Not quite our last weekend before being EU free . And we need to get ready for the Far Left Biased BBC to laud the outgoing speaker with interviews and celebrations befitting such a ‘character’. In the meantime OFCOM – affiliated to the BBC – reports continuing erosion of ‘ the younger ‘ British engagement with BBC output . Nice to have good news .
Weekend thread 26 October 2019
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\\Brexit election: Government to ‘look at options’//
Boris, never mind the “options”, are we leaving on Thursday as you pledged or are those that voted to leave the EU in 2016 going to vote for The Brexit Party along with all the former Tory voters ?
Because that’s what is going to happen .
Apologies if I’m skating over related commentary but since I have no telly I rely on the BBC’s web site (OK… I know that’s overstating it!) – I am simply astonished that there seems to be nothing about the scale of the migrant traffic through Purfleet to the industrial estate where that container rocked up…
As I understand it locals have been photographing and taking video of the migrant shenanigans for *several years* with the expectation that tptb would take some enforcement action.
Scandalous hardly covers both the bias by omission and the mawkish “light a candle for Vietnam” wallowing in it that is on the web site.
Where I wonder is the outrage at the inaction of Border Force , The Home Office and local plod that everybody I’ve discussed the subject with over the last couple of days has exhibited.
Some pensions on the bonfire and some P45s please. Maybe we’ll have to watch them run the Hillsborough game again. Looks like the BBC is running interference for our worse than useless public servants yet again
Just watched a bit of Sophy Ridge giving a soft interview to Hammond. He said that the only way to satisfy everyone is to have a big compromise. It would achieve nothing of the sort because those who believe in Brexit and/or democracy would be furious that their wishes were ignored and the Euro-extremists would be crying because they haven’t completely overthrown the democratic wish of the People.
She then suggested that staying in the Customs union might do it. Hammond completely agreed with that. That is ridiculous as staying in the Customs Union means that we cannot make deals with other countries and that is the point of Brexit.
Next a brief interview with Party-boy Chucker Upper who made the ridiculous comment “Boris’s hard deal Brexit.” What a #%@*ing liar. At least Sophy corrected him on that. The Remainiacs lie by habit. They just can’t stop themselves.
Next she had on was Jon Ashworth of the Brexit Denying Labour Party. Not a single Brexiteer on that. Sky is as bad as the BBC.
As John Ward of the Slog website reminds us, the US company, Comcast now owns Sky. And just like Mr Murdoch, Comcast is not our friend.
So the downward spiral of Sky will continue until they’ve scraped the bottom of the barrel and then some.
“Boris Johnson has lost the unqualified support he has come to expect from Rupert Murdoch.
… Comcast’s CEO is a confirmed enemy of British independence in particular, and a free internet in general.”
Al Beeb’s ‘go to’ newspaper must be the EU’s ‘go to’ Newspaper also ?
Extension to January ?
Something tells me the EU could be working with Al Beeb and our MSM to undermine the democracy of this nation ?
Also in the Guardian is a highly amusing article about “BBC brexit bias “ ….which accuses the state broadcaster of being pro brexit .
Surprisingly they allowed comments and there is more ‘comedy gold ‘ there . pitiful
Thank you, it is an eye-opener. HOW can so many (perhaps not all that many) people think the BBC is biased in favour of Brexit, invites a disproportionate number of Brexiters on to Question Time, etc.? Do they actually LISTEN to what people on the BBC say? It is quite extraordinary.
Why we need more houses , hospitals and schools etc………….
And why our economy is not as bad as reported ………………………
Are figures being deliberately manipulated and massaged?
Makes you think about ‘Project Fear’, doesn’t it .
It’s a good job they didn’t stick those figures on the side of a bus or there’d be outrage! Oh well at least we know that Boris’s £350 million figure was the truth since the courts confirmed it.
He simply can’t stop the snarking. No doubt he thinks it was wrong to kill Al Baghdeady.
JS is doing whataboutery
“Steve won the school prize, but look his tie is untidy”
BTW I can see 4 laptops in the photo
and probably one in front of the photographer’s position.
Unplugged ..yeh as if the meeting had finished.
Sopel – if there were 6 heads peaking out above computer screens he’d have to say something about that . If there was anything left on the table which was a security issue he’d be saying something about that too.
Poor John doesn’t seem to realise he is in a foreign country talking about a foreign leader . I’d definitely get a ‘suspected ‘ tag on his immigration file so that he could spend 3 hours being checked out each time he travels out or into his guest country . Might make him a bit more polite .
I suppose when President Trump wins in a year s time Sopel will be redeployed – maybe to Kazakhstan where they’ll be a bit less accommodating to criticising the head of state .
As an aside – to a certain troll who surfaced from the swamp this week end – it was a pleasure reading and deleting your abuse . We ll be watching for your return in a new guise .
By the way – time for the new thread>………………………………..
Or perhaps Jon it’s more that these are people who don’t need computers in order to get the job done effectively and efficiently.
Douglas Murray :The Hate Crime Hoax
Oh dear Douglas you really don’t understand the cowardly useless incompetent idiots from the rotten school you went to have done this.
I doubt anyone here would think it a good idea to hand control of the Police to a single Labour Fascist, to set policy, but that is exactly what the cowardly useless incompetent Tories did.
Oh along with fixed term parliaments screwing up the Tories, and the Supreme court screwing up the Tories, and renewing the BBC licence fee screwing up the Tories, record levels of migration screwing up the Tories.
If I’d been a left wing entryist with an aim of destroying the Tory party I doubt I could have done a better job than Cameron & May have managed.
Ben Pile calling out Guardianlalaland again