The next 13 days will see a pretty undisguised Far Left propaganda stream from the BBC .
The latest terrorist attack in London will be harder for the BBC to ‘bury ‘ due to its’ very public nature with a lot of broad daylight footage online . We will have to wait and see if the BBC follow the usual pattern of minimising and ignoring the motivation to accord with its own agenda .
Weekend Thread 30 November 2019
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I’ve had a stomach full of BBC political bias this weekend so I thought I’d catch the final part of War Of The Worlds for a little diversion.
But they never give up, do they? Within minutes of tuning in there was a long rant by one of the main characters about how all this Martian invasion stuff was really the fault of “us”, what he called “Englishmen”, being punished for invading foreign lands, killing the natives etc etc. The Martians were just doing “what we do” apparently.
This biased organisation is truly rotten to the very core.
Despite being a lifelong fan of SF stories, including H.G. Wells, I haven’t been watching this series as I expected it to be full of what you’ve just outlined – it is the BBC after all (remember their adaptation of The Day of the Triffids, starring Eddie Izzard, where the protagonists utilised African tribal wisdom to survive?).
I saw a little bit of the end of tonight’s finale, however, and the Martians themselves were depicted as sort of three-legged spiders with spiked limbs. Now, as I say, I didn’t see the rest of it so maybe this was explained – but can anybody tell me how such creatures could develop technology and become a spacefaring species?
BBC too busy hitting us over the head with imperial guilt to come up with a coherent version of Wells’ story?
Sitting listening to Mr.Corbyn on BBC news and struck by his monotone and robotic voice.The man has obviously been coached to within an inch of his life.Just wonder what he really speaks like away from the microphone!|
What exactly is the purpose of Rich Hall’s series on Radio 4 on Sundays? The current version is called Thanksgiving. On air it claims to come from Washington D.C. and various Americans are supposed to be calling in.
On the web page it says
In reality its a third-rate vehicle for Trump Derangement Syndrome I can’t believe that most people in the UK know the names (or voices) of the Americans that are taking part so they might not be aware that it is all fake. If they lie about the location and the ‘guests’ why should we trust the BBC?
Apparenty President Trump must be impeached because he ‘stole’ the 2016 election, well they are making up the charges as they go along do why not?
Basically the programme is just there to indulge the ego of Rich Hall!
“Labour pledges to cut rail fares by a third”
Jam tomorrow?
“London Bridge attack: What is the Learning Together scheme?”
Whatever it is, its not working .
Its time for Great Britain to ‘take the gloves off’ .
Saturday night Portillo showed us an amazing solar trainline
..hmm was there a catch ?
Yeh today Tallbloke put up a video
FFS the track is just 3Km !
(why did Portillo omit that ?)
It says an hourly service 10am to 5 pm .. is that 8 journeys x2 ?
for the 3Km journey ..that seems to be 48Km
Do you need much energy to go 30 miles in a day ?
BBC unreality people .
A couple of things that normal people believe
A) prisons are places that anyone doesn’t want to be in .
ie ; unpleasant places . Not places that criminals don’t mind going back to , or consider an inconvenience to be in thus stymying their criminal activities , some place to spend awhile when a felony ” goes wrong ”
Normal people aren’t shocked about bad conditions in prisons .normal people think that Elisabeth Fry and prison reformers of the 19 century would think 21 century prisons would need reforming the other way ; more deterrence needed as most would have been through the softer system before incarceration .
B) such things as gymnasions should not be part of a prison . Why should a criminal feel fitter leaving a prison than when he went in ? Why should prisoners have free one to one tuition inside which the law abiding outside don’t have ?
Normal people don’t think the prison system , probation service or parole board need ” more resources ” or ” we can’t protect the public on the cheap ” . More common sense and less profligacy would solve the problems .
The Guardian tells the truth – almost
Just right
“This term was explained in the case of R v Syeedy (2016) Manchester Crown Court Case No: T20167130 (unreported) as follows: “amulets, that is small objects which can be carried by the people who wish to be healed. The Arabic word for the amulets of this kind is “taweez” and a taweez commonly takes the form of writing on a small piece of paper which is then folded up or rolled up andis either wrapped in some other paper or is put into a small receptacle of some kind.” 4 Advertisements for those who practice Ruqya are widely found online and in popular UK based Urdu language newspapers. Examples include treatment ( and therapy ( offered online, and advertisements appearing in The Daily Jang offering services to customers to rid them of black magic on Friday 29 September 2017, Saturday 4 August 2018 and 10 September 2018. Often referred to as Ruqya centres, these centres can be found across the UK. 5 (2016) Manchester Crown Court Case No: T20167130 (unreported).”
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