I’ve been listening to Mike Graham on Talk Radio. He talks a lot of sense. They broadcasted Nigel Farage outlining his Brexit Party policies earlier.
Did our trusted state broadcaster also broadcast this?
I doubt it because Nigel says he will abolish the TV tax.
He will abolish the House of Lords.
He will stop sending vast amounts of foreign aid abroad.
He will stop sending money to the EU.
Re The video of a Brexit leafleteer being pushed out of Morrisons
I see Morrison’s replied to Katie Hopkins Customers in our store complained about the man in the video because he was forcing leaflets onto them.
Electioneering doesn’t take place in our stores. He was asked to leave the store but wouldn’t.
The security guard, who is from a security company over-reacted and we are dealing with this – Georgina 2/2
.. That does seem fair enough … thread
“A Labour government would put an £11bn windfall tax on oil and gas companies to create a ‘Just Transition Fund’
.. transitioning the UK energy industry from oil …. to snake oil
Intermittent gimmicks like wind/solar are Mickey Mouse subsidy holes
not proper on demand energy
Unicorns don’t pay the extra costs, granny has to.
Dr Steve Turley does his homework and I believe he and his stats can be trusted. The only downside, as I see it, is that he is a tad over optimistic in delivery.
Anyway, this video concerns the downfall of the US Democrats as a result of their impeachment proceedings against the POTUS. However, Steve discloses that YouTube has removed his recent video which concerned the connection between Soros and the Impeachment proceedings while, Facebook describes his ‘news’ as being, “Fake”. Utterly laughable and is further evidence that the likes of YT and Facebook are in the pocket of Soros. I don’t know whether Steve has posted the Soros/Impeachment video on BitChute.
Anyway, enjoy:
12:40pm R4 You and Yours, presenter PeterWhite of a consumer show, was surprised at the expert @SIGWATCH saying 50% of the palm oil imported into EU is used in petrol/diesel
Doh !
E 5% & E10 is an old EU law brought in under pressure from Greenpeace etc.
What piece of intellect is missing in the minds of some left-wing journalists?
Polly Toynbee of the Guardian going into raptures over Labours wonderful manifesto as if it heralds the promise of a bountiful, exciting new future for all right-thinking citizens.
It is patently obvious to me that the manifesto is either a direct route to a Marxist Government controlled state or a return to the total financial devastation of the 60’s and 70’s.
Listen Polly…. the man is a dreamer and he will say anything to get his hands on power and if he does he will have to be dragged kicking and screaming away from it along with his henchmen.
I am sure that when Adolph ranted about the brave new World he would create for Germans he got the same deluded adoring fans.
The very last thing dear old Pol would want from you is to listen, Digg. All Guardian columnists wear ear-plugs while writing, just in case they might overhear any commonsense to disrupt their la-la-land diatribes.
I thought the point of having two people onscreen to discuss a topic was to have one for and one against.
That way both sides are represented.
On sky news, the Sarah hewson show (or is it Sarah mee or is it Kay burley, so many wimmin) they have two guests (both wimmin of course) talking about the Brexit Party ‘contract/manifesto’ and they both agree with each other (agree it’s bad of course)
Either await contact from, or invite on, someone who will deliver the required bbc sound bite, allow them to so deliver, and then use that “quote” across social media.
“I have students who can’t even afford a winter coat; I have got families choosing between heating and eating”
““I have students who can’t even afford a winter coat”
How much a coat cost in the UK these days ?
Do I need to post a pic of the £1 rail outside the charity shop ?
” I have got families choosing between heating and eating”
Do you mean
“I have got families choosing between heating and eating,
.. who also have a giant pet dog, SkyTV and a car ” ?
I give the fruit/veg away at the end of the market
Almost never does a poor person come and ask me, before I take it around the pensioners.
There has been one person, who came occasionally, who I don’t know the finances of, I don’t ask she is welcome to the stuff I give her.
One local volunteer at the foodbank gave up, cos the punters would only accept top brands. https://twitter.com/hollyarigby/status/1197895738598084609
“children eating whatever biscuits are *on offer* for £1 in Tescos.”
.. She hasn’t got a clue what biscuits cost in Tescos
.. Own brand are about 29p
People don’t have to wait for special offers
For those of us who haven’t yet made up our minds about the election, who find they can’t trust Boris, are terrified of Corbyn and bemused by the Greens, both The Brexit Party and The Lib Dems have published their manifestos.
In a nutshell…
Top of the Brexit Party list is to bring us a full Brexit, red in tooth and claw. No messing about…OUT!
Number two is to restrict immigration to about 50,000 per year.
They also pledge to abolish The House of Lords and halve international aid.
So far so good…
The Lib Dems want to stop Brexit at all costs. Completely ignore the referendum and the democratic wishes of the people of these islands.Number two is to legalise cannabis. They also fancy giving free child care for all, although their funding is a bit shaky and they’re also desperate to introduce the absolutely essential transgender bogs.
If you are a Brexiter – please look at your constituency and vote for the candidate who will get power and deliver brexit – in whatever form it now manifests itself .
As for the brexit party – there is no manifesto – that was the point of what Mr Farage was saying . All manifestos are lies – as evidenced by the most recent nonsense.
On my read – the more conservative MP s the more right wing policies there will be – which I’m sure will include reform or destruction of the state broadcaster …
Absolutely. My MP is the committed Brexiteer, Crispin Blunt, so I’ve got no problems on that front.
However, they’re not going to touch the undemocratic and parasitic House of Lords and they’ll do nothing about foreign aid. They think lobbing billions in aid to corrupt regimes makes them look good. It’s virtue signalling with old age pensioners heating allowances.
And I’m afraid that I don’t hold out much hope of the Tories attempting to either destroy or muzzle our beloved Beeb. They have neither the guts nor the inclination.
But time shall tell…
BTW an antifa was killed by an SUV 2 months ago in Portland
but it appeared to be an antifa against antifa thing cos they covered it up Amazingly weird. 23-year-old Sean Kealiher, a.k.a. “Armeanio Lewis”, antifa & known for harrassing reporters, gets killed by a car. The car was found later, crashed & shot at.
Yet the Antifa are busily impeding any Portland police investigation by asking people to stay quiet
Smollet paid a fine and did community service
so who would give him PR for his case claiming he’s not being convicted and so the Chicago Police thing was defamation ?
Papers filed by his lawyers claim he's been caused "humiliation and extreme distress"https://t.co/QQZ7OSkl1p
Watching politics live I must say I enjoyed watching that uptight, far left, gurning, virtue signalling girl whose face was priceless when Douglas Murray mentioned “the trans thing”
*Guest Who pictures her a few comments above.
An excellent example of a face ‘like a slapped arse’
The thing is she is a teacher and no doubt she is spreading her poison amongst young minds, contaminating them with far left rubbish.
I would have liked to hear what Ben Habib (TBP) had to say but he was interrupted so much by Joe Corbyn it was difficult to hear him. No change there then.
She is obviously wasting some of the world’s resources having things done to her eyebrows – are they makeup or tattooed? Either way unnecessary and makes her look as though she has two caterpillars crawling across her brow. Not sure those red eyes aren’t due to makeup – if they are then the eye shadow just has to go – she has a world to save.
Brexit party have said the TV tax is an anchronism and needs phasing out and scrapping.
They are using the issue of streaming and subscription services rather than the bias which is more difficult for the BBC, and leftist parties like the Tories to attack.
Just seen on tv (ref. TBP and postal vote fraud) that the number of cases/prosecutions is low and therefore it’s insignificant and not worth bothering about.
Numbers of cases in the low hundreds so no problem.
A mountain out of a woodpile.
I suppose you could say the same for FGM.
No (or is it one) prosecutions so therefore it doesn’t exist.
It would have been nice to have someone on to put the BP side of the case to the viewers but of course we only got the lefty side of it.
just read The Brexit Part Contract and it has every thing anyone posting on this site could wish for . Of course, that’s with exception to maxincony, our resident troll who posts here on behalf of Al Beeb.
\\General election 2019: Brexit Party pledges ‘political revolution’// https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2019-50511014
HYS comments could be going better for The Brexit Party ?
Strange when The Brexit Party are the biggest party in the EU .
Question is Al Beeb tinkering with their HYS facility ?
See, the BBc does not just invite certain folk in to get the perfect “quote” for a BBC social media sound bite…
BBC News
“And if you think a woman can’t beat Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi does it every single day.”
Senator Klobuchar says women are held to a higher standard when running for president but she’s ready for the fight.
…they get Jon Sopel to sit on twitter all day and then cut and paste one for them.
The biased BBC run a vox pop.
Location – Norwich
Subject- Poverty
So, yet another nice left wing friendly topic.
But it gets better.
Which ‘random’ people do they choose to feature?
Why, a pregnant woman with six children already……and a single mother of three children.
What are the chances of that?
Seems to me that much poverty is entirely preventable by crossing your legs. Which would also be good for climate change issues !!!!!!
But of course on the BBC , this just cannot be mentioned.
Biased and pathetic at the same time.
Deep joy!
BBC London are featuring a campaign to get more Muslims to register to vote. Yes. Featuring.
A mosque is featured and there is a vox pop, featuring two people who can barely speak English.
Watched the first 5 minutes of the BBC leaders debate.
First up. Corbyn. Enthusiastic applause from the audience.
Enthusiastic applause to all his answers.
Some audience members do put up challenging points.
The applause is very muted.
Utterly appalling biased audience claimed by the BBC as usual as carefully selected.
On that the BBC is quite right. But not with the meaning most people would have in mind.
The obvious fact that the program comes from Kew, not Sheffield, is clear from the number of plants in the audience.
Sorry Fedup, didn’t scroll down. You beat me to it by 2 mins!
I turned it off . Just couldn’t take that much set up bias .there were more lefty plants in that audience than Kew Gardens . Also – why have a question time when the conservatives haven’t issued their manifesto ( lies or not ).
Also BoJo has pulled out of some c4 question time thing on Sunday night and they are threatening to ‘empty chair ‘ him .
Now I recall the head of channel four news – the usual metro snowflake with a good bank balance – bad mouth bojo and call him a liar a few months ago. I can see good value in boycotting C4 – and the BBC – if I were to Tory HQ .
This QT special audience was clearly recruited directly from a Labour party membership list. There is no way on earth it is representative of the population as a whole. I need to go out before Boris comes on and I get angry with the continuous attacks he has to endure from our national agit-prop outfit.
QT continued.
Wee Krankie announces she will never prop up a Tory government.
Enthusiastic applause.
Then she announces the lies of the Brexit campaign, including the claims made on the side of a bus.
Enthusiastic applause.
How the hell does OFCOM allow this level of deliberate stage-managed bias.
QT update.
Jo Swinson is now on and learning the hard way about the institutional pro Labour bias of the BBC.
The pro Corbyn audience is giving her a tough time.
In a way it’s good to see the Illiberal Undemocrats getting what’s due to them.
But then she mentions Labour Party anti-semitism to absolute silence from the ‘impartial’ audience.
So in terms of BBC impartiality, she’s seeing it for real.
NHS ‘wasting’ money by employing equality and diversity staff … https://www.hrreview.co.uk › hr-news › diversity-news › nhs-wasting-money…
10 Apr 2014 – Their key findings were: The NHS employed at least 826 public relations staff at an estimated cost of £34 million. It employed at least 165 equality and diversity staff at a cost of more than £6.8 million. It also employed at least 86 ‘green’ staff costing around £3.5 million.
Boris has been on for 9 minutes, Fiona has interrupted six times. Unlike any other speaker, he was booed on arrival, the audience is so biased it’s an embarrassment – though evidently not to the BBC, they must be pissing themselves with pride – he’s huffing already and making a party political of the circus. He’s actually making Corbyn look like a statesman.
One way and another, I do not see this ending well.
The whole thing is just a pro Corbyn setup, as evidenced by the often closely worded ‘questions’ i.e socialist polemic, from one audience member after another.
And, given that the audience was ‘representative’, I never realised before that the country is in fact totally comprised of students, NHS workers, and people on benefits, and no-one at all works successfully in private sector manufacturing and service jobs.
The BBC’s Economics Editor surprised me by turning up for work today. He makes Laura Part-time Kuenssberg and some others at the BBC appear to be ‘nose-to-the-grindstone’ workaholics.
The days of Steffie and Pesto, blogging and appearing on TV & radio five days a week, are long gone.
On QT one of the many pro Corbyn plants asserts that Doctors having been trained at great expense, then leave to get well-paid and easier, lighter workload jobs in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.
Correct me if I’m wrong but these countries do not operate NHS health models but more pluralistic public/ private sector arrangements including private clinics with more innovative service delivery, and compulsory insurance to pay for it.
Perish the thought that our finest NHS workers actually prefer a different, better, health model than the NHS.
It appears that all the opposition parties see the Prime Minister as the election winner. As in the Question Time special that others refer to above, Boris Johnson was the target of barbed comments from Panel members (other than the Conservative’s Mark Harper) and loud applause from the audience.
Bojo has got them all scared.
And, with a little help from Nigel Farage, me worried.
It has been apparent in early AQs under Chris Mason’s Chairmanship that he was a keen listener to the programme in Dimbleby Days. He follows Jonathan’s method of questioning some Panel members – despite the fact that it is meant to be the audience’s AQs. Then he jumps in quick at the end of some Panel member’s replies – thereby stifling or limiting the applause that they might receive. He also does the opposite for some Panel members, leaving a pause into which the audience ‘plants’ can rattle their leaves together.
I thought the bias against Our PM was disgusting. BBC should be ashamed. The first 3 parties could answer questions but our PM was just having to defend his party. Terrible bias of an audience.
I have seen the BBC’s write up of the QT debate. Very biased against Boris. They brought up the letter box story which has been milked to death. Were it not for laws upheld by the very Government that Boris is leading I would go much further than describing them as letterboxes, but I fear a visit from the police in this land of progressive Tories, so tough Boris. Take it, grovel to the perfect religion with a rational dress code. .
I have seen the BBC’s write up of the QT debate. Very biased against Boris. They brought up the letter box story which has been milked to death. Were it not for laws upheld by the very Government that Boris is leading I would go much further than describing them as letterboxes, but I fear a visit from the police in this land of progressive Tories, so tough Boris. Take it, grovel to the perfect religion with a rational dress code. .
Terminal MoraineMar 6, 13:38 Midweek 5th March 2025 Reuters reporting that the Spanish prosecutor is calling for a re-trial of FA Head Luis Rubiales and wants more financial…
Terminal MoraineMar 6, 13:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 BBC make a point and Cummings comments — ————— BBC: “One point worth noting on this morning’s sentencing story. Shabana…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 13:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 To Hell With the Archbishop of Canterbury {slate.com feb2008} In the midst of this dismal verbiage and euphemism, the plain…
Fedup2Mar 6, 13:12 Midweek 5th March 2025 What do you when you get fired from the ‘sentencing council ‘..? No mouth from then sentencing council would do…
Fedup2Mar 6, 13:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 World at one Excellent news – following the broadcast by comrade macron Sergei lavrov has told us that any NATO…
tomoMar 6, 12:16 Midweek 5th March 2025 https://twitter.com/StarkNakedBrief/status/1897584242093162593
wwfcMar 6, 12:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan asylum seeker raped schoolgirl, 15, after spotting her alone in town centre https://www.gbnews.com/news/migrant-crisis-afghan-asylum-seeker-raped-schoolgirl-falkirk-scotland
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 The throat of the animal should be facing the Qiblah. The knife should be adequately sharp to cut the throat…
tomoMar 6, 11:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 It’s traditional thing in Pakistan for the diverse Islamic factions to murder each other., when they aren’t murdering unbelievers…. That…
moggiemooMar 6, 11:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 The UK is nearly a Middle East country and it supposedly already has nukes.
Quite news day:-
OUTRAGE in Pakistan after feminism panel includes no women
Yes outrage.
I ran out of toilet paper, i wonder if the bBC will do a report on that
Dear andyjjsnape
The juxtaposition of references to Pakistan and toilet paper could be construed as a hate crime. Please take care.
I’ve been listening to Mike Graham on Talk Radio. He talks a lot of sense. They broadcasted Nigel Farage outlining his Brexit Party policies earlier.
Did our trusted state broadcaster also broadcast this?
I doubt it because Nigel says he will abolish the TV tax.
He will abolish the House of Lords.
He will stop sending vast amounts of foreign aid abroad.
He will stop sending money to the EU.
What’s not to like?
They will have my vote.
And mine. Got my postal ballot paper, today.
They appear to be unconcerned who knows.
Here comes Mr. Jordan.
Now, who can spell ‘conflict of interest’?
“A Labour government will ensure a healthy future for all our public service broadcasters”
“Liberal Democrat – Protect the independence of the BBC and set up a BBC Licence Fee Commission, maintain Channel 4 in public ownership”
Re The video of a Brexit leafleteer being pushed out of Morrisons
I see Morrison’s replied to Katie Hopkins
Customers in our store complained about the man in the video because he was forcing leaflets onto them.
Electioneering doesn’t take place in our stores. He was asked to leave the store but wouldn’t.
The security guard, who is from a security company over-reacted and we are dealing with this – Georgina 2/2
.. That does seem fair enough … thread
Yesterday a Radio4 prog left the tape deck unplugged and they din’t notice for ages.
“A Labour government would put an £11bn windfall tax on oil and gas companies to create a ‘Just Transition Fund’
.. transitioning the UK energy industry from oil …. to snake oil
Intermittent gimmicks like wind/solar are Mickey Mouse subsidy holes
not proper on demand energy
Unicorns don’t pay the extra costs, granny has to.
Dr Steve Turley does his homework and I believe he and his stats can be trusted. The only downside, as I see it, is that he is a tad over optimistic in delivery.
Anyway, this video concerns the downfall of the US Democrats as a result of their impeachment proceedings against the POTUS. However, Steve discloses that YouTube has removed his recent video which concerned the connection between Soros and the Impeachment proceedings while, Facebook describes his ‘news’ as being, “Fake”. Utterly laughable and is further evidence that the likes of YT and Facebook are in the pocket of Soros. I don’t know whether Steve has posted the Soros/Impeachment video on BitChute.
Anyway, enjoy:
I watch most of Turley’s videos, and they are generally uplifting, but as you say, a little optimistic.
I watch the Duran’s videos, too, and find them more realistic, and also those of Stefan, the Swede. I like him.
OG, try ‘Blaze’ as well.
Ah I get it, a word has dropped off the front of aBBC buildings
The sign is supposed to say
” * anti-British Broadcasting Corporation”
We’ve been misspelling her title- ‘Anti-Beeb’ as aunty.
IMPARTIAL aBBCRadio4 just tweeted another Green propaganda tweet
12:40pm R4 You and Yours, presenter PeterWhite of a consumer show, was surprised at the expert @SIGWATCH saying 50% of the palm oil imported into EU is used in petrol/diesel
Doh !
E 5% & E10 is an old EU law brought in under pressure from Greenpeace etc.
What piece of intellect is missing in the minds of some left-wing journalists?
Polly Toynbee of the Guardian going into raptures over Labours wonderful manifesto as if it heralds the promise of a bountiful, exciting new future for all right-thinking citizens.
It is patently obvious to me that the manifesto is either a direct route to a Marxist Government controlled state or a return to the total financial devastation of the 60’s and 70’s.
Listen Polly…. the man is a dreamer and he will say anything to get his hands on power and if he does he will have to be dragged kicking and screaming away from it along with his henchmen.
I am sure that when Adolph ranted about the brave new World he would create for Germans he got the same deluded adoring fans.
The very last thing dear old Pol would want from you is to listen, Digg. All Guardian columnists wear ear-plugs while writing, just in case they might overhear any commonsense to disrupt their la-la-land diatribes.
I thought the point of having two people onscreen to discuss a topic was to have one for and one against.
That way both sides are represented.
On sky news, the Sarah hewson show (or is it Sarah mee or is it Kay burley, so many wimmin) they have two guests (both wimmin of course) talking about the Brexit Party ‘contract/manifesto’ and they both agree with each other (agree it’s bad of course)
So, nothing new, no surprises.
A bbc Classic,
Either await contact from, or invite on, someone who will deliver the required bbc sound bite, allow them to so deliver, and then use that “quote” across social media.
““I have students who can’t even afford a winter coat”
How much a coat cost in the UK these days ?
Do I need to post a pic of the £1 rail outside the charity shop ?
” I have got families choosing between heating and eating”
Do you mean
“I have got families choosing between heating and eating,
.. who also have a giant pet dog, SkyTV and a car ” ?
I give the fruit/veg away at the end of the market
Almost never does a poor person come and ask me, before I take it around the pensioners.
There has been one person, who came occasionally, who I don’t know the finances of, I don’t ask she is welcome to the stuff I give her.
One local volunteer at the foodbank gave up, cos the punters would only accept top brands.
Fascinating who impartial producers at the BBC can ‘find’ for their quotes.
11,400 likes for this tweet
that I cannot tell if it is parody or not
“children eating whatever biscuits are *on offer* for £1 in Tescos.”
.. She hasn’t got a clue what biscuits cost in Tescos
.. Own brand are about 29p
People don’t have to wait for special offers
For those of us who haven’t yet made up our minds about the election, who find they can’t trust Boris, are terrified of Corbyn and bemused by the Greens, both The Brexit Party and The Lib Dems have published their manifestos.
In a nutshell…
Top of the Brexit Party list is to bring us a full Brexit, red in tooth and claw. No messing about…OUT!
Number two is to restrict immigration to about 50,000 per year.
They also pledge to abolish The House of Lords and halve international aid.
So far so good…
The Lib Dems want to stop Brexit at all costs. Completely ignore the referendum and the democratic wishes of the people of these islands.Number two is to legalise cannabis. They also fancy giving free child care for all, although their funding is a bit shaky and they’re also desperate to introduce the absolutely essential transgender bogs.
I tell you, I’m wavering……
If you are a Brexiter – please look at your constituency and vote for the candidate who will get power and deliver brexit – in whatever form it now manifests itself .
As for the brexit party – there is no manifesto – that was the point of what Mr Farage was saying . All manifestos are lies – as evidenced by the most recent nonsense.
On my read – the more conservative MP s the more right wing policies there will be – which I’m sure will include reform or destruction of the state broadcaster …
Absolutely. My MP is the committed Brexiteer, Crispin Blunt, so I’ve got no problems on that front.
However, they’re not going to touch the undemocratic and parasitic House of Lords and they’ll do nothing about foreign aid. They think lobbing billions in aid to corrupt regimes makes them look good. It’s virtue signalling with old age pensioners heating allowances.
And I’m afraid that I don’t hold out much hope of the Tories attempting to either destroy or muzzle our beloved Beeb. They have neither the guts nor the inclination.
But time shall tell…
The fightback begins here
BTW an antifa was killed by an SUV 2 months ago in Portland
but it appeared to be an antifa against antifa thing cos they covered it up
Amazingly weird. 23-year-old Sean Kealiher, a.k.a. “Armeanio Lewis”, antifa & known for harrassing reporters, gets killed by a car. The car was found later, crashed & shot at.
Yet the Antifa are busily impeding any Portland police investigation by asking people to stay quiet
Smollet paid a fine and did community service
so who would give him PR for his case claiming he’s not being convicted and so the Chicago Police thing was defamation ?
So… a member of BBC staff went off on a jaunt and found some people intoning the Labour manifesto slogan.
Which she then quoted.
As yer do.
Watching politics live I must say I enjoyed watching that uptight, far left, gurning, virtue signalling girl whose face was priceless when Douglas Murray mentioned “the trans thing”
*Guest Who pictures her a few comments above.
An excellent example of a face ‘like a slapped arse’
The thing is she is a teacher and no doubt she is spreading her poison amongst young minds, contaminating them with far left rubbish.
I would have liked to hear what Ben Habib (TBP) had to say but he was interrupted so much by Joe Corbyn it was difficult to hear him. No change there then.
Not BBC, but she so could be the next Rog. And, it is.
She is obviously wasting some of the world’s resources having things done to her eyebrows – are they makeup or tattooed? Either way unnecessary and makes her look as though she has two caterpillars crawling across her brow. Not sure those red eyes aren’t due to makeup – if they are then the eye shadow just has to go – she has a world to save.
She looks as if she could do with a big bacon butty to cheer her up .
X Rebellion hunger strike.
Hey luv, this is called ‘food porn’.
Brexit party have said the TV tax is an anchronism and needs phasing out and scrapping.
They are using the issue of streaming and subscription services rather than the bias which is more difficult for the BBC, and leftist parties like the Tories to attack.
Roll on the day!
Just seen on tv (ref. TBP and postal vote fraud) that the number of cases/prosecutions is low and therefore it’s insignificant and not worth bothering about.
Numbers of cases in the low hundreds so no problem.
A mountain out of a woodpile.
I suppose you could say the same for FGM.
No (or is it one) prosecutions so therefore it doesn’t exist.
It would have been nice to have someone on to put the BP side of the case to the viewers but of course we only got the lefty side of it.
just read The Brexit Part Contract and it has every thing anyone posting on this site could wish for . Of course, that’s with exception to maxincony, our resident troll who posts here on behalf of Al Beeb.
\\General election 2019: Brexit Party pledges ‘political revolution’//
HYS comments could be going better for The Brexit Party ?
Strange when The Brexit Party are the biggest party in the EU .
Question is Al Beeb tinkering with their HYS facility ?
See, the BBc does not just invite certain folk in to get the perfect “quote” for a BBC social media sound bite…
BBC News
“And if you think a woman can’t beat Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi does it every single day.”
Senator Klobuchar says women are held to a higher standard when running for president but she’s ready for the fight.
…they get Jon Sopel to sit on twitter all day and then cut and paste one for them.
The biased BBC run a vox pop.
Location – Norwich
Subject- Poverty
So, yet another nice left wing friendly topic.
But it gets better.
Which ‘random’ people do they choose to feature?
Why, a pregnant woman with six children already……and a single mother of three children.
What are the chances of that?
Seems to me that much poverty is entirely preventable by crossing your legs. Which would also be good for climate change issues !!!!!!
But of course on the BBC , this just cannot be mentioned.
Biased and pathetic at the same time.
Deep joy!
BBC London are featuring a campaign to get more Muslims to register to vote. Yes. Featuring.
A mosque is featured and there is a vox pop, featuring two people who can barely speak English.
The BBC at its impartial best.
Watched the first 5 minutes of the BBC leaders debate.
First up. Corbyn. Enthusiastic applause from the audience.
Enthusiastic applause to all his answers.
Some audience members do put up challenging points.
The applause is very muted.
Utterly appalling biased audience claimed by the BBC as usual as carefully selected.
On that the BBC is quite right. But not with the meaning most people would have in mind.
The obvious fact that the program comes from Kew, not Sheffield, is clear from the number of plants in the audience.
Sorry Fedup, didn’t scroll down. You beat me to it by 2 mins!
Ha ha Beltane – there were also signs of money trees ….
I turned it off . Just couldn’t take that much set up bias .there were more lefty plants in that audience than Kew Gardens . Also – why have a question time when the conservatives haven’t issued their manifesto ( lies or not ).
Also BoJo has pulled out of some c4 question time thing on Sunday night and they are threatening to ‘empty chair ‘ him .
Now I recall the head of channel four news – the usual metro snowflake with a good bank balance – bad mouth bojo and call him a liar a few months ago. I can see good value in boycotting C4 – and the BBC – if I were to Tory HQ .
This QT special audience was clearly recruited directly from a Labour party membership list. There is no way on earth it is representative of the population as a whole. I need to go out before Boris comes on and I get angry with the continuous attacks he has to endure from our national agit-prop outfit.
QT continued.
Wee Krankie announces she will never prop up a Tory government.
Enthusiastic applause.
Then she announces the lies of the Brexit campaign, including the claims made on the side of a bus.
Enthusiastic applause.
How the hell does OFCOM allow this level of deliberate stage-managed bias.
I think all the decent people are watching Coronation Street..
QT update.
Jo Swinson is now on and learning the hard way about the institutional pro Labour bias of the BBC.
The pro Corbyn audience is giving her a tough time.
In a way it’s good to see the Illiberal Undemocrats getting what’s due to them.
But then she mentions Labour Party anti-semitism to absolute silence from the ‘impartial’ audience.
So in terms of BBC impartiality, she’s seeing it for real.
“General election 2019: Blair claims that Brexit ‘nightmare’ may not end”
His reappearance will bring a few more votes for The Brexit Party.
Dumb HR non-job Band 8B £52K-£60K
(Band values determined by HR no doubt)
Let’s chuck more and more money at the NHS.
Yes, chuck ’em a few million more
NHS ‘wasting’ money by employing equality and diversity staff …
https://www.hrreview.co.uk › hr-news › diversity-news › nhs-wasting-money…
10 Apr 2014 – Their key findings were: The NHS employed at least 826 public relations staff at an estimated cost of £34 million. It employed at least 165 equality and diversity staff at a cost of more than £6.8 million. It also employed at least 86 ‘green’ staff costing around £3.5 million.
Boris has been on for 9 minutes, Fiona has interrupted six times. Unlike any other speaker, he was booed on arrival, the audience is so biased it’s an embarrassment – though evidently not to the BBC, they must be pissing themselves with pride – he’s huffing already and making a party political of the circus. He’s actually making Corbyn look like a statesman.
One way and another, I do not see this ending well.
The whole thing is just a pro Corbyn setup, as evidenced by the often closely worded ‘questions’ i.e socialist polemic, from one audience member after another.
And, given that the audience was ‘representative’, I never realised before that the country is in fact totally comprised of students, NHS workers, and people on benefits, and no-one at all works successfully in private sector manufacturing and service jobs.
This is not strictly about the BBC but Labour claims to be financing all its money tree operations by taxing the top 5 per wealthy people in Blighty .
Now if I was in the top 5 per cent being ripped a new one by comrade McDonnell I’d up sticks and find a better country ( not that difficult ) .
So what happens then ? Does labour just tax the next 5 per cent ?
I don’t get it . It’s enough to send one down the Asset of community value -or pub – as it is described in the Labour Party manifesto .
TOADY Watch #3 retrospective
The BBC’s Economics Editor surprised me by turning up for work today. He makes Laura Part-time Kuenssberg and some others at the BBC appear to be ‘nose-to-the-grindstone’ workaholics.
The days of Steffie and Pesto, blogging and appearing on TV & radio five days a week, are long gone.
Any Questions Watch – #1
I steeled myself for it and listened. All the way through. The ‘stacked audience’ was rather noticeable for the south-west of England.
On QT one of the many pro Corbyn plants asserts that Doctors having been trained at great expense, then leave to get well-paid and easier, lighter workload jobs in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.
Correct me if I’m wrong but these countries do not operate NHS health models but more pluralistic public/ private sector arrangements including private clinics with more innovative service delivery, and compulsory insurance to pay for it.
Perish the thought that our finest NHS workers actually prefer a different, better, health model than the NHS.
A point needless to say not picked up by Fiona…….
Any Questions Watch – #2
It appears that all the opposition parties see the Prime Minister as the election winner. As in the Question Time special that others refer to above, Boris Johnson was the target of barbed comments from Panel members (other than the Conservative’s Mark Harper) and loud applause from the audience.
Bojo has got them all scared.
And, with a little help from Nigel Farage, me worried.
Any Questions Watch – #3
It has been apparent in early AQs under Chris Mason’s Chairmanship that he was a keen listener to the programme in Dimbleby Days. He follows Jonathan’s method of questioning some Panel members – despite the fact that it is meant to be the audience’s AQs. Then he jumps in quick at the end of some Panel member’s replies – thereby stifling or limiting the applause that they might receive. He also does the opposite for some Panel members, leaving a pause into which the audience ‘plants’ can rattle their leaves together.
Plus ça change …..
I have seen the BBC’s write up of the QT debate. Very biased against Boris. They brought up the letter box story which has been milked to death. Were it not for laws upheld by the very Government that Boris is leading I would go much further than describing them as letterboxes, but I fear a visit from the police in this land of progressive Tories, so tough Boris. Take it, grovel to the perfect religion with a rational dress code. .
I have seen the BBC’s write up of the QT debate. Very biased against Boris. They brought up the letter box story which has been milked to death. Were it not for laws upheld by the very Government that Boris is leading I would go much further than describing them as letterboxes, but I fear a visit from the police in this land of progressive Tories, so tough Boris. Take it, grovel to the perfect religion with a rational dress code. .
Time for the weekend thread
Unbelievable. Maureen Lipman was always pushing the Labour cause. I thought she was wavering a bit back, but now she’s all-out against them. Wow.