The Far Left Biased BBC appears to be running an unashamed campaign to support its best friend – the Labour Party – in the General Election . Stories which are anti – Conservative run in News programmes across news cycles and stories damaging to the Labour Party are avoided or dropped . It has been a switch from anti brexit to anti Conservative propaganda . It’s lucky more and more people now regard the BBC as an embarrassing joke as opposed to the reliable broadcaster it was a long time ago.
Midweek Thread 13 November 2019
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My screen is showing no comments since 10.30 p.m. last night. Have we been hacked by the BBBC.
My comment of the day is when some loony lefty talks about chlorinated chicken, ask them why bags of salad lead sold in the supermarket is washed in chlorinated water to remove the bacteria.
P.s. OMG! My first,first
Congratulations . I think quite a few people are so Fedup with the BBC that they avoid it now so don’t comment more . Anyway
Toady Bias
The BBC has decided to use a report about ‘Russian interference ‘ in UK politics as a weapon to beat the Conservative Party . So today they rolled on the dodgy Malcom Rifkind to bad mouth bojo .he wasn’t declared as the traitor remainer he is but supported fellow traitor Grieve .
There was no challenge to his view . This follows on from the unchallenged nonsense from a dodgy Clinton yesterday trying to sell her book .
This was followed by another traitor remainer ex Tory called David Gauge who told people to vote Liberal. There was no shame . There was no serious challenge .
Then the news led with a money tree story about the wonderful Labour Party promising to give the wonderful NHS more cash than the Conservative party .
In summary – one whole hour of anti Conservative Propaganda . And now the sport .
Fed I’m one of those to use the lefts favourite term “purged” the bBBC from my life and things are much better for it .i regularly pop in for a much needed dose of commonsense and to reassure myself that there are still independent thinking people .
It is like a whole different MeToo event. Mr D and I listen or watch very little BBC or even ITV these days. I recommend Last Of The Summer Wine on Drama or wherever it is. A time when humour was cleverly constructed and only the slightest innuendo. The way Compo’s real life death was handled was brilliant, real sympathy but still with humour.
We still switch on some evenings to BBC1 news but usually don’t even last the headlines as we don’t need agenda driven stories about Labour or Climate Change (sorry, that should be Emergency according to Gretha).
For light relief here I can tell you there has been a Twitter storm about Boris (according to the Daily Mail). Apparently he doesn’t take his tea bag out of the mug until he has added the milk (neither do I). I wish all our problems could be so small.
How terribly working class for a chap like him to use tea bags – or indeed make his own tea . That will never do .
Funny thing is – I’m a tea bag in type as well – right to the bitter end ….
As for people becoming aware of the ‘agenda ‘. I think many people see what’s going on and edit their viewing accordingly but don’t need a website .
Public commercial service must be very worrried since they adopt the same propaganda ….
I’m a loose leaf tea drinker, have been for decades; Assam, Darjeeling, Ceylon. And for maybe the past ten years I have a mix of green tea and black tea. I also add milk after pouring the tea.
I worked in a tea factory during my student years and I’ve seen what tea is used for teabags.
John sorry you’re ‘loose’????
I must admit to cutting down my BBC viewing and listening time but the BBC news website is amazing to look at for it’s bias. Take this story of Delphine, an African invader who died in a detention centre after crossing the Med.
The BBC film report is designed to make the viewer feel guilty and responsible for her death and the upbringing of her children. No coincidence that it fits in perfectly with Corbyn’s and the Labour policy of “let them all in regardless.”
Leave the video running and another video starts to run automatically about sub-Saharan invaders ‘trapped in Libya’.
What is obvious from looking at these people and what they have to say is the Entitlement that they feel is owed towards them.
I wish Orla would ask why they travelled through several safe countries to get to the UK and why didn’t they settle in a muslim country which shares their faith and way of life.
Nick nicely balanced as ever.
Meanwhile, the Moaning Emole in complement from our Justin is a peach:
By Justin Parkinson
General election 2019: Labour pledges to outspend Tories on the NHS
NHS election
With 29 days to go until the general election, Labour is laying out its spending plans for the NHS in England. If it wins, it is promising to spend £155bn a year on it by 2023-24 – £6bn more than the Conservatives set out over the same period in a plan published last year.
But the Conservatives have responded that, as Labour wants to reduce the working week to 32 hours, this would eat into funding, because of the need to take on more staff. Here are 11 charts on why the NHS is an important battleground during the election.
Brexit is also on the agenda today. Conservative leader Boris Johnson, who is promising to get it done by 31 January if he wins on 12 December, will say – in his first major speech of the campaign – that any more “groundhoggery” will damage the economy. But Labour argues the PM’s deal with the EU is flawed and is promising another referendum. Read our guide to where the parties stand on Brexit.
In other news, ex-cabinet minister David Gauke, whom Mr Johnson expelled from the Conservative parliamentary party, is standing as an independent. And the party has suspended a number of members over allegations of Islamophobic social media posts.
The Green Party has said it would create a “carbon chancellor” to reduce emissions. The Liberal Democrats are proposing £500m for youth services to tackle knife crime. And the SNP says it is the only party that can “lock Boris Johnson out of Downing Street”.
A busy day, then. Get on top of it all using our really simple election guide: vote Labour, ok?
Interesting headline treatment.
Did you spot my little addition?
Here is their FB effort:
“In many places I think traditional Conservative voters like me should lend their support to the Liberal Democrats.”
David Gauke on how to fight the no deal Brexit he fears if the Conservative’s win an electoral majority – although he himself will stand as an independent.
This ‘anyone but the Tories’ propaganda, using any one degree of separation gob to ‘quotes’ is getting silly.
Just in case the public does not ‘get it’:
BBC News
UK PM Boris Johnson announces more support for flooded areas in the north of England after criticism from the Labour party and Liberal Democrats.
See… it’s only Labour and Limps you must vote for. They care!
It’s *Labour* led Doncaster Council who have so far failed the village they are responsible for.
Here’s a suggestion:
If you live in an estate which is prone to flooding, why not form an estate committee which could do at least two things; 1. Put pressure on the local council to improve the infrastructure and reduce the possibility of flooding and 2. Start a fund among the residents to do some preventative work yourselves.
You do your homework first – BEFORE buying a new property on an estate, particularly if there’s even a suggestion that its built on a flood plain. All very nice living close to water, whether its stream/river or the sea, but ‘common sense’ should now prevail, and its only when sales are not forthcoming, will developers hesitate before committing funds to dead ducks on flood plains.
You used the commonsense word
You will now be vilified by the left….
Quite right sir. We have been warned that the “C” word is quite unacceptable on this site.
Boris at the scene of the floods is being hectored by ‘members of the public’ (? I wonder) asking where was he 3 days ago. So has it become a requirement for our Prime Minister to immediately appear at the scene of any flood or other type of emergency ? If there is any complaint regarding the response to events such as these surely it should be directed towards the Local Authority and emergency services. Victims need practical assistance from trained professionals. Politicians standing about saying ‘tut tut’ do not provide any tangible help.
I’d put good money on Guido unmasking the hecklers as Labour Party activists.
I’d put good money on Guido unmasking the hecklers as Labour Party activists.
I cant see why its deemed necessary for any politician to pitch up at an emergency. They get in the way, as do journalists and camera crews. People just want the emergency services and council officers to provide an alternative to whatever emergency they’re experiencing. The Royal family are the best at looking pious, and have mastered the art of tutting over the years – which has to be endured.
“So has it become a requirement for our Prime Minister to immediately appear at the scene of any flood or other type of emergency “. Well, he’s here in the UK – permanently – so yes he remains (“showing a presence”) in the disaster area known as the UK…………………
Here’s Nick pulling a Rob Burley, desperately, and in utter futility, trying to placate a fellow media loon, by showing just how really bent they are:
Nice one, Nick. Noted.
I think , because Nick has money in the bank and an assured BBC pension ,he can now express his socialist beliefs more clearly . There could be much more likely to have thousands hitting the ‘off’ switch than Robinson and gove going strong each other this morning . Two odious swots in their bubble just making ritual noises –
Noises from the swamp .
Good old David Schneider. I wondered when that hard left “comedian” would turn up. A typical Islington Bolshevik, I can’t imagine what the BBC sees in him. Probably not humour, but luckily there are no enemies on the left.
I wonder if he ever meets up with Red Andy Marr to discuss super injunctions?
Lord Green (Migration Watch) talking to Peter Whittle on the subject of migration and, interestingly, his views on our Marxist State Broadcaster. Worth a watch.
It is a very fair and balanced account of the subject, bringing together many strands, including the role of the media, the criminal behaviour of the Labour Party and the Tories’ plans for further increase immigration. But there is still a fundamental problem with the views of Lord Green, Peter Whittle and indeed Nigel Farage. They all nod their heads at the right moment and make the assumption that immigration is somehow a good thing and that it is really just a question of numbers. But that is all it is: an assumption, an assertion, an acceptance of the current situation, and it is one that is not necessarily shared by the majority of ordinary people. What is required at this point is a complete reassessment of the country we wish to be and the likely nature of the world in 25 years time, 50 years time, 100 years time. For instance, the Treasury constantly pushes the mantra that immigration is essential for economic growth, but why is growth automatically a desirable thing? An alternative viewpoint might be that a more equitable society might be preferable, or one that is more sustainable, or people simply might have a preferance for one that is less materialistic and more traditional in values and be willing to forego the ability to buy the latest smartphone every 18 months.
Agreed Ian!
I’m in no way a racist, and some of my ancestry includes immigrants over the last 100 years (my blood didn’t all come here with William the Bastard and isn’t all Celtic, or Roman, or Anglo-Saxon, or Viking, although I probably have something of all of those in me). However, anyone with a grain of sense, and ALL of my more recent immigrant friends, Polish, Spanish, Indian, Chinese and so forth, would tell you that the UK is not such a big, empty country, nor has the resources, to cram in many more people.
Besides, we all choose to live here BECAUSE we like the culture and traditions of the place – the British way of life, in other words. We CHOOSE to be British, wherever our ancestors came from originally, and when you choose to affiliate yourself with a particular way of life, you accept that you will live by the rules of those already living that lifestyle, and you don’t wreck what’s already here.
When I recently discussed with an SNP associate that the country was full and our services could not cope, I was met with ‘pfffft’ and ‘Scotland’s empty – we’ve not even started yet’
Scotland’s not empty, it’s full… of midges.
BBC there’s a bit of a contradiction in what you say. At the end of the 1st paragraph you say that immigrant friends are of the opinion the UK does not have the resources to bring more people here, and the 2nd paragraph is why they are here in the first place. Yet they are the reason we are unable to ‘cram’ in more people, because they want to be here – as sadly so do the rest of the world ! The only fantasy answer is to create a second UK somewhere else on the planet.
The only fantasy answer is to create a second UK somewhere else on the planet.
Rather than creating a second Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria in the UK…
You’re right Brissles, what I said was contradictory… but, nowhere near as crazy as the twaddle we hear from the ‘liberal intellectuals’ of this country on the subject (hey, maybe I can claim to be one of the ‘intellectual elite’ too… if I keep spouting bullcrap?)
The way I look at it, so long as they’re: here legally, law abiding and try to fit in with us natives, we have to try to get along with more recent immigrants really – what else are you going to do, deport them? Our ancestors were all immigrants at some point, and I can’t hate people just for wanting to live in a better place.
That doesn’t mean I’m not sad about what recent waves of mass , uncontrolled immigration over the last 20 odd years have done to the green and pleasant land of my childhood. It’s tragic, but I don’t see how we can turn the clock back on that (personally, I see it as one more thing to blame that Blair for, although what have the Tories done about it since hey?!)
Why aren’t there any ‘second UKs’ elsewhere? Good point, maybe the US, Canada, Aus, NZ, South Africa? Kenya? Rhodesia?!… were all ‘second UKs’ once upon a time? Not now though, they’re all cram full too, and have immigrant problems… well, that’s what I hear from friends and family in Aus and NZ, anyway, and how much of the US seems to me.
Canada still has a lot of empty space, even more than Scotland, but the subarctic winter, and six months of darkness, seem to put quite a few off… no idea why.
Ian and others, one of the contradictions and hypocrisies of the whole immigration thing, whether widespread or points based or limited to specific needs immigration is that other countries are being deprived of human and financial and other resources.
It is Imperialism. It is the New Imperialism.
But it is shortsighted Imperialism. We and they would be much better off if they remain there. By all means take in overseas students and give them an education but then send them back to grow their countries. What we are doing currently is impoverishing the world and ourselves.
We in the UK maintain unnecessarily high unemployment. Its new floor, in relatively good to extremely good economic times, appears now to be stubbornly stuck at 1.3 million approximately and has been for over two decades. We overload our housing stock, Health Service, transport networks and primary & secondary education systems.
The countries from which migration comes is also impoverished in those same sectors in that last sentence above as well as in its business sector. That country then either becomes a target for asset strippers or remains in poverty because it hasn’t an educated, healthy population to trade with the UK.
There is then pressure on the UK to provide aid.
That is crazy!
Trade not aid.
I note that several contributors today are sensibly drastically reducing their viewing time of BBC tripe, which is very laudable. But I also note that a few think that the BBC is becoming irrelevant, which I think is a dangerous thing to think. The foul BBC has fingers in many pies particularly those aimed at school children and the educational sector. With the connivance of the education blob it is busily rewriting our history or rather teaching new generations of children our history from a leftist perspective. The only time that BBC will be irrelevant is when it is dead and buried.
I can confirm what you say is absolutely true for the BBC Schools and Education television output, most notably in its history programmes, DT.
In 1984, George Orwell said, “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” The BBC follows this, to the letter.
Agree with you Cassandra and with Doublethinker and like you the influence the BBC and other forms of the media are definitely interfering with the teaching of our history, British History- hearing from my grandchildren how history is being presented is appalling and confusing-Geography is not much better. Watching Richard Osman’s little show last night I was appalled at the lack of Geographic knowledge the four invited guests had. Most of what they were asked I had learnt at school, and as to history it was taught to me in chronological order which gave me and my fellow pupils the right perspective; not as is now often taught with, one section from any place date, such Elizabeth 1st then Norman Conquest-how on earth can that be sensible-and rather than teach children the geographics of the UK, shape, cities, towns, rivers and so on, they start with Afirca or China- god forbid. Politically expedient for the way that it is all going, and mainly because of the supposed multicultural programme, not to hurt or upset anyone new incommers feelings!
Just goes to prove Homer was a racist.
Good post, Double. My eye was caught, this morning, by this: . It was, as I guessed, some BBC propaganda but if I recall correctly, ‘Newsbeat’ is a BBC thing aimed at young people including children.
I used to think three or four years back that there was time to change the BBC and for it to ‘pop a U-ey’ (go through a 180° change of direction) if you will forgive an Americanism. There was – in the past – a chance I thought for reform of the BBC.
Now, I am not so sure.
The racist far-left bbc Delenda Est.
I think there is a fundamental problem with a site like this . It is that because people rightly get worn down by the nazi Type propaganda methods the BBC use to plant their approved view of the world they stop watching and listening .
I’m at the state where I only listen to the Toady programme out of a kind of duty .
I agree that the BBC is dangerous to the young – in the same way the nazis were to their kids – twisting young minds through indoctrination of what it ‘normal’ . More than 2 genders in unnatural – but the BBC sees it as ‘good’. Mass immigration is ‘good ‘ . So treat those who have turned up here equally to those who are indigenous . That kind of stuff .
I obviously watch the ‘traffic ‘ on the site to try to keep it ‘tidy ‘ – so when a ‘horror ‘ occurs I know contributions will increase . I actually expect contributions to decrease across the next 4 long weeks as election stress sets in and people Just Don’t Want to Know…
Fed, I toughened up this a.m. and switched on TOADY just before Gary Sport came on to do his bit at 7.30a.m.
It all became a bit too much when Rick Nobinson insisted on talking over the cove Govey, thereby breaking Rule 2 of Radio Presenting. I switched off. I forgot to switch back on.
Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
My car is in for its MOT, so I travelled to work this morning with a friend and colleague, who wanted to hear the news on the radio – so on goes Radio 4.
It was my first exposure to the BBC (other than the webshite) for months, and there was all the usual blatant bias and agenda mongering. Even my friend, a very, very easy going gent, was annoyed by some of it, I’m not 100% sure what sparked it (I’d phased out by then), think it was some blatantly pro-Corbyn propaganda, but he said “Does that sound right to you? It doesn’t sound right to me… our news seems more like something from the USSR every day”. I was surprised, he’s never said anything similar at work, and I’ve never broached the subject of BBC bias with him, generally I keep such views close to my chest.
The world at large now sees the BBC (actually nearly all the MSM) for what it is.
You used the commonsense word
You will now be vilified by the left….
Fed up,
I know that a few weeks ago you urged contributors to focus their comments more on the BBC and less on other issues. But as I said at the time I find it almost impossible to watch the BBC these days. For example there was a cookery programme on Swedish cuisine which I thought might be interesting so I began to watch. I know you can guess what happened , within ten minutes we were being treated to the delights of Middle Eastern cuisine available in Malmo. I couldn’t watch any longer. Almost every programme on any topic is now contaminated with huge dollops of PC sauce. The news and current affairs programmes are grotesquely biased and totally unwatchable. This means that I have less knowledge of the current BBC output than perhaps I should have if I want to comment on the site. But the BBC serves a particular political view point and I think that there is relevance in commenting more widely on that viewpoint than confining comment to a narrow focus on the BBC.
Seems my comment is misplaced. It ought to be under the comment from Fedup about four comment earlier than where it is.
I appreciate the thought and when I made the comment I knew how difficult it is to remain focused purely on BBC output because it does infect all areas of life with its agenda .
The irony is that people who are most concerned about the propaganda the BBC spew out are watching it and listening to it less .
I was a regular R4 listener but barely even look at the schedule any more – particularly the drama department just putting out endless Social Justice Warrior stuff .
The news is mainly a ‘no go ‘ area for me as well . As for local stuff – it’s not aimed at white British people any more .
“people who are most concerned about the propaganda the BBC spew out are watching it and listening to it less”
This is true in my case. A political party that never need stand for election. A tax funded broadcaster that behaves as if it’s privately owned. Don’t need it don’t want it.
Dt, site software sometimes does strange things with posts despite a click on the reply button.
Quote from David Wood: “This is the Islam you don’t hear about on CBS or the BBC.”
Share while you can: he will increasingly be banned from social media (it’s started already) or possibly murdered by a fanatic (he gets death threats daily – they only have to get lucky once).
Yes of course Islam is a threat to the white indig western peoples-Islam’s ideology is so far away from our own, it is alien to our way of thinking-note there are approx 75 million people in Europe that follow the teachings of Islam (Muslim), in certain areas such as the UK they have instituted their own Sharia Law, which is in defiance of our Judical laws-Sharia Law should not be allowed in the United Kingdom. Their infiltration (Islam) is now in every important sector of our nation-note that most airports employ a majority of Muslims, baggge handlers ect, alongside most taxi drivers. Let us make no mistake this Islamic political Ideology has no place in our Christian society. Be aware that millions more are swarming along the North African Coast ready to make the jump into Europe aided and abetted by the Muslim Trafficking gangs that operate all over the world. Within Muslim law a man is allowed more than one wife, and therefore can produce many children-as the once leader of Lybia said, the war would be won through the wombs of Muslim women. What action can we take? Shut our borders solid against any who are noted or claim to be followers of Islam-practical? Probably not, but that is what we should do now right now. The future ? We the white indigenous folk will be the minority and subservient to Islam.
Don’t be so gloomy, we have options.
Namely convert; pay the jizya tax and live as second class citizens; or be beheaded.
See? It’s not all bad – lighten up, dude.
We hear a lot of lefties say the bbc is biased to the right.
It got me wondering, is there an equivalent site to this one but from the left point of view.
We get hundreds of comments and examples of the bbbc’s lefty bias on these pages each day.
If the lefties think the bbc actually is biased to the right then they should be able to list examples as our contributors do.
It would be fun to go onto a lefty bbbc site and get some comments posted.
The thing is, as we all know, they would have nothing to write as there is no right wing bias on the bbc.
Perhaps they could complain that there is usually one leaver on QT and that should be reduced so that all five (and the presenter of course) are remainders.
If anyone knows of a site (maxi?) could they put the details on here.
Well there was the meltdown over the ‘Corbyn hat’ last year I think it was. Not sure what that was about but they analysed it in great detail so much that it became obsessive.
The thing is the BBC are Blairite by nature so there was a time when they where less sure about Corbyn. How can Labour win with him leading the party? The Blairites wanted him gone so they sided with the Blairites.
Then that election in 2017 happened and Corbyn got the ‘youth surge’ and all of a sudden he was being presented by the left as a ‘PM in waiting’ despite losing to Theresa May. The BBC then very quickly realised that Corbyn was their man and have been on his side ever since.
If Labour lose again and I am getting my hopes up here then Corbyn will have to step down or the remaining Blairites will get their claws out and boot him out. This will plunge Labour into a civil war with Momentum wanting another Corbynist to lead the party while the remaining Blairites would want one of their people. Another split is possible.
Labour know that this GE is their last chance to get Corbyn elected and so are pushing themselves hard even though they have gone into the election with no confidence in themselves. The BBC of course will boost Corbyn as much as they can so anything negative is ignored altogether as a Johnson majority will lead to Brexit and then a new meltdown at the BBC.
Someone mentioned Tony Blair…
Tony Blair
and his mate Alistair
they murdered David Kelly
I saw it on the telly
then they went to war
killed thousands more
but he doesn’t care
not Tony Blair
Who says you need to be black
to take a crack at rap
shame it’s all such crap
what the lefties mean by that is that the BBC still give some/any air time to centrists and conservatives and are sometimes not as slavishly far far left as they would like them to be.
I think they are still a butt hurt about the beeb not jumping straight on the corbyn band wagon when the marxists took over the labour party
That is the thing. They are not supporting Corbyn enough or are they attacking the Tories enough. The BBC really are trying but of course for the left it is never enough. They will not be happy until Corbyn wins an election
I often invite left wing commenters on Facebook to post on this site, as far as I can tell none have done so
Emptying – excellent – can’t imagine why lefties wouldn’t engage here – although that golden question about naming one programme the BBC ever put out which was even remotely Pro Brexit – is a tricky one to answer .
Same with anything pro Christian and anti Muslim
Or pro Israel – anti Palestine
Cool name! I hope there is no sad history behind it.
I am posting this again.
I have just watched on You Tube a very disturbing and alarming interview. See link to the clip.
UK Immigration: The Facts.
And the web site Migration Watch UK
Please listen to the interview and take a look at the web site. Tell your friends about them.
I remember reading the on the day the Brexit came out that the ONS published a report stating the population of the UK was now 65 million and expected to increase 500 thousand net annually primarily due to births from immigrants.
We are losing our culture and way of life. It has been estimated that by 2060 the white population will be a minority in the UK. This is the legacy we will be leaving for our grand-children and great grand-children. Watch the interview with Lord Green and then place your cross on the ballot paper
SkeptikEye – Yes, this is a proper, in-depth interview. Not the kind of thing you get on the bBBC anymore. On the Today programme, for example, Lord Green only ever gets aggressive interrogation, interruptions of his train of thought, and diverted from no-go areas. In fact, if one only ever listened to the BBC, one would not really understand why some people have concerns about mass immigration, only that it was the philosophy of evil people. And certainly no attempt is ever made by the BBC to explain or understand white nationalism. Probably because it might actually start to make sense to a population that is continually being force-fed diversity myths and taught to hate themselves. But the crisis in our society is more than a concern about immigration, it is about our survival as a people. The BBC is presenting the importation of aliens into our country as enrichment when in fact it is a displacement. If and when the white British get a sense that their destiny is no longer in their own hands, there will be civil war – and the BBC will be responsible. As the primary platform for debate and national discussion in this country, they will be at fault for their refusal to properly elucidate this problem and for not recognising that self-preservation is the first law of nature.
Did anyone else see the interview between our BBC Minchin and Labour Jonathan Ashworth re the 6 billion extra NHS funding to recruit more staff and the 4 day working week for everyone as proposed by Labour
When Ashworth said the extra funding would mean loads more NHS staff our Louise asked if the NHS staff would be included in the 4 day week plan. (Rather deflating plan A).
The look of surprise and realisation of the contradiction of this stupidity on Ashworth’s face was beautiful. he could only blurt out NO!
Back to the drawing board….
End of interview….
Made my frigging day!
I bet the BBC don’t run with “NHS staff to be excluded from Labour’s 4 day week plan”
Uh oh. Glasto looking iffy.
Two years ago grime artists came out big for Jeremy Corbyn, urging their supporters to vote for him.
This time? Not so much.
So is grime still for Corbyn?
Jon Snow will be devastated.
They do still do great comedy in America.
It’s obvious who the BBC wants to see as the next POTUS.
She’s had extensive coverage on the BBC of late, and now there’s this:
“Hillary Clinton ‘under enormous pressure’ to run in 2020”
There’s a funny tweet to these claims asking if the pressure is from the Republicans.
“I’m under enormous pressure from many, many, many people to think about it.” –Hilary Rodham Clinton on BBC radio on considering running in the 2020 election.
I’m sure there are.
One of them is Donald Trump…
Is this the same Hilary Clinton who staggered on a pavement and had to be helped by 2 aids into a waiting wagon ? and who has been unsteady on her pins on other occasions? (or has the Betty Ford clinic helped out ?)
BBC editors , researchers and presenters ,
you like experts here`s two for you ;
Professor Roger Eatwell and Professor Mathew J Goodwin
who wrote the book ; National Populism , The Revolt Against Liberal Democracy .
A Pelican paperback ISBN 978-0-241-31200-1
Go to chapter two and it explains the difference between Fascism and Populism , page 64 even puts it in a bar form .
After you`ve read the book you shouldn`t get so hysterical about the Far Right and you might even make sense , that is if you want to .
BBC internal memo
Dear news colleagues ,
• Remember we at BBC radio are LEADING with LABOUR
• So make sure to include the Labour Policy of the Day in each news bulletin
.. Today’s is “Labour will spend £6bn/year more on the NHS”
• Make your bulletin has a soundbite from our Jeremy or one of his minions like John Ashworth
• Well done Radio Humberside for including the clip of David Gaulke the candidate who vehemently anti-hard-brexit
Stop Brexit – Stop Trump – Stop the Tories – Bless St Greta
Please tell me the memo is a spoof!
It’s “according to sources”
• Make sure your bulletin has a soundbite from our Jeremy or one of his minions like John Ashworth
Visit an FGM clinic !
Great post – I have taken the liberty of sharing it on Twitter…
Confront Woman Ems tackles the issue of consorting with foreigners.
Sir Keir Starmer has assured Emily that he only goes to Brussels to buy chocolate and she believes him!
Maitlis is a fcking thick pos.
I missed this post am truly aghast that the excellent MP didn’t take on Maitliss and her obvious bias after being given such a hard and partisan time .
I know they get media training but I think I’d have lost it . I don’t think she’d have been like that if he was sitting 10 feet away …
Sounds like a perfect QT panellist.
UoBristol, so probably does not drive a diesel. Hope he can reach the studio carbon free.
I had quick gander at this geezer’s Twitter account.
It reads something like;
Stephan Lewandowsky.
Professor. Research in misinformation, in post truth deception. Climate change…
Why go through all that unnecessary blather? Surely it’s much better and more honest to be concise. Just put…
Self abuser ( edited a bit by Fedup)
@Jeff best to asterisk swear words we don’t get banned from public wifi
Yeah sorry – got to take the W reference down – fed moderator
I would have thought that the word ‘crank’, perhaps in slightly expanded form, would have sufficed?
My apologies, FU2, I certainly don’t want my only sanity site getting into any trouble. My spelling is atrocious.
I meant to write BANKER…
Stephan Lewandowsky, Professor of Psychology at Bristol University, thinks that Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers and Meteorologists should be put in the loony bin, if they don’t agree with his opinions on Climate science. The loony professor produced a scientific paper “NASA Faked the Moon Landing – Therefore (Climate) Science is a Hoax” which claimed that scientists like Harrison Schmidt and Buzz Aldrin, who think that man-made Climate Change is a Hoax, also think that NASA Faked the Moon Landings. The two Climate sceptics Harrison Schmidt and Buzz Aldrin, who were the only two scientists to walk on the Moon, don’t agree with Stephan Lewandowsky on this issue, and provide the best evidence against his theories on the Psychology of those who don’t think carbon dioxide causes the Climate to change.
This scientific paper therefore proved that Stephan Lewandowsky was a mentally ill swivel eyed Looney. Also, I read that white supremacists and fascists such as Oswald Mosley are usually Pro-EU for obvious reasons as regarding a union of the white races of Europe.
Lew is supposed to be an expert in conspiracy theories
and like a typical libmobber he projects himself
cos he has massive conspiracy theories
as his tweet shows
He famous for repeating the one about “Big oil”
and for magically coming up with the “97% of Climate Scientists say” paper, which just happened to match the PR line that they were already using.
Prof Lew has been taken apart by Cliscep for years
So they have a new post about his wacky tweet.
Shoddy headlines
“Venice under water following *record* high tide”
morphs into this when you click on the link:
“Venice floods: Italian city hit by highest tide in 50 years”
[Which is rather different].
At least they resisted ‘unprecedented’, as that would have been just silly.
The mothership goes even further
“The exceptional flood, which he blamed on the climate crisis, was “a wound that will leave a permanent mark”.”
[At least the BBC didn’t go this far.
They don’t explain how a higher flood happened early in the 20th century if this high tide is down to climate change:]
The Guardian then chucks another propaganda fish t feed its zombie army
“Climate change: do more now or risk catastrophe, warns energy agency
IEA says deep disparity between words and action on climate change risks failing to cap global temperatures”
When did climate change start?
According to the home page of most climate change has occurred in the last thirty-five years. However I gather from that same page that climate change actually started in the mid-20th Century, 1993 and the late 19th Century. FACT. As a noted contributor to this site said recently.
It actually started about 4.5 billion years ago when the Sun ignited and the Earth was created…
In any case, isn’t Venice subsiding?
Seems BBC PC Comedy is remaking ‘The Beverly Hillbillies’, retitled ‘The Malmo Omars’, sources have learned.
“Come and listen to my story about a man named Mo
A poor jihadi guy, barely kept his family fed,
And then one day he was grenadin’ at some fool,
And up through the ground come a bubblin crude.
Oil that is, black gold, North Sea tea.
Well the first thing you know ol Mo’s a EUmillionaire,
The kinfolk said “Mo move away from there”
Said “Blondes be at the place you ought to lurk”
So they loaded up the Nissan and they moved to Gothenburg”
Speaking of BBC ‘comedy’…
Frankie is now as funny as Paul Mason was ever impartial, but otherwise harsh, but fair.
And from the home team.
Next…. HIGNFY? Or is Ian to sacred a person of smug to diss?
\\ Australian couple will sail eco warrior Greta Thunberg 6,300km from the US to Spain for a UN climate meeting
– so she doesn’t have to take a gas-guzzling plane //
Perhaps they should all watch this:
Very interesting and informative.
Thanks OG.
Unfortunately, I doubt that these facts will be reported by the biased BBC.
From the awful website:
‘General election 2019: Labour vows to outspend Tories on the NHS’
So Labour are up for a game of political football are they?
‘General election 2019: Tory majority ‘bad outcome for country’, says Gauke’
Labour in disguise?
‘General election 2019: Labour Party hit by second cyber-attack’
Am I the only one who laughed at this?
Also it is worth to mention that there has been a few polls up lately. The BBC have kept polls quiet but yesterday a Survation poll appeared which shows that the Tory lead has narrowed to 6 points. This poll is already a few days old and was released the same day as other polls which showed a larger Tory lead. Since then other polls have been published all showing better Tory leads and the most recent is from Yougov who have given the Tories a lead of 14 points.
The left where celebrating over their biased Survation poll despite still showing Labour behind. The last time Labour have been ahead was in a suspicious Comres poll just after Johnson became PM and the only poll since then to ever show the Tories behind even then it was just a one point lead. Comres now have the Tories leading by 8 points.
Now I know polls ‘don’t mean anything’ but to the left it does. Even if they are still losing!
All that hype over an outdated Survation poll I am surprised that the BBC did not interrupt regular viewings just to let us know.
One was all over the news. The other… ?
Mishal had Hillary Clinton sweating when she subjected her to her blow torch style questioning recently and now Aaron Banks goes and spoils it all by mentioning…
Bush fires, over on Notalot, Ken Pollock references the 1983 Ash Wednesday bushfires 75 dead
whereas this year only 3 have died.
I filmed in Australia in the early ’80s for the BBC TV Farming programme.
We were following a British family that had emigrated.
We were there during a terrible drought and filmed sheep being slaughtered as they could not be fed.
Then the bush fires started in the Warrnambool area of western Victoria. We flew down there to film the devastation.
My recollection was about 75 people killed, many tens of thousands of sheep and cattle, hundreds of houses destroyed.
Why did it happen?
Drought (not unusual), natural stimulus to start a fire, and eucalyptus trees that give off volatile organic compounds that can carry flames over long distances.
Plus the Greens would not let them cut down any tree with a trunk you could not put your two hands round – never mind it being right next to your wooden house!
So nothing to do with climate change – but don’t upset Greta with the facts!
Best memory? The astonishing resilience of the Aussies.
They were not screaming for government help.
They knew the risks and they knew how to survive.
“She’ll be right, mate” was the normal response.
I was deeply impressed and will tell that story as long as I can.
There seems no point in feeling dejected about the enemy gaining in strength daily, becoming ever more powerful and menacing both at home and abroad, it would be like feeling dejected about Mount Everest or some event of the earth outside everyone’s scope. Facing apocalypse, indigenous folk continue to exchange assurances of dejected feelings about the weather or a football result. With their constant unanimous denial that the ancient enemy poses a renewed cataclysmic threat and their censoring of all discussion of the subject, even dejection seems pointless. In the run-up to the general election the BBC will pack its debate audiences with left-wingers, liberals and ethnics, including many Muslims. Even if it were aware that other views existed, it will not allow these views to be expressed. It will not be alone. The fortress now has an authoritarian dispensation that determines what people can think and say. Dissenters from the approved line are a despised residuum (Residual, what remains), against whom it is deemed not necessary to substantiate or argue a case.
These television and radio events are not debates. A debate is a verbal contest conducted according to rational principles, featuring the arts of sequential thought and rhetorical skills, between people whose opinions differ. The fake debates inside the fortress are done for the sake of appearances and to give the broadcasters something to do.
Britain – our beautiful, decent, gentle, moral Britain – is fast sinking into a pit of third world ignorance, squalor, crime and conflict. Communities that have stood for centuries are being eradicated whilst politicians wedge open the gates for each new invasion from the Third World. British families subsist in squalid temporary accommodation while councils allocate good homes to immigrants. Unscrupulous businessmen count the profits of cheap foreign Labour while native Brits struggle to obtain work. Greedy property developers sell our land, lot by lot, to wealthy overseas buyers, pricing British people out of the market. And left-wing education zealots celebrate the ‘diversity’ of ethnic schools whilst denying British children their cultural heritage.
But take heart. One day, treacherous MPs and their accomplices will be held accountable for every English community destroyed by mass immigration; for every English girl gang-raped by filthy Pakistani racists; for every quiet Brit murdered by some East European psychopath; for every commuter bombed and every soldier beheaded by Muslim fanatics.
They think they are safe from the consequences of their actions, but the British have long memories. Today’s politicians should take heed, and modify their actions accordingly – because prison will be the very least of their worries when an enraged populace realise that the Britain they loved has been destroyed forever These people, these enemies of Britain, are hereby reminded that this country belongs to us, and is not their personal property to dispose of as they wish, to satisfy greed, vanity, ideology or power-lust. Propagandists of political correctness tell us that ‘hate’ is the worst crime of all. But a patriotic Brit would have to be wrong in the head not to hate the political class for what they are doing to Britain right now.
The BBC also knows which scientists settle what. Apparently.
Tarien – I think you’re wrong on one count – the British don’t have a long memory . They’ve been conditioned to have no memory at all . Hence Corbyn being in a fraudulent postal vote of Number 10 and a buffoon as head of the Conservative Party who decent people have vote for otherwise the terrorist lover gets the keys …
Solid post, Tarien.
However, the lion sleeps on. It appears to have been heavily sedated.
The “Liberal” “Democrats” – a Labour Saving device.
As most are aware many “Lib Dems” are standing down to enable Corbyn’s candidates to be elected. I didn’t think anything could make my opinion of that disgusting party get any lower but these disgusting people have achieved it.
Dear Off Com.
Here are todays headlines from the impartial BBC
1.Labour vows to outspend the Tories on NHS spending.
2. Gauke: Tory majority bad outcome for the country.
3. Boris Johnson Heckled on visit to South Yorkshire.
And why refer to the Conservative Party as Tories ?? Is the labour party called socialists on the BBC?
So total bias and something that needs acting on then again nobody except us lunchtime cockold BBC web site viewers actually reads this stuff.
I listened to the solemn piece of the bbc news about how the Israeli airforce had dispatched the mutual Muslim enemy and his lady wife whilst in their flat in a tower block – without ‘collateral’ damage – which sounds like quite a feat.
bBC “comedy”
…. on suspicion of supplying drugs to schoolchildren in Small Heath
The guardian running a story titled
I would burn in hell before returning’ – why British teachers are fleeing overseas
What? being forced to flee abroad to work by the working conditions in UK schools?
Well.. this text sets the scene neatly I think.
“Perched high on a hill above the historic Swiss city of St Gallen, set in 25 acres of private parkland, sits one of the most expensive boarding schools in Europe. Costing up to £100,000 for an academic year, the Institut auf dem Rosenberg is more than twice as expensive as Eton college and educates the offspring of some of the wealthiest people in the world. Most of whom, it turns out, will be taught by teachers who trained in the cash-strapped classrooms of UK state schools.
Those teachers who find themselves in Rosenberg’s five-star setting are a small subset of the thousands leaving their students in Oldham and Lewisham, Liverpool and Leicester, and heading for Switzerland, China, Canada, Dubai, Australia, Thailand, Mexico, Nepal and numerous other international education destinations.”
It goes on…
“Here pupils are invited to bring their own horses, and meals are served in a high-end restaurant catering for every dietary requirement.”
“here the children’s bathrooms are marble-lined and each new younger student is given a Steiff teddy bear to share their pillow”
So it seems that the fleeing teachers are actually seeking luxury and elitism rather than the inhospitable conditions growing in increasingly overcrowded UK schools thanks to overcrowding, forced diversity, political correctness and the removal of any discipline.
What a shame that some of the unfortunate children at UK schools wanting a better life can’t make this life-style decision too.
This could only have been written by a Guardanista, ultra-rich would be pretend socialist.
The author is Sally Weale, the Guardian education writer, her blog is stuffed with lefty, “get the students out to vote (for Corbyn) indoctrinating crap too… very double standards to me!
Beeb lunchtime TV news has become an ever more blatant Labour propaganda machine over the last few days.
Its lead is all about what Labour would do. Most of the other stories, ditto. When Boris finally made it on today, a voter was telling him to get lost…In Doncaster it was much the same.
Any pretence at impartiality has long ago been ditched.
Time to dissolve the Labour/BBC machine.
Beeb lunchtime TV news has become an ever more blatant Labour propaganda machine over the last few days.
Its lead is all about what Labour would do. Most of the other stories, ditto. When Boris finally made it on today, a voter was telling him to get lost…In Doncaster it was much the same.
With an election coming up, this is more disgusting than usual!
Any pretence at impartiality has long ago been ditched.
Time to dissolve the Labour/BBC machine.
Who have the Tories put up to oppose Soubry in her sear ?
The Tories don’t really want to win and give us proper Brexit do they ?
I think they and Labour are
: the blue wing of the Islington Socialist Remain Party
and the red wing of the Islington Socialist Remain Party
Netherlands attempts to tackle N0x emissions by lowering speed limits.
Daytime highway speed limits slashed from 130 km/h to 100 km/h (80mph to 60mph)
Does it not make more sense to switch to Nat Gas ?
Clean CNG/LNG provides 90% reduction in Nitrogen Oxide (N0x) & a 100% reduction in Sulfur Dioxide (S02) & Airborne particulate matter
On the R2 J Vine show Michael Mopurgo was preaching eco-doom
then he revealed his family has vast wealth cos his wife’s father founded Penguin Books.
Switched off .. switched on and Owen Jones was preaching
BBC IMA .. Impartial My Ass
Michael Mopurgo was urging the young to travel the world, burning up air-miles or in carbon fibre boats, he wasn’t clear.
The idea that the EU is a force for peace is laughable, try telling that story in Ukraine. Perhaps it might stop Germany invading France again, now they own it there is no need, but one Verhofstadt gets his empire and army what’s to stop them?
If we each had a big farm then perhaps we too wouldn’t be bothered if our cities fill up with ‘migrants’?
spelling is Morpurgo
A reminder of what happens when Owen Jones is asked proper questions
spelling is Morpurgo
and the pronunciation is ‘more-poo-go’
a couple of dozen lefties on Twitter saying how moved they were by Michael Morpurgo’s sermon on Climate Change
and anti-Brexit
of course he was telling them what they want to hear
feeding PR soundbites to cultivate #libmobZombies
George Monbiot , one of those metro snowflakes the BBC loves so much is the gypsys ‘ friend . Writing in the house paper – The Gaurdian today – he thinks Pritti Patels announcement that stiffer laws will be brought in to deal with Gypsys is nasty .
And if you don’t know what a gypsy is – there’s a helpful picture of two horses pulling a nice traditional wagon .
When in real life we are talking about organised criminals called ‘ travellers ‘ who are a menace to any community – and must be dealt with .
Most of the Guardianistas and their ilk, live in North London in their tree lined streets and trendy converted houses. Not exactly the sort of area where a convoy of caravans pulled by 4 x 4’s pitch up at Bank Holidays and offload all their detritus – and yes, I’m talking shitty nappies here. I know this from personal experience, when they’ve arrived at the end of a no through road, which they used as they’re personal dumping space for old furniture, and several dozen black bin bags.
To hear these mainly Irish travellers referred to as a ‘minority’ and should be treated as such, is an insult to the rest of us.
Pikies. (Or Pikeys…)
From a left blog. Following the mistake the BBC made when they used archive material to replace Boris at the Cenotaph.
The left do see the BBC as biased in favour of Boris.
No the PR people just do propaganda posts playing the victim
It works very well to their own side
who swallow such conspiracy theories without checking their facts.
Oh dear did they show a photograph of Jeremy by mistake ?
If the BBC even mention Boris for one minute out of a 24hr day in ridicule, the lunatic left will call them biased. They want total control. Nothing less will pacify their insane rage.
Many of the comments on the likes of Twitter & Disqus claiming a right-wing bias on the BBC are BBC activists. They attempt to create an air of “impartiality” to legitimise themselves. The “we-think-we-got-it-about-right get-out clause is in their minds, defensible if they can show that some comments complain of a right-wing bias. Even if it isn’t provable with evidence.
A lefty who speaks up is called …. An Activist
A righty who speaks up gets called … A Fascist
#Orwellian #Britain2019
I wonder how many of the questions are not about what should happen, vs. what clearly does not?
The BBC is the propaganda wing of the Labour party.
I saw that too.
The newsbint read out the headlines at the start “Labour will outspend the Tories on the NHS”, read the rest of the headlines (Gauke, Boris getting heckled in Doncaster).
Headlines finished, top story presented “Labour has said it will outspend the Tories on the NHS” explained in detail with the usual “big bad uncaring Tories” narrative – then over to Nomark Smith in Westminster who again repeated the “Labour will outspend the Tories on the NHS” mantra and explained that the political thinking behind it was to reinforce the FACT that the Labour party always spent more on the NHS and wanted to stop the big bad uncaring Tories privatising it and/or running it down (all presented as facts with absolutely no attempt at balance).
Then over to some “factchecker” tw@t for an explanation of how NHS spending since the days of New Labour (both under the Tory led coalition and then the Tories themselves) was always way behind where it needed to be (no mention of the nation’s empty coffers when New Labour were booted out nor of the increased burden caused by the population explosion nor of the already record amounts spent).
A couple more Tory bashing stories (Gauke’s comments and Boris’ less than rapturous welcome in Yorkshire).
THEN again, at the half way point in the bulletin, a repeat and recap of the first three items and another recital of “Labour will outspend the Tories on the NHS”.
I am sure that the whole thing will get repeated on the programmes at 6 and 10.
Biased to its rotten core and smug enough to not even attempt to hide the fact!
Some very clear facts for the financial gurus formulating the Labour plan to give every worker in the UK a 4 day week on the same pay…..
Every product made by factories in the UK takes X man-hours to produce. (or woman-hours).
The retail cost of the product is based on the raw materials, overheads and the total man-hours hourly rate.
If companies then have to pay each man-hour worked an additional 20% so they get the same pay as before, this will have to be reflected in the price of the product.
Every Company will have to employ 20% more staff to get the same output.
The products will then need be bought by the same people. So they will all get an extra day off but pay 20% more for every product they buy.
I fail to see how supposedly intelligent people in the Labour Party can come up with this….
The actual result will be a huge rise in unemployment but the Labour Party like this outcome as it places livelihoods in the hands of the State.
digg, correction needed in final para? Huge rise in employment ?
Mondays R4 Analysis by Edward Sturton
was basically ‘those Tories they invoke historic events in their speeches’
… Item #1 was JRM invoked the Battle of Agincourt
Sturton told us ‘You know people often make out the English were outnumbered by magnitudes whereas really it was about 15%’
FFS all the items were nothingburgers like that.
No mention was made of lefties invoking slavery or Peterloo etc
I would have thought that shouting ‘You dont know who I am , take your smelly eggs from under my nose’
is playground stuff
Instead after 4 days police track down the culprit arrest her, then 1 year later put her on trial
and find her guilty if ‘intentionally, causing harassment, alarm or distress’ and fined her £1,500;total.
Stew – I’m surprised the South American lady didn’t get charged with some public order crime as well .
Seems like there was a racial element to the persecution as in ‘ get whitee’ we ll all feel good and get promoted . Plod doesn’t do itself many favours does it . ?
South African ? you mean
Stew – I read the story a couple of days ago and the ‘south American ‘ origin registered but I suppose South African third worlders find eating a boiled egg on a commuter train at 0600 is perfectly socially acceptable .
If it happened on certain trains I used to use at that time of day – she’d have landed up under the train ….
I’m sure the public interest was served by the prosecution …
MH just posted a list of 6 new BBC green dream stories
Question. Why is the BBC known as “Auntie”?
Answer. Because it’s Auntie British, Auntie Conservative, Auntie Christian, Auntie Commonsense, …
I think it came from the halcyon days of Jim ‘ll fix it and “here s Rolf “…..
Identity politics special victimhood story of the day
Depraved man went on rape bender for 2 weeks , 11 victims
seemingly to taunt police.
this time him being white a photo is widely used on news stories
An expert on being snarky and sarcastic says:
Both my local BBC stations high on the news each hour
.. why is that ? It’s pure propaganda
If there is a Trump trial and he is convicted then that would be news..not this endless speculation of playing Sopel clips.
… And now the R4 Media Show has the NYT banging on about Trump.
By the way he just said the NYT circulation is 5m .. so in a country 5 times bigger, his paper actually only gets the same number of readers as the Sun or Daily Mail
Amol just pointed out that 98% of Americans don’t read the NYT
other guest is from the FT
The NYT guy is one of the few black editors of a big US newspapers.
“Dean Baquet, executive editor of The New York Times and Lionel Barber, editor of The Financial Times.
Mr Barber announced this week that he is standing down and will be replaced in January by Roula Khalaf, the first female editor of the FT “.