eg. Migration. Migration WILL increase in response to environmental pressures, deprivation and the perception of economic opportunities offered in towns and cities, as well as in wealthier regions and countries. Some 175m people, 3% of the world’s population, currently live outside their country of origin. That number is LIKELY to grow to 230m by 2050.10
“But there’s one thing I can predict to eaters of meat: the world of the future will be vegetarian”
A.Hitler, 11th November 1941, as transcribed by his personal secretary Martin Bormann.
Wait until Nish gets wind of this new bbc comedic policy.
Hey Christina. It was a throwaway gag, so, yes, it isn’t about fact-checking. The audience laughed big though because that’s what they believe is true of your party; and your party leader hasn’t helped at times. Still, I accept your point. All the best, D
That that you quote from 2007-36:
Music to the ears of those who stalwartly follow the UN’s Agenda 21 policy. The UN probably had a hand in the Report.
I have to say this is one of the most depressing pieces of nebulous BBC bile I’ve ever had the displeasure of enduring.
The short film follows a white Bristolian in a ‘predominantly black’ music genre apologising, in fluent Jafraican, for the fact he’s white.
He uses the words; “We get taught how whiteness has oppressed other races, whites having slaves, and a negative history not to be proud of”. The piece then explains how awful white people are in a myriad of ways, with white people nodding along. It’s sad on so many levels.
For me it highlights how utterly ‘lost’ a generation of our own children and section of society are. They have no idea who they are or where they come from. I am minded to quote Terry Pratchet, but there are Polynesian, Greek and Japanese philosophies which all pretty much say the same thing.
“If you do not know where you come from, then you don’t know where you are, and if you don’t know where you are, then you don’t know where you’re going. And if you don’t know where you’re going, you’re probably going wrong”.
How insidious has our educational system has become? Why do we have our own children hating their own history? Despising their own identity and culture. Why are they so lost that they adopt a foreign patois and apologise for who they are?
Rather than pitch this piece as another reason to love multicultural diversity and ignore a hated past, why not focus on the ignorance of our White Jafraican friend to positively improve historical education so people are proud of their roots, their ancestors and have a rounded sense of identity?
Oh, yes. We can’t because that would be largely white, nationalistic, deeply rich, proud and not suited to woke UK.
We need a total societal reset. Our nation is spiralling and the BBC are complicit.
So this young white man has taken upon himself a burden for the whole white race. That is sick. Does he have slaves, does he oppress others? Has he committed some genocidal crime? Someone should have told him to be proud to be white, to thank God he was born English and that he can only take responsibility for those things he has done.
As for ethnics, they are more racist than white people can ever be. The Chinese, hate non-Chinese, same for Japanese. The Arabs hate non-Arabs especially blacks. Paklanders hate blacks. Blacks hate whites. Blacks hate other blacks not of their tribe. muslims hate everyone.
One thing that all these ethnics used to have was respect for we white people; or the English speaking white people at least. Why, because we had power and were generally quite even handed in its use. But now, we’ve given it away to lesser beings and they are turning it against us.
One idiot French politician a few years ago said words to the effect ‘we need to be nice to muslims so that when they are in charge they will be nice to us’. If that isn’t self-destructive nonsense, then I don’t know what is.
Last night’s BBC1 news made big that the Lioness’ football match at Wembley was sold out. To be fair so did on line press. Well google tells me Wembley has capacity for 90,000 and the BBC said there was a 78,000 crowd. But I looked up the price of the tickets. If I got it right seats in the best areas were £20 except for old people and students where they were £10 and £1 for children. Could I see a men’s game for the same money?
On Andrew Marr show he was interviewing Meera Syal. Heavily weighted interview concentrating on people ‘backing up’ and other race issues rather than her skills as an actress.
Came across very racist of Marr to keep asking about skin colour all because he is interviewing a non white person.
At the end he asked if there are enough non white people in theatre and is “the revolution over”? Meera Syal replied, “I look forward to a time when we no longer discuss race”.
I regularly watch four Christian preachers on Youtube:
John MacArthur – literally the best teacher of the Bible I have heard.
Chuck Missler – died not long ago but as an Engineer, gives an engineer’s understanding of the Bible. Lots of information on stuff in the Bible that I doubt many would have thought about.
Charles Lawson – A good preacher, can get a bit emotional at times but he’s uncompromising in his faith and devotion to Jesus Christ.
Walter Veith – He’s a Seventh Day Adventist so there are things he believes from his interpretation of the Bible but I’d say over 90% of what he teaches is valid, interesting and God centered.
They are all well worth time to watch and listen to them and they all have a common understanding of who is Jesus Christ, what we should be doing to avoid God’s wrath and how it will eventually end.
Nothing the racist far-left bbc, or any other supporter of the ecumenical movement, including the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Church and most other Protestant churches these days are preaching the Bible. It they were, their pulpits would be full and the congregations would be a little more fearful of their future,. And I don’t exclude myself from any of that.
The Bible says many times that women should not be preachers; in fact, it says they should be silent in church.
Search on YouTube, ‘UN Agenda 2030’ and note the criticisms of it that YT lists (not)………..
Many, many videos down the list, you will find this:
What’s this YT, just, ‘for balance’?
This is the Globalist future for the World built upon the earlier Agenda 21. The UK is a full signatory to these, ‘Agendas’.
Read into them what you will.
The UN? Enemy of the sane.
It’s remembrance Sunday and they can’t leave out thier agenda even on this day of thought and reflection. Sad to hear of the young girl dieing in service but not surprised to see that she had a black father and white mother. It’s agenda agenda agenda.
Dimbleby’s attention slipping at the Cenotaph ceremony this morning, he has just referred to the Leader of the Commons as William Rees Mogg. We gave last night’s Festival of Remembrance a miss because of the growing ‘agenda, agenda, agenda’.
Mr D and I couldn’t face the Albert Hall last night either. We are so used to the camera picking out the BME face and even in the last couple of minutes which we did see was no different from previous years. It is irritating. Fortunately we didn’t see Leona Lewis (I think it was her name I had absorbed from the trailers) but we don’t feel her brand of squawking is what remembrance should be about.
On the previous page I wrote about BBC guy Ros Atkins regurgitating BBC propaganda close to the election.
I tweeted him and emailed him, but so far have had no response. Well, it’s the weekend. Anyway, the email didn’t bounce back at me so at least is, I suppose, a valid email. (And I assume will reach any hack employed by the BBC.)
Watched a low budget, forgettable movie a few nights ago called ‘Break in’ or something similar. It followed the white-bashing fashion so prevalent in ‘entertainment’ these days.
Five blacks and five whites.
*One suspect individual who made money illegally and is bumped off a minute into the movie so that we don’t need to dwell long on his negative character.
*Four courageous innocents, two of them children.
*Three murderous thugs
*One undecided.
*One bumped off a minute after her appearance so we don’t need to dwell on her good character.
@TrueToo That is his email , he tweeted it in 2016
Atkins tweeted last week
\\ Nov 5 If you’ve seen the furore about the vid of @Keir_Starmer
that was edited by @CCHQPress to misrepresent the nature of an interview on @GMB with @piersmorgan (as highlighted by
@BBCDanielS), we pulled together the elements on @BBCOS
. Here they are. //
TT I see your tweet, IMHO you are better off tweeting the actual presenter or producer .. and during the show.
I have more than once got them to correct something , live on air before the show finished.
And don’t just tweet into the ether
It’s better if you do it in reply to what they have tweeted, they love the attention.
The Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda was originated by the Nazis in Germany to present to other nations the impression that the Nazi Party had the full and enthusiastic backing of the entire population.
The BBC uses the same strategy now in all its broadcasting output to saturate and condition it’s viewers and listeners with the multicultural social engineering objectives that gives a deceptive depiction of British society.
“A World War Two veteran from Leeds sits down with a schoolboy more than 80 years his junior to talk about what Remembrance Day means to them.
Jack Mortimer, 96, was part of the Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe on D-Day in 1944.
He spoke to 10-year-old Sinar about what it means to him that people remember the sacrifice of his compatriots.”
Thing is, migrants and their descents to this country since the end of WW2 have absolutely no connection to anyone who fought for this country during that time. Their ancestry of culture and history is elsewhere, so getting an elderly veteran to pose with a poppy with the picture of the little boy as the middle button, I find quite offensive (well, why shouldn’t I too join the ranks of the Great Offended – the national pastime )
I watched an episode of Wild China last night on BBC Four. I have seen other episodes before. It struck me that there was ‘something’ about this series that was unusual.
It occurred to me that the tone of the narrator at first seems to be very neutral but that is quite deceptive. We get to see the ‘wild’ China and there are times when we are told that some of it is under threat. We get to see urban China too, ‘the greatest mass migration in human history’. What is different compared to, say, a documentary on the UK is that all the problems revealed are solvable, all the changes are impressive. Indeed we specifically are told that if any country can solve the problems of the world it will be China with its unique political system.
Climate Change gets a look in, of course, typhoons are getting worse (really?), but don’t worry, these are Chinese typhoons and they stir up the oceans and increase the plankton numbers which absorb carbon dioxide – problem solved!
Isn’t it strange the way that the BBC can act as a PR agency for China, Islam, Disney and Apple but runs down the UK at every opportunity, even though we pay for it. Perhaps some people pay better and in ways that are better directed?
In many ways, China is the perfect model for the Globalists: its people can be forced to work for low wages; it is relatively free of pesky legislation regarding workers’ rights, health and safely and environmental concerns; the people are avid consumers; the population is under constant surveillance and control (and their collectivist nature means that many are actually happy with this). It is their dream: capitalist economy, communist politics, little chance of rebellion. They wish to replicate something similar across the rest of the World, starting in the West.
A big issue for the Globalists is how to get the rest of the World to sign up to what is ultimately a (perverted) ‘Anglo/Western’ project, plus persuade the European and American populations of (a) the need for more restrictive political and social institutions and (b) acceptance of those parts of humanity that already practice such. The constant Sinophilia and Islamophilia that emanates from the Foreign Office through the State Broadcaster is part of this process.
Many people still think of Disney as Mickey Mouse and family friendly theme parks, but it is a vast preditory media enterprise that encompasses Fox, ABC, ESPN, Pixar, Marvel, LucasFilm, A&E, National Geographic, Star, Endemol, along with hundreds of its own brands. As the largest entertainment media group, its influence in promoting ‘woke’ messages is enormous. As such, it will always get a free pass from the BBC.
Apple? All of the big technology companies are tied into the Global Gulag/Technological Totalitarian dream. But it’s probably more of a fanbois thing for the BBC as many creative, arty, media types tend to use Apple equipment, although having a vocal homosexual as its CEO probably gives it additional appeal.
The Chinese are also enthusiastic savers and some are also keen gamblers. Snuffy tends to see those two positions as mutually exclusive but maybe when the Chinese win big, they sit on their winnings, saving some and maybe starting a business (different sort of gamble) with the rest perhaps?
Contrast that with the West and the UK in particular. We do not save and tend to be discouraged from doing so by inflation. We seek employment by the State, a drain on resources, rather than employment for the benefit of the State as outlined by IR in his first para above.
A fair number of the UK population gamble but according to Camelot, many tend to be relatively well off or even wealthy. Apparently their a proportion of regular ticket sales are to the tax havens. The Lottery is of course fairly new but is declining somewhat, as did the football pools before them.
The final part of Isabel Hilton’s short series on China is worth a listen again on the dreaded ‘Sounds’ if you did not hear it first time at lunchtime today.
Correction before maxi gets excited: ‘Apparently their a proportion of regular ticket sales are to the tax havens.’ should read as ‘Apparently a proportion of their regular ticket sales are to the tax havens.’
“Ever-decreasing sperm counts in white men[3], particularly from Western countries, are a major source of concern, scientists explain. In fact, evidence indicates that sperm concentration below this threshold is strongly associated with a reduced monthly probability of conception.”
“Even though sperm counts have marked significant decrease in the North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand in some parts of the world, there is no evidence of reducing sperm count. These areas include South America, Africa, and Asia.”
I know, ask the UN for the reasons………………
Why should they bother….they want her to win any monies paid will come out of licence fee………and they will feel better paying a BME women more money for doing nothing, she will probably go off with stress.
Have the Conservatives published the cost of their “climate emergency” net zero emissions by 2050 policy? No? Then they have a bloody nerve attacking anyone else’s costs.
Another reason they have nothing to say that is of interest to me and why a Corbyn government is no more to be feared than a Tory one.
BBC news reporting all day about devastating bush fires in Australia resulting in fatalities..
Prime Minister Scott Morrison taking particular flack…
‘Asked by reporters about the links between climate change and the unprecedented bushfire emergency, the prime minister refused to respond’
I have Australian friends who currently live near me, tell me this is Nothing unusual and were perplexed by the BBC and the MSM’s reporting.
Anyway,after a quick research to satisfy my curiosity I checked this..
Conclusion.. … from the list, I count 25 serious bush fires in the last 100 years resulting in fatalities…
Howls of laughter emanating from Casa Cassie. BBC Midlands Today came on at 6.00 this evening. A serious white male presenter started a report on the Remembrance Sunday Service in Birmingham attended by military veterans and Armed Forces representatives. The reporter found one soldier to interview, he was of west Indian origin. There were thousands of people who lined the streets to pay their respects. The reporter started to recite the expected mantra that Birmingham was a multicultural city.
Now bearing in mind what the reporter said in the report it was interesting to observe that apart from the soldier’s wife and two children there was not a brown face or burkha clad Brummie to be seen. The crowd was 99% white.
BBC Midlands today did run a story last year about a Pakistani Muslim taxi driver and his view of transporting poppies (Remembrance Sunday poppies, not the sort he would return with from his holidays) but the BBC for some reason omitted the words ‘Pakistani’ and ‘Muslim’ from that report.
10pm Channel4 Lammy pushing his IDENTITY POLITCS that further DIVIDES Britain..
Of course we respect all soldiers that fought for justice
They are rarely forgotten, but rather first remembered by their own ancestors and nations.
'The Unremembered – Britain's Forgotten War Heroes' airs tonight at 10pm on @Channel4. @DavidLammy explores why many African soldiers and porters were overlooked during WWI, and their names forgotten. A revelatory and powerful piece by @UplandsTV team & @DavidOlusoga.
BBC Error Correction Dept may be busy after this weekend.
Did I really hear Cathy Clugston state in her Gardeners Question Time intro that the Chilterns extend into Herefordshire?
Then, world population-wise I doubt whether it was a white world in 1908.
It certainly isn’t now, with India set to overtake China as the most populous nation in the world within the next few years if it is not already.
I hear Gardeners’ Question Time only when driving, and immediately turn it off with an oath. My impression is that it is broadcast about six times a week. Once I switched on, fearing the usual, and heard a recording recognizable as the Ceremony of the Keys. I thought, This will be interesting; a programme about the Tower of London. Then a voice said: “Something special this week: Gardeners’ Question Time comes from the Tower of Londond.” Aaaaargh!
Ladies, gentlemen, maxi… I give you an ex-BbC Editor:
Payback from Moscow for Labour supporting a #FinalSay referendum. Expect more of this as Johnson's support wanes???????? he's Vladimir Vladimirovich's candidate and hard Brexit is a Kremlin project
I cannot help but wonder if, as the BBC can apparently guess what’s in the report*, ….
…… that it might be unfavourable to the Remain Campaign and that Bojo is sitting on it to enrage the Remainers/Remoaners into another Court application.
*The BBC like to infer it is unfavourable to the Conservative Party, the PM and the Leave Campaign.
Wouldn’t it be a hoot if, in the end, this report points accusingly in different directions?
Still love all that ‘ influence ‘ nonsense when there are rooms all over the country with people getting ready to steal constituencies through organised fraudulent postal voting as per Peterborough .
That’s a real problem not some theorist view of influencing through advertising .
Mr Grieve as one bitter ex Tory and it looks like somebody is leaking the contents of the report by his little committee along the way .
I wonder if he’ll keep his deposit come the cull on the 12 th December ?
The state broadcaster will be quickly moving on from the result of the Spanish election which is predicting the VOX party moving into third place .
VOX is a ‘ spain first ‘ type party that the likes of the ReichEU and msm despise .
VOX is described as ‘ Far Right ‘ or even more damning ‘ populist ‘ – which are terms I will no longer use on this site and would discourage others to as well – because it is the language of the Far Left traitors .
Shocking news – it seems that we are to be deprived of ex speaker Bercow s bestist friend Keith cocaine Vaz at the next election – he is standing down to spend more time with his ‘young friends ‘ and pharmaceutics .
Such a sad loss to the Commons – but will fit in nicely with the Lords …. gonna be a very long New Years Dishonours List next time round …
I wonder if the state broadcaster will mention his political demise ….?
Having BBC1 news on Sunday night spending several minutes rubbishing the Torees spending plans, they took only seconds reporting that Keith Vaz was standing down.
But then surprising the BBC interviewed a local man who said that the flooding in Doncaster was due to poor river management rather than climate change. I was quite worried but it became ok, the flooding was the Torees fault because of lack of investment. Obviously during purdah blaming Tories trumps climate change.
Wow James O’Keefe comments on the #EpsteinCoverup
and Trump retweeted him
ABC is as bad as the rest of them. Journalistic standards are nonexistent today. The press is so dishonest that we no longer have Freedom of the Press!
Te Soubry suing Based Amy
The case has been adjourned until next Thursday
In part one Soubry made accusations that BA had spoken to her multiple times , yet this was contradicted by other wirnesses including a BBC poducer.
But of course Anna Soubry is rich, so under UK court rules the judge should take her side anyway./sarc
Have newsreaders been told to wear Labour red? The sports reporter on The BBC1 news was wearing it and then my local newsreader. Exact same shade. Beyond coincidence.
We have a theory that BBC presenters are issued with a special letter that they have to show at certain retailers in order to purchase the saturated BBC/Labour Red clothing exclusive to BBC One.
Mind you this theory is based on our experience as children when the staff at the local Woolworth’s would refuse to sell us red ball-point pens as that was deemed to be the colour that teachers used for marking. (I expect teachers use cyan now, to draw little hearts and things to keep charges happy!)
Watched CountryFile today promoting weird science. A farmer cuts down trees and makes charcoal that he feeds to the cows.
The charcoal passes through the cow and ends up on the ground, thereby ‘trapping carbon’, apparently. Seeing as the carbon is unchanged by the cow the same effect could be achieved by sprinkling the carbon on the ground directly, not that plants need carbon in the ground as the leaves take it in from the air.
Seems to something that has been investigated before, the conclusion being that it made poor cow feed a bit better but was no substitute for good feed and that the more carbon the cows were given the less they liked it. Maybe the farmer is ex-BBC?
Does the British Broadcasting Corporation have a book of rules for its employees?
If so is it something like this?
Rule number 1) The British Broadcasting Corporation shall forthwith be referred by its employees as The Purveyor of All Truths on any correspondence verbal or written transmitted within The Corporation.. Any interviewee regardless of ethnic origin, perceived gender, or political persuasion. Shall if they hold or voice any views contrary to that of The Corporation will always be referred to by one of these epithets either before or after their name See list below (this list is not exhaustive in its content).
Climate change denier
Far-right activist
Phobe or Phobic (concerning a particular such as xenophobe(ic), islamaphobe(ic) etc. Note this list is not exhaustive)
Privileged white male. Note this term can applied to a person of any gender or ethnic origin provided their held view(s) are contrary to that of The Corporation.
Racist. (This term is limited)
White- extremist. Note this term can applied to a person of any ethnic origin provided their held view(s) are contrary to that of The Corporation.
All employees be aware that the epithets such as communist, misandrist, far-left extremist etc shall not be applied to any persons regardless of ethnic origin or perceived gender. Provided that their views and political persuasion are compliant with that of The Corporation.
Rule number 2) Any person who holds and expresses views contrary to that of The Corporation shall not be allowed to speak on any radio or televisual medium governed by The Corporation. They shall essentially become a non-person and if they are to be mentioned at all, refer to Rule number 1.
For all other rulings do not hesitate in contacting The Corporations commissars.
tomoMar 6, 12:16 Midweek 5th March 2025
wwfcMar 6, 12:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan asylum seeker raped schoolgirl, 15, after spotting her alone in town centre
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 The throat of the animal should be facing the Qiblah. The knife should be adequately sharp to cut the throat…
tomoMar 6, 11:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 It’s traditional thing in Pakistan for the diverse Islamic factions to murder each other., when they aren’t murdering unbelievers…. That…
moggiemooMar 6, 11:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 The UK is nearly a Middle East country and it supposedly already has nukes.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:23 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Borders are being breached by criminal gangs worldwide. Life-threatening Channel crossings have occurred for years – it is time to…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:00 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Border security is national security.” Comment “So strange having a US President AND Vice President that can form sentences and…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 10:54 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Pakistan: Muslim cleric who repeatedly supported jihad suicide attacks is killed in jihad suicide attack” Mar 5, 2025 4:30 pm…
vladMar 6, 10:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 More on Jihad around the world, here:
Rob in CheshireMar 6, 10:49 Midweek 5th March 2025 Castro’s lad can’t help himself can he? His dad must be so proud.
The document goes further to assign a probability to each scenario –
Click to access strat_trends_23jan07.pdf
eg. Migration. Migration WILL increase in response to environmental pressures, deprivation and the perception of economic opportunities offered in towns and cities, as well as in wealthier regions and countries. Some 175m people, 3% of the world’s population, currently live outside their country of origin. That number is LIKELY to grow to 230m by 2050.10
Reads a bit like an IPCC document!
The law of unintended consequences knocks quietly at the door of W1A.
“But there’s one thing I can predict to eaters of meat: the world of the future will be vegetarian”
A.Hitler, 11th November 1941, as transcribed by his personal secretary Martin Bormann.
And where the Graun goes, so goes the bbc. Expect all the girls outside the W1A foyer in solidarity.
And some wimmin.
Wait until Nish gets wind of this new bbc comedic policy.
So long as the bussed-in audience laughs, who cares if it is true?
That that you quote from 2007-36:
Music to the ears of those who stalwartly follow the UN’s Agenda 21 policy. The UN probably had a hand in the Report.
I have to say this is one of the most depressing pieces of nebulous BBC bile I’ve ever had the displeasure of enduring.
The short film follows a white Bristolian in a ‘predominantly black’ music genre apologising, in fluent Jafraican, for the fact he’s white.
He uses the words; “We get taught how whiteness has oppressed other races, whites having slaves, and a negative history not to be proud of”. The piece then explains how awful white people are in a myriad of ways, with white people nodding along. It’s sad on so many levels.
For me it highlights how utterly ‘lost’ a generation of our own children and section of society are. They have no idea who they are or where they come from. I am minded to quote Terry Pratchet, but there are Polynesian, Greek and Japanese philosophies which all pretty much say the same thing.
“If you do not know where you come from, then you don’t know where you are, and if you don’t know where you are, then you don’t know where you’re going. And if you don’t know where you’re going, you’re probably going wrong”.
How insidious has our educational system has become? Why do we have our own children hating their own history? Despising their own identity and culture. Why are they so lost that they adopt a foreign patois and apologise for who they are?
Rather than pitch this piece as another reason to love multicultural diversity and ignore a hated past, why not focus on the ignorance of our White Jafraican friend to positively improve historical education so people are proud of their roots, their ancestors and have a rounded sense of identity?
Oh, yes. We can’t because that would be largely white, nationalistic, deeply rich, proud and not suited to woke UK.
We need a total societal reset. Our nation is spiralling and the BBC are complicit.
So this young white man has taken upon himself a burden for the whole white race. That is sick. Does he have slaves, does he oppress others? Has he committed some genocidal crime? Someone should have told him to be proud to be white, to thank God he was born English and that he can only take responsibility for those things he has done.
As for ethnics, they are more racist than white people can ever be. The Chinese, hate non-Chinese, same for Japanese. The Arabs hate non-Arabs especially blacks. Paklanders hate blacks. Blacks hate whites. Blacks hate other blacks not of their tribe. muslims hate everyone.
One thing that all these ethnics used to have was respect for we white people; or the English speaking white people at least. Why, because we had power and were generally quite even handed in its use. But now, we’ve given it away to lesser beings and they are turning it against us.
One idiot French politician a few years ago said words to the effect ‘we need to be nice to muslims so that when they are in charge they will be nice to us’. If that isn’t self-destructive nonsense, then I don’t know what is.
Last night’s BBC1 news made big that the Lioness’ football match at Wembley was sold out. To be fair so did on line press. Well google tells me Wembley has capacity for 90,000 and the BBC said there was a 78,000 crowd. But I looked up the price of the tickets. If I got it right seats in the best areas were £20 except for old people and students where they were £10 and £1 for children. Could I see a men’s game for the same money?
On Andrew Marr show he was interviewing Meera Syal. Heavily weighted interview concentrating on people ‘backing up’ and other race issues rather than her skills as an actress.
Came across very racist of Marr to keep asking about skin colour all because he is interviewing a non white person.
At the end he asked if there are enough non white people in theatre and is “the revolution over”? Meera Syal replied, “I look forward to a time when we no longer discuss race”.
Now that is something I can agree with!!!
I regularly watch four Christian preachers on Youtube:
John MacArthur – literally the best teacher of the Bible I have heard.
Chuck Missler – died not long ago but as an Engineer, gives an engineer’s understanding of the Bible. Lots of information on stuff in the Bible that I doubt many would have thought about.
Charles Lawson – A good preacher, can get a bit emotional at times but he’s uncompromising in his faith and devotion to Jesus Christ.
Walter Veith – He’s a Seventh Day Adventist so there are things he believes from his interpretation of the Bible but I’d say over 90% of what he teaches is valid, interesting and God centered.
They are all well worth time to watch and listen to them and they all have a common understanding of who is Jesus Christ, what we should be doing to avoid God’s wrath and how it will eventually end.
Nothing the racist far-left bbc, or any other supporter of the ecumenical movement, including the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Church and most other Protestant churches these days are preaching the Bible. It they were, their pulpits would be full and the congregations would be a little more fearful of their future,. And I don’t exclude myself from any of that.
The Bible says many times that women should not be preachers; in fact, it says they should be silent in church.
Search on YouTube, ‘UN Agenda 2030’ and note the criticisms of it that YT lists (not)………..
Many, many videos down the list, you will find this:
What’s this YT, just, ‘for balance’?
This is the Globalist future for the World built upon the earlier Agenda 21. The UK is a full signatory to these, ‘Agendas’.
Read into them what you will.
The UN? Enemy of the sane.
It’s remembrance Sunday and they can’t leave out thier agenda even on this day of thought and reflection. Sad to hear of the young girl dieing in service but not surprised to see that she had a black father and white mother. It’s agenda agenda agenda.
Dimbleby’s attention slipping at the Cenotaph ceremony this morning, he has just referred to the Leader of the Commons as William Rees Mogg. We gave last night’s Festival of Remembrance a miss because of the growing ‘agenda, agenda, agenda’.
Mr D and I couldn’t face the Albert Hall last night either. We are so used to the camera picking out the BME face and even in the last couple of minutes which we did see was no different from previous years. It is irritating. Fortunately we didn’t see Leona Lewis (I think it was her name I had absorbed from the trailers) but we don’t feel her brand of squawking is what remembrance should be about.
On the previous page I wrote about BBC guy Ros Atkins regurgitating BBC propaganda close to the election.
I tweeted him and emailed him, but so far have had no response. Well, it’s the weekend. Anyway, the email didn’t bounce back at me so at least is, I suppose, a valid email. (And I assume will reach any hack employed by the BBC.)
Watched a low budget, forgettable movie a few nights ago called ‘Break in’ or something similar. It followed the white-bashing fashion so prevalent in ‘entertainment’ these days.
Five blacks and five whites.
*One suspect individual who made money illegally and is bumped off a minute into the movie so that we don’t need to dwell long on his negative character.
*Four courageous innocents, two of them children.
*Three murderous thugs
*One undecided.
*One bumped off a minute after her appearance so we don’t need to dwell on her good character.
It’s the kind of movie made for BBC hacks.
@TrueToo That is his email , he tweeted it in 2016
Atkins tweeted last week
\\ Nov 5 If you’ve seen the furore about the vid of @Keir_Starmer
that was edited by @CCHQPress to misrepresent the nature of an interview on @GMB with @piersmorgan (as highlighted by
@BBCDanielS), we pulled together the elements on @BBCOS
. Here they are. //
TT I see your tweet, IMHO you are better off tweeting the actual presenter or producer .. and during the show.
I have more than once got them to correct something , live on air before the show finished.
And don’t just tweet into the ether
It’s better if you do it in reply to what they have tweeted, they love the attention.
The Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda was originated by the Nazis in Germany to present to other nations the impression that the Nazi Party had the full and enthusiastic backing of the entire population.
The BBC uses the same strategy now in all its broadcasting output to saturate and condition it’s viewers and listeners with the multicultural social engineering objectives that gives a deceptive depiction of British society.
“A World War Two veteran from Leeds sits down with a schoolboy more than 80 years his junior to talk about what Remembrance Day means to them.
Jack Mortimer, 96, was part of the Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe on D-Day in 1944.
He spoke to 10-year-old Sinar about what it means to him that people remember the sacrifice of his compatriots.”
The expression on Jack Mortimer’s face really says it all.
Thing is, migrants and their descents to this country since the end of WW2 have absolutely no connection to anyone who fought for this country during that time. Their ancestry of culture and history is elsewhere, so getting an elderly veteran to pose with a poppy with the picture of the little boy as the middle button, I find quite offensive (well, why shouldn’t I too join the ranks of the Great Offended – the national pastime )
Were the lads at D Day fighting to make Britain safe for Somalis?
News to me.
Has any civilization actually cancelled itself before, or are we the first?
I watched an episode of Wild China last night on BBC Four. I have seen other episodes before. It struck me that there was ‘something’ about this series that was unusual.
It occurred to me that the tone of the narrator at first seems to be very neutral but that is quite deceptive. We get to see the ‘wild’ China and there are times when we are told that some of it is under threat. We get to see urban China too, ‘the greatest mass migration in human history’. What is different compared to, say, a documentary on the UK is that all the problems revealed are solvable, all the changes are impressive. Indeed we specifically are told that if any country can solve the problems of the world it will be China with its unique political system.
Climate Change gets a look in, of course, typhoons are getting worse (really?), but don’t worry, these are Chinese typhoons and they stir up the oceans and increase the plankton numbers which absorb carbon dioxide – problem solved!
Isn’t it strange the way that the BBC can act as a PR agency for China, Islam, Disney and Apple but runs down the UK at every opportunity, even though we pay for it. Perhaps some people pay better and in ways that are better directed?
In many ways, China is the perfect model for the Globalists: its people can be forced to work for low wages; it is relatively free of pesky legislation regarding workers’ rights, health and safely and environmental concerns; the people are avid consumers; the population is under constant surveillance and control (and their collectivist nature means that many are actually happy with this). It is their dream: capitalist economy, communist politics, little chance of rebellion. They wish to replicate something similar across the rest of the World, starting in the West.
A big issue for the Globalists is how to get the rest of the World to sign up to what is ultimately a (perverted) ‘Anglo/Western’ project, plus persuade the European and American populations of (a) the need for more restrictive political and social institutions and (b) acceptance of those parts of humanity that already practice such. The constant Sinophilia and Islamophilia that emanates from the Foreign Office through the State Broadcaster is part of this process.
Many people still think of Disney as Mickey Mouse and family friendly theme parks, but it is a vast preditory media enterprise that encompasses Fox, ABC, ESPN, Pixar, Marvel, LucasFilm, A&E, National Geographic, Star, Endemol, along with hundreds of its own brands. As the largest entertainment media group, its influence in promoting ‘woke’ messages is enormous. As such, it will always get a free pass from the BBC.
Apple? All of the big technology companies are tied into the Global Gulag/Technological Totalitarian dream. But it’s probably more of a fanbois thing for the BBC as many creative, arty, media types tend to use Apple equipment, although having a vocal homosexual as its CEO probably gives it additional appeal.
The Chinese are also enthusiastic savers and some are also keen gamblers. Snuffy tends to see those two positions as mutually exclusive but maybe when the Chinese win big, they sit on their winnings, saving some and maybe starting a business (different sort of gamble) with the rest perhaps?
Contrast that with the West and the UK in particular. We do not save and tend to be discouraged from doing so by inflation. We seek employment by the State, a drain on resources, rather than employment for the benefit of the State as outlined by IR in his first para above.
A fair number of the UK population gamble but according to Camelot, many tend to be relatively well off or even wealthy. Apparently their a proportion of regular ticket sales are to the tax havens. The Lottery is of course fairly new but is declining somewhat, as did the football pools before them.
The final part of Isabel Hilton’s short series on China is worth a listen again on the dreaded ‘Sounds’ if you did not hear it first time at lunchtime today.
Correction before maxi gets excited: ‘Apparently their a proportion of regular ticket sales are to the tax havens.’ should read as ‘Apparently a proportion of their regular ticket sales are to the tax havens.’
“Ever-decreasing sperm counts in white men[3], particularly from Western countries, are a major source of concern, scientists explain. In fact, evidence indicates that sperm concentration below this threshold is strongly associated with a reduced monthly probability of conception.”
“Even though sperm counts have marked significant decrease in the North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand in some parts of the world, there is no evidence of reducing sperm count. These areas include South America, Africa, and Asia.”
I know, ask the UN for the reasons………………
It’s probably connected with their evident lack of balls.
Well, they are ‘viewers’ of a podcast….
Not a legal whizz, but is this how prosecution/defence usually works?
It probably is when the result is predetermined, which I suspect many are these days.
Why should they bother….they want her to win any monies paid will come out of licence fee………and they will feel better paying a BME women more money for doing nothing, she will probably go off with stress.
“Controversial” is BBC code for someone that they disapprove of.
Have the Conservatives published the cost of their “climate emergency” net zero emissions by 2050 policy? No? Then they have a bloody nerve attacking anyone else’s costs.
Another reason they have nothing to say that is of interest to me and why a Corbyn government is no more to be feared than a Tory one.
Is this election a contest between the pork barrel and the halal pork barrel?
BBC news reporting all day about devastating bush fires in Australia resulting in fatalities..
Prime Minister Scott Morrison taking particular flack…
‘Asked by reporters about the links between climate change and the unprecedented bushfire emergency, the prime minister refused to respond’
I have Australian friends who currently live near me, tell me this is Nothing unusual and were perplexed by the BBC and the MSM’s reporting.
Anyway,after a quick research to satisfy my curiosity I checked this..
Conclusion.. … from the list, I count 25 serious bush fires in the last 100 years resulting in fatalities…
As always BBC sticks its own agenda..
Howls of laughter emanating from Casa Cassie. BBC Midlands Today came on at 6.00 this evening. A serious white male presenter started a report on the Remembrance Sunday Service in Birmingham attended by military veterans and Armed Forces representatives. The reporter found one soldier to interview, he was of west Indian origin. There were thousands of people who lined the streets to pay their respects. The reporter started to recite the expected mantra that Birmingham was a multicultural city.
Now bearing in mind what the reporter said in the report it was interesting to observe that apart from the soldier’s wife and two children there was not a brown face or burkha clad Brummie to be seen. The crowd was 99% white.
BBC Midlands today did run a story last year about a Pakistani Muslim taxi driver and his view of transporting poppies (Remembrance Sunday poppies, not the sort he would return with from his holidays) but the BBC for some reason omitted the words ‘Pakistani’ and ‘Muslim’ from that report.
10pm Channel4 Lammy pushing his IDENTITY POLITCS that further DIVIDES Britain..
Of course we respect all soldiers that fought for justice
They are rarely forgotten, but rather first remembered by their own ancestors and nations.
BBC Error Correction Dept may be busy after this weekend.
Did I really hear Cathy Clugston state in her Gardeners Question Time intro that the Chilterns extend into Herefordshire?
Then, world population-wise I doubt whether it was a white world in 1908.
It certainly isn’t now, with India set to overtake China as the most populous nation in the world within the next few years if it is not already.
Herefordshire she meant HERTfordshire
..of course easy slip up to make
I hear Gardeners’ Question Time only when driving, and immediately turn it off with an oath. My impression is that it is broadcast about six times a week. Once I switched on, fearing the usual, and heard a recording recognizable as the Ceremony of the Keys. I thought, This will be interesting; a programme about the Tower of London. Then a voice said: “Something special this week: Gardeners’ Question Time comes from the Tower of Londond.” Aaaaargh!
Painting a 300ft Greta to oversee the people of San Francisco isn’t at all Leninist or Orwellian
Paul would approve.
Ladies, gentlemen, maxi… I give you an ex-BbC Editor:
I cannot help but wonder if, as the BBC can apparently guess what’s in the report*, ….
…… that it might be unfavourable to the Remain Campaign and that Bojo is sitting on it to enrage the Remainers/Remoaners into another Court application.
*The BBC like to infer it is unfavourable to the Conservative Party, the PM and the Leave Campaign.
Wouldn’t it be a hoot if, in the end, this report points accusingly in different directions?
Still love all that ‘ influence ‘ nonsense when there are rooms all over the country with people getting ready to steal constituencies through organised fraudulent postal voting as per Peterborough .
That’s a real problem not some theorist view of influencing through advertising .
Mr Grieve as one bitter ex Tory and it looks like somebody is leaking the contents of the report by his little committee along the way .
I wonder if he’ll keep his deposit come the cull on the 12 th December ?
The state broadcaster will be quickly moving on from the result of the Spanish election which is predicting the VOX party moving into third place .
VOX is a ‘ spain first ‘ type party that the likes of the ReichEU and msm despise .
VOX is described as ‘ Far Right ‘ or even more damning ‘ populist ‘ – which are terms I will no longer use on this site and would discourage others to as well – because it is the language of the Far Left traitors .
Shocking news – it seems that we are to be deprived of ex speaker Bercow s bestist friend Keith cocaine Vaz at the next election – he is standing down to spend more time with his ‘young friends ‘ and pharmaceutics .
Such a sad loss to the Commons – but will fit in nicely with the Lords …. gonna be a very long New Years Dishonours List next time round …
I wonder if the state broadcaster will mention his political demise ….?
Having BBC1 news on Sunday night spending several minutes rubbishing the Torees spending plans, they took only seconds reporting that Keith Vaz was standing down.
But then surprising the BBC interviewed a local man who said that the flooding in Doncaster was due to poor river management rather than climate change. I was quite worried but it became ok, the flooding was the Torees fault because of lack of investment. Obviously during purdah blaming Tories trumps climate change.
“Dishonours List” – that would be a brilliant innovation.
“Bolivian President Evo Morales has stepped down order to spend more time helping The Labour Party organise postal voting”
Wow James O’Keefe comments on the #EpsteinCoverup
and Trump retweeted him
There are some really funny
Epstein didn’t kill himself
vids doing the Twitter rounds but you have to be quick and save/screenshot them as Jack’s minions are playing whack-a-mole with it!
Te Soubry suing Based Amy
The case has been adjourned until next Thursday
In part one Soubry made accusations that BA had spoken to her multiple times , yet this was contradicted by other wirnesses including a BBC poducer.
But of course Anna Soubry is rich, so under UK court rules the judge should take her side anyway./sarc
More to the point – Soubry is well connected “legal royalty” – I’m sure she can pull strings / has a stable of people who can make things happen.
Have newsreaders been told to wear Labour red? The sports reporter on The BBC1 news was wearing it and then my local newsreader. Exact same shade. Beyond coincidence.
Where have you been all these years?
We have a theory that BBC presenters are issued with a special letter that they have to show at certain retailers in order to purchase the saturated BBC/Labour Red clothing exclusive to BBC One.
Mind you this theory is based on our experience as children when the staff at the local Woolworth’s would refuse to sell us red ball-point pens as that was deemed to be the colour that teachers used for marking. (I expect teachers use cyan now, to draw little hearts and things to keep charges happy!)
‘Subliminal suggestion’ returns in all its glory!
Perhaps it is so that the obligatory poppy doesn’t show up.
Watched CountryFile today promoting weird science. A farmer cuts down trees and makes charcoal that he feeds to the cows.
The charcoal passes through the cow and ends up on the ground, thereby ‘trapping carbon’, apparently. Seeing as the carbon is unchanged by the cow the same effect could be achieved by sprinkling the carbon on the ground directly, not that plants need carbon in the ground as the leaves take it in from the air.
Seems to something that has been investigated before, the conclusion being that it made poor cow feed a bit better but was no substitute for good feed and that the more carbon the cows were given the less they liked it. Maybe the farmer is ex-BBC?
perhaps it stops the cows farting as much and therefore helping climate change :-)…I would suggest all vegans eat charcoal as well..
Do they use it for cleaning the cows’ teeth?
Does the British Broadcasting Corporation have a book of rules for its employees?
If so is it something like this?
Rule number 1) The British Broadcasting Corporation shall forthwith be referred by its employees as The Purveyor of All Truths on any correspondence verbal or written transmitted within The Corporation.. Any interviewee regardless of ethnic origin, perceived gender, or political persuasion. Shall if they hold or voice any views contrary to that of The Corporation will always be referred to by one of these epithets either before or after their name See list below (this list is not exhaustive in its content).
Climate change denier
Far-right activist
Phobe or Phobic (concerning a particular such as xenophobe(ic), islamaphobe(ic) etc. Note this list is not exhaustive)
Privileged white male. Note this term can applied to a person of any gender or ethnic origin provided their held view(s) are contrary to that of The Corporation.
Racist. (This term is limited)
White- extremist. Note this term can applied to a person of any ethnic origin provided their held view(s) are contrary to that of The Corporation.
All employees be aware that the epithets such as communist, misandrist, far-left extremist etc shall not be applied to any persons regardless of ethnic origin or perceived gender. Provided that their views and political persuasion are compliant with that of The Corporation.
Rule number 2) Any person who holds and expresses views contrary to that of The Corporation shall not be allowed to speak on any radio or televisual medium governed by The Corporation. They shall essentially become a non-person and if they are to be mentioned at all, refer to Rule number 1.
For all other rulings do not hesitate in contacting The Corporations commissars.