New pop celebrities to perfectly fit the BBC’s very Limited Public Image
‘British-Jamaican soul singer Celeste has won BBC Music’s Sound of 2020, which is given to artists who are tipped for success in the coming year’
Lost me already. I thought the definition of British was possession of a British passport. If we’re getting into hyphenated nationality, I suppose we must start to talk about English-British, right?
But come on BBC can’t we talk about the music rather than this young lady’s half white/ half black identity?
‘entrancing voice and jazz-steeped songs’ OK fair enough but we soon come back to identity and boy does this girl tick some boxes….
‘Born in Los Angeles and raised in Brighton’ – Two liberal hot spots, not exactly fresh from the mean streets, is she?
‘She wrote her first song, Sirens, at the age of 17, in tribute to her Jamaican father, who had died of lung cancer a year earlier’ That’s a shame – but later we find ‘When I met my dad for the first time as an adult’. So, couple of points – I thought 18s and under were children by BBC classification? Still, she was brought up by a single mother (or some completely overlooked subsequent partner to her mother) anyway, another BBC box well ticked.
‘Celeste’s mother, Debbie, was a stylist who worked on films in Hong Kong and LA before returning to England’
So, pretty much a showbiz family.
Runners-up in the BBC’s Sound of 2020?
‘The genre-hopping quintet formed “on a whim” in a pub two years ago, after earning their stripes in an assortment of swing and reggae bands around the city.’
Frontman Murray Matravers:
‘I was brought up on an organic farm, and we’ve had to change the way we farm completely in the last 10 years because of the weather. We can’t plant certain crops at the same time we used to because it rains, or it’s too hot or it’s too cold. And this is England – we have a moderate climate. If you’re already facing an extreme climate, and then you add global warming and climate change on top of it, it becomes almost impossible to farm’
Ok we get the picture.
AISI, the Amy Winehouse sound-alike (tribute band all on her own) looked very pale in this raunchy photo that the BBC have taken down from their HomePage but is still here:
The BBC, I note, are trying to blame Celeste being sacked from her job because of her ‘love of music’ by some evil Scrooge of an employer and not because she simply bunked off work to write songs and wasn’t ‘putting in the hours’.
Did I hear correctly – the first item of news on Twato?
Hospital A&E waiting times dropped beneath 80% being seen within four hours. Please correct me if I’m wrong but that’s roughly eight out of ten patients still being seen within four hours is it not?
Anyway, point being, the item was brought to the listener by the BABC reporter saying that the delays were due to, “….a growing elderly population….”. I’m actually sure he got the alternative right otherwise I misheard him say, the delays were due to, “….a growing AND elderly population….”, which is totally correct. If the latter, deviating from the BABC’s editorial attempts to subtly massage in error, he is in for his firs written letter. It could be as serious as that.
Problem is, once you understand the essentially dishonest way the BABC operate in their news delivery, it’s not possible to put anything past them.
Lies, damned lies and statistics.
What matters if they’re trying to make political mileage out of numbers is this.
How many people presented to A&E in November
How many people presented to A&E in December.
If it was exactly the same amount then they performed more poorly. However the percentage difference is minuscule while the demands can differ wildly. Drunkenness, headache, car crash, you can’t legislate for what’s coming through the door.
My suspicion though is that more people presented to A&E in December, so while a lower percentage of people may have been seen in under 4 hours, it could just as easily be the case that tens or hundreds of thousand of numbers of people were seen.
But we’ll never get told that by the BBC who never let important detail get in the way of a “good” story.
“My suspicion though is that more people presented to A&E in December…”
Woolwich, this is true but these aren’t just the worst figures since last month; these are the worst figures since they started recording them. Which was in 2004.
“But we’ll never get told that by the BBC who never let important detail get in the way of a “good” story.”
The BBC provided a helpful graphic which shows how well the NHS has been performing over the last 10 years. Perhaps if you took a quick look you might be better informed.
Happy new year maxi. More people coming in to the country since 2004 equals more people presenting. Limit immigration.
Have you signed the petition to get rid of the telly tax yet ?
Maxi – happy new year to you to. I hope it hasn’t been too depressing for you to know that there is a Conservative government and the end of our EU membership .
That’s a nice graph you put up – what happened to your usual cut and paste -then run away – abuse of the site . It would have been better if you’d put up the actual numbers because as any one with any common sense knows – it is the growth in population – caused by uncontrolled waves of foreigners – which has caused the problems in public services . But people like you would never have that .
It may be that the elderly ones are the patients who are missing the 4 hour deadline to be seen. Racism seems to be a no-no in the NHS. Ageism, not so much.
I wonder what will be said about Mr Elton when he finally goes to meet his/ our maker?
If he hasn’t accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour, things could turn out quite nasty for him.
TWatO Watch #1 – Methinks the lady doth protest too much (And Sarah complains on her behalf.)
Top Royal Story features an actress who doesn’t like being an actress. So she marries a Prince and becomes a Duchess. She doesn’t like being a Duchess and the attention that goes with it. So she wants to live somewhere else and go travelling and do other things.
I always thought that at Luvvie School, one of the first lessons you are taught is that “The worst thing to happen to you as an actor or actress is ‘not being noticed’.”. I would have thought after that, you would be taught about criticism and how you would have to constantly face it and have to handle it, firstly from your Tutors, then from people involved in casting (Producers, Directors, other actors, etc.) and then, when you finally have work, during filming/performing (from the Director) and finally when your reviews come out from The Critics.
It is what they do. It’s their job. That John Candy ‘Uncle Buck’ moment with young Macauley. Reviews are another point when you may not be noticed or may be criticised. You have a choice: you can read the reviews or ignore them. You have no right to whinge about the gig.
Meghan is certainly getting a lot of attention now, which is no doubt what she wants. As for complaining about what the tabloids might have done to her as a practising duchess, she ain’t seen nothing yet.
It appears that UNHCR has been issuing falsified passports and other documents to African ‘refugees’, and that this has become a nice little earner for this corrupt organisation. The forgers earn anything up to 2,500 dollars per passport. People smuggling is no longer done ‘ in the shadows’.
The German magazine ‘Stern’ reports that even doctors get their cut from this booming industry, by issuing falsified medical documents. There are a number of African cities active in this fraud, but Kampala, in Uganda, is apparently the key centre for the illegal production of falsified passports, according to ‘Stern’.
Don’t expect the bbc to inform you about it anytime soon. But thanks for your (indirect) contributions from your taxes!
Bribery for refugee status is a serious thing
cos what happens is that the wealthy queue jump and take the place of actual people who are both poor and genuine refugees
A Star is Born. A Brenda from Bristol Moment: “What? Another one?”
I’m told that Mark Savage is a BBC Music DJ. I wonder about his hearing and whether it has been seriously damaged in the past. He plays me some music by this young lady and says she is singing it softly, almost breathing it out. I’m hearing a pronounced nasal whine and a belter style strongly reminiscent of Winy Amehouse er, beg pardon, I mean Amy Winehouse.
No doubt, in order to demonstrate “We is dahn wiv da yoof!”, the BBC will be forever pushing Celeste at us this year as they did with Ed Sheeran, Lewis Capaldi and Youngblud during 2019. Oh joy.
TWatO Watch #3 – Methinks another lady doth protest too much
This time she is Royal College of Emergency Medicine president Dr Katherine Henderson. She comes on the programme to express some concerns that sick people are to be found in hospital. Goodness! Gracious! Whatever next? Tennis players in the Library? Tanks and troops churning up the local Park with shells and mortar rounds. Proper journalists at the BBC?
Dr Henderson, like many politicians, blame the fact that sick people are in hospital on the elderly. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought car accidents and knife crime were the province of younger people. And again, correct me if I’m wrong, the reason there are more elderly people around generally is because they are healthy and not sick as evidenced by the life expectancy projections.
Dr Henderson, Sarah Montague and various BBC journalists, producers and editors have trouble understanding where all these sick people are coming from. No attempt is made to find out. It couldn’t be the thirteen thousand potential transgender patients waiting to be seen by the NHS or the hundreds of thousands of young people worried sick into mental health problems by the BBC constantly talking about Global Warming, Climate Change and a Climate Emergency, could it?
“Blame it on old people.”
That’s a very simplistic way of looking at what is a complicated and nuanced subject with many factors and variables. However, it can be encapsulated in the following, more detailed sentence:
“Blame it on old White people.”
“On this mad and Brexit-soaked evening let’s try and remember what’s good about living here. Earlier this week I took a newly arrived relative to hospital, but my translation skills were not required as both the doctor and surgeon spoke Arabic. That’s pretty cool, isn’t it?”
– Nadifa Mohamed
Regarding the last sentence of your excellent post. Those that the Marxist wishes to capture he first renders loopy or in today’s parlance – woke.
Seems to be stuck at 351k when they want
400k. Good luck if you sign it . I’ve no faith in petitions any more . Just refusing to pay the TV tax is my protest . As well not consuming BBC propaganda – which is getting very easy .
Gatestone: In Germany, four separate churches were vandalized and/or torched in March alone. “In this country,” PI-News, a German news site, explained, “there is a creeping war against everything that symbolizes Christianity: attacks on mountain-summit crosses, on sacred statues by the wayside, on churches… and recently also on cemeteries.”
In virtually every instance of church attacks, authorities and media obfuscate the identity of the vandals. In those rare instances when the Muslim (or “migrant”) identity of the destroyers is leaked, the desecraters are then presented as suffering from mental health issues.
“Hardly anyone writes and speaks about the increasing attacks on Christian symbols. There is an eloquent silence in both France and Germany about the scandal of the desecrations and the origin of the perpetrators…. Not a word, not even the slightest hint that could in anyway lead to the suspicion of migrants… It is not the perpetrators who are in danger of being ostracized, but those who dare to associate the desecration of Christian symbols with immigrant imports. They are accused of hatred, hate speech and racism.” — PI News, March 24, 2019
I’m currently playing a game on my computer called March of Empires.
It is based in medieval times and as far as I can see all of the characters appear to be white.
If invaders attack your cities you respond by annihilation of theirs.
The point is, you protect your own people at all costs.
It’s has just been reported on I24 an Israeli News media outlet
that Newsweek in the USA has information that the Ukranian
plane was shot down by an Iranian missile . This has not
been confirmed by USA government sources. BUT don’t
expect the BBC even to mention it.
Foscari – should it come as a surprise ? It would turn out to be them or the Americans. I posed the question at start of the thread about “ why?” – cock up or targeted to kill spies heading home …
The indestructible black boxes seem to have been damaged . …
Actually reading further from the I24 report . The
information comes from a high ranking source
in the pentagon . and also from a major source in Iraq.
It just keeps getting worse for the fanatical theocratic dictatorship in charge of Iran: now they’re shown to be incompetent as well as their many other failings.
Trump must be heartbroken.
Will the emir of Londonistan approve the brexit celebration on 31 January ? Nigel Farage is waiting for approval .
I’m guessing he’ll give it a go ahead on the 1st of February – using the ‘ cross rail model ‘ the queen will be a 100 before the ‘ Elizabeth line’ is actually working …
Bet there was sadness yesterday when PMQs was only 30 minutes long and the speaker didn’t shout at any one – abuse any one -or launch into one of those repulsive “arnt I great monologues” …..
….and at the end an MP raised a point of order telling the new Speaker how refreshing it was to have a proper Speaker again .
Diff subject – I’m guessing the Iranian Broadcasting Corporation AKA the BBC won’t be making too much noise about the peace loving Iranians shooting down a plane load of civilians – if that’s what is proved in the end . Now the weather … we’ve run out of time … we ll come back to this subject …
Will take getting used to a sane House of Commons ( except for the nastybitter corner that is the SNP with
Ian ‘the people of Scotland ‘Blackford* – shame Lindsey Hoyle has ‘lost’ the wig ….
*even Blackford looks like he is just going through the motions .
Is it possible that the daft bats of the Iranian Defence Forces thought the plane taking off was ‘incoming’ and took it out ? According to Al Beeb, the aircraft “tried to return to airport” .
The flight recorder should reveal all……..if they hand it over?
Which MSM is going to link Mr and Mrs Windsor-Marketll going to Canada with Canada possibly being in a confrontation with Iran because of the shooting down of a civilian airline with a bunch of Iranian Canadians on it ….
Maybe LA will be safer ….
John Crace is just another lefty employed to write bile for The Guardian . I dip in and out – to read the enemy . If you are a Brexiter – it’s worth reading today to give a warm feeling of triumph over the snowflakes – as he describes the end of the Department for Brexit –
And all those self important has beens like Hilary Benn as they see their reason for political living coming to an end . Dad would be pleased.
Come over to Instagram! It seems nicer there*. Please follow me for bad videos, brunch pictures, thoughts on bowling actions etc:
*For now at least. If you're a troll or twit I've almost certainly blocked or muted you, and will do so there too. Cheers!
Yep, with Instagram it’s easier for the postee to control the narrative
as opposed to Twitter
Like I have to go to Amol’s page,
click on an individual photo to open it up
.. then comments start at the lastest,
so you have to know to click PageUp on your keyboard to get up what the postee opened with
One of Amo’s latest posts says
The 5am Dilemma.
Feed went well, 160mls straight in. Baby Jamaica – 4 months old today – fell back asleep straight away. But I didn’t burp her.
So… Transfer her back into sleepy head without burping and hope she stays asleep – or burp her first and risk waking her up if she decides it’s time for a party?
Has to be a burp, surely.
Oh cripes now her brother’s up
It was 4am when I started this post
Read in Saturday’s The Telegraph that pusillanimous Ed Miliband when he was Foreign Secretary and our Special Forces apparently had targeted that thug Soleimani. He refused to give the order to have him killed but said it would be better if we ‘Talked with the Iranians’. Just imagine the horror show it would have been if Corbyn had won the General Election? He (Corbyn) would have probably wined and dined The Supreme Leader, Soleimani, and leaders of Hezbollah etc at Chequers.
A quick look at Al Beeb’s website and those chlorinated chickens are up and running again as well as images of a the fluttering ‘Blue Duster’ with a mini Union Jack in the background.
Al Beeb just don’t get it do they, We Are Leaving The EU !
It does make you wonder if they have some sort of financial contract with the EU to keep the Remain propaganda going?
Time to get rid of the Telly Tax Mr Johnson ………….
Oh 9pm ITV is doing Tommy Robinson in a doco made by Ross Kemp
I expect they’ll do the same editing trickery that SkyNews did
“The documentary maker goes inside the walls of HMP Belmarsh, the country’s most notorious maximum-security jail, which has housed the country’s most dangerous – and infamous – convicts, including Ian Huntley, Ronnie Biggs and Charles Bronson.
A new breed of “supermax” jail, it was designed to take criminals considered a threat to national security, including IRA terrorists.”
\\ TR said he might ask his protesters to draw a picture of Mohammed …
@rosskemp replies .. with extreme views like that there’s gonna be trouble //
Next episode
“Part two of two.
Ross Kemp’s report from inside the maximum-security jail takes him to Belmarsh’s jail-within-a-jail, where anti-Islamic inmates have to be separated from Islamic prisoners for fear of violence.
He also heads to the prison healthcare unit, and meets transgender prisoner Claire Darbyshire, who was given one of the lowest minimum terms for murder in British legal history after killing her father.”
..her ?
I could see that the prison interview with Tommy Robinson had some interesting editing to it. You could see that some reactions were spliced together to paint a certain picture of his responses. Rather interesting, if you ask me. (Which nobody does!)
— ???????????????????????????? Rob Steventon ???????? (@TiptonGingerRob) January 9, 2020
\\ #DannyTommo shown on ITV Belmarsh asking for #TommyRobinson supporters to be “very disruptive” this cut to make it sound violent.
He actually asks for no violence but to chant and sing loud to cause disruption.
Corruption again on. Telly. Disgusting. //
A couple of MPs have made an early day motion in Parliament to have The Sun newspaper banned from the Parliamentary Estate .
I think they are from Liverpool . Comrade Corbyn tried to get it banned a couple of years back too . And then there is Freedom of The Press. ….
Nice line that comrade Corbyn has another ten opportunities to further demoralise his party by doing PMQs . At least it’s one thing in the week that bojo doesn’t have to worry about . More doom and gloom in the BBC household .
Canada’s Prime Minister is famous for his use of black face, which many experts believe was crucial in him being re-elected last year (far from being offensive, it is actually a symbolic example of transracial transformation, a la Rachel Dolezal). Much has been made of his new-found ability to grow facial hair, which has reinforced his credentials as a clown-World Statesman, in sharp contrast with the incompetent Orange Man south of the border. But now experts believe that he has actually invented ‘Sikh face’; Canada has a large, long-established and successful Sikh community and it is important he retains its confidence by appearing to be a member himself:
It is further believed that Turdeau has been working on the project for many years, refining his skills. In this photo he is wearing a turban; clearly he cannot be expected to understand the difference between an item of religious and cultural significance and a Hollywood-style parody, but his heart is in the right place, gawd bless ‘im.
Australian asks \\ Just looked at the weeks forecast for Eden NSW and the max temp is going to be 28 with a 50% chance of rain. BBC reporter just said it was going to be 40? Did they just blatantly lie? //
BBC did however put out this video claiming to debunk arson claims
As usual in such quick debunks they misrepresent with strawmen
eg they say “claims of 200 arsonists, yet in New South Wales only 24 people have been arrested”
..Well that’s the fallacy of cherypicking ..In an attempt to get 200 down to just 24 they cherrypicked one state NSW
..whereas most arson reports were for a different state ..Queensland
BBC News – Australia fires: Debunking 'arson emergency' claims the madness of Social Media Clowns
Telegraph : Radio 4 has long been the jewel in the BBC’s crown. Yet it continues to lose both listeners and heavy-weight presenters,
facing accusations of political bias and being out of touch.
Ben Lawrence takes a look at how Radio 4 got into this mess and what the new controller, Mohit Bakaya, must do to set it right.
It’s a long article but allows no comments
Maybe there is something on the Telegraph Facebook page
This is how they do it – obtain influential positions. While the population sleeps, they scheme and manipulate to get into any position of power. It is time the population (and in particular those remaining viewers/listeners of the BABC) started to become engaged in what’s going on. Same in politics but worse. the public have given their trust and it has been abused – for decades. EU (Common Market), UN (Migration Compact) to name a couple.
Physical defects may include:
Distinctive facial features, including small eyes, an exceptionally thin upper lip, a short, upturned nose, and a smooth skin surface between the nose and upper lip.
Problems with the brain and central nervous system may include:
Intellectual disability, learning disorders and delayed development
Poor memory
Trouble with attention and with processing information
Difficulty with reasoning and problem-solving
Difficulty identifying consequences of choices
Poor judgment skills
Jitteriness or hyperactivity
Rapidly changing moods
Problems in functioning, coping and interacting with others may include:
Difficulty in school
Trouble getting along with others
Poor social skills
Problems with behavior and impulse control
Poor concept of time
Problems staying on task
Difficulty planning or working toward a goal
According to the Mayo Clinic these are characteristic of children whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy.
The Biased BBC is troubled on a number of fronts at the moment which should give its enemies ( like me ) hope –
1 the brexit process is going ahead and the traitors banished
2 President Trump has killed an Iranian enemy and taught an enemy – Iran- that it cannot do what it wants without consequences
3 it’s ‘ dream team’ of Royals have been shown to be just as avaricious as as anyone
4 more and more people are realising the BBC is just a propaganda tool now and no longer does what it is paid to do by suffering tax payers .
And a new government has the ideal opportunity to do something about it in the run up to the licence review in 2022. And an inquiry into the whole BBC leading upto the charter renewal / end in 2027.
Perhaps I am being over optimistic but I do believe that we are reaching peak Wokeness, at least a peak in the sense that there is rapidly growing opposition to its absurdities and dangers. More and more we see and hear of a Wokist being taken to task and anti Wokists refusing to back down or apologise, Wokists being ignored and mocked ( Mr Gervais did a great job last week) , people voting for anti Wokists, growing scepticism of the fake news put out by the Uber wokist MSM , all of the points listed above by Fedup fall into these categories. Of course the struggle is far from over because the wokists still control many of the levers of power. We need President Trump to be re-elected ( which is likely) and continuing his great project of swamp draining, Boris to smash the BBC ( which sadly I have my doubts about despite this being the best possible opportunity) , Salvini to win the forthcoming election in Italy ( which is likely) more wins for anti Wokists in regional elections in Germany and France. Power needs to be transferred from Wokists to normal people. Once this begins to happen then a lot of politicians will see the way the wind is blowing and will rapidly ditch their phoney wokism.
I said same to wife this morning – the way I see it is that if you push people enough they eventually push back and the vast majority of people – of all creeds and colour – are fed up with this constant agenda
I am sure Black people are as fed up with seeing mixed race couples on TV as white people are – they know what we know…and I am sure many are fed up with hearing how they need a leg up in the world….
Let’s just hope the push back continues and the BBC does indeed get cut..
I’ll be 73 this summer, and am nearly totally grey, I have two great hospitals within a few miles, I loathe ‘veganism’, (and just tolerate veggies, as they usually eat fish and fowl), I’ve been married for over 47 years, have two girls, I don’t mind any foreigners who want to visit, but, if they want to stay here, then want them to learn to be British, I hate crap ‘music’, and don’t think much of Schoenberg either. The ‘elite’ can go and piss off, and so can any spare lazy royals who do bugger all.
So why do the people at the BBC look down on people like me? Why do they want to make me change my mind? Why do I pay them to do this? Are they cleverer than me? Is it actually hate, or disrespect which they espouse?
On the other hand, who gives a flying ‘vertical intention of a horizontal desire’ what they say…
I think the BBC writes off anyone over the age of – say – 30 as being too difficult to groom to accord with their collective single view . I’ll list a few
human bad – eco good
Muslim good – others/Christian bad
whitee bad – non whitee good
British bad – foreigner good
Right wing bad – left good
Trump bad – democrats good
Old bad – young good
Men bad – Wimmin good
Editorial and all output is focused on these lines . There is no other way .
You can make your own list but it’s easy to evidence the list above. After writing the list – I hit a number of ‘bad ‘ boxes but then I will never pay for the BBC .
I suspect when people like us give up paying their licence tax, the BBC might treat us all with a little more respect. Unless and until that guaranteed income is removed quickly, they will continue to consider us audience trash.
I do sense that a lot of their ‘delivery’ contains much spittle and bad odour, Old G!
Nastiness and sneering is common, and couple this with extremely poor ‘humour’, you have a woke, leftie, soyboy (like that newish word), neck-bearded (and that one), sort of ‘comedian’ who just seems to think that hatred is actually funny!
“On the other hand, who gives a flying ‘vertical intention of a horizontal desire’ what they say…”
It’s not just that but the fact that by some sort of devious behaviour they have arrived at such a position to do so.
Now the science bit…
You’ll be amazed… a BBC report says men are biologically different to women. Make sure you are sitting down, this news may take your breath away, according to the BBC women need help from men.
‘My ability to see depends on men giving blood’
‘The high level of iron present in male blood makes it especially helpful to patients who rely on regular life-saving transfusions.’
‘Only 41% of new blood donors in England last year were men.’
Well, well, well… seems the constant feminist demonisation of what they term toxic masculinity and the BBC promoted relentless societal effort to push men aside in the workplace, in politics, in media, in education and in culture – in every instance in favour of women – this propaganda onslaught is inevitably devaluing the male contribution to society, causing low male moral and resulting in men withdrawing from society. But it does appear they want our blood – in a medical sense too.
Maybe Jodie Whittaker, the first female Doctor Who, could do some magic with her sonic screwdriver because ‘Jo Daniels, 39, from Bristol, has the autoimmune disease Sjorgen’s syndrome, which attacks her tear glands and leaves her with painful ulcers on her corneas.’
But I jest, she needs more male blood donors.
“This is not about recruiting as many donors as possible – it is about getting the right gender mix.”
– Ouch! Take that Carrie Gracie, Samira Ahmed…. Looks as though sisters can’t simply do it for themselves.
Now the Stats:
‘Some 135,000 new blood donors are needed each year to replace those who stop donating and to ensure the right mix of blood groups’
That’s a big number for new donors – surely not all due to existing blood donors giving up, isn’t the population using the NHS going up?
‘The number of men giving blood has dropped by 24.8% over the past five years in England, while the number of women giving blood has fallen by 6%’
‘More black donors are urgently needed to help treat the increasing number of patients with sickle-cell disease’
Ahem, moving on…
@AsISeeIt Our local BBC new implied men’s blood is superior
“the higher level of iron in men’s blood is great for some transfusions”
“Men’s blood contains more iron and is better for some patients, including newborn babies.”
@FedUp2 my fat finger just caught the report button so ignore it.
BTW There are rules about gay men giving blood, which were relaxed a bit in 2017
“Men who have sex with men can now give blood three months after their last sexual activity instead of 12.
And sex workers, who were previously barred from donating, now can, subject to the same three-month rule.”
‘More black donors are urgently needed to help treat the increasing number of patients with sickle-cell disease’
Really? I thought ‘sickle-cell disease’ was more common among black people, (the increasing number of patients is related to increasing number of black immigrants?), and surely to treat those patients they would need donors without the disease? Just as the female patient needed male blood to counter her ‘female’ disease wouldn’t ‘black’ patients need ‘white’ blood?
I thought, BBC, that sex and race are just ‘social constructs’ anyway, we are all the same, it is just how we think of ourselves that makes us different. (How will they find all this specific blood anyway if the NHS continues the nonsense of recording ‘gender’, not ‘sex’?)
The last sentence is… predictable, not least the BBC fall back on the ‘explanation’ of ‘could’.
Story detail
When US President Donald Trump voiced “suspicions” about the fate of the airliner which came down over Iran on the night Tehran launched missiles against air bases housing American forces in Iraq, he won’t have been alone. Now Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau says intelligence from multiple sources indicates the plane was shot down by an Iranian surface-to-air missile. Of the 176 people killed, 63 were Canadian citizens. Mr Trudeau says it’s too early to apportion blame, and that the Ukrainian jet may have been brought down in error, but wants a “thorough investigation”.
The timing of the incident prompted US media speculation the Boeing 737-800 was mistaken for a US warplane, as Iran prepared for possible US retaliation for its attack. Tehran, however, has ruled this out. While it initially said it would not hand over the black box flight recorders to Boeing or the US, with relations strained after the American assassination of top general Qasem Soleimani that prompted its missile attack, an official has since told Reuters the US had been invited to take part in the inquiry. Canadian investigators have also been invited to the site.
Here’s what we know about the incident. Meanwhile, Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen explains why the chain of events triggered by Soleimani’s killing could help the extremist Islamic State group.
After the tragedy that was the Vincennes, anything Iranian and airborne seems a bad mix.
Maybe Mishal will see this as some kind of balance.
As one who does go East and back on occasion, I rather hope airline planners are looking at optimal routes and earlier redeployments when stuff gets tense. I will pay the fuel surcharge willingly.
Has anyone noticed any report on R4 of the Commons passing the Independence Bill? Against all my instincts I listened for the first time in years to the World Tonight after the votes and to Today this morning for 1.75 harrowing hours. That’s 2.5 hours of propaganda. Not a mention of the Brexit Bill.
I didn’t expect an in-depth discussion of this slight moment in our history even with Gina, John, Tony, David, Dominic or Adonis. But maybe a tiny mention would have been news. It needn’t have crowded out such vitally important items to the electors and licence-fee payers of this country as the abuse of Native Americans (= racism = Trump) or an App to assess the nutritional value of a carrot (= vegetables = veganism = climate catastrophe). Brexit (= Independence = how we voted = democracy) is now non-news on the BBC.
It’s irreformable.
Yep – hardly a twinkle in MSM . The BBC seem to have forgotten about it despite spending 3 years fighting against it…
Maybe they can’t stand to face up to the fact they lost… is a bit like when POTUS does something that is good, like the American economy or the reduction in Mexicans crossing the border – not a peep…
I think he means lets stop reporting nasty “events” like gang killings, stabbings, muggings, under-age girl mass rape and grooming etc, if we don’t hear about it it won’t be there!
digg, indeed. Trends is something that the more literate world would equate with fashion. Fashion is often completely ephemeral, frivolous and inexplicably stupid.
Does Amol Rajan really think that that sort of stuff should be reported by the BBC instead of proper news journalism on every day happenings in this ‘global village’ of ours?
If so, therein lies the whole of the BBC’s problems. Amol should be a shoe in for the next Director General of the BBC. If he reads this, he’ll probably think I’m endorsing his candidature.
Grytpype Thynne voice: “Silly, twisted boy …….. . “
Sorry I can’t help but think Amol is a complete T…..r.
I know it isn’t big or clever but why does he think anyone is interested in his self promotion. Doesn’t he realise he is part of the problem …
So, poor Princess Meghan has jetted off to Canada.
You know, I think we all need another finger wagging lecture about our collective carbon footprints.
I reckon Meg’s, just in the past year, has spewed more CO2 into the atmosphere than I have in my entire 64 years.
But then I’m just a pleb…
Chatting with someone last night the case of the Manchester homosexual rapist came up, and the fact his father was Indonesian which is a predominantly Muslim country.
I thought I’d take a look at the BBC reports and lo & behold what they have done:
“and the fact his father was Indonesian”
No, the fact is the rapist himself is Indonesian and in no way English
He’d done his first degree in Indonesia and then come to Britain to do further studies
.. and enrich our society.
His background is that he’s an Indonesian Catholic church goer.
“……part of the Batak tribe from the island of Sumatra.””
When I spent extended time in Indonesia on business, I was amused to read reports in the Indonesian dailies of continuing cannibalism in Sumatra.
@FedUp2 : Radio Lincolnshire News at 10am
item #4 swooning newsreader says ‘My best friend former Lincoln LABOUR MP Karen Lee says she’d love to stand again in a general election whenever that may be
Miss Lee lost her seat to Tory Karl MCarteny last month
an is now looking for work
but speaking to BBC Radio Lincolnshire she said a return to parliament is something she’d consider.
clip : “I intend to remain active politically. it’s in my blood ..
..certainly be hoping to be the Labour candidate”
newsreader still swooning ..”Lincolnshire’s weather”
WTF do BBC news items so often sound like “We in the Labour Party think” ?
The irony of it is that she was a nurse who left to become an MP
and has always protested about NHS funding
and how she was keeping her certificates up to date.
You’d think the radio station would be talking about her going back into nursing
Surely she could be on the wards next week ?
Stew – excellent – since she cares so much about her NHS she can go back to a ward – hopefully in Blighty as opposed to sliding off to Australia like the better ones do …..
Australian fires : ‘Look over there Murdoch is DISINFORMING’ says BBC’s Clive Myrie
That is weird cos yesterday a guy said he was watching BBC and
“BBC reporter just said it was going to be 40?
Did they just blatantly lie?”
cos he had looked up the Bureau of Meteorology forecasts and the forecasts are nothing like that they are
“the max temp is going to be 28 with a 50% chance of rain.”
maybe he misheard the BBC guy ?
“No, he said the temp in Eden NSW are expected to reach 40 at the weekend”
Something struck me listening to excerpts from the bBc reporting about this Iran malarkey…………….the extraordinary lengths their DJ’s go to in pronouncing their names………..almost as if they were Arabs themselves…………….
What more evidence can be provided?
In the UK we need to revoke all gun laws before it gets any worse at least then, we would have a level playing field. Using tusks and fire extinguishers will not work in the long term.
Time for a pro-Trump take on events in the Middle East for a change, the sort our Brainwashing Corp wouldn’t show in a month of Sundays, preferring to side with our enemies instead.
Whoever at Newsnight posted this just provided a great service on the state of media these days.
“Racism is all over the world…we are not so bad as others” – @robertlacey_com
“I’m sorry I cannot possibly accept that… That is a terrible way to think… As far as I’m concerned we do live in a racist society” –
No nasty men involved and bit blue on blue for the BBC. so hey! lets tag another “related” story immediately underneath it to balance things out a bit…
“Why do women pay more than men for a short haircut?”
The BBC keep the NHS at centre stage with the news that about 130,000 children have been unable to access NHS Mental Health assessments and treatment. The BBC also lets slip – deliberately to make the problem seem to be, no doubt, one of exclusion or discrimination or some other failing – that that number is one-quarter of the total of children needing help for, lets be straightforward here – a mental illness (not health) of some degree.
That is over half a million children. Just over a year go, the NHS reckoned that just over one in eight of the UK child population had a mental illness. I have just been trying to do some research on numbers but my interwebby is not working too well at the moment.
Needless to say, the BBC didn’t express surprise at that number.
I wonder if they would express any surprise – or even do any investigative journalism to find out – if it was discovered that the BBC’s unquestioning acceptance and promotion of Global Warming and Climate Change and Climate Emergency was a prime cause of mental illness in the children of the UK? Or food fadism, ie. sugar is bad, “everyone is obese”, “you will die from cancer if you eat bacon” and “go vegan and save the planet”? Or gender fashion: “you need not be who you are.” ?
The one in eight number is a bit surprising in the light of pressure kids are put under at an earlier and earlier age . Sexualisation doesn’t help – yet alone the nonsense about genda identity .
The combination of kidult parents and peer pressure – as well as ‘ teachers ‘ carrying their own agenda into the classroom can’t help either .
Add the internet social media stuff to that and it’s an unholy mix – made even worse by the BBC – but it has got helplines for anyone affected by this comment .
Fed, yes, those additional pressures that you suggest are factors as well. It’s not all the fault of the BBC. I think they play though, with the rest of the broadcast media, a large part in it
There was interesting Call EwanYores this week on R4. Dear old Winifred was in deep denial on the pace of life forced on people today. That celebrity Facebook BBC mindset was reinforced by Claudia ‘All in the Mind’ Hammond.
Very revealing as to how out of touch the BBC can be.
Now it has almost certainly been proved that Ukraine flight PS752 was shot down by an Iranian missile.
If you compare the almost hysterical reporting by the BBC on the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine with the Iranian incident it couldn’t be more different.
With the Malaysian plane being downed, they demanded to know who was responsible, which unit pulled the trigger, lambasted Putin, etc etc.
With regards to the Iranian downing, the BBC, they are almost apologetic. I wonder why?
This morning I heard Jeremy Vine saying “ It seems it was hit by something, possibly a stray missile”
Oh yes. I am sick of seeing stray missiles flying all over Northumberland. Happens every day doesn’t it……
The media as a whole seemed to get a lot more worked up over Donald Trump offing a known terrorist than they have over the shooting down of a passenger jet. Indeed, they appeared very incurious when it happened, when it it was obvious to anyone that it appeared highly fishy.
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New pop celebrities to perfectly fit the BBC’s very Limited Public Image
‘British-Jamaican soul singer Celeste has won BBC Music’s Sound of 2020, which is given to artists who are tipped for success in the coming year’
Lost me already. I thought the definition of British was possession of a British passport. If we’re getting into hyphenated nationality, I suppose we must start to talk about English-British, right?
But come on BBC can’t we talk about the music rather than this young lady’s half white/ half black identity?
‘entrancing voice and jazz-steeped songs’ OK fair enough but we soon come back to identity and boy does this girl tick some boxes….
‘Born in Los Angeles and raised in Brighton’ – Two liberal hot spots, not exactly fresh from the mean streets, is she?
‘She wrote her first song, Sirens, at the age of 17, in tribute to her Jamaican father, who had died of lung cancer a year earlier’ That’s a shame – but later we find ‘When I met my dad for the first time as an adult’. So, couple of points – I thought 18s and under were children by BBC classification? Still, she was brought up by a single mother (or some completely overlooked subsequent partner to her mother) anyway, another BBC box well ticked.
‘Celeste’s mother, Debbie, was a stylist who worked on films in Hong Kong and LA before returning to England’
So, pretty much a showbiz family.
Runners-up in the BBC’s Sound of 2020?
‘The genre-hopping quintet formed “on a whim” in a pub two years ago, after earning their stripes in an assortment of swing and reggae bands around the city.’
Frontman Murray Matravers:
‘I was brought up on an organic farm, and we’ve had to change the way we farm completely in the last 10 years because of the weather. We can’t plant certain crops at the same time we used to because it rains, or it’s too hot or it’s too cold. And this is England – we have a moderate climate. If you’re already facing an extreme climate, and then you add global warming and climate change on top of it, it becomes almost impossible to farm’
Ok we get the picture.
AISI, the Amy Winehouse sound-alike (tribute band all on her own) looked very pale in this raunchy photo that the BBC have taken down from their HomePage but is still here:
The BBC, I note, are trying to blame Celeste being sacked from her job because of her ‘love of music’ by some evil Scrooge of an employer and not because she simply bunked off work to write songs and wasn’t ‘putting in the hours’.
Did I hear correctly – the first item of news on Twato?
Hospital A&E waiting times dropped beneath 80% being seen within four hours. Please correct me if I’m wrong but that’s roughly eight out of ten patients still being seen within four hours is it not?
Anyway, point being, the item was brought to the listener by the BABC reporter saying that the delays were due to, “….a growing elderly population….”. I’m actually sure he got the alternative right otherwise I misheard him say, the delays were due to, “….a growing AND elderly population….”, which is totally correct. If the latter, deviating from the BABC’s editorial attempts to subtly massage in error, he is in for his firs written letter. It could be as serious as that.
Problem is, once you understand the essentially dishonest way the BABC operate in their news delivery, it’s not possible to put anything past them.
Lies, damned lies and statistics.
What matters if they’re trying to make political mileage out of numbers is this.
How many people presented to A&E in November
How many people presented to A&E in December.
If it was exactly the same amount then they performed more poorly. However the percentage difference is minuscule while the demands can differ wildly. Drunkenness, headache, car crash, you can’t legislate for what’s coming through the door.
My suspicion though is that more people presented to A&E in December, so while a lower percentage of people may have been seen in under 4 hours, it could just as easily be the case that tens or hundreds of thousand of numbers of people were seen.
But we’ll never get told that by the BBC who never let important detail get in the way of a “good” story.
“My suspicion though is that more people presented to A&E in December…”
Woolwich, this is true but these aren’t just the worst figures since last month; these are the worst figures since they started recording them. Which was in 2004.
“But we’ll never get told that by the BBC who never let important detail get in the way of a “good” story.”
The BBC provided a helpful graphic which shows how well the NHS has been performing over the last 10 years. Perhaps if you took a quick look you might be better informed.
Happy new year maxi. More people coming in to the country since 2004 equals more people presenting. Limit immigration.
Have you signed the petition to get rid of the telly tax yet ?
Maxi – happy new year to you to. I hope it hasn’t been too depressing for you to know that there is a Conservative government and the end of our EU membership .
That’s a nice graph you put up – what happened to your usual cut and paste -then run away – abuse of the site . It would have been better if you’d put up the actual numbers because as any one with any common sense knows – it is the growth in population – caused by uncontrolled waves of foreigners – which has caused the problems in public services . But people like you would never have that .
Population growth feeds into NHS performance and the beloved ‘climate emergency’ to name but two topics of angst.
I wonder what’s driving the increase in UK population?
Hi maxi, where is that apology you owe me? It’s long overdue!
Here’s another graph from Migration Watch giving another perspective:
And another one from the Migration Observatory.
Could they both be wrong………………….
No effect upon waiting times of course.
It may be that the elderly ones are the patients who are missing the 4 hour deadline to be seen. Racism seems to be a no-no in the NHS. Ageism, not so much.
Horrible BBC leftie Ben Elton exposed as a massive liar and Hypocrite in this short clip:
Five minutes to be well spent, should you ever have harboured any faint or fleeting doubts that Benjamin Elton might not be a total arsehole.
I wonder what will be said about Mr Elton when he finally goes to meet his/ our maker?
If he hasn’t accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour, things could turn out quite nasty for him.
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
TWatO Watch #1 – Methinks the lady doth protest too much (And Sarah complains on her behalf.)
Top Royal Story features an actress who doesn’t like being an actress. So she marries a Prince and becomes a Duchess. She doesn’t like being a Duchess and the attention that goes with it. So she wants to live somewhere else and go travelling and do other things.
I always thought that at Luvvie School, one of the first lessons you are taught is that “The worst thing to happen to you as an actor or actress is ‘not being noticed’.”. I would have thought after that, you would be taught about criticism and how you would have to constantly face it and have to handle it, firstly from your Tutors, then from people involved in casting (Producers, Directors, other actors, etc.) and then, when you finally have work, during filming/performing (from the Director) and finally when your reviews come out from The Critics.
It is what they do. It’s their job. That John Candy ‘Uncle Buck’ moment with young Macauley. Reviews are another point when you may not be noticed or may be criticised. You have a choice: you can read the reviews or ignore them. You have no right to whinge about the gig.
You went for it.
Meghan is certainly getting a lot of attention now, which is no doubt what she wants. As for complaining about what the tabloids might have done to her as a practising duchess, she ain’t seen nothing yet.
It appears that UNHCR has been issuing falsified passports and other documents to African ‘refugees’, and that this has become a nice little earner for this corrupt organisation. The forgers earn anything up to 2,500 dollars per passport. People smuggling is no longer done ‘ in the shadows’.
The German magazine ‘Stern’ reports that even doctors get their cut from this booming industry, by issuing falsified medical documents. There are a number of African cities active in this fraud, but Kampala, in Uganda, is apparently the key centre for the illegal production of falsified passports, according to ‘Stern’.
Don’t expect the bbc to inform you about it anytime soon. But thanks for your (indirect) contributions from your taxes!
Bribery for refugee status is a serious thing
cos what happens is that the wealthy queue jump and take the place of actual people who are both poor and genuine refugees
TWatO Watch #2 – Whine on, celestial being
A Star is Born. A Brenda from Bristol Moment: “What? Another one?”
I’m told that Mark Savage is a BBC Music DJ. I wonder about his hearing and whether it has been seriously damaged in the past. He plays me some music by this young lady and says she is singing it softly, almost breathing it out. I’m hearing a pronounced nasal whine and a belter style strongly reminiscent of Winy Amehouse er, beg pardon, I mean Amy Winehouse.
No doubt, in order to demonstrate “We is dahn wiv da yoof!”, the BBC will be forever pushing Celeste at us this year as they did with Ed Sheeran, Lewis Capaldi and Youngblud during 2019. Oh joy.
Earlier I read on the bBC website the following headline
‘Misery’ for A&E patients facing record-long as winter bites
then later the headline changed to..
‘Misery’ for A&E patients facing record-long waits
Its 10degs in January – winter bites? Trying to create a story that doesn’t exist, nothing changes at the beeb
TWatO Watch #3 – Methinks another lady doth protest too much
This time she is Royal College of Emergency Medicine president Dr Katherine Henderson. She comes on the programme to express some concerns that sick people are to be found in hospital. Goodness! Gracious! Whatever next? Tennis players in the Library? Tanks and troops churning up the local Park with shells and mortar rounds. Proper journalists at the BBC?
Dr Henderson, like many politicians, blame the fact that sick people are in hospital on the elderly. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought car accidents and knife crime were the province of younger people. And again, correct me if I’m wrong, the reason there are more elderly people around generally is because they are healthy and not sick as evidenced by the life expectancy projections.
Dr Henderson, Sarah Montague and various BBC journalists, producers and editors have trouble understanding where all these sick people are coming from. No attempt is made to find out. It couldn’t be the thirteen thousand potential transgender patients waiting to be seen by the NHS or the hundreds of thousands of young people worried sick into mental health problems by the BBC constantly talking about Global Warming, Climate Change and a Climate Emergency, could it?
No, not possible.
Blame it on old people.
“Blame it on old people.”
That’s a very simplistic way of looking at what is a complicated and nuanced subject with many factors and variables. However, it can be encapsulated in the following, more detailed sentence:
“Blame it on old White people.”
“On this mad and Brexit-soaked evening let’s try and remember what’s good about living here. Earlier this week I took a newly arrived relative to hospital, but my translation skills were not required as both the doctor and surgeon spoke Arabic. That’s pretty cool, isn’t it?”
– Nadifa Mohamed
Now what are the chances of that happening? Increasing, no doubt.
Regarding the last sentence of your excellent post. Those that the Marxist wishes to capture he first renders loopy or in today’s parlance – woke.
End the BBC Licence Fee petition:
Canada, United States and Australia don’t have a TV Licence fee. But European countries do.
Could Brexit be the death of the Tax?
Seems to be stuck at 351k when they want
400k. Good luck if you sign it . I’ve no faith in petitions any more . Just refusing to pay the TV tax is my protest . As well not consuming BBC propaganda – which is getting very easy .
maxinccony have you signed this yet?
“‘Immense damage’ to JS Bach’s church as stained glass windows smashed in attack.”
I wonder who is responsible. Problem for me is, I’m 99.9% confident I know.
Gatestone: In Germany, four separate churches were vandalized and/or torched in March alone. “In this country,” PI-News, a German news site, explained, “there is a creeping war against everything that symbolizes Christianity: attacks on mountain-summit crosses, on sacred statues by the wayside, on churches… and recently also on cemeteries.”
In virtually every instance of church attacks, authorities and media obfuscate the identity of the vandals. In those rare instances when the Muslim (or “migrant”) identity of the destroyers is leaked, the desecraters are then presented as suffering from mental health issues.
“Hardly anyone writes and speaks about the increasing attacks on Christian symbols. There is an eloquent silence in both France and Germany about the scandal of the desecrations and the origin of the perpetrators…. Not a word, not even the slightest hint that could in anyway lead to the suspicion of migrants… It is not the perpetrators who are in danger of being ostracized, but those who dare to associate the desecration of Christian symbols with immigrant imports. They are accused of hatred, hate speech and racism.” — PI News, March 24, 2019
I’m currently playing a game on my computer called March of Empires.
It is based in medieval times and as far as I can see all of the characters appear to be white.
If invaders attack your cities you respond by annihilation of theirs.
The point is, you protect your own people at all costs.
It’s has just been reported on I24 an Israeli News media outlet
that Newsweek in the USA has information that the Ukranian
plane was shot down by an Iranian missile . This has not
been confirmed by USA government sources. BUT don’t
expect the BBC even to mention it.
Foscari – should it come as a surprise ? It would turn out to be them or the Americans. I posed the question at start of the thread about “ why?” – cock up or targeted to kill spies heading home …
The indestructible black boxes seem to have been damaged . …
Actually reading further from the I24 report . The
information comes from a high ranking source
in the pentagon . and also from a major source in Iraq.
There are images of a large piece of the fuselage with what look like many shrapnel holes piercing it. This would perhaps indicate blast damage.
Also, there were no radio transmissions from the crew. This would have been likely if the aircraft suffered a mechanical problem.
America suggests it was shot down in error by Iran.
US officials ‘believe Iran mistakenly shot down Ukraine plane’
It just keeps getting worse for the fanatical theocratic dictatorship in charge of Iran: now they’re shown to be incompetent as well as their many other failings.
Trump must be heartbroken.
Will the emir of Londonistan approve the brexit celebration on 31 January ? Nigel Farage is waiting for approval .
I’m guessing he’ll give it a go ahead on the 1st of February – using the ‘ cross rail model ‘ the queen will be a 100 before the ‘ Elizabeth line’ is actually working …
Glum faces all round in W1 I suspect and hope, as the WAB is passed in the Hoc ????
Bet there was sadness yesterday when PMQs was only 30 minutes long and the speaker didn’t shout at any one – abuse any one -or launch into one of those repulsive “arnt I great monologues” …..
….and at the end an MP raised a point of order telling the new Speaker how refreshing it was to have a proper Speaker again .
Diff subject – I’m guessing the Iranian Broadcasting Corporation AKA the BBC won’t be making too much noise about the peace loving Iranians shooting down a plane load of civilians – if that’s what is proved in the end . Now the weather … we’ve run out of time … we ll come back to this subject …
And when the tribute was made to him the good old Speaker said he wouldn’t waste time responding. The change is wonderful.
Will take getting used to a sane House of Commons ( except for the nastybitter corner that is the SNP with
Ian ‘the people of Scotland ‘Blackford* – shame Lindsey Hoyle has ‘lost’ the wig ….
*even Blackford looks like he is just going through the motions .
“lost the wig”?
Is Burco Boiler hanging on to it?
Didn’t Lindsey say he was going to bring it back? (And the clerks’ wigs should come back along with it.)
Slowly, slowly the Iranian Airline crash unravels……
Now either a bomb on board or an Iranian missile strike, accidentally or not.
Just waiting to see how the BBC manage to implicate Trump on this one!
Maybe it was hit by one of his golf balls?
Own goal …………………..
Al Beeb says it was an Iranian mistake , quoting the US media.
Was it a ‘trigger happy’ member of Iranian National Guard ?
Ukrainian not Iranian, and Russia as an Iranian Ally has to come under some suspicion.
What would Iran have to gain by shooting down a Ukrainian aircraft?
Is it possible that the daft bats of the Iranian Defence Forces thought the plane taking off was ‘incoming’ and took it out ? According to Al Beeb, the aircraft “tried to return to airport” .
The flight recorder should reveal all……..if they hand it over?
Which MSM is going to link Mr and Mrs Windsor-Marketll going to Canada with Canada possibly being in a confrontation with Iran because of the shooting down of a civilian airline with a bunch of Iranian Canadians on it ….
Maybe LA will be safer ….
John Crace is just another lefty employed to write bile for The Guardian . I dip in and out – to read the enemy . If you are a Brexiter – it’s worth reading today to give a warm feeling of triumph over the snowflakes – as he describes the end of the Department for Brexit –
And all those self important has beens like Hilary Benn as they see their reason for political living coming to an end . Dad would be pleased.
How are Mr Benn’s taxpayer funded coastal erosion protection works performing for him?
What do his neighbours think, are they happy for him?
Hilary Benn – is he still around?
Seismic shift.
A ‘snowflake’ has found a ‘safe space’ ?
Yep, with Instagram it’s easier for the postee to control the narrative
as opposed to Twitter
Like I have to go to Amol’s page,
click on an individual photo to open it up
.. then comments start at the lastest,
so you have to know to click PageUp on your keyboard to get up what the postee opened with
One of Amo’s latest posts says
What’s the brother called ? “Baby Nigeria” ?
Why would anyone want to follow him? I suspect anyone that does is a twit…
Read in Saturday’s The Telegraph that pusillanimous Ed Miliband when he was Foreign Secretary and our Special Forces apparently had targeted that thug Soleimani. He refused to give the order to have him killed but said it would be better if we ‘Talked with the Iranians’. Just imagine the horror show it would have been if Corbyn had won the General Election? He (Corbyn) would have probably wined and dined The Supreme Leader, Soleimani, and leaders of Hezbollah etc at Chequers.
Those “men” are at it in HMP Whitemoor……………….
Another BBC trailer
Second story today about Refugee visa for cash, scams
A quick look at Al Beeb’s website and those chlorinated chickens are up and running again as well as images of a the fluttering ‘Blue Duster’ with a mini Union Jack in the background.
Al Beeb just don’t get it do they, We Are Leaving The EU !
It does make you wonder if they have some sort of financial contract with the EU to keep the Remain propaganda going?
Time to get rid of the Telly Tax Mr Johnson ………….
Oh 9pm ITV is doing Tommy Robinson in a doco made by Ross Kemp
I expect they’ll do the same editing trickery that SkyNews did
“The documentary maker goes inside the walls of HMP Belmarsh, the country’s most notorious maximum-security jail, which has housed the country’s most dangerous – and infamous – convicts, including Ian Huntley, Ronnie Biggs and Charles Bronson.
A new breed of “supermax” jail, it was designed to take criminals considered a threat to national security, including IRA terrorists.”
I’d not seen this clip of the crowd outside the jail before
\\ TR said he might ask his protesters to draw a picture of Mohammed …
@rosskemp replies .. with extreme views like that there’s gonna be trouble //
Next episode
“Part two of two.
Ross Kemp’s report from inside the maximum-security jail takes him to Belmarsh’s jail-within-a-jail, where anti-Islamic inmates have to be separated from Islamic prisoners for fear of violence.
He also heads to the prison healthcare unit, and meets transgender prisoner Claire Darbyshire, who was given one of the lowest minimum terms for murder in British legal history after killing her father.”
..her ?
\\ #DannyTommo shown on ITV Belmarsh asking for #TommyRobinson supporters to be “very disruptive” this cut to make it sound violent.
He actually asks for no violence but to chant and sing loud to cause disruption.
Corruption again on. Telly. Disgusting. //
TR is watching and adds some comments on youtube
A typical tweet from the libmob hate-zombies on Twitter
That last tweet from @simiXxxx
\\ People always kill people in prisons
why can’t someone do that to Tommy Robinson in belmarsh //
has been deleted
I think it was a crime ….
why hasn’t it been reported as a hate crime? Can you imagine if it was around the other way?
“US greenhouse gas emissions down 2.1% in 2019 as natural gas takes off.”
Last year when there was a slight rise
MSM said “Orange man bad”
Now they say “2019 emissions fall due to big switch away from coal power genration”
And this fall is when the US economy has been growing
.. not in recession
This is from the Indy.
Will anyone at the BBC read this from the 57,615 copies they buy every year. (FOI request June 2016)
Jeremy Corbyn just delivered a masterclass in how to be the worst party leader in political history…
A couple of MPs have made an early day motion in Parliament to have The Sun newspaper banned from the Parliamentary Estate .
I think they are from Liverpool . Comrade Corbyn tried to get it banned a couple of years back too . And then there is Freedom of The Press. ….
Nice line that comrade Corbyn has another ten opportunities to further demoralise his party by doing PMQs . At least it’s one thing in the week that bojo doesn’t have to worry about . More doom and gloom in the BBC household .
Quote from the above post of davylars ‘The Independent’ link:
“…….no one had considered the weapon of mass self-destruction that was about to hit the Labour Party in the form of Jeremy Corbyn. ”
Will the next bit of the Al Beeb anti – Trump saga be ?……………
Iranians shoot down an Ukrainian passenger plane – its Trumps fault !
I previously warned about Justin’s beard being deployed. And, lo…
Canada’s Prime Minister is famous for his use of black face, which many experts believe was crucial in him being re-elected last year (far from being offensive, it is actually a symbolic example of transracial transformation, a la Rachel Dolezal). Much has been made of his new-found ability to grow facial hair, which has reinforced his credentials as a clown-World Statesman, in sharp contrast with the incompetent Orange Man south of the border. But now experts believe that he has actually invented ‘Sikh face’; Canada has a large, long-established and successful Sikh community and it is important he retains its confidence by appearing to be a member himself:
It is further believed that Turdeau has been working on the project for many years, refining his skills. In this photo he is wearing a turban; clearly he cannot be expected to understand the difference between an item of religious and cultural significance and a Hollywood-style parody, but his heart is in the right place, gawd bless ‘im.
I think you’re right, Taff.
“The consequences of Trump murdering the Chief Iranian Peacekeeper whilst on vacation in adjacent Iraq”
Australian asks \\ Just looked at the weeks forecast for Eden NSW and the max temp is going to be 28 with a 50% chance of rain. BBC reporter just said it was going to be 40? Did they just blatantly lie? //
I spot BBC making the claim about a different state maybe the guy misheard
“Temperatures in Victoria could reach 40C in some parts of the state ”
Unusually BBCTruthBending doesn’t push libmob agenda
instead it pushes back against alarmism
No the guy says “No, he said the temp in Eden NSW are expected to reach 40 at the weekend”
BBC did however put out this video claiming to debunk arson claims
As usual in such quick debunks they misrepresent with strawmen
eg they say “claims of 200 arsonists, yet in New South Wales only 24 people have been arrested”
..Well that’s the fallacy of cherypicking ..In an attempt to get 200 down to just 24 they cherrypicked one state NSW
..whereas most arson reports were for a different state ..Queensland
As is usually the case, they just don’t have a clue.
Guess who………… Megexit Legsit
Telegraph : Radio 4 has long been the jewel in the BBC’s crown. Yet it continues to lose both listeners and heavy-weight presenters,
facing accusations of political bias and being out of touch.
Ben Lawrence takes a look at how Radio 4 got into this mess and what the new controller, Mohit Bakaya, must do to set it right.
It’s a long article but allows no comments
Maybe there is something on the Telegraph Facebook page
This is how they do it – obtain influential positions. While the population sleeps, they scheme and manipulate to get into any position of power. It is time the population (and in particular those remaining viewers/listeners of the BABC) started to become engaged in what’s going on. Same in politics but worse. the public have given their trust and it has been abused – for decades. EU (Common Market), UN (Migration Compact) to name a couple.
Does this sound like anyone that you know?
Physical defects may include:
Distinctive facial features, including small eyes, an exceptionally thin upper lip, a short, upturned nose, and a smooth skin surface between the nose and upper lip.
Problems with the brain and central nervous system may include:
Intellectual disability, learning disorders and delayed development
Poor memory
Trouble with attention and with processing information
Difficulty with reasoning and problem-solving
Difficulty identifying consequences of choices
Poor judgment skills
Jitteriness or hyperactivity
Rapidly changing moods
Problems in functioning, coping and interacting with others may include:
Difficulty in school
Trouble getting along with others
Poor social skills
Problems with behavior and impulse control
Poor concept of time
Problems staying on task
Difficulty planning or working toward a goal
According to the Mayo Clinic these are characteristic of children whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy.

The Biased BBC is troubled on a number of fronts at the moment which should give its enemies ( like me ) hope –
1 the brexit process is going ahead and the traitors banished
2 President Trump has killed an Iranian enemy and taught an enemy – Iran- that it cannot do what it wants without consequences
3 it’s ‘ dream team’ of Royals have been shown to be just as avaricious as as anyone
4 more and more people are realising the BBC is just a propaganda tool now and no longer does what it is paid to do by suffering tax payers .
And a new government has the ideal opportunity to do something about it in the run up to the licence review in 2022. And an inquiry into the whole BBC leading upto the charter renewal / end in 2027.
Perhaps I am being over optimistic but I do believe that we are reaching peak Wokeness, at least a peak in the sense that there is rapidly growing opposition to its absurdities and dangers. More and more we see and hear of a Wokist being taken to task and anti Wokists refusing to back down or apologise, Wokists being ignored and mocked ( Mr Gervais did a great job last week) , people voting for anti Wokists, growing scepticism of the fake news put out by the Uber wokist MSM , all of the points listed above by Fedup fall into these categories. Of course the struggle is far from over because the wokists still control many of the levers of power. We need President Trump to be re-elected ( which is likely) and continuing his great project of swamp draining, Boris to smash the BBC ( which sadly I have my doubts about despite this being the best possible opportunity) , Salvini to win the forthcoming election in Italy ( which is likely) more wins for anti Wokists in regional elections in Germany and France. Power needs to be transferred from Wokists to normal people. Once this begins to happen then a lot of politicians will see the way the wind is blowing and will rapidly ditch their phoney wokism.
I said same to wife this morning – the way I see it is that if you push people enough they eventually push back and the vast majority of people – of all creeds and colour – are fed up with this constant agenda
I am sure Black people are as fed up with seeing mixed race couples on TV as white people are – they know what we know…and I am sure many are fed up with hearing how they need a leg up in the world….
Let’s just hope the push back continues and the BBC does indeed get cut..
You forgot “magnet for unwarranted fawning adulation”…
That is uncannily like the lists used issued by the Nazis to identify untermenschen.
I’ll be 73 this summer, and am nearly totally grey, I have two great hospitals within a few miles, I loathe ‘veganism’, (and just tolerate veggies, as they usually eat fish and fowl), I’ve been married for over 47 years, have two girls, I don’t mind any foreigners who want to visit, but, if they want to stay here, then want them to learn to be British, I hate crap ‘music’, and don’t think much of Schoenberg either. The ‘elite’ can go and piss off, and so can any spare lazy royals who do bugger all.
So why do the people at the BBC look down on people like me? Why do they want to make me change my mind? Why do I pay them to do this? Are they cleverer than me? Is it actually hate, or disrespect which they espouse?
On the other hand, who gives a flying ‘vertical intention of a horizontal desire’ what they say…
I think the BBC writes off anyone over the age of – say – 30 as being too difficult to groom to accord with their collective single view . I’ll list a few
human bad – eco good
Muslim good – others/Christian bad
whitee bad – non whitee good
British bad – foreigner good
Right wing bad – left good
Trump bad – democrats good
Old bad – young good
Men bad – Wimmin good
Editorial and all output is focused on these lines . There is no other way .
You can make your own list but it’s easy to evidence the list above. After writing the list – I hit a number of ‘bad ‘ boxes but then I will never pay for the BBC .
you forgot straight bad – gay good…
Fed and James – thank you!
You have helped me retain my faith in good guys and gals!
There’s a slight alteration to my original comment: –
Meat – bad, lentils and avocados flown from Venezuela – good!
James – yes – true – as well as
Israel bad – Arab terrorist ‘good’ .
NHS good – anything else – Bad
There are no ‘shades’ it’s just far left doctrine .
I suspect when people like us give up paying their licence tax, the BBC might treat us all with a little more respect. Unless and until that guaranteed income is removed quickly, they will continue to consider us audience trash.
I do sense that a lot of their ‘delivery’ contains much spittle and bad odour, Old G!
Nastiness and sneering is common, and couple this with extremely poor ‘humour’, you have a woke, leftie, soyboy (like that newish word), neck-bearded (and that one), sort of ‘comedian’ who just seems to think that hatred is actually funny!
The Ben Elton piece earlier is a prime example!
“On the other hand, who gives a flying ‘vertical intention of a horizontal desire’ what they say…”
It’s not just that but the fact that by some sort of devious behaviour they have arrived at such a position to do so.
Scrob, I salute you. Remember the Western Brothers: “Look after yourselves, cads. There aren’t many of us left, you know”.
Now the science bit…
You’ll be amazed… a BBC report says men are biologically different to women. Make sure you are sitting down, this news may take your breath away, according to the BBC women need help from men.
‘My ability to see depends on men giving blood’
‘The high level of iron present in male blood makes it especially helpful to patients who rely on regular life-saving transfusions.’
‘Only 41% of new blood donors in England last year were men.’
Well, well, well… seems the constant feminist demonisation of what they term toxic masculinity and the BBC promoted relentless societal effort to push men aside in the workplace, in politics, in media, in education and in culture – in every instance in favour of women – this propaganda onslaught is inevitably devaluing the male contribution to society, causing low male moral and resulting in men withdrawing from society. But it does appear they want our blood – in a medical sense too.
Maybe Jodie Whittaker, the first female Doctor Who, could do some magic with her sonic screwdriver because ‘Jo Daniels, 39, from Bristol, has the autoimmune disease Sjorgen’s syndrome, which attacks her tear glands and leaves her with painful ulcers on her corneas.’
But I jest, she needs more male blood donors.
“This is not about recruiting as many donors as possible – it is about getting the right gender mix.”
– Ouch! Take that Carrie Gracie, Samira Ahmed…. Looks as though sisters can’t simply do it for themselves.
Now the Stats:
‘Some 135,000 new blood donors are needed each year to replace those who stop donating and to ensure the right mix of blood groups’
That’s a big number for new donors – surely not all due to existing blood donors giving up, isn’t the population using the NHS going up?
‘The number of men giving blood has dropped by 24.8% over the past five years in England, while the number of women giving blood has fallen by 6%’
‘More black donors are urgently needed to help treat the increasing number of patients with sickle-cell disease’
Ahem, moving on…
Presumably if one simply identifies as male that will be sufficient? I believe that’s how it works these days.
@AsISeeIt Our local BBC new implied men’s blood is superior
“the higher level of iron in men’s blood is great for some transfusions”
“Men’s blood contains more iron and is better for some patients, including newborn babies.”
@FedUp2 my fat finger just caught the report button so ignore it.
BTW There are rules about gay men giving blood, which were relaxed a bit in 2017
“Men who have sex with men can now give blood three months after their last sexual activity instead of 12.
And sex workers, who were previously barred from donating, now can, subject to the same three-month rule.”
Silly question perhaps but how are they checking when someone has last had sex…….hidden cameras……the sex police …..neighbours…..local judge ?
So that is why there is such an upsurge in the sale of calendars.
‘More black donors are urgently needed to help treat the increasing number of patients with sickle-cell disease’
Really? I thought ‘sickle-cell disease’ was more common among black people, (the increasing number of patients is related to increasing number of black immigrants?), and surely to treat those patients they would need donors without the disease? Just as the female patient needed male blood to counter her ‘female’ disease wouldn’t ‘black’ patients need ‘white’ blood?
I thought, BBC, that sex and race are just ‘social constructs’ anyway, we are all the same, it is just how we think of ourselves that makes us different. (How will they find all this specific blood anyway if the NHS continues the nonsense of recording ‘gender’, not ‘sex’?)
BBC Moaning Emole.
The last sentence is… predictable, not least the BBC fall back on the ‘explanation’ of ‘could’.
Story detail
When US President Donald Trump voiced “suspicions” about the fate of the airliner which came down over Iran on the night Tehran launched missiles against air bases housing American forces in Iraq, he won’t have been alone. Now Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau says intelligence from multiple sources indicates the plane was shot down by an Iranian surface-to-air missile. Of the 176 people killed, 63 were Canadian citizens. Mr Trudeau says it’s too early to apportion blame, and that the Ukrainian jet may have been brought down in error, but wants a “thorough investigation”.
The timing of the incident prompted US media speculation the Boeing 737-800 was mistaken for a US warplane, as Iran prepared for possible US retaliation for its attack. Tehran, however, has ruled this out. While it initially said it would not hand over the black box flight recorders to Boeing or the US, with relations strained after the American assassination of top general Qasem Soleimani that prompted its missile attack, an official has since told Reuters the US had been invited to take part in the inquiry. Canadian investigators have also been invited to the site.
Here’s what we know about the incident. Meanwhile, Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen explains why the chain of events triggered by Soleimani’s killing could help the extremist Islamic State group.
CBC goes with ‘just asking questions’…
After the tragedy that was the Vincennes, anything Iranian and airborne seems a bad mix.
Maybe Mishal will see this as some kind of balance.
As one who does go East and back on occasion, I rather hope airline planners are looking at optimal routes and earlier redeployments when stuff gets tense. I will pay the fuel surcharge willingly.
The primary reference source of BBC North America has a scoop:
Too right, Expat!
Maybe it’s her who keeps sending me emails about a huge legacy which she’ll share with me when I give her my bank details…
Expat, Cardi B? Maybe a ‘street’ name? Probably short for Cardigan Big or something like that? Just a guess.
#EverydaySexism sponsored by the Welsh Government
There are many in Rotherham who have also been searching for 12-13 year old girls. And in other towns such as….
Wait until the only tranny in the village, Blodwin the Fella, needs their pubes combing on the clock.
Has anyone noticed any report on R4 of the Commons passing the Independence Bill? Against all my instincts I listened for the first time in years to the World Tonight after the votes and to Today this morning for 1.75 harrowing hours. That’s 2.5 hours of propaganda. Not a mention of the Brexit Bill.
I didn’t expect an in-depth discussion of this slight moment in our history even with Gina, John, Tony, David, Dominic or Adonis. But maybe a tiny mention would have been news. It needn’t have crowded out such vitally important items to the electors and licence-fee payers of this country as the abuse of Native Americans (= racism = Trump) or an App to assess the nutritional value of a carrot (= vegetables = veganism = climate catastrophe). Brexit (= Independence = how we voted = democracy) is now non-news on the BBC.
It’s irreformable.
Yep – hardly a twinkle in MSM . The BBC seem to have forgotten about it despite spending 3 years fighting against it…
Maybe they can’t stand to face up to the fact they lost… is a bit like when POTUS does something that is good, like the American economy or the reduction in Mexicans crossing the border – not a peep…
OT, but media desperation kicks in early…
Me either.
I think he means lets stop reporting nasty “events” like gang killings, stabbings, muggings, under-age girl mass rape and grooming etc, if we don’t hear about it it won’t be there!
Goebbels would be proud of him!
digg, indeed. Trends is something that the more literate world would equate with fashion. Fashion is often completely ephemeral, frivolous and inexplicably stupid.
Does Amol Rajan really think that that sort of stuff should be reported by the BBC instead of proper news journalism on every day happenings in this ‘global village’ of ours?
If so, therein lies the whole of the BBC’s problems. Amol should be a shoe in for the next Director General of the BBC. If he reads this, he’ll probably think I’m endorsing his candidature.
Grytpype Thynne voice: “Silly, twisted boy …….. . “
Sorry I can’t help but think Amol is a complete T…..r.
I know it isn’t big or clever but why does he think anyone is interested in his self promotion. Doesn’t he realise he is part of the problem …
So, poor Princess Meghan has jetted off to Canada.
You know, I think we all need another finger wagging lecture about our collective carbon footprints.
I reckon Meg’s, just in the past year, has spewed more CO2 into the atmosphere than I have in my entire 64 years.
But then I’m just a pleb…
Chatting with someone last night the case of the Manchester homosexual rapist came up, and the fact his father was Indonesian which is a predominantly Muslim country.
I thought I’d take a look at the BBC reports and lo & behold what they have done:
“The oldest of four children, Sinaga was born in 1983 into a conservative Christian family, part of the Batak tribe from the island of Sumatra.”
Anyone here think had the rapist been a Muslim the BBC would have profiled him this way?
The BBC have quiety pushed a narrative that the anti Gay stance is a result of his families Christian beliefs – this is a lie by omission.
Indonesia is 90% Muslim and when it comes to homosexuality carries out Sharia law:
“They face public flogging based on the Sharia (Islamic laws). This is against international anti-torture law”
Funny how the BBC neglected to tell anyone that isn’t it. In fact there is a whole Wikipedia page about Homosexuality in Indonesia:
Not something the BBC want you to know about.
“and the fact his father was Indonesian”
No, the fact is the rapist himself is Indonesian and in no way English
He’d done his first degree in Indonesia and then come to Britain to do further studies
.. and enrich our society.
His background is that he’s an Indonesian Catholic church goer.
“……part of the Batak tribe from the island of Sumatra.””
When I spent extended time in Indonesia on business, I was amused to read reports in the Indonesian dailies of continuing cannibalism in Sumatra.
Hugh, sadly, continues to tweet. Which is about all he does.
I’m waiting for the BBC piece on “ where are they now ?” For all the traitor MPs who had their status removed by a sane electorate .
Some will be easy – Grieve will still be ‘ advising ‘ the EU commission on how to defeat the UK – in Brussels on €600 an hour tax free
I saw one labour ex boasting about being in a job centre but forgot to mention the £28 k she got for losing her seat
We could play a game about sweater , chukka et al doing an honest day or nights work but we know that won’t be true ….
@FedUp2 : Radio Lincolnshire News at 10am
item #4 swooning newsreader says ‘My best friend former Lincoln LABOUR MP Karen Lee says she’d love to stand again in a general election whenever that may be
Miss Lee lost her seat to Tory Karl MCarteny last month
an is now looking for work
but speaking to BBC Radio Lincolnshire she said a return to parliament is something she’d consider.
clip : “I intend to remain active politically. it’s in my blood ..
..certainly be hoping to be the Labour candidate”
newsreader still swooning ..”Lincolnshire’s weather”
WTF do BBC news items so often sound like “We in the Labour Party think” ?
Was there a special reason why Karen Lee didn’t get re-elected ?
The irony of it is that she was a nurse who left to become an MP
and has always protested about NHS funding
and how she was keeping her certificates up to date.
You’d think the radio station would be talking about her going back into nursing
Surely she could be on the wards next week ?
Stew – excellent – since she cares so much about her NHS she can go back to a ward – hopefully in Blighty as opposed to sliding off to Australia like the better ones do …..
Bit of £ agency £ on the side too £ .
Where are they now?

Australian fires : ‘Look over there Murdoch is DISINFORMING’ says BBC’s Clive Myrie
That is weird cos yesterday a guy said he was watching BBC and
“BBC reporter just said it was going to be 40?
Did they just blatantly lie?”
cos he had looked up the Bureau of Meteorology forecasts and the forecasts are nothing like that they are
“the max temp is going to be 28 with a 50% chance of rain.”
maybe he misheard the BBC guy ?
“No, he said the temp in Eden NSW are expected to reach 40 at the weekend”
So then I check Clive Myrie tweets
“Jan 9 : How Rupert Murdoch Is Influencing Australia’s Bushfire Debate”
and this morning tweeted
“Australia fires: News Corp employee calls Murdoch media coverage dangerous, misinformation”
As well as tweeting other NYT stuff tweets, he tweets that he will be judging the INVESTIGATION category of the Amnesty International Media awards
Something struck me listening to excerpts from the bBc reporting about this Iran malarkey…………….the extraordinary lengths their DJ’s go to in pronouncing their names………..almost as if they were Arabs themselves…………….
Such a shame. But, as I asserted here only yesterday, if you import the Third World, you become the Third World. Evidence?
What more evidence can be provided?
In the UK we need to revoke all gun laws before it gets any worse at least then, we would have a level playing field. Using tusks and fire extinguishers will not work in the long term.
What is happening in France is a tragedy. And we’re next.
They keep running this. Don’t know why.
Time for a pro-Trump take on events in the Middle East for a change, the sort our Brainwashing Corp wouldn’t show in a month of Sundays, preferring to side with our enemies instead.
Whoever at Newsnight posted this just provided a great service on the state of media these days.
Oh dear the BBC forced to report on a woman posing as a youth and tricking young girls into sexual encounters.
No nasty men involved and bit blue on blue for the BBC. so hey! lets tag another “related” story immediately underneath it to balance things out a bit…
“Why do women pay more than men for a short haircut?”
Nasty male barbers are refusing to cut women’s hair short for the same price as men apparently.
A masterclass in how our “we get it about right” crew do it…
Perhaps, such as in the case of Dr Victoria Bateman, there was a lot of work to do to cut her hair short.
TOADY Watch #1 – There must be a Budget coming up
The BBC keep the NHS at centre stage with the news that about 130,000 children have been unable to access NHS Mental Health assessments and treatment. The BBC also lets slip – deliberately to make the problem seem to be, no doubt, one of exclusion or discrimination or some other failing – that that number is one-quarter of the total of children needing help for, lets be straightforward here – a mental illness (not health) of some degree.
That is over half a million children. Just over a year go, the NHS reckoned that just over one in eight of the UK child population had a mental illness. I have just been trying to do some research on numbers but my interwebby is not working too well at the moment.
Needless to say, the BBC didn’t express surprise at that number.
I wonder if they would express any surprise – or even do any investigative journalism to find out – if it was discovered that the BBC’s unquestioning acceptance and promotion of Global Warming and Climate Change and Climate Emergency was a prime cause of mental illness in the children of the UK? Or food fadism, ie. sugar is bad, “everyone is obese”, “you will die from cancer if you eat bacon” and “go vegan and save the planet”? Or gender fashion: “you need not be who you are.” ?
The one in eight number is a bit surprising in the light of pressure kids are put under at an earlier and earlier age . Sexualisation doesn’t help – yet alone the nonsense about genda identity .
The combination of kidult parents and peer pressure – as well as ‘ teachers ‘ carrying their own agenda into the classroom can’t help either .
Add the internet social media stuff to that and it’s an unholy mix – made even worse by the BBC – but it has got helplines for anyone affected by this comment .
Fed, yes, those additional pressures that you suggest are factors as well. It’s not all the fault of the BBC. I think they play though, with the rest of the broadcast media, a large part in it
There was interesting Call EwanYores this week on R4. Dear old Winifred was in deep denial on the pace of life forced on people today. That celebrity Facebook BBC mindset was reinforced by Claudia ‘All in the Mind’ Hammond.
Very revealing as to how out of touch the BBC can be.
Now it has almost certainly been proved that Ukraine flight PS752 was shot down by an Iranian missile.
If you compare the almost hysterical reporting by the BBC on the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine with the Iranian incident it couldn’t be more different.
With the Malaysian plane being downed, they demanded to know who was responsible, which unit pulled the trigger, lambasted Putin, etc etc.
With regards to the Iranian downing, the BBC, they are almost apologetic. I wonder why?
This morning I heard Jeremy Vine saying “ It seems it was hit by something, possibly a stray missile”
Oh yes. I am sick of seeing stray missiles flying all over Northumberland. Happens every day doesn’t it……
The BBC make me puke…
The media as a whole seemed to get a lot more worked up over Donald Trump offing a known terrorist than they have over the shooting down of a passenger jet. Indeed, they appeared very incurious when it happened, when it it was obvious to anyone that it appeared highly fishy.