This week the Far Left BBC is going to have to start to adjust to a new Parliament without the madness of the last one . Will it stay in denial as a form of Brexit approaches and there is nothing to stop it ? Will the BBC continue to be an extension of Iranian State Radio ?
Start the Week Thread 6th January 2020
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What Twitter advert do I get today ?
Here we go, a new series of afternoon Father Brown, set in 1953 in a rural village of Kembleford. Yesterday there was a West Indian character (no doubt off Windrush), and today in the second episode we have a glossy haired young chap from Calcutta. Its never ending.
Did you see Dr Who, there appeared to be an asian guy as a German officer in world war 2. I maybe wrong
Why is history being rewritten!
9/10 tv adverts are now mixed race couples – make no sense as 90% percentage of the population isn’t a mixed race couple lol
All part of The Project begun under Blair and due for completion around 2050.
Exactly my thoughts , recent BBC series the World On Fire , in one scene a British Army officer in Whitehall and yes …..African . Unfortunately my family members that were there at the time are now dead so I cannot confirm my suspicions , BBC rewriting history as usual so no surprise really
Charlie, back in the days when the BBC did proper history (and ITV, too) plus having met & worked with a white African (of British or English origin) I can confirm that many in the Commonwealth – as soon as it became obvious that the Home Country was in a serious spot of bother – volunteered, irrespective of their skin colour, to help out. There was also a fair amount of conscription of indigenous peoples, especially in parts of Africa and later in India, but it would be unlikely that they would make it to Officer rank early in the conflict.
I seem to recall that I was told by that colleague that the first shots were fired in 1914 and again in 1939, not in Europe but in Africa. Might be wrong on one of those – anyone help out?
Then, as another example, there was the Battle for Britain. I seem to recall that an early ace – flying out of Biggin Hill? – was ‘Sailor Malan’, an Afrikaaner South African. Ian Smith, from Rhodesia, was another (white) African who flew in the RAF.
How good it must have been to be free of this modern racism industry but to find people from many nations willing to help the UK for whatever motives they may have had in addition to a respect or even a love for the Home Country of the Commonwealth and not considering skin colour a barrier.
I have given up on modern TV and films, certainly all UK ones but even Scandi ones are following the same path of trying to normalise POC in our culture. We are still in the white folks badies , POC victims phase, but I’m sure that the next phase will be to have all authority figures played by POC whilst whitey will remain the baddy.
You’ve ruined it for me now, Brissles, I’m recording the entire series. Or I was…
I find I can only watch period dramas these days and even those are being infected by revisionist PC-ism.
The BBC just won’t leave well alone. They made a pig’s ear of The War of the Worlds, their attempt at A Christmas Carol was bleedin’ embarrassing and the new woke Doctor Who is downright irritating. I’ve started siding with the Daleks!
I’ve got a hunch I might give Father Brown a miss.
I think I’ll watch Countdown instead…
Jeff – best avoided – it was cheap tick box crap . I gave up after 1 episode .
Jeff, sorrrrrrry ! but I’ve probably done you a favour, as the storylines are not proving to be that brilliant anyway.
I’ve just watched Silent Witness (others have commented below), and every box has been ticked so racking up as the most pc programme ever, black family – tick, wheelchair – tick, mixed relationship – tick, disabled – tick, BUT no white family, I wonder why?
Brendan Cox appears to be giving ground.
I had a quick look at his tweet and have to say I’m very disappointed in people. Not a single person wrote a reply making an effort to link his comments about immigration to his love of holding young women by the throat and threatening to force himself upon them while working for a charity. Poor show people, poor show, must try harder.
It will take much more than a tweet to convince me that the charity version of Epstein has changed his spots.
Dehenna Davison cut a lonely figure on politics live today being the Tory on a table full of lefties.
I don’t suppose having Morticia Addams sitting next to her helped much.
Adam Fleming was again hosting the show.
I wonder where Joe Corbyn is? Maybe having counselling after Boris’ win and the soon to be Brexit.
I caught just a few minutes of Miss Long Bailey’s chat with the bee keeper on Toady this morning. Apart from the several things that she told us she had always been very clear about eg antiSemitism (if she had been very clear about this before the general election why hadn’t the BBC reported it?) but the girl speaks a language all of her own. She spoke of Jewish COMMUNAL relations (orthodox men would never share a changing room at the baths with the women but I presume this wasn’t what she was talking about) but re immigration where she spoke of it not being DETREMENTED for people. If she became prime minister I guess words would mean whatever she wanted them to mean, a very dangerous situation. There were a couple of other examples but one gives up.
“DETREMENTED for people”
Which PEOPLE?? is the question
Deborah, Until I read your post I was going to cast my £3 Miliband vote for Wrong Daily because I think that she is the leader most likely to keep Labour in opposition throughout he tenure. But I’m not Jewish and therefore I don’t live with the very real fear that Labour whilst still in the grip of anti semites could win a GE. No matter how improbable that is it is still a possibility. But are there any of the candidates who you believe are likely to be able to root out anti semitism from within the Labour Party? It is deeply embedded and Labour relies ever more heavily on the Muslim vote .
I was asked about antiSemitism today by my dentist. She didn’t know what it was about but had assumed it was just Labour were pro Palestine. I explained briefly a bit about what Labour MPs had to endure but also young Jewish students or Jewish people working in left wing organisations. She said that the BBC never really explained it.
I believe it is a Pandora’s box that has been opened. Do I believe any of the leadership candidates want to close it? I am not sure any of them are bright enough to see the stance as bringing in the Muslim vote except for Thornberry. I loathe the woman but she is not the idiot that the others are but I don’t think she would have the will to fight the antiSemitism in the party, she would think it tactically worth it for the Muslim votes it would bring in. Starmer doesn’t strike me as very bright (more concerned with his hair than policy). He reminds me of the Mayor, a rabbit in the headlights, certainly not capable of fighting the antiSemitism.
This leaves me with considering whether it is better left out in the open anyway so people can see the reality of these horrible antiSemites. The traditional Labour voters in the north who have lent Boris their vote are good people. I don’t think they would return to the Party whilst the Nazi element were obviously still a presence. But who knows? Relief for the moment but I cannot predict the future. Who to vote for, Doublethinker? I think Miss Long Bailey with her flatmate for deputy as their shortcomings are so obvious and I don’t think those Labour voters would vote for them just because they are women. They want someone who is priministerial not someone more suited to the sweet counter at Woolworths. But I could be wrong and again Jew’s would have to be packing their suitcases.
I think you are right , the anti semitism in Labour is best left on open display so all normal people can recoil from it. Therefore we need to hope that another Momentum approved person becomes leader, Wrong Daily is the best choice. If the BBC was doing it’s job Labour would be being investigated as an organisation giving succour to Islamic terror.
I’m reasonably intelligent Deborah, but even I was flummoxed as to what the hell she was talking about in an ad hoc interview on the street. Something about progressive relations in the community. eh ?
The Guardian reports on some poor Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellion folk who are upset because HS2 is evicting their long-term camp from lovely green belt west of London.
Speaking at the site, Sarah Green, 63, said: “This eviction is totally undermining our right to protest and freedom of assembly which has been granted to us by the high court. People are being made homeless without being given the opportunity to go to court to contest this eviction.”
If this lady is being made homeless where the hell did she come from?
Being made homeless? Obviously having a nice luxury yurt in a park on the fringe of London where you can catch a bus to the nearest demo is probably worth £1500 a week in rentable value so I can see why they are a bit bottom-lipped!
Iran strikes back at Trump
… by killing 50 mourners at the funeral of their own Revolutionary Army leader ?
They had been concocting appropriate responses. Thirteen of them, apparently.
In some cultures that is deemed unlucky.
OT, but BBC… you are up…
The Ecologist
A lack of diversity is destroying the green movement.
Rog, David… bunker down…
Blimey, that was quick.
Ricky, you are so up.
written by Mya-Rose Craig AKA Birdgirl
“only 16 year old
– She organised her first Race Equality in Nature Conference when she was 13 years old, managing to attract Bill Oddie as the key speaker.
– In September 2018 she was involved in writing the “Manifesto for Diversity in Nature Conservation” for Chris Packham”
“The environmental sector is institutionally racist.”
.. Hyper claim ..where is her hyper evidence ?
“Minority ethnic people make up 13 percent of the UK population, according to government figures, yet the 2015 Labour Force Survey shows that a minute 0.6 percent of 2015 Labour Force Survey shows that a minute 0.6 percent of environmental professionals are non-white.
This makes the environmental sector the least ethnically diverse after gardening (which has 0.2 percent non-white professionals). ”
Fallacy non-sequitur cos “correlation is not causation”
BAME could be deliberately choosing other fields in preference.
“This article was first published in Resurgence & Ecologist magazine.” here

Photo of that magazine’s team ..all 13 are white except the founder Satish Kumar
He is one of 3 men in the pic, vs 10 women
So is our young sjw saying ethnics don’t care about the environment and conservation?
How racist of her!
Yes kids… you too could go to Yooni and rack up a £60k debt to be able to write this!
Watching the Parliament Channel – it’s like having gone to the dentist and having ones ‘ teeth polished – that clean feeling as the traitor remainers ( the plaque ) has been brushed away leaving a few fillings – otherwise known as the SNP .
It will really come home on Wednesday when the new kids turn up for PMQs … popcorn at the ready …..
On the basis of ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’, the Trump-hating treacherous beeb are naturally pro the murderous theocracy in Iran.
However it’s encouraging to see more and more people sticking it to the beeb, such as the good colonel above, the Telegraph and the Express.
Nice to see someone echoing my view that the BBC is a branch of Iranian state television .
Col Richard Kemp on The Mike Graham show , which is now on Youtube these days
should autostart at 6m21s
Happy New Year to everyone on here, I’m sorry it’s so late.
I’m sure it has been mentioned but big kudos to Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes for showing up that bunch of self-serving, virtue signalling, preachy, pompous, hypocritical, woke twats for exactly what they are! ????
The unwoke are waking up!
Vive la revolution ????
Yes it’s been mentioned before but here it is again in case anyone missed it.
Equally fun is watching the Fox team mocking hypocritical, woke Hollywood.
Can’t imagine a bbc news studio openly enjoying and joining in the mockery.
Brilliant. Thanks for posting. We used to get Fox news here but Sky binned it. Ho hum.
Theleft – Happy new year to you too . Where have you been ? You’ve been missed . Fight the good fight .
Thank you Fedup ????
I said back in the Autumn that I hope Boris gets Brexit done and then turns his attention to al beeb, which he seems to be going the right way about doing ????
On a side note Fedup, here’s to a decent year for our boys at WHL ????
Lionel Shriver ought to be OK. She is usually very balanced and sensible.
I’m getting my news from twitter now – the USAF have conducted an exercise with 52 (fifty two ) F35 fighters and deployed B52s to Diego Garcia – about an hour from the gulf . Meanwhile I suppose the BBC is still celebrating their Iranian fallen hero . I understand they did a tribute hour documentary about him on Monday night ….
Fed, will the US Radio stations be playing ‘Love Shack’ night and day, beaming it into Iran? 😉
@Pug @Fed Since the Jacobson had already been on on Monday morning we’d already discussed it at 10:23 am , near the top of this same page.
Here’s a silly question. Perhaps BBC Panorama can investigate?
In a military contest, who would the Bookies favour in a USA v Iran show down?
The BBC needs to wake up to this. And no other Arab states are lining up with Iran to confront the USA. Trump has got their measure. And they know that.
Silent Witness.
New series BBC1
Plane comes down.
Suspect right wing terrorist attack.
10 min in
Switch off and read a book…
Davy, you beat me to it! The utter transparency and craven agenda messaging at any and every opportunity is infuriating!
More boxes ticked than an EU directive.
I’ve just registered (another) complaint with Al Beeb suggesting they apply for immediate Iranian citizenship such is their adoration for anything non-British.
I detest the BBC, everything they represent and anything they peddle.
Here we go.
Didn’t he read the house journal?
BBC could restrict journalists’ use of Twitter
Executive said to be considering move after rows during election campaign
– The Guardian
[by Vanessa Thorpe, Saturday 21 December 2019]
He is even quoted in the story:
Edwards also tweeted: “We are very far from being perfect at @BBCNews – but the bilge about ‘bias’ needs a response.”
Huw also liked this, whatever it is.
It’s on the beeb so it must be true
Withe their adulation of stormzy this is the culture that the BBC want to thrust down our young peoples throats….
In my opinion, close to being accomplices.
What?? An artiste of a violent misogynist musical genre that idolises sex, drugs, knife and gun crime has committed a murder??
Well I never!
Can anyone tell me why Clive Myrie had to be flown to Australia for the forest fires? Was there no native Australian who could have reported? Doesn’t the BBC care about his carbon footprint?
Earlier in the week it was shaimaa khalil from Pak. WHY??
The beeb have plenty of correspondents in Aus who could stand at a safe distance in front of some burning shrubland looking worried, then cut to some kangaroos and koalas.
Let me help with the script.
“Oh dear, this is terrible, and all because of global warming and Trump, horrible man.”
There. Job done.
Melanie Phillips :The Battle Against The Wicked Wokes Of The West
Newsnight BBC2 tonight isn’t even pretending to be impartial and has gone full left wing views only.
A panel of 4 Labour people discussing the Labour leadership campaign. The onto a bit about British films which quickly got onto leftie Ken Roach’s views with clips of his anti-Tory film ‘I, Daniel Blake’.
Looks like Iran are calling it on Trump !!!…….?
“Six rockets landed at Iraq’s Ain Al-Asad air base that contains US forces” — reports………….
Anything from Al Beeb’s Jeremy ?
I think the USA has decided there is no point in pretending that they can have any form of relationship with the current Iranian government. Hence the killing of the General. It then puts Iran on notice. Do your worst or back down and try to live with us and the world in peace. The onus is now on the Iranian leaders. They have to decide what to do. And in the knowledge that they personally can be targeted. A return to a more ancient way of resolving disputes.
It is likely that our media here over estimate the military capacity of Iran much as they did with Iraq. They have numbers but lack the modern weapons . The USA must have decided that Iran will develop the bomb unless it is stopped by force of arms or a cast iron agreement. It is fortunate that Iran is not of real strategic importance to China or Russia. In a real sense it is on it’s own except for it’s cheerleaders here.
What a good idea by up2 in an above post.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Surely this is the only response required to the pathetic protestations at the Golden Globes and BAFTA about the lack of BAME candidates, as so well-publicised by the BBC..
Iran’s Qiam-1 and Shahab-2 ballistic missiles don’t seem very scary according to ‘the trusted BBC’ (750 and 500 metres range respectively).
June reaches out to the core.
Easy to see why the NYT felt an ex BBC DG was the man to have in charge.
Isn’t this the equivalent of the nazi propaganda the Germans put out during WW2?
Shouldn’t somebody be punished for their support for the enemy?