As the post Election euphoria continues the Far Left Biased BBC is in its period of post Election mourning. Therefore we need to closely monitor the editorial narrative it will adopt to convince the electorate that their vote was wrong – because the BBC is never wrong is it ? – as we see from responses to formal complaints often published by people on this site .
Start the week Thread 16 December 2019
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Oh no … whats this ??? More good economic news !! BBC in meltdown, after all , per their coveted George Osbourne and his CERTAIN forecasts, we should have lost about 5 million jobs by now and our houses should be worth 1/2 of that before the Leave vote.
These lefties and the BBC, cannot get anything right at the moment !!!
Bbc news at it again let’s interview all those opposed to Brexit and a shadow minister saying he wants to save industry. This is the same man who backed Corbyn to nationalise everything it’s unbelievable
Bbc bias at its best
Blimey riley … how thick is our David … he still doesn’t get it does he !!! CCBGB as per
The BBC refuse to accept the following.
I voted to Leave and I want a No Deal.
All those I know who voted to Leave want a No Deal.
Boris, please note the above.
I was mistaken earlier when I said the BBC had little to spew forth with…apparently it is now the EU withdrawal and it will cost lives, the economy..we are all doomed with No deal on the table
BBC has brought out everyone on TWATO who has a negative opinion – the Remoaners are dead but not buried yet…
Tried to say pound has slumped because of Johnson’s No deal – oh yeah down from 1.19 to 1.18 but still up from 1.08 in August..what a bunch of……
“No Deal Brexit back on the table”
…. I always suspected that Farage had made a secret deal with Boris .. with such a condition.
Impressive leap of faith, Stew. 😉
My exposure to BBC radio news is mercifully little these days, as I tend to catch LBC or Talk Radio. However it seems impossible to acquire a DAB shower radio so I am at their mercy for a short period each morning. Tuning into BBC Scotland this morning gave me this delightful selection:
1) Whether the new intake of MPs contains sufficient numbers of women or BAME
2) Alleged persecution of Muslims in India
3) The need for Scotland to reach net zero carbon emissions (apparently at no cost as what this will cost was, per usual, ignored)
The BBC is increasingly talking to itself these days.
POPyourShower DAB/DAB+ Digital & FM Rechargeable Portable Bathroom Shower Radio, Water Resistant IPX5, Shockproof Material Headphone socket £34.95
But better and cheaper to get a showerproof blue tooth speaker
cos then you can stream any content and channel from any tablet/laptop/phone connected to the internet.
What do you call it when you DEHUMANISE people, just cos they disagree with your POLITICAL point of view ??
Well there’s a surprise, a Marxist lefty twit of a professor at a university
I really hope Boris aims his sights at the education system as soon as he has finished sinking the BBC
And guess what, he’s gone underground, his twitter account has vaporised, bit cowardly?
Or maybe he doesn’t want the Uni (or anyone else) to look up his older twats….
Shocking to see an academic who doesn’t know the difference between a hyphen and a dash.
Vine “are you worried that we are not doing enough to fight Climate Change”
..plays #1 Princess Greta clip
#2 an parent of anxious children
#3 made the claim that “the effects of CC are very visible now,” plays Australian bush fire news footage.
#4 Live interview with alarmist Prof David King
“oh it’s the US who are not playing a leading role, but are playing a blocking role telling other nations not to worry”
.. Really I’d be surprised if there was such a US delelgation in Madrid
.. I’ve offed the radio
Oh look he was pushing Climate alarmism on his TV show yesterday
Warning pressing play , causes Yasmin’s voice to come into your ears
Ohh, diddums, she’s fwightened her little snowflake world is melting around her.
Pity she hasn’t left the country yet …
\\ Your Eco warrior / Professor Dave king,
Said we should not point the finger @ China.
Is this not the country that had to shut the factory’s during the Olympic games, due to air pollution.
Is it a case of just hammer UK that only produces less than 2pc of carbon //
Stew, not ‘offed’ in a countryside, shotgun, sort of way?
Express report on Ash “fecks like a champion” Sarkar and her appearance on J.Vine show. Ash really is a annoying little smart arse whose come uppance cannot come too soon for me.
TWATO had some chap ‘expert’ on, I thought to discuss the changes in the Greenland ice sheets – nope – he just told us how much he liked going there – not a fact in sight, no discussion, no information..nada…
empty like his content..what was the point….???? well he did throw in a few science words that in isolation mean nothing – ablation…
Vine to caller ” Bias at the BBC ? ? .. no I think we’ve lost you, the line has gone”
All of Al Beeb’s fellow-travelling churnalists are up in arms about Tory claims of bias, it seems.
This article amuses me
Because Cardiff Uni’s school of churnalism was the author of a still much-quoted (by Al Beeb naturally) coat of whitewash report some years back exonerating Al Beeb of…….
You couldn’t make it up if you tried!!
TWatO Watch #1 – Correction and Clarifications Dept
The Professor in Greenland is not named Goodwin but Alan Hubbard. And he did go there in summer to check the ice sheet. Where’s that useless maxicony when you really need him or her? Back to the ice sheet.
It was melting.
In summer.
It’s what ice does.
In summer.
It’s ice, it’s the job of ice to melt in summer.
Especially in an unusually hot summer in parts of Greenland this year, so I am told.
He claims that scientists have only known about the ‘Albedo Effect’ for the past few years or a decade or so. Which is strange because I remember being taught about in school long before that. I also remember reading about it – in effect – in books by mountain climbers who observed that as a glacier moved and picked up moraine, when that was hit by sunlight it would melt faster than the cleaner ice.
That fact would have been known by any observant person a couple of hundred years, or more, ago during the Little Ice Age.
Call yourself a scientist?!
This seems to me to be a contrived effort by the BBC to enhance the ‘Warmist’ narrative.
Marks out of twenty? Two. One for reminding me of the Prof’s name and another one for being there and spotting the algae.
That’s a fail, then.
60+ invaders this morning (Dover).
Apparently, both the French and the English “intercepted” them.
Taxi rides for all. Why were they not escorted back towards France?
No, actually me and 19 friends just had a big laugh
bussed ourselves down to Dover. then under cover of darkness we got in inflatables, then we got a mile out and made a distress call to the coastguard and spent the next 5 hours putting on foreign accents.
We were hoping SkyNews into believing
… but no SkyNews weren’t fooled they reported us as “20 SUSPECTED migrants”
I guess we should have shouted more ‘that we had broken EU law by travelling through 6 EU countries instead of registering in the first one like we came into’
Cheers Lucy -I am so glad someone put that up . Hilarious – bet you won’t see that on the rusty old Have got news rubbish …
chucha, madre .. aqui ‘ta la segunda parte
A quick look at Corbyns favourite rag The Morning Star highlights exactly why he go the boot.
The narrative is all about press barons and the MSM smearing him.
They really do not get it do they?
Few people in this Country want to be led by Corbyn’s brand of Socialist Communism and saw him as the would-be “Wolfie” he is who still lives out his immature student activist days and craves to be adored by his chosen mummties as a revolutionary zealot.
The BBC reporting goings on in the HOC as members return.
It gets to the JC bit and quotes…..
“It’s Jeremy Corbyn’s time to stand up now – and he follows the PM’s lead in starting out by paying tribute to the victims of the London Bridge attack, which happened during the election campaign.
The Labour leader says the knife attack was “an attempt to damage our democracy… it didn’t succeed and it never should succeed”.
Lets take a look at that shall we?
In May 2017 the Times reported…
“Jeremy Corbyn was arrested at IRA demo..
Jeremy Corbyn was arrested in 1986 taking part in a protest by IRA sympathisers to “show solidarity” with accused terrorists including the Brighton bomber, a Sunday Times investigation reveals.
Corbyn joined a picket outside the Old Bailey to oppose the “show trial” of a group including Patrick Magee, who was subsequently convicted of murdering five people at the 1984 Tory party conference.
Magee was also convicted with the other defendants of planning a massive bombing campaign in London and seaside resorts.”
Makes a total mockery of his London Bridge “democracy” blubbing, thank god this man never got anywhere near the levers of power….
R4 now “Nationalism”
‘parties in different countries are copying (the evil) Vitor Oban’
.. a quick clip of Catalans fighting police
25 min \\ oh something more troubling these days when you search for “Anglo Saxon” you get messages from American White Nationslists, these FAR RIGHT groups //
Do you ? *
\\ So there are calls for British academics to drop the use of the term //
* When I search Twitter it’s just full of schools talking about Anglo Saxon
and 20% lefties using the term Anglo Saxon as a diminutive.
I didn’t see in the first two pages any racists.
2pm news another Beeboid’s same sex partner has died
Sad for his loved ones, 42 is quite young.
Have they been in the dressing up box again?
By their own admission of their chosen lifestyle they are not Christians.
Sir Lefty Farr-Wright
… BTW Twitter has just stopped their attack on him.
They have this secret trick of Deboosting, where instead of blocking you they hide your tweet replies under the second “show more replies button”
Just love, love, love this…..
Normal tweets embed here, all you do is post the tweets url got by rightclicking over its datestamp and selecting copy URL

but to just display the image is a bit more tricky
Thanks Stew, I’ll remember that!
Totally agree Stew , I am from that generation and we didn’t throw rubbish out of vehicles while driving or dump rubbish in the countryside or on beaches when on holiday……because as kids we would have been punished by our parents who we had respect for ……I could go on
Sorry , exactly WHO is anxious for the BBC’s future ?
#WeFiles ?
I have seen more than enough Amol Rajan to last a dozen lifetimes. He’s probably even hosted Woman’s Hour and if he hasn’t it can’t be long until he does.
Twitter is in meltdown over the NoDeal news…
still shows how silly these people, time & time again we were shown the EU would not budge or comprise if we took no deal off the table.
its the only thing that must remain on the table to ensure we depart on fair terms.
spot on VB
8pm R4 prog about Disinformation
with Angela Saini
“. From the dangerous anti-vaccination campaigns
to *those who deny the reality of climate change*,
she assesses the scale and extent of the threat we face”
* “Inferior” is @AngelaDSaini’s book on how science got women wrong.
We all make mistakes
someone accused her of making a mistake
– She deleted her tweet
… and blocked him
There is an article where Noah Carl lists the mistakes he found in her book
She made a Freudian slip in her own tweet last week promoting her show.
Who pushes pseudoscientific ideas online ?
\\ Tuesday 17th December at 8pm for our documentary exploring the dangerous spread of pseudoscientific ideas online, by me and brilliant producer @F1onaHill //
A propos of nothing in particular beyond I was prompted by my first view of Al Beeb’s televised HoC proceedings in 3 years, I was delighted to see James NotSoCleverley wearing his Old Colfeian tie when swearing in and not his regimental one.
I wonder if Oleaginous Robbins eschews that in favour of an EU starry version?
How about this for a opener to focus the bBc ‘s attention.
You have a choice between 2 options
1) We introduce a fast track bill to de criminalise non payment of Licence Tax or;
2) You accept your commitment to provide the over 75’S with a Free Licence.
Better still let it fund itself – ‘Pay to view’.
If Al Beeb is as good as it says it is , it would make a profit and pay the nation a profit tax ?
John Mcdonnell and others are suggesting that the next Labour Party leader should be female. Keep that thought.
Meanwhile….. the Inspector of Fire Brigades has produced a ‘requiring improvement’ grading for the London Fire Brigade.
Strangely, for an organisation so quick to prominently report alleged government failings over Grenfell, and so keen to focus on Grenfell residents, this report is lower down on the ……errrr…….BBC London page of the webshite. I’m sure its just an oversight.
But I digress. The person at the top of this failing institution was one Dany Coton, who left their post earlier than expected, presumably having been given an early heads up of the report.
Dany is female. Now a person is only as good as they are.
Which leaves this lingering question. Was Dany promoted above her level of competence in order to meet a Politically Correct agenda of more women in high places ?
I think the public has a right to know. And if the Grenfell Action Groups can tear themselves away from their usual agendas, perhaps they might like to enquire too.
I am certain you are right.
No doubt before Dany got her promotion she would have had to be interviewed by a board. They must not have believed their luck to have a candidate who was not only female, but a lesbian to boot. Shame she was white, but you can’t have everything.
The fact that she was also incompetent and out of her depth is a mere footnote. She did not know what to do at Grenfell. More shamingly, she had not even worked out what she should have done months later. She is not a leader, she is a narrow minded little politically correct appointee.
People died, the LFB’s reputation is in shreds, but hey, at least they had a lesbian as Chief Fire Officer. Anything the Met can do…
On the contary I’m sure she was promoted on merit.
Consider, first the physical strength requirement was reduced, so she would easily have met that.
Then, no doubt our firefighters go on courses. Not just courses about fighting fires but courses on diversity, equality and ‘customer facing issues. She will have been on all those.
Add to that ‘experience’, all those different parts of London that a firefighter might serve. She might well be one of those eagerly passed on to another station with a glowing report, just to make sure that she does move on.
The average male firefighter will meet the new physical standard twice over. He actually enjoys speeding along onboard a fire appliance, not so keen on sitiing back at HQ totting up sick notes. He will have been on the bare minimum of courses, wild horses couldn’t make him go on the diversity and equality ones. However he will have been a good ‘team player’, part of a great crew, why would he want to move to another district?
Come the day of judgement, Candidate A meets the physical standard as does Candidate B. A is keen on being promoted B isn’t. A has been on all the courses, B hasn’t. A has served three months with every district in London, B has only worked at the one station. Well it’s quite clear gentlemen! It has to be candidate A! All done on merit, but merit against what standard?
We all know that the BBC has this obsession with female
news readers and political presenters. It’s around 75% now.
However could it be that the BBC are going for 100%?
Today’s opening of parliament on the BBC website ,has as
its contributors, Victoria King, Alice Evans, Becky Morton
Dulcie Lee, and Lucy Webster.
Foscari, I think they have decided to rub everyones nose in while they still can!
Wot, no trannies?
Outrageous, the beeb are transphobic!
And racist too, judging by that hideously white line-up.
BBC report that scientist have reconstructed a 6000 year old woman from DNA found in some tree bark in Scandinavia…
And the article…
Looks possible if they found a rubber dinghy nearby!
Trouble in Greece………….
The Guardian running an article by Andrew Fisher, the Labour party’s executive director of policy 2016 – 2019….
“There is a lot to criticise. But Corbyn and McDonnell have transformed Labour”
Couldn’t agree more Andrew, they have made it unelectable!
….and this probably didn’t help either…
Just thinking that our efforts here should not relax following Boris’s election pounding of the remainers. The BBC will soon embark on a massive Democrat USA style slur campaign against Boris and the rest of the party to go for a “Last Chance Saloon” attempt to thwart Brexit…. I predict it will be brutal.
Digg – great minds – as I stated on the thread preamble . It’s good to celebrate the downfall of Corbyn and his gang but the BBC still remains .
Personally I think the public sabre rattling about the Licence will amount to nothing . No change for the time being .
digg, they started already!
First off, on Sunday with Chris ‘Reality Check’ Morris saying Bojo was the biggest liar of the GE19 Campaign. I gather I was not the only one to notice.
Yesterday, and this morning, when the Labour Party leadership contest is mentioned, the BBC seem quite keen to name-check Der Starmer as a possible candidate.
the BBC seem quite keen to name-check Der Starmer as a possible candidate
Of course they are. Keir has ‘contacts’.
Here’s some clarity from Kate
I now predict a huge USA Democrat style attack on Boris any time now by the BBC as a last desperate attempt to bring him down and thwart Brexit so we must keep vigilant on here!
Sorry I got one of those vanishing and re-appearing posts just now so this is number 2!
“Pound erases election gains amid no-deal Brexit concern”
Note how quick Al Beeb is to report a fall ?
By my calculation it is still higher against the Euro over the last two years.
Unemployment lowest since 1975 !!!
IMHO we as nation should aim for the same type economy as Singapore. That threat should wake the European Union up and give the UK a good trade deal .
I’ve been reflecting on the Election result and I don’t think it was all down to the Conservatives or Labour for that matter. I think the following gutted off the British voters as much as anything Boris or Corbyn did.
The woke BBC (and ITV, Channel 4, Guardian, Independent etc.) constantly cramming diversity down our throats…
The misinformation used to tilt history (See my previous post)
The advertising creative industry ditto…
The advertisers giving in to this….
The Climate gangs screaming at us and threatening us….
The Universities brain washing our young…
The ineffective woke Police forces….
The Judiciary backing them all up….
The burying of news that doesn’t fit the agenda….
There is probably a lot more of this insidious crap I have missed out.
In a nutshell, it was you, the BBC that enlisted many of the enraged Northern British voters.
Each broadcast of Al Beeb broadcasts a programme , fiction or true story it includes an hidden agenda .
It has become arrogant that its propaganda has become transparent .
Apparently a YouGov poll reports that trust in the BBC has reduced further …. ( I know this is no surprise but a reputable polling job is nice support )…
Sky news “Total of 69 suspected migrants, including 10 children, intercepted in Channel ”
Anything about this on Al Beeb yet ?
These are illegal immigrants coming from safe countries. Who knows what their background is , are they escaping criminals , terrorists etc etc ? Our “Border Force” has become a joke . “Intercepted” appears to be a new word for “ferried in” .
Have they been to returned to mainland Europe?
I suppose that’s a stupid question.
Hidden away “Local News” ………………….
“New Dover MP seeks urgent talks as 69 migrants picked up”
\\Natalie Elphicke said she would be telling Home Secretary Priti Patel that the French needed to do more “to stop illegal departures from their shores”//
“Mrs Elphicke said: “The French have been given tens of millions of pounds of British hard-earned taxpayer money… I want to know where the money has gone.”
Don’t we all.
The EU must be a very bad place to live , what with all the illegal immigrants crossing the English Channel to escape ?
Its a good thing that the UK is leaving .
Do the “children” have beards?
“Three found guilty of assaulting young girl in Telford”
And there’s more? The trial continues …………………
Apparently bojo is to appoint a lot of Lords who are Brexiters – I’m available ( but don’t tell any one )…. Lord Fedup … sounds good to me ….
A couple of items for Christmas cheer is this revelation by No.10 that Nicky Morgan is being bought back from early retirement to head up a task force on BBC Johnson trimming the fat off the BBC biases and a cull of top heavy lefties. Front page In today’s Times – Nicky Morgan is to stay on as the Culture Secretary who has had some experience of listening to the BBC bleetings of austerity, hardships and mumbling rants (see below). Here are a few howlers…enjoy!
A commisioning editor was in a meeting with one of the Beeb’s directors who used the phrase; ‘replenishing-facing content must be platform agnostic’ which was translated as ‘Young people prefer Netflix’. In the same meeting (same BBC executive) also claimed “the lake of content is not vertical” which he explained (earnestly) “that people can skim or dive into the BBC” when this was not understood he extended that to, “…but they want to explore horizontal opportunities”.
The editor then pushed back and replied that his own definition of ‘horizontal opportunities’ was not the same as yours (to the BBC exec). This thrilling conversation is what the BBC is all about. Inform, obfuscate and (partly) entertain the masses with quiz shows whilst pandering to the upper classes (of which it is part and partly disconnect of old marxists tropes and failed liberals hysteria on impending doom due to BREXIT.
So Nick Morgan will have her work cut out, cutting the BBC down to size and not extending its aspirations beyond a subscription levy service for Guardian readers.
in the same paper this cartoon sums up what we already know. What a cracking Christmas! and its going to be a New Year clear out of BBC humbugs with fancy lifestyles and language.
Times Cartoon today:
I’ve just searched something on Wikipedia and they are begging for donations. A little like the guardian.
Hopefully it will be the BBBC next.
Paul has a list…. a list!
Thank you Guest Who. The entire world can relax now paul mason has blessed us with another list.
It looks remarkably similar to a job advert for a position at the BBC!
Another Labour strategic genius has a list too. What larks.
(You can never have enough of ze lists).
She has shared a Vile. I wonder what he has treated a grateful public to now.
This is a woman whose family fled from Idi Amin – ” Popularly known as the “Butcher of Uganda,” he is considered one of the cruelest despots in African history.”
What is she fearful of, that Boris might make her wear a burka?
Too good not to share –
‘Twas the night before Impeachment,
When all through the House
Not a creature was stirring, not even a Louse.
The articles were hung, by the gavel with care
In hopes that some votes would be cast there.
The Democrats were nestled all snug in their beds;
While visions of victory danced in their heads;
And Nanzi with her dentures, and Nadler in his drool,
Had just settled their brains for a long winter’s rule,
When out of the polls there arose such a clatter,
They sprang from their hubris to see what was the matter
Away to Windows they flew like a flash,
Tore open the screen and booted up the stash.
The full weight on the breast of the new-fallen news,
Gave a lustre of midday to subjects who knew,
When what to their wondering eyes did appear,
But the IG Report and 17 little fears,
With a terse answer here so lively and quick,
They knew in a moment he must be a prick.
More rapid than eagles the defectors they came,
And they whistled, and shouted, and called them by name:
“Now, Schiff! now, Nadler! now Nanzi, you Vixen!
On, Comey! on, Stelter! on, Cooper and Blitzer!
To the top of the capitol! to the dungeon of the hall!
Now hide away Ciaramella! Hide away all!”
As leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky;
So up to the House floor the Liars they flew
With articles full of ploys, and their reputations too—
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the news
The panic and polling of each little stooge.
As I scratched my head, and was turning around,
Down came the drool from Nadler with a bound.
He was dressed in those pants, buckled under armpits,
And his clothes were all rumpled from dribble and spit;
A bundle of papers he had flung in his sack,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
His eyes—were so hollow! his jowels, how dour!
His cheeks were so ashen, his pout so sour!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a sow,
And the spittle on his chin made him resemble a cow;
The stump of a tooth he held tight in his teeth,
And the stench, it encircled his head like a wreath;
He had a broad face and a huge round belly
That shook when he mumbled, like a bowl full of jelly.
He was chubby and plump, a right ugly old troll,
And I laughed when I saw him, get up and then roll;
A blink of his eye and a twist of his head
Soon gave me to know he was very near dead;
He spoke no sense, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the articles; then turned with a jerk,
And sticking his finger inside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the nostril it rose;
He lollygogged to his team and gave a gavel,
And away they all flew like a motley rabble.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he hobbled out of sight—
“Tomorrow we vote just out of spite!”.
Mary Creagh is trending after her 20 minute tirade against Corbyn in a Westminster corridor
Heart warming to know the pain this traitor is going through . She wanted a ‘people’s vote ‘ – got one . Maybe she ll want another ‘people’s vote ‘ in 5 years time .
Perhaps we can be entertained by the formation of a new party comprising of ex Traitor MPs – call it ‘new changeUK’ and see how long chuka lasts .
Impartial reporting.
BBC don’t do comedy
For some reason I thought I’d mention that today was the anniversary of the Harrods Bomb in 1983 . I remember it .RIP.
New Thread In the morning ….
Fed – It might be my Pad/OS/Gremlin here, but the new thread appears to lack a comment facility?
Here’s a post from ITBB to be going on with.
I once found Huw tolerable. He is now in Bowen, Simpo, Robinson territory, mucho pomposo-wise.
A fitting swan-legacy.
Guest – thanks – yes – I can’t see why the comment bit has gone . I’ll take it down and have a go again in the morning …
Our local BBC website “2 Poles and a white guy from Bradford got almost 4 years each for smuggling £3m worth of cigarettes into Hull”
BBC giggling schoolgirl newsteam
“Oh Obama said something ..that is news”
Piers Morgan ..
BBC logic
Which “police are looking into the matter”
The the black police officers association ?
Priority of the MP for Perth ?
Pete Wishart SNP
Meanwhile : Perth councillor calls stickers “disgusting, abhorrent and unacceptable”.
FFS yes it is provocation
No, it isn’t racist,that’s the whole point’s trolling
The clitoris has 10,000 nerve endings and still isn’t as sensitive as a metroliberal luvvie intent on virtue signalling outrage.
Pete Wishart thinks this is “disgusting”. Says the man who thought his “nul points” stunt with Theresa May was funny. This man has no aesthetic sense, no sense of proportion, no sense of humour, just no sense.