As the post Election euphoria continues the Far Left Biased BBC is in its period of post Election mourning. Therefore we need to closely monitor the editorial narrative it will adopt to convince the electorate that their vote was wrong – because the BBC is never wrong is it ? – as we see from responses to formal complaints often published by people on this site .
Start the week Thread 16 December 2019
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BBC Hereford & Worcester
The government is to consider whether failure to pay the TV licence fee should cease to be a criminal offence. At the moment non-payment can result in a court appearance and a £1,000 fine – but that could all change. A good idea?
Well they did ask. #CCBGB
How could no tv tax ever be a criminal offence – if they must have it – surely one of those £30 fixed penalty tickets if paid in the 30 days jobs ?
But end it anyway
Diff subject
Twitter talk of the need for a new kinnock to banish momentum like the last time with Hatton and co.
I can’t think of any labour MP able to do that now – Caroline Flint lost her seat. – she was the one .
All good news for 10 years of conservative rule .
Caroline Flint was my MP. She was excellent. I wrote to her expressing my regret that I would have to vote Conservative in order to keep Corbyn out. Her reply was a masterpiece, but because it was private mail I can’t quote it here. The fact is the country lost a lot of good MPs in the election thanks to Corbyn.
Hereford and Worcester FB page
Predictably this will be the BBC strategy at the meerest whiff of a change to its funding: “See everybody? This is what is under threat by the evil Tories – national treasures like Graham Norton and Doctor Who (not to mention our world class impartial and unbiased news programmes).”
In the above image they are already planting those seeds subliminally.
They have decades of experience in the black arts of propaganda and mind control used to keep the masses asleep and acquiescent to their message, like in The Matrix.
But they won’t mention their commercial arm which I believe brings in a couple of billion pounds each year for them. And has been for at least a decade as far as I know.
Incidentally, I didn’t think the racist far-left bbc were allowed to operate a commercial venture. Has that been changed or am I just mistaken?
In which a Beeboid ponders with an ex Beeboid how the BBC can save the only political party that really matters. To the bbc.
The latest example of extreme lefty liberal political correct BS.
Don’t these idiots realise this is why the loony left lost the election.
I find this offensive.
Even a Muslim rang into talk radio today to say that this had annoyed him.
Can you imagine if we decided to try and change the words to anything from the Muslim faith?
Heads would roll, literally.
Jesus Christ – how and in what way is this even acceptable in the UK…it makes you wonder what else this ‘Head teacher’ is up to… I hope something is done about this but somehow I doubt it will be…
JA, you probably can’t say Jesus Christ either.
The Head teacher’s name is Zakia Khatun. Good old British name with British values.
She? reckons it is to encourage other faiths to join in their Christmas celebrations.
I mean, the clue is in the name CHRISTmas!
What are they going to do next, call it BABYmas?
It’s an absolute disgrace and an insult to the Christian faith.
Maybe we should all start carrying on and protesting outside the school like the Muslims did when they didn’t want their kids taught about LGBTQWERTYUIOP.
Whitehall Primary School Chingford Londonistan . A Muslim head teacher … surprised the ‘ whitehall’ bit hasn’t been changed to a more appropriate and inclusive colour other than “white “ .
We can be sure that the BBC will follow this story up can’t we ?
On the same tack…..I am looking forward to a …..
White err , black err , brown err …oh I know an inclusive Christmas !
IDS has kept his Chingford seat. Perhaps he should speak with Boris?
Sub postmasters have been awarded £58 million after the Post Office finally accepted the failure of an IT system over 10 years ago.
Yes it has taken over 10 years for the Post Office to do this, after wrecking the lives of hundreds of people, some of whom have spent time in prison as a result. 34 cases are being reviewed by the Criminal Cases Review Commission.
But here’s the thing. The Post Office is owned by the state. It is a nationalised industry.
So unsurprisingly there has been no accountability, no shareholder revolts, no Socialist Worker demonstrations, no campaigning by the BBC, no Labour Party ‘crisis’ definitions. The silence from the left has been deafening.
That’s what you get with institutional socialism.
BBC 6 pm TV headline news.
New MPs arriving at Westminster.
Quite a problem for the news editors. How to downplay the Labour rout and Tory landslide?
So, all of a sudden the BBC are suddenly very impartial.
We get a feature on one new tory, one new labour, and one new SNP !!!
Perfect impartial symmetry in keeping with the election result.
The BBC Online News has Sturgeon on the front page almost daily since the election.
She’s a socialist and a Nationalist. The BBC feel that her SNP gains make up for BBC/Labour’s losses. Almost making Labour a winner, what with that massive win in Putney.
In BBC World:-
Scottish Nationalists = Good
English Nationalists = Bad, very,very Bad.
It is possible that Jon, Katty, Anthony and Nick are having a mutual moment about now.
Hows that worked out when they put women in charge of their businesses ?
Hewlett Packard ?
The Body Shop where over price cosmetics were sold … does it still exist ?
(plenty of stupid men have crashed businesses of course)
Guest Who, I recall that when Margaret Thatcher became PM in 1979, political commentators observed that countries that had had women as Prime Ministers or Presidents had all (or all but one) been involved in a war. Sure enough, three years later …..
Didn’t do Maggie any harm. It made sure Conservatives won/she was elected at the next GE in 1983 although Michael Foot leading the Labour Party with ‘that manifesto’ helped. Until the Falklands Invasion kicked off, Maggie had been on schedule to be a one term PM.
What did Joan Rivers call Bathhouse Barry’s wife? A tranny?
Is that the kind of woman that Bathhouse wants to run his and everyone else’s country?
Whenever a BBC newsreader (I know they prefer journalist) asks a Labour has been which new leader they would like to see, they then butt in before the Labour bod has time to reply. Peter Levy on local Look North was no different, ‘Rebecca Long Bailey ‘, he suggested, presumably she is candidate of BBC choice. It seems she is the first suggestion whenever the question is asked.
He followed this up a couple of moments later, when re the election he asked, ‘where did it go wrong?’ As far as I am concerned, it all went right.
Levy is different being local TV , he knows he can’t be like the London BBC, cos as viewer comments come in they are mostly pro Brexit.
He didn’t bowl Dakin a load of easy questions
..hopefully that is the last time we see Traitor Dakin on TV.
Sometimes i can’t see the difference between impartial BBC, and Labour’s own broadcasting network.
Switch to picture of comrade Corbyn taking his guests – Gerry Adams and the thankfully dead Martin mcguinness into the House of Commons 2 weeks after they Brighton bomb .
How can a demon not be demonised ?
But he’s a footnote in history now – along with Foot ..
ITBB has kindly dedicated a post to the Fifty Festive Bias. Worth a refresh.
Then we have a fuller Huw and cry ‘analysis’.
Looks like Huws ‘contract is up for renewal – quick before they all take a 20% cut as the BBC budget gets cut ….and Huw is obviously after the Dimbleby Chair for Big Events with stiff completion from Dame Maitliss for her Prince Andrew confession show . (Hi Andy – I know you read our blog from your crib on oligarch island )…
R4 now a prog about Social media
They seem to be monitoring 3 people’s use of social media during the election
One leans to Tory, one is pretty Labour, one leans to the SNP, but really anti-Tory anti-Brexit
Various UNTRUE posts claimed the child hospital photo was staged
#1 The first photo was kind of staged ..tough it seems that first he was given a bed and then turfed out later when an emergency case came in.
#2 The show never mentioned there was a second case .. which seems more staged
oh there was another guy who voted Brexit, but voted Labour in the end
..the prog was so shallow we learnt nothing
The news is full of stories about the victimisation/ discrimination against muslims in Myanmar, China and India.
What do they all have against the most peaceful religion of all time?
It’s not as if they were dealing with a militant intolerant supremacist ideology that wants to take over the world.
BBC = Your Global Warming Tele-Evangelist network
with the Reverend Red Rosen the Socialist
The final Twitter phrase got me thinking 🙂
“….. the best ways to communicate what’s happening to the planet”.
Don’t tell me that the planet has a twitter account!
ITV 9pm another drama where the main protagonists are black
I now refuse to watch any programme ( which is now nearly all drama) where mixed race relationships are portrayed. For me this is not what I see in everyday life so its not something I can relate to. If this makes me classed as some as a waycist bigot then its a problem that upsets them more than me. As the title says…. ‘sticks and stones’.
BBC News channel. Our catty Katty asks some journo: “we’ve spoken about how Trump has remade the Republican party in his own image, is Boris Johnson now making the Conservative party in HIS own image…?”
She wouldn’t by any chance be trying to tar BJ with the same brush as the much demonised Trump, would she?
There is a cheery article in the guardian describing the vulnerability of the BBC licence fee to a decent government . It says there are 25,752,560 Licences in the UK and last year there were 129,446 Prosecutions for no licence And from memory 70% are women …..I wonder why ? Is the TV detector van sexist ?
Fed, that means – with 27,800,000 households in UK in 2019, that Licence Fee saturation has dropped by a couple of per cent. 92.6% of households now have TV Licences. Add in the prosecutions, assuming they are all legitimate, and the figure is 93.1%.
In other words, BBC income has fallen by about £86m – not allowing for fees charged by Capita for running TV Licensing – just as its women on staff are coming over all stroppy on equal pay.
Oh dear.
How sad.
Never mind.
I forgot to add that the BBC estimates de criminalisation would cost £200 million – which is less than a hundred Gary Linakers.
Crapita will be worried about this, too. The original deal for the commission-based salesgoons was signed in 2002, for £500 million. It was renewed in 2012, for £560 million. It is due to expire in 2022. To misquote the song: “Nice work if you can get it, and you can it even if you don’t try”.
Could it be that most ‘households’ without a TV licence consist of those single-parent families that the BBC has encouraged over the years? Most of those will be headed by women.
The young men are either at home with their mum or temporarily shacked up with one of the single mums, the licence not being their responsibility in either place.
You are reaping what you have sown BBC.
P.S. TV Licensing say they will visit me on Christmas Day!
P.P.S. I won’t be in.
Tax Payers Alliance Facebook discussion on the TV licence
click the time stamp and it should open up.
Boris marches on but Labour continue their post-GE infighting.
Thornberry is a BBC darling, but she is taking the fight to another of the Labour sistas who criticised her ultra-snobby comments against ‘stupid’ Brexit voters.
Thornberry will lose what little credibility she has if she continues. But she would never see this as her arrogance dwarfs her limited intellect.
And her formidable silhouette dwarfs that of the mighty Jabba the Hutt, to whom she (it seems to me) bears more than a passing facsimile . . .
More rallying.
One would think the self-important, self-titled, ‘How to be right’ O’Brien might already be fully employed by our glorious State Brodcaster, such is his patronising tone, fragility of ego and unfailing ability to be very, very wrong.
Perhaps he’s after Sweeneys’ old job?
ITV news at 10.
All the new Tory MPs arriving in Westminster are featured.
The tone is positive and upbeat.
And to be fair the tone continues for other new MPs too.
What a contrast to to the doom and gloom, slit your wrists wake over on the bBBC. They are still working overtime trying to identify ‘new problems for Johnson’.
The BBC will continue their character assassination of Boris for the next five years or more. He is a threat both to their Remain cause and also to their existence. He will have to take care that he spills no more red wine.
The BBC have spent the past three years trying to destabalise the President of a friendly foreign power, and continue to do so. Who funds the BBC and allows them to continue this activity which some say amounts to International Terrorism?
Who’s got confirmation bias
How would the Guardian cope?
Witch hunt #1 , “2 Tories liked a Facebook post”
.. one that said Soros was in league with the EU
the other “Lee Anderson” got caughtout with a stunt he pulled, where he phoned a friend who played along by answering the door and pretending to be a new supporter.
This’ll be the metroliberals start of 5 years of trying to grind the Tories and Brexit down
Tuesday’s Times
“The status of two incoming Conservative MPs being investigated by the party remains unclear after a senior cabinet minister was unable to say if they would have the whip suspended”
(Boris) “He was asked about Sally-Ann Hart, successor to Amber Rudd as MP for Hastings & Rye, and Lee Anderson”
Yeh well Labour front groups like the Hatey No Hopers have being throwing their names around since before Dec 7th and that didn’t put their voters off.
Like the Democrats in the US the left cannot come to terms with defeat. Expect this to go on and on . In the US the Democrats have made Trump’s re election that much more certain. It will be the same here.
Insisting the next Labour leader must be female is proof of an obsession with identity politics, writes Melanie Phillips.
The Labour implosion is magnificent.
Perhaps the inhabitants of a distant galaxy will in time monitor this planet and have as much fun as I’m having? I can only hope.
Yes. A case of “never mind the quality, feel the breadth” or something similar. Why not go “all the way”and insist on a black transgender in a wheelchair. Lord please deliver us from this insanity and bequeath to us the person most qualified to lead our magnificent country. Amen.
amazing how Labour, have removed themselves from the idea that picking the BEST PERSON for the job is not safe enough for there WOKE minds, not 1 person of must feel excluded.
There labours next candidate will be some horrific morph of all ideologies so every one can bow down before there ultimate Wokeness / BAME / LBGTQ / “Insert marginalised group here”
“What the election fall-out means for the BBC”
What, no “Have Your Say” ?
Worried BBC?
Be afraid, be very afraid…
Sounds like Karma is coming for the BBC!
Sounds like Karma is coming for the BBC!
If you need any evidence that the BBC has given up on Christianity you need look no further than the sub-titles posted up on Sunday’s Songs of Praise.
I kid you not, “Nowell, Nowell, Nowell”
Jack Nowell is a damn good rugby wing, so perhaps they were thinking of him!
(Just as an aside, Jim, a very old friend once told the visiting local carol singers that he would give them a tenner if they sang ‘The First Noel’ ten times in a row.
His wife (Noelle), didn’t take too kindly to that particular escapade…)
That’s exactly how it was spelt in my Church of Scotland hymnary as a lad. And we sang “Still the night, holy the night”.
Nothing wrong with that spelling (if that was the point you were making). It is the traditional English spelling, “Noel” being French.
Toady watch
Plenty of evidence of pro Labour bias. Andrew Birnham claiming he has solved rough sleeping …
Then the London Fire Brigade failure report post grenfell . Strangely no mention of who is in charge of the fire brigade . It is the mayor of London with another failure again .
Maybe this could be the reason the emir of London might lose his job . The was no mention that labour is responsible for this but in the previous homelessness story labour was mentioned all over it.
The one Ed Vassey – who doesn’t do detail and obviously has never read this blog wondering why the BBC is ‘ singled out’ for bias . He sounded like he was applying for a job at the BBC like the Labour Minister who got a top job there .
Vassey obviously listens to a different BBC from the rest of us . But since he is a Remainer hobby tory that’s understandable . ( look at wiki if you need an explanation of this view ).
Nothing on the BBC has or will change .
A great comment – particularly the longer paragraph midway through – that description of the BBC Rajan Uses thar the BBC is ‘part of the civic architecture ‘ is just so ‘ right on ‘ . If it is – as he claims – then it is in need of demolition to be replaced with a four lane subscription bypass …
I am surprised at the moment that the BBC haven’t grabbed the skirt tails of the democrats impeachment -it seems to be the only current option for them to spew forth
Current R4 – apparently the UK is behind South Africa and Spain in gender equality – who does these studies..are they bonkers – well the Guardian and BBC are headlining it so it must be true..
“the only current option for them to spew forth”
How about Scotland being imprisoned in the UK?
Sorry Not Gwent – I was trying to forget that 🙂
No deal BACK on the table ? Well played Boris. That should concentrate the EU’s minds in these trade negotiations. Fanny around, and its bye bye !!!
What a great few days.
Notice how quickly Johnson can move now that he has his majority!
I bet that Bercow Swinson and the others are all trembling with fear now that they have no power to stop him
Today we get to see a new speaker of a new commons back wearing proper Garb – which in my mind – acts as a reminder to himself and more importantly MPs -That he is neutral and not one of their ‘mates ‘ and will possess the dignity of that office without the Dickensian noises and self love exhibited the the previous traitor …
I’m sure the BBC has commissioned Bercow to do a 13 part
‘Documentary ‘ about how great he is ….
I think not. Dec 2020. They still have a year to devise ways to block our exit.
Boris needs to get tough. Very tough.
I’m with you Lucy – I don’t trust any of them, including Boris.
Pug (above) has it right in his first sentence – a huge sense of entitlement. Not only the bBC but this applies to just about every person and group or organisation (name your own) that has caused and continues to cause all our ‘problems’.
Whether this is down to personal or group ‘programming’, delusion, amorality or just pure evil is open to interpretation.
At best they are spoilt toddlers, at worst they are demons. Either way the punishment should fit the crime. But will it? Of course not!
Toady Watch,
I listened this morning around 06.45 for a couple of minutes, partly as a gloat post the great events of last Friday and also because R4extra were running a thing called ‘campers of colour’ or some such nonsense.
I detect a very sombre mood amongst the presenting team, very sombre esp. when discussing the fact the BoJo is going to amend the Withdrawal Act to ensure we exit any trade negotiations by the end of 2021’
One of the team commented along the lines of ‘’The view held (that a large majority) may lead the PM towards a softer Brexit appears to be vanishing’’
A larger majority equals a softer Brexit?? Only in your minds Beeboids, only in your minds.
Looks like the University onion skins are being peeled back…
I have suspected this for some time, it’s all about money and more well-padded jobs for lefty lecturers and staff and not quality selection and teaching it seems.
An elderly man who takes a big pension from the BBC writes In the Mail on line about the new governments boycotting of the BBC Toady programme . John £650k pa Humphreys .
He likens those who avoid Toady to dictators . Good Line to ‘friend ‘ bojo John – anyway – his line is that holding politicians to account upsets them . But does he listen to his own programme .
1 They build in artificial time constraints to add ‘drama ‘
2 They talk over interviewees – rambling or not
3. Unfavoured interviewees are treated differently to approved views
4 They fail to identify the motivation (funding )of experts they like
5. Certain views are not challenged (anti trump views ) when some partisan politician is wheeled on
We document these styles every damn day but somehow Humpries is oblivious of it .
Meanwhile the quality of content of Toady continues to decline . We can expect more excursions to favoured socialist polytechnic with kids who want to work for the BBC ( media studies ) sounding surprisingly incoherent when asked for a view
More stories about things melting and plant species going extinct in the Andes
But at least we know after the election result that the BBC is no longer as influential in shaping the public view as it thinks . But it will be even less influential when it is crushed into a subscription service.
Following the election shock the BBC have realised that there really are people who live “Up North” and in that place called “Wales”.
I get the impression that they thought only sheep lived there!
So they send a guy to try to get people to sing in choirs to get them “Together”. This morning it’s Amazing Grace… I would have expected them to choose “Keep the red flag flying here!”
The beeb’s view of up north is a bunch of cloth capped braces and boots unwashed practiced in the art of ‘Ecky Thump’
They get a shock when they visit and find people who out argue them with common sense.
The biggest shock to the BBC was that these people voted for themselves and not as the BBC instructed them too. How dare they !!!
With luck the bbc responding so far in a manner reflecting what it has always wanted vs. the wishes of the public it was meant to serve will work as well as other issues dear to millionaire luvvies in Islington and Salford.
A bunch of angry old white men and incoherent idiots of diversity telling me how stupid I am not to respect the views that are their own and their god-given pensions is not so far swaying my resolve.
With luck they will again see massive confirmation in their blocked twitter bubbles as overwhelming support, actually not reflected elsewhere where it actually counts.
I might just drop a note to my MP to point this out.
And here is what gets BBC production meetings inspired rather than actual secret ballot vote results:
On Thursday the country spoke, but we spoke with a distorted voice. Our system does not let us say what we really want, and whether you are heard at all depends on where you live.
‘We’ spoke wrongly. Apparently.
Expect clowns like these to be seen as the voice of the nation with the BBC as a willing pulpit.
Interesting thread
The actual comments are mostly anti left
Yet the lefty comments get hundreds of like as if it is a bot army , or human zombie army.
please advise where to find the gravestone. I have two cases of champagne and lots of canapes. if someone brings music we can hold a party by the grave side.
BBC ratings are plummeting, and have been for some time. Meanwhile, the funding of the BBC is stable.
To help the BBC, their ‘business model’ needs to be updated.
Their output must meet the needs of the majority.
They must therefore update their output and occupy the centre ground of politics.
I’m a fair minded person. I am willing to help. Any volunteers here?
‘Tough-Love’ as they say over the water.
I am not fair minded. I want to see the bbc broken into tiny pieces.
Ok – I’m being nasty – but if you want a really entertaining read – there is an article in the guardian about what it’s like to lose your seat as an MP . Blubbing remainer traitors ….
I heard the item on falling rape convictions earlier on Toady. My interest was roused. ‘Rape’, hmm, we know that lots of rapists are supported by a particular religion don’t we? I concluded that I should obtain a copy of the Report and see what’s hidden. I started by visiting our Marxists State Broadcasters web site to see if there was a link to the organisation producing the report or, even better, a link to the document itself. Non-fake news sources invariably cite the sources. Not our, “another beauty”, the BABC.
Its as if they don’t want anybody reading anything nasty that puts a whole new complex upon a topic…….
I’m 60 odd pages into the document:
Click to access Rape-inspection-2019.pdf
Thousands upon thousands of words. So far, it seems, “under resourcing” and quality of police documents and procedures figure heavily. As does, the refusal of the ‘vicitim’ to hand over any electronic devices to the police to aid their investigations. These issues are predominantly causing cases rejected by the CPS.
So far, no direct mention of the category I suspect play a part. However, the report (para. 1.9) refers to: “A number of non-recent high-profile sex cases have raised the profile of this kind of offending and have resulted in more complainants being prepared to come forward.” and in, 1.19, “There are many reasons why the police might not be able to respond in 90 days, including awaiting results from forensics, receipt of third-party material, or for a suspect to be located and arrested or extradited.” Read into that what you will.
Wasn’t there something about plod not wanting to be detectives any more ? Or giving volunteers 3 months training on being detective? I think they prefer that ‘ family liaison ‘ stuff …probably less shift work …
Rob is about.
Telling folk how to behave.
Which always works.
Especially when he is himself not always consistent with views, that are his own.
“Brexit bill to block further delay to transition”
“Shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer said the move was “reckless and irresponsible” and he argued that Prime Minister Boris Johnson was “prepared to put people’s jobs at risk”.
I bet Keir did. In other news Starmer did not comment on three million Muslims being imported into the UK to vote multiple times for the Labour Party thereby putting “people’s lives at risk” and also risking the virginity of every white female child in the UK.
The BBC knows an almost infinite number of crackpots eager to attack any Conservative proposals, undoes their straight jackets and lets them “inform” us.
Sam Lowe, from the Centre for European Reform think tank, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that Mr Johnson’s move was “slightly performative” and its effect would be “largely domestic”.
“It is a firmer deadline but of course there is still some flexibility,” he said.
Mr Lowe said a December 2020 deadline could help the PM manage his own party when it comes to making concessions to the EU.
“The prospect of a no-deal is still there,” Mr Lowe said. “The question is whether Boris Johnson wants a no-deal but the evidence of recent time suggests no he doesn’t.”
“The Centre for European Reform is an award winning independent think-tank devoted to making the EU work better, and strengthening its role in the world. We are pro-European but not uncritical.”
“CER’s office was 29 Tufton Street, Westminister, which they shared with the Tory Reform Group which contains: Michael Heseltine, Kenneth Clarke, Lord Hunt, Lord Hurd, Chris Patten, Sir Malcolm Rifkind, Sir Tim Sainsbury and a host of other top Conservatives.” – Wikispooks.
pro-European, but anti-Europeans. Summary – More EU please.
“Why you can trust BBC News”
I heard some of what this kid was saying and he spoke with that frightening certainty that only snowflakes can .
I have never heard the word “performative “
Before so guess it it Brussels English .
The BBC is now championing the “ can’t be done sect” as to getting a trade deal done by end 2020 – we ll have been out 11 months by then and all those EU flags will be painted over like a bad dream
Fedup2, with my work having been associated with an EU agency, I have heard ‘performative’ associated with statements of compliance or approval, in that such statements are defined to achieve something in themselves. I must admit, I haven’t seen it used elsewhere, although others may have.
Examples of such statements could be:
– I name this ship …..
– I bet you a tenner Swinson loses her seat
– You’re sacked, you traitorous [insert expletive]
I’m struggling to see how it would apply in this context, or even how something could be ‘slightly performative’, as by definition it either is or it isn’t.
I, X, take thee, Y, to my lawful wedded wife…
Made the usual mistake of listening to radio 4 for a few moments in the car just now. Womans hour. Talking about the future Labour leader and if they might be a Woman. Presenter gave the game away in her question ‘ So, Where do we go from here to choose the next labour leader’.
I would have said where do YOU go from here to choose the next leader not where do WE go.
Completely beyond me how labour are currently accusing the BBC of bias AGAINST them, when it is clear that the vast majority of BBC staff are pro Labour/Liberal.
Labour are probably complaining about right wing bias at the BBC at the behest of the BBC so the foul corporation can trot out its claim that because they are accused simultaneously from both left and right of bias, they must be getting it about right.
That claim no longer has any credence – they have used it too many times.
I may have missed other comments but no-one else seems to have noticed Huw Edwards’ black tie last night for his news reading.
Of course, he just might have had some sort of bereavement – but I rather think it was a deliberate and provocative political statement, for which he will no doubt be severely criticised by his management. Or not , of course.
I am SO hoping Labour pick a tokenistic woman/gay/BAME person as their new leader. One for whom the metropolitan champagne socialist elite will rejoice.
Because I have a sneaky suspicion white working class people from ‘up north’ will see it for what it is, and vote accordingly. Again!
I am so hoping for Angela Rayner to be the next Labour Party leader – I think she will just be as effective as Corbyn.
Sluff becki wrong daily and angie have been flat sharing for a couple of years it seems – and they are the Labour Far Left Dream Team ….
By the way, three cheers for Alan Johnson, absolutely tearing into Jon Lansmann of Momentum on the BBC after the exit poll and first results were coming in.
Thats how to take the fight to the left.
I still worry that the Tories seem so unwilling to match that level of performance. Lets hope some of the new Tories are sufficiently working class to tell it as it is.
“they must be getting it about right”
Realistically only a majority government can act against State Broadcaster. The reformer will be accused of cultural vandalism and and or petty mindedness over their perceived bias.
The arguments are similar to those deployed opposing electoral reform. So are General Elections to be eternally fought on a map like it’s the year two thousand? Must the die be forever loaded?
Those who defend State Broadcaster will never admit to political bias. They won’t give up their position easily.
Not racist, It’s ok to be black ?
The BBC news just reported that there may be a shortage of pigs in blankets this Christmas caused by a shortage of “seasonal workers” to wrap them.
Hardly project fear but a shove in the right (or left) direction….
Is there anyone not capable of wrapping a bit of bacon around a pork sausage? A lost art it seems..:-)
The BBC often throws up studies from Cardiff University’s school of journalism to demonstrate its lack of left wing bias. It will no longer be able to do so.
From the Telegraph this morning: “Cardiff University has launched an investigation after one of its lecturers tweeted that Tory voters are “vermin”. A second academic, from the same department, accused Conservative voters of being devoid of a “social conscience”. Dr Andy Williams, a lecturer at Cardiff’s School of Journalism, wrote on Twitter: “I stand by my view of Tories as vermin”. Meanwhile, Dr John Jewell, who is director of undergraduate studies at the School of Journalism, Media and Culture, wrote in a now deleted tweet: “How can anybody – anybody – who professes to have a social conscience vote Conservative. It’s that simple.”
What the hell are journalists taught before they leave Cardiff University to join the BBC as reporters?
At the same time might they investigate the parameters required of a ‘doctorate’ in journalism? I can appreciate the benefits of higher pay scales involved but it’s difficult to define what particular demands such an ephemeral and all too readily interpreted subject might make of its lecturers. Other than understanding and promoting grammatical English of course – and that doesn’t seem always to be an essential.
Apparently the BBC spends £200 A DAY having some journo I’ve never heard of driven from his home in Sheffield to Salford and back .
I wonder how many more get this obscene waste of taxpayers cash . If you can’t drive – get a damn bus – I do .
its this type of Spending by public services the infuriates me.
its riffe in all areas of Public services. the attitude of “It’s not my money” comes to mind, you have the same attitude with Parliament/Government, they treat themselves, literally!.