The official start of the Election Campaign. We will be joined , no doubt , by political parties and organisations monitoring the bias of the Far Left pro EU BBC output and complaining to OFCOM and the Electoral Commission – favoured resting places for bubble dwellers .
Midweek Thread 6 November 2019
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Go on Boris, jump to it, the EU have given you their orders. Appoint a woman like Ursula says. Why not appoint a Trannie, that way you could widen your choice, there’s a good lad. Chop chop.
From the Guardian.
The incoming head of the European commission has exposed Boris Johnson’s failure to meet his “do or die” pledge to leave the European Union on 31 October, by requesting the “rapid” nomination of a British candidate to join her Brussels top team.
Ursula von der Leyen has written to the prime minister asking him to propose a British candidate or candidates for EU commissioner “rapidly, in the shortest time possible”, one of her spokespeople said on Wednesday.
Von der Leyen hopes to take office on 1 December, leaving barely three weeks for a British commissioner to be proposed, accepted and vetted by the European parliament.
Heightening the pressure on Johnson’s government, von der Leyen has called on the UK to propose female candidates, as part of her bid to have a gender-balanced commission.
This about sums up bbc social media efforts:
“Labour’s Shami Chakrabarti tells us the party is going to do more to enforce equal pay for men and women.”
Woo. P. Doo. That sentence means approximately nothing.
But it was accompanied by a picture of her.
Let me answer the big question via the medium of a gentle giggle.
“The city must be able to satisfy the needs of all people.”
Most, if not all, cities have been designed by men – but what would a city look like if it was built for women? BBC population reporter Stephanie Hegarty went to Barcelona to find out.
Lucky Steph.
As an aside, in addition to peroxide, there may be a connection between being daft and facial piercings.
QT last night was, as usual, awful.
Over the last few months some of the panellists have mentioned that they were the only leave voter on the panel. JHB comes to mind.
I wish the audience would start doing something similar.
When asking a question or making a comment they could say something like “I’d like to ask the leaver on the panel…….” or “what do the four remainers on the panel think of………“
Just imagine if this happened every week.
Do you think the bbbc might take notice if it was being brought up every QT (the 4:1 imbalance every week for remain)
If any of you (or anyone you know) will be part of a QT audience in future and get picked for a comment or question then please preface it with the above. It would make my day. Even more so if it caught on and happened every week. (Only when the remainers outnumber the leavers by 4:1 ……… so every week I suppose)
Thu 14th BBC Climategate doco
..will BBC be rewriting the history ?
Yes, they call it a hack, hacked
Actually it was never proven that it was not a inside LEAK
Here are some tweets from random men in the street
@MichaelEMann tweeted
“Climategate: Science of a Scandal, @BBC 4
— a global storm of controversy
: The story behind a *hacking* case
that derailed a UN conference
and tried to sway nations on an issue of global concern”
via Financial Times (@FT):
Showing on BBC4 next week – Climategate: Science of a Scandal.
The biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the public by climate change deniers.
Bob Ward sometimes described by the BBC as Climate Scientist ..which he is certainly not
He is the PR man paid by a Big Green hedgefund
There’s another useful thread from RogerPielkeJr
I doubt that this got headline news –
‘Woodhouse Colliery: First UK deep coal mine in decades to go ahead’
“West Cumbria Mining said on its website: “A study in America showed a coal mine with 300 employees indirectly creates at least twice as many jobs in the region, as employees have more disposable income than previously, which impacts on local spending with retail, leisure, construction etc.”
This image is noteworthy because it shows that Trump knew that the rest of the world needed coal.
US imports have continued to decline but exports are up and he has put miners back to work.
Excellent post, and not in the least bit shit.
Whatever else we might find here, do we find brutal anti-white racism, (which will thus go unreported by the beeb)? ‘South Africa Today’ reports 376 Farm attacks and 36 murders, since 1 January 2019. Ian Cameron of Afriforum also goes on to say there has been at least 1 attack every day, during November.
I suspect, we do.
The MSM, which always likes to call out racism with expressions of shock and horror, will continue to look the other way, when there is real shock and horror to be reported. Wrong narrative, one supposes.
And this goes on year in and year out.
Cameron says that the SA authorities continue to deny this is happening.
So Tuesdays “11,000 Scientists say” was FakeNews
BBCnews don’t care they’ve moved on to pushing new Climate PR on their Facebook page
To see the comments click the Facebook icon and then the word comments on the bottom right
It’s hit social media too.
Could your vote save the planet? Is the UK having our first climate change election? Find out how your vote could affect the planet’s future.
The bbc does like posing questions.
Even if they appear to have rigged the answers.
Redefining language is what the libmob do
.. “You climate deniers” should know all about that
I am still checking who promoted the FakeNews “11,000 Scientists say” story
Incredibly a guy from “Disinformation & fake news analysis & North Korean media at BBC Monitoring ” promoted it
but he got this right
I fear that our Laura is being set up as a patsy here.
If you read the online rags (as I do, being a cheapskate), they don’t get too huffy about what she says and does, but the deplorable BBBC lets her get all sorts of flak, and protects her, well nearly does, except there will come a short moment pretty soon, when someone really does drop a boiiock, and she’ll get hammered good and proper.
Journos, whether good or just silly, will not be remembered kindly after this election campaign. Toenails will really get a blasting, Laura likewise, especially as she’s quite young for her age, but the facts will all be there, plain and recorded, for evidence of disgraceful political posturing, mainly by the BBBC, and this should signal the descent of a once favoured broadcaster into the mire of the past.
She and the BBC, especially Laura, are made for each other.
How can a country of a mere population of 5.5m out of 67million get so much media coverage form Al Beeb ?
On its own and outside the UK it would be financially ‘bust’ . One thing for sure is that the EU would not prop it up.
This 3% of the votes and 50 seats at Westminster tail wag dog shit has to stop.
… An account which spots PC gone mad
Seems to be Kosher
see the anti-Disney homework
and the Robert Dyas .. Christmas advert
Lincoln events Guide
– Anne Widdecombe Talk £24
– Jeremy Vine Talk £12
Is that sexism, or is that JV is worth less in the real world ?
Interesting advocacy, if of course carefully couched as a few bbc ‘questions.
I wonder if anyone thought to ask Mitchell what he meant by a “carbon tax”? Does he mean taxing carbon, as in diamonds, coal and graphite? Or does he mean taxing emissions of carbon dioxide? Does he think that the use of “carbon” rather than “carbon dioxide” is simply because it’s shorter … or is it perhaps because it sounds dirtier?
Here is one that they kept low profile? ………………..
“Woodhouse Colliery: First UK deep coal mine in decades to go ahead”
Something tells me that the so-called “renewables” are not cracked up to what they are reputed to be ?
“Needs must” I suppose .
uhhh… ask ze Germans?
Their eye-wateringly expensive Energiewende is working like The Morgenthau Plan vs. The Marshall Plan
“Uxbridge stabbing: Teen was killed at knife awareness course”
Some “awareness course” ?
But we don’t see a representative of the ‘White Hand Gang’ in a BBC photograph. Strange that.
Not on Al Beeb ……………..
\\The European Union can no longer rely on soft power to promote its interests and must develop more security “muscle” and policy focus on trade, incoming European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Friday//
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Is Al Beeb omitting some of the news coming out of the EU?
I claim last!
‘Climategate: Science of a Scandal’ airs November 14 on BBC4
11,000 scientists support my claim for last.
Ah but that was fake news, you are not last
Nope, the science of logical fallacy is settled, I’m definitely last. If all else fails I’ll just sit atop a train because thats what reasonable people do to prove science.
“The BBC trying desperately to control the narrative and present Tories as liars…of course it’s a Labour line…you can’t trust Boris…and it’s a line taken up with alacrity by the BBC who have been pressing it for months now…you can’t trust Boris, you can’t trust Boris, you can’t trust Boris.”
‘Fraid they’re right as I see it……………………