The official start of the Election Campaign. We will be joined , no doubt , by political parties and organisations monitoring the bias of the Far Left pro EU BBC output and complaining to OFCOM and the Electoral Commission – favoured resting places for bubble dwellers .
Midweek Thread 6 November 2019
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It was in the June of 2016 that the people of Grate Britain and Northern Ireland democratically voted to get out of the EU and despite the passage of time we are still in the the EU and Al Beeb is as biased as it ever was .
It was in the June of 2016 that the people of Great Britain and Northern Ireland democratically voted to get out of the EU. Despite the passage of time we are still in the EU and Al Beeb is as biased as it ever was .
The so called Tory Party is heading for a despicable treaty with the EU, only this time its Boris’s “pig with lipstick”.
If Boris was a true Brexiteer he would join forces with The Brexit Party .
Trouble is, the Tory Party is full of Libdems in disguise. Why do you think Al Beeb is allowed to continue its bias?
I wonder how many ‘ sleepers ‘ there are in the Brexit party? How many of the 20 or so who have defected recently were there to do just that when given the instruction. How many more will defect over the next five weeks, to give the impression that support for the Brexit party is fading and to put that message in the MSM?
These are the dirty tricks that both the Conservative party and the Labour party will use and I expect there are enough people in the Brexit party who know this; hopefully they have prepared for it to happen.
It’ll go the way UKIP has gone already if that takes place.
All part of the illusion and supportive of the fact that the public are continually being channelled in one direction or another. Led by the nose and at the top of the list, of course, is our Marxist State Broadcaster.
Backlinks : so you can catchup with good stuff from the previous day
– page 3 started 5pm Tuesday
– page 2 started 9pm Monday
“Zulu screening on Bonfire Night for Rhondda PTSD veterans”
I am very surprised that they even mention this great film of the 60s. When was a film such as this last screened on Al Beeb ?
One of my friends from way back decided he would go all woke regarding the film Zulu. I must have seen it around twenty five times and I simply love the portrayal of the characters and the large number of cult lines arising within the script.
Therefore, it was a bit of an amazement to me that the silly twit should suddenly put on the modern anti-white colonial pc hat and refuse to acknowledge the film’s standing. He just couldn’t see it for the great film that it is as well as a fine tribute to the bravery of both the British soldiers and Zulu warriors. There are loads of factual errors in it but what the heck.
There is no way on Earth this would be shown on the BBC now. Heaven forbid!
We really are seeing the end of same race relationships. Just watched the final episode of the final series of The Affair on Sky Atlantic, and portrayed 30 years from now is ……… a white woman and her husband of colour with their 2 mixed race children. Casting Directors are clearly get sh..t scared of being called out on Twatter that sections of community are not being portrayed, so its a ‘keep everybody happy’ policy and why we are getting half/half relationships in everything from adverts to dramas to blockbusting films. Hardly a true portrayal of real life.
Hats off to ICELAND. Their Christmas adverts doesn’t feature any BME characters….I’ll be popping in for my frozen lean mince on my way home….
Meanwhile, John Lewis has gone for a more ‘traditional approach’, aimed squarely at shoppers who work in the BBC newsroom. They seem to be horribly confused about the seasons: Winter in the southern hemisphere takes place in June.
(go to and scroll down to the ‘Bring on Winter’ section)
The BBC would say, ‘that’s merely aspirational’ wouldn’t they?
“A global group of around 11,000 scientists have endorsed research that says the world is facing a climate emergency.”
Says the BBC in a lead item on its website.
Will the BBC now start pushing to stop mass immigration, something that leads to land being cleared, increased air travel, population growth and increased consumption, all things that these scientists say need curbing?
Probably not. I guess they will think that the first step will be to cull the indigenous European peoples.
There are 11,000 climate scientists? That’s quite some gravy train to protect.
But what does the word scientist mean? I don’t think it now means what we oldies were taught it meant.
The terminally dull Rhod Sharpe was reporting the non-event on R5Live last night.
The bloke he interviewed was so incoherent with sound bites about ‘seein’ more gales’, ‘risin’ sea levels’, an’, an’, an’ stuff, it was painful even to turn over and switch the blasted machine off before I really woke (yup – that word), up!
You might just as well go out on the landing and ask the dog what’s going on in the world, rather than put up with the appalling drivel this awful station squeezes out.
Here’s one of the 11,000 –
Isn’t that the gravedigger scene from the latest BBC/RSC production of Hamlet?
If Kenji Watts from the Union of Concerned Scientists is not on that list .. then it is valueless.
He’s actually a member of the family of Anthony Watts who runs a skeptic blog
2011 story
The only person quoted in the BBC report (strictly speaking, the BBC wrapper around a cut’n’paste item that has been distributed to all the MSM outlets worldwide) is Thomas Newsome, a lecturer in Australia with a particular interest in wolves and dingos. Which is a kind of odd choice as poster boy, when you think that the world’s leading scientists (social scientists?) would be queueing up for this honour.
All the usual slights-of-hand are employed to fool the guillible and those incapable for critical thinking. For instance, the article states ‘Released on the day that satellite data shows that last month was the warmest October on record’ and ‘the authors include a range of data which they believe represents a “suite of graphical vital signs of climate change over the past 40 years”.’ However, look at the chart used to illustrate the point:
It does not cover the past 40 years – it covers the period 1981-2010. Why’s that? Apparently they’ve already got the data for October 2019, which only ended 6 days ago, yet the data for most of past decade has not come in yet? Hardly. The reason is that the data for the past decade shows steady and even declining temperatures in most years so simply doesn’t fit the story, so they ignore it. The phrase ‘warmest October on record’ is equally bogus, as ‘the record’ under consideration only dates back 40 years, minus the missing decade. Look back 100 years, 500 years, 10000 years or further and the picture is very, very different.
But hey – when you’re looking for global dictatorship, massive taxation, social control and an unprecedented transfer of money from the have-nots to the mega-rich, you’re not going to let facts stand in the way.
The article doesn’t appear on the BBC home page anymore, but it’s still (strangely) to be found under a tab labelled ‘science’.
The article originated from the American Institute of Biological sciences:
from which you can download ‘supplemental file s1’ which lists the “11,258 scientist signatories from 153 countries” that signed the report. Amongst them you will find:
Mouse, Mickey; Professor; Mickey Mouse Institute for the Blind; Namibia
Thanks to the website JoNova for pointing out this glaring lack of quality control, completely missed by the parroting BBC. As the aforementioned Mr Newsome states in the BBC article: “We have rising emissions, rising temperatures, and we’ve known this for 40 years and we haven’t acted – you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know we have a problem.”
No, just a blind cartoon mouse, or a BBC employee.
Thanks for your post and directing me towards JoNova. She neatly debunks the article and in her comments, I managed to see the signatory list and find the actual Mickey Mouse.
Great find, thank you.
Ain’t no climate emergency, bruv…
Thanks to Kate Hoey.
One of the very, very few with integrity.
ti, funny, I was thinking this morning after waking that what a shame it was that Kate (or Gisela) could not have been leader of the Conservative Party and PM.
Things would have been very different to have had a genuine, committed Brexiteer in charge for the post-EU Referendum period to date.
2019-11-06 03:00
Matildas: Australia women’s football team in landmark pay deal
“Australia’s women’s football team, the Matildas, have struck a historic deal which will see them earn equal pay and entitlements on many key measures.
Football Federation Australia (FFA) said it means the top male and female players will be on the same pay scale.”
Gloats the World’s Most Biased Broadcaster.
This is blatant sexism, unisex sports only in future.
Equal pay for inferior work, as demonstrated by results, since 100,000 BC.
As I keep saying, it’s the increasing imposition of a matriarchy in all Western nations.
Sooner or later God’s patience will run out and then it will be God help us all.
Here in the UK the constant tv footage of St Jo Swinson waving her arms about to draw attention to her bazookas whilst surrounded by her handmaidens, rarely any men, is trying for the same result.
Meanwhile the BBC gets divisive again:
‘Roads designed by men are killing women’
Part of an ongoing ‘divide-and-hate-and-rule’ campaign. Presumably the loonies believe that the patriarchy meet behind closed doors, burn Margaret Atwood novels and plot cunning schemes to get more women crushed and killed by trucks and cars designed and driven by men, or at least those who self-identify as men.
Still, maybe the female mayor and her feminist agenda can tear down the Gaudi legacy and show us how it should be done.
2019-11-06 06:15
BBC NEWS General Election
General election 2019: Green Party pledges £100bn a year for climate action
“Launching her campaign in Bristol, co-leader Sian Berry will say: “Some things are even bigger than Brexit. This must be the climate election.”
The party says it will fund the pledge by borrowing £91.2bn a year, with a further £9bn from “tax changes” including a rise in corporation tax.
The Greens will also set out plans to make Britain carbon neutral by 2030.
See your £50 billion Jeremy and raise by another £50 billion!
Shake the magic money tree and all will be well.
Are any of these parties intending to cut foreign aid?
I would not let the Green Party organise children’s pocket money.
Have they sorted out refuse collection in Brighton yet?
The greens, just another branch of the cult of collectivism who couldn’t hold a pee up in a brewery.
Why are these morons even given the time of day? One barking mad MP? 24 hour news is one of the worst things about modern society.
Of all bbc platforms, BBC Politics seems the most blatant in using the set up technique. Not sure how many read it, mind.
Talking of BBC Politics, it’s amazing what attracts their attention. And what doesn’t.
Talking of stoking fires, if bbc interviewers don’t get Lammy and Keir on to amplify their ‘calls for’, I will be most surprised.
Isn’t that reminiscent of a bonfire where the effigy/model of Grenfell caused the ‘two-tier’ police to arrest and charge some people on the basis of that being a hate crime?
Laura is also… predictable…
Frankly if I had been in the burning building, irrespective of what the FireBrigade may have advised, it would have been instinctive for me to have left that building with my family PDQ. What would you do if your house was on fire? Get out dam quickly, wouldn’t you? Don’t consider that Rees-Mog said anything out of order-the subject is just so super sensitive considering that many suspected of breaking the law on tenancy.
I also couldn’t find anything ‘offensive’ or ‘horrendous’ about what JRM said. And honestly ? exactly how many of those in Grenfell at the time would have spoken English and understood what the fire brigade were telling them anyway ! But no-one dares say that. Yes, getting out from a burning building is instinctive, and its not wrong to say that, or offensive.
And when not hunting down Tories, the bbc is also acting as the first line of defence for those who are not.
@GuestWho re the BBC Trending story on Jo Sweater Swinson’s husband
.. Good for no it’s not a full debunk
Wow actually at first glance that BBC Tr(uth B)ending story does seem to be way above their normal standard
… which normally consists of finding some white person and shouting “far right” at them
And BBC Trending usually only take the lefty line, yet this article is unusually balanced like it debunks a conspiracy video about JRM and Boris.
It is very long and does does actually seem to shine a light for once
But when I read it I find major errors
Bottomline the actual context is that EU does annually pass money to the world HQ of an org closely connected to the Swinson family. But the org is not mostly funded by the EU (I can’t spot the exact magnitude, but for one office it’s a third)
Let’s look at the BBC’s takeaways
‘#1 Mad righty bloggers got carried away and exaggerated
.. Yes they did minor grants don’t mean the NGO is a EU puppet
.. Yes I had spotted that some people were exaggerating saying by calling TI “Jo Swinson’s husband’s company”
.. and they said €4m/year which doesn’t seem true
#2 It was all about a one off €4m ONE OFF was an EU grant to the BERLIN office in 2018.
…’oh it’s only a German regional branch ‘
AND this is BBC Trending’s main error…. actually Berlin is is TI’s world MAIN HQ with 2 depts
a)TI Secretariat …b) Transparency International EU
Their about us says “Since 2008, Transparency International EU has functioned as a regional liaison office for the global movement”
Secondly was NOT a one off
The EU is committed to long term annual funding of Transparency International EU
In the year 2018 account there are these annual incomes
€257m “for our work on Anti-Corruption Advocacy for Sustainable Development in 2016-2020”
+ €250m “for the Clean Contracts project in 2016-2019)”
“2018 budget is around 1.4 mln euros.”
So the EU provides 36% of the Transparency International EU annual budget
What about TI Secretariat ? their budget is €24m of which two thirds come from governments
Another €4.5m come from “Multilateral” whatever that means. Maybe some comes from the EU
Notes from the BBC story
The blogger said “as he says on his LinkedIn page – receives €4 million from the EU each year. Oh dear….”
(That could mean that Berlin press release appeared on his Linkedin page)
“the UK branch – again, the one that Mr Hames works for – is separate. It did receive smaller EU grants: £21,000 in 2016/17 and £2,000 in 2017/18.”
I don’t think that is worth adding to Jo Swinson’s interests cos half of businesses probably got some of OUR money via the EU grants sometime.
typo .. it’s not a full debunk
I read that Lt Col Thornberry wrote to No 10 saying a disinterested person had written to her expressing concern about the delay in publication.
‘Disinterested’? Entirely believable of course.
I’m guessing the ‘disinterested’ person wasn’t another White Van Man?
That original Trump tweet
It seems pretty clear now that the Powers that be, the House of Lords are preparing the ground for public funding of the BBC by direct taxation because its income is being hit by loads of people just dropping out of the license fee.
This line in the article says it all….
In the report, it warns “if public service broadcasters are to continue to serve us and to afford to make world-class programmes, they must remain financially viable”.
It added: “In our view, PSBs, especially the BBC, should not be given further responsibilities without a corresponding rise in income.”
Still in denial over the plain fact that so many people are just being totally turned off and angry by the relentless “wokeness” and bias it belches out daily.
Remind us: when do we get to vote in an election for the House of Lords?
The report read: “They said that the BBC had become a ‘jack of all trades and master of none’.
I’ve been thinking the same for sometime
Bit like the European Army I suppose…………..
TOADY Watch #1 – Sopel – Keeper of the King’s Stool
Self-appointed Sopel informs me that Donald’s done a quid pro quo.
I do not wish to know.
Is that all you have, Jon?
Report some real news from Washington instead.
Tourette’s Robinson in Tip-top form today as for some reason the chairman of the Conservative party went on to be beaten up about dumb campaign mistakes made yesterday namely
JRM opening his mouth
Some twitter comment by a candidate
Some online video of Kier Starmer
Ten minutes spent on that and then a bit on Brexit with Robinson saying the failure to leave was the government’s fault . When in fact we now know it was Remainer traitor may working for the EU that did the damage – not the BoJo government .
I have no idea why conservatives go on Toady.
Nick Robinson uses licence-fee funded TOADY to launch a full-frontal attack on the Tories. Biased is hardly the word for it. Toady becomes a party political broadcast on behalf of Labour. Rees-Mogg on Grenfell is brought up endlessly ad nauseum. A minor issue, which is open to debate, slanted and turned into a major one. You can actually hear the beeb deciding that this will be the battering ram for the day, it’s so obvious.
Laura K says that the Conservative campaign has ‘bad chemistry’.
There is, of course, time to attack Trump. Anything will do, as this a.m. proves. Sopel has to find something -anything – to drag up as an attack vehicle. We know by now an anti-Trump feature will be there, rely on it.
The beeb has to ask itself whether its bias can be allowed to morph into a giant party political broadcast in the case of Toady. Does it really think its listeners are too stupid to notice?
Toady 2
Dimbleby PLC senior has done a programme about Brexit – apparently the country is split says he . And people are angry says he. And he interviewed a lady who is a hairdresser who god help me normally votes labour but now votes Tory because of brexit?
How could this pleb ? Implies Dimbleby looking down his nose as this peasant .
Then he throws in —- but the EU has given loads to mertha- they be got a community centre .
Dimbleby senior PLC – the state broadcaster made flesh having a chinwag with his boys on Toady . Blissful bias. Vile.
TOADY Watch #2 – It’s a gas! – A Brexit-Free Zone
Jonathan Barclay, co-Leader of the Green Party is interviewed by JustRemainIn Webb. Central to the Green Party election manifesto is the borrowing of £91bn per annum and raising extra tax of £9bn p.a. to spend on upgrading the nation’s housing stock to make us carbon neutral by the year twenty-something.
Justin does not ask about how much CO2 manufacturing all those ground and air heat exchangers will produce. He does not ask about how much CO2 will be produced when manufacturing all that insulation. Justin does not ask about how much CO2 manufacturing all those replacement tripleglazed windows and solar panels will produce. Justin does not ask about how much CO2 will be produced by installing all those ‘improvements’ at a cost of £100bn per annum.
What a shame we did not get some intensive questioning from ‘the Science is Settled’ BBC of the Green Party’s supposed Carbon Neutral Co-leader.
I wonder why? Justin not technically or intellectually equipped? Probably. Or bias? You decide.
Thankfully, the interview was a Brexit Free Zone.
Again, I wonder why?
The BBC is a Brexit free zone because it is trying to divert the focus of the coming election away from the core issue which precipitated it onto more mundane and easily managed stuff like “Climate Change” and fabricated verbal gaffes by notable conservatives. They are doing this in lockstep with the Labour election campaign, which is focussing on the same sort of nonsense, including a bit of Thatcher hatred to pad out their vacuous policies. All part of the plan. Boris Johnson needs to bring the conversation back to Brexit, and refuse to be distracted.
Please don’t worry about interviwers not asking about CO2.
CO2 has NOTHING to do with climate. And if the Greens are planning to ‘borrow £91bn per annum and raise extra tax of £9bn p.a. to spend on upgrading the nation’s housing stock to make us ‘carbon neutral’ they should just be told that ‘carbon neutral’ is a ficticious concept and sod all to do with the climate. Of course, spending that amount of money on home insulation to save electricity is another thing and can be debated.
Like OFCOM, Tortoise is rammed with ex-Beeboids.
Not sure this effort is helping the old gang on the impartiality front.
Um, an interesting looking nose ! (er, the proverbial d… head ?)
I don’t know if its because Jo Swinson likes honey but she has
recently taken up Bee Keeping as a hobby.
She has bought a hive and is very proud that she has developed
a small swarm consisting of a Queen and 37 Workers.
She sees the upcoming General Election as an opportunity to attract
large crowds so she can show off her 38-Bs.
A delighted Toady has dragged up A. Scaramucci to badmouth Trump.
Seems by now they have their ‘regulars’ to pursue their regular agenda. Saying the same old, same old. ‘Here are the anti-Trump slots for the day, one per hour.’ Why don’t they advertise it?
‘Bias’ isn’t the word.
Toady is one big political agenda fest.
It’s back!
Have you heard of it?
Thinking of pitching a broadcast tv service so bent it has to be uniquely funded by law and has a customer service dept. with scores of staff who just tell complainants they think they got it about right, because what else is going to happen?
Not Al Beeb but Sky showing themselves as bad.
The ridiculous, up herself gargoyle Kay Burley ranting just before 9 about the failure of James Cleverley (a fellow alumnus who I’m happy to acknowledge, unlike Oily Robbins) to come and be ‘interviewed’ by her even though he was only 15 feet away. Burley invited viewers to express their opinions on this.
These ‘star’ presenters really do think they are important.
The “hated” politicians must find alternatives to the MSM or If you appear on the media, whichever station, record the interview yourself as well. Then release the recording, including any discussion before and previous, and comment on the interview.
I wrote and thanked Sky for re-assigning Ms Burley to the early morning show as she’d be off air before I got up, and it meant I could start watching the news in the afternoon again on their channel.
The munchkin women this morning showed her true colours
this morning on breakfast TV, and it wasn’t yellow. Over the
years going back to ” Drive Time” on BBC radio’s 5 live, she
only seemed capable of telling us if the yellow brick road
was congested. But this morning Louise’s red streak came to
the fore as she quized James Cleverly, chairman of the Conservative Party on Jacob Rees Moggs supercilious
comments about Grenfell.
It’s a shame but I suppose it is natural but Rees Mogg occasionally
does show his ingrained superiority.To be honest it was a car crash
interview for Cleverly and Louise Minchin knew this from early
on ,and went for the jugular.
As for Grenfell there is still a side to why many of the poor souls
who perished in the fire did not leave their flats. BUT it is a
topic that cannot be mentioned, and it isn’t just that the fire
chief told them not to leave.Many of you know what I am talking
about ,but it cannot be written. It’s too much of a bomb shell.
Maybe I am being harsh on Minchin. But lets see how she interviews a senior Labour official about how Labour are putting up Muslim past or present associated anti-semite candidates in heavily populated Muslim
constituencies . Such as Uxbridge and South Coventry.
I listened to an interview on Breakfast TV on the BBC where Louise Minchin was interviewing James Cleverly MP..It was aggressive, confrontational and sarcastic..Interestingly driving to work a little while later Nicky ” i hate Tories”Campbell was also interviewing James Cleverly regarding the same matter, fake news posts. The questions he asked were exactly the same and put across exactly the same way.. Its was obviously a concerted effort by the BBC to make the Tories day unpleasant… It seems to me that a plan of attack by all major broadcasters to bring down the Tories poll ratings asap…
It used to be said that the working class were ‘cannon fodder’ now we are just expendable ‘ballot fodder’. Expected to vote for false promises and then forgotten about until the next General Election comes knocking at their door. Well people of Britain there is one about to happen on the 12th of December. So get out to the ballot boxes and show ‘them’ as you did for the Referendum of 2016 that YOU are mad as hell and YOU are not going to take it anymore!
The media have gone even more ‘gotcha’ deranged than usual.
Just as Kay does a Burley with Cleverly, the BBC can’t let their favourite go…
The Today Programme
“I don’t think he misspoke. I think he reflects an arrogance for ordinary people”
“Shadow home secretary Diane Abbott doesn’t accept Jacob Rees-Mogg’s apology for saying it would have been “common sense” to flee the Grenfell fire.”
Fan those fires, Aunty. Sick idiots.
They only want to see his blood running down the sidewalk.
But, hang on, “think of Saint Jo”
Asian gang on tour raiding Currys/PC World stores
A gang of four men burst into Scunthorpe’s Currys/PC World and stole thousands of pounds worth of Apple and Samsung electrical goods.
It happened at about 6pm last night when the store was open at the time and busy with both staff and customers.
The gang entered the Lakeside Retail Park store, shouting threats and stole tablets, laptops and mobile phones from a display stand before making their getaway in an older silver Audi.
The men are *believed to be Asian* and in their late 20s or early 30s, and police have advised the public not to approach them.
The theft has been linked with similar crimes in Leeds on Friday and Worksop earlier on Monday.
“….advised the public not to approach them.”
Nothing a shotgun would not put right. That’s inevitable. Not too far away as I see it.
Artist lady being interviewed on R4 as she is recreating the Sg Pepper Album Cover artwork so that it includes 50% Women, (The original is all men).
is there no end to this madness?
For instance should we demand that an image of George Best or even better Stormzy be painted into Botticelli’s Birth of Venus painting to keep the 50/50 thing going?
It is depressing and more so because this sort of thing is considered newsworthy..the last supper will need changing too…we are all doomed
James, ‘we are all doomed’ when the grunts of an inarticulate black artist with a ridiculous name (and who is largely unknown to anyone over 40) are newsworthy enough to be splashed as headlines in the press.
Dear Brissles
I am a senior BBC executive (PPE at Balliol College, Oxford), although I prefer to remain nameless. My father was a colonial administrator in West Africa, and this has given me a rather special interest in Black culture. This year, to mark my 75th birthday, I attended ‘Glasto’, along with 426 other BBC executives.
You refer to an ‘inarticulate black artist with a ridiculous name’. I assume you are referring to Stormzy, real name
Yaxley-LennonMichael Ebenazer Kwadjo Omari Owuo Jr. Whereas you hear ‘grunts’, my colleagues, myself and of course the youngsters who listen to Radio 1 – both of them – hear the authentic and anguished cries of the poor and oppressed crying out against the injustices of thousands of years of slavery. We, who know best, hear a cultural colossus who strides beyond Shakespeare, Goethe, Leonardo da Vinci, Mozart and Tolstoy.Plus, he did tell the crowds at Glasto to ‘F*ck the government and f*ck Boris’.
So there.
Yours sincerely etc
LOL !! love it.
Interested to see his ‘real’ name, and my immediate thought was that he finds his stage name easier to say – and perhaps remember.
They can’t change the portrait of the Last Supper. God would be really angry. She really would !!
Interesting point – if, as the BBC wimmins hour, would like us to believe God is a woman – why has she apparently put men in charge?
She is just being mischievous ……..little tinker !
Discussing *visual* art on the RADIO
is a BBC trope
“Experts”, supposedly, on literature as well Stew.
“The English languages 100 best books” apparently. As decided by a Broadcasting Bullshit Constantly panel.
I used to consider myself reasonably well-read but it seems that isn’t the case.
Did the artist say this? Because off the top of my head and without looking at the image I’m pretty sure that Marilyn Monroe is on there and something in the back of my mind is telling me that Mother Theresa is too.
Edit, Mother Theresa isn’t but Shirley Temple appears three times, Mae West, Diana Dors, Marlene Dietrich, pictures of Petty and Vargas Girls, a cloth Grandmother, the Indian Goddess Lakshmi, some female statuettes and Snow White. That’s a few.
Any agenda pushing today from the BBC GreenBlob Propaganda pushing dept ?
Wot this Shukman:
“Shukman was born in 1958 in St. Pancras, London. He is of Jewish ancestry – his grandfather, whom he is named after, was part of the Jewish community who lived in Baranow, Poland, before emigrating and settling in the United Kingdom.[1] His father’s name was Harold Shukman; he was a Russian scholar at St Antony’s College, Oxford,[2]. Shukman’s mother was Ann King-Farlow, also a Russian scholar, of writers such as Alexander Men (a Russian theologian). Shukman attended the Dragon School and Eton College, then read Geography at Durham University gaining a BA.[3] He graduated with an upper second in 1980[4] and was a member of Hatfield College.[5]”
A 2:1 Degree in Geography. That’s useful as a, “Science Editor”
Bloody hilarious……but BBC through and through..
As ever with the BBC, “climate change” is illustrated by steam coming from cooling towers.
Note to BBC: CO2 is an invisible trace gas. Only Greta Thunberg can see it.
Well said! The BBC and climate alarmists lie and lie again with such photos and their subliminal messages of dark satanic mills, etc. Water vapour does NOT equate to pollution.
Also, CO2 is a trace gas present in the earth’s atmosphere at only 400 parts per million; or 4 parts per 10,000; or, if you prefer, 0.04 of 1% of the gases present (78% nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, 1% others).
According to Dr Patrick Moore (ex-Greenpeace, not the late TV astronomer) if that 400 figure above declined towards 150 parts per million, it would be seriously harmful to plant growth as plants need a source of carbon.
Not that the BBC would ever tell you most of this, because “the science is settled”, dontcha know?
The BBC have been reprimanded on this type of imagery since at least 2008, as it violates their own guidelines. As RiC points out, CO2 – the Gas of Life – is invisible. The pictures of steam are often taken against the Sun, so as to mislead people into believing it is smoke. Analysis of some of the photos used has shown that they have been processed in PhotoShop to increase the contrast (it leaves digital markers behind in the images).
There is one issue that has to be faced in the forthcoming general election, an issue that was one the main considerations as to why people voted to leave the EU in 2016 and that is NON EU IMMIGRATION. Let’s put some facts down to clear the air. Annual non-EU net migration has more than doubled, from 89,000 in 1997 to 214,000 in 2018-The non-EU born population has increased by just a little under two million since 2004. It now stands at nearly six million-Nearly half of non-EU born residents (or some four million people) say they came to the UK for family-related reasons-doubtful-There is a considerable body of research on the fiscal impact of immigration and all analysis suggests that non-EU immigrants in the UK cost the UK taxpayer many £billions each year. During the 2017 General Election, the government made a promise to ‘bear down’ on non-EU immigration-Yet, in their current form, the government’s post-Brexit immigration proposals carry a serious risk of increasing. The 2018 level of 214,000 was made up of gross non-EU inflows of 325,000 and gross non-EU emigration of 111,000 – very serious in many ways and quite unsustainable and rather in the action of destroying our country and culture. The Labour/Lim Dems and I fear the present Conservatives cannot be relied upon to bring this impending disaster to a halt.
Normally agree with Piers Morgan on most things these days , however, i really do not get the fuss about this video editing of Kier Starmer !!! I really don’t.
Its clear the point of the video is show how unclear the Labour Policy on Brexit is, and it does just that. Minutes of Suzanna Reid trying to get a clear answer, also Piers. Starmer was blundering his way round it , clearly showing that Labour are clueless on their Brexit policy. Yes, theres a small edit at the end, but its insignificant. Completely irrelevant.
The point of the video had already been made. Clear as day.
Talk about much a do about nothing !!!
Not the BBC but one of their Remainer elite allies in the MSM, The Times. The Times has been virulently Pro a Remain and Globalist ever since the referendum was mooted in 2015 and consequently it supports global business to the hilt. It has frequently feted Keir Starmer and his Leave but really Remain slight of hand lies. If he were Labour leader I am certain that the Times would back Labour. It’s loves Keir much more than Boris.
But Corbyn and McDonald are still in power in Labour and are real threats to those businesses that the Times supports and of course to those employed by them and to the tax revenue that they provide. But the Tory party , which the Times usually supports , is committed to the Boris deal which the Times isn’t keen on . Many on this site think that deal is a sell out but it is a deal too far for the Times to support.
So the newspaper of record has a dilemma, after years of pro Remain propaganda it is now having to choose between Marxism or Leaving( after a fashion) . Slowly but surely the newspaper is deciding that Corbyn is a bigger threat to its readership than Leaving will ever be. It’s great fun to watch as the stories about the disaster of the Boris deal disappear from its pages and those about the disaster of Corbyn and his gang of anti Semitic Marxist thugs appear ever more frequently. The Times is close to accepting that it will have to support Boris.
The BBC of course is of course anti business and only accepts the Marxist part of globalism, so it has no such dilemma ,it would support anything but leaving no matter how gentle the departure is.
If you read the comments beneath Times articles , the top comments almost always call out the Times journos narrative tricks
.. If anyone has a current account they could add me , cos my paswword has runout.
And that is only the comments that get passed the increasingly activist censor. The Times is getting sensitised to its readers pointing out its anti populist pro Globalist bias which distorts it journalism . But it can be as biased as it likes , although it can hardly claim to be a paper of record if it is, as it isn’t funded by the state as the foul BBC is. I read the Times because I like to know what the ‘ opposition’ are thinking. I just can’t watch the BBC anymore apart from a few shows where PC Correctness hasn’t yet rendered them too offensive but you can see it creeping in even there.
Searching medical consultants register:
Take a look and tell me if you are left with a distinct feeling of horror
Could it be that our British youth is being lead astray by their educators?
Gees that first page does show an amazing lack of diversity
same for last page letter Z or letter K
but with letter M you do get McDonalds etc.
Their Twitter account seems 99% white faces
Click to access 11-1382-code-of-practicescientific-advisory-committees.pdf
Diversity and equality of opportunity
NHS England and the Department of Health values and promotes diversity and is
committed to equality of opportunity for all.
All part of the massive deception perpetrated on the public. I can’t follow your second link for some reason but the first, as you say, “99% white faces”. Time for everybody to realise that the UK is already finished if you didn’t think that way already. Most everything projected is false.
It is 36 days to the General Election . Even at this stage policy issues are being subverted by dumb quotes and tweets . The partys haven’t even gone into their ‘naughty ‘ box to start feeding the bubble with dirt .
I think the key issue is monitoring the bias of the far left state broadcaster . I wonder how long before the first formal complaint will go onto the electoral commission / ofcom regards press output ( sweater doesn’t count as hers was before the formal start today ) .
I’ve decided to keep away from most MSM stuff and just monitor through guido and others. The sky thing this morning of empty chairing the chairman of the Conservative party might make sky – at least- behave for a while .
Perhaps the Sweater is hoping her heaving threepenny bits will put her on top.
Lefty – I think you should be more respectful of Sweater – if all goes badly she could be the next Deputy Prime minister ….. I’m putting a bet on a hung parliament … in favour of a lablib stitch up if no brexit party deal is done very soon -but I’m a pessimist so never disappointed .
Jeremy Vine has just suggested on Radio 2 that during the election campaign “perhaps JRM should be put in a fridge somewhere”.
Well let’s all play the game shall we?
Jeremy Vine should be sacked.
1. He’s suggesting that JRM should be suffocated to death. People of his age will have seen public information films warning of the dangers of fridges.
2. The Grenfell fire was started by a fridge. He must know that. Where’s Lammy and Stormzy?
I’m deeply shocked and offended.
Not unlike Jo Brand professing “why use milkshake when you could use battery acid” ….. back in the summer; and another BBC beauty.
bBC related….Greg Dyke ..interviewed by LBC Ferrari no doubt on the back of Worzel’s latest con trick re restoring the over 75 free lTV Lics.
Ferrari gently asked his pal Greg ….you know isn’t it time to see off the Licence once and for all…?
A chuckle of exasperation from Dyke no doubt well practiced,
“you know this has been getting discussed for over 40 years…….and after all that the current model is the….
wait for it
Ferrari conveniently called time at that when surely it should have
been jumped upon with the follow up
LEAST WORST for whom?
Is Mr Dyke still horrendously white?
You can imagine the back slapping and off to the pub for a pint after the interview. Mates on The Pledge after all.
Jeremy Vine ‘impartially’ discussing J R-M, a case of any bad publicity must be ruthlessly exploited!
Listening to J R-M he is talking common sense and has said nothing that any normal person wouldn’t. But apparently the whole of the Conservative party is now damned.
Personally it just shows how pathetic the state of ‘journalism’ is in this country – ‘let us see how close to libel we can manage to get away with!’
(Just waiting for Jay Aston to ‘phone in’ to tell us how evil the toreees are).
On Conservative Woman web site this morning there is a great link to Uncommon Knowledge where Douglas Murray is interviewed about his books. It’s a reminder if one were needed that Brexit is of little importance when compared to the really great issue of the demise of Europe and it’s people by Islamisation. But contentious though it has been Brexit is an issue which we are allowed to talk about , zIslamisation is off limits.
Edited slightly for space, time and accuracy.
“Every other Today Programme post, without fail there’ll be at least something about race.”
Watford FC’s captain Troy Deeney says he and his family receive racist abuse online every day. “It’s very difficult to ignore it”.
The BBC is on a loop on facebook.
And still is.
The Today Programme
Listen back to our interview with Tory chairman James Cleverly ???????? He discusses Jacob Rees-Mogg’s comments on Grenfell and whether the Tories published fake news about Labour.
What a wonderful World it would be if the Lib Dems go to virtual oblivion and we hear the end of the clap-trap spewing out of the Swinson mouth and Corbyn’s Labour Mafia end up with less than 20% in the HoC post election.
Great Britain at least restored to sanity whatever the Brexit outcome!
Often one feels the BBC should be held to account more, and certainly not be allowed #purposesof exemptions that see them avoid stuff that sees them in spotlights they prefer to shine elsewhere.
Speaking of holding to account, here’s who currently might give it a go with the BBC, or not.
Corbyn’s comments re youngsters should not have to support themselves…
Meaning: Look kids, you can have whatever you want, I don’t care, just vote for me!
Corbyn would back giving the vote to dogs and cats if they all agreed to vote for him!
Smacks of desperation!
As we hear so much about Brexit being so unfair to “Millenials” it makes me think. why have we not had this phenomena before?
Possibly because the last bunch of “Millenials” were too preoccupied sitting in trenches and getting blown to smithereens in Europe?,
How to deal with the BBC’s casual and continuing sexism. Fight fire with fire.
I might just fact check this BBC statement – most cities have a high number of female planners and architects – In fact wasn’t Potus’ main architect a woman?
So whilst it may be true men have generally been builders…it is often the case in modern times that females have been planners and architects….still BBC never fact checks itself does it….
I might just fact check this BBC statement – most cities have a high number of female planners and architects – In fact wasn’t Potus’ main architect a woman?
So whilst it may be true men have generally been builders…it is often the case in modern times that females have been planners and architects….still BBC never fact checks itself does it….
Despite the fact that I largely avoid all BBC news, and indeed most of the mainstream media’s, I have found it impossible to avoid the continued misrepresentation of what JRM actually said. It is, basically, a continuation of the politicisation of the Grenfell tragedy which I recall was started by Jeremy Corbyn whilst the bodies were still smouldering.
Add to this the juvenile empty chairing of James Cleverly by Sky News this morning for having another interview to attend and it’s obvious we are going to get nothing of substance from the media with regard to this election. And yet the Tories put up with this, wringing their hands in apology at every whiff of faux outrage. They should be boycotting these channels and communicating to their base directly through social media.
I am bound to come to the conclusion that if the Tories don’t believe in themselves enough to stand up to this nonsense, why the hell should I or anyone else entrust them with my vote?
When the BBC is not stitching up the Tories on trivia, who roll over and let them, they are busy covering for others at any opportunity.
The BBC Fact Checkers prove they are more akin to Pravda to way they ‘fact check’ a claim that was never made.
People pick a strawman to attack rather than something more complex
I set out further up the page what mistakes the BBC story made.
The Conservatives had a good chance to get my vote. All they had to do was get us out of the EU without a treaty. They have fought tooth & nail to do everything but that. The forthcoming election is just another phase of the cancel-Brexit game they play with us. The cocksure Conservative Party can swivel. 🙂 They are not getting my vote.
Did anyone else spot the little BBC Climate Change card trick this morning, In the weather forecast the presenter concluded that the temperature was a bit lower than average in the uk right now for the time of year, however they then unusually panned out to an image of the whole globe swathed in large orange tints to go on that globally the temperature for October was higher than usual.
Why did they decide to include this rather unusual step?
Was it to fend off embarrassing questions re Global Warming by the shivering population because the science is settled?
Jeremy, how shocked are you that your party is being investigated for anti semetic racism and are you ashamed of yourselves?
Just one of 547 questions that you won’t be hearing on the beeb/ Sly news over the next five weeks.
There’s an item on the BBC webpages about a problem with pension funds being run for small businesses leading to the unintended consequences of some businessmen having enormous and unfair liabilities. There was a bill proposed to sort this out, quite rightly, but this has been lost now that Parliament has been suspended. So what sub-heading screams out at you?
Glimmer of hope ‘scuppered by Brexit’
No agenda there then. I am aware that it was a quote from someone, hence the inverted commas, but the prominence of the phrase is given by the Biased BBC
Not BBC. This is a long read
Jewish conservative’s door broken down, he is handcuffed and jailed on suspicion of “Islamophobia”
“ After about five minutes or so of these officers banging on the front door and issuing threats to break it down and officers menacingly patrolling my back garden, an officer, who at this point I cannot positively identify, brought up what looked like a battering ram. The officers were shouting through the door ‘we are going to break the door down now’.“
Wow again an amazing example of #DoubleStandard #OrwellianBritain2019
Islam promo on the home page: PJ Harvey: ‘Wearing veil in Afghanistan was a freeing experience.’ The beeb seizes on the female singer’s experience of how she found Islamic dress liberating whilst shooting a film on location.
— “nobody could see me”
— “I was just a woman’s pair of eyes”
— “it took away everything I’d formed of myself to date as a person”
I’d normally expect to see comments like these in relation to domestic abuse… in any other context the BBC would be full of feminist outrage. But PJ happens to be not only a singer/musician but also an occasional actress and a former guest editor of R4’s Today programme. So naturally the experience of wearing the veil is ’freeing’, and everyone at W1A laps it up, because it’s Islam.
Only freeing because she chose to put it on and can take it off. It is like when I dressed as a gorilla – I was able to not be myself – pretty sure most people who have dressed up for a while and not easily recognisable know the feeling – but I wouldn’t want to wear a gorilla suit all the time. Typical virtue signalling and ignoring the blatant oppression of women in the muslim world….
I don’t know who ‘PJ Harvey’ is, but I have a female friend – actually, she’s a rather senior figure in the LibDems who has recently started referring to herself as ‘PM’ – and she’s looking for a veil that will cover just her teeth but leave the rest of her exposed. I’ve read hundreds of articles on the BBC website explaining about all the different types of headscarves and coverings available, but nothing seems to match. Can anyone help out please?
PJ Harvey was the author of a book on Fly Fishing. I believe it was very popular some thirty or forty years ago.
Islam promo 2: ‘The dangerous life of food delivery drivers’ which in BBC hands means “Hard-working immigrants left to hang by their evil capitalist employers.”
Examples from around the world, but top billing goes to Sonya King of Atlanta who was attacked at a customer’s house (the BBC don’t mention the attacker was a man who thought he was Jesus). You’d think one photo would do, but somehow she gets the royal BBC treatment with three. Why — to illustrate her injuries? To show the site of the incident? So we can see the tragedy of cheeseburgers and milkshakes spilled all over the road? Or for some other reason…?
That’s definitely Sonya, I’d know her anywhere.
Really ??? Who knew ??? He kept this well hidden. Poisonous little dwarf !!
Very sad that one biased rat can frustrate the view of 17.4 million people . I’m actually shocked that he has so blatantly stuck two fingers up at the taxpayers who will be paying him until the day he dies .
I was going to write something about the longevity of the odious creature but thought I’d better not and just leave it at a curse .
I suppose the next PM has to give him a peerage .
Give him a peerage? As I said he should be given a porridge. 6 months at least.
Not the sharpest knife in the box is he? Retired a couple of days and shooting his mouth off already. Dumb .