I would say I am not the greatest fan of the Tory’s considering the mess they made of Brexit (and no doubt will continue to do so if they do win the election). However the anti Boris stories on the mainstream media, including our favourite BBC continues. The Brexit Party has largely been ignored until such time they can be used to have a go at Boris (mind you no smoke etc…!). I particularly detest the Lib Dems, but they are not getting a look in either. It’s all Labour good, Tory bad. Continuing disgraceful reporting.
Wales Primary school Head teacher sacked for having sex with two 17-year-old boys he met through Grindr the gay dating app is awarded £700,000 compensation
– On grounds of safeguarfing the LEA recommended sacking
– The first tribunal said having gay sex with 17 year olds is legal so it’s unfair dismissal
– The appeal tribunal agreed.
Look if a 42 year old head teacher is having casual sex with 17 year olds that is not OK
He/she is in a position of power and they are relatively children.
It shows extraordinary poor moral judgement.
Although it doesn’t mean he is about to start having sex with the primary school children in his care, he/she might be in situations where firm moral judgement is important. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/education/tywyn-school-port-talbot-sandfields-17266161
Anyone on these pages seriously thinking of voting for the cowardly useless incompetent Tories?
Seriously? Are you that credulous?
I think you’d probably be better off voting Labour !
Boris is refusing to put a cap on migration to the UK, declaring he is pro migration and worse he is considering the leftist idea of declaring all illegal immigrants legal.
The cowardly useless incompetent Tories are still funding Islamic Jihadists of Al Qaida, running foreign aid at unsustainable levels, underfunding the armed forces, and now we get to hear they have suspended a Tory Councillor for speaking the truth about demands by Islamists in Germany !
This is not a party fit for government of the UK, and a Corbyn government which soaked the idiotic wealthy backers of these crazed loons would be a fitting reward.
I remember that we got Margaret Thatcher after the last insane Labour government and if that is what it takes for these nincompoops to realise how incompetent Boris and his lacklustlre crew are then bring on Corbyn ASAP and bye bye to Boris the bottler.
“I think you’d probably be better off voting Labour!”
No, we wouldn’t be. Seriously.
Not under any circumstances. Not at any time.
And particularly not with Comrade Corbyn at the helm.
I realise you’re not keen on Boris and “his lacklustre crew” but there’s a limit.
And sticking an anti Semitic, commie lunatic in number 10 isn’t the answer…
For God’s sake, get a grip.
I agree Corbyn is not the answer to anyone’s problems as it would bring a bag of new problems which our country really does not need at the moment. This election is the once chance to defeat Corbyn for once and for all and if Labour lose then it would hopefully throw them into a civil war as far left Momentum go to war with the centre leaning Blairites which could even keep them out of office for yet another term.
Thoughtful you’re saying that if we elect Corbyn it will be so bad the country will turn to a Thatcher type figure next. To start with Corbyn will be so bad that millions of Britons will suffer and that alone is a reason to do everything legally to stop it from happening.
Next he will import so many millions of Labour voters from other countries and lower the voting age to whatever gives the left permanent government that we could never get rid of them.
They will probably end all meaningful elections anyway as extremists always do. The country will get poorer and poorer, more and more violent and it will be an end to democracy. If he forms a government we are screwed and forever the boots will be stamping on our faces.
They have already tried underhand tactics. I am very concerned over the suggestion that Momentum where allegedly ‘stealing’ student voting cards at the last GE and cast votes for Labour while students had gone home which might be the reason for very large swings in University areas.
Stuff like that is illegal and has caused suspicion for more than two years now yet the left wing media (which of course includes the BBC) keep very quiet about it hoping that it gets kept quiet. They are all convinced that Corbyn managed to turn it around for Labour by himself yet I do strongly feel that there was foul play coming from Labour. They still lost though and I really hope for our country’s sake that they lose again.
Corbyn and his cult are dangerous and only a fool would see otherwise.
“To start with Corbyn will be so bad that millions of Britons will suffer”
How exactly will they suffer? What the leftist media isn’t telling you is that Corbyn is in some pre EU fantasy land and that all his nationalisation plans are actually illegal under EU law, no wonder he wants to leave!
“Next he will import so many millions of Labour voters from other countries ”
So no different to Boris the bottler then?
“They will probably end all meaningful elections anyway”
When did the UK last have a meaningful election? The system is so riddled with corruption its a sham of a ‘democracy’ with our judges going so far as to call it so bad “it would shame a banana republic” and yet the useless incompetent cowardly Tories have utterly failed to do anything what so ever about it!
There is no democracy and the Tories and Labour are the same far left party!
Tell me what previous Labour policies have the Tories reversed since Cameron was elected, that they weren’t forced into by lack of money?
Corbyn is backing Hamas the Tories are funding Al Qaeda are we now expected to chose a party based on which Islamic terrorist group they support?
Both will bankrupt the country, one will propbably do it faster than the other, but better in this case to arrive there quickly.
When President Trump criticised Sadiq Khan which side do you think the Tories took? Yep they took Labours side and defended the man who has increased the murder rate to one of the highest in t he world so when you’re talking about violence, just remember the Tories are all in favour of it!
We are screwed which ever one of them gets in because in spite of the press coverage of how awful Corbyn is, the Tories aren’t any better.
General – I second that – and thoughtful – if you just want to go on about how much you hate the Tories why not just go find a political only website as opposed to stuff which is BBC related . I have to read your stuff and sometimes it’s just a rant . If you don’t wanna vote for some party good for you .
Maximum respect. Clearly @maitlis was magnificent and deserves every award coming her way. But this moment of television and British history would not have happened without exceptional producers – heroic public servants the public know virtually nothing of. Nice one @esmewren. https://t.co/9NwZ1UxH4I
Your right there Taffy – At this rate it wont be too long before we get “Remembrance Friday” where we will all be able to celebrate those who gave up their lives blowing up both themselves and swathes of unworthy kaffirs whilst searching for Alans snackbar.
In the States, it is gun ownership and condemnation of that. Both because they would be the ultimate last line of defence against a communist/Democrat coup. Whereas, in the UK, the population are totally emasculated.
I may get into terrible trouble with this post or maybe not.
I sat with my wife last night and watched” Strictly” last night,
for the first time this season.
I must be in scores of videos being at Weddings , Bahmitzvahs and
the likes, dancing like you have never seen. Anyway many tell me
its worth a good laugh. OK I can’t dance. However I do like
watching folk that can. Probably goes back to the old Fred
Astaire and Ginger Rogers and Gene Kelly musicals.
So last night Michelle Visage came on and explained to us
almost in tears how the LGBT community had been wonderful
to her. And then we saw her Vogue,her “dance ” of choice.
I am afraid that I felt like the little boy in the ” Kings new clothes
fable”. Yes she made herself look like Madonna and Vogued.
I may of spelled the “dance” incorrectly.
However I saw her do very few actual dance steps. I am sure
when i am rotating my ankles for exercising my heart failure
I do more! Even the flamboyant judges gave her the lowest
score of the evening. BUT do the BBC want this champion
of the LGBT cause out of the competition? I very much
doubt it. Maybe Douglas Murray could explain it better
than me ,what the reasons are.
I gave up on Strictly this year, haven’t watched a single dance. But you can always tell when the BBC want to keep someone in by the fact they get the best clothes, camera angles and comments from the judges whatever their dancing is like. I began to notice the comments particularly for the jive when contestants are compared favourably to Jill Halfpenny (I think that is her name, but the Geordie lass) but if I then replayed the dance on iplayer saw it was flatfooted, out of time , woolly etc, we are never told numbers voting. I guess that continues to shrink but also means we don’t know if the BBC Is truthful about audience votes. The BBC will keep in BMEs and LGBQTs as long as they dare. They have an agenda to fulfill.
I have tried to edit posts for minor spelling errors after posting but within the 15 minutes. I have found I can’t change anything. Anyone else having the same problem?
Everyone, from time to time. I fear the site programming may be showing its age as I’m having problems with it using Safari on my iPad. Sometimes all I get is a blue page and I have to switch to Firefox instead.
I suppose I use the site more than most . I’ve never had the problem you describe . I think the whole thing got shaky on Thursday ? Afternoon as o was busily deleting multiple identical posts … but we ll see and if it gets worse I will try to contact the person who picks up the tab for the site .
Imagine if we just elegantly dispatched of our royals like the French did back in the 18th Century. We’d at least be spared the nonce apologia on the telly.
For a transparent organisation, the bbc does seem to have inspired staff and ex-staff to maintain a policy of ‘keep my views from being addressed in public’.
I wish her all the best! She helped me with my complaint about the lack of black women on @loosewomen this is a position that women of colour do not usually get…well done!
“Imagine if we just elegantly dispatched of our royals ”
disposed of?..dispatched?..but not “dispatched of” dear!
“Walks like a supermodel. F*cks like a champion” ..well so it say on her Twitter page (I assume that’s irony?)
..she should add “writes like a dunce”.
A child and as such someone who should be seen and not heard. Mind you she’s seen far too much and for me at least it ain’t a pretty sight especially when in her “strident mode”.
You know Christmas is fast approaching when the big concrete blocks are installed around the Yule markets to prevent ‘militants’, as the BBC would describe them, from the Religion of Peace trying to run over innocent Christmas shoppers.
So in an attempt to lighten the mood and meet the BBC halfway about Greta and it’s gloomy climate change predictions, this should cheer us all up.
R4 Sunday prog just covered an item about a London black church ( they didn’t call it that) in scandal cos of allegations members were coerced into loans so they could pay church taxes
…then by coincidence I came across this thread
One ex-member of SPAC Nation told us: "I think this would have been more investigated if this were a church full of white people". Here's part one of our exposé, in case you missed it. https://t.co/aYSwUWQv0Z
Out now for the GE 2019 The Labour party sticker book
collect your Free promise of the day sticker
..and stick it in your album ready to reclaim on the election day
– Yesterday’s free promise : free broadband
– Today’s free promise : free dentistry Jeremy Corbyn: ‘This is the first step towards making all dentistry services free of charge — part of our ambition to deliver free dentistry as part of a truly universally free health service.’
Proof of residence not necessary https://thetimes.co.uk/article/labour-opens-coffers-wide-to-offer-free-dental-checks-w89pfb2gw
I said “sticker” , but of course Corbyn’s like any establishment politician’s promises are NOT sticky
.. they are NOT stuck to
after the election they are not stuck to.
From German article about farmers invading the posh Greenpeace building. What many do not realize, however, is how the communists use ecologism to present themselves as morally superior and push their own agenda. In this way, environmental protection is highly politicized, driven to extremes, and even a pseudo-religion – but without the traditional moral foundations. Misleading propaganda and various political coercive measures gain the upper hand, turning environmental awareness into a kind of “communism light”. article
And despite all of that the cowardly useless incompetent Socialist Tories back the BBC to the hilt, even if their members can see exactly what they are.
Why should anybody be surprised the easy ride Andrew Marr
gave to Corybyn? Marr used to be as left wing as you can be ,
when a columnist for the Daily Express. As an analogy
if Marr was playing at Wembley Stadium. You would find
him left outside the stadium at Wembley Park tube station !
Interestingly I read an article about Robin Oakley who was the political editor at the Beeb until 2000. He apparently had ‘differences’ with the Beeb at their trivialising of the News, so they parted company, and in came……… Andrew Marr.
I think Prince Andrew was ill-advised to put himself out there.
The press is not going to let the Epstein story go, and that means it won’t let Andrew go.
Anyway, last night was more about the development of the Maitless career, and image as a remorseless interviewer who will get at “the Truth”, than it was about throwing light on what really happened re The Prince and Epstein friendship (and all their friends).
BBC, was it? That alone, speaks volumes about honesty, integrity and bias.
If the Prince had viewed previous Maitless interviews, he would have known it would have been healthier to get into a lions den, than to sit down with Maitless, who very much has her own agenda in this type of interview. Getting at “the Truth” is not necessarily a part thereof.
I don’t know the veracity of the Epstein girl’s allegation, but I have it on good authority that Andrew regularly bypasses the usual protocols to bring females back to his place to the point of rudely dismissing those there to protect him
Just ,
I’m really not interested in questionable royal fornication but I’d love to know how much the BBC is touting the interview for – to the Americans who will probably eat far more popcorn than I did .
By the way – guess which Pizza Express comes up first if you google it ?
I am old enough to remember the GPO, and also when it split into Royal mail, BT and the post office.
You could have one approved phone and it was illegal to own your own and connect it to their network even if it was completely compatible. It was also illegal to put in your own extension !
Later on when BT was privatised kits became available to make extensions it was that simple a job.
You couldn’t just buy yourself a phone line, it was a 6 month wait for a connection and that was for a party line shared with another home, and a private line took them years to install – probably a decade as I remember.
When they loosened up a little we had to have only phones approved by them and they were still asking as much for a months rental as a handset as they cost to buy in the shops !
We all know nationalisation doesn’t work, we know that government oversight bodies are a joke and always take the governments side – just look at Offcom !
Labour cannot privatise BT without leaving the EU first as it would be illegal ! It is all a false promise so the bigger question is why the MSM aren’t questioniing them on this.
If I thought that the Labour Party had any idea of what it is doing I’d say that the nationalise BT idea would get some positive views .
However – as you say – EU competition law would stop such an idea – which a shrewd political party would use to make the manifesto promise and then break it – with so many others.
I would never describe Labour as being shrewd – especially putting a revolutionary Marxist and his crew in control .
I note your continuous slagging off of the Tory party – I agree its less that the right wing party I want – but we have to live I. Reality and it’s either them or the brexit party – it’s too important to play games with .
Labour and Corbyn are absolutely NOT Marxist in any way I do wish people would begin to educate themselves on this issue.
Momentum was funded in large part by the son of the British Union of Fascists leader Max Moseley and the current Labour Manifesto is an almost carbon copy of that original Fascist manifesto of Benito Mussolini.
Mussolini was a life long Socialist and member of the Italian Labour party Moseley was a minister in the Labour government before founding the BUF.
Please do not be under any illusion, Corbyn is a Fascist verging on Nazi with his race hate and anti Semitism.
I know that the media has done all it possibly can to cover up the link between Fascism and socialism ever since the end of WWII, it is yor job to get behind that lie by omission and discover what is going on for yourself.
Todays Labour party is a million miles from Marxist and another million from revolutionary Marxism. It is Fascist verging on Nazi and it’s even going so far as to use the old Fascist slogan “Stronger Together”
I am old enough to remember the GPO, and also when it split into Royal mail, BT and the post office.
You could have one approved phone and it was illegal to own your own and connect it to their network even if it was completely compatible. It was also illegal to put in your own extension !
Later on when BT was privatised kits became available to make extensions it was that simple a job.
You couldn’t just buy yourself a phone line, it was a 6 month wait for a connection and that was for a party line shared with another home, and a private line took them years to install – probably a decade as I remember.
When they loosened up a little we had to have only phones approved by them and they were still asking as much for a months rental as a handset as they cost to buy in the shops !
We all know nationalisation doesn’t work, we know that government oversight bodies are a joke and always take the governments side – just look at Offcom !
Labour cannot privatise BT without leaving the EU first as it would be illegal ! It is all a false promise so the bigger question is why the MSM aren’t questioniing them on this.
dirigiste = the left = BBC who go furher than most to encourage what they refer to as ‘activism’ which in reality often leads to violence.
“Attempted Creation of a New “Catholic” Orthodoxy?
If a politician is wise, defeat at the polls would inspire him or her to examine why the electorate has rejected his or her proposals. Yet, when the British electorate voted for exit from the European Community, many members of Parliament — including some Tory members — sought ways to “exit” while still retaining substantial ties to the EU. In the U.S., the election of Donald Trump and the prospect of his anti-progressive agenda have inspired “total resistance” to everything he tries to do. From the very beginning of his administration, a rapidly growing portion of the progressive elites has sought his impeachment and removal from office. And the progressive vitriol is not just directed toward Trump, but against all neoliberal Republicans as well. The Western dirigiste elites are desperately attempting to retain their authority in the face of growing populist revolts.
Some may think that it is a step too far to refer to the BBC ‘progressive’ ideology as being left-wing but Thorington makes it clear –
“Most Western Elites Are Dirigiste in Nature
Since the late nineteenth century in the U.S. and even earlier in Europe, the dominant elites have been dirigiste. Dirigisme is a large category of ideologies that includes all forms of socialism, as well as somewhat less totalitarian ideas of social organization. It includes progressivism in the United States as well as the highly controlling bureaucracies of the European Union.
The outstanding characteristic of all dirigiste ideologies is they fundamentally assume the state must direct the behavior of the economy. Because of the close connection between social well-being and economic health, this most basic assumption implies the government should be the primary tool for solving social problems as well.”
The description ‘progressive’ is basically an attempt to put lipstick on a pig!
These are probably the same type of detectives who found Carl Beeches evidence credible. The police have lost all credibility. They no longer police with my consent nor I suspect that of many other non woke folk.
taffman – 39 today. 1500 so far this year. (That they will admit to; could be double or treble that!) ‘Border Force’ are a joke. Free taxi service to the UK.
The Fuehrer got it wrong in 1940, coming over with Heinkels and Dorniers and Messerschmitts and stuff. He should merely have stuffed hundreds of little boats with unarmed German civilians every day, sent them into the Channel, and – hey presto!
“We shall bring them on to our beaches, etc etc.” Churchill could have said, puffing on his cigar. “I have nothing to offer you but migrants, migrants and migrants!” etc etc….
“Never mind, chaps, we can all learn German!” Puff, puff…
Goering would have been the one in the extra big dinghy.
I am very surprised that this useless Tory Government hasn’t contracted P&O Ferries to ship them all in yet ? Consider this, how many illegals are fugitive criminals and terrorists ? MI5 already has many under surveillance, this problem just increases their burden .
The first duty of any government is to safeguard its people.
We have all become accustomed to misplaced African characters in BBC dramas set in bygone Britain, but it seems the BBC also see it necessary to invent female characters for balance. The reviewer for Radio Times considers this practice to be a valiant effort in relation to “The name of the rose” :- It’s quite daft that the two young women have crossed paths in the forest, especially as Anna, the noble huntress, was slashed in the midriff a great distance from the abbey. A valiant effort, though, by the adaptors to increase female roles in this drama. If you know Umberto Eco’s book, you’ll know Anna wasn’t in it.
Perhaps if the BBC want equal opportunities for female actors they should avoid scripts set in medieval monasteries.
Media science “communicator” says skeptics don’t know what they are talking about.
She seems to be projecting.
BBC story began
“A global group of around 11,000 scientists have endorsed research”
There was no group, there was a webpage that people were invited to like
and self identify themselves.
Many people’s self-identication was not of a scientist
eg student, or orthodontist etc.
Neither the 11,000 nor the 97% have been debunked by actual experts or in any way that holds water when subjected to scrutiny. That’s what science is about. There’s literally no point us continuing this conversation if you can’t tell the difference.
BBC enviro' journalist wins €100k award for his journalism
BBC enviro ACTIVIST wins €100k award for his ACTIVISM
McGrath no doubt shares the prize with his co-contributor Micky Mouse
but in a late move Micky Mouse has been stealth deleted from the list of journalists
Not quite sure why you think it a "great honour" to cop 100,000 euros from people you are supposed to be writing about.
“In the week when the BBC’s Matt McGrath described Mickey Mouse as a scientist, he also pocketed 100,000 euros from a climate activist group”. Another great new article by @CMorrisonEsq – read it please follow him.https://t.co/OZklY33tYi
From Lammy who COLONISED the Expenses Account Land
Actually I did have a paper round when I was younger Fred but I have never been motivated by money particularly. Anyway I’ve always found bragging about one’s individual wealth tacky, brash, arrogant and profoundly Unbritish. https://t.co/wWa1ji6f5I
And if you’re not satisfied with the Virginia whatsername story, Beeb have got the Jennifer Arcuri story ready to run and run and run. (The Trump recipe here, with a slight modification)
Apparently Boris cast her aside like a gremlin…
Along with their many pictures of Comrade Corbyn, there will be many pictures of Jennifer.
And if Boris doesn’t make it back to No10, we could end up with a PM Corbyn and a Deputy PM Swinson, in a coalition supported by the SNP. With Blackford trumpeting away in some or other ministerial capacity. McDonnell in No 11. Home Office under Abbott. Beeb would be ecstatic!
Doesn’t bear thinking about. Talk about blood running cold…
Our ‘world class’ broadcaster has finally woken up to events in Sweden.
It would be excellent if The POTUS now called them out on it with a big fat “I told you so”.
“ The report managed to avoid directly citing the immigration connection for over twenty paragraphs, however, and then only addressed the issue obliquely, observing that “Swedish police do not record or release the ethnicity of suspects or convicted criminals, but intelligence chief Linda H Straaf says many do share a similar profile.”
Tonight 6 weeks before Christmas I have begun watching the cult BBC series “The Box of Delights” by John Masefield everything about it is ‘feel good’ and comfort, and Robert Stevens portrayal of the baddie Abner Brown (Abner? That’s a foreign name isn’t it?) is masterful.
When Biddy Baxter was on Desert Island Discs she named this as her crowning acheivement and it used cutting edge CGI (for its day) The music is by another BBC legend Victor Hely Hutchinson, although I suspect in todays Fascist environment we will never see either rebroadcast.
Doesn’t really matter what the people want, what matters is what the elites want, and they have been bought by the Middle Eastern petro Islam rials.
We’ve seen it all over Europe as the people turn against the leftist stupidity, the elites closing ranks to freeze out any kind of challenge and stupid brain dead people either too far away from what is happening to understand the truth or to f***ed by socialism to understand reality.
Holland Sweden Germany UK all of them can no longer be considered democratic as they abandon the voters to chase the petro dollars.
Well done Pug quite a compilation,I am going to copy it off for future reference and can only hope that someone in a position of authority in the Conservative Party will do the same and USE IT !
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
I would say I am not the greatest fan of the Tory’s considering the mess they made of Brexit (and no doubt will continue to do so if they do win the election). However the anti Boris stories on the mainstream media, including our favourite BBC continues. The Brexit Party has largely been ignored until such time they can be used to have a go at Boris (mind you no smoke etc…!). I particularly detest the Lib Dems, but they are not getting a look in either. It’s all Labour good, Tory bad. Continuing disgraceful reporting.
Wales Primary school Head teacher sacked for having sex with two 17-year-old boys he met through Grindr the gay dating app is awarded £700,000 compensation
– On grounds of safeguarfing the LEA recommended sacking
– The first tribunal said having gay sex with 17 year olds is legal so it’s unfair dismissal
– The appeal tribunal agreed.
Look if a 42 year old head teacher is having casual sex with 17 year olds that is not OK
He/she is in a position of power and they are relatively children.
It shows extraordinary poor moral judgement.
Although it doesn’t mean he is about to start having sex with the primary school children in his care, he/she might be in situations where firm moral judgement is important.
And the head has to give a good example to the kids
and uphold the reputation of the school
If he is tainted as a bit of a perv that taints school.
Interesting Tweet I found about the fire in Bolton:
‘Just realised that I worked for a company when I was 19 (6 yrs ago) that sold units within that Student Block in Bolton – before it was built.
That means planning permission & completion was granted by a Labour council. Somehow I don’t think Tory bashing will cut it w/this one.’
Here is one of the replies that I saw:
‘Which is why the BBC aren’t all over it’
Fire? What fire?
The bias continues…
Here’s that Twitter thread
Anyone on these pages seriously thinking of voting for the cowardly useless incompetent Tories?
Seriously? Are you that credulous?
I think you’d probably be better off voting Labour !
Boris is refusing to put a cap on migration to the UK, declaring he is pro migration and worse he is considering the leftist idea of declaring all illegal immigrants legal.
The cowardly useless incompetent Tories are still funding Islamic Jihadists of Al Qaida, running foreign aid at unsustainable levels, underfunding the armed forces, and now we get to hear they have suspended a Tory Councillor for speaking the truth about demands by Islamists in Germany !
This is not a party fit for government of the UK, and a Corbyn government which soaked the idiotic wealthy backers of these crazed loons would be a fitting reward.
I remember that we got Margaret Thatcher after the last insane Labour government and if that is what it takes for these nincompoops to realise how incompetent Boris and his lacklustlre crew are then bring on Corbyn ASAP and bye bye to Boris the bottler.
“I think you’d probably be better off voting Labour!”
No, we wouldn’t be. Seriously.
Not under any circumstances. Not at any time.
And particularly not with Comrade Corbyn at the helm.
I realise you’re not keen on Boris and “his lacklustre crew” but there’s a limit.
And sticking an anti Semitic, commie lunatic in number 10 isn’t the answer…
For God’s sake, get a grip.
I agree Corbyn is not the answer to anyone’s problems as it would bring a bag of new problems which our country really does not need at the moment. This election is the once chance to defeat Corbyn for once and for all and if Labour lose then it would hopefully throw them into a civil war as far left Momentum go to war with the centre leaning Blairites which could even keep them out of office for yet another term.
Thoughtful you’re saying that if we elect Corbyn it will be so bad the country will turn to a Thatcher type figure next. To start with Corbyn will be so bad that millions of Britons will suffer and that alone is a reason to do everything legally to stop it from happening.
Next he will import so many millions of Labour voters from other countries and lower the voting age to whatever gives the left permanent government that we could never get rid of them.
They will probably end all meaningful elections anyway as extremists always do. The country will get poorer and poorer, more and more violent and it will be an end to democracy. If he forms a government we are screwed and forever the boots will be stamping on our faces.
They have already tried underhand tactics. I am very concerned over the suggestion that Momentum where allegedly ‘stealing’ student voting cards at the last GE and cast votes for Labour while students had gone home which might be the reason for very large swings in University areas.
Stuff like that is illegal and has caused suspicion for more than two years now yet the left wing media (which of course includes the BBC) keep very quiet about it hoping that it gets kept quiet. They are all convinced that Corbyn managed to turn it around for Labour by himself yet I do strongly feel that there was foul play coming from Labour. They still lost though and I really hope for our country’s sake that they lose again.
Corbyn and his cult are dangerous and only a fool would see otherwise.
“To start with Corbyn will be so bad that millions of Britons will suffer”
How exactly will they suffer? What the leftist media isn’t telling you is that Corbyn is in some pre EU fantasy land and that all his nationalisation plans are actually illegal under EU law, no wonder he wants to leave!
“Next he will import so many millions of Labour voters from other countries ”
So no different to Boris the bottler then?
“They will probably end all meaningful elections anyway”
When did the UK last have a meaningful election? The system is so riddled with corruption its a sham of a ‘democracy’ with our judges going so far as to call it so bad “it would shame a banana republic” and yet the useless incompetent cowardly Tories have utterly failed to do anything what so ever about it!
There is no democracy and the Tories and Labour are the same far left party!
Tell me what previous Labour policies have the Tories reversed since Cameron was elected, that they weren’t forced into by lack of money?
Corbyn is backing Hamas the Tories are funding Al Qaeda are we now expected to chose a party based on which Islamic terrorist group they support?
Both will bankrupt the country, one will propbably do it faster than the other, but better in this case to arrive there quickly.
When President Trump criticised Sadiq Khan which side do you think the Tories took? Yep they took Labours side and defended the man who has increased the murder rate to one of the highest in t he world so when you’re talking about violence, just remember the Tories are all in favour of it!
We are screwed which ever one of them gets in because in spite of the press coverage of how awful Corbyn is, the Tories aren’t any better.
Whatever you are on I suggest you stop taking it !
General – I second that – and thoughtful – if you just want to go on about how much you hate the Tories why not just go find a political only website as opposed to stuff which is BBC related . I have to read your stuff and sometimes it’s just a rant . If you don’t wanna vote for some party good for you .
When the bbc has the BBC’s back.
One might hazard this did not go as well as planned.
Looks like it is going to be a looooong week.
Amol the (not so) merrier?
I see that Al Beeb will be running another ‘Witch Hunt’ on British soldiers very shortly . This time its Iraq.
How Al Beeb love the British Forces .
Your right there Taffy – At this rate it wont be too long before we get “Remembrance Friday” where we will all be able to celebrate those who gave up their lives blowing up both themselves and swathes of unworthy kaffirs whilst searching for Alans snackbar.
In the States, it is gun ownership and condemnation of that. Both because they would be the ultimate last line of defence against a communist/Democrat coup. Whereas, in the UK, the population are totally emasculated.
I may get into terrible trouble with this post or maybe not.
I sat with my wife last night and watched” Strictly” last night,
for the first time this season.
I must be in scores of videos being at Weddings , Bahmitzvahs and
the likes, dancing like you have never seen. Anyway many tell me
its worth a good laugh. OK I can’t dance. However I do like
watching folk that can. Probably goes back to the old Fred
Astaire and Ginger Rogers and Gene Kelly musicals.
So last night Michelle Visage came on and explained to us
almost in tears how the LGBT community had been wonderful
to her. And then we saw her Vogue,her “dance ” of choice.
I am afraid that I felt like the little boy in the ” Kings new clothes
fable”. Yes she made herself look like Madonna and Vogued.
I may of spelled the “dance” incorrectly.
However I saw her do very few actual dance steps. I am sure
when i am rotating my ankles for exercising my heart failure
I do more! Even the flamboyant judges gave her the lowest
score of the evening. BUT do the BBC want this champion
of the LGBT cause out of the competition? I very much
doubt it. Maybe Douglas Murray could explain it better
than me ,what the reasons are.
I gave up on Strictly this year, haven’t watched a single dance. But you can always tell when the BBC want to keep someone in by the fact they get the best clothes, camera angles and comments from the judges whatever their dancing is like. I began to notice the comments particularly for the jive when contestants are compared favourably to Jill Halfpenny (I think that is her name, but the Geordie lass) but if I then replayed the dance on iplayer saw it was flatfooted, out of time , woolly etc, we are never told numbers voting. I guess that continues to shrink but also means we don’t know if the BBC Is truthful about audience votes. The BBC will keep in BMEs and LGBQTs as long as they dare. They have an agenda to fulfill.
I have tried to edit posts for minor spelling errors after posting but within the 15 minutes. I have found I can’t change anything. Anyone else having the same problem?
Everyone, from time to time. I fear the site programming may be showing its age as I’m having problems with it using Safari on my iPad. Sometimes all I get is a blue page and I have to switch to Firefox instead.
I suppose I use the site more than most . I’ve never had the problem you describe . I think the whole thing got shaky on Thursday ? Afternoon as o was busily deleting multiple identical posts … but we ll see and if it gets worse I will try to contact the person who picks up the tab for the site .
The BBC go-to gal.
On Newsnight a fair bit too, ironically.
Emily clearly a fan of the ‘by association’ technique the bbc can use… selectively.
And friend.
Is it true he has to take his socks off to count to twenty?
I just came across this old tweet from Gavin Estler
.. which seems to show their bubbleworld.
There is a reply to that tweet, but I can’t see it.
..I edited this post after 4 minutes.
I could not see his post either.
For a transparent organisation, the bbc does seem to have inspired staff and ex-staff to maintain a policy of ‘keep my views from being addressed in public’.
She’s good because she’s black, and left wing, and that’s it. If I worked at John Lewis I’d be looking for another job!
Re Ash Sarkar above (Guest Who at 08.34)
“Imagine if we just elegantly dispatched of our royals ”
disposed of?..dispatched?..but not “dispatched of” dear!
“Walks like a supermodel. F*cks like a champion” ..well so it say on her Twitter page (I assume that’s irony?)
..she should add “writes like a dunce”.
A child and as such someone who should be seen and not heard. Mind you she’s seen far too much and for me at least it ain’t a pretty sight especially when in her “strident mode”.
You know Christmas is fast approaching when the big concrete blocks are installed around the Yule markets to prevent ‘militants’, as the BBC would describe them, from the Religion of Peace trying to run over innocent Christmas shoppers.
So in an attempt to lighten the mood and meet the BBC halfway about Greta and it’s gloomy climate change predictions, this should cheer us all up.
R4 Sunday prog just covered an item about a London black church ( they didn’t call it that) in scandal cos of allegations members were coerced into loans so they could pay church taxes
…then by coincidence I came across this thread
Out now for the GE 2019 The Labour party sticker book
collect your Free promise of the day sticker
..and stick it in your album ready to reclaim on the election day
– Yesterday’s free promise : free broadband
– Today’s free promise : free dentistry
Jeremy Corbyn: ‘This is the first step towards making all dentistry services free of charge — part of our ambition to deliver free dentistry as part of a truly universally free health service.’
Proof of residence not necessary
I said “sticker” , but of course Corbyn’s like any establishment politician’s promises are NOT sticky
.. they are NOT stuck to
after the election they are not stuck to.
From German article about farmers invading the posh Greenpeace building.
What many do not realize, however, is how the communists use ecologism to present themselves as morally superior and push their own agenda. In this way, environmental protection is highly politicized, driven to extremes, and even a pseudo-religion – but without the traditional moral foundations. Misleading propaganda and various political coercive measures gain the upper hand, turning environmental awareness into a kind of “communism light”.
And despite all of that the cowardly useless incompetent Socialist Tories back the BBC to the hilt, even if their members can see exactly what they are.
OfCom is left exposed by the blatant bias that is happening .
What do they actually get paid for ?
No…. really?
So much for the BBC being against Corbyn, eh?
Why should anybody be surprised the easy ride Andrew Marr
gave to Corybyn? Marr used to be as left wing as you can be ,
when a columnist for the Daily Express. As an analogy
if Marr was playing at Wembley Stadium. You would find
him left outside the stadium at Wembley Park tube station !
Interestingly I read an article about Robin Oakley who was the political editor at the Beeb until 2000. He apparently had ‘differences’ with the Beeb at their trivialising of the News, so they parted company, and in came……… Andrew Marr.
I think Prince Andrew was ill-advised to put himself out there.
The press is not going to let the Epstein story go, and that means it won’t let Andrew go.
Anyway, last night was more about the development of the Maitless career, and image as a remorseless interviewer who will get at “the Truth”, than it was about throwing light on what really happened re The Prince and Epstein friendship (and all their friends).
BBC, was it? That alone, speaks volumes about honesty, integrity and bias.
If the Prince had viewed previous Maitless interviews, he would have known it would have been healthier to get into a lions den, than to sit down with Maitless, who very much has her own agenda in this type of interview. Getting at “the Truth” is not necessarily a part thereof.
I don’t know the veracity of the Epstein girl’s allegation, but I have it on good authority that Andrew regularly bypasses the usual protocols to bring females back to his place to the point of rudely dismissing those there to protect him
Just ,
I’m really not interested in questionable royal fornication but I’d love to know how much the BBC is touting the interview for – to the Americans who will probably eat far more popcorn than I did .
By the way – guess which Pizza Express comes up first if you google it ?
I have just completed a yougov survey. One question was about the commie islamic Labour party plan to nationalise BT.
Amazingly, if the survey is to be believed, 32% support nationalising BT while 31% oppose it. The rest were don’t know.
It is probably the promise of free broadband that is attracting the supporters.
I am old enough to remember the GPO, and also when it split into Royal mail, BT and the post office.
You could have one approved phone and it was illegal to own your own and connect it to their network even if it was completely compatible. It was also illegal to put in your own extension !
Later on when BT was privatised kits became available to make extensions it was that simple a job.
You couldn’t just buy yourself a phone line, it was a 6 month wait for a connection and that was for a party line shared with another home, and a private line took them years to install – probably a decade as I remember.
When they loosened up a little we had to have only phones approved by them and they were still asking as much for a months rental as a handset as they cost to buy in the shops !
We all know nationalisation doesn’t work, we know that government oversight bodies are a joke and always take the governments side – just look at Offcom !
Labour cannot privatise BT without leaving the EU first as it would be illegal ! It is all a false promise so the bigger question is why the MSM aren’t questioniing them on this.
If I thought that the Labour Party had any idea of what it is doing I’d say that the nationalise BT idea would get some positive views .
However – as you say – EU competition law would stop such an idea – which a shrewd political party would use to make the manifesto promise and then break it – with so many others.
I would never describe Labour as being shrewd – especially putting a revolutionary Marxist and his crew in control .
I note your continuous slagging off of the Tory party – I agree its less that the right wing party I want – but we have to live I. Reality and it’s either them or the brexit party – it’s too important to play games with .
Labour and Corbyn are absolutely NOT Marxist in any way I do wish people would begin to educate themselves on this issue.
Momentum was funded in large part by the son of the British Union of Fascists leader Max Moseley and the current Labour Manifesto is an almost carbon copy of that original Fascist manifesto of Benito Mussolini.
Mussolini was a life long Socialist and member of the Italian Labour party Moseley was a minister in the Labour government before founding the BUF.
Please do not be under any illusion, Corbyn is a Fascist verging on Nazi with his race hate and anti Semitism.
I know that the media has done all it possibly can to cover up the link between Fascism and socialism ever since the end of WWII, it is yor job to get behind that lie by omission and discover what is going on for yourself.
Todays Labour party is a million miles from Marxist and another million from revolutionary Marxism. It is Fascist verging on Nazi and it’s even going so far as to use the old Fascist slogan “Stronger Together”
Corbyn is a Fascist !
I am old enough to remember the GPO, and also when it split into Royal mail, BT and the post office.
You could have one approved phone and it was illegal to own your own and connect it to their network even if it was completely compatible. It was also illegal to put in your own extension !
Later on when BT was privatised kits became available to make extensions it was that simple a job.
You couldn’t just buy yourself a phone line, it was a 6 month wait for a connection and that was for a party line shared with another home, and a private line took them years to install – probably a decade as I remember.
When they loosened up a little we had to have only phones approved by them and they were still asking as much for a months rental as a handset as they cost to buy in the shops !
We all know nationalisation doesn’t work, we know that government oversight bodies are a joke and always take the governments side – just look at Offcom !
Labour cannot privatise BT without leaving the EU first as it would be illegal ! It is all a false promise so the bigger question is why the MSM aren’t questioniing them on this.
Here’s the FT who do discuss it:
Andrew speaks for the nation.
C. B. Thorington
dirigiste = the left = BBC who go furher than most to encourage what they refer to as ‘activism’ which in reality often leads to violence.
“Attempted Creation of a New “Catholic” Orthodoxy?
If a politician is wise, defeat at the polls would inspire him or her to examine why the electorate has rejected his or her proposals. Yet, when the British electorate voted for exit from the European Community, many members of Parliament — including some Tory members — sought ways to “exit” while still retaining substantial ties to the EU. In the U.S., the election of Donald Trump and the prospect of his anti-progressive agenda have inspired “total resistance” to everything he tries to do. From the very beginning of his administration, a rapidly growing portion of the progressive elites has sought his impeachment and removal from office. And the progressive vitriol is not just directed toward Trump, but against all neoliberal Republicans as well. The Western dirigiste elites are desperately attempting to retain their authority in the face of growing populist revolts.
The position of modern dirigiste elites is very similar to that of the Roman Catholic Church at the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment. Many of the Church’s doctrines — from the divine right of kings, to the selling of indulgences and to the doctrine that the Earth was the center of the universe — became increasingly suspect. The result was an insurrection against the Church that resulted in the Reformation. In addition, the Age of Enlightenment arose, which resulted in the birth of classical liberalism and in the modern sciences of physics and chemistry. As a part of this revolution, the divine right of kings and the authority of the nobility over the common people also came under a growing attack.
Some may think that it is a step too far to refer to the BBC ‘progressive’ ideology as being left-wing but Thorington makes it clear –
“Most Western Elites Are Dirigiste in Nature
Since the late nineteenth century in the U.S. and even earlier in Europe, the dominant elites have been dirigiste. Dirigisme is a large category of ideologies that includes all forms of socialism, as well as somewhat less totalitarian ideas of social organization. It includes progressivism in the United States as well as the highly controlling bureaucracies of the European Union.
The outstanding characteristic of all dirigiste ideologies is they fundamentally assume the state must direct the behavior of the economy. Because of the close connection between social well-being and economic health, this most basic assumption implies the government should be the primary tool for solving social problems as well.”
The description ‘progressive’ is basically an attempt to put lipstick on a pig!
Whatever is beyond vexed, I am past that too.
These are probably the same type of detectives who found Carl Beeches evidence credible. The police have lost all credibility. They no longer police with my consent nor I suspect that of many other non woke folk.
And I think the plod May breached the official secrets act and its ‘good by pension ‘. If they make such allegations they need to be named …..
When is Panodrama going to conduct an in-depth enquiry into the mass grooming of children that has been going on in the UK ?
Liebour and the BBC hate our glorious Military
Our glorious military what?
Did the coppers think the claims were “credible and true”?
I understand the our so called Border Force have shipped some more Illegal Immigrants into the UK today ?
taffman – 39 today. 1500 so far this year. (That they will admit to; could be double or treble that!) ‘Border Force’ are a joke. Free taxi service to the UK.
The Fuehrer got it wrong in 1940, coming over with Heinkels and Dorniers and Messerschmitts and stuff. He should merely have stuffed hundreds of little boats with unarmed German civilians every day, sent them into the Channel, and – hey presto!
“We shall bring them on to our beaches, etc etc.” Churchill could have said, puffing on his cigar. “I have nothing to offer you but migrants, migrants and migrants!” etc etc….
“Never mind, chaps, we can all learn German!” Puff, puff…
Goering would have been the one in the extra big dinghy.
I am very surprised that this useless Tory Government hasn’t contracted P&O Ferries to ship them all in yet ? Consider this, how many illegals are fugitive criminals and terrorists ? MI5 already has many under surveillance, this problem just increases their burden .
The first duty of any government is to safeguard its people.
BBC – Follow us on Telegram ! We send out a selection of the best articles every day.
[Pertinent to Trump impeachment for anyone following it]
We have all become accustomed to misplaced African characters in BBC dramas set in bygone Britain, but it seems the BBC also see it necessary to invent female characters for balance. The reviewer for Radio Times considers this practice to be a valiant effort in relation to “The name of the rose” :-
It’s quite daft that the two young women have crossed paths in the forest, especially as Anna, the noble huntress, was slashed in the midriff a great distance from the abbey. A valiant effort, though, by the adaptors to increase female roles in this drama. If you know Umberto Eco’s book, you’ll know Anna wasn’t in it.
Perhaps if the BBC want equal opportunities for female actors they should avoid scripts set in medieval monasteries.
Media science “communicator” says skeptics don’t know what they are talking about.
She seems to be projecting.
BBC story began
“A global group of around 11,000 scientists have endorsed research”
There was no group, there was a webpage that people were invited to like
and self identify themselves.
Many people’s self-identication was not of a scientist
eg student, or orthodontist etc.
BBC enviro'
journalistwins €100k award for hisjournalismBBC enviro ACTIVIST wins €100k award for his ACTIVISM
McGrath no doubt shares the prize with his co-contributor Micky Mouse
but in a late move Micky Mouse has been stealth deleted from the list of journalists
“It’s a huge, huge honour!”
…. It’s a huge, huge pile of € notes
Activist = Troublemaker
Campaigner = Good guys
Activist = Bad guys
At least in my opinion.
If one is guilty by association. What about J. Savile. S. Hall, R. Harris et al?
From Lammy who COLONISED the Expenses Account Land
Well, he’d never want to be unBritish, would he?
Why the people of Taff Land do not vote for Plaid Cymru…………..
Nice one Al Beeb , for once .
FOOTNOTE since posting, this they have already removed one photo?
They truly are a shower of unadulterated sh*te. Chwarae teg! (“fair play” ..for those who know no Welsh on here).
Plaid Cymru say it’s Sahar Al-Faifi, but how do we know for certain? It could just be someone who looks like her.
And if you’re not satisfied with the Virginia whatsername story, Beeb have got the Jennifer Arcuri story ready to run and run and run. (The Trump recipe here, with a slight modification)
Apparently Boris cast her aside like a gremlin…
Along with their many pictures of Comrade Corbyn, there will be many pictures of Jennifer.
And if Boris doesn’t make it back to No10, we could end up with a PM Corbyn and a Deputy PM Swinson, in a coalition supported by the SNP. With Blackford trumpeting away in some or other ministerial capacity. McDonnell in No 11. Home Office under Abbott. Beeb would be ecstatic!
Doesn’t bear thinking about. Talk about blood running cold…
In a normal, sane country these people would be arrested, charged, prosecuted convicted and hanged as traitors.
And in a Communist country, that’s exactly what would have happened. Even Communists are more patriotic and nationalist than these rats.
Our ‘world class’ broadcaster has finally woken up to events in Sweden.
It would be excellent if The POTUS now called them out on it with a big fat “I told you so”.
“ The report managed to avoid directly citing the immigration connection for over twenty paragraphs, however, and then only addressed the issue obliquely, observing that “Swedish police do not record or release the ethnicity of suspects or convicted criminals, but intelligence chief Linda H Straaf says many do share a similar profile.”
I wonder what ‘profile’ they share?
Tonight 6 weeks before Christmas I have begun watching the cult BBC series “The Box of Delights” by John Masefield everything about it is ‘feel good’ and comfort, and Robert Stevens portrayal of the baddie Abner Brown (Abner? That’s a foreign name isn’t it?) is masterful.
When Biddy Baxter was on Desert Island Discs she named this as her crowning acheivement and it used cutting edge CGI (for its day) The music is by another BBC legend Victor Hely Hutchinson, although I suspect in todays Fascist environment we will never see either rebroadcast.
Excellent Thoughtful, I remember watching that in the mid ‘80’s, I must have been about ten.
It was brilliant ????
Dystopian- difficult one that, still trying to figure it out.
Denmark has actually closed its border with Sweden.
Ms Merkel won’t approve.
Maybe the tide is beginning to turn….
Has this been reported by our ‘trusted’ broadcaster.
Doesn’t really matter what the people want, what matters is what the elites want, and they have been bought by the Middle Eastern petro Islam rials.
We’ve seen it all over Europe as the people turn against the leftist stupidity, the elites closing ranks to freeze out any kind of challenge and stupid brain dead people either too far away from what is happening to understand the truth or to f***ed by socialism to understand reality.
Holland Sweden Germany UK all of them can no longer be considered democratic as they abandon the voters to chase the petro dollars.
Well done Pug quite a compilation,I am going to copy it off for future reference and can only hope that someone in a position of authority in the Conservative Party will do the same and USE IT !
Sorry if it’s been discussed already but talk about making poor decisions..
I think it’s the start of a new week.