The Far Left Biased BBC appears to be running an unashamed campaign to support its best friend – the Labour Party – in the General Election . Stories which are anti – Conservative run in News programmes across news cycles and stories damaging to the Labour Party are avoided or dropped . It has been a switch from anti brexit to anti Conservative propaganda . It’s lucky more and more people now regard the BBC as an embarrassing joke as opposed to the reliable broadcaster it was a long time ago.
Midweek Thread 13 November 2019
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Times long article about R4 Comedy head being interviewed on last week’s R4 Feedback.
– Tge journo doesn’t understand how R4 does rig laughter by curating it, without using canned.
– ‘Ms McKenzie pointed out comedy was not all lefty
they had 3 righties : Geoff Norcott, Siman Evans, and vTory peer Daniel Finkelstein’
” The majority of comedians are apolitical”
.. crap they routinely criticise Trump/Brexit within the first 30 seconds.
Iran funds Islamic Jihad
Wednesday Israel used airstrikes to kill one of its top leaders and his wife in Gaza.
Today in revenge hundreds of rockets are raining down.
I think hell will arrive in Gaza within a few days.
I expect the BBC are preparing hospitals in the Salford studios equipped with babies and actors posing as doctors treating the child victims of Israeli oppression.
What’s with London high finance orgs and employees insanitary habits poo on the floor ?
– In May at Teneo
– Now the FCA head has sent a similar letter to her 4,000 staff
– KPMG in Reading also
I’ve see it where people from other countries have tried to stand on a western toilet to squat and missed their aim.
Is this what happened ?
Well our village school always has the governor’s meetings in Ibiza too
Why is the BBC even filming dramas in Ghana in the first place
I used to live there.
Don’t go .. it really is a death trap
with Aids , malaria, hepatis, corruption etc.
Maybe it reminds them of Salford. ….
“Inflation falls to three-year low as energy prices fall”
Why isn’t this headline news ?
Is the BBC speaking about Anna Turley much ..or just Trump ?
Sometimes you have to admire the BBC’s determination with a shovel.
BBC News
“People often imagine that their guide will be a white man wearing a striped sweater and a beret.”
Kevi Donat’s tours around Paris focus on the contribution of black people to French history, which he believes should be celebrated more.
(via BBC News Africa)
Next up, Sven Omar does a Battlefield tour of Malmo’s hot spots.
Yes, let’s celebrate…
BBC Delusion Check
General election 2019: What is the BBC’s 24/7 get Labour in plan*?
*Avoid Labour policies that fall off the rails before the echoes of laughter die down.
BBC Radio 4
“Rap’s not music. It’s a broadcasting service. We decide what we talk about.” – George the Poet
He’s right.
He’s lame.
He’s right.
His name.
Ok, so it’s not the BBC, but close:
Cathy Newman of C4, Jordan Peterson, women and Islam.
Thank you vlad
Gratifying to know the cathy newman interview is still causing comment . Wonder if they’ll put ‘nailed by Petersen ‘ on Newman’s tomb stone – if snowflakes like her believe in such non – green practices now .
Greta chuffs along on her yacht with the 672L fuel tank
What’s the weather like in the Atlantic at this time of year? Is it possible they’ll need to be rescued?
Another thought has occurred to me, given that Miss Thunberg is really fake news, is it possible she won’t actually be on this boat?
For anyone interested – the daily telegraph has dropped its paywall today – enabling the article by Tom Harris – former Labour MP – saying vote Conservative and pray that Comrade Corbyn dissolves in his own anti Britishness along with seamus Milne and comrade McDonnell … be read free.
Comes on the day that traitor David Gauke – former Tory cabinet minister says ‘vote liberal “ swamp fever .
Always able to introduce the “right” slant. BBC 6 o’clock news item on the floods in Venice stated that it was the worst flood in 50 years but wound up the item with the sign-off line…..
“Venice has battled the tides for a long time but this time was unable to fight against the CHANGING CLIMATE…”
So was it climate change 50 years ago as well?
We have laws prohibiting subliminal advertising, what a pity they don’t extend to news reporting too!
Frankly I saw the headline and thought
‘yep more PR BS from pyramid scam merchant Musk’
as his old businesses go bust he starts new ones to fund the olds losses.
Do you think the German government are going to let Musk muscle in on the territory of VW and BMW ?
That’s my opinion too; Mr Musk is a charlatan. He’s John DeLorian on steroids.
But he survives with billions of American taxpayer money, not just a few hundred that we handed over to Mr DeLorian. And he seems to be doing the bidding of his handlers so he’ll survive for as long as he’s useful to them.
I live in an area where there are fewer BME than the average for the U.K. . Local news tonight reported about a gospel choir reaching the finals in some national competition. The choir appeared to be mainly white with just 2 black members. The black lady was in the middle of the camera (not middle of the choir) as we heard them sing. The black gentleman was the only one to be interviewed afterwards. Using Antiques Roadshow as evidence,this doesn’t happen by chance. It isn’t that I don’t think black people should be interviewed, I just think it should be as randomly as white people. I wonder if Look North asked what gender they identified as, to make sure that quota was correct too.
I remember when a children’s choir from Bridlington won an award. It turned out that the token Black member shown by BBC Look North, was a Londoner planted into the choir by the insistence of the BBC.
Same thing this morning on BBC. School in Yorkshire all kids white except one. Who did camera focus on to the extent she was only one in shot and stay on her for a prolnged period…yep…BBC agenda time
Maybe Musk can build nis rocket factory there as well – and call the rocket the V4.
I now realise how’The One Show’ got its name. It means the one white presenter left. The sofa is now fully occupied by 100% ethnic minorities. The only white presenter is Matt Baker doing the Children in Need rickshaw challenge. Won’t be long before he will be made redundant.
It has long been established by TV advertising that only black people buy sofas so it stands to reason that only black people use them.
It is only right then that the BBC should reflect the wider society and at the same time provide role models to inspire young blacks to buy their own sofas when they set up home.
I’m currently compiling a list of all the ads that mainly feature a mixed race young woman with corkscrew curls hairstyle. Easy to believe its the same young lady who has plenty of work, but its not, its clearly an agenda set by ad agencies to gradually eliminate any notion that white people exist. I’m up to 11 so far.
Maybe I should do a parallel list of ads aimed at lesbians. After last year’s pregnant lesbians in a Vauxhall car ad, now there are two young girls falling in love as teens in a Renault Clio commercial. To a cover version of Oasis’ Wonderwall, no less.
Also a new Amazon advert shows two lesbians in a leaping embrace. Unlike in the above car adverts, however, these gay girls are not glam. I suppose Amazon is going more for the rough end of the market.
The BBC is censoring the name of this naughty member of the Deep State.
The BBC is censoring the name of this naughty member of the Deep State.
Banned Image
Republican Sen. Rand Paul named the alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella and called for him to testify as part of the impeachment hearings.
Ciaramella, a 33-year-old career CIA analyst, was identified by RealClearInvestigations as the whistleblower, though that has not yet been confirmed. As Paul noted, Ciaramella worked under Barack Obama as Ukraine director on the National Security Council and briefly as acting senior director for European and Russian affairs under the Trump administration.
The Washington Examiner reported that Ciaramella now works as a deputy national intelligence officer for Russia and Eurasia on the National Intelligence Council and reports to the director of national intelligence. He had a close relationship with Biden during the Obama administration, even attending a State Department banquet with him in 2016. Paul asserted that Congress should be asking Ciaramella about his relationship with the Bidens.
Names been on Twitter since Oct 30th
A “whistleblower” or a deep state plant? I know what I think.
Trump seems to be a bit complacent about the deep state, and as he has never been a politician, I don’t think he understands the way Washington works.
The deep state is out to get him. There is no doubt of that. No sooner had the Russia hoax crashed and burned than this Ukraine hoax turned up. The rules on “whistleblowing” were even changed so that hearsay evidence, which is what this is, would be admissible.
Trump is an inexperienced politician, and he makes mistakes. His treatment of the Kurds was a bad one, and I regret it. But at heart he wants the best for America and its citizens. He wants business and industry in America to thrive, and he wants to avoid costly foreign wars, which never seem to end. For all this, the deep state foreign policy establishment hates him and wants to get rid of him. He has done nothing wrong, certainly nothing that the founding fathers can have had in mind when they wrote an impeachment procedure into the constitution.
We are witnessing a slow motion coup unfold before our very eyes.
The BBC are pointing in one direction.
BBC News
President Trump cared more about investigations into his Democratic rival Joe Biden than about Ukraine, claims acting US ambassador Bill Taylor.
‘Claims’. Given what I am reading about matters courtly in Washington, it is no wonder the BBC is again keen to look elsewhere.
The Andrew neill show had a half wit from the SNP on to be fried . After independence the SNP want to stick with the pound ( the clown couldn’t explain why the europhile SNP not adopt the ReichEuro). Anyway Mr neill followed the logic that if the Scots keep the pound they must follow English monetary policy – interest rates “ not necessarily “ says the illiterate clown from the SNP ! ( and people are voting for them ?).
One thing that is coming out during this campaign – whether the MSM like it or not – it seems – is the ability of politicians to say ridiculous things – at all levels of politics . Four weeks to polling day .
If you’re pro brexit – please vote for a candidate who will become a brexit MP . If you’re anti brexit – don’t bother voting !
“Pietro Teatini, a researcher with the University of Padova in Italy, says that while it is important to monitor the subsidence, the amount measured by the team is small and much less than compared to what the city experienced when groundwater pumping was going on.
Venice subsided about 120 mm in the 20th century due to natural processes and groundwater extraction, in addition to a sea level rise of about 110 mm at the same time, Teatini said in a statement.
Bock and his colleagues calculate that the city and surrounding land could sink by about 80 mm (3.2 inches) relative to the sea in the next 20 years if the current rate holds steady.”
A story from 2012.
Maybe it’s time to accept that building a city in a tidal lagoon wasn’t the best plan ever?
Did anyone see a report on the BBC, where Corbyn was heckled by a guy (possibly a priest?) asking which terrorist he would be inviting first when he gets into no.10?
I heard this on Talk Radio.
Was it reported by the BBC?
I believe I heard a wee mention on Radio 2 News.
If you have the patience to scroll down this story on a Scotland News page you will get to:
Still looking for the BBC article where Boris’ heckler is criticised by a fellow resident.
I understand that the person who heckled Corbyn has been called out on Twitter by a person called Miqdaad Versi as a racist.
Note that they always ‘call it out’ but can never explain why.
Islam no matter what they say is not a race, and the Oxford English Dictionary defines ‘racism’ as the belief that one race is superior to another by dint of racial characteristics.
No matter which way this idiot terms there is no way he can justify his accusation of ‘racism’.
Among the left and the woke, denying that Islam is a race is held to be racist.
“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’
’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”
Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass
“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’
’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”
Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass
“General Election 2019: Don’t give up on stopping Brexit – Tusk”
\\In a speech, he also said Brexit would likely mark the “real end of the British Empire”.//
Not an empire but a Commonwealth. Altogether much bigger than the EU .
Foreign interference in UK election anyone ?
Give us the keys, Tusk, and we will run the EU for you!
The only thing wrong with ‘Europe’ is that it is full of damn foreigners!
Tusk went into football metaphor mode to practice is ego and interfere in the election . Naturally if VAR had been in use at the time of the referendum we’d have left the day after the result .
The resulting EU cup would be like third rate Scottish football ( Celtic /rangers ) ( Germany /France ) each year every year …
The British Empire became the British Commonwealth when India became a republic in 1950. When Britain joined the EEC in 1973, the British Commonwealth Realms became the Royal Commonwealth with the word British being officially dropped by the Commonwealth Secretariat and Commonwealth Republics.
The Queen now rules over more land surface than any other ruler in the 21st Century, as did Queen Victoria in the 19th Century.
The British Empire or the “Royal Commonwealth” as it is known today, comprises a total of 16 separate independent Realms, with a total land surface area of 10,335,644 square miles, mostly in Australasia, Antarctica and North America.
The European Union is tiny in comparison with only 1,728,099 square miles at present, shrinking to 1,606,441 square miles next year.
Tusk is a prick.
The British Empire ended in the 1960s, when we gave independence to almost all our remaining colonies. The foreign policy establishment then decided that membership of the EEC would give us a role.
It certainly gave them something to do. Instead of being district commissioners in Kenya, they could become European Commissioners in Brussels. The pay was much better and the climate most agreeable.
What we serfs got was an annual bill of billions of pounds. our fishing industry given up, our industries transferred to cheaper countries, and massive uncontrolled immigration. No wonder we voted to leave.
We gave up the British Empire. Now we have voted to leave the Brussels Empire. We have no need of empires or imperial pretentions. We are one of the world’s leading nations, and all we want to do is rule ourselves and make our own laws. This is clearly too much for Tusk to understand, but as I said, he is a prick.
Nick, Mishal and the girls have to get Mike Quigley into the chair vacated by HRC before the glow wears off.
He has pretty much summarised BBC editorial integrity in one sentence.
Heresay??? Hearsay…Heresy!
YWe shouldn’t have done it. We switched on the 10pm news. No mention of the clergyman who asked Corbyn about his relationships with terrorists.
However we have had a lot of attacks on Boris. Seems he is personally responsible for the flooding in Doncaster. Apparently according to Judith Moritz Boris should have walked on water and dried out every house within minutes of the water getting in. And not enough money for those who haven’t got insurance. Does that mean I don’t have to renew mine?
Now on to Trump and Jon Sopel.
Then Climate Change causing the Venice floods.
Blood pressure now so high we need to lie down in a darkened room.
Between flooding in buildings on places called Lakes and cities erected on wooden poles on Lagoons, quite how water now is finding itself in places where water was before is a mystery.
To some.
Sometimes place names give a bit of a clue as to whether it floods . Local to me is a place called ‘floodgate lane ‘ which goes back centuries and is a bit of a clue .
That is not meant to diminish the suffering of people who sound forgotten in the flooded areas and they pay their taxes for proper flood protection instead of the panic use of helicopters to make it look as though something is being done .
Drain the … er .. rivers .
I live in Undercliffe, which raises questions about insurance.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day…
Saudi Arabia has apologised after labelling feminism as extremism.
Phew! That means the BBC can go back to promoting the country – at the bequest of the Foreign Office – as the ideal tourist destination.
22:45 Radio3 ..The essay is about Trans women in Germany
..and ambush cos it’s not in the blurb
Dave Chapelle is one of my favourite comedians and one of the most funny people on the planet today – no wonder the Grauniad and the BBC hate him so much even though he’s a black guy.
One of his latest skits is a dig more at the left than anything, people he calls “the alphabet people” those who belong to the LGBTQwerty ‘community’ which he claims has hijacked 20% of the alphabet for themselves.
So off he goes on a rant about the whole thing, taking in a swipe at a diversity officer policing speech and making her look ridiculous too.
It’s 17 minutes of a recorded show audio only but I think you will end up laughing at things the BBC won’t even allow you to hear !
I’m on the left and I didn’t find his netflix stand up film offensive at all. I agree there were a few who did but I wouldn’t say these people are necessarily left wing. They’re just perpetually offended millennial’s. Most haven’t got a clue about left wing policies
Those millennials. What are they like? I blame the teachers.
Bubble of the Remoan-athon!
The leading academic association for the study of politics just awarded prizes to
: David Gauke, Anna Soubry, Luciana Berger, *John Bercow*, Leo Varadkar, Norman Lamb
& ..Sir David Attenborough and Extinction Rebellion
Last year was very different though.
: David Lammy, Michel Barnier, Carole Cadwalladr & Dominic Grieve.
Founded in 1950, the Political Studies Association exists to develop and promote the global study of politics
RT Hon Anna Soubry MP and Luciana Berger MP are both awarded Political Courage
RT Hon David Gauke MP awarded Politician of the Year
RT Hon Hilary Benn MP awarded Parliamentarian of the Year.
RT Hon John Bercow awarded Lifetime Achievement in Politics
Sir David Attenborough and Extinction Rebellion are both awarded Campaigner of the Year
Leo Varadkar TD recognised with International Recognition award (Irish PM)
(BBC Northern Ireland’s) Emma Vardy awarded Journalist of the Year
Andrew Neil awarded Broadcaster of the Year
Finally, Dr Angela O’Hagan is awarded for her tireless efforts in informing the public on how gender shapes decisions on budgets and hence people’s lives
with The Jo Cox Award For Public Service and Active Citizenship
For Sir David Attenborough, the PSA recognises and celebrates his determined campaign to raise awareness of humanity’s impact on the planet and its natural environment.
Whilst he has always been a compelling voice for the natural world, it has been his most recent work on climate change that the jury believes deserves to be highlighted for recognition.
The award for Extinction Rebellion also recognises the phenomenal impact the campaign has had over the last twelve months, drawing international attention and adding a sense of urgency on the issue of climate change and the sixth great mass extinction facing the Earth.
Who were present , all the winners plus the normal libmob crowd like Yasmin alibhai-brown
“#PSAAwards great evening except for some *right wing cretins* who are booing extinction rebellion winners”
…Emm isn’t booing ..kinda PROTESTING ?
Courage cos people were convicted of threatening or harassing them
Tho in Soubry’s case by “courage” they mean chutzpah
Oh good grief. The “Political Studies Association” – what a bunch of tiresome remainians. Regarding the award they gave to Benn, they state, “The award recognises Hilary Benn’s tenacity which led to the outlawing of a no-deal Brexit”. Idiots. The Benn surrender act may have stopped no deal on October 31st. But if BoJo wins a majority on December 12th, he will probably be able to stop any further surrender acts becoming law. Under article 50, no deal is still the legal default.
As for them awarding that vile little man Bercow a “Lifetime Achievement in Politics” award, it’s enough to make me want to vomit.
Yes – lord god those people have egos bigger than 17.4 million people but giving them awards ? Really ?
Some engineering facts that the BBC will never tell you, from Prof. Michael Kelly. Well worth putting before any ‘we are all green now’ politician that turns up on your doorstep!
In brief: Give over the land used by 30 Sizewell B- type reactors (39,00 ‘homes’ – BBC preferred unit) and grow grass to burn would supply one ‘home’.
It takes 30 tonnes of lead-acid battery to store the same energy as one litre of petrol.
What would he know ?
He was only a co-founder of Greenpeace
You people are seriously tapped if you think the BBC is biased towards Labour. You only have to see wreath-gate or the constant smears against Jeremy Corbyn for proof you guys haven’t got a clue what you’re talking about
CB –
Thank you for the dismissive collective term “ you people “ – very socialist . Anyway I guess I must be “tapped” – whatever that means because I just draw my conclusion to listening to BBC output .
I don’t know how much you know about Comrade Corbyn and his years as an anti British politician – he has said and done things which if properly reported would never have him in his current position . The BBC gives him a ‘pass’ because their bias is clearly pro labour .
PS CB – I guess you are new to the site so welcome – the IT gives me the option to ‘trash’ comments before they are published and quite a few don’t make it because they tend to be drunken 0200 abuse . Yours is a view . Be nice to see a contribution ….perhaps about your view of the state broadcaster and its bias .
‘You people’, not so good, but Ido concedethat the BBC have not always been nice to Corbyn, and Diane too. They are a pair.
I put it that thee BBC are pro Labour and would appreciate a leader more in tune with their politics
The same as I mentioned yesterday. The BBC are Blairite and would rather a fresher faced leader step in to take them back to the ‘good old days’ of Blair’s rule.
But as any Labour is better than any Tory they will always side with Corbyn over Johnson and they where especially biased when Corbyn was up against Theresa. As it is clear that Corbyn is not going anywhere just yet (in fact the whole party really are not getting anywhere) they will stick with him until he either wins and they celebrate the end of Johnson or he loses and they will throw their weight behind the Blairite candidate
Fedup2, ‘ tapped ‘ is a word we use here in the Northwest. It means mad, insane, stupid.
So, we have an inkling of this person’s origins.
But he etc must be tapped if he etc thinks Mr Corbyn is being attacked by the racist far-left bbc or that the racist far-left bbc isn’t biased.
Double posting and another meaning enters the frame entirely, and even threat-based police investigation territory, if so minded.
Is he Workington Man?
Welcome visitor from the left side .. stick around
and get enlightened.
I recommend you read our previous posts on the wreathgate nothing-burger
you can search a page using ctrl-f.
A “you people” at 1:38am does tend to get the troll antennae twitching.
Today the BBC defends a Mann who should be in the State Pen, not Penn state. BBC 4 at 9pm, Michael Mann and his friends explain why they are innocent, and why the Hockey Stick is correct. 485 scientific papers on the Medieval Warm period and 1,413 on the Little Ice Age are not part of the consensus, therefore only the Hockey Stick is part of the consensus, even though in ten years, nobody has duplicated the Hockey Stick in a scientific paper.
The only way to replicate Michael Mann’s Hockey Stick is if you go into the forest were Mann got his tree rings. Assume all the thin tree rings are caused by cold weather. Deliberately ignore or incompetently not know about isotopic evidence that proves that many of these thin tree rings are caused by hot droughts. Then after all that, you are confused by the tree rings showing a cooling after 1960, so to “hide the decline” you therefore add on the global temperature record for after 1960.
This incompetence or fraud got Michael Mann a PhD and made him the BBC’s favourite Climate scientist. All because his hockey stick is just what the left-wing morons are looking for. If Tim Ball and other enemies of science are after you then call for the world to rebel against Donald Trump, but never reveal evidence to a court that you made an innocent mistake, if the evidence proves you are a fraud.
Today the BBC defends a Mann who should be in the State Pen, not Penn state. BBC 4 at 9pm, Michael Mann and his friends explain why they are innocent, and why the Hockey Stick is correct. 485 scientific papers on the Medieval Warm period and 1,413 on the Little Ice Age are not part of the consensus, therefore only the Hockey Stick is part of the consensus, even though in ten years, nobody has duplicated the Hockey Stick in a scientific paper.
The only way to replicate Michael Mann’s Hockey Stick is if you go into the forest were Mann got his tree rings. Assume all the thin tree rings are caused by cold weather. Deliberately ignore or incompetently not know about isotopic evidence that proves that many of these thin tree rings are caused by hot droughts. Then after all that, you are confused by the tree rings showing a cooling after 1960, so to “hide the decline” you therefore add on the global temperature record for after 1960.
This incompetence or fraud got Michael Mann a PhD and made him the BBC’s favourite Climate scientist. All because his hockey stick is just what the left-wing morons are looking for. If Tim Ball and other enemies of science are after you then call for the world to rebel against Donald Trump, but never reveal evidence to a court that you made an innocent mistake, if the evidence proves you are a fraud.
Drip drip drip, it never stops.
My Money: ‘I used the same nappy for my nine children’
Katie Holden from Bradford, home schools her nine children. Why do you think they chose her?
“Katie Holden”? She doesn’t sound as if she comes from Bradford.
Drip drip drip, it never stops.
My Money: ‘I used the same nappy for my nine children’
Katie Holden from Bradford, home schools her nine children. Why do you think they chose her?
Drip drip drip, it never stops.
My Money: ‘I used the same nappy for my nine children’
Katie Holden from Bradford, home schools her nine children. Why do you think they chose her?
Drip drip drip, it never stops.
My Money: ‘I used the same nappy for my nine children’
Katie Holden from Bradford, home schools her nine children. Why do you think they chose her?
Sorry about multiple posts, website glitch
Your multiple posts made me smile. It reminded me of the state sponsored brainwasher aka the BBC and their attempts to fall in line with the pervasive leftie narrative.
There were more that the normal multiple posts multiple posts ….. posts yesterday which I tidied up . I’ll leave loobyloos nocturnal ones up ….up… up…
“Thomas Smith, in his book “Successful Advertising,” makes the following reflection on effective frequency:
The 1st time people look at ad, they don’t see it.
The 2nd time, they don’t notice it.
The 3rd time, they are aware that it is there.
The 4th time, they have a fleeting sense that they’ve seen it before.
The 5th time, they actually read the ad.
The 6th time, they thumb their nose at it.
The 7th time, they get a little irritated with it.
The 8th time, they think, “Here’s that confounded ad again.”
The 9th time, they wonder if they’re missing out on something.
The 10th time, they ask their friends or neighbors if they’ve tried it.
The 11th time, they wonder how the company is paying for all these ads.
The 12th time, they start to think that it must be a good product.
The 13th time, they start to feel the product has value.
The 14th time, they start to feel like they’ve wanted a product like this for a long time.
The 15th time, they start to yearn for it because they can’t afford to buy it.
The 16th time, they accept the fact that they will buy it sometime in the future.
The 17th time, they make a commitment to buy the product.
The 18th time, they curse their poverty because they can’t buy this terrific product.
The 19th time, they count their money very carefully.
The 20th time prospects see the ad, they buy what it is offering.”
The 21st time, they realise they are being taken for a ride and make a conscious decision to avoid that company and its products (known as Gerald Ratner Prawn Sandwich syndrome). Especially if the advert is more about social engineering.
And the 352nd time they are well aware that Oral B make a toothpaste and have reserved a special place in hell for that irritatingly smug woman with her stupid grin.
It’s happened to me too. I think it’s the AI version of tourettes.
No, I’ve thought it about it long and hard and can’t work it out. Is it the family that Tesco will be using in their Christmas advert this year?
John Lewis seems to have ‘adapted’.
Sharon may need to have a word.
BBC Local:
Have you seen the new John Lewis Christmas advert yet?
The star of this year’s advert is an exuberant little dragon called Edgar! What do you make of it?
Most asking why the BBC is advertising like a good ‘un.
So now we know, Christmas isn’t a festival to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Rather, it’s to sell stuff and make us feel drawn to a CGI dragon which, incidentally, is the symbol for satan.
Nine children?! 9?! She should have been sterilised years ago.
The world has one big problem (1), and that’s too many people, a direct result of certain types who suffer from reproductive incontinence, they just keep on popping out sprogs, on… and on…. and on… contraceptives readily available and cheap as chips, a vasectomy takes minutes, a hysterectomy a little more, but still in and out in 24 hours. The BBC NEVER tackles THAT global crisis though does it?!!!
about sums it up..
Interference from the eu and advertised by their news agency euBC
Yesterday I caught a bit of ‘you and yours ‘ . There was a lady from the Environment Agency risk management department who , in order to avoid admitting neglect for not controlling rainwater, only wanted to talk about the weather and that it’s going to rain .
If ever someone needed to to be properly questioned about dredging of rivers – or the absence on it – but she got away droning on about ‘weather warnings ‘…
Meanwhile the BBC continues to issue press releases as ‘news’:
The Today Programme
Lib Dem MP Luciana Berger, discussing the party’s policy on gender identity and trans rights, tells us anyone who declares themselves a woman should be treated as a woman by law – “there shouldn’t be a competition, there shouldn’t be a hierarchy of equalities.”
Kind of rich, coming from someone who was appointed as Labour’s candidate for Liverpool Wavertree in 2010 from an all women shortlist. But back on Planet Earth, a political party that even has a policy on ‘gender identity and trans rights’ is probably not one suitable for government, much less a politician using phrases concocted in the sociology department of Berkeley University after a heavy session of smoking weed, circa 1970.
The bbc knows social media is the key to winning.
That said, #CCBGB
Guest – I listened carefully to this lady – she didn’t sound right in the head . I was trying to come up with another description but just couldn’t . If she does have issues at least she’s in good company in the Liberals . Maybe the the strain of being a traitor gets to them after a while .
Good old Luciana. It didn’t take her long in the Lib Dems to become as mad as a box of frogs.
If she fancies sharing changing rooms and public lavatories with men who have decided they are “women” she is a lunatic. Anyone in the real world knows this is a charter for sexual offences. Does she really think that rapists won’t cotton on to this?
A rapist can declare himself a woman and get sent to a women’s prison, where he can rape more women. It has already happened. It is the politics of insanity.
The Lib Dems are welcome to her.
Usefull advice if I ever need to use women’s only services.
I hear the BBC are about to show a new series. H. G. Wells’ ‘War of the Worlds’. The writer has introduced a new lead, a women with a ‘strong character’. He (the writer) thought the story too male dominated. Perhaps he could have written a BME woman character. Wearing a hijab, with only one leg and a lesbian whose has dyslexia? Such a missed opportunity!
I’m not sure the story is male dominated, but there’s a suspicious number of Martians in it and I think they may well be over-represented. Presumably the following sentence will need to be removed from the new version with its strong wimmin’ character:
“The pinnacle of the mosque had vanished, and the roof line of the college itself looked as if a hundred-ton gun had been at work upon it.” (Chapter 9, The Fighting Begins).
It is strange how much of the 1984 novel is turning into reality . In that book stuff was deleted because of people falling out of favour . The real version is the re writing of british history to become more ‘inclusive ‘ .
Sooner or later the battle of the Somme will be re acted with a regiment of hero black soldiers from the black watch attacking nasty white men dressed in German uniforms .
It’s difficult finding historic similarities to the current madness but I can only think of the Goebells era for such intense use of conditioning propaganda lies .
The photo of the Moslem and Hindu Spitfire pilots of the Battle of Britain – posted here with a rebuttal – did the rounds on social network sites.
Don’t forget Dan Snow’s squadrons of female Spitfire pilots!
I’m sure if he thought harder they would all be wearing hijabs too.
For the Liberal Left Establishment, 1984 isn’t a novel – it’s a handbook. Written by a former BBC employee using a false name, come to think of it.
Should have set the show in Africa, the invading aliens (whitey) taking over, capturing people, destroying the countryside, eventually being beaten and paying reparations
If Boris pulls off an election victory I make a prediction.
The sore left/liberal losers will go straight into a democrat style assault on his and other Conservative leaders backgrounds. There will be much trawling through history, much creatures crawling out of the darkness to try to prove he is not a fit leader. In fact exactly what we are seeing in the USA right now with Trump.
The viscous left hate to be thwarted and know that the main stream media and not least the BBC will be right behind them every step of the way in the same way the USA media are against Trump.
Boris beware and watch this space!
If, (a very big ‘if’ in my book), we get anywhere near a satisfactory Brexit, the Left maniacs could take it out onto the streets. We all know how they react to not getting their way. Babies, prams and toys spring to mind.
I reckon that’s a fair line – they’ve already tried to smear bojo with an allegation of abuse of public office when he was mayor and will try it on again. They’ll also point to his name – boris sounds Russian so obviously the Russians fixed the election .
What worries me more about this election is that it will be corrupted by postal vote fraud and other identity fraud which is something which the British state seems quite relaxed about .
I really can’t understand why ,
It appears the Electoral Commission has recently made it more difficult to inspect older electoral registers (between 2-10 years old) thus hindering fraud investigations.
So, see what I did there. What ever happened to the planned boundary changes that at present favours labour by up to 30-40 seats or the reduction from 650 to 600 MP’s ?
And while I’m at it why have certain female politicians done away with the letter “T”. Pidcock this morning was a classic example and it’s nothing to do with a regional accent .
That really is a grotesque accent. Wherever did she learn it? Faisal Shaheen, you have a competitor.
Toady at 0747: Snow in Somerset, Wiltshire, East Wales and South Wales.
Shocking! Doesn’t anybody take notice of the claim that Global Warming is a reality?
The bbc House Journal usually prepares the way for the next dollop of wisdom for the airways.
Which the bbc usually obliges, thought free.
Unless someone (me) points out that if they think about it a wee bit, they are rather highlighting they are the disease vector that is eroding society.
Some serious Doublethink needed by the comrades on this one. On one hand, they are pushing the idea that we should have less children, on the other hand the BBC are currently promoting a family in Bradford with 9 children. I dunno… perhaps it’s more a matter of encouraging the right people to have children, whilst discouraging the wrong people?
The BBC’s new JonDon replacement has found a new story as Up In Flames Ed, with added BBC extras.
BBC News
“If I’m able to get out there and do the job, I’ll do the job.”
Firefighter Kat Robinson-Williams is 14 weeks pregnant and says she will continue to help while Australia is “in flames”.
Guardian Opinion rape and sexual assault
Let’s remind ourselves of all the times men tried to assault us and failed
Dorothy Byrne
“I once had the bad luck to get into a cab with John Worboys. At least I’m pretty sure it was him.”
Later the author states she is not sure, she has invented this event.
“Dorothy Byrne is head of news and current affairs at Channel 4”
Channel 4, enough said.
No comments allowed.
Strange how the Guardian can produce so many rape articles without once including the I word.
TOADY Watch #1 – Do the BBC read posts on here?
Possibly. If they do, then they know we spot bias by who gets interrupted or talked over the most. It was noticeable this morning that LibDem and Labour candidates were also talked over and interrupted. A welcome bit of balance from BBC R4 on the Toady Prog.
Maybe we have had an effect?