The Far Left Biased BBC appears to be running an unashamed campaign to support its best friend – the Labour Party – in the General Election . Stories which are anti – Conservative run in News programmes across news cycles and stories damaging to the Labour Party are avoided or dropped . It has been a switch from anti brexit to anti Conservative propaganda . It’s lucky more and more people now regard the BBC as an embarrassing joke as opposed to the reliable broadcaster it was a long time ago.
Midweek Thread 13 November 2019
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A BBC regular speaks… with forked tongue. Again.
The sun shines east, the sun shines west,
I know where the sun shines best–
My little mammy,
Schizophrenia or at least a cognitive disorder at the BBC?
You cannot have it both ways, BBC.
Another car-crash interview on the Today programme this morning. Laura Pidcock (stop sniggering at the back) the shadow Minister for Employment Rights was unable to answer any questions on Labour’s policy for immigration. The interviewer (? Mishal) tried her best but she is no Andrew Neil.
La Pidcock’s qualifications for the Employment role are of course rather limited. According to her bio, she worked as a mental health support worker and then for a charity – but she does have a degree in ‘Disaster Management’ with research into ‘Children’s Institutions in Bulgaria’.
Nevertheless, she is a real class warrior. Hates the Tories but is very balanced: she has a chip on both shoulders.
Heaven help us if she and her ilk get a hold on the UK economy – but I hope we hear more of her on the BBC. Every time she opens her mouth, it means a few more votes for Boris.
AD, “(stop sniggering at the back)”
Who me?
It’s not my fault.
Andrew Neil made me do it.
I’ve just watched his interview with her, thanks to a Guido link. However there may be one somewhere on this Thread on a previous page. Her voice and manner of speech is one that ‘some people’ might label as ‘earaching brain damage’ while reaching for the cotton wool (for ear protection) or the OFF switch. (ditto)
I remember some time ago there were musings here that maybe UK deserves a socialist government . I included myself in those musings . Shows me how deluded I can get .
The idea that comrade Corbyn McDonnell and their friends ( like pidcock ) could ever get control of power in Blighty is just too frightening to be deluded about . I really got that one wrong .
It’s re enforced by the very unsophisticated propaganda being churned out by the BBC .
It’s nice to see Corbyn getting heckled and his response about ‘heckling not being part of a democracy ‘ shows what this creature is about .
Fed up,
If labour get in they will drop the voting age so that children can vote, they will open the borders for unlimited immigration and give all them the vote and will find a way for all sorts of other voters likely to vote labour such as eu people with links to the UK and even illegal immigrants (some human rights reason will be given)
Tories are useless but labour would be a horror show.
Yes that was discussed too – and dismissed – but having seen the antics ( and proposals to give the vote to 16 year olds and Foreigners ) at the end of traitor parliament it became crystal clear that even the false democracy of british politics would just be blown out of the water .
It’s really the lesser of two evils ….
Yes,I can picture it now. Labour and Liberal candidates standing outside primary school gates, under the protection of RAINBOW/BAME police officers, handing out electioneering leaflets as the kids come out of the school gates. An unbridgeable generation gap is vital to the success of a Marxist agenda. And down the road a sign reads “BEWARE!! MAYHEM AHEAD!”
Guess what…. literature….
Boochani wrote a book via WhatsApp while he was detained on Manus Island, after trying to claim asylum in Australia.
The BBC are well behind the times on this. And their HQ is in London, too!
‘Facadism’ as they like to call it, started in the 1980s, if not before.
Richard Pinder last night November 13, 2019 at 7:40 pm
“I remember when a children’s choir from Bridlington won an award. It turned out that the token Black member shown by BBC Look North, was a Londoner planted into the choir by the insistence of the BBC.”
Surely you mean you had just been watching the Bridlington Choir at 6:45pm on Hull Look North?
The item did show 2 black women in the choir among 30 white women, there was also the black guy who was interviewed
Their Instagram does show the same people in many photos
Now Gospel choirs do tend to connected to evangelical church
and black people do seem vastly disproportionately involved in the evangelical church
So if there are 10 black people in 10 thousand people in Brid then wouldn’t surprise me if 3 of them went to this choir.
Though I also suspect that one might be a roving person who comes into the choir to help them train, and that person could well be black.
Last year (or so) one of the private schools in Hull had a choir that had also done well in a national competition. If I remember correctly there was just one black child but it was the one that the camera from Look North concentrated on.
Many years ago I used to read a politics news group and one phrase on there stuck in my mind.Someone who said they were a cameraman said they had a term for when the director or whoever told them to focus on an ethnic in a crowd or audience they called it ‘blonking’ as in ‘blacks on camera’.
As for black people being planted or specially bused in for such scenes I’m still very suspicious of those two black girls the BBC interviewed at Sandringham last Christmas who’d gone to see the royal family.
@Deb the latest Look North story is about Hull black people.
The family of the Ethiopian asylum seeker are upset.
He flew back home on holiday, the 737 crashed in Kenya and he and 200 people died, for some reason the Kenyan authorities left the bodies on site for months . This week they suddenly brought in coffin sand buried all the dead in the crash pit.
At such short notice only 2 families got to go to the ceremony
So the family in Hull feel deprived that they missed their fathers funeral.
Outrage! – “Boeing didn’t even send a representative to my father’s funeral!” – Upset family bleats to BBC – Evil Torys to blame.
Well that could have been the story.
It all gets so tiresome – Interest rates up, mortgage payers visit food banks: Interest rates down, pensioner poverty – evil Tory’s to blame.
Boris can’t even be bothered to visit disaster area, bad Boris!: Boris visits disaster area, residents outraged, bad Boris!
Every cloud may have a silver lining but the BBC can be guaranteed to find some tarnish.
Surely, the aircraft crashed in Ethiopia.
Yes the crash happened in a rural area to the south-east of the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa was going to Kenya
Look North have once again been with the police plugging the “magic phone app” What 3 Words an alternative to a complex GPS number
but is it ?
Pull up your phones map app
– press your finger where you are
– click share
– click by email
..and I get a map with your location on
If you are in a house , it gives me the street address
and if you are in a field it still gives me a precise dot.
So I could still coe and rescue you, even if you don’t have this magic app.
It is fascinating who or what the BBC promotes. got massive promotion, ‘a company working from a bedroom’. They raised massive amounts of money and launched a sell-off. The founders got rich. The new owners, the poor shareholders, found they had a business in a bedroom and a massive bank loan to pay off. Not only that but the primary product, air tickets, belonged to airlines who already had the e-commerce technology to sell direct.
Friends Reunited was a similar promotion, sign-up to a commercial site that just copied what enthusiasts had been running for free for years.
Don’t get me started on all those BBC ‘journalists’ that just happened to write a book ‘in their spare time’ (yeah!) and just happen on to a spare red sofa.
Hunter Biden has nothing on these swamp monkeys.
The BBC / Guardian et al quite rightly want rape convictions increased so they were shouting today about the decline in convictions because of a CPS policy ( now discontinued ) .
What they didn’t mention was who was the DPP – head of the CPS – when this policy has brought in and run…? One Keir Starmer .
A touch of bias by omission …
Someone will have received a phone call from his ‘team’.
This list of luvvies wrote to The Guardian today explaining that they cannot vote for Labour because of anti semitism –
John le Carré (David Cornwell), Fay Weldon, Joanna Lumley, William Boyd, Simon Callow, Antony Beevor, Sathnam Sanghera, Janina Ramirez, Trevor Phillips, Jimmy Wales, Suzannah Lipscomb, Tom Holland, Frederick Forsyth, Peter Frankopan, Ghanem Nuseibeh, Dan Snow, Fiyaz Mughal, Tony Parsons, Dan Jones, Maajid Nawaz, Oz Katerji, Nick Hewer, Ed Husain, Terry Jervis
– all well and good – but let’s see how many get interviewed by the BBC to explain themselves …..
What causes new 1,000 acre lakes
TV says “rain” “Climate change”
They never explain about drainage bank breaches
EA’s job is to maintain and fix them
You’d think they’d have something like giant floating tumbleweed that finds it’s way into the breach, then gets tangled, gets soaked with water and thus plugs the gap.
EU’s fault says Paul Homewood
What causes new 1000 acre lakes? Concrete. Water just can’t get through it so it has to go somewhere. Or maybe the climate maniacs have found a way to control the weather that suits their agenda. Well, it’s a theory that’s just as entitled to debate as theirs.
Not much concrete where that farm is
I’m sure it contributes to problems in other areas.
Holy shit.No concrete?!! That must mean that my second suggestion has some credibility. After all, I read some years ago, of wartime scientists succeeding in “seeding clouds” over enemy territory and thereby making it rain. Or perhaps,the explanation could be that the reason some homes were not insured for flood damage is because the insurance companies are not fools.
I take the view that, occasionally, Mother Nature fancies a change in her landscape and with one stroke of her brush —-Whoooooosh!
Sorry Greta but I just don’t need the medicines you are flogging.
Surely at least one of TBP candidates has a recording of a call offering jobs/whatever by Tories if they step down and don’t contest in the GE.
Nigel could name the person(s) offering him a peerage.
There must be a way for the truth to come out.
Either Tory has or Nigel is telling lies.
I don’t recall Nigel ever telling a lie.
Anne Widdecombe says Downing Street tried to talk her out of running.
Second last line on my comment above should read:
Either the Tories or Nigel is telling lies.
Just hearing that Nigel has said that there are emails as well as the phone calls so the evidence should be there.
I know which one I’d trust to tell the truth……………
Heckle Boris Johnson, make headline News and get the plaudits of the BBC and Sky.
Heckle Jeremy Corbyn, get forcibly ejected from the venue and branded a troublemaker.
The General
I think we can all agree that to heckle a politician is a time honoured and respectable tradition in the UK and long may it continue. I respect any politician (Labour’s Harold Wilson was a master)who can turn the tables on the heckler and I expect my elected MP to be able to handle, with riposte, whatever is verbally thrown at him/her.
If an MP cannot do this then they are in the wrong job. The problem comes when almost the entire mass media appears to be in sympathy with the Leftist heckler. To those of us who wish to see beyond the next soccer match or the next soap opera installment we are , as a people, being very cleverly conned out of everything that defines us as British. If we allow the con to succeed I think future generations will come to very much regret it.
This BBC story paints a very depressing picture of the actions and attitudes of both the French and British police when they apprehend illegal immigrants trying to get into the UK.
Two snippets from the mouth of a successful immigrant.
“When you go to English water they then call the police, the police come to help take you to England. Every smuggler says like this,” Azis says.”
“Azis says the French police took a relaxed attitude if they caught him, often wishing him better luck next time.”
Time for some new security bosses and some sackings on both sides I think. Will Boris sort this crap out?
23/08/2018 Office Costs
Jared O’Mara | Sheffield, Hallam | 8 Jun 2017 – Present
Local news : Lincoln Uni students landlords are giving students low standard of digs
Poor Mohammad has a 15cm mushroom stalk with a 4cm diameter top
…emm He might have a damp bathroom, but he hasn’t been cleaning it properly.
I’d have thought that a 15cm stalk was worthy of the Guinness Book of Records for a bewildered snowflake! Does he understand what it’s for I ask?
Presumably the 4cm top was the result of his ‘non-alcoholic lager top’, so beloved by all those good people in Peckham, well, one of them anyway!
Trying to decide who comes across more desperate and less credible with each post.
Rather scuppers the funding of the tvl out of a streaming levy.
So council tax it is. That will go down so well.
Guest Who
How about free telly licences for all ? Get rid of the archaic tax.
That would be a good election promise for Nigel to make .
I agree with the sentiment but I still ain’t gonna view it. I have this allergy you see which means that if I look at the screen for more than 30 seconds I have to rush to the bog to throw up. A Labour Government could actually PAY me to watch it but like I say, it just makes me feel quite ill. Give me the wide open spaces of sanity any day. The world is our oyster – not the claustrophobic EU.
It’s got a few fans already.
Not sure Sky has really thought this through.
Actually Lewis pips Beth in this.
“The oxygen in Martian air is changing in a way that can’t currently be explained by known chemical processes.”
Brexit ?
The BBC article reflects the desperation of some to find other life in the solar system. Star Trek et al conditioned people to think that interstellar travel is possible – It isn’t. We are stuck in solar system because –
“Project Longshot was a conceptual interstellar spacecraft design. It would have been an unmanned probe, intended to fly to and enter orbit around Alpha Centauri B powered by nuclear pulse propulsion.”
Have to admire the sense of humour of the naming committee.
Beyond the logistical impositions of all necessary to maintain human life on board and their consequences to energy and physics, the accelerations and decelerations involved would required a £15/hr burger flipper at MaccyD’s ACB industrial park drive thru to scrape the pilot off the back bulkhead.
Brian Cox –
““Philosophers would rightly point out that physicists making bland and sweeping statements is naive. There is naivety in just saying there’s no God; it’s b——s,” he says. “People have thought about this. People like Leibniz and Kant. They’re not idiots. So you’ve got to at least address that.”
Cox is on a journey where he may conclude as many others have done –
“Wisdom Is Meaningless
12 I, the Teacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem. 13 I applied my mind to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under the heavens. What a heavy burden God has laid on mankind! 14 I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.”
The BBC showed us how Michael Mann is so incompetent that he showed us he did not know the information below. So incompetent that he even speculated about the reasons for the decline in the 1960’s when isotopic analysis would not be necessary because of records from Californian Foresters. So incompetent that he seemed to not know that using the width of tree rings as a reconstruction of temperature is proved by the instrumental temperature record to be random. Thick Tree rings are subject to the availability of water and warmth. Isotopic evidence shows that Thin Tree Rings are mostly due to lack of water due to a hot summer rather than cold. So both thin and thick tree rings can represent the same average temperature, thus producing the random results in the instrumental record.
From what I have read, it looks like the BBC interviewed and then left out a sceptic who would have mentioned the above information.
The Hockey Stick is a one horse consensus that contradicts almost 2,000 other scientific papers that show the Medieval warm period warmer than at present. But thanks to the inferior people at the BBC, Michael Mann’s incompetence and Greta’s ignorance, it is now possible for the revival of the Hockey Stick at the next IPCC Conference, even though it tells you nothing about what causes the warming. Its just the one paper in 2,000 that does not make Climate Change correlate with the length of the Solar Cycle.
All this could be corrected if the BBC ended its censorship of those Astronomers who by understanding the Greenhouse effect on Venus have proved that man-made Climate Change is a “Hoax”
I watched the programme, but it was a stitch up from start to finish and a promo for CRU.
By the way, I wish everyone would refer to it as an ice-hockey stick and not a hockey stick.
That Science is never settled is a pillar in its success. The BBC are like the ‘establishment’ of middle ages.
The leading scientist in IPCC is James Hansen. This Guardian article is more honest than the BBC –
“It’s a fraud really, a fake,” he [Hansen] says, rubbing his head. “It’s just bullshit for them to say: ‘We’ll have a 2C warming target and then try to do a little better every five years.’ It’s just worthless words. There is no action, just promises. As long as fossil fuels appear to be the cheapest fuels out there, they will be continued to be burned.”
Thinking about the free broadband nonsense.
In effect John Mcdonnell is unveiling the Labour Party’s economic, social justice policy.
Taxes at 100%.
Everything, as determined to be important by the state apparatus, of charge.
The BBC of course will qualify in the latter category.
Pol Pot, Chairman Mao, Lenin, would all heartily approve.
Am I right ? Or am I not wrong?
And if the government are paying for the free broadband (sic), does it not also follow that they should control it, to ensure that the people are not exposed to hate speech, false news, or any information that might alarm them or undermine their trust in government… I’m sure it’s what Comrade Stalin would have wanted.
The BBC of course are keen to polish what was something unpolishable as soon as laid on the pavement by McDonnell. The Moaning Emole…
By Rob Corp
Labour promises full-fibre broadband for all
Story detail
Labour would part-nationalise BT in a bid to bring free high-speed broadband to all homes and businesses in the UK by 2030, shadow chancellor John McDonnell has promised. As well as taking Openreach – the bit of BT which runs the broadband network – into public ownership, Mr McDonnell said the £20bn scheme, called British Broadband, would eliminate bills for millions of people. The cost of maintaining the infrastructure would be paid for by a tax on tech firms. The Conservatives – who have pledged £5bn to bring fibre broadband to every home by 2025 – dismissed Labour’s plans as “fantasy”, while the Liberal Democrats said nationalising Openreach was a “waste” of taxpayers’ money. While BT itself has said it’s happy to work with whoever wins the election to deliver “a digital Britain”, the umbrella organisation for the UK’s technology industry said the plan would be a “disaster” for firms. If you want to know more about full-fibre broadband, click here.
Somehow ‘Rob Corp’ seems apt for the bbc.
The announcement that the new Labour Government is going to nationalise all websites has been welcomed by the BBC . It will be financed by taxing the newly privatised websites meaning there will be no call on the money tree.
The size of the pound coin will also be increased to meet the cost .
Other ideas for nationalisation are welcome . ????
Meanwhile any sighting of flying pigs should be reported to the CAA.- Labour is also planing to nationalise all pet dogs and cats.
Under Britain’s first Marxist government a law will be passed that will make it illegal for a service or industry in public ownership to make a loss. Any deficit sustained by such an organisation will be immediately declared a surplus. This surplus will then be shared between the people, after deduction of administrative costs for those managing the organisation of course. So you see that under a Marxist government everyone will be a winner!
I wasn’t going to listen to TOADY today because it is from Cardiff Yooni, is boomy (what is going wrong with BBC’s OBs?) and will probably have a ‘rowdy’ audience. But, hey ho, I’ve been sucked in somehow …
TOADY Watch #1 – Jus’ askin’
JustRemainIn Webb interviews Mark Drakeford, leader of Welsh Labour. He is keen to pin Drakeford, on behalf of Welsh Labour down, on RemainIningIn the EUin.
Drakeford does not oblige.
Cardiff Uni is a fave with the bbc, as it is where top ‘research which says’ originates about how awesome the entire population of planet Earth find…. the bbc.
Unsurprising, as this piece, also from the Moaning Emole and doubtless concocted after many hours in Frankie Howerd will attest:
Stuck for an answer? Hold a meeting, say researchers
Meetings at work should be seen as a form of “therapy” rather than about decision-making, say researchers. Academics from the University of Malmo in Sweden say meetings provide an outlet for people at work to show off their status or to express frustration. Prof Patrik Hall says more managerial and “strategy” jobs are generating more meetings – “even though few decisions are made along the way”. “People don’t do concrete things any more,” he says. The political scientist says the rise in meetings reflects changes in the workforce – with fewer people doing and making things and an increase in those involved in “meetings-intense” roles such as strategists, advisers, consultants and managers.
Read full analysis >
Sean Coughlan
Sean will go far, especially when next presenting his ‘analysis’ to colleagues. In Swedish. In the bunker.
Wonder how many meetings Jez and the lads needed for their latest ‘output’…?
TOADY Watch #2 – Bee in the bonnet
Martha interviews Ed Davey of the iILibNonDems. Ed is planning to blow £100bn of taxpayers’ money on stopping the world by bringing Climate Change to an end. Yep, you read that right. Ed is planning to bring life on earth to an end. The bee is firmly in Ed Davey’s bonnet.
Martha does not ask any sensible, scientifically-based questions, of mad Ed Davey which is very surprising for one such as our Martha, so connected to the world of nature via her bees and their hives.
Glad you are on board . Listening to Justin Webb doing a light interview of Uncle John McDonnell – who has busily been working out his plans for executing dissenters using the pol pot plan – trying to explain how broadband companies will be affected by ‘British broadband ‘ the new money exercise from British Labour .
I’m sure there is something in EU law which makes his plan illegal but that hasn’t surfaced yet . And I raise EU law because British Labour are so eager to stay in the Reich .
The state broadcaster said it examined the market reaction and lied . It said it was Down big when in fact it was next to nothing .
I’m getting more enthusiastic about listening to Toady because it is starting to sound like ‘comedy ‘ rather than current affairs …
The BBC’s ex-impartial Newsnight Economics Editor is a fan, which surely proves what an awesome wheeze this all is.
I think EU law stops the GPO, British Rail or CEGB running our posts, telecomms, railways and electricity but is OK for the German Post Office, German Railways and French Electricity to do it.
Perhaps Corbyn should be doing a deal with the Euro-socialists, you run our stuff and we will run yours?
Fed, it was a bit like comedy this morning.
However, it is interesting (and sinister) what the BBC keep reporting and saying on air:
“You (Conservatives) have been in power for 9½ years” (The pure truth – 4½ years. 2010-2015 was spent in Coalition. The Conservatives have only been in power for 4½ years.)
“Wales voted Leave. – in the EU Ref.” “N.Ireland voted Remain.” “Scotland voted Remain.” (The pure truth – the EU Referendum votes were not counted on a constituency or country basis but were counted only on a nationwide UK basis. – as per Govt. booklet sent to everyone before the EU Ref.)
The current news strategy appears to be
1 upbeat story about Labour money tree – more money for stuff
2 downbeat bad story about Tories
3 nonsense report by some lefty think tank
4 they might throw in a bad President Trump job
5 moaning SNP , SinnfeinIRA/welsh nationalist
6 first woman to have done something
7 woman /lefty no one had heard of has died
‘A bit like comedy’.
Nish know?
They haven’t really been in power whilst in thrall to the parliament and Bercow either.
Yes I had to laugh when I heard Lib dems will stop climate change with just 100bn – bloody hell if it’s that simple why hasn’t google done it
R4 John McDonnell
What a load of F***ing twaddle… exactly how much is the Labour party going to spend? Why isn’t the BBC asking them exactly how this will all be funded?
Jesus the UK is really F888ed if Labour get in.
The good news is that nobody listens to BBC and nobody believes anything any politician says…
“Lib dems will stop climate change with just 100bn – bloody hell if it’s that simple why hasn’t google done it”
Top line.
Four and a half BILLION years of a changing climate, and the LibDems are going to curtail its activities. Just like that – with a little financial assistance from the rest of us, of course.
I fear for their sanity, if this is the level of their political acumen.
Me?, I fear for the contents of my pocket…………..
Old Goat
TOADY Watch #3 – Mad Marxist McDonnell
Ed Davey of the illLibNonDems is going to destroy the world like a James Bond villain. But not if John McDonnell (Labour Party Chancellor of the Exchequer in waiting) gets there first. John is planning on taxing the pips until they squeak.
The money from taxing Amazon, Facebook, Google and Instagram that McDonnell and Labour were spending on police and schools and the NHS last year and earlier this year is now going to be used for free broadband for everyone.
Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Faster posts to BiasedBBC. 🙂
The electricity used and CO2 generated will make Ed Davey explode with rage.
Usually I don’t include anything from the Moaning Emole ‘paper review’, but bbc editorial integrity too good to miss here.
What the papers say
Story detail
Labour’s pledge on broadband is the lead for some papers on Friday, with the Times calling it the party’s “most radical policy to date”.
Yes, let’s go with ‘radical’, as in ‘bat guano’, which is the more commonly held view outside a bbc meeting room fundament.
GW, I like this: “Yes, let’s go with ‘radical’, as in ‘bat guano’, which is the more commonly held view outside a bbc meeting room fundament.”
Might have to borrow some of that guano. Could be a money-spinner …. again.
Swinton near Rotherham ..poppy memorial vandalised

by some childish vandals.
It’s what some kids do to wind people up.
Volunteers quickly cleaned it up.
But if it were a mosque ?
Andy clearly knew the place to go.
The more desperate the bbc gets, the less coherent they become.
Here Laura is going with how ‘bold’ Labour is…
Maybe… this ‘bold’?:
The Today Programme
Martin Hewitt, Chair of The National Police Chiefs’ Council, tells us politicians need to express themselves carefully in this election, “so that in this highly charged atmosphere that language isn’t inflaming anything and causing people to act in a way that we don’t want them to.”
Not sinister at all. No wonder Jez, John and the BBC (the ‘we’ three?) want full control of the Internet.
Worrying to hear a senior plod holding himself to be ‘above’ politicians . Perhaps he will be the jury judge and executioner for comments which are not ‘approved ‘ .
So much for free speech .
Does he mean voting for Brexit or Tories when he says “and causing people to act in a way that we don’t want them to.” ?
Jesus Christ.. R4 at Cardiff University talking to students
One, who is on a journalism course ‘ like’ well like’ , most of her sentences were full of errors in speech…and of course she is a feminist
If this is standard of future journalist’s the BBC won’t have any issue with recruiting more slightly untalented dogma filled bigots
The BBC likes to get them young. And dumb.
Guest, Thanks for that 🙂
Wow – so in future I have ‘feel ‘ if it is ‘likely to be right’ or does it ‘seem’ true..hmmm yes I ‘feel it now I will publish it…job done..I am now a journalshit
On TV and Radio now – “Your Questions Answered: Boris Johnson”. It should be retitled “Boris Harangued by Clearly Hostile Left Leaning Harridan Rachel Burden”.
Unbef*ckinglievable. The cow incessantly talks over his answers, interrupts, asks her own questions, shouts him down, won’t let him talk. Boris, you really need to do something which causes these people to have to seek alternate employment.
Agreed. What a nasty piece of work. Boris has either got the patience of Job or is planning a career playing poker. Not a hint of anger crossed his face as she rudely interjected time and time again.
If it were me, I would have leapt across the room and jumped up and down on her microphone until it was squashed to pulp, shouting “Take that bitch queen!”
Maybe that’s why I’m not prime minister?
I don’t watch breakfast TV ever. But I know of naga munchety – real name
Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah
And I’m surprised that Bojo s people would put him on that programme when she is just a snide bias full fat lefty .
As I’ve said here many times – is there any benefit for any Tory to go on any BBC programme ( apart from Brillo ) ?
Unless of course they want some twisted “victim “ vote for being treated the way ms munchety-Chendriah treated Mr Johnson .
On the upside I’m sure Mr Johnson put the reform the BBC higher on the‘ to do’ list should he ever get a full Conservative government .
PS – the last time I put this lady’s full name here I was accused by some troll of being a ‘racist ‘ . I still don’t get that but put her full name up to give said person another opportunity for a ‘dig’. .
Meanwhile on Twitter – the snowflake Cathy Newman posted this ….
’ It’s deeply depressing that so many politicians are either refusing to answer questions in interviews or avoiding interviews altogether. Surely an election campaign in a functioning democracy is about being prepared to be challenged on your policies so voters can decide? ‘
You can guess the kind of responses she’s been getting …..
‘So what you’re saying Ms Newman is…?’
Ms Newman obviously got the responses she deserved – namely how she – snow – the guru Murphy – et al – don’t leave their bias at the door but bring their anti Conservative hostility into the room with them
With 3 and a bit weeks left I really hope that Tories keep their heads down and just let Labour play the money tree game as more and more people – however loved up on Corbyn they might be – realise that he is a bigger threat to Britain than any nonsense ‘Russian interference ‘.
Correction, it is Subha Nagalakshmi Yaxley Munchetty-Chendriah
Hee hee – I left TR out . Talking of TR – a certain Iain Dale of LBC fame admitted yesterday that he has a black book of people he will not talk to on air – He admitted that TR is one of them .
I don’t know who mister dale is but he gets mentioned here every so often . Sad that so called broadcasters judge as to what the public deserve to hear these days ….
Soon Comrades .. soon …

BBC are usually quick to pick up on Trumps’s tweets, however they haven’t mentioned this one yet.
It follows a Reuters newsfeed –
“KIEV, Nov 14 (Reuters) – Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko said on Thursday that U.S. ambassador Gordon Sondland did not explicitly link military aid to Kiev with opening an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Interfax Ukraine reported.”
I can’t remember an election campaign in which the beeb have so openly and brazenly ‘come out’ in favour of Labour.
All news stories lead with whatever the Labour party is going to do next; the Tories are lucky to even get a mention way down the line. I’m getting pretty sick of endlessly watching J. McDonnell holding forth on this, that and the other.
Nigel may get a mention, but only if he has said something nasty about the Conservatives.
I certainly won’t be parting with any licence fees again, and I have made careful notes of why.
Let them eat cake.
BBC: Labour says free broadband for all.
Next free spaceships to the planet tharg and time travel to the 1970s.
My definition of free is free from government interference, media manipulation and spiralling taxes. Government project management is about as good as Baldrick on an off day.
Here’s the BBC doing what the BBC does best…. holding power to account… by publishing lies as guarantees.
The Today Propaganda Hour
Justin: Are you going to nationalise other companies?
John: No we’re not
Justin: So this really is, this time, the limit of your ambitions?
John: Yes it is
Labour’s John McDonnell on plans to nationalise the Openreach part of BT to give everyone “full fibre” broadband.
Impartial? Oh no it isn’t.
brilliant it will save me £20 a month in bills
paid for out of the extra £200 a month I will pay in tax ( if im lucky)
it sounds like EU money so presumably 48% of the country think it makes sense
The Conservative Party should have nothing to do with the BBC.
At least three times a day at 1PM, 6PM and 10PM BBC TV
have a party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party for
half an hour. Boris Johnson tell them to take a hike.
One of the Munchkin women this morning was obviously told
by her Trotskyst editors to try and make you look stupid. Boris
should of told Munchkin to take a hike up the Yellow Brick Road.
For that’s all, she is fit for”
Boris needs to change it to a subscription service, it is a national disgrace.
IB- Absolutely!!! We are hearing claims of 100 Billion
for this 100 BiLLION for that. I will tell you something
the man in the street would like to hear from Boris.
a year! If you want BBC services you can pay a
subscription , just like Sky , Virgin Media, Netflix.
And then BBC if you want you will be allowed to
be a converse of FOX in the USA and support Remain,
The Labour Party 100% instead of 90%.
Then everybody who loves watching Netball or Women’s
rugby, and support the Labour party, can pay a subscription for
this service.
Ex BBC Economics Editor opines:
Wonder what the bbc has ne… ooo… sources…
Hmmm. That sounds like a licence for the State to fit people up on false sexual offence charges. But we’d all trust the State not to do that, wouldn’t we?
I expect we will need to import half of Africa to build the network and expand the electricity grid six-fold.
Just so 99% of the population can re-tweet cat videos?
My joke for the day: The turning point for me would be if Labour nationalised all the supermarkets, therefore delivering the people free food and ipads for all. Therefore the most expensive thing anyone would need to pay for under Labour rule, would be the BBC licence fee.
Whilst this news site is biased to Trump it is fairly obvious that it describes the BBC –
“Media bias has become a powerful tool in the power and propaganda war in the technological age. U.S. mainstream media’s effort in making up a completely different image of the incumbent president – Donald Trump – is an outstanding example. But while trying to convey negative information with the aim of worsening President Trump’s image, they definitely face people’s indifference and distrust – Fabricating fake image and story –
Does the BBC even read the comments?
Meanwhile, elsewhere in an establishment that is utterly corrupt….
Representation of the People Act 1983
False statements as to candidates.
(1)A person who, or any director of any body or association corporate which—
(a)before or during an election,
(b)for the purpose of affecting the return of any candidate at the election,makes or publishes any false statement of fact in relation to the candidate’s personal character or conduct shall be guilty of an illegal practice, unless he can show that he had reasonable grounds for believing, and did believe, that statement to be true.
1. Switch on R5 yesterday, catch a snippet of an interview with the All Blacks’ Sonny Bill Williams
2. Wonder who he is
3. 30 secs later hear ‘we’ll be talking to him about his faith which is so important to him’
4. Discover promo piece on the website. Intro: “It is 6am at a London hotel and Sonny Bill Williams has just completed the dawn Fajr prayer and is sitting on his mat…”
It’s utterly relentless.
…with the connivance of Al-beeb.
On ITBB Open thread:
Anonymous15 November 2019 at 12:59
BBCs Faisal Islam tweets today :
“South Korea experience does make the argument for significantly more strategic even coercive hand of state fixing rules, bank financing and guiding private sector to reach outcomes. “
Sent out during an election campaign where the two main parties have very different views on nationalisation – Surely that’s blatant bias for one side.
All the more interesting as the BBC apparently love John McD’s control of the internet and many countering concerns on social media are using S. Korea as an example of success.
The Conservative Party deserves to lose.
Have you ever heard such a blatant pro Labour push – BBC find a hotel in Scotland who is affected by poor broadband – well isn’t that Scotland’s issue and so she has to use satellite – well pay for it and you will get it.
BBC actually trying to make Labour’s broadband idea sound serious.
Fortunately, comments show the public is not as credulous as the State broadcaster.
But for people with high IQ’s its not complex at all. Complexity is used by the ignorant and the BBC to hide the basic truth. Piers Corbyn explains that as Global temperatures have fallen since 2016, due to the start of a mini ice age. Falling temperatures mean that the energy that keeps water vapour in the Atmosphere is lost, so it falls out of the sky as rain. So the Climate signal would be a massive drop in temperature causing a global downpour due to the lack of energy needed to keep water vapour in the Atmosphere.
Simple not complex.
Labour’s Anneliese Dodds on TWATO trying to justify free broadband..she seems to have little understanding of business – her whole life has been university – BA MA PhD then teaching public policy at university.
This is the type of person the HoP has in place…:-(
The impartial state broadcaster and, it seems soon-to-be state internet portal.
BBC usually frothing at the mouth to report the threat of online extremism and the need to clamp down on inappropriate content.
But strangely nothing on this: “More than 80 videos thought to be inciting gang-violence have been removed from YouTube in the past six months – the majority being drill music videos […] It comes as LBC has been told gangs are increasingly using drill music to recruit and groom young members…”
Cognitive dissonance at Newsbeat and BBC 3 must be through the roof
Needs no comment
BBC caption: Child mistakes Jeremy Corbyn for Boris Johnson.
Thinks: ‘He’s after my sweeties … gerroffahtavit.’
Also thinks: ‘Mum, keep a tight grip on your purse. I don’t like the look of this one.’
Smart kid – recognises a revolutionary Marxist when he sees one .