Has anyone else noticed the huge disparity in BBC coverage of
a. The admittedly awful 39 dead in a lorry trailer being smuggled into the country (blanket coverage, lots on condolences, vigils, sympathetic pressure groups)
as compared with
b. The 1 minute tucked away at the end of a news bulletin earlier in the week about the ONS estimate of a 3 million population rise by 2028.
Just think. If we had proper border security we could solve two problems at once. Not that the BBC would agree to the concept of a border, of course.
Caught a trailer on BBC World. Yet another feature on women, that is opinion-forming women. Now most, even if wrong-headed, did speak fluently as if they had their own brain.
But then the BBC feature Greta Thumberg.
She speaks only and entirely in pre-programmed robotic cliches. The juxtaposition, clearly lost on the BBC trailer editors, was very clear.
It’s as if she is not actually human but in fact a prototype android that needs a good deal more work.
I wonder who has paid for the work so far?
Oh well some good news that probably won’t be good news for very long…
The EU are struggling to agree to an extension. If they don’t agree to an extension within the next week then does that mean we leave with no deal anyway or has Bercow and the gang got another last minute stunt to put?
Revoke article 50 on the 30th? If Boris does not agree then another law would be quickly passed to put him and any objecting leave supporters in jail?
The BBC could screen the film on a small folding screen in the grounds of Broadcasting House to every viewer they still have by then, in one go to save firing up the transmitters. By then all the BBC viewers would live within 5 miles of the Studios and could bring their copy of the Guardian to sit on if it’s a bit damp.
Oh, and for any BBC person reading this, it’s about parody and humour, it used to be quite popular a while back but not something now used or understood within the BBC!
Trade deals all over the World?
Boris’ “deal” is a message to all those countries we would wish to do, “deals” with. ‘Come and get us’. We cannot negotiate our way out of a paper bag so there is really some magnificent bargains to be had and, by the way, if the “deals” are significant enough we may well pay you Billions of Pounds for the privilege.
Problem is with this bunch of absolute wasters, they have lived with taking instructions from the EU for so long, they do not now possess any self confidence or ability to do, “deals”.
By hec G, youre absolutely right as most of the generation born after about 1980’s have known nothing else but the continual drip feed of control over their lives, the EU with its spurious pretence and deliverence of lies. For starters we must end multiculturalism as a racist concept and promote a unifying British culture in public life-fight against the infiltration of Islam- Britain is altering itself in accordance with the scriptural requirements of Islam. Maybe a General Election, if we get one, will bring back some strength into our nationhood-No problem let’s go for a No Deal, we shall enjoy the freedom of being our own people once again.
Something to think on as those still of a mind to remain inside the EU:
Our entire Defence capability will be switched to EU control on November 1st – no matter what happens with Brexit.
Despite a clear national vote to leave the EU, despite the Government’s prime responsibility to defend our realm, its land and the people. Once again we are being conned and once again the traitors show their hand-aided and abetted by the BBC et al.
Are we angry of course we are and getting more angry with every parting day.
Just musing………..
What if, the population come alive and riot in the UK over the Boris “deal” after 1st November. If serious, (and being a colony of the EU and having given control away) the EU send in the British Army to quell the rebellion………………
Hells Bells G, that would be or could behorrific, talk about blue on blue-I’m thankful my lads finished their military of several years sometime ago-however, I think they would find it hard to believe that our military would fight their own people. Quite easily see the Houses of Parliament being put under military rule-even Marshall Law, that would sort out those snowflakes pontificating their ugly persons around the place-who would pay the bill to engage the military? Rioting I can predict-I’ll be ready with my garden fork.
I see Corbyn today has continued to promote his opposition to the deal and to ‘no deal’. Presumably he also opposes revoking Article 50 and a second referendum. He wants Johnson to negotiate a different deal because he doesn’t want to do it himself.
Once all that’s fixed Corbyn will agree to a General Election.
That said I’m glad Abbott and Corbyn have today clarified their position. It’s only taken the combined might of the State Broadcaster and ITV three and a half years to tease it out of them.
A NO DEAL would send Corbyn and all his cronies scurring for cover under Diane Abbot- it would be the end of Labour as was and is known-it woud most likely kill of most the Lib/Dems as well-bring it on I say. This nation needs a good kick in the pants.
Huddersfield another 6 sentenced
Someone asked Sammy why some of the names of the convicted have been withheld
“It’s usually if they’re in another trial.
I personally think regardless of another trial they should be named.
It’s another way of protecting them.
The jury should know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and so should the public.”
Huddersfield RAPE GANG found guilty.
Rapists have today been found guilty from Huddersfield for committing offences against children.
The bravery and courage from the survivors should always be recognised.
“The complainants were between 12-16”
Umar Zaman, 31, and Samuel Fikru, 32, have both been found guilty of two counts of rape.
Four other men, who cannot be named for legal reasons, were found guilty of 12 sexual offences including rape, rape of a child under 13, arranging the commission of a child sex offence and trafficking.
They will be sentenced on November
You’d think it would be a big story, especially coming on the back of the already 20 mostly pakistani muslim men convicted last year.
So where do al-beeb hide it? You have to click Home, UK, England, Regions and Leeds and West Yorkshire – a far-away county of which we know little, as far as the beeb are concerned, and that’s how they want to keep it.
But they do helpfully provide a photo of the perpetrators:
You would think someone would remind Corbyn that he once found Abbot attractive if he thinks staying in the EU is attractive.
He ought to realise that it could all get too big and very ugly in a short space of time.
As AOC spanks Zuckerberg on rigging things in ways she doesn’t like, evil-doing Google steering folk at the compelled-funding BBC and two least popular broadsheet/online titles the BBC is mostly wedded to indicates something else entirely.
“Brexit: EU agrees to Brexit delay, but no date yet” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-50175914
Of course there would be no date , they need our money . Notice how the EU dictate the terms , just like they did with our other useless PM.
This Tory Government is worse than useless.
Margaret Beckett summed it up as to why she doesn’t want a December (not a bloody xmas referendum as they keep saying) – ‘no one in their right mind wants to go out campaigning in the dark cold blah blah..
so there we have it – it is too cold and dark for MPs to campaign…perhaps they should – they might get covered in snowflakes rather than being one..
I hope the EU for once do the right thing and either deny an extension or make it 1 month
James Arthur I heard margaret becket one of the major swamp dwellers . She came over with so much contempt for British public didn’t she Horrible woman she states the last thing the public want is a general election.. really. So much contempt in her voice. Also just before she came on we had a momentum activist desperately wanting to get starting campaigning. What also a alarmed me which I hadn’t thought about was that students will be off on holidays on 12th December. All the double voting would effect the vote in some areas. So I would not support a vote then.
She did indeed – she knows best
The student before was I am afraid like a lot of Labour people – clueless and ignorant..they haven’t learned that just because words come out of your mouth it doesn’t make them true or useful.
I hate it that they call it student debt – no it isn’t it is an unsecured loan that she won’t need to pay back if she doesn’t earn enough ..
cromwell, traditional view of psephologists is that winter GEs favour the Tories at the expense of Labour. The 2017 GE would tend to support that theory.
However, I think we are in unusual times and cannot count on things like that. There are two brand new Parties this time, for example.
I share your concern about the student vac, too, and their voting.
By the way in the reporting of charging of Libby Squires’ rapist/murderer the guy was never on the BBC referred to as “Polish immigrant”, they referred to him as “Hull man” “from Hull” and even as “local man”
White rapists who rape in Thailand would always be referred to as Farang .. not as “local man”
25 year old Pawel Relowicz came to Britain in 2014
and works in Malton
I spot new BBC, ITV tweets and older ones from BBC reporters calling him “Hull man”
BREAKING: 25 year old Pawel Relowicz from Hull has been charged with the rape and murder of Hull student Libby Squire and will appear at Hull Magistrates’ Court on 30 October
Pawel works in Malton which in a coincidence, cos there is news about a “Malton man” Pavels Zuravskis, 27 Convicted Malton sex offender who fled the country is arrested in the Netherlands | York Press
21 hours ago · fled the country before he could be jailed has been caught following an investigation by North Yorkshire Police.
Pavels Zuravskis, 27, sexually touched a woman in 2015″
” Latvian born Zuravskis was working in the UK “
.. Maybe he working at the same Malton bacon factory ?
Snuffy’s Radio4 fast continues. Am losing count of how many days. I did not find it hard to give the TOADY Prog a miss today as I woke with the distinct and very uncomfortable feeling that Bojo has stitched the UK up with his so-called ‘Deal’.
I did listen this week to a R4e Ed Reardon on repeat that I hadn’t heard first time around.
However, I do look at the web-site every day. Today there was some confirmatory news that as some of us on here have suspected for a while: the BBC is dying a death. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-50177210 (Times, front page at foot)
Not just making themselves less essential for a mass audience but also making themselves much too expensive and not interesting enough for the mass of young people that they need to attract in a much bigger media world that the BBC now have to inhabit.
Did you see my comment after FedUp2 posted the news of that yesterday? We hear today that the greed of the BBC is apparently too much for ‘millennials’ to bear.
Perhaps I’m being too hard on The Humph and that when he’s staying in his house in Athens (Greece, not Georgia … although I wouldn’t be surprised …..) he shares substantial amounts from his even more substantial disposable income with the poor in Greece who have been impoverished, in part, by their membership of the EU.
I’m going to force myself to read the ofcom report on the State broadcaster because it is central to the driving force of this site . We can rightly moan and evidence the bias but we also need to identify what the ‘establishment ‘ see as the weaknesses of the state broadcaster .
Ironically for all the propaganda pumped out I think the biggest threat to the state broadcaster is the strength and quality of the American online channels .
Coupled with more and more people wincing when they see the PC stuff on what are meant to be ‘quality’ programmes and one sees that people are waking up .
I refer here to the slave like desire to import immigrants into places where they just would not be and revising the past to their present day desire for the superiority of black faces on national TV in ‘historic ‘ programming .
And a snowflake reading this can call me racist if they want but I don’t care . I’m waiting to see the first black IRA terrorist in some forthcoming drama ….
Error found in UK public finances, official statistics body admits
Oh dear, this must be bad news .. but The UK budget deficit is £1-£1.5bn less than what had been previously reported after a statistical error, the Office for National Statistics has said (ONS). https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-50181360
You have to read beyond BBC headlines when information beneficial to the evil Tories is being reported
Bury me, my Love is a Text Messaging Adventure game about Nour, a Syrian migrant trying to find her way to Europe. Her husband Majd, who remains behind in Syria, communicates with Nour through a messaging app, advising her as best he can so that she reaches her destination safely.
“Bury me, my love” is a Syrian goodbye phrase that roughly means, “Take care, don’t even think about dying before I do.” This phrase takes on a deeper meaning as Majd says it to his wife, Nour, as she undertakes her perilous journey to reach Europe.
A co-production from ARTE, the European cultural network, with The Pixel Hunt and Figs.
“Take care, don’t even think about dying before I do.”
Which one is promising to die first and will there be any innocent bystanders? All sounds like good family entertainment, but think I’ll stick to Mario Kart.
Local paper, man jailed for 9 years for twice raping homeless woman he had befriended and offered a room to
.. A few paragraphs in it becomes apparent that he is a Romanian who’s been here 8 years and “works hard and sends money back to his family who still live in Romania”
So venues possibly already booked up, possible ice and gritting trucks, students not registered to vote in their new halls, caravan awnings might be needed plus temporary lighting for health and safety reasons etc….etc….etc…
I couldn’t help but recall the scene in Blues Brothers where John Belushi faced the gun toting girl he had jilted at the altar and tried to come up with excuses why he didn’t turn up..
“there was an earthquake… a terrible flood… my suit was at the cleaners….”
The thing is, this crap would affect all parties equally if it were true!!!
Newly discovered beetle Nelloptodes gretae has been named after environmental inspiration Greta Thunberg.
It is to be earnestly hoped that the predictable behaviour of the one – rolling on back with legs waving in the air – will not be echoed by the other, at least for some years to come.
@gmcuk reports that
‘In 2019, for the first time, more non-UK graduates joined the medical register
than British-trained doctors’.
Most of them as LEDs (jargon for locally employed doctors)
A doctor asks “It would be great to know % of resources @NHS_HealthEdEng spends on inducting and supporting LEDs in the @NHSuk”
I guess British universities aren’t that good these days and that even some British people go abroad to study medicine much more cheaply
BTW in June
According to the Daily Mail
“Foreign-trained doctors commit six in ten cases of sexual misconduct with patients, even though they make up only a third of NHS medics, shock new figures reveal.
They accounted for 23 of 38 proven incidents in the past three years, according to figures obtained by The Mail on Sunday. “
A former state broadcaster employee called Bill Turnbull – a 64 year old -old Etonian -developed Prostate Cancer . Not nice . And has done a C4 programme about his experience .
Being a chap of a certain age and prostate cancer having visited at least one member of my family I asked my GP for a blood test . The answer was ‘ no ‘ you’re not old enough . Go away.
So watching Mr turnbull breaking the taking cannabis on TV last night with all the support in the world made me think what an unequal country this is . Best not be a middle aged bloke as the system just sees you as a burden . I should add that I have made a life time of National insurance contributions but I guess these go on newly arrived foreigners .
The other message is clear -don’t take responsibility for your own health . I had little faith in their NHS and have less now .
Incidently Mr Turnbull interviewed Tourette’s Robinson who also had a form or cancer but seems to have recovered .
Fedup.. I dont know how old you are, I take it you are middle aged, it’s disgusting how newcomers seem to get the lot including expensive translators and not much left for whitey. In Wales it’s worse, terrible so called health service, no doctors employed at the local surgery here just locums, so each time you go you have to go through everything again, the doctor doesn’t know you. A while ago one of the doctors was concerned enough to refer me for a suspected cancer prognosis, she said they will see you within 2 weeks as the protocol for suspected cancer. I never heard from them and she again faxed them. When I still didn’t hear anything I rang the hospital to be informed that we wont see you within 2 weeks now it was changed in July to 60 days. As I pointed out some people could be dead by then.I was told “anyway the lady who sends them is on holiday” so I had to wait until she came back! In the past I have paid to go to a private hospital which was excellent. I have advised my son and his wife who have private health insurance and have advised never to stop paying it, in his later life he will most definitely need it.
I’m a great believer in personal responsibility and self help . So I’m already arranging a private PSA test as well as a kit you can buy on amazon . I also have good private health insurance to avoid the third world NHS that is North East London .
But that is not the point
I will go into battle over this . I’ve contacted the prostate UK charity and been told that test refusals are unusual but not unknown . Also – a lot of gps don’t like doing the physical and arnt much good at doing it .
So men over 40 are up against it .
When my GP found out that I’d put in a formal complaint and forwarded details to my MP she said she was ‘aghast ‘ . I was glad .
I’ll lose against the NHS mafia but need to cause them some engagement against me .
So when I saw the Beeboid – mr William turnbull – suffering from prostate cancer but with the full support of system , famous friends and family – plus wealth – I could only think of the ordinary joe …..
The NHS closed its eyes to the vetting of ‘doctors ‘ from overseas – particularly the third world – which in this days seems to be an immoral act – taking their doctors away .
If the UK wasn’t run by a closed shop medical mafia it would be able to produce its own – some of them might also be able to speak English – which is nice . They want a limited supply to keep their wages and social position up .
Fortunately technology is likely to de value medics in the coming years – and that can’t be a bad thing .
OFCOM savaging bBC bosses in Scotland where audiences to both TV channels and Radio are falling off a cliff.
Many of us here saw the new scottish channel (£40 millions worth)
as a white elephant and an appeasement to the SNP who clearly saw it a an opportunity to pump out their garbage,
People have awoken from their silent majority slumbers and are leaving both the biased state operator and the failing shambles of an SNP Govt in droves.
Ofcom “When it came to content, audiences perceived the BBC as giving too much coverage to *extreme voices*
while others criticised ‘false equivalence’ ¥ in its reporting.
Comrade Corbyn says no election without a ‘deal’ promise . Well promise it , win the election with a brexit majority then break the ‘deal’ promise .
I mean – what’s a promise worth now ? Nothing . Manifestos are thrown aside , party politicians switch again and again without shame – the speaker breaks promises about retiring – onwards the promises are broken .
My fear is two fold – voter fraud in key marginals and the Brexit Party fighting for the Tory vote .
I actually think the pressure on comrade Corbyn to spend more time on his allotment so that McDonnell – who runs the show anyway – can lead the socialist party it more likely because people don’t know too much about McDonnell but plenty about the terrorist loving Corbyn .
At least three of the 39 people found dead in a lorry trailer in Essex may have been from Vietnam.
The BBC knows of three Vietnamese people whose relatives are worried they may have been in the trailer.
That will be interesting given the status of who is here, who was there and who has no idea did what yet. especially when the first victim in such cases appears to be passports.
Maybe time for the MSM to default back to the generic ‘Asians’ term as they all are still floundering around trying to screw up any criminal court case that should be building first.
DAILY MAIL BREAKING: First pics of haulage boss and wife arrested over truck tragedy
First pictures of haulage boss and wife arrested on 39 counts of manslaughter over Essex death truck tragedy
A report produced some years ago found that the BBC Gaelic language channel actually had ZERO viewers or at least too few to measure for some programmes. Despite this, they continue to push ahead with this vanity/SNP-appeasement project. Considerably more people in Scotland speak Polish rather than Gaelic as their first language…
[This is of course referring to the Guido Fawkes link – and not Fed’s new Weekend Thread!!! :o)) … ]
OMG, what complete and utter trash – couldn‘t face more than a few minutes …
Completely cringeworthy! In fact, it made me really angry: “Entertainment” for the BBC is obviously only intended for a very specific clientele – surely there can‘t be an audience for that?
Stick attention-grabbing LGBTQ+ XYZ etc’s in front of a camera, with a couple of desperate “celebrity” judges, call it a reality show – and “who cares if no-one watches it, we enjoyed making it”.
I’m appalled and amazed that there isn’t more of an outcry.
Living in Germany (where the TV is absolute **** ), I used to “keep in touch” by sometimes tuning in to BBC.
It seems there is NOTHING on the BBC worth watching now.
Last Friday I switched off “Have I got news for you” (which I used to quite enjoy, though I seem to remember the last series going steadily downhill) because it was leftist-bias from the word go. I won’t even risk it tonight.
I won’t listen to German radio (apart from a Classic Rock station when driving), can’t listen to BBC anymore (without switching off every few seconds) and have taken to tuning in to the French news (which is probably just as biased, I just don’t catch all the innuendos!! ;o)
So I have to rely on Netflix / Amazon Prime for film entertainment and alternative media / internet for information updates.
BRISSLESMar 6, 10:08 Midweek 5th March 2025 I wonder how many English (white) living in Europe speak regularly on tv channels there – in Athens in particular…
JohnCMar 6, 10:08 Midweek 5th March 2025 Zelensky says UK and US volunteers survived Russian attack on hotel that killed four https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cly28qvp83pt A complete non-story in the…
tomoMar 6, 09:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 The likelihood that similar is going on here is a slam dunk certainty…. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1897534108982526275
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSCCsDXCmgusoKmOKAV8J8hzqUthA2tS31S5g&s[/img]
tomoMar 6, 09:56 Midweek 5th March 2025 Free Buckfast Tonic Wine has to be next? [img]https://i.ibb.co/twQXv1rg/Free-Crack-pipes-NHS-jockland.jpg[/img]
Mrs KittyMar 6, 09:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’m thinking his parents were/are quite wealthy with connections, he committed offences in China and ended up in the U.K.…
Mrs KittyMar 6, 09:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 So good I keep rewatching it. Especially the sucked lemon lips.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Doughboy – if Ukraine embraces diversity it can win? ……………… “About us The first duty of the government is to…
DoughboyMar 6, 09:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/2022857/Channel-migrants-Labour-asylum-smugglers-boats Don’t see this on the Bbbc, how on earth are we going to keep Russians out of Ukraine with…
Has anyone else noticed the huge disparity in BBC coverage of
a. The admittedly awful 39 dead in a lorry trailer being smuggled into the country (blanket coverage, lots on condolences, vigils, sympathetic pressure groups)
as compared with
b. The 1 minute tucked away at the end of a news bulletin earlier in the week about the ONS estimate of a 3 million population rise by 2028.
Just think. If we had proper border security we could solve two problems at once. Not that the BBC would agree to the concept of a border, of course.
Caught a trailer on BBC World. Yet another feature on women, that is opinion-forming women. Now most, even if wrong-headed, did speak fluently as if they had their own brain.
But then the BBC feature Greta Thumberg.
She speaks only and entirely in pre-programmed robotic cliches. The juxtaposition, clearly lost on the BBC trailer editors, was very clear.
It’s as if she is not actually human but in fact a prototype android that needs a good deal more work.
I wonder who has paid for the work so far?
Oh well some good news that probably won’t be good news for very long…
The EU are struggling to agree to an extension. If they don’t agree to an extension within the next week then does that mean we leave with no deal anyway or has Bercow and the gang got another last minute stunt to put?
Revoke article 50 on the 30th? If Boris does not agree then another law would be quickly passed to put him and any objecting leave supporters in jail?
I see Lewis Hamilton is jumping on the Virtue Climate Bandwagon…
I have an idea for him to consider…
1. Build a new race track in the middle of the Sahara Desert miles from any human habitation.
2. Build a Yurt for each driver and crew next to the track where they will live all year round.
3. Provide each team will electric solar-powered cars.
4. Have one reporter with a wind-up clockwork cine camera film the last ten seconds of each race to save plastic.
5. Send the finished films by camel train to the nearest post office and then mail to the BBC (Second Class!).
I like it!
There are plenty of young men waiting to drive cars fast. If any of today’s champions have qualms let them just pack it in.
Forgot point 6……
The BBC could screen the film on a small folding screen in the grounds of Broadcasting House to every viewer they still have by then, in one go to save firing up the transmitters. By then all the BBC viewers would live within 5 miles of the Studios and could bring their copy of the Guardian to sit on if it’s a bit damp.
Oh, and for any BBC person reading this, it’s about parody and humour, it used to be quite popular a while back but not something now used or understood within the BBC!
Trade deals all over the World?
Boris’ “deal” is a message to all those countries we would wish to do, “deals” with. ‘Come and get us’. We cannot negotiate our way out of a paper bag so there is really some magnificent bargains to be had and, by the way, if the “deals” are significant enough we may well pay you Billions of Pounds for the privilege.
Problem is with this bunch of absolute wasters, they have lived with taking instructions from the EU for so long, they do not now possess any self confidence or ability to do, “deals”.
By hec G, youre absolutely right as most of the generation born after about 1980’s have known nothing else but the continual drip feed of control over their lives, the EU with its spurious pretence and deliverence of lies. For starters we must end multiculturalism as a racist concept and promote a unifying British culture in public life-fight against the infiltration of Islam- Britain is altering itself in accordance with the scriptural requirements of Islam. Maybe a General Election, if we get one, will bring back some strength into our nationhood-No problem let’s go for a No Deal, we shall enjoy the freedom of being our own people once again.
Something to think on as those still of a mind to remain inside the EU:
Our entire Defence capability will be switched to EU control on November 1st – no matter what happens with Brexit.
Despite a clear national vote to leave the EU, despite the Government’s prime responsibility to defend our realm, its land and the people. Once again we are being conned and once again the traitors show their hand-aided and abetted by the BBC et al.
Are we angry of course we are and getting more angry with every parting day.
Just musing………..
What if, the population come alive and riot in the UK over the Boris “deal” after 1st November. If serious, (and being a colony of the EU and having given control away) the EU send in the British Army to quell the rebellion………………
Hells Bells G, that would be or could behorrific, talk about blue on blue-I’m thankful my lads finished their military of several years sometime ago-however, I think they would find it hard to believe that our military would fight their own people. Quite easily see the Houses of Parliament being put under military rule-even Marshall Law, that would sort out those snowflakes pontificating their ugly persons around the place-who would pay the bill to engage the military? Rioting I can predict-I’ll be ready with my garden fork.
Even without a Telly licence you can cross paths with the propaganda campaign of the Evil state broadcaster.
It’s sickening.
“Dunkirk migrants ‘all scared of lorries”
Too bad for anyone scared of migrants; there’s no sympathy for that. Make room.
I see Corbyn today has continued to promote his opposition to the deal and to ‘no deal’. Presumably he also opposes revoking Article 50 and a second referendum. He wants Johnson to negotiate a different deal because he doesn’t want to do it himself.
Once all that’s fixed Corbyn will agree to a General Election.
NG, that’s good old fashioned Labour from sixty to one hundred years ago: “If anyone is for something then I’m agin it!”
“If anyone is for something then I’m agin it!”
Too true Up2snuff.
That said I’m glad Abbott and Corbyn have today clarified their position. It’s only taken the combined might of the State Broadcaster and ITV three and a half years to tease it out of them.
A NO DEAL would send Corbyn and all his cronies scurring for cover under Diane Abbot- it would be the end of Labour as was and is known-it woud most likely kill of most the Lib/Dems as well-bring it on I say. This nation needs a good kick in the pants.
Ooh, yes please!
The lot of the ordinary worker has not been improved one jot by the Labour Party since 1945.
I wonder whether the beeb and the labour party have read their Guardians recently
I’m amazed he was allowed to write something like that for the Guardian?? …
He probably won’t last long now ;o)
The BBC’s American Obsessions continue without end:
One is forced to ask oneself – why?
The Daily Mash can be funny, if not always for the reasons they think.
As with their image of a typical BBc interviewer and interviewee.
Facts4EU have been publishing handy one-pagers on all aspects of Brexit. Unlike the bBC, they use reliable sources as far as I can tell.
Under the EU, the UK – a maritime island nation – has become a net importer of fish.
How ridiculous is that?
The next one will be on DEFENCE.
Huddersfield another 6 sentenced
Someone asked Sammy why some of the names of the convicted have been withheld
“It’s usually if they’re in another trial.
I personally think regardless of another trial they should be named.
It’s another way of protecting them.
The jury should know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and so should the public.”
“The complainants were between 12-16”
Umar Zaman, 31, and Samuel Fikru, 32, have both been found guilty of two counts of rape.
Four other men, who cannot be named for legal reasons, were found guilty of 12 sexual offences including rape, rape of a child under 13, arranging the commission of a child sex offence and trafficking.
They will be sentenced on November
Mo Arif was cleared
You’d think it would be a big story, especially coming on the back of the already 20 mostly pakistani muslim men convicted last year.
So where do al-beeb hide it? You have to click Home, UK, England, Regions and Leeds and West Yorkshire – a far-away county of which we know little, as far as the beeb are concerned, and that’s how they want to keep it.
But they do helpfully provide a photo of the perpetrators:
Steady, even publishing a photo of the court for these reasons may well have consequences for you if TR is anything to go by…………….
So because the beeb are trying to hide their favourite paedo-rapists, here’s last year’s crop…
…and this year’s
Guy on the left’s saying, can you have her delivered to my kebab shop?
You would think someone would remind Corbyn that he once found Abbot attractive if he thinks staying in the EU is attractive.
He ought to realise that it could all get too big and very ugly in a short space of time.
He can’t do the maths, and neither, evidently, can she.
Sean of yesterday’s news has taken the results one way…
It is possible others may see things differently.
As AOC spanks Zuckerberg on rigging things in ways she doesn’t like, evil-doing Google steering folk at the compelled-funding BBC and two least popular broadsheet/online titles the BBC is mostly wedded to indicates something else entirely.
Sean also laments the parlous state of the BBC.
My kids showed zero interest in the BBC from the moment they could push a remote button.
And given the disconnect between a ‘woke’ BBC commissioning dept. and the average young person’s interests that is not going to change.
“Brexit: EU agrees to Brexit delay, but no date yet”
Of course there would be no date , they need our money . Notice how the EU dictate the terms , just like they did with our other useless PM.
This Tory Government is worse than useless.
Wot abaht the muslim “weekend” then?
Margaret Beckett summed it up as to why she doesn’t want a December (not a bloody xmas referendum as they keep saying) – ‘no one in their right mind wants to go out campaigning in the dark cold blah blah..
so there we have it – it is too cold and dark for MPs to campaign…perhaps they should – they might get covered in snowflakes rather than being one..
I hope the EU for once do the right thing and either deny an extension or make it 1 month
James Arthur I heard margaret becket one of the major swamp dwellers . She came over with so much contempt for British public didn’t she Horrible woman she states the last thing the public want is a general election.. really. So much contempt in her voice. Also just before she came on we had a momentum activist desperately wanting to get starting campaigning. What also a alarmed me which I hadn’t thought about was that students will be off on holidays on 12th December. All the double voting would effect the vote in some areas. So I would not support a vote then.
She did indeed – she knows best
The student before was I am afraid like a lot of Labour people – clueless and ignorant..they haven’t learned that just because words come out of your mouth it doesn’t make them true or useful.
I hate it that they call it student debt – no it isn’t it is an unsecured loan that she won’t need to pay back if she doesn’t earn enough ..
“unsecured loan” Thus making it extra expensive for the non-defaulters. What a crazy system, and all to create unnecessary “graduates”.
cromwell, traditional view of psephologists is that winter GEs favour the Tories at the expense of Labour. The 2017 GE would tend to support that theory.
However, I think we are in unusual times and cannot count on things like that. There are two brand new Parties this time, for example.
I share your concern about the student vac, too, and their voting.
The inclement weather won’t affect the muslim postal vote factories. They will be nice and warm inside as they rig the election for Labour.
The trouble is that cold-blooded reptiles have no resistance to winter weather.
By the way in the reporting of charging of Libby Squires’ rapist/murderer the guy was never on the BBC referred to as “Polish immigrant”, they referred to him as “Hull man” “from Hull” and even as “local man”
White rapists who rape in Thailand would always be referred to as Farang .. not as “local man”
25 year old Pawel Relowicz came to Britain in 2014
and works in Malton
I spot new BBC, ITV tweets and older ones from BBC reporters calling him “Hull man”
Pawel works in Malton which in a coincidence, cos there is news about a “Malton man” Pavels Zuravskis, 27
Convicted Malton sex offender who fled the country is arrested in the Netherlands | York Press
21 hours ago · fled the country before he could be jailed has been caught following an investigation by North Yorkshire Police.
Pavels Zuravskis, 27, sexually touched a woman in 2015″
” Latvian born Zuravskis was working in the UK “
.. Maybe he working at the same Malton bacon factory ?
BBC local news is too busy to report that cos they have to report a beetle has been named after Eco-kid Greta.
Snuffy’s Radio4 fast continues. Am losing count of how many days. I did not find it hard to give the TOADY Prog a miss today as I woke with the distinct and very uncomfortable feeling that Bojo has stitched the UK up with his so-called ‘Deal’.
I did listen this week to a R4e Ed Reardon on repeat that I hadn’t heard first time around.
However, I do look at the web-site every day. Today there was some confirmatory news that as some of us on here have suspected for a while: the BBC is dying a death. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-50177210 (Times, front page at foot)
Not just making themselves less essential for a mass audience but also making themselves much too expensive and not interesting enough for the mass of young people that they need to attract in a much bigger media world that the BBC now have to inhabit.
We are to “enjoy” the delights of John Humphrys in the mornings next week, on Classic FM.
OG, comment ca va?
Did you see my comment after FedUp2 posted the news of that yesterday? We hear today that the greed of the BBC is apparently too much for ‘millennials’ to bear.
Perhaps I’m being too hard on The Humph and that when he’s staying in his house in Athens (Greece, not Georgia … although I wouldn’t be surprised …..) he shares substantial amounts from his even more substantial disposable income with the poor in Greece who have been impoverished, in part, by their membership of the EU.
I’m going to force myself to read the ofcom report on the State broadcaster because it is central to the driving force of this site . We can rightly moan and evidence the bias but we also need to identify what the ‘establishment ‘ see as the weaknesses of the state broadcaster .
Ironically for all the propaganda pumped out I think the biggest threat to the state broadcaster is the strength and quality of the American online channels .
Coupled with more and more people wincing when they see the PC stuff on what are meant to be ‘quality’ programmes and one sees that people are waking up .
I refer here to the slave like desire to import immigrants into places where they just would not be and revising the past to their present day desire for the superiority of black faces on national TV in ‘historic ‘ programming .
And a snowflake reading this can call me racist if they want but I don’t care . I’m waiting to see the first black IRA terrorist in some forthcoming drama ….
Error found in UK public finances, official statistics body admits
Oh dear, this must be bad news .. but
The UK budget deficit is £1-£1.5bn less than what had been previously reported after a statistical error, the Office for National Statistics has said (ONS).
You have to read beyond BBC headlines when information beneficial to the evil Tories is being reported
NISA, did they correct their statement about the September inflation nos. while they were about it?
I thought not.
At least we know the ONS got the £361m/week to the EU right. 🙂
If only we could stop paying it, in fact stop paying anything to the EU whatsoever.
Bury me, my Love is a Text Messaging Adventure game about Nour, a Syrian migrant trying to find her way to Europe. Her husband Majd, who remains behind in Syria, communicates with Nour through a messaging app, advising her as best he can so that she reaches her destination safely.
“Bury me, my love” is a Syrian goodbye phrase that roughly means, “Take care, don’t even think about dying before I do.” This phrase takes on a deeper meaning as Majd says it to his wife, Nour, as she undertakes her perilous journey to reach Europe.
A co-production from ARTE, the European cultural network, with The Pixel Hunt and Figs.
“Take care, don’t even think about dying before I do.”
Which one is promising to die first and will there be any innocent bystanders? All sounds like good family entertainment, but think I’ll stick to Mario Kart.
Local paper, man jailed for 9 years for twice raping homeless woman he had befriended and offered a room to
.. A few paragraphs in it becomes apparent that he is a Romanian who’s been here 8 years and “works hard and sends money back to his family who still live in Romania”
The BBC trying to back up Corbyn’s reluctance to have a winter election…
So venues possibly already booked up, possible ice and gritting trucks, students not registered to vote in their new halls, caravan awnings might be needed plus temporary lighting for health and safety reasons etc….etc….etc…
I couldn’t help but recall the scene in Blues Brothers where John Belushi faced the gun toting girl he had jilted at the altar and tried to come up with excuses why he didn’t turn up..
“there was an earthquake… a terrible flood… my suit was at the cleaners….”
The thing is, this crap would affect all parties equally if it were true!!!
Midi Libre in France reports a man arrested on suspicion of attempted murder for stabbing three in Nimes last week. Police report him calling them “dirty whites” or “dirty French.”
All hospitalized — can’t find any MSM agencies that have picked this up.
Newly discovered beetle Nelloptodes gretae has been named after environmental inspiration Greta Thunberg.
It is to be earnestly hoped that the predictable behaviour of the one – rolling on back with legs waving in the air – will not be echoed by the other, at least for some years to come.
AFAIK It’s not newly discovered
It was discovered in the 1960s
It’s just newly named.
So, soon… Boaty the Beetle?
@gmcuk reports that
‘In 2019, for the first time, more non-UK graduates joined the medical register
than British-trained doctors’.
Most of them as LEDs (jargon for locally employed doctors)
A doctor asks “It would be great to know % of resources @NHS_HealthEdEng spends on inducting and supporting LEDs in the @NHSuk”
I guess British universities aren’t that good these days and that even some British people go abroad to study medicine much more cheaply
BTW in June
According to the Daily Mail
“Foreign-trained doctors commit six in ten cases of sexual misconduct with patients, even though they make up only a third of NHS medics, shock new figures reveal.
They accounted for 23 of 38 proven incidents in the past three years, according to figures obtained by The Mail on Sunday. “
Not about the state broadcaster but close –
A former state broadcaster employee called Bill Turnbull – a 64 year old -old Etonian -developed Prostate Cancer . Not nice . And has done a C4 programme about his experience .
Being a chap of a certain age and prostate cancer having visited at least one member of my family I asked my GP for a blood test . The answer was ‘ no ‘ you’re not old enough . Go away.
So watching Mr turnbull breaking the taking cannabis on TV last night with all the support in the world made me think what an unequal country this is . Best not be a middle aged bloke as the system just sees you as a burden . I should add that I have made a life time of National insurance contributions but I guess these go on newly arrived foreigners .
The other message is clear -don’t take responsibility for your own health . I had little faith in their NHS and have less now .
Incidently Mr Turnbull interviewed Tourette’s Robinson who also had a form or cancer but seems to have recovered .
Fedup.. I dont know how old you are, I take it you are middle aged, it’s disgusting how newcomers seem to get the lot including expensive translators and not much left for whitey. In Wales it’s worse, terrible so called health service, no doctors employed at the local surgery here just locums, so each time you go you have to go through everything again, the doctor doesn’t know you. A while ago one of the doctors was concerned enough to refer me for a suspected cancer prognosis, she said they will see you within 2 weeks as the protocol for suspected cancer. I never heard from them and she again faxed them. When I still didn’t hear anything I rang the hospital to be informed that we wont see you within 2 weeks now it was changed in July to 60 days. As I pointed out some people could be dead by then.I was told “anyway the lady who sends them is on holiday” so I had to wait until she came back! In the past I have paid to go to a private hospital which was excellent. I have advised my son and his wife who have private health insurance and have advised never to stop paying it, in his later life he will most definitely need it.
I’m a great believer in personal responsibility and self help . So I’m already arranging a private PSA test as well as a kit you can buy on amazon . I also have good private health insurance to avoid the third world NHS that is North East London .
But that is not the point
I will go into battle over this . I’ve contacted the prostate UK charity and been told that test refusals are unusual but not unknown . Also – a lot of gps don’t like doing the physical and arnt much good at doing it .
So men over 40 are up against it .
When my GP found out that I’d put in a formal complaint and forwarded details to my MP she said she was ‘aghast ‘ . I was glad .
I’ll lose against the NHS mafia but need to cause them some engagement against me .
So when I saw the Beeboid – mr William turnbull – suffering from prostate cancer but with the full support of system , famous friends and family – plus wealth – I could only think of the ordinary joe …..
Fedup good for you, you are correct,have to be a bit assertive to get any help.
The NHS closed its eyes to the vetting of ‘doctors ‘ from overseas – particularly the third world – which in this days seems to be an immoral act – taking their doctors away .
If the UK wasn’t run by a closed shop medical mafia it would be able to produce its own – some of them might also be able to speak English – which is nice . They want a limited supply to keep their wages and social position up .
Fortunately technology is likely to de value medics in the coming years – and that can’t be a bad thing .
Vibrant and enriching .
Castrate, deport.
I’ll just check out the fully story on the BBC.
Almost all media carry a page based on the BBC press release
“Sir David Attenborough on going from ‘crank’ to hero at Glastonbury “
OFCOM savaging bBC bosses in Scotland where audiences to both TV channels and Radio are falling off a cliff.
Many of us here saw the new scottish channel (£40 millions worth)
as a white elephant and an appeasement to the SNP who clearly saw it a an opportunity to pump out their garbage,
People have awoken from their silent majority slumbers and are leaving both the biased state operator and the failing shambles of an SNP Govt in droves.
Ofcom “When it came to content, audiences perceived the BBC as giving too much coverage to *extreme voices*
while others criticised ‘false equivalence’ ¥ in its reporting.
¥ I bet very few people used that phrase
*extreme voices* To me that means the race baiting crew that always given slots even tho they are nobodys
YAB, Afua Hirsh, Ash Sarkar, plus loonies like Owen Jones, Alistair Campbell, Soubry
but I bet in Ofcom Guardianlalaland these people are not counted as extremists
Comrade Corbyn says no election without a ‘deal’ promise . Well promise it , win the election with a brexit majority then break the ‘deal’ promise .
I mean – what’s a promise worth now ? Nothing . Manifestos are thrown aside , party politicians switch again and again without shame – the speaker breaks promises about retiring – onwards the promises are broken .
My fear is two fold – voter fraud in key marginals and the Brexit Party fighting for the Tory vote .
I actually think the pressure on comrade Corbyn to spend more time on his allotment so that McDonnell – who runs the show anyway – can lead the socialist party it more likely because people don’t know too much about McDonnell but plenty about the terrorist loving Corbyn .
At least three of the 39 people found dead in a lorry trailer in Essex may have been from Vietnam.
The BBC knows of three Vietnamese people whose relatives are worried they may have been in the trailer.
Big compensation claims coming up?
From whom for what?
From the relatives (just a guess).
That will be interesting given the status of who is here, who was there and who has no idea did what yet. especially when the first victim in such cases appears to be passports.
Maybe time for the MSM to default back to the generic ‘Asians’ term as they all are still floundering around trying to screw up any criminal court case that should be building first.
DAILY MAIL BREAKING: First pics of haulage boss and wife arrested over truck tragedy
First pictures of haulage boss and wife arrested on 39 counts of manslaughter over Essex death truck tragedy
Maybe the BBC ‘knows’ better?
I wouldn’t be surprised if truck drivers start blocking motorways and roads in support of the “quickly” identified “white” alleged murderer.
A report produced some years ago found that the BBC Gaelic language channel actually had ZERO viewers or at least too few to measure for some programmes. Despite this, they continue to push ahead with this vanity/SNP-appeasement project. Considerably more people in Scotland speak Polish rather than Gaelic as their first language…
Was there ever a doubt?
Guessing a few others in the political infirmament would have been pre-advised as ‘don’t go there’ icons by script overseers.
[This is of course referring to the Guido Fawkes link – and not Fed’s new Weekend Thread!!! :o)) … ]
OMG, what complete and utter trash – couldn‘t face more than a few minutes …
Completely cringeworthy! In fact, it made me really angry: “Entertainment” for the BBC is obviously only intended for a very specific clientele – surely there can‘t be an audience for that?
Stick attention-grabbing LGBTQ+ XYZ etc’s in front of a camera, with a couple of desperate “celebrity” judges, call it a reality show – and “who cares if no-one watches it, we enjoyed making it”.
I’m appalled and amazed that there isn’t more of an outcry.
Living in Germany (where the TV is absolute **** ), I used to “keep in touch” by sometimes tuning in to BBC.
It seems there is NOTHING on the BBC worth watching now.
Last Friday I switched off “Have I got news for you” (which I used to quite enjoy, though I seem to remember the last series going steadily downhill) because it was leftist-bias from the word go. I won’t even risk it tonight.
I won’t listen to German radio (apart from a Classic Rock station when driving), can’t listen to BBC anymore (without switching off every few seconds) and have taken to tuning in to the French news (which is probably just as biased, I just don’t catch all the innuendos!! ;o)
So I have to rely on Netflix / Amazon Prime for film entertainment and alternative media / internet for information updates.
What is the world coming to?