I wonder if the BBC have checked the oil price today? They have had a daily mantra on BBC R4 from last Friday onwards about the oil price rocketing upward after Qasem Soleimani was killed.
It seems the beeb’s favourite young royals (so progressive, dahling, so diverse!) are to spend more time in Canada.
An immeasurable loss to the nation no doubt, but I’m sure the Princess of Woke will feel right at home with HRH the Supreme King of Woke.
(Here he is worshipping Krishna – or perhaps a high mirror. Even the Indians thought he was ridiculous.)
Being a soft republican I’ve got to say I don’t understand that move . One minute it’s charitees all the way – ethnic empowerment and god knows – next minute it’s off to Canada and exile . Is the princess actress going back to ‘suits ‘?
At least it’s a frothy diversion from important stuff for people who like royal stuff .
And wasn’t there a shed load of taxpayers ‘cash spent on converting some palace in Blighty ?
On the positive side , they could be an useful and extra link between the New World and GB , especially with trade deals now we are truly Brexiting.
Rule Britannia !
Given what Sparkles has said about President Trump, I imagine he wouldn’t want to have anything to do with either of them. They’d be toxic if they had any involvement in anything.
The best they can do for our country is to stay away and say as little as possible in public; just smile, pose, and shut up.
Twitter's power came from effectively eliminating class/influence. A user with 2 followers could reply or converse w/ Lady Gaga. But powerful people don't like being talked back to (celebs, politicians, journalists) so Twitter now just becomes a newspaper, the medium it killed. https://t.co/Z4PrqqRdEG
Consider : Kay Burley could put such restrictions on her tweets
but the Bay Kurley parody account could simply repost the tweet and we could all reply to that.
“A man who was cleared over a sword attack on police outside Buckingham Palace went on to plan a series of terror attacks, a court has heard. ” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51032652
One of those “men” again?
“Without the free movement of people you cannot have the free movement of capital and services.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-51028614
Funny , many countries in the rest of the world manage to trade quite well without “the free movement of people”?
They just don’t want to let go do they. Boris will have to be strong and get us out or he will be OUT.
Now , where has Rees-Mogg gone?
Well some good news that Her royal gaspingness Megain and her obviously pussywhipped husband have announced they are withdrawing from life as senior Royals, and will probably move to the Wokest place she can find – Canada.
Well their loss is our gain, despite the fact we will still have to pay around £600K for their security.
The media are playing this as their decision, but the probablity is more likely that other senior royals have had a hand in shunting this most unpopular pair off away from the UK to stop her from destroying the Monarchy.
A shame because before he met her, he seemed a decent popular guy with reasonable morals.
Oh my giddy aunt. Does this mean that in a 2040 edition of the Daily Mail we shall read an article claiming that “a man appeared in court today charged with verbal and physical assault on an elderly woman.
The court heard that the man, Harry Windsor, of no fixed abode had been sleeping rough close to Buckingham palace after parting from his wife some years ago. The woman claimed that Mr Windsor had kicked her in the shins and swore at her when she refused his request for 50p for a cup of tea?”
Well, that’s my evening stuffed…Moaning Meghan is leaving the country…and even worse news, she’s taking that pathetic dipstick, Harry with her. I’m distraught!
Apparently they’re going to become “financially independent.”
This I’d love to see!
WTF are they going to do? She was a bit part actress in a soap and Harry’s a…?
What do you reckon, a couple of extras in Eastenders?
Maybe popping up in I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here? If only!
One thing I’m certain of, we’ll definitely be seeing the woke and whinging duo doing the rounds on the endless American talk show circuit.
Poor Meg’s can bleat to her heart’s content about how harshly the little princess has been treated by the British media. And Harry can lecture us about CO2 and how we’ve all got to stop driving gas guzzlers and flying to Benidorm for our holidays and the horrific perils of global warming.
And then they’ll jet off to see Elton John…
Oh they’ll be popping back to represent her Maj at film premieres so they can walk the red carpets with their fellow celebs. While the plebs pay for their pad at Frogmore to be kept in tip top condition + all security issues.
This is the first stage in the divorce process. Megan was always too wilful and hungry for attention to be an ideal royal. She is clearly bored already with the rigidity of royal life and wants to break out – but she still wants the status. Harry doesn’t know how to be a strong man and keep his wife in line. Nor does he have the intelligence to see that she is tearing him away from his greatest supporter – his brother – and making him turn his back on his country and his people. Sooner or later his royal glamour will wear off for Megan and she will realise she has married a wimp. Irretrievable marriage breakdown will then ensue.
People say I’m too critical of Meghan Markle – but she ditched her family, ditched her Dad, ditched most of her old friends, split Harry from William & has now split him from the Royal Family.
I rest my case. pic.twitter.com/xgKLTt2Y0Z
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) January 8, 2020
Like (almost) every reader of this site I have been rightly basking in a mixture of being on the ‘right side of history’ for a change, and schadenfreude for the self-inflicted woes of the woke left in particular. Likewise the obvious trauma at the BBC.
But just a reminder that we must keep up the crusade (phrase used advisedly). I am one of the directors of a small (25 people) – let’s say ‘media’ business. Most of the staff are half my age – and lovely people. I never give them an inkling of my politics or support for Brexit for instance. This has had the benefit of allowing me to observe their more overt politics without them really realising that mine are very different.
What is very clear is that their worldview is almost entirely formed by the BBC and Guardian – literally. You might think that their worldview was formed by their politics. The morning after the election one Snowflake was literally in tears. This is a girl from a well-off middle-class background in an affluent Surrey town. She is well paid and so is her boyfriend who drives a brand new Tesla. Yet she somehow thought that everything would have been better under a near communist government.
But there is a very practical side to what is going on here. This admittedly already pretty ‘woke’ crew eschew the tabloids (particular horror of Mailonline). However, they won’t pay for the news. Hence (and I know because I see their laptop and mobile screens – just in passing of course) they see the BBC and Guardian as their go-to news choice. They see these as ‘highbrow’ but most importantly (unlike say the Times – which you think some might see as relatively ‘balanced’) they are free.
It’s also worth remembering that Google gives these titles a double advantage in their news search results and I think this is a factor too. Firstly (and perhaps not unreasonably because its algorithm demotes gated news sources), but of course much more corrupt, they have been shown by whistle-blowers to have manually downgraded anything other than left wing news sources by manually fiddling their algorithms.
I have no doubt that for these champagne millennials (with beer budgets for news) the free availability of these relentlessly biased titles has a massive impact on their politics. We should not rest until the BBC is de-funded and the Guardian loses its effective cross-subsidy from the BBC and the likes of Google.
“What is very clear is that their worldview is almost entirely formed by the BBC and Guardian – literally.”
Kafir, good post. This matches my experience of much of the media industry. Although the Mail online sidebar will be browsed in lunch breaks — ‘ironically’, of course, but everything that comes out of the Guardian is sacrosanct
And he’s not the only rap ‘artist’ being done for crimes:
“This isn’t Headie One’s first conviction.
The rapper was reportedly locked up for 30 months in 2014 after being caught with heroin and cocaine worth £30,000 in Aberdeen.
His lawyer at the time said he’d been acting as a drug courier to pay off debts.
Asked by the NME last year what his other convictions were for, he said “everything, really”.
“Drugs charges, violent charges. I’m lucky to be here today.”
Headie One is the latest UK musician to face jail time for carrying a knife, following on from Brit and Mercury Prize-nominated rapper J Hus, who received an eight month sentence in 2018.
Drill artist Unknown T, meanwhile, has been remanded in custody since being charged with murder in July and is awaiting the start of his trial.
YouTube has previously banned drill videos at the Metropolitan Police’s request, and last year two drill artists were found guilty of breaching a gang injunction when they performed one of their songs.”
‘Revolting and disgusting’ Corbyn and Thornberry blasted over response to US-Iran tensions.
JEREMY CORBYN and Emily Thornberry have been brutally lambasted over their response to the rising tensions between Iran and the US following the death of General Qassem Soleimani.
Speaking to Express.co.uk, a member of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Hossein Abedini, branded the Labour Party frontbenchers “revolting and disgusting” as he blasted both Jeremy Corbyn and leadership hopeful, Emily Thornberry, following their response to the US killing of General Qassem Soleimani. Mr Abedini said: “To be honest it’s revolting and disgusting trying to defend a brutal regime.
Skeptics have for weeks pointed out that the scaremongering signs , were being removed cos the doom hadn’t come.
Now CNN report late and say ” the signs are being changed”
@CNN again
their Chief International Anchor
tweets that Tim Flannery is a Climate Scientist
.doh like in the same way that I am an astronaut
Tim is a mammal scientist who is a wacko activist who makes wild predictions about Climate
And 7,800 idiots liked her tweet
Tim Flannery is Australia's most prominent climate scientist. Is he certain that climate change is to blame for Australia's devastating fires? He's unequivocal: "Yes, I am absolutely certain. The science is telling us this." pic.twitter.com/JaNBi8IWPz
Everyone knows that Bill Clinton went Epstein parties whereas Trump had distanced himself from Epstein
but media like the BBC don’t portray it that way.
Will they now after the SunUS report ?
WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton poses with Epstein’s ‘pimp’ Ghislaine Maxwell and a sex slave on board private jet the ‘Lolita Express’ https://t.co/dxIyqDy953
The heroic David Wood taking the p*ss out of Hollywood luvvies and the big censoring social media companies.
(And Wood really IS heroic, unlike the snowflake luvvies: by taking on islam he exposes himself to daily death threats. And they only have to be lucky once.)
I m no fan of mr Gervais and from my 5 minutes of watching “The Office ‘ thought it was a documentary and crap.
Anyway – it will be interesting what show biz does to him now that he has called out the industry in such a public and brutal way . Of the bits I’ve seen there were a lot in that audience stony faced .
Maybe Weinstein will call him as a character witness . … I wonder what film producers have replaced them casting couch ‘ with ?
The royal thing is being treated very seriously by the bee lady and the Asian work experience one .
The BBC has been selling the global warming lie all the time yet is not talking about the added air miles these two rich people will be adding as they commute between their palaces . I can’t see the American actress one sitting on a regular flight in economy . They’ll want a personal jet .
Maybe Harry can find a dodgy billionaire to fund him in the way Uncle Andy did . And since his missus is going to be back with the acting set he ll have plenty of time for a massage .
Talking of massages the BBC isn’t mentioning the pictures the Sun has published of an American President and Ms Maxwell the pimp or with ‘ a young friend ‘ .
Continuity announcer has a Jamaican accent.
Advert for a BBC something has a mixed race family delivering the message.
Advert for a black comedian show.
Woman with an African voice introduces the next programme.
Is it me, or are the majority white people being systematically excluded by the BBC?
Dover – Britain was never an ‘all white ‘ country – as BBC drama output clearly demonstrates . There have been many great black Britons in history – nelson -Winston – Lenny .
Some female ‘Reverend’ delivered the BABC’s ‘Thought for the Day’ earlier on Toady. A ‘green’ message no less needless to say. Recited in bad English I had a problem in following. Sounded African.
Glad I don’t have a licence and cannot have diversity and multikulti delivered relentlessly through my tv screen. It seems to be arriving at fever pitch from what I understand. Most normal people are noticing now and resent this shift up a gear by the Black & Asian Broadcasting Corp. Is the backlash starting? I look forward to hearing the next fall in the annual number of licenses purchased.
“Mixed race family”. Always black though. Not muslim and white. I wonder why. Perhaps the BABC recognise that members of the Religion of Peace would be most upset to see a fictitious muslim supposedly married to a Christian infidel. In reality, that would be certain death surely?
How about the series of events of enormous anti white race hate that completely destroyed her White father?
These Nazi’s have decided people from a mixed race background are always to be refered to through the lens of the most ethnic parent.
The same thing happened with Obama, who had a Black father. His mother and father seperated a few weeks after he was born and he was brought up in a White household, but despite this the anti white race haters who are every bit as bad the National Front and the BNP have erased his White mother from history.
The BBC is now promoting extremist race hate views which are every bit as unacceptable as they are when expressed by those they call the ‘far right’, only the target of their hate is different.
I don’t know whether it is just me or whether one changes once one notices what the BBC is doing in its messaging .
I support the view that Dom Cummings expressed about the civil service in the job advert last week that organisations are hot for ‘diversity ‘ in colour but not in ‘thought ‘ .
For the BBC there can only be one view – same for the trolls who turn up here and crawl back under their stone from time to time . I just see the BBC as a foreign enemy broadcaster now . Time’s up.
Amol turns to twitter to rally the bubble about… twitter.
If you want proof that, from a low base, Twitter has got so much worse so quickly of late, I recommend combining acclaimed BBC journalists and The Daily Mail in a single tweet.
Btw on a point of information he voted Remain, and wrote a Sunday Times column for many years. https://t.co/3vZNRmuuhq
Meanwhile, two giants of political thought combine.
Tune in to my first regular monthly phone-in of 2020 on @LBC with @mrjamesob. I'm looking forward to taking calls from Londoners about the issues that matter most to them. Watch and listen live at 10am #SpeakToSadiq
Fallacy : poor English in the headline
It certainly wasn’t the lowest sales for 25 years
but it was the year with the “lowest growth” in sales for 25 years.
A business can increase sales easily by dropping prices
but then it suffers lower profits.
It might prefer to instead not increase sales, but make savings in business and thus end up with higher profits.
I nearly burst a vein when this was reported on the local ITV news. They couldn’t help but editorialise the story by suggestng Greggs profits were largely down to the vegan sausage roll.
Here’s a thing, I remember when it was such a small company that it was called Gregg’s Of Gosforth. Since then it’s expanded from a North East based company to going National. They’ve rebranded the shops with new clean fonts. Their pricing is the right side of what customers want to pay (A trip to their outlet in Newcastle Airport is part of part of many families plan when flying to a holiday. A bacon roll and a coffee for about £3 versus £3 for a bottle of water once you pass passport control? Substantial Sandwiches and crisps for a family of 4 for under a tenner to eat on the plane versus an inflight meal for one costing £15?). They’ve leveraged said vegan sausage roll for publicity. They have shops in major cities open 24 hours a day.
I wish Greggs was a government run organisation only so I could find out how much the vegan sausage roll ACTUALLY contributes to their bottom line via a freedom of information request.
Okay everyone, I took one for the team and sat through episode 2 last night and to be fair the bulk of the damage and wokeness had already been done in episode 1.
It turns out that the whole Right Wing Terrorist angle was a bit of a red herring and wasn’t mentioned.
We’d already met all of the protagonists so it wouldn’t be right for me to rake over those coals again.
One slightly surreal moment to mention. The unidentified villain of the piece was delivering drugs to someone because he was encouraging people to commit suicide. He sent a message to the friend/victim to say he was on his way that read “Mohammed is coming to the mountain” which to me is just a play on the old saying that if one person can’t make it to a meeting, the other will go to them instead. This was met by a comment from one of the Silent Witness team of “hmmm he’s got delusions”. Eh? Very woke I’m sure, it was simply an old saying. Could’ve been worse, he could have sent it as a cartoon.
Anyway, nothing here to see. The clips to whet our appetite for next weeks story were edited like an MTV video so it was all a bit confusing. There does appear to be a scene where a senior detective accompanies the team into a very dangerous and sinister looking basement/stroke bunker. As you’d expect, because the character looks to be a senior officer she’s a woman. A heavily pregnant woman. I’m sure her wife supports her decision to do such dangerous physical work so far into her third trimester.
Why isnt. Doctor Who a tranny ? why not ? where are the disabled parking spaces for the Tardis why do we have one or two white males allowed ?
David Copperfield is now black, (90 % of the current population is NOT black, white women are not married to black men) so what is going on here ?
The country voted and guess what….it is a silent majority not twittering not allowed on the BBC and yet….
“”Amid high tensions – worsened by the US killing of top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani on 3 January – Iran has said it will not hand over the recovered black box flight recorders to Boeing or to the US.””
And the first ” person of colour” into the Royal family and ……..wheres the money ….wheres my money ? work ? why should I work, diversity in action and happening in most local governnment offices around the country
I will be starting a petition for mandatory jail sentences for false accuations of racism by job incompetent, sexual predatory,l misoginist wife beater people of a certain colour and religion
Titled “Iran missile attack: Did Tehran intentionally avoid US casualties?” they posit the theory that Iran are the mature and thoughtful ones, who wanted to take the high road and make their point in the most harmless way possible. Complete rubbish of course – anyone with a functioning brain can deduce that the attack was for domestic consumption only, knowing full well that a single US death would’ve unleashed hell on them.
If someone hadn't taped incident on cell phone, edited video of KY kids would have forever ruined these innocent boys’ lives. Proving again that any random stranger on the street with a cell phone is a better journalist than the people working at CNN. https://t.co/nsJEM6KRRt
Twitter overload has ranted that the media has been racist towards the reporting of Meghan. Utter nonsense, for a start they’re daren’t for fear of prosecution. The twatterati should look back to the beginning of this romance.
No, we don’t see a mixed race woman, we see someone who had ambitions in status. She came to Britain and wanted introductions to famous (and wealthy) footballers, and eyed up Ashley Cole. She was introduced to Harry and she hit the jackpot. Had he been a runner on the set of Suits would she have been equally enamoured ?
Harry has never met his father-in-law, someone with his upbringing should have insisted and done the ‘right’ thing. The chaos at the wedding with Kate’s tears, wanting air fresheners in church, demanding a particular tiara to wear, all didn’t bode well for the future.
All the reporting about how Harry has had to deal with his death of his mum at a young age, should be put to rest. Millions of kids lose their mum and get on with life, but Harry has dined out on it all his life Before his marriage he was always laughing when in the company of his brother and Kate, without any indication he was ‘suffering’ with royal life, and now he is forever scowling and miserable looking.
Perhaps baby no.2 could be on the cards, followed by a marriage split ?
She landed her royal prince, keeps the perks and the status, has mega endorsement deals to look forward to, but won’t have to put up with any of those tedious royal duties like smiling and shaking hands.
So, Meghan, what first attracted you to the millionaire royal prince?
Racist ? hmm first black in the RF and what happens ? where the money gimmee the money, work ? no way just the money
There is an unwritten moral code in this country yet we have immigrants begging for a passport and gang raping our children with the bbc aiding and abbetting through refusing to report yet happy to headline a “christian ” rapist any pakistani muslim rapsit is labelled asain
She is useful to black racists many of which infect our 85% white countrty, we have an illiterate violent idiot called “stromy” or something who thinks it appropriate to say that some kids shoold be allowed into Cambridge university because thay are black
Whether the American ex-TV-actress-divorcee is black or white on any particular day is down to Photoshop and the graphics editor working on the picture. If it’s a woke story, the filters are adjusted to darken her skin tone. If the story is trying to emphasise more traditional values, they lighten it. Take a look at a selection of photos of the Happy Couple and you’ll soon see what’s going on.
You’ve made a good point there Ian, AND in earlier pictures where she was happy to be photo’d with her Dad, her nose is identical to his – flat and wide, but look at it now – and its certainly not photoshopped !
If anybody has had anything to do with Government Departments in London, they will know that the staff are essentially foreigners masquerading as ‘British Citizens’. If they have anything to do with the drafting of the proposed legislation and following, in a position to check the accuracy/correctness, well………………..
You will know what it’s like trying to discuss a PC problem with some techie in India.
So some woman gets “gang raped” allegedly, all over the bbc (Jews) and banging on about Epstein, and a 13 year old girl in this country ? REPEATEDLEY gang raped , oh its the muzzie rapers again we will ignore it where can we find an ALLEGED jewish sex crime
No mention of country of origin with the muzzie rapers yet isreali
INNOCENT until proven guitly all over their website
This is the anti white male anti jew woke mentality at its finest, no due process of justice just a witch hunt if the victim fits ther ptofile
I see that over on the Grundian, that illegal migrants entering Greece and the rest of the EU are now referred to as “ Irregular” migrants!
Apart from animals on the African Plains, what is regular migration?
What next?
They are all racist nasty bastards as anyone who has had the misfortune to encounter them will find but…..all seem very offended whwen a comment is made about their vassals made to cover themselves, funny that, such sensetive people while they attack jews and homosexuals etc etc
Two singled out for good performances last night. Which one gets a spot on the BBC home page? Aston Villa’s Jack Grealish, or a man of Bangladeshi descent with a massive afro? Hamza Choudhury: Leicester’s Brendan Rodgers says midfielder gave side ‘identity back’. Complete with discussion and interactive vote: ‘Should Hamza Choudhury be given an England call-up?’
Actually in the post-match conference Brendan said quite a few things, but apparently none so important as those praising Choudhury who (via Wiki) “reads the Quran and says that before leaving the changing room for a match, he recites Ayat al-Kursi and other duas”. Just don’t mention the tweets from 2013 where expressed no sympathy for people who commit suicide, criticised lady football and cracked the joke “Why are black people so fast… because the slow ones are in prison.”
No, last night he gave Leicester their ‘identity back’. I see what you did there, BBC.
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I wonder if the BBC have checked the oil price today? They have had a daily mantra on BBC R4 from last Friday onwards about the oil price rocketing upward after Qasem Soleimani was killed.
Will they mention the oil price tomorrow?
It seems the beeb’s favourite young royals (so progressive, dahling, so diverse!) are to spend more time in Canada.
An immeasurable loss to the nation no doubt, but I’m sure the Princess of Woke will feel right at home with HRH the Supreme King of Woke.
(Here he is worshipping Krishna – or perhaps a high mirror. Even the Indians thought he was ridiculous.)
Being a soft republican I’ve got to say I don’t understand that move . One minute it’s charitees all the way – ethnic empowerment and god knows – next minute it’s off to Canada and exile . Is the princess actress going back to ‘suits ‘?
At least it’s a frothy diversion from important stuff for people who like royal stuff .
And wasn’t there a shed load of taxpayers ‘cash spent on converting some palace in Blighty ?
On the positive side , they could be an useful and extra link between the New World and GB , especially with trade deals now we are truly Brexiting.
Rule Britannia !
Given what Sparkles has said about President Trump, I imagine he wouldn’t want to have anything to do with either of them. They’d be toxic if they had any involvement in anything.
The best they can do for our country is to stay away and say as little as possible in public; just smile, pose, and shut up.
“……are to spend more time in Canada.”
Is it me or is the BABC constantly referring to, “North America”?
“North America” was said by the couple themselves. It seems to have been said deliberately to blur or widen the possibilities.
And so it begins. The bubble hardens.
Consider : Kay Burley could put such restrictions on her tweets
but the Bay Kurley parody account could simply repost the tweet and we could all reply to that.
“A man who was cleared over a sword attack on police outside Buckingham Palace went on to plan a series of terror attacks, a court has heard. ”
One of those “men” again?
just how did he get cleared of the sword attack
what kind of morons are on jury service
Other “men”?
“Without the free movement of people you cannot have the free movement of capital and services.”
Funny , many countries in the rest of the world manage to trade quite well without “the free movement of people”?
They just don’t want to let go do they. Boris will have to be strong and get us out or he will be OUT.
Now , where has Rees-Mogg gone?
there is no free movement of services in the EU
its a lie digby jones shot that one down years ago
If it comes to war, Iran won’t need a Lord Haw-Haw.
They’ve already got Al-beeb to do their propaganda for them.
And Lord Hall-Hall.
Well some good news that Her royal gaspingness Megain and her obviously pussywhipped husband have announced they are withdrawing from life as senior Royals, and will probably move to the Wokest place she can find – Canada.
Well their loss is our gain, despite the fact we will still have to pay around £600K for their security.
The media are playing this as their decision, but the probablity is more likely that other senior royals have had a hand in shunting this most unpopular pair off away from the UK to stop her from destroying the Monarchy.
A shame because before he met her, he seemed a decent popular guy with reasonable morals.
They’re now being compared to Edward and Wallace Simpson.
Next thing, well see photographs of him dressed as a girl and being pushed around in a pram ( perambulator).
Oh my giddy aunt. Does this mean that in a 2040 edition of the Daily Mail we shall read an article claiming that “a man appeared in court today charged with verbal and physical assault on an elderly woman.
The court heard that the man, Harry Windsor, of no fixed abode had been sleeping rough close to Buckingham palace after parting from his wife some years ago. The woman claimed that Mr Windsor had kicked her in the shins and swore at her when she refused his request for 50p for a cup of tea?”
Well, that’s my evening stuffed…Moaning Meghan is leaving the country…and even worse news, she’s taking that pathetic dipstick, Harry with her. I’m distraught!
Apparently they’re going to become “financially independent.”
This I’d love to see!
WTF are they going to do? She was a bit part actress in a soap and Harry’s a…?
What do you reckon, a couple of extras in Eastenders?
Maybe popping up in I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here? If only!
One thing I’m certain of, we’ll definitely be seeing the woke and whinging duo doing the rounds on the endless American talk show circuit.
Poor Meg’s can bleat to her heart’s content about how harshly the little princess has been treated by the British media. And Harry can lecture us about CO2 and how we’ve all got to stop driving gas guzzlers and flying to Benidorm for our holidays and the horrific perils of global warming.
And then they’ll jet off to see Elton John…
Oh they’ll be popping back to represent her Maj at film premieres so they can walk the red carpets with their fellow celebs. While the plebs pay for their pad at Frogmore to be kept in tip top condition + all security issues.
This is the first stage in the divorce process. Megan was always too wilful and hungry for attention to be an ideal royal. She is clearly bored already with the rigidity of royal life and wants to break out – but she still wants the status. Harry doesn’t know how to be a strong man and keep his wife in line. Nor does he have the intelligence to see that she is tearing him away from his greatest supporter – his brother – and making him turn his back on his country and his people. Sooner or later his royal glamour will wear off for Megan and she will realise she has married a wimp. Irretrievable marriage breakdown will then ensue.
Great response from Piers Morgan………..
People say I’m too critical of Meghan Markle – but she ditched her family, ditched her Dad, ditched most of her old friends, split Harry from William & has now split him from the Royal Family.
I rest my case. pic.twitter.com/xgKLTt2Y0Z
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) January 8, 2020
I think you may be right – it will be an interesting (well a little) tale to follow to see if you are correct
When she first hove into view many people were saying, “Here comes trouble”.
Like (almost) every reader of this site I have been rightly basking in a mixture of being on the ‘right side of history’ for a change, and schadenfreude for the self-inflicted woes of the woke left in particular. Likewise the obvious trauma at the BBC.
But just a reminder that we must keep up the crusade (phrase used advisedly). I am one of the directors of a small (25 people) – let’s say ‘media’ business. Most of the staff are half my age – and lovely people. I never give them an inkling of my politics or support for Brexit for instance. This has had the benefit of allowing me to observe their more overt politics without them really realising that mine are very different.
What is very clear is that their worldview is almost entirely formed by the BBC and Guardian – literally. You might think that their worldview was formed by their politics. The morning after the election one Snowflake was literally in tears. This is a girl from a well-off middle-class background in an affluent Surrey town. She is well paid and so is her boyfriend who drives a brand new Tesla. Yet she somehow thought that everything would have been better under a near communist government.
But there is a very practical side to what is going on here. This admittedly already pretty ‘woke’ crew eschew the tabloids (particular horror of Mailonline). However, they won’t pay for the news. Hence (and I know because I see their laptop and mobile screens – just in passing of course) they see the BBC and Guardian as their go-to news choice. They see these as ‘highbrow’ but most importantly (unlike say the Times – which you think some might see as relatively ‘balanced’) they are free.
It’s also worth remembering that Google gives these titles a double advantage in their news search results and I think this is a factor too. Firstly (and perhaps not unreasonably because its algorithm demotes gated news sources), but of course much more corrupt, they have been shown by whistle-blowers to have manually downgraded anything other than left wing news sources by manually fiddling their algorithms.
I have no doubt that for these champagne millennials (with beer budgets for news) the free availability of these relentlessly biased titles has a massive impact on their politics. We should not rest until the BBC is de-funded and the Guardian loses its effective cross-subsidy from the BBC and the likes of Google.
Kafir, very interesting post. Valuable info. Thanks.
As Dr Patrick Moore would point out: you have been doing science! It starts with observation.
“What is very clear is that their worldview is almost entirely formed by the BBC and Guardian – literally.”
Kafir, good post. This matches my experience of much of the media industry. Although the Mail online sidebar will be browsed in lunch breaks — ‘ironically’, of course, but everything that comes out of the Guardian is sacrosanct
“… the Times – which you think some might see as relatively ‘balanced’…”
Very judicious choice of words there.
“Rapper Headie One jailed for six months”
Providing inspirational ‘music’ ?
And he’s not the only rap ‘artist’ being done for crimes:
“This isn’t Headie One’s first conviction.
The rapper was reportedly locked up for 30 months in 2014 after being caught with heroin and cocaine worth £30,000 in Aberdeen.
His lawyer at the time said he’d been acting as a drug courier to pay off debts.
Asked by the NME last year what his other convictions were for, he said “everything, really”.
“Drugs charges, violent charges. I’m lucky to be here today.”
Headie One is the latest UK musician to face jail time for carrying a knife, following on from Brit and Mercury Prize-nominated rapper J Hus, who received an eight month sentence in 2018.
Drill artist Unknown T, meanwhile, has been remanded in custody since being charged with murder in July and is awaiting the start of his trial.
YouTube has previously banned drill videos at the Metropolitan Police’s request, and last year two drill artists were found guilty of breaching a gang injunction when they performed one of their songs.”
Charming bunch.
Prison seem to well in some diversity quotas
… I wonder is some minorities are under-represented ? ethnic Chinese or Sikhs etc.
Quite how the real is meant to deal with these guys is mystifying.
The bubble.
Here’s an opinion you won’t hear much on Al-beeb:
‘Revolting and disgusting’ Corbyn and Thornberry blasted over response to US-Iran tensions.
JEREMY CORBYN and Emily Thornberry have been brutally lambasted over their response to the rising tensions between Iran and the US following the death of General Qassem Soleimani.
Speaking to Express.co.uk, a member of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Hossein Abedini, branded the Labour Party frontbenchers “revolting and disgusting” as he blasted both Jeremy Corbyn and leadership hopeful, Emily Thornberry, following their response to the US killing of General Qassem Soleimani. Mr Abedini said: “To be honest it’s revolting and disgusting trying to defend a brutal regime.
This CNN report seems dishonest spin to me.
Skeptics have for weeks pointed out that the scaremongering signs , were being removed cos the doom hadn’t come.
Now CNN report late and say ” the signs are being changed”
@CNN again
their Chief International Anchor
tweets that Tim Flannery is a Climate Scientist
.doh like in the same way that I am an astronaut
Tim is a mammal scientist who is a wacko activist who makes wild predictions about Climate
And 7,800 idiots liked her tweet
People keep saying, mysteriously, that the bush fires are somehow linked to Australia’s dependence on exporting coal. What can the link be?
Everyone knows that Bill Clinton went Epstein parties whereas Trump had distanced himself from Epstein
but media like the BBC don’t portray it that way.
Will they now after the SunUS report ?
Yes that is one of the first stories in the new US version of the UK Sun
The heroic David Wood taking the p*ss out of Hollywood luvvies and the big censoring social media companies.
(And Wood really IS heroic, unlike the snowflake luvvies: by taking on islam he exposes himself to daily death threats. And they only have to be lucky once.)
I m no fan of mr Gervais and from my 5 minutes of watching “The Office ‘ thought it was a documentary and crap.
Anyway – it will be interesting what show biz does to him now that he has called out the industry in such a public and brutal way . Of the bits I’ve seen there were a lot in that audience stony faced .
Maybe Weinstein will call him as a character witness . … I wonder what film producers have replaced them casting couch ‘ with ?
Labour 2019:
“Poor people can’t afford to pay for ID to vote”.
Labour 2020:
“Just £25 to vote for our leader.”
#Hypocrites @UKLabour
Actually normal rate is £4.38 month
£2.21 concessions
or £3 year for students under 19
Toady watch
The royal thing is being treated very seriously by the bee lady and the Asian work experience one .
The BBC has been selling the global warming lie all the time yet is not talking about the added air miles these two rich people will be adding as they commute between their palaces . I can’t see the American actress one sitting on a regular flight in economy . They’ll want a personal jet .
Maybe Harry can find a dodgy billionaire to fund him in the way Uncle Andy did . And since his missus is going to be back with the acting set he ll have plenty of time for a massage .
Talking of massages the BBC isn’t mentioning the pictures the Sun has published of an American President and Ms Maxwell the pimp or with ‘ a young friend ‘ .
But as I said yesterday it’s meaningless froth.
Very important news
Which countries love Trump the most and least?
We already know the corporations side. Maybe do the same “news” for saint obama?
BBC1 TV 07.58 today:
Continuity announcer has a Jamaican accent.
Advert for a BBC something has a mixed race family delivering the message.
Advert for a black comedian show.
Woman with an African voice introduces the next programme.
Is it me, or are the majority white people being systematically excluded by the BBC?
Is this racist?
Dover – Britain was never an ‘all white ‘ country – as BBC drama output clearly demonstrates . There have been many great black Britons in history – nelson -Winston – Lenny .
Just another reason not to consume BBC products .
Fed – My BBC consumption lasted for two minutes this morning. The evidence of bias is non-stop.
The BBC is like an unstoppable mad giant rampaging through society.
Some female ‘Reverend’ delivered the BABC’s ‘Thought for the Day’ earlier on Toady. A ‘green’ message no less needless to say. Recited in bad English I had a problem in following. Sounded African.
Glad I don’t have a licence and cannot have diversity and multikulti delivered relentlessly through my tv screen. It seems to be arriving at fever pitch from what I understand. Most normal people are noticing now and resent this shift up a gear by the Black & Asian Broadcasting Corp. Is the backlash starting? I look forward to hearing the next fall in the annual number of licenses purchased.
“Mixed race family”. Always black though. Not muslim and white. I wonder why. Perhaps the BABC recognise that members of the Religion of Peace would be most upset to see a fictitious muslim supposedly married to a Christian infidel. In reality, that would be certain death surely?
Good point, G!
#CCBGB and, boy, do they deserve to.
They need to get Katz and muppets back ASAP to restore credibility.
How about the series of events of enormous anti white race hate that completely destroyed her White father?
These Nazi’s have decided people from a mixed race background are always to be refered to through the lens of the most ethnic parent.
The same thing happened with Obama, who had a Black father. His mother and father seperated a few weeks after he was born and he was brought up in a White household, but despite this the anti white race haters who are every bit as bad the National Front and the BNP have erased his White mother from history.
The BBC is now promoting extremist race hate views which are every bit as unacceptable as they are when expressed by those they call the ‘far right’, only the target of their hate is different.
If we hadn’t been told (repeatedly) that Meghan is black, it wouldn’t have occurred to us to think she was.
I don’t know whether it is just me or whether one changes once one notices what the BBC is doing in its messaging .
I support the view that Dom Cummings expressed about the civil service in the job advert last week that organisations are hot for ‘diversity ‘ in colour but not in ‘thought ‘ .
For the BBC there can only be one view – same for the trolls who turn up here and crawl back under their stone from time to time . I just see the BBC as a foreign enemy broadcaster now . Time’s up.
The Royal family behind the scenes at the news thicko Harry and Her Royal Graspingness were stepping back from their roles:
Not. Enough. Popcorn.
Amol turns to twitter to rally the bubble about… twitter.
Meanwhile, two giants of political thought combine.
Guest, I think Amol is muddled – The Humph was at the BBC for much longer than 32 years!
“..acclaimed BBC journalists” who exactly? Jesus they are up their own ar**s.
TOADY Watch #1 – Anyone mention the oil price?
No, I thought not.
20,000 staff.
£5,000,000,000 budget
Fallacy : poor English in the headline
It certainly wasn’t the lowest sales for 25 years
but it was the year with the “lowest growth” in sales for 25 years.
A business can increase sales easily by dropping prices
but then it suffers lower profits.
It might prefer to instead not increase sales, but make savings in business and thus end up with higher profits.
I nearly burst a vein when this was reported on the local ITV news. They couldn’t help but editorialise the story by suggestng Greggs profits were largely down to the vegan sausage roll.
Here’s a thing, I remember when it was such a small company that it was called Gregg’s Of Gosforth. Since then it’s expanded from a North East based company to going National. They’ve rebranded the shops with new clean fonts. Their pricing is the right side of what customers want to pay (A trip to their outlet in Newcastle Airport is part of part of many families plan when flying to a holiday. A bacon roll and a coffee for about £3 versus £3 for a bottle of water once you pass passport control? Substantial Sandwiches and crisps for a family of 4 for under a tenner to eat on the plane versus an inflight meal for one costing £15?). They’ve leveraged said vegan sausage roll for publicity. They have shops in major cities open 24 hours a day.
I wish Greggs was a government run organisation only so I could find out how much the vegan sausage roll ACTUALLY contributes to their bottom line via a freedom of information request.
Bad week for Al-beeb.
Pelosi’s starting to look stupid with her dithering.
Iran hasn’t (yet) triggered WW3 as they’d hoped so they could blame Trump, the most evil man in their universe.
They’re losing their favourite woke and diverse royals.
Ricky put the boot in to their beloved uber-woke ‘celebs’, and by extension the like-minded beeb.
(Btw beeb, THAT is speaking truth to power, not the pathetic fawnication you do whenever you’re within a mile of a celeb.)
Okay everyone, I took one for the team and sat through episode 2 last night and to be fair the bulk of the damage and wokeness had already been done in episode 1.
It turns out that the whole Right Wing Terrorist angle was a bit of a red herring and wasn’t mentioned.
We’d already met all of the protagonists so it wouldn’t be right for me to rake over those coals again.
One slightly surreal moment to mention. The unidentified villain of the piece was delivering drugs to someone because he was encouraging people to commit suicide. He sent a message to the friend/victim to say he was on his way that read “Mohammed is coming to the mountain” which to me is just a play on the old saying that if one person can’t make it to a meeting, the other will go to them instead. This was met by a comment from one of the Silent Witness team of “hmmm he’s got delusions”. Eh? Very woke I’m sure, it was simply an old saying. Could’ve been worse, he could have sent it as a cartoon.
Anyway, nothing here to see. The clips to whet our appetite for next weeks story were edited like an MTV video so it was all a bit confusing. There does appear to be a scene where a senior detective accompanies the team into a very dangerous and sinister looking basement/stroke bunker. As you’d expect, because the character looks to be a senior officer she’s a woman. A heavily pregnant woman. I’m sure her wife supports her decision to do such dangerous physical work so far into her third trimester.
Why isnt. Doctor Who a tranny ? why not ? where are the disabled parking spaces for the Tardis why do we have one or two white males allowed ?
David Copperfield is now black, (90 % of the current population is NOT black, white women are not married to black men) so what is going on here ?
The country voted and guess what….it is a silent majority not twittering not allowed on the BBC and yet….
“Three British subjects die in the Iran plane crash”.
“The victims are named as Mohammed Reza Kadkhoda-Zadeh, 40, Sam Zokaei, 35 and Saeed Tahmasebi Khademasadi, 35, and wife, Niloofar Ebrahim.”…………………
Of Britain or off a cheap french lifeboat ?
Also 63 “Canadians” who appear to be mostly all Iranian Students on their way back to Canadian Universities, but no… They are Canadians…
Hint to BBC.
Royalty + Harry + DNA = ‘major rift’
BBC Online News:
“”Amid high tensions – worsened by the US killing of top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani on 3 January – Iran has said it will not hand over the recovered black box flight recorders to Boeing or to the US.””
The BBC refuse to accept that he was a Terrorist with the blood of thousands on his hands. Same stance as Corbyn.
He is simply referred to as a ‘Top Iranian General’. Was Himmler a ‘Top German General’?
Green Natalie Bennett is excited by this. I wonder if the bbc will be too?
Or if the BBC might run a ‘Farming while White’ from an A&E or morgue in SA?
And the first ” person of colour” into the Royal family and ……..wheres the money ….wheres my money ? work ? why should I work, diversity in action and happening in most local governnment offices around the country
I will be starting a petition for mandatory jail sentences for false accuations of racism by job incompetent, sexual predatory,l misoginist wife beater people of a certain colour and religion
There’s an article on the Beeb’s news page that clearly shows where their loyalties lie in the ongoing kerfuffle between Iran and the U.S.
Titled “Iran missile attack: Did Tehran intentionally avoid US casualties?” they posit the theory that Iran are the mature and thoughtful ones, who wanted to take the high road and make their point in the most harmless way possible. Complete rubbish of course – anyone with a functioning brain can deduce that the attack was for domestic consumption only, knowing full well that a single US death would’ve unleashed hell on them.
The news given out within Iran is that 80 Americans were killed in the attack, so the Iranians are keeping both sides happy.
Re Covington kids libelled by MSM
Bad week for Iran:
– They lose their top terrorist general.
– Dozens of hysterical mourners die in stampede.
– Their blizzard of revenge missiles create, erm, a few small holes in the desert somewhere.
– A plane crashes on their soil killing many Iranians.
– They suffer an earthquake near a nuclear power station.
Almost as if even Allah doesn’t like his chosen theocracy much.
Or the curse of the Donald?
Twitter overload has ranted that the media has been racist towards the reporting of Meghan. Utter nonsense, for a start they’re daren’t for fear of prosecution. The twatterati should look back to the beginning of this romance.
No, we don’t see a mixed race woman, we see someone who had ambitions in status. She came to Britain and wanted introductions to famous (and wealthy) footballers, and eyed up Ashley Cole. She was introduced to Harry and she hit the jackpot. Had he been a runner on the set of Suits would she have been equally enamoured ?
Harry has never met his father-in-law, someone with his upbringing should have insisted and done the ‘right’ thing. The chaos at the wedding with Kate’s tears, wanting air fresheners in church, demanding a particular tiara to wear, all didn’t bode well for the future.
All the reporting about how Harry has had to deal with his death of his mum at a young age, should be put to rest. Millions of kids lose their mum and get on with life, but Harry has dined out on it all his life Before his marriage he was always laughing when in the company of his brother and Kate, without any indication he was ‘suffering’ with royal life, and now he is forever scowling and miserable looking.
Perhaps baby no.2 could be on the cards, followed by a marriage split ?
Lucky Meghan, eh?
She landed her royal prince, keeps the perks and the status, has mega endorsement deals to look forward to, but won’t have to put up with any of those tedious royal duties like smiling and shaking hands.
So, Meghan, what first attracted you to the millionaire royal prince?
Racist ? hmm first black in the RF and what happens ? where the money gimmee the money, work ? no way just the money
There is an unwritten moral code in this country yet we have immigrants begging for a passport and gang raping our children with the bbc aiding and abbetting through refusing to report yet happy to headline a “christian ” rapist any pakistani muslim rapsit is labelled asain
She’s NOT Black despite the anti White race hate! Please don’t be deceived by these people.
Megain Sparkle is as much White as she is Black despite her best efforts to distance herself from and erase her white father from her past.
She is useful to black racists many of which infect our 85% white countrty, we have an illiterate violent idiot called “stromy” or something who thinks it appropriate to say that some kids shoold be allowed into Cambridge university because thay are black
We have racists in America saying that BAFTA awards should be handed to people because they are black
Whether the American ex-TV-actress-divorcee is black or white on any particular day is down to Photoshop and the graphics editor working on the picture. If it’s a woke story, the filters are adjusted to darken her skin tone. If the story is trying to emphasise more traditional values, they lighten it. Take a look at a selection of photos of the Happy Couple and you’ll soon see what’s going on.
You’ve made a good point there Ian, AND in earlier pictures where she was happy to be photo’d with her Dad, her nose is identical to his – flat and wide, but look at it now – and its certainly not photoshopped !
It is an abuse of language to call her black. She looks slightly exotic in an unspecified way, that is all.
I’ve referred to this rapidly growing problem before: the wording/quality of legislation. It’s been deteriorating for decades. That’s why it needs oversight to halt inappropriate words or terminology or, even purpose, entering the law.
If anybody has had anything to do with Government Departments in London, they will know that the staff are essentially foreigners masquerading as ‘British Citizens’. If they have anything to do with the drafting of the proposed legislation and following, in a position to check the accuracy/correctness, well………………..
You will know what it’s like trying to discuss a PC problem with some techie in India.
I have worked in London and know this as a fact
They have a vested interest in commercial.
So some woman gets “gang raped” allegedly, all over the bbc (Jews) and banging on about Epstein, and a 13 year old girl in this country ? REPEATEDLEY gang raped , oh its the muzzie rapers again we will ignore it where can we find an ALLEGED jewish sex crime
No mention of country of origin with the muzzie rapers yet isreali
INNOCENT until proven guitly all over their website
This is the anti white male anti jew woke mentality at its finest, no due process of justice just a witch hunt if the victim fits ther ptofile
Why Brexit Stage Two “may” turn into a rocky ride.. reports the eu.bc
So this may, may not, might, might not…. beeb give up, we know the reliability of your reporting doesn’t stand for much
I see that over on the Grundian, that illegal migrants entering Greece and the rest of the EU are now referred to as “ Irregular” migrants!
Apart from animals on the African Plains, what is regular migration?
What next?
They are all racist nasty bastards as anyone who has had the misfortune to encounter them will find but…..all seem very offended whwen a comment is made about their vassals made to cover themselves, funny that, such sensetive people while they attack jews and homosexuals etc etc
A Tale of Two Footballers —
Two singled out for good performances last night. Which one gets a spot on the BBC home page? Aston Villa’s Jack Grealish, or a man of Bangladeshi descent with a massive afro? Hamza Choudhury: Leicester’s Brendan Rodgers says midfielder gave side ‘identity back’. Complete with discussion and interactive vote: ‘Should Hamza Choudhury be given an England call-up?’
Actually in the post-match conference Brendan said quite a few things, but apparently none so important as those praising Choudhury who (via Wiki) “reads the Quran and says that before leaving the changing room for a match, he recites Ayat al-Kursi and other duas”. Just don’t mention the tweets from 2013 where expressed no sympathy for people who commit suicide, criticised lady football and cracked the joke “Why are black people so fast… because the slow ones are in prison.”
No, last night he gave Leicester their ‘identity back’. I see what you did there, BBC.
Stanley Matthews is turning in his grave at the state of ‘British Football’.