The official start of the Election Campaign. We will be joined , no doubt , by political parties and organisations monitoring the bias of the Far Left pro EU BBC output and complaining to OFCOM and the Electoral Commission – favoured resting places for bubble dwellers .
Midweek Thread 6 November 2019
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@realDonaldTrump tweeted
The degenerate Washington Post MADE UP the story about me asking Bill Barr to hold a news conference.
Never happened, and there were no sources!
Bill Barr did not decline my request to talk about Ukraine.
The story was a Fake Washington Post con job with an “anonymous” source that doesn’t exist.
Just read the Transcript.
The Justice Department already ruled that the call was good.
We don’t have freedom of the press!
Based on the information released last night about the Fake Whistleblowers attorney, the Impeachment Hoax should be ended IMMEDIATELY!
There is no case, except against the other side!
“What did Hunter Biden do for the money?” @SenJohnKennedy
A very good question. He and Sleepy Joe must testify!
….The LameStream Media, which is The Enemy of the People, is working overtime with made up stories in order to drive dissension and distrust!
The story in the Amazon Washington Post, of course picked up by Fake News CNN,
saying “President Trump asked for AG Barr to host a news conference clearing him on Ukraine,”
is totally untrue and just another FAKE NEWS story with anonymous sources that don’t exist….
Years ago, when Media was legitimate, people known as “Fact Checkers” would always call to check and see if a story was accurate.
Nowadays they don’t use “Fact Checkers” anymore, they just write whatever they want!
(75 thousand likes)
When he tweeted yesterday that the Stock market was aa record high he got 154 thousand likes
Ian Austin , the gallant former Labour MP who spoke of Corbyn this morning, is now being smeared by Comissar Mcdonald being accused of “working for the Tories “
The war is continuing on Twitter
Now they have worked very hard to turn commissar Mcdonald into ‘ nice uncle John’ but every so often the mask slips . Today was such a day for such an IRA loving piece of ….
If anybody wants proof that the bbc are right wing just watch question time tonight.
There will be somebody on that supports Brexit.
Every week there is a brexit supporter.
There’s the proof.
Instead of only having 4 remainers on every show they should have 5
If they think that only having 4 out of 5 remainers is getting it ‘just about right’ then they are wrong.
Even with Fiona it still only makes it 5 remainers to one leaver.
Totally right wing bbc.
Still no-one, not even the Jewish Chronicle, asks that simple little question – why? Why has anti-Semitism become such an issue for the Labour party? What has so significantly changed to make people like Luciana Berger and Ian Austin resign? Is Tom Watson’s step down involved – or has that perhaps got more to do with inventive fat slob ‘Nick’?
No doubt there will be an in-depth analysis on tonight’s Newsnight, or someone in the QT audience ask for answers.
Or perhaps not.
There are now near to 3 million Muslims in the UK, compared to fewer than 300,000 Jewish people. Thus, roughly ten Muslims for each Jew. So in demographic (and hence electoral) terms, it’s a ‘no-brainer’ if you’re Labour and decide that you can’t please both groups. This must be part of the equation.
Labour- For The Muslims Not For The Jews.
This factor is never mentioned in articles on the subject.
I think I accidentally clicked report rather than like. Sorry .
The state of the superstate.
Envy of the World
The Today Programme
51 mins ·
“You gave up the ultimate white male supremacy.”
Caitlyn Jenner talks about how her transition has been received.
I’d be fascinated at the % of BBC social media output devoted to actual news about actual UK public areas of concern vs… this…
I switched OFF when that item was announced and didn’t switch back on.
Had I not switched OFF I would have probably just switched off. Same thing, really.
Ramsbotton explosive device incident on Wednesday
Cordon lifted 18:15
Two men aged 26 and 27, and an 18-year-old woman have been arrested on suspicion of manufacturing explosive devices. 16:20
Incident not believed to be terror-related 16:13
Start : police do preplanned raid, find explosive devices
How many cases of manufacturing explosive devices are not “terror-related”? What other reasons are there for manufacturing them?
Guy Fawkes Night? Or maybe they work in a quarry somewhere? Beats me!
Absolutely non-Fake Anna Soubry video
starring identical twin of Graham Neal
Graham has always been a Anti-Brexiteer, and has appeared in and tweeted Better-In photos,
… whereas his identical twin in the video voted Leave, but has changed his mind to Remain
Ah guido was 3 mins ahead of me
93% of the world’s population does not live in the European Union.
11,000 scientists warn about climate change.
It’s BS, Rebel Media exposes the fake news. Experts in love relationships, reincarnation, a retired doctor, a dentist, my goodness.
Bolt has a 5 min video
two minute Twitter clip
Jo Nova did a piece which points out one of the Top scientists who signed is
* “Professor Micky Mouse, Institute for Blind, Namibia ” *
Dellers has picked it up
and Paul Homewood quotes it and has a discussion
How dare you! There is no way on this dying planet that Gladys Thunderbolt is wrong. Ask any woke child. Well,that’s if you can wake ’em up on a school day.
See that guy’s sign on the right?
Less rain, less river water, less food.
All down to climate change allegedly.
Well hang on a minute….isn’t this down to climate change, allegedly?
So, BBC….which is it to be?
Major flooding in Sheffield….
Why does BBC news have to waste time saying that “milkshaked” has been added to the dictionary ?
… everyone is already Au Lait , with what it means
The left studies the swamp –
… according to the PR trickery operation called DeSmog blog
who have NO connections at all to an entire web of shifty Global Warming alarmist orgs. /sarc
You as ever when libmob throw out accusations they are often projecting themselves.
It tries to discredit its targets such as GWPF with disinformation (lies)
Laura Kuenssberg the BBC’S political editor just gave away
her own political position on the BBC ‘S 6PM National news.
She was interviewing a supporter of Jeremy Corbyn
in Liverpool who said that we needed a Socialist government
and Kuenssberg couldn’t help it but NODDED HER HEAD
in agreement !!!
Well spotted, Foscari. From Naughtie’s “we” to Laura’s nod, with the BBC inbetweenies.
I found this interesting:
Panelbase were founded by Angus Webb who worked for its parent DRG Global. It is not clear whether the organisations displayed on a scrolling banner are clients …
…… or founder members.
The bit I found interesting in the BBC article is that Panelbase have the top response in four out of five issues, except on Brexit by not much.
@Up2snuff the first thing is that the word PanelBase doesn’t appear in the article
Your eyes see it but the word is actually inside the pictures so is not picked up by a text search
They are clients
The DRG founders were John and Fiona Raglan in 1996
2005 “Online consumer panel division launched ‘PanelBase’ “
BBC Fuck Up Number 666999 ….
Being one of those awkward bastards who insist on hearing all sides of an argument before I condemn, I would very much like to know the views of the 13% of British Jews who do not consider Jeremy Corbyn to be antisemitic and why. What is a Semite? Aren’t the Arabs also Semites and I haven’t yet heard the Leader of the Opposition do any Arab bashing.? Perhaps the 13% are followers of the Jewish millionaire Sir George Soros, who seems to relish flooding Europe with African immigrants. I am and wish to become unconfused.
By the way. Anybody who thinks that the BBC should be shut down and that Britain should leave the EU is OK by me.
Lefty – I’m perplexed too. Yesterday Diane Abbot was being interviewed about anti semitism in the Labour Party . The Stanford hill Jewish community in her constituency support her – she claims . Is that true ? If so ‘why ‘?
I’m pretty sure that ms abbot is sitting on a huge majority so the loss of a few thousand would t hurt her .
The more I think about it the more I think the BBC is both anti Jewish and anti Christian . Yet pro Islam . .Why ? When Islam appears to treat women like dogs or breeding machines – completely against the ‘girl power’ the BBC is so enthusiastic about .
As a non Jewish – non Muslim white chap I don’t get it .
Fedup2, I think it’s all about race, not religion. BBC types don’t like religion, especially if it’s ours, but they are obsessed with race and in denial about their own inverted racism. It’s the brown and black skin of the majority of Muslims that gets them the free pass. If these were White people from Ulster or southern USA, the BBC would have no time for the same beliefs. Leftists can’t admit there are certain racial or cultural differences, they are in denial about it.
Mustapha – maybe so – there is certainly a conscious need with the BBC for for VEM visible ethnic minorities to be all over the place and often in the most ridiculous plot virtue ticking – which as we know has infected the advertising industry to the point of embarrassment / sick comedy with the cliched dark chap and blond girl – seldom the other way round .
You can picture all the whitees sitting around the planning table out virtue signalling each other .
A break down of the confessed religions / colours of BBC employees – including the production company tax avoiders would also be beneficial ….
And consider the deafening silence about the white farmers in South Africa, for whom surely this country should be prepared to do something.
Let’s hope this problem can get sorted without recourse to another war. The omens however, are not good but I remain optimistic. For the sake of my children and grandchildren I hope that any future UK government will support the culture that nurtured me and will not feel obliged to change it to accommodate the immigrants. It is the immigrant who must change to OUR culture not the other way around . If they cannot then they should leave. The alternative does not bear thinking about. In a few months time I shall reach the age of 80 years.
Now, as to the EU, the REMAINERS crow that the LEAVERS are all old and hopefully will die before the next election but what they don’t admit is that old REMAINERS die as well. Also I am acquainted with quite a few young LEAVE voters so I don’t think REMAINERS can rely entirely on the youth vote.
And there are a great many “there’s no fool like an old fool” remainers.
These very worrying anti Jewish attacks have been going on for some time in our once great capital. It’s over ten years since I left Londonistan and things were getting pretty nasty then.
I remember a report on the local BBC news that covered the vandalism in several Jewish cemeteries in north London. The Beeb were all over it for a week until…
One particular evening the young journalist who was covering this case was interviewing the policeman in charge.
I’ll never forget it. The rookie reporter was almost salivating as he asked the cogent question; “Do you think this could be the work of the far right?” The copper thought for a while, looked rather reflective and replied carefully “From the descriptions we have of the suspects it seems highly unlikely.”
And that was it. This was last report on the smashing of Jewish graves. We never found out who was responsible or what their motives were. The next evening I waited with bated breath to hear the latest installment, but the Beeb seemed to have completely lost interest.
Can’t think why…
There has been a huge increase in vandalism against churches and cemeteries in those countries with high muslim populations and high immigration. But no one dares make the connection, least of all Al-beeb.
The muslims have often boasted that they are targeting ” first the Saturday people, then the Sunday people”. And that’s precisely what they are doing.
What I cannot fathom is why so many Jews vote for the collectivist parties, especially the islamic Labour party.
French police clear migrant camps in Paris
Hundreds of refugees and migrants living in makeshift camps with “deplorable” living conditions on the edge of the French capital were escorted on to buses and taken to shelters
Translation: Reinstallation of camps in the public space will no longer be tolerated by @prefpolice.
The way things are going it won’t be too long before our people will be searching for a country in which to take refuge. But where??
Excellent. Just confirms a view that whatever main stream party you would vote for, they are all the same. Different cheeks of the same arse if you will.
I thought perhaps TBP would make a difference, but I am beginning to think only outright revolution will fix the problems.
Sadly I think we are going to wake up on Friday the 13th with the prospect of a lab, lib, SNP coalition of doom.
tmw Friday : The colourful/eccentric non-lefty protester Based Amy is on trial on charges of harassing Anna Soubry
.. The particular charge needs 3 incidents to count, but Amy says she’s only met Soubry twice.
.. Amy was stitch-up last time and found guilty of hate crime by saying Have a gay day”
So she’ll expect another stitch up
Warning harrowing video
Soubry is sooo brave
Here’s Laura Keunssberg trying her best to patch things up for Corbyn..
General election 2019: Can Jeremy Corbyn convince voters to believe?
Crystal clear BBC bias… Is she blind?
Bbc coordinated editorial integrity effort.
It’s all in who you invite, and then quote.
“Nato alliance experiencing brain death, says Macron”
Now we can see what’s behind this new so called ‘European Defence Force’.
Nato has kept the peace in Europe since WW2 but now the EU is getting too big for its boots.
IMHO, once again it will all end in tears.
QT Glasgow. The expected impartial audience, Fiona interrupting pretty but unknown Tory girl after her first few words and Barry Gardiner’s unpredictably strange accent polarising towards a Scotch burr.
Enough, enough. Bed and book I think.
I lasted 30 seconds, before I was screaming at the TV, particularly the one bigoted, racist, muslim, who was laughing about the Torys and their “lack of heart”. I got it now, you effing pos, you want to be compassionate, with someone else’s money. And the truly sad thing is, is that if it ever happens, Scottish independence, the central belt (Glasgow – Edinburgh) won’t give a flying f*ck about the Highlands and Islands
Engineering is screwed:
Goodness knows why we ever needed a ‘Young Woman Engineer of the Year’, (usually won by a technician, not an engineer) but now we have ‘Gender Diversity’! Come on lads, a bit of ‘lippy’ and ze too can become YWEotY!
Once upon a time good engineers built bridges, now bad engineers screw up society.
This from the latest E&T magazine is anti-Trump, pro-EU and left-biased –
‘US begins year-long Paris Agreement withdrawal process’
“However, the European Union expressed disappointment over the move”
Trump-haters have a tendency to be delusional and the truth is –
The US is easily the world leader in reducing CO2 output with a 1.4% annual rate of decrease in the past decade due to the Shale Revolution, cheap natural gas, and better energy efficiency.
The Climate Action Network, an EU-sponsored NGO, found that only five EU members are even halfway on track to meeting their obligations under the Paris accord.
‘Several countries in Europe, among them Germany, have recently built or are planning to build new coal power stations. Some examples of such plants are presented here’ –
@CM that 1.4% reduction in CO2
There is a one year old Forbes article, but activists always try to claim US CO2 has risen since
However I don’t take anyones CO2 figs seriously cos there is too much Fake accounting
eg the CO2 from Drax woodburning is real, yet it is counted as zero, at day one
Here’s another piece of nonsense from E&T –
Electric flying taxi completes first phase of flight testing
Whatever happened to the much publicised plan by Amazon to use drones to deliver parcels to our homes?
Not BBC bias but SKY news,have recently noticed that the awful Owen Jones seems to be cropping up on SKY a lot lately.He did Papers Review last week,and tonight was on a political discussion programme.Have not seen him on SKY for about six months,can it be coincidence that he has returned in time for the Election to spout his pro Corbyn and Labour bias?
Clearly the walk out on Mark Longhurst back in 2016, didn’t black list him on Sky’s books. But Mark got the push not long after, be interesting to get Mark’s views on Jones.
Correction : Ignore my 12:49am post the darn youtube moved to the next video so here’s the correct one
That Australian version of Question Time was a ‘feminist ideas’ panel
It was a conservative free prog
Bolt has a good discussion “The ABC most disgraceful show ever
..stacked with activists of the left , ..but calling for arson
4 of the panel defended it , and 2 seemed to call for it”
There is a good second interview with a media expert saying that “the ABC panel crossed the line”
Mark Fired from Sky, then landed on ITVwestCountry
then left
I think you are being unfair to Corbyn s favourite son . He performs a useful function – when he’s on the off switch is used all over the country . Even the national grid recognises the dip in electricity need.
Sky is now owned by Comcast, who are not our friends, so there have probably been policy changes. More collectivist zealots and useful idiots and fewer truth tellers perhaps?
@Pugnacious a screenshot of his editing out of the phrase after he got Twitter pressure from Labour activists
That Australian version of Question Time was a ‘feminist ideas’ panel
It was a conservative free prog
Bolt has a good discussion “The ABC most disgraceful show ever
..stacked with activists of the left , ..but calling for arson
4 of the panel defended it , and 2 seemed to call for it”
There is a good second interview with a media expert saying £that panel crossed the line”
Friday -the day when the SNP launch their election campaign . What better day to avoid the state broadcaster . ?
I am posting little here these days because we are watching very little except Mrs Bucket and Last of the Summer Wine. We did try to watch QT last night but saw Barry Gardener answer the first question almost uninterrupted except for Miss Bruce helping him with his answer. Then the blonde lady was given all of 10 seconds where she started to make a good point and Miss Bruce jumped in to stop her and break her train of thought. We switched off.
Like you Deborah, I can’t stand the BBC any more, so don’t have anything to do with it, and thus don’t have any reason to post here any more (which is not a comment on this site, a lonely voice of reason in a world driven insane).
Am not a fan of those series you mention, in fact, there is NOTHING at all on the BBC I want to watch… NOTHING. Ditching the licence fee wasn’t a quandary, it was just commonsense.
I used to enjoy many of their documentaries, natural history and history especially, but these days, despite being a very tolerant person, I find I’m acutely turned off by the BBC’s choice of presenters (even old stalwarts like Attenborough have become unbearable bores) and the grinding of the same old, miserable PC/omnisexual/doomsday organ… droning on and on and on without end…like some demonic hurdy-gurdy we’re all expected to dance to.
I’ve come to the conclusion that the BBC are the latest Ratner/Gilette, and are heading for a big shock when they realise that it’s much, much harder to repair a reputation ruined by taking your customers for granted, and treating them with condescension, than it ever was to build that reputation in the first place.
Oh, and if the BBC imagine that they’re going to be saved by the spoilt Millenials they keep simpering around they’ve got another thing coming… dream on, grandma.
Deborah ,
I sometime try to work out what proportion of our posts are directly linked to the state broadcaster – I reckon a pretty good proportion – maybe 70% or more – and of course the problem is – like the nazism is copies – it permeates all aspects of life so its easy to go off subject – which I don’t mind – and I’m sure others don’t – except that it gives the occasional troll refugee from the Guardian website an opportunity to place sand in the oyster….
“…What better day to avoid the state broadcaster?…”
FU2, I’ve avoided all telly news, current affairs (blatant propaganda) for the past three weeks. I feel so much better for it. I don’t need to watch this awful biased crap, I know what’s going to happen.
Anyone I like is treated like a vile social pariah with ill concealed disdain. And pathetic (or ill informed) people like Owen Jones, Greta and Compo are cheered to the rafters.
Question Time, Newsnight, The bloody Marr Show it’s all sooo predictable, incredibly irritating and bad for my soaring blood pressure.
So these days it’s Talking Pictures, an old Midsomer Murders and the occasional Poirot.
Glass of wine (or three) and bed.
Lovely jubbly…
I have so many friends and me as well that are taking this approach – I am avoiding TV news , radio news etc – ever ytime I switch on it is anti Tory, pro labour/SNP, anti white ..the latest on R4 – promoting the new billionaire on the block as challenger to Trump – but he is good bilionaire..
Then US universities want to bang the phrase anglo saxon cos it is white supremacy incarnate – talking to some knob who causally throws in under the Trump era White supremacist have thrived..err no evidence of this..but no challenge from BBC
I am sick of the blatant lack of balance, intelligence , debate, facts and common sense that prevails in MSM.
Quite a few gems on ‘talking pictures ‘ and their GG s form is improving . I empathise with many of the comments about how painful it is to either watch or listen .
In a twisted way I see it as a ‘duty’ to testify to what the state broadcaster is doing because there is a need ‘for the record ‘ just in case some inquiry comes along which isn’t ‘fixed’ to examine the BBC and its’ future . They will have an awful lot of material from this site to get through …..
Meanwhile – off piste – as posh types say – amazon prime is still doing good work and although it seems targeted at 30 somethings it still has pretty clever and challenging stuff .
The man in the high castle is slow but developing nicely and the other Tom Clancy thing is much better than billed . But I’m a helicopter freak and anything with choppers in it gets a tick from me – not pornhub though …..
Are the Conservatives running an election campaign this time? Just wondering
Seems the Tory Scum are fielding the B team…
Nick going for Paxo glory.
Stupid question from a deranged presenter designed purely to generate heat over light.
This was shared the other day.
A reminder that the BBC is also massive on social media, where it careful edits footage, quotes and even headlines to suit these medias’ formats… usually to damn their ideological foes more or try and prop up their buddies.
My MP -IDS – is fighting a valiant fight in Chingford but he is up against a Pakistani lady and pretty organised Labour campaign . His majority could be ‘weighed ‘ once – not counted but I fear he is destined for postal vote fraud defeat and off to the Peerage in the New Years List .
I’ve bumped into him a few time as we used to live in the same road . I didn’t envy his ‘palace ‘ as unlike socialists I celebrate wealth .
It’s quite a thought that Chingford might fall, remembering that it was Norman Tebbit’s seat for many years and once very safe for the Tories. Has the area benefited from “enrichment” of any sort in recent years? Is the postal vote likely to be a problem?
My borough has been a corrupt one party state for as long as I remember . The only element holding the council to account was the local paper but they went for easy news long ago . No sign of a Woodward Bernstein there despite the council auditors not being able to deal with the evidence of corruption it was finding year after year .
Danny backs Nick backs….
Speaking of BBC backers, and ex-backers.
Amazing what a truly red/green eco commitment can achieve.×392.jpg
The Lord Pauly McMasonface launch awaits the delivery of champagne from bbc corridors.
Rog is just dreaming…
Rather cute that an employee of the outfit that keeps mentioning something mentions that it keeps getting mentioned.
Professor Mickey Mouse indeed.
Speaking of dreaming, here’s Anthony with a wish list…
Come now! How could you spice up the Democrat race more than this?
It’s truly frightening how such fantasies are indulged.
Ha @GW I was just about to post that Harra tweet with the heading
“Harra : is he a news-man or PR-man ?”
After thorough research I managed to trace Labours source document regarding climate GW.
Ali pitching for his slots from the Breakfast slotha though Vile to Emily’s trash talk time…
Could be the bbc has to run with renowned politicians of sincerity and educational heft like Di, Lammy or Rayner. Again.
Failing which, Ash or Owen seldom falter on the spelling front.
Mr Campbell having another ‘ black dog ‘ moment . His footy team is also heading for the championship . But he s always a fallback to drag up when Marr et al can’t get any one of value .
Talking of useless is that alibi brown creature still about ? Or is she off making a 13 episode history of nonsense courtesy of the taxpayer ?…
That Campbell tweet is idiotic
#1 Boris wrote a tweet at 7:18am to express condolences
.. It is not a crime to miss an apostrophe that early in the morning
#2 AC moans you used “&” instead of “and”
..Doh on Twitter “&” lets you get your message within the limit
#3 That tweet tells you NOTHING about Boris’s character
#4 AC is being truly pathetic ..When there is a grieving family HE himself is more concerned with ignoring them and going for point scoring against Boris
.. I know AC is playing to his own side by keeping up the pressure against Boris ..but but
the “report” mentions the left winger – doesn’t sound too bad, although hes gone to prison.
But then mentions the Far Right later in the report.
Nice and soft reporting when a “left Winger” but FAR RIGHT whens needed
Labour want to give the vote to children.
Has anyone explained to these children that labour plan, as usual, to be borrowing colossal amounts which will have to be paid back by….today’s children.
It’s common knowledge that labour spend and borrow and, when voted out, leave the country bankrupt. That’s why the Tories get a bad name, they have to raise taxes to pay for labour’s wild spending sprees.
I saw a cartoon today, the seaside postcard type.
Remember when you were young and wanted something. Your mother would say “what’s the magic word” and you would say “please”
The answer given in the modern world to the mothers question to get what you want is “I’m offended”
The horrors of Nazism are apparently taught in our schools, but why aren’t the horrors of communism/ socialism/ collectivism? Without the full picture, how are these prospective new voters going to decide where to place their cross? The collectivists have slaughtered on a much greater scale. The same goes for islam, someone in the educational propaganda machine should ask India how many Hindus were murdered by their muslim invaders.
It would appear that this is what they are teaching children in Schools today
Fiat Lux,
“It would appear that this is what they are teaching children in Schools today…”
Linked to a ridiculous video made by Laura Towler. The same Laura Towler who in another video says;
“How dare the BBC look down on a man whose name they are not even fit to mutter”
That man is “sir” Oswald Mosley, whom she heaps with praise. She also mentions her good friend “Earthing Carl”. Earthing Carl posts content such as:
“Stupid hook-nosed P*ki Maajid Nawaz”
“Never forget: the future of earth is infinity n*ggers”
“Two k*kes and the ultimate Shabbos goy have a chat”
“This guy is a filthy Jew”
Unsurprisingly, his videos have already been posted on this site several times previously.
So hey, TooTrue, how do you think your stewardship of this website populated by racist antisemites is going so far?
“It’s common knowledge that labour spend and borrow and, when voted out, leave the country bankrupt.”
But they have previously shown decency to leave a note on vacating the Treasury to the succeeding Conservatives:
“There’s no money left”…………..
Which will the Tory Government complete first , Crossrail or Brexit ?
Nowt on Al Beeb yet?
A quick look at Al Beeb’s website front page and it looks very much like a Monty Python comic magazine .
“Tory plan to attract more NHS staff from abroad”
How many years have passed since we have had a shortage of doctors and nurses ?
Isn’t it about time we trained our own ?
Another reason for voting for The Brexit Party.
Bt I thought that the
invasiontrickle of immigrants consisted of enriching professionals – doctors, nurses, engineers, architects, already?75% of the moslem immigration claim benefits; 90% of the women from this group live on benefits. I am quoting from Cassandra, who posts here.
“I am quoting from Cassandra, who posts here.”
Yes, and Cassandra is also a regular poster to “Stormfront”; a white supremacist, antisemitic, neo-Nazi web-site. That should tell you all you need to know about his ridiculous, made-up ‘statistics’.
O font of statistics , prey tell us what are the statistics then ?
One thing you’ll notice in this so-called Brexit election is the sidelining of Brexit as an issue in the BBC coverage.
Take a look at the BBC website today – and recall the first few days of campaign coverage in general – and there’s loads about the NHS and public spending but hardly anything about the central reason for the election in the first place.
The narrative is set – this is an election to be skewed towards cuddly Labour themes, (compare and contrast the overkill coverage of Rees-Mogg and the here-today-gone-tomorrow news flash that was Watson’s resignation).
As a bowl of petunias might say…
“ Do you feel you drink a little too much alcohol?
The average Brit is now drinking 108 bottles of wine a year- meaning we’re drinking far more than the rest of the Western world.
The study of 36 nations has found that the UK’s alcohol consumption is now among the highest in developed countries ????????”
Guest – it’s any easy one but the BBC is enough to drive anyone to non European wine and other beverages ….
I follow Alan Sugar on the twitter and sometimes engage in his declining show . He really takes some flack from momentum types and does reply .
Being a Labour Peer , Jewish and worst of all – wealthy – he is all that the Far Left hate .but being from Hackney he is good enough to ‘ give it back ‘ .
I sometimes think I have a lot in common with him apart from the not rich , not a peer and not Jewish .
I like his BBC show because it shows up the worst aspects of humanity and sometimes
Produces a ‘star ‘ like Katie Hopkins …
I always thought it was the Scandinavian countries who knocked back the sauce. We talk about ‘culture’, but the European countries surrounding the Med have a more healthy attitude to alcohol – perhaps its the heat, but its only since the advent of wine being cheap and fashionable that we have become binge drinkers. Being a teenager in the 60’s we haunted the coffee bars rather than pubs, where we might have downed a pineapple juice, Mum had her Stout or port and lemon, and Dad would have his pint.
Snowflakes don’t drink alcohol any more they smoke, marijuana, dope and pot instead. They continue to call for its legalisation. My prediction is that once they get their way the UK’s alcohol consumption will fall.
The crackheads will be shouting next.
I will vote Tory out of pragmatism because half a Brexit is better than none. But I hope that TBP take Labour seats and can influence the trade negotiations with the EU. But to my mind Brexit isn’t the highest priority, infact compared to the ongoing mass invasion , the rapid Islamisation and the disappearance of the Britain I grew up in , particularly its culture, traditions and values , it’s not a big deal. The tragedy is that no party , not even TBP, are really putting the diasappearance of Britain on their agenda at all, let alone anywhere near the top of it . Politically it seems that protecting our country and it’s heritage is toxic. If the vast majority of people in this country no longer care about , nor live by, the values they inherited and would rather live in the fractured multicultural society that the likes of the BBC are rapidly creating , then I want no part of it. They are on the road to hell and I am glad that I won’t be with them when they arrive there.
To protect our country and heritage you need power.
The power is currently in the EU and the UK elites hands, they will not reverse the ongoing mass invasion , the rapid Islamisation or stop the disappearance of the Britain we grew up in.
Our culture, traditions and values have no worth to them.
Return power to UK is a first step
Yes but do you honestly think that there is any chance at all that within the next twenty years, let alone the next ten, there is any chance whatsoever of any political party actually concentrating on reversing or even limiting the invasion? Unless it is done soon there is no chance of Britain being rescued from its own stupidity.
I love your name. (Sorry, no relevance to anything you said.)
“Our culture, traditions and values”
A comment ! And before 0200 ! And not much cut and paste ! , are you de trolling and actually making a personal comment as opposed to doing a highly selective critique of the comments of another person on the site . Made my day . I thought you might be out doing election votes for Jeremy in Peterborough .
As for image you put up – is it real or a cut and paste job ? Mrs T is always Satan in the eyes of snowflakes but those fond of the BBC have tended to airbrush Saville , Rolf Harris and the others out of the past as it doesn’t accord with the perfection that is the state broadcaster .
Note that Maxi didn’t also show the image of the umpteen Asian mugshots who were jailed for the Rotherham/Rochdale horrors.
“Note that Maxi didn’t also show the image of the umpteen Asian mugshots who were jailed for the Rotherham/Rochdale horrors.”
I also haven’t shown images of the umpteen White British peadophiles who continue to be jailed; day in, day out.
Proudly upholding “our” culture, traditions and values…
“As for image you put up – is it real or a cut and paste job?”
Oh it’s real alright. Madge & Jimmy were close personal friends. She awarded him a knighthood despite being fully aware of the ‘rumours’. How come you don’t know this?
Of course he was also given a Papal Knighthood by Pope John Paul II. The head of the same Christian Church whose leaders alone, have sexually abused hundreds of thousands of children across the globe.
Were you not aware of that either?
What was that you were saying about “airbrushing”?
Welcome back, what’s rattled your cage ?
Anything to post about Al Beeb’s bias and are you paying the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich ? Eg the telly tax.
maxi , maxi , Maxi!
You watching the telly without paying that licence again ?
We know, and we will send that detector van round to your flat again.
On a Brexit related matter, has the racist far-left bbc reported on this:
I wonder if we’ll be exempted once we’ve left the EU or will it apply to our country too, thereby proving that we haven’t really left?
Our new and respectable Speaker plans to make changes to ensure that parliamentary procedure can’t be artificially altered, against all (or at least most) previous practice. Thus introducing, for example, quickly formulated and even more quickly enacted legislation devised to favour one particular argument or stance would become illegal.
This should mean that enviably clever people like Letwin and Starmer and Grieve and many others of that ilk will not in future be able to distort both parliamentary procedure and democracy by fiddling the system.
Odd though it may be for us to accept, this news does not seem to have much significance for the BBC. Odder still that such an impartial organisation does not appear enthusiastic towards more transparency and impartiality.
Oh dear.
A series of election ‘debates’ from our favourite impartial broadcaster.
Hosted by Nick Robinson, Fiona Bruce and Emma Barnett.
Impartial BBC Radio4 man
Dear Mr Rosen,
As a matter of mathematical fact, 2019 – 20 = 1999.
So, which “20 years of austerity” are you referring to?
You couldn’t possibly be including 1999-2010 as eleven of those twenty, could you? Remind me, which party was in power then?
You clearly don’t understand. As Orwell pointed out, if The Party says 2 + 2 = 5 then it equals five. Likewise, in this instance Comrade Rosen is quite correct: the term ’20 years’ actually refers to the period 2010 to 2019 i.e. 2019 minus 2010 equals 20 rather than 9 as in bourgeois mathematics or 74,000 as in Abbotian maths. Please study the attached poster in detail – there will be a test tomorrow.
In Scotland they had a leave/remain in the UK referendum and remain won.
In the UK we had a leave/remain in the EU referendum and leave won.
Why will the politicians not accept these two results.
Had they been the other way round that would have been the end of it.
What’s the point of having referendums if they will only be enacted if the ‘elite’ (or whatever they are called) get the result they want.
When the EU don’t get the result they want they keep on having referendums until they do get the result they want and then immediately stop any further referendums and carry out their plans.
We heard the “no ifs, no buts” etc yet they still deny us our leave as voted for.
They want to give us some dogs breakfast of a brino deal and tell us it’s Brexit.
And they no platform the only Party who is willing to carry out the biggest democratic referendum vote we’ve had.
I despair.
the 2014 Scottish Independence vote
The margin wasn’t very close
Yes: 44.7%, 1,617,989 votes
No: 55.3%, 2,001,926 votes
The independence proposal required a simple majority to pass. All European Union (EU) or Commonwealth citizens residing in Scotland age 16 or over could vote, with some exceptions, which produced a total electorate of almost 4,300,000 people
The Conservative campaign message is as follows:
1 Fear Corbyn
2 Blame Farage
3 Accept BRINO
I’d rather vote for a barrel of monkeys.
New Tatic employed by the BBC
1. If murderer is white show his picture not the victim
2. If the murderer is black show the victim.
If you dont belive me check out the Jodie murder and then the Ellie Gould murders.
THe BBC are beyond contempt.
That’s the kind of real evidence this sire needs on top of the daily anecdotal stuff which we recount …..
What’s it all about? This recent rush to total chaos and madness?
‘Read all abhat it!’
The UN’s Agenda 21 –
Click to access Agenda21.pdf
A bit of sanity along the way…………….
Great stuff.
“Re-boot the whole system”
I think that is absolutely disgraceful that FAIZA SHAHEEN the
Labour candidate standing at the Chingford constituency
in the General Election can say on the Politic’s Live
programme just now “IT LOOKS LIKE THE PRIME
retort said in what he thought was an amusing way that
” I think it’s water.”
I expect that the editor of the programme has told Shaheen
that she can say anything slanderous she likes. Nobody will
question her about her comments, it would be considered racist.
Her problem goes beyond alcohol. Anyone who has heard Ms Shaheen’s version of English will know she has a marked aversion to ‘t’.
the girl has form:
“a marked aversion to ‘t’.” you say Beltane ..unless it precedes “wat” eh!
Yes, it bl**dy irritates me. They are all at it, that big lass with the Tee-side accent , Bigcock, Pidcock, some cock, anyway it ends with a cock. Or maybe that’s her problem. No cock.
What are you doin’ here? You oughta be out in a convertible bird-doggin’ chicks and bangin’ beaver.
With or without the hard core BBC bias there does seem to be a bubble
Win the day ‘ thing going on- which in my opinion adds nothing to the outcome … even for the fabled middle ground which in this election I believe doesn’t really figure . It’s morphed into strategic voting .
Pictures of people lined up in hospital corridors will be great for Labour if / when it happens . But people won’t want the detail as to why patients are delayed in assessment and treatment at peak times – particularly when the staff are ‘temps ‘ and risk averse – ensuring every thing is noted . If people die in corridors it’s not their fault .
That’s a construct which is the responsibility of both political partys.
“The Court of Justice of the European Union Limits Free Speech”
Potentially the end of this site? Thanks Boris.
Ah! Well, it’s been nice knowing you all……………..
Momentum urgently looking for translators for the election… I wonder why?
I am so depressed with politics now more than ever..and if I were to believe just BBC output only the Labour party and the Liberals are actually running a campaign.
It is a bit like being the kid in the Emperor’s new clothes..Why can’t the grown ups see what a bias, dogma filled cesspool of ignorance the BBC has become?
If the lefties get their postal strike one of the possible consequences would be to drastically cut down on postal voting fraud.
Everyone on here knows who is doing this fraud, probably all the MPs and the electoral commission do as well but you can’t say or do anything about it because that would be anti enricher or some kind of ‘ist or ‘ism.
Wouldn’t it be funny if someone like Abbott lost her seat because the many thousands of postal votes didn’t arrive and all the work by the ‘community leaders’ to ‘help’ the voters fill in their labour votes was in vain.