Most politicians lie when they say they've not taken drugs. Interesting times when those who obviously never took dugs lie about having done them.
Jo Swinson says she smoked cannabis at university. Really?!
Have you heard any of her speeches or read the Lib Dums manifesto?
I’m amazed she’s not still on it…
Labour activists are saying “Look look the Tories have an anti-Semite”
#1 Its was a comment about 2014
#2 It was not anti-semitic, it was a comment about the Israeli government
#3 The context is Arabic governments are worse
#4 Tge Conservatives have not hung around , like Labour does they have dropped him as a candidate
The editor of the Jewish Chronicle tweets
The cultists are tweeting me to tell me the Tories have suspended Amjad Bashir as if we are being somehow hypocritical in not covering it, and as if it somehow destroys all accusations against Labour. WE BROKE THE STORY!!!
Anyone complain about the Boris Johnson news night A&E skit? Had an unimpressive response to mine, I don’t think they even read my complaint and just sent out a generic ‘don’t call us..’ type response. Anyone get anything different?
As some might realise, I dip into social media… twitter & facebook, throughout the day as the kettle is on or the PC is rendering.
Now it is no surprise the BBC gave up pretending years ago, but their efforts on behalf of Labour are frankly astounding.
Now it may be I am just very unlucky to only see posts that slam anything the Conservatives do, with ‘analysis’ and ‘expert’ guests chipping in, and even more so that most posts are simply the most whopping ‘Labour says’ quote plonked down as a headline with no hint that any sane person would laugh themselves silly or lose their lunch at what is claimed or proposed.
Of course Sky is worse, and Beff now seems to be a fully paid up Jeremy’s Jezebel. Ch4 can be ignored because they behave even more childishly when you do.
Thing is… they are not the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation.
And a force-funded state broadcaster outright trying to rig national elections is getting beyond a joke..
Guest “And a force-funded state broadcaster outright trying to rig national elections is getting beyond a joke…”
Quite right. However, I do feel that the Beeb are wobbling quite a bit. They know Jezza and Big MacD will hit their incomes hard and may have a go at ending the service company tax thing. A double-whammy of proportions much larger the the Tory Minister (Chris Patten?) who first used the phrase in recent times.
I get the impression that the pipsqueaks are squeaking already and may be surreptitiously urging a LibDem vote. Especially as the Beeb have made it quite clear they do not like or want Brexit in any shape or form.
Beeb radio and Tv launch the Jeremy Corbyn show (also known as the news) with gusto. Ooooooooooooooooooooh Jeremey Corbyn, Bbc loves you! I think we’re about to launch into the most biased beeb election coverage ever seen…
The great man has launched his manifesto. A world-shaking event, beeb thinks. Laura K is going to have one of her come ons. It’s going to be a long period leading up to voting day.
And Boris? The Trump treatment, one suspects.
So we have seen the Lab Manifesto and with acknowledgements to Bud Flanagan I can only sing…
Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr Corbyn
If You Think We’re On The Run?
We Are The Boys Who Will Stop Your Little Game
We Are The Boys Who Will Make You Think Again
‘Cause Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr Corbyn
If You Think Real England’s Done?
Mr Brown Goes Off To Town
On The Eight Twenty-One
But He Comes Home Each Evening
And He’s Ready With His Vote
(So Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr Corbyn
If You Think Real England’s Done?)
So Watch Out Mr Corbyn
You Have Met Your Match In Us
If You Think You Can Crush Us
We’re Afraid You’ve Missed The (Brexit) Bus
‘Cause Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr Corbyn
If You Think Real England’s Done?
BBC can’t even get the right Gallagher brother photo in their story
For a Liam Gallagher concert they put up a Noel Gallagher photo
and Twitter noticed
What's more surprising.. Noel Gallagher randomly hit by a flare or the fact that Noel was actually at one of Liam's shows??
Yet again Liebour are allowed to get away with manifesto comitments (oops sorry Manifestos are not in any way binding)! without the BBC stating the obvious.
Hardly any of Labours manifesto could be implemented if the UK remains in the EU.
Today we heard that they are going to make large multinational companies pay their tax!
Well good luck with that one because most of these companies headquarter themselves in Southern Ireland and pay their taxes there, they cannot be taxed in the UK AND in Eire and the only way that they could be forced to pay UK tax is if we leave the EU with a clean break.
Yet no BBC apparatchik ever mentions this, presumably because they don’t want to give amunition to a second vote leave, the Brexit party or God forbud – Boris the bottler.
Of course the cowardly useless incompetent Tories could be pushing this, but I think they’re so scared of Corbyn they daren’t say anything against him in case he emits one of his meaningless ‘isms or fauxbias’.
I’m really pleased and grateful that you posted this piece of audio – comrade Corbyn – the IRAs best friend . That audio should be enough to bury him – but people either choose not to know what he really is or look away .we will never hear this piece on the BBC .
I find it incredible that this poisonous creature could even be considered a potential prime minister.
He’s supported every anti British terrorist organisation known to man. He’ll excuse any horrendous IRA atrocity while maliciously condemning British soldiers.
He’s word perfect singing The Red Flag, but chokes on the national anthem.
At the next election we either bury the Labour Party or we say the last rites over our nation.
The BBC are reporting with much happy glee that Cor bin wants to end austerity by spending an extra £83 bn a year.
But the reason for austerity in the first place, which the BBC have consigned to history, was that after the Labour government in 2010 we were borrowing £160 bn a year.
Does this mean Corbyn agrees that austerity to the tune of £80 bn a year was fully justified ?
The BBC are too busy showing vox pop of people who agree with Cor bin to ask any questions. No change there.
Corbyn wants to buy votes on a massive scale by giving the public sector a 5% increase.
I hope private sector workers will realise that Corbyn doesn’t give a toss about them.
And that by overpaying the public sector the private sector is excluded from places like the North East. And that by overpaying the publicg sector they will be even more interested in protecting themselves rather than serving the public.
The public sector of course already earn more than the private sector across every earnings decile except the top one.
And that does not include the fantastic pension provision unavailable in the private sector.
No questions from the BBC, needless to say.Too busy with the love-in.
Actually Rambir Singh did pretty well. No interruptions and no clever tricks. No snidey word traps, genuine smiles and a sincere handshake at the end. ITV.
Mishal, Emily, Emma and Victoria must feel the shame on her behalf.
Yet another trailer for
“Meat a threat for our planet?”
Monday 25th November at 9pm on @BBCOne
Have you seen this advert for this new @BBC programme Meat a threat to our planet with that Irish presenter crying?! WTF is this more @vega@BBC propaganda? Where’s the balance in this promo? Using licence fee to attack meat industry? @Simpleasfat
Bearing in mind the labour types who were rolled out in the past 4 years to support Remain- I wonder how many of these same people will be supporting the Labour Manifesto .
I’m sure Blair , Gordon Brown et al will all be there supporting comrade Corbyn and his cause – with the BBC Toady et al happily giving them air time……
…. or maybe we ll just hear from the dummies in the shadow cabinet . …..
The union contributions won’t count because they are assessed individually. Three quid x 50k is just 50k three quids x the number of contributing unions. Simples.
OnthisdaytheIRA hashtag has had a busy and sad day running through the names and details of those murdered by the IRA in the Birmingham pub mass murders 45 years ago today .
I’m sure Comrade Corbyn will be a ‘ follower ‘ on Twitter . He has never directly condemned the IRA – and people will vote for him and his party .
I hope BoJo washed his hands after being forced to shake his hand in the recent ‘ debate’.
Why is there so much speculation about celebrities sexist tweets
and so little BBC reporting on the 5,000+ victims of on street grooming/raping/prostituting gangs ??
cos the BBC has an immense *FACT-CHUCKING* dept suppress reporting of many important facts
“Why is there so much speculation about celebrities sexist tweets
and so little BBC reporting on the 5,000+ victims of on street grooming/raping/prostituting gangs ??”
Google search [grooming]…
Huddersfield child sex abuse: Six men guilty of grooming – 24 Oct 2019
Huddersfield grooming victims ‘delivered to hell’ – 19 Oct 2018
Five in court in Nottingham facing 36 child grooming charges – 7 Nov 2019
Oxford grooming trial: Girl ‘treated by men as sexual commodity’ – 17 Oct 2019
Oxford grooming trial: Schoolgirl ‘had sex with three abusers – 23 Oct 2019
Bradford grooming: Nine jailed for abusing girls – 27 Feb 2019
Huddersfield grooming gang members guilty of further offences – 21 May 2019
Halifax grooming gang members lose sentence appeal – 6 Mar 2019
Rochdale sex grooming gang ‘urgent’ deportation call – 17 Jun 2019
Huddersfield grooming: Man jailed for raping teenage girl – 4 Nov 2019
Bradford grooming trial: Ten men accused of abusing girls in care – 8 Jan 2019
Mistakes that led to grooming scandal ‘being repeated’ – 28 Feb 2019
Huddersfield grooming: Mum recalls daughter’s sex abuse – 19 Oct 2018
Operation Shelter: Reaction as grooming gang convicted – 9 Aug 2017
Oxford grooming gang members handed life sentences – 21 Jan 2019
‘Wrong to ignore’ ethnicity of grooming gangs – 26 Dec 2018
Huddersfield grooming: How the West Yorkshire gang operated – 19 Oct 2018
Sammy Woodhouse: Rotherham ‘rapist offered role in child’s life’ – 28 Nov 2018
Telford grooming ‘tip of the iceberg’, says solicitor – 13 Mar 2018
Oxford grooming gang members guilty of abuse – 18 Dec 2018
Huddersfield grooming case ‘could deter foster carers’ – 20 Nov 2018
Huddersfield grooming gang members jailed for abuse – 1 Nov 2018
Huddersfield grooming gang ‘not about race or ethnicity’ – 19 Oct 2018
I notice the troll only posting stuff relating to Pakistani Muslim paedophile racist rape gangs over the recent couple of years . The years where this was going on and whitee looked away because nobody wanted to upset the ‘community “ ? Perhaps the troll will post those years tonight – together with links – and perhaps comments by the local Labour PM .
I suspect the troll will go silent again . Last time it was here it asked me a question – which I took time to answer. There was no reply – which led me to want to delete the troll account but people think the troll performs a function …
Quite right pug, and the contrast is so painfully obvious it’s becoming palpable. I guess it has to go with the same mindset that labels all Leavers as ignorant racists without the ability to recognise what they voted for. With that sort of glib and arrogant assumption it gets ever easier to believe that the electorate are sheep – it also goes with the quality of university education that creates a BBC workforce who evidently think they are intelligent.
Sometimes you just have to laugh.
On Newshite, they ‘discuss’ Labour’s money-tree spending plans.
To do this they feature a 1976 disco hit, ‘More More More’.
But I wonder if the students in the production team knew that the singer, Andrea True, was an American porn actress !!!!!!
And the lyrics are about making a porn film!!!
Get the cameras rolling
Get the action going.
Surely the sisterhood at the BBC should be informed.
Not to mention the likes of Dianne Abbott.
Imagine the interview
‘Ms Abbott, how do you feel about the BBC using an American porn star to showcase your spending policies?’
Is ‘politics’ now part of the English curriculum? (at around 0:55)
“How can I put my faith in a leader when that same leader likens me to a letterbox?”
This audience member, who is an English teacher, criticises Boris Johnson for previous comments he made about Muslim women in burkas.
It is funny how the BBC always manage to find somebody to ask the same old crap – did anyone ask how can you trust (Labour/Libs?greens) when they all said they would honour the referendum…
and if this woman had read the article rather than repeating the press releases she would realise Boris was arguing in her favour…
Now personally I don’t think teachers should be allowed this head wear at work…not racist but simply communication skills and knowing who is actually in a classroom – I couldn’t get away with a balaclava. Still we all know she is a Labour supporter
With everything happening in the world why is this even News…?
Notice the BBC headline implies Wetherspoons (staff) sent it –
No apparently another customer sent it using the app – so a whole business gets painted negatively because of one idiot’s action..BBC don’t make this clear.
It couldn’t be because Tim is an ardent Brexiteer could it ?
“Customers in our store complained about the man in the video because he was forcing leaflets onto them. Electioneering doesn’t take place in our stores. He was asked to leave the store but wouldn’t.”
“The security guard, who is from a security company, overreacted and we are dealing with this.”
“The Brexit Party told Yahoo News that they were investigating the incident themselves and would not comment further “until more information becomes available”
Sopel rarely says anything that isn’t a Democrat talking point. His tweets and retweets are a long list of how badly the shampeachment hearing is going for the President.
Sopel was trolling Trump just before the FBI news broke –
Forget @realDonaldTrump not giving a s**t
about Ukraine, #FionaHill seems to be scaring the Republicans s**tless. They’ve stopped asking her questions, and are just making statements at her, and not allowing her to answer”
You’re right Roland, The BBC always view politics from a Democrat party perspective.
Only Fox has acknowledged –
“U.S. Attorney John Durham’s separate, ongoing probe into potential FBI and Justice Department misconduct in the run-up to the 2016 election through the spring of 2017 has transitioned into a full-fledged criminal investigation — and that Horowitz’s report will shed light on why Durham’s probe has become a criminal inquiry.”
The 500-page report will be a real bombshell – what Republicans been saying for three years.
The young are are in love with Corbyn as they think they will not have to pay for all the goodies they expect to come their way.
But Corbyn’s public sector favouritism at the expense of private sector workers and general largesse will have to be paid for. For example the massive and under his plans increasing unfunded public sector pensions liability. The scale of this makes the NHS expenditure look like petty cash. Newly qualified teachers for example earn a pension entitlement in their first year which will cost future taxpayers about as much as that teachers salary for that one year alone. This mass transfer from private workers to public workers will have to be paid for by future taxpayers out of their then annual taxes.
And who will be paying them? Why the very young who are now so in love with Corbyn.
Further to pugnacious’s interesting post above.
I periodically bang on about the cost of public sector pensions. Hardly anyone ever listens.
But I’ll try again and mention that in recent years the amount that schools have to put aside for the nominal cost of teacher pensions has gone up from around 16% of teacher salaries to 23%. This is all but hidden from the public. Oh and typically teacher costs are around 80% of a school budget.
To put it another way, teacher salaries may have been frozen (the thing people like the BBC like to mention) but they have had an effective uplift of 7% which a private sector person would have had to earn through a salary increase in order to maintain the same pension benefits. Needless to say, few did.
And Corbyn now wants to hand them a free 5% pay rise followed by above inflation increases after that.
So expenditure on education may well have gone up but not much of it gets to the children- oh except for the ludicrous ‘Pupil Premium’ .
Heartbreakingly it confirms everything FFLs said is right
We've surrendered to being lined up for permenant CFP associate membership@Conservatives must scrap the Political Declaration on fishing or be Heath Mak2
Comrade ‘uncle John’ McDonnell on toady with Tourette’s Robinson . Uncle John had forgot his false jokey style and rolled along with his 1970s style Labour economics .
This was a successful interview for labour because the interview was dominated by mad tax plans – brexit was left to the end – before the sport . No mention of immigration , security ,Even their blessed NHS .
The BBC did not mention that leave without a deal will not happen under Labour – as noted in their manifesto on page 94?
The whole approach to brexit is dishonest . Labour calls for yet another referendum – but doesn’t say what the options would be apart from
“You want to stay in the Reich EU don’t you ?”. There will only be a ‘Yes” box . That is where the dishonesty lies and the BBC MSM is complicit in it .
Interestingly there was no complaint during the interview from comrade McDonnell about being interrupted or not being able to answer- compare and contrast when a Conservative or Brexit party representative is on. Tiring isn’t it ?
BBC news breathtaking in bias by omission this morning . ‘Save the children’ over the moon that ‘British children are being brought home to Britain from camps in Syria “.
And what’s left out – ISIS – Islamic terrorism – and whether these ‘children’ will be a threat to the UK.
At least they will be up to speed on key English phrases…
“How can I put my faith in a leader when that same leader likens me to a letterbox?”
This audience member, who is an English teacher, criticises Boris Johnson for previous comments he made about Muslim women in burkas.
Nigel Farage is to publish a ‘contract ‘ with the people -not a false manifesto – he is challenged – not interviewed – by the Asian toady girl . It starts hostile and carries on that way .
The Asian girl is too thick to understand the difference between unrestricted immigration so favoured by labour ‘Tory and the use of work permits to feed particular jobs with no assurance of permanent residence . A four minute attack .
Yep I agree and her use of the 100,000 vacancies was inaccurate – this is an old figure that is not official..yet she kept repeating it..when are the politicians going to be honest and the interviewers intelligent and unbiased
If 250K people come into the country every year then we need more NHS staff and so we import more people into country to work in NHS who bring their families, and so we need more NHS staff…so where does this lead?
I am involved with the NHS and I know 1. they are not poorly paid, 2 many work part time 3. the sickness rate is higher than national average 4. many are retiring on pensions a private worker can only dream about…5. the NHS has a whole department whose job is to plan for recruitment and training..why is it every year they seem to be failing?
Is it me or are many people just getting fed up with hearing about the NHS ?
James It seems that various governments have allowed the NHS to just troll along and when something goes wrong the responsibility doesn’t lie with the top echelon of the NHS but directly with number 10 . The likes of the BBC are – again – complicit in a situation which discourages the NHS from sorting itself out without shaking the money tree- again .
As an aside – trawling through the Labour manifesto/lie – if you are going to the pub soon – please be aware that it is to be designated an ‘asset of community value ‘ – and that is true .
Not sure about the claim that labour will withdraw the 25% poll tax discount for single occupants which is being spoken of on Twitter . No one would be dumb enough to try that one ….
Following on from the Farage interview, there was a BBC Fact Check in which they said amongst other things “if immigration to the UK was on a work permit basis rather than permanent basis, fewer people may want to come… They may prefer to go to Germany so it may be hard to fill vacancies.”
In what way is that “fact checking”? It’s nothing of the sort. It’s suggesting an outcome which may or may not happen. And surprise, surprise, one with a loaded left wing slant.
The BBC is going all out to help Labour to win the General Election.
To be honest they just have a feature on Norwich on Breakfast TV,
where one of the munchkin women is showing all her acting
skills in a Machiavellian way to encourage the voters in the
very marginal constituency of North Norwich to vote Labour.
Naga is doing a brilliant job !!
With at least a half a dozen party political broadcasts on behalf
of the Labour Party daily . Including the 1.00 PM 6PM and 10PM,
national news programmes,it is possible that the BBC may well
be able to achieve it’s aim in getting Labour elected !!
I'm not naming the people I spoke to. John Simpson should contact Tony Hall, director general of the BBC, and ask Hall's opinion about whether the BBC should expose Johnson as a liar. Rightly or wrongly (there are honourable reasons) I understand it's against BBC policy to do so.
Before 8.10a.m. prime interview slot with John Big MacDonnell (Lab – Chancelleeyore wannabe) I had to endure the right horrible Rishi Sunak, Chief Secretary to the Treasury getting mangled by Mishal.
Not only did this complete Tory drone make Mishal look clever, he did the same for some of the awful Labour drone clones who we have had to endure on the R4 airwaves in the last few weeks.
I got the distinct impression that Nigel Farage is no longer interested in British politics and is on the point of giving up. He was hopeless in the face of some admittedly belligerent questioning from Mishal.
It is important to have ‘facts at your fingertips’ so to speak when in interviews with hostile Beeboids, especially when you will not be given a chance to string more than three words together before an interruption arrives.
All Nigel needed to say this morning is “How many UK unemployed?”. That may have shown up Mishal instead of himself appearing to be just ‘going through the motions’. (Mishal had been inferring that the UK needs to import 200,000 immigrants a year for the NHS and housebuilding.)
I almost cannot believe that Mishal came away with two wins – a good TOADY for her for a change.
BBC News
???? Rail, Mail, Water and Energy nationalised
???? Free broadband for all
???? A green industrial revolution
???? Letting the people decide on Brexit
???? Not using the NHS in trade talks
???? Scrapping university tuition fees
Guest – As it is election time, an urgent knock on the Ofcom door is required, but I suspect it is brimming with ex beeboids, as well as people picked for their ‘diversity’ rather than their merit. Largely Labour supporters, who secretly rather like the big push beeb is giving Labour? I have a strong suspicion one would get nowhere…
Brexit Party will scrap the beeb licence fee, Farage announces.
Wonder what sort of coverage their launch will get, compared to yesterday’s great Labour launch celebrations all day long on beeb?
The rep for Brexit P was on with Adam Boulton this morning, and I thought he made a good fist of explaining Brexit’s ideas. It was a good interview, and when asked on the position of immigration, he quietly explained that there had to be a cap of 50,000 a year because the infrastructure is already buckling under the weight. Of course Bolton came back with how the NHS is recruiting from abroad, and he replied that Work Permits were the way to go, so that residencies and British citizenship wouldn’t be granted, and an Australian points system would be implemented.
We only have to look at the building programmes around the UK in every town and village, and still we’re told we need more houses. Who for ? its like road building, the more roads the more traffic, so the more houses the more people want them. A system of keeping people out is needed, not bringing more in.
Exactly so. I am sure that in the early nineties the UK population was set to decline and as a result schools were being closed because of lack of demand. But then along came The Snake, aka Blair, with his secret policy to import millions of third worlders and change our country for ever. Successive governments , even Tory ones, have continued this policy and we are now beginning to see some of the consequences.
* We can’t afford to pay for the increased infrastructure to support the increased population . Do these immigrants pay their way? Unlikely in my view, no we pay for them!
*We can’t criticise immigrants or the policy of effectively open borders. Hate speech laws have been passed which is beginning to make it a crime to think things let alone do anything! Our media refuses to tell the truth about the impact of mass migration , Rotherham et al being the most upsetting example.
* Immigrants don’t have our beliefs or values and so voting fraud, corruption in public office , which are quite normal to them , grow year on year
* Our history is being rewritten , White Native Brits are being discriminated against as part of government policy.
* Our home is being destroyed and we are forbidden to protest.
All this can be laid at the feet of The Snake and his ministers.
Exactly so. I am sure that in the early nineties the UK population was set to decline and as a result schools were being closed because of lack of demand. But then along came The Snake, aka Blair, with his secret policy to import millions of third worlders and change our country for ever. Successive governments , even Tory ones, have continued this policy and we are now beginning to see some of the consequences.
* We can’t afford to pay for the increased infrastructure to support the increased population . Do these immigrants pay their way? Unlikely in my view, no we pay for them!
*We can’t criticise immigrants or the policy of effectively open borders. Hate speech laws have been passed which is beginning to make it a crime to think things let alone do anything! Our media refuses to tell the truth about the impact of mass migration , Rotherham et al being the most upsetting example.
* Immigrants don’t have our beliefs or values and so voting fraud, corruption in public office , which are quite normal to them , grow year on year
* Our history is being rewritten , White Native Brits are being discriminated against as part of government policy.
* Our home is being destroyed and we are forbidden to protest.
All this can be laid at the feet of The Snake and his ministers. But this only the start. Things will get much worse in the coming decades.
Brissles, “its like road building, the more roads the more traffic,”
Not so. That’s an old but perennial Green Party lie.
If you increase road space without increasing the vehicle numbers you have less traffic for a given amount of road space.
What we have been doing in the UK over the last thirty+ years, is removing road space for private vehicles, hence the roads appear more crowded. Just go and watch a local bus lane on a road that used to contain four lanes of mixed traffic.
Just in case anyone was in any doubt of the far left credentials of the cowardly useless incompetent Tories and their clueless leader Boris the Bottler.
Today these anal passages, have annouced that all the terrorists which they stripped of citizenship are going to be allowed back into Britain.
Of course that isn’t the words they use, they say they are bringing back the children, but anyone who knows anything knows the ‘uman rights act says they cannot seperate a family, particularly mother & child.
If this gets out it will badly affect the Commieserveyourselves election chances, and I hope that readers here will not be even considering a vote for this disgrace of a party.
Roland – I’m afraid old thoughtful just goes on and on here about the ‘ cowardly useless incompetent Tories ‘ Tories like a broken record .
He/ she isn’t that thoughtful otherwise might come up with something ….. different . Sometimes it’s the price I pay for trawling through posts ….
But surely. The Conservatives ain’t the best we could ask for but with the current system it’s the best of a bad job . I’d like proper right wing government which would privatise just about everything but that’s not likely to happen in current circumstances .
Fed, I’m worried that Bojo is a bungling oaf. Dominic Cummings likewise. There has been good evidence of that in the last sixty days, especially this week. And that possibly they have been ‘got at’ in some way and are no longer keen, enthusiastic, committed Brexiteers. In fact, possibly no longer Brexiteers at all.
In addition, Nigel Farage appears to have gone all UKIPpy on the nation having shot his mouth off. He now realises he’s destroyed The Brexit Party’s chances of winning any seats at all.
Full-on Russophobia on the BBC website this morning: the perfect synergy between the needs of the Foreign Office and their own in-house Trump Derangement Syndrome. The front page is currently leading with a report of President Putin meeting the widows of engineers and scientists killed whilst testing a deadly new weapon. Just to make sure you get the message, it is described as a “vengeance” weapon, to make a sub-conscious link to the V1 and V2 weapons of the Nazis. The story was reported on RT yesterday, where it didn’t even receive top billing.
Underneath that is a story entitled ‘Russians under threat over gay Q&A video’. It is about a criminal investigation resulting from a violation of a law designed to prevent the teaching of ‘non-traditional relationships’ to children. The BBC and other MSM outlets refer to this as Putin’s ‘anti-gay’ law; in fact, homosexuality is not mentioned in the legislation. Russia is a socially conservative country where the overwhelming majority of people do not approve of homosexuality, although it is perfectly legal. It is hardly the case that the average Russian feels ‘under threat’ by this.
The reason for these stories are the current impeachment proceedings in the USA regarding Ukraine. These derive from the liberal conspiracy theory that the Russians influenced the election of President Trump and the implication that he played an improper role in dealings with Ukraine. Russia has substantial disagreements with Ukraine, Trump is acting against Ukraine, ergo Orange Man Bad. These proceedings are likely to fizzle out, much to the relief of anyone with a surname of Biden.
However, it is important that you get the message that Russia Is Evil. I mean, the government has decided not to publish the report of Russian interference (sic) into the European Referendum until after the General Election and even, er, Hillary Clinton has spoken out against this. And Boris Johnson… Boris is a Russian name isn’t it, what more proof could you want?
@Digg I checked about the 2 Tower Hamlets cases you mentioned 24 hours ago
The BBC (The Jeremy Corbyn Appreciation Society) have still not mentioned the two
– Tower Hamlets councillor Muhammad Harun jailing for housing fraud
“Harun is the third Tower Hamlets councillor in seven years to be convicted of housing fraud.”
– and a new story about Labour candidate Apsana Begum, jumping to the top of the council housing list even though she is childless.
“Momentum member Ms Begum is seen as a shoo-in as MP for Poplar and Limehouse, which had a 27,700 Labour majority in 2017.
But the councillor’s daughter has been dogged by controversy because of her links to former mayor of Tower Hamlets Lutfur Rahman, who was banned for vote-rigging.”
Tower Hamlets: Labour candidate faces probe over whether she wrongly secured £330,000 council flat ‘Questions are being asked over how Labour’s Apsana Begum leapt to the top of a housing list’ #GE2019#LabourManifesto
@JohnInCheshire re Soubry case : A remarkable coincidence
re Based Amy that we discussed back on page 2
It’s not a big case so why did they use the Chief magistrate in London ?
The magistrate was Judge Emma Arbuthnot, or formally as The Baroness Arbuthnot of Edrom)
Since she is Chief magistrate it is not unusual for her to be involved in a case like Assange’s
But the case of a protester disrupting a former Tory MP is different.
… Now what does the magistrates husband do ?
.. By sheer coincidence Lord James Arbuthnot is a Conservative peer and was a Tory MP for 15 years including being defence minister.
So Soubry was a colleguae of him. She even recently tweeted respect for him.
The case is further complicated by Amy after being charged choosing to stand for election against Soubry.
Sure try a disruptive protester, but how can it be OK for the judge to be connected to the complainant by way of the judge’s husband being a recent POLITICAL colleague of the complainant ?
One of tonight’s Lords rebels was former Conservative Chief Whip James Arbuthnot. That’s a seriously impressive mutineer!
BTW I am not one for conspiracy theories
But most Conservatives and many Labour MP’s are in orgs like Conservative Friends of Israel
James Arbuthnot was its chair and the Judge went with him on a visit to Israel
In the centre of the photo there is a woman next to her who looks like Soubry to me photo
MarkyMarkMar 6, 13:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Only because Kamela didn’t know where either the USA border was or Europe.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 13:51 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Angela Eagle’s question to David Coleman is insufferably stupid, e.g. ‘do you believe in human rights?’. What on earth is…
Fedup2Mar 6, 13:51 Midweek 5th March 2025 Marky – thank you for putting that up – imagine a country where they take border security seriously … I…
Terminal MoraineMar 6, 13:38 Midweek 5th March 2025 Reuters reporting that the Spanish prosecutor is calling for a re-trial of FA Head Luis Rubiales and wants more financial…
Terminal MoraineMar 6, 13:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 Cummings comments on gov shambles — ————— BBC: “One point worth noting on this morning’s sentencing story. Shabana Mahmood has…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 13:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 To Hell With the Archbishop of Canterbury { feb2008} In the midst of this dismal verbiage and euphemism, the plain…
Fedup2Mar 6, 13:12 Midweek 5th March 2025 What do you when you get fired from the ‘sentencing council ‘..? No mouth from then sentencing council would do…
Fedup2Mar 6, 13:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 World at one Excellent news – following the broadcast by comrade macron Sergei lavrov has told us that any NATO…
tomoMar 6, 12:16 Midweek 5th March 2025
wwfcMar 6, 12:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan asylum seeker raped schoolgirl, 15, after spotting her alone in town centre
Just watched the video they provided. Corbyn promising this, that and whatever with people cheering. Will Johnson get that same kind of promotion?
I hope that Corbyn gets challenged on University fees this time. It nearly won him the election before and they will be pushing for that again
Jo Swinson says she smoked cannabis at university. Really?!
Have you heard any of her speeches or read the Lib Dums manifesto?
I’m amazed she’s not still on it…
Labour activists are saying “Look look the Tories have an anti-Semite”
#1 Its was a comment about 2014
#2 It was not anti-semitic, it was a comment about the Israeli government
#3 The context is Arabic governments are worse
#4 Tge Conservatives have not hung around , like Labour does they have dropped him as a candidate
The editor of the Jewish Chronicle tweets
And the big one they missed out… Labour’s policy on Brexit? Surly the lack of would result in a lack of votes?
Anyone complain about the Boris Johnson news night A&E skit? Had an unimpressive response to mine, I don’t think they even read my complaint and just sent out a generic ‘don’t call us..’ type response. Anyone get anything different?
As some might realise, I dip into social media… twitter & facebook, throughout the day as the kettle is on or the PC is rendering.
Now it is no surprise the BBC gave up pretending years ago, but their efforts on behalf of Labour are frankly astounding.
Now it may be I am just very unlucky to only see posts that slam anything the Conservatives do, with ‘analysis’ and ‘expert’ guests chipping in, and even more so that most posts are simply the most whopping ‘Labour says’ quote plonked down as a headline with no hint that any sane person would laugh themselves silly or lose their lunch at what is claimed or proposed.
Of course Sky is worse, and Beff now seems to be a fully paid up Jeremy’s Jezebel. Ch4 can be ignored because they behave even more childishly when you do.
Thing is… they are not the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation.
And a force-funded state broadcaster outright trying to rig national elections is getting beyond a joke..
Guest “And a force-funded state broadcaster outright trying to rig national elections is getting beyond a joke…”
Quite right. However, I do feel that the Beeb are wobbling quite a bit. They know Jezza and Big MacD will hit their incomes hard and may have a go at ending the service company tax thing. A double-whammy of proportions much larger the the Tory Minister (Chris Patten?) who first used the phrase in recent times.
I get the impression that the pipsqueaks are squeaking already and may be surreptitiously urging a LibDem vote. Especially as the Beeb have made it quite clear they do not like or want Brexit in any shape or form.
There could be trouble ahead ………………………………..
“UK to repatriate first citizens from north-eastern Syria”
Lets all hope that our security forces know who is who?
I am rather worried that they might know exactly who is who.
Beeb radio and Tv launch the Jeremy Corbyn show (also known as the news) with gusto. Ooooooooooooooooooooh Jeremey Corbyn, Bbc loves you! I think we’re about to launch into the most biased beeb election coverage ever seen…
The great man has launched his manifesto. A world-shaking event, beeb thinks. Laura K is going to have one of her come ons. It’s going to be a long period leading up to voting day.
And Boris? The Trump treatment, one suspects.
So we have seen the Lab Manifesto and with acknowledgements to Bud Flanagan I can only sing…
Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr Corbyn
If You Think We’re On The Run?
We Are The Boys Who Will Stop Your Little Game
We Are The Boys Who Will Make You Think Again
‘Cause Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr Corbyn
If You Think Real England’s Done?
Mr Brown Goes Off To Town
On The Eight Twenty-One
But He Comes Home Each Evening
And He’s Ready With His Vote
(So Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr Corbyn
If You Think Real England’s Done?)
So Watch Out Mr Corbyn
You Have Met Your Match In Us
If You Think You Can Crush Us
We’re Afraid You’ve Missed The (Brexit) Bus
‘Cause Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr Corbyn
If You Think Real England’s Done?
….feel free to improve the lyrics all!
BBC can’t even get the right Gallagher brother photo in their story
For a Liam Gallagher concert they put up a Noel Gallagher photo
and Twitter noticed
Yet again Liebour are allowed to get away with manifesto comitments (oops sorry Manifestos are not in any way binding)! without the BBC stating the obvious.
Hardly any of Labours manifesto could be implemented if the UK remains in the EU.
Today we heard that they are going to make large multinational companies pay their tax!
Well good luck with that one because most of these companies headquarter themselves in Southern Ireland and pay their taxes there, they cannot be taxed in the UK AND in Eire and the only way that they could be forced to pay UK tax is if we leave the EU with a clean break.
Yet no BBC apparatchik ever mentions this, presumably because they don’t want to give amunition to a second vote leave, the Brexit party or God forbud – Boris the bottler.
Of course the cowardly useless incompetent Tories could be pushing this, but I think they’re so scared of Corbyn they daren’t say anything against him in case he emits one of his meaningless ‘isms or fauxbias’.
Are BBC TV/radio TV news reports sticking to the management’s rule
“Lead with Labour” ?
.. a Labour voice will be the first political voice each time.
I’m really pleased and grateful that you posted this piece of audio – comrade Corbyn – the IRAs best friend . That audio should be enough to bury him – but people either choose not to know what he really is or look away .we will never hear this piece on the BBC .
I find it incredible that this poisonous creature could even be considered a potential prime minister.
He’s supported every anti British terrorist organisation known to man. He’ll excuse any horrendous IRA atrocity while maliciously condemning British soldiers.
He’s word perfect singing The Red Flag, but chokes on the national anthem.
At the next election we either bury the Labour Party or we say the last rites over our nation.
The BBC are reporting with much happy glee that Cor bin wants to end austerity by spending an extra £83 bn a year.
But the reason for austerity in the first place, which the BBC have consigned to history, was that after the Labour government in 2010 we were borrowing £160 bn a year.
Does this mean Corbyn agrees that austerity to the tune of £80 bn a year was fully justified ?
The BBC are too busy showing vox pop of people who agree with Cor bin to ask any questions. No change there.
Corbyn wants to buy votes on a massive scale by giving the public sector a 5% increase.
I hope private sector workers will realise that Corbyn doesn’t give a toss about them.
And that by overpaying the public sector the private sector is excluded from places like the North East. And that by overpaying the publicg sector they will be even more interested in protecting themselves rather than serving the public.
The public sector of course already earn more than the private sector across every earnings decile except the top one.
And that does not include the fantastic pension provision unavailable in the private sector.
No questions from the BBC, needless to say.Too busy with the love-in.
General election 2019: Voting activist wants ‘youthquake’
Of course he does. He wants people to rush out there and vote for the filth that is the Labour Party!
7:30pm ITV Farage interview
..what naff GOTCHA will they try ?
Actually Rambir Singh did pretty well. No interruptions and no clever tricks. No snidey word traps, genuine smiles and a sincere handshake at the end. ITV.
Mishal, Emily, Emma and Victoria must feel the shame on her behalf.
Yet another trailer for
“Meat a threat for our planet?”
Monday 25th November at 9pm on @BBCOne
I keep hearing that trailer on the radio
Then at 7pm BBC 1
Then same trailer 8pm BBCFour
I just switched to Channel 5
then the advert break
It ends with another trailer for more green propaganda
Wow . BBC twitter feed is basically a Jeremy Corbyn appreciation thread !!! It’s sickening to see. Impartiality hey !!!!
But they did manage to veer off how amazing Corbyn is , just for enough time for them to remind us all how nasty the conservatives are !!!
Bearing in mind the labour types who were rolled out in the past 4 years to support Remain- I wonder how many of these same people will be supporting the Labour Manifesto .
I’m sure Blair , Gordon Brown et al will all be there supporting comrade Corbyn and his cause – with the BBC Toady et al happily giving them air time……
…. or maybe we ll just hear from the dummies in the shadow cabinet . …..
The union contributions won’t count because they are assessed individually. Three quid x 50k is just 50k three quids x the number of contributing unions. Simples.
OnthisdaytheIRA hashtag has had a busy and sad day running through the names and details of those murdered by the IRA in the Birmingham pub mass murders 45 years ago today .
I’m sure Comrade Corbyn will be a ‘ follower ‘ on Twitter . He has never directly condemned the IRA – and people will vote for him and his party .
I hope BoJo washed his hands after being forced to shake his hand in the recent ‘ debate’.
Why is there so much speculation about celebrities sexist tweets
and so little BBC reporting on the 5,000+ victims of on street grooming/raping/prostituting gangs ??
cos the BBC has an immense *FACT-CHUCKING* dept suppress reporting of many important facts
“Why is there so much speculation about celebrities sexist tweets
and so little BBC reporting on the 5,000+ victims of on street grooming/raping/prostituting gangs ??”
Google search [grooming]…
Huddersfield child sex abuse: Six men guilty of grooming – 24 Oct 2019
Huddersfield grooming victims ‘delivered to hell’ – 19 Oct 2018
Five in court in Nottingham facing 36 child grooming charges – 7 Nov 2019
Oxford grooming trial: Girl ‘treated by men as sexual commodity’ – 17 Oct 2019
Oxford grooming trial: Schoolgirl ‘had sex with three abusers – 23 Oct 2019
Bradford grooming: Nine jailed for abusing girls – 27 Feb 2019
Huddersfield grooming gang members guilty of further offences – 21 May 2019
Halifax grooming gang members lose sentence appeal – 6 Mar 2019
Rochdale sex grooming gang ‘urgent’ deportation call – 17 Jun 2019
Huddersfield grooming: Man jailed for raping teenage girl – 4 Nov 2019
Bradford grooming trial: Ten men accused of abusing girls in care – 8 Jan 2019
Mistakes that led to grooming scandal ‘being repeated’ – 28 Feb 2019
Huddersfield grooming: Mum recalls daughter’s sex abuse – 19 Oct 2018
Operation Shelter: Reaction as grooming gang convicted – 9 Aug 2017
Oxford grooming gang members handed life sentences – 21 Jan 2019
‘Wrong to ignore’ ethnicity of grooming gangs – 26 Dec 2018
Huddersfield grooming: How the West Yorkshire gang operated – 19 Oct 2018
Sammy Woodhouse: Rotherham ‘rapist offered role in child’s life’ – 28 Nov 2018
Telford grooming ‘tip of the iceberg’, says solicitor – 13 Mar 2018
Oxford grooming gang members guilty of abuse – 18 Dec 2018
Huddersfield grooming case ‘could deter foster carers’ – 20 Nov 2018
Huddersfield grooming gang members jailed for abuse – 1 Nov 2018
Huddersfield grooming gang ‘not about race or ethnicity’ – 19 Oct 2018
Huddersfield grooming: Rotherham galvanised reaction says MP – 19 Oct 2018
Chances ‘lost’ to break Huddersfield child abuse sex ring – 10 Jun 2019
Oxford grooming victim: ‘I didn’t know who the baby’s father was’ – 21 Jan 2019
West Yorkshire child sex abuse inquiry police arrest 44 – 21 Jun 2019
Man and two teenagers held over child sexual grooming in Blackpool – 31 May 2019
Grooming gangs should get longer sentences ‘if abuse is racist’ – 12 Aug 2017
Kirklees Council ‘offers no support’ to Huddersfield grooming victim – 7 Dec 2018
Blackpool teen Charlene Downes’ mum in grooming gangs warning – 30 Oct 2018
Rotherham child sexual abuse: Gang of seven guilty – 29 Oct 2018
Rochdale grooming trio to lose British citizenship – 8 Aug 2018
Oxford grooming gang: Six members jailed – 12 Jun 2018
Bradford grooming trial: Nine men guilty of abusing girls – 26 Feb 2019
Telford abuse: MP ‘inundated’ with child grooming reports – 16 Mar 2018
Operation Sanctuary: A survivor’s story of grooming gangs – 26 Sep 2018
Sheffield gangs “grooming 10-year-olds”, police say – 16 Oct 2018
New child abuse cases ‘not pursued’ says MP – 1 Nov 2018
Paedophile hunter claims Sikh girls targeted by men – 20 Feb 2019
Report shows computer delays in child grooming inquiries – 30 Mar 2017
Operation Sanctuary: Critical grooming report reaction – 23 Feb 2018
‘I was groomed and sexually abused by 30 or 40 men’ – 29 Aug 2017
Telford abuse: ‘I want to kill my son’s groomers’ – 29 Mar 2018
Grooming allegations debate: Dale, Smith, Moran and Rudd – 23 Oct 2018
Telford grooming gang leader back behind bars – 2 Jul 2018
Child sexual exploitation: How the system failed – 16 Mar 2018
Merseyside brothers jailed: Shop workers groomed girls – 15 May 2017
Operation Sanctuary: More jailed for roles in grooming ring – 6 Sep 2017
Police list identifies ‘grooming hotspots’ in Newcastle – 9 Nov 2017
Rotherham grooming gang leader Arshid Hussain guilty – 21 Nov 2017
Rochdale grooming: Abusers ‘not fazed’ by convictions – 3 Jul 2017
Scale of child abuse survey ‘needed every 10 years’ – 27 Mar 2018
OK Maxi maybe with your researching skills you could tell us how many of the above stories were given prominence on the News front page?
And how long before the stories were taken down? Blink, and you missed them.
aah, maxi since you have stopped by again, where is that apology you owe me?
You know, the one about the Pogrom programme made by Allan Little. I was right, you and your College Prof were wrong. Come on, how about it?
If you can do a long post in reply to Stew, how about an apology for me?
I notice the troll only posting stuff relating to Pakistani Muslim paedophile racist rape gangs over the recent couple of years . The years where this was going on and whitee looked away because nobody wanted to upset the ‘community “ ? Perhaps the troll will post those years tonight – together with links – and perhaps comments by the local Labour PM .
I suspect the troll will go silent again . Last time it was here it asked me a question – which I took time to answer. There was no reply – which led me to want to delete the troll account but people think the troll performs a function …
maxi , you have to admit there is a disproportionate number of ethnics involved in that list per head of population ?
Why so ?
Quite right pug, and the contrast is so painfully obvious it’s becoming palpable. I guess it has to go with the same mindset that labels all Leavers as ignorant racists without the ability to recognise what they voted for. With that sort of glib and arrogant assumption it gets ever easier to believe that the electorate are sheep – it also goes with the quality of university education that creates a BBC workforce who evidently think they are intelligent.
Anyone know when the Tory manifesto launches? I wonder if they get the same special treatment that Labour get?
I doubt it.
Anyway I have had enough for one day. Both Labour and the BBC have wound me up and it has reached the stage where I have just had enough
Sometimes you just have to laugh.
On Newshite, they ‘discuss’ Labour’s money-tree spending plans.
To do this they feature a 1976 disco hit, ‘More More More’.
But I wonder if the students in the production team knew that the singer, Andrea True, was an American porn actress !!!!!!
And the lyrics are about making a porn film!!!
Get the cameras rolling
Get the action going.
Surely the sisterhood at the BBC should be informed.
Not to mention the likes of Dianne Abbott.
Imagine the interview
‘Ms Abbott, how do you feel about the BBC using an American porn star to showcase your spending policies?’
There’s a letterbox on Question Time!
Male, female, or transgender?
Is ‘politics’ now part of the English curriculum? (at around 0:55)
It is funny how the BBC always manage to find somebody to ask the same old crap – did anyone ask how can you trust (Labour/Libs?greens) when they all said they would honour the referendum…
and if this woman had read the article rather than repeating the press releases she would realise Boris was arguing in her favour…
Now personally I don’t think teachers should be allowed this head wear at work…not racist but simply communication skills and knowing who is actually in a classroom – I couldn’t get away with a balaclava. Still we all know she is a Labour supporter
Things the BBC will bang on about:
Things the BBC has no interest in:
Incidentally, anyone with the Wetherspoon app: is it actually possible to order just a banana? That story smells off to me.
With everything happening in the world why is this even News…?
Notice the BBC headline implies Wetherspoons (staff) sent it –
No apparently another customer sent it using the app – so a whole business gets painted negatively because of one idiot’s action..BBC don’t make this clear.
It couldn’t be because Tim is an ardent Brexiteer could it ?
Roland Deschain,
“Things the BBC has no interest in:”
“Customers in our store complained about the man in the video because he was forcing leaflets onto them. Electioneering doesn’t take place in our stores. He was asked to leave the store but wouldn’t.”
Morrisons are saying –
“The security guard, who is from a security company, overreacted and we are dealing with this.”
“The Brexit Party told Yahoo News that they were investigating the incident themselves and would not comment further “until more information becomes available”
Even CNN has this as ‘Breaking News’ – not a peep from Sopel or the ‘beauty’ yet.
It’s an extremely serious development that CNN are not holding back on.
The Fox News take is that it has been leaked early to cushion the impact
Sopel rarely says anything that isn’t a Democrat talking point. His tweets and retweets are a long list of how badly the shampeachment hearing is going for the President.
Sopel was trolling Trump just before the FBI news broke –
Forget @realDonaldTrump not giving a s**t
about Ukraine, #FionaHill seems to be scaring the Republicans s**tless. They’ve stopped asking her questions, and are just making statements at her, and not allowing her to answer”
You’re right Roland, The BBC always view politics from a Democrat party perspective.
Only Fox has acknowledged –
“U.S. Attorney John Durham’s separate, ongoing probe into potential FBI and Justice Department misconduct in the run-up to the 2016 election through the spring of 2017 has transitioned into a full-fledged criminal investigation — and that Horowitz’s report will shed light on why Durham’s probe has become a criminal inquiry.”
The 500-page report will be a real bombshell – what Republicans been saying for three years.
The MSM news has been as much about Fiona Hill – coal miners daughter from County Durham –
It’s irony time again- but not on the BBC.
The young are are in love with Corbyn as they think they will not have to pay for all the goodies they expect to come their way.
But Corbyn’s public sector favouritism at the expense of private sector workers and general largesse will have to be paid for. For example the massive and under his plans increasing unfunded public sector pensions liability. The scale of this makes the NHS expenditure look like petty cash. Newly qualified teachers for example earn a pension entitlement in their first year which will cost future taxpayers about as much as that teachers salary for that one year alone. This mass transfer from private workers to public workers will have to be paid for by future taxpayers out of their then annual taxes.
And who will be paying them? Why the very young who are now so in love with Corbyn.
You reap what you sow,
Further to pugnacious’s interesting post above.
I periodically bang on about the cost of public sector pensions. Hardly anyone ever listens.
But I’ll try again and mention that in recent years the amount that schools have to put aside for the nominal cost of teacher pensions has gone up from around 16% of teacher salaries to 23%. This is all but hidden from the public. Oh and typically teacher costs are around 80% of a school budget.
To put it another way, teacher salaries may have been frozen (the thing people like the BBC like to mention) but they have had an effective uplift of 7% which a private sector person would have had to earn through a salary increase in order to maintain the same pension benefits. Needless to say, few did.
And Corbyn now wants to hand them a free 5% pay rise followed by above inflation increases after that.
So expenditure on education may well have gone up but not much of it gets to the children- oh except for the ludicrous ‘Pupil Premium’ .
“The UK think they’re going to be sold down the river,” says one Irish official. “Our guys think the same. One of them is going to be right.”
Toady watch
Comrade ‘uncle John’ McDonnell on toady with Tourette’s Robinson . Uncle John had forgot his false jokey style and rolled along with his 1970s style Labour economics .
This was a successful interview for labour because the interview was dominated by mad tax plans – brexit was left to the end – before the sport . No mention of immigration , security ,Even their blessed NHS .
The BBC did not mention that leave without a deal will not happen under Labour – as noted in their manifesto on page 94?
The whole approach to brexit is dishonest . Labour calls for yet another referendum – but doesn’t say what the options would be apart from
“You want to stay in the Reich EU don’t you ?”. There will only be a ‘Yes” box . That is where the dishonesty lies and the BBC MSM is complicit in it .
Interestingly there was no complaint during the interview from comrade McDonnell about being interrupted or not being able to answer- compare and contrast when a Conservative or Brexit party representative is on. Tiring isn’t it ?
Or, Uncle Mac when not in the cumfy chair. Look at the eyes at the end.
I think Mr Neill is on the list of ‘first against the wall ‘ on the 13th of December .
BBC news breathtaking in bias by omission this morning . ‘Save the children’ over the moon that ‘British children are being brought home to Britain from camps in Syria “.
And what’s left out – ISIS – Islamic terrorism – and whether these ‘children’ will be a threat to the UK.
At least they will be up to speed on key English phrases…
Toady 3
Nigel Farage is to publish a ‘contract ‘ with the people -not a false manifesto – he is challenged – not interviewed – by the Asian toady girl . It starts hostile and carries on that way .
The Asian girl is too thick to understand the difference between unrestricted immigration so favoured by labour ‘Tory and the use of work permits to feed particular jobs with no assurance of permanent residence . A four minute attack .
Yep I agree and her use of the 100,000 vacancies was inaccurate – this is an old figure that is not official..yet she kept repeating it..when are the politicians going to be honest and the interviewers intelligent and unbiased
If 250K people come into the country every year then we need more NHS staff and so we import more people into country to work in NHS who bring their families, and so we need more NHS staff…so where does this lead?
I am involved with the NHS and I know 1. they are not poorly paid, 2 many work part time 3. the sickness rate is higher than national average 4. many are retiring on pensions a private worker can only dream about…5. the NHS has a whole department whose job is to plan for recruitment and training..why is it every year they seem to be failing?
Is it me or are many people just getting fed up with hearing about the NHS ?
James It seems that various governments have allowed the NHS to just troll along and when something goes wrong the responsibility doesn’t lie with the top echelon of the NHS but directly with number 10 . The likes of the BBC are – again – complicit in a situation which discourages the NHS from sorting itself out without shaking the money tree- again .
As an aside – trawling through the Labour manifesto/lie – if you are going to the pub soon – please be aware that it is to be designated an ‘asset of community value ‘ – and that is true .
Not sure about the claim that labour will withdraw the 25% poll tax discount for single occupants which is being spoken of on Twitter . No one would be dumb enough to try that one ….
Following on from the Farage interview, there was a BBC Fact Check in which they said amongst other things “if immigration to the UK was on a work permit basis rather than permanent basis, fewer people may want to come… They may prefer to go to Germany so it may be hard to fill vacancies.”
In what way is that “fact checking”? It’s nothing of the sort. It’s suggesting an outcome which may or may not happen. And surprise, surprise, one with a loaded left wing slant.
The BBC is going all out to help Labour to win the General Election.
To be honest they just have a feature on Norwich on Breakfast TV,
where one of the munchkin women is showing all her acting
skills in a Machiavellian way to encourage the voters in the
very marginal constituency of North Norwich to vote Labour.
Naga is doing a brilliant job !!
With at least a half a dozen party political broadcasts on behalf
of the Labour Party daily . Including the 1.00 PM 6PM and 10PM,
national news programmes,it is possible that the BBC may well
be able to achieve it’s aim in getting Labour elected !!
Cheered up my Friday.
Rob plays a broken record.
TOADY Watch #1 – Mishal’s Mincemeat
Before 8.10a.m. prime interview slot with John Big MacDonnell (Lab – Chancelleeyore wannabe) I had to endure the right horrible Rishi Sunak, Chief Secretary to the Treasury getting mangled by Mishal.
Not only did this complete Tory drone make Mishal look clever, he did the same for some of the awful Labour drone clones who we have had to endure on the R4 airwaves in the last few weeks.
Help! I’m a human being – get me out of here!!
TOADY Watch #2 – Nigel’s Nemesis?
I got the distinct impression that Nigel Farage is no longer interested in British politics and is on the point of giving up. He was hopeless in the face of some admittedly belligerent questioning from Mishal.
It is important to have ‘facts at your fingertips’ so to speak when in interviews with hostile Beeboids, especially when you will not be given a chance to string more than three words together before an interruption arrives.
All Nigel needed to say this morning is “How many UK unemployed?”. That may have shown up Mishal instead of himself appearing to be just ‘going through the motions’. (Mishal had been inferring that the UK needs to import 200,000 immigrants a year for the NHS and housebuilding.)
I almost cannot believe that Mishal came away with two wins – a good TOADY for her for a change.
BBC News
???? Rail, Mail, Water and Energy nationalised
???? Free broadband for all
???? A green industrial revolution
???? Letting the people decide on Brexit
???? Not using the NHS in trade talks
???? Scrapping university tuition fees
The Labour Party manifesto, in three minutes. (via BBC Politics)
Saves Labour producing a poster, I suppose.
Guest – As it is election time, an urgent knock on the Ofcom door is required, but I suspect it is brimming with ex beeboids, as well as people picked for their ‘diversity’ rather than their merit. Largely Labour supporters, who secretly rather like the big push beeb is giving Labour? I have a strong suspicion one would get nowhere…
Brexit Party will scrap the beeb licence fee, Farage announces.
Wonder what sort of coverage their launch will get, compared to yesterday’s great Labour launch celebrations all day long on beeb?
Ha interesting comment from page 1
‘Why don’t you watch the BBC anymore ?
… I’m British, and it isn’t ‘
The rep for Brexit P was on with Adam Boulton this morning, and I thought he made a good fist of explaining Brexit’s ideas. It was a good interview, and when asked on the position of immigration, he quietly explained that there had to be a cap of 50,000 a year because the infrastructure is already buckling under the weight. Of course Bolton came back with how the NHS is recruiting from abroad, and he replied that Work Permits were the way to go, so that residencies and British citizenship wouldn’t be granted, and an Australian points system would be implemented.
We only have to look at the building programmes around the UK in every town and village, and still we’re told we need more houses. Who for ? its like road building, the more roads the more traffic, so the more houses the more people want them. A system of keeping people out is needed, not bringing more in.
Exactly so. I am sure that in the early nineties the UK population was set to decline and as a result schools were being closed because of lack of demand. But then along came The Snake, aka Blair, with his secret policy to import millions of third worlders and change our country for ever. Successive governments , even Tory ones, have continued this policy and we are now beginning to see some of the consequences.
* We can’t afford to pay for the increased infrastructure to support the increased population . Do these immigrants pay their way? Unlikely in my view, no we pay for them!
*We can’t criticise immigrants or the policy of effectively open borders. Hate speech laws have been passed which is beginning to make it a crime to think things let alone do anything! Our media refuses to tell the truth about the impact of mass migration , Rotherham et al being the most upsetting example.
* Immigrants don’t have our beliefs or values and so voting fraud, corruption in public office , which are quite normal to them , grow year on year
* Our history is being rewritten , White Native Brits are being discriminated against as part of government policy.
* Our home is being destroyed and we are forbidden to protest.
All this can be laid at the feet of The Snake and his ministers.
Exactly so. I am sure that in the early nineties the UK population was set to decline and as a result schools were being closed because of lack of demand. But then along came The Snake, aka Blair, with his secret policy to import millions of third worlders and change our country for ever. Successive governments , even Tory ones, have continued this policy and we are now beginning to see some of the consequences.
* We can’t afford to pay for the increased infrastructure to support the increased population . Do these immigrants pay their way? Unlikely in my view, no we pay for them!
*We can’t criticise immigrants or the policy of effectively open borders. Hate speech laws have been passed which is beginning to make it a crime to think things let alone do anything! Our media refuses to tell the truth about the impact of mass migration , Rotherham et al being the most upsetting example.
* Immigrants don’t have our beliefs or values and so voting fraud, corruption in public office , which are quite normal to them , grow year on year
* Our history is being rewritten , White Native Brits are being discriminated against as part of government policy.
* Our home is being destroyed and we are forbidden to protest.
All this can be laid at the feet of The Snake and his ministers. But this only the start. Things will get much worse in the coming decades.
Brissles, “its like road building, the more roads the more traffic,”
Not so. That’s an old but perennial Green Party lie.
If you increase road space without increasing the vehicle numbers you have less traffic for a given amount of road space.
What we have been doing in the UK over the last thirty+ years, is removing road space for private vehicles, hence the roads appear more crowded. Just go and watch a local bus lane on a road that used to contain four lanes of mixed traffic.
Just in case anyone was in any doubt of the far left credentials of the cowardly useless incompetent Tories and their clueless leader Boris the Bottler.
Today these anal passages, have annouced that all the terrorists which they stripped of citizenship are going to be allowed back into Britain.
Of course that isn’t the words they use, they say they are bringing back the children, but anyone who knows anything knows the ‘uman rights act says they cannot seperate a family, particularly mother & child.
If this gets out it will badly affect the Commieserveyourselves election chances, and I hope that readers here will not be even considering a vote for this disgrace of a party.
So when I have a choice of Labour, Green, LibDem, SNP or Tory who do you suggest I vote for?
Just forget there’s an election.
Roland – I’m afraid old thoughtful just goes on and on here about the ‘ cowardly useless incompetent Tories ‘ Tories like a broken record .
He/ she isn’t that thoughtful otherwise might come up with something ….. different . Sometimes it’s the price I pay for trawling through posts ….
But surely. The Conservatives ain’t the best we could ask for but with the current system it’s the best of a bad job . I’d like proper right wing government which would privatise just about everything but that’s not likely to happen in current circumstances .
Fed, I’m worried that Bojo is a bungling oaf. Dominic Cummings likewise. There has been good evidence of that in the last sixty days, especially this week. And that possibly they have been ‘got at’ in some way and are no longer keen, enthusiastic, committed Brexiteers. In fact, possibly no longer Brexiteers at all.
In addition, Nigel Farage appears to have gone all UKIPpy on the nation having shot his mouth off. He now realises he’s destroyed The Brexit Party’s chances of winning any seats at all.
I wish it were not so.
That is how it seems at present.
Ah, the ‘Children’? Our past knowledge of what, constitutes Home Office’s ‘Children’ is still a fond memory from 2016.
I hope the Home Office has purchased enough shaving kits………….
Full-on Russophobia on the BBC website this morning: the perfect synergy between the needs of the Foreign Office and their own in-house Trump Derangement Syndrome. The front page is currently leading with a report of President Putin meeting the widows of engineers and scientists killed whilst testing a deadly new weapon. Just to make sure you get the message, it is described as a “vengeance” weapon, to make a sub-conscious link to the V1 and V2 weapons of the Nazis. The story was reported on RT yesterday, where it didn’t even receive top billing.
Underneath that is a story entitled ‘Russians under threat over gay Q&A video’. It is about a criminal investigation resulting from a violation of a law designed to prevent the teaching of ‘non-traditional relationships’ to children. The BBC and other MSM outlets refer to this as Putin’s ‘anti-gay’ law; in fact, homosexuality is not mentioned in the legislation. Russia is a socially conservative country where the overwhelming majority of people do not approve of homosexuality, although it is perfectly legal. It is hardly the case that the average Russian feels ‘under threat’ by this.
The reason for these stories are the current impeachment proceedings in the USA regarding Ukraine. These derive from the liberal conspiracy theory that the Russians influenced the election of President Trump and the implication that he played an improper role in dealings with Ukraine. Russia has substantial disagreements with Ukraine, Trump is acting against Ukraine, ergo Orange Man Bad. These proceedings are likely to fizzle out, much to the relief of anyone with a surname of Biden.
However, it is important that you get the message that Russia Is Evil. I mean, the government has decided not to publish the report of Russian interference (sic) into the European Referendum until after the General Election and even, er, Hillary Clinton has spoken out against this. And Boris Johnson… Boris is a Russian name isn’t it, what more proof could you want?
@Digg I checked about the 2 Tower Hamlets cases you mentioned 24 hours ago
The BBC (The Jeremy Corbyn Appreciation Society) have still not mentioned the two
– Tower Hamlets councillor Muhammad Harun jailing for housing fraud
“Harun is the third Tower Hamlets councillor in seven years to be convicted of housing fraud.”
– and a new story about Labour candidate Apsana Begum, jumping to the top of the council housing list even though she is childless.
“Momentum member Ms Begum is seen as a shoo-in as MP for Poplar and Limehouse, which had a 27,700 Labour majority in 2017.
But the councillor’s daughter has been dogged by controversy because of her links to former mayor of Tower Hamlets Lutfur Rahman, who was banned for vote-rigging.”
.. CHUCKS out REALITY and replaces it with Marxist Green fantasies
@JohnInCheshire re Soubry case : A remarkable coincidence
re Based Amy that we discussed back on page 2
It’s not a big case so why did they use the Chief magistrate in London ?
The magistrate was Judge Emma Arbuthnot, or formally as The Baroness Arbuthnot of Edrom)
Since she is Chief magistrate it is not unusual for her to be involved in a case like Assange’s
But the case of a protester disrupting a former Tory MP is different.
… Now what does the magistrates husband do ?
.. By sheer coincidence Lord James Arbuthnot is a Conservative peer and was a Tory MP for 15 years including being defence minister.
So Soubry was a colleguae of him. She even recently tweeted respect for him.
The case is further complicated by Amy after being charged choosing to stand for election against Soubry.
Sure try a disruptive protester, but how can it be OK for the judge to be connected to the complainant by way of the judge’s husband being a recent POLITICAL colleague of the complainant ?
Ah Unity News have got the story
BTW I am not one for conspiracy theories
But most Conservatives and many Labour MP’s are in orgs like Conservative Friends of Israel
James Arbuthnot was its chair and the Judge went with him on a visit to Israel
In the centre of the photo there is a woman next to her who looks like Soubry to me