The Far Left Biased BBC appears to be running an unashamed campaign to support its best friend – the Labour Party – in the General Election . Stories which are anti – Conservative run in News programmes across news cycles and stories damaging to the Labour Party are avoided or dropped . It has been a switch from anti brexit to anti Conservative propaganda . It’s lucky more and more people now regard the BBC as an embarrassing joke as opposed to the reliable broadcaster it was a long time ago.
Midweek Thread 13 November 2019
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TOADY Watch #2 – If the BBC says it’s OK, it’s OK.
To interfere in UK Elections and Referendums. If you are Obama or Clinton or Tusk it is very OK.
If you are – allegedly – the Russian Government, then it is not OK to allegedly interfere in the 2016 Referendum and 2017 General Election even though it has been allegedly checked and found not to be true (publicly stated) or allegedly reported as mere opinion and allegedly found to be true (report still not published.) despite the obvious contradictions as to motive and result.
Ho hum.
Awaiting bbc news… or silence.
Andrew Neil who is one of the few decent at the BBC has an interesting point here on double voting:
Andrew Neil exposes plot to destroy Boris Johnson’s hopes of majority: ‘Hard to stop them’
Earlier this month, a Bournemouth University student advised her followers on Twitter on how to vote twice. Her tweet, which has now been deleted, read: “I have just re-registered for both my hometown and uni address in under 120 seconds! “If you live at a second address, add it to the register and you can vote twice. Register twice. Be brave.”
There has been too little mentioned about this double voting scandal and the left wing media have always avoided talking about it but it is scary to think that Momentum activists have been around and possible stealing student voting cards and posing as students and voting Labour. This could explain those suspicious swings to Labour in the last GE
Interestingly enough, students were legally allowed to vote twice in General Elections until the 1950 election (1968 in Northern Ireland). The concept of ‘university constituencies’ originated in Scotland and was introduced to England when King James VI ascended to the English throne. It was abolished by Labour in 1948, with effect from the 1950 Election. Strange that the left now love tradition so much…
Also strange that the left got very angry about the introduction of ID cards and object to any suggestion of ending postal voting. Corbyn is straight in there with his ‘the vulnerable will be unable to vote!’ when really his party start looking very vulnerable when people cannot vote for them more than once!
A matter for the police?
They are too busy investigating bloggers for thoughtcrime offences.
I lift weights. For a South Asian woman, that’s just not seen as normal
Poorna Bell
[Read this if you wish, I passed by on the other side.]
“One in five British people are disabled. So why does politics continue to ignore us?
Anne Wafula Strike
Brexit could be catastrophic for disabled people.”
[another lefty “could” be]
“The European Social Fund currently gives £500m a year to organisations in the UK that provide employment and
training support for disadvantaged groups”
[Is that the EU again giving us some of our own money back and telling us how to spend it? Yes it is.]
[From Wikipedia
… born in Mihuu in Bungoma, Kenya, and contracted polio at the age of two, …
Following a successful application for British citizenship in 2006, she became a member of Team GB and, after reclassification,
now competes in the T54 racing category as a British athlete …]
[Who let this Black, paralysed, moaning lefty get on the UK gravy train?
No comments allowed.]
Hardly been watching any news recently and feel a awful lot better for it !! However, this morning i caught the 7.30 headlines with Charlie Stayt. He smugly told me,
The Conservatives have promised to reduce immigration if they are are successful in the general election, however, they have not quoted any numbers or not said how they plan to do this. The Tories have promised this in their last 3 manifestos and have so far failed to deliver on all 3 occassions !!!!
Absolutely sickening BIAS. Charlie cannot hide his love for Labour !!!
The Conservatives are intending to increase immigration. On September 11th they announced the new ‘Graduate Route’, whereby international graduates can remain in the UK for two years after graduation, looking for work. They see Brexit as an opportunity to ‘open up Britain to the world’. They are blatantly ignoring the immigrant salary threshold, whereby (skilled) non-EU are only permitted if they earn £30K or more (as most nurses plundered from the 3rd World will not), and are sympathetic to calls from the British Retail Consortium, UK Universities and UK Hospitality to reduce that amount (as Britain is being held back by a lack of baristas in coffee shops, presumably).
For a decade, the Conservatives have promised to reduce so-called net migration to 100,000 annually (a figure itself that is twice that of before the Blair regime). It has actually averaged over 250,000 per annum during the period 2010-2018. Despite the lies and bile about to be unleashed by the Labour Party and their allies at the BBC, the Conservatives will not do anything to remotely cut immigration. Voting for them on this basis is an illustration of the popular defintion of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
There’s ‘reduce’ and ‘reduce’ in my book. If the average invasion annually is, say, 250K and you reduce that by one, a reduction can be claimed. It’s just words we will hear in due course from, ‘our’ Priti.
The Diceman’s new book – got it for my Kindle, and a good read:
It has been raining for two days and the two puddles at the end of my drive have been getting bigger and bigger, then this morning when I woke up they had joined together yet still there is no sign of Boris.
The local branch of the Labour Party have provided me with a ranting script to deliver should he show up and I have been practicing it for hours so we can wait and see.
I am reminded of an old Matt cartoon: “Daddy, why does Mr Blair let earthquakes happen?”
“Snow weather warning: Hazardous driving conditions reported”
“Heavy snow has stranded vehicles and made some roads impassable in mid and south Wales.”
What is it this time, Brexit or Global Warming ?
How many “Stinking Rebellion” snowflakes are turning up their central heating now ?
I must admit that I haven’t followed the Trump Impeachment story too closely, the cries of “Wolf!” have been going on too long now BBC.
I did catch a bit of the USA-centric Rhod Sharp last night on BBC Hospital Radio (Radio 5) in which several earnest Americans told us about the brave US civil servants serving their country and standing up to Trump bullying.
Am I missing something? It appears to be unchallenged that Joe Biden’s son has done very well out of Ukraine, did none of those conscientious civil servants never ask any questions or did the glow from Obama’s halo blind them?
The BBC is very selective about which fields it digs in.
So Trump exposes corruption
And the Democrats want Trump impeached for that
Meanwhile The Steele dossier was a CORRUPT attempt to smear Trump
Yet the Democrats cheered that and probably paid for it.
Trump was certainly trying to expose corruption in Ukraine and Joe Biden’s son is that a bad thing ?
Sure it was obviously in Trump’s private interest
… But it is the interest of the voters , and they know it.
Bumper BBC Moaning Emole leads with… a ‘claim’ the BBC feels duty bound to make headline news.
Impeachment probe hears new Trump claim
US President Donald Trump asked directly about a Ukrainian investigation into his Democratic rival Joe Biden, members of the House of Representatives have been told . Bill Taylor, the acting US ambassador to Ukraine, was speaking at the first public hearings in the impeachment inquiry into Mr Trump. He is accused of withholding US military aid to the country in a bid to get Ukraine to investigate Mr Biden – a former vice-president who is seeking to be the Democrats’ candidate for the 2020 election. Representatives were told a member of Mr Taylor’s staff overheard Mr Trump asking about the “investigations” into Mr Biden during a phone call. The president has denied any knowledge of the conversation.
That’s ‘President’ to you, BBC.
Me neither Jim. Tbh like all the voting/non voting/amendments/appeals etc etc etc in Parliament, it all starts to get like a Rubiks cube – you know what it is in the beginning, but move the pieces and it becomes impossible to understand.
Yes, you have: “Am I missing something? It appears to be unchallenged that Joe Biden’s son has done very well out of Ukraine, …”. You cannot see the outright bias in reporting from the BBC over this issue unless you watch US channels on YT.
As far as I can gather, the Democrats are alleging that asking a country to look into possible corruption by a US citizen is an impeachable offence for the US President. And that Our Jon gets terribly excited when someone claims that Trump is a Bad Orange Man, whilst remaining silent to Trappist proportions on the head of this shampeachment releasing a fictitious transcript of the call.
Or something like that.
Brillo has published his figures for his show -900000 last night against 600000 for the Labour Party C4 News ( people watch that ?) and 600000 for the show done by the son of a labour peer on ITV .
Not going well for Labour/BBC………….there might be a postal strike early December principally to inconvenience Xmas mail, however this may wipe out 1/2 Labour’s postal vote.
I believe that a court has ruled the proposed postal strike as illegal…
Alabama Trump rally
I’m guessing the bbc headline is “Alabama boos Trump “ says sopel.
Second most important item on the home page this morning — “My Money is a new series looking at how people spend their money – and the sometimes tough decisions they make.”
So first up is Katie Holden. She has nine children and her husband is a maths teacher. She’s from Bradford and she home-schools her kids. They keep pigeons and salvage wood to use for fires in the winter. Can you see a pattern emerging? Obviously running a household of 11 on one person’s income must be challenging, but I couldn’t find anything about what benefits they might be receiving.
BBC preparing the ground for the future state-funded eco-Muslim lifestyle so we all accept the new normal.
Typical British family, girls wearing the clothes of the new religion. I see he sports an Alan’s Snackbar style beard.
Maths teacher eh. Think its time he considered more seriously about his method of multiplication.
It seems he can’t count to 28.
Third emole heads into Jez territory by complement, by sheer coincidence.
Is the minimum wage enough to live on?
Money is everywhere in the amusement arcades on Southend’s seafront: being fed into slot machines, paid out in jackpots, or hanging over the edge of penny fall games. When running a business like this, the money that really matters is staff wages. Pay is the dominant cost and, with a host of employees on the minimum wage, it is a bill that has been rising. “There has been quite a dramatic increase [in the minimum wage] in recent years. At peak times, we can absorb the costs but it stretches us even thinner for the rest of the time,” says John Remblance, manager at Star Amusements. The arcades run by this family firm are open every day except Christmas Day. Further rises in the minimum or National Living Wage promised by all the major political parties could make this a more expensive and therefore more seasonal business, he says.
Read full analysis (‘analysis’ 😉
Kevin Peachey
Personal finance reporter
(“Who is that in the corner? Oh, him… that’s just Peachy”)
Interesting business choice. There’s a radio ad here seeking experienced care workers for ‘up to £13/hr’.
The leader of the opposition has been garnering media coverage for Mac-flipping at more than that.
Fresh back from Syria by the looks of it.
Some may have read news today that a “mistake” by HMRC in its calculation of a huge retrospective tax bill aimed at Rangers Football Club has been revealed.
This mistake caused absolute carnage to the club and led to a liquidation event which many at the time thought completely avoidable.
No fan of the club believes it was a mistake – its timeline goes back to the Blair Government.
But no one will forget the bBC role up here………..they became the “Witchfinder general” in the witchhunt which this tax case caused…………
Their bias is a thing of legend in Scotland……….a rancid operation
which to this day carries on its biased reporting about the football club. They will certainly come under scrutiny for their role throughout………….
Conversely there is a baker (often seen in the press) and his wife who have 15 children and one grandchild, and manage quite well on his income, – with just child benefits for the younger ones. They save all year for Christmas, and manage one holiday a year. Does the Dad above (or is he an elder child?) go to work, or spend much of the day in the mosque ?
Brissles he’s a maths teacher who also “runs a rental business for extra income”.
I think Islam invented maths. Best not ask what he rents out (possibly Islam invented that too)
Next emole ‘story’
Flooded village set for more rain
Forecasters say more rain is due to fall on the flood-stricken village of Fishlake near Doncaster, with a resulting risk to life. Hundreds of people have had to leave their homes since the flood waters rose last week, and roads into the village have been closed. It’s thought more rain on Thursday morning has the potential to see river levels rise again. Two hundred soldiers have been brought into South Yorkshire to help the rescue effort.
‘Risk to life’ Uh-huh. All those squaddies clearly a real threat. And rain on places is usually not the problem. It’s in the areas upstream.
Struggling to see how ‘rain in winter in the North’ warrants all this.
Just wondering, but with this terrible illness of islamophobia now seemingly taking hold, we can only be thankful that it hasn’t developed into sikhophobia or hinduophobia etc.
Grateful for small mercys.
Hull : Egyptian immigrants the Allam family have donated another £8 to Hull hospitals
His money comes from his business selling generators to ships.
Of course that’s good news as long as the money doesn’t come from corruption
Eight quid?
oops £8 million
so long as they are not diesel generators of course
I would hazard a guess that from what the EU Council President Donald Tusk tells the British people how to vote in the forthcoming general election it would no doubt decisively persuade those Brit voters currently uncertain, to vote Brexit. In an extraordinary and direct intervention in the UK General Election, yesterday evening at 9.30pm the President of the EU CouncilTusk, once again interfered in the democratic processes of the United Kingdom. This time the EU has overstepped the mark in dramatic fashion.
The EU Council President gave this speech last night at an iconic venue (see below), at a time when the UK is in the full throes of a general election campaign in which Brexit is the dominant topic. Mr Tusk knows full well that Britons are engaged in the democratic process of electing a new government. This wasn’t just any old speech, this was important and it was deliberate
The United Kingdom continues to be a full member of the EU. Mr Tusk would not dare to interfere in a general election in Germany, or France. He should not have done so in the UK’s election.
Mr Tusk did not directly call on the British people not to vote for the Conservative or Brexit Parties, but no rational person could read his words any other way. Forget all the talk of Russian interference in the West’s elections this was EU interference, writ large. It represents outrageous meddling in the United Kingdom’s democratic processes, from the President of the EU’s top decision-making body.
Disgraceful, and its deceit quite unhidden. We Leave without a deal, what other option could Britain now possibly have.
I saw a comment in the letters page in the DT this morning showing how to explain labour policies to your younger children.
It said,
get your child to wash your car or clean the bathroom and agree on a payment of £10 for doing this.
When they have completed the work, give them £10 but take £7 back and give that to the children next door, who done none of the work, to buy sweets with.
Sounds about right.
I have no doubt that the, “independent” pollsters will be busily at work again just before the December election. Naturally, my use of the noun, ‘Work’, includes fabrication and manipulation of stats. Just to refresh memories on what to expect the closer we come to December, see the “independent” pollsters view of the 2106 Referendum just pre that event.
“An online Populus poll, the last conducted before voting began, gave Remain a 10-point lead, 55 to 45, its strongest performance in days.”
Fully agree . this morning , Thursday 14 th was incredibly biased even by their own standards, do the presenters have to have a CV showing their left wing bias. the conservative party should take them to task with the broadcasting authority .
Fully agree . this morning , Thursday 14 th was incredibly biased even by their own standards, do the presenters have to have a CV showing their left wing bias. the conservative party should take them to task with the broadcasting authority .
I’d be encouraged, except certain broadcasters have oddly strong sway over certain legislating politicians who like green room freebies.
And I thought it was the Graun who was the other cheek.
“I hope the first sentence is removed quite quickly… It’s presumptive, patronising and downright risky to suggest ten minutes on a website can sort this out.”
Pretty much BBC ‘what you need to know… and do… though. Bet ECU or OFCOM will be utterly cool (see above)
“The BBC’s commercial approach to the USA is a right mess”
Dude… check out their ‘news’.
One to get Carole and Femi excited?
Notice the BBC uses its default to poor, and incorrect effect, again, until pushed.
Double standards that are [checks BBC Editorial Guidelines Booky-Wooky of twitter hyperbole]… ‘breathtaking’.
Not BBC related, but
This dropped through my door today.
Ian Mearns. Labour candidate
Well, I’m not on your side either mate…
I heard somewhere yesterday that only about 3% of our ‘gifted’ political elite rose from a working background and/or were motivated as a result of an important issue which affected them personally prompting their political involvement. On that basis alone, the downward quality spiral has to continue.
Labour, always blaming someone else. Never accepting responsibility for the damage of its own policies have caused.
’tis the season.
In our ‘hood, if any of the PPC’s facebook pages are anything to go on, the only thing worth doing is ‘leafleting’ with a miserable git for company in the wind and rain.
I am unlikley to accept one, much less read it. They are proven works of fiction, badly designed in garish colours with pictures of people I’d rather avoid.
If through the door there is a basket that facilitates carriage to the bin.
I have asked a few online about actual debates in hunting with public interaction. They don’t seem keen. Even on answering.
Representation ability noted.
Radio2 now , Vine has got his tongue up Hillary’s bum
Mind bleach please, I’ve too good an imagination ????????
That would explain her bulging eyes.
“More patients than ever before are on hospital waiting lists in England and delays in A&E have hit their worst level since records began.”
Is it because the NHS has become an “International” Health Service ? Its about time this nation started training its own medical staff?
It’s time we went back to training men who work full-time until they are 70 as opposed to training women who work part-time until they are 35.
“England flood warnings: Residents braced for more rain”
About time the rivers were cleaned ?
Seventeen arrested in human trafficking raids in London
The benefits of the open borders of the EU. The UK is fast becoming its dumping ground.
Guido : Corbyn’s a conspiracy theorist, cos he said “the hand of Israel in this whole process” (this terror attack)
Ash Sarkar “he never said that”
..”Yep on Press TV go back and look at it”
The gift that keeps on giving. Apparently.
Even once most in the studio have gone home.
The house impeachment trial
Adam schiff must be a trump supporter,no one can be that stupid to believe that this attempted smear will have a positive effect for the demonrats.
“Exhausted polar bears cling to life”
Daily Mirror photo tweet ratioed with CCBGB 140, to 32 Likes
staggering amount of Likes, for today’s special climate issue… NOT
i clicked on the image above, and got a warning message
“The following Moment may contain sensitive content”
Sensitive content lol
Ah yes the great Climate Change debate-who profits, not the climate-Climate change has been going since the world began so it is not Climate Change that keeps hitting the headlines, the real disaster if you want one, is Pollution-the worst culprits here are India, China,Africa and parts of South America. However we in the West cannot rest on our lourels.
Strange then that polar bear numbers have been growing steadily for the last 50 years and are now considered a pest in many northern Canadian settlements. Polar bears are swimmers. Go to any zoo that has one and there will be a water tank.
Maybe the BBC might like to connect this with their new ‘health’ story?
Not to mention there being a noticeable lack of Einsteins amongst those doing the same over and over again, and those asking them why.
BBC News
For the sixth year in a row, more than 1,000 people have died attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea, according to the UN Refugee Agency.
In Libya, the BBC’s Orla Guerin met one family determined to keep trying the treacherous crossing.
Warning: Upsetting scenes
Can’t she head back to the ME and keep on misnoticing where rockets land from?
This video is about 8 minutes long, taken from a longer interview with Lord Green of Migration Watch.
It’s worth watching because he unambiguously condemns the Beliar Labour party, its immigration minister Barbara Roche and the rest of the Labour party rats, using their own words to effectively boast that they deliberately and secretly conspired to flood our country with immigrants.
These people disgust me and need to be punished for their evil:
Of course the Conservative party are just as culpable because with Dancing Terry May as Home Secretary in the Cameron government, she not only perpetuated the secret immigration policy, she increased the numbers. May they all rot in hell for what they’ve done.
Because the Black Ops covert guys in certain parties have figured out how much the BBC likes a nicely set-up heckle, and will quietly ignore any subsequent context or correction. Job done.
I’d keep my guys away from anyone who wants to be on a camera with them.
I want my leadership doing a real job they are paid a lot for, not wading.
I made the mistake of listening to a few minutes of the dire ‘Woman’s Hour’ on Radio 4 (around 10:40 today).
They had (wait for it!) a Black, gay, female, dyslexic rapper in the studio. She was brought up by Mormons and her ‘art’ was a reaction to the restrictions of that upbringing, i.e. letting it all hang out now. She even came out as gay during a show, so she didn’t think her parents would like it. The rap/poetry was repetitive, neurotic, verbally limited, perhaps only of value in some sort of therapy session; the presenter lapped it up, of course.
So, every box duly ticked, in true BBC style. Pathetic.
Answer the bloody question!
Andrew, can you ask Corbyn or a Labour shadow minister for their explanation as to why the NHS and schools can’t cope with the massive demands placed upon them?
via : MH : The Science & Environment [sic] section of the BBC website seems to be in some sort of weird meltdown this morning (stories about storms from 2016 there as though they’re happening now) so here’s the “news” from the Guardian:
– Climate crisis will affect lifelong health of young, warn doctors
– Lancet Countdown tracks impacts of global heating covering disease, wildfires and malnutrition
– Donald Tusk’s message to UK voters: don’t give up on stopping Brexit
– Outgoing EU council chief gives implicit backing to Boris Johnson’s opponents”
– Governments have ignored the warnings of fire chiefs on bushfires. There is no more time to waste …. “
Climate change has aggravated the catastrophic fire conditions that have torn through NSW and Queensland this week. Record-breaking drought, record-breaking heat, and very dry fuels and soils are a key part of why these bushfires are so deadly.”
– Growing demand for SUVs ‘could negate electric car benefits’
Global energy watchdog issues warning in climate forecast for the next two decades
“Growing demand for SUVs in the US, China, Europe and elsewhere could negate all the environmental benefits of the increased use of electric cars, the International Energy Agency (IEA) says. Because of their size, SUVs are harder to electrify than smaller vehicles.
– The IEA’s annual global industry forecast also cited mounting demand for plastic, increasing plane travel and the upcoming population boom in cities across Africa and Asia as key contributing factors in increasing demand for oil.”
[Well, who’d have thought it?]
Go on, guess…
BBC News
“It’s beautiful that they’re so committed”.
The Echappe dance school in Philadelphia hosts a dance class with a difference.
BBCnews where “news work” consists of surfing the internet looking for WOKE stories to promote
Black ballet school ..where dads come with their daughters
..not actually very racially diverse.
I can post pictures I’m 62.
If you look at the flooding pictures in Midlands you’ll see a picture showing a “worker” braving the rain on the journey home. Obviously it’s a women (no men work). She is seen crossing at a Pelican crossing…….it’s on GREEN for the traffic. How irresponsible can you be ?? In their search for a agenda fitting story they show somthing that is dangerous and I don’t mean a women that works !
Lucy Frayne, who works as an energy officer for a housing group, said she was setting off on a journey back to Hereford where she lives.
(sister of the Olympian Bruce Frayne)
.. BTW I cross at green when there is no traffic’s not illegal
But it’s certainlt worth a photo cos I have NEVER crossed a road that flooded ! /sarc
Direct link to BBC story
Thanks for supplying the “evidence” Stew.
And brolley restricting her view of oncomming traffic…..Tufty wouldn’t like.
Interesting question.
One for Complaints? ECU? OFCOM?
Nah… 6 months and an apology in a basement with a sign that says ‘Beware of the Leopard’.
Based Amy trial on grounds of harassing Soubry
..No verdict today .. Verdict and possible sentence on Tuesday
– antifa thread
– Amy video
I see that the propaganda wing are heavily pushing the latest (unattributed) figures showing hospital waiting times increasing across the whole NHS, in particular in A&E departments. Heaven forfend that our much loved and highly respected national broadcaster might use people’s suffering in order to promote one political stance over another, but there seems to be an inordinate amount of glee on display in the way this has been reported this afternoon, and so far I have seen no attempt at investigating just why demand on the service is now so great that it is struggling to cope.
The Lancet : Climate Change
“more people at at risk from wild fires than 50 years ago”
… That’s staggering news
… cos world population didn’t increase in the last 50 years.
Jeremy Corbyn emerges as true statesman:
In his speech, Mr Corbyn said: “We have to be realistic that in this country we have 40,000 nurse vacancies, we have a great shortage of doctors, we have shortages of many skills, and they cannot be met very quickly because we’re not training enough people. However, we are determined to solve this problem, which has been present since the very founding of the NHS, and end the shameful system whereby we plunder poorer countries of their medical staff. So this is what we will do:”
“We will instigate a massive programme of training for new doctors and nurses. To pay for this, we will slash the money spent on unnecessary management and bureaucracy in the NHS, along with the money wasted on Britain’s overseas aid programme. We will ensure that salaries rise in the NHS, both to attract new recruits and to reflect the importance that we attach to medical staff.”
“Unfortunately, limited immigration will have to continue in the short term until this training programme is completed, which may take up to five years. I would like to emphasise that we are talking about skilled people only: doctors and nurses, not people who are coming to wash cars, sell copies of the Big Issue or clean the houses of wealthy Londoners. We will offer fixed term contracts of employment only, as is done by Middle Eastern countries when recruiting foreign workers. When the contract is finished, the individual will return home, where they can put their skills and experience to use in improving their own country. In recognition of the damage that has been done to some countries – for instance Romania, which has now lost more than half of its doctors since joining the EU – we may provide additional financial assistance, subject to public approval of the idea.”
Well no, of course he didn’t say this. But the BBC’s preferred candidate is hardly a statesman, is he.
just one thing
if nhs wages are so bad
why does every nurse and doctor in the world want to come here ?