulnerable people escaping war and persecution to come to our welfare paradise hateful, racist society. Hence we are ALL GUILTY.
What about the driver? BBC quick with picture because he is a) white and b) male. He probably didn’t know what was in the container…..but he is white male so guilty……
The state broadcaster doesn’t like fracking . I think , perversely , that’s a good thing . The UK peed away the profits from North Sea oil whilst Norway built a sovereign fund.
Leave the hydrocarbons in the ground until they are really needed – for instance when overseas imports are disrupted and or the price of juice hits $130 – barrel or more ….
By them people won’t care about ‘environmental impact ‘ or
What some mentally affected 16 year old Scandinavian says .
Fed, I think in the long term (in Gilt Securities terms ie. more than fifteen years ahead) the more likely oil price will be closer to $13 a barrel. No-one will want the stuff and most of the Western major oil companies will be leaving it in the ground because of the high cost of deep sea extraction and a declining requirement for oil’s by-products.
Coal, however, could be making quite a comeback (already is in the EU!) if the Western governments in power at the time are stupid enough to ban the use of gas for heat and electricity generation.
People will be cold, increasingly unhealthy (oil is also used to produce food packaging plastics, cleaning products and drugs) and hungry but grandstanding politicians will be able to claim “We have saved the world.”.
That’s a very bleak read . I favour the traditional view of human nature . Yes – campaign to save the world – but when something seriously interferes with my way of life ( say -no more mobile phones ) it’s ‘screw this i want I want ‘ and the campaigning soon disappears .
This kind of nonsense normally comes around at the top of economic cycles – and with interest and unemployment rates down in ‘decent ‘ countries off the cattle trot to stick themselves to trains and. Planes like some sad rite of passage .
Not the BBC but hopefully allowable when you read on.
For the last couple of nights I’ve made a point of looking to see what shows are on the Dave Channel on the Sky platform. Huge amounts of BBC “comedy” output every single one an exercise in left wing SJW virtue signalling with a cast you’d look at and roll your eyes over. It must be the most toxic channel out there…….next to the BBC proper.
This morning I had the misfortune to see some of The Jeremy Vine show on Channel 5. The good news is that he wasn’t actually on it, the bad news is that the garbage that went unquestioned from the panel was painful to watch. In a section that should have been subtitled How Good Are Extinction Rebellion they all said often how they agreed with XR and how it was a fact we were in a climate emergency. But one comedienne (naturally I’ve never seen her) trotted out that people are dying every day on the front line of climate change. Eh? Absolute fiction. Another said how disgusted she was at the amount of plastic packaging on the 4 avocados she bought. Well don’t buy them then! The studio audience to a person tutted the guy who quite bravely said that XR should have had hoses turned on them, as a small business owner he’d ended up out of pocket because of them. The final straw was the universal love in for Shamima Begum. Of course she should be allowed back. Everyone deserves a shot at redemption. Honestly these virtue signalling morons live in their own bubble.
Here is something you don’t hear much – the state broadcaster asked for a representative of the opposition Labour Party to talk about brexit . The Labour Party refused to put anyone up!
I wonder if it was because the interviewer was to be Andrew Neil. The sight of his ripping Abbot , wrong daily , bergon or lady Nugee a new hole would be too much for the snowflakes .
So instead they got a chap who has never held elected office , has self confessed mental issues and helped get Blighty involved in a bad war .—- yes Alistair Campbell .
I suppose it was him or the out of favour Adonis of the in favour Heseltine or the that ever present nasty smell – Soubry .
The BBC, as usual, miss the real reasons but the still ask the question. This article is a rehash of one posted the other day ‘Five reasons why High Street shops are closing.’ : A claimed £3.5bn annual income and they come up with this garbage.
What about the driver? BBC quick with picture because he is a) white and b) male. He probably didn’t know what was in the container…..but he is white male so guilty……
Have managed another day of BBC R4 Purdah although there is still TWiT at 10pm to which I might fall victim. Just to think, going back a decade and a half, R4 used to be on in the Snuffy household for most of the time in the day. The BBC’s loss.
“”The singer Ellie Goulding has urged young people to choose hope in the climate change battle.””
“”…such radical hope creates a predictable backlash””
“”Perhaps you’ve already experienced it?””
“”The argument goes like this, how dare you talk of climate emergency when you use an electric toothbrush, accepted a lift in a car or went on holiday””
“”This argument to me is ugly and outrageous””
“”The only reason you are put in this position is because previous generations have failed to act””
“”Their narrative compels us to do nothing, wait for collapse and abandon all hope””
“”Your hope is courageous, creative and necessary””
“”Your narrative is a positive and logical response to the science and evidence…..never let anybody tell you otherwise””
Well, it’s back to a pony and trap for me. Hang on though! the horse will sh*t and that’s contrary to the Green policies in vogue. That’s it then, I’ll shoot the horse and any other living creature that defecates. Hang on again, that’s self defeating. OK. I give up, lets make the Globe free of all living creatures that’ll make many happy – wherever they are……………
They’d be steering well clear of this site, then. Imagine if all their viewers were able to be directed to it…
…all the questions, the comments, the tweets…
“Hey kids, I’m one of you, despite being a millionairess who does adverts for some cosmetics company. So please buy my records.”
As an aside, I remember once reading a sound engineer who said that if you listened to Ellie Goulding without the benefit of autotune, she sounds like a mouse being poked by a tiny plastic fork.
Well, it hasn’t taken long for the BBC to spin the people trafficking horror story into a negative Brexit narrative.
And who did it? Why, none other than the BBC’s preachy, mister know-it-all home editor Mark Easton.
The pay-off line in his so called news “investigation” into people trafficking routes was that the key to stopping the smuggling gangs is continued police and agency collaboration “across borders” .
Easton informed viewers that efforts were being made to ensure that this vital cooperation was not “adversely affected by Brexit.”
No discussion about the woeful lack of border controls across Europe, no mention of the dangers caused by free movement in the EU and certainly no indication that Brexit might actually enable the U.K. to tighten its own border checks to stop this industrial scale illegal migration.
No, just another Brexit threat, another Brexit scare story, another day at the biased BBC.
More technically, the BBC does not seem to know the difference between a container and a trailer or that the tractor unit and the trailer and not one and the same. Furthermore, just because it’s a reefer trailer it does not follow that the refrigeration unit was switched on.
Clearly, the truck driver knew that he needed to unload the contents of his trailer as soon as possible so that’s why he went to a quiet industrial area in the dead of night and opened the doors.
An enthusiastic Brexit supporting Broadcaster would say “ well – when we have control of our borders we can detect and dissuade illegal immigrants from getting to the UK. They can stay in the European mainland and benefit from all those vibrant economies and countries where they just love foreigners “ .
Instead – as you say – they say that brexit will deprive the UK of the corrupt police forces across the continent – like the Spanish and French ones so good at beating their own citizens up like its a sport .
RE eco-doom predictions
There is this Extinction Rebellion countdown clock of predictions.
Hint they’ve had some big fails so far
"In 1970, S. Dillon Ripley of the Smithsonian Institution predicted that in 25 years between 75 and 80 percent of all the species of living animals would be extinct. Thankfully, Ripley's guess was far from accurate."
Pointless article and pointless post. Someone exaggerated the rate of extinction back in the 70’s but as the link in the article to Nature will show you habitat destruction is a real and growing threat.
I would say the uk is a good example of where it is happening. My source? My own eyes!
And just who says the world population will stabilize at 9 billion?
Have the sons of the prophet agreed to that?
And have you come around to the view Islamization isn’t happening,
Sorry but who is Ellie Goulding ? Is it a girl footballer ? A singer of a labour politician ? Did she win a strictly X factor ? I honestly ( gladly ) don’t know .
NFed up.. She is a singer who has a reasonable amount of success and therefore thinks she has the right to pontificate about climate change. Also she was a girlfriend of Prince Harry, so very woke. Say no more.
I think we ought to be allowed to discuss a very important question, which is this: why are migrants so desperate to get to the UK in particular when countries like France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Denmark, etc, are just as acceptable destinations for potential migrants as we are. Indeed, some of these countries are actually wealthier than the UK. Those countries are much easier for the migrants to get to, and therefore would be far less dangerous than attempting to cross the channel. But you get the feeling we’re not allowed to discuss this question.
My brother lives in France at the moment. He explained to me that, in order to claim benefits there, one has to accumulate credits by having paid into the system before there is any availability of state support in the form of benefits.
The same apparently applies to their health service.
We have been led to believe, by our politicians, that these rules apply in the UK. But, as we have clearly seen from the Brexit farce, our politicians are liars. We are being, and have been conned. The fact is, these so called “refugees” can arrive here today and be housed and have instant access to our NHS immediately. My other brother used to have a girlfriend from the Netherlands. She herself said that the UK authorities had no way of knowing whether she was in this country or at home, at any given time. Also, she claimed they had no way of knowing how long she had been in the country either.
We are being creamed by the politicians who are spending OUR money as they see fit without our consent.
I say no taxation without representation.
Unfortunately, because of the PAYE (pay as you earn) system, I am unable to convince my employer not to submit my taxes at source.
It has been said that taxation is no more than legalised theft.
The only thing we can do is withhold council tax payments. Of course such a protest would need mass participation.
If we can’t even get the majority nationwide to stop paying the TVL what chance is there of the majority agreeing to take action with the CT?
I would have expected the BBC to be done and dusted by now. The power really is in our hands there. They can’t prosecute and imprison the entire population.
The question of why these immigrants are so desperate to risk all when they could stay in the EU paradise is a question that will be utterly off limits at the Beeb/Sly news etc.
All you need to know is Boris/Farage/ Brexit etc are all evil. Get it?
The question of why these immigrants are so desperate to risk all when they could stay in the EU paradise is a question that will be utterly off limits at the Beeb/Sly news etc.
All you need to know is Boris/Farage/ Brexit etc are all evil. Get it?
Once upon a time there were no explanations.
There was a need for explanations, so explanations were created.
Explanations which were passed down the generations.
Explanations which, after writing was created, were the most prominent records.
Baal, Odin, Osiris, Yaweh, Allah and many other imaginary entities were created to account for the way the world was.
Thousands of years passed, with no improvement in the explanations, or the situation of those who believed the explanations.
Inadequacies in the explanations were noted, and multiplied in number.
Then in one small geographical area a unique thought pattern developed.
Where records were made of the situations, and they were many, where the standard explanations were self evidently wrong.
Those dissatisfied with the faulty explanations looked elsewhere for better explanations, and found them.
Found them in the book of the earth, and the book of the stars.
We are still looking in the books of the earth and the stars.
Our knowledge has multiplied exponentially although there are many gaps therein.
Study of the books of the earth/stars now occurs in other geographical areas where high intellectual ability exists.
This study is called science.
Applied science was what enabled the exponential growth of products since c1800.
Where the railways grew from 16 miles of track to 50,000 miles in fourty years.
Where the 1903 Wright brothers first, short, powered flight led to a moon landing only 66 years later.
Classification, standardisation, specification, interchangeable parts, development of machine tools enabled
this unparalleled increase in production.
In Europe and North America, by highly intelligent white people*, mostly male.
To this industrial revolution black slaves in the USA contributed SFA.
Belief in Baal and Odin ceased long ago, although some believers in other flawed, obsolete, belief systems still exist.
“Britain was built on the backs of slaves. A memorial is the least they deserve Afua Hirsch”
New belief systems, also known as nonsense, are still being created, one being HirschLammyism.
Let us write a version of history which we like and ignore the facts, let us pretend every African state is a success story.
Wikipedia article “Failed State” has a world map with zero African states in the top two categories sustainable and stable.
*With a significant contribution from European Jews.
One week to go and we discover if Bojo has switched back to being a secret Remainer or not.
If any good can come of the horrifying trade in migration, it should be a massive increase in people wanting, yearning even, to be out of the EU and in a UK with secure borders.
The EU is a complete failure, as the corpses in a refrigerated trailer unit from Belgium testify.
There’s now a roaring trade in anguished Twitter shares of exchanges they’ve had by Remainers, pols and, now, media.
Waiting at Victoria station. Man comes up to me. Says he recognised me from sky. Came up to London looking for work. Couldn’t find it. Been homeless for a fortnight. Says he’s interested in Brexit. But wonders why politics never seems very interested in him. Grim.
This one is especially excellent, if only for the comments, not least from those leaping to the defence of a reporter who it takes an amount of money to be seen I would not pay. Especially on top of the tvl.
Now awaiting Fi’s tale of a refugee who comes up to her at an Antiques Roadshow, lips aquiver having seen her on the Samsung during the voyage over, devastated that her condo in Fulham has no jacuzzi.
“Another blow to Human Rights”.
Why can’t our Worlds Most Respected look into and report on the dictator line-up that infests the UN? Answer: The UN holds compatible aspirations as those of ‘our’ Marxist State Broadcaster.
Done it again! Turned on R4 a little early to grab the headlines. Just before the weather some gobby, strident labour woman telling our Sarah, they would put in effect the US Green Deal if they came to power………………
Don’t know about the rest of you but, my handcart transport is becoming bumpier and bumpier on the road to…………….
The state broadcaster has another Grenfell ! Immerse yourself in vicarious grief at the touch of a button . Spend hours listening to some mouth from the council for immigrants blubbing about ‘victims ‘ – watch as politicians out virtue signal each other .
Start a whip round for the ‘families ‘ of the dead illegal immigrants .
Watch as dozens come out of the woodwork to defraud the charity .
And finally – find someone to blame – instead of the dead illegals themselves for ‘allowing them ‘ into Blighty in the first place .
Wait for it ….( I’d better mention that it was a tragedy otherwise I will be on the troll naughty step ).
Much as I agree it is an awful way to die, these people were engaged in an illegal enterprise.
If they’ve so much money they can afford to pay thousands to try to enter our country illegally, why don’t they spend it on trying to enter legally?
No one mentions the real victims in all this; we the indigenous peoples of these lands. Where are the outrage and sympathy for us? Where’s the crowd funding for the children who have suffered at the hands of the invaders? Where are the mass deportations of all the illegals already here?
Apparently the driver is being judged by trolls, accused and found guilty. A campaign has been launched by fridge drivers on his behalf. Before we became a third world shithole we had an idea of innocent until proven guilty.
From his mates.
The police have confirmed the trailer arrived in the docks in Purfleet without a unit , Mo picked the trailer up out the docks where these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS were already in the trailer !! He had the trailer for only 35 minutes yet half the country are slandering the boys name with shouts of Mass murder ..doesnt take sherlock holmes to work out the boys innocent!! #JusticeForMo!! — with Mo Robinson.
The BBC is running a thoughtful article on its website entitled ‘How often do migrants die entering the UK?’. As it considers itself a balanced and objective (sic) agency, how about a complementary article called ‘How often do Britons die as a result of migrants entering the UK?’.
Alternatively, ‘How many migrants have died as a result of being enticed to the UK by NGO’s, self-serving ‘charities’, Soros-financed organisations and BBC reporting?”
or How many immigrants don’t die and get into the UK undetected…
they can’t actually answer their own question as they don’t know the answer to all they ask is how many immigrants have been reported to have died…
However we know the BBC will come up with some virtue woke figures and then all say – one is too many…with a collective sad face and sigh..
Yes, JiC, the legal route.
Wot abaht the UN Migration Compact which Treason May signed us up to? That ‘Compact’ permits anybody who wishes, to wander into the UK and we must do all we can to help them………………..
No ‘refrigerated containers’ needed just red carpets and loads of lovely benefits.
Did I hear correctly this morning on talk radio?
Something about the business connected with this lorry being registered in Bulgaria whilst operating from Eire?
Something to do with tax liabilities?
So much for the EU single market/level playing field BS!
Guardian watch
One of those favoured employees of the state broadcaster – one Adrian Childs – writes today how – with brexit coming maybe one day – he yearns for his Croatian passport – and misses the yougoslavian one he once had .
Obviously mr childs leaves his pro European – anti brexit bias at the door like all the lefty snowflakes infesting the state airways .
And once we leave the ReichEU we can all watch remainers surrendering their british passports and buying one way tickets to the ‘land of opportunity ‘ which is the ‘ReichEU’- maybe they can apply for refugee status ….
Dear Mr Chiles
Here’s how to make our your dreams come true:
Unfortunately, the Embassy is in London, so you may feel a bit uncomfortable being so far away from Birmingham when you go to collect it.
Croatia is a fine country but please keep in mind the following:
1. You can watch Premier League football on Croatian TV, but they don’t show Championship matches so no West Bromwich Albion, I’m afraid.
2. I recall you once saying you didn’t have any black friends. Sorry, not many black people in Croatia.
3. The booze is cheap there – be careful.
love etc.
In an earlier post, Jim S mentions the BBC programme “ A cold Swedish Winter”
Jim cites the mockery of the British and praising of migrants in this programme recorded in Sweden with mostly Swedish actors.
Now look up The Spectator, there is an article today:
A few points from the article.
Armed criminal gangs responsible for 45 fatal shooting this year.
100 bomb explosions Jan to June this year
160 last year.
The biggest explosion at Linkopings demolished two buildings and damaged 250 apartments.
This week three explosions including a third attack on a Syriach church. Not even mentioned on Swedish TV! Leading storey was about females and body parts and what they should according to pc guidelines be called. The TV channel is equivalent to our BBC.
There is a lot more.
All linked to immigration and failure to integrate, those raising and discussing the problem are of course smeared as bigots
A Mail on Sunday features writer has been spared jail after blaming “work pressure” for recording a court hearing on her mobile phone. Marcia Angela Johnson, 59, admitted being in contempt of court. She was sentenced to seven days in custody suspended for 12 months and a fine of £500.
It’s already happened on The Nick Ferrari Show on LBC this morning, Fed.
Ferrari invited illegal immigrants to phone him, and several of them did. All of them said they travelled through several countries to get to the UK and that they were settled here now with families and that they were all ‘self employed’.
Did Ferrari ask why they wanted to live in the UK as opposed to France or Germany? No he did not. Now for a man who continually proclaims of his long experience as a journalist, I must admit I was very surprised when he believed everything they said without question.
I was even more surprised when he told one illegal immigrant that he deserved a medal for clinging on to a lorry axle for several hours to sneak into the UK illegally. Ferrari then explained to his listeners that he wasn’t condoning the man’s actions but I’m afraid that if you tell someone they deserve a medal for their actions, then in my book you are.
The ONS released their usual lies this week about the size of the UK population. Migration Watch UK gives a more accurate analysis, focusing on non EU migration figures:
We have freedom of speech in Britain. Right? Yet if that is the case why is there only one political position featured on the broadcast media ?
Whether the awful state broadcaster or the commercial version ?
There is no equivalent to Fox . The state broadcaster local radio network strangles any competition .
Can any one name a single media outlet which regularly broadcasters the views of the Right ?
Yes LBC puts the occasional ‘ contra’ on but where can I switch a channel on and know l will get something which reflects me political and social view .
It’s a one party – one view State . All we have are places like this .
Bbc news this morning.
2 x boys jailed for 4 and 6 years because of ‘extreme right wing posting on the internet’ or words to that effect.
They were ‘inspired’ by the New Zealand mosk killings and were putting anti muzzie stuff up on the net. (Go home and similar stuff which was said to be ‘inciting’ hate towards the enrichers)
I’ve seen worse stuff on the comments on Breitbart, on here, on the DM and DE and just about all over.
They can pick you out and jail you just like that.
If they wanted they could probably use the same procedure to jail half (more?) of us on here for hate speak or whatever they want to call it.
I have absolutely no faith in the legal system here in the UK.
I think it’s run by (and for) the powerful and rich lot and used to keep us in our place.
See the comment above about the contempt of court journalist treatment compared to how they treated Tommy.
See how they are using the so called legal system to stop Brexit.
They also think that giving children the vote in a referendum will win it for remain although they will fiddle it just to make sure.
Compare the lads above and the mosk door bacon criminal getting a years prison (which in his case mysteriously became life) to enrichers getting extremely lenient sentences for far worse crimes.
The so called ‘elite’ are becoming much more nasty and dangerous now that they see we, the common rabble, are starting to make our presence felt.
I should have said that there is limited freedom of speech in the UK . Causing offence is now a criminal offence . One can say certain things about certain groups and it’s fine . Say something about another group and you’ll get a knock on the door .
I wonder sometimes that after the new Americans drafted their constitution the British — after a certain lapse of time might do the same .
Instead all we have is ridiculous people in their parliament using ridiculous procedures to stifle the democratic will and the likes of Ken Clarke – an mp since 1970 now wanting the vote for 16 year olds as it suits his personal political belief .
Once those rights are chipped away they won’t be coming back . Internet comment will be repressed soon and you’ll just be deleted if the software detects certain words and phrases with the burden on one to prove they did not ‘ offend ‘
All a bit sad
I’d forgotten about the reality of the situation and how the news media pride themselves on neutrality .
Sometimes I look in the comments section of the Guardian and see lefties complaining about ‘ right wing bias’ on the state broadcaster . I have to think –
1 am I missing something ?
2 just how far to the left are these people to think that the state broadcaster is ‘ right wing ‘ .
The high command of the state broadcaster always point to criticism from ‘ both sides ‘ from which they infer they must be neutral and doing the right thing .
In reality of course the left will complain that the state broadcaster is never left enough – until of course people are shot in the head for wearing spectacles which are a sign of middle class tendencies …
Similar with Iain Dale on LBC yesterday evening. He invited those who had got to the UK by non standard methods to phone in. I got to 5 or 6 in a row before I couldn’t take any more and switched off.
They all seemed to think that they had a right to be here and Iain Dale didn’t question that either. One common factor in their reasons for choosing the UK was that they spoke English.
Usually, I quite like Iain Dale but he seems to have a soft spot for aliens.
Similar with Iain Dale on LBC yesterday evening. He invited those who had got to the UK by non standard methods to phone in. I got to 5 or 6 in a row before I couldn’t take any more and switched off.
They all seemed to think that they had a right to be here and Iain Dale didn’t question that either. One common factor in their reasons for choosing the UK was that they spoke English.
Usually, I quite like Iain Dale but he seems to have a soft spot for aliens.
One thing from Monday’s Times was a headline “Hillary completely exonerated by State Department inquiry”
That is too wow, to be true.
The Times also attributed the story to the New York Times
Now when I check the NYT runs with a similar headline
Then in the text says while about three dozen people violated protocols about classified material, they “did their best to implement them in their operations” and “there was no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information.”
That is not COMPLETE exoneration.
You are not supposed to send “classified information” via private email server. that’s a rule and Hillary broke it
The article is maintaining that the inquiry ruled it found no evidence that was deliberately to mishandle classified information.
I dunno about that cos I haven’t read the report.
Another thing that the came up in the Times is that in their reporting of the barracking crowds outside parliament, they chose to do a few hit paragraphs against Danny Tommo.
It was the form of the pieces seem dropped in by HateyNoHopers “Real name … convicted for etc etc.”
The Conservative MPs were being barracked by entire crowds, it was very intimidating.
Whereas Diane Abbott was being barracked by Danny Tommo alone. The Times used the word “harassed” yet they wouldn’t use that word if a lefty or XR protester was repeatedly questioning a politician. His questioning might have been a bit intimidating but he didn’t swear at or abuse her.
The Times just tried and convicted the frozen takeaway lorry driver on twitter, so they may have a few ‘reporting’ problems of their own to deal with soon.
Good Andrew Bolt video
When a scientist did a lecture saying “This may not be what you are expecting to hear but Climate Change Doesn’t cause droughts”
the ABC replied “He didn’t mean to say that, he meant to say this, the thing that you DID expect to hear”
A bit of a surprise (to me)
The unconfirmed word out on the internet is that the 39 dead illegals were Chinese.
I don’t know if this has been reported through any of the Fake News outlets.
Essex Police has confirmed the bodies of 39 people found in a lorry in Grays were Chinese nationals including 31 men and eight women and a 25-year-old man is still being held in police custody
It is interesting to speculate as to why this information was not revealed earlier. It took more than 24 hours to identify that the victims were Chinese? Was it not immediately obvious?
This story is likely to be dropped relatively quickly. Those in the ‘migrant business’ – the charities and NGOs, not the people smugglers – are more interested in different types of migrants altogether. They much prefer the type that support the narrative of suffering and impoverished Middle Easterners and Africans who need to be allowed into Britain. Whilst China is an totalitarian state, it has an economy five times the size of Britain’s (albeit that wealth is not distributed evenly). The Chinese government will not welcome continued coverage of people trying to escape from the Workers’ Paradise and will be exercising ‘soft power’ behind the scenes to get it dropped; expect the Foreign Office and BBC to be compliant.
“Those in the ‘migrant business’ – the charities and NGOs, not the people smugglers – are more interested in different types of migrants altogether.”
Ian it will be interesting to see how they play this. Today R5 is interspersing their output with little real-life vignettes of migrant/truck horror stories. Emma Barnett just now had Syrian refugee Ahmed to tell his tale. One takeaway is that he said Facebook is rife with people trafficking networks. He didn’t take money with him on his journey because of the high risk — as Ahmed says the smugglers will kill you for your cash if they find some on you.
So we in the UK face increasing policing of social networks and calls to make the digital giants look out for offensive remarks, misgendered people and the rise of the ‘far right’. But next to nothing spoken about serious crime which actually puts lives at risk.
You’d almost think the clampdown on social media isn’t really for our benefit.
Ian – I’m not so sure the msm will drop this story unless something bigger comes along . If you apply the grenfell model – there will be marches , commemorations , minutes silence , collections , names and stories of the dead and their families – unless of course a few kilos of illegal drugs were in the HGV as well ……
…. the irony is that the state broadcaster has plenty of Africans , Pakistanis Indians and the like working for it – you don’t see many Chinese types . Is the state broadcaster racist ? Anti chinese ?
I hope the story does go away . The illegal immigrants were probably dead long before they got to Essex . /UK
A possible explanation for BBC obsession with Windrush?
Obstacles to Enforcement
20. The Chief Inspector of Borders has said that the Windrush affair has made officials less willing to remove illegal immigrants from the UK. However, there is no reason why a bureaucratic failure primarily affecting people with a right to be here should lead to a condoning of illegal immigration, in clear contravention of the public’s wishes. Doing so can only be manna for traffickers who profit by encouraging people to break the law and put their lives at risk needlessly in perilous cross-Channel journeys.
40. The government has a duty of care to protect and enforce the UK’s borders. Illegal immigration is a serious failure of governance. There appears to be ‘paralysis’ in enforcement while the number of people whose presence has been legalised as a result of ‘amnesty-by-stealth’ has massively increased since 2012. This only serves to encourage the UK to be seen increasingly as a soft touch while the problem and backlogs become more intractable. The new Prime Minister should set an entirely new course, reinstating the deterrent of enforcement and ruling out any kind of amnesty.
Trust all Embassies in the UK are being told in no uncertain terms by our Government to instruct their countries to undertake very serious measures to stop entry of illegal migrants into their own country as well ensuring that if held in suspenion they do not escape-deport all illegals no matter the cost-some clear meassge has to be sent otherwise Europe will be overrun with millions of illegal migrants utterly destroying western europe inc the UK.
The BBC rolling quite a few woke people on this morning demanding that the UK make it automatic that all refugees fleeing from danger zones are allowed entry to avoid danger, people smugglers, distress to relatives etc.
Now it seems that the unfortunate people on the truck were from China…
China has 1.38 BILLION people and I would guess that quite a few would like to be able to walk into the UK at will, so how would that work then without secure border safeguards?
In my eyes the number of illegal entries is to a large extent down to pathetically lax border security as people would not be so keen to try if failure was almost inevitable.
I’m pretty sure that the French and Belgians just want the trucks and whatever they contain out of their patch ASAP.
The missed searches etc. are largely down to our great relationship as an EU member state resulting in only cursory or even no checks being made at the borders.
This is a huge and dangerous situation and if it means that every vehicle leaving Europe for the UK has to be opened and thoroughly inspected then so be it along with 20+years inside for any collusion!
Don’t forget the corruption of border staff being recruited by criminal gangs – bit like prison officers and immigration departments and housing departments Difficult getting staff so the vetting gets ‘ watered down ‘.
Trust all Embassies in the UK are being told in no uncertain terms by our Government to instruct their countries to undertake very serious measures to stop entry of illegal migrants into their own country as well ensuring that if held in suspenion they do not escape-deport all illegals no matter the cost-some clear meassge has to be sent otherwise Europe will be overrun with millions of illegal migrants utterly destroying western europe inc the UK.
When you think David has reached the peak of this “thickness”, he reminds you, he has some way still to go !!!
Even by your standards that is an idiotic tweet. The EU 27 get to decide whether the UK can have an extension because of the Benn act which tied our hands. And because MPs like you didn’t vote for the deal they claim to want.
Someone somebody – has got to take that twitter account away from Lammy . It’s meant to be for sane adults instead of intellectually challenged gimps like him .
There has been discussion of how long the traitors will need to read , digest and raise questions about the sell out bill .
And the claim that MPs don’t read bills – they just get the party exec summary and direction from the whips .
Apparently the ReichEU is talking about a flexi- extension ranging from a couple of weeks to 3 months . I’d like to see the anguish the Remainers get from only a 14 day extension and then no more . Sell out Deal or none at all . Imagine
Some comments there supporting Lammy saying he has one of the largest majorities in the country, thereby implying that he must be really good. What is the demographic breakdown in Tottenham i wonder. Surely it can’t be that he and Diane Abbott have well paid jobs for life just because they are black?
He tweets this, always wanting the Government to “do something” is our David
It is a national shame that there's not one memorial on British soil to commemorate the enslaved Africans on whose backs our country's wealth was built.
Because we know our Black History we can see through this spin. BHM is about pride, achievement, sacrifice, struggle, racism, colonialism and white supremacy. Did you discuss the Windrush scandal, Hostile Environment or Trump & Johnson using xenophobia and racism to garner votes?
What about White History Month? We seemingly hear everything about Black People and Asians, but nothing much about the supposed majority of white people living in this white country. Shameful-let us not be quite so apologetic and more supportive of what we are and how without us the coloured people would still be in their tribal lands.
I was thinking about this yesterday when there was some program on about working in the sugar cane factories. Got me thinking about factories and coal mines in Victorian England. Nothing is ever said about the slave labour in those. Young children were called apprentices so they work them till they dropped.Beaten by the overlookers if they didn’t work fast enough and so tired that they were frequently maimed or killed by the machines. The coal mines were another horror for men women and young children I’m getting sick of all this virtue signalling , anyone would think all white people were swanning around living in luxury. I’ve done a lot of reading about life for the working class in Victorian and Edwardian England and it makes you want to weep. Then they had the privilege of fighting and dying in the First World War.
I read Orwell’s Road to Wigan Pier and he states in the 1930s it was proberly better to be destitute in Africa at least they had the warmth whereas in England they were destitute and the weather was so cold and people could not even afford to keep themselves warm. So when I hear pratt’s like Lammy going on about how bad things are for bame perhaps he should read how really bad things were for indigenous people of the British Isles.
Indeed, cromwell. There are those who say that there was no need for black slaves here as the resident working classes fulfilled that need.
The odd thing is, that the working classes then were extremely patriotic, proud and god-fearing. Victorian philanthropists were amazed at this finding. The important desire for these people was not to be buried in a paupers grave. Other than that, they were accepting of their hardships. Perhaps it was helped by close family bonds?
Slaves I believe cost 60k each in (in todays money) the late 18th Century. Dont condone it, though its still rampant in Saudi I’ve been and seen it for myself.
I totally agree with you, they were brought up with Christian values and work ethics.No work no food. The workhouse was the ultimate disgrace brought on the family. Its gets me how the Lammeys and Afu Hershes of this world think society should forever pay reparations.
We all know that slavery is evil, but there’s an ignorance about the reality of working conditions in the UK (not just England) during the Industrial Revolution. The mines, the dark, satanic mills, the workhouse, the truck system, the ever-present danger of death due to unsafe and unguarded machinery, the unsanitary living conditions, the hunger, the disease, the rod laid heavily upon the backs of those adjudged not to be working hard enough, the harsh punishments meted out to those who stole only in order to survive and the absence of any way out of such misery was nothing other than slavery by another name. But its victims do not seem to matter, for in death they are as insignificant as they were in life. I used to wonder why that should be so. Now I know.
libmob & the race-baiters-club say stuff all the time
.. they don’t care if it’s NOT true , they just say it for political PR purposes (agenda pushing)
Actually what Lammy said is definitely fakenews
cos “Captured Africans Sculpture
Unveiled in 2005, Kevin Dalton Johnson’s Captured Africans Sculpture on St. Georges Quay is a memorial to the slaves transported on ships originating out of Lancaster”
Hi Kate, I totally agree with the article but there is at least one memorial. In 2005 Kevin Dalton’s Captured Africans memorial was unveiled on the quayside here in Lancaster.
Why is it that when certain crimes are committed by the beeb’s favourite minorities, auntie keeps reminding us that we mustn’t jump to conclusions, the suspects are given anonimity, innocent until proven guilty etc, but the driver of the refrigerated lorry has his name and photo plastered all over the place?
Why not post his address while you’re at it so the lynch mob can go round?
I am, frankly, disappointed. Where’s Maxi to put us straight about all these poor illegals compelled to come here rather than any of the other 200 or so countries on the planet, some even closer to their homeland than we are. BBC and Sky would have us believe that all 39 were found with an arm twisted up their backs.
That’s a signal for the bbbc to bombard us with loads more virtue signalling crap which people young and old are not interested in. Just means old people pay for the licence which they dont watch for younger viewers programmes that they dont watch either.
The Yorkshire Post frontpage headline Farmers : Hand us funds to save the Climate
In the words of Bob Geldoff
“Just send us your effing money”
They basically cutNpasted from this tweet
Nature Friendly Farming Network @NFFNUK NEW REPORT: Today we launch a report
that reveals farmers across the UK
need urgent support* to respond to the climate emergency
and transition to a sustainable farming system.
That’s a signal for the bbbc to bombard us with loads more virtue signalling crap which people young and old are not interested in. Just means old people pay for the licence which they dont watch for younger viewers programmes that they dont watch either.
BRISSLESMar 6, 10:08 Midweek 5th March 2025 I wonder how many English (white) living in Europe speak regularly on tv channels there – in Athens in particular…
JohnCMar 6, 10:08 Midweek 5th March 2025 Zelensky says UK and US volunteers survived Russian attack on hotel that killed four A complete non-story in the…
tomoMar 6, 09:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 The likelihood that similar is going on here is a slam dunk certainty….
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 6, 09:56 Midweek 5th March 2025 Free Buckfast Tonic Wine has to be next? [img][/img]
Mrs KittyMar 6, 09:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’m thinking his parents were/are quite wealthy with connections, he committed offences in China and ended up in the U.K.…
Mrs KittyMar 6, 09:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 So good I keep rewatching it. Especially the sucked lemon lips.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Doughboy – if Ukraine embraces diversity it can win? ……………… “About us The first duty of the government is to…
DoughboyMar 6, 09:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 Don’t see this on the Bbbc, how on earth are we going to keep Russians out of Ukraine with…
Can anyone tell me if Boris Johnson can just get out of the EU on the 31st October. The treaty passed but not the debate and he is waiting for the EU to tell him when we can go. The letter was sent in a way, but why cant he just keep quiet and hang on and we go out on 31st. Or am I being naive and just hoping for something that would be against the law and he could be hauled up in front of the beak.
The EU tells our present Parliament to “jump”.
Our present Parliament answers “How high? ”
The government is testing our patience.
Time for a new government and drain the swamp .
Tory supporters are deluded if they think they have a Conservative Party now.
A50 expires on 31 October . The Surrender act requires bojo to ask for a further extension – even though at the moment bojo says he personally doesn’t want one .
The Reich must unanimously agree an extension and the length and purpose .
Yesterday – while I was watching the exchanges a Brexiter asked remainers how much time they needed to debate the latest sell out deal . No one gave an answer – not days , weeks or months .
I think if the EU ‘gives ‘ an extension – however long it will be – will never be enough for remainers . It’s just a tool to attempt to stop brexit again .
The lower and upper traitor houses will use every procedural trick in the book to destroy the sell out bill and take UK to another a50 extension in spring 2020 .
This will be presided over by a remainer speaker who will be either Bercow or some one being advised by Bercow .
There will be no election – I’d even go so far as if a vote of confidence is called the opposition parties will say they have confidence in bojo . It’s that mad .
Any reply Cromwell ?
I did post a reply but it must have gone into the ether. Thanks for your replies I was confused, so was my son. All the talk about no deal and he didn’t sign the letter and we are still hearing Gove and Boris talk about coming out on 31st Oct. I find the whole damn lot so confusing, I perhaps understand more now that he would be breaking the law if he announced we were out, or would he, that is the question……
There may be a possibility, cromwell. It will require some deft handling – not Bojo’s forte. Hopefully, Sir Geoffrey Cox MP will be working on it right now.
Times ‘ BBC mock their older viewers’
in new promos aimed at getting young people
there are scenes from Peaky Blinders and Fleabag mixed with shots of old people who don’t understand them.
Ih no it’s cultural appropriation
They’ve got a South-Asian guy to mimic a white pensioner
CCBGB of course
“Get ready for the jump to light speed Chewy”
Libby Purves
Extinction Rebellion’s message misses the mark | Comment | The Times
3 days ago · Maybe some even grasp the absurdity of gluing themselves to the BBC headquarters, demanding that this already agonisedly “woke” and environmentally preachy outfit should “devote its entire professional management structure to getting the message out to the British public.
Regarding the 39.
BBC 6 o’clock news. ‘Who put them in the container?’
Err. Didn’t they put themselves in?
BBC 6 o’clock news. ‘Who put them in the container?’
Err. Didn’t they put themselves in?
Davylars… wrong answer. The correct answer is that we all put them in the container. We did this by our failure to make it effortless for
anyone who fancies coming herevulnerable people escaping war and persecution to come to ourwelfare paradisehateful, racist society. Hence we are ALL GUILTY.Quite right, Dr Kiosk!
What about the driver? BBC quick with picture because he is a) white and b) male. He probably didn’t know what was in the container…..but he is white male so guilty……
The state broadcaster doesn’t like fracking . I think , perversely , that’s a good thing . The UK peed away the profits from North Sea oil whilst Norway built a sovereign fund.
Leave the hydrocarbons in the ground until they are really needed – for instance when overseas imports are disrupted and or the price of juice hits $130 – barrel or more ….
By them people won’t care about ‘environmental impact ‘ or
What some mentally affected 16 year old Scandinavian says .
Fed, I think in the long term (in Gilt Securities terms ie. more than fifteen years ahead) the more likely oil price will be closer to $13 a barrel. No-one will want the stuff and most of the Western major oil companies will be leaving it in the ground because of the high cost of deep sea extraction and a declining requirement for oil’s by-products.
Coal, however, could be making quite a comeback (already is in the EU!) if the Western governments in power at the time are stupid enough to ban the use of gas for heat and electricity generation.
People will be cold, increasingly unhealthy (oil is also used to produce food packaging plastics, cleaning products and drugs) and hungry but grandstanding politicians will be able to claim “We have saved the world.”.
That’s a very bleak read . I favour the traditional view of human nature . Yes – campaign to save the world – but when something seriously interferes with my way of life ( say -no more mobile phones ) it’s ‘screw this i want I want ‘ and the campaigning soon disappears .
This kind of nonsense normally comes around at the top of economic cycles – and with interest and unemployment rates down in ‘decent ‘ countries off the cattle trot to stick themselves to trains and. Planes like some sad rite of passage .
Oil at € 13 a barrel – I wish .
Not the BBC but hopefully allowable when you read on.
For the last couple of nights I’ve made a point of looking to see what shows are on the Dave Channel on the Sky platform. Huge amounts of BBC “comedy” output every single one an exercise in left wing SJW virtue signalling with a cast you’d look at and roll your eyes over. It must be the most toxic channel out there…….next to the BBC proper.
This morning I had the misfortune to see some of The Jeremy Vine show on Channel 5. The good news is that he wasn’t actually on it, the bad news is that the garbage that went unquestioned from the panel was painful to watch. In a section that should have been subtitled How Good Are Extinction Rebellion they all said often how they agreed with XR and how it was a fact we were in a climate emergency. But one comedienne (naturally I’ve never seen her) trotted out that people are dying every day on the front line of climate change. Eh? Absolute fiction. Another said how disgusted she was at the amount of plastic packaging on the 4 avocados she bought. Well don’t buy them then! The studio audience to a person tutted the guy who quite bravely said that XR should have had hoses turned on them, as a small business owner he’d ended up out of pocket because of them. The final straw was the universal love in for Shamima Begum. Of course she should be allowed back. Everyone deserves a shot at redemption. Honestly these virtue signalling morons live in their own bubble.
Here is something you don’t hear much – the state broadcaster asked for a representative of the opposition Labour Party to talk about brexit . The Labour Party refused to put anyone up!
I wonder if it was because the interviewer was to be Andrew Neil. The sight of his ripping Abbot , wrong daily , bergon or lady Nugee a new hole would be too much for the snowflakes .
So instead they got a chap who has never held elected office , has self confessed mental issues and helped get Blighty involved in a bad war .—- yes Alistair Campbell .
I suppose it was him or the out of favour Adonis of the in favour Heseltine or the that ever present nasty smell – Soubry .
I thought that Mad Al had ben tossed out of the Labour Party. Who cares what he thinks?
The BBC, as usual, miss the real reasons but the still ask the question. This article is a rehash of one posted the other day ‘Five reasons why High Street shops are closing.’ : A claimed £3.5bn annual income and they come up with this garbage.
What about the driver? BBC quick with picture because he is a) white and b) male. He probably didn’t know what was in the container…..but he is white male so guilty……
Have managed another day of BBC R4 Purdah although there is still TWiT at 10pm to which I might fall victim. Just to think, going back a decade and a half, R4 used to be on in the Snuffy household for most of the time in the day. The BBC’s loss.
BBC Online News:
“”Ellie Goulding on climate change: ‘The backlash grows ever uglier “”
“”The singer Ellie Goulding has urged young people to choose hope in the climate change battle.””
“”…such radical hope creates a predictable backlash””
“”Perhaps you’ve already experienced it?””
“”The argument goes like this, how dare you talk of climate emergency when you use an electric toothbrush, accepted a lift in a car or went on holiday””
“”This argument to me is ugly and outrageous””
“”The only reason you are put in this position is because previous generations have failed to act””
“”Their narrative compels us to do nothing, wait for collapse and abandon all hope””
“”Your hope is courageous, creative and necessary””
“”Your narrative is a positive and logical response to the science and evidence…..never let anybody tell you otherwise””
The last line is creepy. Did the BBC challenge this narrative? Of course not.
The BBC refuse to allow any scientific discussion on Climate Change. This is their official policy.
They are the broadcasting arm of Extinction Rebellion.
And we are forced to pay a Telly Tax.
Well, it’s back to a pony and trap for me. Hang on though! the horse will sh*t and that’s contrary to the Green policies in vogue. That’s it then, I’ll shoot the horse and any other living creature that defecates. Hang on again, that’s self defeating. OK. I give up, lets make the Globe free of all living creatures that’ll make many happy – wherever they are……………
They’d be steering well clear of this site, then. Imagine if all their viewers were able to be directed to it…
…all the questions, the comments, the tweets…
Translation of Ellie Goulding’s woke nonsense:
“Hey kids, I’m one of you, despite being a millionairess who does adverts for some cosmetics company. So please buy my records.”
As an aside, I remember once reading a sound engineer who said that if you listened to Ellie Goulding without the benefit of autotune, she sounds like a mouse being poked by a tiny plastic fork.
Well, it hasn’t taken long for the BBC to spin the people trafficking horror story into a negative Brexit narrative.
And who did it? Why, none other than the BBC’s preachy, mister know-it-all home editor Mark Easton.
The pay-off line in his so called news “investigation” into people trafficking routes was that the key to stopping the smuggling gangs is continued police and agency collaboration “across borders” .
Easton informed viewers that efforts were being made to ensure that this vital cooperation was not “adversely affected by Brexit.”
No discussion about the woeful lack of border controls across Europe, no mention of the dangers caused by free movement in the EU and certainly no indication that Brexit might actually enable the U.K. to tighten its own border checks to stop this industrial scale illegal migration.
No, just another Brexit threat, another Brexit scare story, another day at the biased BBC.
More technically, the BBC does not seem to know the difference between a container and a trailer or that the tractor unit and the trailer and not one and the same. Furthermore, just because it’s a reefer trailer it does not follow that the refrigeration unit was switched on.
Clearly, the truck driver knew that he needed to unload the contents of his trailer as soon as possible so that’s why he went to a quiet industrial area in the dead of night and opened the doors.
An enthusiastic Brexit supporting Broadcaster would say “ well – when we have control of our borders we can detect and dissuade illegal immigrants from getting to the UK. They can stay in the European mainland and benefit from all those vibrant economies and countries where they just love foreigners “ .
Instead – as you say – they say that brexit will deprive the UK of the corrupt police forces across the continent – like the Spanish and French ones so good at beating their own citizens up like its a sport .
There won’t be any illegal immigrants after Brexit
.. cos they will all want to stay in the paradise that is the EU
RE eco-doom predictions
There is this Extinction Rebellion countdown clock of predictions.
Hint they’ve had some big fails so far
Pointless article and pointless post. Someone exaggerated the rate of extinction back in the 70’s but as the link in the article to Nature will show you habitat destruction is a real and growing threat.
I would say the uk is a good example of where it is happening. My source? My own eyes!
And just who says the world population will stabilize at 9 billion?
Have the sons of the prophet agreed to that?
And have you come around to the view Islamization isn’t happening,
It’s ok. The science is settled. That’s why the bbc is going to the real experts.
“You have the courage to imagine a future that puts our beautiful planet first.” ????
Ellie Goulding has urged young people to choose hope in the climate change battle at the One Young World summit in London.
Well, she is blonde. Like Ems, VD, Steph….
Sorry but who is Ellie Goulding ? Is it a girl footballer ? A singer of a labour politician ? Did she win a strictly X factor ? I honestly ( gladly ) don’t know .
NFed up.. She is a singer who has a reasonable amount of success and therefore thinks she has the right to pontificate about climate change. Also she was a girlfriend of Prince Harry, so very woke. Say no more.
I think we ought to be allowed to discuss a very important question, which is this: why are migrants so desperate to get to the UK in particular when countries like France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Denmark, etc, are just as acceptable destinations for potential migrants as we are. Indeed, some of these countries are actually wealthier than the UK. Those countries are much easier for the migrants to get to, and therefore would be far less dangerous than attempting to cross the channel. But you get the feeling we’re not allowed to discuss this question.
My brother lives in France at the moment. He explained to me that, in order to claim benefits there, one has to accumulate credits by having paid into the system before there is any availability of state support in the form of benefits.
The same apparently applies to their health service.
We have been led to believe, by our politicians, that these rules apply in the UK. But, as we have clearly seen from the Brexit farce, our politicians are liars. We are being, and have been conned. The fact is, these so called “refugees” can arrive here today and be housed and have instant access to our NHS immediately. My other brother used to have a girlfriend from the Netherlands. She herself said that the UK authorities had no way of knowing whether she was in this country or at home, at any given time. Also, she claimed they had no way of knowing how long she had been in the country either.
We are being creamed by the politicians who are spending OUR money as they see fit without our consent.
I say no taxation without representation.
Unfortunately, because of the PAYE (pay as you earn) system, I am unable to convince my employer not to submit my taxes at source.
It has been said that taxation is no more than legalised theft.
The only thing we can do is withhold council tax payments. Of course such a protest would need mass participation.
If we can’t even get the majority nationwide to stop paying the TVL what chance is there of the majority agreeing to take action with the CT?
I would have expected the BBC to be done and dusted by now. The power really is in our hands there. They can’t prosecute and imprison the entire population.
The question of why these immigrants are so desperate to risk all when they could stay in the EU paradise is a question that will be utterly off limits at the Beeb/Sly news etc.
All you need to know is Boris/Farage/ Brexit etc are all evil. Get it?
The question of why these immigrants are so desperate to risk all when they could stay in the EU paradise is a question that will be utterly off limits at the Beeb/Sly news etc.
All you need to know is Boris/Farage/ Brexit etc are all evil. Get it?
Until the rubber boats sail from and not to us I too question the wisdom of being wed to a less attractive place.
Once upon a time there were no explanations.
There was a need for explanations, so explanations were created.
Explanations which were passed down the generations.
Explanations which, after writing was created, were the most prominent records.
Baal, Odin, Osiris, Yaweh, Allah and many other imaginary entities were created to account for the way the world was.
Thousands of years passed, with no improvement in the explanations, or the situation of those who believed the explanations.
Inadequacies in the explanations were noted, and multiplied in number.
Then in one small geographical area a unique thought pattern developed.
Where records were made of the situations, and they were many, where the standard explanations were self evidently wrong.
Those dissatisfied with the faulty explanations looked elsewhere for better explanations, and found them.
Found them in the book of the earth, and the book of the stars.
We are still looking in the books of the earth and the stars.
Our knowledge has multiplied exponentially although there are many gaps therein.
Study of the books of the earth/stars now occurs in other geographical areas where high intellectual ability exists.
This study is called science.
Applied science was what enabled the exponential growth of products since c1800.
Where the railways grew from 16 miles of track to 50,000 miles in fourty years.
Where the 1903 Wright brothers first, short, powered flight led to a moon landing only 66 years later.
Classification, standardisation, specification, interchangeable parts, development of machine tools enabled
this unparalleled increase in production.
In Europe and North America, by highly intelligent white people*, mostly male.
To this industrial revolution black slaves in the USA contributed SFA.
Belief in Baal and Odin ceased long ago, although some believers in other flawed, obsolete, belief systems still exist.
“Britain was built on the backs of slaves. A memorial is the least they deserve Afua Hirsch”
New belief systems, also known as nonsense, are still being created, one being HirschLammyism.
Let us write a version of history which we like and ignore the facts, let us pretend every African state is a success story.
Wikipedia article “Failed State” has a world map with zero African states in the top two categories sustainable and stable.
*With a significant contribution from European Jews.
“Science should be scratched off!”
The venue? Probably some ‘educational establishment’ in the Third World, somewhere like Tower Hamlets……………..
Why does David Lammy waste his time on Twitter when this superior ‘African Science’ is available?
Kapow! Carbonised Trump, Boris and Farage!
More likely a seminar room at the BBC. They are renowned for disregarding scientific evidence in order to advance their agendas.
One week to go and we discover if Bojo has switched back to being a secret Remainer or not.
If any good can come of the horrifying trade in migration, it should be a massive increase in people wanting, yearning even, to be out of the EU and in a UK with secure borders.
The EU is a complete failure, as the corpses in a refrigerated trailer unit from Belgium testify.
“if Bojo has switched back to being a secret Remainer or not”
One out of six hundred and fifty?
The game I see being played out is one of blame.
So for Labour Johnson is delaying his own Bill; whilst for Johnson Labour won’t meet the EU deadline.
There’s now a roaring trade in anguished Twitter shares of exchanges they’ve had by Remainers, pols and, now, media.
This one is especially excellent, if only for the comments, not least from those leaping to the defence of a reporter who it takes an amount of money to be seen I would not pay. Especially on top of the tvl.
Now awaiting Fi’s tale of a refugee who comes up to her at an Antiques Roadshow, lips aquiver having seen her on the Samsung during the voyage over, devastated that her condo in Fulham has no jacuzzi.
“Another blow to Human Rights”.
Why can’t our Worlds Most Respected look into and report on the dictator line-up that infests the UN? Answer: The UN holds compatible aspirations as those of ‘our’ Marxist State Broadcaster.
Done it again! Turned on R4 a little early to grab the headlines. Just before the weather some gobby, strident labour woman telling our Sarah, they would put in effect the US Green Deal if they came to power………………
Don’t know about the rest of you but, my handcart transport is becoming bumpier and bumpier on the road to…………….
I just can’t stop laughing at this…
Does that circus clown in a top hat have a real job ?
Is he paid by the EU or by Al Beeb ?
A comment on Guido said he was an out of work actor earning £80 per day. Not verified.
Last I heard was that he was a ‘coin collector’ ?
Someone funds him .
I think we can guess who is sending him his coins, all laundered through crowdfunding of course.
The state broadcaster has another Grenfell ! Immerse yourself in vicarious grief at the touch of a button . Spend hours listening to some mouth from the council for immigrants blubbing about ‘victims ‘ – watch as politicians out virtue signal each other .
Start a whip round for the ‘families ‘ of the dead illegal immigrants .
Watch as dozens come out of the woodwork to defraud the charity .
And finally – find someone to blame – instead of the dead illegals themselves for ‘allowing them ‘ into Blighty in the first place .
Wait for it ….( I’d better mention that it was a tragedy otherwise I will be on the troll naughty step ).
Much as I agree it is an awful way to die, these people were engaged in an illegal enterprise.
If they’ve so much money they can afford to pay thousands to try to enter our country illegally, why don’t they spend it on trying to enter legally?
No one mentions the real victims in all this; we the indigenous peoples of these lands. Where are the outrage and sympathy for us? Where’s the crowd funding for the children who have suffered at the hands of the invaders? Where are the mass deportations of all the illegals already here?
Apparently the driver is being judged by trolls, accused and found guilty. A campaign has been launched by fridge drivers on his behalf. Before we became a third world shithole we had an idea of innocent until proven guilty.
From his mates.
The police have confirmed the trailer arrived in the docks in Purfleet without a unit , Mo picked the trailer up out the docks where these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS were already in the trailer !! He had the trailer for only 35 minutes yet half the country are slandering the boys name with shouts of Mass murder ..doesnt take sherlock holmes to work out the boys innocent!! #JusticeForMo!! — with Mo Robinson.
Any why has the Lorry driver’s name been published?
No ‘legal reasons’ ?
Probably because it’s not the brown Islam following type of “Mo”, Lucy.
Because in his case, “Mo” is not short for Mohammed.
I suppose there will be a new fridge magnet before long
The BBC is running a thoughtful article on its website entitled ‘How often do migrants die entering the UK?’. As it considers itself a balanced and objective (sic) agency, how about a complementary article called ‘How often do Britons die as a result of migrants entering the UK?’.
Alternatively, ‘How many migrants have died as a result of being enticed to the UK by NGO’s, self-serving ‘charities’, Soros-financed organisations and BBC reporting?”
or How many immigrants don’t die and get into the UK undetected…
they can’t actually answer their own question as they don’t know the answer to all they ask is how many immigrants have been reported to have died…
However we know the BBC will come up with some virtue woke figures and then all say – one is too many…with a collective sad face and sigh..
Yes, JiC, the legal route.
Wot abaht the UN Migration Compact which Treason May signed us up to? That ‘Compact’ permits anybody who wishes, to wander into the UK and we must do all we can to help them………………..
No ‘refrigerated containers’ needed just red carpets and loads of lovely benefits.
Did I hear correctly this morning on talk radio?
Something about the business connected with this lorry being registered in Bulgaria whilst operating from Eire?
Something to do with tax liabilities?
So much for the EU single market/level playing field BS!
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: No 10 denies government is split over pre-Christmas election””
“”Downing Street has dismissed reports of disagreements within Boris Johnson’s government over how to move forward with the Brexit process.””
Unconfirmed reports.
Now BBC front page.
How to make a story out of a non story. The biased BBC speciality.
Guardian watch
One of those favoured employees of the state broadcaster – one Adrian Childs – writes today how – with brexit coming maybe one day – he yearns for his Croatian passport – and misses the yougoslavian one he once had .
Obviously mr childs leaves his pro European – anti brexit bias at the door like all the lefty snowflakes infesting the state airways .
And once we leave the ReichEU we can all watch remainers surrendering their british passports and buying one way tickets to the ‘land of opportunity ‘ which is the ‘ReichEU’- maybe they can apply for refugee status ….
Dear Mr Chiles
Here’s how to make
ouryour dreams come true:
Unfortunately, the Embassy is in London, so you may feel a bit uncomfortable being so far away from Birmingham when you go to collect it.
Croatia is a fine country but please keep in mind the following:
1. You can watch Premier League football on Croatian TV, but they don’t show Championship matches so no West Bromwich Albion, I’m afraid.
2. I recall you once saying you didn’t have any black friends. Sorry, not many black people in Croatia.
3. The booze is cheap there – be careful.
love etc.
In an earlier post, Jim S mentions the BBC programme “ A cold Swedish Winter”
Jim cites the mockery of the British and praising of migrants in this programme recorded in Sweden with mostly Swedish actors.
Now look up The Spectator, there is an article today:
A few points from the article.
Armed criminal gangs responsible for 45 fatal shooting this year.
100 bomb explosions Jan to June this year
160 last year.
The biggest explosion at Linkopings demolished two buildings and damaged 250 apartments.
This week three explosions including a third attack on a Syriach church. Not even mentioned on Swedish TV! Leading storey was about females and body parts and what they should according to pc guidelines be called. The TV channel is equivalent to our BBC.
There is a lot more.
All linked to immigration and failure to integrate, those raising and discussing the problem are of course smeared as bigots
Not bBC, and definitely not Tommy Robinson.
A Mail on Sunday features writer has been spared jail after blaming “work pressure” for recording a court hearing on her mobile phone. Marcia Angela Johnson, 59, admitted being in contempt of court. She was sentenced to seven days in custody suspended for 12 months and a fine of £500.
“Merkel ADMITS Multiculturalism FAILED as Nationalist Right AfD SURGES!!!”
The ever optimistic Dr Steve Turley:
“The state broadcaster has another Grenfell!”
It’s already happened on The Nick Ferrari Show on LBC this morning, Fed.
Ferrari invited illegal immigrants to phone him, and several of them did. All of them said they travelled through several countries to get to the UK and that they were settled here now with families and that they were all ‘self employed’.
Did Ferrari ask why they wanted to live in the UK as opposed to France or Germany? No he did not. Now for a man who continually proclaims of his long experience as a journalist, I must admit I was very surprised when he believed everything they said without question.
I was even more surprised when he told one illegal immigrant that he deserved a medal for clinging on to a lorry axle for several hours to sneak into the UK illegally. Ferrari then explained to his listeners that he wasn’t condoning the man’s actions but I’m afraid that if you tell someone they deserve a medal for their actions, then in my book you are.
The ONS released their usual lies this week about the size of the UK population. Migration Watch UK gives a more accurate analysis, focusing on non EU migration figures:
We have freedom of speech in Britain. Right? Yet if that is the case why is there only one political position featured on the broadcast media ?
Whether the awful state broadcaster or the commercial version ?
There is no equivalent to Fox . The state broadcaster local radio network strangles any competition .
Can any one name a single media outlet which regularly broadcasters the views of the Right ?
Yes LBC puts the occasional ‘ contra’ on but where can I switch a channel on and know l will get something which reflects me political and social view .
It’s a one party – one view State . All we have are places like this .
Fed up.
Freedom of speech…..I remember that.
Bbc news this morning.
2 x boys jailed for 4 and 6 years because of ‘extreme right wing posting on the internet’ or words to that effect.
They were ‘inspired’ by the New Zealand mosk killings and were putting anti muzzie stuff up on the net. (Go home and similar stuff which was said to be ‘inciting’ hate towards the enrichers)
I’ve seen worse stuff on the comments on Breitbart, on here, on the DM and DE and just about all over.
They can pick you out and jail you just like that.
If they wanted they could probably use the same procedure to jail half (more?) of us on here for hate speak or whatever they want to call it.
I have absolutely no faith in the legal system here in the UK.
I think it’s run by (and for) the powerful and rich lot and used to keep us in our place.
See the comment above about the contempt of court journalist treatment compared to how they treated Tommy.
See how they are using the so called legal system to stop Brexit.
They also think that giving children the vote in a referendum will win it for remain although they will fiddle it just to make sure.
Compare the lads above and the mosk door bacon criminal getting a years prison (which in his case mysteriously became life) to enrichers getting extremely lenient sentences for far worse crimes.
The so called ‘elite’ are becoming much more nasty and dangerous now that they see we, the common rabble, are starting to make our presence felt.
I should have said that there is limited freedom of speech in the UK . Causing offence is now a criminal offence . One can say certain things about certain groups and it’s fine . Say something about another group and you’ll get a knock on the door .
I wonder sometimes that after the new Americans drafted their constitution the British — after a certain lapse of time might do the same .
Instead all we have is ridiculous people in their parliament using ridiculous procedures to stifle the democratic will and the likes of Ken Clarke – an mp since 1970 now wanting the vote for 16 year olds as it suits his personal political belief .
Once those rights are chipped away they won’t be coming back . Internet comment will be repressed soon and you’ll just be deleted if the software detects certain words and phrases with the burden on one to prove they did not ‘ offend ‘
All a bit sad
Don’t laugh, but all the broadcast media in the UK is meant to Neutral. Thus, there can never be a right wing channel such as Fox.
BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Sky are all Neutral you see, but Fox is bad.
They probably believe they really are neutral, just like Andy Marr was sure he saw Priti Patel laughing.
We are all laughing, Andy. At you.
I’d forgotten about the reality of the situation and how the news media pride themselves on neutrality .
Sometimes I look in the comments section of the Guardian and see lefties complaining about ‘ right wing bias’ on the state broadcaster . I have to think –
1 am I missing something ?
2 just how far to the left are these people to think that the state broadcaster is ‘ right wing ‘ .
The high command of the state broadcaster always point to criticism from ‘ both sides ‘ from which they infer they must be neutral and doing the right thing .
In reality of course the left will complain that the state broadcaster is never left enough – until of course people are shot in the head for wearing spectacles which are a sign of middle class tendencies …
Similar with Iain Dale on LBC yesterday evening. He invited those who had got to the UK by non standard methods to phone in. I got to 5 or 6 in a row before I couldn’t take any more and switched off.
They all seemed to think that they had a right to be here and Iain Dale didn’t question that either. One common factor in their reasons for choosing the UK was that they spoke English.
Usually, I quite like Iain Dale but he seems to have a soft spot for aliens.
Similar with Iain Dale on LBC yesterday evening. He invited those who had got to the UK by non standard methods to phone in. I got to 5 or 6 in a row before I couldn’t take any more and switched off.
They all seemed to think that they had a right to be here and Iain Dale didn’t question that either. One common factor in their reasons for choosing the UK was that they spoke English.
Usually, I quite like Iain Dale but he seems to have a soft spot for aliens.
sorry seeing double!
One thing from Monday’s Times was a headline “Hillary completely exonerated by State Department inquiry”
That is too wow, to be true.
The Times also attributed the story to the New York Times
Now when I check the NYT runs with a similar headline
Then in the text says
while about three dozen people violated protocols about classified material, they “did their best to implement them in their operations” and “there was no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information.”
That is not COMPLETE exoneration.
You are not supposed to send “classified information” via private email server. that’s a rule and Hillary broke it
The article is maintaining that the inquiry ruled it found no evidence that was deliberately to mishandle classified information.
I dunno about that cos I haven’t read the report.
I think the original claim was that Hillary was using a private email server and why would she do that unless it was an attempt to keep something off record, which should have been on record.
Another thing that the came up in the Times is that in their reporting of the barracking crowds outside parliament, they chose to do a few hit paragraphs against Danny Tommo.
It was the form of the pieces seem dropped in by HateyNoHopers “Real name … convicted for etc etc.”
The Conservative MPs were being barracked by entire crowds, it was very intimidating.
Whereas Diane Abbott was being barracked by Danny Tommo alone. The Times used the word “harassed” yet they wouldn’t use that word if a lefty or XR protester was repeatedly questioning a politician. His questioning might have been a bit intimidating but he didn’t swear at or abuse her.
The Times just tried and convicted the frozen takeaway lorry driver on twitter, so they may have a few ‘reporting’ problems of their own to deal with soon.
Good Andrew Bolt video
When a scientist did a lecture saying “This may not be what you are expecting to hear but Climate Change Doesn’t cause droughts”
the ABC replied “He didn’t mean to say that, he meant to say this, the thing that you DID expect to hear”
Interesting. Just read a newsflash on my mobile that no EU departure or early election debates planned for next week.
The 31st is next week. What is going on? Do we dare to dream?
A bit of a surprise (to me)
The unconfirmed word out on the internet is that the 39 dead illegals were Chinese.
I don’t know if this has been reported through any of the Fake News outlets.
I found it confirmed on Sky:
It is interesting to speculate as to why this information was not revealed earlier. It took more than 24 hours to identify that the victims were Chinese? Was it not immediately obvious?
This story is likely to be dropped relatively quickly. Those in the ‘migrant business’ – the charities and NGOs, not the people smugglers – are more interested in different types of migrants altogether. They much prefer the type that support the narrative of suffering and impoverished Middle Easterners and Africans who need to be allowed into Britain. Whilst China is an totalitarian state, it has an economy five times the size of Britain’s (albeit that wealth is not distributed evenly). The Chinese government will not welcome continued coverage of people trying to escape from the Workers’ Paradise and will be exercising ‘soft power’ behind the scenes to get it dropped; expect the Foreign Office and BBC to be compliant.
“Those in the ‘migrant business’ – the charities and NGOs, not the people smugglers – are more interested in different types of migrants altogether.”
Ian it will be interesting to see how they play this. Today R5 is interspersing their output with little real-life vignettes of migrant/truck horror stories. Emma Barnett just now had Syrian refugee Ahmed to tell his tale. One takeaway is that he said Facebook is rife with people trafficking networks. He didn’t take money with him on his journey because of the high risk — as Ahmed says the smugglers will kill you for your cash if they find some on you.
So we in the UK face increasing policing of social networks and calls to make the digital giants look out for offensive remarks, misgendered people and the rise of the ‘far right’. But next to nothing spoken about serious crime which actually puts lives at risk.
You’d almost think the clampdown on social media isn’t really for our benefit.
Ian – I’m not so sure the msm will drop this story unless something bigger comes along . If you apply the grenfell model – there will be marches , commemorations , minutes silence , collections , names and stories of the dead and their families – unless of course a few kilos of illegal drugs were in the HGV as well ……
…. the irony is that the state broadcaster has plenty of Africans , Pakistanis Indians and the like working for it – you don’t see many Chinese types . Is the state broadcaster racist ? Anti chinese ?
I hope the story does go away . The illegal immigrants were probably dead long before they got to Essex . /UK
Terrible. Imagine if the NHS found itself swamped by the unnecessary consequences of such things here as w…..
A possible explanation for BBC obsession with Windrush?
Obstacles to Enforcement
20. The Chief Inspector of Borders has said that the Windrush affair has made officials less willing to remove illegal immigrants from the UK. However, there is no reason why a bureaucratic failure primarily affecting people with a right to be here should lead to a condoning of illegal immigration, in clear contravention of the public’s wishes. Doing so can only be manna for traffickers who profit by encouraging people to break the law and put their lives at risk needlessly in perilous cross-Channel journeys.
40. The government has a duty of care to protect and enforce the UK’s borders. Illegal immigration is a serious failure of governance. There appears to be ‘paralysis’ in enforcement while the number of people whose presence has been legalised as a result of ‘amnesty-by-stealth’ has massively increased since 2012. This only serves to encourage the UK to be seen increasingly as a soft touch while the problem and backlogs become more intractable. The new Prime Minister should set an entirely new course, reinstating the deterrent of enforcement and ruling out any kind of amnesty.
Updated 11 July, 2019
Trust all Embassies in the UK are being told in no uncertain terms by our Government to instruct their countries to undertake very serious measures to stop entry of illegal migrants into their own country as well ensuring that if held in suspenion they do not escape-deport all illegals no matter the cost-some clear meassge has to be sent otherwise Europe will be overrun with millions of illegal migrants utterly destroying western europe inc the UK.
Whatever John Lewis’ competitors are paying for Sharon to go there, it is not enough.
The BBC rolling quite a few woke people on this morning demanding that the UK make it automatic that all refugees fleeing from danger zones are allowed entry to avoid danger, people smugglers, distress to relatives etc.
Now it seems that the unfortunate people on the truck were from China…
China has 1.38 BILLION people and I would guess that quite a few would like to be able to walk into the UK at will, so how would that work then without secure border safeguards?
In my eyes the number of illegal entries is to a large extent down to pathetically lax border security as people would not be so keen to try if failure was almost inevitable.
I’m pretty sure that the French and Belgians just want the trucks and whatever they contain out of their patch ASAP.
The missed searches etc. are largely down to our great relationship as an EU member state resulting in only cursory or even no checks being made at the borders.
This is a huge and dangerous situation and if it means that every vehicle leaving Europe for the UK has to be opened and thoroughly inspected then so be it along with 20+years inside for any collusion!
Don’t forget the corruption of border staff being recruited by criminal gangs – bit like prison officers and immigration departments and housing departments Difficult getting staff so the vetting gets ‘ watered down ‘.
Trust all Embassies in the UK are being told in no uncertain terms by our Government to instruct their countries to undertake very serious measures to stop entry of illegal migrants into their own country as well ensuring that if held in suspenion they do not escape-deport all illegals no matter the cost-some clear meassge has to be sent otherwise Europe will be overrun with millions of illegal migrants utterly destroying western europe inc the UK.
When you think David has reached the peak of this “thickness”, he reminds you, he has some way still to go !!!
Someone somebody – has got to take that twitter account away from Lammy . It’s meant to be for sane adults instead of intellectually challenged gimps like him .
There has been discussion of how long the traitors will need to read , digest and raise questions about the sell out bill .
And the claim that MPs don’t read bills – they just get the party exec summary and direction from the whips .
Apparently the ReichEU is talking about a flexi- extension ranging from a couple of weeks to 3 months . I’d like to see the anguish the Remainers get from only a 14 day extension and then no more . Sell out Deal or none at all . Imagine
Some comments there supporting Lammy saying he has one of the largest majorities in the country, thereby implying that he must be really good. What is the demographic breakdown in Tottenham i wonder. Surely it can’t be that he and Diane Abbott have well paid jobs for life just because they are black?
One more from Lammy
He tweets this, always wanting the Government to “do something” is our David
Yet when they do !!!
See how its IMPOSSIBLE to please the likes of David !! Prat
The ethnics are running up a very high bill which will surely have to be paid off at some stage in the future…………………….
What about White History Month? We seemingly hear everything about Black People and Asians, but nothing much about the supposed majority of white people living in this white country. Shameful-let us not be quite so apologetic and more supportive of what we are and how without us the coloured people would still be in their tribal lands.
I was thinking about this yesterday when there was some program on about working in the sugar cane factories. Got me thinking about factories and coal mines in Victorian England. Nothing is ever said about the slave labour in those. Young children were called apprentices so they work them till they dropped.Beaten by the overlookers if they didn’t work fast enough and so tired that they were frequently maimed or killed by the machines. The coal mines were another horror for men women and young children I’m getting sick of all this virtue signalling , anyone would think all white people were swanning around living in luxury. I’ve done a lot of reading about life for the working class in Victorian and Edwardian England and it makes you want to weep. Then they had the privilege of fighting and dying in the First World War.
I read Orwell’s Road to Wigan Pier and he states in the 1930s it was proberly better to be destitute in Africa at least they had the warmth whereas in England they were destitute and the weather was so cold and people could not even afford to keep themselves warm. So when I hear pratt’s like Lammy going on about how bad things are for bame perhaps he should read how really bad things were for indigenous people of the British Isles.
Indeed, cromwell. There are those who say that there was no need for black slaves here as the resident working classes fulfilled that need.
The odd thing is, that the working classes then were extremely patriotic, proud and god-fearing. Victorian philanthropists were amazed at this finding. The important desire for these people was not to be buried in a paupers grave. Other than that, they were accepting of their hardships. Perhaps it was helped by close family bonds?
Slaves I believe cost 60k each in (in todays money) the late 18th Century. Dont condone it, though its still rampant in Saudi I’ve been and seen it for myself.
I totally agree with you, they were brought up with Christian values and work ethics.No work no food. The workhouse was the ultimate disgrace brought on the family. Its gets me how the Lammeys and Afu Hershes of this world think society should forever pay reparations.
We all know that slavery is evil, but there’s an ignorance about the reality of working conditions in the UK (not just England) during the Industrial Revolution. The mines, the dark, satanic mills, the workhouse, the truck system, the ever-present danger of death due to unsafe and unguarded machinery, the unsanitary living conditions, the hunger, the disease, the rod laid heavily upon the backs of those adjudged not to be working hard enough, the harsh punishments meted out to those who stole only in order to survive and the absence of any way out of such misery was nothing other than slavery by another name. But its victims do not seem to matter, for in death they are as insignificant as they were in life. I used to wonder why that should be so. Now I know.
libmob & the race-baiters-club say stuff all the time
.. they don’t care if it’s NOT true , they just say it for political PR purposes (agenda pushing)
Actually what Lammy said is definitely fakenews
cos “Captured Africans Sculpture
Unveiled in 2005, Kevin Dalton Johnson’s Captured Africans Sculpture on St. Georges Quay is a memorial to the slaves transported on ships originating out of Lancaster”
To be fair to David Lammy (!), I can see why he missed that one.
What the hell is it meant to be? A World War II gun emplacement?
Evidence that the BBC is far from impartial can be found by comparing two reports –
The CBS coverage is IMHO fair, however, a check on its media bias reveals it is LEFT-CENTER BIAS
This begs the question – how far left is the BBC? Or is it just blinded by hatred of Trump?
Why is it that when certain crimes are committed by the beeb’s favourite minorities, auntie keeps reminding us that we mustn’t jump to conclusions, the suspects are given anonimity, innocent until proven guilty etc, but the driver of the refrigerated lorry has his name and photo plastered all over the place?
Why not post his address while you’re at it so the lynch mob can go round?
I am, frankly, disappointed. Where’s Maxi to put us straight about all these poor illegals compelled to come here rather than any of the other 200 or so countries on the planet, some even closer to their homeland than we are. BBC and Sky would have us believe that all 39 were found with an arm twisted up their backs.
How long before the BBC “fact checking” team decide to tell us all that the deceased are Uyghur Muslims trying to escape persecution…
There is hope.
Maybe the 16-24 year olds don’t want to watch a bunch of overpaid middle aged right on wannabes behaving like 5 year olds.
That’s a signal for the bbbc to bombard us with loads more virtue signalling crap which people young and old are not interested in. Just means old people pay for the licence which they dont watch for younger viewers programmes that they dont watch either.
Mixed feelings on this one.
Rather funny the Bbc got him on to trash their mutual foes, but he self-detonated in the studio and took them out too.
The Yorkshire Post frontpage headline
Farmers : Hand us funds to save the Climate
In the words of Bob Geldoff
“Just send us your effing money”
They basically cutNpasted from this tweet
Nature Friendly Farming Network @NFFNUK
NEW REPORT: Today we launch a report
that reveals farmers across the UK
need urgent support* to respond to the climate emergency
and transition to a sustainable farming system.
That’s a signal for the bbbc to bombard us with loads more virtue signalling crap which people young and old are not interested in. Just means old people pay for the licence which they dont watch for younger viewers programmes that they dont watch either.