Not quite our last weekend before being EU free . And we need to get ready for the Far Left Biased BBC to laud the outgoing speaker with interviews and celebrations befitting such a ‘character’. In the meantime OFCOM – affiliated to the BBC – reports continuing erosion of ‘ the younger ‘ British engagement with BBC output . Nice to have good news .
Weekend thread 26 October 2019
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The BBC are getting racist again:
I don’t think their description of the song is correct. I’ve always understood that it is a ‘spiritual’ or a hymn, in effect. I think it refers in a not dissimilar way to the Scripture behind verse three of ‘Bread of Heaven’ [Guide me, Oh thou Great Jehovah – an English translation of a great original Welsh poem 😉 eh, taffman] which also seems to get sung at rugby matches in these isles and elsewhere, no doubt.
It is really a song about faith in the promises of God.
Up2 , you’re 100% right, the BBC are race-baiting again. You don’t even have to go beyond the first sentence of the BBC article to blow it out of the water.
BBC racism:
It’s thought the song was written in the mid-19th century by Wallace Willis, who was a black slave.
Wikipedia (complete with a photograph of the page of a book containing the hymn published in 1779:
‘Amazing Grace” is a Christian hymn published in 1779, with words written in 1772 by the English poet and Anglican clergyman John Newton (1725–1807).‘
Is Amazing Grace connected to Sweet Chariot ?
You’re right Stew – apologies to all, including the BBC on this occasion.
Any Questions (Friday R4 8pm, Sat repeat 1.15pm) was revealing. Carolyn Fairbairn, DG of the CBI, was on the Panel. Carolyn has just collected her gong for ‘services rendered’ at Buckingham Palace. Perhaps it has had an effect on her?
She is often on BBC R4 being highly pro-Remain and anti-Brexit and often talking about both in ways which decent, professional, business people in charge of a CBI member company would not truly recognise. She was not her usual strident anti-Brexit self on the AQ programme.
What has happened?
Sounds about typical.
Apparently “The Wall” is made on a set in Warsaw.
Do the BBC have to send Danny Dyer there to keep him and Mark Kermode from running in to each other?
UN Flies ‘First’ EU-funded Planeloads of Somalis, Syrians to Germany, Romania
As you might expect the BBC have not reported such important news which would of course turn people even more against the EU with the promise of them spreading the Islamic horror throughout the entire continent.
Not forgetting that Dancing Terry May signed the UN compact on migration despite a petition with about a million signatures telling her not to do so.
So, more ethnics will be invading us for the foreseeable future until we get some patriots into swamp central, the HoC.
It’s very sad for Romania, where poverty and corruption make it hard for them to say ‘no’ to the EU/UN. Compared to Germany, where wealth and corruption make them keen to say ‘yes’ to the EU/UN.
Looking the the TV electronic programme guide I see the BBC News channel had a 30 minute programme at 21:30 tonight:
Our World
Guru Ashee, is setting up Pakistan’s first retirement home for transgender people. Mobeen Azhar has been to Lahore to meet her.
Seriously? How many people did the BBC expect to tune in and watch rubbish like that?
Seems to be a reboot of the prog the put out in June
BTW only the BBC calls her that name on Twitter .. others call her Ashee Butt
Tone knows what gets the laughs.
BBC News
“Being a police officer, as a female is hard in itself and it’s even harder when you’re a woman from a certain background.”
(via BBC Family & Education News)
You will never guess….
But… Fear not! To the rescue comes….
BBC News
There were 1.5 million abusive comments over a three-and-a-half year period aimed at trans people, a study found.
Context “There are 500 million Tweets sent each day.”
so in 3.5 years there are 700,000 million tweets
it doesn’t surprise me that a fraction are abusive towards trans
Honest to God, who actually checks this out and decides what merits being labelled ‘abusive’. In my opinion, the BBC is very abusive because it focuses so much attention on this group of people, the articles border on ‘freak show’ journalism, designed to make us all feel guilty, wondering what life must be like for these poor in-between people. Gosh imagine!
Channel 4 did it awhile back when people with Tourettes were all the rage, later morphing into ‘The Undateables’ featuring all manner of oddballs, ripe for pity, trying to find life partners.
I genuinely believe that the beeb doesn’t really give a toss about trans people, it’s just a ‘niche market’ it is exploiting.
Thursday’s Times had an article by an Oxford student complaining about prevalence of lefty lecturers, and brainwashing.
I remember first mentioning I was a Conservative in one of my classes at university. My professor (whom I would later discover was a die-hard Marxist) gasped in horror. “Oh, don’t you worry!” he said, “We’ll fix that by the end of term.”
I dunno if the Times would have accepted her article if she wasn’t black.
Ok, just a little bit of popcorn…
Just think how many more flights can be organised when the EU get their dirty fingers on our “minimum” £39 Billion………….
Cummings has put out a lot of tweets in the past hour or so
Now I’m confused??
That’s not a real Dominic Cummings account
he wouldn’t put #FakeNews in his Twitter bio, he’d have a blue tick
and he closed his Twitter account 2 years ago
… Is it a Remainer parody account ?
.. ah @CM you found that out whilst I was typing this.
I think he now tweets using @OdysseanProject
Dominic Cummings (@odysseanproject) deletes his Twitter account – piecing it back together
The so-called Brexit vote is fake too!
Moral Maze the pro trans guest said at 10:30pm
” There are more intersex people than there are people with ginger hair”
then a minute after she made that wacky claim she said
“It’s important that children learn critical thinking”
Doh , if you don’t give context you lie
The UK is 10% red hair and we are in the UK
Now in the world its 1.7%
.. so she probably thinks 1.7% people are intersex
Of course they are not … otherwise you’d be tripping over them all the time
R4 More Or Less debunked this claim before and they said that it is more like 0.1%
“Brexit election: Lib Dems and SNP plan to force earlier poll”
Bring it on !
Boris beware, The Brexit party are prepared.
Voter ID would need to be in place..
I’ve noticed a lot of ‘clickbait’ on its web pages
“The prevalence of soft news and “clickbait” on the BBC website will be examined during the biggest independent review ever taken of the corporation’s news output.”
Also –
Ofcom must have produced a report –
“Netflix reaches almost two-thirds of 15 to 24-year-olds each week and YouTube 42 per cent while BBC iPlayer reaches just 26 per cent of this age group, down from 28 per cent in 2017, the report said.
‘We have therefore written to the Director General (PDF, 85.8 KB) alongside this report, calling on him to make clear through the BBC’s next annual plan and budget setting process a plan for addressing these recurring themes: engagement with young people; representation and portrayal; commitment to transparency; and commitment to new original UK programmes, as well as how it will engage with the recommendations of the related review of news and current affairs.
Letter to Tony Hall –
Click to access letter-24-oct-sharon-white-tony-hall.pdf
“Our review of BBC News and Currant Affairs Across TV, radio and online, the BBC’s news and current affairs output has huge strengths. BBC News remains the UK primary’s news source with three quarters of UK adults watching, listening to, or reading its news and current affairs content In uncertain political times, people told us that they continue to turn to the BBC because of its reputation for trusted, accurate news.
However, we also identified areas of concern. Some audiences questioned the relevance of BBC News to their lives, seeing it as representing a white, middle class and London-centric point of view. There were also concerns over aspects of the approach the BBC takes to due impartiality in its news and current affairs coverage. Some audiences perceived the BBC gave too much coverage to extreme voices. Others highlighted ‘false equivalence’ in reporting. In common with the rest of the BBC, BBC News faces a growing challenge in engaging younger audiences, particularly online, who are increasingly consuming news via social media and news aggregators. On the basis of these findings, our report sets out four key areas where we expect the BBC to ad: accurate news provision must continue to be the main priority for the
BBC; BBC News should have greater confidence in its approach to due impartiality; BBC News should better represent the whole of the UK; and the BBC’s online news content needs to do more to stand out and engage younger people.
I look forward to discussing the findings of our reports with you.
The letter from Ofcom to BBC is signed by Sharon White and said –
‘Some audiences questioned the relevance of BBC News to their lives, seeing it as representing a white, middle class and London-centric point of view’
It was announced on 19 june that she is to step down as Chief Executive.
Sharon White said: “It’s been a huge privilege to lead Ofcom at a time when reliable, affordable communications have become essential. I will leave behind an organisation that is dedicated in its mission to make communications work for everyone.”
The Ofcom Board will now begin the process to appoint a successor.
The Chief Executive of Ofcom is a public appointment made by the Ofcom Board, involving an independent assessor and subject to approval by the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.
Regulating the BBC for everyone – Speech by Sharon White to the Nations & Regions Media Conference, Salford, 29 March 2017
She said –
When we spoke to viewers, one fifth of those in Scotland, and a quarter in Northern Ireland, said they felt negatively portrayed on TV.
People from a minority group – whether a distinct region of the country, or a particular ethnicity – felt they were neutrally portrayed at best, or negatively at worst.
People from Scotland or NI are minority groups?
With all this Brexit stuff going on I must have missed it in the news. A search on Google returns very little but includes this Guardian article
I’m surprised the “offended reappropriation” lot haven’t taken issue with her name.
They are white and therefore the BBC is bound to portray them in a negative light.
“The Ofcom Board will now begin the process to appoint a successor.”
Shame, that would be the best role for the now deceased, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, fully supported by our Marxist State Broadcaster no doubt.
“Currant” Affairs? For cryin’ out loud…
Coming from a planet in the Ursa Minor system……………..
Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani ‘butt dials’ NBC reporter.
“In the past he publicly admitted asking Ukrainian officials to investigate *widely debunked* corruption allegations against Mr Biden.”
Hmm. “Widely debunked” – by who? Nobody in particular – just “widely”. Very poor, partisan reporting.
Where’s the Brexit petition? Oh, I forgot that was in 2016
I thought is was remain fatigue. We haven’t had any form of Brexit yet. How could one be fed up of it?
The Scientific Method NOW used by the BBC’s scientifically unqualified “best scientific experts”
I, Maxwell, Nikolov, Zeller and every one else who were educated THEN, are banned from appearing on the BBC. But most progressively uneducated NOW, are not banned by the BBC.
Lets use the old method used THEN but still in use in private and abroad.
(1) Observe natural Phenomena: Greenhouse Effect
(2) Formulate Hypothesis: James Clerk Maxwell did it in 1888 but no one on the BBC told me.
(3) Test Hypothesis via rigorous Experimentation: Both Hypotheses cannot be tested in an Atmospheric Chamber because the real Atmosphere does not have six walls. Both hypotheses can only be tested by using other Atmospheres on other Planets. The carbon dioxide hypothesis does not work on Venus or Mars, so this is how it has been proven to be a “Hoax”. On the other hand, in 2011, Maxwell’s hypothesis was found to work on all known Planetary Atmospheres.
(4) Establish Theory on repeated validation of results: Established Theory called “Unified Theory of Climate“ by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller.
May not have to wait long to observe this hypothesis –
Three possible outcomes:
1. Temperatures rise. Researchers announce they were right all along and call for more funding to investigate the consequences.
2. Temperatures fall. Researchers announce this was not predicted and therefore call for more funding to investigate why not.
3. No change in temperature. Researchers announce this is not good news and that pause is only temporary but matters will be worse later on. Call for more funding to investigate.
i.e. ‘Heads they win, Tails they win, coin lands on its side they win, coin proven to be a forgery they win’.
Sky News just reported that Trump had “assasinated” him
BBC reply ‘Orange man bad”
He’s ‘gone’. Will Al Beeb be in mourning ?
More positive news for the POTUS.
Al Beeb is trying to put a negative spin on the story, big bad trump
To the bbc, he is their Bonnie Prince…
have you noticed how many ex labour MPs go into the Charity sector, and has anyone noticed the rise in the allegations of child sex abuse in the Charity sector
And from the file marked ‘Big Surprises’:
BBC staff retire there; Sharon looks at popping over if the John Lewis gig is knowingly oversold.
And, inevitably, an even bigger surprise:
BBC News
“We used to be worried and fearful, but we’ve accomplished it…so we’re all joining the Pride parade with joy.”
Taiwan celebrated its first Pride since same-sex marriage was legalised.
One gets the impression that this may not be high on the list of priorities in China’s plans for the reunification of Taiwan with the Mainland…
Anthony likes Kamala. Lots.
Amazing (but not really). You only have to spend a matter of minutes on the net to question any news our far left Marxist BBC delivers regarding the US. Their only focus, with the aid of Democrats as interviewees, on bringing the POTUS down. But in reality, it aint gonna work. But why do they do this? Beats me. Could it be that our Marxist State Broadcaster believes that US citizens living in the UK tune into the more detailed so-called ‘news’ available on Radio 4?
Fact is that the BBC is so outdated in its editorial thinking (if any of that actually goes on), that they think people pay attention to their almost daily outpouring of Critical Theory. Even Marx had a sell by date.
The BBC knows expertise when they see it on a branded shirt.
Gee, I thought that was a photoshop job
..but no she really was wearing a statement shirt branded Marx.
Gets you straight through security.
That, or a baggie of ‘special stuff’.
Marx Bros ?
Expecting a dim Communist to understand the difference between treaty and treatise, it’s not going to happen.
Anything more difficult than painting your nails different colours is beyond her.
My border collie reads Aristotle in the original Greek.
Local News : opened with “The union GMB Hull are concerned about workers rights being watered down in the new Brexit agreement”
They ended with “A Hull church is having a celebration of LGBTI Christians”
I guess the “I” means intersex.
“I” means infidels, perhaps?
Haha…I knew there would have to be a new letter added soon by the ‘label-setters’. When will it finish? In several years, I can see extra letters will have been added until we have some unwieldy string of capital letters as long as a Blackmore speech.
At that point, I imagine someone from woke society will invent a new collective term to highlight all those people who sit outside society ‘norms’.
“You are no longer the LGBTIKFVNUOXRS group. Henceforth, you shall be known as……The LGBTIKFVNUOXRS…Maud’dib !!!”
They are really straining at the bit to add ‘P’ to the end of LGBT. The propaganda techniques honed in previous campaigns will be used to try and justify the unjustifable: “it’s only a preference”, “they can’t help it, it’s not their fault”, “society was opposed to homosexuality at one point”, “it’s only another form of love”, “no evidence that children are harmed from the experience, many seem to benefit” etc. You know the routine.
BBC Today PRgramme
“I don’t want to be the Grinch but democracy is incredibly important.”
Tory Chairman James Cleverly when asked about schools having to cancel nativity plays if they have to be used as polling stations in a Christmas general election.
All it needs now is Nick, Emily and Ash doing a porno in a red velvet love motel and the campaign is complete.
\\Housing and road construction combined with a “terrible public image” are endangering populations.//
That’s one for “Stinking Rebellion”, AKA……. XR.
Too many people coming in to this country demanding too many houses , roads, schools and hospitals etc etc
In a nutshell , unregulated immigration despite the wishes of the majority of the people of Great Britain.
We are being invaded .
Taffman-The proposed target being set by idiot planners in government to build tens of thousands of houses is as said completely unsustainable. A proposal to build over 1000+ houses over the next few years in and around the market town in which I live with a current population of 20K + about 10K surrounding, has its services already bursting at the seams. Apart from supplying the absolute necessities such as electricity, water and sewage, we already have three medic centres each servicing around 10, 000 patients. Denists are also full. 1000 houses would mean at least 3k people, at least 2k vehicles to add onto the already crowded roads. Another school will also be needed, and lastly who will occupy these new houses?
And that is just a realtively small town. Family who live outside Horsham have now found out that an application to build 10k houses is being proposed on 163 acres over a I think a four year period-madness-the South East /West is very overcrowded already.
Just happy I’m not near it although I have lived there some years ago.
BBC ‘News’
“We are in an environmental crisis – we need to act like it.”
This piece also has a claim, uncredited of course, that ‘doubts are growing’ over Britain’s ability to match the EU’s glorious record on matters green alone.
The picture in complement is, as one might expect, apocalyptic.
BBC ‘editorial integrity’ at its unique best.
There’s nothing to stop anyone taking as many measures as they like to live their green dream.
Leave the rest of us to decide for ourselves how to live our lives without the disruption of glue carrying fanatics, being preached at, nor forced by law into political ‘solutions’ we didn’t vote for.
@Guest Who that line is not the official title of Harra’s article, but rather it is their chosen title for its Facebook Post
It comes from a Mary Creagh quote used in the article.
As you said, no one quoted has had their doubts grow, they were all anti-Brexit in the first place.
The line is pure narrative building by Harra.
The piece is a masterpiece of alluding to a bunch of stuff without clarifying up front honestly where the claims originate.
Very BBC.
“The Liberal Democrats and the Scottish National Party have joined forces in a bid to trigger a 9 December election.”
Boris beware! The only way you are going to win a general election is to join up with The Brexit Party. The largest party in the EU Parliament . Yes, that’s the party that the traditional political parities and the EU are afraid of, that’s the party that could smash the cosy ‘Remainer’ cabal.
The nation voted to leave the EU in the biggest democratic exercise in the history of this nation .
It’s a miracle they both agree to have an election on ANY date. Bring it on. I really can’t see the extra student vote (the reason for the earlier date) doing much to alter results. It will be a landslide victory for the Tory and Brexit parties and, hopefully, a virtual destruction of this currently obnoxious Labour party.
The learned professor of snowflakery can dish out insults to the working class but he can’t handle the backlash.
These Tweets are protected
Only approved followers can see @ProfBrianCox’s Tweets. To request access, click Follow.
Cox was always a bit block-happy
but now we are no longer in such an exclusive club
@Fedup2 sorry, I caught the report button by mistake
BBC blockages on twitter are reaching London lardberg proportions.
They do like to stay in the bubble.
Safer that way.
“Why do Vietnamese people make hazardous journeys to the UK?”
Nothing to do with climate change, or Brexit. The reason ? There is no deterrent, very few illegal immigrants get deported .
Many more will continue to come……………
Gina Miller is complaining about death threats, I wonder if she thinks Farage, JRM and Boris Johnson doesn’t get them. The difference between Miller, (whose ‘campaign’ is alleged to be funded by George Soros but she is reluctant to say where her funding comes from) and these politicians is that they stood for election and she didn’t.
Every time this woman opens her mouth I am reminded of Stanley Baldwin’s description of the British press at the time:
“power without responsibility – the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages.”
If Mrs Miller is so concerned for her safety; which obviously, despite all the money at her disposal, she is; why doesn’t she bugger off back to Guyana where she’d no doubt be safer and a great asset to their political system.
On medical advice I’m not allowed to listen to, or watch any news coverage…particularly on the BBC. Apparently I’m suffering from a malaise known as Pre Brexit Anxiety Syndrome, mingled with Trump Sympathy Hysteria and BBC itis. Blimey, I’m a mess.
So, I’m not up to speed on a lot of news events but some things do manage to filter through.
I was rather perplexed, well, astonished actually, to learn that Lewis Hamilton has stuck his oar in to the climate debate.
Young Lewis is concerned about the state of the planet and global warming.
It threw me for a second and I wondered, is this the multi millionaire tax exile who zooms around in ever decreasing circles driving gas guzzling super cars? Yep, that’s him!
He also jets around the planet along with his entourage, mechanics, several back up vehicles and endless hangers on. One week he’ll be in Japan, then it’ll be home to his tax haven and a week later he’ll have jetted off to Brazil. FFS he must pump more carbon into the atmosphere in one weekend than I manage in two decades.
But please, what ever you do, don’t call our multi millionaire tax exile a hypocrite…he’s very keen on recycling.
He’s banned the use of plastic cups by his team and has even sold his own private jet. And he’s a vegan!
Next week the Beeb are bringing us a series of programmes giving advice on child rearing.
Thank the Lord Jimmy Saville is no longer with us.
Or you know who they’d have hosting it…
I read somewhere that producing a china mug takes more energy and resources than an oil based plastic cup .
If the Greens were really serious ( or intelligent ) then they would propose that all our household rubbish and public litter bins would be collected and taken to specially adapted prisons , where the inmates could pay off their debt to society and earn parole by sorting through it and separate all the different recyclable materials .
Last night in Sweden
“A Flying gas main”?
Quite. If there were no fossil fuels there’d be no explosions. And no need for the climate troublemakers to exist.
I’m sold, I think all fossil fuels should be made illegal with immediate effect.
Sweden especially at risk on account of being next to Norway, with all those ‘Norwegian men’ 🙂
Bit more information about the joys of living in Sweden from RT. Not the sort of stuff you’ll find on the BBC.
What was interesting was the outrage from idiot broadcasters about who had covered it… a bit… rather than the fact that they were happening.
The Swedes are so Horlixed.
Some sanity from Sweden.
Greta is upset with Facebook
and, as recommended by Stefan (above), Jellybean Gen wants an honest discussion about rape, loss of freedom and paying for people that never give anything back.
Jellybean Gen has gone ‘viral’ with over a million views and nearly 20,000 comments in first week.
And the BBC needs to ‘focus on young people – but only the ones with the ‘right’ message
Taffmen , sadly we are OUT .
That’s the Rugby 🙁
Not the EU.
Surely, Jo Swinson will push for a People’s Game
How about best of three ?
A number of the balls used are currently in Yokohama Central Hospital being treated for frostbite.
We see lots of tourists going about in London (for example) taking photo’s and shopping.
They bring a lot of money into the country and are welcomed.
So here’s my question.
Instead of paying huge amounts to travel halfway round the world in the back of a lorry why don’t these people simply fly here as tourists and then do whatever they were going to do when they got out of the lorry trailer.
I don’t want them all coming here but if they do come, why in a trailer and not as a tourist.
You hear some are paying many thousands of pounds to get here so why not visit as a tourist.
I hope I haven’t given any of them ideas but it’s something which makes no sense.
Why risk their lives fleeing from the eu when a ferry ticket costs maybe 50 pounds or so.
We let millions of tourists in every year.
My sister-in-law flew to Los Angeles under the visa-waiver scheme. That meant she could legally stay in the USA for 90 days.
She never used her return ticket, she never came back. She took a ‘vital’ job as an office receptionist. She got married to a US citizen, she took out US nationality.
A lot easier than buying a place in a container.
Could be something to do with passports which presumably are difficult to come by in Vietnam?
Maybe but there must still be many places where you can get a passport. Even bribing officials must be cheaper than the tens of thousands of £s we are told they are paying. £30,000 keeps appearing as a price for getting into the UK although I don’t know how typical that is.
It’s also very possible this (arriving as a tourist) is already happening and thousands are doing it every week but it’s either not being reported or being hidden from us.
Maths is racist, apparently.
Stew, maybe maths is racist.
I don’t think Abbott and maths are compatible.
The Official Monster Raving Loony Party did not think this up, or did they?
Is Maths Racist? Presumably the BBC says Yes. Cultural appropriation of Arabic Numerals by none Arabs is Racist and should be stopped immediately. The BBC is obviously going to return to using Roman Numerals.
Is Maths Racist? Presumably the BBC says Yes. Cultural appropriation of Roman Numerals by none Romans is Racist and should be stopped immediately. The BBC is obviously going to return to cutting notches into the furniture.
The likes of BBC and Sky and all those Remainiacs like Soubry, Chukka, Hammond, Swinson, must be completely perplexed by this !!!!
They keep telling us day after day that we have all changed our minds and now want to remain. And they are so bloody cocksure about it !!!!!!
The British public can see it’s these undemocratic traitor remainers causing this mess and we are quite rightly sick of it. These remoaner marches attended by millions upon millions (lol) making a real difference !!!! NOT.
The outtakes on twitter of Swinson, Abbott etc are Marrveloius.
How can you disregard the irrefutable evidence of that march by 100 million remainers?
Interestingly, Dave and Greta also share the dubious privilege of even more dubious naming honours.
And the BBC featuring them… like… a lot.
Sir Boaty has recently been awarded a Green Blue Peter badge!
Apparently there was a Muslim husband in Limburg, Germany who ran over his wife and then chopped her head off with an axe a day or two ago. I’m having trouble finding anything on the BBC website.Anyone got a BBC link for this attack to share?
You might find it under: Wife heads off for mini-break after badly planned traffic incident axed.
A vehicle ran over a woman and an axe then cut her head off.
The alleged report in Die Spiegel was fairly close to that: “A man hurt his wife so badly that she subsequently died”
There is some information on the Gellerreport website.
Apparently there is some kind of official media blackout on reporting the background details of the case
I find a tweet from an Austrian news site WochenBlick
.. but Twitter doesn’t let me go though . Instead it gives me a warning page
The link you are trying to access has been identified by Twitter or our partners as being potentially harmful or associated with a violation of
The public is intimidated by the threat of suing – no one should know the background of the perpetrator of Limburg. Even in the influential Bild newspaper, the note “migration background” was removed. On pressure of the government?
When dared to make a story featuring screensots
Someone tweeted it
A German Antifa account showed their tolerance
“Block recommendation + its followers.
Do not forget the stories of his lies!
Do not use any # or other stuff, let it disappear into the groundless, where it crawled out.
There is a video of an eyewitness statement
Last year the BBC did report the Birmingham decapitation case
They didn’t make a big deal of the perp and victim both being Sudanese asylum seekers
They used this title
“Medical student ‘decapitated’ housemate in betting shop”
* why use “student” the text says “former student” others say surgeon
Refers to Washington Post downgrading of its obituary headline
Later they put up a third change
See the whole thread was Bloomberg as well
Prof. Richard Wyn Jones?
A typical lefty Marxist.
In another bitter Brexit pill the Guardian tells us we will in all probability be denied access to the Elite EU Policing Unit currently keeping such expert and hugely successful tabs on illegal immigrant movements throughout Europe.
That, I would guess, will be the same Elite EU Policing Unit that very probably liaises so successfully with Sicilian, Napolitan, Albanian, Bulgarian, Turkish, Syrian, Chinese and Vietnamese Mafiosi, and similar, to ensure a constant and lucrative flow of custom, part of which may well help fund comfortable EU Commission lifestyles and pensions.
and look what happens when The Head of Interpol is kidnapped and has his testicles electrified by the CCC
2:45pm R4 The listening zone. Radio4 goes out into the community
Who do they find ?
: “A guy X who decided to get political and whilst out canvassing for the Lib Dems met his friend Y who is a trustee of the local mosque, which is special cos it is an *eco-mosque*
.. she talks about when her daughter started to wear the hijab and talking to her about how after the Bataclan attacks she started to get negative attention, and telling her you don’t have to wear one it’s not in the Koran”
He said you are the only female trustee of the mosque
She replied “Not the only one, but the only British based one”
On this occasion the German media tops the BBC
Oct 26
No Spiegel #Lügenpresse
A man did not “hurt his wife so badly she died”
A Muslim immigrant chopped off her bloody head with an axe.×900
Der Spiegel is busy…fawning over Bercow
The news website keeps banging the drum for ‘inspirational’ Thunberg. Like a dog with a bone they are (both of them I suppose).
Head honcho of Islamic terrorist group killed by US forces … good news ? The state broadcaster seems quite neutral on this one and am sure if Sopel and co can find a ‘ negative ‘ they will . Wait for the
“Why could he not have been taken alive ? “
“Why were so many killed in the operation? “
“This won’t make any difference at all “
Let’s bring the terrorist Bangladeshi terrorist ‘home ‘ to blight . She’s only a child .
Corbyn condemns US use of violence after friend dies
People know the state broadcasters’ song so well now . Wait for Thr fat Simpson to be dug up to pontificate …
Just seen labour’s John Ashworth (shadow health sec) on Sophie ridge show.
He says there are 600,000 patients waiting for treatment on trolleys in the nhs.
I googled hospitals in the UK, there are 1247. This includes all private and small trust hospitals, every one in the UK.
This works out that 481 patients in every hospital is lying about on a trolley.
Some hospitals may only have 20 beds or so and will only have a fraction of the 481 on trolleys. It means that in larger hospitals there will be thousands of patients on trolleys.
This is surely a lie. It must be physically impossible.
Just like that daft labour mp Jesse Philips who, last month, claimed to have knocked on 25,000 doors in 6 weeks.
This is 600 each day, 7 days a week for 42 days.
One every minute for 10 hour’s every day, non stop and without any breaks.
Both wild claims were totally accepted by the interviewers and not questioned.
Imagine if Nigel had said he knocked on 600 doors every day for 6 weeks. They would all be on him like mp’s on expense claims day.
Still, it’s what we expect from our media. It’s as impartial as a Bercow.
Money, money, money
Things continue to look bad for UKIP
Just back in after an afternoon outside post-deluge in the company of two faithful hounds, to this…
I did not think I could loathe the BBC’s naked agendas more.
What do they think folk are going to try and do? Ride a Tiger?
5pm Countryfile is on early, but I don’t have to watch it cos it’s their Charidee ramble
“the team heads out across the UK to meet inspirational youngsters who have been helped by the charity. Matt Baker takes on a challenge laid down by 14-year-old Ethan, who was born with cerebral palsy, while Ellie Harrison and Steve Brown lead the biggest ramble of all along the city of Worcester’s riverside. John Craven leads a walk through the grounds of Perthshire’s Scone Palace, Anita Rani is on Cornwall’s north coast, Adam Henson is in Glenariff Forest Park in Co Antrim, and Tom Heap is in south Wales.”
Afterwards the beeboids will be all talking about how they need another £100K payerise, and the women £200K to catchup.
Whatever happened to Sunday lunchtime’s “Farming”? Far more interesting, informative and entertaining..
Why this extended Blue Peter nonsense in what’s left of the English countryside?
I haven’t watched it in years, and will not do so again.
A Referendum on Violence directed towards Members of Parliament: Vote either (Brexit) I want this to happen if they don’t deliver Brexit. Or (Remain) I want this to happen if they do deliver Brexit. The Result would be a 100% Landslide victory for Violence directed towards Members of Parliament. But only 48% or 52% of the electorate would do it. This proves that it would be safer to leave the EU because in this case only 48% of the electorate would be violent towards Members of Parliament.
“Labour claims workers’ rights will be eroded under Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal renegotiation”
It depends on what government is in power post Brexit .
If workers rights are eroded the subsequent governments will answer to the electorate .
Nothing to do with Brexit, its all about the Labour Remainer Propaganda and Al Beeb’s desperate bid to remain in the EU.
Remind me again, how much do Al Beeb get from the EU ?
To listen to these traitorous rats you’d think our nation was a backward serfdom before we joined the Common Market, European Economic Community, European Community, European Union 40 or so years ago.
If truth be told, much of what the EU now claims to be its own had its beginnings in developments that we had introduced years before. And people need to be told of this over and over again until it sinks into their mushy brains. We innovate, they adopt. And if they cannot or will not adopt, they seek to destroy. Like the true collectivists they are.
“Workers rights”
The workers voted LEAVE, but LABOUR don’t respect that right
We workers when we voted for Brexit
.. did really vote for an end to the EU deciding workers rights
and to give control back to those held to account by UK voters.
UK workers voted for the right to work in jobs that trade outside the EU tariff cartel.
eg with cane sugar etc.