Week two of the the biased Far left BBC campaign to get their Labour Party elected . More coverage of Tories being barracked, socialists being given an easy ride and stories of the constantly growing labour money tree. But there won’t be much by way of election fraud . Enjoy .
Start the Week Open Thread 18 November 2019
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Now : Our local Climate warrior enviro reporter
is in a helicopter marked “BBC News”
filming the flooded farmland.
Unbiased BBC “fact checking” again !!! Oh look, the Tories are liars !!! Relentless !!!
“Our verdict: it’s impossible to reach an *accurate* price tag”
STRAWMAN fallacy
..Tories didn’t say jt was accurate
Their claim is that the figure is in the ballpark.
Anyone else think that Caroline Lucas looks like Mr Spock?
Might explain why she talks like she’s from another planet.
It is well established that Caroline is a pixie and that she used to travel from Brighton to Westminster on her pet unicorn called ‘Stardust’.
BBC ‘reporting’.
“A seven-year-old girl has written a letter to Father Christmas asking for a home and food for her family”
emm doesn’t them publishing it break Data Protection laws ?
They have taken a private correspondence, which will be identifyable to a child’s teacher and relatives
..and published it.
“child 7” What’s the proof ?
Couldn’t it have been written by a *Labour Party PR adult* ?
Doesn’t it break Data Protection laws to publish a private letter ?
Someone might identify the handwriting
The story has been leapt on by dozens of accounts shouting “Cruel Tory Austerity”
… The Tories aren’t a thrifty party, and tgey are handicapped by having to deal with past Labour spending.
Of course they fail to say that the reason the family is homeless is the scale of immigration from the EU and outside taking all available housing in towns where unemployment is already high.
The left appears to believe that migrants and refugees are like angels who never do anything wrong, never have bad beliefs or culture, never consume anything, never get ill etc etc.
The rest of us who know this isn’t true have to stay quiet or the fantasy will be ruined, and upset lefties always emit their meaningless bully words which always end in ‘ism’ or ‘fauxbia’.
Which country is she from ?
Well, certainly not from a muslim mentioning “christmas”.
Does the very very very Tory BBC load every prog with Tory voice after Tory voice, pro Brexit voice after pro Brexit voice, Pro Trunp voice after Pro Trump voice ?
Yes of course it does.
Coming up: 0740 Alastair Campbell on meeting Jeffrey Epstein,
0840 Rohan Silva on Prince Andrew’s alleged use of the N-word,
0750 Hong Kong latest,
0709 (right now!) Robert Buckland for the Tories,
0730 Jonathan Bartley for the Greens
& 0810 John McDonnell for Labour
It’s Planet Rock Radio for me for the next two hours at least.
\\General Election 2019: Greens pledge zero carbon by 2030 in manifesto
The party says it would invest £100bn a year by 2030 as part of a “green new deal” to tackle climate change – to be mainly paid for by borrowing.//
Borrowing £100bn !
Are these people real ?
Why is the UK responsible, as its the major industrial countries of the world that need to cough up.
It’s fitting that
.. Corbyn has a magic-money-TREE
………… the Green-Party have a magic-money-FOREST
Have you got your Green-Party rationing book yet ?
You will be allowed one flight per decade.
But the higher-green-comrades will be rewarded with no such restrictions
Are they back tracking on their ‘anti-forces’ campaign ?
“Stowaways found in refrigerated container bound for UK”
The only reason they continue to come is because they know that if they get in they will never be deported.
How many fugitive criminals, spies and terrorists have got in already ?
A thoughts are troubling me about the Epstein affair now. Although I do believe ‘randy Andy’ has questions to answer, the accusers accounts are piling up, yet do not add up.
Jane Doe said during the flight that Epstein also gave her a tour of his plane and showed her the bedroom.
‘He told me to get down and feel the carpeted floors of the room. He then asked if I noticed anything special about the floor,’ the woman said.
‘I responded that it felt very soft. He laughed and said was because the floors in the bedroom were foam mattress floors because he liked to have girls sleep around him on the floor while he slept in the bed.’
‘Epstein’s description of the women sleeping around him on the floor made her immediately think of slaves,’ the lawsuit said.
The complaint went on to say that ‘Jane Doe 15 found her interactions with Epstein on the plane strange’
Never mind her finding it strange, I found her claims very strange because if there is one thing I know about aircraft it’s that the FAA/CAA are very very strict about what you can put into them an mattresses on the floor are a complete no no.
So I thought that Google being what it is must have photos of Epsteins Jet and of course they do. It’s an old Boeing 727 with a dated interior which doesn’t appear to have seen an update in a good few years.
Here’s the bedroom
And here is the site it’s taken from with many more images:
But the other question raised is this. Why is Prince Andrew being singled out by the media when Bill Clinton spent far more time in the company of Epstein ?
Thoughtful – Your question actually contains the answer.
Much about this tale is about our self-righteous, virtue-signalling media – we already know all about Prince Andrew and can imagine the worst. Selling papers is now led by ‘get Andrew’.
Bill’s a Democrat, and at this stage, the media are after Trump! Selling papers (They think) is about ‘get Trump’.
(Then there are the natural Trump-haters like the CNN, BBC. NYT, WP etc, who can do nothing else but hate).
Watched both the BBC Newsnight & Channel 4 Prince Andrew ‘specials’.
True to form the one clip of Trump speaking to Epstein was used numerous times in both programmes, while only the C4 one had a brief glimpse of a photograph of Clinton with Epstein.
“Election debate: Johnson and Corbyn clash over Brexit”
What exactly does Boris mean by “Get Brexit Done”?
Barnett! Stamp on her glasses.
Having seen the waste of time that was the Johnson Corbyn nonsense the thing the BBC will note is that the presence of a gormless audience seriously affects perception and the conduct of the ‘ debate’
The Corbyn lot were noisier than the Johnson lot and the compere failed to control it .
Nick Robinson is doing the BBC version so we know how that will Go. I’ll watch out of duty but I think these shows yield little for anyone .
Just suffered debate on ITV
Jeremy Kaa- rbyn
Boris.. get brexit done..Johnson
Sums it up. Another hour of my life I won’t get back..
It really does show the shambles the Tory party and their leader are when they can only manage a 2 point victory over someone as bad as Corbyn.
This is a man whose own party officials are jumping ship like rats, and it’s because of the politics of the leader.
The Tories are by no means winning in the polls, it’s Labour who are losing, and if when Labour rid themselves of Corbyn & McDonnell they haven’t massively upped their game, they will likely be out of power for another couple of decades.
The only answer to this fiasco is to vote for The Brexit Party .
IMHO, Parliament is full of puppets. Puppets that are all controlled by the EU Parliament who pull the strings .
Anyone who cannot see this is politically blind or deluded.
Over three and a half years have passed since we all voted to get out of the EU but our very own Parliament has procrastinated and delayed to keep us in despite their claims to ‘respect the wishes of the people’ .
Why do you all think that Al Beeb and OfCom have not been addressed by the Tory Party for its blatant bias ?
Its bloody obvious!
The BBC has, by some miracle, discovered yet another source of criticism of…
“The Conservative Party has been criticised for the “inappropriate and misleading” rebranding of its press office Twitter account during the first UK election debate.”
Meanwhile Laura is directing you for checking to… the bbc of Ch4:
I think I will take my bed upon this little exchange.
We all lose with who is served up. But the media loses more by thinking they are anything more than waiters who deserve no tip for how it gets served.
Wonder if Samira will be out of court in time to field this one?
The BBC Jugend chime in.
… branded its Public Relations account as factchecker “BBC Reality Check”
and now they are jealous that the Tory Political Party PR office have copied that idea !
From Guido
The BBC is “shilling for
Shell” … and Green-lovers are up in arms ?No the BBC is “shilling for the BIG GREEN HEDGE-FUNDS” …and Green-lovers say nothing
Germany : Fascist org labels Israelis as Jews
and sends mob to intimidate hotel into banning conference
Actually it was ANTIFA that labelled Climate Skeptics as DENIERS
and sent mob to intimidate hotel into banning their international conference
and the hotel group caved.
Then the court said
‘Well you see the hotel is allowed to cancel at the last moment cos there are security concerns.’
… Yeh that’s right screw all the skeptics hotel bookings and flights !
… Thankfully the skeptics have now found a new secret venue
(In parallel news it was recently revealed that the new owner of 2 Berlin newspapers Holger Friedrich was a very active Stasi agent 30 years ago.
The IT multimillionaire who bought the Berliner Zeitung and the Berliner Kurier, is said to have filed a dozen “incriminating” reports to the notorious East German secret police during his military service between 1987 and 1989. )
Climate : Conspiracy Theory WITH evidence
US news media have a collusion programme to hype the forthcoming Madrid Climate conference
Quite a shocking case given that –
“The Met officer, who was highly commended for her work helping families affected by the Grenfell Tower disaster, told the court she had “zoned out” when she received it ” [she didn’t say the exact words]
Trial begins – England
Found Guilty – London
Was she trying to protect her sister?
Oops – both reports are ‘London’
Court sketch

One of the ‘less prominent’ BBC stories –
“Why is Nord Stream 2 so controversial?
For years EU member states have been concerned about the bloc’s reliance on Russian gas.
Russia currently supplies about 40% of the EU’s gas supplies – just ahead of Norway, which is not in the EU but takes part in its single market. The new pipeline will increase the amount of gas going under the Baltic to 55 billion cubic metres per year.
Disagreements among EU nations were so strong that, earlier this year, they even threatened to derail the project entirely.”
“US President Donald Trump has said the pipeline, owned by Russia’s Gazprom, could turn Germany into a “hostage of Russia”.
Worth reading this to see what the BBC left out –
Lazy BBC. I read on both the DM and BBC websites about the black blind student Ebenezer Azamati being removed from the Oxford Union. But I wanted to know WHY. Googling results in virtually all sites using the same words. Obviously a cut and paste job from a press release. Now the President of the Union has resigned along with the press officer, the Secretary and several others. Mr Azabati was using a QC for his defence at an Appeal. There is obviously more to the story than we are being told. Does anyone know why Mr Azabati was being removed? Or should I just learn that being black and blind gives you entitlement to do anything?