The Far Left Biased BBC appears to be running an unashamed campaign to support its best friend – the Labour Party – in the General Election . Stories which are anti – Conservative run in News programmes across news cycles and stories damaging to the Labour Party are avoided or dropped . It has been a switch from anti brexit to anti Conservative propaganda . It’s lucky more and more people now regard the BBC as an embarrassing joke as opposed to the reliable broadcaster it was a long time ago.
Midweek Thread 13 November 2019
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Tiny bit of editing by Fedup – I agree the sentiment but the eff is a no no
The greedy and immoral BBC take their 30 pieces of silver from Huawei, controlled by the Chinese governement, one of the worst regimes on earth (think Tibet, Hong Kong, Tienanmen, Chinese Gulags, Organ Harvesting, human rights abuses, island land grabs etc).
Even their own staff find it hard to stomach.
On the plus side, such sleazy deals will further tarnish what little reputation the Corrupt Corporation has left.
“The BBC has been criticised by its own employees for producing a promotional video and website for Huawei which claims to tell the “real story” of the company.
A video and website promoting the Chinese technology business was created by the BBC’s “StoryWorks” sponsored content team, BuzzFeed reported.” – DT.
Seems the BBc want to get them younger, more ways.
Maybe they know parents will soon have no way to save kids from their… ‘information and education’?
Our Soapy is so keen to dish the dirt on Trump he never uses journalistic rigour to wonder why the witness has been checking her Twitter feed at the same time as giving evidence.
po”Having to respond to tweeting”
… no you don’t have to respond.
Sopels tweet has 144 likes
Trump’s tweet has 46 thousand Likes
Neatly complemented by…
BBC News
Roger Stone, former adviser to President Trump, has been convicted on charges stemming from the Russia inquiry.
Interesting precedent, especially given BBC coyness over colleagues and advisers to their choice of next PM, including a felon, disgraced and ejected MP and others…
Are all victims treated proportionately by the media ?
..another story highlights Muslim victimhood”
bylined “Data journalist. Italian member of the Reach Data Unit”
\\ The number of Islamophobic attacks increased following a Boris Johnson column and ‘Punish a Muslim Day’ letters last year.
Leicester Mercury – 2019-11-15 – News – By DEBORA ARU. REPORTS of antiMuslim abuse ..
Surely idiots shout out or provoke all kinds of people : “hey carrot-top, four eyes, fatty” etc ?
It was in our paper as well, so Reach will have published it in loads of regionals.
ah that bizarre court case where a woman was fined for complaining about a fellow passenger eating eggs
That went through a year long legal process.
It turns out there is a reason why it proceeded even though trivial.
Cos the police had noticed the egg eater was Brazilian and the complainer white.. so they had charged her with racially aggrevated crime.
After a year when it came to court, the judge threw out that aspect.
oops misreported my own comment
Who designed that? Looks like Joseph Merrick trying to find the door lock after a night on the sherry.
Seems like Prince Andrew is to be interviewed by Princess Maitliss Saturday night . At least it will be about her as opposed to him . Crack out the popcorn and watch a masterclass in rehearsed interviewing …..
I watched QT last night.
That must have been the worst audience ever.
What a bunch of virtue signallers.
They made me sick listening to them.
Clapping at all the usual woke points such as everybody must be allowed into the U.K. because were all human, that type of stuff.
Only clapping at the panel and commentators who came out with the usual far left drivel.
Alex Phillips, the only one talking sense getting the silent treatment but the lefties getting all the ott applause for sickening virtue signalling.
Just awful.
Oh yes, the one audience member who asked a question (when will this points based immigration system start) was given the indication that it would be answered yet guess what….it was somehow forgotten and never asked.
I found that when I stopped watching such contrived drivel my health blossomed. Good luck.
The One Coin $4bn ponzi scheme
Jamie Bartlett of BBC podcast said “I am surprised the brother turned against the sister”
… God that is naive, in ponzi scheme the promoters lie like hell
(We helped to bust the Telelexfree scheme ..a Portuguese language based ponzi scheme)
Death of white helmet founder judged as suicide by Turkish police.
…. hmm
One for Kay fans…
This is why I like Ann Marie Waters. It’s about 11 minutes long. But every word is true.
She deserves more support from we indigenous people of our country:
I agree jic. Common sense as usual from AMW.
Click to access For_Britain_Mini-Manifesto_March_2019.pdf
Immigration – For Britain will:
• Freeze immigration to the UK for a period of 5 years (this will not affect travel for business or leisure and temporary work visas may be issued during this time if in the interests of the economy)
• Ensure that the need for foreign workers is reduced in the near future by investing in effective training for young Britons
• Introduce a points-based migration system at the end of these 5 years based upon need and in the interests of British citizens – those seeking to live in the United Kingdom will be of good character and economically self-sufficient, will respect British culture and make an effort to integrate, will obey UK laws and agree to adhere to the democratic order. Those who will not integrate, or who will not respect British laws and norms, will not be permitted to live in the UK and will not be granted British citizenship
• Deport those found to be living in the United Kingdom unlawfully or involved in violent crime (exceptions may be made on humanitarian grounds)
• Triple the size of the UK border force to ensure that immigration laws are applied
The Today Programme
3 hrs ·
Listen back to… ???? John McDonnell talk to Justin Webb about Labour’s plan to give everyone free high-speed broadband.
In what deranged part of the BBC Labour PR world is anything being ‘given’ for ‘free’?
That is flat out lying.
I just wish once an interviewer in the MSM would ask these retards and destroyers of civilisations, like Mr McDonnell:
Will you confirm you are a marxist?
Do you have any understanding of the destruction marxism has inflicted on the world over the past hundred years?
How can you sleep at night knowing that if you gain power, your ideology will result in the death of millions in our country?
I was very surprised that Justin didn’t say to uncle john “ hey john – you know your proposal to nationalise BT breaches EU competition law right?’ But it never happened . Justin was doing one of those ‘bored ‘ jobs were he just goes through the motions .
I think the Bat share price was more adversely affected by paying over the odds for the foreign footie .
Prepare for meltdown.
Already happening. The bbc fanbois are already in planning.
Have the commie retards repaired the blimp?
Will the dwarfish muslim mayor of London be greeting President Trump in the usual fashion? And will President Trump put him in his place again?
Which one of these bloke is the patriot? Sorry , don’t answer that or you could be labelled a racist which, apparently, could land you in jail.
Sorry mate when I clicked on “reply” the “report” option also turned red.
Who do you think the BBC’S equivalent to RI CHUN HEE
the North Korean TV lady news presenter, will be
if the COMMUNISTS lead by Corbyn win the UK General Election?
Sophie Raworth, Jane Hill, Mishal Husian, Riz Lateef,
Naga Munchetty, Fiona Bruce , Steph McGovern. Reeta
Chakrabarti ? Anybody else you may consider?
Beats ‘OMG’ I guess.
I think it’s time for the weekend thread –
As the nation settles in to watch the Annual Children in Need fest and collectively wonder where all that cash goes …….
This is the outcome from Tommy Robinson’s court case yesterday, which Ezra Levant attended.
It shows the corruption of our judicial system and the violent viciousness of muslims.
It’s just over 6 minutes long:
I am sure Priti Patel and the Home Office will be observing this trial.
And just for entertainment: