This week the Far Left BBC is going to have to start to adjust to a new Parliament without the madness of the last one . Will it stay in denial as a form of Brexit approaches and there is nothing to stop it ? Will the BBC continue to be an extension of Iranian State Radio ?
Start the Week Thread 6th January 2020
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Sun 5 Jan 2020 12.54 GMT Guardian Opinion Islamophobia
“Under Boris Johnson, Islamophobia will reach a sinister new level Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan”
Despite millions of lying claims to the contrary there is no such thing as Islamophobia.
Despite millions of lying claims to the contrary Muslims are not a race.
“Johnson can say “Islam is the problem” and make comparisons between niqab-wearing women and letterboxes, and face scant political repercussions”
Islam IS, and has been for 1400 years, the problem. In the UK there have not been any racist mass gang rapes of white female children by Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs or Jains, just Muslims. Ditto the rest of Europe, just Muslims.
The millions of rapes have been accompanied by thousands of terrorists attacks on Europeans, not by Buddhists, Hindus etc. Just Muslims.
Because that is what Muslims do, they are still stuck in 1AH. They are right and every non Muslim is wrong and should be killed.
Nothing is ever going to change, their infallible, immutable, holy book says so.
The most intolerant organisation in history.
“Muslims are unsafe under this government”
I hope so, everyone else is unsafe in a society which contains members of this belief system.
“Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan is an author, writer, spoken-word poet, speaker and educator” – And liar.
No comments allowed.
Backlinks to Weekend Thread
– page 3 started at 6pm Sunday
– page 2
Very well appraised LastChance Saloon -for many years the weak liberal socialists have played up to the Wolf whose stealthy steps have now entered their lives so demandingly; now to gobble up the remains of their flesh-that’s what Islam does. Nowhere in its history (Islam) has there been a time of peace, sustainability and growth, only war and misery has been their endeavour. Why are we now still so blind? Why do our government, the media and various social services consider it wise but not inprudent to support any sinlge part of such an evil.
As is now manifest, Christians in Islamic countries are severely persecuted. Too, their daughters kidnapped, forcibly converted to Islam and married off to some Muslim man. This reduces the Christian population of the world by one more means apart from the normal mandated Jihadi slaughter.
Islamic countries also have an “exit visa” policy, This is highly prized, as selected Muslims get to emmigrate to the West, as part of the Islamisation of Kuffar lands.
Christians though are kept in the prison of Islam to provide extra females for Muslim men, and cheap labour to clean latrines. In some Islamic countries, latrine cleaning and the like are “reserved” for Christians.
Politicians cannot mention Islamic terrorism, so it is that the MSM cannot mention that these men who prey on non-Muslim young girls, are Muslim men – they are “Asian”, and always “Asian” for the MSM. If the powerful MSM is unable to face reality for fear, why do we expect any better from the police, courts or politicians.
These Muslim men prey on non-Muslim girls, never Muslim girls, as preying on non-Muslim girls is not just allowed in Islam, but is part of the Jihad of destroying the Kuffar society.
There is no point in blaming Muslims for what is happening in the UK, be it honour killings, the extension of shari’a by stealth, hatred being preached in mosques, and the continuous threat of terrorism from within, leading to harsher security measures by the state on all of us. Muslims are doing what they are required to do as required by their religion. The fault lies with us. And if we didn’t know this would happen, then that is our misfortune. Ignorance is not an excuse.
“In the UK there have not been any racist mass gang rapes of white female children by Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs or Jains, just Muslims.”
+ “and high-profile celebrities given newsmedia protection by the BBC, including members of the organisation itself”
thanks for the link LCS
Partial quote –
“Muslims are unsafe under this government. Giving Johnson and his ilk power creates a context where Islamophobia will only intensify. While many of us feel helpless in the face of this, there are things we can do. We can disrupt and refuse to take part in counter-terror rhetoric that criminalises Muslims: don’t take part in the Prevent review, seek for its repeal, don’t report to Prevent and don’t use counter-terrorism or counter-extremism funding.
We must also not let the results of this election mean that the broader left reacts by becoming more Islamophobic and racist. In the last few weeks I’ve heard many repeat the notion that Labour lost because the party did not understand the depth of the appeal of Brexit, with this being extrapolated into the mistaken suggestion that it was not racist enough.”
can anybody (Muslim or otherwise) decipher what this biased nutter means?
Good morning everyone and welcome (for some of you) to the first full working week of the year.
I start my day with a leisurely train journey to work, reading the Metro and the BBC news, by the end of which I’m so pumped up I could do the work of twenty.
So nothing new for 2020 on the BBC news, golden globes …women winners take banner headlines plus the odd Trans person ( can I say that in 2020) winning a special award for being Trans I suppose.
So let’s look at the Metro. Today we have a wrap round advertising M&S no white person to be seen and certainly none of those nasty white men who seem so dispropirtianly represented on the 05:50 train to work.
Have a great week it will soon be Friday.
“…reading the Metro and the BBC news, by the end of which I’m so pumped up I could do the work of twenty…”
I know the feeling, Halifax. Often I’m told I do the work of two men.
Unfortunately for my colleagues it’s Laurel and Hardy…Boom boom!
Hey, the old jokes are still the best!
Here’s another oldy:
I’m 67 and I have the body of an 18 year old.
And he wants it back.
I’m 71 and wish I had the body of an 18 year old – again.
I just don’t do old Oh and by the way I’m 77-78 in March. The pace maybe slower but the thrust is still as good !!!!
Pardon ????
Don’t panic BRISSLES. Tarien is obviously referring to the engine under his bonnet. It’s all in the mind you know.
Oh to be 71 again.
Body of a god, but it’s Budha. Body like a temple, but it’s one of the large asian ones with a huge round bulge in the middle…
Here’s another oldie….my Dad was still having sex at 96 … took the family a while to explain to him that we lived at number 56 ! !
Yellow card . You need to find yer coat ????
Halifax : “Today we have a wrap round advertising M&S no white person to be seen “.
But, Halifax, you have got to appreciate they are not ordinary Ethnics
they are M&S Ethnics.
Halifax, good stuff.
For a while there I thought it was me (or I was getting paranoid), you see the only tv I watch is Sky Sports, apart from the local news on itv.
ALL the commercials on sky show happy little multi culti families. Then we have Renault showing two queer girls kissing and Vauxhall showing a headstone with Petrol RIP on it advertising a scaletric car.
Where will it end?
“The extraordinary story of General Qassem Suleimani with first-hand accounts of his secret deals and shifting alliances across Syria, Iraq and Lebanon.
In this narrative, under the guidance of Suleimani, Iran has achieved control of Iraq and the US will be forced to leave.
Assad’s regime in Syria will survive because of Iranian support again guided by Suleimani. Oops, this documentary was made in March last year.
Whilst Suleimani is a bad person he is (was) a clever elite person and his plans will (might have) succeed(ed).
TBH, I’m confused as to why the BBC would even contemplate such a story-line. One possible explanation is that Iran might suffer another revolution – of the socialist type – wishful thinking.
However, Trump being Trump he has rolled the dice of uncertainty…
“TBH, I’m confused as to why the BBC would even contemplate such a story-line.”
It being the start of the first full working week in 2020, I guess the news department of the BABC will be requesting the Small Works department maintenance team be booked to erect a photograph of the Iranian General on the, ‘Our Hero’s’ wall in the office. Question is, are all the existing photographs (such as Martin McGuinness) in date order? If so, he will be positioned alongside Jeremy Corbin. Fitting.
Sincere and heart-felt condolences to all BBC employees on the loss of General Qassem Suleimani. Whilst we appreciate that none of you had even heard of him this time last week, such a small detail in no way minimises the impact of this terrible blow, which some are already describing as “the biggest set-back since Boris stole the General Electric from us. And from Labour”. Horrible accusations have been made against this great man of principle, but the key thing is that he was cruelly murdered on the orders of Trump and that is the most important aspect. Trump is most evil man on the planet and on the principle that my enemy’s enemy is my friend…
Toady watch
Why bother ? It’s just going to be uncritical reporting on Iran and slapping either President Trump or BoJo about .
Interview an ex democrat American ambassador or some Iranian ‘ academic’ who is actually a mouthpiece for the mullahs .
I’m guessing the trump and BoJo staff know that the BBC isn’t worth the time of day so doubt bother . Off switch . Don’t have a licence .
Flying over Jon Sopel to bubble along in his Fiat 500 seems pretty calculated to knock Greta offside too if they are not careful..
Not wholely BBC but related to their darling St Greta of Thumberg.
Being a xenophobic anti European (or so the BBC would like to portray us) I naturally spent time at a party recently talking to a Portuguese guy. He gave an interesting angle on St Greta which is that what drives her is hate, which is informed by her Aspergers. His examples included her almost incessant fixed stare as if her head is about to explode and the way she ranted about her rail trip on Deutsche Bahn. See for example
She and Jezza are good bed fellows. They exist only to oppose, not to construct.
I’d not thought of it that way before but it makes a lot of sense. Which makes the BBC’s, global luvvie and impressionable snowflake communities commitment to canonising her all the more questionable and very poorly judged. I mean, would you give her a job, especially a customer-facing one?
I was wondering with Jon Sopell being on the today programme on Monday whether license payers are now picking up his commuting tab no doubt business class of course.
The Iranian Broadcasting Corporation was in full-on mode this morning.
On the 0800 news we get heart-rending descriptions of the tears and wailing at a certain funeral in Iran.
Then there is an ‘interview’ (I use the term loosely) with an unintelligible pro Iranian Iraqi, who is totally beyond reason and of course the interviewer gives him a free run.
Why are anti-Trump pacifists indulged with something called the licence fee ?
Surprised the BBC is not firing up the girls in the cubicle gardens for a bit of paintball practice.
Four Lionesses.
Twitter is full of Sydney people saying it’s raining,
of course that doesn’t mean it’s raining over every fire.
Whilst I feel sorry for those who have lost their homes…I am truly fed up with MSM using these fires as an excuse to push climate change..
It doesn’t take much research to find stats that show the mean highest temperature in these areas hasn’t changed that much and only a few years ago it was the colder than average in these areas.
Why don’t they ever talk about the rapid increase in population, the increasing size of farms and the pressure this puts on the historic lack of water in the same areas ..Australia is (was recently) the 2nd biggest user of water per capita after the USA – hence drier land.. and the number of people caught starting fires is noticable by its absence
The BBC and most MSM just don’t seem bothered to take a big picture view of’s all climate change..
When you never hear another view it is probably best to assume the one you are hearing is not the full truth…or even tested..
Rant over – and don’t get me on to the attack POTUS….they all just want it to go tits up to be right..just like Brexit..
You are right. Australia is the hottest and driest continent on Earth.
Although it has an area of almost 3 million square miles, most of it is uninhabitable desert. The temperate inhabitable area is much smaller, and water shortage will always be a problem.
Why then does the Australian government insist on enriching its population through immigration? Australia is a great country for about 20 million people. Why spoil it?
its hypocrisy time at the BBC as they play the politics of envy card.
Front page webshite story
‘FT chief executives earn average salary within three days’
Shock horror. CEOs earn an average of £3.46 million.
Now Clearly the cosy arrangement whereby FT100 executives sit on each others remuneration committees and award themselves big pay rises is indefensible.
However the BBC could have used the exact same pay envy argument against all manner of luvvies, show business ‘stars’, top comedians, Glastonbury headline acts, not to mention any number of Premier League footballers far exceeding 100. And then there’s Gary Linekar.
But of course only private business gets it in the neck from the statist BBC.
BBC : ‘FT chief executives earn average salary within 3 days’
Not BBC : “Our boy Lineker earnt average salary within *2 days* ”
Do we want to be Maduro’s Venezuela
where everyone earns practically nothing ?
Stew…. correction. Lineker may be paid the average salary within 2 days, but he certainly does not earn it.
The average FTSE 100 CEO earns £3.46 million. The British Prime minister earns just £149,440, a similar amount to the head of a secondary school.
This means the average director earns as much as the Prime minister in just a fortnight !
No wonder so many failures and monkeys are attracted to politics – the pay is dire, and no wonder so many of them seek corrupt ways to bring their salary up to what they should be being paid.
Unfortunately as we have seen on these very pages there are those who believe that it is better than foreign governments like Iran pay our politicians to act in their interests than the UK taxpayer should pay a little more.
The heads of virtually every government department are paid much more than the PM, and the BBC director general is paid three times as much!
Lord Hall is paid over £532 000 a year, but rarely do we hear complaints about this gargantuan amount. Surely the PM of Britain should be worth £250K ?
More Toady bias.
An HS2 sceptic reviewing the project has released a minority report, suggesting costs will be massively greater than those announced.
He was being interviewed and he should have had some interesting things to say.
But he was never allowed to.
Because also being interviewed and given more time was a barely intelligible woman representing the Midlands. She spoke with a very strong overseas accent (Spanish?) and had a money-no-object attitude, with little or nothing in the way of hard evidence to justify her claims. Meanwhile the guy who had a whole report of evidence querying the scheme was given no time.
So no prizes for guessing which side of the HS2 debate our impartial state broadcaster is on.
PS over 5 years ago I met an HS2 finance manager at an event who asserted after a couple of beers they had internal budgets for the project between £73bn and £120bn !!!!!! In other words, they’ve known all along the announced costing was a joke.
Sluff, think the female HS2 contributor may have been a Greek economist (no, not that one!)(or the other one!)(both BBC favourites) who obviously seemed to not understand – just like the BBC – a key fact about the HS2 project.
The public have seen through it. They know it is a New Labour political Vanity Project. It is said to be the most unpopular public expenditure project ever.
TOADY Watch #1 – still not understanding Donald Trump
Donald Trump has been candidate and then elected President for a period of four years now and still the BBC do not understand him. They have even brought Jon Sopel back to host the TOADY prog today. You would think Soapy could explain to the Beeboids that Donald Trump is an unconventional politician. But no.
The BBC still line up commentators to rubbish the 45th President of the United States. One contributor let slip that Qasem Soleimani was, in his actual experience, a micro-manager. Hmmmnn. Visiting sites hosting terror groups? Micro-managing? Close to Israel. Gazan Intifada Season (now, sadly, seeming to be an annual event) only a few weeks away?
Gives us a clue why the WH may have authorised the hit.
Not the BBC but one of its favourites , Emily Thornbury .
On the Sophie Ridge show she’s all for acquiescing the Iranians to bring them into the international order , poor Iranis . Shouldn’t have killed the murderer Sullymaim because Muslims get upset .
Then it’s Stand Up To Bullies time , and the bully is : yes you’ve guessed it , the elected President of the USA , Donald Trump .
Al Beeb now lumping all European terrorist knife attacks (sorry “Man Attacks”) into one short, compact story it seems. The report of the terrorist trying to stab police in Metz yesterday is briefly mentioned at the bottom of the new attack on officers in Gelsenkirchen, in a different country (Germany). They are being utterly deceitful under-reporting these things. It should NOT be made out to be a normal way of life and trivialised. I searched “Metz” on the BBC News website and it is only today they have mentioned it together with the German attack.
Racist far-left bbc Delenda Est.
The BBC person who does the website probably thought Metz was in Germany – it does sound German..:-) and the French police had a sniper ….
The Today Programme
“Now is the time to join The Labour Party”
Wes Streeting says leadership contender Jess Phillips’s message to people disillusioned by Labour’s current leadership is to “come on in” to maximise participation in the party’s leadership contest.
He says it. BbC quotes him.
‘News’, see.
Ricky Gervais last night
WE know there is
#1 The PR BS world
and #2 The Real World
But it was a surprise that host Ricky Gervais gave a Real World opening speech
You say you’re *woke* but the companies you work for…Apple, Amazon, Disney
…if ISIS started a streaming service (bam !) you’d call your agent,
If you win an award tonight
DON’T use it as a platform to make a political speech,
you’re in no position to lecture the public.
You know nothing of the real world.
Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg.
So if you win, come up, accept your little award,
thank your agent and your God
… and then f**k off
Look at their faces in the video e.g. Tom Hanks
longer 8 min with quotes at end
but of course most still gave their political species
Cate Blanchett: When one country faces a climate disaster, we all face a climate disaster.’
Joaquin Phoenix & Russel Crowe did similar, Phoebe WB pledged to auction her dress
Michelle Williams : “Women, vote.. in your own self-interest. It’s what men have been doing for years.”
ZeroHedge has all the PJW tweets
Apparently the ceremony is being renamed. From next year onwards it will be called the Golden Globalists.
I thought it was too be called The Globalist Gobshites Awards.
typo : political species = Political speeches
You seriously think these idiots are capable of writing their own speeches? They spend their entire lives reciting what other people write for them, and although they tell a speech writer what they want, they almost certainly will not have written it themselves.
And to think we’ve got one now in the Royal Family ! it must be something in the Californian water (or on glass tiles).
I listened to Heat the Wok with Andrew Marr just to get to Howard Jacobson’s Point of View masquerading as BBC R4’s ‘Book of the Week’.
Apparently, the new Controller has not had time yet to undo the damage done by Gwyneth.
Heat the Wok, sorry, I mean Start the Week was interesting because of Andrew Marr’s addition of the ingredient of some FalseFacts to the wok, notably about the sale of Council Houses from 1980 to 2010 and Quantitive Easing from 2008-2010 and some stirring over Brexit. It appears that despite the New Decade (yeah, I know, not really) and the New Conservative Government with a majority and a New Year, it is going to be the same old, same-oh, AltyLeftyLibby BBC propaganda full-time from this week on.
BBC: back to business as usual.
@Up2snuff mean
First there was Start The Woke Week
.. Then Woke, Howard Jacobson read his anti-Brexit rant
BTW not many people can have been listening
cos there was only that 1 tweet against, 4 in favour , and one neutral
Tomorrow’s author is a Somalian immigrant
who now likes Britain
I wonder if she will say that is cos of Brexit ?
No she is anti-Brexit
This is why she likes the UK
No, disturbing-I want my country back, I don’t want to see Black or other coloured peole invading my life, through the media-stop patronising the Black or coloured person, they know full well the situation and the harm such an attitude to the difference eventually becomes. Western Europe inc UK is where the people of white skins developed-a colder climate which it could be said sped up their development whereas Black coloured people hailed from hotter climates, hence the colour of their skins. Their development has been drawn from the more developed white man, which they have enjoyed but not taken that developed education back into their countries of origin, so they remain stale, what a tradegy.
“Earlier this week I took a newly arrived relative to hospitial..”
Praise Allah for our International Health Service, funded for seventy years by gullible citizens who thought it was for them.
“Earlier this week I took a newly arrived relative to hospital” ..yeah we’re so good like that here!.. Is the newly arrived a brat or some old biddy from the Horn?
“That’s pretty cool, isn’t it?”.. er..that’s actually not what I was thinking..but I’d probably be guilty of breaking some bloody law or other if I said what I thought.
“…both the doctor and surgeon spoke Arabic…” What a coincidence! What were the chances of that happening?
“ my translation skills were not required as both the doctor and surgeon spoke Arabic. “
No but I bet most of the indigenous “Brits” who get treated by them need a friggin translator. Whose country is it again?
Why she is ready to call the UK home? Because the take over is almost complete that’s why.
‘both the doctor and surgeon spoke Arabic.’
But no English.
“…she’s now ready to call the UK home.” Important point though, is, will the indigenous British prepared to ‘now’ think of her as a fellow Brit?
Not teally- From Britain she may claim but not OF Britain she can’t claim-her colour tells her that.
As the saying goes, cows born in a stable are still cows.
I’ve said it before, when you think of a Spaniard you don’t automatically think of ex-pat Brits who have moved and gained citizenship in Spain; Think of a Scandinavian, and its blonde hair and blue eyed, not brown eyed and brown skin. An Indian living in Calcutta is not generally thought of as someone white with an Eton accent. And the image of a Japanese is not someone wearing a Sari !. So ask someone abroad how they imagine a native of the UK to be, and the reply is certainly not a person of colour with a patois accent or someone with brown skin who sound Welsh ! Yet the greatest percentage of the population are being brainwashed to believe otherwise. But sadly for advertisers and the BBC, us ‘numpty’ whites are all wise to it.
your comment
“But sadly for advertisers and the BBC, us ‘numpty’ whites are all wise to it.”
well said, never considered myself race biased until the MSM/adverts have pushed the native brit into 2nd place everywhere.
Stew and others
Why on earth does she and R4 think it is important for anyone to know that she is ready to call the UK home? Is she doing the UK a favour?
Jesus these people are so far up their own….it isn’t news , it is important..
Stew, “First there was Start The Woke Week
.. Then Woke, Howard Jacobson …”
Did I hear this right this a.m.? Howard Jacobson bumps into someone on the pavement, and immediately thinks: aah, Brexit!
There follows a typical R4 anti-Brexit rant, which is as devoid of logic as the incident that prompted it.
Is this bloke for real?
Despotic regime snags ex-BBC employee visiting place of birth.
BBC and usual suspects blame everyone bar despotic regime.
Despotic regime refuses to release her.
BBC blames everyone bar despotic regime.
Despotic regime hangs gays from cranes.
BBC suddenly gets interested in anything but.
Despotic regime general gets offed by US whilst in another despotic country planning joint despotism globally.
BBC wheel in husband of ex-employee to blame… Boris.
Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei was seen crying as he led prayers for Qasem Soleimani, killed in a US drone strike.
Wednesday’s Radio4 author is Lionel Shriver
an American who is pro Brexit as she says it goes against American values to let a foreign superstate overtake your country
Stew, I’m looking forward to that one.
I do object to the BBC hi-jacking Book of the Week just to push more of their propaganda (mostly) at us over the first week of a New Year. No doubt in Week 2 of the New Year the BBC will be wringing their hands and weeping over the fact that there is a literal reading crisis among our young people who are becoming illiterate, literally because of their addictions to smartphone screens and Netflix.
It will be interesting to see how balanced the BBC’s output is at 9.45a.m. over a five day week.
Someone could have a difficult job to do or will it be the usual 4:1 ratio?
Delay is still the name of the game with proposed amendments to the EU Withdrawal Bill including Labour’s attempt to further extend the ‘implementation’ period. Whether EU favoured Starmer becomes the new Labour leader (God forbid) or not, he and others are sure to continue secret ‘discussions’ with the Eurocrats and our civil service to scupper BoJo as much as possible with the now hope of an everlasting ‘implementation’ period and ‘close alignment’, with the longer term desire for rejoining.
The ERG and even NF are mumbling about ‘compromise’. I don’t want a compromise.
Matthew Patten Brexit Party MEP
The fat lady hasn’t sung quite yet on our membership of the European Union … I’m certain the Agreement will be ratified, but it will be interesting to see if British Labour, Lib Dem and Green MEPs have finally grasped the democratic imperative of seeing the 2016 referendum result delivered. [me – they haven’t, as is obvious with business as usual in the media] Beyond that, only two things are going to matter in 2020. The first is the very challenging negotiation with the EU about our future relationship. The Withdrawal Agreement and its attached Political Declaration are about much more than trade. They impact on citizens’ rights, money, foreign policy, security, fishing waters, the environment, trade agreements with other nations – in fact every aspect of our lives.
BBC lectures on how to spot #FakeNews
A simple tip: if it’s on al-beeb, it’s probably fake, or at least biased.
So Parliament reopens this week. Lets see how badly Corbyn does against Johnson and with no Tory rebels in the background how will the BBC paint Labour as the better party?
smoogie, I gather – courtesy of The Guardian – that Jess Phillips has had to do an ultra-fast 180° turn on her weekend Brexit stance today.
I’m feeling guilty again because the needle on my Schadenfreude dial has wanged into the red and is right up against the limiter.
220mph down the main straight. 🙂
But she has only SAID that she has U-turned. In reality she will not have changed one iota. Let’s hope her electorate remember. We will remember her as a liar, and a hypocritical one too.
I complained to the BBC about a video they made of a charity that helps paedophiles. The video itself was a man talking who was in total denial ie. “I was arrested for being sent child porn without consent” and you had to get 3/4s of the way through the video before he admitted he shared the child porn with others.
I sent the complaint 19th Dec with the title “YOU ARE A SICK BUNCH OF PAEDOPHILES.”.
It has taken the BBC 18 days to respond with:
“When handling your complaint we will treat you courteously and with respect. We expect you to show equal courtesy and respect towards our staff and reserve the right to discontinue correspondence if you do not.”
Oh, the irony!
Should you decide to respond to them, could I suggest the following:
I apologise for using the word paedophile.
Perhaps it would be more appropriate to have used the word PEDERAST.
Canada : there is remarkable footage of the cop telling David Menzies that he will be arrested for breach of the peace if he continued to call Soleimani a terrorist , whilst at the pro Soleimani candle light vigil
Some pro-Tehran signs there were calling Donald Trump a terrorist.
I actually agree with the cop
Hijacking someonne else’s event is always wrong.
The point is that is what antifa do all the time
.. and that is incitement and should be stopped cos it is breach of the peace.. so that is a double standard.
Though cops do sometime prevent BoP by kettling the antifa.
SheilaGunnReid retweeted the Canadian footage
A further example of the benefits of diversity, as an Indonesian is convicted of dozens of homosexual rapes and assaults:
Notice how the BBC refers to ‘Britain’s most prolific rapist’ and describes the criminal as ‘the Indonesian national, from Manchester’. No. He’s not from Manchester, he’s from Indonesia. And he’s nothing to do with Britain whatsover. His crimes were committed whilst a guest in our country and some of his victims might have been British, but that’s it.
Interesting to see how the BBC spins this in the coming days. Lookout for ‘feel good’ stories to support their own narrative.
yes, he’s the worst rapist in UK and possibly world history.
But the BBC describe him as ‘Britain’s’ worst rapist’
The Indonesian language BBC somehow manages to mention that he’s Indonesian, in the headline
Not BBC – I wonder if the Americans are missing a trick with all those Iranian enemies already at the funeral of one of their own ..
I bet a lot of them are getting a neck ache playing ‘ spot the reaper ‘ .
Isn’t there quite stiff competition for this title in many of our diversified cities?
But doubtless, a muslim. “…..With over 267 million people, it (Indonesia) is the world’s 4th most populous country as well as the most populous Muslim-majority country.”
There is no indication as to his religion, nor is it apparent as to why it would be relevant. Most Indonesians, immigrant or otherwise, are not criminals; there have also been British criminals who have done worse than this e.g. Dennis Nilsen. The point is that the BBC systematically plays around with nationality and origin to: (a) undermine the concept of nationality; (b) attack Britain and the British; (c ) glorify ‘the other’.
@G That Indonesian guy looks Christian to me
cos the BBC Indonesian story says “rajin ke gereja”
gereja is the word for church
Google translate that phrase as “diligent in church”
It is often the case that tribal people in Sumatra are Christian, but he comes from Jambi, which is only 3% Christian.
The BBCindo say
Police statements said he was a homosexual, arrived in England in June 2007 on a student visa and took a sociology degree at Manchester University with a dissertation on “Gay South Asian, bisexual man in Manchester”.
In 2012, he began his PhD at the University of Leeds.
(The rapes started at the flat and lasted until his last victim fought in 2 June 2017)
tried through four separate trials from June 2018 to December 2019.
So he’s been in prison and in secret trials for 2 years
These are just some of the many main issues.
The Mail also hold back on the FOREIGN angle
Britain’s most prolific serial rapist is jailed: ‘Evil monster”..
but they bring up his religion in the second main sentence
“Police have linked gay Christian student Reynhard Sinaga ”
Then mentions his nationality in the 4th
“The slightly-built Indonesian student posed as a Good Samaritan who offered them a floor to sleep on or promised them more drink,”
There are further mentions of his religion
A character testament was also received from St Chrysostom’s Church, in Victoria Park, Manchester – an Anglican church of the Catholic tradition – where Sinaga had attended.
The judge said: ‘It is almost beyond belief that someone who could profess some Christian faith could at the same time have been committing such wicked and evil crimes.’
Police ‘We can confirm that Reynhard Sinaga did worship occasionally at a city centre church and it appears that nobody who came into contact with him had any inkling of his crimes.’
“Bev Hughes, Greater Manchester’s Deputy Mayor for Policing, Crime and Criminal Justice, said:”
‘He is in no way representative of our city-region and people should not be fearful of enjoying all that Manchester city centre has to offer.’
Christian! Thank heavens we have an alternative religion rapidly taking over!
Bet he finds plenty of ‘ friends ‘ in prison .
Looks like the BBC are checking this site again. They have toned down the report of this hideous criminal: the main caption now reads ‘Reynhard Sinaga: ‘Evil sexual predator’ jailed for life for 136 rapes’ and the ludicrous and offensive claim of him being from Manchester has been dropped. The only references to Britain are now to “the most prolific rapist in British legal history”, which is acceptable. The message from other forums and social media is that the BBC way over-stepped the mark on this one.
The article has had 9 extra edit stages now
The “from Manchester” bit was changed between stage 3-4
some idiot who seems to think he knows how and why POTUS decided to assassinate Soleimani. He is left to spout on and all the BBC hack can say – oh so you really think that….
Why do they allow people to state opinions like they are facts…I doubt this chap has even been in same room or state as POTUS at the same time
This reporting must be extremely difficult for the BABC. All reporting including external interviewees that I’ve heard supports the POTUS’s decision. That must be anathema to the BABC. I guess that will change when they eventually find someone to interview with authority who disagrees with the POTUS’s decision. No doubt they’re busily out there right now trying to find someone.
Not the BBC but as it fits with the current green agenda hopefully this will find favour.
I’ve just been into a large Tesco Supermarket to buy a sandwich for lunch. The full length chiller cabinets have 12 shelves reserved for sandwiches. I really struggled to find one that I wanted as it was late in the day and pickings were slimmer……apart from one shelf that was 100% full. I checked it and it hadn’t been faced by an employee, there were sandwiches upon sandwiches stacked on that shelf behind the front row. And the thing they all had in common? They were all labelled “Plant Chef”, Tesco’s vegetarian (vegan?) line. I wasn’t so anal as to stay and count but there must have been over £100’s worth of sandwiches that by 1.30pm on a Monday hadn’t been touched.
I finally found the bacon and egg sandwich I wanted, it had been moved to another shelf. Ham and egg wasn’t there at all.
So well done Tesco, I WOULD have walked away if I hadn’t found my sandwich tucked away out of sight. Other people may well have left without buying at all. Shelf space is finite so if you make space for Plant Chef sandwiches, Greggs Vegan Steak Bake or Kentucky Fried Vegan Slice then you HAVE to reduce the available amount or choice of other foods.
I’m going to pop in again tomorrow to see the display, unless something amazing happens between now and tonight I can see 70+ sandwiches being swept in one arm move into a trolley and from there into a skip. A waste of food and resources, customers lost and inconvenienced, all in the pursuit of vegan wokeness.
You can kind of see where this could be going. In a year’s time, Tesco announce that, in response to demand*, they will only be stocking vegetarian and vegan sandwiches in the majority of their stores (and the BBC will give free coverage). Meanwhile, meat-based sandwiches will continue to be available in some larger stores, but they will only sell premium-priced ones that ‘satisfy our demanding ethical standards for sustainable meat production’. It’s about as predictable as the BBC’s choice of newsreaders for early morning and weekend broadcasts, or should that be narrowcasts given their plummeting viewing figures.
* ‘demand’ does not mean public demand. Vegetable and plant-based foodstuffs are generally cheaper to produce and hence more profitable. This is about the demand of shareholders and food producers.
I’m hoping the opposite.
I hope the store management will say “sod this for a game of soldiers” at the double whammy of the salad sandwiches costing money to stock, questions being asked about wastage (which I’m sure gets measured), and sandwich sales, and therefore money, of their crowd pleasers going down as people nip to the McDonald’s over the road or choose to drive to the Sainsbury’s or Gregg’s that are both fairly close by. It’s a supermarket that you pretty much have to drive to so it’s no hardship for people to choose to turn their wheel and point the car in a different direction.
I’m going to check in tomorrow to see the lie of the land and if they persist in this for more than a few days I’ll make a point of asking a manager if it’s a long term thing and telling him or her that they’ve lost a customer because I can’t afford the time to park up, walk across the car park, along a long downstairs atrium then up a flight of stairs on the off chance their might still be some non vegetable sandwiches left from their now depleted range. Conversely if things turn around and I see them flying off the shelves I’ll eat humble vegan pie. But that’s unlikely.
I DID make a point of taking issue with a Manager – not of Tesco’s or about veggie sarnies, but in a London restaurant with 2 toilets – – – – both used by both, er sorry, a multitude of sexes !! I now ‘hang on’ rather than use a kharsi that men and women both inhabit.
Oh, and as for food waste (pun ?) a local bakery throws away unsold cream cakes and bread every night into the skip; when challenged about this and suggested they be sent to an old peoples home, the answer was …… health and safety ! Doesn’t it beggar belief ??? One minute its shelved stock to buy and the next its clearly fit for only the skip than be given away.
see the beeb & “”
had a (fake) news item “Greggs to pay workers £7m bonus after vegan sausage roll success ”
you have to laugh at the biased spin.
No doubt that contributes to the claimed 10 million tonnes per year that the supermarkets throw away each year.
That works out at about 6lb per week per person.
Is sticking to pork (bacon, etc.) the only sure way to avoid halal?
Did Obama bring in parental leave for Federal employees ?
Every so often I want to know how evil the British and Americans are, and how wonderful are all immigrants, so I tune into Sky News. After a half hour of viewing I am left wondering if white males have all been killed off by a virus, as young girl after young girl come on to tell me what the Guardian says.
There is a crying need for either a news service of the centre, else a right wing one to balance the Left’s dominance.
Indeed. Something like Fox News or Sky News Aus.
Indeed, those two. Why can’t we get them?
On the home page yesterday: Finsbury Park stabbing: Manhunt as killed Deliveroo rider named. All manner of violent attacks and machete games on our streets pass by with barely a whisper from the BBC or much action from the police… how come this gets a homepage slot and an important-sounding ‘manhunt’, no less?
1. Because the victim was “Algerian national Takieddine Boudhane who’d been living in the UK for 3 years”. (Not to be confused with foreign nationals who do the stabbing — they’re UK men)
2. Because “a white van linked to the stabbing was found in Islington and seized”
A white van. Did you get that? A WHITE VAN, probably full of Brexit Party flyers and Wetherspoons menus and Morrissey records covered in swastikas.
Laughably transparent, BBC.
A couple of years ago, attacks on Slaveroo and other delivery drivers had become so common – especially the diversity-special acid attack – that the company was trialling helmet cameras. Hopefully this progressed, became standard and footage exists that can help plod track down the perpetrator(s) of this foul crime. Here’s an article about it from the BBC, kind of odd they forgot to link to it:
Heard “Trump Basher Sopel” on R4 . You would naturally assume he has been “flown in” most likely in business class… our expense.
How lucky we are to receive his wisdom. You Beauty
The BBC has only two default attitudes.
A. Anyone who is male, white and caucasian is despicable.
B. Anyone else is loveable, correct and great.
At point “A” you forgot to insert the words “Old, Heterosexual and Off Message.” I am very highly despicable and like Old King Cole, quite a Merry Old Soul.(when you get to know me) The BBC can FO!
Been a bit out of the loop, but just going by the BBC radio coverage on Soleimani’s funeral today it sounds like we should all be getting a day off work for national mourning.
I would like somebody to explain in clear simple words exactly why Iran is dedicated to the destruction of Israel. It has no territorial disputes with Israel. It has no history of war with Israel. There must be a reason. i wonder what it can be?
Not that I expect our useless media to explain it.
One word? – Islam.
“The Qur’an depicts the Jews as inveterately evil and bent on destroying the wellbeing of the Muslims:
They are the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82); as fabricating things and falsely ascribing them to Allah (2:79; 3:75, 3:181); claiming that Allah’s power is limited (5:64); loving to listen to lies (5:41); disobeying Allah and never observing his commands (5:13); disputing and quarreling (2:247); hiding the truth and misleading people (3:78); staging rebellion against the prophets and rejecting their guidance (2:55); being hypocritical (2:14, 2:44); giving preference to their own interests over the teachings of Muhammad (2:87);
wishing evil for people and trying to mislead them (2:109); feeling pain when others are happy or fortunate (3:120); being arrogant about their being Allah’s beloved people (5:18); devouring people’s wealth by subterfuge (4:161); slandering the true religion and being cursed by Allah (4:46); killing the prophets (2:61); being merciless and heartless (2:74); never keeping their promises or fulfilling their words (2:100); being unrestrained in committing sins (5:79); being cowardly (59:13-14); being miserly (4:53); being transformed into apes and pigs for breaking the Sabbath (2:63-65; 5:59-60; 7:166); and more.”
“The Qur’an”. Wh’y d’o yo’u sp’ell it li’ke th’at?
al-Qurʼān Arabic translates as ‘The recitation’.
R4 16.30 ” Beyond Belief ” discussing religion and smell…yes really….so what does Islam smell like ? .
Answers please to BBC Fat Controller
The BBC have announced that their new party leader will be announced on April 4th. Can this be true? Surely it should be April 1st?
If Dianne has any part of the process it will be on April 44th.
Nonsense, even Dianne knows April only has 44 days in leap years.
Ian Rushlow
Same day as The Grand National ,
Who’s the favourite?
just 10 hours after that massive news organisation LBC announced it
the BBC suddenly find days and days of preaching was based on fake news
Remember the Chelsea v Spurs game just before Christmas? Well I dont watch football, but I remember the news. BBC tv news lead all day with the story of alleged racism towards a Chelsea player and did their best to spin the racist England narrative.
Turns out the guy imagined it, I’m sure the beeb will give this blanket coverage also.
They are discussing the “millennium bug” on BBC one now.
They showed a clip of Tony Blair warning us of our impending doom.
Presenter asking if there ever was a real threat or if it was all just over hyped.
Lots of money wasted to “prevent” the end of the world or planes falling out of the sky or falling off a cliff edge.
Not very much happened.
Striking similarities to the climate and Brexit narratives. Scaremongering and panic about the impending Armageddon that just isn’t going to happen.
There are actual Millennium bug problems being reported now
As one quick fix was to instruct software to assume a year value from 20 to 99 meant the Twentieth century and from 00 to 19 meant twenty first century.
Was this the moment when Johnson said of the amount the Iranians were offering him to support the nuclear deal was too low and he thought he was worth more than that ?
Tuesday 10:35pm BBC1 Veganville
..its already available online
“It was run by Joseph Armstrong, known professionally known as Joey Carbstrong, is an Australian animal rights activist”
“Furthermore, per capita carbon dioxide emissions in Europe and the US are still vastly higher than in China and India.”
China passed the UK’s per capita emissions as long ago as 2014. They’re now about 30% higher
* Kenneth Rogoff not BBC Harra as I first thought
There should be a worldwide tax on emissions backed by help for developing countries to cut CO2″
BBC Children in Need …
African Community School Hackney
Four-week holiday activity scheme for 60 young people in
Hackney from low income families. By attending the scheme,
young people will be positively empowered, improve peer
relationships and increase pride in their achievements. £8,985
Is that woman from ‘kidscompany ‘ called batman running it by any chance …. free money and drugs !
Careful or she’ll put a fatwa on you !
Batmanghelidjh was born in 1963 in Tehran, Iran, the third of four children, to Fereydoon Batmanghelidj (c. 1931–2004), a doctor, and his wife Lucile, a Belgian national
Dark PR trickery outfit Desmog on Moore
And so it begins.
Gelsenkirchen knifeman killed by German police ‘mentally ill’
IMHO They are ‘taking the p..’
You knnow the form surely? On entry to the EU all Muslim migrants are seen by a psychologist / psychiatrist, for some kind of spurious assessment, and then when they later go off to Alans snack bar the officials claim mental illness on the grounds he had contact with mental health professionals, even if their assessment showed nothing of any concern.
It’s done deliberately for this very situation.
Was he at Alan’s Snack Bar?
So when there was an allegation of isolated racism at the Spurs v Chelsea game a few weeks ago there was two days of non stop coverage on the BBC – it was the lead story, there was endless hand wringing, wholesale condemnation, every bulletin went on and on and on about it.
Tottenham, a club that has had to put up with decades of anti Semitic abuse from rival fans, was smeared right across the media with the BBC leading the way.
Now that both the football club and the police have confirmed there was absolutely no evidence of racist chanting – after checking cctv on every seat and involving lip reading experts – how are the BBC reporting it?
Well, on the news channel tonight, there was all of 25 seconds devoted to this story. Yep, I timed it.
It was tucked away in the sports round-up, just after the women’s FA Cup details. Not the type of follow-up the BBC wanted, it seems.
If I was the Spurs boss I’d be on the blower asking for an apology. The BBC’s agenda pushing garbage has got be stopped.
High time false accusations of racism were made a crime given how devastating one which sticks can be. This is one of the very few crimes where someone can make a false allegation and get away with it Scot
Not so long ago another guy was accused of this and although the story has gone very quiet he clearly was not making any kind of monkey gesture.
BBC religiously reporting all the ranting coming from mad Iranians – I think they’re in their fan club .
The BBC doesn’t like the threat the President Trump put up about hitting 52 cultural sites if Iran attacks American interests . I heard The BBC declare this to be a war crime – no ifs no buts .
However President Trumps version of a cultural target may no be the same as bubble dwellers – I’m thinking he might mean more about internet networks
And satellites channelling American programmes into Iran .
I’m severely limiting my BBC viewing and listening at the moment because to me it is just an extension of the Iranian State broadcaster with an uncritical approach to mad Islamic fundamentalists .
This morning a man was in one of the shops I go into frequently, and as everyone was chatty he was on about his holidays. He mentioned a few places until he came to Egypt. I asked him if he was fancying a Russian Roulette with his life.
He was utterly non plussed, couldn’t understand what I was talking about, and someone else had to explain to him about the killing of the Iranian General.
He then said he didn’t listen to the news perhaps he’s better start listening again.
This wasn’t some kid, it was a middle aged white guy driving a Mercedes and if someone like him isn’t listening to the news, how many others have the media turned away ?
BBC message
“Listen you Gammon, you are all going to die”
Jan 6th : The Inquiry
Will humans become extinct by the end of the century?
What is the chance of the human race surviving the 21st century?
There are many dangers – climate change for example, or nuclear war, or a pandemic, or planet Earth being hit by a giant asteroid.
Previous episodes
Why is there a backlash against climate policies?
THU 28 NOV 2019
How soon can we go carbon zero?
THU 7 NOV 2019
How can we save our forests?
THU 26 SEP 2019
That’s just one if about 14 BBC podcasts each week that push out Global Warming/GreenDream agendas
25 November 2019 Tom Neenan is Not All Men
How To Be An Environmentalist
Tom Neenan wants you to start respecting Mother Nature (along with all other women).
In this episode, he investigates how to be an environmentalist.
BBC podcast that pushes activism at kids : We Can Change The World
Climate Activism with Noga Levy-Rapoport
Isy Suttie speaks to Noga Levy-Rapoport about her fight against climate change.
I think I remember Noga Levy-Rapoport. Didn’t she ride with the North Shropshire?
October 20 th