The next 13 days will see a pretty undisguised Far Left propaganda stream from the BBC .
The latest terrorist attack in London will be harder for the BBC to ‘bury ‘ due to its’ very public nature with a lot of broad daylight footage online . We will have to wait and see if the BBC follow the usual pattern of minimising and ignoring the motivation to accord with its own agenda .
Weekend Thread 30 November 2019
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Come on Al Beeb , has anyone come out yet with the usual “Lessons to be learned” ?
Where can I buy candles?
How about a two minute silence for the dead terrorist? It’s what Jezza would want, isn’t it?
It is again so sad, and telling, how the victims get sidelined.
Just collateral in the part and parcel of a politico-Media bubble narrative.
Note that the BBC website fails to use either the I or M words in its reports about the terror attacker.
In its piece about this vile murderer’s background, it does say he was “inspired by the ideology of al-Qaeda” without trying to explain what that ideology is based on.
Not so quick with the “reality” checks this time round, are they?
Do go to the Open thread comments too.
The politico/judicial/media establishment is a farce.
“Figuring out how to “get better” at being a woman is a ridiculous and often amoral project – a subset of the larger, equally ridiculous, equally amoral project of learning to get better at life under accelerated capitalism.”
Me either. But very Radio Four.
The comments.
Seems Toenails might again be on the defensive.
It’s on the bbc at least.
Did this come up in the Ch 4 debate? Or Nick’s?
Or is every party still trying to suck up to the XR/Greta/truant vote?
One of the great achievements of Comrade Mugabe. I think Comrade Managagwa inherited it, but has done nothing to improve the situation. (He may, of course, have upgraded his Mercedes.)
Many in South Africa believe that this is a worthy destination and are keen to follow the Zimbabwean blueprint.
On R4 Today they often insert something controversial just before the weather forecast probably because people have just tuned in for the headlines.
Again this morning at 7.55 they had people on talking about the leaked 451 page document on trade negotiations which by the way can be found on Reddit along with interesting comments –
Those who hadn’t already made their minds up on how to vote could be influenced because the BBC has spent three years demonising Trump.
The Reddit post gives a fair idea of the position of whoever uploaded it!
Has anyone been reading up on voter fraud?
I say think of Peterborough but I fear this might be on a larger scale. The BBC very firmly remain silent on the issue but it is not unknown that Momentum have and could still employ tactics to rig votes in marginals with Universities and boost the Labour candidate to help Labour win or at least prevent a Tory majority.
Did this happen in 2017? How many Brexiteer MPs did we lose to a Labour remainer? Could we instead have left the EU by now?
I am sorry to say this but if Labour continue to close the gap then we could well hit a hung parliament again. But why the silence of the subject?
I think my constituency is likely to fall victim to the postal vote factories. The Labour candidate – who is a Pakistani – only has to overturn a 3500 Tory majority . The BBCin house news paper ( guardian ) has singled it out as a target . I think as a result further white flight will set in before even more beards arrive .
Interesting that some of the whitest areas are the hardest for Labour to keep.
It seems that Labour have had a panic over the Yougov poll and are now trying to keep hold of leave areas. What will it be next? A new manifesto just for these areas that claim ‘Corbyn will take Britain out of the EU within three hours of winning a GE with no deal. All you have to do is put a cross in the box and we promise not to let you down’ while in remain areas it is ‘We are the democratic party who let you have a second referendum because we know that we value democracy so much’
The party is seriously flawed if they think they can woo over leave supporters and all of their attention payed to the young and the minorities has resulted them seeing their heartlands at risk.
What is the odds that some blue areas will further turn red as Canterbury did in the last GE while red areas in the midlands and north turn blue?
That’s labour’s eu policy.
It’s leave in leave constituencies and remain in remain constituencies.
Very insidiously and after failing miserably to prove otherwise, it appears that by law the actual numbers of postal votes versus in – person votes are not allowed to be published. Only the total.
So the fraud we all suspect is not easily provable.
Another example of utterly pathetic Tory inaction akin to their failure to address the issue of in- built Labour electoral advantage arising from the different sizes of constituencies.
smoogie- perhaps the meejah- especially beeb- are not keen to admit that in certain areas we are already reaching THIRD WORLD standards ?
Fake I disagree – if you go to tower hamlets or newham you’ll find a couple of third world cess pits already …..
They chased him down with a whale tusk and a fire extinguisher.
I’m finding the details of this atrocity getting more bizarre as more details emerge.
Coincidence that this muslim killer was attending an event hosted by Cambridge university.
One of those killed was a Cambridge graduate who was taking part in this event.
One of those who tried to stop him is himself a murderer out on day release to attend this event.
A man attacks the muslim with a fire extinguisher? Where did he get that from?
Another man attacks the muslim with a ( narwhal?) tooth or whale tooth or some such thing. Where on earth do you get one of them at short notice?
I’m sorry but we’ve been lied to so often about everything I’m doubting just about everything I see and hear these days.
And incidentally at about 10 pm or shortly after, on LBC,a couple of people phoned in to say they had apparently seen or had read reports that one of the muslims who had been shot and killed, get up and walk away. As I say, what and who to believe?
John before you go deep into conspiracyland
remember that there are REAL victims the 2 dead, the injured and there families.
Just as in the Jo Cox case ..Jo Cox really did die and her family suffrered
.. despite that the media narrative is not the full truth
eg AFAIK the court did not accept that “Britain First” had been shouted.
The London Bridge explanations do seem plausible to me.
I do make a difference bwetween one off lone nutters
and actual planned terrorist cell events like 7/7
BBC 5 Live Drive
“Anyone who still eats meat is uneducated”
That guy is brilliant!
Of course the terrorist guys are released
Otherwise there would be no prison space for those jailed for hurty feelings crime.
#1 the man who left angry voicemails for the head of Lincolnshire Fire Brigade and the axing of Fireman Sam
..And #2 Based Amy who on two occasions shouted at Anna Soubry
so got convicted for harassment .. and after the election will probably be sentenced to prison.
From our own correspondent
Muslim as victim
Muslim as victim
Muslim as victim
Muslim as victim
Eastern European corruption
Breast feeding .
So glad there’s an off switch . That show was worth listening to once – now it’s just islamophile propaganda .
The show did two different promo tweets
one they tweeted twice
So thats 3 promos like this
FooC items
– Sri Lankan Muslims
– Iran petrol riots
– Sudan now Bashir’s oppression has gone
– Georgia ..with a dose of “Oh the Russians”
– Breastfeeding ..with a dose of “Bolsonaro he bad man”
Pug-He has already probably got at least 90% of the Muslim vote.
If this video went virol I expect he would get near to 100% of their
vote. Well maybe not 100% . He lost one of his potential
voter shot by the police yesterday. The officers involved better hope
that Labour don’t win the General Election.
Always a treat when the BBC use a question as a headline…
BBC News plans to premiere a video.
What the heck does that mean?
How come we don’t have enough houses?
More houses are being built – well, that’s what every party is saying to get your vote.
But how come there aren’t enough? And will any of them fulfil that promise?
Come and find out whether this election could really get you a nice house.
(…and the few remaining working taxpayer mugs to pay for it, free.)
“housing is broken”
So are 60,000,000 people sleeping rough ?
no not even 6,000 are
that’s 1 in ever 10,000
99.99% of people are housed
There is something weird, that as a percent of income housing costs are huge for a lot of people compared to most countries.
House prices seem vastly inflated blue/red socialist governments made that happen with open borders and housing benefit policies.
..and now they are afraid of the market collapsing back down.
BBC 1 o’clock news.
Apparently the BBC had interviewed the terrorist in 2008 stating ‘I am not a terrorist.’ This is the part of the interview they broadcast.
Also I notice that the BBC do call it a ‘terrorist attack’
Not an ‘Islamic terrorist attack’ ’ The full job description appears to be only used when the terrorist is a ‘right wing terrorist’
In the midst of, “our hearts go out to the families of the deceased” (et al.), I’m still waiting for the ‘honest Joe’ who will apologise on behalf of all those Governments who let these savages into the country (and continue to). Don’t tell me, ‘Dream On’……………..
The BBC continues to hide the Islamist element to yesterday’s London murders.
Indeed, the continuing terror threat and questions about our national security have barely been touched on in the station’s entire election coverage. Just ignored. Disgraceful.
Plenty of debates about climate change, austerity, NHS etc etc – but nothing about Islamist fundamentalism, rape gangs, terror cells, and very little about immigration – the issues that so many people are really concerned about.
It will be interesting to see how the BBC handles it from now on…but don’t hold your breath.
Meanwhile, here is an excellent piece published today by Brendan O’Neill who says it’s time to “get real about Islamist terror” and talks about the prevailing “censorship and cowardice” around the subject….
Good article. “It’s time to get real about Islamist terror.
Censorship and cowardice have helped radical Islam to flourish. It’s time for a change.”
Whilst I agree with all O’Neill has written, his reference to “….demonises…” is lacking accuracy. (“….this cowardly climate that actively suppresses discussion of the Islamist threat and even demonises anyone who talks about it or organises against it.”)
Correction: Needs, ‘criminalises’.
One would like to think the response by a few brave members of the public to the muslim murderer on London Bridge is indicative of a wider shift in the heart and mind of the nation.
We take matters in our own hands when we no longer trust our pusillanimous politicians, our politicised police, our mendacious media and least of all our biased broadcaster.
We will not just stand by while a wicked ideology extends its reach and tightens its grip by the day. We’re mad as hell and we’re not gonna take this anymore!
Of course one swallow does not a summer make, but hopefully it’s symptomatic of the nation collectively growing a pair. Or, to put it more elegantly: “Beware of him that is slow to anger; for when it is long coming, it is the stronger when it comes, and the longer kept. Abused patience turns to fury.”
Oh, please may it be so!
Evening Standard says the BBC banned Boris, but now reletented
A BBC source initially told The Daily Telegraph: “[Mr Johnson] won’t be doing Marr until we have confirmed and announced a date for the Neil interview.”
But on Saturday, the BBC confirmed that, in the wake of the terror attack on Friday, it is now in the public interest for him to appear.
Ben Bradshaw, a former Labour culture secretary and candidate in Exeter, tweeted:
“This is a shameful & abject surrender by the BBC management, which will leave professional BBC journalists absolutely horrified and in despair with an organisation where morale is already at rock bottom.”
In a tweet, Ilford North candidate Wes Streeting said:
“I love the BBC and hate the regular attacks on its impartiality and the professionalism of its journalists, particularly when it has some of the very best in the business. But this decision is wrong.
“The BBC have been played by the Tory Leader and shouldn’t dance to his tune.”
FFS who is the bad guy Boris or the mass murdering terrorist ?
Free too. But good to be polite. I wonder who else went?
Presumably Tom will be walking out from there pulling a sledge back to the Southern Sea where he will cadge a lift on a passing sailing yacht.
You know,, in order not to contribute any extra Carbon Dioxide.
Now that’s a BBC report I await with interest.
Just out of interest, how many people know that today is St Andrew’s day-much is made of St Patrick’s day and St David’s day, but never much is mentioned about St Andrew’s day, certainly not in the media and very rarely is St George’s day ever mentioned outside a handful of smaller political web sites or other. What a shame such nationalist support is now being slowly negated by the likes of our own Politicians and media as they follow the sign put out by the EU, that nationalism is a bad thing and must be scuppered out of the agenda to bring about full Socialistic/ Communistic intigration-and they wonder why we Brits voted OUT!
BBC fail to join the dots (as usual).
Nett immigration is 212,000.
Labour want to spend £75 bn a year on 150,000 new council houses.
In other words Labour’s policy to a first approximation is to give every new immigrant a new taxpayer funded house!
Strangely this idea has not quite made it on to the BBC news.
I simply cannot think why not.
Imagine if you would, an insane negligent government which allowed equally insane scientists to mess around with dangerous chemicals or Nuclear component in the heart of Britains capital, and what the fallout (literally perhaps) would be if and when something went wrong.
Yet this is exactly what the leftist liberal nutters from Cambridge Univesity were allowed to do with Islamist offenders in Fishmongers hall, and what led directly to two of their number losing their lives and a number of others receiving serious injury.
London Bridge attacker Usman Khan attended a workshop on storytelling and creative writing moments before he began his attack.
Fishmongers’ Hall hosted a conference on prisoner rehabilitation run by academics at the University of Cambridge’s criminology institute.
Former prisoner Usman Khan, from Staffordshire, was invited to the ‘Learning Together’ fifth anniversary event on the north side of London Bridge which included other former inmates and prison staff.
Khan had previously participated in Cambridge University’s Learning Together prisoner rehabilitation sessions but had showed ‘no cause for concern,’ a source with knowledge of the programme said.
The conference was posted on eventbrite and stated that it was ‘a day to celebrate, connect and collaborate’.
Workshops included interactive storytelling and creative writing workshops, and a panel discussion was due to take place on ‘the power of education for social justice’.
‘the power of education for social justice’ !!!!! WTF ? I think that tells you all you need to know about the nutcases who were running this, and why they now need to be held to account over what they have done.
Khan returned to the hall via the grand staircase after the morning session where he later threatened to blow up the hall, a member of staff said.
He reportedly started ‘lashing out’ in a room downstairs and was heading upstairs when he was tackled by the other conference-goers and ‘bundled out’ of the front door past a room of unarmed people.
According to the source, all those involved in tackling Khan, with the exception of the man reported to be a Polish chef, were ex-offenders.
I think we all know the type of people who organised and ran this event. Khan was transported all the way from Staffordshire to attend it, and was given his breakfast and lunch, it is more than possible they paid to accommodate him overnight in central London, at whose expense is unclear, but ultimately it’s the taxpayer.
Gathering together a hundred murderers rapists Jihadi Islamists etc etc in the centre of a large city is insanity personified. It shows us that academics no matter how prestigeous simply cannot be trusted to get it right, that they become politicised and blinkered to reality – we see in in climate change alarmists all the time.
Unfortunately the cowardly Boris the Bottler and his useless incompetent crew are unlikely to do anything about it, so we will just have to wait until it happens again, which it inevitably will due to a lack of proper leadership.
Imagine if you would, an insane negligent government which allowed equally insane scientists to mess around with dangerous chemicals or Nuclear component in the heart of Britains capital, and what the fallout (literally perhaps) would be if and when something went wrong.
Yet this is exactly what the leftist liberal nutters from Cambridge Univesity were allowed to do with Islamist offenders in Fishmongers hall, and what led directly to two of their number losing their lives and a number of others receiving serious injury.
London Bridge attacker Usman Khan attended a workshop on storytelling and creative writing moments before he began his attack.
Fishmongers’ Hall hosted a conference on prisoner rehabilitation run by academics at the University of Cambridge’s criminology institute.
Former prisoner Usman Khan, from Staffordshire, was invited to the ‘Learning Together’ fifth anniversary event on the north side of London Bridge which included other former inmates and prison staff.
Khan had previously participated in Cambridge University’s Learning Together prisoner rehabilitation sessions but had showed ‘no cause for concern,’ a source with knowledge of the programme said.
The conference was posted on eventbrite and stated that it was ‘a day to celebrate, connect and collaborate’.
Workshops included interactive storytelling and creative writing workshops, and a panel discussion was due to take place on ‘the power of education for social justice’.
‘the power of education for social justice’ !!!!! WTF ? I think that tells you all you need to know about the nutcases who were running this, and why they now need to be held to account over what they have done.
Khan returned to the hall via the grand staircase after the morning session where he later threatened to blow up the hall, a member of staff said.
He reportedly started ‘lashing out’ in a room downstairs and was heading upstairs when he was tackled by the other conference-goers and ‘bundled out’ of the front door past a room of unarmed people.
According to the source, all those involved in tackling Khan, with the exception of the man reported to be a Polish chef, were ex-offenders.
I think we all know the type of people who organised and ran this event. Khan was transported all the way from Staffordshire to attend it, and was given his breakfast and lunch, it is more than possible they paid to accommodate him overnight in central London, at whose expense is unclear, but ultimately it’s the taxpayer.
Gathering together a hundred murderers rapists Jihadi Islamists etc etc in the centre of a large city is insanity personified. It shows us that academics no matter how prestigeous simply cannot be trusted to get it right, that they become politicised and blinkered to reality – we see in in climate change alarmists all the time.
Unfortunately the cowardly Boris the Bottler and his useless incompetent crew are unlikely to do anything about it, so we will just have to wait until it happens again, which it inevitably will due to a lack of proper leadership.
Gran Canaria : tourists get off sunbeds to ‘rescue’ migrants
Heavily pregnant Hannah Fry will be doing the Christmas Lectures on BBC 4
No surprise he is a QC from the dubious Doughty Street Chambers of which Starmer was a co-founder.
When I put up part of the court decision which allowed these Islamic terrorist murderers to get out early I thought about putting up the details of their lawyer .
He would claim he was just doing his job and doesn’t have blood on his hands – as well as being paid by the taxpayer – some might say he should go visit the mortuary .
Joel Bennathan’s natural father was Eric Hobsbawm (my spelling may be up the creek}.
A follow up to my post this time last night regarding the support of the kids climate demonstration by the BBC.
Tonight the UK is still in the middle of the high pressure system
Note renewables at 15% on another freezing cold night.
Even if renewables were trebled twice over, it still couldn’t cope on these nights.
That is before we are forced to convert our gas central heating to electric and drive EV’s
Woulld Roger Harrabin like to do a “reality check” to explain where the extra power is going to come from…
It’s worse than you think, because they have included the ridiculous wood pellet fuelled Drax station which requires trees to be felled in Western Canada and the USA ferried to processing plants which all use power, trained to ports, loaded on ships, shipped across the atlantic to Liverpool, unloaded into huge high powered freight trains and then across the UK to Drax !
It would actually be more carbon efficient to burn coal !
Davylars – another follower of the power production dials is Andrew Neil – who comments on Twitter about it from time to time ……a little while ago the UK went without coal power for a while … which was a ‘first ‘ apparently.
Human nature being what it is people tend not to worry about power shortages until the lights go out . Then we’ll all pull together -right ?
Very large Hamster wheel connected to generator with several terrorists inside prodded with large knife …run you bastards run
The forthcoming Horowitz report in the USA is expected to clearly show that the FBI and CIA were being used illegally to ndermine the Trump campaign in 2016 and for many months after the election to try and have him removed from office. Horowitz is due to publish his report on Dec 9th.
The Times of London today has a story which covers the campaign for the US election next year without mentioning the Horowirz report and it’s possible impact. I pointed this out in the comments only to find that after a few hours the comment was removed.I wonder if this is how the MSM on both sides of the Atlantic is going to deal with the report, try to bury it, so that it minimises the harm done to the Democrats and the benefit to the President. I expect that the BBC will follow suit . But by all accounts the report is going to be highly critical of the leaders of both agencies and there are likely to be indictments flying their way. MI6 is also likely to be implicated. It’s going to be very difficult to bury that!
Thank you – I’m sure that if President Trump is re elected those agencies might be ripe for ‘reform ‘ since they seem to have become Democrat tools ….
The Tories are slipping in the polls now while Labour are gaining. Is this down to BBC bias?
Really bad news as we are heading towards a hung parliament. I am very disappointed this week
If they can rig the voting then they can rig the polls. The polls have been massively wrong before. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
You know what I give up. This country must be stupid to start show Labour support now. Corbyn did badly this week so why is he gaining?
Of course thanks to his wretched lie about the NHS being for sell he manages to win voters over. Labour lie and get away with it.
Our national broadcaster are doing everything they can to help him out and it looks like they have won. I am actually ashamed of this country.
Of course Labour are rigging votes and not one word about that from our national broadcaster. Just shameful really.
Well I hope you are happy, BBC you have got what you want. Enjoy your freebies from Labour or what ever bribes they give you. The rest of us get nothing
It’s good that the polls show Labour catching up . The last thing needed is complacency amongst Conservative ~ brexit party supporters which will enable Comrade Corbyn / McDonnell to run the country and its ‘defences ….
Would be a hell of a thing if the majority vote for bojo and co but land up with less constituencies
With BoJo on Marr Sunday morning and bets on the first (no Islamic terrorism ) question – ex girl friends when he was mayor of Londonistan ? Or some other attempt at smears – comments from 1995?
The more people I talk to the more I am realiseing the utter contempt the political elites are held in, and to be honest I think the cowardly useless incompetent Tories couldn’t care less.
Boris the Bottler is an absolute coward, apologising every day for his beliefs. One thing Corbyn never does, despite how detestable his views are is apologise for them, because Corbyn is not a coward.
Just think how popular the Tories would be if they told the people they would end political correctness and drain the swamp. The sad truth is they are a bunch of losers.
Or to quote another phrase – they are like a lot of chickens without chimneys.
Clucking flueless.
I cannot believe that the left are dragging stuff up from almost 25 years ago.
But why are the public falling for it? This is not the Theresa May era and this should not be happening again.
I know Boris is not perfect but he is working hard and some of his candidates are working round the clock. What do they get in return? Interrupted BBC interviews and rigged votes going against them.
Is it safe to say that the BBC are actually working with Momentum to try and bring this country down?
Perfectly safe I reckon, Smoogs.
You’ll never hear Momentum, that mischievous little bunch of fruit-juice drinkers, ever getting a mention on bbbc – they don’t get on the radar.
But then, why expose the s0ds when they work in your favour?
I wonder if that will get two thumbs up from Mark Kermode?
Personally I feel immensely reassured in the knowledge that we are protected from the likes of muslim murderer Usman KHAN by the likes of our dear part-and-parcel Mayor KHAN, and our Commissioner for Countering Extremism, Sara KHAN.
Doodle and thoughts on the story of the week:
Hell – Calvin – pretty pinpoint stuff – thank you -happy St Andrews Day .
I was surprised to hear Crankie commenting on events in London – which in her head is a foreign country .
Corbyn has been a bit slow calling for a ( public ) inquiry which is the knee jerk response when the political class doesn’t want anything to change .
Meanwhile the overall number of killings in London creeps to a year end of 150 – which is a lot more than last year – and does not include those poor souls horribly murdered on Friday ….
Kevin Bridges (one of my favourite modern Scottish comics) does a wonderful take on the Glasgow Airport attack and how many almost revelled in the chance to bask in it as an excuse to discuss world ‘terrorism’ cities “New York, London, Barcelona, Glasgow…”
A “public enquiry” is of course a synonym for “I don’t fully understand the issue enough to have confidence in myself expressing a public opinion that may be questioned at a later date. But I do want to hold a job where the job description is making those sorts of hard decisions on a daily basis”
Calvin ,
Yes – thanks for the reminder about the Glasgow 4×4 attack – doctors if I recall – I’ll YouTube Kevin Bridges ( I won’t need subtitles !).
In a grim irony it appears that islamic murderer Usman Khan may have been attending a conference on prisoner rehabilitation just before his killing spree.
In which case it would seem fair to say the programme was not a great success, in his case at least.
An argument for capital punishment perhaps?
Yes and did anyone see his (muslim?) lawyer demonstrating taqiyya by claiming that Khan really wanted to change and knew that his extremist ways were wrong, blah blah blah. Then saying he wanted help to change but didn’t get the right kind of help.
What a load of claptrap! Trying to make the poor dead terrorist the victim. Sick.
Well, thankfully those armed police officers administered the right kind of help in the form of two bullets to the head.
Pity they haven’t shot the lawyer as well, just to be even-handed.
One of the first questions asked on a BBC interview with the police that I saw was, Did the police shoot to kill? What on earth does that matter, so long as they stopped him?
“The man killed in the attack has been named as Jack Merritt,
who was a course coordinator for the prison rehabilitation programme
that Usman Khan attended”
.. 25 y/o from Cambridge
I have been fortunate to attend several meetings at the Fishmongers Hall. They do a mean fish pie! But it must be one of the most expensive venues in London to hold such an event. Who funded this event? Please don’t tell me there is lack of money in the criminal justice system.
Am struggling to understand why the boffins at Cambridge Uni could ever be be so lacking in judgment that they thought it would be a good idea to invite convicted Jihadi terrorist’s to central London for a bit of a get together !.
I will look forward bbc getting to the bottom of who authorised this event ?
Who do they think they are?
Should begin “We the opposition….”
Same thing really.
Well what do the BBC want Boris to announce?
What do they think Corbyn is going to do apart from release more terrorists and tougher sentences for rogue armed police?
On what actual planet do these libtards live ????
Losing it’s balance?
Hilarious. It tripped and fell arse over tit long ago!
Labour the party that turned its back to the working class
.. and gets its ideas from the metroliberal bubbleworld.
Lying is endemic with such folk
They’ve even got a name for it – Taqiya, or lying for islam.
Taqqiya is Shia not Sunni – although it does appear in their texts most Sunni are completely unaware of it.
Forget this distraction though, the problem is with the cult of Salafism which is banned in at least 20 different Muslim countries.
It is these people who carry out Jihad and no wonder why most of the Muslim world executes them except for insanity island where they are protected and celebrated !
The habitual fakery of TV
7:30pm A young Indian cameraman seems to have watched a lot of David Attenborough, now he has made his own prog about Tigers being released into a reserve 150 miles from Delhi.
The shots show the Tiger being released into the wild.
The voice over “Now I worry tomorrow how will I be able to find this tiger in this vast park ?”
.. and I think …doh surely the tiger has a tracker on
Next day ..”yes I found her”
..FFS a giant leather collar is visible on the tiger’s neck
with the tracker on it.
Another murder by a Muslim fanatic and once again the issue of the day will be Islamophobia. What’s it called when a Muslim calls British people ‘subhuman cattle’, wears a filter mask to avoid breathing in our ‘contagion’ and believes that the surest route to Paradise is by killing as many of us as possible? Any thoughts on that, BBC?
Charles Moore seems to me to be invariably right. I go straight to him, in the Telegraph and the Spectator, for wise and balanced comment.
Meanwhile in other news repeating itself, cowardly Tory leader of a cowardly party Boris the bottler has completely failed to be able to state the motive behind the London Bridge attack citing ‘violent crime’ as the problem and that his party will end early release – perhaps be releasing all those imprissoned for non payment of the TV tax !
When we have presented to us a man of the vacilating craven nature of Boris the bottler, we know there is no hope for this clueless party. I hate what Corbyn stands for, but if I were in a fight I know Corbyn would be fighting with me while Boris would be running in the opposite direction. Corbyn has some grit, Boris is a total utter absolute coward.
I’ll be voting for the Brexit party, the Coward serveyourselves are in my opinion unelectable, no wonder their poll ratings are falling.
Don’t let your understandable disapproval of Boris blind you to the snaggle-toothed malevolence of Corbyn. Corbyn is dangerous.
Bbc tomorrow?,
“became a disciple of radicals” Born a muslim?
Yes, it’s a real puzzler, isn’t it?
The BBC helping Labour blame conservatives for the recent terrorist murders. Perhaps the BBC have forgotten the policy of mindless immigration from ‘troublesome’ countries Labour introduced and the BBC supported.