The BBC has a policy line that it is doing ok because it is attacked by left and right . So the challenge is – list those policies of the Right to which the BBC is biased or supports . And I write that as a challenge to readers and users of this site . Who are the right wing BBC journalists ? And explain why they are ‘right wing ‘ Where is the anti left wing bias ? Oh yes – show all ‘workings ‘ in your answers….
Weekend Thread 25 January 2020
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\\ There’d be one less place for paedophiles to work and be protected//
Another idiot who thinks the BBC supports the Tories. If they support the scrapping of the TV Poll Tax then we should let them wallow in their delusion.
Hopefully these are all Long Bailey supporters. She seem the one most likely to keep Labour in opposition at the next election.
BBC’s Tom Watson reporting this morning from the tennis in Melbourne…
“We’ve seen Williams go out (to Wang from China) and we are still grieving for that upset!”
Grieving is a very odd sentiment in this context surely?
A black American tennis player loses to a Chinese player and we in the UK (BBC) are “Grieving” really !
This one comment says so much about the BBC.
Wait until his peerage gets Bercowed for trying to ruin others’ careers.
I am reminded of an instance from some years back – certainly prior to the 2012 London Olympics – when a female BBC 5 Live presenter proudly proclaimed that Usain Bolt was the hero of her 4- (I think) year-old son.
The Jamaican runner was not particularly a household name at the time in Britain and the hundred yard dash was not to my mind a sport closely followed by youngsters. Surely boys tend to adopt a football team and their stars as their initial interest in sport.
But then if you saw this for what it was – a blatant bit of virtue signalling by the BBC-type mother – now it made sense.
‘The Independent’
“A Conservative MP has called for Brexit to be marked next week with a firework display that can be seen from France and a huge banner hanging from the White Cliffs of Dover.”
Just watched a Rebel News report ( how dare you .ca ) in Alberta ,
St Gretta surprised into an interview at her paid for Hotel , with her Father hovering and also there the infamous BBC Rob Liddel….he said nothing of course. Climate BBC up to it’s normal tricks influencing the World …….and we thought Hitler and Stalin were a World threat ……reincarnation into the Beeeb !
That’ll be from October
There is a new vid from Sweden with her goons manhandling the Rebel reporter and swearing at him
“Oct 18, 2019
Alberta continues to be a spotlight in world image.
Rebel Media ambushes Greta in hotel hallway and harass her with camera. ”
Here’s a link to the new vid
The Rebel starts asking difficult questions
Greta’s goons decide they can get physical
Not a big big expose but a start
“Come see the side of Greta that nobody has shown you before. Premiering at 8AM MT, meet Greta’s elite security.
Learn about the school her fake strike originated from.”
new video
I Like this Red Ice vid from September
Keean Bexte is a very brave young man.
The Swedish thugs that little miss muffet has surrounding her were very frightening and obviously not averse to punching people. As Keean can confirm.
Their behaviour smacks of the way all cults behave towards unbelievers; islam, Scientology, to name but two.
I was looking at the people screaming against the Rebel’s Alberta ambush of Greta
tweets said “How dare the Rebel put Greta in danger by revealing where she is staying”
..then I watch the video
“It was easy for us to find Greta, cos there are few Teslas in the city, and if you see one with New York licence plates parked in the hotel car park, then that must be her.”
So Greta is advertising her presence ..not keeping it a secret
“It was easy for us to find Greta, cos there are few Teslas in the city, and if you see one with New York licence plates parked in the hotel car park, then that must be her.”
When “easy” apparently means visiting every hotel car park in the city and scouring them for a Tesla with NY licence plates.
“So Greta is advertising her presence…”
Would you have known where Greta was staying without watching the video?
Parking a car in a hotel parking lot is not *advertising your presence*.
Yawn you misrepresent
.. cos they didn’t drive around every hotel
since Greta drove a super distinctive car social media carried a trail of posts as to its location.
BTW where is that BBC pro-Brexit programme you told us about ?
“Yawn you misrepresent
.. cos they didn’t drive around every hotel”
Is that it?
“a super distinctive car”
Really. How many Teslas have you seen with out looking this week?
I notice you haven’t answered my question:
Would you have known where Greta was staying without watching the video?
You’re wasting you time , we have moved on.
Maxi quoted “a super distinctive car”
Really. How many Teslas have you seen with out looking this week?*
after he’d already written more specific details himself
“there are few Teslas in the city, and if you see one with New York licence plates parked in the hotel car park, then that must be her.”
* How many Teslas have I seen ?
NONE this week, I have only every seen ONE in my entire life, cos they are an extremely rare car, you won’t see one in a normal provincial town.
I notice you haven’t answered my question:
Would you have known where Greta was staying without watching the video?
Greta stayed in the hotel one night, so she would have left before the video came out.
Meanwhile social media already carried notes about sightings of her.
So he put her in no danger, did he ?
Good piece in the DT today by Charles Moore about how the BBC has undermined its own position by its political and cultural bias which isn’t shared by the majority of those who are forced to pay for it. Unfortunately he spoils it by suggesting that the BBC should be funded by a much reduced LF rather than being forced to fund itself entirely by subscription. But I am feeling optimistic because I see signs of the previously silent majority, who despise the Wokist values of the BBC, beginning to rebel against Wokism in all its forms. The culture war has at long last started in earnest. The government MUST take this anti Wokist rebellion at its flood and decriminalise non payment of the LF which will allow more people to show their deep resentment of being forced to pay for the BBC under threat of imprisonment without risking a criminal record. Forcing the BBC to become a subscription only service will then be a much easier proposition. Losing the culture war will be a terminal blow to the Globalist elite. We can see the first light of liberation on the horizon.
Next they will have Harrabin on a journey of climate discovery with Chas and Naive.
Guest – I watched Ed. He seemed much concerned about ‘populists’, kept pretending he understood what made various of them tick, but ended up much concerned about populists. Hadn’t really taken in a thing.
The programme was somehow third-rate, like a scrappy amateur football match. Ed was somehow third-rate. Hard to believe he was actually Shadow Chancellor once and an economics bigwig. Says a lot about Labour.
Says a lot about beeb, that they should think him fit to do this series.
It is a series, I think. About ‘populists’. Think I’ll give the rest a miss.
If The League wins in Emilia Romagna tomorrow, Ed may soon have some more populism to worry about/puzzle over. Viva Salvini!
His CV is strictly dire.
If you are in Central London on Wednesday you can see Charles Moore talk live at KCL, near Bush House the old World Service building.
Thanks for putting up that link , I am not that clever with tech
Um, has anyone seen the new David Copperfield film yet ? All the critics seem to rate it, but I get the feeling that even if it was the biggest load of rubbish it would still get a 5 star rating, because of the diversity. I mean, who would dare to critique a film where half the performers are of black and Asian heritage.
I prefer to get an honest opinion from the critics on here.
Bris – I wrote about the trailer and the frankly mad idea of colourblind cinema jaw dropped seeing the traitor and then I laughed . There wasn’t anyone else in the place so I didn’t have my thinking examined .
Snowflake reviewers will give it the five star treatment for peer approval. Others will buy a drink to celebrate Brexit …..
I haven’t seen it and I won’t be it watching either. Guaranteed.
The Beeb have recently completely mangled two of my favourite books, A Christmas Carol and War of the Worlds. They got rave reviews as well. What you have to consider is that the people reviewing these shows are all part of the same PC club. Both were appalling, wokified versions of the classics that I so enjoyed.
And look what they’ve done to Sherlock and Dr Who!
David Copperfield was the first Dickens I ever read. I was awarded it at primary school for “Good Progress” and the Beeb were serialising it every Sunday as well. They did it brilliantly.
These days everything they touch has to be filtered through the prism of the liberal agenda. They’re not recreating a Dickensian classic, that’s just the vehicle to carry the message. What they’re giving you a piece of BBC propaganda. David Copperfield being Asian is only the beginning. There will be unsubtle references to racism, sexism, Islamophobia, even bleedin’ Brexit and, if they can, transgenderism.
Mary Beard (oh dear) was interviewing the bloke who’s given us this “up to date” version, Armando Iannucci, last night. I only managed about three minutes…They were talking about some of Copperfield’s nicknames “Oh, he was called Daisy, so he was gender fluid” joked Beard.
I’m afraid I’ll have to miss this classic. I’m busy washing my hair that night.
All three of them…
Like you Dickens was a compulsory read for me at School in the 1960s and a good literature Teacher made it enjoyable ….happy days …caning ……board rubbers thrown at you for not concentrating ! …..think some of the Teachers had practiced with grenades and that’s what made them so accurate ! . Sadly BBC have destroyed another classic and I for one will not watch any of it
I seem to recall that at Primary School we had some abridged ‘Childrens Versions’ of Dickens. I read several – possibly all three or four or five that were available in the School Library.
Not that that would have mattered, too much. Firstly my Dad was a Dickens fan and I’m sure I would have caught the bug from him in later years anyway. But also the BBC, for Childrens’ Television on Sundays, did some great adaptions. I still remember being scared by Magwitch and Miss Haversham in Great Expectations and we only had a 12 inch screen and black & white TV then.
I agree Up2, sometimes Dickens was heavy going for a schoolchild, but I found the stories easier to understand, alongside the book, from watching those grainy black and white BBC adaptations back in the late 1950’s.
I thought this Armando Iannucci was some Italian filmmaker in the style of Frederico Fellini, but it appears he’s from Scotland of Italian heritage. After all the critics worshipping at his feet, no doubt his next project will be to turn the works of Jane Austin on its head, now he’s got the bit between his teeth.
Well I like my stories to be true to the way they were written , albeit 200 years ago, and seeing BAMEs dancing around in crinolines and top hats, doesn’t make my brain comfortable.
(and if Maxy doesn’t like it, tough ! )
“everything they touch has to be filtered through the prism of the liberal agenda.”
Spelling mistake, Jeff. The correct spelling is ‘p-o-i-s-o-n’, not ‘p-r-i-s-m’.
David Copperfield (1934): “Perhaps the finest casting of all time” Basil Wright, 1972.
David Copperfield (2020): “Perhaps the worst casting of all time” “the casting complies with the liberal left-wing identity politics of 2020, not the realities of 19th Century Britain” “it also follows the socialist rule that the actors are more important than the audience” “so the audience sits in repressed silence, so as not to seem racist” “but then I suppose the message is that Blacks and Asians don’t have any respectable culture of their own, and therefore, this is necessary if Black and Asian actors are to have any respectable offers of work” Richard Pinder, 2020.
Respectable offers of work ? I thought Bollywood had a film industry far larger than Hollywood !
The Times : Labour MP Mike Hill fails in bid to have anonymity in employ tribunal case taken by a woman who has accused him of sexual assault & harassment
The Hartlepool MP is still tweeting merrily away.
Trans : The Tavistock Hospital court case
Whether it is turning a blind eye to the industrial-scale rape of young girls, or carrying out Dr Josef Mengele-style experimentation on pre-pubescents, it is apparent that the establishment and media have a serious problem with British children. A future generation may well designate their behaviour as akin to war crimes.
“future generation”
Why do not do it now?
The history of the left is a history of envy-crime, which has produced most of the recent war-crimes, including the intended extermination of Caucasians.
The Communists claim there is “no such thing as race” but manage to target only white people.
In my view the current discussion about a subscription model for State Broadcaster will end in one of three ways.
No change.
An undertaking to review any alleged bias exhibited across the broadcaster’s output.
The replacement of the TV tax with funding by subscription.
Personally whilst I favour the last option the first is the most likely outcome.
On the question of bias I wonder whether the most determined defence of State Broadcaster is coming from the Left or the Right?
The schools are doing a great job too. Only yesterday my niece was telling me that the teachers are really making a huge effort to hammer home the message that “anyone who doesn’t believe in climate change must be stupid”.
Of course I believe in climate change. I just don’t agree that life on Earth has any significant impact upon a naturally occurring phenomenon.
Fortunately, my niece is clever enough to do her own research and knows the reality of what is happening, although as she rightly says, if she were to try and argue the case at school, all her peers would be calling her stupid because the teachers said so.
I was pleased to see that my niece has not (yet anyway) been brainwashed and can still think for herself.
I’m disappointed, however, that the grammar school she attends, should be discouraging debate and critical thinking, using the tactics of the fascist far left.
Did you know that Kill’emall Hitlery Clinton has been appointed Chancellor of Queens University, Belfast?
It was apparently reported on the 2nd. January by the racist far-left bbc but I don’t read their propaganda and I’m not going to legitimise them by linking to any article written by them.
My thoughts:
1. Why?
2. Who proposed her and who approved her?
3. Does she see Northern Ireland as a bolt hole to escape jail time?
4. If President Trump is successful, her tenure might be short-lived.
Times : Oxford : some students are offering a
‘Woke walk’
past statues of Rhodes and soldiers who died putting down Indian rebellions
That’s OK by me, cos that’s freespeech
.. different to ripping statues down.
GilesCoren used to tweet about Climate etc until he ran away from twitter after Owen Jones thugs turned up at his house.
in Today’s Times article he writes about how he is filming for the BBC in China
Actually he has called out actors and Greta for their hypocrisy before
That the bbc has created a dedicated moppet editorial division recently hardly seems coincidental.
The Timesarticle : Radio4 must provide regional diversity, its new controller says
.. well regional diversity is good.
A tweeter says
\\ Head of Radio 4, Mohit Bakaya, is brother of Samir Shah, member of the BBC executive board who also produces “independent” programmes for the BBC and is a friend of Lords Paedo* Mandelson and John Birt //
* his accusation, not mine.
In December he said
“The stations will look for solutions to society’s problems both in the UK and around the world,”
… em that’s activism not journalism
There’s to be a new series “exploring the White Helmets”
“Comedy is tricky” ..”Haven’t a Clue and News Quiz are safe” ..oh dear
He studied PPE and Oxford
Re licence fee “I don’t think it’s at crisis point”
So, Champion, June and Dawn guest cohosting all bbc programmes next week?
What utter tripe!
So, the bbc again puts it to the nation that they can ignore conventions if it is folk they don’t like.
This bald young coot makes that CNN one seem like a paragon of professionalism and integrity.
Ray understands pension shortfalls.
The news items on my google home page directed me to an article in the i (Independent) stating that as well as cutting Victoria Derbyshire (who watches her anyway?), the management have declared less film clips on Newsnight and cuts from the Today programme. Well who watches Newsnight? And I don’t care about Today because after a lifetime listening (Monty Modlin anyone?), I gave up in the autumn and never miss it. But I expect the BBC are hoping for an outcry and that the funding will be found. I was on a BBC panel when there were proposed cuts to BBC Radio 6. It became obvious that the panel’s Chair had been directed to find the right results from questions to the panel for the station to be saved. And hey ho the Trust took the panel’s advice and Radio 6 was saved. I think we are in a whole different paradigm now.
Deborah ?
It is vital that the BBC keeps the Asian network so that it can keep its millions of listeners updated on how the Pakistani racist Muslim paedophile rape gang trials are getting on up and down the country –
As well as the views of the extended families , neighbours and imams of the mosques think of it all .
Condemnation all they way …..
Missed the target here too having given up on Today and Newsnight. Radio 6 is not on the normal radio (DAB reception is locally terrible) and won’t yearn for Victoria as didn’t follow to TV from Fivelive.
Monty Modlin, women’s handbags, Aaaaarrrgggghhhh !!
12,000 signatures to ‘save’ the VD show ? well if the total amount of viewers was around the 250,000 mark, then there’s another 238,000 to go yet. Never saw the point of the show, what did it achieve ? apart from airing grievances that nobody could do anything about. At least Jeremy Kyle had lie detectors !
I’m thinking of signing upto the ‘keep VD’ show . My thinking is that the way the BBC works they always go against ‘ popular demand ‘
If they do keep it – it will put more pressure on their finances which might bring the whole monster down just that bit quicker .
I’ve never seen and will never see the VD programme but i suppose hundreds of thousands of people who pay their licence tax watch it .
As I write I am watching a recording of a film which was on C4 . There is an advert for a programme they are putting out on Monday night called
“Bring back the Bush :Where did our pubic hair go ?”
Public – or pubic – broadcasting at its finest – but at least it might take snowflake kidult globalist minds off of what it happening of the night of 31st January . Don’t cry !
I miss the JK show, certainly better than anything on the BBC! No I am not joking, it was my teatime treat now and again.
Its truly amazing how ethnics love to hear the sound of their own voice, and take delight in shouting anyone else down. Last night The Pledge and Afua Hirsch was in full ‘Afua Hirsch’ mode, hogging most of the debate to the detriment of the others. One subject never saw Nick Ferrari speak at all (which was unusual), but Hirsch was in full flow constantly, with “I just want to make this point”, and “my final point is…..” and “if I can make another point”, um, is there a second shovel available ????
Targeting or not, I would be interested in how many instances there have been of journalists amongst protagonists.. not altogether adhering to military engagement norms… vs. being shot at by those not held to the same standards by media war junkies embedded amongst them.
We’re supposed to admire bbc journos who report from the front line. Imo it’s just unnecessary macho war porn, reducing news to entertainment.
If you choose to go there, you take your chances, and sometimes pay the price.
Light those candles and send thoughts and prayers.
Were all jealous because we aren’t attractive enough and don’t like our jobs.
Get me on the venereal disease show asap.
It’s ‘news’ like this that makes me want to invade Poland.
Very little on our screens about the ongoing COUP in the US (disguised as ‘impeachment’) and nothing about the illegal activities of a certain CIA operative, Mr Brennan, whom we saw on the beeb tv last year. Nothing about the cause he was serving then, or its leaders, Obama and Killary, who -on day one of the Trump presidency- launched the coup.
A certain Mr. Mueller tried hard for two years to link Russia to the Trump victory, as a basis for impeachment, without success. Now they’re using the Ukraine. Nothing about WHO was really involved (Clinton, Biden) with both Russia and the Ukraine.
Killary can escape, in the unlikely event she is brought to justice. I see she has been made Chancellor of Queens University in N Ireland. Enough place to hide there, in the green hills…We can always trust our western Universities to do the WRONG thing!
Meanwhile, the Democrats are hoping the impeachment will divert attention from the coup, and also throw enough mud at the President to help them in the forthcoming election. I very much doubt they think this impeachment will happen, but hey, they’ve ‘got’ Trump impeached. Together with their other objectives, we can see one thing: how good they are at multi-tasking.
Misuse of the impeachment process will do great damage to the US political system and suck up vast resources of time and money. The Democrats don’t seem to care. Sure the beeb will give them a big thumbs up, though!
I heard that Biden boasted that he got the Ukrainian government to fire the prosecutor who was investigating his son’s company, Burisma Holdings.
So as far as I understand it, the crooks are trying to impeach a President for asking about reopening this investigation.
Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor who was fired and who had been leading a wide-ranging corruption investigation of Burisma at the time, said afterwards: “We had plans that included interrogations and other crime investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden”.
it is in a video on You Tube, Biden tells of him and Obama forcing the Ukrainian president to do what they want if they want US money – exactly what the Democrats and the BBC are accusing Trump of.
Pug – I think Bowen was trying to take the light from Fergy Keane announcing his mental state to the people who pay him . The BBC do like their “star “ talent – classic FM calls …,
Twitter has footage of local people protesting outside Rochdale police station asking for the chief superintendent to speak to them about plods’ institutional failure to go after Pakistani rape gangs in case someone got upset .
He sent out an inspector to tell them to talk to the press office …..
I somehow think that this incident did not feature on the local BBC news – nor will it ever
( I was surprised these protesters weren’t kettled and arrested ) .
I think their Rochdale correspondent is currently on holiday, along with the correspondent for France, because there’s nothing to see there either.
Click on link below vid for comments.
CBGB for police. Actually, comments could not be going worse: 100% critical.
ha @Vlad just noticed last night
I posted the same as you at the same time
and went to bed.
The bbc at it’s best.
NOT on the beeb:
“Ja, we Germans are jealous of Brexit: ALEXANDER VON SCHOENBURG says his country fears Britain as they face the reality of a resurgent UK.”
It’s worth reading the whole article below, but basically the writer is saying 1) The UK’s prospects are looking very bullish, and 2) Europe’s are looking bleak.
Says a swivel-eyed loony Brexiteer? No, says an editor at BILD, Germany’s biggest-selling paper!
I’m sure the beeb will be eager to cover this story, as soon as it’s finished talking down the UK and its economic prospects.
The fact that we import far more from the ReichEU than export to them is one of our biggest weapons . The remain / BBC camp have played this down as part of their campaign .
I think it is dangerous to celebrate such a pro brexit article too much because it is based on current economic circumstances . Stock markets and employment levels can’t go up for ever .
In my experience when you read something in the media saying “ this time it’s different” it’s time to panic – and I know Chartists will be looking for the ( global ) economy to ‘flip ‘ and recess .
I think issues such as fishing rights will be a big test . The French will accuse UK of being unfriendly and continue to undermine our independence using traitors in the establishment such as the BBC and peers . But we ll see .,
People are watching, Boris.
… are we really saying that the UK should give up something of value (fishing grounds) in return for something that is in the interests of both sides (a trade deal)? What sort of bargaining is that? The fact that our media routinely refer to this outcome as a serious possibility shows how uncritical it still is of EU spin.
… UK negotiators – we assume they have rather more spine than their predecessors – could play that game too. The UK imports around 800,000 new German cars a year, for example, and we can play the same argument over and over from French wines to Spanish fruit. Realpolitik cuts both ways.
Old white man problem?
When the internet was in its first bloom of youth, does anyone else remember the pompous little prat pontificating about about the use of the term ‘ forward slash’?
” I’m not going to use that term”, says Mr Humphrys. ” I’m going to say ‘ forward stroke'”, says he.
Hubris of the really irritating kind.
Evolution takes time, lots of time.
Whereas …
Katty is of course blonde.
Very, very blonde.
Very, very, very blonde.
That’s what we pay ’em for – to not have a clue.
Worth every penny.
Note to Klueless Katty: yep, in a communist totalitarian dictatorship you can do that. Order a huge engineering project be achieved next week, under threat of the gulag in case of failure.
Is our Katty recommending that model of government?
If comrade Corbyn had got power with an 80 majority he could have put a Royal Park into national ownership and built his hospital in a couple of weeks .
It would only serve Party Members of course .Cost would be borne by rich people -Otherwise known as “workers “.
Building a hospital in 6 days? the Chinese should involve the Welsh Assembly, it would then take 6 years and never be fully open and wouldn’t work
On BBC World Views – sorry, News – they run a short piece on the Trump impeachment, then consult some ‘expert’ to comment. Oh, and the said expert once worked in Congress for… the Democrats. So no bias there.
Our expert breezily asserts that “I think the President has clearly done some things that are illegal…”
This goes unquestioned and unchallenged by the autocutie in the studio, who wraps up the softest of soft interviews. Job done.
Rod Liddle
Under Lord Hall’s administration, a moronic wokeness began to infest each and every part of the BBC’s output. For sure, the news and current affairs programmes were hideously biased on the issues of the European Union, immigration, Israel, Islam and identity politics, even more so than they had been before. And one became used to presenters sneering and snarling at anyone who dared to offer a different view to their own. But it was as nothing compared with the rest of the programming.
The rapidly dwindling audience for the latest, execrable Doctor Who series is the obvious case in point, a once glorious piece of fun for kids which is now a propaganda sheet for agitprop middle-class London liberals (and, for kids, virtually unwatchable
… Every drama had a message shoehorned into it.
There was no respite on comedy panel shows, either, where participants thought it enough to say ‘Trump’ or ‘Boris’ to gain a laugh. Radio 4 meanwhile transformed itself into an endless fugue of misery and victimhood: listen to it for more than an hour and you begin to reach for a razor blade. No wonder the audience share plummeted.
The great mass of people simply do not agree with the BBC’s vision of the world..
Then BBC appoints diversity czar Sarpong a remainer
part of the CONFORMITY of thought brigade.
If it were forced to live in the commercial world, the BBC might suddenly begin to comprehend the need to understand its audience a little better and to champion meaningful diversity — not of colour of skin or sexual orientation or gender, but of political and cultural views.
that’s a bit
‘.. that’s bit too far for the BBC’ I think Stew, (you were cut off in your prime excerpt there). Rod Liddle speaks the truth and he’s always a good read. Its hard to believe that he once worked for the BBC news and saw first hand how things get willfully manipulated or totally ignored. So its time to ignore the BBC as they seek ‘public support’ for another round of tin rattling for more cultural marxism. I think its time to say never again. We’ve all had enough.
Look if the Israelis wanted Bowen killed
he wouldn’t be alive now, would he ?
.. They’re not Dads Army are they ?
There is a discussion
BTW I just noticed the clipboard symbol on my Android keyboard
It stores my last 3 items ready to paste
Having taken advice from readers and posters on this site, I tuned in to LBC this evening. Listening to Nick Abbot, I think the fool is after a job with Al Beeb ? He is as bad as that O’Brien chap .
Don’t they realise the end is nigh for the Biased Broadcasting Corporation ? Its over to Talk Radio now for me.
Help nail their coffin by signing here …………….
PS .
Another threatening red letter received from the Telly Goons this morning . Apparently, I am under investigation (for the fourth time) .
A friend of mine had his house wrecked in the Fishlake flood. It’s been uninhabitable since November, so he’s in temporary accommodation. The Fishlake house is receiving post from the TV Licencing people, making threats. My friend is hoping they pay a visit to the shell. There’s no floor and not many walls. No power or gas. No doors.
Will BBC Yorkshire be showing this?
Three not so wise monkeys?
The three couldn’t give a monkey’s !
Or this?
Little bit late this week, was suffering from the more normal Coronavirus that you get on a weekend after the night before.
Scottish Calvin / no “ Burns “ reference ?
And today – Sunday is “Australia Day “ so have a good day Aussie cousins – let’s celebrate with a trade deal and ‘ easy movement’.
Like I say, this weekend has been very messy with tipples.
As someone who moves between the UK and Philadlephia, I’m always keen to correct people on the freedom of movement stuff. I have an old colleague (married to a German) complaining on twitter about how they’ll never be able to move there if they so choose in a few years time to which I point out that the US ins’t in the EU and that you don’t need and EU to move countries.
The US immigration stuff (pay attention UK) is no more difficult than a loan application. If you’re employable then you get in, if you’re someone from the 3rd world looking to move to California and get a free house and free healthcare, you don’t get in. Ironically those that sneak in and make it work are the subset of people that you actually want (go-getters) and they thus undermine the whole immigration control thing.
Impeachment Hearings : DemocRats are depressed – they are losing badly. Republicans triumphant, But, in the UK we are beimng fed large doses of #FakeNews.
Here is a video of Ambassador Sondland’s testimony being absolutely torn to shreds :
Here is how the BBC reports it :
This is how the Guardian reports it :
The bbc and Graun? As one? Cheeky.
Interesting that they show a picture from a David Attenborough series. Not great for your future when your trump card is a 93 year old.
Maybe they can get Greta to replace him?
Perhaps just a sad attempt at justifying one’s deluded life.
What’s civilising about taking money from Average Joe so a millionaire can present a sports programme and use their fame to promote a narrow political viewpoint?
I don’t want to destroy State Broadcaster though would prefer if were it paid for by its own subscribers.
The collectivists think I’m a populist?
I’m also a deplorable.
Again, Hurray!
I’m a patriot.
Once more with feeling, Hurray!
Down with collectivist totalitarianism.
Thank you for that clip of Sondland being pulled apart and left dangling in his own ‘presumption’. This was the guy the BBC was using to prove Trump had done something wrong. I think the BBC will be apologising today for their reckless deceit.
10 minutes of common sense on Sky Aus like you’ll NEVER see on Al-beeb.
Charles, Meghan, faux-racism, Rotherham, Laurence Fox, wokeness, Conservatives and more.
We must have the following, NOW:
1) Scrap the telly tax.
2) Give us a real alternative like Sky Aus or Fox News.
3) Ideally ban the beeb, but I suppose that’s too much to hope for. Anyway with 1 and 2,
3 will be unnecessary as the beeb withers away like the fruitless tree it is.
Ok the left-wing press have decided their tactics after the massive Boris surge, especially in the North.
They are going to paint him as a liar to all those trusting Northern folk!
Apparently Boris is single-handedly working behind the scenes to actually cut spending in the Northern areas and cities and instead switch it to what they called the South’s leafy shires.
…way down the text they craftily reveal that this garbage is coming from the LABOUR group on the local government association…
As for the Independent publishing this fairy tale scare story, it’s not really going to achieve much because most of the people in the North who they are trying to stir up and get back into the Labour fold don’t go anywhere near the Independent and Guardian etc. who will no doubt pick this thread up and pass it along their buddies at the BBC…
I’ve just read the Vlad Tepes blog and saw this. Look at item 2 and download the UN pdf report on Population Replacement. It explains why the evil bastards in power throughout the Western world, with few exceptions, are determined to import so many unwanted invaders.
And of course, there’s no mention that if we hadn’t been murdering babies by the millions each year for the past 50 or more years, we’d have been replacing our national populations and thus would have no need for any immigrants:
It’s possible my link above is too imprecise, hopefully this will point you to the actual UN pdf. Just read the executive summary and look at the graphs.
Click to access UN-Migration-Replacement.pdf
The evil ones are nowhere near done with us and they won’t stop until they are stopped.
Just caught a snippet on BBC politics midland.
Neena Gill MEP whinging about being made unemployed on Friday 31st at 11.00 pm
She Says , ‘interesting to note, it is “ 12 o’clock EU time”
Sorry Neena, but doesn’t the EU span 3 time zones?
BBC News
President Trump has called climate change: “mythical”, “a hoax”, not a hoax, and “a very serious subject”. What’s the truth?
Another black female tennis player (Coco Gauff) crashes out of the Australian Open and al beeb announce a day of mourning today with solemn tones and black armbands all round ????
I’m not ‘up’ on tennis, but Coco ? really ? its funny how some names are ok and others aren’t. I once had a black Labrador called Sambo decades ago, and got the odd look. Imagine that name today, but I guess Coco is ok.
More than welcomed. Worth getting out the bunting for.
Has anyone else read John Ward’s the Slog article yesterday?
Here’s the part that caught my eye:
” While in India, I met many British people who appeared to live there all year round, perhaps going elsewhere during the rainy season. Some of these are residents who do so quite legally. Others aren’t.
Of those who aren’t, a surprising number were UK high-rise council tenants. Having stumbled across a conversation one afternoon (I was myself having some issues with the visa police) it became clear that they were illegals, but had “all the necessary, genuine paperwork” if challenged. After some further conversations elsewhere, this appeared to be the racket:
Unemployed UK council house tenants claiming various benefits were using corrupt DWP admin suppliers to get ‘signed off’ each week as “seeking work”. In fact, they were in Goa.
They had no trouble staying in Goa because they were issued renewal or permanent visas by the local officials, no questions asked….except a price.
To further cover living costs, they were illegally sub-letting their UK council flats – sometimes to migrants who were themselves illegals. (Many readers will remember the glaring inconsistencies in the enumeration of those who had been occupying flats in the Grenfell Tower tragedy)
So by illegal Rachmanism and at the expense of the UK social security system, they were soaking up rays 4,500 miles away. Nice work if you can get it.
None of this is news in Whitehall: in 2017 (the year when I was in Goa) the National Audit Office estimated that the DWP had been defrauded on benefits alone to the tune of £5 billion.”
Note the comment about Grenfell Tower.
Who are these DWP employees and why aren’t they in prison?
“Who are these DWP employees and why aren’t they in prison?”
I’d gamble on the fact that they are of the same race as the, “British people” you describe.
Reminds me of the £8bn Muslim VAT fraud that no one talks about
tweet of The Times report
john in cheshire,
“Note the comment about Grenfell Tower.
Who are these DWP employees and why aren’t they in prison?”
The whole of John Ward’s “article” is nothing more than the equivalent of; *this is what some bloke told me down the pub*.
“Many readers will remember the glaring inconsistencies in the enumeration of those who had been occupying flats in the Grenfell Tower tragedy”
There were no “glaring inconsistencies”; just another one of the endless (and increasingly desperate) attempts to assimilate Grenfell into a continuing anti-immigrant narrative promoted by sites such as this.
The courts found 17 people guilty of Grenfell fraud
almost all were non-white
Also see this
“The courts found 17 people guilty of Grenfell fraud
almost all were non-white”
It’s a sad fact of life that many large scale disasters attract fraudsters looking for easy money. That was just as true after 9/11 as it was after Grenfell.
By categorising Grenfell fraudsters solely by their skin-colour you are simply proving my point.
“Also see this…”
Still no evidence of anyone sub-letting; just Sajid David playing to the gallery and distracting media attention away from the ultimate responsibility of his own government.
OK, ignoring skin colour – is it fair to say that almost no residents of Grenfell were legally in Britain??
The evidence that UK government wasn’t going to pursue sublet fraud is evidence that something was going on
i did not categorise the fraudsters by skin colour.
It is just that the only white fraudster was a woman given charge with handing out the funds, even though she’d be fired from her NHS job for fraud.
The original point still stands true
” the glaring inconsistencies in the enumeration of those who had been occupying flats in the Grenfell Tower tragedy”
When the tragedy played out the authorities weren’t sure how many people were missing
Cos the number of people in each flat didn’t match the rental records”
The actual detail of who was illegally subletting is another matter.
And doesn’t matter what colour their skin is, a crime is a crime.
And overcramming people in may have contributed to the overall death count.
Maxi the bells ringing down the pub does seem to coincide with the time of your after hours comments, thank goodness I do not have the pleasure of your company in any licensed premises nearby, although judging by the tone of your comments not likely as I suspect your choice of venue would not be too far from the latest dolphin friendly nuclear free vegan musical
First this ………
Next this…………………………..
“Power to the People”!
After 5 years that petition is at 360K sigs
( BUT 38 degrees allows foreigners to sign
and multiple signatures from people who have more than one email )